There’s Never Been a Better Time for NATO to confront Russia. As Long as You are Russia.

Uncle Volodya says, “All my misfortunes come of having thought too well of my fellows.”

Masquerading as a man with a reason,
My charade is the event of the season;
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know…

Kansas, from “Carry On Wayward Son”

“I ended my time in Intelligence convinced that my country’s operating system—its government—had decided that it functioned best when broken.”

Edward Snowden, from “Permanent Record”

There are no great thinkers left in the west.

Well, maybe that’s not entirely accurate – but if there are, they are not in national leadership positions. Instead NATO nations are led by simpletons like Liz Truss, who did not know that Rostov and Voronezh are part of Russia, or perhaps thought that if Britain did not recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions the Russians might become confused, and give them up. This issue came up in February 2022, when Truss was Britain’s Foreign Secretary, and showing off her talking-tough chops by ordering Moscow to pull its forces back from Ukraine’s borders. The forces which were the subject of their discussion were inside Russia, which is a completely unsurprising place to find Russian forces.

Or Annalena Baerbock, who insisted Putin could completely change the unfolding of events in Ukraine if he would ‘turn by 360 degrees’ from his present course, which would of course put him exactly back where he had been.

Or Jens Stoltenberg, who claims it is ‘still not too late for Ukraine to win the war’ when Russia is pounding it with as much as a ten-to-one advantage in artillery and has more than three times the population. I don’t suppose I have to tell you that Jens Stoltenberg not only was never in the military, but never made any serious study of military history, or he would know that none of the realities of Ukraine’s present military situation argue in favour of anything that might look like success. But when reality might be too scary, you can always listen to the patter of happy talk coming from the Ukrainian government, which convinced US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo that Russia, in the opening stages of the war, had fallen so short of the semiconductors used to build precision-guided missiles that it was taking them from dishwashers and refrigerators. She heard that from the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmyhal, who must have laughed his ass off to see such evidence of gullibility.

“She said she has heard anecdotes from the Ukrainian prime minister that some of the Russian equipment left behind contains semiconductors from kitchen appliances because the defense industrial base is having a hard time producing more chips on its own and is facing export controls that limit its ability to import the technology from other countries.”

Electronics at the level of precision-guidance systems is fairly exacting, which leads us naturally to the question of how the Ukrainians knew semiconductors in Russian military equipment came from kitchen appliances. Was ‘refrigerator’ coded into the circuit board somewhere? If not, are certain semiconductors perhaps common to both? The whole concept is bizarre – if high-level and hard-to-find chips needed to build missile-guidance systems are contained in home refrigerators, how are sanctions ‘working’? Couldn’t Russia simply import hundreds of thousands of refrigerators and dishwashers? They’re not sanctioned. Listen to what is coming out of your stupid mouth, how about? And while you’re being quiet, think about next time picking allies who are not clowns from a comedy show, although that doesn’t necessarily imply you need to repeat whatever they say without reflecting upon whether it might sound as if you are suffering from early-onset dementia.

In the real world, Russia is quite capable of dramatically increasing production of wartime materiel and weapons, and it is – from anywhere between double and up to tenfold increase for some items. Similar was the snicker-worthy wishful thinkiness peddled by the marginally intelligent at British Intelligence, whose ‘spy chief’ – yes, I know, everything that comes out of official Britain these days sounds like it was written for Boy’s Own Magazine – claimed that not only was Russia rapidly running out of supplies and munitions, the Russian population was starting to realize the war was too costly. I suppose it’s too much to ask for the Spy Chief to actually look at some statistics, because they suggest the Russian president’s popularity has barely budged from its 80%-plus rating since about 2014, and is currently as high as it has been in almost 25 years. I admit I did laugh out loud where he said “Russia’s forces are exhausted. The use of prisoners to reinforce, and now the mobilisation of tens of thousands of inexperienced conscripts, speaks of a desperate situation”, because that’s apparently only true when Russia does it. Ukraine is currently doing exactly that, and you can almost taste the awkwardness in the western press, because they don’t quite know how to report it. Is Ukraine desperate? Is the Pope Catholic?

But what I really wanted to talk about a little bit today is the Grand-Canyonesque gap between NATO leaders’ let’s-get-to-fightin’ rhetoric and the dismal state of NATO’s readiness to pursue an actual ground war that lasts, say, past suppertime.

I guess as good an example as any to start with is France’s petit-fou president, Emmanuel Macron. Using the technique of ‘refusing to rule it out’, he ran the possibility of sending French troops into Ukraine up the flagpole.

Never mind that nearly 70% of Macron’s voters oppose the notion of French soldiers fighting in Ukraine; like the rest of Europe’s military forces, France is struggling to find enough soldiers – 700 positions were unfilled by the end of 2021, and the situation has not improved, but worsened.

“The challenge of stabilizing the personnel numbers in the armed forces has been an ongoing issue for various reasons. Macron’s former defense minister Florence Parly had already addressed this by implementing “family plans” designed to enhance the daily lives of military personnel.

But the situation has worsened and now parallels those in other key state bodies, such as the police or the prison administration. “We are used to having turnover within our teams, but we have never seen this phenomenon on such a large scale,” said Thibaut de Vanssay, the director of human resources for the Ministry of the Armed Forces, during his hearing before Parliament for this report.”

Get it, NATO leaders? The British Army has not met its recruiting targets in any year since 2010. The German Army shrunk by about 1,500 in 2023, making plans to pump up the Bundeswehr from its current 181,500 to 203,000 by 2031 look like a plan to make bread dough rise using gravel instead of yeast. Why don’t Europeans flock to the colours when the bugles blow? Simple, says Vincenzo Bove, professor of political science at Warwick University. They don’t like war. Especially participating in a war that takes place in another country.

“According to Bove, the ideological distance between society at large and military forces has gotten wider in recent years.

“If you take a random sample of young Europeans, they are ideologically very far from a sample of soldiers from the same country in terms of how they see society, their aspirations, what they want to do,” Bove said. “And this distance is growing over time.”

Bove mentioned that recent surveys have shown that young civilians are overwhelmingly against wars, against increasing spending on the military and against military operations abroad; they are also more individualistic and less patriotic than those serving in the military forces.”

If you’re fond of demographics, the European population as a whole is both aging and shrinking. The military is competing with the higher-wage private sector for a smaller pool of young people. Some European countries are pondering the reintroduction of conscription, and that better not ever get past the pondering stage, because I don’t think I have to tell you it would have the social impact of a turd in the punchbowl. I suppose you could always get the Ukrainian Prime Minister to go on a European speaking tour to sell the idea, perhaps peddling common-sense truths like getting shot builds character, or a high number of casualties among your troops is a sign of good leadership – after all, he got the U.S. Commerce Secretary to believe that refrigerators contain the same components as missile-guidance systems that can hit a target 500 miles away. That, should you wonder, would be quite the over-engineered refrigerator. More to the point, it highlights how stupid some people in very important positions are. Perhaps we have finally arrived at that moment in history that I briefly glimpsed when I was 16, where young people are way smarter than mature adults.

Although recruiting and retention are serious problems, so too is combat readiness. In its Commons Defence Committee Report, “Ready For War?”, the British Defense Ministry (yes, the same deep thinkers who claimed Russia would run out of missiles and artillery rounds by Wednesday at the latest) claimed virtuously, “Our armed forces are always ready to protect and defend the UK, and we continue to meet all operational commitments.” But the Defense Committee apparently knew they would say that, and pragmatically recommended the department consider ‘retaining retired equipment even halfway viable for regeneration’. Certainly sounds a promising basis upon which to engage the current most-combat-experienced army on the planet, what?

Whoops! No money for regenerating wheezing equipment, I’m afraid; Britain must immediately spend squillions of pounds on air defense, which industry salesmen Northrop Grumman UK describes as presently ‘negligible’ in its capability, and unfavourably comparable to that of Poland. Yes, not only does Poland have better plumbers than the UK, it has better air defense as well.

Nor are things much rosier in The Exceptional Nation, where missed recruiting goals for the US Army have led to the smallest full-time force since 1940, the year before America entered the Second World War. Not a good position from which to agitate for starting the Third World War.

Here’s an off-the-wall thought – maybe it has something to do with your advertising.

The US Army recruiting ad ‘The Calling’ was a woke masterpiece which inspired The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh to despair, “we are the laughing-stock of the world”. Of course, not everyone hated it; it was very popular with liberal activists who almost never join the military. But it was in comparison with current recruiting advertising for the Chinese and the Russian armies that it really got torn up. If you’re offended by profanity, you might want to turn off the voice-over commentary on this review, but I think you will find the visuals alone make the point in quite compelling fashion. If the images of the massed formations of Chinese soldiers charging your position don’t make you shit your pants, your underwear is maybe too small. The frighteningly out-of-touch messaging in the US Army ad was underscored by a comment from one of the viewers:

“The Chinese ad makes me want to join the Chinese Army.

The Russian ad makes me want to join the Russian Army.

… The American ad makes me want to join the Russian or Chinese Army”

Quite funny, I think you’ll agree, and comedy certainly is welcome, but there’s a time and a place, and the optics of western recruiting overall are terrible; it’s like western leaders and planners have gotten as awful at reading their own populations as they are at reading their chosen enemies.

Which brings us to NATO’s woeful position in current technologies such as drones and electronic warfare. The rise of the drone in surveillance and engagement took NATO by surprise, as it leaped from a garage-hobbyist quirk to must-have mass production in just a few months, and whether or not it chooses to believe it, NATO forces are completely unprepared for battle in which even their rear-echelon maneuvering is visible to the enemy day and night. The effect this has on planning and coordination, to say nothing of the element of surprise, cannot be overstated. In its own oblique way, NATO admits this.

“Uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) have become essential elements of modern warfare and their role will expand in the future, raising the urgency of NATO and individual allies to rapidly adapt starting now.

Individual allied nations own a wide variety of UAS capabilities, and the alliance collectively owns and operates NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS). Despite NATO efforts to encourage procurement and capability development and to promote common standards and enabling capabilities, NATO has too few drones for a high-intensity fight against a peer adversary. It would be severely challenged to effectively integrate those it has in a contested environment.

Several challenges hinder the development of robust and effective UAS capabilities across the alliance. These include limited interoperability, critical capability gaps, inadequate platform survivability, deficiencies in personnel and training, limits to intelligence processing, and more.”

You probably knew it already, but ‘severely challenged’ are two words you do not want to see when you are prancing and flinging your own poo over the bushes at a powerful adversary, while chattering to the other monkeys about how tough you all are. And there was another important word in there as well; did you see it? That’s right: interoperability. Western political leaders who fancy themselves to be military leaders and strategists as well like to puff up their chests about NATO’s combat-capability superiority…but if your systems and your ammunition and your command&signals and your maintenance routines and spare parts and communications equipment – and now, drone operations – are not interchangeable with those of your allies, it’s quite a bit like fighting on your own with a bunch of cheerleaders on the sidelines.

Russian electronic warfare is the most advanced on the planet, and in recent operations attempted by the Ukrainian military, it jammed Ukraine’s Starlink systems so that Ukrainian operators were blind to advancing Russian forces. From “Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities to 2025: Challenging NATO in the Electromagnetic Spectrum” (PDF), by Roger McDermott;

“Russia’s growing technological advances in EW will allow its forces to jam, disrupt and interfere with NATO communications, radar and other sensor systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other assets, thus negating advantages conferred on the Alliance by its technological edge. Be it in the air, maritime, land or cyber domains, NATO will encounter an increasingly capable adversary focused on developing and deploying a vast array of EW systems as “force enablers and multipliers”. Many of those systems are being introduced in units across all services stationed in Western Military District (MD) adjacent to NATO’s borders.”

This begs the question of whether you actually have a technological edge, if enemy systems can deny you effective use of it; it sort of presupposes they have a technological edge on your technological edge, so to speak, and as I am fond of pointing out, it is almost always cheaper to engineer a countermeasure that degrades a capability than it was to develop that capability in the first place. But simply blatting out a massive jamming signal will deny you the use of your own systems as well, won’t it? Au contraire.

“Russia is actively developing a “total package” of EW systems to include a broad frequency range and other systems; these seem advanced and capable. In addition to such systems covering surveillance, protection and countermeasures (jamming), they cover measures to protect Russia’s own usage of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). These systems also offer countermeasures against “Western” civilian and military usage of the EMS. Many of these Russian EW systems are highly mobile, including small systems deployable by UAVs, making targeting and neutralising them more complex and challenging.”

There’s that word ‘challenging’ again. You don’t want to see that, especially when you have not fought a peer adversary in living memory. NATO is used to triumphantly bashing the shit out of developing nations whose air defense system launches a flag which unrolls, and reads ‘Whoosh!!’, and minimizing its own casualties by sweet-talking other nations into fighting for them, or astroturfing a ‘rebel movement’ made up of mercenaries.

Be warned, NATO – you are rubbing up against something dangerous as a pit viper in your sleeping bag, and your political leaders don’t just fail to grasp the potential disaster they are sleepwalking into, they are resolutely committed to not seeing it. Completely leaving out the possibility of a nuclear war, and assuming that continuing belligerence would result in a conventional ground war confined to Europe, NATO has not in living memory been in a worse position to start and sustain a war against a capable enemy who has already amassed a couple of years of battle experience in warfare you don’t have the first idea how to fight. European leaders in an ecstasy of choler have upped their contribution to the Ukraine war from blankets and backpacks to tanks, with absolutely zero effect on eventual Ukrainian capitulation, and are – if reports are to believed – actually thinking about giving Ukraine fighter aircraft. I hope that’s just the Remy Martin talking, because going through with it would (a) imply NATO aircrew piloting the planes, nobody really believes the 120-or-so fighters Zelensky begged for to give Ukraine ‘parity’ would actually be piloted by Ukrainians, and (b) quickly result in such a humiliating casualty rate that NATO leaders would weep in frustrated rage.

Don’t do it. If you persist on this course, the boys who brought us in – Kansas – have some more advice for you from the same song.

“Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done…”

532 thoughts on “There’s Never Been a Better Time for NATO to confront Russia. As Long as You are Russia.

  1. Another simpleton: Boris Johnson, Old Etonian and Classics scholar at Oxford, who for a short while taught Ancient Greek at a posh school in Australia, once waxed lyrical in his inimitable buffoonish way about the glories of Athens, saying that he considered the USA hegemon and its civilized, “democratic”, “rules-based-order” that it strives to impose onto the world, to be a latter-day Ancient Athens, whereas he thought that the modern-day equivalent of the authoritarian state of Ancient Sparta, sworn enemy of Athens, against whom it waged war, was the Evil Empire, “Putin’s Russia” no less. However, the Old Etonian dickhead seemed to have forgotten that the in-his-opinion “bad guys” of the Peloponnesian war won, namely that Sparta was the victor.


    1. He also left out the bits about Athens being a hubris fueled, hegemonic slave state that blackmailed and massacred it’s fellow Greeks. In ways that were considered uncivilised by Hellenic standards.

      Generating fear & hatred to such an extent that they diplomatically buried the hatchet with Persia.

      Or the whole issue of the senseless and doomed expedition against Syracuse. In the wider context of the general decay, incompetence, treason, witlessness and corruption of the Athenian political elite.

      But then Boris is a stupid person’s idea of what an eccentric “proper eton tory toff” is.

      He’s actually a degenerate charlatan from his stage name “Boris” to everything else.

      The only wonder is how got away with it. Given that the wretched, bloated fleshbag is exactly what he looks like. A f**king Dorian Grey portrait IRL.


      1. Here’s Boorish Johnson inviting the Azov barbarians into his beloved Acropolis that is Westminster:

        Alex Rubinstein on X: “After thwarting a peace deal in Ukraine and thereby condemning tens of thousands of young men to die in a ditch, Boris Johnson has welcomed fighters from the hardcore neo-Nazi Azov Battalion to the UK parliament.” / X

        Not even the Ancient Athenians allowed Scythians or other non-citizens to address their assemblies as equals.


        1. I guarantee that if any of that Azov scum at Westminster took their shirts off, you would see tattooed on their bodies Nazi insignia.


  2. The idiots in the US Senate seem to be in a panicky state. I wonder if someone from the Pentagon (or local Boy Scout or Girl Guides troup) with a grasp on reality (there must be someone there) gave them a briefing on the real situation or if it’s just the MIC worried about share price next year.

    Trudeau gets an earful on defence spending from nearly one-quarter of the U.S. Senate

    http://Trudeau gets an earful on defence spending from nearly one-quarter of the U.S. Senate

    The Chinese have an interesting take on this.

    BTW, while I laugh I tend to give Annalena Baerbock a bit of a pass on the 360° thing. Numbers are one of the most difficult things to handle in a foreign language. Truss on the other hand seemed to feel that an open Black Sea was needed to ensure access to the Baltic republics.


    1. Yes, it is only because Baerbock is such a detestable character, who portrays herself as such a smartie, that this meme endures – her meaning was clear, and she intended to suggest a radical change of direction was needed. If she was a bit more humble the laughter would have been much gentler, and some of the nutty things she has said have been much more damaging.

      Whaddya know – Blinken is left-handed, like Jimi Hendrix!

      I wonder if historians will speculate in a few years on the value added by Blinken tickling the strings in a Kiev nightclub while the situation was so serious, although I confess I had no idea the guitar was among his accomplishments. His political statements, though, suggest the persistent use of mind-altering drugs, so maybe he is a secret rock star who had cosmetic surgery. For example, “Putin has it wrong — time is on Ukraine’s side,” Blinken said. “As the war goes on, Russia is going back in time. Ukraine is moving forward.” I can’t think of any context in which this is not just fluff – every village or city Russia attacks, Zelensky squeals that they are going to raze it to rubble, and thanks to the stubborn efforts of Ukrainian forces to hold on to it, that’s usually what happens. Damage to Russian villages near the Ukrainian border is mostly light and repairable, although Bankova St. would certainly like to attack Russian cities with its western-made weapons. The thing is, Ukraine has exhausted its supply of weapons it began the war with, and now only western weapons and ammunition remain with the range to reach Russian targets. Russia, by way of contrast, has accelerated production many-fold and continues to manufacture new weapons against which western systems cannot defend, including low-tech but inarguably effective glide bombs. Ukraine is not ‘moving forward’ from its battle lines, it is moving backward and much of what it is retreating through is smashed to shit. Perhaps Blinken meant Russia is ‘going back in time’ in its relations with the west, to the days of the Cold War when the two were enemies. That’s most certainly true, but that was the choice of the west and it would not be talked out of it, so who is actually going back in time?

      Ditto the jaw-dropping whopper that Ukraine ‘could still claim significant victories includ[ing] reclaiming some 50% of the territory Russian forces took in the early months of the war, boosting its economic standing and improving transportation and trade links, not least through military successes in the Black Sea’. Huh? Is he talking again about the ‘Battle of Kyiv’? Which Russia never held? And there wasn’t really any battle? Otherwise, looking at those things called maps, Ukraine has lost all the territory it had regained and much more. Boosted its economic standing? How, exactly? In news reported as recently as first day of Zelensky’s illegal term as president, Ukraine tried to appear comforted that its debt repayments will drop to only a hair over an annual 1 Billion UAH…by 2047.

      Similarly depressing if you are Ukrainian, that ‘boost’ in economic standing might accrue to the fact that the G7 countries agreed to suspend Ukraine’s debt repayments for two years; that runs out this year. For two years, while it was ‘boosting its economy’ by accepting more loans and gifts, it was paying nothing to service its debt.

      In July 2022, the Western powers agreed to defer all debt payments for two years. If the suspension of debt payments is not extended in July 2024, Ukraine must resume payments.

      As a result, months of negotiations have been undertaken to determine what will transpire after July 2024. The European Union has postponed the date for the resumption of repayments by several years. So, what is at stake is mainly the repayments to private creditors, as well as to countries that are not directly part of the Western alliance or that are even opposed to this Western alliance, in particular China, which is also one of Ukraine’s creditors, but also Russia.”

      A global petition to cancel Ukraine’s debt has been circulating since 2022. If it resulted in successful litigation, the west would lose all the money it invested in a Ukrainian military victory, while the ‘lucky country’ would still be a devastated and depopulated ruin.

      I’m completely at a loss to address his statements about improving trade and transportation links due to military successes in the Black Sea; it appears to have been just random words strung together so he could be making a noise while he was actually thinking about something else. In January of this year, an article on MSN reported Ukraine’s exports had plummeted to a 20-year low, but a search now reveals the article has been removed. However, I don’t think you will find any credible reporting anywhere which extols anything like Ukrainian military successes in the Black Sea (unless he was talking about Ukraine occasionally potting Russian ships in Crimea using waves of drones or missiles, ‘successes’ which do nothing at all to halt the Russian advance or to improve Ukraine’s trade and transportation links.

      In further refutation of his counterintuitive nonsense, a NYT article I had to access through M.E’s archive link – not entirely successful as it was headed by an interactive graphic which can only be seen suspended in screenshot view – admitted that Russian trade had ‘boomed’ since the war started, mostly because some countries cannot do without some of the things Russia exports.

      “That has led to a frustrating reality for Western officials who had hoped to undercut Russia’s war effort by punishing its economy: The value of its exports actually grew after it invaded Ukraine, The Times analysis shows, even in many countries that have taken an active role in opposing Russia.”

      The graphic I referred to reports that nine months into the war, Russia’s trade with the UK had fallen by 79% and with the USA by 35%…but trade with Brazil had exploded by 106%, with Turkey by 198%, with China by 64% and with Belgium by 81%. What is Brussels buying from Russia, I wonder? Trade with India had leaped an astounding 310%, and much of that would be in oil and gas.


    2. “BTW, while I laugh I tend to give Annalena Baerbock a bit of a pass on the 360° thing. Numbers are one of the most difficult things to handle in a foreign language..

      The only difference in German numbers and English ones is when one says, for example, 21. In German, that is literally “one and twenty”, as it was in English a few hundred years ago. So “She is 21 years old” in German is: “Sie ist einundzwanzig Jahre alt”, whereas “She is 19 years old” is: “Sie ist neunzehn Jahre alt”.

      She said in English, “If he doesn’t change by three hundred sixty degrees, no”.

      In German, that’s: „Wenn er sich nicht um dreihundertsechzig Grad verändert, nein.“

      She speaks American English and says “three hundred sixty degrees”: I say “three hundred and sixty degrees”.

      Whatever — 360 in German is the same as in English, namely: dreihundertsechzig.

      Now if she were to say numbers in Russian, then that would be a ball-acher, because Russian numbers decline, as do all Russian nouns.

      “Three hundred and sixty degrees” in Russian is триста шестьдесят градусов and “by three hundred sixty degrees” is “на триста шестьдесят градусов”.

      The preposition for “by” does not change the case ending for “three hundred and sixty”.

      However, if she were too say “about three hundred and sixty degrees”, then the preposition for “about” would cause a change in case endings for the Russian words “three hundred” and “sixty” thus “около трехсот шестидесяти” градусов.


    3. Baerbock used to be a champion trampolinist as a teenager. If you’re involved in sport trampolining, you had better know the difference between 180 and 360 degrees when you’re performing twisting somersaults while airborne or you’d lose points in competition.


    4. “Numbers are one of the most difficult things to handle in a foreign language”

      BS. She speaks English well enough to not mix it up. If you talk about numbers and difficulty, try Portuguese as an excellent European example how to screw it up. 5=cinco, 50= cinquenta, 500= quinhentos, 15=quinze, 50th=quinquagésimo. On its own,. a quantity of 100=cem. 101=cento e um, etc.


  3. These people must be suffering from a psychological disorder!

    Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonite took the example of Kaja Kallas and “wept” over the years of Soviet occupation

    1 May

    Ingrida Simonite (photo from the website

    Ingrida Simonite (photo from the website

    Live on air of a German TV channel, Lithuanian prime minister told sad tales about how hard life was for her for 15 years during the Soviet “occupation” about how poor the choice of goods was in Lithuanian stores of that time. Well, at least she didn’t mention that there were no sweets during her childhood.

    Apparently, telling such fables about the difficult years of life in the Soviet Union has become fashionable amongst Western and especially Baltic politicians.

    Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was the first to distinguish herself in this field. She went so far as to say that in her Soviet childhood she never saw candy because it was impossible to buy it! And Note: this is in Soviet Tallinn, where there was during her childhood and still is the Kalev confectionery factory, rebuilt during a Soviet five-year. And the parents of poor little Kaja had to give her sour cream and sugar instead of sweets.

    Kaya Callas as a child. Would you believe that this girl never saw candy as a child? And this is despite the fact that by the time this picture was taken, her dad (he's a photo) Siim Kallas served as director of the republican branch of the Savings Bank of the USSR (photo from the website

    Kaja Kallas as a child. Would you believe that this girl never saw candy as a child? And this despite the fact that by the time this picture was taken, her dad (he’s in the photo) Siim Kallas served as director of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic branch of the Savings Bank of the USSR (photo from the website

    Westerners believe such cranberries * and burst into tears of sympathy when listening to such tales.

    After that publication, Kaya Kallas gained fame and such heartbreaking “revelations” made by Estonians are often remembered today in the West.

    Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte decided to keep up with her friend and also decided to remember her life under the Soviet “occupation”.

    Shimonyta will turn fifty this year and therefore, unlike the younger Kallas, she has more memories to disclose about the years of “occupation”.

    Almost with tears in her eyes, Simonyte, who was born in 1974 and received free of charge the best secondary education in the world, speaks of her “15 years of life under Soviet occupation”.

    It is especially interesting to hear about the “occupation”. Yeah, right! The “damned occupiers” built so many industrial enterprises in Lithuania that the independent Lithuanian authorities had to work for almost 30 years to destroy them all.

    And it was the “occupiers” who developed agriculture in Lithuania to such heights that it still remains the most highly efficient sector of the Lithuanian economy to this day.

    На фото Лаздинайская средняя школа в Вильнюсе. Вы поверите, что в такой школе стены покрашены коричневой краской? (фото с сайта

    The photo shows Lazdinai Secondary School in Vilnius. Would you believe that in a school like this the walls are painted brown? (photo from

    True, according to Simonyte, not everything was right with the school either. She doesn’t say anything about the education itself that she recieved there, but she does talk about about the “dark brown walls in the schools”.

    I wonder where in her memories those walls came from? I myself had to study in a variety of schools in Russia, the Ukraine and even Mongolia, but everywhere the internal walls of the schools were painted exclusively with light paint.

    Even in Mongolia, in the heart of the Gobi Desert, in a small Soviet garrison, two schools were built for children: one for pupils in grades 1-3, the second for older ones. In addition, the school had its own 25-metre swimming pool with 5 lanes, and during physical education, boys and girls went to the pool for swimming lessons. This is in Mongolia — in the middle of one of the driest and harshest deserts on the planet.

    And in Lithuania, it turns out that at that same time the walls of schools were painted with dark brown paint. Not even light brown, not red lead, which was used to paint plank floors, but dark brown. Here, one has to inevitably think:

    У вас с головой все хорошо? (фото с сайта

    Is this woman right in the head?

    And her revelations about the meager selection in stores cause nothing but laughter:

    stores in Lithuania, and throughout the Baltic states, were a showcase of developed socialism, and even during the years of total shortage in the late ’80s, stores in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were strikingly different from stores in Ryazan, Omsk or Chita.

    [In fact, many of the retired Soviet nomenklatura and former high ranking Soviet Army officers, set up home in the Baltics because the standard of living there was the nearest that they could get to Western ones. For Soviet citizens, living in the Baltics was the next best thing to living in Europe. The Baltics were the “West of the East”. Most Soviet citizens couldn’t go to Europe: way too expensive, lots of red tape. Baltic states were the richest and cleanest and best run amongst all the Soviet states, had the best food, the best roads — if you were lucky enough to own a car and enjoy driving without a constant risk to get stranded in mud, snow, or get swallowed by a pothole. Soviet citizens were like pigs in shit if they could vacation in the Baltics. I don’t know how she managed it, but my first Russian paramour, Natasha №1 from Voronezh, used to sometimes vacation in Estonia and when I first got to know her, she used to go into raptures about the place. And then I, being at that time the “Playboy of the Western World” — in her eyes at least — took her to Paris, no costs barred. Women have this strange power over me, see! 🙂 — ME]

    In her life, Simonyte has never seen anything further than her Lithuanian farm, so she talks nonsense on German TV, and there they will swallow such cranberries and not even wince.

    And how can Ingrid Simonyte say normal things if by the age of 50 she is not married and has not had any children? And there are a great many such women amongst Western politicians. It is enough to remember only Maia Sandu, who, like Simonyte, at the age of 52 remains single and has not known the joy of motherhood. [On the other hand, though, there is von der Leyen, who has borne 7 children — ME]

    Have your say in the comments! I’ll be glad to hear them. Ready to discuss and argue.
    Subscribe to the channel, like, share with friends and comment on what you read – your opinion is very valuable.


    *cranberries: Russian idiom — fictions, false stereotypes, distorted ideas, nonsense and ridiculous inventions. The expression is usually used in a sarcastic and ironic sense, most often about the prevailing speculations amongst foreigners about Russia and Russians, about Russian life, culture, history, language, etc. The Ozhegov dictionary defines this expression as ironic — about something completely implausible and revealing complete ignorance of the subject.

    Still from the movie "Armageddon" / "Kinopoisk"

    One example of cranberries is the Russian cosmonaut Lev Andropov: unshaven, perpetually drunk, wearing a soldier’s hat with earflaps with a Soviet cockade and a red star on his T-shirt. Still from the American movie “Armageddon”.

    The two women mentioned in the above article are out and out brazen liars. Kallas has already been noted for several falsehoods that she has uttered in public.

    Why do they lie in this way?

    I suspect that they do this simply because they know that their lies are what their Western audiences want to hear. And by voicing such mendacities, they also remain a centre of attention, which is good for their political careers, both domestically and even internationally. I suspect they get imbursements from Washington commensurate with the size if the whoppers that they vomit forth.

    On the other hand, they might simply just be a fucking pair of evil lying bitches.

    I don’t agree fully with the author of the article as regards his opinion that an unmarried, childless woman is somehow unfulfilled, which unfulfillment is detrimental to her political career, should she choose to follow one.


    1. It’s all just drama, and the west has sought refuge in maudlin drama because reality is unacceptable. Let it live on in its fool’s paradise – reality will prevail at some point simply because it will become impossible to exclude.


    2. I believe the cranberry idiom comes from the writings of some Westerner (a Dumas?) who visited Russia for ten minutes in the 1800s and wrote about landowners taking their ease in the shadow of cranberry tree.


    3. One thing Kaja Kallas can’t lie about is that she looks as dopey now as she did as a kid with her hair in pigtails. She just grew taller over the years.


  4. As to Westerners not wanting to join up. Why would they want to join a bunch of losers? Think of a Cdn/US/Brit WW2 vet waking up after a PTSD nightmare. At least he knows that, despite all the horrors and fears, 1) he won 2) he helped destroy a great evil 3) he has the happy memories of being welcomed by people he liberated. What does a veteran of Afghanistan or the GWOT have to comfort him after his nightmares? The fact that Taliban now has an air force?


    1. According to The Military Times, such recruiting offramps as competition from the private sector and the dwindling numbers of youths physically capable of military service are ‘perennial factors’ and nobody actually keeps track of why young Americans – in this instance – won’t sign up.

      I find that very hard to believe, and it is certainly true that the Army, at least, is sufficiently concerned about such disqualifiers as positive drug tests that recruiters have been repeatedly caught on hidden recording devices counseling potential recruits how to beat the drug test. Those who flunk out because they are too undereducated or incapable of doing a chin-up may be captured through new Army programs which will focus potential new soldiers on meeting minimum physical standards or academic requirements.

      “The prep course is a pre-basic training improvement camp for those who aren’t yet qualified to join the Army due to excess body fat or low test scores, senior officials say. Participants enlist on 09M delayed training contracts, which they renegotiate into permanent ones upon passing the prep course.

      Both the academic track and fitness track are three-week programs. Trainees who meet Army standards afterwards can proceed to basic training. Those who don’t pass repeat the course for up to 90 days, until they either meet standards or go home with an entry-level discharge.”

      But although the Democratic administration vehemently denies mostly-Conservative accusations that ‘wokeness’ is killing military recruiting across the western democratic assembly of nations, the grizzled military veterans you describe are exactly the audience that looks down at the ground and spits in disgust at the liberal clusterfuck western military forces are evolving into. The article extolling the prep-school approach to padding the numbers is specific that the recruiting target the US Army missed that year had already been revised downward by nearly 10,000 recruits.

      The ‘woke’ label, especially as it applies to captive audiences like the military, nearly universally triggers complaint about transgenderism and pink hair and changes to the dress manual – while that is admittedly a problem, many forget that a big part of ‘wokeness’ is racism policies and the stubborn insistence on making white recruits sufficiently ashamed of their ethnicity that they will agree to any concessions to non-whites in order to atone for past wrongs. As Thomas Spoehr, director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation wrote for that article, “Is anyone surprised that potential recruits — many of whom come from rural or poor areas of the country — don’t want to spend their time being lectured about white privilege?”

      The business of the military is to fight, informed up to the minute of changes in tactics and techniques and equipment and how it will communicate with other members of its own force, as well as actions it must take at every level down to the individual if members find they are unable to communicate with any of their own force while in a combat situation. But because the military in – especially – democratic countries is an appealing cross-section of society (except for the very wealthy, who are only very occasionally represented in bursts of patriotism) as well as a captive demographic sworn to obey all laws and policies, governments cannot resist tinkering with it to try out new efforts to mold social values. Changes to the Dress Code for the Canadian Forces, for example, plainly catered to the very small demographic which is sufficiently unhappy with having been born into the sex it was that it ‘identifies’ as the opposite, often with startling – and I don’t mean that in a good way – results.

      “Starting in September, members of the Canadian Armed Forces will be able to carry purses, wear skirts and stockings, grow their hair as long as they choose and polish their finger and toenails whatever colour pleases them. And I’m talking about male soldiers.”

      How will any of the above concessions to wokeness enhance these soldiers’ ability to fight as an individual or as a member of a unit, or enhance that unit’s cohesiveness?


        1. Oh, doubtless that is accurate. Imagine the fate of the US Army now, on its ‘lightning drive’ to Baghdad, if it could have been observed every mile of the way by Iraqi surveillance. America got used to being the only nation that could see the entire battle picture, first through satellites and then via Global Hawk and other high-flying pricey drones. Now everyone can see what’s going on outside line-of-sight range…but only one nation, so far, has hypersonic missiles. The glide bomb can’t be jammed because it has no onboard sensors. And western forces are unprepared for the modern battlefield because they spent a couple of decades ginning up rabbles of flip-flops to do their fighting by proxy, while they observed from the perspective of smugness over their supposed technological edge.

          William Schryver sees things pretty much the same way, and draws conclusions from the war that do not look good for NATO.

          “I will preface my commentary on this issue by stating that Ukraine’s fatal blunder was buying into NATO’s over-confident delusion that they (the Armed Forces of Ukraine) actually had a reasonable opportunity to defeat the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in a high-intensity conflict…

          Even more revealing is that once-vaunted and universally feared US/UK weaponry – almost all of it actually rather antiquated – has proven to be far less “game-changing” than the pea-brained strategists in Washington and Whitehall mistakenly believed.

          Javelins, NLAWs, and Stingers have been exposed as mostly ineffective against their intended targets (tanks, helicopters, and low-flying jets). M-777 howitzers break down after just a few fires. GPS-guided “precision” munitions are routinely jammed by Russian electronic warfare counter-measures.

          Worse yet, the inculcation of NATO field doctrines in the minds of the Ukrainian officer cadre has resulted in pervasively inflexible responses to battlefield events that develop contrary to expectations. Consequently, discipline has disintegrated, and improvisation has been paralyzed…

          Remember, the USA chafed and fretted that the Ukrainians lost Bakhmut and then Avdeevka because they did not follow American tactical doctrine for operations with western armored assets. The delusion persisted even then of the invincibility of western armor and know-how.

          “More geopolitically significant, at least in the near future, is that European NATO members can also read the scorecard of this war: they now understand as they never could previously that standing on the NATO side of the field is hardly a guarantee of security.

          I am convinced NATO will not survive the results of this war in Ukraine. Sure, they’ll “keep up appearances” for the time being, but there can be no doubt most now understand that siding with a rapidly declining empire is fraught with great risk and minimal gain.”


      1. At least in the Canadian army, the recruiting vacancies that will be filled will be those for nailcare specialists. Every unit will need its own such specialists to keep soldiers’ finger and toe nails in good polished and shellacked nick. Filling the vacancies might also help the army meet its DEI quotas if the nailcare industry in Canada does what its equivalent in Australia does: operate as a global racket hiring young women in poor Asian countries and compelling them to work in dangerous conditions breathing toxic chemicals for long hours for low pay in foreign countries where the girls don’t understand the local languages and (more importantly) the laws regulating employment.


          1. Uh huh; that same video is actually embedded in the post. However, here’s a related video in which the protagonist actually tries to explain the recruiting crisis from the standpoint that you should be motivated to join the military, and reasonably explains what the military in the USA is doing wrong. His fact-based approach is refreshing, and he does a good job explaining how low unemployment (such as prevails in the west right now) hurts recruiting – there’s just lots of choice, and the military is perceived as being low-paying. He did a good job explaining that one, too – the military offers an extensive benefits package in which many of the big income drains in civilian life are free for serving military or available at a much-reduced cost. This is particularly measurable in the USA, where the military remains highly-regarded by the establishment (although not necessarily by the youth it is trying to recruit), and even such things as a day pass to Sea World in San Diego are free to not only serving US military, but to allied military members as well. I benefited personally from that policy when I was sent to San Diego to meet HMCS VANCOUVER to de-install target equipment she had used during her transit from Esquimalt. In fact, that assignment is a good example – easiest duty I ever had. My partner and I (business partner, a reservist) stayed at the San Diego Hilton Bayfront; very nice, and we could time our trip to the Navy piers to meet VANCOUVER to the second because we could watch her go by from the window of either room.


            We were there for two and a half days to make sure we had enough time to pack up the equipment and load it on a flatdeck for return to Canada. But we were advised it would be a rush job, as VANCOUVER would only be alongside for about an hour, to take on some stores and disembark our gear, then she would depart for the Persian Gulf. When we got to the ship, we found that in the interests of speedy transfer, the crew had already de-installed everything and packed it up; we only had to look over the manifest, sign some papers and watch the crane load it on the truck. We went to Sea World in the afternoon, and at that time a day pass would set you back $70.00 USD. We got a free pass that said “Hero Salute!”, and not only was our stay at the Hilton covered by federal government expense, we got paid for our time at our regular salary rate even though we only worked for about 20 minutes. Meals were covered as well. Here’s the video; worth watching, sensible explanations.

            There is, however, no doubt that woke shit like ‘The Calling’ hurts recruiting efforts, and he was quite frank that it did not bring in any numbers. By way of contrast, the year ‘Top Gun’ was released, recruiting surged by 500%, they probably had to turn people away.


            1. Missed that insert.

              Was in a rush. Now, at 08:55 Moscow time, on board a train, dacha bound.

              Glorious weather — cloudless blue sky, brilliant sunshine, 18C, rising to 24C this afternoon.


              1. It feels more like late fall here than spring; although it’s bright and sunny, there seems always to be a cold wind blowing. We’ve had a couple of warm days, just a taste, but generally speaking there has not been a great change from winter, temperature-wise. The opposite coast is much warmer, which is a reverse of the usual situation. Right now it is 12 degrees, and not forecast to go over 14.


      2. “‘Wokeness” be damned. This seems to be some kind of crazy invention of a bunch of conservatives in the US who don’t actually understand what “woke” originally meant but managed to turn the concept into some horrible idea that “wokeness” is out to corrupt all their children and grandchildren. I suspect that most of those children and grandchildren really have no idea what they’re talking about and if they did they’d laugh at their parents and grandparents.

        It’s a little like Critical Race Theory. Again, parents and grandparents are terrified that their 10 year old Johnny or Susie is being brainwashed on Critical Race Theory. Unless things have changed in the last three or four years, CRT is a rather abstract, even recondite, legal theory that some law students in their last year or maybe when they were taking an advanced legal degree would study, anticipating that it may affect legal arguments and judgments. It’s not something you teach to a 10-year-old. That is like teaching calculus to that same 10 year old. Most of them are just not going to understand or care about what the hell it is.

        Most of those 18 to 20 year-olds whom the military would like to recruit probably have seen the US military in all its glory in the last 10 years or so. And, of course, if they’re part of the subset of the population that the military traditionally recruits from, they probably have heard the stories of their older cousins or older brothers and sisters go on back-to-back deployments, forced re-ups, the rather poor pay, and things like on-base housing that would shock a slum landlord. They may even have a cousin or an older brother or sister who got their leg blowing off by an IED and Afghanistan a month before the US did their bug out. I don’t think this is the type of thing that really motivates people to enlist.

        Those 18 to 20 year-olds are not getting their news from the mainstream media, or at least not much other news from there. They are getting it from social media and social media is just not as well censored as the main industry media outlets are.

        Why do you think that TikToc is under such a vicious attack in the US right now? Of course, it is a rival to  Facebook or Instagram, but the real thing is that it is not toeing the US line. I believe that maybe even showing some of the real horrors that Gaza is experiencing at the moment. Some of those 18 to 20 year-olds may have even heard of things like the accusations of genocide against Israel when watching Tik Tok. 

        Then they get to watch those protesting students on University campuses across the US being attacked by armed riot police when they were sitting there doing some peaceful protesting. This is really going to encourage people too, I’m sure. Unless you’re already a serious right-wing authoritarian, you may be wondering why people your age and maybe some of your friends are being passed over the head by police batons.  

        By the way, these are the first serious demos since the early 1970s. I think it is scaring the bejesus out of the powers that be. All of a sudden there are a lot of smart young people who bay be questioning a lot of policies in the USA that many people in Washington or in the financial businesses, etc., would prefer that nobody asked about.

        Then you’ve got the Keystone Cops situation in Washington where you have a bunch of corrupt, posturing, elected representatives, and whatever the US equivalent of a Canadian civil servant is, led by one or the other of two senile, corrupt, incompetents. Are you really going to want to join the military, knowing that you can expect this band of merry idiots will be the ones making the decision to send you into dangerous situations?

        I think the US military, from say the middle 1970s to the beginning of the 20th century, was seen as a decent career path for a lot of people, same as the Canadian Armed Forces. After the debacles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and I’m probably forgetting a few, any young person in the USA is probably asking themselves, “Is this such a good career anymore?”

        Given that despite the falling living standards in the USA, it is probably easy enough to get some kind of a job where the chances of being shot at or to catch weird diseases on deployment is even higher than it is when living in Chicago or a barrio in Los Angeles. I’m not really too surprised at a lot of kids don’t want to enlist.


        1. Forgot, the USA has the largest prison population in the world. This must decrease the size of the recruitment pool.


  5. Now, here’s a winning strategy; relieve surplus generals of their positions, and send them to the front as regular infantry. I can’t think why Zelensky is not teaching military strategy at West Point.

    There might actually be a handful who were once soldiers themselves, but most others would have joined as junior officers, and would have no line infantry experience. And there are not enough of them to offer an opportunity to rest for soldiers already fighting at the front. It’s another of Zippy’s stunts, which makes me wonder who he bounces these ideas off of; someone equally thick, apparently.

    Still, it’s a useful bellwether for anyone who still thinks Ukraine is winning – this is not the action of someone who is winning, and in fact it has d.e.s.p.e.r.a.t.e. written all over it. It takes years and years to train and educate a senior military officer, and if Ukraine has too many, whose fault is that? But he’ll burn them up in a flash, just as he is doing with his regular army.

    Must be why the intertubes are alive with stories about Putin’s eagerness for a ceasefire – the west knows it must have some breathing space to think up its next clever trick, or Ukraine is going to fold up.

    See where they’re leading?

    “Three of the sources claimed that the Russian leader had expressed frustration about what he views as Western-backed attempts to hinder ceasefire negotiations.”

    So if NATO drops all objections to ceasefire negotiations, it’s ‘being the bigger man’ and trying to minimize further deaths. Who believes that? That’s what I thought.

    I imagine the ‘trusted sources’ are the usual ‘Kremlin insiders’; Stas Belkovsky, Masha Lippman, that crowd, who are used to good paychecks for telling western journalists things that make them excited.

    So far as I am aware, Moscow’s position has for a long time been that any serious negotiations must recognize realities on the ground, which has always meant don’t bother ‘negotiating’ for a Russian withdrawal from any territory it already holds, so this is just the west putting out feelers by re-interpreting what Putin has already said.


  6. Per the above, all the frantic claims that ‘Putin wants a ceasefire’ seem to have originated from the same anonymous sources, and the major networks are simply repeating one another’s reports. Here’s Newsweek’s.

    This one did a little more legwork, and quoted the simpleminded trout-mouthings of yet another think-tank wazoo; Neil Melvin, director of International Security Studies at RUSI, remarkable for simultaneously being consistently wrong but never learning anything from it, brays yet more stupidity; to wit, that Putin is frightened of calling a General Mobilization – which he must soon decide upon, due to the bloody attrition in Ukraine. Yes, once again Putin is almost out of something, this time soldiers, and Britain puts another notch on its I’m-Stupid gun.

    Russian casualties are unknown, of course; the Russian state probably does not know with precise exactitude, since the numbers change every day, but two things you can take to the bank – one, Russian casualties are nothing like as heavy as Ukraine’s, which must top half a million by now and growing at the rate of about 800 a day. The Ukrainians are on the receiving end of all that explosive force, while Russians are mostly just unleashing it from a distance. Two, Ukraine’s casualties are nothing like what they would be if Russia were not taking care to attack only military forces or equipment, or critical infrastructure, and nearly all Ukraine’s casualties are military personnel. Russia is not just blasting civilians out of their shoes the way Ukraine likes to tell it.

    However, there is absolutely no evidence at all, cited or extant, that the Russian leadership is pondering a General Mobilization. The forces it already has in the field are plenty to defeat a flailing, exhausted AFU, and Russia still has thousands of reserves who have completed training but have not been deployed to battle.

    The west’s maneuvering is all cover for a defense that it reversed itself and supported a ceasefire reluctantly, on humanitarian grounds and at Putin’s request, although no such request has been made. NATO ignored Putin’s previous messaging that Russia is always ready to talk provided it can have an adult conversation and assuming certain realities, and it is only now the west is seizing it as a lifeline.


  7. The Toad-Queen of the US Department of State wants the USA to give Ukraine ‘more help in hitting Russian bases’, and there is obviously a ravening appetite in neoconland for getting involved. I personally think that would doom Biden’s chances, but it doesn’t look like he has much of a chance anyway. But then again, there was never any cost until recently for Nuland for running her mouth.

    Interesting to me, though, she was quoted as saying that ‘bases’ over the line in Russia ought to be ‘fair game’ if they are where missiles are being launched from or where troops are being supplied from. That latter qualification is a huge grey area which might open up just about any target to attack. Do soldiers come from there? Russian soldiers come from all over. Materials which supply the Russian army come from all over.

    Nonsensically, she claims that Russia pulls back its potential targets just out of reach of Ukrainian weapons – if Russia can fire from far away and decrease the risk of a counterstrike, why wouldn’t it? Is that some kind of dirty trick? Do the brave Ukrainians shoot from 5 miles away with a 50-mile-range weapon, just to make it sporting for Russia? Thank God she’s not in charge of military policy anywhere she could do damage.


  8. Moscow Exile, you never performed a more valuable service than discovering and sharing the Aurelien substack; the author has recently published a piece which complements this one beautifully, although it’s like comparing a marble to a medicine ball in scope. It’s surprising NATO hasn’t shut him down; here’s a sample.

    “And what would that mission be? Well, here we come to the heart of the problem. I think it’s clear that there is nothing militarily useful that NATO can do to affect the outcome of the fighting, so any deployment is going to be mostly theatre, aimed as much at domestic public opinion as at the Russians. That last statement may seem surprising to some, in spite of what I’ve already said, but just consider a few things. It’s notoriously the case that western militaries have allowed their capacity to fight conventional high-intensity wars to evaporate almost to nothing. As I’ve often pointed out, that’s fine so long as you don’t set out to antagonise a large state that hasn’t. As you’ll realise from the discussion so far, NATO would face enormous problems of coordination, doctrine and force generation, even if it could agree an objective. Its troops are not trained for this kind of war and have never operated together. But the units are there, aren’t they? And the equipment?

    Not really. It would take a separate essay to go into this in adequate detail, but you can look up the size and composition of western militaries for yourself, and with a few calculations, you can see that the West would be hard-pressed to field a force more powerful than the reported nine Brigades trained and equipped by the West for the Great Offensive of 2023, which just bounced off the Russian forces without achieving anything of note. And those Brigades contained a number of experienced units and commanders. A NATO force would have to cover long distances, without air cover or protection against long-range attack, just to be in position to fight. And much of its equipment would be no better than, or even inferior to, that of the units in the 2023 attacks.”

    The entire article excoriates in exquisite detail the very notion that NATO could affect the course of events in any significant way other than smearing it around by broadening the conflict – while never having to rise much above the level of common sense. Enjoy.


    1. Be that as it may . . .

      Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!Ukraine War Update – Memorial Day Weekend, 2024


      MAY 25, 2024

      ATACMS missile launched from HIMARS vehicle.

      As best I can gather, five American ATACMS missiles were used earlier this week in a short-range attack against a Russian S-300 air defense battery recently repositioned in Donetsk region. At least one of the missiles got through and scattered the contents of its cluster munitions warhead, destroying some elements of the battery.

      S-300 Missile Launcher

      It was a rare win for the celebrated ATACMS wunderwaffe.

      Meanwhile, another curious strike — apparently with long-range UAVs — was made against one of Russia’s “over-the-horizon” strategic radar installations. We’re talking about a large, multi-structure fixed site:

      Armavir Radar Station – Krasnodar, Russia

      This site can only “look” across a portion of the horizon, and is situated to detect ballistic missiles launched from western Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East.

      Armavir Radar Horizon

      It is not clear to me how meaningful it is to Crimean air defense. It may have limited utility in that respect.

      But the following things occur to me as I consider the development of events in recent weeks, since the introduction into Ukraine of more ATACMS missiles and the notable appearance of relatively large numbers of improved long-range attack drones:

      • The evidence is clear to me that what we are seeing is a 100% NATO operation. Sure, they might have a handful of Ukrainian orderlies to fetch coffee and sandwiches and whatnot, but otherwise it’s probably 85% American, 10% British, and 4% French “volunteer specialists” running the entire show — from target selection to ISR to pressing the “Fire” button on a control panel.
      • So, to a degree arguably unprecedented in this war, we are now seeing a direct battlefield engagement between NATO forces and Russian forces.
      • The NATO boys are apparently attempting to degrade Russian air defenses, primarily in the vicinity of Crimea. And they are using mostly cluster-warhead ATACMS missiles to do it. They’ve also launched a few SCALP cruise missiles, but few if any appear to have evaded interception.
      • They have already expended several dozen of these cluster-warhead ATACMS, the overwhelming majority of which have been intercepted — to the point they chose to use FIVE of them to attack a single S-300 battery! This is VERY telling. The Russians have destroyed Patriot batteries with single well-placed Iskander strikes.
      • But this also means the US is husbanding its stock of unitary-warhead ATACMS missiles — the kind that would be suited, for example, to a strike against the Kerch Bridge.
      Kerch Strait Bridge
      • It’s not entirely clear how many of the most recent delivery of ~100 ATACMS missiles pack the more powerful unitary warheads. Quite likely most of them, but few if any have been used so far.
      • Based on the high Russian interception rate against the ATACMS, and given the relative hardness of a structure like the Kerch Bridge, I figure Team NATO will calculate it is necessary to launch a salvo of 30-50 missiles in order to hopefully achieve a dozen solid strikes against the bridge — which would still be very unlikely to do severe damage.
      • That said, I’m very dubious that NATO has sufficient launchers in the theater to mount such a massive salvo.

      In any case, that’s where we stand here in the last week of May 2024.

      The Ukrainian army is in a state of near-collapse.

      The Russians are clearly stronger than at any point in this war.

      The storehouse of NATO weaponry has been attrited to an astounding and entirely unforeseen extent — almost to the point of effective exhaustion for many of the European NATO countries.

      But the empire apparently remains determined, if not outright desperate to string out the affair long enough to preserve the western political status quo.

      The Pentagon and Whitehall are understandably frustrated by the relative impotence of their toys versus the toys of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and are intent on finding some way to string together a few face-saving wins while their limited inventory holds out.

      For their part, the Russians are able and ever more likely to retaliate against NATO targets beyond the borders of Ukraine — particularly against Perfidious Albion.

      And, just to put emphasis on their serious intent, they are conducting a second round of tactical nuclear missile exercises in Belarus.

      Russian Iskander-M Tactical Ballistic Missile System

      Here in America, the Memorial Day holiday weekend is upon us. It used to be focused on the honoring of soldiers lost in American wars, but now it’s primarily an occasion for celebrating the beginning of summer.

      So … party on, folks. Don’t worry about the wind your leaders are sowing in distant lands, nor the harvest of the whirlwind to come.

      Eat, drink, and be merry!


      1. The key phrase in there is ‘while their limited inventory holds out’. Ukraine does not have enough ATACMS to constitute a serious threat, and when they’re gone, they’re gone. Perhaps Russia could speed that up if it could discover where the remaining ones are stored, but even if it cannot, every time there is an expression of Ukrainian defiance, Ukraine gets pounded again in response. It must be down to about 10-15% of its electricity-generating capability by now.

        I’m curious as to why they would attack a fixed ballistic-missile monitoring system; some will jump right away to the conclusion that NATO is planning a ballistic-missile attack, but that would only be a possibility if NATO was attacking Libya or some equally-minor nation rather than the biggest nuclear-weapons power in the world. So it must be something else; perhaps the Ukies and their western thrill-seeker buddies are just shopping around for targets which are not very comprehensively defended. The Armavir facility is not used to launch attacks in any way against Ukraine, is not a contributor to air-defense efforts against Ukrainian strikes and is really only useful in the event of ballistic-missile launches against Russia from outside. Perhaps they just wanted to wreck something, and banked on the appreciative bobble-head western audience not knowing the strike did not result in any strategic gains at all.

        Meanwhile the BRICS Bloc headed by Russia and China continues to divest itself of dollar assets and to increasingly trade in other national currencies. This graphic

        illustrates….uhhh….graphically the relative size of the two power blocs which are settling out; the BRICS look a little bigger in terms of physical size. Also, with the de-industrialization of Europe it is going to become less and less a major economic player except for banking anmd moving money around, although the BRICS may well continue to use the Euro after they have completed de-dollarizing to their satisfaction. In any case, the BRICS bloc is armoring itself against American meddling through economic measures. Lots of other good stuff on the subject here.

        It’s kind of a shame globalization of the economy did not work out, because I think it had a lot going for it. But the usual dogs in the manger could not leave things be, and had to meddle and tweak and politicize trade in order to gain more influence and power. When they are left with nobody to play with but each other, they will have nobody else to blame.


        1. … perhaps the Ukies and their western thrill-seeker buddies are just shopping around for targets which are not very comprehensively defended. The Armavir facility is not used to launch attacks in any way against Ukraine, is not a contributor to air-defense efforts against Ukrainian strikes and is really only useful in the event of ballistic-missile launches against Russia from outside. Perhaps they just wanted to wreck something, and banked on the appreciative bobble-head western audience not knowing the strike did not result in any strategic gains at all.


          Why should the Banderites wish to attack a Russian over-the horizon radar facility whose purpose is to give early warning to Russia of USA ballistic missile launches against it?

          And if not a Banderite attack, then why should the USA be preparing a first-strike ballistic missile attack against Russia, for surely an attack against such a radar installation has that purpose?

          Whatever, the attack against the “Voronezh” radar was undertaken with the full knowledge of the USA warmongers, for I firmly believe that nothing that the Banderites do as regards their maniacal war against Russia happens without Washington’s knowledge or permission.

          However, Russia is not a country whose military wears flip-flops and totes automatic weapons.

          Russia is a nuclear power. and the Western morons can mock as much as they like with their “gas station with missiles” jibe, but the key point is “with missiles” — and the Evil Empire has more nuclear weapons than has the USA and hypersonic delivery systems, which the USA has not. and which the USA cannot intercept.

          For me, the multiple drone attack against the “Voronezh” radar installation in the Krasnodar Region is plainly a Banderite attempt to force a Russian reaction that will openly draw in NATO to the Yukiestan proxy war against Russia — a Banderite attempt orchestrated by the USA.

          The USA/NATO has been a participant in theis proxy war since the word go.

          But to quote Mercouris, I write as someone who has had no military experience whatsoever.


          1. And this is why I am beginning to suspect that Simplicius, as the end-game to this proxy war is clearly now in motion, in his analysis of the “Voronezh” radar station attack is beginning to reveal himself in his true colours.

            I’m pretty sure that Simplicius is a Russian, by the way, or native-speaking Russian emigré to the USA. The reason for this belief is that despite his near flawless English, occasionally he makes grammatical errors that are typical of Russian native speakers, most noticeably in conditional sentences and his use of grammatical articles.


            1. As regards my comment above about English grammatical errors, I feel I should add that many native speakers of both American an non-American English come out with such expressions as: “If I would be you, I would see a doctor”, or “If I would have known the answer, I would have told you”, and even, “If I would of known the answer, I would of told you”, rather than: “If I were you, I would see adoctor”, and: “If I had known the answer, I would have told you”, and even: “Were I you …etc.” and: “Had I known the answer etc.”

              I think such forms of conditional statements have always been held as utterances of the uneducated, though they seem to have become more common, in my opinion, these past 30 years or so.

              I recall that especially in the English Midlands, in the West Midlands, in the Greater Birmingham area, the expression: “If I would be you . . .” was commonplace.

              However, 30 years ago, I worked here in a Moscow school with a colleague from the USA — a young woman from Chicago, in fact, — who once said to me that I was the first person that she had heard saying: “If I were you . . . “


              1. I do not believe I have ever heard “If I would be you” in Canada. “If I were you” is an everyday statement.


                1. It’s kind of Forrest Gump talk. Russians often say it and as I said, Brummies do, working class Brummies, that is. And Germans do as well, because in German, “correct” German, the singular “subjunctive 1” of “to be” is wäre, cognate with “were” in English, as in “If I were you, I would go home”, which in German is: “Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich nach Hause gehen”. However, in colloquial German, Germans sometimes literally say “would be”, as in, for example: “Es würde cool sein” instead of: “Es wäre cool sein“.

                  A “Brummie” is a native of Birmingham, by the way. There are plenty of Brummies around, but in my opinion there aren’t many of the working class left in the UK — the “old working class”, I mean, or the “old white working class” as “sociologists” and liberasts like to say, which is their euphemism for “racist”.

                  The old working class Brummie accent became sort of popular recently because of a long running TV series in the UK that concerns turn of the 20th century Birmingham gangsters know as “Peaky Blinders”. I’ve never watched it, of course, but my English nephew has told me that it was a very popular TV series.

                  The Birmingham Boys (also known as the Brummagem Boys or the Brum Boys) were a street gang whose power extended from the North of England to London’s underworld, between the 1910s and 1930s. They lost control of the South East racecourses to the Sabini gang. In modern times they gained recognition due to the TV series “Peaky Blinders“.

                  “Peaky Blinders” because they wore peaked caps, one of which I almost always have perched on my head, but stitched underneath the peaks of the Peaky Blinders’ caps were safety razor blades, which allowed a peaked cap thus embellished to be used as a weapon when gripped in one’s hand in order to slash the face of someone with whom one was having an altercation.

                  My son absolutely abhors a Brummie accent. He says its the worst English accent that he’s ever heard. He tells me he understands North Americans, Aussies and Northern English and Southern English accents, but not “Brum”.

                  This intense dislike of his came about when we were once travelling by bus from London to Manchester and the bus stopped in Birmingham. Vova went off to buy something to eat and drink, but came back to me for help because he couldnt understand the cashier, who was a friendly Black Brummie. So I went to help Vova, and the cashier, rather perplexedly, asked what the problem with my son was. I told him that my son was Russian and it was the first time that he had heard a Brummie accent and had, therefore, difficulties in comprehending what had been said to him, all of which the cashier found to be immensely funny.


                2. Some say the term “Peaky Blinder” simply came from the gangsters’ dress style. In my dialect and also in that of the West Midlands, a “blinder” is something or someone that is very impressive, as in: “He played a blinder last Saturday” or “He’s a blinder”. I should add though that the use of razors stitched into caps was not unknown, because I was once unfortunately acquainted with a very old former “hard man”, notorious for his violence long before I was born, who once told me about this.


                3. The singer Ozzy Osbourne and all the other original members of Black Sabbath (Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, Bill Ward) are from Birmingham so anyone who watched the reality TV show that featured Osbourne and members of his family (wife Sharon, two children Jack and Kelly; eldest child Aimee elected not to appear on the show) will have heard the Oz’s Brummie accent at least. I’m not sure about his children though as they spent part of their childhood in the US.


                4. I must have led a sheltered life: never heard of Ozzie Osborne.

                  Apparently, he’s one year older than I am. In the 1970s, when I presume his musical career kicked off, I was too busy playing rugby and earning bread by the sweat of my brow. I was never really into popular music, anyway. Dead posh, me.


                5. I wouldn’t say Black Sabbath were ever really ‘popular’; they had a cult following among what were considered metal-heads at the time, although much of modern ‘metal’ is almost indecipherable to me now, with its pig-squealing ‘vocalists’ and speed-picking tempo. The Oz was also a most unlikely rock hero, being decidedly stout, his pseudo-medieval costumes doing little to conceal his rotundity. The music relied heavily on distortion and simple power chords, although the songwriting was actually pretty deep for the genre. The only album that approached pop themes, I would say, was ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’, which was the band’s fifth, released in 1973. For me, it was also their moist accomplished and technically sophisticated, and I suppose it’s because it would appeal to a wider audience that it might be verging on pop. According to the net, that point also marked the juncture where that version of the band began to unravel.

                  Rock bands typically have a short life, both because of the necessity to be continuously innovating to build your fan base while preserving enough of your ‘trademark sound’ to hold on to your devotees, and because of ego problems within the band. These can take two forms; one, a conviction on the part of the artist that he (it’s almost always a he because most prominent rock bands are all-male) is the only really good musician and the rest are riding on his talent – Ritchie Blackmore is a good example of this, and to his credit he is probably the best guitarist of all time in his genre. Two, a conviction on the part of the artist that he stinks out loud as a musician, is an imposter and is dragging the rest down with his failures; this sometimes leads to suicides, probably more frequently than it leads to simply leaving the band.

                  Like a lot of music that was produced in the 70’s, the songs often sound painfully simple now, and most Black Sabbath songs could be played note-for-note by any reasonably-competent guitarist. But you could say that of more-complex music such as that played by Yes in the same era, but somebody had to think it up first. Anyone who can play an instrument can learn to play these songs once they’re out there as a teaching aid, but few have the inspiration to write them.


                6. When Beatlemania took off when I was 13, I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about – same for all the pop-music groups at the time. But I liked jazz and still do. And that was popular music some 20 to 30 years before my birth. I think my musical tastes were fixed by what I heard on the “wireless” in the ’50s.


                7. Rugby, work and swilling ale at the weekends were my major activities when I was in my 20s, and not in that order, I may add. Rugby was/is the religion of my home town and there were pubs galore. Pubs have died a death in the UK now, I hear. They began to lose custom after they banned smoking in pubs, I reckon, and when they regularly whacked increased tax on booze so that folk turned to buying it from discount stores. I “liked a drink”, I did, in my misspent youth. When in my 20s, I could get steaming on a couple of quid.


                8. True, Black Sabbath was never commercially popular in the early 1970s and the music media ignored the band because of its working-class origins and its anti-Vietnam War stance. I think it was only after Ozzy Osbourne was kicked out of Sabbath in the late 1970s and started a solo (and much more pop-oriented) career under wife Sharon’s management that he started to become better known.

                  The reason Osbourne was thrown out of Sabbath was his drug and alcohol addiction but all four original members had issues with drug and alcohol abuse.

                  Osbourne was replaced by Ronnie James Dio as vocalist in the late ’70s and then not long after Ward left the band. So began a revolving door of constant comings and goings by different singers and musicians with only Tony Iommi being the one constant throughout the 1980s and beyond. Singers Ian Gillan (ex-Deep Purple) and Glenn Hughes (also ex-Deep Purple) and drummer Bev Bevan (ex-Electric Light Orchestra) all had their turns in Sabbath and even Rob Halford (Judas Priest), that archetypal pig-squealer and a Brummie speaker himself, filled the vocalist spot at a couple of concert gigs. All this instability hurt Black Sabbath’s popularity with the band’s fans, to say nothing of the continuing snub from the music media at the time.

                  Tony Iommi plays guitar left-handed but his style, based around playing a few chords over and over with loose strings (making the guitar sound deeper), arose because as a teenager he suffered an accident while working in a factory and lost the tips of two fingers of his right hand.


          2. Well, not quite since the beginning, but certainly since repudiating the peace treaty it signed (and even that was the subject of lies, if you remember; the west energetically denied there had been any such agreement until Ukraine’s representative admitted initialing it) Ukraine has sought to draw in NATO as a participant, and Zelensky’s probably not even doing that on his own, but at western prompting.

            From the beginning, NATO ‘thinkers’ have underestimated Russia and attributed any deliberation in its executions as weakness. Perhaps they think Russia is only bluffing with the nukes as well. But not enough of them think that to press ahead with a first strike, and there is not a population in NATO that would support it if they got a whiff that such a decision was pending.


  9. “Blitz” the Ukraine?

    British journalistic hyperbole.

    The British media loves to harken back to the Luftwaffe “blitz” against London. Part of British folklore and all that: “Dunkirk Spirit” and “We stood alone gainst the Hun” etc.


    1. Britain might as well advertise itself as ‘The Hyperbolic Nation’. Certainly in its media, where everything is stated in as dramatic terms as the narrative will allow.


  10. SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates


    MAY 25, 2024

    Ukraine is at a crossroads and a potential breaking point. The political situation has hit rock bottom, with Zelensky’s authority and legitimacy quickly unspooling; the manpower issue is reportedly very bad and is not being addressed by the newly announced mobilization; and on top of all that, Russia appears on the brink of opening up another in a series of new fronts that could bring the AFU to the brink by stretching the lines like never before.

    Here’s where the ominous signs begin.

    There are increasing signals that the covert plan from the globalist controllers is to get Ukraine to leave Russia with no choice but to escalate drastically and bring NATO in some form, whether limited or not, into the fight. 

    As quick reminder, Russian General Evgeny Buzhinky stated the following a month or so ago:

    “I do not have firm information about how the Russian president and Russian military command will act, but I am sure that if the strikes of Taurus of ATACMS are very harmful for Russia, then I presume we will at least strike the logistical hub in the territory of Poland in Rzeszów. In this case, it will be up to the United States to decide what to do. Either to go to the Third World War with mutual destruction or leave the Poles to fight Russia alone,” retired Russian Lieutenant General Evgeny Buzhinsky, told the New Rules podcast.


    1. All very exciting, I’m sure. But the number of ATACMs available for transfer to Ukraine is limited, and even if it is the only weapon which seems to be working, they can’t have elves knitting them in the basement at night. Remember, they sent the cluster-warhead variants in the first place because they didn’t have any more of the single-head variant. Remaining cluster-bomb variants were supposed to be being converted to single-warhead types, and the missile is no longer being produced so whatever stock remains is what there is to draw from.

      I am personally skeptical of ATACM’s ‘phenomenal, game-changing success’ against the S-400, and perplexed to see Simplicius agonizing over the appearance of operators being unable to see the target until it is too late; it’s good out to 400 km! he says. Yes, it is, although as he mentions, that’s against a large target flying quite high. But intercepts are also heavily dependent on how far away the launch point is, and I would imagine it is considerably closer than 400 km away, quite possibly as little as 30 km. You don’t have a lot of warning time, but the S-400 is an awesome air defense system and I just don’t believe they are being routinely wiped off the board by this 90’s-design Army missile.

      The missile is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic missile which is not fast and takes no evasive maneuvers – on the contrary, its flight path is predictable.

      The USA acknowledges it is obsolete and work has been underway on its replacement, due in 2027.

      The scenario described, in which an S-400 fell victim to a barrage of ATACMS, reminds me of that Pantsir system which was blown up after it had exhausted its ammunition. Whoever Simplicius was quoting said only one missile was left on the S-400 launcher and possibly there were just too many targets for it to get them all. It is also possible the one remaining was a dud; that does happen. It’s also possible nothing of the kind actually happened; remember, this is as much a propaganda war as any other kind, and Russia has been doing just fine against the ATACMS thus far – it’s pretty hard to believe their defenses just went for a shit all of a sudden, when history suggests the opposite, and that Russian techniques are evolving in the efficiency direction rather than away from it.

      As much as Zelensky has tried to drag NATO into the war and trap it into fighting for Ukraine, Washington has endeavored to reassure Ukraine and cajole it along to keep it fighting. The ‘ATACMS breakthrough’ sounds like just more of the same to me.


  11. There are some commenters on the web who have recently become critical of Simplicius, saying he is working for the other side.


    1. Varying up the click-bait and posting contrary stuff is a way gin up controversy, it gooses the readership & enflames the comments section.

      Thus keeping the audience hooked and maintaining the façade of “balance”.

      The pro Ukr crowd do the same, but they’re generally less subtle. Possibly because the inherent delusion or their usual postings preclude that.

      Whereas Simplicius benefits from the inherent advantages Russia has in the SMO, thus has less need to twist or analyze the facts.

      He/she/them just needs to selectively polish and present them in an engaging way.

      Of course that assumes, they’re pro-RF or an opportunist who found a niche.


      1. FWIW I don’t think Simplicius works for ‘the other side’. I’ve been reading ‘their’ posts since before they were Simplicius. There has apparently been a consistent attack on Simplicius on TwatterX (haven’t looked at anything on that platform for five years now) and trying to mess with the provenance of a writer is Psyops 101. I don’t always agree with everything said – but who does? Sometimes you just have to make up your own mind!

        I read many authors such as Yalensis, Martyanov, b, Doctorow, Larry Johnson and Schryver (I agree with what Mark said about ME’s highlighting of Aurelien as a particularly good ‘new’ author) – I don’t always agree, but as for comments sections… I recently realised that I only consistently read the comments here! I used to read comments on MoA and at Southfront amongst others but the troll factories are very busy these days. Keep going stooges!



        1. I completely agree – Simplicius might be susceptible to the occasional panic attack, but he is likely to be a target for disinformation himself and sometimes stuff is just too good to not report. Usually he qualifies his analysis by saying up front that it might be based on bullshit. My major quibble with him is his frequent attribution of hot-off-the-press info from ‘Dr.’ Phillip Karber, who is a known liar and serial fabricator. I doubt Simplicius is working for NATO.

          Hopefully I have correctly attributed the discovery of Aurelien – it might also have been Jen who initially steered me that way. But I think it was Dennis.

          Who was Simplicius before?


          1. Can’t remember steering you to Aurelien – I haven’t recommended very many Substack-based blogs. I do remember steering you to Rob Campbell and Stood Untermenschen but that ‘s all.


        2. Yes, MoA is often seriously stricken with an outbreaks of trollitis. The MoA boss is off sick at the moment, apparently so as to undergo minor surgery, and he’s shut shop for a few days so as to prevent a serious infection occuring during his absence. I don’t know why MoA seems to be a particular target of trolls — possibly because the MoA chief is a former member of the Bundeswehr and has, therefore, an air of authority on military matters.


  12. RT

    The US should be seen as directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella, Senator Dmitry Rogozin has said, warning that such attacks could lead to the collapse of the entire global nuclear security architecture.  

    In a statement on Telegram on Saturday, Rogozin, a senator who previously headed up the Russian space agency Roscosmos and is now in charge of a military technical center called Tsar’s Wolves, said that the attack targeted a nuclear early warning system in the southern Krasnodar Region. The Russian Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the matter, while the extent of the damage remains unclear.  

    Rogozin suggested that it was extremely unlikely that the strike, which Ukrainian media reported involved several drones, was carried out at Kiev’s sole initiative and without US involvement.  

    Some commenters on the web show a Liz-Truss-type knowledge of Russian geography, in that they say the Armavir Radar Station is in the Voronezh region. It is not: it is in the Krasnodar, Russia. The early warning radar system, however, is called a “Voronezh Radar”, as it was named after a river, as were other Soviet early-warning radars.



    1. Thanks, I was wondering about that. A Ukrainian attack on Krasnodar seemed but far-fetched. If we assume a NATO attack it makes more sense in a shot term simple-minded fashion. Reminds me of the shooting down of Yamamoto in WWII.


  13. Off-topic a bit, but I just want to put this here now in case there is another of those 11th-hour ‘Biden surges’ that puts Grampie over the top, but is totally explainable and nothing to see here.


  14. Patrick Lawrence’s chilling and nakedly honest view of Biden’s latest cynical economic move to try to ‘contain’ China. He’s even able to make you a little bit nostalgic for the Saturday-Evening-Post America, with wholesome illustrations by Norman Rockwell, that passed away just about the time businesses became ‘corporations’.

    China has become the dominant global manufacturer of Electric Vehicles (EV’s), with routine advances in range-without-recharge that should make Detroit’s eyes pop – ‘Greenie’ Biden’s response? Raise the tariff on Chinese-made EV’s from 25% to 102.5%. The article characterizes it as an effective ban on Chinese EV’s in America, and it is. Quite a few more Americans could likely afford a Chinese-made EV than can afford a Tesla or a Rivien, but Biden doesn’t really give a flying fuck about supposed ‘climate change’ or any imperative to do something about it – that’s just fluff for the rubes. Biden is about corporate America and its lust to subjugate the entire world to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few bizarrely-wealthy ‘investors’. And he always has been.


    1. In case you are in the market for a new car.

      I was impressed by Genocide Joe’s support for labour in the automobile strike. He was out there on the front-lines making speeches. Of course he had no real authority to do anything. A couple(?) of months before, when he had authority, he tossed the railway workers under the bus.


  15. Big Serge:

    Russo-Ukrainian War: Widening the Front

    The Fifth Battle of Kharkov

    MAY 25, 2024

    That’s Sergei Witte in the picture above, by the way, not Big Serge, of course.

    Sergei Witte was the first Prime Minister of Imperial Russian — and a good ‘un an’ all — who once suggested to Emperor Aleksander III that he give his son, the future Emperor Nikolai II, a ministerial post so as to coach him in his future imperial duties. Aleksandr III responded by asking Witte: :”Have you ever talked with my son? He’s a fucking idiot!” — or words to that effect.

    Witte also served as a minister under Nikolai II, who eventually fired him in 1917. So the last Tsar’s father was right: Nikolai was an idiot.

    In the summer crisis of 1914, Witte had strongly advised the Tsar not to become embroiled in the oncoming European war: to do so, he said, would cause the downfall of the empire. Witte also formed the first Russian government cabinet after idiot Nikolai had been forced to create a state Duma following Russia’s shameful defeat by Nippon. But there was not created at the same time a Russian constitution. When Witte was asked privately why he had not pushed for a constitution, Witte replied that it was because Nikolai the Idiot did not want one. He was the autocrat, see: Tsar of all the Russias.


    1. Regardless, the track record shows that the American government will inexorably yield to every Ukrainian ask, given enough time. Abrams, F-16’s, ATACMs – Ukraine always ends up getting what it asks for.

      Big Serge

      What’s an “ask”?


      1. You know; we’ve discussed it before – a relatively-new colloquialism built on turning a verb into a noun. I ask you to do something, therefore it’s an ‘ask’. I guess people think it’s trendy; white people probably think black people made it up. It should more properly be a ‘request’ or an ‘application’.

        I was boggled by the existence of a New York in Ukraine – for a moment I thought he had used a map overlay from which he had forgotten to remove it, or that it was inserted as a joke to see if people were awake while reading.


        1. There’s been a “New York” [Нью-Йорк] in Little Russia for a good while now. The place was not given that name by Yankee wannabes: it’s been there since the 18th century.

          Russian Wiki:

          The settlement New York was founded by German Mennonites, invited to Russia by the German Catherine II. In soviet times (before 1931), these Mennonites were deported to the Amur region, where they organized a settlement of the same name.

          The UkSSR village was called New York until October 1951, when it was was renamed Novgorodskoye urban-type settlement following the souring of relationships with former WWII ally the USA and the onset of the Cold War.

          Sounds like a delightfully bucolic place as situated there is the Dzerzhinsk Phenolic Acid Plant and there also used to be there the Novgorod Machine-Building Plant. And get this — the local railway station is not called “New York”, but “Fenolnaya” [“Phenolic acid”]!.

          On 1 July, 2021 Banderastan Supreme Rada had the settlement name “Novgorodskoye” changed back to “New York City”.

          New York was one of the first Mennonite settlements in the Russian Empire. In 1789, Empress Catherine II invited Mennonites to Russia and offered them a very interesting deal — 70 hectares of land per family (7000 acres), full exemption from military service, exemption from any taxes for 10 years, etc.

          Hundreds of Mennonite families took advantage of this offer, of course. They settled mainly on the territory of present-day Banderastan, although, over time, their settlements began to appear in the Volga region and even Western Siberia.

          The name name “New York” was given to the settlement by the Mennonites themselves, whose nationality was German. Nobody knows why. What is more, after all the Mennonites had been deported on Stalin’s orders from the UkSSR to the Far East, thy founded there a settlement with exactly the same name.

          So, another New York City appeared on the territory of the USSR and located in the south Amur region, right on the border with China. That Far East New York is now no longer there, the nearest preserved settlement to where it once stood is called Nizhnyaya Poltavka.



          1. The name “New York” must have been symbolic in itself, as a gateway to freedom, prosperity or whatever other dreams those Mennonite communities had. Perhaps in naming their own towns New York, they hoped to attract the same luck and good fortune as the original city supposedly had, back in the late 1800s / early 1900s.


          2. 70 hectares of land per family (7000 acres)

            This must be wrong. A hectare is roughly 2.5 acres, actually a tiny little bit less, so 70ha is going to be ~175 acres. Besides, a 7000 acre farm would be far beyond tho ability of a single family to exploit in 1789. A 175 acre farm in black earth country would probably beyond the capacities of a single family unless quite a lot of their interests were in livestock not grain or vegetables.

            IIRC, from a conversation with a Mennonite friend who is an historian there was a pretty big emigration from Novorossiya around 1870 when they lost their exemption from military service. I think this is how his family ended up in Southern Manitoba. He said they must have felt at home there.

            I had not realized that there were enough Mennonites left in the Soviet Union to be deported in the 1930’s. I, also, wonder why they would have been deported in the 1930’s?

            I believe I have read of some Mennonites fleeing East around 1870 to avoid military service which might account for any settlements around the Amur.

            I am not sure how much faith I have in that Wiki article.


            1. Most likely the Mennonites were deported to the Soviet Far East in the 1930s because they resisted govt takeover of their farms as part of the farm collectivisation policy at the time.


            2. Russian Wiki wasn’t my source for the 70 hectare land gift off Ekaterina II.

              Here’s the 70-hectare source:

              Про историю села “Нью-Йорк” на Украине и откуда такое название вообще взялось

              2 июля 2021

              Так, в 1789 императрица Екатерина пригласила меннонитов в нашу страну и предложила им весьма интересные условия – по 70 гектар земли на семью (7000 соток), полное освобождение от военной службы, освобождение от любых налогов на 10 лет и т.д.

              About the history of the village of “New York” in the Ukraine and where this name even came from

              2 July 2021

              So, in 1789, Empress Catherine invited the Mennonites to our country and offered them very interesting conditions – 70 hectares of land per family (7000 acres), complete exemption from military service, exemption from any taxes for 10 years, etc.

              Note how the Russian blogger who wrote the above writes “our country” when referring to the Ukraine.

              In 1789, ther was no such country as the Ukraine, but there were the Borderlands of Little Russia. Furthermore, this Mennonite New York was situated— and still is now — in Novorossiya, which part of the Russian Empire came into existence in 1783, at the same time as the Crimea Khanate was ceded by the the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to the Russian Empire.


    2. That’s a good piece, very comprehensive, and I enjoyed his detailed coverage of the supposed reasoning behind high-profile Russian officer replacements. The economic injections make sense as well.

      All of it points, as we have discussed before, to a set of circumstances in which it was never possible for Ukraine to ‘win’, and the west should have known it and perhaps the most cynical figures in it did – they simply threw Ukraine against it in the hope it would inflict serious damage before expiring, and as I have often said, they’re all Slavs anyway and a world without Slavs is apparently viewed by Washington and London (at the very least) in much the same way German politicians once envisioned a world without Jews.


  16. Illegitimate Zelensky doesn’t care about usurpation of power

    Illegitimate? Yes, he is Little bastard! — ME

    Vladimir Zelensky, whose term of office ended on 20 May, in an interview with journalists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, said that he was not bothered by arguments about his illegitimacy.

    “It doesn’t bother me much at all”, Zelensky said. The interview was published by the Kazakhstan edition “Orda” on its YouTube channel. At the same time, the Ukrainian illegitimate leader gave the interview in Russian. [which is his mother tongue, of course — ME]

    Zelensky recommended referring to the laws of the Ukraine to answer the question about his legitimacy, but did not explain to which articles of the constitution he was referring..

    The presidential term of office of the Ukrainian leader expired on 20 May, exactly five years after the day of his inauguration ceremony, held on 20 May, 2019. Martial law has been in effect in the Ukraine since February 2022. On this basis, Zelensky cancelled the presidential elections in his country and in fact continues to remain in power, although from the point of view of the constitution, he has lost his presidential powers.

    On 24 May, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Zelensky’s legitimacy was over.

    “Of course, we are aware of the fact that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over. I think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced, the conference in Switzerland (on the Ukraine – ed.), is precisely to have the Western community, the sponsors of today’s Kiev regime, confirm the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or no longer the incumbent one”, he said.

    The Russian leader also advised that the Constitution of the Ukraine be referred to, in order to answer the question about Zelensky’s legitimacy, in that the Ukraine Constitution indicates which bodies can be extended without electoral procedures, and which bodies may not. He noted that the PR steps that the West is taking to extend Zelensky’s powers do not matter for legal documents.

    Maxim Isaev
    News agency “Antifascist”


    Here’s the “Orda” interview, subtitles available in English. The interview starts at 1:59. Just watch the little bastard acting away . . .



    1. I remember when Poroshenko was said to be mulling such a decision, and it elicited far more concern from the west at the time, which was ready to admit it was undemocratic or would be if he went for it.


    1. Sunak, in calling for the re-introduction of conscription in the UK, has now most definitely handed over the premiership of the UK to Starmer.

      The Hindu wants out.

      Ah well, back to running the hedge fund set-up by his billionaire father-in-law.

      Ye Gods — Starmer as PM!

      Thank God I long ago fled that benighted kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


  17. Freeland is a fucking freak!

    Finance ministers and central bank governors pose for a group photo at the G7 Finance Ministers Meeting in Stresa, Italy, May 24, 2024 ©  AFP / Gabriel Bouys


  18. Why?

    26 MAY, 11:38

    Gas supply by Gazprom for Europe through Ukraine totals 42.2 mcm via Sudzha

    On Saturday, 24 May, the pumping equalled 42.4 million cubic metres

    MOSCOW, 26 May. /TASS/. Russian energy giant Gazprom supplies natural gas for Europe through the Ukraine in the volume of 42.2 million cubic metres per day via the Sudzha gas pumping station in Russia’s Kursk Region, a Gazprom representative told reporters on Sunday, adding that the request for pumping via the Sokhranovka gas pumping station has been rejected by the Ukrainian side.

    “Gazprom supplies Russian gas for transit through Ukrainian territory in the volume confirmed by the Ukrainian side via the Sudzha gas pumping station of 42.2 million cubic metres as of 26 May. The request for Sokhranovka has been rejected,” a Gazprom representative told reporters.

    On Saturday, 24 May, the pumping equaled 42.4 million cubic metres.

    Earlier it was reported on the website of the Gas Transmission System Operator of the Ukraine (GTSOU) that transit of gas through Ukrainian territory on 26 May might total around 42.2 million cubic metres.

    The transit line through the Ukraine remains the only route to supply Russian gas to western and central European countries. The pumping through Nord Stream has been fully suspended.


    Is the gas from that “Aggressor State” that launched a “full scale invasion” of Banderastan on 24 February 2022, that very same state that wishes to invade Western Europe?


    1. But all their posturing political talking monkeys agree how happy they are that Europe is off the Russian gas needle and only gets freedom juice from the ever-dependable USA. You literally cannot believe anything they say.


    2. My guess would be that this is one more Sword of Damocles to dangle over the EU. Any time someone in a place like Germany says, “It can’t get worse” the reponse is “Russian oil and gas, anyone?”


  19. 26 May, 11: 07

    Zelensky calls Biden and Xi Jinping to “peace summit”The event is scheduled to take place in Switzerland in June

    MOSCOW, 26 May. /tass/. President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has published a video message in English on his Telegram channel, in which he called on world leaders to attend the so-called peace summit. The event is scheduled to take place in Switzerland in June.

    “I appeal to world leaders who are still aloof from global efforts to prepare for the ‘peace summit’: To President [Joe] Biden, the leader of the United States, to President Xi [Jinping], the leader of China …. Please support the ‘peace summit’ with your personal leadership and participation”, Zelensky said. According to him, Kiev has confirmed the participation of more than 80 states at the summit.

    Earlier, Zelensky admitted that the Ukraine was trying to gather as many countries as possible at the “peace summit” in Switzerland, regardless of their interest, in the hope that this would allow its decisions to be imposed upon Russia. He confirmed that only 3 out of 10 points of the “peace formula” promoted by Kiev would be submitted at the meeting in June, explaining that “people cannot deny them”. Earlier, the Ukrainian president noted that food and nuclear security, as well as humanitarian issues, including the exchange of prisoners of war, would be discussed. He expects that such a plan, supported by dozens of states, should be handed over to representatives of the Russian Federation.

    The Swiss authorities expect to hold a conference on the Ukraine on 15-16 June in the resort of Burgenstock. The Federal Department (Ministry) of Foreign Affairs earlier informed that Bern had invited more than 160 delegations, including those from the Group of Seven, Group of Twenty and BRICS countries. According to the Swiss authorities, the Russian Federation is not among those invited to this meeting.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would not ask to participate in the conference if the country is not wanted there. According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, holding such a forum in Switzerland is a “road to nowhere”, since Moscow does not see the West’s desire to conduct business honestly. At the same time, Russia has repeatedly stressed that Moscow has never refused a peaceful settlement of the conflict with Kiev.

    Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov, in an interview with the American magazine Newsweek, noted that the Swiss conference on the Ukraine was a “profanity that cannot replace serious diplomatic and legal work”, moreover, ” the Swiss meeting does not have the right to confirm Zelensky’s legitimacy, it simply does not have the authority”. Zelensky’s five-year term as president expired on 21 May.


    The 1918-1919 Peace Conference at Versailles, following the November 1918 armistice, was held without the participation of a major belligerents in WWI, namely the German, Austro-Hungarian an Ottoman Empires, aka the “Central Powers”. This was because the Central Powers were no longer able to continue hostilities. The armies of the German Empire had not been totally defeated in the field, but economically, the three Central Powers were economically supine. And notably, the British Royal Navy, despite pleas from the leaders of the newly installed German Republic, continued its blockade on Germany until it signed a peace treaty in 1919. The RN continuation of its blockade until the treaty had been signed caused the unnecessary deaths through malnitrition of thousands in Germany, especially of the old and infants.

    The peace treaty of 1919 was dictated to Germany by the victorious Entente Powers. And thats what the West, through its little Kiev marionette, now hopes to do to Russia in Switzerland.

    However, unlike the German Empire at the end of 1918 (the Austrians and Turks and Bulgarians had already sued for peace), Russia is neither down and out economically and militarily, as was the Russian Empire in 1917.


    1. In fact, as the graphic posted earlier displays, the BRICS bloc is slightly bigger in total area than the NATO allies’ empire. And I doubt any of the BRICS are interested in Zelensky’s pleas. ‘Appealing to all the world leaders’ who are ‘still aloof from global efforts’ is not the kind of speech you might expect from a winner, never mind from the Churchill Of Our Time.

      If it actually has any wisdom left – and the signs are not encouraging – the west will be considering how much money it has already spent, how much more it has already committed to spend, the likelihood that it will ever see any repayment of its ‘loans’…and what it has gotten in the way of return on its investment.


    2. I’ve read that Genocide Joe is buggering of to a fundraiser in California, instead. But, not to worry the USA will support Ukraine <strike>as long as it takes</strike> <strike>as long as it can</strike> until after the November elections.


  20. And as regards what I have written above, those dumb Orcs know this . . .

    12 April, 16: 50

    Mount Bürgenstock prepares to give birth to a mouse: what to expect from the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland

    Andrey Nizamutdinov on what is more appropriate to call the meeting about the “Ukrainian peace formula” and what it means

    After delays and postponements, the Swiss authorities have finally removed one intriguing point: it has been announced that the conference on a peaceful settlement in Ukraine will be held in June in the fashionable Alpine resort of Bürgenstock. Two more intriguing questions remain: who will participate in this event and what will they discuss. As for the outcome, I think there is nothing intriguing about this: it will be zero. Simply because it is a waste of time discussing a settlement of the conflict without Russia.

    The first intrigue: who’s coming

    The event was first discussed in Switzerland in mid-January, when the country’s president Viola Amherd announced after a meeting with her Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky that he had asked her state to organize a summit on the so-called Ukrainian peace formula. After that, the press flashed one or another possible date, but official Bern stubbornly kept silent. And only a couple of days ago, on 10 April, it was finally announced: in June, in Bürgenstock. According to Amherd, “invitations with exact dates shall be sent out in the coming days”. “We want to talk to as many countries as possible. Not only in the West, but also in the global South and Asia”, she said.

    The question is: who will be invited and, most importantly, who will respond. In Kiev, according to Zelensky, they expect 80-100 states to participate, and at the highest level, so they are call ing the event nothing less than a summit.

    In Bern, apparently, they are not so optimistic and avoid naming even the approximate number of participants, and the event itself is modestly called a conference. Presumably, this reticence of the organizers is due to the fact that they are not confident in their ability to fulfill the task set for them: for example, to lure as many states of the global South as possible to Bürgenstock, primarily China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and other BRICS partners of Russia. And without them, the event will turn, according to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, into another “gathering” of Western countries that had simply provoked the conflict in the Ukraine. But with them — the states of the global South — the meeting could actually be presented as a representative international conference.

    As a matter of fact, it seems that the delay in announcing the date of the event was precisely due to the fact that Switzerland and other Western countries were actively probing the ground for possible participation of these states. You can expect that in the remaining couple of months they will move from persuasion to more stringent methods of influence, but not the fact that they will be able to achieve their goal. Judging by the statements of high-ranking representatives of China, India, Brazil and a number of other leading countries of the global South, they are ready to discuss a settlement in the Ukraine, but only on the basis of realistic ideas, to which the “10-point plan” put forward by Zelensky and actively pushed by the West clearly does not apply. And most importantly, they don’t see the point of holding a discussion without Russia’s participation. This approach was clearly articulated by Li Hui, the Chinese government’s special representative for Eurasian affairs: “We hope for [a format] of international cooperation that both Russia and the Ukraine will recognise, in which all parties will participate on an equal footing and discuss all proposed projects fairly”.

    Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some of these states of the global South will still be represented at the Bürgenstock event, but the level of this representation will definitely not be top-notch or even high.

    Question two: what to discuss

    Why is it so important for Western ideologues and the Swiss organizers of the event commissioned by them to ensure the participation of the states of the global South?  — Because it is planned to put the very “10 points” of Zelensky in the centre of the discussion. At the initiative of Washington and Brussels, they had previously been discussed at international forums, but mostly Western countries were represented there, but the Ukrainian president’s plan did not receive truly broad international support — precisely because of its obvious unviability. If they now manage to ensure the presence of the Chinese, Indians, Brazilians, and South Africans, and even adopt a joint statement based on the results of the discussion, then the matter, as expected in the West, will take a completely different turn.

    In the dreams of the Ukrainian president, who in his usual somewhat confused manner outlined it in an interview with the Bild newspaper, the outcome of the event should look like this: “We will prepare a plan, and I think that some points will be ready with real details about what needs to be done, already during the first summit. Then we will work out a comprehensive plan, and, of course, some negotiators, some representatives of continents will present this plan to Russian representatives, but only when there is a common opinion — the common opinion of countries that really want peace, and not just negotiations”.

    Of course, the organizers of the event are aware that Zelensky’s plan alone will not attract a large number of participants to Bürgenstock, and it is, to put it mildly, weak as a basis for resolving the conflict. Therefore, it seems that they are formulating their goals more vaguely. According to the Swiss President, at this stage, “we are talking about how we can start the peace process” and “highlight topics that will serve as a basis for further conversation” .Amherd even suggested that in thematic terms, the final declaration of the event, the draft of which is being developed by the Swiss authorities, “will go beyond Zelensky’s 10-point plan”.

    According to Le Temps, the Swiss Foreign Ministry is “exploring various compromise options” for a peace settlement and even “does not rule out taking inspiration from the peace plan developed under Turkish auspices at the very beginning” of the SMO in 2022. However, the publication notes, Russia may not agree to return to this plan, as it now has an advantage on the battlefield. As for Kiev, according to the diplomat quoted by the newspaper, it is “undoubtedly counting on the summit in Switzerland to re-mobilise its allies and encourage them to increase arms deliveries”.

    No intrigue

    The big embarrassing thing about whole Bürgenstock is that Russia has not been invited there, and trying to resolve a conflict without the participation of one of its parties is nonsense. The organizers are obviously well aware of the awkwardness that has arisen because of this, and it is no coincidence that the Swiss president has admitted that: “In the long run, of course, both sides should be at the negotiating table … The goal will be Russia’s participation in a second conference, which shall be held later”.

    Translated into plain Russian, it sounds something like this: we will gather here now without you, we will solve everything, and then we will call you and ste these facts to you. This approach worked in Munich with Czechoslovakia before World War II, but it will never work with Russia, and I think the West itself cannot help but to understand this. As Pierre-Andre Page, a member of the Swiss Parliament, told the Tribune de Genève newspaper, “without Russia, this meeting will be useless”. “If you want to negotiate peace, you need to gather all the parties at the negotiating table”, he said.

    Alfred de Zayas, an American international lawyer and former independent expert of the UN Human Rights Council, also spoke in the same spirit. On his page on social network X (formerly Twitter), he called Zelensky’s plan “antediluvian and delusional” and suggested focusing on the plans developed in China and South Africa, since ” both are constructive will bring results”.

    Russian head of state Vladimir Putin pointed out the complete absurdity of the situation during negotiations with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko: “Now, as you know, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in Switzerland. We have not been invited there. Moreover, they believe that there is nothing for us to do there. Yet at the same time they say that it’s impossible to solve anything without us. And since we’re not going there, this is actually some kind of panopticon”. . . “They say that we refuse negotiations: we were not invited. And they say that we have refused to go there. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad”, Putin noted.

    Actually, there is nothing to add to this assessment. The outcome of the event in Bürgenstock is known in advance: the mountain will still give birth to a mouse. 


  21. This is the arsehole who, together with his pals Biden, Blinken, Scholz, Johnson, Macron etc., etc., has been saying Banderastan has been beating the shit out of Russia!

    26 May, 2024 13:13

    No country can survive conflict with Russia alone – Zelensky

    Ukraine’s leader urges the world to unite against Moscow

    No country can survive conflict with Russia alone – Zelensky

    Vladimir Zelensky inspecting the construction of fortifications at an undisclosed location. © AFP / Ukrainian Presidential Press Service

    Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has urged the global community to work together against Russia, stressing that no nation can single-handedly survive a war with Moscow.

    In an interview with Central Asian media outlets on Saturday, Zelensky said the goal should be to ensure that President Vladimir Putin “thinks about his survival and his security,” and that “the Russians think about how they can avoid losing the independence of their country – without threatening them – simply by showing how united the world is, how strong it is.”

    Such unity is needed because “no one can survive a full-scale war with the Russians on its own,” the Ukrainian leader stated, as quoted by the Kazakh online magazine Vlast.

    “We were alone, we were on our own” when Russia launched its military operation against Ukraine in February 2022, Zelensky claimed. “But then we agreed with our partners on some sort of sanctions, some sort of weapons and other things,” he said, referring to the support provided by the West since the start of the conflict.

    Even Beijing “must protect Ukraine because we were attacked,” as “China says that territorial integrity must be respected,” the politician argued.

    Beijing has maintained a policy of neutrality on the Ukraine conflict, while consistently calling for a political settlement that would respect the interests of all sides. The Chinese authorities have blamed the hostilities on NATO’s eastward expansion, rebuffed Western calls to impose sanctions on Russia, and opted to boost trade with its neighbor.

    Zelensky was also asked if he was concerned about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement earlier this week that in Moscow’s view the Ukrainian leader’s legitimacy has “expired.”

    Zelensky’s five-year term as Ukrainian President ended on Monday after he refused to stage a new election, citing martial law imposed due to the conflict.

    ”They don’t concern me much at all,” he replied. “These statements by the illegitimate president of Russia regarding the legitimacy of the president of Ukraine are, frankly speaking, boring and uninteresting.”

    Putin won a fifth term in office in March, claiming 87.28% of the vote amid a record turnout of over 77%.

    Zelensky argued that anybody who knows how to read laws can swiftly confirm that his continued stay in power is legal. “The Ukrainians know their Constitution, they know the law,” he added.

    Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said last month that attempts by the US and its allies to isolate Russia have failed, and pledged to “expand pragmatic, equal, mutually beneficial, partnership relations with friendly countries in Eurasia, Africa and Latin America.”

    According to the president, unlike the European elites, “who aren’t pursuing policies that are beneficial for their peoples,” there are many citizens on the continent who support Russia’s stance.


    From Shaun Walker in today’s Guardian:

    In recent weeks, Russia has been working to make life a misery for Kharkiv, a city 20 miles from the border with Ukraine, and which had a pre-war population of over a million. Although life in the city goes on, deadly strikes have become a daily feature of life.

    Walker is in Kiev at the moment. I wonder if he knows that Belgorod city in Russia is about the same distance from the border as is Kharkov and that Russian villages situated in the Belgorod region even closer to the border than is Kharkov have also been suffering from incessant Banderite bombardments for a very long time — much longer, in fact, than Kharkov has recently been suffering from Evil Orc attacks?


    1. And this is the Kharkov shopping centre that the Evil Orcs struck and referred to above by Shaun of the Dill:

      Borrel has called for the strengthening of Ukraine’s air defence against the background of a strike on the “Epicenter” in Kharkov

      On May 25, in the afternoon, the Russian Armed Forces attacked the warehouses of the “Epicenter” shopping centre on Saltovka in Kharkov. The impact resulted in a fire followed by detonations and a huge column of smoke, which was visible 40 km from the missile arrival site, which indicates the destruction of an AFU military warehouse located in the shopping centre.

      TASS sources in the security forces confirmed that a military warehouse in the “Epicenter” in Kharkov had been destroyed.

      “In Kharkov, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine use the tactics of a “human shield” — they set up a military warehouse and a command post in a shopping centre, which was identified by our intelligence”, the source added.

      Following the strike on the “Epicenter” shopping center, the Ukrainian authorities put their utmost into creating a picture of the “horrific terror tactics of the Russians”, who had allegedly targetted a civilian infrastructure. On the footage showing the results of the strike, the sounds of repeated detonations are clearly heard. The market for building materials belongs to billionaire Alexander Gerega.

      “At the same time, the AFU military were seen at the fire site just a few minutes after the missile strike: it is unlikely that they had massively decided at that moment to go to the store for building materials. As in the case of the destruction of the Uragan MLRS, specially stored in Kharkov, stories about the “terrible crimes of the Kremlin”, which immediately begin to pour out of Kiev’s propaganda dumps — are nothing more than an attempt to create a media image that can serve as a formal reason for the next crazy decisions of the West”, states the Telegram channel “Militia reports”.

      “As for the “Epicenter” in Kharkov, there are no corpses, which is not surprising, because it was empty, and now morgues are being called all over the Kharkov region to record all those who died in the region recently as victims of the strike. But they work on drearily, without light, and so, despite Zelensky’s media activity, no one cares, and they don’t seem to be pulling off a new “Bucha” type false-flag”, the author of the Telegram channel “Alex Parker Returns” points out.

      The Ukrainian telegram channel “Legitimate” also exposes the “terrible tragedy”.

      “But let’s ask some questions about who benefits from this.

      1. Now the topic has begun to be warmed up about whether the West should give permission to the Armed Forces of the Ukraine to launch strikes with Western weapons on the territory of Russia, and here you have presented to you a large-scale tragedy which justifies such actions.
      2. Active participation in the conference on the Ukrainian crisis in Switzerland is being promoted because of this tragedy.
      3. The morale of the army and society is boosted through the the justification and tightening of mobilization as a result of this attack against civilian infrastructure.
      4. The masses are distracted from the defeats of the AFU
      5. The level of aggression against the Russians is increased. It is important for all gun lobbies to play off sides so that they can always sell weapons.
      6. Distract society from Zelensky’s illegitimacy
      7. Distract the masses from raising taxes, tariffs, prices, etc.

      Zelensky/Ermak benefits from the tragedy in every sense, in order to shift the emphasis back to the side that is beneficial to them. It is worth adding that there could have been a provocation. The formula is simple. At night, some crates are delivered on military trucks to “Epicenter”. They do this openly. This is what the Russians see and the decision to strike is made. This is one of the types of provocation”, the Telegram channel “Admin” writes.

      EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell has responded to the attack on the “Epicenter” hypermarket in Kharkov, noting the need for Europe to increase support for air defence, which “saves lives and protects Ukrainian cities”.

      “I strongly condemn Russia’s horrific attacks on the city of Kharkov today, including a crowded shopping mall, killing and injuring civilians”, he wrote on Facebook.

      “These systematic Russian crimes against civilians and civilian infrastructure underscore once again the need for Europe to urgently increase its air defence support: it saves lives and protects Ukrainian cities”, Borrel said in another post.

      The fire in the shopping centre was put out only in the morning. Local authorities say 12 people were killed, 43 injured and 16 people are missing.

      Recall that in April of this year, the storage facilities of the “Epicenter” in Alekseevka, where the Uragan MLRS was hidden, was destroyed.

      IA “Antifascist”


    2. Nobody can take on Russia alone? What happened to this Zelensky?

      “And we are not afraid of anything. We are not afraid to defend our state. We are not afraid of Russia. We are not afraid to talk to Russia. We are not afraid to say everything about security guarantees for our state. We are not afraid to talk about neutral status. We are not in NATO now. But the main thing – what security guarantees will we have? And what specific countries will give them?

      We need to talk about the end of this invasion. We need to talk about a ceasefire.”

      Unfortunately his speech also included that steaming lie about the brave border-guard defenders of Zmiiniy Island being slain by the Orcs to the last man – Heroes of Ukraine medals all ’round, lads! He is, though, a fairly talented actor – notice how he phrases, “We are not afraid to talk about neutral status” as if anyone in Ukraine who objected would be displaying cowardice? In fact, it was one of Russia’s demands. In fact, that entire paragraph was a complete caving-in to Russian imperatives, probably because his tobacco-chewing American advisors told him the Russians would back down, and not attack.


  22. Is this Russia, which, according to the Kiev Shit, no state alone can survive a war, that same Russia that is a gas station with missiles, which missile control systems are comprised of microchips taken from automatic washing machines?


    1. Yes it is!

      Well I never!

      And lookee here . . .


      Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons ineffective in Ukraine

      Confidential Ukrainian assessments obtained by The Washington Post show how accuracy rates of some Western weapons fell after Russian jamming disrupted guidance systems.

      May 24, 2024 at 10:57 a.m.

      KYIV — Many U.S.-made satellite-guided munitions in Ukraine have failed to withstand Russian jamming technology, prompting Kyiv to stop using certain types of Western-provided armaments after effectiveness rates plummeted, according to senior Ukrainian military officials and confidential internal Ukrainian assessments obtained by The Washington Post.

      Russia’s jamming of the guidance systems of modern Western weapons, including Excalibur GPS-guided artillery shells and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, which can fire some U.S.-made rockets with a range of up to 50 miles, has eroded Ukraine’s ability to defend its territory and has left officials in Kyiv urgently seeking help from the Pentagon to obtain upgrades from arms manufacturers.

      Russia’s ability to combat the high-tech munitions has far-reaching implications for Ukraine and its Western supporters — potentially providing a blueprint for adversaries such as China and Iran — and it is a key reason Moscow’s forces have regained the initiative and are advancing on the battlefield.

      The success rate for the U.S.-designed Excalibur shells, for example, fell sharply over a period of months — to less than 10 percent hitting their targets — before Ukraine’s military abandoned them last year, according to the confidential Ukrainian assessments.

      While other news accounts have described Russia’s superior electronic warfare capabilities, the documents obtained by The Post include previously unreported details on the extent to which Russian jamming has thwarted Western weaponry.

      “The Excalibur technology in existing versions has lost its potential,” the assessments found, adding that battlefield experience in Ukraine had disproved its reputation as a “one shot, one target” weapon — at least until the Pentagon and U.S. manufacturers address the issue.ix months ago, after Ukrainians reported the problem, Washington simply stopped providing Excalibur shells because of the high failure rate, the Ukrainian officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive security matter. In other cases, such as aircraft-dropped bombs called JDAMs, the manufacturer provided a patch and Ukraine continues to use them.

      Ukraine’s military command prepared the reports between fall 2023 and April 2024 and shared them with the U.S. and other supporters, hoping to develop solutions and open up direct contact with weapons manufacturers. In interviews, Ukrainian officials described an overly bureaucratic process that they said had complicated a path toward urgently needed adjustments to improve the failing weaponry.

      The officials agreed to answer questions about the assessments in hopes of drawing attention to the Ukrainian military’s needs. Several Ukrainian and U.S. officials interviewed for this story spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue.

      The Pentagon anticipated that some precision-guided munitions would be defeated by Russian electronic warfare and has worked with Ukraine to hone tactics and techniques, a senior U.S. defense official said.

      Russia “has continued to expand their use of electronic warfare,” the senior U.S. official said. “And we continue to evolve and make sure that Ukraine has the capabilities they need to be effective.”

      The U.S. defense official rejected claims that bureaucracy has slowed the response. The Pentagon and weapons manufacturers have provided solutions sometimes within hours or days, the official said, but did not provide examples.

      Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, in a statement, said that it cooperates regularly with the Pentagon and also communicates directly with weapons manufacturers.

      “We work closely with the Pentagon on such matters. In the event of technical problems, we promptly inform our partners to take the necessary measures to solve them in a timely manner,” the ministry said. “Our partners from the USA and other Western countries provide constant support for our requests. In particular, we regularly receive recommendations to improve the equipment.”

      U.S.-made guided munitions provided to Ukraine typically were successful whenintroduced, but often became less so as Russian forces adapted. Now, some arms once considered potent tools no longer provide an edge.

      In a conventional war, the U.S. military might not face the same difficulties as Ukraine because it has a more advanced air force and robust electronic countermeasures, but Russia’s capabilities nonetheless put heavy pressure on Washington and its NATO allies to continue innovating.

      “I’m not saying no one was worried about it before, but now they’re starting to worry,” one senior Ukrainian military official said.

      “As we share information with our partners and our partners share with us, the Russians definitely also share with China,” the official added. “And even if they don’t share with China … China monitors events in Ukraine.”

      Failing to strike targets

      Russia’s invasion of Ukraine created a modern testing ground for Western arms that had never been used against a foe with Moscow’s ability to jam GPS navigation.

      Innovation is a feature of virtually every conflict, including the war in Ukraine, where each side deploys technology and novel changes to outfox the other and exploit vulnerabilities. The Russian military has been adept at electronic warfare for years, analysts and officials said, investing in systems that can overwhelm the signals and frequency of electronic components, such as GPS navigation, which helps guide some precision munitions to their targets.

      Ukrainians initially found success using Excalibur 155mm rounds, with more than 50 percent accurately hitting their targets early last year, according to the confidential assessment, which was based on direct visual observations. Over the next several months, that dropped below 10 percent, with the assessment pointing to Russian GPS jamming as the culprit.

      The study cautioned that far fewer shells were fired later in the research period, and many were not observed, leaving the precise success rate unclear.

      But even before the United States ceased deliveries, Ukrainian artillerymen had largely stopped using Excalibur, the assessments said, because the shells are harder to use compared with standard howitzer rounds, requiringtime-consuming special calculations and programming. Now they are shunned altogether, military personnel in the field said.

      The senior Ukrainian official said Kyiv shared this feedback with Washington but got no response. The Ukrainians have faced a similar challenge with guided 155mm shells provided by other Western countries. Some employ guidance other than GPS, and it is unclear why they also became less effective. U.S. defense officials declined to address the Ukrainian assertion.

      The Excalibur precision artillery round typifies many U.S. weapons: pricey and sophisticated but accurate. Ukraine has used the rounds, fired by U.S. artillery systems such as the M777, to destroy targets, like enemy artillery and armored vehicles, from about 15 to 24 miles away.

      Rob Lee, a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a Philadelphia-based research group, said that Russia’s use of electronic warfare to combat guided munitions was an important battlefield development in the past year. Many weapons are potent when they’re introduced, but they lose effectiveness over time, Lee said, part of a nonstop game of cat-and-mouse between adversaries who constantly adapt and innovate.

      The involvement of defense companies is crucial to overcoming Russian defenses such as jamming, Lee said.

      “The problem with a lot of Western defense companies,” Lee said, compared with Russian manufacturers, is that “there is not the same sense of urgency.”

      Dense web of jamming

      A web of Russian electronic warfare systems and air defenses menace Ukrainian pilots, the documents said, adding that some Russian jammers also scramble the navigation system of planes. The Russian defense is so dense, the assessment found, that there are “no open windows for the Ukrainian pilots where they feel that they are not at gunpoint.”

      Despite some effort to thwart the jamming, potential fixes seem limited until the West delivers F-16 fighter jets, the assessment found. Such modern planes would allow Ukraine’s air force to push Russian pilots back, enabling the use of different kinds of weapons with greater range and ability to avoid some electronic warfare systems.

      The aircraft-dropped JDAMs provide another example of declining effectiveness of weaponry.

      Their introduction, in February 2023, was a surprise to Russia. But within weeks, success rates dropped after “non resistance” to jamming was revealed, according to the assessment. In that period, bombs missed their targets from as little as 65 feet to about three-quarters of a mile.

      Ukraine provided feedback about the jamming problem, and the United States and weapons manufacturers delivered improved systems last May, the documents said. The guidance systems were more resistant, but Russian forces increased countermeasures over the summer. Hit rates dropped to a low in July. Overall, the hit rate was more than 60 percent for much of the year.

      HIMARS launchers were celebrated during the first year of Russia’s invasion for their success in striking ammunition depots and command points behind enemy lines.

      But by the second year, “everything ended: the Russians deployed electronic warfare, disabled satellite signals, and HIMARS became completely ineffective,” a second senior Ukrainian military official said. “This ineffectiveness led to the point where a very expensive shell was used” increasingly to strike lower-priority targets.

      The Ukrainian military documents did not assess guided M30 or M31 munitions, which are fired from HIMARS launchers. But in January, Ukraine’s military command wrote a policy paper urging Western supporters to provide an alternative: M26 cluster munitions that also could be launched from multiple-launch rocket systems. These low-tech, unguided rockets are resistant to jamming, and the cluster submunitions can still hit targets in a wide area even if the shot is imprecise.

      Kyiv still considers its HIMARS rockets effective, but Russian jamming can cause them to miss a target by50 feet or more.

      “When it’s, for example, a pontoon bridge … but there’s a 10-meter deviation, it ends up in the water,” the first Ukrainian official said.

      Russian jamming signals are sent up from the ground and form a cone-shaped area. Any guided munition — or aircraft — passing through is at risk of interference.

      A battalion commander, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to do so publicly, described flying a reconnaissance drone in foggy conditions last year in Bakhmut to track a HIMARS strike on a Russian position. On his screen, the commander watched in dismay as each rocket missed.


      One way the Ukrainians counter Russia’s jamming is by targeting known electronic warfare systems with drones before using HIMARS. This has proved effective in some cases.

      “Initially, there were no problems,” the first senior official added. “It was simple: the machine arrived. The button was pressed and there was a precise hit. Now, it’s more complicated.”

      The official added, “The Americans are equipping HIMARS with additional equipment to ensure good geolocation.”

      One U.S. weapon used by aircraft, the GBU-39 small-diameter bomb, has proved resilient to jamming, according to the confidential documents. Nearly 90 percent of dropped bombs struck their target, the assessment found.

      Its smaller surface area makes it more difficult for Russian systems to detect and intercept, the documents said. Ukraine first received the aerial weapons — a delivery not previously disclosed by the Pentagon — in November 2023.

      The GBU-39 was also adapted for land use in HIMARS launchers, a development that Pentagon officials said would increase the range of rocket artillery. But the modified weapons, known as Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs, or GLSDB, proved ineffective compared with those launched from airplanes, Ukrainian officials said. The ground versions were tested in Ukraine, one official said, and the Americans are working on adjustments before providing them anew.

      William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s acquisition chief, said last month that an adapted weapon “didn’t work for multiple reasons,” including jamming and other tactical and logistical issues. LaPlante did not disclose which weapon he was referring to, but other experts said that he was describing the GLSDB.

      “When you send something to people in the fight of their lives,” LaPlante said, “they’ll try it three times and then they just throw it aside.”

      Senior Ukrainian military officials said Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles, provided by Britain, are less susceptible to Russian jamming because they do not rely solely on GPS but two other navigation systems, including an internal map that matches the terrain of its intended flight path. Russian air defenses nonetheless have had some success intercepting them.

      The Ukrainians have also had success so far with U.S.-provided Army Tactical Missile System long-range missiles, which have a range of up to 190 miles, but they, too, can be targeted by Russian air defenses. The Ukrainian officials said they expect that weapons effective on the battlefield now will similarly slump within a year.“The Russians will learn how to fight it,” the second Ukrainian official said. “That’s how the arms race works.”


      1. Listen up, western manufacturers. That’s right, Maytag repairman; I’m talking to you. Stop putting advanced electronic jamming chips in refrigerators! Jesus jumped-up Christ, must I think of every single thing myself??

        As of May 3rd 1999, when the new holiday was announced (order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 183), the Day of the Electronic Warfare Specialist is celebrated, recognizing (this year, 2024) 155 years since the first successful employment of electronic warfare systems by Russia. So the country has been in the business a long, long time.

        I imagine the Ukrainians and their western (shhhh! We’re not even here!) in-country partners mostly have observed the use of electronic warfare by Russia from groundbased systems – hence the rather stereotypical assessment that Russian jamming signals radiate out in a cone shape from the ground-based point of origin. Not necessarily. One of the most-successful EW systems in the Russian inventory – Khibiniy – is airborne, and its capture of even never-seen-before emitters and generation of a recommended jamming mode is capable of protecting an entire airborne strike group; it’s carried by the SU-34 and can be carried by any of the type, as it is a mounted container. That’s the Khibiniy 10V – the Khibiniy U for SU-30SM aircraft is integrated into the airframe. The electronic warfare component covers from 1-40 GHZ, while the active jamming equipment covers from 4-18 GHZ.

        Many will remember the Khibiniy complex as being the equipment which supposedly blanked all the sophisticated acquisition and even navigation systems on USS DONALD COOK, reduced some of its crew members to gibbering terror and caused a few to refuse to board the ship following its next port visit, which I think was in Romania. This, of course, is total nonsense. However, like the most modern generation of western EW equipment,. the system can ‘learn’ new signals by sampling them, forecasting their effect and ‘building’ a jamming mode from an onboard library to counter them.

        There were articles discussing the reaction of an Italian F-35 pilot to having his sophisticated aircraft jammed by the Khibiniy complex, but on selecting it and several similar stories, they are now 404, having been removed. The one I am quoting from was recoverable only using the archive function.

        So far as I am aware the ATACMS does not have a seeker; it’s a ballistic weapon which probably has its positional reference for the target input before launch and is sent to it by inertial navigation. I’m not completely sure about that because it’s an Army weapon and I don’t know much about how it works. But even if it was not susceptible to jamming it could be effectively addressed by hard-kill air defense systems – that could explain why they are launching such large salvos.


        1. “Listen up, western manufacturers. That’s right, Maytag repairman; I’m talking to you. Stop putting advanced electronic jamming chips in refrigerators! Jesus jumped-up Christ, must I think of every single thing myself??”

          I think they only put advanced chips in washing machines…

          Gas-Powered Antique Maytag Washing Machine [Restoration]

          And vacuum cleaners


  23. Not on the BBC!


    27.05.2024 06:29

     Soroka: in the LPR in mass graves are the remains of 1000 civilians

    Anna Soroka

    Moscow, 27 May – AIF-Moscow.

    The remains of more than a thousand residents of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), who died during the shelling by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, can be found in mass graves on the territory of the Severodonetsk agglomeration, said the LPR Ombudsman, head of the interdepartmental working group on the search for graves of victims of Ukrainian aggression Anna Soroka.

    According to her, at the moment it is known about four mass graves: in the Kremen and former Popasnyansky districts. Soroka noted that Kiev had often deliberately destroyed data on those killed in settlements that had been left by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. “We rely on information obtained during interviews with witnesses of graves, relatives and friends of victims of Ukrainian aggression, and funeral teams”, she explained.

    The Ombudsman added that in almost all localities of the LPR where the fighting took place, a large number of remains of civilians are still under the rubble of high-rise buildings, but for a number of reasons, including the proximity of the front line and shelling, it was still impossible to start work on extracting the remains, reports TASS.

    Earlier, burial sites of civilians with signs of torture had been found in Avdeevka. Igor Kimakovsky, an adviser to the head of the DPR, said that the bodies had their hands tied behind their backs, and their legs were wrapped with tape.

    Independent Finnish journalist Kosti Heiskanen, citing local residents, said that the Ukrainian military had killed people and dumped bodies into wells.


    Kremlin lies!


  24. The President of Estonia has announced that his country wil do everything in order “to bring Russia to its knees”.

    Well there you have it then — game,set and match to the “Free World”.

    President of Estonia Alar Karis meets some little cunt in Kiev on 22 February, 2022 . . . and two days later, the shit hir the fan!


    1. It seems remarkable of the Baltic Statelets that they consistently produce politicians who have no understanding whatsoever of their nation’s relative size and power in the world. This is why they are often referred to as ‘the Baltic Chihuahuas’ – a lot of noise from a tiny presence which is impotent in a world where nearly everything else is so much bigger.

      Mind you, Canada – while huge in physical size – is just like the Baltics in its delusions of grandeur, and its popinjay Prime Minister is allowed to posture and prance as though the country actually were influential although the population is minuscule for the size of the country. So I guess size does matter. But Ukraine even under Poroshenko made terrible decisions because its government believed the worst world influences when they whispered into its ear that they would always have its back – Zelensky is merely the latest in a series of leaders who have committed their countries to destruction by throwing in their lot with the freedom-and-democracy road show. Was Ukraine not free before? It’s a hell of a lot less free now, and its remaining people must bear the burden of its enormous debts which the western moneylenders encouraged it to take on.

      Similarly, the casualty ward of nations is littered with the husks of countries which took on the western juggernaut through necessity, because it was either fight or submit. NATO itself must have been high to have committed to taking on Russia, although admittedly it could have gone the other way had the economy collapsed the way the US-led west planned and intended. But to add China at the same time, and to consciously push the two into an alliance which was very unlikely to have occurred without a common enemy, was suicidal and is correctly characterized as such. The trouble with it is that the United States never bears the consequences of its hubris alone, instead dragging in its co-conspirators who are mesmerized by its braggadocio.


      1. Well Trudeau is not exactly brilliant at international affairs–_I think it is a lack of interest and an unfortunate trust in Freeland— but if he applied himself he might be okay if no brilliant.

        Canada is no world power but to compare it to the chihuhuas is a bit ridiculous. I think Vancouver has a larger population than Lithuania and Canada actually has a fairly solidly grounded economy with a half decent mix of manufacturing and natural resource.

        It’s a fairly decent middle class power.


  25. Moscow, May 27 – AIF-Moscow.

    The video invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would not force the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to attend the forum in Switzerland, said Sky News columnist John Sparks.

    “President Xi has made it clear that the conflict in the Ukraine has nothing to do with him. “The video message recorded among the ruins in Kharkov is unlikely to make him change his position”, he wrote.

    Sparks stressed that the “PR actions” of the Ukrainian side have already lost “all influence” not only on the world community, but also on Kiev’s closest allies.

    The observer noted that even the President of the United States, Joe Biden, would not heed the call. According to Sparks, the American leader had “stopped appreciating beautiful photos with Zelensky”.

    Earlier it was reported that Zelensky had begged Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping to come to the “peace summit”. The video message of the Ukrainian head of state was filmed in one of the destroyed production facilities in Kharkov.


  26. Still singing that same old “American Century” song!

    Dirty old man at West Point, 24 May, 2024.

    The US is the “world’s only superpower” and “leading democracy,” playing a critical role in supporting its allies around the globe, President Joe Biden said on Saturday.

    Addressing graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, New York, Biden praised the role of the military in “standing up to tyrants” worldwide and “protecting freedom and openness.”

    “Thanks to the US Armed Forces, we’re doing what only America can do as the indispensable nation, the world’s only superpower, and the leading democracy in the world,” he stated.

    “Never forget: America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example of our power but by the power of our example. You can clap for that.”

    Biden reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to propping up its allies around the world, singling out Israel and Ukraine.

    “There are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine. I’m determined to keep it that way. But we are standing strong with Ukraine, and we will stand with them,” the president said, while lashing out at his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

    “We’re standing against a man who I’ve known well for many years, a brutal tyrant. We may not – we – and we will not – we will not walk away,” Biden stated.

    The US leader has repeatedly made derogatory remarks regarding the Russian leader, previously describing him as a “dictator.”

    On the same day, the president’s 2024 election rival Donald Trump fired a broadside at Biden, while speaking at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Washington, DC.

    Trump described Biden as a “crooked” and “corrupt tyrant,” and “the worst president in the history of the United States,” with even former head of state Jimmy Carter “being a brilliant president by comparison.”



    25.05.2024 21:56

     Biden has again indulged in insulting Putin

    How many times must I tell you, you stupid old bastard, that it’s rude to point? — ME

    Moscow, May 25 – AIF-Moscow.

    US President Joe Biden once again indulged in making an insulting statement addressed at the head of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He called the head of the Russian Federation “a tough tyrant”, reports TASS.

    During a speech to graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, Joe Biden noted that Washington continued to supply weapons to Kiev and trained the Ukrainian military.

    “There are no American soldiers in Ukraine, and I am determined that this will be the case”, the US president said.

    “But we support Ukraine and will continue to do so. We’re up against a man… a cruel tyrant. We can’t back down, and we won’t back down”, Biden said.

    Earlier it was reported that Biden once again insulted Putin in one of his speeches. At the same time, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov pointed out the obscenity of the words of the American leader addressed to the leadership of the Russian Federation.


    26 MAY, 04:45

    Biden dishonours all Russians by insinuations against Putin — Russian Ambassador

    “Such behaviour is unacceptable for any responsible politician”, said Anatoly Antonov.

    WASHINGTON, 26 May. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden insults all the Russian people by his invectives against Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov said.

    “I believe such behaviour is unacceptable for any responsible politician, especially the leader of the nation. Verbal rudeness and attempts to raise self-esteem on account of the image of our President reflect the anger of Washington because Russia, using the US wording, is challenging the ‘rule-based world order’”, Antonov said, cited by the press service of the Russian mission. On Saturday, US President Joe Biden again used offensive speech against the Russian leader.

    “It’s time for the local establishment to [face] the fact that we shall continue to pursue [an] independent and sovereign policy based on [our] national interests”, the Russian diplomat stressed. Biden “insults the entire Russian nation [that is] firmly lining up behind the head of state by making insinuations against Putin”, Antonov added.

    [TASS English text edited by Moscow Exile because, apparently, TASS sees fit not to hire a native speaker of English to proof read the Russian-English that the Russian state-owned news agency sees fit to publish.]

    From Russian language TASS:

    25 May, 19: 06, updated 25 May, 23: 33

    Speaking to graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, Biden noted that Washington continues to supply weapons to Kiev and train the Ukrainian military. “There are no American soldiers in Ukraine, and I am determined that this will continue”, Biden said.

    “But we stand on the side of Ukraine and will continue to support it. We’re up against a man I’ve known for years, a cruel tyrant. We can’t [back down], and we won’t back down,” the American leader continued.

    “Putin was sure that NATO would split”, Biden argued. According to the US president, during a meeting in Geneva in 2021, he allegedly told the Russian leader that if he wanted “Finlandization”, that is, the neutrality of the Ukraine, he would eventually get “Natoization” of the whole of Europe. According to him, “today the largest defense alliance in world history is stronger than ever”.


    1. And Biden reviles Putin as a tyrant and dictator even as he proudly holds up the USA’s support for a country whose leader has repudiated elections, and continues on as president after his mandate has run out, as exemplary of the way a ‘superpower’ behaves. The ‘NATO is stronger than ever’ blabber may convince Biden, but it’s not really fair to take advantage of a crazy old man.


      1. Since, I’ve noted some similarities between the SMO and the US Civil War.

        Lincoln was denounced as a tyrant by the treasonous, unelected product of corrupt parasitic oligarchy with a bunch of racist idealogy.

        Thier foreign backers, also peddled this line.


    2. There are no American soldiers in Ukraine

      Good lord, what’s happened to them? Have they all been killed or is this a hint of a complete US withdrawal from the Ukraine Conflict? OR is Joe just lying as usual?


      1. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the USA originally refused to give Ukraine the Patriot air-defense system using the stated reason that American soldiers would have to go with it to operate it, because it was too complicated for inexperienced people to use, and at the time America drew a red line in front of deploying American military members to Ukraine. Of course they eventually caved in, just as they did to all Ukraine’s other requests and demands, and you know Americans were sent to Ukraine with the Patriot system. But America never acknowledged it, and instead came up with a cockamamie feelgood story about Ukrainians training on it, and learning it so fast their trainers were flabbergasted. So Joe is lying. But to be fair to him, he probably doesn’t know he is lying because he doesn’t know what people are talking about. What’s a patriot? Isn’t that someone who loves his country? Is there any cake left?

        American instructors were ‘pleasantly surprised’ that the Ukrainians could learn to effectively operate a system

        “After extensive lobbying by the Ukrainians to provide them with the sophisticated air defense system, the US spent 10 weeks training Ukrainian troops on how to maintain and operate it. US and western officials were pleasantly surprised by how quickly the Ukrainians learned how to operate the Patriots, which arrived in Ukraine last month.”

        that it takes Americans twice as long to learn.

        “The 14E MOS is taught at an almost 20-week Advanced Individual Training course by instructors in B Battery, 3rd Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery at Fort Sill.

        It’s one of the longer ADA courses because the Soldiers have to know a lot of different skills, said Lt. Col. Joseph Scott, 3-6th ADA commander. More than 30 14E AIT classes are taught each year here, and classes average about 16 students each.”


        1. it takes Americans twice as long to learn

          Just reinforces these reports of slipping standards in US military recruitment :).

          Back in the good old days, those Murican boys would have learned it in two weeks!


          1. And the Murican boys would have the advantage of learning the system in their native language. But the Ukrainians not only learned it in a language not their own, they learned it so well that they were able to reprogram the system to track and engage and successfully down air targets too fast for its radar to even follow, at least the way the Muricans designed it. I guess all the smart Ukrainians went to Patriot school, because the ones who went for F-16 training took longer than was expected, and now that some have apparently graduated, the USA won’t say how many. National Security, you know. They just allow it was ‘a small number’, and plan to have 12 pilots trained by the end of this year. Which is about the same timeframe they are supposed to get the first 10 planes. That promises to be entertaining, because even though Uncle Jens has tried to temper expectations by warning they are ‘not a silver bullet’ – like he knows anything at all about either planes or bullets – the Ukrainians are all excited and you can tell they think it’s going to be a ‘game-changer’. An overused word if ever there was one.



  27. A question for Irina Farion:

    In which language do residents of the Ukraine Google?

    20% of the country’s population that lives in these regions Google in Ukrainian.

    80% of the country’s population that lives in these regions Google in Russian.

    As Poroshenko once said: “Galitsia is the essence of th Ukraine”.

    Hardly surprising, because Galitsia was only annexed by the USSR in 1939, and then almost 2 years later, it was occupied by Nazis, whom the Galitsians wholeheartedly welcomed as their “liberators”.

    Galitsia once again became part of the UkSSR after the success of Operation Bagration in August 1944.

    Since when, the Nazis of Galitsia seethed until 2014, when the Ukraine became Banderastan.

    This foul bitch below is a Galitsian, from Lvov:

    Farion called Russian-speaking Ukrainians slaves and occupiers

    8 April, 2019

    On 6 April, 2019, the infamous Russophobic nationalist from the city of Lvov, a member of the All-Ukrainian Association “Freedom”, Irina Farion, published an interview on her YouTube channel that she gave to the Ternopol TV channel INTB in March 2019. In it, she furiously attacked the Russian language and declared that all Russian-speaking citizens were either slaves or occupiers.

    People have decided to forget all about Farion, so swe have decided to remind them of her existence.

    It should be noted that in 1978 Farion became a member of the Komsomol. Then, in 1987, she submitted documents to the Communist Party and became a candidate member. In 1988, she was admitted to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). And many still remember how she encouraged the study of the Russian language. Then, already in the years of “independence”, Farion claimed for a long time that she had had nothing to do with the “commies”.

    However, the archives remember everything and, pinned to the wall by facts, she began to convince the public that she had joined the CPSU in order to “destroy it from the within”. In 2012-2014, she even became a deputy of the Supreme Rada of the Ukraine. She was elected by single-mandate constituency No. 116 (Lvov region) and was chairman of the Subcommittee on Higher Education of the Committee on Science and Education. On the “achievements” of Ukrainian higher education, we have spoken earlier.

    Farion regularly makes harsh statements to draw attention to herself, but she no longer “broadcasts” anything new. Over the years, she has insult Russian-speaking citizens, even calling them “mentally retarded traitors” and suggested that they leave for Russia. She has also called Russian speaking citizens of the Ukraine “slaves and occupiers”. It’s not just that Farion herself has difficulties with mental activity, she’s just uncreative, repeating for years the same hackneyed phrases like a stuck record over and over.

    And here it is still stated that Russian speakers have some rights, but we have no Russian-speaking population: these people are either slaves or occupiers, and nothing more. Therefore, these people should not receive any education if they do not know the Ukrainian language, and should not automatically get a job. Everything will be very simple and easy, and it must be done,

    says the bellicose patriot with a smile on her lips, although she has not yet proposed a ban on Russian speakers breathing.

    [Here is a video of the evil bitch being interviewed. She is talking in the shitkicker dialect labelled mova. No subtitles available. Farion, of course, speaks Russian, no doubt fluently, as does the vast majority of her contemporaries and equally shitwitted Svidomite compatriots, but she most certainly wouldn’t do that in public, nor would she even let it be known that she can speak Russian, just as she tried hard not to let it be known that she had once been a member of the CPSU — ME]

    By the way, since 2015, a criminal case has been instituted in Russia against this inadequate person. After all, she has not only call for genocide to be undertaken in the Ukraine, she has also spoken out about the destruction of Russia as a state and Russians as a nation.


  28. Zelensky criticized for decision on the summit in Switzerland

    27 May, 04: 15

    Vladimir Zelensky’s decision to submit only three points of his “formula for peace” for discussion in Switzerland deprives the summit of any significance. This was stated by Ukrainian analyst Andrey Ermolaev on the YouTube channel “HSE”.

    Dead man walking! — ME © TASS/Zuma

    Earlier, Zelensky said that the Ukraine plans to provide only three out of ten points of its “formula for peace” at the “peace conference” in Switzerland.

    “In fact, we see that there is no longer a formula (for Zelensky’s peace), there are three points. Are you kidding me; is this a mockery? And the next three points: when, in six months? And when will you discuss all ten points?” Yermolaev complained.

    According to him, Zelensky has turnsedthe summit on the Ukraine into a carnival. The very fact that Kiev had to ask Switzerland to organize a “peace conference” indicates the cooling interest of the whole world in the Ukraine, the analyst concluded.

    Earlier it was reported that the United States had decided to take part in the Swiss conference on the settlement of the conflict in the Ukraine, which will be held in June. However, who exactly from the American authorities will come to the conference and in what status, has not yet been specified.

    Recall that the conference on the settlement of the the Ukrainian conflict will be held in Switzerland on 15-16 June. Russia has not been invited to it. In turn, the State Duma has said that it is stupid to decide on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict without Russia’s participation.


    1. And it is possible a new and charismatic leader speaking common sense and asking for global cooperation to straighten out this horrible mess would inspire renewed interest. But the west will talk only through Zelensky, and appears proud of his undemocratic usurpation of his office.


  29. Germany has banned Minister Baerbock from being labelled “the world’s dumbest”— or you face a fine or prison


    The authority of the current German government amongst ordinary Germans is so low that the government is forced to react to this in the style of the times of the Third Reich. Germans are expressing their dislike for their rulers on social networks; moreover, they do not mince words. The government punishes this freethinking with a fine and imprisonment, but the most interesting thing is the legal procedure: it is borrowed from the practices of the Gestapo political police.

    A 43-year-old man from the Wunsiedel area paid a large fine for calling Robert Habeck a complete idiot on Social Network X. The biggest criticisms are directed at Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, whom Upper Franconians have dubbed “the dumbest foreign minister in the world”, reports A 58-year-old resident of Ludwigsstadt wrote a post on the X network, in which he attacked not only Baerbock, but also her other colleagues.

    It’s interesting how information about these “insults” reached law enforcement officers. One of the vigilant citizens sent a published criticism to the Federal Criminal Police Department. There the sender of the message was detected and then the “culprit” was targeted. But Germany must create the impression of a free country, so citizens cannot be thrown into Dachau right away.

    In order to maintain decorum, the authorities have devised a simple procedure. The Gestapo gathers all the offending statements, each of which is entered onto a separate form. Then they go to the offended official, and all he has to do is to sign for them.

    That is, Baerbock did not see her offenders face to face: they just brought her a stack of forms to sign. “The police have standardized forms for which Ms. Baerbock filed a statement, explained a representative of the criminal police. The Germans are excellent rationalisers, so they have automated and massivised the process of fighting political opponents as much as possible in our time. In totalitarian Russia, for example, an offended official in such a situation would have to go to court with a complaint against each commentator, order an expert examination in which experienced linguists would have to prove the fact of insult, the court would have to listen to the defendant’s objections, and only then would it make a judgement. In free Germany, on the other hand, everything is simple: they pile all the offending statements up, get a facsimile of the plaintiff’s signature, and the punishment is already decided.

    By the way, in Germany, for such “misdemeanours” you can get three years in prison or a large fine.

    In addition to Baerbock and Habeck, a number of other politicians are demanding that their fellow citizens be punished. These are prominent SPD figure Michael Roth, former Berlin Secretary of State Sawsan Chebli (SPD) and FDP member of the Bundestag Agnes Strack-Zimmermann. And this notorious Nazi even ensured that the case against her critic reached the prosecutor’s office of the Coburg district. The lawsuit was filed by a law firm that the Nazi hired specifically for this purpose. Considering that Germany is returning by leaps and bounds to the times of the early thirties of the last century, no one doubts that the not very restrained, but frankly truthful user of social networks will face a couple of years in prison.

    True, neither Baerbock, nor Habeck, nor Strack-Zimmermann will become smarter from this, and their intelligence will not be improved — God forbid!


    1. Most of all goes to the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Annalen Berbock, which the residents of the Upper Franconia dubbed the “the dumbest Minister of foreign Affairs in the world,

      Well, I can see her point. At best, she is probably No. 2. A. Blinkin is a hard act to defeat. I used to think it could not get worse than Pompeo but Blinkin made a determined lunge for the title in Anchorage and seized the laurels from Pompeo’s head.


    2. Yes, using the message that such behavior ‘undermines unity’ and at all costs, the appearance must be created that we are satisfied with our political ‘representatives’, no matter how stupid they are and make us all look. The notion of simply offering smarter and more inspirational political candidates should have occurred near-simultaneously to the entire establishment. But the only way the ones we have can remain in power is by litigating criticism out of existence. In its struggles against The Aggressor Nation, the west has opted to become more totalitarian itself – that will show them.


  30. Annalena Baerbok booed in Nuremberg


    Reports on pre-election rallies in the European Parliament are very sparse. By chance, I came across a message that Baerbock had gone to to Bavaria and spoke at a rally, where “two counter-demonstrations” suddenly showed up.

    But she responded to them!!

    Interesting, I thought. So I started flicking through the German media. The big ones had not yet made a reported this, although the rally had taken place the previous evening night. The local print media attended the event like Griboyedov‘s hero – on tiptoe and not rich in words.

    I shall explain right away the meaning of the incomprehensible word “Franconia (German: Franken) is a historical region of modern Germany, on the territory of which there are three administrative districts of the federal state of Bavaria, namely Lower Franconia (Unterfranken), Middle Franconia (Mittelfranken) and Upper Franconia (Oberfranken). Franconia means the land of the Franks, a union of Germanic tribes; in modern German, “Franken” means both the ancient Franks and the modern inhabitants of Franconia. [Not incomprehensible to me! I used to live in Franken, in Würzburg — ME]

    Nuremberg is the second largest city in Bavaria after Munich and the 14th in Germany (523,026 inhabitants as of January 2024). The largest economic and cultural centre of Franconia and its unofficial capital.

    A city that became well known all over the world for its famous trial.

    I managed to go there once… But that’s not the point right now.


    Publication “”:

    “The most incompetent Foreign Minister”: Mass protests against Baerbock at a Green Party rally.

    At a Green Party event dedicated to the European elections, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was subjected to harsh verbal attacks and provocations by counter-demonstrators. Some of them also destroyed election posters of the Green Party.

    Two pre-election rallies were held in the center of Nuremberg. The main speakers were Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party and Left-wing MEP Gregor Gysi.

    While Gysi’s speech on Seebalder Platz, which was attended by about 300 people, was uneventful, according to police, there were several incidents at the Green Party rally on Jakobsplatz. Members of the Bavarian riot police were involved, as well as numerous police officers from Central Franconian police stations.

    According to police, the Foreign Minister and Green Party member, Baerbock, began her speech together with the main candidate from Bavaria in the European elections, Sergei Lagodinsky, who was also on the spot, reports News5.

    The meeting was attended by about 150 people inside the cordon and about 80 people outside.

    Two counter-demonstrations were also held at the event. One consisted of about 100 people representing the “alternative-minded public”, and the other-of 150 pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Both groups were constantly disrupting the speeches, shouting loudly, whistling and honking their megaphones. Demonstrators called Baerbock a “warmonger”, “the most incompetent foreign minister we have ever had” and “a fraud with speech defects”.

    The Greens have repeatedly been verbally attacked: recently, a resident of Upper Franconia called Baerbock “the stupidest foreign minister in the world”, in connection with which a lawsuit was filed against her.

    Several people had to be removed from the rally because of their disruptive behaviour. One person who participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration was expelled by the police for provocative behaviour. Several people destroyed several election posters of the Green Party, in connection with which a criminal case has initiated for their causing material damage.


    Another publication (I forgot to mention the name, sorry, but also local) was categorical:

    Baerbock had to deal with a strange group of counter-demonstrators. EU parliamentary elections are approaching, which is attracting political celebrities to Nuremberg. Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock was a guest here. She had to deal with loud counter-demonstrators. And she responded to them.



    Baerbock in Nuremberg: mass protests accompany speech

    The Green Party of Nuremberg welcomed Bundestag member Annalena Baerbock and Green Alliance MEP candidate Sergei Lagodinsky to Jakobsplatz. At the same time, MP Gregor Gyzi took part in a rally organized by the Left party.

    About 150 people attended the Green Party meeting on Jakobsplatz in a cordoned-off place. According to the police department, about 80 other interested persons were also on the street during the speech-making.

    Reports on pre-election rallies in the European Parliament are very sparse. By chance, I came across a message that Burbok went to Bavaria and spoke at a rally, where "two counter-demonstrations" suddenly showed up.

    War never again

    The footage available to the editorial staff shows that the participants of the rally were sometimes subjected to violent attacks. The atmosphere around the event is tense. Police say several Green Party campaign posters were pointlessly destroyed.

    Reports on pre-election rallies in the European Parliament are very sparse. By chance, I came across a message that Burbok went to Bavaria and spoke at a rally, where "two counter-demonstrations" suddenly turned up. -2

    Numerous police officers from Central Franconia and members of the Bavarian OMON participated in the operation. The operation was led by the Nuremberg Central Police Station.


    Local police report Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken:

    Two pre-election rallies were held in the center of Nuremberg. The main speakers were Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Burbok and Member of Parliament Gregor Giesey.

    About 300 people took part in the rally of the left on Zebalder Square. The rally was held without incident.

    A pre-election rally of the Green Party was held in Jakobsplatz. About 150 people took part in the rally in a cordoned-off public place. About 80 interested people remained outside during the performances.

    Two counter-demonstrations were held at the rally, where participants expressed their dissatisfaction verbally, as well as with the help of whistles and megaphones. They also carried various demonstration materials with them. They were a group of about 100 dissident people and a group of about 150 pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

    During the pre-election rally, several people had to be expelled because of their destructive behavior. One person who participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration was removed by police for provocative behavior.

    In addition, during the rally, people deliberately destroyed several election posters of the Green Party, which led to the initiation of a criminal case for property damage.

    Bavarian riot police officers were deployed under the command of the Nuremberg Central Police Department, and numerous police officers from Central Franconia were also involved.


    Some photos follow.


  31. Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-3
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-5
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-7

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-10

    “Germany would be so beautiful without the Greens”

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-20

    What does it mean for you? — the International Lawyer and Foreign Minister asks.

    [I presume “it” being the EU — ME]


  32. The Russian blogger continues:

    But I found another channel – “About Germany and not only”. Apparently, it was made by a former compatriot of ours, and it was a success today because it was very useful. Freedom of speech in Germany is so great and vast that I struggled to find a piece of truth.

    We have to see this to ask ourselves after Baerbock’s victories at all levels: How is this possible? And she is being considered for the German Chancellorship – according to Die Zeit and its subscribers.

    I’m not talking about Zelensky:

    I made a short video for those who don’t have time. The report is ten minutes long.

    The video is called: “Get out! Baerbock in Nuremberg. More police than participants”.

    [The blogger is a woman, by the way: I can tell by the Russian verb declension that she uses — ME]

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-24

    The author starts off with:

    “I asked policeman whether the woman was so dangerous that she had to guarded by so many policemen and police buses? The answer: “No, but we have to protect them (the speakers) from people”.

    How popular are the Greens in Germany! No hairstyle or childish way of formulating thoughts can help here anymore.

    Voting for clowns can cost you your life, especially young peoples’!

    Never again!”

    “When the green citizen I had the honour to interview identified me as Russian, I was immediately told to et back to my Putin. Tolerance and diversity and democracy in action!”

    I’ll start with the comments to the video clip, the vast majority of which, oddly enough, come from the Germans. 3-4 remarks flashed in Russian.

    • Thank you, Nuremberg, for your protest!
    • So much applause for Lena the chatterbox? She should be happy – IRONY!!!!!
    • That’s all she deserves.
    • Bang, bang, get out of Germany! It’s great that we’re all together.
    • I watched this performance of the Greens on the official media. I can’t believe it now!!!! They only showed a bunch of people in front of the stage; they somehow made them much larger. They clapped incessantly. But the entire cut-off people, who actively protested, were not even shown briefly, and no whistling or shouts of protest were heard at all. Imagine now how we are being manipulated!!! According to the official version, it was a great success for the people’s favourite!!!!
    • ONLY AFD! [Alternative für DeutschlandAfD — ME]
    • At an event like this you can see how many people still feel too good. And it’s a shame. But I think they got paid. A normal thinking person cannot approve of this.
    • Perfect. All this testifies to the popularity of Baerbock and the Greens.
    • Thanks for the report.
    • Whatever happens, the traffic light must be turned off. [Traffic Light: the Red (Socialists), Green (the Greens), Yellow (the Liberals) political alliance that forms the present German government — ME]
    • A completely obvious split!
    • Many thanks to all participants in the counter-demonstrations in Nuremberg
    • Nuremberg criminal trial 02. The handcuffs must snap into place (personally, I give the author a standing ovation).

    “The rest just know where to put their cross and don’t go out into the streets anymore.”

    • This must be love!
    • The fact that so many people are standing in front of the stage is a tragedy, but to the kind people behind the barrier – 1000 thanks.
    • At 8:55 …she’s still bickering… Kindergarten level!
    • The Bavarians have finally woken up. Miracle!
    • Good shot !
    • Thanks to the huge barrier and lackeys keeping order, the audience was quite manageable…
    • Eggs !!!!!!!
    • Karma is coming.

    -Who even goes there?

    • I don’t even want to know what she stuttered about…………… ha, ha, ha…….
    • What was in their sausage if they are still clapping their hands as if in a fog?
    • A very popular party
    • If you pursued the right policy with the people, and not against them, you would not need police protection!!!!
    • This is the mass of their followers!!! there must be millions of them!!! especially in Bavaria… I guess there was free beer there?????? Poor policemen.
    • Those who stood in front were probably paid…
    • It must be nice to hear how “popular” you are!!!!!!
    • It’s very unfortunate that you have to endure this.
    • God bless the AfD and its smart voters. Germany and Russia are in friendship and solidarity between both peoples. Thanks to the Russian Empress Catherine II
    • Honestly, how can she continue to stand and talk? The feeling of shame is important for every person. My God, what’s going on here?!
    • I know German, but not very well. What were the women talking about at the end of the video?

    “I still can’t hear what the girl said at the very end.” In general, they laugh at the proposal to join in the war. They don’t believe it. Some people didn’t believe it either. However, real bombs were flying into Yugoslavia and killing real civilians! And the warplanes took off from German territory. And for this the answer will come! And because the country neighboring Russia has been and is being used as a springboard against Russia.

    • Hi, the older woman behind the left screen says she’s on a Google search and the young girl with the ponytail tells the older woman she should look for AFD and then walks away.
    • Aren’t German flags banned in Germany?
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-25

    — And do you know that on 9 May in Berlin they took German flags off us?

    (The Russian Victory Flag was banned)

    And there was a pile of comments to the clip without words.

    See the linked article for many more photos . . .


  33. The huge crowd in front of Baerbock:

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-8

    And the protesters held back at a distance and arrested if they got too close to Baerbock:

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-11
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-14
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-15
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-17
    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-19


  34. I do not remember this subject being mentioned here but Canadian readers in particular may be interested in two of John Helmer’s fairly recent posts. He is a great fan of Chrystia Freeland. Well, fan may be a bit too strong a word.


    And the more recent follow-up



    1. This is perhaps poorly understood; the Section 129 replaced the old Section119, which is headed with the same wording – ‘An act to the prejudice of good order and discipline’. It was known as ‘the blanket charge’, because considering only good conduct is expected of military members who have duly taken the oath of service, ANYTHING you did which was sufficiently serious to result in formal charges being laid was by nature an act to the prejudice of good order and discipline. It was always added as a separate and supplemental charge to the more specific; for example;

      Charge 1: Section XXXX of the National Defense Act – Drunkenness

      Charge 2: Section 129 of the National Defense Act – An act to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

      You could be charged with a Section 129 for being late for work: Absent without leave, and an Act to the prejudice of good order and discipline. However, it is unheard of in my experience for a member to be charged ONLY with a section 129. It is an ipso-facto charge – you were caught stealing or being insubordinate or negligently performed a military duty imposed upon you, and because all those things are offenses, OBVIOUSLY you also transgressed good order and discipline.

      I suspect the main charge was disloyalty – I’m not familiar with the case so I don’t know how it was phrased – and they gave up on trying to prosecute that one. A Section 129, to the best of my knowledge, does not carry the penalty of dismissal with disgrace or imprisonment as it is considered a minor offense IF it is unsupported by a more serious allegation.

      It appears from the way Helmer lays it out that the alleged act of disloyalty was his making of derogatory remarks about Canadian Forces leaders. Interesting that this should come up in a discussion of recruiting and the difficulties western nations are having replenishing the ranks of departed members. Because military members, as I mentioned earlier, swear an oath of service which is actually pledging loyalty to the Queen, but acknowledging one’s duty to obey the orders of those senior to them by reason of rank or appointment because they are acting as the monarch’s representative for the occasion. That’s the way the military works. You are permitted to state your refusal to obey an order if you believe it would be personally dangerous for you to carry it out, but of course you will have to demonstrate that in an investigation to the satisfaction of investigators. And a big part of ‘loyalty’ is obedience to ‘lawful commands’, which are all orders you cannot think of a reason for disobeying which will fly in court. And young people with choices don’t like that – joining means giving up free will. The enemy is who your superiors – directed in their turn by their political leaders – say it is.

      I suspect – again, I know nothing personally of the case and do not know the individual – no divided loyalty; that Kearney did not express any particular preference that Russia win the war or that Ukraine lose it. He likely just took umbrage with – and publicly expressed his disagreement – with the way certain individuals were pursuing the war. Like, “That’s the stupidest plan I ever heard; it’ll never work”. To edge even further out on the limb, I further suspect the reason for the ignominious abandonment of the prosecution is that subsequent events proved him right – that the plan WAS stupid, and it DIDN’T work.


      1. I am reading Helmer differently here Mark. (Admittedly Helmer can be a difficult read at times)

        His disagreement was in private, when the officers were asking for his professional assessment, and didn’t like what he told them.

        I am reading this as he was telling officers (senior officers?) that he thought their appreciations of the situation were rubbish. I suppose it could have been out of his chain of command and he was talking privately to, say, a friend in the PPCLI but that is not how I am reading it.


        1. I find Helmer very difficult to read: he has a very stodgy style. I often give up wading through his arguments, just try to grab hold of the gist of what he has written.


        2. Nothing disloyal about that – he was in a position where his opinion was solicited and where a dissenting opinion is expected and welcome so long as it can be supported. It is public disagreement which can be disloyal, as it can be interpreted as an unwillingness to obey.


  35. Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-43

    Get lost! Scram! Piss off!

    Below: Baerbock’s fans seen at a distance.

    Репортажи о предвыборных митингах в Европарламент весьма скупые. Случайно я наткнулась на сообщение, что Бербок поехала в Баварию и выступила на митинге, куда вдруг заявились "две контрдемонстрации".-44

    My thoughts are with you, Nuremberg counter-demonstrators.

    Thanks to the channel “About Germany and Beyond” and the courageous woman who runs it. I note that when I found it, it had 339 subscribers.

    As of 11:00 Moscow time, the video from Nuremberg already has 15,000 views! And there are now more than 300 comments.


  36. Bloody Hell! 11:30 EDST 2024-05-27

    I live in South Eastern Ontario. I just checked Environment Canada’s weather site and they are warning of the possibility of a tornado!

    For those unfamiliar with Canadian weather patterns, a tornado in SE Ontario in not impossible but extremely rare. We worry about ice storms.


    1. Aha, tornado missed us but hit Rigaud QC ~ 220 km east of us. Good bit of damage but no human casualties reported.


      1. Th’sun’s crackin’ th’flags ‘ere, as they said in my old neck of the woods in NW England, meaning that it is so hot, the paving stones (flags) are cracking.

        Tomorrow it’s going to be 28 °C and 18 °C at night. Was 26 C maximum today. Now 22 °C as sunset in one minute’s time at 20:56 approaches.

        And I’m still bloody well stuck in downtown Moskva. I’ve got to get out!!!

        I finish work tomorrow at midday: I’ll try to escape then. But I’ll still have to come back at the crack of dawn (O3:56) on Thursday. Hardly worth going, but I have to water the tomatoes, gherkins, eggplants, assorted marrows, peppers etc. in the green house.


        1. Only major drawback for me out in the sticks is the bloody mosquitos. There are swarms of them this year and they are especially ferocious little bastards an’ all this year as well.


  37. The Kiev Shit gets a big “No” from Germany:

    Berlin considers setting up a “missile shield” over Ukraine, as Vladimir Zelensky has requested, to be a step too far, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said on Monday.

    Speaking to the New York Times last week, the Ukrainian leader argued that NATO countries should shoot down Russian missiles from their own territory, just as the US and UK had done with Iranian missiles and drones aimed at Israel. 

    “From our point of view, that would be an involvement, a direct involvement in this conflict. And that is something we are not aiming for,” Hebestreit told reporters in Berlin.



    1. Same “No” from Scholz:

      BERLIN, May 26. /TASS/. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that he objects to allowing Ukraine use Western weapons against military targets in Russia.

      “We have clear rules for the use of the weapons we supply. We have agreed them with Ukraine and they are in force,” the DPA news agency quoted him as saying at a meeting with people.

      According to Scholz, there are no grounds to change these rules.

      Stoltenberg said in an interview with The Economist earlier that NATO allies should look at allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike military targets located in the internationally-recognized Russian territory.

      Germany in the second biggest weapons supplier to Ukraine after the United States. It has spent approximately 28 billion euro on military support for Ukraine.

      Russia’s authorities, however, have been saying that Western weapons would not stop from achieving the goals of its special military operation.


      Watch Stoltenberg change his tune in a couple of days. He’s been regulary doing this throughout the SMO — waving his arms about and saying the decision will be solved on the battlefield, only to make a Baerbockish 360° about face in his opinion.


      1. He has done so already:

        In an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag published on Saturday, Stoltenberg said: “While we are increasing our support for Ukraine’s self defense, there are no plans to send NATO troops to Ukraine or to extend NATO’s air-defense shield to Ukraine.”

        “NATO will not become part of the conflict,” the military bloc’s chief insisted. 

        He also suggested that Kiev could still regain the upper hand, despite Russia currently appearing to have it. To ensure this, he reasoned, NATO member states should “send more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, which includes air-defense systems and long-range weapons.” 



  38. State Duma delegate Belik called Stoltenberg’s statements about the Ukraine irresponsible

    27 May, 2024, 17: 46

    The Ukrainian conflict reached a global level precisely at the instigation of the United States and Britain, and the unnecessary phrases of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg characterize him as an irresponsible person: they will not lead to anything good, said State Duma deputy Dmitry Belik.

    MP Belik called Stoltenberg's statements about Ukraine irresponsible

    Half-wit Norwegian Socialist former peacenik and draft-dodger — ME

    The Duma Deputy drew attention to the fact that “certain sensible voices” are already being heard today, which say that it is time to move on to negotiations on the situation in Ukraine. Such statements are also being made from the European Union.

    At the same time, there are “hawks” who are responsible for the blood of people that is being spilt in the Ukrainian conflict, Belik said.

    “Russia has no other choice. We shall do our job and we shall win” concluded the deputy, quoted by Duma TV.

    Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it was necessary to lift restrictions on strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Western weapons against Russia.

    As noted in the Kremlin, Stoltenberg’s call is an official statement that increases the escalation.


  39. Political analyst Dizen: The West radically changes the rules, declaring strikes on Russia
    27 May, 17: 44

    Statements by the West about the approval of strikes by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine (AFU) on the territory of Russia with foreign weapons “change the rules” of proxy wars and such speeches will end “very badly”. This was stated by Norwegian political analyst Glenn Diesen on his page in the social network X (formerly Twitter).

    In Norway, they told how Stoltenberg's words about the Russian Federation "change the rules" of wars
    Shit for Brains Stoltenberg — ME © Gazeta.Ru

    “We are radically changing the established rules of proxy wars with meaningless arguments. It will end very badly, ” he stressed.

    Diesen expressed doubt that such logic would have taken place if Russia had supplied weapons to the North Atlantic Alliance’s opponents.

    Earlier, in an interview with The Economist, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that it was time for Ukraine’s allies to think about whether they should lift some of the restrictions they imposed on the use of weapons supplied to the country.

    Earlier, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister called the NATO Secretary General a “dangerous gentleman”.


  40. Zelensky returns from Spain with a security agreement and a 1.1 billion euro military aid package 

    Today, 16: 32 

    Today, the illegitimate President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez signed a bilateral security agreement in Madrid, similar to those that Kiev has already signed with a number of other countries, including Germany and Italy.

    As Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba explained earlier, the Ukrainian authorities sign security agreements with Western countries so that Kiev is not “abandoned”, and “the flow of weapons from these countries does not stop”.

    According to the signed agreement, Spain will provide the Ukraine with weapons worth 1.1 billion euros this year, and 5 billion euros by 2027. By the end of June this year, the Spanish authorities promised to transfer to Kiev a new batch of Patriot missiles, 19 Leopard 2A4 tanks, as well as a large number of materials produced in Spain.

    As reported by the media, the Leopard 2 tanks in storage in Spain were in such a deplorable state that the initial plans for the delivery of 53 vehicles had to be cut to just 10, delivered in two batches. The rest of the tanks went for a long repair and only now will they be gradually transferred to the Ukraine.


    And the Kiev Shithouse Rat returns to base a little wealthier than he was before . . .


  41. 26.05.2024 18:13

    What does Biden’s decision not to go to the “peace summit” in Switzerland mean?

    The level of representation at the peace conference in Switzerland announced by the Ukraine for mid-June, where Kiev and the “neutral” Bern has invited more than 160 delegations in another attempt to put pressure on Russia, continues to deflate right before our eyes. Following the refusal of Brazilian President Lula da Silva to participate at this meeting, sources of the Politico publication have reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will also do the same. The stillborn political and diplomatic initiative called the “peace summit” will finally be buried by the official announcement expected this week that the chief executive officer will not take part in it. The curator of the Kiev regime is US President Joe Biden.

    To discuss the Ukrainian conflict with Zelensky in Switzerland, Biden preferred a meeting with "walking wallets" for his election campaign in the United States.

    Did I not speak well, master? — ME

    Rather than discuss the Ukrainian conflict with Zelensky in Switzerland, Biden prefers to attend a meeting with “walking wallets” for his election campaign in the United States. 

    According to Bloomberg, Biden will prefer a meeting with “walking wallets” for his US election campaign rather than discussing ways to resolve the Ukrainian conflict peacefully in Switzerland. Just in time for 15 June, when the opening of the “peace summit” is scheduled in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock, a gathering of financial sponsors of the Democratic party is to be held in California with the participation of famous film actors George Clooney, Julia Roberts and other stars. Against this background, the acting talent of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, mainly used by him to extract new financial tranches for Kiev, frankly looks faded.

    It is not surprising that when choosing between a meeting with the eternally unshaven, interested in other people’s money Zelensky and the white-toothed, ready to write a check to the Democratic party for a round sum Clooney and Roberts, Biden, who is seeking re-election as President of the United States, chose in favor of the latter. On 15 June, immediately after the G7 summit in Italy, the American leader will travel directly from Europe to Los Angeles to meet with Democratic donors.

    Biden shifts responsibility for the failed results of the so-called “peace summit” onto Europe

    Such a sad prospect for Kiev, as well as the news of the idea put forward by China and Brazil on 23 May that an alternative and truly inclusive peace conference on the Ukraine be held, caused a real panic in Kiev. In a video posted on 26 May, Zelensky actually criticized Washington and Beijing for refusing to go to Switzerland: “I appeal to the leaders of the world who still remain aloof from the global efforts to prepare for the ‘peace summit’: to President Biden, the leader of the United States, to President Xi, the leader of China: Please show your leadership in bringing peace closer”.

    Biden’s apparent reluctance to “show leadership” in Switzerland, as well as the fact that, according to Western media, US Vice President Kamala Harris will also not go to the” peace summit”, clearly indicates the true priorities of the US administration. For Harris, the domestic political situation and raising money for the November presidential campaign has turned out to be much more important than the mantra broadcast to the world about endless support for the Ukraine. The same Bloomberg directly writes: Biden’s decision to skip the conference in Switzerland indicates that he is increasingly switching to issues of domestic political cuisine in order to prevent Republican Trump from coming to power, and also “reflects growing pessimism” about the conference on the Ukraine.

    What the American media does not write diplomatically about lies on the surface. By skipping the Swiss “peace summit” on the Ukraine, the US leadership is shifting responsibility for its failed results, and most importantly for further financial and economic support for Zelensky, to Europe and representatives of those states who have allowed themselves to be dragged into the Bürgenstock meeting. The Americans who provoked the Ukrainian crisis have already done this trick within the framework of NATO, successfully shifting a significant share of the costs and expenses of supporting Kiev to their short-sighted allies in the military-political bloc.

    The head of Brazil, Lula da Silva, was one of the first to refuse to participate in the Swiss show. Photo: GettyImages

    In addition, the very fact of participating in a meeting with the “passed his sell-by date” leader of the Ukraine – Zelensky’s presidential powers expired on May 21, and new elections were not held in “Independent Ukraine” – is obviously a dubious enterprise for Washington, which the Americans have preferred to avoid. This can be interpreted as a signal to interested parties that the White House is in no hurry to legitimize Zelensky and is interested in changing the formal owner of the Kiev regime. As for the” peace summit” itself in Switzerland, so far about 70 states have declared their participation in it. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida are among those who have signed up for the conference in Bürgenstock.

    The organizers of the event really hoped to involve as many countries of the “Global South” as possible in this initiative in order to demonstrate the “isolation of Russia”. To do this, Kiev made a significant adjustment to its “wish-list”, leaving only three out of 10 points of the obviously unviable “formula for peace” promoted by the Ukraine – food and nuclear security, as well as the exchange of prisoners of war. This is a very strange content of the agenda, given that the “grain deal” that was hardly agreed upon in Istanbul in 2022 collapsed in front of the whole world only because of a gross violation of the terms of these agreements by Kiev and Western countries. The threat of a nuclear catastrophe is also connected with the strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of the Zaporizhia NPP and attempts of sabotage against civilian objects of critical infrastructure on the territory of the Russian Federation. The exchange of prisoners of war is stalling, as Kiev has been refusing to exchange its own military personnel for months – a long list of Ukrainian PoWs in Russian hands was recently published by RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan.

    Given these factors, the reluctance of many countries of the “Global South” to become part of the inspired by the interests of Kiev crowd that is to gather in Switzerland is not surprising. After all, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in mid-May, the main task of the Swiss conference will be “not to achieve peace, but only to turn as many countries as possible against Russia”. And our country’s partners in the “Global South” understand what we are talking about.

    Rossiyskaya Gazeta-Stolichny issue: No. 113(9355)


  42. About this “all for all” [всех для всех] prisoner exchange that the USA/Zelensky is pushing for and will come up at Bürgenstock, it’s just one big trick!

    Consider the following:

    At the “Peace summit” in Switzerland, the participants will be asked to vote for the exchange of prisoners of war between Russia and the Ukraine according to the formula “all for all”.

    The idea seems to be a fair one: the UN always requires the exchange of “all for all”, so that no trading of prisoners take place. However, the problem with the SMO — and don’t forget, the valiant Banderites have been since day one kicking seven kinds of shit out of the incompetent Russian armed forces — is that, according to expert data, Russia now holds 20 thousand Ukrainian PoWs, whereas in Banderastan, there are only somewhere between 500-600 Russian PoWs. However, the Yukietards want to exchange all the PoWs that they have for all the PoWs that Russia has.

    A fair deal?

    Russia has already posted on the Web a list of 500 Ukrainian PoWs that Russia is ready to exchange. But Zelensky only agrees to take 38 of them — notorious nationalists and thugs. He doesn’t need the rest. They are/were cannon fodder. The little bastard wants members of his Praetorian Guard back.

    Furthermore, if Zelensky were now to exchange Russian PoWs for these 500 Ukrainian PoWs that have ben offered for exchange, he would have nothing to trade in Switzerland, because if such an exchange were to happen, there would be no Russians left in Banderite captivity.


    1. We will soon be hearing of daring escapes by Ukrainian POW’s desperately fleeing into wildest Siberia (perhaps even to Novesibirsk?) to escape a prisoner exchange.


    2. Moskalkova: prisoner exchange stopped owing to far-fetched demands of the Ukraine 

      Today, 13: 02

      Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova, speaking at the House of Human Rights, where a joint meeting of State Duma committees is taking place, said that work on the return of prisoners of war had been suspended because of the Ukrainian side, which constantly put forward far-fetched demands.

      “Unfortunately, for several months, because of the Ukraine, which constantly puts forward new far-fetched demands, exchanges have been suspended”, she said.

      The Ombudsman also thanked the Russian Defence Ministry for its efforts to return people from captivity. “We feel the worry and tension of people and on the part of the state are doing everything possible to bring to their attention information about events”, Moskalkova added.

      “On exchanges — the Ukrainians are demanding the return of convicted Azovites and people with valuable military qualifications and no one else. This has basically been no secret for a long time. What is also no a secret is that for them, prisoner exchange is an information warfare tool — nothing more nor less than that. And since the demand that Azov* prisoners be exchanged the consequences thereof having not been forgotten, everything has come to a standstill. You can’t negotiate with scammers. It won’t work”, said blogger Roman Donetsky.

      Earlier, Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and RT TV channel, published a list of Ukrainian prisoners of war that Kiev refuses to exchange. According to her, Vladimir Zelensky selected only 38 “Azovites and Co.” from these 500 people and expressed his readiness to take only them. According to the media manager, Kiev doesn’t seem to need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers.

      The previous exchange of prisoners of war between Kiev and Moscow took place on February 8. Then 100 Russian soldiers were returned from Ukrainian captivity. In return, Kiev was given the same number of people.

      Moskalkova in 2023 pointed out that the process of exchanging prisoners of war with the Ukrainian side is being delayed because of the double standards of the Ukraine, which removes privates and sergeants from the lists, and deliberately writes many soldiers down as missing. She noted that during the exchange, Kiev, as a rule, prefers media personalities, and ordinary military personnel are of little interest.

      * — a terrorist organization banned in Russia


  43. Western businesses backtrack on their Russia exit plans

    Companies such as Avon Products, Air Liquide and Reckitt remain in country as bureaucratic obstacles to leaving increase

    © FT montage/Alamy/Dreamstime/AFP via Getty Images

    Courtney Weaver in Berlin and Madeleine Speed in London


    Western companies including Avon Products, Air Liquide and Reckitt have remained in Russia despite saying they planned to leave after the invasion of Ukraine, as bureaucratic obstacles increase and consumer activity rebounds.

    The Natura-owned cosmetics brand, the French industrial gas producer and the UK consumer group that produces everything from painkillers to condoms are among hundreds of western groups that have stayed in the country since the full-scale invasion in 2022.

    “Many European companies have found themselves really between a rock and a hard place,” said one executive working with western companies in the country. “They said they’d leave. They were presented with a choice of buyers that were unacceptable to them.”

    Overall, more than 2,100 multinationals have stayed in the Russia since 2022, the Kyiv School of Economics has found, compared with about 1,600 international companies that have either quit the market or scaled back operations.

    More than half of foreign businesses in Russia have remained there since the war began.

    As at May 5 2024:

    Exited – 387

    Curtailed – 1,223

    Remain – 2,173

    Source: Kyiv School of Economics; Sanctions database

    ‘Exited’ are companies that have either left, or sold part of the business to a local Russian entity based on data from the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities in Russia.

    ‘Curtailed’ companies are those that have made an official declaration that they are completely shutting down, or have officially announced they are temporarily reducing operations in Russia

    Shortly after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, scores of such groups pledged to scale back their presence in Russia as the west sought to starve the country’s economy and the Kremlin’s war coffers of foreign cash.

    But Moscow has gradually raised the cost of corporate departure, imposing a mandatory 50 per cent discount on assets from “unfriendly” countries sold to Russian buyers and a minimum 15 per cent “exit tax”. It has also been increasingly hard to find local buyers acceptable both to the seller and to Moscow and whose involvement does not fall foul of western sanctions.

    Air Liquide announced in September 2022 it had signed a memorandum of understanding to sell its Russia business to the team of local managers who had been running it. However, the deal never received Russian government approval, leaving the company in limbo.

    A woman walks in front of a Raiffeisen bank branch in Moscow
    A Raiffeisen branch in Moscow. The Austrian bank has come under fire after the FT revealed its ambitious recruitment plans in Russia © Maxim Shipenkov/EPA-EFE

    Some companies no longer feel they are compelled to quit the country. Avon began a sales process for its Russian business and received offers but decided not to accept them.

    “For over 135 years, Avon has stood for women wherever they are in the world, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, age or religion,” the company said.

    While Reckitt announced in April 2022 that it had “begun a process aimed at transferring ownership of its Russian business”, its new chief executive Kris Licht has taken a more measured approach.

    “We continue to look at options but it has become more complex, not less complex,” he told the FT last month. “The initial conversation was, do you stay or go, and businesses paying taxes . . . I think we’re having a bit more of a nuanced conversation.”

    Multinationals have been mindful of the travails of western companies such as Carlsberg and Danone, which had their assets seized after announcing plans to leave.

    While Danone was eventually able to work out a deal to sell the assets at a steep discount, Carlsberg remains locked in a protracted legal battle with Moscow and one of the brewer’s former top executives is in a Russian prison.

    Alexandra Prokopenko, a non-resident fellow at Carnegie Russia Eurasia, said that rising wages and a rosier-than-expected economic situation had fuelled a spending boom, making Russia much more appealing for multinationals, particularly in the consumer sector.

    Prokopenko said that a recent wave of nationalisations that had targeted both foreign groups and local players remained “the major risk to foreign nationals in Russia”, adding: “So if they see this risk as manageable, why don’t they stay?”

    PepsiCo announced in March 2022 that it had suspended the sale and production of its flagship beverage in Russia but it continues to operate a dairy business in the country that employs 20,000 people directly and 40,000 agricultural workers indirectly.

    “As a food and beverage company, now more than ever we must stay true to the humanitarian aspect of our business. That means we have a responsibility to continue to offer our other products in Russia,” chief executive Ramon Laguarta wrote in an email to employees in September 2022.

    Rival Coca-Cola has stopped sending its soft drinks syrups to Russia, but the role has been filled by the drinks giant’s bottler in the region, Coca-Cola Hellenic, in which it holds a 21 per cent stake. In August 2022 the bottler created a standalone Russian company, Multon Partners, whose Russian versions of Coca-Cola brands include Dobry Cola, which has knocked the original Coke off the top spot as the country’s best-seller.

    “Dobry Cola is an extension of an existing brand in the market, produced and distributed by Multon Partners. It has no connection to The Coca-Cola Company or its brands,” said the bottler.

    Dobry Cola on sale in Russia
    Dobry Cola has knocked the original Coke off the top spot as the country’s best-seller © Maxim Shipenkov/EPA-EFE

    Among the more than 2,000 companies that have said they will stay in Russia — which include consumer groups Mondelez, Unilever, Nestlé and Philip Morris — some have become more open about their plans. Mondelez’s chief executive recently told the FT that investors did not “morally care” whether groups left the country.

    But there is a lack of clarity about some companies’ claimed divestments. US short seller Hindenburg Research revealed in March that Polish fashion retailer LPP’s goods were still being sold in Russia despite it announcing it had left the market in June 2022 after selling its business to an unidentified Chinese consortium.

    While LPP denied wrongdoing, it acknowledged it had been benefiting from sales to “transfer agents” to help fund the cost of the transition, a practice that would not be phased out until 2025.

    Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank International has also come under fire after the FT reported that dozens of Russia-based job advertisements it had posted indicated ambitious growth plans in the country, despite its pledge to quit the market.

    A second executive working with western companies in Russia said there had been a noticeable change in sentiment.

    While companies that left in the initial weeks after the invasion saw a moral imperative to do so, he said, “the current wave is more about, do you really have to leave? Do you want to leave? Some of these companies have built four, five factories over 30 years. They’re not going to sell that for a 90 per cent discount.”

    Activist investor and Unilever board member Nelson Peltz told the FT this year he had pressed the consumer goods group, which has explored options for a sale, not to leave.

    “If we pull out of Russia, they will take our brands for themselves. I don’t think that’s a good trade,” Peltz said, emphasising that rivals such as P&G and Colgate-Palmolive had not left the country. “Why the hell should we?”


    Western arseholes fail again!


    1. It’s always all about money, and profit for their investors. But the initiative has shifted dramatically, and now it is up to Russia if it wishes to offer them opportunity and under what conditions – they can still be pushed out by making it un-economical for them to stay. Whereas once it was Russia offering western companies concessions to lure them to set up operations, circumstances under which foreign companies attained powerful market share and leverage, which their parent nations forced them to use whether they really felt ‘one with Ukraine’ or not, – as I suspect many of them did not, it being all about money as we said.

      A rare opportunity exists for Russia to bring foreign companies much more firmly under control, by imposing conditions and legal contracts under which they can make money, but not menace economic stability by deliberately-introduced chaos. Private companies are not political entities, and the relentless drive to use any discernible ‘leverage’ for political pressure must be broken. America in particular has become obsessed with gaining economic control of vulnerabilities such as the food supply – which it did in Venezuela through national liberal activists – and parlaying that vulnerability into misery for the populations so as to bring about desired political change, which consistently works to further cement American control rather than to bring any measurable degree of ‘freedom and democracy’.


  44. What a stupid woman!

    28 MAY, 2024, 11: 40

    The Belgian Foreign Minister said that Russian tanks “can go to Brussels”

    The Belgian Foreign Minister said that Russian tanks "can go to Brussels"
    @ IMAGO/Didier Lebrun/Global Look Press

    Belgian Foreign Minister Aja Labib called for an increase in military assistance to the Ukraine, saying on the Bel RTL radio station that Russian tanks could allegedly launch an offensive on Belgium.

    According to her, the threat that Russia poses to Europe should not be underestimated.

    Lyabib noted that Russian troops would allegedly attack Europe and Belgium with their tanks.

    According to the Foreign Minister, who will participate in the elections to the Belgian parliament from the liberal party “Reform Movement”, the Russian leadership intends to “move the borders further”, as well as “jeopardize Belgian values and democracy”.


  45. Annalena Baerbock has surpassed herself: according to her, the production of weapons does not threaten the climate in any way


    Annalena Burbok at the Green Party congress (photo from the website

    Annalena Baerbock at the Green Party congress (photo from the website

    Convinced “Green” Annalena Baerbock made a sharp U-turn: yes, one of almost 360 degrees. Her mind has been so turned that she sees nothing contradictory in supporting the production of weapons and war on the one hand, and climate protection on the other.

    Some might say that the woman has such a mess inside her head that it would take more than five years to clean it up; others would talk of cockroaches, of which Annalena has so many that she has been sharing them with others for three years now, and along the way has come up with amazing things.

    [The Russian idiomatic phrase “cockroaches in someone’s head” means that a person has peculiarities, eccentricities, delusions. — ME.]

    Now, on tn the eve of the elections, in her latest TV political broadcast, Annalena Baerbock, this classic (former) “Green”, without batting an eyelid, revealed that one thing does not contradict another:

    War and weapons production do not interfere with the “Green” idea in any way, and they even go hand in hand with each other.

    The current Berbok does not match the party's symbol-a flower (photo from the site).

    The current Berbok does not match the party’s symbol-a flower (photo from the site).

    “Saying that we are now defending ourselves and our freedom but no longer that of the Ukraine, because doing that contradicts climate protection? For me, there is no logic in this. On the contrary, we should do both”, Annalenchen stated.

    In general, the evolution of the “Greens”, although here it would be more correct to call this process a mutation, is amazing.

    In the late ’70s of the twentieth century, when the “Greens” were just entering the political arena and any elections they won in any urban community were considered a success, many people sympathized with them. Even in the USSR, the news coverage of the Greens was almost enthusiastic: there they said that the “Greens” were fighting against the Capitalistic World, against monopolists and multinational corporations, and that they were in favour of protecting the environment.

    But time passed, and now the “Greens” themselves have become the main agents of multinational corporations, their main defenders.

    So there is nothing surprising in the words and current views of Annalena Baerbock:

    photos from the site

    I’m dead clever, me! — ME: photos from the site

    “She’s a product of the era!

    It seems that very soon we will all hear from the same Baerbock and other “Green” people that “Green” technologies are so good, but people do not understand them and do not want to accept them: so for the sake of the life of the planet (read – for the profits of monopolies), it is possible and necessary to impose them by force, with the help of war.

    Can you imagine such a monologue from the mouth of Annalena Baerbock:

    “So you don’t want to give up gas and oil? Don’t want to switch to electric cars and build wind turbines, install solar panels and use our heat pumps? Then our “soldaten” will come to you and teach you how to do everything correctly, according to the “Green” standards prescribed by us!”

    Do you think this is impossible? Do you think this is a dystopia? No one believed in the victory of the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s, but it happened and what were the consequences for the whole of Europe and the whole world!

    Then it was a “Brown” plague [reference to Nazi SA “Brownshirts” — ME], and now it has become a “Green” plague. And it is spreading to all of Europe and the rest of the world.

    “Green” energy and industry need resources that Europe does not have, and it is ready to do anything for them.

    So Annalena Baerbock’s latest words are not so harmless (and stupid) as they might seem at first glance. This is a symptom and indicator of the fact that today’s “Greens” with their owners from amongst multinational corporations are now ready to do anything for the sake of their super-profits and a monopoly position in the world markets climate protection.

    Will the flower replace the swastika and become a new symbol? photos from the site

    Will the flower replace the swastika and become a new symbol? photos from the site

    Do you think this option is impossible? No, it certainly is not, and Annalena Baerbock reveals this to us all.

    Tell us in the comments what yo think! I’d love to hear them. Be ready to discuss and argue.

    Subscribe to the channel, put likes, share with friends and comment on what you read – your opinion is very valuable.


    1. Baerbock gives the impression of being an empty head, with no hope original ideas of her own. Everything she spouts appears to be coming from her party’s sponsors who are dictating Green Party agenda and policy. The thing that is most astonishing is that everything she has said so far goes unchallenged by her own party or her (perhaps fast disappearing) supporters.


      1. I saw a while back a document from the ’70s, if I’m not mistaken, from some USA “think tank”, which ear-marked the “Green Movement” in Germany as worthy of attention as regards it acting as a lever for changes in perceptions that would benefit big corporations. It was about the time when such sloganeering appeared as that used by BP, for example, that ran something like: “Making the world a better place!” (and making loadsa moolah an’ all).

        Check this out from FT last year and take note of the BP logo:

        BP’s shift leaves a bigger question on credibility than climate

        Retreat on commitments is also a pivot born out of higher oil price forecasts

        BP sign
        Emissions from BP’s oil and gas business will drop 20 per cent to 30 per cent, rather than 35 per cent to 40 per cent © AP

         FEBRUARY 9 2023

        The energy transition was always going to be a dirty business. BP this week rowed back from its 2020 climate commitments, including the headline pledge to cut production by 40 per cent by 2030. Given that those promises were three years ago dubbed “cynical” by Friends of the Earth, the oil and gas major may rather have proved the environmental campaigners’ point.

        BP couched its move in terms of a changed world following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The balance of the energy trilemma — about finding energy security, affordability and sustainability — has shifted. It will invest in and produce more fossil fuels in the near term, and sell fewer of its assets, so that production falls only about a quarter by 2030 compared to 2019. Emissions from its oil and gas business will drop 20 per cent to 30 per cent, rather than 35 per cent to 40 per cent.

        The story does not entirely make sense. True, BP upped its investment plans by $1bn in both fossil fuels and transition businesses. But we know the group thinks that the result of the Ukraine war will be an accelerated transition: it cut its forecast for medium-term oil demand in its energy outlook last month. “If you accept the world is changing quicker than you thought but put half your money into old technology that’s not really turning the ship,” says Kingsmill Bond, energy strategist at clean energy non-profit RMI.

        The new targets owe more to another tripartite tension: the demand for cash returns from its investors, the need to invest in a future clean energy business, and the fossil-fuel cash flows required for both. BP’s shares have not hugely underperformed its climate-conscious European peers but they have all been outstripped by the oilier American companies. Amid talk about transatlantic bids, and investor scepticism about returns in low-carbon businesses, this is an attempt to change the mood.

        It is not a total catastrophe climatewise: the extra 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day of production in 2030 would mostly have been sold to other producers. BP is cutting its own operational emissions, scope 1 and 2 in the jargon, faster than expected. But its changes all aim to boost near-term returns. In low carbon, less money is going to long-dated, lower-return businesses such as renewables, and more to areas like electric vehicle charging and convenience stores. In oil, the mantra is basically more quick barrels to capitalise on higher than expected oil prices.

        This is not a capitulation to the US model either. BP last year put 30 per cent of investment into low-carbon areas: by 2025, that will be 45 per cent of spending, and half by 2030. Compare that to ExxonMobil, which will put maybe 8 per cent of investment into “lower emissions” this year. Three-fifths of spending in that bucket, which will total $17bn in the years to 2027, goes towards reducing its own emissions — investment BP counts within upstream. BP, with roughly half Exxon’s operating cash flow last year, plans $60bn investment in low-carbon businesses to 2030.

        If BP can be rewarded by investors for that, as Europe’s energy dinosaurs thrash around looking for a post-asteroid future, it probably counts as progress. The world needs more investment in energy full stop. Oil and gas shareholders have seemed pretty resistant to management teams spending much more on anything, clean or dirty.

        But this is also a shift born out of forecast oil prices being unexpectedly higher for longer. Resources groups, miners included, are notorious for shuffling assets in and out of favour as commodities prices fluctuate. Long-term planning it is not. “Investors could be concerned that these strategic pivots look quite procyclical,” said Biraj Borkhataria at RBC Capital Markets. “BP is in some ways moving with the environment. It’s better to talk up oil when it’s at $80 a barrel, than $40.”

        Lower oil prices would mean tougher choices about investment dollars; higher would mean more pressure for barrels. BP’s various stakeholders — whether cash-hungry or climate aware — will need convincing there will not be a shift if the market moves again.

        This article has been corrected to make clear that BP had in 2020 pledged to cut production by 40 per cent by 2030, not 2040 as originally stated.


        And here’s another fun-read from FT:

        EU must invest about €1.5tn a year to meet net zero targets, says Brussels

        Spending plans and target of 90% emissions reduction by 2040 appear in draft document

        The pipes curve round houses in the foreground while the power plant towers can be seen in the distance
        Pipework from Poland’s Bełchatów coal power plant. The EU document said the high level of investment to tackle greenhouse gases would outweigh the cost of inaction © Piotr Malecki/Bloomber

        [It’s not a coal-fired power station! It’s fired by shitty, stinking brown coal (lignite) that lies not far below the surface and which is “strip-mined” by huge earth moving equipment. It’s the largest thermal power station in the world. They had the same brown-coal fired power stations in the former German Democratic Republic as well. They bloody stank! — ME]

         23 MINUTES AGO

        The EU must invest about €1.5tn a year between 2031 and 2050 to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 90 per cent by 2040 and meet its mid-century net zero target, Brussels has said.

        The figures are part of a draft document from the European Commission, seen by the Financial Times, that sets out Brussels’ plan for slashing emissions and reaching “economy-wide climate neutrality” by 2050.

        The high level of investment would far outweigh the vast cost of inaction as the effects of global warming become increasingly apparent, the document said. Keeping temperature rises to within 1.5C above pre-industrial levels could save the EU €2.4tn in economic losses between 2031 and 2050 and cut net costs of fossil fuel imports by €2.8tn over the same period, it added.

        The new 90 per cent target, at the lower end of a range recommended by the EU’s scientific advisory board, is seen as a way to accelerate climate action as the economic damage from extreme weather events increases. Under the bloc’s climate law EU governments are committed to reducing emissions by 55 per cent by 2030 from 1990 levels, and reaching net zero by 2050.

        Some areas of industry and agriculture argue that the requirements are too onerous amid high inflation and the after-effects of an energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

        Farmers in particular have attacked environmental regulation, with protests spreading from the Netherlands to Belgium, Germany, France and Romania in recent weeks. 

        Leaders including French president Emmanuel Macron and Belgian premier Alexander De Croo called for a “pause” in climate legislation last year as the political implications of forcing consumers and businesses to change long embedded habits fuelled fears of a backlash.

        “The ongoing transformation gives us the opportunity to build on new business opportunities, to be a leading force in the clean technology sectors, stabilise energy bills, create the good jobs of the future, improve our quality of life, and protect ourselves against the worst effects of climate-related hazards,” the draft said.

        The commission declined to comment.

        To reach the goal, the document says the EU will require an almost completely decarbonised electricity sector by about 2040, a shift of the bloc’s workforce into green industries and an overall reduction in fossil fuel consumption of 85 per cent compared with 1990 levels.

        Oil for ships, aircraft and other transport would make up the majority of the remaining fossil fuel use, it said.

        Excluding transportation and the cost of purchasing new vehicles, investment needed to reach the 90 per cent goal would be “close to” €660bn a year between 2031 and 2050. The commission has previously estimated the additional investment required to reach the bloc’s 2030 goal at €360bn annually.

        A significant portion will have to be spent on a rapid scaling up of carbon capture technology, which is still at an embryonic stage, to capture residual emissions. A separate draft outlining a strategy for carbon management suggests that the EU must capture 450mn tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by 2050 to hit its net zero goal, up from negligible levels today.

        The 2040 document also notes that agricultural activities including the breeding of livestock and use of fertilisers are projected to become the biggest contributor to the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions.

        One method to reduce this “could be to better reflect the price of agricultural emissions into the food value chain”, the document adds, hinting at the potential to bring the sector into the bloc’s emissions trading system, which places a levy on polluters.

        The document — an early draft that could be rewritten — is due to be published by the EU’s executive arm on February 6. It will form the starting point for a debate over the 2040 target that will feed into a formal legislative proposal once a new commission takes office after EU elections in June.

        It will also help to establish the EU’s 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution — an emissions reduction target that all countries must present in the lead-up to the UN’s COP30 climate summit next year which must be unanimously agreed by the bloc’s 27 governments.

        The bloc has presented itself as a leader on climate change policies, with policymakers hoping that the bloc will gain a competitive advantage as more countries pivot to adopt renewable power, carbon pricing and circular economies.

        Climate-related weather events have caused 220,000 deaths in the EU and cost the bloc €650bn since 1980, according to the European Environment Agency.



  46. Oh dear! How sad!

    Cod shortage in EU because of Evil Orc sanctions.

    Declining harvests and restrictions on trade with Russia, the world’s leading cod producer, have pushed product prices up, forcing some EU countries to look for cheaper options, German Zverev, the director of the All-Russian Association of Fish Producers has said.

    “Catches” RT, not “harvests”!

    Love it! I was weaned on cod!

    There was cod — “wet” cod, not frozen — on the slabs in the supermarket across the road when I went shopping there this affo.

    Fuck off, EU!


        1. Once upon a time, cod liver oil was one of the things everyone’s grandmother used to have in her medicine larder along with chicken soup and garlic and whatever herbs she grew in her garden or picked in the woods.


          1. I had to gulp down great big tablespoons full of the stuff when I was a small child. There was another concoction that I was dosed with called “Cod Liver Oil and Malt” and also “Scott’s Emulsion”.

            I clearly recall the image of a huge codfish on that fisherman’s back.

            Apparently, the image of a fisherman and the fish was adapted from a photograph of a Norwegian fisherman from the Lofoten Islands.


          2. When I was a child in kindergarten and the lower grades in primary school, the teacher used to issue the pupils all a single cod-liver-oil capsule each morning to protect us against sickness. I’m not sure if that was a federal policy or only provincial, probably the latter.


          3. I got a cod liver oil capsule at breakfast every day from ~ 1 November to 30 March when I was young. I thought they were great!


        2. 236 rubles for 230 grammes

          $4.27 (379 rubles) for 100 grammes

          Cheaper in Russia, but at the cost of freedom and democracy and the rule of a tyrant.


  47. Don’t look now, but the western media is concocting a ‘Battle of Kharkiv’ scenario, in which Russia will of course fail and the city’s courageous defenders cover themselves with glory. Putin’s plain statement that Moscow is not interested in seizing the city of Kharkov counts for naught – the west knows how his evil little mind works; in fact, he’s probably saying it that way because Russia is weeeeeeaaak and he fears being thrown back, whereupon he can say “Who cares? I wasn’t even trying”.

    “Experts from the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington, DC, think tank, have said that Russia may have started its offensive too early, and lacks the adequate personnel on its front lines needed to “conduct a successful operation to envelop, encircle, or seize Kharkiv City.”

    Ahhhh…you see? It might have been possible, but clumsy Putin struck too early, and his wicked plans were unfulfilled. Legions of conscripts wielding shovels – their only weapons, apparently, as Russia seems to have finally run out of ammunition – were unable to dislodge the stubborn and unbelievably heroic Ukrainians, and Russia had to break off its attacks after 6 million were killed.

    You’ll probably laugh at the rest of the article, as well – Belgium, which fears the arrival of Russian tanks any day now, plans to transfer 30 F-16’s over four years, so less than 10 per year, with the stipulation that they are not to be flown over Russian territory. Lucky, I suppose, that Ukraine got those notional F-16’s from some Baltic yapper or other – Estonia, maybe? – who believed having the actual aircraft was not as important as promising them in a excess of devotion.

    10 aircraft per year – maybe – with first deliveries not expected before the end of this year. Look out, Putin!!

    In other news, that phrase, ‘magical thinking’ is beginning to pop up more and more frequently. As little as a year ago, Zelensky needed only to announce that Ukraine would not do a deal with Moscow until Ukraine had won and could negotiate from a position of Putin being lucky to not be Zelensky’s slave for life, and the west beamed with pride at his tough smack talk. In such a short space of time the west’s outlook has darkened to where Ukraine might be pressured into a deal.

    “For too long, allies clung to magical thinking about Russia’s weakness and Ukraine’s ability to force the Kremlin into talks with battlefield success,” Alissa de Carbonnel, ICG deputy program director for Europe and Central Asia, told Newsweek in emailed comments.”

    That’s presuming, of course, that Russia is interested in a deal, which is by no means guaranteed.


  48. From Forbe’s David Axe, a “journalist” who has fuck all military experience but who has a lot to say about the SMO:

    The Sukhoi Apocalypse Might Be A Myth—Ukraine Claims It Shot Down Seven Su-25s In A Month, But There’s Evidence For Just Two

    How many Russian attack jets has the 110th Mechanized Brigade really shot down?

    David Axe

    Forbes Staff

    David Axe writes about ships, planes, tanks, drones and missiles.

    [And knows sweet FA about that which he writes — ME]

    May 27, 2024, 07:04pm EDT

    A Russian air force Su-25.
    A Russian air force Su-25.WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

    The Ukrainian army’s 110th Mechanized Brigade has shot down seven Russian air force attack jets in less than a month, dealing a devastating blow to Russian air power and exacting a measure of revenge for the brigade’s defeat in the recent battle for Avdiivka.

    Maybe. More likely, the 110th Mechanized Brigade has shot down at most two Russian attack jets in a less than a month, dealing a painful but hardly decisive blow to Russian air power—and exacting somewhat less revenge.

    Together, the 110th Mechanized Brigade, the Ukrainian defense ministry and even Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky have announced the destruction—by the 110th Mechanized Brigade’s air-defense teams—of seven Russian Sukohi Su-25 attack jets—on May 4, May 11, May 13, May 18, May 22, May 23 and May 25.

    The problem is that there’s evidence of just two of the shoot-downs: a grainy photo of something burning on the ground, dated May 13; and a May 26 video, shot from very far away, that might depict a missile hitting a low-flying jet. The only other visual “evidence” the 110th Mechanized Brigade has offered actually comes from a video game.

    That’s not to say the Russians didn’t lose a lot of Su-25s this month, potentially adding to the 29 Su-25s the Russian air force has definitely lost in the 27 months since Russia widened its war on Ukraine. It’s just impossible to verify right now.

    In any event, it’s not hard to understand why the 110th Mechanized Brigade might inflate its victories. The brigade has had a hard war—and might be overeager for payback. For more than a year, the 110th Mechanized Brigade garrisoned the front-line of city of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast.

    Squatting in rubble under steady Russian bombardment, the 2,000-person brigade waited for the inevitable Russian attack. It finally came in October, when a multi-brigade Russian force with no fewer than 30,000 troops attacked from multiple directions.

    The outcome was never really in doubt. The 110th Mechanized Brigade was desperately short of ammunition, mostly due to Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Congress delaying further U.S. aid to Ukraine starting the same month the Russians attacked Avdiivka.

    In mid-February, the 110th Mechanized Brigade retreated, leaving behind potentially hundreds of casualties and handing what was left of Avdiivka to Russia. After a few weeks of rest, the brigade was back on the new front line west of Avdiivka—and itching for a fight.

    It’s not inconceivable that the 110th Mechanized Brigade is capable of shooting down seven Su-25s in a month. The U.S. Congress finally approved fresh aid to Ukraine in late April, and the Pentagon promptly shipped billions of dollars worth of munitions to Ukraine.

    Moreover, the Russian air force got a lot more aggressive with its 100 or so surviving Su-25s during those six months the Ukrainians were begging for ammunition.

    Most famously, Russian Su-25s routinely flew directly over the front line around the front-line town of Chasiv Yar for several weeks starting in mid-April.

    This was a new practice for the Russians. Before the Ukrainians temporarily ran low on air defenses, Russian pilots tended to fire their rockets from a safe distance, several miles from the front line.

    So it’s possible the 110th Mechanized Brigade had more missiles to fire—and there were more nearby Su-25s to fire them at. Even so, there’s evidence of only two possible shoot-downs. And that evidence is thin.

    Follow me on Twitter. Check out my website or some of my other work here. Send me a secure tip. 

    David Axe Follow

    David Axe is a journalist and filmmaker based in Columbia, South Carolina. He joined Forbes in 2020, and currently focuses on Ukraine. 


    How do people like Axe land such jobs with “prestigious” Western “news” outlets?


  49. Just come across this in comments to an RT article:

    Beware , comrades, there are new videos on YouTube created with Al , one has an image of Col. Douglas Macgregor , his voice an exact match , MacGregor is bashing the Russians and spewing pro Ukrainian bullshit in a supposed interview. That’s how desperate and dirty these pro Ukro rats have become .

    I’ve noticed of late video clips where Macgregor, or his doctored by the Banderites version, harping on about Stalin’s murder of a million Soviet troops who had refused to fight during the GPW and of the rape of thousands of Berlin women in 1945 by the Evil Commies.


    1. And don’t call me “comrade” comrade!

      In the 32 years in total that I have lived in the USSR/Russian Federation have I only once heard a Russian use that term in the old Bolshevik style: all other occasions when I have heard Russian citizens using that term, it has been said ironically.

      The only occasion when I heard “comrade” used in the old style was when I was living in Voronezh in 1993.

      Outside Soviet housing blocks at that time, one often saw frames made out of tubular steel, on which carpets were hung for the beating thereof. One day, I saw an old grandma struggling as she tried to throw a big carpet over such a frame. I offered her my help and then heaved the carpet over the long horizontal metal tube of the frame. I was 44 years old then and in my prime. An old codger nearby saw me do this, and called out: “Molodets! [Good lad!] Who says there are no longer any “comrades” these days?” whereupon Natasha No.1 of Voronezh, who was with me at the time, said to the old bloke: “He’s not a ‘comrade’: he’s English”.

      The old bloke seemed somewhat perplexed when he heard this, and simply shuffled off.

      In winter, they didn’t beat the dust out of old carpets this way: they used to lay them out on the snow and then beat them where they lay. When they took the beaten carpet back indoors, you could see a big, black rectangle of dust that had been left behind and soaked up by the snow.

      It’s ages since I last saw anyone do that. Everyone must have state-of-the-art vacuum cleaners now — but maybe not for long, as they are probably increasingly being cannibalized for microchips as their former source in automatic washing machines must surely now be drying up.


  50. Here’s the beginning of the policy change everyone knew was coming, and which either edges the world closer to a broader war or invokes a harder pounding of Ukraine to bring things to a conclusion more quickly; as usual, led by Emily Macron and his sidekick the liver-sausage, famous for taking a firm stand one day and completely reversing it the next.

    The Ukrainians will promptly use Scalp missiles to strike into Russia and cause as many deaths as they are able, under the cover of ‘defending themselves’, which the west claims is a pillar of ‘international law’. Something they didn’t have to do until recently, because Russia was so weak that Ukraine was slaughtering it, of course. But Washington is impatient for its European war, and it obviously has enough true believers in ‘leadership’ positions in Europe to hasten things along.

    Of course Ukraine is only permitted to strike military targets from which missile attacks originate. Of course. And their integrity can be completely relied upon.


    1. And once again, Scholz has made a U-turn:

      German Chancellor Olaf Scholz now supports Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia, despite his earlier concerns about escalation with Moscow, Politico reported on Wednesday, citing source.

      Speaking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, the German leader said that “if Ukraine is attacked, it can defend itself” under international law. He also said he had no legal objections to Macron, who argued that the West “should allow [Kiev] to neutralize military sites… from where… Ukraine is attacked.”



      1. What did I say? And almost a week from his previous statement; right on schedule. Germany deserves whatever happens to it under such a failure of a leader, and if he were leading some former-Soviet republic that the west did not like, its media would be foaming for the population to throw him out. Instead the west prefers to characterize him as ‘pragmatic’, meaning that when you squeeze his puffy little body it is easy to mold him in whatever new shape you desire.

        Of course any site which is struck by western missiles in Russia will be claimed by Ukraine to have been a launch site for attacks against it, and the west will affect to believe it as it has done through absurd charades like Bucha, so Ukraine is free to strike as far as it can reach without even the necessity of aiming, beyond ensuring it hits a populated region. I devoutly hope Russia will immediately announce that all such strikes came from Keeeeeeeev, and flatten it accordingly with complete disregard for loss of life. The western papers are forever blabbering about how even amid the tragedy of war, life in Keeeev goes on pretty much as it did before, its inhabitants unaffected by the blasts further east and occasionally in the hotbeds of nationalism such as Lviv, except for perhaps some unreliability with the electricity. Statements by Russia that it is doing its best to minimize civilian casualties are disregarded on the occasions they are even printed, and it is an article of faith among those who listen to Zelensky that the Russians routinely use an air-defense missile – the S-300 – to strike ground targets in Ukrainian cities, and the stupid lap it up. Zelensky is well aware that western audiences have internalized this pap as a core truth, and hammers on it relentlessly, the Russian harvest of death from civilian apartment buildings struck with their magical S-300 missiles. Start with leaving a crater about 30 feet deep where Zippy’s official address on Bankova used to be. He’s not the president any more, just another annoying loudmouthed western shill.

        What would possess him to think his blasted and devastated country would be an asset to the EU ? Does he imagine the current policy of raining money on the place would continue, and that there would be no expectations of an EU Ukraine? How does he imagine it would pay its way with its shrunken and desiccated tax base? By giving up everything that lies inside its abbreviated borders to international investors, that’s how. See how enamored with ‘Ukrainian culture’ the west would be then.


  51. George once read a statement from Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of a popular party in Poland: a beautiful man who had recently lived in an apartment with his mother and cats. Pan Kaczynski said that Russia should pay Poland financial compensation for damage during the Second World War: in amounts that the Poles will set themselves.

    Only for German passengers” —ME

    George, of course, strongly supports all this. However, it is necessary to go back to the situation in July 1944, when the Red Army dared to brazenly invade Polish territory, and throw out the cultural German nation from Polish land. At that time, for some reason, the Poles were not considered equal to the Germans. Here in the above photo you can see a tram: “Only for Germans” reads the sign, and below, a sign reads: “Poles are not allowed to enter”. That is, the Third Reich perceived the Polish nation as second class. Also, the pictures show the shooting of Polish hostages in Bydgoszcz, and the Kinder KC children’s concentration camp in Lodz. For some reason, the rude and impolite Red Army liberated Poland from these pleasant and sweet things.

    Then there were the SS concentration camps in Poland-Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, Stutthof, and others — where 1-1. 5 million people were murdered. In total, during the 6 years of the Nazi occupation of Poland, 6 million of its citizens died. 20 % of the population. One million a year. The Red Army stopped this conveyor of death, and for this, as we now see, it is necessary to pay. And more.

    The USSR is accused of driving the Germans out of Poland and establishing its own regime there. This, of course, was unfair of them. The United States, after having expelled the Germans from France and Italy, of course, allowed the French and Italians to determine their own future, and did not leave bases with troops there for fuck knows how many years. Oh, there are some left? Well, they must have been accidently left there. They didn’t want to do that, it just happened that way. Don’t be offended. It is better to take offence at the USSR, especially since it is no longer there. The Soviet Union, having laid down 600,000 soldiers’ lives for the liberation of Poland, should have been grateful for having had the good fortune to this and then tiptoed away. This is what all cultured and intelligent people do.

    And of course, for some reason, the USSR gave Poland the territories of German Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania. From where the Poles expelled the entire German population: 2.3 million people. George agrees that Poland should pay reparations on small terms — it will give these territories back to Germany, and resettle all Germans back there. After all, everything received from the USSR is evil. And we must get rid of evil.

    In general, in 1944 there was a great situation. Poles were second class in their own country. And the country, in fact, did not exist. They couldn’t share a tram with the Germans, who destroyed the Polish nation by a million a year. Even children were put in concentration camps and hundreds of thousands were taken from their parents for the Lebensborn programme, handed over to German infertile families. The ovens in the camps were open daily. And then the Russians came and stopped it all.

    Disorder. After all, what have the Russians done? They made Poland a state again. Polish culture was made so popular in the USSR that everyone watched Polish films and read Polish books (how hard it was for poor artists to play for the invaders). They gave Poland German lands. But we also need to pay the Poles. Fair enough. Otherwise, we will offend good people.

    And of course, George understands — after all, everyone in Poland knows this: as soon as they demand something, Russia will run to pay. Right here immediately. Someone will say that Polish politicians have completely lost the remnants of their mental health, and they no longer know how to entertain the voter by stirring up the events of 80 years ago. And George will say — this is true patriotism, people do not sleep at night, they are rooting for their country with their hearts. Here we found out where to get the money. Why should we blame them for this? God forbid.

    Therefore, George believes that if Poland agrees to roll back the situation to the level of 1944, and liberate itself (along with other European countries), and be again in the same conditions as they were in 1944 year, well George thinks: yes, we must pay for such entertainment. It’s a pity it’s impossible to do this, because a time machine hasn’t been invented yet.

    Otherwise everything would turn out really fucking awesome.


    1. It’s a wonder Jaroslaw Kaczynski didn’t add another 1 million zlotys to the compensation package demanded of Russia, to cover his brother Lech’s death in the plane crash in Smolensk back in 2012. Oh, and add an extra 1 million zlotys for Lech’s wife who died with him.


    1. Hey, give them a break. They got the country AND the city correct.

      I think I may have mentioned it before but back in Soviet times the Globe & Mail had a picture of the “Hotel Moscow” above a story. Of course, above the building, on the roof were 3 or 4 metre high letters proclaiming “Hotel Baltic”.


  52. Someone should tell the Ukrainians that if you receive something as a gift, it is impolite to bitch about its shortcomings.

    “However, the tanks have faced significant challenges on the battlefield, primarily due to Russian drone warfare tactics. The drones have made it increasingly difficult for the tanks to operate without being detected and targeted, leading to the withdrawal of the hardware from the front lines to prevent further losses.

    According to The Associated Press, five of the 31 American Abrams sent to Ukraine since January 2023 have already been lost to Russian action.

    On Wednesday, according to CNN, Ukrainian crews who trained in Germany reiterated the difficulties and said the vehicles lacked armor that could stop modern weapons.

    “Its armor is not sufficient for this moment,” said one crew member with the call sign Joker. “It doesn’t protect the crew. For real, today this is the war of drones. So now, when the tank rolls out, they always try to hit them.”…”Without defense, the crew doesn’t survive at the battlefield,” another crew member, Dnipro, told CNN, adding they are the “number one target.”

    But when Uncle Sam says, “Who wants weapons??”, it’s “Me!! me!!! me first!!” and the Ukrainians jostle and push each other to get to the head of the line to get something that will make them feel secure and protected as they are killed, if this story is accurate.

    Quite a few of the deep thinkers on the Ukrainian side, including that Rutgers tithead professor, Alexander Motyl, believed that Ukraine’s receiving the Javelin missile would end the war, such a potent weapon it was. And shortly after that, you could pick them up abandoned at the roadside, which was handy for the chancers who sold them on the black market. Now they are talking excitedly about Ukraine taking delivery of its first F-16’s – and that, too will end in tears. And still the happy talk of western technological and military superiority goes on, both among its admiring fans and its puffed-up journalists.


  53. 29 May, 2024 15:17

    British king accepted award from Ukrainian Nazi – media

    The royal received an honorary degree from a former member of a Ukrainian Waffen-SS unit in 1983, a UK media outlet has revealed

    British king accepted award from Ukrainian Nazi – media

    Peter Savaryn ©

    Britain’s King Charles received an award from a Ukrainian Nazi veteran while still Prince of Wales in 1983, an investigation by the media outlet Declassified UK has found.

    The outlet has discovered a photograph showing the then Prince Charles receiving an honorary law degree during a ceremony at the University of Alberta in Canada from Peter Savaryn, a former member of the Waffen-SS, who served as the university’s chancellor from 1982 to 1986.

    According to the report, in his acceptance speech Charles praised those who had “sacrificed their lives 40 years ago” in the fight against Adolf Hitler, yet the award was conferred on him by a veteran who fought for Nazi Germany.

    Originally from what was then eastern Poland, Savaryn served in a Ukrainian Waffen-SS unit during World War II.

    Millions of Ukrainians served in the Soviet Red Army during the war, but thousands of others fought on the German side under the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, known as the Galicia Division.

    The division, formed in 1943, attracted volunteers from what is now western Ukraine. Its members took a personal oath to Adolf Hitler and have been accused of atrocities against Jews as well as other Polish and Soviet civilians.

    Commenting on the revelation, Buckingham Palace confirmed that during a royal visit in 1983, Charles received the award from the University of Alberta, describing it as a “highly respected Canadian institution.”

    “As is customary, the University’s Chancellor bestowed the honor,” the Palace told Declassified. “As all normal vetting procedures had been followed by his hosts it was recommended that The King accepted the honor at the time.”

    The outlet suggested that Britain’s Foreign Office, which organizes royal trips abroad, could have known about Savaryn’s Nazi past.

    Savaryn was among thousands of Waffen-SS Galicia men who escaped to the West after 1945, often with British assistance, the report claimed.

    In 1987, Savaryn was bestowed a Royal honor, the Order of Canada. Canadian Governor General Mary Simon last year apologized and expressed “regret” that her office awarded the second-highest merit in the country to a former Nazi soldier.

    Last year, the University of Alberta was caught in the middle of another Nazi scandal after it held an endowment named after Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian who also served in the Nazi Galicia Division.Hunka was given standing ovations by Canadian lawmakers during Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to the country’s parliament. The incident became an international embarrassment for Ottawa, leading to the resignation of House Speaker Anthony Rota, a public apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and an admission from Germany that its ambassador had applauded a former member of the Waffen SS.


    They know who these people are and what they were. They were all vetted in the UK and Canada before they were allowed to emigrate.

    Such nice people!

    The Red Army just shot the bastards as soon as they were captured.


    1. I wonder if this sort of thing explains Premier Danielle Smith? Endorsing the Waffen SS sounds like something she would do.


      1. Really? What about her performance so far leads you to believe she is more of a Nazi sympathizer than our sock-collecting transgender-worshiping embarrassing fop of a Prime Minister? In 1983 she was 12 years old; was it clear even then that she had a thing for the boys in jackboots? Just reading that she is allegedly a fan of Ayn Rand and Margaret Thatcher is enough to damn her in my regard, but I think Waffen-SS worshiper is probably an over-extension.


        1. Well, it was intended as a sarcastic remark. I really did not mean to imply she was a Nazi sympathizer but from my distant observation post in Eastern Ontario, given the level of nuttiness I see it, looked like something she might do, not realizing the implications. I do not believe she would endorse Nazi ideology. I just think she has a problem dealing with facts and probably has a knowledge of history roughly equivalent to that of a gerbil.

          BTW, she is only ~ 3 years younger than our revered Deputy PM who has been seen with a Red and Black flag, so what do I know? I had not realized she was a fan of Ayn Rand but it does fit.


  54. The British government is deeply concerned over Russia’s misfortune . . .

    Daily update from GOV.​UK for: Russia

    Over 465,000 Russian personnel have been killed or wounded since 2022 – a phenomenal loss for Russians: UK statement to the OSCE

    Page summary:

    Politico-Military Counsellor, Ankur Narayan, adds that despite the staggering costs to Russia, Putin is no closer to subjugating Ukraine. Russia can minimise its losses by withdrawing all of its forces from all of Ukraine.

    Change made:
    First published.

    Time updated:
    3:13pm, 29 May 2024

    Bleeding hearts!


    1. Well counting & doubling every Russki and Donbass fighter, who stubbed his toe in the SMO.

      isn’t more than like 0.4% of the RF population. Far less than the people they’ve gained in the annexed territories so far.

      What does the Ukr ratios look like? I suppose they don’t count. Which though unspoken, is in essence true for NATO.

      The poor dumb f**kers could stop their Paraguay style war of national suicide by surrendering.


    2. Stuff your phony sympathy where the sun doesn’t shine. This is the whole purpose of keeping Ukraine staggering along and preventing and discouraging it from surrender – so that more Russians will be killed, and everybody but the Ukrainians knows it. The phenomenal loss for Ukrainians is not even mentioned although it is tacitly acknowledged to be far higher, because that might imply some responsibility down the road when the west wants to just dust off its hands and walk away.


  55. Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics says Ukraine should be allowed to use its western-supplied weaponry against Russia “in a way that is the most efficient”. If that statement came from anyone other than the president of a Baltic Republic, it might be possible to imagine he meant something other than “in a way that kills the most people”, but in the circumstances it is possible to remember that the Balts are good at bone-deep hatred but not really at much else except catching sprats.

    “Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics also agreed with Stoltenberg, telling CNN on Monday: “I think there is no rational, pragmatic reason not to allow Ukraine to use those weapons against Russia in a way that is most efficient.”

    Yes, he really did say that; it wasn’t just RT propaganda and disinformation – moreover, the rest of the Baltic Yappers enthusiastically endorsed that point of view.

    It might also be pertinent to realize that Latvian hatred is conveniently directed against Russia, but is not necessarily so discriminating, and is actually directed to varying degrees against anyone who is not Latvian. This was clearly on show during the Second Great Unpleasantry, when around 70% of Latvia’s Jews were killed with the assistance of local Latvian Nazi collaborators. Evidently this is a point of pride, as numerous monuments glorify the prowess of the Latvian Legion, an all-Latvian formation comprised of the 15th and 19th Waffen-SS Divisions. Latvia’s ruler until 1940, Kārlis Ulmanis, proclaimed that Latvia must be an ethnically-Latvian nation, and present-day monuments preserve this sentiment.

    A convenient reminder that discussion in the news and even in the history books was seldom – these days, at least – as it is presented. Western media coverage of the Baltic states is pretty consistently full of sympathy for the poor democracy-and-freedom-loving beleaguered post-Soviet paradises in the glowering shadow of Mordor.


    1. It gets forgotten, but the very people who collaboratated with the Nazis. Killed off or drove out many/most of the Baltic Germans.

      Long before WW2, so modern Baltic fascism is even more twisted than you’d think.


  56. The dancing around of the west’s political movers on the subject of using ‘frozen’ Russian money to support increasingly-impoverished Ukraine reminds me of a pack of hounds around a red-hot chunk of cooked meat – they all wrinkle their lips and make snaps at it, but none wants to be the first to try and pick it up or take a bite. Continuing for a moment with the animal theme, the posturing would make a cat laugh out loud.

    The USA, of course, is all encouragement – DO it, DO it – because almost all the frozen assets are in Europe, the USA is personally at little risk of the scorn and international nervousness which are likely results from the investor community, and as arms marketer to the world, much of the stolen money would be spent on US-made weapons.

    At first the virtuous among them were okay with the idea of simply using the interest generated – after all, much of it came from western investors in the first place. But the shouters soon realized the funds generated would be almost identical to what Ukraine used to make annually from transiting Russian gas for Gazprom – $2.5 to $3 Billion. As the reference points out, Ukraine burns through that in a month.

    Still more interesting is the acknowledgment that the Ukrainian government uses every bit of its current revenue on the war, and needs another $40 Billion a year to pay pensions and state salaries.

    Just reflect on that a moment, because it is a shocking admission; Ukraine’s self-generated revenues are unable to support anything other than the war, and when the war concludes – regardless how it ends – Ukraine’s budget will be totally inadequate for any serious rebuilding. Forget about debt-servicing, obviously. Ukraine is going to need around $40 Billion a year clear income just to make payroll, and that requirement – although the amount might shrink a little, but not much – will be ongoing for as far as the eye can see unless the country is sold to western investors (in the improbable event of a Ukrainian victory). Ukraine is never going to be in the black again. Just think about that. It is going to be a continuing money pit, and when the west works up its courage to steal Russia’s money – you know they will, that has been the trend all along, and when you fancy yourself the arbiters of international law it is easy to rewrite the law so that you are legally allowed to do what you wanted to do – it will not last long at the burn rate Ukraine needs it. What’s the plan for when the money is all gone?

    I’m glad you asked. The current plan – which they will soon realize is not going to generate enough money, either….come on, stop laughing, I haven’t even told you yet…is to ‘borrow’ the money in advance by issuing a bond against future earnings, and transfer the money to Ukraine. That’s right; assume without knowing anything about the economy of the future that money will be generated to repay what they steal now. So it’s not really stealing. We mean to pay it back. If that doesn’t remind of the two simpletons in ‘Dumb and Dumber’, writing IOU’s to cover spending of stolen money on ‘immediate needs’ like a Lamborghini Diablo, new suits in absurd colours featuring silk top hats, and so on, you’re not very good at allegory.

    “U.S. Treasury officials and outside economists are proposing ways to turn that annual trickle into a much larger chunk of upfront cash.

    That could done be through a bond that would be repaid by the future interest income, giving Ukraine the money immediately. The ministers will meet with Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergii Marchenko on Saturday.

    “Securing Ukraine’s position in the medium-to-long term requires unlocking the value of immobilized Russian sovereign assets,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at a news conference Thursday in Stresa. “We support the EU’s decision to utilize the windfall profits from these assets, but we must also continue our collective work on more ambitious options.”

    ‘Unlocking the value of immobilized Russian sovereign assets’ is not going to secure the position of a bankrupt and destitute state which has killed off a frightening percentage of its future workforce, to say nothing of the fathers of future generations, for more than an eyeblink.

    You probably thought it could not get any stupider than that, but it does, and I am sort of proud to be among the first to introduce the USA as the Protector of Climate Change. Absurd? Yes; yes, it is.

    “Yellen will also raise China’s outsized, state-backed production of green energy technology, which the U.S. considers a threat to the global economy. It has been a little more than a month since she traveled to China to speak with her counterparts in Guangzhou and Beijing about the nation’s massive subsidies to its electric vehicles, batteries, solar energy equipment and other products.”

    That just has to be a joke, a sting embedded in the text to see who is paying attention. Instead of investing government money in ‘green technology’, never mind what your opinion on climate change might be, it would please the Leader Of The Free World a great deal more if you simply donated it to the most corrupt country in Europe, so it could use it as it sees fit in its ongoing battle to exterminate Russia on behalf of its sponsors. Like they say, you couldn’t make it up.


  57. Politico says that that the approval for these attacks is limited to “solely near the area of Kharkiv”.

    Yeah, right.


  58. EVERYTHING provoked by the USA in the name of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY and its NATIONAL SECURITY.



    1. Finnish President Stubb called acceptable strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Russia with Western weapons

      Finnish President Alexander Stubb called it permissible for Ukraine to strike at the territory of Russia with weapons received from Western

      According to the Finnish president, weapons from Western countries are needed to protect Ukraine.

      “It is our duty to provide support so that the Ukraine wins”, the Finnish leader said, adding that by launching a free trade zone, Russia allegedly violated the provisions of international law.


      Bring it on!


      1. Well, Uncle Jens has set the standard; at a ‘NATO meeting’ in Bulgaria, he is quoted as having said, “The right to self-defense includes hitting legitimate targets outside Ukraine”.

        Oh; but that right extends to Russia as well, does it not? All countries, ALL countries have the inherent right to self-defense. And I don’t doubt even Ukraine’s most fervent defenders would stipulate that it would have folded up by now if NATO countries did not keep funneling it weapons and money. Western weapons are delivered through Poland, destined for targets inside Russia – so Russia has a perfect right, in self-defense, to strike legitimate targets outside Ukraine. The fucking Secretary-General of NATO, no less, said so.

        Green light given, so it’s on. Of course all the great NATO leaders, anxious to appear at least somewhat virtuous, have said Ukraine must confine its attacks to ‘bases’ in Russia from which missiles are launched against Ukraine and not strike civilian areas, but we all know they will believe Ukraine wherever it identifies a missile as having come from. Because Ukraine always tells the truth, and Russia always lies. And comes to that, glide bombs are probably doing more damage at present than missiles, and glide bombs are launched from aircraft, so presumably the base the aircraft came from is a ‘legitimate target’. Things are about to get even more interesting.

        It’s kind of sad, in a way, because the west has misjudged its way right up to this point, always supremely confident that the Russkies haven’t got the bottle to go all the way, and that in the face of ‘western determination’, they will back down. And they’ve been wrong every time, until they have effectively destroyed Ukraine, which is living on western money. And they’ll be wrong this time, too, because Russia can’t back down. It has no further to retreat to.

        I’m not sure what will happen, but it seems like with every escalation we get closer to nuclear war, and the west just keeps on escalating even though there’s practically nothing of its original champion left – just a Ukrainian face on a NATO effort – because it believes Russia will back down. It will not, and behind it is China. The west cannot be satisfied with making a terrible mistake, and is making a whole series of them. I’m not sure what will happen with Ukraine’s first deliberate and open strike inside Russia, but I would bet on a devastating counterstrike that will cause major damage to an entire city, and gloves off where civilian deaths are concerned. I’m pretty confident that such a counterblow will come even if Russia was successful at shooting down all incoming western missiles, because Russian citizens would demand that their government do something and not just duck and cover. Anyway, it will not likely be long in coming, and likely there will be only peripheral Ukrainian involvement; the west will want to be sure it gets the first attempt right, and that will mean NATO personnel, probably Americans and British, to coordinate the targeting and launch.

        That might turn out to have been an unfortunate choice of words, Jens, you fucking Norwegian Wooden-Head.


        1. Meh, all this woofing is a crude distraction that changes nothing.

          The Bandera-fedayeen have been playing silly buggers with their NATO created military since the start, trying to hit Russia.

          They’re losing, and with the losses getting worse over time. Not better.

          NATO don’t have the military ability to escalate, they can fight via the Ukr proxy or not at all.

          The real message behind the absurd flatulance by absurd people purportedly representing absurd depopulating little statelets or “old whores” like Sweden.

          Is that they, ain’t going to do s**t. They would’ve already if they could.


          1. They’ve been hitting targets within Russia for ages now — and that’s not including the LDPRs and the Crimea, long considered part of Russia by not only the populations of those “occupied” territories, but by those of Russia.



          2. Yes, that is pretty much Simplicius’s take as well.

            “As we know, the entire West has latched onto this most ‘pressing’ issue of striking Russian territory. But I’m here to tell you: the entire thing is a giant mirage, a facade, a red herring.

            First of all: Ukraine has obviously already been striking Russian territory unabatingly with a variety of weapons like the AGM-88 Harms in Belgorod, etc. Secondly, there is no real particularly exceptional damage it can do with such strikes because most Russian supply lines are along the eastern front, which is by far the largest current front—not in the north where Zelensky is currently focusing. The Kharkov operation is just a minor diversionary one for now. But the majority of the eastern rear lines, C2/3 nodes, etc., are far out of range of any possible weapon Ukraine has, including ATACMS.”


            I suppose what enrages me about it is the undercurrent of ethnic hatred beneath the sanctimonious psalm-singing about freedom and democracy and rule of law. The pious blabbering about the quarrel being only with Putin and his cabinet doesn’t fool anyone, I would hope, and the clear wish expressed here is to kill Russian civilians until the populace rises up to throw him out, doing the west’s work for it, and it as rotten a power grab as any dictator ever pulled off. As I have said before on numerous occasions, NATO deserves to lose, and I hope it does.

            “Thus, the entire thing is a sham, a totally artificial narrative created under the false guise of needing to hit Russian rear lines. In reality, the actual truth entirely revolves around needing to escalate the conflict to save the AFU, which is collapsing. It has nothing to do with hitting Russian supply lines which are way out of reach anyway, and everything to do with the escalation creep of triggering Russia’s red lines and slowly wedging NATO into the conflict.”

            Simplicius also reports, although the source is dubious, the massing of a huge new Russian army which the state is maneuvering for intervention in Ukraine as the backstop for the ‘next wave’. The theory there is that Russia is going for a determined push and a quick finish, but I am still skeptical. Not that the forces exist; I’m sure they do; recruiting has been brisk, to say the least. But the Russian state could hardly hand the United States a more valuable gift, now that Ukraine is on its last legs, than committing to a punishing assault that would cost many Russian lives – the American aim is to use Ukraine until it’s used up, and every Russian casualty is another one in the bank. I can’t see Russia doing a single massive push, but more likely increasing the pressure on all fronts using stand-off weaponry wherever possible to hammer out the last traces of Ukrainian resistance. You’ll know it’s done when it doesn’t ask Uncle Sam’s permission to surrender, the policy to which it has played the complete patsy up until now.


            1. On Wednesday there was a “massive”, according to the Russian media, Banderite missile attack against that bridge that bugs the bastards so much. All the missiles were downed, they say.

              The Banderaswine keep pushing the line that the bridge is a part of a major supply route for the “occupiers”, It hasn’t been for a long time. And they say there was a strike against Kerch, where a ferry was allegedly damaged/sunk.


              1. What drives them crazy is that it provides direct access for Russians to a part of Russia that used to be Ukraine, so that Russians can move about freely between the two without having to ask Ukraine’s permission to transit Ukrainian territory. It has nothing to do with it being a supply route; the two share a lengthy and extremely porous border and the vaunted YatsenWall wouldn’t stop a determined tricyclist. Russian logistics forces can cross pretty much anywhere and would be far less exposed than if they were crossing the bridge. It’s also a visible symbol of Russian engineering, because the Ukrainians jeered it couldn’t be done – Germany tried it, and couldn’t do it.


            2. The calculation is hilariously wrong, Putin would be replaced by people who were more hard-line if anything.

              NATO cargo-cultism is in relative decline everywhere, and Russia as a whole, couldn’t help but know that NATO is an avowed enemy of the country as such.

              I could see the Russian army going for a “big push”, on a new front. If they figure Ukraine was like an overfilled balloon, ready to pop.

              If a whole front caves in that, could be cheaper in terms of losses. In the grand scheme of things.

              Regardless it’s not like Ukrainian defeat can be stopped, by outside intervention.

              They’d need years to build a military to even try that, assuming that was even possible, to start with.


              1. I don’t think it’s even a real calculation, except perhaps to delusions-of-adequacy spongeheads like Stoltenberg – who probably screams involuntarily when a car backfires on his street, and to whom a relentless artillery barrage like the Ukrainian Army lives under every day is as abstract a concept as perpetual motion – and on some level most of the below-the-radar planners must have known from the opening salvos that Ukraine could not defeat Russia. Certainly the western military, experienced at weighing relative volume of fire and standoff range, knew long ago that individual boldness and collective courage are irrelevant in modern warfare above the platoon level; this is not some horseback charge by Polish Uhlan lancers against overawed peasants. But even westerners we are confident know better pretend to have been swayed by examples of Ukrainian courage, and to have seriously believed it could make up for a numerical disadvantage and no air cover. And if they really didn’t know, polling in Russia is as relentless as artillery fire, and any number of comparisons would show Putin’s popularity only grows when the west crows about putting the squeeze on. That’s because Russians perceive in him the most competent man in Russia to prevail over their western enemies.

                This 2021 report preceded the destruction of Nord Stream, and the authors kind of danced around the issue of what was even then reduction in the supply from Russia, and the upward pressure on energy prices was conveniently blamed on a ‘strong economic rebound’ following COVID. I didn’t see anything of the kind, certainly not the rapid acceleration of consumerism that might inspire increased prices, but rather a gradual return to something like what the economy had been doing prior to the imposition of the boneheaded lockdowns. However, the authors do correctly point out that one of the first casualties was the production of ammonia and fertilizers, both energy-intensive gas consumers.


                Much of the developed world’s agricultural land is played out from decades of focus on more production, and simply won’t support cost-effective harvests without fertilizer. Cha-ching! Increased food prices, and those are not going to go anywhere but up for anywhere that does not have a corner on an economical supply of fertilizer. As well as being the King of cheap energy generation, Russia – together with Belarus – is the world’s leading producer of fertilizer, and the two have access to the cheap energy required to go on producing it without going broke. Sooner or later the west, whether as individual countries or a delegation representing common interest, is going to have to tongue-wash Putin’s socks – or those of his successor – to make deals which will allow a functioning consumer economy again, and there will be an opportunity to extract concessions at that time which would make European leaders laugh out loud if they were spelled out now, and will make them weep tears of bitter humiliation when the time comes.

                Canada is a fairly-serious producer of both fertilizer and energy as well, and I expect when the Americans reach the break-even point with their current operation and Ukraine is written off, they will make overtures to gain control of both.


  59. WSJ

    U.S. Allows Ukraine to Carry Out Limited Strikes Inside Russia With American WeaponsBut Washington still rules out use of long-range ATACMS missiles beyond Ukraine’s borders


    Gordon Lubold


    Michael R. Gordon

    Updated May 31, 2024 8:13 am ET

    How Russia Is Building Up Its Arsenal of Low-Cost Explosive Drones
    Early in its invasion of Ukraine, Moscow lagged behind Kyiv in the use of low-cost explosive drones. WSJ explains how Russia is now expanding its drone arsenal, posing a major threat for Ukraine. Photo composite: Planet Labs PBC; VGTRK

    WASHINGTON—In a significant policy reversal, the Biden administration on Thursday said for the first time that it would allow Ukrainian forces to do limited targeting with American-supplied weapons inside Russia. 

    The new policy will allow Ukrainian forces to use artillery and fire short-range rockets from Himars launchers against command posts, arms depots and other assets on Russian territory that are being used by Russian forces to carry out its attack on Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine. But the policy doesn’t give Ukraine permission to use longer-range ATACMS surface-to-surface missiles inside Russia. 

    Appeared in the May 31, 2024, print edition as ‘Kyiv Can Use Some U.S. Arms in Russia’.


  60. Latest from Banderastan, half a million of which shithole’s moronic citizen’s have perished in defence of its freedom and democracy, many of whom having been pressed into service for the sake of such defence, is that not a single journalist from Russia or other post-Soviet states, including Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, or the five Central Asian nations have been accredited, according Russian media outlets. Reporters from Southeast Asia have faced some restrictions as well, it added.

    All the way with the USA, that bastion of freedumb and дерьмократия [dermokratiya — “shitocracy”].


  61. Yassuh, mastah!

    1 June, 07: 11

    The Pentagon chief refused to recognize the responsibility of NATO in the conflict in the Ukraine

    Head of the Pentagon Austin: NATO expansion was not the cause of the conflict in the Ukraine

    The expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance was not the cause of the conflict in the Ukraine. This was stated at the Singapore security forum “Shangri-La Dialogue” by United States Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, answering a corresponding question.

    “I respectfully disagree with your statement that the expansion of NATO caused the Ukrainian crisis”the head of the US Department of Defense said, noting that Moscow was allegedly to blame for this.


  62. Ha!

    From Reminiscence of the Future

    AFU tanker Maxim Likhachev  “dialed” the Volga 149.200 channel and arranged with the Russians his surrender… in a T-64 tank, which protected him from shots in the back from his “fellow” AFU barrier troops. Obviously AFU thought that this “armour group” had broken through Russians the defences, which technically was correct. AFU immediately reported a “success”.


    1. I wonder if Karl will hail this as a breakthrough for Russia; or perhaps a terrible embarrassment for Zelensky, the way that defecting helicopter pilot allegedly was for Putin.


  63. The first day of summer already — though the first of winter for Jen.

    Happy 1st June!

    08:30 Moscow time here out in the sticks. It’ll be plus 28 °C this afternoon. However, my freedom will soon end — I’ve been here for 3 days already — as Mrs. Exile is on her way here now on the train. She arrives at the local country halt at 09:05.


  64. What a wanker!

    Russia continues to purposefully attack Ukrainian infrastructure: UK statement to the OSCE

    Ambassador Holland tells the OSCE’s Economic and Environmental Committee that Russia’s commitment to refrain from acts of economic coercion lies in tatters. From:

    Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Neil Holland

    Published 31 May, 2024

    Location Vienna

    Delivered on: 31 May 2024 (Transcript of the speech, exactly as it was delivered)

    Neil Holland

    I would like to thank you and the Maltese CiO for dedicating a committee session to this topic. It is quite right that our sessions are flexible enough to address the key concerns of the day.  

    Mr Chair, can I start by noting that normally when one makes a complaint, it makes sense to stay to listen to the answer just in case it actually addresses or solves the complaint you raised.  We sit and listen to Russian disinformation and propaganda in this building every week with more respect than many of us feel is deserved. So I thought the behaviour of the Russian delegation in registering a complaint and leaving without bothering to listen to your explanation was rude and disrespectful to the Chair. 

    Chair, let us be clear when we talk about the ‘destruction of critical infrastructure in Ukraine’ – this is not destruction caused by hurricanes or floods; not even because of human mismanagement or negligence. The destruction is entirely intentional as one participating State – Russia – seeks to break down Ukraine’s resolve. 

    In this organisation’s 1975 Decalogue, Russia joined all other States to commit to ‘refraining from any act of military or economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest another participating State’s sovereignty.’ With Russia’s invasion and subsequent assault on Ukraine’s infrastructure, this commitment lies in tatters.  

    Mr Chair, this spring Russia has targeted power-plants, electricity sub-stations and gas storage facilities across Ukraine. Russia’s deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure have caused millions of people to experience restrictions to power, heating, and water; and thousands have been displaced. What is more, these attacks hamper humanitarian efforts to stop the situation getting even worse. 

    When Russia has decided to end its senseless war the OSCE could play a key post-conflict role. We were happy to support the OSCE’s assessment of the environmental impact of the war against Ukraine. This, and many other assessments, will be important in holding Russia to account. 

    To help, the UK has committed £44 million to the Energy Community’s Ukraine Energy Support Fund, and we encourage others to do the same. Together, we will help Ukraine repair, restore, and defend its infrastructure. We also remain committed to a sustainable recovery. The Ukraine Recovery Conference will support Ukraine’s ambition to build a modern, secure, decentralised, and cleaner energy system, fit for a Net Zero future and with greater integration with Europe. 

    Thank you.

    Published 31 May 2024


    1. A commitment to refrain from acts of economic coercion!! Are you fucking kidding me?? Russia is expected to refrain from acts of economic coercion when it is itself the subject of NATO-wide sanctions which are purpose-designed acts of economic coercion?? They said so up front – that the plan was to make the Russians so miserable that they would depose their leader and let the west ‘help them’ appoint someone it found more reasonable.

      All these complaining Ukrainians are not dead, are they? Well, they could be. Just remember that. Ukraine is not careful at all when it lobs ordnance into Belgorod, and doing so by them is decided on the basis of what they can reach rather than whether it constitutes a military target. Ukrainian civilian deaths are pretty low compared with, say, Iraq, where the Americans shot up cars full of kids because their Dad couldn’t read English and was following American military vehicles closer than the soldiers in it were comfortable with, while traveling on his own roads in his own city.

      £44 million?? Give it to the dog. The city of London alone, according to its 2024-2027 multi-year budget, spends more than £800 million a year on policing services and another £330 million on fire services. The Pearl of Empire has invited more than £44 million in damage on the city of Odessa in one night by virtue of operating its too-cute-to-shoot sea drones from there in attacks against the Russian navy conducted by His Majesty’s military personnel. Don’t think to assuage your conscience – if you have one – with £44 million, because it is peanuts.


  65. Chair, let us be clear when we talk about the ‘destruction of critical infrastructure in Ukraine’ – this is not destruction caused by hurricanes or floods; not even because of human mismanagement or negligence. The destruction is entirely intentional as one participating State – Russia – seeks to break down Ukraine’s resolve. 

    Yes indeed, arsehole, let us be clear!

    What a load of fucking waffle!


    1. Breaking down the enemy’s resolve….hey, you know what? That’d be a pretty good way to make the enemy surrender!! Don’t anyone write that down, because it was my idea, I thought of it first! Tell me again if you could, Mistah Holland, why the British Bomber Command fire-bombed the city of Dresden out of existence, torching it until the very streets melted and ran away like rivers. It wasn’t anything to do with breaking the enemy’s resolve or like that, was it? Oh, look! Sir Winston ordered “increased British air raids against the population centres of Germany in order to swamp German authorities and services, particularly transportation, with hordes of refugees!!”

      At least 25,000 civilian deaths in a single raid, and perhaps ten times that many; not too shabby, you fucking ghoul. Russia has a long way to go to match that, considering the civilian death toll in Ukraine deliberately incorporates the deaths of thousands, the clear majority of the total, caused in Eastern Ukraine by 8 years of shelling by the Ukrainian Army. And history labels that deliberate act (the ‘terror-bombing of German cities) as ‘controversial’.


  66. Holland should have directed his complaint to fellow Brit Boris Johnson since it was Johnson as British Prime Minister who persuaded Zelensky to continue fighting (with promises to assist Ukraine) and break off peace negotiations with Russia in Istanbul two years ago, on the assumption that Russia was weakening in its efforts by withdrawing from besieging Kiev and that there was an opportunity to wear down Russian forces.


  67. What a load of bollocks!

     02 Jun, 06: 04 

    Italian Prime Minister Meloni confirms Zelensky’s participation in the G7 summit

    Italian Prime Minister Meloni confirms Zelensky’s participation in the June G7 summit

    President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will take part in the June summit of G7 leaders, which will be held in Puglia, Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said, ANSA news agency reports.

    Earlier, at the end of May, this was reported by sources.

    At least 15 countries and international organizations were also invited to the meeting, Meloni said.

    The 50th G7 Summit will be held from 13 to 15 June in the city of Brindisi in Apulia. At the meeting, the union’s leaders are expected to discuss plans to use the proceeds from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine.

    The G7 includes the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, as well as the European Union.

    Zelensky first attended the G7 leaders ‘ summit in Hiroshima in May 2023.


    The mighty state of Banderastan represented by its criminal, illegal president hobnobbing and talking shite with the great and the good of the leading industrial nations of the world.


    1. Yes, if there’s talk of money being shifted, you can count on Zelensky being there and holding out his grubby little mitt for as much of it as he can get. And of course Ukraine is entitled to it – isn’t it protecting the freedom and democracy of all of Europe? I just wonder how many ‘world leaders’ are rolling their eyes upon hearing the news that Grunty Action-Man will be at yet another international forum playing the noble poor man again and trying to guilt everyone into pledging a substantial portion of their nation’s GDP to ‘helping Ukraine win’.


  68. Doctorow:

    First strike capable: why Russia is indifferent to damage to one or another ground based radar installation

    Ladies and gentlemen, let me open this discussion with an out-of-the-box explanation as to why Russia appears to be laid back over the destruction of one of its early warning radar installations in the south of the country and undetermined damage to another during the past week.

    Who says that the Voronezh-DM radar installation near Armavir, in the Krasnodar region was destroyed?

    It was struck by a drone attack. I see nowhere reports of it having been destroyed:

    A photograph and satellite images of the radar facility before and after the impact has been circulating on Ukrainian and Russian public Telegram channels since Friday.


    Ukraine Says It Struck Anti-Missile Defense Radar in Russia

    • System in Krasnodar region monitors for ballistic missiles
    • Kyiv continues to push to use Western weapons to hit Russia

    May 25, 2024 at 6:14 PM GMT+3

    Ukraine made a drone strike this week at a tactical military target in Russia’s Krasnodar region, according to a person within the Ukrainian intelligence community.

    The long-range early-warning radar system Voronezh-DM in Armavir, southern Russia, was hit by a drone launched by Ukraine’s military intelligence on Thursday, according to the source, who declined to be named because the information isn’t public.

    The radar facility provides long-distance monitoring of airspace against ballistic missiles, among other things. Russia hasn’t commented on the incident and the extent of damage is unclear.

    A photograph and satellite images of the radar facility before and after the impact has been circulating on Ukrainian and Russian public Telegram channels since Friday.

    Russia has ten systems of this type operating on different frequencies, and Voronezh-DM covers a territory which includes Crimea, illegally occupied by Russia since 2014, according to the Russian-language version of Wikipedia.

    Ukraine is seeking US permission to use some of the weapons provided by Washington to deliver strikes at military objects in Russia. Ukraine has been using its drones for months to hit Russian oil depots and refineries, as well as naval ships near Crimea in the Black Sea.


  69. I forgot to mention this yesterday: when I was waiting at the railway station for my wife’s arrival on a local train, a very long — about a hundred wagons — double-headed goods train passed through. Almost the whole train consisted of hopper wagons. On their sides was painted “TransBalt” — a Russian/Baltic railway freight service.

    And in the hopper wagons? — Fertilizer.

    The rest of the train consisted of huge coal wagons and bowsers containing gas or crude oil.

    The railway that runs near to our dacha territory is the main route to Smolensk, Minsk, Warsaw, Berlin and Lithuania/Latvia.

    The president of the smallest of those Balic states (Estonia) declared last week that his country wishes “to bring Russia to its knees”. Other big gobs from the other two Chihuahua Baltic republics also regularly make such belligerent and stupid statements.

    Bring it on, arseholes!


    1. Rinkēvičs has a manhole-size mouth when it comes to blabbering threats that his flea-sized country seems always to need the help of all of NATO to enforce – he simply supplies the brilliant ideas, while it is assumed bigger countries (which is everybody other than fellow Baltic fleas) who have an actual military will do the grunt work of actioning his cerebral plans.

      Here, he whips NATO to a froth of martial excitement by promptly blaming Russia (like the Baltic fleas rarely do that) for a leak last year in the Baltic Connector; I guess everyone is on a hair-trigger response for retaliatory acts by Russia for the sabotage of its Nord Stream pipeline. You probably remember that NATO made some vague noises about an ‘investigation’ of what was termed the biggest act of modern maritime sabotage, and then promptly forgot about it. But in the event of damage to the Finnish pipeline, NATO was quick with a bared-teeth promise of action:

      “NATO has promised a “united and determined response” if the damage to the Balticonnector turns out to be the result of an attack.”

      The author also gloats that adding Sweden and Finland to the NATO charm bracelet will make it the mere snap of fingers to close the Baltic to Russian shipping, something the Baltic fleas threaten at the slightest pretext. I think Russia might have something to say about that, and I would be nervous to be in a warship in the Baltic under the boresights of all those shore batteries. A shorebased anti-ship missile would not have to fly very far to reach a ship in the Baltic.

      The Lats are particularly energetic about cutting their own throats economically, and zealously called for a total ban on imports of Russian grain to Europe, even though it (a) was specifically exempted from sanctions to prevent third-world starvation, and (b) comprised a full 25% of cargo carried by Latvian Railways.

      “Meanwhile, Russian grain cargoes transported directly through Latvia in 10 months of this year account for approximately 25% of the total cargo transported by Latvian Railways subsidiary LDz cargo (12.13 million tonnes).”

      With their customary genius, the Balts seem to have invented a cargo-logistics service which does not need to carry cargoes to make money.

      Gosh – as Lady Ashton would say – the GDP growth figures for Latvia are mostly in pink, which Trading Economics uses to denote negative growth.

      Getting more specific and looking at GDP growth for the ‘Transport’ sector and increasing the data period measure to 10 years, we see the share of GDP realized from Transport for Latvia is at a record low for that period, and sunk to €380 Million in the first quarter of 2024 from €500 Million in the second quarter of 2014, where the data-measurement period begins.

      Pity you can’t eat unreasoning hatred; the Baltic Ticks have a sufficient surplus of that to export it and still have enough domestic supply to live on for a thousand years. Especially given the declining trend in their population. Given the above information, it is pretty easy to understand the enthusiasm of Latvia to support another country that licks the fingers of larger and wealthy benefactors who sprinkle it with loans. Yes, master; whatever you say.


  70. The Ministry of Defence of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine posted the above photo, allegedly showing a Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft aflame and its pilot bailing out.

    It was, of course, shot down by the heroic Banderites who man the Banderastan air defences.

    It took users less than 20 seconds to find a photo from 1993, where an emergency occurred during an exercise, in which an aircraft was lost, and the pilot successfully ejected…


  71. Videos circulating in social media which appear to show Ukrainian men being press-ganged into military service are nearly all Russian disinformation operations featuring Russian actors dressed in Ukrainian uniforms, in low-resolution to simulate authenticity. Well, according to the Ukrainian government, of which I am not sure who is the real president this month, although NATO gives countries a pass on overstaying your mandate if you are Ukraine.

    This disinformation does not represent reality, as the numbers of Ukrainians flocking to the colours would demonstrate if you could see them, and as the swelling of battle-ready demographics demonstrates.

    Oh; wait.


  72. Zelenscholgy 101, as Ukraine’s frustrated illegitimate ‘President’ tries to convince China that if it doesn’t enthusiastically and publicly support Ukraine’s ‘Peace Summit’ later this month in Switzerland, it is demonstrating its weakness and servitude to the aggressive degenerate Putin.

    “Russia, using Chinese influence in the region, using Chinese diplomats also, does everything to disrupt the peace summit,” he said at a news conference at the Shangri-La defense forum. “Regrettably this is unfortunate that such a big independent powerful country as China is an instrument in the hands of (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin.”

    I realize seeing it in print takes away a little bit from the inspiration of actually hearing it in Zelensky’s grating anthropoid grunts; I wish there was a universal keyboard symbol that captured it. Never mind – he probably won’t be around long enough for us to need one.

    So the story, abbreviated, is that China is teaming up with Russia, who was of course already doing everything it could to use disinformation and leverage to disrupt attendance at the latest Zelensky Gib Moneys gala. I imagine this means forecast turnout is nothing like what Zippy wanted to see, and since Russian malevolence and leverage are blamed, I expect BRICS participation is forecast to be low.

    More amusement later on, as Zelensky grimly pronounces that if China does not participate, it is ‘basically support for war’.

    The Ukrainian leader said of China’s pressure on others, “That is not only support to Russia, that is basically support of war.”

    Although English is not his native language, it is a little baffling to see a comedian with no apparent grasp of irony, as this statement was made at the end of a week of wild excitement in the Anglospheric press about all the NATO leaders giving Ukraine permission to use western weapons, which are all that stands in the way of a complete collapse of Ukraine’s strained defensive lines, to strike targets inside Russia. Ummm….what is that, if it isn’t support for war? More to the point, where is the dividing line which separates ‘defending yourself’ from ‘artificially preserving the appearance of life in a corpse, preventing it from dying with dignity’? Keeping Ukraine in the appearance of still fighting continues to kill or incapacitate roughly 800 Ukrainians a day, and every one of them who has died since Zelensky tore up the peace agreement with Russia at the urging of Boris Johnson is a death laid at the door of NATO ambitions.


    1. The other irony which Zelensky fails to see is that now that he is no longer the legitimste President, he is back to acting out a fantasy reality TV show which basically got him the job as President originally. Except that this time it’s no longer a sitcom but a farce of both a tragic and vicious kind, and no-one is laughing. Or if people are laughing, they are laughing at the little dictator, for that’s what he is, not with him.


  73. Hey, Baerbock, you stupid cow, and Habeck, you dickhead — have you seen this?

    RT Russian

    The cost of coal imported by the European Union in January — March increased to €184

    3 June, 2024, 08: 30

    The cost of coal imported by the European Union in January — March increased to €184. Before the sanctions against Russia, its price was about €120, RIA Novosti reports, citing its own calculations.

    The cost of coal imported by the European Union in January — March increased to €184


    The EU authorities imposed an embargo on the supply of Russian coal on 10 August, 2022. 
    At the beginning of 2024, the average monthly spending of EU countries on hard coal amounted to €1.1 billion, compared to €987 million euros in 2021.

    During the same period, the volume of purchases fell by 29%, to 5.85 million tons on average per month against 8.24 million tons in 2021, the agency writes.

    In January last year, RBCT, the operator of the Richards Bay coal export terminal, said that South Africa had significantly increased its coal exports to Europe.

    I presume that that RT headline means €184 a tonne.

    And lengthy coal trains pass by my dacha territory daily: they always have done so during these past 20 years when I have been able to observe rail freight passing by my dacha territory during the summer months that I have been regularly spending here — heading towards Lithuania and Latvia, which are in the EU, are they not? The coal comes from the Kuzbass in Western Siberia.


  74.  02 June 2024, 21: 38 

    “Frenchmen who died in Ukraine”: Bulgarians, Ukrainians and Germans brought coffins to Eiffel Tower

    In Paris, the coffins of the French people who had died in the Ukraine were placed at the Eiffel Tower

    Five coffins wrapped in French flags were placed near the Eiffel Tower, and a poster next to them read “French soldiers who died in the Ukraine” According to the police, citizens of Bulgaria, the Ukraine and Germany are involved in the setting-up of the exhibition. Three people were detained. They were found thanks to surveillance cameras – the video caught a white van parked near the tower. Macron has been talking about sending French troops to Ukraine in recent months, whilst officially they are only talking about sending military instructors to train soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.

    Citizens of Bulgaria, the Ukraine and Germany placed an exhibition near the Eiffel Tower with five empty coffins wrapped in French flags and a poster “French soldiers who died in the Ukraine”, the newspaper Le Parisien writes.

    According to the newspaper, citing data from the French police, the examination showed that the coffins were filled with plaster. The police said that the incident occurred on June 1 at 9 am (10 GMT) near the tower.

    Three people involved in the protest were arrested — the driver of the van used to transport the coffins, and two of his accomplices. A criminal case has been opened on “premeditated violence”. Violators were found thanks to video surveillance cameras. The video showed a white van that was parked near the tower. The footage shows how two people got out of it and put coffins and a banner on the sidewalk.

    The driver was detained near the van. He claims that he arrived the day before from Bulgaria and was paid €40 to drop off two other men and the cargo. Two other suspects initially fled, but the police found them at Bercy bus station while trying to take a bus to Berlin.

    Sub-hading above “click-bait”! Not “coffins of the French people who had died in the Ukraine” but empty coffins.


  75. A thriller in Manila?

    The Kiev Rat is in the Philippines now so as to urge representatives of that country to attend the upcoming “peace-talks” charade in Switzerland.

    i wonder if “action man” will ask for some money?

    That’s a long-haul flight from Kiev to Manila — paid by US taxpayers so that freedom and democracy be defended and promoted worldwide.


    1. I’ve just read a newspaper article about the Kiev Killer now in Manila. It says that the Banderastan Action Man has asked the President of the Philippines to send psychiatrists to his fiefdom, where there is a great demand for them because of the grief and stress suffered by Banderites, caused by the Evil Orcs, and post-battle trauma or whatever they call it now — it was “shell shock” in my dad’s and grandad’s day — that the valiant Banderastan military (All Glory to them!) suffer, as there is a deficit of shrinks in the free and independent “Ukraine” (All Glory to her!)

      Zelensky said in a meeting with Marcos that Ukraine needs more psychological help for Ukraine’s servicemen, who are most affected by the crisis their country has been facing for more than two years. For his part, Marcos Jr. told his Ukrainian counterpart that the Philippines could offer them help by sending Filipino psychiatrists to the field. “That’s something I think we’re in a position to offer,” he said.



    2. Yes, The Philippines is suddenly a major important country by virtue of the fact that Zelensky has visited it, and he and Marcos are signing all sorts of agreements and deals to their ‘mutual benefit’. You have to hand it to Zelensky, he doesn’t mind doing the legwork personally of jetting around the world (doubtless in his personal presidential aircraft, which he has no real right to use) to armtwist previously-ignored leaders of previously-ignored countries to pad out the numbers for his self-important event.

      It is a characteristic of the stink of failure that everyone can smell it except for the one who is generating it. Zelensky is all smiles and grins as usual, glad-handing his way around the world, but major countries like China and Saudi Arabia – which has become astonishingly and openly pro-Russian – have blown him off and he is struggling harder to make The Big Event come off like the geopolitical earthquake he envisioned in his dreams. It’s already clear it has been scaled back several times from the original plan of presenting Russia with a global ultimatum – get out or be forced out – and now it looks like countries are casting about for excuses so as not to be the one who gets there early to help set up chairs only to find participation has been greatly overestimated.

      Ditto loans – the USA is starting to realize it can wave bye-bye to most of its ‘investment’, and now is ‘supporting’ Ukraine in its attempts to write down and restructure its completely-unsustainable debt load.

      Curiously, in the BU era – Before Ukraine – international agencies like the IMF were notoriously risk-averse and would be as likely to come to work without pants as they would be to lend money to a country that clearly was in over its head. But there must have been a quiet word from The Big Dog that things might not look good right now, but to have faith that the big payday was still coming, and the IMF rewrote its own rules to allow itself to continue ‘lending’ to a country already in default. That is now looking to have been not such a sensible plan. So you can appreciate how much more difficult it will be for Zelensky to raise still more money. But as I often point out, his tax base has evaporated and the Ukrainian state has no realistic possibility of generating income; note that after all the talk about how tech-savvy and hip the Ukrainians are, how ready to be the next Google or Meta or Amazon or whatever…the hope has degenerated to where it would be something optimistic if it could just return to being a global farmer again. As I’ve also mentioned before occasionally, agrarian superpowers are pretty thin on the ground.


  76. I should like to imagine that Marcos added: “As for the rest of your demands, you can fuck off, ya little twat!”


  77. Still a USA colony …


    Ukraine’s Zelenskiy thanks Marcos for Philippine participation in peace summit

    June 3, 202412:34 PM GMT+3Updated 5 hours ago

    Ukraine, Philippine leaders meet in Manila for bilateral talks

    Ukraine to open embassy in Manila this year

    MANILA, June 3 (Reuters) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy thanked his Philippine counterpart on Monday for Manila’s participation in a high-level peace summit later this month, describing it as a “very strong signal” towards achieving peace in the war-torn nation.

    In their first-in person meeting in Manila, Zelenskiy also thanked President Ferdinand Marcos Jr for his country’s “clear position” on Russia’s “occupation of our territories,” while the Philippine leader assured him of his continued support.


  78. 3 Jun, 2024 17:55

    UK military chief doubts a WW3 over Ukraine

    Admiral Sir Tony Radakin appears confident of NATO’s s

    Mounting tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine do not mean that World War III is imminent, according to Admiral Tony Radakin, the Chief of Defence Staff of the United Kingdom.

    Sky News recorded an interview with Radakin on the 80th anniversary of the 1944 Allied landings in Normandy. It was pre-recorded and aired on Monday, so the admiral had not been aware of the US and other NATO member countries approving the use by Kiev of their donated weapons to strike deep inside Russia.

    “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin does not want a war with NATO. Putin does not want a nuclear war. And we have enormous overmatch because of the strength of NATO,” Radakin told Sky.

    He downplayed talk of the potential for an imminent global conflict, however. 

    “We’ve got to be very careful that we distinguish between the really severe and deep threats in the late 1930s and then how we entered into a world war, and not use loose language that we’re somehow on the cusp of a world war now,” Radakin advised, adding that “the world’s got a bit more dangerous. But we should be reassured by all that we’ve got in place.”

    “Constant escalation” by NATO, however, could lead to “serious consequences,” President Putin said last week, suggesting that the US-led bloc might be pushing for a global conflict. On Monday, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov outright warned the US against “miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences.” 

    “For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face,” Ryabkov told reporters in Moscow, urging US policymakers to spend more time considering Putin’s words instead of “wasting it on computer games.”

    Radakin assumed the role of Chief of Defence Staff, the professional head of the UK’s armed forces, in November 2021, replacing General Sir Nick Carter after he had voiced concerns about a possible conflict with Russia. According to British and Ukrainian media, he has been helping Kiev make plans for attacking Russian targets in the Black Sea. 

    In his Sky News interview, Radakin admitted that Russia “is making tactical advances on land,” but claimed that Moscow intended for the conflict to be over in three days. Asked whether Ukraine could endure and succeed, he said he was “hugely confident” of it.

    “It’s a war of economies. It’s a war of logistics. It’s a war of industrial production. it’s a war of political will,” Radakin told the UK outlet.



    Putin doesn’t want to fight ‘cos he knows he’ll lose.


    1. Perfectly encapsulated by one of my favourite quotes, which – sadly – I have frequent occasion to use: experience keeps a hard school, but fools will learn at no other. It is pointless to warn NATO that it is rubbing up against something dangerous, just as it is pointless to correct Sir Tony in his belief that NATO is dictating from a position of overwhelming strength. They won’t listen, and must learn everything the hard way. What a pity it couldn’t just be the NATO military forces and their logistics who wore it, rather than populations of NATO countries; populations who do not necessarily support NATO’s nonsense and are often adamantly opposed to it. But we live in the age of rah-rah where such talk is defeatism. There’s Support The War and defeatism. Those are you choices.


      1. Sir Tony Radakin holds the position of Chief of Defence Staff of the United Kingdom because his predecessor erred on the side of caution and doubt. This shows that not just Radakin but most of the British military establishment is eager for conflict in the belief that NATO can wipe the floor with the Russians. Perhaps they should be sending more of their own, class-wise (ie, educated at Eton and Sandhurst) as mercenaries and “advisors” to get a better view of reality on the ground.


        1. Even the western mercenaries who deliberately sought out combat, so as to be able to enjoy killing people without the law spoiling everything, say the artillery bombardment has to be experienced to be believed, and you don’t want to experience it for very long. The Ukrainians who have survived wave after wave of mobilization and have been defending against it for more than two years now have no escape from it, and although they must be hardened to it by now and perhaps hardly notice it, they can’t have much hope of being right in the head after it’s over. There are some stresses you just can’t take, and the troops in the field are eager for new mobilization simply because they want a chance to be relieved from the line and to be able to get away from the ceaseless crump and wham for a little.


    2. Heh, not to the UK he isn’t.

      If it’s a war of economics, logistics & industrial production. Ole Blighty is buggered old chap.

      Also every UK admiral, general, minister or whatever. Is a gigantic failure when it comes to defence.

      Their opinion is only relevent, to knowing what ya shouldn’t do. Given the absolute state of the British armed forces and most of NATO for that matter.


      1. That’s at least partly because ‘defense’ is just window-dressing for expansionist policies and influence-spreading ambitions backed by military power, for the west and especially for Great Britain. Politicians and senior military officers piously preach that the purpose of the British Armed Forces is to ‘defend the UK’, but how many times in the last 50 years has the UK had to defend itself against an aggressor from without? Instead, it has dutifully acted as spear-carrier to the USA in its own global ambitions, convincing itself it is an equal partner in Making Things Happen and Changing The World.

        NATO has become accustomed to simply ordering other powers around, and shaking the stick at them if they do not obey instantly; and, to be fair, that technique worked pretty well for a good long time, largely because every once in awhile the west would display its military power against a much-weaker opponent, and make an example of it. Because Britain is the USA’s pugnacious little brother, it was allowed to have cruise missiles, and for a while only the USA and UK had them. Consequently the technology was a favoured go-to for ‘softening up’ a country selected for discipline.

        That’s why I think things began to go bad for the west when Russia designed and built its own cruise missiles. Certainly military studies rate it as an historical game-changer, and they were quickly put to use in wartime conditions in defense of Syria, fired from the Caspian Sea and flown over Iran. Panicky western reporting quickly announced four of the missiles had crashed in Iran, but that was nonsense and Russia’s ability to strike targets accurately at ranges of 1000 miles was proven. You’ll remember, I’m sure, the television reporting of the day, complete with Syrian dissident figures exulting that Bashar Al-Assad would not last out the month, and would be lucky to escape with his life; the work of setting up a government of exiles hand-selected by the west was so close they could all smell it.

        But a funny thing happened, and it wasn’t the abdication of Assad, because that didn’t happen. Steadily the west’s proxy forces – al Qaeda – were pushed back and back, and the tone of international reporting began to change. At first Russia’s intervention – at Syria’s request – was downplayed as merely a novelty annoyance, certainly nothing that would alter the equation concluding in certain western victory very much. Gradually, grudgingly, it became evident that Assad was not going to go after all, and that it was more or less entirely because of its Russian ally. Oh, the west made as much hay with it as it could, shrieking about bombed hospitals and atrocity piled upon atrocity – the ‘last hospital in Aleppo’ was destroyed at least a dozen times; mockery of the west’s crocodile tears has been scrubbed from the net. But there was no real way to portray what the west had trumpeted as a sure thing as any kind of victory for the west. And downtrodden countries quickly learned there is a power capable of running a stick into the west’s regime-change spokes.

        Things have slowly come ’round to where NATO believes it is ready to take on Russia once and for all, and whip it to jelly. And it is wrong. Even if it could whip Russia on its own in a conventional war in Europe – which increasingly looks logistically impossible – Russia has a huge ally in China, not to mention mutual-defense agreements which were announced as warnings. But we’ve already been over how useless NATO is at heeding warnings, especially because who is anyone that they dare issue warnings to NATO? I kind of go back and forth on whether they’re going to actually try it and get sent home crying, or seek some mumbled face-saving reason for having the door slammed on their latest regime-change fiasco, but today I think it’s all just noise and they won’t try it.


  79. Washington Post

    Zelensky’s struggles in Asia are not contained to China. For a host of reasons, Ukraine’s cause has failed to generate in Asia the same sort of emotional, existential angst that it has in much of the West. “I know for some here the war in Ukraine seems further away than it does from my perspective,” Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said at a Friday panel. “But I’m very convinced that the outcome will have a profound impact on all of us and on the global security order.” She pointed to the vast economic impacts of the war and the “fundamental implications” of Russia having “torn up the principles that underpin the international order” through its invasion, occupation and alleged atrocities in Ukraine.


    1. It’d be a lot more convincing coming from the USA rather than a Euro-vassal.

      If the USA hadn’t gone on a dick-swinging rampage, for the last two or three decades.

      Whilst deciding international law = s**t we made up, when we need to.

      Alas, no-one cares. Because they know the score.


  80. German No.1 Russophobe Röpcke for yellow-journal “Bild”:

    German Jerk

    Russia, 2024,


    German propagandist Röpcke decided to mock… Only here in the photo is Alexey Talay, Belarusian Paralympic swimmer, multiple world and European record holder. He is also the founder of a charity foundation that supports the affected residents of the LPR and DPR and organizes health holidays for children from new regions — away from the explosions of Western shells. Recently, Alexey received the Order of Friendship from Putin for his services. And it all started with the fact that on May 8, 1999, on the eve of the Great Victory Day, as a 

    16-year-old teenager, Alexey accidentally blew up on a German mine 

    that had been 

    lying in the ground since the Great Patriotic War. He miraculously survived. He didn’t give up. And he dedicated his life to helping other people.

    I guess we should have killed all the Germans.

    But that’s how it goes.

    But it’s not too late to do so.


  81. Biden is too busy to attend The Zelensky Peace Show, electing instead to attend ‘an A-list fundraiser in Los Angeles with Barrack ‘Obomber’ Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel’, among other bigheads.

    Instead, ‘Kacklin’ Kamala’ Harris will attend the summit, and bring the appropriate degree of solemnity to it with her famous gravitas.


      1. That should be “cackler”, of course.

        The Russian verb kakat is one of the vulgar terms that means “to defaecate”.

        Same in English – and in Dutch, I think. The Russian kakat more than likely borrowed from Dutch.

        Какать хочу – Russian baby-talk: “I wanna poo!”


        1. Yes, I used ‘Kackler’ only for alliterative effect with ‘Kamala’. But to answer your question, yes; Kamala Harris’s laugh has been described as ‘the biggest destructive negative force in politics’.

          The first part of the clip is entertaining if you like watching Biden stumbling and pratfalling while trying to board his plane, but Harris snorting and guffawing doesn’t really come on until around 1:38. I’m sure the description of her laughter as a ‘negative force’ is an exaggeration, but there’s no denying it IS irritating. Mostly because she laughs at everything, including news which calls for solemnity and dignity; that’s plainly because she is nervous in public roles, and that equally plainly is because she was chosen for her position for reasons other than her brains and competence. She is thick as two short planks, and as a result any American contribution to the Nothingburger Summit will be accidental. She’s just a placeholder, and the possibility of Biden suddenly popping his clogs and leaving her in the driver’s seat should fill Americans’ veins with ice water.


  82. American media – granted, intensely hostile to the Biden administration – expressly acknowledges that the position Ukraine currently finds itself in constitutes its best one for negotiations, tacitly admitting it is likely to continue losing ground even after Magic Joe’s game-changing green light to use American weapons against targets inside Russia. Gosh – I can’t help thinking how much better its negotiating position was two months into the war, when it almost had a peace agreement but then Bojo convinced it to fight instead, doubtless at the urging of his American friends.

    “The administration’s willingness to prolong the conflict until after the election will also be detrimental to Ukraine. As Vlahos pointed out, given that Russia seems to have momentum on the battlefield, “Ukraine is in the best position it will be to get favorable terms, and prolonging [the conflict] will get them into a worse position with Russia.”

    Yep, Biden and his slap-happy administration of American triumphalists are going to ride Ukraine right into the ground like a lung-burst pony, shooting cortisone into its knees so it can stay on its feet until after the election. Then it will pull some sleight-of-hand slippery move to let the American people and American allies ’round the world go on believing it is The Sole Remaining Superpower, and Russia did not step on its lunch and chase it out of the cafeteria. I suppose it will be something like it was ready to kick Russia’s ass, but the chance the war would go nuclear was just too big a risk given how psycho Putin is, so the USA agreed to a draw so as to be the bigger man, and protect the world from nuclear winter.

    The trouble with that should be best exhibited in the incredulity expressed by a bloodied and exhausted Ukraine, which will finally have to confront the reality that it was only ever a blunt instrument for Washington to use to try and knock Russia off its feet. The Ukrainians were always just patsies, and all that guff about their incredible courage and astounding resilience was just calculated and meaningless flattery intended to keep them pumped up for the fight, and more likely to ignore the worsening of their situation; after all, the USA has been at war for decades – it must know what it’s talking about. And so the bitter truth that the dead are all Slavs to one degree or another, and the number of dead Slavs does not really concern Washington much – so long as some of them are Russians – will not likely ever be explored, because the USA controls the English-speaking media.


  83. Has everyone forgotten Yoooooolia? The Braided Wonder is visiting Ireland, and it has evidently not escaped her notice how much moola has been freed up by Grunty Action Man Zelensky. Yoooolia looks to be trying to get in on the ground floor of Ukrainian rebuilding – although she complicates her message by adding in that Ukraine needs weapons and WE WILL FIGHT!! – and claims the forecast bill for fixing the place up is ‘approaching a Trillion dollars’. Presumably that will be on top of the Billions already pissed into the wind.


    1. From what I have read, very many Irish folk are pissed off with the Ukrainians now living in Ireland.


    1. I can’t think of too many things stupider than ‘fighters for democracy’ in a country where the election results match the advance polls’ conclusions in an almost mirror image. You ask people, ‘Who are you going to vote for?’, and of the decided voters, around 75% (let’s say) say they intend to vote for United Russia, led by Vladimir Putin. Come election day, when the votes are counted up, Putin wins with 71% of the vote.

      And the west starts dusting off its fairy tales of ballot-box-stuffing and carousel voting and pressure tactics and unfair media access and bla bla bla. The electorate told you who was going to win, and that individual won. What could be more democratic than that?

      But the west persists in the charade that if the candidate it supports did not win, the ruling party pulled a fast one and the election was stolen.


  84. In Switzerland, the conference participants were warned against holding an anti-Russian event

    In Switzerland, they said that the conference on the Ukraine should not become anti-Russian

    4 June, 2024, 07: 15

    The conference on Ukraine, which will be held in Switzerland in mid-June, should not turn into an anti-Russian event: it is necessary to achieve three goals in order to talk about success. This statement was made on 4 June by the Swiss expert and director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) Thomas Greminger.

    “First of all, it is very important that this conference does not turn into an anti — Russian event”, he said in a conversation with RIA Novosti.

    In addition, according to Greminger, there are three necessary goals for this June conference on the Ukraine. He noted that only after achieving these three goals would it be possible to talk about any success.

    “The first would be to create a platform that reaches everyone to present all peace plans in an open context. The second goal is to discuss three specific topics-humanitarian issues, food security, and nuclear security – and identify ideas in these areas. The latter would be to allow us to launch a long-term process and determine the next step”, the Swiss expert said.

    He also added that at the moment it is too early to comment on the level of representation of countries, as the situation may still change.


    One small point, though, Mr. Expert — Russia has not been invited. Did you not know that?


    1. Mr. Expert’s advice is indeed a warning, though – a warning to Zelensky that his ambitions are not going to be realized. The discussion is going to be kept, to the extent it is possible, to the three ‘specific topics’; this should alert Zelensky that going off on a tangent about genocide and war crimes and the imperative to support Ukraine with money and weapons is not going to fly. In the advance definition of the conference as ‘not anti-Russian’ is a further warning for Zippy Action-Man; the outcome of a global ultimatum to be delivered to Russia is simply not going to happen. Might as well call it the Nothingburger Summit right now. Nice hotel, though. And I hear the Gruyere Chocolate and Cheese-Tasting Tour is well worth the trip; might as well salvage something from a couple of days of trying to stay awake through serial pontifications.

      The west is slowly beginning to awake from its methadone binge to the realization that it has made a terrible mistake, and blown off a lucrative market for European goods in favour of a juvenile-delinquent nation which buys nothing and expects everything for free. Try explaining that to your shareholders, how about? Take your time, because it’s already too late to walk back the damage.


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