How Many Frequent-Flyer Miles Would it Cost to Send Ursula von der Leyen Non-Stop to Hell?

Uncle Volodya says, “Desperate and dammed persons share an affinity for flirting with danger; an infectious case of erotic morbidity fetters them to self-destruction.”

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan;

You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re all doing what we can

But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is, brother, you’ll have to wait…

The Beatles, from ‘Revolution

English is the language of a people who have probably earned their reputation for perfidy and hypocrisy, because their language itself is so flexible, so often light-headed with statements which appear to mean one thing one year and quite a different thing the next.

Paul Scott

Everyone is familiar with the quote, “The first casualty, when war comes, is the truth”. But there must be something special about this war – something unique and rare, which inspires public figures to heights of bullshit scarcely attainable without going on oxygen. And none has pushed the upper envelope of the craposphere the way Cowsmonaut Ursula von der Leyen has. Consider, for example, her parallel-universe speech to the World Economic Forum (WEF) on May 24th. We’ll get back to that in more detail, and I am confident that, like me, you will be shaking your head in wonder at its apparently-deliberate falsehoods. But first, a bit of background on Ms. von der Leyen; many of her colleagues in the European Clown Circus refer to her as ‘VDL’ because they are lazy, and so are we, so I’m going to refer to her the same way in this piece if that’s okay.

VDL is said to have been a ‘late bloomer’ in politics, completing medical studies and living for several years in the United States with her family before deciding to enter German politics. But she certainly started as she meant to go on, a series of disastrous failures of leadership and imagination as she quickly worked her way up to a black belt in incompetence.

“Fixing the German army, which had been starved of resources for years after the end of the Cold War, was a herculean task. Von der Leyen blamed many of the problems facing the armed forces on her predecessors. Now in her fifth year atop the ministry, she can no longer point fingers.

Her biggest failure at the ministry may have been in not winning over the officer corps and troops. As a woman in a male-dominated universe, von der Leyen was never going to have an easy task. But current and former aides describe her management style as distant and defensive. She surrounded herself at the ministry with a small group of aides who kept tight control on the flow of information. Many interactions with rank-and-file troops were in the form of photo-ops, which often showed the minister in dramatic poses alongside military equipment.

She offended many service members by saying publicly in 2017, after the discovery of a right-wing extremist in the ranks, that the Bundeswehr suffered from “weak leadership at various levels.”

Well, she was right about that; leadership at the very highest level sucked like a black hole. But I think we are well past the novelty phase of feminine leadership where you are being made to look like a failure because you’re a woman. It didn’t stop the political system from letting her hand-pick another woman – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer – to succeed her, and she promptly proposed Germany acquire a first-strike nuclear capability as a deterrent to ‘Russian aggression or provocation’. Both these individuals were useless as a chocolate teapot at their jobs and it had not a thing to do with their gender, and everything to do with their overall uselessness at leadership. However, being a useless leader has not prevented VDL from pole-vaulting to leadership of the entire bloc.

And she might have offended some service members as Defense Minister of Germany, but by God it did not stop the Defense Ministry from trying to protect her from accountability by wiping her official phone records even after the Bundestag had ordered her phone held as evidence in an investigation.

Lindner also gave an exasperated interview to public broadcaster ARD on Friday, in which he described the Defense Ministry’s continued failure to produce the phone data, even though the Bundestag had declared the phone should be classified as evidence several months ago.

“First they said von der Leyen’s phone could not be found, they didn’t know where it was,” he said. “A week ago they said it was in the ministry, but only von der Leyen knew the PIN code, and yesterday they confessed that the relevant phone data had been deleted in August.”

Sound familiar? She might have only lived in the United States for a couple of years, but she certainly picked up a few tricks – remember the interrogation tapes from Abu Ghraib that were destroyed by the CIA even after a direct order to preserve them as evidence? And the woman who ordered them destroyed went on to be CIA Director from 2018 to 2021; poor thing, they probably promoted her because they felt guilty for picking on her because she is a woman.

The truth – according to a report by influential German publication Der Speigel – is that VDL has cocked up everything she touched since entering politics, blamed it on her predecessors, and shaken the dust of her last shattered ministry post off her heels too quickly for her to be punished for it . By the time investigators get their shit together, she has already moved on.

“VdL was in lots of ways a perfect appointment as President of the European Commission. She is good at grand promises, pledges of unity, and commitments to diversity. The problem comes when it’s actually time to deliver. At three major ministries in Berlin, she stumbled from one disaster to another. The vaccine debacle unfolding across the continent won’t have come as any surprise to those who have followed her career. When it came to buying vaccines, the Commission was too late, too chaotic, and too stingy. But when the problems emerged, VdL disappeared, and then tried to pin the blame on someone else: in this case first AstraZeneca, for failing to deliver supplies on time, and then on the British, for investing more, and earlier. ‘It is, to put it bluntly, a pattern that has occurred frequently throughout her career,’ concluded Spiegel.”

Stumbling from one disaster to another. Just the resume you want in the dreamweaver who is inspiring the eggheads at Davos. Well, I think that’s enough stage-setting – lets move on to her recent load of rubbish, introduced at the beginning of the post.

She kicked off her glib pandering – which was probably written for her – by describing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as ‘Putin’s war of choice’. Is it, really? A war of choice?

Well, that subject could inspire an entire post in itself. Nina Khrushcheva – yes, great-granddaughter of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev – blabbered authoritatively that Putin had no choice but to attack Ukraine because ‘his military people’ would get the notion he is a weakling because they are being insulted by the United States, accused of planning to go to war and the weakling is not responding…so…you know…

“Well, pushed to this because it was – the way it was presented and the way it appeared, there would be – there was an information war, so he’s being accused of military invasion and he was not responding and his military people were saying, well, we’re being insulted by the West. Look at this. They’re maligning our reputation, so we have to show strength, otherwise we look like weaklings. So then then…”

Bet you thought I was making that up. Nope. And her interlocutor helpfully gives her a way to frame Russian thought in a delightfully western way.

“Is it almost one of those things, Nina, where it’s like, if you’re accusing me of this, why don’t I just go ahead and do it?”

And of course she responds, “Exactly.”

Or over at the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC), where they alternated between making some excellent points and then drawing the most jelly-brained conclusions from them that can reasonably be imagined. The writer suggested “If Russia does indeed invade Ukraine, then there will be one clear reason: it will be because Joe Biden and his administration have fundamentally misunderstood Russia’s aims and worldview, and thus missed numerous opportunities to deescalate—leaving the Russians feeling (rightly or wrongly) that they have to do something to break the stalemate.” Eureka! Sense at last! And it got better: “A few weeks ago, I outlined my skepticism that Vladimir Putin wished to either conquer Ukraine, or to escalate his long-term conflict with the West—and I stand by that analysis today. Russia’s behavior is a response to the passive aggression of U.S. policy since 2014–behavior that would force any Russian leader, no matter how pro- or anti-western, to take action to break an unsustainable status quo.” Yes! Yes! You’ve got it!

Oh, but then.

What, then, can they do? There are two politically acceptable options. The first, ironically, is for the Biden administration to take a very hard line. While the Russians cannot withdraw unilaterally, there is a long tradition in Russian history of withdrawing in the face of overwhelming force. If the Russian elite can portray the U.S./NATO forces present as overwhelming, they can justify concessions. These would, of course be painted as temporary, but it would resolve the current conflict without war, and, if it eliminated the problems of the Donbass, might pave the way for improved relations.

Biden has already rejected this option. By ruling out the use of American force, he has advertised weakness. He has not even bluffed. By making clear the U.S. will not fight for Ukraine, he makes it impossible for Putin or anyone else to justify concessions on the basis that Russia cannot win militarily and had no choice but to stand down. The United States has undercut that argument.

Dear God. The United States is so powerful that even when it is trying to be weak, it cannot help being powerful and sending all the wrong signals. What Putin really wanted was for Biden to be his Daddy, and threaten to take him to the woodshed, so he could honorably back down in the face of overwhelming American strength and offer concessions in an atmosphere of intimidation that every Russian could understand. Christ on a surfboard. I guess that’s the kind of addleation that puddifies your brain when you are a mature citizen.

Anyway, I’m spending way too much time on this, which is a common fault of mine. Suffice it to say Russia recognized early that it was going to be pushed right off the doorstep if it did not start pushing back, so it offered a set of non-negotiable demands which were, to my mind, very reasonable and which would not have cost the west anything to yield. But because it does not like to be told what it can and can’t do, the west blew Putin off and said that sort of arrogance was not going to get Russia anywhere. Ukraine must be allowed to join NATO if it wanted to, and there could be no talk of the west returning to any previous geopolitical position. Then it promptly started publishing invasion agitprop and using it as an excuse to send Ukraine more weapons. Russia correctly perceived this process was never going to stop, and struck. I would like to see any European country placed in the same circumstances, and when it attacked, to hear VDL describe it as a ‘war of choice’.

And apparently – according to VDL – such an attack comes ‘straight out of another century’; presumably a measure of its barbarism and savagery. Such descriptions of course do not fit the NATO attack on Libya, which resulted in the former leader being sodomized with a bayonet by NATO allies and partners. Or the coalition-of-the-vassals attack on Iraq, which resulted in the former leader being lynched by NATO allies and partners. Turns out he didn’t actually have any weapons of mass destruction, after all – but what the hell, that’s for the next time you do something. So far the leader of Ukraine, perhaps hoping for martyrdom, has instead had to settle for addressing the UN by video link, to a standing ovation, and subsequently being showered with enormous aid packages of cold, hard cash, because he’s such a cute little rascal in his army T-shirt.

“Ukraine must win this war. And Putin’s aggression must be a strategic failure. We will do everything we can to help Ukrainians prevail and retake the future into their hands.”

Permit me a brief sidebar, here; do you know how the President of the European Commission is ‘elected’? I put it in sarcasm marks, there, because a process of being appointed by your colleagues is not an ‘election’ in any real sense of the word, any more than the choice of who will be the Democrats’ candidate in the Primary is an ‘election’, because there is no public vote – the candidate is chosen by the party members.

So here you have an individual who has been a bowl of elbows at every ministerial job awarded, but most notably painful as a sandpapered hemorrhoid as Defense Minister, sagely advising the entire European Union on the only acceptable outcome of a war which is not being fought in the European Union. A war which must see the whole world line up on one side, confronting Putin. No matter what it costs.

And it will cost, believe you me. It already is. I’m sure you remember The Netherlands proudly announcing it was not going to open any account with Gazprom and pay in rubles for energy. Up yours, Putin.

The Dutch get about 15% of their natural-gas supply from Russia. Doesn’t seem like such a big number – until you try to replace it. And besides, it’s too dangerous, having so much money under the oversight of a foreign bank – they might seize it, for some bullshit reason. Which is sort of how we got here. Russia was expected to keep its money in foreign banks, and trust that it would be safe. Europe and the United States ‘froze’ the funds – another word for ‘stole’ – and have since mused that perhaps they will give the money to Ukraine, which is dancing around their knees on its hind legs with its tongue hanging out, wagging its stubby tail. In fact, let me show you a financial phenomenon you might never see again in a lifetime, one which illustrates just how over the edge the west is. Russia is being pushed into default on its foreign bonds because new sanctions have cut off the account it uses to pay its debts. The clever-clogs sanctioneers are congratulating themselves on their latest trick; although Russia has plenty of money and has shown no unwillingness at all to pay its debts…the west will not accept its money, so that it can be made ‘a financial pariah’. They say so, in so many words.

Defaulting nations are usually bankrupt or unwilling to pay. Russia, though, has hundreds of billions of dollars, and earns billions more weekly from oil and gas sales. So the circa $40 billion of foreign bonds outstanding — with around $2 billion in payments due by year-end — should be easily manageable. Moscow also wants to pay, to avoid getting lumped in with the poor and chaotically governed nations which typically default. But a welter of sanctions by the United States and the European Union prevent it from sending money through the global payments system. An exemption that allowed U.S. owners of Russian sovereign bonds to receive payments has now expired.

That is pushing Russia towards default by blocking the path by which payments would reach bondholders’ bank accounts.

So the holders of foreign bonds are going to get screwed out of their money so that the west can say Russia is a welsher that does not pay its debts, because sanctions prevent it from paying. Reason has left the building. I hope that has helped readers to understand the depths to which the Leaders Of The Free World will sink to have their own way. Because it perfectly illustrates why they deserve to lose.

Anyway, the Netherlands, before I wander too far off the path. I wanted to point out that prices for all fuels are at record highs, although the Dutch Energy Minister claimed they were perfectly fine with having their Russian supplies cut off. The reference I previously cited announces “Denmark could be next!” – and they were right. The Danes were next, along with the Germans. It’s just one company in each case, but it is most definitely I’ll-see-your-bullshit-and-raise-you. Where is that headed? You know. Potentially, to a global energy crisis that will surpass the  hair-raising market undulations of the 1970’s.

The global economy has largely been able to withstand surging energy prices so far. But prices could continue to rise to unsustainable levels as Europe attempts to wean itself off Russian oil and, potentially, gas. Supply shortages could lead to some difficult choices in Europe, including rationing.”

Rationing: now there’s a word Europeans are eager to hear when the economy is still floundering about in an effort to recover from the disaster of imposed restrictions associated with the COVID pandemic.

Joe McMonigle, secretary general of the International Energy Forum, said he agrees with this depressing forecast from the IEA…”We have a serious problem around the world that I think policymakers are just waking up to. It’s kind of a perfect storm,” McMonigle, whose group serves as a go-between for energy producing and consuming nations, told CNN in a phone interview.”

Just waking up to? Are you shitting me?? If VDL is just waking up to the possibility that doubling down every month or two on more sanctions – and padding the narrative with creamy nonsense so the idiot proles will lap it up – is pulling the world straight down the road to hell, then she is in an unreachable coma. Bring over that saxophone, will you? Uh huh; play the solo from “Never Tear Us Apart” directly into her ear – there!! I swear I saw a blink!

Oh; wait a minute. What about renewables? Dear little windmills? Miracles from Greta Thunberg’s Tickle Trunk? Isn’t this crisis a blessing in disguise? An opportunity for a single hard push to tip the doubters and the reluctant of Europe into green-power Nirvana?

No better pin to puncture that balloon than Tim Watkins, my go-to for Dear Little Windmills rebuttals. What do you say, Tim?

Governments – at least prior to 2022 – have cared little about the impact of policies on energy bills.  This is why, for example, a host of “green” levies and subsidies were added to people’s electricity bills by the Blair government, and now account for a quarter of the bill.  The reason for doing this was to avoid EU government spending and state aid rules… something which, ironically, no longer matters because of Brexit.  The bigger problem though, is that successive governments have rigged the market in favour of NRREHTs generators.  That is, suppliers must buy up wind, solar and biofuel power first, while gas and coal come last.  This means that NRREHTs generators effectively pass the cost of intermittency onto gas and coal generators whose overheads are far greater and whose electricity is more expensive because they are at the back of the queue.  This, in turn, means higher prices for businesses and households as the price of gas goes up. ”

The ‘intermittency’ he speaks of is the periods when there is not enough wind to generate anything close to enough electricity to satisfy even modest consumer demand, like the day that post was written, when wind power was providing 1% of the UK’s electricity. The UK has the world’s largest offshore wind farms, and that was written in January, before the current conflict in Ukraine and the dizzying upward spiral of gas prices. Don’t forget – just because a wind turbine’s blades are turning does not necessarily mean it is generating usable electricity. Wind turbines generally begin to produce usable power at around 6 mph, and a cutout operates above 55 mph to prevent damage to the turbine. Moreover, the most reliable electricity generator from a consumer point of view is one which can be stepped up at times of peak demand. At which times the wind is almost never blowing at the right speed to generate a reliable supply of electricity without significant supplements from another energy source.

In fact, the true capacity value of a wind turbine is the kW or MW of generating capacity that is available at the actual time of peak electricity demand on the electric grid serving the area. The true capacity value of a wind turbine or “wind farm” is generally less than 10% of nameplate capacity and often 0% or slightly above — simply because, at the time of peak electricity demand, the wind isn’t blowing at a speed that will permit the turbine to produce any or much electricity. Claims of wind turbine capacity value have been exaggerated by wind industry officials and lobbyists, by regulatory agencies, ISOs, RTOs, other grid manager’s arbitrary decisions.”

The very real danger here is that incompetent zealot know-nothing talking heads like Ursula von der Leyen are going to pull the rug out from under Europe’s feet in an effort to force it onto a green-energy grid ‘for its own good’, because the population is too ignorant and self-centered to make rational life-changing decisions such as are better made in the rarefied atmosphere of the halls of power. A leader who is ‘a perfect appointment as President of the European Commission, good at grand promises, pledges of unity, and commitments to diversity ‘ is also a perfect choice to lead the world into irreversible disaster, predicated on the pigheaded certainty that ‘something will turn up’ to make the sugarplum cheap-energy dreams come true if only someone is bold enough to take the plunge.

Which brings me to the part of her risible blather to the WEF that most infuriated me.

Today, Russian artillery is bombarding grain warehouses across Ukraine. Deliberately. And Russian warships in the Black Sea are blockading Ukrainian ships full of wheat and sunflower seeds.”

How much are the citizens of Europe paying this charlatan? £29,340 a MONTH!!!! And a team of researchers at her beck and call, and she still resorts to utter horseshit like this?? Let me ask you this, Ms. von der Leyen – don’t you think for that completely off-the-scale salary, you could spare enough time to research a speech that isn’t even an A4 page, single-spaced, for accuracy?

Unless Ukrainian troops are taking refuge in grain warehouses, Russian artillery is not bombarding them. There is absolutely no evidence of this. And the conditions which keep foreign grain-carriers in Ukrainian ports are entirely imposed by Ukraine. This is not a matter of opinion or conjecture, but is spelled out in the reports of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the global regulatory authority for marine transport of cargo. Via Moon of Alabama:

At the start of the conflict approximately 2000 seafarers were stranded aboard 94 vessels in Ukrainian ports. 10 vessels have subsequently safely departed the Sea of Azov and 84, merchant ships remain, with nearly 450 seafarers onboard.

The Council (C/ES.35) on 10 and 11 March agreed to encourage the establishment, as a provisional and urgent measure, of a blue safe maritime corridor to allow the safe evacuation of seafarers and ships from the high-risk and affected areas in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to a safe place in order to protect the life of seafarers, and ensure the mobilization and commercial navigation of vessels intending to use this corridor by avoiding military attacks and protecting and securing the maritime domain.

The Russian Federation has informed IMO that it had established a humanitarian corridor, to provide for the safe evacuation of ships once outside the territorial waters of the Ukraine. Despite this initiative, there remain many safety and security issues which hamper access to the corridor and the ability for ships to depart from their berth in Ukrainian ports.Ukraine’s ports are at MARSEC (maritime security) level 3 and remain closed for entry and exit. Sea mines have been laid in port approaches and some port exits are blocked by sunken barges and cranes. Many ships no longer have sufficient crew onboard to sail.

Ukraine also provided their preconditions for the safe evacuation of ships from their ports. These include an end to hostilities, the withdrawal of troops and ensuring the freedom of navigation in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, including carrying out mine-sweeping activities with the involvement of Black Sea littoral states.”

Just a few days ago, May 31st, a cargo ship loaded with rolled steel departed Ukraine for Italy…from Mariupol. Now that the city is under Russian control, the harbor has been cleared and swept for mines and cargo departures have resumed. Theoretically, Ukrainian grain could be shipped from Mariupol. Is there need? VDL says there is.

Global wheat prices are sky-rocketing. And it is fragile countries and vulnerable populations that suffer most. Bread prices in Lebanon have increased by 70%, and food shipments from Odessa could not reach Somalia.”

But it won’t be. Because then Putin would not be losing and humiliated. Getting more grain into a market where the price of wheat has shot up over 60% above its previous level is irrelevant to the greater goal of wiping that smirk off Putin’s face. Fragile countries and vulnerable populations be damned.

Is there no penalty to be imposed for lying? For simply acting as a bullhorn for the Ukrainian press service? If you’d like an example of completely-fabricated bullshit that was nonetheless spread around the globe with the clear aim of sparking fury and hatred, here’s one. The Ukrainian Ombudsman for Human Rights was just fired because her unsubstantiated evidence-free bodice-rippers about Ukrainian women gang-raped by Russian soldiers were deemed to be hurting Ukraine’s international credibility. Mind you, you’d never know that if you got the story from Filters-On CNN, which reported dryly that she was fired because she had failed to effectively discharge her human-rights responsibilities. Not a whisper of rape was mentioned. Yet it was only her stammering deflections upon being confronted by journalists who could not find any witnesses in the towns and locations specified who had even heard of the incidents described that sunk her – there is every reason to believe that had she never been asked to account for her lurid fakery, she would still be a valued spreader of Ukrainian propaganda.

One more directional jink before we wrap this up. Most everyone is familiar with the bizarre spectacle of the assembled crowd at The Glorious Maidan jumping up and down on the cue “Who does not jump is a Moskal”, the derisive Ukrainian term for a Russian. Here’s a smaller-scale example, on the Kiev subway. Most of you are also familiar with walking hate-factory Irina Farion, the self-appointed guardian of the Ukrainian language, who so infuriated parents with her lectures to kindergarten-age children that if their names sounded Russian, they should move to Russia that they initiated a lawsuit against her. The torchlight parades in homage to Stepan Bandera, through the streets of Lvov. The chants of ‘Moskali to the gallows’ or ‘Moskali to the knife’.

Show me corresponding organized expressions of hatred toward Ukrainians in Russia. And bear in mind, please, the hatred of Russians by Ukrainians is being eagerly nurtured and curated by European bureaucrats like von der Leyen.

Back to the wisdom of the Liverpool lads who brought us in:

But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is, brother, you’ll have to wait…

411 thoughts on “How Many Frequent-Flyer Miles Would it Cost to Send Ursula von der Leyen Non-Stop to Hell?

  1. I can only assume that the only things Ursula von der Leyen had going for her when Angela Merkel kicked her up from the German Defence Ministry to selection for the EU Presidency were her family connections to German aristocracy and the pharmaceutical industry through hubbie von der Leyen, and to her supposed US connections (her own Ladson family links with the slave-trafficking past and the time spent in the US when hubbie was teaching at Stanford University). A case of who you know and where you come from being more important than what you know which in Ursula von der Leyen’s case seems to be not much at all.

    Thanks Mark, for another post skewering yet another rich and fatuous twat.


    1. Yes, I was just reading that; this is from the comments section – check out the video. Melitopol, Zaporozhia.

      If Elensky keeps on the way he’s going, he is going to be the Prez of a much smaller nation that is landlocked. And the more feeling goes against official Ukraine inside the country, the better dancing they’re going to have to do to avoid war crimes trials for Bucha.

      Brussels and Washington must be shitting themselves.


      1. . . . he is going to be the Prez of a much smaller nation that is landlocked . . .

        Them submarines off Scholz will be of great use to him then!


    1. I cannot find the original of the above.

      There are some dubious translations in it, including:

      Guterres has let it be known that the war would stop, if Russia would stop the war should be:

      Guterres has let it be known that the war would stop, if Russia stopped the war.

      . . . I always ask myself if are we so keen to blame the aggressor. Why didn’t we blame and sanction the U.S., the UK or France when they attacked Middle Eastern or African countries? should be:

      I always ask myself: if we are so keen to blame the aggressor, why didn’t we blame and sanction the U.S., the UK or France when they attacked Middle Eastern or African countries?

      That’s what Henry Kissinger said; not Putin or Lukashenko. It behaves like a monarch, like Louis XIV who was guided by a divine inspiration.

      What does “it” refer to in: “It behaves like a monarch, like Louis XIV who was guided by a divine inspiration”?

      What behaves like a monarch?

      I think the translation should have been: “This is behaving like a monarch, like Louis XIV, who was guided by divine inspiration”.

      Overuse of “it” in translated to English texts by a non-native English speaker is commonplace, whereas a native English speaker would use demonstrative adjectives rather than “it” to make text references, in the above case a “back reference”.

      And there are errors in use of articles, e.g. “divine inspiration” not “a divine inspiration”, and the punctuation is iffy.


  2. G’Morning from rain-sodded Chateau Colliemum!
    Excellent article again, thank you, Mark! I do love the little sidebars, and giggled when reading: ‘puddification of brains’.
    I note though that one aspect regarding Flinten-Uschi and her rise and rise is missing: she was made Defence Minister by Mutti Merkel who also forced Brussels to accept her as ‘leader’, paying Macron for this by letting him have Madame Lagarde running the ECB.
    Oh – and the VDL replacement at the Defence Ministry was also selected by Mutti M.
    It is quite wonderfully remarkable that nobody, not in the German MSM nor in the international ones, is mentioning Merkel as one of the architects of the Ukrainian debacle. After all, she was the Chancelloresse who didn’t enforce Minsk I and II – she could’ve done, making Macron follow her lead. If’ as is alleged, she was ‘A Friend of Putin’, she surely would’ve done so, no?
    I still relish the photos of Putin letting his dog into the room where he met Mutti M, knowing that she was afraid of dogs …


      1. Heh – I think Putin understood her better than she did him! Thus he let his nice black dog into the room …


    1. Merkel’s role in unfolding events was indeed an angle I had missed completely – I admit to having had a bit of a soft spot for Mutti, and considered her somewhat of a success story in the crusade of women in politics. At least until near the end, around 2014 or so, when she was reported blabbering about how unfair it was to try to evict the Maidan protesters from city buildings they had seized in Keeeev, because denying those who plan to overthrow the government warm comfortable quarters from which to plan their next move is cruel, innit? But you’re right – the lady who was once tabbed “Chancellor of the Free World” certainly did have the grunt to get things moving on Minsk, and both Germany and France did nothing at and following the talks but talk, except when they were excusing Ukraine for not showing any inclination to fulfill its responsibilities.

      I realize that as a world leader, Putin receives briefings in excruciating detail on other visiting world leaders, probably including phobias and foibles, but nonetheless I have never given much credit to the indignant reports that he used his dog to terrorize Merkel. I think Putin just likes dogs, and cannot imagine an adult who does not, since they must be the most common animal companion. It’s not as if he trotted out a hand-sized spider like that British git.


      1. Merkel had two things going for her in politics, once she was Chancellorette: one is that she was able to to literally ‘sit out’ all problems by postponing decisions until nobody cared any longer. No, sitting out didn’t lead to her, ahem, wide bottom, how very dare you!
        The other was an ice-cold instinct for staying in power by getting rid of any competitors, especially those who were intellectually more, ahem, gifted. She’s promoted non-entities who were yay-sayers, and the lades she promoted were ‘good friends’ who could do no wrong, regardless of the mess they created. I say only: VDL and the destruction of the Bundeswehr.
        As for Putin: yes, he does love dogs. At that time the Obamas were getting their dog -which was handled by staff, Obama looked exceedingly uncomfortable holding the lead of that puppy in the then videos. There was another video or two where Putin was given a puppy – can’t recall which breed – and he held it up in his arms, letting the pup even lick his face. Yep, he knows and loves dogs … perhaps, like many dog lovers, he assumed Mutti M would share his attachment to his black lab or at least not mind having her in the room.
        But enough of dogs: Mutti M blubbered also, a few years before the Maidan, at a serious meeting with Sarkozy and Berlusconi and others, regarding the then urgent financial crisis in 2008 and what the EU should do …
        Well, a certain Mrs T would have told that lot where to get off …


  3. Oh – one more thing! This quote:
    “English is the language of a people who have probably earned their reputation for perfidy and hypocrisy, because their language itself is so flexible, so often light-headed with statements which appear to mean one thing one year and quite a different thing the next. — Paul Scott” is very interesting.
    My point is that non-native English speakers who have not been living for decades in the UK are simply incapable of grasping the nuances, the different stresses and inflexions of the spoken words which do give a different meaning to the same words. One cannot get this from reading, never mind from the translations of various bureaucratic statements written in other languages.
    Innit like …


    1. Especially the nuances of modal auxiliary verb usage, which apart from their polysemantism, have changes in meaning as a result of the speaker’s intonation.

      For example:

      “She might have phoned me today”.

      The above can mean (a) a simple statement of possibility to the lowest degree, or as Americans say:”Maybe she phoned me today?” or, depending on an intonation of exasperation, anger, disappointment: “Why didn’t you phone me today? It was possible for you to do so and your not phoning me today displeases me”.

      I have long noticed that when I use modal verbs using the perfect infinitive, e.g. “have done” without the preposition “to”, many young speakers of American English seem not so sure about what I am saying.

      Consider the meanings of all the following statements:

      She might have phoned me today.

      She may have phoned me today.

      She could have phoned me today.

      She should have phoned me today.

      She must have phoned me today.

      She would have phoned me today.

      She will have phoned me today.

      The above constructions screw up Russian speakers as well, as there is only one modal auxiliary verb in Russian — мочь, which means “can”.

      For the nuances expressed by English modal verbs, they use adverbs or adverbial phrases.

      Speakers of other Germanic languages, however, have modal auxiliary verbs that act in a similar way as do English modal verbs.

      Er muss Engländer sein — He must be an Englishman.

      Er muss jetzt im Land sein, aber bald muss er nach Moskau zurückkehren — He must be in the country now, but soon he must go back to Moscow.

      The above statement is true, by the way: I have been out in the sticks all on my own since Thursday.


        1. I’m still there. I don’t really want to go back to Moscow: I can work here online just as easily as I do in my flat, but Mrs. Exile thinks I’m just lounging around here and I should be at home during the working week and helping around the flat while she’s at work — shopping, tidying up etc.

          Truth be told, I do lounge around here a lot — just reading and listening to the radio.

          However, I still have to come back here during the week so as to water the gherkins and tomatoes and other plants that are in the greenhouse. In any case, I like being alone.

          I am Steppenwolf!



          1. Sounds idyllic to me – perhaps you might gently hint to Mrs E that your absence from the flat means less work for her (washing, cooking)? Unless you do that as well, of course …


            1. I do. My 2 daughters must believe I am a dishwashing machine. I often cook for them and then they just dump their dishes in the kitchen sink for me to wash and put away in the cupboard.

              They are mo longer little girls now, but they expect “papa” to do their washing up.


              1. That’s what happens when one is a lovely, lenient papa!
                My stern mum had a sure-fire recipe for getting us to do the washing up. Every time we moaned when told to, she said: ‘you’ll do it until you stop moaning about it’ … and thus, since we didn’t moan because we didn’t want to be clobbered with it, we had to do it anyway because we didn’t moan and complain about having to do it …
                ‘Tisn’t easy to be a parent, is it.


                1. By the way, Russian pronunciation of “papa” is not as is the French/German/British pronunciation, as in the song “Oh Mein Papa!”

                  Russian “papa” has front stress and sounds like paah-pa.

                  From the film “Feuerwerk”, 1954. She’s singing about the antics of her circus clown father.

                  I remember that song well because, strangely enough, it became a number 1 hit in the UK in the ’50s. It was played by trumpeter Eddie Calvert and an English version of the song was also released and it too was a big hit. The words were not as in the German film, though, in which the actress sings:

                  Oh, my papa, he was a wonderful clown.
                  Oh, my papa, he was a great artist.
                  Up on the rope, how wonderful was he to look at!
                  Oh, my papa, he was a handsome man.

                  but the English song ran thus:

                  Oh, my Papa, to me he was so wonderful,
                  Oh, my Papa, to me he was so good.
                  No one could be so gentle and so lovable,
                  Oh, my Papa, he always understood.

                  The actress in the film is Lili Marie Peiser, stage name Lili Palmer, born in Posen, Now Poznań, Poland and former wife of Scouse actor Rex Harrison.

                  I’m bloody 73 years old now (I can hardly believe it), but I still miss my papa.


      1. I recall my tutor telling me when I was a postgrad student at Manchester University about how an African student from some former British colony totally misunderstood what she had said to him using a modal auxiliary verb in an elliptical expression.

        Apparently, he had been getting some hassle off his landlord for late payment of rent and she said to him: “I should pay your rent on time next month”, without adding “if I were you”. The African thought she was offering to pay his rent. He misunderstood the meaning of her advisory “should”, in this instance the subjunctive mood of “shall”, for “shall”.


    2. Th’art reet there, eowd lass!

      As one would say in the most refined of circles in my home shire.

      But dialect is summat else!


        1. Wales is the Newfoundland of the UK!! Newfoundlanders (and Cape Bretoners, they sound just alike to me but either would react with scorn at the suggestion) have a noticeable accent which sets them apart from all other Canadians, and a wealth of unique expressions not used anywhere else. All females in Newfoundland are ‘M’ Darlin”, and all males are ‘My Son’ (“My son. I tells you, I never seen the like”). “Hang on, and I’ll come to pick you up” would be said “Stay where you’re to, and I’ll come to where you’re at”. My navy buddy Sean Legge was “Tolly Legge’s young bull” when he was at home. Of course most people don’t speak that way in large cities like St. Johns, but in the villages it is like a step back in time.


    3. Yes, I’ve read that English is the only language you can understand easily even when spoken with an accent, because in many languages if you don’t pronounce it exactly the right way, it means something entirely different. That may be an exaggeration – there are a lot of languages, but that’s certainly true of Chinese languages, where a two-character word can mean several things depending on inflection and intonation. But speakers of English are indeed portrayed as purveyors of perfidy because of grand-sounding speeches like those delivered by VDL, in which the speaker either has no grasp of the implications of what they are committing to or no intention of holding to it.


      1. Ah, but Flinten-Uschi, like all of her ilk, doesn’t write those speeches herself, she only reads them off the paper. At least her English is better than that of Annalena B.
        The error which many non-native English speakers fall into is that they believe their English is perfect when in fact it isn’t because construction grammatically correct sentences and pronouncing them ‘perfectly’ is not how ‘Teh Natives’ speak. And usually they’re too polite to correct errors. For example, I thought my English was perfect when i met my parents-in-law for the first time, so I was staggered when, six or so months later I overheard my MIL, chatting to a guest, saying that I couldn’t speak proper English when they first met me … oh dear …


        1. In Canada at least it is generally considered impolite to correct another’s use of English which is the opposite of speaking French where every one is more than willing to correct you. It can be disconcerting moving from one milieu to another.


          1. Well, the French-Canadians must be more polite than that lot across the Channel! When they hear someone speak faulty French they sniff, shrug their shoulders in disgust and walk away as if one were an imbecile …


            1. French-Canadians must be more polite than that lot across the Channel

              are you kidding? I only visited la belle province once, and never returned, after, in a restaurant, I was told by the waitress to learn to speak French.
              That was in 1979, on my first visit to Canada, just off the liner Stephan Bartory, and I know how to hold a grudge.


          2. Yes, I have experienced that in France. The French will pull you up if you make an error, and if you continue do so, they get irritated and say something like: “Why do you speak such bad French?” to which enquiry I have been tempted to reply: “Because I’m not a f*cking Frog, that’s why!”

            English speakers, on the other hand, just overlook grammatical errors as long as the message gets across, and if that doesn’t happen, a native English speaker will usually say something like: “Sorry, I didn’t catch that” or “Could you say that again?” etc.

            It seems to me that the French get very defensive about their language and always show barely hidden irritation over the fact that many people in the world either haven’t tried to learn to speak French or couldn’t be arsed to learn it. I have never experienced Russians or Germans doing what the French do in this respect: they’ll just say: “Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying”, but they’ll still try to help you. Frogs, on the other hand, just seem to adopt an attitude of contempt towards anyone who is ignorant about the correct usage of French — and there is such a thing: they have a venerable and ancient state institute which lays down the rules on how to speak Froggish “correctly”.

            I remember when I was last in France with my wife and we were searching for a big supermarket, which we had been told by the hotel receptionist was in the vicinity. We couldn’t find it at at first, and although I had warned my wife not to speak directly to French people in English, on the assumption that they could do so, she approached some Frog who was waiting at a bus stop, and asked him politely if he could tell her where the supermarket was — in English.

            The French prick replied in Froggish:”Perhaps I could if you asked me in French”.

            What a pillock!

            So I flopped him for being rude to my beloved.

            (I made the last sentence up.)


            1. I feel that I should add that I have met many French citizens who have been more than helpful to me even though I only speak “schoolboy French”. However, when speaking to French people, I am always at pains to point out first of all that my French is “unfortunately” poor — and I stress the malheuresement. And I have noticed that French Arabs and Africans are mostly not so hung up about foreigners not speaking impeccable French — with one glaring exception: I once asked an Afro-Frog ticket clerk at a railway station if he could speak English, having first gone through my usual apologies for my bad French. He replied: “If I must!”

              What an arsehole!

              I wanted to say to him: “Speak in your granddad’s African tongue then, if you wish, Kunta Kinte!”

              How “racist” of me!


          3. I took an 11-month French course in the military, and passed the Public Service exam with a C-B-B profile (Reading – Writing – Comprehension) where C is comprehensive and B is functional. At some point on the course one of my classmates, an Air Force officer, remarked that the purpose of the course was so that Anglos could speak French to one another. And he had a point – in a predominantly-French environment such as in Quebec or New Brunswick, as soon as the French hear you speak, they switch to English because they know instantly you are not French, and reason that the polite thing to do would be to help you communicate.


            1. I wonder why they speak French in New Brunswick?

              Brunswick (Braunschweig) is in Germany.

              Seek and ye shall find!

              After its founding in 1784, the colony was named New Brunswick in honour of George III, King of Great Britain, King of Ireland, and prince-elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg in what is now Germany.

              So there you are: the dickhead who lost those colonies that became the USA, then set up shop on a new North American patch alongside the North American Frog colonists.

              And why “Brunswick when one must de rigeur say “Beijing” and not “Peking”.


      2. This is a good read:

        albeit written by a speaker of USA English, 93-year-old philosopher Harry Gordon Frankfurt, American philosopher and professor emeritus of philosophy at Princeton University.

        You may download it here.

        A teaser:

        One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much
        bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we
        tend to take the situation for granted. Most people are rather confident of
        their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it. So the
        phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern, or attracted much
        sustained inquiry. In consequence, we have no clear understanding of what
        bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves. And we lack a
        conscientiously developed appreciation of what it means to us. In other words, we
        have no theory. I propose to begin the development of a theoretical understanding
        of bullshit, mainly by providing some tentative and exploratory philosophical
        analysis. I shall not consider the rhetorical uses and misuses of bullshit. My aim is
        simply to give a rough account of what bullshit is and how it differs from what it
        is not, or (putting it somewhat differently) to articulate, more or less sketchily, the
        structure of its concept. . .

        Note the “shall” in “I shall not consider the rhetorical uses and misuses of bullshit”.

        I get sick of smartarses telling me that “shall” is no longer used in everyday English, least of all in the North American version of my mother tongue.

        Or is it just that anyone over 70 years old, no matter whether he speaks American or British English, is so out of touch with the “real” world that he continues to use archaisms?


        1. “I get sick of smartarses telling me that “shall” is no longer used in everyday English, least of all in the North American version of my mother tongue.
          Or is it just that anyone over 70 years old, no matter whether he speaks American or British English, is so out of touch with the “real” world that he continues to use archaisms?”
          No, it’s because those over 70 have been taught proper English (American or British) in school and because their brains tend not to be ‘puddingised’ by excessive daily use of social media with 140 or 240 characters or just photos and images …
          And anyway: using ‘shall’ is offensive because it’s only used by the white patriarchy and is a sure sign of micro-aggression!


          1. toxic white male: You shall do as I, say!

            insubordinate juvenile: No I will not!

            toxic white male: Yes you shall!

            In colloquial post-1970’s English, the teaching of English grammar in UK secondary schools, believe it or not, having ceased in the early ’70s:

            — You’ll do as I, say!
            — No I won’t!
            — Yes you wil!

            “Yes you will” is a pure prediction; “yes you shall” is an order, more precisely, the speaker’s imposition of an obligation upon the person addressed.

            Ain’t that so, colliemum, as in sollen and werden?

            Those rascals of auxiliary verbs again with their nuances in meaning!


        2. Hey, I’m only 50 and I feel like a fogey negotiating Canadian English–the vocab, not the grammar. “Waitress” and “stewardess” are obviously evil condescending caveman speech, like “cameraman” (it’s “videographer” now) and “mailman” (“postal carrier”). But also, people younger than me habitually say “I feel” rather than “I think” whenever expressing an opinion…implying that views arrived at via emotion rather than cognition are weightier, or what…? Not sure. “Solitude” is now “alone time.” Everyone used to say “thank you very much”; now everyone says “thank you so much.” Idioms change, I get it, I’ll just have to live with the hideous “going forward” having replaced “from now on,” but it’s a drag. Likewise having to worry about which pronoun applies to a particular person–does that guy go with “he” or “she” or “them”?
          Feeling very fond of Wales at the moment, by the way. Off to the World Cup they go!


          1. Although I wrote “radio” above when describing my lounging around at the dacha, I usually say “wireless”: I only say “radio” so that foreigners understand me. I also say “stove” for “cooker”, e.g. “gas stove” and “electric stove”, which terminology used to make some people to comment on it when I lived in London at the end of the ’60s: they said that I was speaking “American English”. Oh yes! And I remember once using the term “tundish” and my compatriots did not know what I meant.


            1. Funny you should say that, ME, but I also use ‘wireless’ instead of radio – as a child we had a massive wireless set. One where you could pick up a lot of foreign channels – so exotic for a kid turning a dial and picking up people speaking different languages. Another old-fashioned quirk is instead of giving the time as, say, ’25 minutes past two’, I tend to say ‘5 and 20 minutes past two’. I’m originally from the Midlands and it’s the way of my people……


              1. I too used to love tuning in to foreign stations , Fern, using a big old wireless that we had when I was a child in the early ’50s. It seemed to me that that wireless was never turned off during all the waking hours. I remember how my mum used to devotedly follow the “Mrs. Dale’s Diary” series. We only got our first TV in 1957 and before that, my sister and listened to the BBC Children’s Hour, hosted, as it turned out many years later, by a paederast.

                BBC tradition — sort of.


            2. “Stove” is North American as far as I’m aware – Mrs Stooge #2 was as English as a crumpet, and she always said ‘cooker’ rather than ‘stove’. And ‘biro’ for ‘pen’, and ‘petrol’ for ‘gas’, and ‘boot’ for ‘trunk’.

              She was from dahn souf in Bournemouf.


              1. Well, it’s “stove” in Lancashire an’ all!

                Thi dinner ‘s on back o’ stove!

                Meaning: Your dinner is being kept warm on a low light on the back burners of a gas cooker; “thi” — quick pronunciation of “thy”.


  4. Here is a scam reminiscent (but actually more plausible) that Musk’s hyperloop, battery-powered supersonic vertical take off airliners, tunnels to replace surface roads, blah blah blah. mutterings of a deranged moron.

    The West’s compulsion to pursue get-rich-quick schemes may be an indicator of deeper pathologies that give us Euro-supremacy, fascism, free-market capitalism, etc.



    I wouldn’t wash my socks in it!

    Price of a pint as high as £8 for first time
    Beer costs 70 per cent more today than before 2008 crash
    1 day ago

    Putin weaponises beer!!!

    I was watching a video the other day of Habeck shooting shit in the Bundestag. He was saying how inflation in Germany is rocketing and there are going to be shortages but . . “The Russian economy is collapsing!”

    That’s Federal Economics and Global Warming Minister Habeck, who has a Ph.D. in Philology, for phuck’s sake!


    1. Various western leaders have cheered or promised over the last 5 to 7 years that they are or are going to ‘destroy the Russian economy’. The stated purpose is to make the Russian people so miserable, through deprivation and want and runaway prices, that they will overthrow their leader and let the west pick his successor.

      Is that….ahhhhh….an exclusive and patented technique, or can anyone try it?


      1. And a declared agenda to destroy the economy of another state is, of course, not a declaration of war and most certainly not a hostile act targeted towards the population of that state, which population’s freedom and welfare is the root cause of the implementation of such an agenda in the sincere hope that it may enjoy democratic governance.



      I picked up a reference to the problems facing this “industry” in Andrei Martyanov’s Sunday piece to camera regarding the Democrats beginning to wash their hands of the Ukraine debacle.

      On a more domestic plane, I heard recently of the vastly increased demand for parcels at a local food bank and measures which volunteers have had to introduce to cope. To their credit, major supermarkets appear to be making greater efforts nowadays to support food banks. Having just paid a quarterly electricity bill almost 50% higher than for the previous period (covering the coldest part of the year) with substantially fewer units consumed between mid-March and 4 June, I fear many more people on low or fixed income levels are likely to be finding themselves using foodbanks shortly.


      1. Paying for a festival ticket in installments – good Lord. And they’re going to have to come up with a new situational description: ‘perfect storm’ is growing overused, and consequently is losing its impact.


      2. I think many people still don’t get how bad the cost of living crisis is going to get. Almost all the discussion of electricity/gas price increases focus on the individual consumer – which is obviously of vital importance – but ignores the plight of many businesses employing millions of people that simply aren’t economically viable with such high power bills. What happens when they start laying off large numbers of folk? Like many people, I do a weekly shop at one of the UK’s major supermarkets and nothing is the same price as it was last week – it’s always more.

        Seems the same story across the western world with our so-called ‘leaders’ asleep at the wheel, waking occasionally to play at being pound shop Churchills in Ukraine.


        1. All part of doing your bit in support of plucky Ukraine, whose cities are being brutally laid waste by Orcish hordes who sodomize baby boys and rape little girls and grandmas.


        2. I’d just add that the (to my mind, at least, sensible) 1980s criticism of the Thatcherite de industrialisation – how can you have an economy based on taking in each other’s washing? – is on the verge of a huge “told you so” moment. The super-vibrant dynamism of dog-walking and mobile pet-valeting services, nail salons, reiki therapists, three bookies shops on each city block, every second retail outlet converted to some form of fast food takeaway or “boutique” cafe &c is in the process of being tested to destruction. And good luck paying for your landscaping services and other property management fees, car leasing (so I’m told: purchasing a motor is so last century – hence the multitude of folk swanning around in “good” cars – Range Rovers, Mercs, Audis, BMWs) once the squeeze is really on.


          1. In 1985, I had the choice of shelf-stacking at Asda or buggering off — to Germany, as it happened — to seek my fortune in the Ruhr, which at the time was also about to be de-industrialized, but gradually and orderly in a very methodical Fritz sort of way.

            But to be honest, to change my mode of employment in one fell swoop from coalface worker to shelf-stacker was just too degrading for me to face. One has one’s pride to take into consideration after all, hasn’t one?


            1. One of my old workmates down the pit became, believe it or not, a butler to some toff. He used his redundancy pay to go on a butler’s training course. His elder brother was a butler though.

              I got no redundancy pay because I was dishonourably discharged from my employment 2 weeks before the end of the 1984 – 1985 miners’ strike, the result of my following my long held policy of retaliating first.

              However, if I hadn’t struck that blow, I probably wouldn’t be here with an Orc wife and three half-breed human-orcish Orclings.


          2. Well, as regards Range Rovers, Mercs, Audis, BMWs, what a turn up for the books there has been here.

            Avilon, the biggest motor vehicle dealer in Mordor, whose main showroom is but a cockstride from my town house, and which has long had on show there all of the above automobiles, is now heavily promoting . . .

            Avilon Official FAW Dealer



          3. It’s all predicated on the idea that “coolies” in places like India, China etc. will be happy to do all the horrible dirty jobs like actually making things, digging raw materials out of the ground etc. forever in slave labour conditions in return for little pieces of paper with pictures of dead US presidents or pictures of QE2 on them which cost nothing to produce. Once the coolies work out they’d be better off working for themselves instead of for us, the whole scheme comes crashing down.


  6. He’s at it again!

    Infamy, infamy! They’ve all got it in for me!!!

    Banderastan Ambassador to Berlin has said that the German refusal to supply heavy weapons to Yukienazis is “a disgrace that wil go down in history”.

    Funny he didn’t go the whole hog and repeat Roosevelt’s words, namely that Germany’s refusal “will go down in infamy”.

    Ukraine calls Germany’s policy ‘disgrace’


    1. Dunno why he’s so cross – haven’t the Krauties said they’re even thinking of giving u-boats to the Ukries? What more do they want? Nukes which the Germans don’t have?

      Actually, as ambassador he must know about the dire situation the Bundeswehr is in. They lack everything and even had to hire private helicopters for a possible medieval when they were in Mali last year.


      1. There will be a compromise. Annalena Baerbock is even now working on a ‘green’ submarine which will be made of recycled soup cans, and powered by methane from decaying manure which will be kept in a special sealed fuel tank. It will have a small twin-vane windmill atop the conning tower, and rigging points for sails, as backup in the event that manure supplies run low or there is a supply-chain issue.

        Leaked plans show Bundeswehr submarine design for Ukraine


        1. German Foreign Minister Baerbock has refused to meet with Ukrainian Ambassador Melnyk
          The ministry noted that Baerbock meets only with fellow ministers, and not with ambassadors.

          For once, she is right! Who the f*ck does Melnyk think he is? Does he think he has the right to lay down the law to the foreign minister of a state, even though Baerbock is an incompetent?

          I am not amused!

          Moscow, June 6 – AIF-Moscow.
          German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has refused to meet with Ukrainian Ambassador Andriy Melnyk, Bild reports.

          The ministry noted that Baerbock meets only with fellow ministers, and not with ambassadors. The minister herself added that she is in touch with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

          Melnyk responded by saying that he would like Germany’s top diplomat to find time for the Ukrainian ambassador.

          Earlier, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of Berlin. He did not like the too slow delivery of weapons by Germany to the Ukraine.

          It should be noted that this is not the first time that Andrey Melnik has allowed himself to speak out sharply against the German authorities. Earlier, he called German Chancellor Olaf Scholz an “offended liver sausage” because of his refusal to come to the Ukraine


          1. She liked meeting this fearless warrior in a sweaty t-shirt though:

            “Sieg heil!” ya stupid shit. Best wishes from Germany, which stands shoulder to shoulder with you and the rest of you Yukietard morons.


          2. I completely agree; Baerbock is an insufferable idiot, but Melnyk is an insufferable prick, and what is the likelihood of a viable and/or sensible solution being arrived upon between a prick and an idiot?


    2. Let me see…..Ukraine is fierce beyond imagining, and it is winning….but Germany’s refusal to supply it with heavy weapons is a disgrace that will go down in history? Why would such a refusal be a historical note when Ukraine wins? Or is he perhaps acknowledging that Ukraine is losing?

      Has Russia taken Keeev yet? If not, Russia is losing.


  7. Ha, ha!! “Ukraine’s nuclear energy company Energoatom said Russian forces “still do not understand that even the smallest fragment of a missile that can hit a working power unit can cause a nuclear catastrophe and radiation leak”.

    Pity they were not so conscientious about nuclear safety when they decided to use Westinghouse fuel rods in Soviet reactors, as a further measure to buttlick to America and spite Russia. That resulted in radiation levels 10 times the normal near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in 2016. Or when environmentalists discovered that spent fuel rods were being stored in the open at that same power plant, later that same year.

    But that’s always the way, isn’t it? When you want to make a big deal about something, let on that you are dreadfully concerned for public safety.

    If you scroll down further in that first reference, which is a series of updates like a blog, you will see where the reduction in gas supplies to Germany which was ordered a few days ago is already forecast to cost the Germans an additional $5.4 Billion a year for replacement gas. Yep; Germany was prepared. Do they have any politicians – any at all – who do not simply spout bullshit whenever they open their mouths?

    Naturally the increase will be passed on to the consumer, in the form of an additional gas levy starting in October. I guess that’s what Habeck meant when he said Germany was ‘prepared’; prepared to charge more for gas. Well, he looks like a shoo-in for re-election! Actually, he’s appointed to his ministerial position and not elected, but he must represent a riding somewhere. But you never know; the German public acts as if it is on Novocaine and lets its politicians pretty much do as they please.

    “Russia’s sanctions against Gazprom Germania and its subsidiaries could cost German taxpayers and gas users an extra €5bn ($5.4bn) a year to pay for replacement gas, the Welt am Sonntag weekly reported, citing industry representatives. In May, Russia decided to stop supplying Gazprom Germania, which had been the German subsidiary of Gazprom, after Berlin put the company under trustee management due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    Since then, the Bundesnetzagentur energy regulator, acting as trustee, has had to buy replacement gas on the market to fulfil supply contracts with German municipal utilities and regional suppliers. Welt am Sonntag reported that Economy Minister Robert Habeck estimates an extra 10m cubic meters per day are required, which would currently cost about €3.5bn a year.

    Further costs arise from the filling of the Rehden natural gas storage facility which Habeck ordered on Wednesday, it said. The paper also said the additional costs would be passed on to energy suppliers and end customers in the form of a gas levy from October.”


  8. And for the Free World, Rules-Based Community’s next trick:

    Lavrov called the refusal of a number of NATO countries to let his plane pass unprecedented
    June 6, 2022, 13:16

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the refusal of a number of NATO member countries to allow the plane on which he was traveling to Serbia unprecedented.

    “We received a lot of questions from the media last night and this morning regarding our reaction to the unprecedented decisions taken by some members of the North Atlantic Alliance, and decisions that prevented the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister to the Republic of Serbia. Of course, the unthinkable has happened … A sovereign state has been deprived of the right to implement its foreign policy. Serbia’s international activities in the Russian direction have been blocked”, Lavrov said.

    The Minister also pointed out that the West’s position on depriving Serbia of the opportunity to choose its partners was cynical.

    Earlier on Monday, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry explained the refusal to allow Lavrov’s plane to fly to Serbia. According to the Bulgarian ministry, the country did not allow overflight over its territory because of European Union (EU) sanctions.

    The Russian Foreign Minister planned to meet with Vucic on June 6-7 to discuss issues of bilateral political and economic cooperation, as well as topical international issues.

    Back on June 5, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic noted that the situation with the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister was “extremely difficult”. According to her, Vucic personally handled the logistics of the Russian minister’s flight, but even this did not guarantee an unambiguous answer to the question of whether his visit to the country would take place.

    Later in the day, the media reported that three countries — Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro — had closed their airspace to Sergey Lavrov’s plane.

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, in turn, that the countries that closed the sky for Lavrov’s plane, by their actions, closed the next communication channel. The diplomat also guaranteed the absence of an iron curtain on the part of Russia, emphasizing that such rhetoric is typical for EU member states.

    What’s the problem? Free and open discussion with Orcs is not allowed. Get it?


    1. These are, of course, the same people who have been proclaiming loudly that Ukraine has the right to chose any alliances it wants – any country, they say, can freely choose its alliances. Unless you’re a country that wants a friendly relationship with Russia. Then you find that particular choice is not on the menu. Nowhere in this wide world are there scales large enough to weigh western hypocrisy.


    2. I would cut those Bulgarians right the fuck off; they would get nothing that came from Russia. That’s the second time they have screwed Russia over, although the first time was considerably more expensive. But on that occasion, or a bit after, they claimed to be contrite and begged forgiveness, and I think many interpreted it as ‘We learned a lesson, and we will never do it again”. Well, they did it again, and plainly are so spineless that they will do anything they are told by the EU.


      1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s no country that equals Bulgaria as regards its perfidy towards Russia.

        Russia helped Bulgaria gain its independence from the Ottomans, who were most decidedly plunderers and rapists as regards their Christian subjects; then 40-odd years later, the Bulgarians threw in their lot with the Central Powers and fought against the Entente Powers, which included Russia, of course; then in 1941, the Bulgarians joined in with its ally Nazi Germany in the Invasion of the USSR, before doing an Italian-style change of sides when the Red Army turned up on its frontier.

        And as regards Poland being more ratty towards Russia than Bulgaria, I in fact have met some Poles who are for Russia and who remember the fallen of the USSR during the liberation of Poland from its Nazi yoke. I suppose those pro-Russia Poles whom I have come across hadn’t been got at by Rome. I’ve had my share of Polish Jesuits, believe me!


  9. Well, there’s going to be great entertainment in the UK tonight. No, not a re=run of the Jubilee. It looks as if Johnson is for the chop. Or not … we’ll have to wait until this evening.
    According to the arcane rules according to which the Tory Party MPs have to knife their PM in the back, 25% of the current MPs have to send a letter demanding a confidence vote to the Chairman of the 1922 Committee.
    This has now occurred, as yon chairman told the media this morning.
    The vote will take place at 6pm and the count will start immediately.
    But – will the MPs do it? 180 of them get extra income for doing some ‘ministerial’ paper shuffling, thanks to Johnson’s patronage. Will they dare to elect a new leader – who? La Truss? Ben Wallace? A.N. Other of those joking for position? Or will the be fit and the greased albino pig will escape their clutches again?
    You might like to watch Nigel Farage’s reaction to this news from a few hours ago:

    Me, I’m no Farage, but I did say my bit five hours ago when i published this:

    We’ll have to wait and see how this all plays out … wish us luck.


    1. Daily Telegraph “quoting” Wallace (see above link):

      As Russia’s tactics change, so must our support to Ukraine. These highly capable multiple-launch rocket systems will enable our Ukrainian friends to better protect themselves against the brutal use of long-range artillery, which Putin’s forces have used indiscriminately, which Putin’s forces have used indiscriminately to flatten cities.

      I suppose the following is not reported by DT etc. in the UK:

      Donetsk under massive rocket fire — RT correspondent
      Some 50 Grad rockets fell on neighborhood in capital city
      6 Jun, 2022 11:31

      Kremlin propaganda, see.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course it isn’t – our esteemed MSM hacks don’t read Russian propaganda – and if the DT, the Times or the BBC don’t report something it just hasn’t happened. Simple, that.
        Also of course, since the said MSM report avidly every fart coming out of the Ukrainian Propaganda ministry, it happened, it’s true and any naysayer is deluded and spreading fake news.


      2. I saw an article somewhere, in some British newspaper, which was a collaboration shared with the famous Luke Harding, who can spot FSB agents by their clothing. He referred to the Ukrainian Soviet-era barrage rocket launchers as the ‘Smersh’ system. What a tool. They are ‘Smerch’ – SMERSH was the evil baddie organization in ‘The Man from U.N.C.L.E.’.


        1. SMERSH was the evil Soviet spy agency James Bond battled in the early James Bond novels. Its agents included Rosa Klebb who almost killed Bond with a poisoned knife (I think, it’s been ages since I read “From Russia with Love”). SMERSH didn’t last long, it was soon replaced by Blofeld’s SPECTRE.


          1. In the film it was Lotte Lenya with the ludicrous attempt to stab Bond with the flick knife in her shoe. Although…maybe Colonel Klebb’s successors perfected the concept and technique in the assassination of Markov years later.


            1. In the novel that the movie is based on, Rosa Klebb does succeed in stabbing Bond with the poisoned knife in her shoe and (spoiler alert) the novel ends with Bond going down with his vision all blurry and losing consciousness. Fleming had intended originally for Bond to die after a few novels (“From Russia with Love” was the fourth or fifth novel in the series and Fleming was probably starting to get sick of Bond) but with the novels being so popular, the character had to be revived.


          2. “Rosa Klebs” played by Austrian Vienna-born singer/actress Karoline Wilhelmine Charlotte Blaumauer, aka Lotte Lenya, and composer Max Weil’s widow: fled to the USA from Germany in 1933 when her fellow countryman had become Chancellor of Germany and after having divorced her Jewish husband Kurt Weil, whom she later got together with again in 1935 in New York, where she died at a ripe old age.

            I’ve got very many of her songs on Deutsche Grammophon records, including this:

            “Die Moritat vom Mackie Messer” [The Morality Tale of Mack the Knife] or in English, simply “Mack the Knife”

            The original, menacingly creepy German version.



            1. Don’t know why I first wrote “Max Weil” above instead of Kurt Weil: must have meen thinking of “Mackie”, as in “Mackie Messer”, whilst typing.


                1. I think Lotte Lenya, when young, was rather attractive — in an unconventional sort of way: not drop-dead gorgeous, for sure, but such attractiveness is often superficial and has never really appealed to me

                  The eyes have it! Windows of the soul and all that.

                  The cigs got her in the end though.

                  She had an interesting marital life: married to Weill, divorced, remarried Weill; Weill died and she married again 3 times: her next 2 husbands were both alcoholics and homosexuals, and both died, leaving her a widow three times over. Her third husband was 26 years her junior. She separated from her 4th and last husband, after having never lived with him.

                  Ah well — whatever turns you on!


            2. She’s singing about London. by the way. The song is from Bertold Brecht’s “Die Dreigroschenoper” — “The Threepenny Opera”, set in London. “Mack the Knife’s” name is Macheath, and in one of the first stanza’s lines, she sings:

              An’nem schönen blauen Sonntag
              Liegt ein toter Mann am Strand
              Und ein Mensch geht um die Ecke
              Den man Mackie Messer nennt.

              On a beautiful blue Sunday
              Lies a dead man on the Strand
              And a person walks around the corner
              Who is called Mack the Knife.

              That’s the Strand in London and not a beach, as some translators write.

              “Strand” means “beach” in both in German and English.

              Later she sings of “Jenny Towler” stabbed to death, found with a knife in her breast . . .

              Und das große Feuer in Soho
              Sieben Kinder und ein Greis
              In der Menge Mackie Messer, den
              Man nichts fragt, und der nichts weiß.

              And the great fire in Soho
              Seven children and an old man
              In the crowd is Mack the Knife, whom
              You ask nothing, and he knows nothing.


              1. In 1930 Germany they made a film, and here’s the snippet of the original, actually sung by Ernst Busch who gives it the ‘pattern singer’ treatment:


          3. Oh, yes; that’s right. Actually one of the Man From U.N.C.L.E. team was a Russian, or had a Russian name; Ilya Kuryakin. But perhaps it will be rewritten so that he was a Ukrainian, who jumped everywhere he went.


            1. Yes, Ilya Kuryakin was David McCallum’s character in “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.” TV show.

              Kuryakin’s back story is sketchy – McCallum deliberately played him as a man of mystery – but he is supposed to be from Kiev.

              “… llya Nickovetch Kuryakin was Russian. He was supposed to live in a small apartment and keep a record collection under his bed, but neither of these details were ever shown in the series, either. Beyond that sketchy description, David McCallum was left pretty much on his own to develop the character. He decided to make Illya a mysterious figure, telling an interviewer at the time, “No one knows what Illya Kuryakin does when he goes home at night” …

              … Legend has it that in the early days of shooting, McCallum forgot to remove his wedding ring for the part of Kuryakin. Fans spotted the ring and began to write in, asking if Kuryakin was married. McCallum played along with the joke, continuing to wear the ring until mid-1966, early in the filming of the third season, when his marriage to Jill Ireland ended. After that, we never see Kuryakin wear the ring again, even after McCallum’s remarriage in 1967 shortly before the series ended.

              In the first-season episode “The Bow-Wow Affair,” Kuryakin goes to the hospital to interview a woman who has been attacked by her dog. The woman, who is older than Kuryakin and not particularly attractive, flirts with him. She asks him point-blank, “Young man, are you married?” He responds by paraphrasing Andrew Marvell’s 17th-century poem “To His Coy Mistress”: “Had I but world enough and time…” This seems to be a “no,” but it’s sufficiently vague enough to be a “yes.” In any case, it delights the older woman. (CBN cut this scene from the version it broadcast, possibly to make room for more advertisements. TNT restored it when it began running the episodes.)

              At various times, Kuryakin is said to be from Kiev, holder of a PhD from the Sorbonne, a member of the Russian navy, and a graduate of U.N.C.L.E.’s training school, class of ’56. Considering that the time involved in getting bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees can easily run ten years, one wonders just how old Kuryakin must be to have accomplished all this …”

              Incidentally both David McCallum and Jill Ireland had small roles in the 1957 film “Hell Drivers”. I think this was the film where they first met and they married during the film’s making. The film is famous in part for the number of actors in its cast who were unknowns at the time of its making but who became famous much later. Sean Connery, Patrick McGoohan, Gordon Jackson, Herbert Lom and William Hartnell (the first Doctor Who) also had roles in the film.


              1. I bet in the scene where he forgot to remove his wedding ring, all the dumbasses who were quick to point out the ring were ignorant enough about Russia not to realise that for a “Russian”, he would have been wearing his wedding ring on the wrong hand.

                Russians wear their wedding rings on their right ring-finger. When I got wed, I did too, but some British women colleagues at the time thought I had got engaged. I then decided to put my wedding ring on my left hand, as is done in the English-speaking world, because I didn’t want folk to think I was a daft middle-aged man who had got engaged. I was 48 when I swept Mrs. Exile off her dainty feet.


        2. Harding is a arrogant know-nothing, a hired hack whose principle employer is British State Security. His conceit is unbelievable, in that he believes that the shite that he peddles is so convincingly done by such an authority that he considers himself to be on all matters Russian is swallowed by all and sundry. He claims that his abundant knowledge concerning Russia includes his ability to speak Russian.

          Smersh, as I have noted below, comes from SMERt SHpionam — “Death to Spies!

          Смерч [smerch] means “whirlwind”.


  10. June 6, 2022
    1:00 PM GMT+3
    Last Updated 3 hours ago
    U.S. to let Eni, Repsol ship Venezuela oil to Europe for debt

    HOUSTON/WASHINGTON, June 5 (Reuters) – Italian oil company Eni SpA and Spain’s Repsol SA could begin shipping Venezuelan oil to Europe as soon as next month to make up for Russian crude, five people familiar with the matter said, resuming oil-for-debt swaps halted two years ago when Washington stepped up sanctions on Venezuela.

    Rumour has it . . .


  11. War criminal trials begin in the DPR

    The DPR will be holding its first trial of foreign mercenaries today.

    The first to appear will be two British citizens who were captured in Mariupol. A mercenary from Morocco will be joining them.

    The investigation into their case took place during May and was completed at the end of the month, after which the case materials were handed over to the court.

    According to previous statements, the DPR is planning to hold several stages of the Tribunal for Ukrainian war criminals during the summer of this year.

    The first stage of the Tribunal is planned to be held in Mariupol and is already called the Mariupol Tribunal.

    Given the gravity of the crimes committed, the accused face the highest punishment in the DPR – the death penalty. The death penalty has not been applied in the DPR since 2014.

    PS. After their having been captured, both British characters tried to pretend in their statements to be ordinary soldiers who were “disillusioned” and who “did not commit war crimes”, but these are already typical excuses from the “army of cooks and drivers”.


    1. And not from polonium poisoning, although when he and his glowing mate visited the British Embassy to plead their innocence they were so radioactive the whole building was shut down, and they allegedly left polonium traces everywhere they went.


  12. Biden has outdone himself – a personal best for stupidity. More solar panels will solve the coming energy shortage.

    Biden declared an energy emergency on Monday, saying national security and quality of life are jeopardized by potential shortfalls in power supplies. He invoked the Defense Production Act – originally part of an industrial mobilization effort in response to the Korean War – to spur domestic production of solar panels and other forms of “clean” energy to boost power supplies.


  13. Johnson still has the confidence of the House of Commons.

    Confidence as regards what, I fail to understand.

    Bullshitting, perhaps; a sense of privilege, a sense of assurance in his own incompetence, shagging around, throwing jolly good parties, being a jolly good, exuberant, jovial chap?


    1. Not quite correct: he has the ‘confidence’ of 211 Tory MPs – of which about 180 are on the ‘government payroll’, meaning they’ve got some sort or other ‘ministerial’ post, thanks to Johnson’s patronage. So they wouldn’t vote against him.
      The votes for ‘no confidence’ were 148 – a high number, thus the MSM commentariat have declared him a ‘dead man walking’.

      I explain it all here for those interested in political shenanigans and for the record:
      There’s also the link to the full text of the Tory ‘rebel’ memorandum which led to that no confidence vote yesterday.


        1. Yes, absolutely correct! He has the “confidence” of his party as regards his leadership of the Conservative Party.


          1. The Tories must have had nightmares about Liz Truss, Ben Wallace, Rishi Sunak, Priti Patel, Sontaran Sajid or Cronus the Tarantula being Prime Minister.


  14. Here’s the lowdown from Kiev on how the Ukraine is fighting back at Severodonetsk — the Associated Press journalists write that as “Sievierodonetsk”:

    A Ukrainian regional governor said Monday that the situation in a key eastern town has worsened for defending troops.

    Luhansk Gov. Serhiy Haidai said Monday that fierce fighting was continuing in the city of Sievierodonetsk, which is at the epicenter of the Russian offensive.

    He described the combat situation as “quite dynamic,” adding that the Ukrainian forces had lost some of the gains they made over the weekend but are holding their positions in the city’s industrial zone.

    The Russians have continued intensive bombardment of Sievierodonetsk and nearby Lysychansk, Haidai said.

    Russian forces have been focusing in the capture of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk.

    West of those cities, in the towns of Sloviansk and Bakhmut, cars and military vehicles have been speeding into town from the direction of the front line. Dozens of military doctors and paramedic ambulances worked Sunday to evacuate civilians and Ukrainian servicemen, many of whom had been hurt by artillery shelling.

    Western military intelligence reports say Ukrainian counterattacks in Sieverodonetsk are probably halting the operational momentum Russian forces previously gained by concentrating their combat units and firepower in the area.

    Source: UK boosts Ukraine support with high-tech missile system & More United States News

    Let’s see how it turns out, shall we?


    1. Frederick Kagan of the 4×2 Kagan Clan:

      The fight for Severodonetsk is a Russian information operation in the form of a battle. One of its main purposes for Moscow is to create the impression that Russia has regained its strength and will now overwhelm Ukraine. That impression is false. The Russian military in Ukraine is increasingly a spent force that cannot achieve a decisive victory if Ukrainians hold on. Russian President Vladimir Putin is therefore trying to turn his invasion of Ukraine into a brutal contest of wills. He’s betting his army on breaking Ukrainians’ collective will to fight on in their country. His own won’t likely break. Fortunately, Ukraine doesn’t need it to. If Ukrainians can weather the current Russian storm and then counterattack the exhausted Russian forces they still have every chance to free their people and all their land.

      The New Russian Offensive Is Intended to Project Power It Cannot Sustain
      Frederick W. Kagan
      Mon, June 6, 2022, 11:12 AM

      Thanks to “Reminiscence of the Future” for leading me to the above shite.


      1. Frederick W. Kagan is an American resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a former professor of military history at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

        Robert Kagan

        Mrs. Robert Kagan

        What horror comics!


          1. From the above:

            Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, speaking to Ukrainian and other business leaders at the National Press Club in Washington on Dec. 13, 2013, at a meeting sponsored by Chevron.

            Nuland reminded corporate executives that the United States had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations,” and she literally passed out cookies to anti-government protesters in Kiev’s Maidan square.

            That always bugs me!

            She did not hand out “cookies”: she handed out buns, and judging by the bag from which she handed them out, there must have only been about 30 0r 40 of them which the US Embassy in its munificence had provided.


          2. And ‘defense’, don’t forget, which means providing weapons and money for a favoured foreign country to fight an enemy foreign country, neither of which has ever attacked the United States.

            Liked by 1 person

    2. Sergey, or ‘Serhiy” Haidai is the loyalist governor appointed to head the rebel region by Poroshenko, or perhaps even before him. To the best of my knowledge he does not even live there, nor is his rule as an arm of the Ukrainian national government even recognized there. But he can be counted on to provide newspaper-ready accounts of how the Ukrainians are fighting calmly and ferociously, and how the Russians only win – when they do so – by emotionally blasting the entire place to rubble.


  15. Shite House USA:

    Declaration of Emergency
    JUNE 06, 2022

    Multiple factors are threatening the ability of the United States to provide sufficient electricity generation to serve expected customer demand. These factors include disruptions to energy markets caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change. For example, in parts of the country, drought conditions coupled with heatwaves are simultaneously causing projected electricity supply shortfalls and record electricity demand. As a result, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation have both warned of near-term electricity reliability concerns in their recent summer reliability assessments.


    1. Translation
      These factors include disruptions to energy markets caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

      Antiquated, poorly maintained and under-capitalized grid.

      Still it’s nice to see someone else getting the blame. The last major ‘out-of-the-blue’ outage in NE USA was Canada’s fault until someone noticed it was failure to trim trees near a power line in Ohio.


    1. I wonder why he thinks the coffee aisle is the mot important in the supermarket?

      Some say that coffee drinking has surpassed tea drinking in Russia. I see far fewer Russians drinking coffee than tea. Perhaps the creative class and libtard wannabe Westerners drink more coffee than tea, but from what I can see, yer regular Ivan and Olga prefer to drink tea.


      1. Yeah, he’s a talking about his own British tastes: he says “perhaps the second most important aisle is ‘the sweeties'”.



        1. And Russian chocolate is far better than Alpen Gold and most other European chocolate, not to mention Brish “vegelade” (more vegetable oil than “cocoa butter”), as is Russian ice cream.


          1. Belochka(Squirrel) and Oseniy vals (Autumn waltz), if I recall correctly, both very nice, even back in the 80s.


          2. Come to North America especially the USA.

            I was in the hospital in Ontario when a young Belgian woman who had been severely injured in a car accident was being medevaced home after a long stay in the hospital. She was obviously the pet of the ward as all the staff gathered to see her off. Among many expressions of gratitude she promised to send them some real Belgium chocolate.


        2. Once upon a time in Australia, “the sweeties” would have been “the lollies” or the Lolly Lane.

          Funny how the word “lolly” has only ever been used in Australia and New Zealand as a generic term for a piece of confectionery. We Antiopodeans used to have some distinctive lollies like this one advertised back in an old 1956 TV advert:

          The use of the word “lolly” in reference to money is much rarer down here.

          BTW these ads for Nestle’s Milkybar used to be popular on Australian television:


            1. I still do.

              And so did the delightful Millie Small from Jamaica:

              I watched her live once when she appeared at a local variety club.


            2. “Lolly” has to be on a stick. Other things are “sweeties”, although the old Scottish children’s song has “candy”:

              Ally bally, ally bally bee
              Sittin’ on my mammy’s knee
              Waitin’ for a wee bawbee
              Tae buy some Coulter’s candy

              Turning into the Old Folks’ Hour here 🙂 it’ll be fashion nostalgia next…


              1. As a matter of fact, old bean, only posh kids said “sweets” where I was brung up: scruffs such as I said “toffee” (pronounced “toff-eh”) for all confections.

                Russians say konfety — “confections”, or just simply: shto-to sladkoye — “something sweet”.


          1. I used to like this ad for a Cadbury’s chocolate bar:

            It’s Frank Muir who’s in the above clip: a very talented comic script writer.

            Wouldn’t be allowed now, what with the music being banned Orcish.

            Don’t know why that ad for Carlsberg rat-piss pilsner appears first, though


          2. Excellent. Thanks. I’ve been trying to track down an ad for Glenryck Pilchards featuring a cartoon parody of Peggy Lee’s “I’m A Woman!” – for a friend, honest, but I like it as well – maybe that site has it.


            1. You can watch them and let us know if those mini-Westerns got the Wild West theme down pat. I think those were made in Britain though the last one might have been made in New Zealand.


              1. Hola Jen, (and everyone else) the commercials you posted weren’t broadcast in USA. I would have loved them when I was a kid ,though! Thanks, I love commercials Super-fun to see them even though I guess I should feel bad about that. They seem like they were shot around Joshua Tree. A filming location which is still within the region where producers wouldn’t have to pay the actors and workers more to do their job. The zone.
                But besides that, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs are nice places to visit if any of you are in So Cal. I like NKS, Much cooler than MoA. Big up / hat tip to jen who let me know about this hangout,
                spasibo and rock on!
                But to answer your question regarding the commericals, I think their producers were pretty good about sorting out how we unruly ‘mericans view thangs. Gimme some candy! We are so stupid.
                There is a nice venue for music in Joshua Tree as well, Pappy and Harriet’s.
                Much love.
                Uh oh. I hope I’m not off topic here. I am very sad about what is happening in 404.
                Reading Ilyan Ilyich makes me feel better. At least for now.


            2. They were ads for the “Milky Bar” of segmented white “chocolate”; the “Milky Way” was/is a short, single bar in the Mars range.

              (At a freshers’ piss-up, a particularly evil guy dared me to go up to the bar 50 feet away, face the room, pound the counter and shout out the legendary

              “I’m the Milky Bar Kid and the Milky Bars are on me!”

              Then claimed, with support from co-conspirators, not to be able to hear it the first time, and I was obliged to go back and really roar it out. I’m not bitter, mind.)


      1. All of which Doctorow says applies to Moscow. Stockman’s Moscow was my wife’s favourite shopping haunt; there is an Azbuka Vkusa shop very close to our house, as is there another upmarket place Vkusvill [TasteCity], which she also likes, and 2 very large Perekryostok supermarkets situated about 0.5 mile from each other on the main Tula highway, Volgogradsky Prospekt, leading in a southeasterly direction out of Moscow past our house, which is about 1.5 miles from the Kremlin.

        Перекрёсток,Волгоградский просп., 1, стр. 1

        Life is hell here and the people are revolting!

        Or they are revolting people?

        And Putin is a tyrant, the ruble is rubble and the economy is crashing.


        1. And as regards “culture” in Mordor, Mrs Exile and my daughters are off to the theatre again tis evening. They’re going to watch “Cyrano de Bergerac” — not in Froggish, mind you, but an Orcish translation.


    1. Godda put in your “God willing” haven’t ya, Joe?

      F*ck your “god”!

      No such thing!

      Hail Woden!

      Wodensdaeg tomorrow and I’m off back early in morn to sticks and I’ll mosey along to my Holy Oak when I’m there.


  16. Leo Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ and other works that supposedly glorify the Russian military will no longer be taught in Ukrainian schools, Kiev’s ministry of education announced on Tuesday.

    Tolstoy’s internationally recognized masterpiece joins other classic Russian books banned in Ukraine long before the current conflict.

    “All these will be completely excluded from foreign literature,” first deputy Minister of education Andrey Vitrenko said in an interview with the TV channel Ukraine 24. “So, for example, ‘War and Peace,’ this will not be studied in Ukraine anymore.”

    The ministry is still working on the final list of works by Russian writers that will be excluded from the curriculum, Vitrenko added.

    Ukraine to ban ‘War and Peace’
    7 June

    Why don’t they just burn all Russian books? T


    1. Oh, who cares what Ukrainian kiddies study? Self-inflicted ignorance is still ignorance, and it is plain Ukraine is willing to harm itself and its people if it gets a momentary thrill from getting up Russia’s nose. Those areas of the former Ukraine which are sovereignty-associated with Russia will study what Russian kids study, and if Ukie kids learn that Ukrainian heroes dug the Black Sea and Ukrainians walked with mammoths, they will be the ones who look foolish.


    2. IIRC the University of Florida Regents, a few months ago, voted to rename the Karl Marx Reading Room because of the Russian Special Military Operation. Perhaps you can hear me pounding my head against the table?


      1. I’m willing to bet very many of them at the University of Florida think that Herr Doktor Marx was a Russian.

        Rear-Admiral (retd.) Kirby graduated from the University of Florida.


  17. Never ending Khokhol liars!!!

    UN comments on grain stealing allegations
    The organization doesn’t have proof that Russia has been illegally exporting Ukrainian grain

    The UN is unable to verify accusations raised by Kiev against Moscow of “stealing” and exporting Ukrainian grain, Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, has said.

    Asked about the claims by a reporter during a news briefing on Tuesday, Dujarric said that neither the UN Secretary-General’s office nor the UN World Food Programme (WFP) had any credible information on the matter.

    “We’ve seen recent media reports, we’re talking to our colleagues at WFP. They have no way of verifying these allegations. I think WFP, as we all have, has been advocating for a free movement of food from the Black Sea to ensure that the needs of people around the world are met,” the official stated.

    And then there is the Russian artillery shelling grain silos. Lying bitch von der Liar says so, because the Khokhly liars told her so, not to mention raping little girls, old women, sodomising baby boys and men . . . Imean, what can you expect from the Moskaly?

    I say it again and again: Yukietards are inveterate liars are retards; it’s caused by their diet.

    Not all of them, of course, but very many are.


  18. Yukies are already beating up old people in Russia for supporting the special operation!
    Lawyers, please help so that this scum doesn’t get off lightly!

    In Moscow, a Ukrainian man beat up an 84-year-old lieutenant colonel for supporting the special operation.

    The pensioner was taken to an intensive care unit with concussion and brain contusion, a broken jaw and bruises. The victim’s daughter told the journalist @Nelya_Ishmeeva about this. The incident occurred on March 5, but the grandfather has still not recovered.

    According to his daughter, the attacker was their 57-year-old neighbour, a native of Kiev with dual citizenship (Russia and the United States).

    Relatives of the victim are outraged: the accused faces a maximum of 1.5 years suspended. Earlier, they were informed that the case had been reclassified with a less severe charge – from intentional ito health to moderate infliction of harm of moderate severity.

    I suppose that is a change from “grievous bodily harm” to “actual bodily harm” according to UK law.

    source: Telegram


    1. The BBC “reporter” who manufactured that weepy was Orla Guerin … gawd, I had no idea she was still around …
      And weepy is what she made, see this quote:
      “Her [one of those ‘brave Brit helpers’] voice catches with emotion. The land here is beautiful,” she tells me. “And I was told that if you take a Ukrainian away from that, they will die. Whenever I evacuate a woman, I will pick her a flower from outside her building to take away. That’s the only thing I can do.”
      Omigawd – where’s my towel to cry into …!

      (And anyway, why doesn’t she give a flower to a man? Isn’t that sexist, and has she asked the woman if she really is a woman?)


      1. I live in Canada. Amazing number of Ukrainians survived being transplanted. I even have a Ukrainian Catholic Church about 1.5 or 2 km from here.


    2. “The team regularly travel to and from towns and cities in the path of Russian forces who are grinding forward across the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Shelling is a constant threat. One run was so risky they were ordered by the Ukrainian military to put their body armour on.”

      Grinding forward in retreat, that is, of course. And ‘so risky’ they were ordered to put their body armour on? What the fuck do they do with it normally – carry it? It’s like saying “One mission was so risky, the soldiers were ordered to load their weapons”.


      1. To be fair, in Peter White’s memoir* of the part played by the King’s Own Scottish Borderers in the late 1944 onwards campaign through NW Netherlands and up to Bremen, he mentioned the almost daily charges against troop members for forgetting weapons, or ammunition, going on patrol without their helmets, &c. And those were country boys, many of them used to working with weapons.

        * “With the Jocks” – diary discovered after his death, I believe. Very interesting.


  19. The narrative is definitely changing. ‘We’re basically cannon fodder’ would never have made it into a CBC story a month ago…but, suddenly, voila, undisguised doom and gloom from the front…spun, of course, as a send-more-weapons sob-story. The usual crimes of omission/distortion in the overall analysis are still present–e.g. no mention of constant DPR/LPR civilian casualties; and the deliberate Russian withdrawal from Kiev is called a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, etc. But the future’s no longer bright and there’s no boasting–just shot-up survivors lamenting their lot.
    Meanwhile, I’m hoping this is mainly spin of another sort: not anti-Russian, pro-West, but anti-everbody-who’s-capitalist,-Russia-included; because it’s not good. news.
    But then maybe there’s more omission/distortion at work here too–and plus, they did do an article that painted a far brighter picture a week or so ago. The takeaway: When it comes to rare earths and critical minerals, Russia is dripping with wealth and clout.


    1. Perhaps its purpose is to convince Yurrup that if it just holds out a little longer, Russia will collapse. So that Yurrup will itself collapse. Because it’s not in good shape. GDP growth forecasts have now been revised downward to a peeyewny 2.7%, while inflation is expected to reach record highs of 6.8%. I think that’s optimistic. For some reason I’ve never been able to fathom, the prescription for dealing with this by the financial industry is always to raise interest rates. Granted, it curbs borrowing, but it also kicks mortgage payers right in the goolies. Of course the banks get richer, because they always do; that’s a given.

      No better in the Shining City On A Hill, where gasoline is now at a record high of $4.87 per gallon, expected to reach $5.00 by the end of the month, and perhaps an incredible $6.00 per gallon by the end of summer. It’s killing the travel industry.

      I was amused by Gwyn Morgan’s commentary in today’s paper – he’s a longtime industrialist and top executive, and he knows business. He’s an opponent of climate-change scaremongering, and when he says something is a statistical fact, it usually is. Here he kicks Trudeau all over the front yard over his moonie fantasy attitude to ‘renewables’ and the peculiarly Canadian hobbling of its oil and gas industries. Waiting for some rich American to come in and take them over, I guess. Anyway, he doesn’t think much of electric cars.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I always thought electric cars were a niche market for the affluent and smug, not the answer to anything. This just seals it–now I’ll never be a Muskovite. (Too bad he’s so wrong about Ukraine, but I guess you can’t write for a Canadian daily without toeing the party line on that subject. ) Me, I’ve got a bike, a Toyota and a short work-commute, so I’ll survive the summer at least–whereas Europe will apparently be drowning in yellow vests and restive refugees. And by winter I expect a lot of lifted sanctions, because I think the eurocrats are only mostly insane, not totally. Could be wrong, of course.


        1. Your take has my vote; I think you are probably right, and there are signs already that some world leaders are pressuring Elensky to accept a negotiated settlement which would most certainly be negotiated with Russia. It is not hard to see your way from there to Ukraine being arm-twisted into stipulating to Russia’s conditions regarding neutrality and never being a member of NATO – conditions the Ukrainians were ready to talk about two weeks after the war started, but which the United States and UK would not permit, because war was ‘bleeding Russia’. I wonder if there will ever be any acknowledgement of how much it ‘bled Ukraine’, only to have it settle for the same conditions?


        2. I recommend reading the articles by Vilches at the Saker Blog(often repetitive, just to drive the message home) about the real issue with Germany cutting off Russian oil supply.
          His latest blogpost
          is sort of the summary, however, previous articles speak at length about the technical issues.

          As to E-mobility. It is a scam, as is the promotion of hydrogen as fuel, that only makes sense if it can be produced with excess electricity via electrolysis. Everything else “blue or gray” is just nonsense. What folks forget is that hydrogen is a derived and not a primary power source like fossil, hydrocarbon-based energy.


      2. I own and drive a Mustang Mach e. Love it – fast, quiet, handles great, looks good and meets 95% of my driving needs with a 240 mile range in winter and 310 miles in summer on average. No oil changes, no filters, no transmission, no nothing. Electricity costs (home charging) is about $10 for 300 miles of driving. DC charging stations (which I have yet to use) costs about 4 times more making the driving cost close to that of a gasoline powered car. I like to think that most of the electricity for my car comes from a nearby nuclear plant or another (nearby) coal-fired plant. No green motivation – I just like the technology.

        The grid will collapse if a large percentage of cars where electric short of a massive investment in electric power distribution. A strong economy could probably afford the cost. Hydrocarbon consumption would hardly change as the power needs to come from somewhere although natural gas power production (and coal as well) would increase while oil consumption would drop although remain high for cargo transportation and aviation. In an ideal world, nuclear power would take over much of the electric power production leaving hydrocarbons just for cargo transportation and feed stock for plastics production thereby stretching reserves for many more years.

        Absolutely no potential for battery powered long hauls trucks,nor planes – that is not worthy of serious consideration (remember Musk’s electric semi that was to revolutionize long haul trucking beginning in 2019?) . Electric powered trains using overhead power lines make a lot of sense, again for “non-green” reasons.

        The author took a harsh and entirely wrong position regarding Russia and the Ukraine. It was noted in a recent article (and confirmed by my experience) that many/most Americans are highly skeptical of all things US government and MSM yet accept the anti-Russian BS. There is a deep-seated hatred or at least mistrust of Russia/Orthodoxy mostly fostered by the Catholic church in my opinion.


        1. Never driven a car, me — never learnt how to. Does that make me into a shit-kicking hayseed, some sort of social retard, or a squeaky-clean “Green”.

          Had a 500 Norton as a youth, though.


          1. My brother had a Norton 750 – he loved that bike. There was virtually no option in the US other than to drive. Not so much now with video games, porn and drugs taking over the lives of youth living in their parent’s basement.


        2. No idea why you mention the religious card here. I grew up Catholic in a Catholic household till I became a fundamentalist atheist at 16, but during my pevious, although not very consistent or thorough indoctrination, I was not made aware that there was any animosity towards the orthodox church.
          Quite the opposite, my mother was, after a visit to a Russian church somewhere around Frankfurt a.M., very impressed with their service.
          That animosity was mostly reserved (till the ecumenical movement came along) for the Lutherans (“die Evangelischen”, to pronounce with heavy disapproval in your voice)


          1. My issues are with the Vatican and their alliance with London. I have many Catholic friends and there is no animosity whatsoever. Please aquatint yourself with the actions of Croatia during WW II toward the Serb Orthodox – slaughter & torture on a mass scale in the name of Catholicism. Looking further back, the Crusades were directly more so against the Orthodox world than efforts to recover Jerusalem. It’s been that way a thousand years to varying degrees. Nothing has really changed other than the diminishing influence of the Catholic church in a secular world but their power is still strong in Eastern Europe which makes them useful partners for the Est.

            The battle here is not person vs person but the ruling elites which includes the Vatican. As discussed many times by me in this blog, I also have many Muslim friends and in fact Islam has been less aggressive and harmful that the Vatican towards the Serbs.

            Much more to discuss but not today.


            1. Please aquatint yourself with the actions of Croatia during WW II toward the Serb Orthodox – slaughter & torture on a mass scale in the name of Catholicism.

              I am very aware of what one priest especially did in conjunction with the Ustascha in Kroatia, thank you.
              I fail however to see what specifically this had to do with Catholicism, when the basis of the Serb’s extermination was driven by Croatian nationalism supported by the German Nazis.
              There was a priest involved, Miroslav Filipović , who was later defrocked after his actions had become known to the Vatican in 1942.

              The Vatican has a lot to answer for, and also many of the religious orders supported by it.

              But to claim a direct responsibility of the Vatican for the slaughter of the Serbs detracts from the actual roots of virulent nationalism that has to with a drive to create an ethnically pure Croatian state than religion. This is similar to the idiotic claim peddled that the conflict in Northern Ireland was (is) a religious conflict instead a conflict based on British colonialism and occupation of Ireland.

              “Islam has been less aggressive and harmful that the Vatican towards the Serbs.”

              It seem to me that instead of advising me regarding the Vatican’s attitude towards Serbs you should rather take a look at the history of the role of the Muslim Izetbegovic:… had begun his career as recruiter for the SS Handschar party which Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler had set up for Bosnian Muslimsand which was led by the fanatically anti-Semitic Mufti ofJerusalem.

              Click to access srebrenica_massacre_rev_3.pdf

              “Izetbegovic’s Islamic Declaration, first
              circulated in 1970 and published in time for his 1990 campaign for the
              presidency of Bosnia Herzegovina, stated: “There can be no peace or
              coexistence between the ‘Islamic faith’ and non- Islamic societies and
              political institutions… Islam clearly excludes the right and possibility of
              activity of any strange ideology on its own turf.”

              and it gets better:

              “Bin-Laden and his military chief of Staff Ayman al-Zawahiri
              helped establish the Mujahadeen fighters as a force in Bosnia, mostly as
              special forces of the 7th Corps of the Bosnian Army in Central Bosnia.
              Bodansky notes that support for the Bosnian Muslims was the first time
              that Shiite and Sunni Muslim terrorist organizations worked together.”

              and better:

              “Since the end of 1991, however, the Muslim National Council
              had been preparing armed insurgents with rifles and uniforms and
              began to deploy hardened criminals to serve as paramilitaries, a tactic
              later used by some Serb and Croat leaders.”

              and doesn’t stop there

              “The massacre of Serbs at Kravica, typical in most ways of these attacks,
              gained notoriety mainly because it occurred on Orthodox Christmas,
              January 7, 1993. The total number of those massacred is unknown,
              but Stankovic examined 48 corpses of people who had been murdered
              on their most important holiday. According to Joan Phillips, by March
              31, 1993, 1200 Serbs had been killed and 3,000 wounded, adding:
              “Today, there are virtually no Serbs left in the entire Srebrenica municipality.
              Out of 9300 Serbs who used to live there, less than 900 remain.
              Out of the 11,500 Serbs who used to live in the Bratunac municipality,
              more than 6000 have fled. In the Srebrenica municipality, only three
              Serbian villages remain and around 26 have been destroyed; in the
              Bratunac municipality, about 24 Serbian villages have been razed. The
              last major Serbian villages in the vicinity of Bratunac and Skelani were
              attacked and destroyed on January 7, 1993.”

              And under whos leadership?

              “Born in nearby Potocari, Oric had worked as a Belgrade policeman,
              and for two years as a bodyguard for Serbian President Milosevic, but
              had been fired for theft at the end of 1991 and returned to Bosnia. Tursunovic
              was in jail in Zenica, part way through a 15 year sentence for
              murdering three Muslims in 1986, when he was released from prison at
              the end of 1991 by President Izetbegovic and assigned to be Deputy
              Commander in Srebrenica.”

              I grant you this pales against the hundreds of thousand killed by Croats, but I guess it was not too shabby considering that all happened under the eyes of the UN and supported by the Clinton administration.


  20. From the second link:

    The Kremlin is deeply concerned that popular anger over the collapse of the economy will not just be directed against the West for its punishing sanctions, but at the state for its disastrous invasion of Ukraine</b? and the miserable consequences of 30 years of capitalist restoration.

    Emphasis added. Apparently SWSW is cheering for the Nazis. How times have changed.

    The SWWS should be happy that Russia is fighting a war against the international Deep State. .It may be a death match far more impactful on the struggle for freedom than quibbling over the type of economy. If Russia achieves a complete victory, no more rule by the narcissist class.


  21. Yes, I was shocked they called the SMO “disastrous”–basically endorsing the MSM’s whole quagmire narrative. Maybe Putin’s Lenin-bashing speech in February ruffled their feathers. They’re totally unillusioned about American political motives–they get that it’s a proxy war to destroy and dismember Russia–but then they assume that Russia is just a lesser version of the same horror, which is moronic…or maybe entirely predictable, if you believe nothing but a global Trotskyist revolution can save us and all other political projects are anathema. I’m disappointed they miss the main point–that US hegemony is getting punched in the teeth and much of the world is cheering. I always thought socialists would side with the Global South. As you say, their stance puts them in the wrong camp. It’s a weird world.


    1. I don’t know enough of history here but some socialists seem to be supportive of DPR, LPR and more enthusiastically wanting Ukranians dead, not being happy with Russia per se at not wanting the same. People like Corbyn seem to be in some kind of p*ssing contest with other prominent left politicians about who doesn’t like Putin the most (and generating a lot of nice free publicity for themselves in the process). Am going to Yorkshire briefly next week and meeting a bunch of socialists , will see if same there.


      1. The leader of the Labour Party was named after an old style socialist Kier Hardy. What a travesty!

        Are you going to what we used to jokingly call back in the day “Republic of South Yorkshire” Nicola?


        1. Unfortunately just passing through onto Leeds this time but when I lived in Leeds we did join up on a lot of NHS campaigns with Doncaster, Sheffield, Rotherham campaigners and the groups still do. I still do stuff online for Leeds. There were 4 members of Communist party of GB from the fifties, sadly past or moved away now. That was when I first heard the word Donetsk, I was doing loads of NHS stuff then and we wanted to join up on one campaign but they said they couldn’t because of Donetsk and I had no idea what they meant at the time. I think 2 of them in brass band, 1 of them used to play trumpet on some of marches, great guys.


  22. What do all you misguided Putinversteher and Kremlin Stooges make of the following?

    7 hours ago
    Sberbank has suspended payments in Chinese yuan
    The measure is temporary and has affected participants in foreign economic activity, the bank says.

    Since June 7, Sberbank has stopped making cross-border transfers of corporate clients in Chinese yuan, as well as transfers in this currency to other banks in Russia. This was reported to the Vedomosti correspondent by an employee of the call centre for legal entities. The operator could not name the reason for stopping transfers in Chinese yuan.

    A representative of Sberbank confirmed the information, adding that it was a temporary suspension of payments. “This temporary measure has affected corporate clients-participants in foreign economic activity who conduct settlements in Chinese yuan”, he said. The bank is currently working with its Chinese partners to resolve the situation and restore settlements.

    The operator called transfers in yuan to the Russian branch of Bank of China using the SWIFT code an exception: the code is a unique identification code of a bank or other settlement participant, which is assigned to the organization when connecting to the SWIFT system and is used for transferring funds from one state to another between banks participating in this system.

    Earlier, a screen appeared in Telegram channels with a message from Sberbank to one of its clients, which stated that settlements under contracts for foreign economic activity (FEA) in Chinese yuan should be made in other banks, and that this can be done without transferring contracts. Cross-border transfers in June were stopped “owing to the policy of the correspondent bank”, Frank Media wrote.

    Starting from June 1, individuals can purchase Chinese yuan in cash, which means that they can make transfers, the operator of the Sberbank call centre branch for individuals told Vedomosti. She did not know about the restriction on cross-border payments and transfers.

    Because of tough sanctions, Sberbank, VTB, Promsvyazbank, Otkritie Financial Corporation, Sovcombank will not be able to issue cards of the Chinese payment system Union Pay, as it is afraid to cooperate because of the risk of secondary US sanctions, RBC wrote.

    June 6, Sberbank faced difficulties in converting rupees into rubles, Reuters reported, citing a letter from the Indian company Indian Potash. In early February, the company opened an account in rupees at a branch of Sberbank in New Delhi, and then made the first payment – 1.77 billion Indian rupees ($23 million). The next day, a representative of Sberbank denied this information, noting that “the seller and the buyer are in the process of discussing the details of settlements, which the bank cannot comment on, and there are no complaints against the bank”.

    Citizens have already grown interested in the yuan, which they use to diversify their savings and invest part of their funds in financial instruments that are more reliable from the point of view of geopolitical risks, according to the latest review of the Bank of Russia on financial stability risks. According to the regulator, since the beginning of the crisis, individuals have purchased yuan on the exchange for a total of 27.3 billion rubles. Whereas in January 2022, citizens conducted single transactions with the yuan on the stock exchange.

    Since March, many banks have been showing business interest in June, for example, Rosbank, Promsvyazbank ,FCOtkritie, Credit Bank of Moscow and others have started opening deposits in Chinese currency and expanded the list of operations for legal entities.

    At the end of March, the Chinese authorities did not rule out that they could switch to rubles and yuan in energy trade with Russia, TASS wrote.

    I wonder who is interfering in these transfers?

    Tough question!


    1. If all European buyers of Russian energy are required to pay in roubles, it stands to reason that all other energy buyers (including Chinese buyers) must pay in roubles. Otherwise EU nations that are supposed to pay in roubles for Russian energy could try to circumvent the rule by paying in other currencies including Chinese renminbi.

      Perhaps this is what has already happened, that a buyer who should be paying for energy in roubles and has been sanctioned for refusing to pay in roubles is instead trying to use Chinese currency to buy Russian energy through a third party. Sberbank needs to investigate who this third party is. There could be many such third parties pretending to be Chinese clients when they’re not. This kind of investigation surely takes time and may be the reason for the suspension of payments in Chinese currency.


      1. This is a possibility I certainly had not considered. While the Chinese have been quite steadfast allies of Russia this far, they have in some ways remained cautious and uncommitted, and official statements are often studies in ambiguity. We should not become so sentimental that we forget China’s propensity to act in its own interest, although I believe China values its alliance because the west is less likely to attack China while it remains closely allied with a military power that makes the west cautious. Then, too, there is the possibility outside interests are pretending to be Chinese in order to access cheap energy. The political west is virulently opposed to buying energy in rubles.


      2. It ain’t necessarily so, Jen. To the best of my knowledge, only “unfriendly nations” are, at present, required to pay in rubles.
        But it’s worth noting that many Chinese financial institutions, especially the more Western facing ones, have been very cautious, likely due to worries about secondary sanctions. This may significantly complicate ruble-yuan exchanges (my best guess, it’s all a bit opaque to me)


    1. Yes, awareness seems to be dawning that Ukraine is not going to win in any military or political sense, and that cutting losses might be a smarter strategy. Zelensky is already trying to soft-sell it to his own electorate by claiming that although Ukraine is giving ground here and there, it is always taking it back somewhere else. He is still publicly scornful of any suggestion of a ‘negotiated settlement’, although he must be chagrined to think how recently it was he owned the UN and they were all standing to applaud him in his sweaty T-shirt.

      The reason contortions employed to try to continue promoting the fairy tale in the news that Ukraine is completely in the right and Russia is losing, but at the same time acknowledge new realities, are amusing. Here’s an example.

      “Ukraine, long known as the “bread basket of Europe,” is one of the world’s biggest exporters of wheat, corn and sunflower oil, but much of that flow has been halted by the war and a Russian blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. An estimated 22 million tons of grain remains in Ukraine. The failure to ship it out is endangering the food supply in many developing countries, especially in Africa.

      Russia expressed support Wednesday for a U.N. plan to create a safe corridor at sea that would allow Ukraine to resume grain shipments. The plan, among other things, calls for Ukraine to remove mines from the waters near the Black Sea port of Odesa.

      But Russia is insisting that it be allowed to check incoming vessels for weapons. And Ukraine has expressed fear that clearing the mines could enable Russia to attack the coast. Ukrainian officials said the Kremlin’s assurances that it wouldn’t do that cannot be trusted.”

      So Ukraine cannot ship out any grain because of a Russian blockade. But Russia (and the International Maritime Organization) says it is because of the mines Ukraine laid outside the harbor at Odessa. And Ukraine will not remove them, because it says if it does, Russia will exploit the weakness to attack Odessa from the sea. What, doesn’t Ukraine have any more of those ship-killer missiles? And the idiot who is currently President of the Council of Europe backs Ukraine, saying Russia cannot be trusted and everything it says is a tapestry of lies. Okay, then – no grain for you.


        1. If Odessa is protected by a ring of US-made steel, why does it need the approaches mined, and why does it refuse to remove them even though that is specified as the main reason its grain crop is becalmed in harbor? When the world is allegedly desperate for Ukrainian wheat to avert a global food crisis? Is this the same Ukraine that claimed the world should give generously to its cause?


    1. Aslin’sMP Robert Jenrick told BBC Radio 4 that the trial was “a completely outrageous breach of international law and it should be condemned”.

      “The Russian authorities have chosen to make an example out of these two British nationals and it is, I think, completely shameful.” He said he hoped that a prisoner exchange occurs “in the near future”.

      Get fucked!


      1. Tough shit, chaps!

        A clever plan. Foreign mercenaries to be sentenced to death in Donetsk, but not shot
        Jun. 9th, 2022 at 5:07 PM

        ” . . . one of the sources in the DPR told us, asking not to give his name or place of work. — You have already heard the statement of British officials: if the death sentence is imposed on the subjects of the British Queen, they will appeal this sentence to us, that is, to the judicial authorities of the DPR. Do you understand what this is? This is the actual recognition by Britain, the main curator of Ukraine from the collective West and the main ally of Ukraine in Europe of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

        Point of information: there have long been very few persons now classified as “subjects of the British Queen”: the two bastards above are British citizens.


        1. Sputnik:

          Three Foreign Mercenaries Who Fought for Ukraine Condemned to Death by DPR’s Supreme Court
          44 minutes ago (Updated: 3 minutes ago)

          All three earlier pleaded guilty to acts aimed at seizing power by force, with one of them additionally pleading guilty to undergoing training for carrying out terrorist activities. According to DPR laws, the highest punishment for attempting to seize power by force is a death sentence.

          Donetsk People’s Republic’s (DPR) Supreme Court has sentenced three mercenaries captured while fighting for the Ukrainian forces, UK citizens Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, as well as Moroccan Saadun Brahim, all received death sentences. DPR laws only allow for one form of capital punishment – through firing squad.

          The convicts, however, can appeal the court’s decision within one month, the presiding judge said.

          All three mercenaries earlier pleaded guilty on charges of trying to seize power by force, which is punishable up to death in accordance with DPR laws. UK citizen Aiden Aslin also pleaded guilty to undergoing training for the purposes of engaging in terrorist activities. The court ruled that all three received payment for fighting on the side of Ukrainian forces.

          One of the lawyers for the captured mercenaries said that the defence is planning to appeal the court’s decision and try to spare the three the death penalty. The defendants can also request that DPR’s government authorities pardon them – in this case their death sentences would be replaced with 25-year prison terms.


          1. The Donbas republics in my view should have waited for the conclusion of the war before holding trials.

            Why do it now and create a political issue.

            Russia will be blamed for this and Lavrov or the foreign ministry will be forced to become involved in this issue.

            They have enough to deal with – being accused of causing world hunger for example!

            Also what about the possible impact on their own POW? Ukraine could take similar actions

            They should have waited until the war was concluded and until these men were not such a hot topic.


            1. Completely disagree. 85% of the world’s population (as expressed through their respective governments) are either neutral or support Russia’s SMO so no problem there. Creating a political issue in the West is a moot point. And this “show trial” may save the lives of many would-be mercenaries who come to their senses regarding a military soiree in the Ukraine. And it must bring a sense of justice served to the victims of Ukrainian shelling of civilians in the Donbas.

              If they are to be executed by a firing squad, let some the family members of the victims participate (not likely and probably not a good idea but it would send a message).


            2. I wonder if the point of the trials and death sentences is, as Moscow Exile posted above, a means of forcing the UK and any other western country whose citizens are captured in similar circumstances, to negotiate with the two independent republics. And any such negotiation or even approach confers international recognition on the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.


              1. It could be that, but I suspect is is geared toward exchange of prisoners of war. If so, the sentences may be soon commuted to avoid the death penalty. However, if that was the reasoning, it was smart to start out with ‘Death’, because it implies an urgency to conduct negotiations to prevent it from happening before some agreement can be struck. In such circumstances, the republics might be able to negotiate the return of several, perhaps many prisoners in exchange for just one or two foreigners who are condemned to die. It is also richly enjoyable absurdity to hear countries like the UK argue that ‘their boys’ are just good old Ukrainian homeboys and not mercenaries at all. If that is the case, and their roots are in Ukraine, why is Britain arguing for their release and not Ukraine?

                It also establishes the new republics, right out of the gate, as nobody to fuck around with, and I can easily imagine the delicious irony of Europe asking Russia to negotiate on its behalf for their release or exchange. And if I were Russia in that case, I would calmly remind Europe of its near-endless rolling list of hysterical insults toward Russia, and invite explanation of why I would be motivated to help.


                1. One of the reports that I linked above quotes a linked article that is in error on one point I think:

         found the answer to this question. Its source in the DNR said that the republic has far-reaching plans with the “suicide bombers.

                  “I want to say right away, although all three will be sentenced to death, but no one will shoot them. A moratorium on executions has been imposed in the DNR until 2025. But if necessary, it will be cancelled quickly,” a source in the DNR who asked not to be identified by name or place of work told us. – You’ve heard British officials say that if a death sentence is passed on British subjects, they will appeal to us, to DNR courts. Do you understand what this is?

                  I think the “source” above is confusing the legal situation concerning the death penalty in Russia with that of the independent LDPRs. In Russia there has long been a moratorium on the death penalty. The LDPRs have only existed as independent states — in Russia’s point of view at least — for 3 months, and in the eyes of the free world that is rules-based, the separatist areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are part of Banderastan.


                2. There’s something, though, to the point that the UK will recognize their sovereignty – at least tacitly – quickly enough if it believes it can avert the execution of Britons in a very public case.


            3. I think the DPR has pre-empted Ukraine by sentencing ‘its’ foreign legionnaires to death already. They still have an appeal, while if Ukraine tried to play the heavy with DPR prisoners it holds, the foreigners might be immediately shot and Ukraine would get the blame for forcing the issue while there was still a possibility of a negotiated exchange. At any rate, it has let the DPR take centre stage in international negotiations with Ukraine while Russia is more or less in the background.


          1. Oh, some in Britain are howling that the two UK citizens were kosher serving members of the the third strongest army in Europe.

            Best ask that stupid bitch Liz Truss what she thinks.


            1. Oh cry me a river!

              British mercenary says he was ‘duped’ into Ukraine conflict by Western media

              Stupid is as is stupid does!

              He wanted to go on a Russkie shoot. He’d been in the Middle East earlier on a turkey shoot. He thought it was fun killing folk in a war that would have low risk to himself kitted out with his killing toys.

              Hello mum! Here I am in Banderastan “Ukraine”, learning how to kill evil Russians.

              If he ws serving legit in the Yukietard military, why does he have an arm patch showing the British Union Flag and the Yukie rag?

              Was his regiment “The Queen’s Own Loyal Yukietards” or summat?


            2. But do they actually, on paper, have Ukrainian citizenship? Returning once again to the western legal definition of a mercenary;

              1. A mercenary is any person who:
              (a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;
              (b) Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;
              (c) Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;
              (d) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and
              (e) Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.
              A mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation:
              (a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at:
              (i) Overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or
              (ii) Undermining the territorial integrity of a State;
              (b) Is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise or payment of material compensation;
              (c) Is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed;
              (d) Has not been sent by a State on official duty; and
              (e) Is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken.

              — UN Mercenary Convention

              But the Special Rapporteur on Mercenaries has argued an even broader definition of ‘mercenary’ is needed, to cover situations where an individual not otherwise defined as a mercenary by his/her actions seeks to undermine or deny the right of individuals or groups to self-determination. And in such instances where this occurs, the state which recruits, trains, equips or funds such individuals must itself be held responsible and accountable.


              The Lizzerd ought to have sought the professional advice of an international lawyer like Annelina Baerbock before noising it up about her enthusiastic support for British citizens who want to go and fight in Ukraine.


              1. If the UK govt. wants to bail out the Nottingham nerd and his dimwit British “comrade-in-arms” by claiming that there is no death penalty or a moratorium on such in the LDPRs, then it would, I maintain, have to state that they believe that Russian law applies to the LDPRs, but it does not, as far as I am aware, because Russia, at least, recognizes that the separatist regions of Banderastan are independent republics, in which republics there is, as far as I am aware, the death penalty.

                The death penalty in the Ukraine was abolished in 1995 when it entered the Council of Europe and was obliged to abolish the death penalty.

                So to get the two alleged mercenaries off the death penalty, the UK will have to say that the LDPRs are still part of the Ukraine and there is no such thing as LDPR legislation, or say that the separatist regions of Banderastan are Russian with Russian legislation.

                Notwithstanding the fact that the Russian government says that the LDPRs are independent, it is, I believe, highly likely that the LDPRs will very likely do what the Crimea did and become part of the Russian Federation, and if that happens, Russian law with its moratorium on the death penalty will apply to what are now the LDPRs.

                So which way will the cat jump?


                1. Whatever, I am sure that the UK Foreign Minister Truss, with all her amazing diplomatic skills, will bring the whole sorry affair to a satisfactory and happy conclusion.


                2. Oh, I am completely confident.

                  Just as an aside, whatever happened to pre-discussion of a position, with diplomatic and legal experts, before publicly taking that position? Seriously, what the fuck do we pay diplomats for these days if a journalist comes up to them in the street and they just immediately open the front of their head like a garbage chute and bray whatever unrehearsed stupidity is on their mind, based on their own incomplete or even non-existent grasp of the subject? I could do that, and I daresay I would do it for a lot less money. Just in case some country wants to hire me away as their Foreign Minister. I am taking applications.


                3. However, lest it be forgotten:

                  Liz Truss criticised for backing Britons who wish to fight in Ukraine
                  Present and former Conservatives warn that anyone volunteering for combat in embattled country will be breaking the law

                  Liz Truss has been criticised for saying she would back Britons going to Ukraine to join the fight against the Russians, with Conservative colleagues saying this would be reckless and illegal.

                  In an interview on BBC One’s Sunday Morning programme, the UK foreign secretary replied “absolutely” when asked whether she would back anyone wanting to volunteer to help the Ukrainians fighting for their freedom.

                  She told the programme: “That is something people can make their own decisions about. The people of Ukraine are fighting for freedom and democracy, not just for Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe. Absolutely, if people want to support that struggle, I would support them in doing that.”

                  Her comments appeared to run counter to advice on her department’s own website, which says those who travel to eastern Ukraine to “fight, or assist others engaged in the conflict” could be prosecuted on their return to the UK.

                  Until now there has been almost no evidence of foreigners going to Ukraine to join the battle against the Russian invasion. But on Sunday, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said he would be setting up an international legion for volunteers.

                  Dominic Grieve, who was attorney general when David Cameron was prime minister, said that anyone going to fight in Ukraine would be in breach of a law passed in 1870 saying is illegal to enlist in a foreign army at war with a country at peace with the UK.

                  “The comments of the foreign secretary may be entirely honourable and understandable, but unless the UK government gives formal licence to people to go to Ukraine, they would be in breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act and committing a criminal offence,” said Grieve, who left the Conservative party over Brexit.

                  When Grieve was attorney general, the government had to deal with the problem of Britons going to Syria to fight both for and against Islamic State. At the time the CPS warned that even people wanting to fight against the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad would be in breach of terror laws that make it an offence to use violence against a government.

                  Tobias Ellwood, a former soldier who now chairs the Commons defence committee, said he hoped Truss was caught off guard when she made her comments, which she repeated in at least three morning interviews, and that she would retract them.

                  “It is not a responsible policy for Britain to be pursuing in sending untrained civilians into harm’s way, especially as we’ve made the decision to hold back Nato forces,” the former defence minister said.

                  “I really hope we never find ourselves in the position where a mum or dad is having to be consoled because some untrained youngster, with no military experience, has answered this call. We need to be careful.

                  “The irony is that we have one of the most professional armed forces in the world, and yet we seem to be encouraging those without any training – or indeed any equipment – to head to Ukraine. This needs a rethink.” Terror legislation might not apply in Ukraine, where volunteers would be fighting to defend the government, not overthrow it, but the Foreign Enlistment Act would theoretically still apply unless the government were to use an order in council, a privy council regulation, providing a legal exemption.

                  However, Sir Bob Neill, the Conservative MP and chair of the Commons justice committee, said the Foreign Enlistment Act had not been used since 1896 and had been described by the judicial committee of the privy council as an “antiquated piece of legislation”. Neill said that “what’s good enough for fighting Franco is good enough for fighting Putin”.

                  Zelenskiy’s call for people to join his country’s international legion seems to be modelled on the international brigades formed in the 1930s to enable foreign volunteers to travel to Spain to support the anti-fascist forces in the civil war. About 4,000 Britons volunteered, including the novelist George Orwell.

                  At the time Britons fighting in Spain were also told that they risked prosecution under the Foreign Enlistment Act. But in the event prosecuting people for fighting fascism was deemed unrealistic, and the act was never used.


                  Boris Johnson distances himself from Liz Truss’s Ukraine comments
                  Number 10 refuses to back foreign secretary’s statement supporting Britons who want to fight Russian armed forces
                  FEBRUARY 28 2022

                  Boris Johnson on Monday distanced himself from comments by his foreign secretary Liz Truss after she expressed support for Britons who want to go to Ukraine to fight against Russian armed forces.

                  Truss on Sunday said she would “absolutely” support British citizens who wished to volunteer to fight in defence of Ukraine, saying the battle was crucial to protecting “freedom and democracy” in Europe.

                  But Downing Street said that while “we fully recognise the strength of feeling in British people wanting to support Ukrainians”, the government advised against travel to the country.

                  There was further UK policy confusion when the prime minister’s official spokesperson said the government backed regime change in Russia, only for Downing Street to then retract the statement.

                  The British government has said it will not send troops to fight alongside Ukraine’s armed forces after Russia’s President Vladimir Putin launched a full invasion of the country last week.

                  Asked if she would back Britons going to Ukraine to help in the fight, Truss told the BBC on Sunday: “I do support that and of course that is something people can make their own decisions about. If people want to support that struggle I would support them in doing that.”

                  But UK government officials suggested privately on Monday that it may be illegal for Britons to travel to Ukraine in order to take up arms.

                  Defence secretary Ben Wallace warned untrained volunteers not to go against the UK travel advice and suggested said there were “better ways” for Britons to assist amid this “dangerous” situation.

                  Meanwhile, the Kremlin suggested Putin’s move to put Russia’s nuclear forces on high alert followed “unacceptable” statements made by Truss over the weekend.

                  Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson, said: “There were statements by various representatives at different levels about possible conflict situations and even confrontations and clashes between Nato and the Russian Federation.

                  “We consider such statements absolutely unacceptable. I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign secretary.”

                  It was unclear which statements by Truss were deemed unacceptable. As well as backing Britons travelling to Ukraine to fight the Russian forces, Truss also raised concern about other countries getting sucked into the conflict, plus Nato.

                  She told Sky News the conflict “is about freedom and democracy in Europe because if we don’t stop Putin in Ukraine, we are going to see others under threat: the Baltics, Poland, Moldova and it could end up in a conflict with Nato”.

                  UK government officials described Putin’s nuclear alert as a “distraction technique” from Russia’s “slower than expected” military progress in Ukraine.

                  One said: “Nothing Liz has said warrants that sort of escalation, and we obviously take it very seriously and want to keep the situation calm.”

                  Meanwhile, Johnson’s official spokesperson said the sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine were designed to “bring down the Putin regime”.

                  However, challenged on whether removing Putin was official UK policy, Downing Street quickly retracted the statement. “The prime minister’s view is that Putin’s regime, and Putin, must be treated like a pariah state,” it said.

                  Endless doubletalk from HM Govt!


                4. “The comments of the foreign secretary may be entirely honourable and understandable, but unless the UK government gives formal licence to people to go to Ukraine, they would be in breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act and committing a criminal offence”.

                  This is simply excusing inexcusable stupidity and normalising embarrassing commentary by a public official which must immediately be retracted. Is it now ‘understandable’ for a public official to publicly express support for actions which would have international implications, and which are also illegal? Fire the dizzy cow. Tell her to have her desk cleaned out and be on the road by sunset. Jesus Christ, is this what passes for leadership these days?


                5. However, Sir Bob Neill, the Conservative MP and chair of the Commons justice committee, said the Foreign Enlistment Act had not been used since 1896 and had been described by the judicial committee of the privy council as an “antiquated piece of legislation”.

                  Right! So legislation from as far back as 1896 is “antiquated” and of no account?

                  Well how about this for a conundrum, Sir Bob Neill: if Charlie Windsor were suddenly to announce that he had converted to Roman Catholicism, would he become king after his mother had croaked?

                  Now there’s an antiquated piece of legislation for you to discuss, Sir Bob!

                  Parliament drew up the Act of Settlement 1701 which ruled out any Catholics or their spouses from becoming monarch. The new legislation made it clear that no sovereign “shall profess the Popish religious or shall marry a Papist”.


                6. How far back does the law go against discharging a firearm within city limits? Against physically assaulting a police officer in the performance of his duties? Protecting the security of private mail in the postal system? If there has been no violation of it for, say, 50 years, can we safely chuck it out?


                7. Oh bother! What to do!

                  British Russophobe and Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab has said that the UK intends to appeal against the sentences of the dynamic duo losers in Donetsk.

                  However, were this to happen, UK recognition of DPR jurisdiction would be given, and I am sure there is no other state amongst the hegemon’s European lickspittles that is willing to do this — yet. And in any case, it seems that the DPR and LPR governments are at present busy as beavers preparing the way for integration with Russia.


                8. Here’s an idea – forge a branding iron with the words, “Dominic Raab” on its contact face, and then brand them repeatedly with it.

                  No, seriously; no need to torture them, even if they did swank about with an outfit of Nazi freaks like Azov – besides, they’ve already confessed.


              2. “How far back does the law go against discharging a firearm within city limits? Against physically assaulting a police officer in the performance of his duties? Protecting the security of private mail in the postal system? If there has been no violation of it for, say, 50 years, can we safely chuck it out?”

                The term is “desuetude’. Here’s an excerpt from the Wikipedia article:

                English and Scots law

                Legal systems of the world.[3] Common law countries are shaded the darker pink.
                The doctrine of desuetude has not historically been favoured in the common law tradition. In 1818, the English court of King’s Bench held in the case of Ashford v Thornton that trial by combat remained available at a defendant’s option in a case where it was available under the common law.[4] The concept of desuetude has more currency in the civil law tradition, which is more regulated by legislative codes and less bound by precedent. The doctrine went into decline after the Middle Ages, when the idea became prevalent that the king’s assent was required to nullify a law.[5]

                The doctrine lasted longer in Scotland where it appeared to operate as a form of repeal. In Scotland, non-use is not the same as desuetude. Disuse must be accompanied by other identifiable provisions that would make the enforcement of the statute inconsistent: neglect over such a period of time that it would appear that a contrary custom had developed; and that a contrary practice had developed which is inconsistent with the law. Regarding the Scottish application, Lord McKay stated in Brown vs. Magistrates of Edinburgh:[5][6]

                ‘Desuetude requires for its operation a very considerable period, not merely of neglect, but a contrary usage of such a character as practically to infer such completely established habit of the community as to set up a counter law or establish a quasi repeal’”

                I believe that in the classic “Thornton” case of 1818, the accused was acquitted because he arrived kitted out in armour, elected trial by combat and the Court had no champion to hand prepared to take him on…


                1. Trial by combat – what a delightful idiosyncracy! Well, proceeding from the logic “… it would appear that a contrary custom had developed; and that a contrary practice had developed which is inconsistent with the law”, we could certainly abolish the aforementioned law regarding discharge of a firearm within city limits, at least in North America. Public shootings appear relatively commonplace, and the solution offered with monotonous regularity by lobby groups such as the NRA is that all authority figures – including teachers – should go strapped at all times so’s they could throw down, like, on the baddies. Surely saves the expense of a trial.


        2. All moot points – the UK will stage a daring commando raid with embedded BBC reporters to free the freedom fighters.


          1. Complete with helicopters and lots of rappelling, filmed in the eerie green glow of night-vision cameras, with the commandos kicking open doors and shouting “Go!! Go!! Go!!!”

            I know it’s already been done, but it’s been awhile, and the people have a short attention span.


            1. A few stun grenades exploding, our leaders in London and Washington watching live video by satellite link, and a square-jawed royal marine saying “we leave no one behind!”.


    1. Thanks, ME.

      Despite the apparently inexorable doom mapped out, it’s encouraging to learn that things could improve if only there were some modest but heroic individual out there prepared to gird his loins and take on the task of breaking the vicious descent into the abyss and save Russia. Indeed, save The Planet. Someone like Chubais.


      1. What about Navalny? He could be released from prison because The Kremlin is convinced he will fail and be destroyed. But, against all odds, he succeeds!!! The people beg him to lead them, but he contemptuously rejects their plea on the grounds that they would not pull together when he asked them, and instead supported Putin. As the closing credits roll, the hero departs for Mount Thor, where he will live out his life in lonely isolation as the King of Nunavut.


        1. Murmurs were coming from he who is awaiting the call but is now, unfortunately, doing bird, that new charges are being levelled against him.

          Saw a snippet about this last week in the lying, Kremlin controlled press. Never saved it though.


          1. Should have been from him above.

            I should have put he who is awaiting inside inverted commas so as to make that expression his title, thereby not necessitating a change in the personal pronoun “he” from the subject form into the non-subject form “him” because of its being governed by the preposition “for”.


        2. Navalny’s “Anti- Corruption Foundation” is distinguished as the sole campaigners NOT to have investigated Chubais, according to Helmer’s piece.


          1. The whole Navalny shit show was very particular about whom or which organization it “investigated”.

            Some believe the “investigations” were directed by suspected British agent Maria Pevchikh, she whom nobody in Team Navalny could at first recall, resident in London with a book shop business.


    2. Mmmm. The good professor does not explain how the death of Russia’s hydrocarbons industry is going to come about without also wrecking the economy of the United States, where energy companies continue to be significant revenue generators.

      It is inescapable, though, that top companies in the USA – at least those rated as most profitable – are heavily weighted toward tech companies and banks. Perhaps America reasons that now is a good time to leap from the energy bandwagon before it crashes and burns, and that America’s financial future lies with merely investing in successful energy companies which are owned by friendly countries, while it dominates the global tech and banking sectors.

      Looking at Platts and S&P’s global ranking of energy companies for 2021, too, reveals that you need to go a hell of a long way down the list before you arrive at an American company which is a straight-up extractor/producer of oil and gas. For those unfamiliar with the acronym ‘EMEA’, it means ‘Europe/Middle East/Africa’. I looked it up, so you don’t have to. All the way down to around 143, in fact, where you find Chevron. There’s a catch; I believe companies like Kinder-Morgan – which are described as “Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation” – are somewhat involved in the production side as well, but even if you grant that, it’s hard not to notice that in the top 10 global energy companies, only one is American, and its Company Snapshot describes its commercial activities thus: “Enterprise Products Partners L.P. provides midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs), crude oil, petrochemicals, and refined products.”

      Is America losing its energy mojo? Of those same top 10 companies, three are Chinese, two are Indian and one is Russian. Perhaps American energy is no longer offering the ‘leverage’ so beloved of US political figures.

      It’s hard to imagine a country as pragmatic as America could be taken in by all the Thunberg whaleshit about renewables, and the notion that you can simply legislate an electric-car revolution, but stranger things have happened.


        1. Not only is there a ‘material cost to going green’, there is an ongoing material cost to staying green; the figures cited are merely those required to support the current fleet of personal vehicles in the UK. If the population continues to grow, more cars and chargers will be required, cars and batteries wear out and need to be replaced. The imagery used to push ‘going green’ is frequently one in which a cheap and sustainable source of energy using naturally-occurring conditions such as sun or wind or tide or some combination of them all supplies bountiful power to satisfy all our work and play needs. And perhaps it will, when you can just plug in to the sun. Until that time you will still need a device to store, and release on command, the energy gathered.

          An excellent and compelling resource – thanks for posting it.

          Liked by 1 person

  23. The FBI arrests the leading Republican candidate for the governor of Michigan for alleged participation in the January 6 demonstration in Washington DC.

    Apparently this is part of a plan to keep Trump from running (and winning) in 2024. I will vote straight Republican this November simply as a protest against Hilary and her minions. If Trump is allowed to run and wins, he may be a little smarter and more fit be lead the country this time around.


  24. RT

    9 Jun, 2022 21:04
    US admits Russia’s energy revenue increased after sanctions
    Moscow is profiting from soaring oil and gas prices, the US senior advisor for global energy security has said
    US admits Russia’s energy revenue increased after sanctions

    Russia is now getting more money from its fossil fuel trade than it did before the start of its military operation in Ukraine, which prompted some Western nations to target Moscow with a barrage of sanctions, US Senior Advisor for Global Energy Security Amos Hochstein told American senators on Thursday.

    Global energy prices that were already on the rise and have apparently been driven further up by Western sanctions against Russia have helped Moscow alleviate the impact of Western restrictions, the official, who had previously served as the US energy security envoy, admitted.

    When asked whether Moscow was getting more money from its oil and gas trade now than it did several months ago, Hochstein replied: “I cannot deny that.” The official was speaking to the Senate Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation.

    The US moved to restrict all imports of Russian crude oil, some petroleum products, liquefied natural gas, and coal in early March as part of a sanctions drive sparked by Russia’s military action in Ukraine. On Wednesday, Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, said, however, that oil deliveries from Russia to the US had “almost doubled in March compared to February.”

    The EU – which has long been reluctant to impose restrictions on Russian oil imports and targeted financial and banking sectors with its sanctions instead – agreed to introduce a ban on Russian oil in late May. The bloc decided to stop 75% of imports immediately, and 90% by the end of the year. However, Hungary and several other countries were given a waiver due to the inability of their economies to cope without Russian supplies.

    Reports by the media have meanwhile suggested that the sanctions have hardly affected Russia’s energy trade so far. In April, the Wall Street Journal reported that Russia’s oil shipments had grown by 300,000 barrels a day that month alone.

    In mid-May, Bloomberg reported that Russia’s oil revenues were soaring in spite of sanctions and jumped some 50% since the beginning of 2022. The Russian government has also reported that the nation’s oil production was recovering and pointed to some new customers in the Asia-Pacific region that have started buying Russia’s crude.

    India has been one such customer, as Russian oil exports to this country jumped by a whopping factor of 25 in May, according to Reuters. Meanwhile, the sanctions drive has seemingly backfired on the US and its allies. US President Joe Biden declared a state of emergency over energy earlier this week by saying that the nation’s ability to provide sufficient electricity was under threat.

    Last weekend, the American Automobile Association (AAA) reported that US gasoline prices had doubled under Biden and reached all-time highs, amounting to $4.81 per gallon last Saturday. On June 1, the International Energy Agency warned that Europe, which faces soaring gasoline prices as well, might resort to fuel rationing in the face of an unprecedented energy crisis.

    More sanctions!

    Its the only thing to do!


    1. I just wish someone could have foreseen that this would culminate in disaster. He said sarcastically.

      Still, all’s well that ends well, what, what? The crisis should – I say ‘should’, because it seems clearer every day that people’s brains in some countries turn to goo at night and seep out their ears, to be absorbed by their pillows – highlight that in crisis conditions the United States cannot even supply its own needs, never mind being the world’s biggest energy exporter. It should – ‘should’, again – be clear to European, Canadian and Australian vassals and lackeys that the United States will quite happily lead them into ruin based on no other circumstances than its personal convictions that it must lead everything and that it is good at leadership, or something. The United States in its present incarnation is to leadership as gravel is to gears. As cigarette smoking is to marathon endurance running. As overconsumption of pig fat is to decisionmaking. The United States stopped being good at global leadership at about the same time its political masters decided what was good for America was good for the world.

      Such a realization has hopefully come too late, and Russia will not simply allow itself to be mollified and made up to, and resume exporting energy to the various and sundry jerkwads who spit on it every day even as it keeps their energy costs what are obviously about half what they would normally be. Love means never having to say you’re sorry, didn’t you know? Well, who’s sorry now? as Connie Francis once warbled triumphantly, although she was far from the first to do so and certainly will not be the last. All part and parcel of expressing my hope that Europe’s sourcing of Russian energy is gone for good, and that rueful entreaties to just forget some hurtful things that were said will be met by a basilisk stare from Moscow, followed by its resumption of the conversation with someone else as if there had been no interruption. Fuck off, Europe. You made your bed, now sob into your pillow.


    1. Russia is turning East and also finding their own unique path neither East or West (North? ha ha). In any event, others may following.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent! I thought he was a Deep Purple man? That’s more Alice Cooper: “No More Mr Nice Guy!”

      Hope he drops by Helsinki. I’m getting concerned about Karl’s well-being since the SMO seems to be going well for the RF.


  25. A big part of the Russia-bad narrative was the Chernobyl nuclear accident. While severe, it was orders of magnitude less so than portrayed in the West and especially by that HBO special. The linkage between evil Russia and bad nuclear everything is a cornerstone of the Western propaganda war. Here are a few of many entertaining videos dispelling such nonsense.



      Of note:

      “Following the fire, the British government downplayed the severity of the accident. [4] British nuclear physicist Sir William Penney’s report on the incident, which was censored, blamed the staff rather than the plant’s structures and operations themselves. Harold Macmillan, then Prime Minister of the UK, mandated that only the summary of the report be published, and it wasn’t until 30 years following the catastrophe that the full report was made available. [1] The Windscale Piles closed for good, and an investigation by Sir Alexander Fleck prompted the 1971 creation of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB).”

      So typical as to be almost formulaic.


      1. Windscale had its name name changed to Sellafield after that disaster so as to disassociate the plant from the accident.

        I remember when the Windscale accident happened, albeit I was only 8 years old at the time, because I was a precocious little bugger.

        I also remember how the Windscale nuclear power plant was marketed to the public: it was claimed that it would generate electrical power “too cheap to meter”.

        Fact was, though, that electricity generated by the turbines there was only a side product, as it were: the principle function of the plant was to manufacture plutonium for nuclear weapons.


        1. Actually, I believe Windscale was built specifically to produce plutonium for H-bomb manufacture.: there was no electricity generation at all there.

          The plant was set up when warmonger Churchill was PM. The so-called special relationship had distinctly cooled off when it came to sharing knowledge about nuclear weapons: the USA had left the WWII field of play with its H-bomb and no one else was going to be allowed to play with it.

          Churchill felt that without nuclear weapons, Britain would no longer be a world power (it had long not been one, in fact) and would therefore have no role to play internationally.

          Such misguided over assessment of the position of the UK in the “world community” is clearly still alive and well.

          Churchill gave the go-ahead for Windscale in 1954, I think, after word had got out from the USA that nuclear arms limitation treaties with the USSR were being considered and as well as a possible end to nuclear weapons by 1958.

          So Churchill gave the green light for to make a UK H-bomb poste-haste. The old fart wanted “The British Empire” to join the big boys’ World Power Club, see.

          What a warmongering old bastard he was! Still stuck in his turn of the 20th century British Imperial Indian Army past, when, in fact, the British Empire was already beginning to fade, albeit it was yet to reach its greatest territorial area during the inter-war years.

          I recall in the early ‘60s, I think, when the UK finally threw in the towel in its attempts to become an “independent nuclear power”. There was a missile called “Blue Streak” which was going to be the UK wonder weapon. Cost a mint it did, and then they scrapped it.

          When does an empire begin to decline in power? — Already long before the time when that question begins to be raised.

          And Frances Fucksinhispyjamas be damned!


  26. Here’s news from Lucy, self-appointed National Shrink to a nation of shitwits:

    03:07 11.06.2022 (updated: 04:45 11.06.2022)
    Arestovich: 10 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in the special operation
    Arestovich has said that the Ukrainian army had lost about 10 thousand soldiers in the special operation.

    MOSCOW, June 11 — RIA Novosti. Alexey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the office of Vladimir Zelensky, believes that up to 10 thousand Ukrainian soldiers have died since the beginning of the Russian special operation in the Ukraine.

    “Yes, somewhere like that”, said Arestovich, answering the relevant question live on air in the “Feigin Live YouTube channel”* (Mark Feigin is included in the list of foreign media by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation).

    The head of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Alexey Reznikov, said on June 9 that the situation at the front is difficult, that Ukrainian troops lose up to 100 people killed every day.

    Factor up 10,000 by how much, I wonder?

    And could that be none other than that very same crap lawyer Mark Feigin, scourge of Moscow show trials and Putin-appointed, bribe-taking Russian judges?

    Yeah verily it is!

    Fucked off to Banderastan he did, which just proves that there are no Nazis there, innit, coz ol’ Mark is kosher.

    15:43 07.06.2022 (updated: 22: 38 07.06.2022)
    Zelensky has admitted that the Ukraine is not capable of advancing
    FT: Zelensky has admitted that the Ukraine is inferior to Russia in technology and was not capable of advancing

    “I am the way, and the truth, and the life , , ,

    MOSCOW, June 7 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky has admitted that the Ukraine is losing to Russia in terms of equipment and therefore cannot attack, the British newspaper “Financial Times” reports.

    We are inferior in terms of equipment, so we are not able to attack. We will suffer more losses, and people are my priority.

    Zelensky’s statement, quoted in the article, from a video conference organized by the publication itself.

    In May, an adviser to the Office of the President of the Ukraine, Oleksiy Arestovich, said that the Ukraine could launch an offensive in early July, when it received the necessary Western weapons.

    Against the background of the Russian special protection operation for the Donbass region, Washington and its NATO allies continue to pump the Ukraine with weapons. Moscow has repeatedly stated that the supply of Western weapons only prolongs the conflict, and their transport becomes a legitimate goal. The new package of US military assistance includes in the transported equipment four modern multiple launch rocket systems HIMARS, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 80 kilometres.

    Vladimir Zelensky had previously promised not to use these systems to launch strikes on the territory of Russia. However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has pointed out that the Ukrainian side no longer enjoys any credibility in Moscow, as the Minsk agreements had ceased to exist and this was the fault of Kiev.


    1. Elenskyyyy is in full Terry Malloy mode now. Following the “revelations” that innocent Uncle Sam feels “duped” by the Ukies failures to provide intelligence on the way the war is going, ‘E is channeling his third-rate Brando and whining about coulda been a contender with, presumably, BoJo or Blinken as Charley sending him to Palookaville on a one-way ticket because they didn’t supply all the toys he wanted.

      Joking aside, the military must really loathe this chocolate soldier, forever posing as “one of the guys.” Totally disgusting. If he manages to avoid being torn apart, he’ll be doing well.


      1. Well I’ve just come back from my Sacred Grove in the nearby forest, where I had a chat to the gods as I was hugging my Sacred Oak, and the gods say that before the end of this month, if not sooner, Elensky will be in a far happier place — probably Florida.


      2. Please enlighten me: who is Terry Malloy?

        Checked out on the web: just says he’s a Scouse actor.

        I’m totally out of sync with all things in the UK.


        1. Sorry for the obscure reference: he’s the ex-boxer played by Brando in “On the Waterfront”; Charley, played by Rod Steiger, is the older brother who makes him “take a fall.”


          1. Just checked out “”On the Waterfront”, which classic I have seen, of course: just forgot the name of the protagonist.

            And I have just found a memorable Terry Malloy quote from that film, which Elinsky certainly should have taken heed of, for his Evil Orc Nemesis certainly has done so:

            Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.


    2. “…and people are my priority”. That kind of sounds like an Elensky attempt to get ahead of the narrative, like when the Azovstal surrender was portrayed as an ‘evacuation’, because ‘Ukraine needs live heroes’. It sort of sounds to me like Ukraine is maneuvering for the negotiated settlement the Ukrainian fire-eaters swore they would never accept.


  27. Gosh! Some days, if it weren’t for bad luck, you wouldn’t have no luck at all, as the Pat Travers Band sang in “Born Under a Bad Sign”.

    A fire follows an explosion at the Freeport LNG export terminal in Freeport, Texas. The terminal will be offline for about three weeks, causing US natural-gas prices to drop (more domestic supply, since they can’t export it) and European prices to leap upward.

    “UK natural gas futures surged around 33% to 172 pence per therm after the outage, while benchmark Dutch gas prices rose just under 12% to 88 euros per megawatt hour. Meanwhile, US Henry Hub gas futures fell just under 5% to $8.27 per MMBtu, as the outage would lead to a rise in domestic supply. “

    Nothing quite like knowing the guy who got you into this mess is grinning like a fool while your head is slipping under the quicksand, is there?

    “Surging commodity prices have plunged Europe into a cost-of-living crisis, as fuel and utility bills have spiraled. UK consumer prices rose 7.8% in April, while eurozone inflation hit an all-time high of 8.1% in May.”

    That Nord Stream II pipeline woulda been pretty sweet right now, wouldn’t it? But your leaders knew best.


    1. What price freedom and democracy?

      Better live in penury than be beholden to the Evil Empire, ain’t that the truth, though?


    2. “Schadenfreude is better than no Freude at all” is a line in one of the Lawrence Block “Hitman” series.


      1. More likely to accuse him of responsibility for the blast reported at the Azot factory.

        b at moonofalabama speculates that a major reason why so few of the lightweight M-777 howitzers aré reaching the forward positions of the Ukrainian Army is that they’re being melted down for the titanium as they arrive in western Ukraine. That, and much more at:


  28. 11 JUN, 19: 57
    Zelensky approved sending territorial defence soldiers to the war zone
    Currently, units of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Ukraine perform tasks within their assigned region or community

    It hurts me grievously to make this decree, but duty calls . . .

    KIEV, June 11. /tass/. President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law that allows the sending military personnel from units of the Territorial Defence Forces to perform tasks in combat areas. This is confirmed on Saturday by data on the site The Verkhovna Rada.

    The document was signed by Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk on May 6 and sent to the head of state for signature on the same day.

    Currently, units of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Ukraine perform tasks within their assigned region or community. After the law comes into force, the possibility of their deployment will be expanded to the entire territory of the country, including not only the combat zone, but also to areas that are, according to Kiev, occupied. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine will make a decision on sending troops to combat areas. According to the Rada website, the law comes into force the day after its official publication. The Cabinet of Ministers are instructed to ensure the adoption of regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of this document within one month from the beginning of the law’s validity.

    At the same time, on June 7, the one-month deadline set by the regulations for signing the law by the President expired. The Ukrainian authorities did not explain this delay in any way.

    Earlier, Ukraine Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that the country needs to increase to 1 million the number of military personnel involved in combat operations.

    In July last year, the Verkhovna Rada adopted and Zelensky signed the law “On the foundations of national Resistance”. On January 1, 2022, on the basis of this law, the Territorial Defence Forces became a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine. As of January of this year, there were 25 territorial defence brigades in the Ukraine, which numbered up to 100 thousand people. In May, Zelensky replaced the commander of the Territorial Defense Forces without explanation.

    Oh, they’ll be rushing to the font from Transcarpathia and such places as Ivano-Frankivsk, I’m sure.

    Moskaly to the knife!

    Anyone who doesn’t jump up and down is a Moskal!

    Bandera is the father of our nation!

    Now what does this remind me of . . . ?

    Volkssturm vorwärts!


      1. I seem to remember vaguely that someone somewhere, before this ‘edict’ really got traction, mentioned that ‘June 31st’ was surely a bit … dodgy?
        I’ve not been able to pursue this further because the last two days I had to be offline.


        1. Indeed. Nevertheless, the comments keep appearing about it. It’s not unknown for errors to creep into documents and perhaps the date was incorrect.


  29. Happy Russia Day!

    A state holiday today.

    Because this year Russia Day falls on a Sunday, we have tomorrow off in lieu.

    I don’t give a monkey’s. I’m in the country and work online from here, today included.


    1. And today is also Russian Orthodox Whit Sunday. My neighbour has just greeted me with “Happy Russia Day” and “Happy Whit”.

      When I was a child, “Whit Sunday” was a big thing in Northwest England, celebrated by “Whit Walks” organized by local churches, which walks were accompanied by religious banners and hordes of young parishioners together with their parents in their Whit best.

      Don’t suppose they have them now.


      1. The percentage of people in the UK who still know what ‘Whitsunday’ even means could probably be said to be in upper-single-figures.


        1. How strange! That “Well Dressing” link above leads to “Wiki cant find any reference to it”.

          Load of cobblers!

          Try this if you’re interested:

          Well Dressing

          The previous link was incorrect.

          This often happens when using my smart phone.

          I’m now using my laptop in our dacha kitchen.


          1. What a lovely tradition! Sadly, i think those skills will have been lost by now.

            There’s a slightly different and very new ‘tradition’ which suddenly appeared in Kairdiff last Christmas. A group of ladies very much into crocheting produced coverings, with crocheted figures attached, for some of the Royal Mail pillar boxes – to the delight of the locals. I think they’re still at it, there was a report recently that such covering with lots of crocheted animals sat on it was ‘discovered’ on a pillar box in Rhiwbina.


  30. Happy Russia Day!

    We respectfully ask you not to expand towards the East.

    Yours sincerely,

    Foreign Ministry

    The headgear shown above from left to right is such as was worn by the armed forces of the German Order, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, by Napoleon Buonaparte, the Wehrmacht.

    Fill in the last square yourself.


    1. Should have been above:

      We respectfully asked them not to expand towards the East.

      Go and tell everyone in foreign lands that Rus’ lives. Let them come visit us without fear, but if someone comes to us with a sword, he shall die by the sword! On that stands and shall stand the Russian land!


  31. Thanks, COLLIEMUM!

    The weather here, some 55 miles west-southwest of Moscow, is now cloudy with outbreaks of sunshine and a temperature of plus 23 °C It was plus 26 °C yesterday. Only problem here, in June at least, is the damned mosquitoes, the Russian variety seemingly having a predilection for Anglo-Saxon blood.

    Natalya Vladimirovna Exile isn’t here though: she may come here later today or tomorrow. Nevertheless, since my arrival here last Wednesday, she has been continuously sending me instructions as regards what to do in the garden.

    No rest for the wicked!

    Waes hael!


    1. Oh, lucky you! ‘Tis much cooler here in Red Wales and even redder Cardiff. As for garden work: the good thing is that one can always say one’s done this and that, as ordered, but sadly, during this time of year so many things (especially weeds) are growing like mad that it looks as if one had done eff all ….

      DO you have a flagpole so you can fly the appropriate flag?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, but I never do. In fact, Russians don’t, as a rule, fly their flags at their dachas.

        Swedes fly their flags in their gardens, though — always! I lived in Sweden for a while and in every garden there, there is a flagpole with a Swedish flag hoisted.

        However, in Russia on every building there are sockets into which flagstaffs can be inserted on national holidays. And trains, trams and buses all have flags fluttering on public holidays.


        1. Interesting: I didn’t know about Sweden – I do know however that they do this in Switzerland, and it’s unheard of not to fly the flag on national Swiss holidays.
          Of course, here in Blighty flying the Union Jack or the St George’s Cross mean you’re a terrible, right-wing naughty, probably Hitler … It was fine to fly the flag with the Golden Sphincter and now, after Brexit, the one flag ‘allowed’ is the ‘Rainbow’ flag. Well, even the MoD has this rag on their twitter account …


          1. In the UK, I am not allowed by the bureaucracy to state under “nationality” that I am English.

            Since the Act of Union, in England at least, nationality and statehood are one and the same, and in the UK, therefore, a British citizen is, logically, British — and that means, illogically, his “nationality” is also “British”.

            Interestingly, I came across the results of a survey last year, in which British citizens throughout the UK. where asked whether they considered themselves English, Irish, Scots, Welsh or British.

            Only in Greater London did a majority consider itself as British: elsewhere in the UK, the majority of those living in England considered themselves English, likewise the majority living in Scotland considered themselves as Scots etc., etc.

            It’s diversity what does that in London, innit?


            1. Yep – ’tis diversity! On my last foray into London, now some years ago (i.e. ‘before Corona”), driving from Paddington to a meeting down Edgware Road one might as well have been in Beirut or other Arab cities: not one (!) shop wich wasn’t ‘Eastern Mediterranean’, not one!
              In any case, the traffic is so utterly horrendous that I’d never ever live in London, not even if someone gave me an oligarch’s mansion in SW1 and £1m per annum to live on. As for the dirt, the general air of being run down, the hordes of ‘tourists’ and real tourists, the drab, utilitarian look of the people: nah. And that’s in and around Westminster. I shudder to think what it’s like in the former East End …


              1. Yeah, in 2016 my family and I stayed near Paddington Station, at a place on Norfolk Square. Waling down the Edgeware Road is indeed like taking a stroll in Beirut: pavement cafés, where everyone is puffing away on hookahs.


            2. Two states into one = Treaty of Union.

              Unless conquered, like what’s happening now somewhere where the Conquistadors are handing out passports…that’s an ACT of Union.

              UK = Treaty.


    2. Hopefully you tested the soil temperature before putting in the spuds. If you’re not sure how to do that without a thermometer, you could ask the neighbours, or check out Doctorow’s article about a month ago.


          1. And if they don’t ripen properly – which is a sad fact of life anyone trying to grow them outdoors, but als in greenhouses here i Bleighty: no worries, there are som fantastic recipes for green tomato chutney which are easy to make and are delish … as I can attest to from personal, tomato-growing experience …


        1. Have you not yet learned that the colour of a potato’s skin is not important, but that it is what is inside that counts? You must be a racist or something.

          No kidding; the Chief on the Spirit of Vancouver Island was telling me a couple of years ago that the Washington Redskins were going to have to change their team name because it was no longer acceptable to use labels like ‘Redskin’, which is offensive to First Nations; it was in the newspaper.

          I replied, “Well, they could always just change their crest to a potato, and keep their name”. He just stared at me for a moment, then he laughed until he could barely get his breath. Now when he sees me (rarely, I am a regular on the Mayne Queen now), he usually says, “Well, if it isn’t the Chief of the Redskins”.


          1. I used to have a Washington RedSkins sweatshirt yonks ago. Brought it with me to the USSR. It wowed the Orcs. Don’t know where it is now. I might have given it to some kid.

            I also had a few baseball caps with me at the time. I gave them to Russian kids as well. There were no such things as baseball caps in the Evil Empire then.

            I was дядя Денисdyadya Denis [Uncle Denis] — then, but now I am дед Денисdyed Denis [granddad Denis].


  32. Sputnik

    Ex-DoD Officer: US, NATO Seek Peace as Russian Military Victory in Ukraine is All But Inevitable
    19 hours ago

    US officials have been meeting regularly with their UK and EU counterparts to discuss how to end the Ukraine conflict through a negotiated settlement, CNN revealed in early June, adding that Kiev is not directly involved in those discussions. Proposals include Ukraine’s non-aligned status, and a Russo-Ukraine deal on Crimea and Donbass’ future.

    “I think that President Biden has been torn between keeping up his administration’s propaganda talking points in public which state that official US policy is to help Ukraine win the war against Russia, and – behind the scenes – probably being told weekly, if not daily, by members of his national security team that the chances of a Ukrainian military victory remain extremely slim,” David T Pyne, an EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] Task Force scholar and former US Department of Defense officer, says.

    According to Pyne, the CNN article is interesting because it shows the Biden administration’s behind-the-scenes push for peace has been continuing during most of the conflict. In particular, in May, Italy came up with a four-point framework, which included “Ukraine committing to neutrality with regard to NATO in exchange for some security guarantees, and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia on the future of Crimea and the Donbass region,” according to the media outlet.

    “Reportedly, the Biden administration was privately urging Zelensky to negotiate a peace deal until early April when Russia unilaterally withdrew its troops from northern Ukraine, ending its attempt to encircle Kiev, and from north-eastern Ukraine, which they seemed to view as a potential turning point of the war showing that Ukraine could force Russian military withdrawals. Thus the US and UK were emboldened to encourage Zelensky not to negotiate a compromise peace agreement with Russia,” the former Pentagon officer says.

    After Russia’s withdrawal, US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin claimed on 25 April that the US goal was to “weaken” Russia so that it no longer had the capacity of carrying out large-scale military actions. In May, Biden signed a lend-lease Bill to expedite more lethal weapons to Kiev as well as the $40Bln package of US military aid.

    However, in light of steady gains made in Donbass by the DPR and LPR, US officials have started to realise that Ukraine’s prospects for peace will rely on diplomacy, according to CNN.

    First, the push for a peaceful settlement is driven by the understanding that “the potential risks of prolonging the war unnecessarily by providing a blank cheque of military aid to Kiev greatly outweigh any potential benefits”; and second, “the Biden administration and NATO leaders are coming to the stark conclusion that Russia is winning the Battle of Donbass and that ultimate Russian military victory over Ukraine is all but inevitable,” Pyne says.

    “I think it is a hopeful development for peace that the Biden administration has begun shifting to a more realistic position after former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger came out in support of Ukraine trading land for peace in late May around the same time as the New York Times editorial board issued a similar call,” he adds.


    1. Say no. Say “Go fuck yourself; mind your own business, and we’ll sort this out ourselves”. If there is no penalty for agitating and provoking, for whispering in the ear of a weak fool and convincing him he could be a contendah, it will simply go on and on. The likely solution – which would be acceptable to Russia – would be a Crimea at least tacitly recognized as Russian and a DPR/LPR granted special status and broad autonomy. Which, to put not too fine a point on it, is the Minsk Agreements already signed and noted by the relevant parties, putting the whole circumstance back to where it was when the second such agreement was signed, but with no penalty for Ukraine constantly shelling the breakaway region, no recognition of the significant deaths in combat on both Russian and Ukrainian sides and the massive destruction of property and infrastructure in Ukraine. A decision which results in quasi-independent states in Ukraine will see it only a matter of time before a rearmed Ukraine starts probing again and the whole thing begins over. The role of NATO as an instigator MUST BE EXPOSED AND PUNISHED.


  33. This latest devilish plan by Putin to bring the mighty USA to her knees is definitely worthy of a giggle or two. I found this in a little German blog I visit occasionally. The author is a master of sarcasm .’Tis machine-translated from German:

    “Next crisis: How Putin is bringing down the USA:
    Guess what is tight in the USA now…and who is to blame.
    The USA is currently experiencing a tampon crisis. The shelves in the supermarkets are as empty as ours used to be for toilet paper and cooking oil.
    The reason seems to be that they only have two tampon factories in the USA. One produces Playtex and O.B., but has a bitter shortage of skilled workers. The other produces Tampax, but cannot meet the now rapidly increasing demand for them. You would want 7.7% more tampons from them, and they could not afford that.
    But then they also have major logistics problems, because a lot no longer works in the USA. And because it is a medical product, there are also many regulations to be observed, you can’t just wrap something together.
    But the scream is this:
    To make tampons, they need cotton.
    However, cotton has now become very expensive and difficult to obtain.
    This is now due to the fact that you need a lot of fertilizer for cotton.
    However, the fertilizer would almost only be produced in Russia. And you cut it off yourself because sanctions were imposed on Russia because of the Ukraine war.
    This could now be subsumed again under their own stupidity, because the Americans themselves have decided not to buy fertilizer from the Russians, but the Americans blame Putin.
    And so it is now believed that Putin has plunged the USA into the tampon crisis with his Ukraine war.
    A diabolical plan.”

    LInk to the original German text:


      1. Superb!

        It’s not all plain sailing in Mordor, however. One comment on the Saker’s latest Open Thread shows how some items just cannot be had:

        “William Williams on June 11, 2022 · at 12:30 pm EST/EDT
        I hear, from the USA’s National Public Radio, that sanctions are hitting the Russian population hard.

        Already, it is virtually impossible for Moscow collectors to purchase a “first press” vinyl Michael Jackson record… at any price.

        I am not making this up.”


    1. I think the cotton issue might have more to do with the sanctions against China and its alleged extermination of millions of Uighurs, (the Xinjiang region grows a huge amount of cotton) who somehow despite that still manage to grow their population. Mysteries abound.


    2. Satire that writes itself. What a travesty. And rendered the more so by years of inveigling to willingly get to this point, mixed with bland assurances that there are plenty of Plan B’s. For how much longer will the led put up with this appalling leadership?


  34. Kissinger interview with Sunday Times:

    The question will now be how to end that war. At its end a place has to be found for Ukraine and a place has to be found for Russia – if we don’t want Russia to become an outpost of China in Europe.


    The war criminal had to shovel in loads of shit though, so as to get heard:

    Commenting on Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, the former secretary of state said that there was “no excuse” for what President Vladimir Putin has done. In his opinion, the Russian leader, whom he had always viewed as “a thoughtful analyst,” is the “head of a declining country” and “he’s lost his sense of proportion in this crisis.”

    Now mind you don’t go forget — Russia is in decline, whilst the West is rampant.


    1. Ummm….is he suggesting that as an alternative, Russia might wish to be an ‘outpost of Europe’…in Asia? Buddy, that train has sailed. Opportunity knocks but once, and you had the music up loud doing a victory dance, so you didn’t hear it.


      1. They heard it alright – but instead of opening the door, they fired both barrels of a 12 gauge at it through the window.


  35. From my wife: from her school. A photomontage clip to celebrate Russia Day. Pupils from her school brought in the photos, as did other teachers as well as my wife, and technicians at the school cobbled it up.

    She’s just sent it to me. She is now on the train from Moscow and will be here in a couple of hours.

    In several pictures you can see my children — near the beginning is my Lena in Kemerevo in Siberia looking at the frozen Tom river in January. Lots of snowy pics that I took in Suzdal as well, in February 2018, and Sasha pops up here and there.


    1. At 2:26: our dacha, where I am now.

      Look carefully at those photos of Russia and of a future generation of Russian citizens.

      Recall Kissinger’s words said during a Sunday Times interview that appeared today:

      Vladimir Putin is the head of a declining country.

      I wonder if any of those boys and girls, not to mention my daughters, are seeking consultation over “gender issues”?


      1. Nice and uplifting montage indeed.

        This is gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer/? pride month. Every time I listened to a radio station for music, there was a “celebrity” talking about their sexuality and being proud to be a member of the aforementioned group. What people do in private is one thing but to elevate their personal choice (perversion if you prefer) to a must-see event is wrong wrong wrong. Only three more weeks to go.


        1. My apologizes for the numerous typos in the above – broke my eyeglasses yesterday making me nearly blind as a bat.


        2. Patient Observer, you’re not the only one suffering through The Month Formerly Known As June. Personally, I don’t know why it isn’t possible for folk to march for Gay Pride in something other than their underwear. Is there a problem with putting on some clothes? I also wonder how many more letters of the alphabet the LGBTQWERTY folk feel they need to appropriate to achieve self-realisation.


          1. Didn’t you know? They just want to be treated like everyone else. Everyone else who appears in public in their underwear, apparently. or sporting a harness like the family dog, except most dog-owners can’t afford leather.


  36. Oh look what the British gung-ho rag “The Daily Express” now has to say:

    Nuke threats spooked West into sitting out war – China will be pleased – JONATHAN SAXTY

    IT’S time to get real. It may be comforting for talking heads in the West to tell the public that Russia’s economy is a relative minnow, while scoffing at the Russian military’s perceived failings in Ukraine, citing poor leadership or outdated equipment as evidence.
    14:48, Fri, Jun 10, 2022 | UPDATED: 14:50, Fri, Jun 10, 2022

    But Russia is not an insignificant power. The fact the Kremlin could launch such an operation and sustain it against an adversary armed by the West indicates we are not dealing with a global irrelevance. To be clear, the tide now seems to be turning in Moscow’s favour, in the east of Ukraine in particular. The West is doing Ukraine no favours by pretending that Russia doesn’t matter.

    In fact, possibly the reverse.

    Nobody cites American missteps in Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq as evidence that the US is now a global irrelevance.

    And the world should not make that mistake with Russia, a country whose economic size masks formidable economic power, given the outsized role it plays in food and energy exports for starters.

    We are now seeing the impact of this on inflation.

    Moscow would say their economy has been suppressed by the West for years.

    The West would say the Russian economy – which, by some estimates, should be roughly the size of Japan’s had it kept the ratio the Soviet Union had with the US economy – is smaller because of mismanagement.

    Either way, it doesn’t help Ukraine to play down the power at the Kremlin’s disposal.

    We are now perhaps seeing that economic size can obscure economic importance.

    This is a contentious point but it seems common sense that – since we need food, fuel and finished products like cars and laptops more than we do coffee shops and apps – economies which focus on the former are ultimately more robust than those which focus on the latter. Up for debate.

    What we can say confidently however is that a county with the largest population in Europe, which is more than twice the size of Australia, which is soaked in resources, which has a highly educated workforce (something even critics admit), and which has a ready-made alternative to China’s Belt and Road and the Suez Canal trade route, cannot be swatted away so easily.

    Moreover, Russia is finding new markets for its resources.

    Russia is even finding routes to Western markets for its oil through third party refineries. This points to what we could expect should China invade Taiwan, although there is little chance of the West sanctioning China like it has Russia, given the former’s current outsized role in global industry.

    China will also have seen how being a nuclear-armed power has spooked the West into sitting this war out on the side-lines.

    That said, it would be far harder for the United States to stay out of any conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

    Losing Ukraine is one thing. Losing the Pacific is quite another.

    Whether one is hawkish on the Ukraine war or not, it does nobody any good to think that facing off against Moscow is going to be a cakewalk.

    It may well be that the Russian military underestimated Ukraine and Western resolve.

    If that was a mistake it is no less of a mistake to underestimate Putin’s Russia.

    Ultimately, ‘middle powers’ and spent forces cannot sustain conflicts like the one currently underway in Ukraine.

    This fact, and the formidable nuclear arsenal at the Kremlin’s disposal, explain why the West is letting Ukraine get on with it, much to Kyiv’s consternation.

    Perhaps sanctions will cripple Putin’s Russia. Perhaps Moscow will find ways to offset them.

    But whether the West ramps things up or dials things back down, it is crucial that people are properly informed about the true nature of the forces at play.

    Is this an exercise in softening up gullible Western dimwit readership for a change in course?

    Guess so!

    Uneducated Western gobshites have the attention span of a goldfish.

    How many of the Express readership can cast their minds waaaay back to 2 months ago, when rags such as the Express were saying that the Orcs were getting their arses tanned by the valiant Banderites?


    1. And here’s one Polish gobshite in fine fettle:

      12 Jun, 2022 13:37
      West has right to give Ukraine nukes – EU lawmaker
      Radoslaw Sikorski urged countries to “dissuade” Russia from using nuclear weapons against Ukraine

      The West could provide Ukraine with nuclear weapons to help defend itself against Russia, Radoslaw Sikorski, a member of the European Parliament and former Polish foreign minister, said.

      “The West has the right to give Ukraine nuclear warheads so that it could protect its independence,” Sikorski told Ukraine’s Espreso TV on Saturday.

      Sikorski, who served as Poland’s foreign minister between 2007 and 2014, argued that Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum.

      Under the 1994 document signed by Ukraine, Russia, Britain, and the US, Kiev agreed to surrender its Soviet-era nuclear arsenal. The signatories promised to “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.”

      On Sunday, Sikorski reiterated his position, accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of threatening Ukraine with nuclear weapons and arguing that the West must “dissuade” him.

      Last month, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexey Zaytsev denied that Moscow was planning to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. He said that claims to the contrary are “deliberate lies.”

      “There will be no winners in a nuclear war, and it must not happen,” he said.

      Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brought up the Budapest Memorandum during a security conference in Munich, Germany on February 19. He warned that the arrangement will “not work” any longer unless the country’s security is guaranteed in full.

      “Ukraine received security guarantees in exchange for the disposal of the world’s third-largest nuclear potential. We don’t have such weapons. We don’t have the guarantees either,” Zelensky said.

      Putin said in March that the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Ukraine would pose a “real threat” to Russia.

      Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, following Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

      The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

      I wonder if Mrs. Sikorski agrees with him?

      Tough question . . .


      1. One more time, when the vaunted Budapest Memorandum was signed, all the signatories were at peace with one another. The Budapest Memorandum is not international law, and like agreements which are not law, could change based on changing conditions. When I was a new driver, gasoline cost $.80.00 a gallon. Does it still? Well, that was an agreement, between seller and buyer. Canada does not even measure gasoline or other liquids in gallons any more, which would cast the discrepancy in even starker relief considering a gallon was much bigger than a liter, and gasoline now costs an average $2.31 for the cheapest grade of the smaller amount. Ukrainian nukes at the time could not be fired from Ukraine as their control systems were in Russia – the weapons were forward-based, but Russia did not trust its Slavic brothers that far, and their reasoning has turned out to be good – who doubts Ukraine would have used a nuclear weapon against Russia by now if it had one? And having nukes in Ukraine but the control systems in Washington, for example, would be pretty much the state America would love to see things, and has been angling for for years if not decades; weapons which have a local flavour due to their location, but are actually controlled by the USA, with a reaction time so short due to their proximity that the threat of their use could compel political concessions on a tremendously-advantageous scale.

        If Ukraine has a ‘right’ to have nuclear weapons to guard its ‘security’, then so does everyone else, including Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ireland, and Tonga, to name a few. Anyone who has a reasonable apprehension that some other country wishes to do it ill against its will has a ‘right’ to self-defense, and Sikorski is arguing that the right to self-defense extends to the most powerful weapons on earth, which in even small numbers can wipe an entire country off the planet and render what remains uninhabitable. But even nervous dictators are ‘entitled’ to them – does anyone think the ‘nervous dictator’ label is inappropriate for Elensky? Adopting military uniform for daily wear despite not being in any way involved in physical combat – check. Refuses to let troops surrender who have zero chance of prevailing on the battlefield – check. Guided by political considerations of his partners rather than any realistic chance of victory when considering peace terms – check. In mortal fear of what will be done to him by his own military unless they are fully engaged in a hopeless fight with the enemy – check.

        Sikorsky and his blushing bride are fairly-typical idiots of their genre; fully convinced that American global leadership is good for the world and that allowing American think tanks to regulate global commerce and behavior, while occasionally painful for some individuals, is beyond the comprehension of those incapable of grasping its long-term benignity.


    2. Michael Curzon, an Express journalist recently ran a story about a west london uni denying a Russian student (who already lives in London) a Masters place. He was nice and passed on a message to her from me. The Express story made local BBC too. The uni has since retracted it and said it was an error. So pressure worked. Wish more journalists in UK like him.


    3. Seeking an “off-ramp”?

      NATO Secretary General has allowed for the possibility of territorial concessions from the Ukraine
      12 June 2022, 21:38

      Peace in the Ukraine is possible; the question is, what concessions Kiev will make, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said.

      “Peace inthe Ukraine is possible. The question is what the price will be, how much territory, freedom and democracy are we willing to pay for this peace”, TASS quote Stoltenberg as having said at a press conference in Helsinki.

      According to him, NATO intends to help the Ukraine in order to give it a stronger negotiating position.

      Stoltenberg said that the alliance does not want an escalation of hostilities outside the Ukraine.

      Earlier, Canadian Liberal MP Ivan Baker said that the West’s weariness with the crisis in the Ukraine was manifested in calls for Kiev to make territorial concessions.

      And 10,000 Yukietards dead, according to Elinsky and Lucy, because theUSA and the EU are standing “shoulder to shoulder” with the morons, who are winning, handing the Orcs their arses on a plate, so they say..

      Yukietards believe the shit Kiev, the USA and the EU tell them — or do they still?


      1. O woe, woe and thrice woe!

        Sad tidings from one of the Chihuahua lands!

        4:20 13.06.2022
        Lithuanian Foreign Minister speaks of “disappointment” over Russia’s success in the Ukraine
        Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis: Russia’s progress in the Ukraine is disappointing, Moscow is unlikely to lose

        MOSCOW, June 13 – RIA Novosti. The success of the Russian army in the special operation in the Ukraine is “disappointing,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said in an interview with Foreign Policy.

        The Lithuanian diplomat explained that recent events at the front indicate low chances for Russian “defeats”.

        Some of the information that we are receiving sounds rather disappointing: the Russians continue to show progress or the Ukrainians are not able to maintain a stable line of contact. Thus, the chances are still quite high that Russia will not lose,

        Landsbergis said.

        In his opinion, Moscow is also successfully countering Western sanctions.

        “They are able to withstand this, and if they can withstand the pressure in the long term, it means that we are at a very dangerous stage of geopolitical reality”, the Foreign Minister stressed.

        Who are the “they” who are able to withstand the sanctions?

        Members of the Russian government, of the oligarchy, Putin and his henchmen, or the whole 146 million of the Orc population?

        I thought the sanctions were directed at the Evil Regime and not at the population that has suffered for 20 years under the yoke of Putin’s malicious dictatorial rule.


          1. O woe, woe and thrice woe!

            Sad tidings from one of the Chihuahua lands!

            4:20 13.06.2022
            Lithuanian Foreign Minister speaks of “disappointment” over Russia’s success in the Ukraine
            Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis: Russia’s progress in the Ukraine is disappointing; Moscow is unlikely to lose

            MOSCOW, June 13 – RIA Novosti. The success of the Russian army in the special operation in the Ukraine is “disappointing,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said in an interview with Foreign Policy.

            The Lithuanian diplomat explained that recent events at the front indicate low chances for Russian “defeats”.

            Some of the information that we are receiving sounds rather disappointing: the Russians continue to show progress or the Ukrainians are not able to maintain a stable line of contact. Thus, the chances are still quite high that Russia will not lose,

            Landsbergis said.

            In his opinion, Moscow is also successfully countering Western sanctions.

            “They are able to withstand this, and if they can withstand the pressure in the long term, it means that we are at a very dangerous stage of geopolitical reality”, the Foreign Minister stressed.

            Who are the “they” who are able to withstand the sanctions?

            Members of the Russian government, of the oligarchy, Putin and his henchmen, or the whole 146 million of the Orc population?

            I thought the sanctions were directed at the Evil Regime and not at the population that has suffered for 20 years under the yoke of Putin’s malicious dictatorial rule.


        1. Oh, ye of little faith. The miracle reversal is yet to come. Ursula von der Leyen and Liz Truss, two of the most powerful women on the plane, have said that Russia must not win this war. And so it will not.

          Seriously – I hope Russia is keeping a tally of not only those countries who sent weapons to Ukraine to help it kill Russian soldiers, but also those among its former ‘colleagues’ who devoutly prayed for it to lose. Those are the people who would be burning their furniture to keep their babies warm if it was up to me. I would not sell them a drop of oil ever again.


      2. What’s wrong with you, Vova?

        “Peace in the Ukraine is possible. The question is, what will be its price? How much territory, freedom and democracy are we willing to pay for this peace. NATO intends to help the Ukraine to give it the strongest position at the negotiating table with Russia, which should end the fighting “, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Can you feel where this is going?

        Translation: through Stoltenberg’s loyal dog, the Americans are making territorial concessions. Because it is clear to Washington: if they do not offer them to Putin as soon as possible, Russia will only stop at the western border of the Ukraine. But this has to stretch out until November 8 – until the congressional elections, otherwise the Americans might not forgive the Democrats for surrendering the republic. Biden has talked too much about victory, too much money and arms have been poured into it over the past few months.

        For some time now they have been preparing the ground for capitulation without involving Zelensky in the details. Stoltenberg is perhaps the most significant figure of those who have talked about this before. So the decision has been made. It remains to give the command to the Ukraine, but that will always come in time.

        The whole question is how many Ukrainian cities and regions will have been liberated from the Nazis by that time. It would be better, for example, to clean up the glorious Russian cities of Kharkov, Mykolaiv, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa. But there is not much time, frankly speaking . . .

        But it is a fact that the United States have drained the Ukraine. The Ukraine itself, however, has not yet realized this.

        I wonder in what formulation Biden will announce to Zelensky that he has been defeated? I think that he will use approximately the same wording that Bush said to Saakashvili after the five-day war in August 2008: “How bad is it, Vova?


        1. Better translation: How bad is it with you, Vova?

          And the title of the article should be “How bad is it with you, Vova?”

          And for those who don’t know, “Vova” is the diminutive for “Vladimir” and not “Vlad”!

          This bad:


          1. Above: 11 June — Von der Lying Bitch was on another one of those must-do unannounced flying visits to Kiev, so beloved by EU leaders as a PR stunt, because of the Banderastan bid to become a candidate to join the EU.

            Von der Liar said the Yukiedipshits would get a clear signal about this next week.


            1. If the EU, in the state it’s in, takes on the poorest and most-corrupt country in Europe which has lost half its tax base, both deserve exactly what they will get. The EU could not have put Ukraine back together again even after the Glorious Maidan – when, in an orgy of nationalist self-affirmation, the central and western populations gathered to level most of the eastern townships – and the wreckage is much more extensive now. Maybe the nationalists, having been given a public pat on the back by Elensky’s emotional recognition of Azov Battalion as national heroes, think that Ukraine has achieved its destiny by cutting away the east with its tainted and hated Russian population – but much of the industrial heartland was there, plus even more population which will now translate to tax-base losses. The EU could no more turn rump Ukraine into a prosperous and productive thriving Eurostate than it could turn cheese into chainsaws.

              I don’t believe it will. It’s possible VDL has not been clued in that Europe is about to back away from its virtuous mouthings, and is just continuing to spout her usual vacuous platitudes. Alternatively, perhaps she knows better and simply does not want to be the one to break the news – my darlings, I was as surprised as you. Either way, Russia does not care a bit if the EU wants to gather poor Ukraine to its breast and soothe its hiccuping sobs. Ukraine must not be allowed to join a western military alliance and host western weapons systems, and it has already had a taste of what that will invite.


    1. The Finns arrive in Tallinn so as to get pissed out of shape. You see them on the main square in the walled Old Town as they wait for the bars to open at 10:00. By 14:00, a lot of them can be seen rolling drunk on the square. That’s what I witnessed when I was last there in 2003.

      Ater I had gone into exile, I went to Tallinn every year up to that year so as to get a visa at the Russian consulate there. These trips of mine to Tallinn ended in 2004 when I got my residency permit here. And the place was always full of pissed-out-of-shape Finns and Russian-speaking proles, one of whom I remember chatting to for long while as I was sitting on a park bench there, next to the city walls. She was a street sweeper, a Ukrainian.

      06:30 an “ungodly hour” according to Doctorow?

      Is he an aristo of some kind?


      1. I used to work for a super cool Estonian guy whose family moved to Toronto at some point. He said they had booze cruise boats from Finland to Estonia. While on the sea, one could get completely polluted if one wished because alcohol was much less expensive while on the voyage. Probably some law about taxes or something. He said that the completely wasted Finns would literally crawl off the boat. They called them the four legged Finns.


        1. Yeah, they have crazy taxes on alcohol in Finland, hence the booze trips to Estonia. Same with the Swedes, but they go to Denmark to get wasted. I lived for a short while in Sweden in the ’80s. A 33ml bottle of weak beer cost about $5 in a supermarket then, and if you wanted the hard stuff, you had to go to a state booze shop that had very restrictive opening hours. I recall once seeing in one of these places a 75 cl bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label on sale for $100. That was in 1988.


    1. The Grauniad must be so disappointed that the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Human Rights was dismissed. Now they have to find a new source for lurid tales. Not a very good one, either – are we supposed to believe a Russian soldier was exposed to a sexy 60-year-old with no clothing on her upper body and did not rape her?


  37. Ambassador Stepanov commented on the statement of the Canadian Foreign Minister about the reception at the Russian Embassy
    June 13, 2022, 05: 29

    Russian Ambassador to Ottawa Oleg Stepanov has commented on the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Mélanie Joly about the presence of an employee of that ministry at a reception in honour of Russia Day. The diplomatic representative believes that this is an attempt to make a scandal out of nothing.

    The diplomat told RIA Novosti:

    “We work calmly, and there are such stories and flashes in the pan when someone wants to make a scandal out of nothing because a representative of the state protocol of Canada had oame to our reception, as is customary just everywhere. To make some kind of political plot out of this — well, we look on this with a smile”, RIA Novosti quotes Stepanov.

    In addition, the diplomat stressed that Russia is satisfied with the level of contacts with Canada.

    “We are in contact almost every day; we have a lot of issues on the daily agenda and practical subjects that require solutions. Both I, the envoy-adviser, and our diplomats regularly interact with our counter-partners in the Canadian Foreign Ministry”, the Ambassador said.

    Earlier, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly reacted negatively to the presence of a representative of her department at a reception at the Embassy in Ottawa in honour of Russia Day. She called it unacceptable.

    Joly just making the right noises.

    She’s a Frog-Canadian, I believe — once involved in defending the language rights of her fellow-Frog North Americans. Never says fuck all about the language rights of Russian speakers in Banderastan though.


    1. Joly is a useless tit, but she wouldn’t stand out in the present government if she was on fire; the last time so many useless tits were all assembled in the same place must have been the Global Useless Tits Festival in Bognor Regis. You could drill through central Ottawa with a giant auger and remove parliament altogether and the only people who would notice or care would be those who now had the sun in their eyes that used to be blocked by the towers.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. What does McCartney know about the Ukraine and Russia?

      Sweet Fuck All — that’s all, but he’s a “celebrity”, so his opinion is welcomed and revered by the brain-dead, the sheeple, the gullible masses of shitwits.


    2. He’s probably secretly conflicted about the whole thing–given that in his last public statement on East European geopolitics he asserted that, while “Ukraine girls really knock me out,” it was also the case that “Moscow girls make me sing and shout.” Pentagon analysts speculate that McCartney may be signaling his support for a negotiated settlement with the ambivalent remarks; however, other observers point out that the comment dates from 1968 and McCartney these days is mostly focused on naps, tea, and crossword puzzles.


  38. Published by dreizinreport on June 12, 2022

    Mood turns apocalyptic:

    Ukr #1 official propagandist Arestovich says may be no stopping Russia from taking over Ukr; multiple Ukr officials finally disclose daily military death tolls of 100+; MSM narrative does 180 from “Russia bogged down” to “Ukr outgunned, desperate, etc.”; much too late to offer Russia only Crimea/Donbass—Kherson, south Zaporozhia already being slowly but surely incorporated into Russia; Germany puts brakes on Greek, Spanish reexport of German hardware to Ukr, says its own gifts may arrive only in October—stream of NATO heavy weapons to Ukr is DRYING UP.


    1. Typical of the loathsome spin on reports coming from the “Free West” is the lead from the above-linked WaP article:

      SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — The euphoria that accompanied Ukraine’s unforeseen early victories against bumbling Russian troops is fading as Moscow adapts its tactics, recovers its stride and asserts its overwhelming firepower against heavily outgunned Ukrainian forces.

      Yeah, right!

      Victorious Yukietards and “bumbling” Orcs!


  39. Well, the end for the Ukries is surely in sight now that The Express has scrapped that Ukrie flag banner on their front page! However, they ‘celebrate’ a victory for the UK because there’s this gloating report about former SAS members having killed most of the Wagner Group and some other Putin generals:

    Yep, if Putin invades Britain the SAS camps will defeat him. Don’t ask how they’ll fare against Mr Kalibr and his ilk …


  40. I hope it will not disappoint anyone, but it appears as if the British captives of the DPR/LPR will say anything that they think will get them free.

    Now that they have been found guilty, the narrative is that they lied in hope that it would net them a lighter sentence; in reality, they didn’t do nuffink. We ain’t no terrorists, guv!! They made us say that, like.

    Perhaps now there will be a fight between The Daily Mail and The Guardian – fighting seems to be all the rage these days, dunnit? – because the latter claimed, itself, back in ’17, before the whole world went sideways, that Aiden Aslin was not only a terrorist, but that his mercenary work for the Kurdish YPG had seen him held for the second time under Britain’s Terrorism Act.

    And in a common thread with today’s events, back then his Dear Old Gran claimed his mission had been humanitarian, and that he was just a good bloke whose motives were misunderstood. After all, he was only teaching English to the Kurdish militia, not like he was doing anything wrong. Although for some reason, on the occasion of the first charges against him being dropped, Aslin said “No fighter should have to go through what I went through if it can be avoided. I feel vindicated. I have had nine months of being made to feel like a terrorist. I should never have been arrested. I should never have spent any time on bail. I should have been interviewed for any intelligence I might hold on Isis and allowed to go free.” Tinker, tailor, soldier, English teacher. The takeaway seems to be that when it’s ‘wor lads’ doing it, the very innate goodness of their hearts precludes their being associated with terrorism. And if they seem to be drawn to temporary employment where they get lots of opportunities to shoot people, well…

    Oddly enough, in this interview he is wearing an Azov Battalion T-shirt. P’raps he had nothing else clean, and borrowed it because he wanted to look his best for the telly.

    There are also interviews on YouTube in which he acknowledges ‘fighting alongside’ the YPG; his old Gran will be so disappointed. When in doubt, show heartwarming photos of the non-terrorist with his combat cook and life partner.


    1. He has a heart of gold! He was a social worker in Nottinghamshire before he was led away by the call of the fife and drum.


  41. The United States decided to send the government of Ukraine $1.5 billion a month
    June 14, 2022, 03:35

    The White House will provide the Ukraine with approximately $1.5 billion a month to support the work of the Ukrainian government. This statement was made on June 13 by First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Derek Hogan during a speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington.

    “We have already allocated $1 billion for these purposes through various mechanisms, and we intend to send about $1.5 billion more every month for 4-5 months,” he said during discussions about the crisis around Ukraine.

    He also added that direct support for the Kiev authorities is one of the priorities of the administration of US President Joe Biden.

    The debate, which Hogan participated in, was timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the speech of the American statesman George Marshall at Harvard, which launched the “Marshall Plan” – a programme of economic assistance to Europe from the United States after World War II. According to the announcement of the event, the purpose of the discussion is to learn lessons from the “Marshall Plan” in relation to the current situation around the Ukraine, as well as to discuss measures to prevent the loss of economic stability and security in Europe and the world.

    At the same event, Hogan spoke about the possibility of providing the Ukraine with Russian assets frozen in Western countries as economic assistance. According to him, for such a step, the West will need to overcome many legal obstacles.

    Western countries continue to provide the Ukraine with financial assistance to continue its participation in the conflict in the Donbas. Thus, on May 20, the G7 member states announced the allocation of $19.8 billion to the Ukraine to “help close the current funding gap”.

    In addition, the West provides the Ukraine with weapons for the same purposes. In particular, on June 1, the Pentagon announced a list of weapons that it would transfer to the Ukraine as part of a new military aid package. It was reported that this would include multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and ammunition, four Mi-17 helicopters, 1 thousand Javelin missiles and 50 launchers, as well as 15 tactical vehicles.

    At the same time, on June 13, The Guardian newspaper reported that Kiev was afraid of a decrease in the amount of aid from the West as a result of a decrease in media interest and the “normalization” of the crisis around the country. Also, the author of the material notes that the Ukraine is increasingly dependent on the economic and military support of Western partners and was prioritizing the demand for military supplies in negotiations with the West.

    Commenting on the delivery of long-range weapons to Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on June 6 that the longer-range Kiev’s weapons were, the further would Russia the threat line be pushed away from its territory. He added that the promises of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky not to use American missiles to attack the territory of the Russian Federation are ” chatter that cannot be taken seriously”.

    Western countries began to provide active financial and military assistance to the Ukraine against the background of the Russian special operation to protect Donbass civilians, which began on February 24. Moscow said that the tasks of the special operation included the demilitarization and denazification of the Ukraine, the implementation of which was necessary to ensure Russia’s security. The decision was made against the background of aggravation in the region as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian military.


    1. Followed by:

      13 Jun, 2022 20:33
      Zelensky vows to retake Donbass and Crimea
      The Ukrainian president was speaking after his military had bombarded civilian areas in Donetsk

      I’ll be back!” — piece of shit speaking during a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Lying Bitch in Kiev, the Ukraine, June 11, 2022

      Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has vowed to “liberate” the Russian territory of Crimea and the independent republics of Donetsk (DPR) and Lugansk (LPR). He was speaking just hours after reports of the Ukrainian military shelling residential buildings, a marketplace and a maternity hospital in the center of Donetsk.

      “We will come to all our cities, to all our villages, which do not yet have our flag,” Zelensky boasted in a video address on Monday night, claiming that his army will defeat its Russian opponents in eastern Ukraine and recapture the cities of Mariupol, Kherson and Melitopol from Russian and DPR and LPR forces.

      “And I ask everyone who has such an opportunity to communicate with people in the occupied south…say that there will be liberation,” he continued. “Say it to Gorlovka, Donetsk, Lugansk. Tell them that the Ukrainian army will definitely come.”

      “Of course, we will liberate our Crimea as well. Let every Russian official who has seized precious land in Crimea remember: this is not the land where they will have peace,” he threatened.


      1. And there you have it. Elensky has to keep talking tough to avoid a palace coup, but he’s not just talking tough – the nationalists will keep pushing for a military operation to re-take lost lands, and they will keep pumping lead into territories which are ready to live peacefully alongside them for so long as nobody stops them from doing it. We have already seen that European ‘peacekeepers’ and monitoring agencies will not hold them to account, so the only guarantee of non-interference from Ukraine will be when it is militarily incapable of interference. And when will that be, when NATO keeps slipping them weapons?


  42. 03:32, June 14, 2022

    In France, they have spoken about the West’s readiness to force Kiev to make concessions to Russia

    AgoraVox has said that the West is ready to force Kiev to cede territories to the Russian Federation for settlement.

    The French portal AgoraVox has said that the West had changed its position on the situation around the Ukraine and was ready to force Kiev to get ready for territorial concessions to Russia for a diplomatic settlement.

    According to the author of the material, the media in the United States and Europe had to stop replicating fakes about Moscow “failures” during the special operation.

    The publication notes that Russia’s success has significantly changed the position of the West, now it is ready to compromise and calls for negotiations with president Vladimir Putin, although it had previously categorically expressed anti-Russian statements.

    “The result: more and more Western politicians (starting with the ‘old sage’ Kissinger) are calling for a ‘cease-fire”, for ‘peace talks’ with Putin, even if this means forcing the Ukraine to make territorial concessions”, the author of the article concluded.

    Earlier, former Secretary of State and former National Security Adviser to the US President Henry Kissinger had said that Western countries should take into account Russian interests when discussing a peaceful settlement of the situation in the Ukraine in order to prevent the strengthening of Chinese influence on Moscow.

    Clearly, those in the West who are advocating that the fictive state “Ukraine” cede territory to Russia, which territory is Russian territory and has been since 1783, when the Ottoman Sultan ceded it to the Russian Empire, have not heard what the Turd-in-a-T-Shirt said on 11 June in Kiev as regards concessions of alleged Banderastan territory.


  43. Well, Ukraine’s wishes in this are, of course, completely irrelevant.
    It seems quite likely that by some time fairly soon – let’s say July-ish, the collective west will have decided it’s time for the Ukraine to acknowledge the loss of Crimea and the Donbass.
    Imagine their shock and horror when they find out that the Muscovite hordes want Kherson, Zaporozhe and maybe more…. I think we’ll be watching them chase options that have already expired for a while – That’s the whole bargaining phase of grief, right?
    By about Christmas we may see something close to the current status quo on offer.


    1. The Ukrainian losses are already being redefined as a big win. To wit;

      “Looking at the big picture, however, things look less than rosy for Moscow. The list of Ukraine’s military achievements is long and getting longer. Ukrainian forces won the battle of Kyiv; successfully defended the southern city of Mykolaiv, keeping Odessa out of reach for the invading armies, at least for the time being; and prevailed in the battle of Kharkiv, a city right across from the Russian border. Russia’s recent gains pale in comparison. And unlike the Kremlin, the government in Kyiv has a clear strategic purpose, buttressed by excellent morale and widening assistance from abroad. “

      You won the Battle of Keeeev, a city that was never seriously contested but a non-event the west is clearly going to hammer on forever as a digging-the-Black-Sea history-making accomplishment. You prevailed in the Battle of Kharkiv by humping a Ukrainian border post through the woods to the Russian border and snapping a quick selfie – look, Ma – here we are after having driven the Russians out of Kharkiv! Meanwhile, right now, the British MOD (not the most reliable source, I do realize) reports that Russia has ‘probably’ made some ‘small advances’ in Kharkiv. It seems nobody has ‘prevailed’ just yet. I’ve never actually been in a war myself, but I’ve always been led to believe that if the enemy is still advancing, the overall littleness of his advances still suggests maybe don’t start with the We-Won-Boola-Boola!! right now. Saying it could still go either way is probably even being a touch optimistic.

      Ukraine has a ‘clear strategic purpose’? Unlike the Kremlin? Ummm….what would that be? To be a landlocked rump state? Oh; after Odessa – a traditionally Russian city anyway – falls? Which it hasn’t yet – we know that, because it’s one of your accomplishments. So far as I am aware it hasn’t even been seriously attacked. But great defense work anyway. Which kind of naturally leads me to the ‘excellent morale’ point. I don’t have the energy to debate it right now, it’s early and I had a late night, so let’s assume Ukrainian morale really is excellent. Excellent morale has never yet prevented a side from losing, there is no reason to believe that has changed, and I would add it is much easier to maintain excellent morale when you lie your face off daily about the true state of affairs.

      I recommend reading the whole piece – for a normally staid and sober publication like Foreign Affairs, it reads like the aftermath of a college kegger, written in a haze of alcohol withdrawal which blinds you to the nonsensical nature of what you are writing because you can think only of the peace of death. It reminds me strongly of the psychological trick parents of small children use when they fall down, and to head off an outburst of loud bawling, the parent says “Well!! Just look at the big hole you made in the floor!” Who is inspired by victory, when nobody really knows what it looks like?

      Oh, and speaking of psychological fakeouts – remember when the America press tuned up on Tulsi Gabbard awhile back, for her disinformation about American-funded biolabs in Ukraine? Well…


      1. VZGLYAD

        How can Russia “reflash” the mass consciousness of Ukrainians?”
        Ukrainians believe the most incredible statements of Kyiv propaganda
        June 14, 2022, 22:05

        This absurd claim is being made by official Kiev, and the Ukrainian audience believes such myths. Does Russia have ways of communicating to Ukrainians the truth about what is happening, in what language should this be done and when – after the end of the special operation or already now?

        Kiev’s propaganda agency, which is officially called the Centre for Countering Disinformation under the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC), announced on Tuesday that Russia was to blame for the barbaric shelling of Donetsk, the largest in seven years. This absurd but nonetheless official version was formulated as follows – Russian troops shelled the “occupied” city and blamed the Ukrainian military in order to discredit the AFU and encourage “terrorists” (as Kiev calls the DPR people’s militia) to fight the Ukraine.

        We recall that Donetsk was subjected to massive shelling on Monday evening with the use of rocket and field artillery, including a maternity hospital. On Tuesday morning, the shelling of Ukrainian armed forces’ positions resumed. The artillery strikes are being carried out using 155 mm calibre guns, which are in service with NATO countries and have been transferred to the Ukraine. This information does not reach those Ukrainians who receive information only from the media controlled by the Ukrainian Government. And they report that the “separatists” have been shelling themselves.

        “The provocation will help attract additional weapons and military assistance from Russia to the collaborators” ,the Ukrainian state-run news agency UNIAN quoted the NSDC statement as saying. We should like to point out that the message was also published on the agency’s Russian-language portal. The clarification by the Centre for Countering Disinformation about the shelling of Donetsk was also disseminated by the most important Ukrainian online resources: for example, the portal informed its readers “why the Rashists are shelling Donetsk and other cities in Donbas”. By the way, it should be noted that in 2020 the portal was included in the white list of Ukrainian mass media, where resources “with a level of quality information over 95%” were included. It is indicative that the head of the portal, one of Kiev’s leading media managers, Yuriy Butusov, was also an advisor to the Ukrainian Defence Minister at the time.

        Ukrainians get the right information not only from the national media, but also from the West. The shelling of Donetsk was no exception. On Tuesday, Anatoliy Shariy, an independent Ukrainian media expert and political émigré in a European Union country, published a fragment of a report aired on German television, in which it is said that the shelling of Donetsk was allegedly carried out by the Russian military. “The Russian army shelled a market in Donetsk. Ukrainian authorities are powerless in the face of this shelling. German television will not lie”, Sharii ironically wrote in his Telegram channel. “We are getting obvious confirmation that not only Ukraine and NATO are at war against the DPR and LPR, but also the media, which attribute the war crimes of the Ukrainian junta to the Russian army of liberators”, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov noted on this occasion.

        The fact that propaganda is effective can be explained by the psychological state of Ukrainian society, according to political scientist and former editor-in-chief of the Kiev Telegraph newspaper Volodymyr Skachko. “A mixture of fear, collective Stockholm syndrome and Ukrainian patriotism – this is the symbiosis on which the current support for the actions of the AFU is based”, Skachko told VZGLYAD newspaper.

        The fake “shelling” of Donetsk is only the latest and most vivid example of how the Ukrainian media propaganda machine has been operating for at least the last eight years, experts say. Let us recall how Kiev explained the first air strike on Lugansk in 2014 (at the time, we recall, it was said to have been an “air-conditioner explosion” in one of the buildings). As noted in May, Kie’vs information strategies involve not only staging “war crimes” by the Russian military (as exemplified by what happened in Bucha), but also outright fiction. For example, since the start of the special military operation, the Ukrainian media have regularly reported that “Russia has run out of high-precision weapons”. Fakes are often voiced by high-ranking officials: for example, on 6 May, Alexey Arestovich, adviser to President Zelenskyy’s office, confirmed reports that the Russian frigate Makarov had allegedly been hit by a Ukrainian Neptun missile. When the false report was blatantly refuted, Arestovich only stated that the Russians themselves had spread a fake “to discredit our and the Western press”.

        “It will be possible to rewire the mass Ukrainian consciousness only after the liberation of the entire territory of Ukraine”, political scientist and blogger Yuriy Podolyaka believes.

        “As the example of Kherson has shown, society is being rewired quite quickly, within a few months visible shifts will start to occur. It is clear that in the south and east it will be faster, owing to the fact that the initial mood there was different. In the centre, the process will take much longer”, Podolyaka said.

        “How quickly the mass consciousness of Ukrainian society is changing can be seen in people’s attitudes towards Maidan. Even those who were extremely negative and “pro-Russian” have already changed their opinion in eight years. Even if you look at the national scale, it is less than one generation”, the source said.

        Podolyaka noted that now residents of the Ukraine do not have an alternative point of view on what is happening. “Access of Ukrainian residents to Russian sources of information is rather limited”, the source stated. On the one hand, back in the first weeks of the special military operation, Russian TV channels started broadcasting in the liberated areas – the broadcasting was organised from Kherson and Melitopol. But, as Podolyaka points out, often “even in the territories that are now under the control of Russian troops, there is still no normal television and internet, and there are problems with cellular communication”.

        “In Kharkov Region, for example, no one is still watching Russian television because there are still battles there, in Zaporizhzhya Region only Melitopol and Berdyansk receive access. In other words, the liberated territories are rather quickly rewired when technical capabilities allow, but the rest of the territory of the Ukraine cannot see the Russian information field”, Podolyaka said.

        Skachko is rather sceptical about the prospects of “detoxification” of Ukrainian public consciousness, even if citizens start receiving alternative information. “The information work of neither Russian media nor bloggers will be able to “rewire” the consciousness of Ukrainians – changes will start only after the Russian Armed Forces’ special military operation is victorious and the AFU is completely defeated. This change in opinion in the Ukraine will come about by itself, just as it did in Germany. After all, then, after the fall of the Third Reich, it became clear that in Germany there were a lot of anti-fascists who had been drugged by propaganda”, the political scientist said.

        Marat Bashirov, a political scientist and former prime minister of the LPR, has a different opinion. In his opinion, information work with Ukrainian society can and should be carried out now. “First and foremost, informing the Ukrainian population should be done through the mouths and testimonies of those who directly witnessed the shelling of peaceful areas by the Ukrainian military”, Bashirov stressed. “Russia’s work in the information field should not consist of an agency representative coming out and reading out a press release. We need personal assessments. The crucial point here will be the possibility for the Ukrainian audience to double-check the data presented in the media or in blogs.”

        The expert added. “Special work should be carried out in social networks, and it is important that this should be done in a calm way using explanatory materials” ,the expert said.

        By the way, it should be noted that the video clip of the military correspondent and musician, Mariupol native Akim Apachev and singer Daria Frei, which was shot by RT, caused a great resonance in the social networks – the song about the liberation of their native city from neo-Nazis was written in the literary Ukrainian language. This in itself contrasts with stereotypes about Donbas residents and Russians allegedly hating or despising Ukrainian culture.


        “Of course, information work should have started long ago”, notes Bashirov. “But it is not too late to start it now. People in the Ukraine should have a ‘feed’ of reports, for example, regarding the AFU’s crimes, and the level of trust in the fourth report will be higher than in the first one. High-profile events resonate strongly with people, so, in principle, it is possible to ‘rewire’ the majority of Ukrainians, at least regarding the basics, in less than a year.

        At the same time, the analyst was sceptical about the idea of using “celebrities” – pop stars, rock stars, etc., as the leaders of public opinion. “If I like listening to Shevchuk’s songs, it is because he is a musician of the highest calibre. At the same time, he cannot be a valid expert, for example, in the field of military affairs. The same applies to the shelling of civilians by the AFU and the humanitarian situation in Donbas – we need the OSCE or the Red Cross, not media figures”, the political scientist added.


  44. Still waiting for the call . . .

    3 hours ago
    MOSCOW, June 14. /tass/. Alexey Navalny has been transferred from the penal colony in Pokrov, Vladimir region, to a high-security correctional institution after a verdict on fraud had come into force. This was reported to TASS by the convict’s lawyer Olga Mikhailova.


  45. Rotten fish heads and shrivelled old cabbages aplenty in a quick tour of a couple of Moscow supermarkets by “Mrs Survival Russia”, up from the country for a visit:

    Evidently Spar shops in Russia cater to a different market segment than the Spar stores in the UK.


    1. Lavazza, my favourite brand is 449.99 above. I only 1 hour came back from our local Pyatyorochka, where Lavazza is 365 – special offer.

      I came back to Moscow from the dacha this afternoon. Go back to the country tomorrow morning.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I had the impression that the lady didn’t go through all the aisles in those particular stores. Usually stores of the size of the ones she visited will have a separate delicatessen section, a frozen food section, a dairy section and a section for refrigerated meat.

      We have very few Spar stores in Australia (mainly in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria) and that is due in large part to the market for supermarkets and groceries being dominated by local competitors (Woolworths, Coles, Metcash) with little room for overseas competitors apart from Aldi and Costco. I’m sure the likes of Walmart / Tesco and Carrefour would have loved to come to Australia but the outlay involved in setting up stores, warehouses, distribution centres and the networks involved across a country with a small and scattered population with few large urban concentrations, would have been immense and any profits to be gained might not have been worth the huge expenses. Even Costco here in Sydney has only three large stores (in the working class west and southwest) and has no current plans to open a fourth elsewhere in the city.


      1. To be fair, Jen, as Lars, her Danish husband (“Mr Survival Russia”) explains in the intro, the video reports on the same items he’d focused on in his own reports back in “the settlement” out somewhere in Siberia: coffee, eggs, dog food, beers, petrol/diesel. In one of those earlier reports, he comments that on a previous visit to Moscow, his wife had taken toiletries – still available in the country – to friends and relatives in the city.


        1. As the Dane said, right at the beginning of the SMO, some bastards were trying to cash in on shortages. He particularly mentioned women’s sanitary necessities. On day 2 or 3 of the SMO, I was infuriated when standing in line at a local supermarket cashpoint, on seeing some bastard — a young man — who was buying a pile of pantie liners etc. He filled a rucksack with them, having apparently cleared the shelves of that commodity. For about week they were in short supply, as was sugar, and for the same reason, the price of the latter, if you cloud find it, rocketing to over 100 rubles a kilo. But then all the goods that had suddenly become deficit, just as suddenly reappeared and their prices normalized.

          As I have already said: Lavazza Italian coffee was being sold yesterday for 365 rubles at Pyatyorochka: it normally costs 500 rubles plus at upmarket supermarkets.

          Snob-buyers wouldn’t be seen dead shopping at places such as Pyatyorochka, even though they would save 200 roubles if buying Lavazza there.

          The Russian economy is bombing!

          Mind you don’t forget that now!

          And Russian troops rape babies and sodomise boys and kill civilians and bomb hospitals and loot toilet bowls.

          You had better not forget that, or you’ will be labelled as Kremlin Stooges!


  46. Keep a weather eye on European gas prices over the next week or two; from a commenter (karlof1) on Moon of Alabama’s latest post…

    “Siemans’s behavior has caused Gazprom to slash gas deliveries via Nord Stream 1 by 40%:

    “Russian state gas exporter Gazprom announced on Tuesday that it was reducing gas deliveries via the Nord Stream pipeline after German company Siemens failed to return gas pumping units to Gazprom’s compressor station on time….

    “According to Gazprom, five out of eight gas pumping units taken by Siemens for repair from Gazprom’s Portovaya compressor station in Vyborg, near St. Petersburg, were not returned on time. Also, problems arose when the pumping units were connected to the pipeline, as their engines had malfunctioned, which prompted industry regulator Rostekhnadzor to issue a temporary ban on their use.”

    In other news, Spain, Portugal then France will see temps in the 40C+ range over the next several weeks that will cause a surge in electricity demand to run AC systems that will further deplete gas supplies. “

    So it remains to be seen if Germany was trying to get cute to please its American masters; but either way, all of Europe is paying.

    Yup; looks real. I might have known spineless American colony Canada was involved.

    That’s after the ‘New Voice of Ukraine’ encouraged Europe to reassess its practice of buying gas through the pipeline. So Ukraine wants Europe to stop buying pipeline gas, and shipborne oil imports are already sanctioned, or soon will be. I guess Europe is going back to burning coal. Or whale oil, or something.

    It continues to astound me that Europe is still listening to Ukraine and doing itself irreparable damage in its agonized attempts to support it.


    1. Another comment on moonofalabama:

      According to zero hedge, Freeport LNG are looking at a partial restart in 90 days – three months… A big chunk of US gas exports to Europe won’t be back online before the beginning of winter.
      Now Gazprom is shutting down a number of compressors that feed Nord Stream 1. 40% reduction in pumping capacity. Looks like Europe will see a Russian winter.
      Russian gas giant Gazprom has announced a 40% reduction in natural gas deliveries to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline, blaming German engineering giant Siemens for failing to restore key turbines “on time”.
      Siemens’ high-power SGT-A65 and SGT-A35 turbines were installed at the facility to maintain the necessary pressure in the system because there are no additional booster compressor stations along the pipeline’s 1200-kilometre subsea section.

      The turbines are understood to be based on Rolls-Royce engines and are usually sent for maintenance to the UK.

      However, Siemens has withdrawn its services and maintenance support for Russia to comply with European sanctions against the country following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

      As well as stating that Siemens had not returned the turbines sent for maintenance, Russian technical compliance watchdog Rostekhnadzor ordered the facility to idle several turbines in Portovaya because of “technical faults and the expiry of overhaul deadlines”.

      Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jun 14 2022 19:24 utc | 134


      1. Uh huh; that’s the same story. It sure looks to me like Russia took some of its still-in-situ pumps out of service because they had passed their servicing date but the contractor was playing cute and failed to return some which were already in for regular maintenance. Like that, fuckers? That ought to stimulate creativity on how many meals you can make using only macaroni and water. It’ll be all you can afford by the time you get done paying the gas bill. Ukraine, of course, will be delirious with joy, as will America, imagining itself with a captive customer base who will pay literally anything for gas. But that’s because both are short-sighted, and imagine Yurrupeans are too stupid to realize who is really responsible for this and who stands to benefit from their misery. As B already highlighted in the same post, Ukraine is disappearing from the media because screeching about Trump is eclipsing it. Yurrup will be quite a bit more tired of Ukraine and its endless me-me-me very soon. Guilt only goes so far, and Elensky has pulled on the guilt string to get handouts for about as long as he can.


    2. Again, reminds me of that gag I heard the other week here:

      Q: What did they use in Germany for light before they started using whale oil for lamps?

      A: Electricity!


  47. Klitschko scares Germans: war will come knocking at your door

    Masters of ineptitude

    On the eve of the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Kiev, the mayor of the capital of the Ukraine, Vitali Klitschko, called on the German authorities to provide additional assistance to his country so that it could repel Russian attacks.

    According to some media reports, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are expected to arrive in Kiev on June 16.

    “We need the strong support of the three leaders of the most important European countries in terms of imposing sanctions and supplying weapons. Kiev has repeatedly asked for help from Germany, but Berlin has been in no hurry to respond”, Klitschko told the German newspaper “Bild”.

    According to him, in the course of communication with the Ukrainian military, he had learnt about the arrival of the promised weapons at the front, but not at all in the quantities that had been expected there.

    “This has led to the fact that we are losing part of our territory and are losing our lives”, the mayor of Kiev complained.

    In his opinion, European leaders would be able to better understand the situation by visiting the Ukraine and communicating with the local population.

    “Then they would feel how important it is to support us. With everything — weapons, money, humanitarian aid”, Klitschko said.

    The Mayor of the Ukrainian capital added that this situation in the Ukraine remained dangerous for everyone.

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin has claims to all the territories that once belonged to his country. Moreover, his interest is not limited to Kiev or the Polish border. He will go as far as we allow him. War will knock on the door of the Germans”, the Mayor of Kiev summed up.

    The day before, the “mouthpiece” of Ukrainian propaganda, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of the Ukraine Alexey Arestovich threatened that In Europe there would be an “invasion” of the united armies of Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus.

    Of the Ukraine, Lucy says?

    Does he mean LDPR militiamen? Or does he mean UAF troops who will have changed sides after te Nazis have been destroyed an Elensky and he and, hopefully many others, have been strung up on the Maidan?


  48. Disney celebrated “LGBT Pride Month” with gay parties in Children’s parks.

    On June 10, 2022, a closed gay adult-only party was held at the Walt Disney World Water Park near Orlando, Florida, The New York Times reported.

    In the United States, the so-called Gay Days (“days of gays and lesbians”) are held on the territory of Disneylands and in nearby hotels for four days, attracting tens of thousands of LGBT visitors every June. These days, the amusement parks host adult events such as pool parties, dance nights, and drag shows.

    Although Disney doesn’t officially sponsor Gay Days, there are plenty of rainbow-colored merchandise on sale at Disnlands during Pride Month. “All the Disney actors welcomed us and wished us a happy Pride,” one of the participants of the event shared her impressions.

    “The park is decorated with dozens of banners “Share your pride”. This year, for the first time, Disney is donating all profits from selling Pride merchandise to organizations that support LGBT youth.

    On the same days, Disneyland Paris held a “pride parade” without age restrictions. Disney cartoon characters paraded in rainbow outfits and carried flags, and LGBT people danced with them.

    In March, Disney promised to increase the number of LGBT characters in its films to 50% after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law restricting LGBT propaganda. For this, the corporation was deprived of tax benefits.”>Disney celebrated “LGBT Pride Month” with gay parties in Children’s parks
    Jun. 15th, 2022 at 7:16 AM

    As part of the month of LGBT support, Disneyland hosted a “pride parade” and parties for people of non-traditional orientation.

    On June 10, 2022, a closed gay adult-only party was held at the Walt Disney World Water Park near Orlando, Florida, The New York Times reported.

    In the United States, the so-called Gay Days (“days of gays and lesbians”) are held on the territory of Disneyland and in nearby hotels for four days, attracting tens of thousands of LGBT visitors every June. These days, the amusement parks host adult events such as pool parties, dance nights, and drag shows.

    Although Disney doesn’t officially sponsor Gay Days, there are plenty of rainbow-coloured merchandise on sale at Disneylands during Pride Month. “All the Disney actors welcomed us and wished us a happy Pride”, one of the participants of the event shared her impressions.

    “The park is decorated with dozens of banners “Share your pride”. This year, for the first time, Disney is donating all profits from selling Pride merchandise to organizations that support LGBT youth.

    On the same days, Disneyland Paris held a “Pride Parade” without age restrictions. Disney cartoon characters paraded in rainbow outfits and carried flags, and LGBT people danced with them.

    In March, Disney promised to increase the number of LGBT characters in its films to 50% after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law restricting LGBT propaganda. For this, the corporation was deprived of tax benefits.

    More and more Ukrainians support LGBT communities

    According to the results of a survey, in comparison with 2016, Ukrainians have become “better at treating the LGBT community”.

    From the results of a survey conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, In six years, the number of people negatively related to LGBT people in the Ukraine has decreased by one and a half times. This data is provided by

    In 2016, 60.4% treated LGBT people poorly, and in 2022-38.2%. There was also a significant increase in the number of those who treat LGBT people positively (from 3.3% to 12.8%), and those who treat them indifferently (from 30.7% to 44.8%).

    Among representatives of various professions, students, as well as military and police officers, are most tolerant of LGBT people. Pensioners are the most intolerant. Compared to 2016, the share of those Ukrainians who support full equality of people of different sexual orientations has doubled (from 33.4% to 63.7%).

    The number of those who believe that the rights of LGBT people should be restricted has almost halved (from 45.2% to 25.9%).

    23.6% of respondents supported legalizing same-sex marriage (compared with 4.8% in 2016).

    The source of the above two linked articles is “The Union of Orthodox Journalists”.


    1. Visibly gay Disney characters to increase to 50% even though homosexuals make up less than 10% of the population. An activists dream come true. How could this be called anything other than an incentive to be homosexual? How long before companies follow Disney’s lead and reserve 50% of their management positions for homosexuals? Gosh – I wonder what the interview will be like? Is there a test?


  49. Militants of the Azov battalion, recognized as extremist and banned in Russia, have accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky of treason.
    15 June 2022, 07:01

    Thanks, pals!

    In the catacombs of the Azovstal plant liberated from the Nazis in Mariupol, an inscription on one of the walls accuses Vladimir Zelensky of treason: “Zelya-zradnik” (Ukrainian — “Zelya is a traitor”).

    On the other wall are photos of ‘Azov’ dead”, said the military correspondent of RIA “Novosti”, who visited the plant together with foreign journalists.

    Assorted scumbags of low intellect — ME

    Even the Nazis themselves already understand that Zelensky is not a friend.

    Of course, he has sold off the territory of the Ukraine; he has supported Nazism. The blood of peaceful Ukrainians is on his hands.

    But his selling off of the Ukraine is an understatement: while the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine and citizens are dying, he and his entourage are getting stinking rich.

    This is splitting the Ukraine into parts. And you fools, still believe in your ideology and Zelensky.

    A “good actor” who has caused hell on earth by his actions. Because he has not wanted the bloodshed to stop, many people have died and continue to die.

    His policies have strengthened the spirit of Nazism and fascism, and his policies have led to the fact that soon there will be no trace left of the Ukraine. And the idiots will also blindly believe that they are fighting for their land.

    Wake up, you who have been thrown all to the slaughter, like cattle and cannon fodder. The Nazi ideology will be defeated. All the Nazis will be shot like mad dogs, because they deserve it. And in the death of Ukrainian citizens, we must blame not Russia, which came to save the residents of Donbass, but Zelensky and the Nazis.

    Of course, all these are purely my own value judgments, but all this could be so.

    Source: Russian blogger.


  50. President of Poland Duda

    A study in scumbagishness — ME

    According to Duda, Poland has handed over to the Ukraine “hundreds of tanks, combat vehicles, artillery units, as well as drones, MANPADS, ammunition in its hundreds of thousands, spare parts and other equipment”.

    The President estimated the value of the transfer at $1.7 billion.

    “We are asking our allies to hand over weapons, not necessarily new ones. We have given away used equipment and are ready to accept the same”, he said.

    Old lamps for new?

    source: Russian blog, 15 June 2022, 11:00.

    Blogger must be in the Far East: 08:54 now, here in Moskva.


    1. The Prosecutor General of Belarus has said that the grandfather of the President of Poland was in a Nazi punitive battalion.
      15 June 2022, 17:49

      According to the agency, currently more than four hundred people associated with the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War are living in seventeen countries.

      The Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus is studying documents related to the activities of the grandfather of the current President of Poland Andrzej Duda. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, a relative of the Polish leader was a member of a Ukrainian punitive battalion during the Great Patriotic War. This was stated by the Prosecutor General of Belarus Andrey Shved at the international conference “Historical Memory: A Great Victory achieved by unity”.

      Now we are actively documenting the activities of the grandfather of Polish President Duda, who was part of a Ukrainian punitive battalion and who distinguished himself with special cruelty, primarily in the Minsk and Vitebsk regions

      — the Belarusian TV channel ONT, quoting the Prosecutor General’s Office Telegram channel.

      In April last year, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic opened a criminal case on the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War. The agency requested assistance from the Russian Federation, Germany and other states in providing information about criminals who are still alive.

      The Prosecutor General of the Republic noted that more than four hundred people associated with the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War live in seventeen different countries.

      Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated the need to expand the functionality of the State Security Committee of the country (KGB). According to Lukashenko, the situation in the world has become noticeably more complicated, and the role of special services in the activities of a particular state is becoming increasingly important.


      1. Whatever — no matter how big an arsehole Duda is, he still should not be judged by the alleged sins of his father.


        1. Agreed. However, his present exclusionary rantings should be measured against the actions of his bloodline. There is little about his present policies – for which he alone is responsible – and his professed bone-deep loathing of the Russian people which suggests he would do otherwise if he could go back to those special times when people did horrific things because most of the world did not want to believe it was happening.


          1. The same could be said for Chrystia Freeland, that the sins of her maternal grandfather should not be visited upon her no matter how much she lies and tries to cover up what he did during WWII and how he and his family were able to come to Canada.


            I wonder if Chrystia’s other grandparents figure as much in importance in her worldview and character building as the Chomiaks do.

            Helen Freeland (nee Caulfield) Obituary


  51. A collection of, cnuts: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (centre) is welcomed by Dutch PM Mark Rutte and Danish PM Mette Frederiksen in The Hague, Netherlands, June 14, 2022 — ME

    How about going to the front yourselves, you lousy warmongering twats? Go on, give it a try! You never know, you might find it fun.

    Ukraine should have more heavy weapons and NATO allies and partners have provided heavy weapons … and they are also stepping them up

    — NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday in The Hague, where he met leaders of seven member countries ahead of the NATO summit scheduled for the end of June.

    In terms of weaponry, we stand united here that it is crucial for Russia to lose the war

    — Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who hosted the meeting, adding, however:

    And as we cannot have a direct confrontation between NATO troops and Russia, what we need to do is make sure that Ukraine can fight that war, that it has access to all the necessary weaponry.

    source: RT, 14 Jun, 2022 22:10

    So keep on dying Yukietards!

    But what if . . . what if the Yukietards suddenly say: “Hold, enough!”

    Lay on Macduffe,
    And damn’d be him, that first cries hold, enough?


    1. I can only reiterate what I said earlier, that Russia must remember the national leaders who said it was the country’s position that Russia must lose the war, and punish them at its leisure when the luxuries of time and consideration permit. The Netherlands especially should have its bag hammered flat, because it not only agitates daily for Russia’s humiliation and destruction, it also volunteered itself for the egregious MH-17 ‘trial’, because Dutch law permits judges wide latitude for initiatives other countries’ law does not, such as the testimony of secret witnesses and adjudication over what may be entered as evidence.

      Liked by 1 person

  52. Today, in Reminiscence of the Future, from an interview in the USA of Blinken by Judy Woodruff — and I have no idea who or what the fuck Woodruff is:

    Judy Woodruff:

    Well, as — what we’re hearing from experts, though, at the same time, is, no matter how unfair or repugnant it may seem, that it is now appearing inevitable that Ukraine is going to have to make territorial concessions in the east. Is that what you see, that they are going to have to bow to Vladimir Putin and give him that territory that he says he wants?

    Now I may be a little slow on the uptake, but where exactly is this territory in Banderastan that the President of Russia has stated that he wants given to him?


    1. Same source as above:

      The US is seeking to make the conflict in Ukraine more costly for Moscow than whatever Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to achieve, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl said on Tuesday. Kahl insisted that Russia was making only “tactical” gains in Ukraine and would be unable to achieve its “grandiose objectives” of taking over the entire country, in part thanks to massive US military aid. “We’ll continue to provide Ukraine what they need for the fight,” Kahl said on Tuesday, opening a conference organized by the Center for New American Security (CNAS), a Democrat-linked think tank where he used to work. The Biden administration alone has provided Ukraine with over $5.3 billion in military assistance, of which $4.6 billion has come since February 24, Kahl pointed out.

      Again — taking over the entire “country” of Banderastan?


      When was such a “grandiose objective” declared to be one of the goals of the SMO?


    2. Oh, don’t concern yourself with that; Ukraine is not going to have to give up anything, because it is winning, I tell you – winning!

      The position of Russia at the beginning of the Special Operation (and the missus tells me this is now the official name in Russia, and that you can get in trouble for calling it a ‘war’) was that it had been invited to provide military support by republics it recognizes as sovereign, which were in imminent danger of being overrun by the UAF. A general military push to retake the territories was ordered by the President of Ukraine February 16th, before the Russian operation commenced, and an intense artillery barrage against the eastern regions was recorded by the useless OSCE, which was apparently just there to watch; I guess that’s what ‘observer’ means. All the signs of a military push were there, after Russia had clearly stated its requirements for national security without taking an inch of territory from anyone. That position was scornfully repudiated, not only by Ukraine’s gormless allies, but by cocky, confident Ukraine itself, in the belief that its big brothers had its back. Moreover, Russia’s requirements were not in any wise unreasonable, considering Ukraine and its allies had had years to interpret the international agreements they all signed, which are not particularly hard to understand but which Ukraine never honoured in any way, while its allies and co-signatories looked on benignly.

      Prior to that, Russia had been petitioned by the eastern breakaway republics for inclusion in the Russian Federation, and had refused.

      Ukraine had plenty of time and opportunity to get its shit together, had even appointed a special Minister for the peaceful reconciliation of the DNR and LPR with the new post-Maidan Ukraine. But it never moved beyond the notion that a single quick, hard push would result in the recapture of the republics without having to make any concessions. This is all a matter of record, and now Ukraine and its enablers have nobody to blame but themselves.

      It has probably gone too far now for just the Donetsk and Lugansk republics to break away – it looks as if Kherson is going to go as well, the issuing of passports to the willing seemed to be going like gangbusters in Zaporozhia, and I will be surprised if Odessa does not follow suit. Did I mention already that none of this needed to happen, or that the famous ‘Battle of Kyiv’ convinced the USA and UK that Ukraine had put the fear of God into Russia, so they discouraged Elensky and the Ukrainian delegation from seeking peace terms in the belief that Ukraine could issue Russia a stinging humiliation? Ukraine was always going to lose the eastern regions – it already signed them away years ago, and if Ukraine was so attractive now they would certainly have petitioned to return, especially after they were rejected by Russia except for a sovereignty-association relationship. It now looks inevitable that Ukraine is going to be partitioned, and may well lose half its previous territory, the ‘new new’ Ukraine consisting of just the central and western regions of the former, while the eastern and part of the central regions become their own entity. It remains to be seen if it will petition the Russian Federation for membership, or if so, will be accepted. But it is clear that NATO sees the writing on the wall, and is trying to limit the damage to just the regions which were previously recognized by Russia. So that’s what your sucking up to the west gained you, Ukraine, and let that be a lesson to all the other cocky fuckers who think Unca Joe has their back. I say let that be a lesson to you, but sadly, it never is and people never learn from the experiences of others. But if I was your average Ukrainian and could reason for myself and had access to other than government propaganda, I’m pretty sure I would be hating the western countries that used my country as a stick to hit Russia with, and then cast it aside when only a chewed stump remained.

      “Kissinger proposed in May that Ukraine accept a return to the “status quo ante,” meaning it would relinquish its territorial claims to Crimea and grant autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Crimea has been a part of Russia since 2014, while Moscow recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics several days before its military operation began in February.”

      Uhhh….I think that offer is off the table, Mr. Kissinger. As for you, Elensky, I hope that standing O at the UN was worth it.


      1. I forgot who and where, but it has been stated recently by Russian officials that the status of Kherson and Zaporizhia will not be discussed in any negotiations, so Ukraine can consider those gone as well.

        I’m still not sure what the point of any negotiation is. As far as I can see there is no way to get any kind of “peace” agreement which isn’t just a sham which will be used by Ukraine (well, the US really) to rearm and have another go later on. The existing regime would have to be removed and all Ukrainian nationalist influence and US influence would have to be purged for there to be any chance of real peace.


        1. I suppose the hope is always that the Ukrainian people will not put up with further messing about, seeing as how it always brings them trouble rather than peace, and will either choose more pragmatic leaders or revolt and throw out the ones that are causing the problems rather than simply letting outside meddlers determine their destiny. But I’m not optimistic – the Ukrainian middle class seems disturbingly apathetic and resigned to its fate. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before the Ukrainian man – unnamed – who was interviewed by a western journalist on the occasion of Poroshenko’s presidential campaign, which he later won handily as the preferred western candidate. The interviewee professed the wistful wish that if he won, he wouldn’t steal because he already had so much.

          Which signals a complete misunderstanding of what drives the wealthy.


  53. A comment on Reminiscences etc.

    Belgian brewers are running out of bottles.

    Previously, containers were supplied from Russia. It is too expensive to produce glass in Europe.

    The offer to replace the bottles with aluminum cans was quickly rejected – it turned out that aluminum also came from Russia.

    Not fake!

    Belgian brewers lack Russian bottles
    14.06.2022 02:38

    Beer producers are sounding the alarm: because of the sanctions on Russia, they are running out of glass bottles, 87% of which were previously supplied from Russia.

    Belgian brewers face packaging crisis, as bottle supplies diminish
    Updated: 14/06/2022 – 16:42

    Tough shit!


      1. Back to the future…

        Standard practice up until circa 1974 in the UK was levying a small amount on the sale of a glass bottle of beer, “ginger” (soft drinks) and even mixers as deposits against return of the clean, or at least rinsed, empties. Delivery schedules included timing for uplifting of empties – far more “green” than scooting around in progressively lighter trucks because you’re shaving perhaps 20% off the route completion time.

        “Ginger”, “lemonade”, “pop” and even (shudder) “soda” seem to have been replaced as generic terms for soft drinks by “juice”.


        1. They used to sell Айрн-Брю [“Irn-Bru” – Iron Brew] here. Not seen it for yonks. Must be because of Scots sanctions!

          “Red Lemonade” in my part of England there was an’ all — known as “Tizer”.


    1. The Belgians produce sparkling wine too, don’t they? Imagine having to drink Belgian Chardonnay from … gulp! … paper or plastic milk bottle containers because they’re cheap and they’re the only receptacles being recycled that can hold wine.

      Sacré Dieu!


  54. American and British publications with reference to American mercenaries fighting in the Ukraine report that two American mercenaries have been captured near Kharkov.

    The missing persons are Robert Druce and Andy Huhne.

    Russian official sources have not yet commented on this information.

    We have to kill or capture Americans near Kharkov.

    I hope Gorbachev and the other bastards are happy with the results of their labours.

    Source: Russian blogger

    And if they get the death sentence . . . ?


    1. If they get the death sentence as those Brit mercs then Biden will be very very cwoss and invent some more sanctions, ok yah?


  55. Maybe print a copy of that photograph Moscow Exile posted the other day of Alexey Navalny, AKA The Bullshitter. Because, gadzooks! he’s disappeared.

    Of course his American friends were quick to alert the world – poor Lyosha, already battered and beaten by a prison system that gives shape and weight to cruelty, is being transferred to an even-crueler camp where he may be melted down for glue. Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion!

    What is more likely is he is being moved someplace where the whole fucking roof is an electromagnet, so it can support his broadband depletion as he chatters mindlessly to his global hamster horde.


    1. What is most offensive is that the Russian prison authorities didn’t bother to tip off the scriptwriters working for GCHQ or MI6 in London to give them time to come up with a fairy-floss story about how two GRU agents managed to put Novichok or polonium or cobra venom in Navalny’s underwear or toilet paper to try to knock him off, that would explain his disappearance.


    2. He’s not disappeared: he;s been transferred to a “strict regime” prison following his conviction for fraud. So he’s no longer whiling his time way in the cushy open prison where he was sent for breach of parole whilst on a suspended sentence, where he nonchalantly strolled around sipping tea, having skived out of his prison duties because of his “bad back”, and gave lip to prison officers: he’s now doing what used to be called “hard labour” in the UK.

      His lawyer has all the details about where he has been transferred to.


  56. June 14, 2022 18:59
    The chairman of the public monitoring commission of the Vladimir region, Sergey Yazhan, said where blogger Navalny has been transferred to from the penal colony in Pokrov. Now he is in high-security penal colony No. 6 in the village of Melekhovo, Vladimir region. His regime was changed after the verdict came into force in the case of fraud in FBK, from which the well-known Internet blogger regularly stole and embezzled huge amounts of money.

    The maximum security penal colony in Melekhovo is designed for 1,500 prisoners. It includes a colony-settlement for 29 people convicted under less serious articles. IK-6 successfully operates a training and consulting centre, where any convict, including Navalny, can remotely get a higher or secondary vocational education.

    A criminal case on fraud was initiated more than a year ago, recalls TASS. According to the investigation, Navalny stole and embezzled part of the money donated to the ” Anti-Corruption Foundation” (an extremist organization banned in Russia). The punishment was imposed taking into account the presence of his previous convictions in the case of fraud and defamation of a veteran.


    … a training and consulting centre, where any convict, including Navalny, can remotely get a higher or secondary vocational education

    He could take a degree in law while he’s there!


    1. Breitbart (linked above) reported on 15 June that the Bullshitter had disappeared.

      On 14 June, reported (see link in my previous posting) where the bastard was.

      American journalism deals in facts, right?


    1. Sickening. Having failed to beat Russia by economic sanctions and hurling its extremist proxy army against it, the United States government is now going to hold its breath and pretend Russia does not exist in the world, and encourages its mewling vassals to share its socially-underdeveloped-five-year-old worldview. While the British government has reached a new level of crevice-licking. Both are undeserving of being called ‘governments’, and are the most powerful arguments for anarchy that can reasonably be imagined. What could anyone need a government for, when it has gone far to the left of being merely useless into the self-destructive zone?


  57. Simply “misspoke”?

    16 June 2022
    The German TV channel ARD admitted that it had published a fake about the “Russian attack” on Donetsk, but at the same time removed details about the “atrocities” and victims from the “story”.
    Video footage of the shelling of the capital of the DPR was published by “Tagesschau” on June 13. The story claimed that the attack had been carried out by the Russian side, although in reality the attack had been staged by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.

    A refutation appeared on the “Tagesschau” website. The editors stated that they had made an unintentional mistake, despite the fact that the information had been presented correctly in Reuters material to which the publication referred.


    So sorry — our bad!


  58. If this does not cause a mass uprising in Mordor against the Tyrant, then nothing wil!

    1 hour ago,
    updated 10 minutes ago
    Reuters: Coca-Cola will stop producing and selling its products in Russia

    NEW YORK, June 16. /tass/. Coca-Cola HBC AG, which includes producers and distributors of Coca-Cola products in Russia, is in the process of reducing capacity, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing a statement from the company’s American headquarters.

    “When this process is completed, Coca-Cola HBC will no longer produce or sell Coca-Cola and other Coca-Cola brands in Russia”, the statement said.

    In March 2022, The Coca-Cola Company, an American soft drink manufacturer, suspended its operations in Russia. The company at that time stressed that it would continue to monitor the development of the situation around the Ukraine.

    Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company AG (Coca-Cola HBC) is the leading beverage production and distribution company of The Coca – Cola Company in Europe and part of the Coca-Cola system. Coca-Cola HBC AG operates in 28 countries and serves a population of 595 million people. Coca-Cola HBC Russia owns plants for the production of soft drinks and juices, including in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod.

    The cruel, heartless swine!

    Have they no pity?


  59. Here’s the video of the BBC’s interview with mr Lavrov – scroll down a bit and forget the text – the wonderful BBC actually ‘fact-checked’ what Mr LAvrov said.
    He himself makes quite clear what he thinks of Johnson, Truss and the UK:


  60. 4 hours ago
    NBC: Biden chastised Blinken and Austin for saying the Ukraine needed to win

    NEW YORK, June 16. /tass/. US President Joe Biden was unhappy with the public statements of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that Washington expects the Ukraine to win in the confrontation with Russia. The American leader asked officials to tone down their rhetoric, NBC reported on Thursday, citing sources.

    According to US administration officials interviewed by the channel, Austin and Blinken had a conversation with Biden after their having visited the Ukraine and Poland in April. The president told them that they had “gone too far”. According to him, statements that Washington stands for the victory of the Ukraine may create inflated expectations in Kiev and increase the risks of a direct conflict between the United States and Russia.

    “Biden was not happy when Blinken and Austin talked about victory in the Ukraine. He didn’t like the rhetoric”, one administration official told NBC. At the same time, her senior representative told the TV channel that the Secretary of State and the head of the Pentagon insisted that their statements had been misinterpreted.

    Some US officials, NBC notes, believe that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky should “slow down somewhat” and soften his tough position on the inadmissibility of territorial concessions to resolve the conflict. Biden assumes that the United States will not put pressure on Kiev to take certain steps in this direction.


  61. I see more and more frequently in alternative media the begrudging concession that even though the Ukraine is clearly not handing the Orcs their collective arses on a platter, one nevertheless must only admire the valour and determination displayed by the Ukrainians in defending their land against the invader, for after all, Orcs and Yukietards are Slavic brothers, both capable of displaying steadfast determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

    A load of shite!

    And I shall tell you for why . . .

    The other day (source forgotten — maybe Sputnik or Russian Kremlin controlled media) I read an article, wherein a Banderashite government minister — Minister of Defence if I rightly recall — had at last conceded that, yes — Yukieswine do indeed build defensive strong points in city residential areas. And why? Because the gobshite claimed that the UAF (To the Heroes Glory!) had proven themselves skillful at house-to house fighting, whereas the Orcs were crap at it. (How did the Orcs emerge victorious at Stalingrad, then, I wonder?) Therefore, holing up in civilian built up areas gave the UAF a distinct advantage, whereas fighting in the open gave an advantage to the Orcs, as they had proven themselves adept at fighting a war of manoeuvre. (I thought the UAF was the third greatest army in Europe? Filthy porcine Porashenko always said it was.)

    So there you have it: an admission that the Yukie filth use civilian cover so as to hold back the invading Orcs until that day comes when they can counter attack with their superbly armed forces, replenished with wonder weapons from the munificent Free World.

    But Yukieshites are Eastern Slavs, are they not, cast from the same mould as are the “Rashans”? —At least, that is what apologists for the Banderites say.

    No they are not!

    And here is why I categorically state they are not . . .

    Would the Yukie “heroes” engage in street fighting in city centres and villages if such fighting were taking place in what that filthy swine Poroshenko once labelled as “the essence of the Ukraine”, namely Galitsia?

    Would the Galitsian vermin fight street by street, block by block, cellar by cellar, surrounded by Galitsian civilians?

    Most certainly not!

    So why do they engage in fighting in built-up civilian areas in Eastern Ukraine?

    Because the citizens of Severodonetsk, for example, are not deemed by its “heroic” defenders to be “true Ukrainians”: they are mostly Russian-speaking Vatniki.

    In other words, the Yukietard “heroes” defending their “homeland” against the Orc invader do not give a fuck about the lives of the civilians, behind whom they are hiding and who would become “collateral damage” were the Orcs to launch a fully fledged assault against their fortified built-up city and village positions.

    These Yukie bastards call the Lugansk/Donetsk separatists “terrorists”, but the truth is that the Svidomite nationalists — Galitsian scum who rue that day when the Nazi invaders were driven out of their shithole of a former Austro-Hungarian Empire Kronland — are the terrorists: racist terrorists who have been waging an 8-year-long campaign of terror against the mostly ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens of the former Yukistan provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk.

    Have the “separatist terrorists” ever launched artillery barrages against Lvov or Ivano-Frankivsk?

    Have separatist saboteurs or death squads ever roamed Galitsia, seeing out targets for assassination, such as were “Motorola” and “Givi” in the Donbass?

    Are these UAF scum really displaying the same martial characteristics as have their fellow Eastern Slav opponents?

    I think not!


    1. Zelenski he sez: “Get me away from this jerk! He smells of perfume! I promise I’ll never start a war or ask for weapons or money or anything ever again!”


      1. C’est la vie en rose!

        Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
        Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
        Voilà le portrait sans retouches
        De l’homme auquel j’appartiens

        Quand il me prend dans ses bras
        Il me parle tout bas
        Je vois la vie en rose

        Il me dit des mots d’amour
        Des mots de tous les jours
        Et ça me fait quelque chose.

        Eyes that make me lower mine
        A laugh that is lost upon his mouth
        This is the unretouched portrait
        Of the man whom I belong to.

        When he takes me into his arms
        And speaks to me so softly
        I see life in pink

        He tells me words of love
        Words of love, words of everyday life
        And this does something to me.

        Little Yukie perv!


        1. Oh gawd – my morning coffee has just come up!
          Why did you have to bring that image! Now I can’t un-see it …


  62. In Kiev, Vladimir Zelensky meets the President of France Emmanuel Macron, the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi, and the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis.

    Elensky all dressed up for the occasion, as usual.

    Iohannis is an ethnic German. Romania has long had a German population. Iohannis is a former mayor of Sibiu, once predominantly populated by German speaking Romanian citizens and called by them “Hermannstadt”. Iohannis represented the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, a political party dedicated to representing the interests of Germans in Romania.

    Two Germans in the EU delegation. — apparently, to somehow level out Scholz’s insignificance. In general, the main animal here is the Italian. The other three have convivial biographies. Iohannes is a village teacher, mayor of a small town and current president. Scholz was a non-public administrative functionary in the SPD, which had not been in full power for 17 years, a federal minister, and now Chancellor. Macron was on his way to work at a bank, turned into the wrong side-street, and ended up in the Presidential Palace. The whole thing is a joke. They will wake up in the morning and think that it was all a dream They are not presidents/chancellors, and they will get up and go to their usual work again in an ordinary office. But Draghi is the chief honcho here: Board of Directors of the World Bank, head of the Bank of Italy, CEO of GoldmanSachs, and chairman of the European Central Bank. He personally came along, bringing these bit-actors with him, so as to explain to Zelensky for the last time all possible scenarios.



  63. The inanity of American bullshitting PR never ceases to amaze me!

    Do none of Elensky’s “image creators” not realize by now that the Elensky’s repeated appearance in public, attired in his “Action Man” garb, is wearing a little thin?

    It’s played out already!

    It’s kidding no one!

    Or maybe the general public really is as dimwitted as Elensky’s PR advisors believe they are?


  64. Gosh, as a certain horse-faced aristocratic British ‘diplomat’ used to say – ‘cos profanity is the refuge of the common – it appears Russia is not having any trouble at all selling its oil, and is having to turn away customers. Via a comment at Reminiscence of the Future;

    “A lack of new term supply deals with Rosneft may push Indian refiners to turn to the spot market for more expensive oil. It also indicates that Russia has managed to keep exporting its oil despite increasing pressure from Western sanctions to choke Moscow’s revenue…Russia is ramping up oil exports from its major eastern port of Kozmino by about a fifth to meet surging demand from Asian buyers and offset the impact of European Union sanctions. “

    Now don’t forget to do your part, Europe, by squealing about shortfalls and Russia weaponizing energy, and keep the prices up. ‘Member all those western analysts who confidently projected that Russia would be fucked without the European market, and would be up to its eyes in oil it couldn’t sell?


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