Whatever You Have to Tell Yourself

Uncle Volodya says; “You are not permitted to kill a woman who has wronged you, but nothing forbids you to reflect that she is growing older every minute.”

“We seem to be unable to resist overstating every aspect of ourselves: how long we are on the planet for, how much it matters what we achieve, how rare and unfair are our professional failures, how rife with misunderstandings are our relationships, how deep are our sorrows. Melodrama is individually always the order of the day.”
Alain de Botton, from Religion for Atheists

“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.”
Jane Austen, from Pride and Prejudice

A Captain I occasionally work with uses the title phrase to suggest the person he is speaking to is getting a little above himself – that he might be getting an inflated view of his importance and worth. An updated version, I guess you might say, of Pascal’s “Do you wish people to think well of you? Don’t speak well of yourself”, although I think we can agree that would be an unwieldy phrase in an era where nobody talks like a 17th-century French philosopher. But in that context, it is an extremely useful and utilitarian means of conveying subtle mockery without being openly insulting. And on a national scale, the United States – or at least its government – has elevated getting above oneself to an art form.

Consider this recent example: on the occasion of the ‘retirement’ of Victoria Nuland, principle neoconservative architect of The Glorious Maidan and the Revolution of Dignity – and, to a large extent, the subsequent hot war between Russia and Ukraine – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered this tribute via X:

“Russia is weaker militarily, economically and diplomatically. NATO is bigger, stronger, and more united than at any time in its nearly 75-year history”

All, presumably, attributable at least in part to the selfless pick-and-shovel work of Victoria Nuland, who made it a lifelong project to fuck over Russia by any means necessary, at any cost and using every resource at her disposal. Including, obviously, the lives of Ukrainians, the American government’s proxy army. By Mr. Blinken’s reckoning, her tenure as the US Department of State’s Big Anti-Russia Boxing Glove has been a rousing success.

Has it?

Well, let’s look. I mean, we know what Blinken thinks – actually, I have to correct myself there; he’s a politician, so we know what he says, which is not necessarily what he thinks. But Blinken doesn’t have the only brain in the west, even though there is plenty of evidence there are more people in the west than there are brains. David Sacks, for example; ladies and gentlemen, David Sacks, former Chief Operating Officer and product leader of the online payment utility Paypal, and decades-long investor in internet technology firms such as Facebook, Palantir, Uber, and SpaceX. Zero military experience so far as I can make out, so I would normally dismiss any analysis from him on military matters…but. Have a look at his assessment of Russia’s obviously-accelerating military strength, but before you do, make up your own mental list – don’t look ahead, do it now – and see how many of the pluses you credited.

“I call this Biden’s big backfire. If you look at all of his claims at the beginning of the war, they’ve all come true in reverse.

He said that we would weaken Russia in order to prevent them from waging this type of war again. In fact, we’ve made the Russian military stronger, it’s larger than it was before, it produces far more weapons, the industrial base is ramped up. Plus it’s now battle-tested and battle-hardened, especially against Western weapons, so it’s a much more formidable military Biden has created on the part of the Russians than when we started.”

How many did you get? Did you count battle experience as a net gain? If so, good for you, but I bet many people, especially the bean-counters to whom only numbers matter, did not. The Russian military is indeed larger than it was before, because in addition to its regular callup, it absorbed hundreds of thousands of volunteers and previous-service members. But we might as well deal with an attenuator now that is going to come up over and over – Ukrainian math and American math, as opposed to real math. The Ukrainians use Dreamland Math, where the numbers of a desired quality – in this instance, dead Russians – have no actual connection to reality, and can be adjusted up or down as necessary to get a good feeling: whatever you have to tell yourself. The Americans use Unquestioning Math, which provides that they accept, publish and calculate using Ukrainan figures provided, without criticism or protest.

We’re going to use real math. If you are Ukrainian or American and prefer to use your national system, feel free, but your numbers might not be the same as ours. And it is important to recognize that the true and accurate numbers will probably not be known until some time after the war is over, when assessors can get access to all the verifiable information. But what I am talking about is a demonstrably and verifiably real situation in which the Russians outgun the Ukrainians by a wide margin, and have done since the first shell was fired, and are currently firing about 10 artillery shells to every 1 fired by Ukraine with the kind of accuracy possible when both sides can see in real time, thanks to drone video, what they are firing at…but according to Ukraine, Russian casualties outnumber Ukrainian dead by hundreds of thousands.

Is that likely to be true? I vote no.

And this is important, because Dreamland Math eliminates the net gain of taking in hundreds of thousands of new soldiers by reckoning they have all been killed, and then some, resulting in a net weakening. The same for manufactured military machinery such as tanks and aircraft – Ukraine claims to be blasting the shit out of everything that moves, faster than Russia can build new ones, even as their diminutive frontman wails that if somebody – anybody – doesn’t give them more money and ammunition RIGHT NOW, it’s all over.

Look at this example – yes, I know it’s Newsweek, but we were talking about nonsensical figures, so this is as reliable a reference as any. Usually a good rule of thumb, based on the phenomenon known as projection, is to assume Ukrainian figures for Russian casualties are pretty close to Ukraine’s actual losses.

Ukraine, on the second anniversary of the beginning of the war, claimed Russia has sustained 407,240 casualties, killed and wounded. That’s even higher than Russia claims Ukraine has lost – around 383,000. I would suggest that is probably a very conservative estimate, and that the actual total is closer to a half-million. But Newsweek has its bespoke stable of experts – Kurt Volker, (former US Envoy for Ukraine negotiations), Nick Reynolds (research fellow for Royal United Services) and James Heappey, the UK’s Defense Minister – and they say, stuff and nonsense; Ukraine is winning, or at least easily holding its own. Dreamland Math reigns supreme, so that even if Russia wins, it loses because everyone in Russia will have been killed by that point.

We spent a lot of time on that issue, but I think it was necessary because such distortions can be used to warp all other statistics on the war. Russia is plainly producing far more military hardware, and ammunition for it is being churned out by an industrial economy on double-shift stereoids – these are production lines that are already set up and proofed for efficiency, unlike NATO, which would have to retool much of its peacetime production apparatus if and when it stops dithering about going to war. But Dreamland Math says sure – Russia is producing more tanks, but we’re blowing them up so fast that production can’t keep up. A ‘leading think tank’ (doesn’t say where) claimed Russia has now lost more tanks than the entire Russian Army had operational before the war began, which would suggest it is now running entirely on new replacements. Dreamland Math.

But you can tell America believes it, or pretends to believe it. ‘US officials’ said in August that the total casualties on both sides were around 500,000. But they appear to accept Ukraine’s claim of having taken out 407,000 Russian soldiers. It would have been something less than that in August, but figures published by ‘US officials’ suggest they believe Ukraine is at least 100,000 ahead in notches on their gun butt. Russia says the casualty balance is about 10 to 1 in favour of Russia. That might well be an exaggeration, too. The thing is, you’re going to have to wait until after the war is over to find out the truth, and it suits the USA for that situation to prevail because it’s hard to get a country to surrender when everything you say is aimed at convincing it that victory is just around the corner.

Meanwhile, Ukraine trots out amazing news of having killed 10 Russian warplanes in 10 days, making it a far more effective air-defense power without ammunition than it was when its ‘allies’ were pumping missiles and weapons into it. Two of the planes Ukraine claims to have downed are the high-value new Beriev A-50 AWACS. No wreckage photos were provided. In the case of the second A-50 report, the British Defense Ministry claimed the stricken aircraft had crashed in the Sea of Azov.

The Sea of Azov, interestingly, is the shallowest sea in the world, with an average depth of only 7 meters. The Beriev A-50 stands more than 14 meters tall on the tarmac at takeoff. With its wheels up it would be a little shorter, but I think you can see the likelihood of the miracle that could hide a 14-meter-high aircraft in a 7-meter deep sea so that no wreckage was visible from the air. No such photos have been offered.

Photographs and video have been provided of what are allegedly Russian SU-34 warplanes falling burning from the sky, but they are very grainy and could be just about any shot-down aircraft filmed anywhere at any time. Given the quality of video capture possible in decent light with the average smartphone, I suspect the gritty quality is deliberate.

Anyway, I want to get back to David Sacks, because he also mentioned some economic factors which directly contradict Blinken’s peyote reasoning. To wit;

“Then you look at the economic claims that Biden made, he said that sanctions would crush the Russian economy. In fact, the Russian economy is growing faster than any of the G-7 economies. It’s really booming and it’s our European allies’ economies that have been crushed by the sanctions.

So, you know all this policy that he’s pursued has really boomeranged and again come true in reverse.”

Hold on, though; he’s just one guy – against him are thousands of faceless ‘US officials with direct knowledge of the matter but who cannot be identified because they do not have permission to discuss it with journalists’. Does Sacks’ claim hold up?

Gadzooks!! It’s true!! So saith the BBC, and since it sweats Russophobia, it follows that it would not say anything positive about Russia unless it knew a lie would be exposed by even a casual review.

“In a long and rambling interview this week, President Putin gleefully exclaimed Russia as the fastest growing economy in Europe.

Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) underlined the resilience of the Russian economy when it upgraded its forecast growth for this year to 2.6% from 1.1%.

Based on the IMF’s figures, the Russian economy grew faster than the whole G7 last year, and will do so again in 2024.

These are not just numbers. The stalemate in Ukraine last year and the growing expectation of a frozen conflict on the ground across this year, has been underpinned by Russia’s remobilisation of its economy to its military effort, especially in the construction of defensive lines in the east and south of Ukraine.”

Pardon me a short digression, because there were a couple of dog-in-the-manger gratuitous misdirections in there. One, describing a Putin interview as ‘rambling’ is pretty rich coming from a staunch press ally of Joe ‘Treacle Brains’ Biden, whose speech in Vietnam last fall went so badly off the rails that his press secretary cut him off before he could start getting into his pyjamas (in what’s left of his mind) right there on stage. There’s ‘rambling’, and then there’s ‘gurney bait’; it reflects extremely badly on the Democrats that they will not let the poor old man get some rest and care, and instead insist on wheeling him from event to event in a grotesque pantomime of state business that would not fool a chicken. Two, as I frequently highlight – mostly because nobody in the press seems to get it – Russia’s performance is despite focused effort by all the G7 countries it is leaving in the dust to ruin it. It is one thing for a country to perform well in the economic sphere simply bucking the everyday complications and challenges of shifting global fortunes. It is remarkable for a country to do it with a dozen or so assassins clinging to its ankles and trying their best to drown it.

There’s more, but we have to move on. Suffice it to mention the simpleminded stupidity of announcing ‘this economic miracle cannot last’ in nearly the same breath as “2024 will be much more positive for Putin than we thought. He has managed to reorganise his own industry more efficiently than we thought.” You were completely wrong in all your assessments that Russia would be ruined by your machinations – why should anyone believe Putin cannot continue diddling you at his pleasure for as long as it suits him?

I just want to quickly – before we adjust our aim to the absurd claim that NATO is more of a supercharged dynamo than ever – address the equally foolish claim that Russia is ‘diplomatically isolated’. The American news resource which bills itself as ‘the paper of record’ says Blinken is as full of shit as the north end of a southbound bull. The effort to isolate Russia is acknowledged, but the New York Times branded it a failure more than a year ago. Which is to say, not to put too fine a point on it, before it was recognized that the Russian economy knocked sawdust out of the G7 in 2023, and looks to do it again in 2024.

“A year on, it’s becoming clearer: While the West’s core coalition remains remarkably solid, it never convinced the rest of the world to isolate Russia.

Instead of cleaving in two, the world has fragmented. A vast middle sees Russia’s invasion as, primarily, a European and American problem. Rather than view it as an existential threat, these countries are largely focused on protecting their own interests amid the economic and geopolitical upheaval caused by the invasion.”

By ‘cleaving in two’, I presume Washington meant ‘Russia and China and a couple of other bad actors like North Korea, and the USA and all the good countries’. Clearly it has turned out nothing like that. The USA seized control of Europe, but the forcible disconnection of Europe from cheap energy is wrecking its industry. The situation is so dire that Europe’s leaders have simply stopped talking about it; this piece, from 2022, forecast energy rationing and shutdowns across Europe.

“Miles Roberts, chief executive of FTSE 100 packaging company DS Smith, said businesses had to be prepared for energy to be rationed this winter.

“We are expecting there to be rationing across Europe, that’s what we’re preparing for. It may not happen, but we have to plan for that now,” he told the Financial Times.

The company, which relies on gas for up to 70 per cent of its energy usage, is combating high prices through hedging, diversifying its energy use and reducing consumption.”

Diversifying energy use? Haven’t you heard? Natural gas is back in fashion!

“While climate change remains at the top of the agenda, the immediate name of the game is “energy security”, and that has opened up enormous opportunities for investors on both sides of the divide. At the height of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European countries were even forced to return to coal burning. While that has since declined, with climate change returning to the top of the agenda, natural gas has regained status as the only viable bridge to a green energy transition.”

Just in time for Biden to announce a slowdown in the American LNG industry. You guessed it! Climate Change AND National Security! Yup, Europe certainly made the right move when it signed on to board the Molecules Of Freedom train. In short, Washington managed to capture Europe as a gas market, but to what avail, if an inability to support European industry means its collapse, costing hundreds of thousands of jobs? How many banks can Europe support? People have to work somewhere, and they can’t all be bankers and hedge-fund investors. The very thought of admitting Ukraine to the EU sends cold chills down the spines of Europe’s farmers, because unless the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is completely rewritten, Ukraine’s huge tracts of farmland will qualify it for more than €90 Billion a year in subsidies, even as the share of subsidies paid out to farmers in forever-European countries drops by 20%. Where are these people going to work to earn money to purchase ‘friendly’ gas at a significant markup?

Which brings us to Blinken’s mostly-fatuous claim that NATO is bigger and bolder and badder than it’s ever been, so Russia had better hide under the bed. I say ‘mostly’ fatuous because it is true that NATO is bigger than at any previous point in its history. That’d be sort of a given with any country joining NATO unless a bigger country dropped out, and I think we’re all agreed that’s a remote possibility.

According to the US Department of Defense, a key determining factor for admission to NATO is “…whether their admission to NATO will strengthen the alliance and further the basic objective of NATO enlargement, which is to increase security and stability across Europe.” NATO’s own website suggests an aspirant member must “demonstrate the ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations.”

Sweden and Finland? Let’s look.

Sweden is actually not too bad, depending on your point of view; Global Firepower ranks it overall at 29 out of 145 countries rated. That same site has a useful feature entitled ‘overview’ – let’s look at it. A heading in green means excellent, blue is good, grey is average, yellow is fair and red is look out. So we can see immediately that Sweden’s rated capability in air power is not bad; it has a good number – for its size – of fighters and transports and a fair number of helicopters. No attack-type fixed wing air, though – 145th out of 145 – and no attack helicopters. Its paramilitary personnel rating is likewise good, although its fit-for-service rating is only fair. Where Sweden really shines is as a naval power, scoring ‘excellent’ in minor combatants from corvettes on down to mine warfare vessels. Terrible for capital ships, though – no frigates or destroyers. But as other analyses point out, in the current scope of conflicts none are naval wars per se, and in the Russia/Ukraine conflict – the reason, supposedly, that Sweden gave up its neutrality and sought the bosom of NATO – what matters is infantry, armor and artillery. Sweden only scores ‘average’ in these.

Also available, though, are economic factors which would advance it as a net contributor, or condemn it as another hungry mouth to feed. And in this, Sweden is clearly the latter; out of consumption/proven reserves – a poor rating, naturally, meaning a high consumer and/or low or no proven reserves – Sweden scores a big fat goose-egg for oil, natural gas and coal with only a ‘fair’ rating for proven coal reserves. Blinking red on the rest.

Military forces no longer use coal for anything, and their consumption is maximized for destructive potential, survivability and speed – not fuel efficiency. Sweden scores not badly overall for military capability, but would need help to get its forces into battle and to sustain them in combat.

Let’s look at Finland; big on hate for Russia, but short on just about everything else from a strategic point of view. Rated at 50 out of 145 nationally, it is weaker than Sweden. While it rates ‘fair’ in population factors, it has a big red light for ‘reaching military age annually’, which suggests an aging population. According to Trading Economics, the population has only grown by around a million since 1960, but growth has nonetheless been fairly steady. In the air it suffers from a similar deficiency of fixed-wing attack aircraft and attack helicopters, and for all intents and purposes has no navy, only offshore patrol and mine warfare vessels. It scores highly for towed artillery, but towed artillery is a liability rather than an asset in the shoot-and-scoot conditions imposed by drone warfare – you have time to fire once and maybe twice from the same position, and then you have to be moving or you are dead.

In oil and coal production, Finland scored ‘fair’ while it scored ‘terrible’ in consumption of all energy resources. Its rating for oil consumption was only 63/145, but still red, which suggests it consumes all its own production plus additional volumes. Its natural-gas imports from Russia dropped from an average monthly 9018.11 terrajoules between 2008 and 2023 to 0.00 in May of 2023. However, its natural-gas imports overall increased from 8165 terrajoules in December 2023 to 8266 terrajoules in January 2024. This suggests Finland has made some economies of consumption, but now all of it is at significantly higher cost and the consumption at lower rates is not sustainable.

In summary, NATO has grown larger by two countries, but both are net energy gobblers while the added weight of their military capabilities is negligible, and not maximized for land warfare. Is NATO stronger? You tell me. According to its defense minister, Canada’s armed forces face a recruiting death spiral, with more military personnel leaving than joining. In the mighty USA, recruiting entrance requirements have been lowered again, to allow applicants taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (which guides recruiters as to which trades and elements to offer you) to use calculators. Nevertheless, the US Army fell short of its 2022 recruiting goals by nearly 10,000, despite having lowered the goal twice, while the US Army Chief of Staff warned that lowering recruiting standards to allow previously substandard recruits to join is dangerous. This is important, because it is the very whatever-you-have-to-tell-yourself comfort filter western think tanks use to mitigate the growing strength of the Russian Army – sure, it’s bigger, but they’re all stupid plowboys from the Volga who don’t know the muzzle of a rifle from the buttplate. Except that the US Army does not even have the comfort factor of being bigger; as I write this, the US Armed Forces is at its smallest strength numerically in more than 80 years. And most of the new Russian soldiers who went straight into combat were previous military members, experienced and trained, because those were the men called up in the mobilization order.

Meanwhile, military capability in Europe is perhaps best characterized by the establishment of the hilariously-named European Peace Facility (EPF), a ‘mechanism’ for…providing training and equipment, including lethal weaponry, to non-European forces around the world. The long way of spelling ‘mercenary’. While the best minds of Europe apply themselves to even further use of AI, directed-energy weapons and ‘real-time cyber threat-hunting’. Ha, ha. Sorry, I tried not to laugh, but I couldn’t help it.

“Despite its name, the European peace facility, worth €5bn over the next seven years, will allow the EU to provide equipment – including lethal weapons – to non-European militaries. It also offers the EU more freedom of manoeuvre in Africa than previously, making it possible to provide arms and training directly to national governments and regional actors rather than going through the African Union, as training missions have had to in the past.

Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, has described the facility as “a fundamental investment in peace and stability”. Not everyone sees things this way. Forty human rights organisations have warned the possibility of providing foreign military forces with lethal weapons would “risk increasing human rights abuses and contribute to further violence and arms proliferation, rather than to protect civilians and search for political solutions”.

Gee – you think?

The UK military is less than a third the size it was in 1960 – in 2021, the army was the smallest it has been in 400 years. Planners tell us this is good – smaller forces are ‘leaner and more agile’. Presumably, then, the British army will have reached its zenith when it is down to a single member. So long as it’s not this one – in 2018 figures obtained under Freedom Of Information rules suggested nearly one in ten British soldiers was ‘clinically obese’, but only two years later that was no longer a bar to recruiting, as the army sought the overweight, the unfit and the shy. Dear God.

In the days immediately following the commencement of the war in Ukraine, Olaf Scholz announced a turning point – the ‘Zeitenwende’ – in global affairs generally, and more specifically in funding of the German military which was to benefit from a €100 billion special fund for the purchase of modern weapons. How’s that going? Well…the German military is…well…”In terms of equipment, the Bundeswehr is not yet fully operational,” Högl said. “There is a lack of ammunition, of spare parts, of radio devices; there is a lack of tanks, of ships and of aircraft.” So, not yet fully operational, then. Must be waiting for a clearance sale. Defense advocates call for an increase of more than 20,000 in the German Army by 2031, but it was 1,537 smaller at the end of 2023.

In the military ranks which remain, wokeness has seized control of the agenda, filtering everything through gender and sexuality concerns. I only have room here to illustrate examples for the US military, but perhaps that is fitting as it is supposed to be the most powerful in the world.

“In 2015, then Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus rejected out-of-hand a Marine Corps study concluding that gender-integrated combat formations did not move as quickly or shoot as accurately, and that women were twice as likely as men to suffer combat injuries. He rejected it because it did not comport with the Obama administration’s political agenda.

…Physical fitness has long been a hallmark of the U.S. military. But in recent years, fitness standards have been progressively watered down in pursuit of the woke goal of “leveling the playing field.” The Army, for instance, recently lowered its minimum passing standards for pushups to an unimpressive total of ten and increased its minimum two-mile run time from 19 to 23 minutes. The new Space Force is considering doing away with periodic fitness testing altogether.

…Much of the emphasis of wokeness today is on promoting the idea that America is fatally flawed by systemic racism and white privilege. Our fighting men and women are required to sit through indoctrination programs, often with roots in the Marxist tenets of critical race theory, either by Pentagon diktat or through carelessness by senior leaders who delegate their command responsibilities to private Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion instructors.

The Russian Army likely does have its problems, but wokeness is not one of them, nor is it ever likely to be. Sure, Blinken – Russia has been weakened, perhaps fatally, by Ukraine’s brutal mauling. At the same time, NATO is more energized and dynamic than ever.

Whatever you have to tell yourself.

1,901 thoughts on “Whatever You Have to Tell Yourself

  1. Oil depot in Vyborg next to Finnish border in Russia exloded today due to drone strike. Either Ukrainian drones have become really advanced or…


    1. Or what . . .?

      Or maybe the drone was launched by a Finn in Finland?

      Or by a Banderite in Finland?

      Or by a Banderite in Russia?

      You say the depot exploded?

      The whole depot?

      Do you mean the whole tank farm?

      That must have been some explosion!

      Or do you mean there was an explosion at the place?

      One explosion.


      1. How many Orcs were killed when the oil depot “exploded”?

        Do you happen to know how many glorious Banderite heroes — all glory to them! — perished yesterday?

        Dozens of them? Hundreds even?

        Yesterday and every day for very many months now?

        How many of them, in defence of their freedom and democracy and “Western values” and their right to join the EU and NATO were slain yesterday — eviscerated, immolated, vapourized, crushed, lost limbs, went crazy, shat themselves, ran away?

        How many of them — men and women, young an old, some almost straight out of school.

        If you know, do tell!

        And how much Banderastan war materiel, how much Banderastan infrastructure worth millions of dollars was destroyed yesterday when an oil depot near Vyborg “exploded”?

        If you know, do tell!


        1. The governor of the Leningrad region explained that rattled and frightened residents of Vyborg last night

          19 May, 2024, 11: 35

          Information about a drone attack on an oil depot in Vyborg is not true. The loud sound that frightened the townspeople was made by fireworks, and the governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko, reassured people.

          On the night of 19 May, fireworks were launched on the territory of an oil depot on Danilova Street, the pop from which Vyborg residents heard, Drozdenko wrote in the telegram channel.

          There are no casualties, no threat of fire or fire, the governor added.

          In the middle of the night, residents of Vyborg were frightened by a loud sound, similar to an explosion, in the port area. News channels spread images of smoke and fire. Rescuers who arrived at the scene 10 minutes later did not find any consequences. Fontanka’s interlocutors emphasized that there are no oil products or other fuels and lubricants there.


          1. Yet Yukie news sources are full of reports of daring drone attacks against oil depots far and wide in deepest Mordor.

            Who to believe?


            1. yesterday 14:42

              DIU attacked oil depot in Russian Leningrad region, source says

              According to Ukrainian journalists, the drone attack on the Vyborg oil depot in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation on the night of May 19 was a special operation of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU). DIU continues successful attacks on objects on Russia’s territory

              The mass media managed to learn from its insiders in the Ukrainian intelligence service three explosive devices were used to detonate vertical tanks with fuel at the indicated facility, which is used by the aggressor state for military purposes.

              The DIU fighters managed to destroy them.

              According to residents of Vyborg, they heard a powerful explosion in the city around 2:50 a.m., after which a fire started on the territory of the oil depot.

              The decarbonisation of the Putin dictatorship will continue, consistently and methodically, until Russia uses the oil and gas industry for military purposes or withdraws from Ukraine. The price of Russian aggression for the Kremlin will constantly increase and is already reflected in their ability to provide fuel even to the domestic market. There will be more, an insider in DIU told journalists.

              Interestingly, the Russian authorities continue to deny the fact of the attack.


              1. And from the odious British rag “The Sun”:

                UP IN FLAMES Moment massive inferno engulfs ANOTHER Russian oil depot as Ukraine strikes ‘airfield, ship & refinery’ in blow to Putin

                Watch the moment a strike hits the Russian oil depot

                • Published: 8:46, 19 May 2024
                • Updated: 16:38, 19 May 2024

                THIS is the moment a Russian oil depot exploded in a huge fireball in yet another humiliating blow to Putin.

                Plumes of black smoke could be seen rising into the sky in Vyborg after the explosion at the oil refinery near the Nato border with Finland.

                A fire ignited after loud ‘bangs’ at an oil refinery in Vyborg
                A fire ignited after loud ‘bangs’ at an oil refinery in VyborgCredit: East2West
                Ukrainian strike targeted oil depot in a bid to damage Putin's economy
                Ukrainian strike targeted oil depot in a bid to damage Putin’s economyCredit: East2West
                A Ukrainian kamikaze drone hit an oil refinery in Slavyansk-on-Kuban in Krasnodar region, where Vladimir Putin has two large palaces
                A Ukrainian kamikaze drone hit an oil refinery in Slavyansk-on-Kuban in Krasnodar region, where Vladimir Putin has two large palacesCredit: East2West
                Cargo train derailed in Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia, Russia
                Cargo train derailed in Krasnoyarsk region, Siberia, RussiaCredit: East2West

                Dramatic footage showed the oil depot engulfed in a raging inferno.

                Leningrad regional governor Alexander Drozdenko denied a Ukrainian kamikaze drone had hit the facility.

                He also denied there was a fire and claimed “there was a bang due to the use of pyrotechnics”.

                But Kremlin-loyal media SHOT said the blast had shaken glass in the vicinity at 2.50am followed by “a plume of smoke and fire”.

                It is not immediately clear if it was a sabotage attack or a drone strike that sparked the blaze.

                It marks another blow to Putin as Ukraine has been repeatedly targeting Russia’s oil refineries in a bid to sabotage the despot’s war machine.

                In the last four months, Ukrainian forces have managed to hit almost two dozen oil depots, disrupting some 14 per cent of Russia’s refining capacity.

                Exports are in disorder and domestic prices have hiked – significantly damaging Putin’s economy.

                The warmonger has faced even more humiliation as another attack overnight struck an oil depot in his favourite holiday spot where he boasts two palaces.

                Explosions were heard in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region, with evidence of kamikaze drones blitzing the facility and forcing it to shut down.

                More than 60 drones rained hell from above in the Black sea territory, with at least ten targeting Slavyansk, pro-Putin media outlet Mash reported.

                “One of the downed drones crashed onto the territory of the oil refinery in Slavyansk-on-Kuban,” the outlet wrote.

                Russian defence ministry said 57 were downed across the Krasnodar region after a major onslaught by Ukraine.

                But dramatic footage captured the moment some Kamikaze drones broke through the defence and crashed on Tuapse oil refinery.

                The double attack on the depot took Russian forces by complete surprise – and forced them to close the facility, calling an emergency.

                A military airfield was also hit in the village of Kushchevskaya, in the same region with reports of a ship struck in naval port Sevastopol in annexed Crimea.

                Nine ATACMS missiles and one UAV were launched over Crimea but Russia claimed it had intercepted the attacks.

                However, Ukrainian navy confirmed they have overnight destroyed Russian Black Sea fleet minesweeper used to guide vessels through minefields.

                It said in a Telegram statement: “Last night the Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Project 266-M Kovrovets minesweeper.

                “The naval forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, together with their cpmrades, continue to bring us closer to Victory.”

                The damaged ship was reportedly towed away to a repair yard from Sevastopol bay, according to Crimean Wind channel.

                The 200-ft long vessel with a crew of 68 was previously used by a Russian task force in Syria.

                The Armed Forces of Ukraine have also blitzed war-torn Russian region of Belgorod.

                Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported two casualties in the village of Petrovka as a result of the kamikaze drone attack.

                In another unexplained incident, a cargo train suffered a serious derailment on the Trans-Siberian rail network in Krasnoyarsk region.

                Five wagons were seen mangled on the line.

                Ukraine has targeted Russian rail links which are used to transport arms supplies from North Korea.

                A criminal probe was launched into today’s derailment.

                The attacks on oil refineries came after the war’s heaviest night of kamikaze drone bombardment by Ukraine on Russia.

                Explosions lit up the sky on Friday in Novorossiysk and Sevastopol as over a hundred killer drones swarmed and blitzed three key ports.

                Russia admitted it faced more than 100 drones in the overnight onslaught which came as Putin, 71, was on his official visit to China along with his new defence minister Andrey Belousov, 65.

                Russia’s defence has landed in hot water after reports confirmed that Ukraine’s long-range MGM-140 ATACMS missiles destroyed at least four of Putin’s prized warplanes –  including MiG-31s and one Su-27.

                The substantial destruction of the Belbek airbase in Crimea marked the biggest loss for Russia’s warplanes since the start of Putin’s illegal war against Ukraine.

                It comes as Putin has launched his feared summer offensive against Ukraine as the Russian army has been gaining ground in Kharkiv.

                The US is rushing military aid to Ukraine to ramp up its defence after Putin amassed more than half a million troops on the frontline.


                Well fuckin’ ‘ell!


                1. To be fair the Sun does have utility, as a glossary of the current UK tabloid propaganda terms.

                  There’re all right there, you can list them.

                  Alas for Ukraine, Fleet Street swallowing & passing on each others shite like a human centipede. In front of the public.

                  Won’t win any battle’s nor change the fact sporadic Ukr strikes are pin-pricks compared to the damage Russia is doing to Ukraine. Even if these reports weren’t utter shite.

                  Plus stuff can be repaired or rebuilt, these retards think this an RTS video game. Where buildings run out of HP and are gone forever.


    2. Oh for fuck’s sake. A helicopter crashed in Iranian mountains recently. Wring your hands about that, Nordic troll. It could prove a tad more geopolitically consequential than a damaged depot near your snowy nowhere.


    3. Second-largest gas storage facility in Europe, the Bilche-Volitsa Gas Compressor Station in Lvov, destroyed.


      There was speculation some time back that Russia might eventually go for the gas storages, but expect an anguished scream from Yurrup nonetheless. European leaders were smug about the gas situation, even though prices were high, so long as their storage facilities were full.

      No information on what weapons were used, but they must be very effective or….Never mind – it looks like the strike was carried out by Khinzals. You know; the hypersonics the Americans said were probably a myth, the ones they claimed they could shoot down with Patriots. Confirmed by local Ukrainian news.


      Gosh! It looks pretty bad. Better go fill up the car now.


      1. 1: Fill up car with gas.

        2: Light cigarette.

        Result: Demand for gas drops. Win-Win! No buying Russian gas & denying money to VVP & less CO2 in the atmosphere!



        1. You know, maybe this would be a good opportunity for Ukraine to make a clean break with hydrocarbons altogether, and go gloriously green!! You can do it!! Who can blow up the wind, or the sun? True, there will always be infrastructure on the ground which converts their energy to a usable form, but I’m sure there’s a way around that – perhaps it can be built of something expendable or reusable, like rubble; there’s plenty of that in Ukraine.

          I have a feeling things are speeding toward a conclusion.


  2. And get this . . .

    Aleksandr Usyk, who became the world’s first undisputed heavyweight boxing champion in 24 years on Sunday after having narrowly defeated Tyson Fury on a split decision, was listed on Mirotvorets 4 years ago for “committing crimes against the Ukrainian state”.

    Usk was born in Simferopol, the capital of the Crimea, Russia. 

    Mirotvorets accuses Usyk of “repeating the Kremlin’s narratives… rejecting Russian aggression and denying the independence of Ukrainian Orthodoxy from Russian control.” 

    Mirotvorets, which clearly acts in the interests of “Western values”, cites the boxer’s appearance in a religious film linked to the [Kremlin controlled] Russian Orthodox Church, titled: ‘Hello, Brother! Christ is Risen!’

    Soon after the unprovoked, full-scale Orc invasion of Banderastan, Usyk returned from abroad and joined a Yukie Territorial Defence Battalion. He then, however, moved to Poland in March 2022 in order to train for an upcoming fight. He said he would rather fight for Banderastan in the ring and in doing so, would serve his “country” better than on the battlefield. He would also be less likely killed whilst boxing “for Banderastan”, or lose limbs etc., but that’s by the way.

    In any case, before the unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Banderastan, it seems that Usyk had already many times angered Banderaretards by stating that he didn’t see the difference between Russians and Ukrainians, so he can’t be all that dumb. However, when asked whether he considered the Crimea to be Ukrainian or Russian, he simply stated that the peninsula belonged to God, or simply that “Crimea is Crimea”, so maybe he really is dumb?

    Yes indeedy!

    We are all God’s children!

    Hallelujah brothers and sisters in God!


    1. Tragic. That bread queue at the start of the video broke my heart. Poor people. They need a colour revolution.


    1. If Trudeau’s new Online Harm Act becomes law here, it’ll be jolly tempting to flee Transnada, land of the rainbow-coloured maple-leaf flag, and Russia certainly looks inviting, thanks to that video and (for me) a lifetime of reading Russian literature…but I think I’d prefer Japan…for reasons I won’t go into…and of course if that proposed law does get enacted even the Congo will look tempting, or Chad, or Rwanda, or the moon….



      1. Don’t move to the Congo – the DRC, that is – just yet as there’s just been a coup attempt against the government and President Tshisekedi. The opposition politician (or should that be “opposition politician”, since he was living in the US) Christian Malanga has just been killed.

        American Citizens Arrested for Alleged Congo Coup Attempt, Ambassador Says

        Wonder if Malanga and his Western backers were unhappy at what Tshisekedi has been doing recently.

        China, DR Congo seek to strengthen ties during Tshisekedi visit


        1. Darn. I’ll cross that country off my list. My travel advice was a bit dated with respect to the DRC (see link).

          Maybe North Korea’ll feel a little less repressive…


  3. Oh, look! Zelensky’s term as (legitimate) president of Ukraine is hours away from expiring. I wonder if he’s renovated/restocked the bunker for an indefinite stay…and reinforced its ceiling.


  4. Stoopid gets Stoopider!

    Politico: US could sanction Georgia politicians to ‘defend democracy’


    A leaked draft bill seen by POLITICO would target ruling party lawmakers and law enforcement officers, as well as possible Russian agents in the country.

    …The bill adds that Tbilisi “has openly attacked US and other western democracy promotion organizations as well as local and international civil society while embracing increased ties with Russia in particular, as well as China.”

    South Carolina Republican Representative Joe Wilson will introduce the bill as soon as Monday, according to a person close to the process. Its terms would oblige top American officials to brief Congress on “nodes of improper political influence, kleptocracy, and elite corruption in Georgia,” as well as on suspected Russian and Chinese intelligence assets operating in the South Caucasus country…

    …Tina Bokuchava, the leader of the largest opposition bloc in the Georgian parliament, the United National Movement, told POLITICO she hoped American lawmakers would support the U.S. legislation. “Sanctions against Bidzina Ivanishvili are long overdue, but if the measures being drafted by the U.S. are to have real teeth they must go beyond Ivanishvili and target the top tier of Georgian Dream’s leadership structure, including those who directed the violent crackdown on peaceful protesters in recent weeks,” she said…


    How very Meta.

    My headline: US could sanction Georgia politicians for blocking US interference in Georgia

    I really hope the bill passes as it will make clear to the large majority of the population who is already asking WtAF? that its loud NGO’s really are working on behalf of the US & EU. Case made for the ruling Georgian Dream party!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Precisely, and just what I was going to say; if nothing else says to Georgian politicians, “The United States has far too much influence in Georgian affairs, and if we give in on this we will not be able to say our soul is our own from this moment on; our every decision and policy will be subject to US scrutiny and overrule”, then nothing will. I am sure there are those – generally doctrinaire know-nothings – who will shriek that Georgia is insulting its best friend. How many Georgians have already died for Ukraine? And the American solution is Never Give Up While There Is Still A Ukrainian On His/Her Feet. Sterner mobilization will do the trick. And that will surely encourage all the Ukrainians who fled to come back – they are sure to put down roots wherever they are, and will be lost to Ukrainian national effort forever beyond what they can be begged to donate from their salaries.

      The USA would be perfectly happy to hurl Georgia and Poland against Russia just as soon as Ukraine quivers and dies.


  5. Is this chucklesome news for you-know-who, I wonder?


    20.05.2024 14:28

    Hello, blackout! Following strikes made by the Russian Armed Forces, the Ukrainehas lost up to 90% of its thermal power plant capacity

    The Ukraine has lost up to 90% of the capacity of its thermal power plants as a result of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation bombardments. This is reported by the Ukrainian press with reference to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, former Minister of Housing and Communal Services Alexey Kucherenko.

    According to the Batkivshchyna party Rada deputy, only one tenth of thermal power stations are now operating in “Nezalezhnaya” [“Independent Ukraine”, a piss-taking term used by those heinous Orcs — ME]. “We have lost 8 thousand megawatts of electricity — this is a lot. I talked to the power engineers yesterday — 800 out of 8 thousand people are working. One tenth of them”, he said.

    As a result, Kucherenko predicts blackouts in the Ukraine both in summer and winter. At the same time, the Rada deputy predicts an increase in electricity tariffs. According to him, the Cabinet of Ministers of the country is discussing a price in the range of 3.5-4 UAH / kWh. The current rate is 2.64 UAH. That is, it is planned to increase the price 1.5 times.

    Recall that in response to the terrorist attacks of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine (AFU) on peaceful territories of the Belgorod region and other regions of the Russian Federation, Russian troops have been systematically destroying Ukrainian critical infrastructure throughout the country for several months.

    Burning Tripoli thermal power plant after a night rocket attack.

    A flame engulfed Trypillia power station on 11 April after a russian rocket strike. YouTube frame

    So, at the end of April, Kharkov Mayor Igor Terekhov admitted that the city had lost the ability to generate electricity independently. “Today Kharkiv does not have its own electrical power generation”, Terekhov said on the Rada TV channel, recalling that all transformer substations and thermal power plants in the city had been. destroyed

    On 11 April, the country’s largest thermal power plantat Trypillia, which supplied electricity to Kiev and several nearby regions, was damaged. In the same period, a distribution substation in Mykhailo-Larino, Mykolaiv region, was destroyed, and a repeated strike by the Russian Aerospace Forces again stopped the operation of the Burshtyn thermal electric power plant in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

    And the day before that, as a result of strikes in the Ukraine, the country’s largest gas compressor station Bilce-Volitsa was completely destroyed. The compressor station is located in the Lvov region. The Russian military destroyed all the main facilities of the station: GSHU (management), SERB (operation and equipment), and administrative building.

    In early May, the Ministry of Energy of the Ukraine estimated more than $ 1 billion in damage to energy infrastructure from strikes by Russian troops. Thermal and hydro generation facilities, as well as electricity transmission systems, had mostly been damaged.


    The sources of all the above are Ukrainian. Not reported by the UK “Sun” rag, I note.

    Why wasn’t the above breathlessly announced to all on here by the Finn?


  6. On May 20, 2024, Volodymyr Zelensky ceased to be the legitimate president of the Ukraine. On this day, his term as president came to an end. At the same time, the election of a new head of state is not expected, since Zelensky himself cancelled this procedure in November last year, saying it was the wrong time to hold an election..

    Now the he has an urgent need to prove his legitimacy. A number of experts agree that Zelensky will resort to dictatorship and brutal measures, which will only multiply the internal crisis of the Ukraine.

    The former “comedian” won the election against Petro Poroshenko exactly five years ago. In 2019, candidates’ debates were held, in which. Zelensky and Poroshenko took turns getting on their knees — a Yukietard habit, but Zelensky said recently that Ukraine retards only kneel before god —and making loud political remarks. 

    This action was not particularly different from Zelensky’s usual performance as a KVN player. KVN (Russian: КВН, an abbreviation of Клуб весёлых и находчивых, Klub vesyolykh i nakhodchivykh or Ka-Ve-En, “Club of Funny and Inventive [people]”) is a Russian and formerly Soviet comedy television show and international competition in which teams compete by giving humorous answers and show prepared sketches. It is his KVN team that runs his “Servant of the People” party.

    Many think that he was much better at joking than at running the country.

    I don’t think was at all funny. For me, he was just a jackanapes on stage, a performing monkey, a cheeky-chappie of a song and dance man.


    1. I have read that resistance to his mobilization policy is building among the business community, as commercial activities are struggling to hold on to their workers while ‘recruiters’ try to drag them away. I wonder what a poll of his popularity would tell observers today.


      1. I’m sure that even Zelensky’s cronies will soon be complaining that chauffeurs, cooks, security guards, cafe and restaurant staff, gardeners, pool maintenance workers, dog walkers and riding teachers for their children are fast disappearing.


  7. Rules-based order, innit? . . .


    21 May, 2024, 03: 11

    The UN has spoken about the legitimacy of Zelensky

    The UN has said that it will continue to consider Zelensky the legitimate president of the Ukraine.

    For the United Nations, President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky continues to be the head of state. This was stated by the official representative of the UN chief Stephane Dujarric, reports TASS.

    “Zelensky remains for us the head of Ukraine and the person with whom the Secretary General communicates when he needs to contact the Ukrainian leader”, Dujarric said.

    On May 20, Zelensky’s five-year term as president of Ukraine expired. Zelensky took office on May 20, 2019. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, on 20 May, the new president of the country was supposed to take the oath of office, but the presidential election did not take place.

    On 17 May, Russian President Vladimir Putin previously stated that the problem of Zelensky’s legitimacy after 20 May would be of serious importance for Russia if it comes to signing agreements, since documents must be signed with the legitimate authorities.

    At the same time, the Kremlin noted that the military special operation in the Ukraine would continue regardless of the question of Zelensky’s legitimacy.

    Earlier, Zelensky was accused of usurping power.


    He’s our little bastard and we’ll decide when he’s of no more use to us!

    The United Nations has spoken — on behalf of the “international community” of U.S.A. lackeys.


    1. Yes, and you can imagine the UN reaction if that were Putin and he refused to step down at the end of his term – regardless if there was a war on, the UN and its fellow organizations would be shrieking about ‘clinging to power’ and ‘doesn’t get that it’s time to go’ and many other variations on the condemnation theme. But for Zelensky, who was and is willing to completely destroy his country in pursuit of western interests, there is only sympathy and understanding – the same sources who claim Putin’s popularity in Russia is manufactured claim if there was an election in Ukraine tomorrow, Zelensky would win again, that around 65% of Ukrainians want him to stay on and that there is no alternative. But they say with a straight face that the war in Ukraine is all about democracy.



  8. And we make the rules . . .

    President Joe Biden greets guests after speaking at a Jewish American Heritage Month event on May 20, 2024, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington ©  AP / Jacquelyn Martin

    President Biden condemned an ICC move as well as separate allegations by the UN International Court of Justice that Israel’s actions in Gaza could be genocidal.

    “Let me be clear, contrary to allegations against Israel made by the International Court of Justice, what’s happening is not genocide. We reject that” 

    Biden said.



  9. KP

    21 May 2024 0: 00
    Latest news about the situation around Ukraine on May 21, 2024: the world finds out whether Zelensky is president or a legitimate military target, and he himself is crying that the West is a year late in everything
    We have collected the latest news about the situation around Ukraine on 21 May, 2024

    “I should worry?”

    [If I were you, I think you should — ME]

    Because of the official expiration of the presidential term of office of the President of the Ukraine, this topic has reached the international level today. And opinions were divided.


    The official representative of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Stephane Dujarric, commenting on the fact of the expiration of Zelensky’s powers in his post, said at a briefing that for the UN, President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky continues to be the head of state.

    “President Zelensky remains for us the head of state of Ukraine and the person with whom the Secretary General communicates when he needs to contact the Ukrainian leader”, he said in answer to a journalist’s question about whether the world organization would consider Zelensky a legitimate representative of the Ukraine during peace negotiations.

    Have you called him often?” And the phone was picked up there?


    With a post on his Telegram channel, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has also reacted to Zelensky’s loss of legitimacy.

    For Russia, the final loss of legitimacy by the pseudo-president of the former Ukraine will not change anything. He already leads a political regime hostile to Russia, which is waging war against us. And the leaders of countries at war are always seen as a legitimate military target. For us, he is already a war criminal and the loss of his official status does not change anything. Although he, like any of his successors (although there is no need to talk about legal succession here), can act as a party that will sign an act of unconditional surrender. As, for example, Alfred Jodl or Wilhelm Keitel did on behalf of nazi Germany and its armed forces”, Dmitry Anatolyevich said. “He should be caught and tried for crimes against Russian citizens and Ukrainians. If it is not possible to deliver such a criminal, the rules that apply to terrorists should apply. This is exactly the fate that befell Zelensky’s spiritual teacher, Stepan Bandera.”

    And you should also remember, Dmitry Anatolyevich, what happened to Mussolini.


    Ukrainian experts note that because there was a legal conflict as regards the extension of the president’s powers during martial law, this matter should have been resolved by the Constitutional Court (KSU). But none of Zelensky’s team did this. Meanwhile, in fact, the KSU has already given an answer to this question. And, oddly enough, when Poroshenko was president.

    The Constitutional Court of the Ukraine, in its decision of May 15, 2014, noted that the provisions of Article 103 of the Constitution of the Ukraine and its other articles defining the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Ukraine “do not contain norms establishing a term other than five years for which citizens can elect the head of state, regardless of the type of elections (obligatory or extraordinary). The five-year term stipulated in Part 1 of Article 103 of the Basic Law is the only constitutionally established term for which the President is elected”.

    Poroshenko was very concerned about the possible return of the deposed President Yanukovych and hedged in this regard, having received a clear answer: 5 years and neither a day nor an hour more. That is, from zero hours on 21 May, 2024, Zelensky, even by the formal legal definition of the Constitutional Court, will be illegitimate.


    Meanwhile, Zelensky himself complained in an interview with Reuters that all decisions on Western aid were about a year late. Western countries, in his opinion, are extremely slow to make decisions about military assistance to Kiev, which, in turn, is a serious problem, complicating the position of the AFU.

    “All the decisions that we, and then all the others together, have come to, are about a year late”, Zelensky said. He immediately described the supply of military equipment to the Ukraine, in particular, Patriot air defence systems, as “one big step forward, and before that – two steps back”. In addition, in an interview with Reuters, Zelensky also explained that the Ukraine struck at Russian energy facilities “because Russia leaves us without energy”.

    Vovan [a mocking use of a diminutive of “Vladimir”, which sort of translates into English as “Now listen here, Vova boy” — ME] I’m sorry, but you’re not the president anymore, so now you can be addressed in such a way, but have you forgotten that you have to wait three years for what you were promised? You should ask for things in advance — in advance, and not like the sucker that you are.


    The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi said in an interview with PTI news agency that his country would take part in a conference on the Ukraine in Switzerland.

    “India will participate in all important summits that promote the global peace, security and development agenda”, Modi said. And he promised that India would “support the voice of the Global South” to “shape global discourse and promote the vision of human-centred development and a prosperous and peaceful world”. However, Modi did not explain how this will be served by extremely limited discussions on the exchange of prisoners and the ban on firing heavy weapons at nuclear power plants. By the way, he did not confirm his personal participation either.

    “The level of participation will depend on the timing, logistics and parallel commitments”, Modi said evasively when asked if he would attend the conference in Switzerland, which Kiev continues to call A “peace summit”.

    So far, India is the only major country in the Global South that has confirmed its participation in the conference. Earlier, the leaders of Brazil and South Africa announced that they would not go to it. China also made it clear that it does not support the holding the announced summit in Switzerland.

    Something suggests that Modi is simply haggling in this matter, because he wants preferences from Russia. But even without them, he clearly does not want to sit in a puddle, and therefore New Delhi will most likely send participants “without authority” to the conference.


    The representative of the People’s Republic of China at a meeting of the UN Security Council devoted to the supply of weapons to the Ukraine, accused the United States of dragging out the fighting in the Ukraine.

    The representative of Beijing called for diplomatic efforts to be directed towards a cease-fire and said that China is not a party to the conflict, unlike the United States, which “is dragging out the fighting”.

    “China has not provided weapons to any side of the conflict in the Ukraine and will not contribute to prolonging the crisis”, said Dai Bin, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.


    Deputy Minister of Defence of the Ukraine Kateryna Chernogorenko said live on the Unified All-Ukrainian Telethon [Bandarastan sole TV news outlet that runs 24/7 —ME] admitted that, most likely, the Ukraine would still start sending out subpoenas in electronic form through the “Reserve+app”. And soon this app would have the function of electronic referrals for a medical examination.

    “That is, without actually making a visit to a TSS so as only get a referral to the Military Medical Board, we will be able to enable a convenient way for making such an application”, the official said, without focusing the audience’s attention on the fact that the referral to the MMB is the real agenda.

    In addition, she said that if the Reserve app shows that you are wanted, this means that the TSS does not have data on this person and you will have to go there in person.

    “If you see the status “wanted”, it means that the TSS did not have time to digitize your data. You or the closest family members will have to contact the TSS and provide the necessary documents – passport, tax number, military ID and certificate of enlistment in military service”, she said.

    This means that TSS will detain and deliver “recruit candidates” to the military enlistment office, ignoring data updates via the Reserve+app.

    Zelensky consistently covers all the “holes” through which the “draft dodgers” can try to escape from the Ukraine. Not a single person escapes the attention of the draft boards.


    • Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas has said that the Third World War will not start as a result of the deaths of NATO soldiers in the Ukraine. Thank you, Kaya.
    • The Pentagon has announced that the United States currently has no plans to send military instructors to the Ukraine. You’d better take the ones that are already there while they’re still alive.
    • According to the Ukrainian media, according to the data transmitted by the military commissars to the National Police, 94.5 thousand draft dodgers are wanted in the Ukraine. And this was reported by only half of the regions!
    • Absentee summonses with the requirement to appear at the military registration and enlistment office (TSS) in the Ukraine will be sent by mail from July 16, when the 60 days allotted for voluntary data updating will have passed by.
    • Former Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland called Kharkov “the second largest Russian city. Well done, at least she was right about one thing.
    • A petition has appeared on the website of the President of the Ukraine demanding that summonses be handed to “unemployed Volodymyr Zelensky” in connection with the end of his presidential term and that he be sent to the front. Ukrainians have actively begun to sign it. And what will the decision be when the petition gets 25 thousand votes?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Zelensky yells at generals, source tells The Economist

    The Ukrainian president allegedly believes that he is being kept in the dark about the situation at the front

    Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky yells at his generals, who he believes are hiding the truth from him, a government official has claimed in an interview with The Economist.

    Purported fits of rage were mentioned in a Monday report about the situation in Kharkov Region, where Russian forces gained significant ground earlier this month. According to the British newsweekly, Ukrainian troops deployed there are angry at the development and have competing theories about the causes.

    Some blame the US and its allies for insufficient and untimely aid, not unlike Zelensky himself, while others “suspect that incompetence, or even treachery, played a more significant role.” There are also “conspiracy theories” about politicians in Kiev and Washington conspiring to sell the territory “down the river ahead of an ugly peace deal.”

    Denis Yaroslavsky, a local commander who made national headlines for complaining that fortifications that were supposed to prevent Russian advances did not really exist, told the magazine that Zelensky “is being kept in a warm bath” – that is, told comforting lies by his aides. The government source, who was not named, said the president has been clashing with Ukrainian generals after allegedly sensing that he was not getting the whole truth about the frontline situation

    Zelensky’s strained relations with the military leadership, which reportedly stems from him putting his political goals ahead of military objectives, has previously been covered by Ukrainian and international media.

    In December, the newspaper Ukrainskaya Pravda claimed that the president was actively undermining Valery Zaluzhny, who at the time was Ukraine’s most senior general, in favor of Aleksandr Syrsky.

    “It seems Zelensky has two kinds of troops: ‘good’ ones commanded by Syrsky and other favorites and ‘bad’ ones under Zaluzny,” a source told the outlet. “This demoralizes [Zaluzhny] and prevents him from commanding the army as a whole.”

    In February, the Ukrainian leader fired Zalyzhny and appointed Syrsky as his replacement.

    A profile of Zelensky published by Time magazine last November said the president’s uncompromising drive for a battlefield victory over Russia was “verging on the messianic” and had put him at odds with some officers.

    A military official described how at one point the president’s office issued a direct order to a unit on the ground to “retake” a certain city, and received the reply: “With what?” The unit had neither weapons nor soldiers, the source explained.


    Führerbunker redux

    Where is Steiner?


    1. Yes, I didn’t want to draw that particular comparison for fear of invoking Godwin’s Law, but it’s hard to not see it. But there is a critical difference; Der Fuehrer WAS as mad as a hatter, while this is simply stage dressing for a play in which Zelensky tried with all his great heart to provide good leadership in a field where he has no experience – comedy is not very similar to warfighting – but his closest aides let him down by clapping the rose-coloured glasses on him during briefings.

      Zaluzhny, among others, argued for pulling out of Avdeevka rather than burning through troops trying to hold it when it was clear its fall was just a matter of time – Zelensky and his comedy crowd insisted the defenders must fight to the last man, and they nearly did. But Zelensky and his western supporters were caught up with the ‘Fortress Avdeevka’ dream; the fantasies of endless waves of grunting subhumans dashing themselves against it ramparts and falling away inspired a frenzy of western giving, and promoted a meme of indomitable Ukrainian courage. But Zelensky also receives the highest-level confidences of his western allies and the benefit of their ’round-the-clock surveillance; it is impossible he doesn’t know what’s going on. What results instead is an elaborate pantomime, in which Zelensky pretends Ukraine is winning – or at least holding strong without retreating – and western leaders pretend to believe him. Why not? It’s a great scam; the west gets closer to realizing the aims of hectoring defense critics who want all NATO allies to spend more on defense even when they are themselves not at war, the west sends all its old stuff to Ukraine to be destroyed without any real accountability, stuff just gets ‘written off’, and the western MIC receives fat contracts for new stuff paid for with appropriated tax money and justified with shortfalls because the other stuff was all given away and now they don’t have any.


      1. Hmm, yes the one fly in the ointment is they can’t competently build things anymore. The weapons are more expensive and less relatively effective.

        The armies are shrinking because few are willing to die for their local neo-lib regimes and it’s s**t–lib technocrat functionaries.

        None of this is solved by money printing. Quite the opposite.


        1. To that, an interesting link I got from the comment section at MoA, where they are discussing the latest western attempt to wrench back control of the narrative so as to construct imaginary Russian ‘attack plans’, which subsequently founder (because they were not planned in the first place) and are then celebrated as examples of Ukrainian fortitude and boldness. Although the discussion was broad-ranging, including astonishment that Ukraine is even offered at all as an example of a ‘democracy’, never mind one which must be defended regardless the cost…

          “At the end of April, it also became known that Ukraine has submitted a written statement to the Council of Europe announcing a partial and self-declared exemption from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. The statement said that during martial law, human rights provided for by a number of articles of the Ukrainian constitution may be restricted. This includes the right to free elections, inviolability of the home, secrecy of correspondence and telephone conversations, the right to freedom of speech and freedom of movement, education, entrepreneurial activity, and labor. In practice, all these freedoms have been restricted in Ukraine since the 2014 coup, but they are now being officially abandoned. Nevertheless, the Western media still refers to Ukraine as a ‘democracy’ that is ‘fighting for democracy’ against ‘authoritarian Russia’.”

          …it also highlights a basic truth that seems to have escaped western journalists – Ukraine cannot at the same time increase the numbers of citizens available for mobilization into combat, and increase production. As a consequence, Ukraine is falling drastically behind in domestic production of drones, for example, which were once touted as a living example of clever Ukrainians outthinking their bigger but slow-moving opponent.

          “The Russian army is now coming up against the main defensive line of Ukraine, between the towns of Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo, some 40 km west of Donetsk. This line protects the entire eastern front of the AFU, as explained by the ‘PolitNavigator’ Telegram channel (which is based in Crimea). The reason this is happening, according to another report on PolitNavigator, citing Russian military correspondent Marat Khairullin, is because the Russian military-industrial complex has saturated the area with attack drones. “The drones are being delivered every month by the thousands, both from official military sources and from volunteers organized in companies of 12 or 15. This is how the work with these drones is organized now, for each brigade. There used to be a problem with drones, but now there are plenty of them and there are no problems at all,” Khairullin is cited.

          Ukraine, on the other hand, has proven unable to produce large numbers of drones, according to Yuriy Butusov, a Ukrainian military expert and editor-in-chief of the anti-Russia Censor online publication. “Neither the financing nor the placing of orders for drones has been organized in time. As a result, we had only a paltry number of drones delivered in the past three months. The state delivered a little more than 20,000 FPV [first-person-view] drones in this time.” Also, according to him, even the arrival of Western military aid will not alter the situation on the battlefield…It is impossible for Ukraine to conscript yet more men into its army while seeking to step up military production at the same time. Ukrainian MP Roman Kostenko explains on Telegram how Ukraine is conscripting workers and engineers away from military production enterprises. According to him, the phones of conscripts are taken from them and they are left to leave a message with family as they are spirited away for military training.”


          The overall extent of terribleness of Zelensky’s ‘leadership’ will take years to filter its way to the English-speaking world because one simply does not talk about one’s ‘allies’ that way. Leaving aside that Ukraine is not an ally, but a blunt instrument bent to serve western ambition. Still, while it is slowly devolving to a situation where it is okay to blame Zippy for Ukraine’s failures – countered by Zippy’s own strenuous attempts to fix the blame on his benefactors, it clearly cannot be discussed that Ukraine declared in advance its intention to suspend the right for citizens to be safe in their own homes from seizure for pressed military service…and the west said nothing about it.

          MoA discussed this astonishing behavior some time ago, likening it at the time to farmers, in desperation, eating their seed corn for next season. As I’ve mentioned before, western studies by more or less respected bodies concluded nearly two years ago that Ukraine would never recover from the future effects of its battlefield losses, having eradicated an entire cadre of potential young fathers. And Zelensky’s solution is to double down while acting the hard man who will not compromise, owing to his integrity.


      2. Zelensky’s shouting and rages may be due to continuing cocaine dependence.

        Cocaine and Psychiatric Symptoms

        In his later years, Hitler was affected by Parkinson’s disease, which would have affected his decision-making ability and personality.

        Understanding the Influence of Parkinson Disease on Adolf Hitler’s Decision-Making during World War II

        The difference between Zelensky and Hitler is that in one person, the paranoia and the madness are self-inflicted.


  11. Apparently the US is now suggesting carrots for Georgia, i.e. ‘preferential’ trade terms, easier visas etc. It’s almost as if someone realized how f/s it was to talk about sanctions and play in to the ruling coalitions arms!

    But, I’m sure they are keeping both on the table so that if the ‘favorable’ (aka ‘bribe’) is not accepted in the way it is supposed to be, the sanctions will slot in. You can’t change the spots on this leopard!


    1. Yes, you’re right, and America’s formulaic approach to coercion should sound like a warning bell in Europe’s ears. Instead there is still no curiosity at all about who blew up Nord Stream, and apparent willingness to pay much higher energy prices for American LNG with the apprehension that pissing off their energy sugar-daddy is still an option in which they may indulge at their pleasure. Therefore a blissful period – probably of short duration – of milking Europe like a big ol’ cow lies ahead for Washington, as well as removing and installing European leaders using proven tactics the Europeans never imagined they would see directed against themselves. Georgia is simply a bellwether example.

      However, if Washington’s meddling is an example prudent leaders have already noted, then Russia’s resistance is exemplary as well. It is still perfectly possible to take prompt and decisive action against astroturfed ‘citizen movements’ and expose them as the fifth-column fronts they are, to expel blatantly-political NGO’s for interference, to refuse western grant money that comes with attached sovereignty-degrading conditions and to set up parallel institutions where necessary to limit liberal coercion. If the globalization movement is truly dead, then bury it and move on into the multipolar future rather than clinging to dying principles which are unsupported by reality.


      1. I hereby change the nomenklature from:

        ‘Carrot and Stick’


        ‘Carrot and Dick’

        to reflect the competence of the US to actually carry out such a policy without smacking itself in the face as a result.


  12. KP

    21 May, 2024 11:00
    Zelensky let slip why he needs a” peace conference ” in Switzerland: there is no talk of peace
    The “non-president” of Ukraine honestly admitted that the main task is to “put pressure on Russia”

    “Non-president” Zelensky, whose “expiration date” has ended and he has turned into an “overdue” president, does not abandon attempts to push for more and faster help from allies through Western journalists, but sometimes he just lets it slip. Either because he doesn’t think about what he’s saying, or he just doesn’t care what conclusions can be drawn from his speeches.

    Just yesterday, his latest interview became public, this time to Reuters, in which, out of habit, he begged for air defence and missile defence systems, and also stated the need for Kiev to get 120-130 F-16s. He justified this figure by saying that Russia, according to his data, uses at least 300 combat aircraft on the territory of the Ukraine, and Kiev needs “at least 120, 130” F-16 fighters to counter Russian forces in the sky.

    “We have never used Western weapons to attack Russia, we have not hit their territory, we were not given the green light to do so”, Zelensky once again lied to journalists and demanded that the forces of the air defence forces of NATO countries shoot down Russian missiles over the Ukraine.

    Vova boy, (you are no longer the president, so we disrespectfully address you, you bloody louse), didn’t they teach you that lying is not good, easpecially to grown up strangers? Could you tell us about the American Patriot air defence system that shot down the IL-76 that had Ukrainian prisoners of war on board, who were being taken for exchange? And it was done in the sky over Belgorod. And who, using Czech MLRS “Vampire” rockets, is constantly firing at residential areas of Belgorod itself?

    In addition, Zelensky accused the West that it is precisely because the allies are always late with their help that the AFU are suffering defeat after defeat at the front line.

    “All the decisions that we, and then everyone else together, arrive at are about a year too late”, Zelensky said. He immediately described the supply of military equipment to the Ukraine, in particular Patriot air defence systems, as “one big step forward, and then two steps back”. In addition, in a conversation with Reuters, Zelensky also explained that the Ukraine is striking Russian energy facilities “because Russia is leaving us without energy.”

    You’re a liar, you drug addict, and liars are supposed to be beaten and not allowed to cry.

    But Zelensky does not stop lying and “crying.” He has also let slip why he so needed the conference in Switzerland, promoted by Kiev and the West. Zelensky honestly admitted to the British that the main task is to “put pressure on Russia”.

    “First of all, the agenda of this meeting is political pressure on Russia and the involvement of most countries of the world, serious economies of the world that influence the continents. We do not force anyone to do anything, but we propose to discuss our peace formula, which includes energy security and nuclear safety. We need these countries to further develop this plan”, Zelensky said, not at all embarrassed by the fact that the word “peace” disappeared somewhere in this formulation.

    However, judging by the announced agenda, they are not going to talk about peace there. If the most peaceful proposal is an exchange of prisoners according to the “one for one” formula. So let Latvia exchange prisoners with Lithuania, and Ukraine with Germany.

    And this is the maximum that the party gathered by Zelensky for the meeting in Switzerland is capable of. No matter how much he “cries” to the grown-ups there whilst wearing his sweatshirt and military-style gear.


    1. For starters – it’s nice that Zelensky continues his instinct to entertain ,even in such a serious situation – Ukraine cannot ‘force’ anyone to do anything, so I don’t get the implication that Ukraine is not ‘forcing anyone to do anything’, because it is a beggar nation which is completely dependent on western largess. And likely his proposals regarding ‘enbergy security and nuclear safety’ consist of western technicians and money replacing Ukraine’s destroyed power plants, and a promise that if Ukraine’s sovereignty over Zaporozhye is guaranteed by NATO, Ukraine will stop shooting at it.

      If I were Zelensky – and I thank God daily that I am not – I would never appear in public again in that ridiculous Action-Man getup , nor in those elaborate vyshivanka that make him look like he is wearing a big table napkin, and straightaway go back to wearing a suit like a grownup. It is past time for it to dawn on him that the camo gear has run its course for being taken seriously, and now it is only making him the butt of jokes. In the beginning the western press couldn’t stop gushing about Zippy in his ‘trademark olive-green T-shirt’, casting him as a hair-trigger action president who was apt to break off in the middle of a diplomatic affair to grab an assault rifle and rub out some katsaps. It became apparent to his critics very quickly that it was just another act, and Zelensky’s personal usefulness to a combat role was about the same as using a marble to peel potatoes – not terribly effective. But it also quickly emerged that there are not very many Zelensky critics in the west; mostly they either believe the absurd characterizations of him, or pretend to. Consequently the press gradually stopped rhapsodizing about his front-line-warrior getup, at first not mentioning it at all and then gradually registering some faint disapproval of his casual attire when appearing with western high-level dignitaries – my dears, it’s sort of contemptuous – and if he manages to stagger on much longer, they’re going to start reporting what he says in those skeptical quotation marks that suggest disbelief.

      He could take a lesson from rock musicians – if you keep playing the same kind of music, album after album (unless you are Led Zeppelin), in pretty short order all your songs start to sound the same.


  13. Don’t despair Kiev Clown! Baerbock has arrived to give succour, sucker . . .

    Didn’t think it was here when I first saw the above, but it is . . .

    Eating well!


    1. The most astonishing component of that post is the first five words. It is incredible that taking into consideration her record of breathtaking incompetence, an advance even on that of countrywoman Uschi Von Der Leyen, she remains the German Foreign Minister. If she was a brickmaker who cast round bricks, it would not take very long to show her to the door and boot her arse in the direction that lay beyond it. But in politics it’s all about connections; I remember a quote that suggested the author would rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother in politics, and modern western political goings-on have made that ring true as never before. Roll on the year of elections which will hopefully wash away these mouths-not-connected-to-brains charlatans. Even if they are replaced by colourless non-entities, it will be an improvement; I don’t have any realistic expectation of emerging western leadership skills, and I’ve had enough of colourful German politicians to last me the rest of my life.


  14. Well waddya know! Baerbock is another midget.

    So is von der Leyen and Scholz and Macron and the Brown Rat of Anglostan.

    Am I being “unwoke”, sizeist, sort of?

    Is sizeism disrespectful?

    I don’t know.

    However, I’ve also known plenty of big bastards who have been — well, for a better word, bastards.

    Feet and inches have nothing to do with cuntishness, I suppose

    RT in Orcish

    Baerbock: Germany will continue to consider Zelensky a legitimate president

    21 May, 2024, 22: 53

    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that the German authorities would continue to consider Vladimir Zelensky a legitimate head of state, despite the fact that his term of office has expired.

    Burbok: Germany will continue to consider Zelensky a legitimate president


    She said this at a press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Kiev.

    “Vladimir Zelensky is the legitimate, legitimate president of Ukraine”, RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

    According to her, the constitutions of not only Ukraine, but also other countries provide that elections cannot be held during martial law.

    Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, communicating with Russian journalists in China, that the question of the legitimacy of Vladimir Zelensky’s stay in office is important for Russia, fateful documents need to be signed with the legitimate authorities.


    And it goes without saying, of course, that International Lawyer Baerbock is fully conversant with the constitution of Banderastan, the government of which country having been illegally installed in 2014 following an illegal Putsch orchestrated by a foreign power.


    1. What it boils down to is that the NATO ‘leaders’ believe that Zelensky continuing on indefinitely without a mandate angers Moscow – makes it ‘fume’, as it were – and it is therefore worth supporting. But since this debacle began the west has set so many precedents which will come back to bite it some day. There is now no reason any country cannot apply to receive generous funding from the IMF even though it is in default of payments on outstanding loans, because the IMF changed its rules to allow it to continue ‘lending’ to Ukraine even though it could not make the payments on money already ‘lent’. Of course the IMF would resist if it was anyone but Ukraine, but the rejected country could lawyer up and make a fight of it, and there’s every chance it would win, because legal precedent has been established by the IMF itself.

      Because it fancies itself cute beyond words, the west likely figures it can keep this precedent to a very narrow set of circumstances – in order for the president to stay on beyond his term, the country must be involved in a war, or some similarly chaotic event that prevents guaranteed 100% percent opportunity for all to vote. But I could see that precedent being used in a very short time, by Netanyahu, for example. A scenario is bound to unfold in which NATO wants a particular leader gone, but he or she will be able to stay on by invoking precedent.

      However, there should be little in this present circumstance to concern us; Ukraine is losing a major war under Zelensky, and his staying on is only likely to accelerate the outcome; it’s not like he is going to reverse the fortunes of war and pull off a win. So let him continue to strut and prance and pose in his combat pyjamas. He’s destroying Ukraine.


  15. Zelensky to NYT yesterday in Kiev:

    Do you think it is too much? For a country that is fighting for freedom and democracy around the world today?

    — when begging for Patriot air defense systems, asking if he could get seven of them by the NATO summit in Washington, scheduled for 9/10/11 July 2024.


    Ukraine doesn’t need to prove anything about democracy to anyone, because Ukraine and its people are proving it through their war, without words, without unnecessary rhetoric

    — when dismissing any criticism of the Ukraine as regards the indefinite postponement of both parliamentary and presidential elections. 



  16. “The Long Read” — as the British Bullshitting Corporation would like to say:

    Volodymyr Zelensky sits in a chair in a wood-paneled room and gestures with both hands toward an interviewer sitting opposite. Microphones are positioned overhead.
    During the interview on Monday, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia was massing more troops and forces on the border.Credit…Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times

    Read a Transcript of Volodymyr Zelensky’s Interview With The Times

    The Ukrainian president spoke to Times reporters in Kyiv for nearly an hour.

    President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine spoke to the Times journalists Andrew Kramer, Philip P. Pan and Bill Brink for 50 minutes at the presidential office in Kyiv on Monday.

    This transcript of the interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

    Q. The Biden administration has prohibited Ukraine from using American-made weapons to strike inside Russia, out of concern for escalation, including the risk of nuclear war. Your government has urged a change. Given the situation on the battlefield, how should this policy change, and why?

    First of all, the Biden administration was indeed against the use of Western weapons. Today, we have our own weapons, our own drones, and we use them, but I would like to note that we do this for defense. This is very important, and what we have always asked of President Biden — and not only President Biden, but the leaders of many countries — is that we want to use the weapons for defense.

    When there are attacks from Russian territory targeting civilians exclusively, and artillery is firing exclusively at civilians, when artillery strikes a city, the city center — that’s how it happens — you can’t respond to them because of the range of your artillery. We don’t have long-range shells. You must understand that for the last year and a half, Ukraine hasn’t had any long-range shells.

    How do we respond when they strike our cities? They are stationed in the villages nearest to the border of Ukraine in Russia. They strike from there, knowing that we will not return fire, knowing that they are using civilian populations as cover, because their weapons are located among the civilian population of the Russian Federation. But they proceed calmly, understanding that our partners do not give us permission, as you said.

    And here, when we talk about ATACMS or HIMARS, or we talk about artillery shells, or relevant missiles — Storm Shadow, Scalp, etc. — we do not have permission to strike the territory of the Russian Federation, their military locations, headquarters, etc. This is part of our defense. How can we protect ourselves from these attacks? This is the only way.

    It is the same for air defense. How can we protect ourselves from constant strikes by guided bombs, various missiles, etc., from Russian territory? They strike with missiles from Russian territory, up to 100 kilometers away from a point in Ukraine or the border of Ukraine. How can we protect ourselves?

    We can either strike the missile that is entering Ukrainian territory or strike the aircraft before launch. To strike the missile, we need air defense. To strike the aircraft, we need appropriate weapons — weapons and permission.‘They Will Come to Us With Death’

    Q. Do you feel there’s something about the situation that you face on the battlefield right now that makes this request more urgent?

    The recent Kharkiv example shows that when you understand and have information — thanks to our partners who share some intelligence, especially satellite data — you know that along the border, Russia is massing troops and forces. Trains bring in equipment, tanks and armored vehicles, etc. They unload in the Belgorod region, among other places. They are unloading there, and you know that it’s happening.

    This means that tomorrow, they will not come with flowers. They will come to us with death. Right? Right. When they move from where they are massing to 10 different places, for example, in the Kharkiv region, I have a question: If we know that tomorrow they will come not to celebrate but to kill us, why can’t we use weapons to destroy them where they are massing?

    An older man with a bandaged foot is lifted into a transport vehicle by uniformed officers.
    A resident of Vovchansk, in northeastern Ukraine, being evacuated this month.Credit…Emile Ducke for The New York Times

    This would also help because they wouldn’t be united in a single operation. They would know that if they accumulate at a particular point, we will strike.

    It’s like a fence, a fence before they cross our border. But it’s a fence of fire. Because this is a different war — modern, hybrid — and you can’t say that only a real physical fence, a trench, or minefields will work. No. It’s a complex action — if you have weapons that can at least reach the border with Russia.

    And if we cannot reach those areas, what can we say about the places where their equipment masses on Russian territory? This is their huge advantage. The shelling of Kharkiv, all the deaths of people, children — this is their huge advantage. The daily use of bombs — this is their huge advantage. The use of S-300 systems — they have accumulated 10,000 S-300 missiles. Ten thousand — this is their advantage again.

    Are there suitable weapons in the world to counter this? Yes. Are there suitable weapons better than what Russia has in its arsenal? Yes. Does Ukraine have both of these elements — sufficient quantity and permission? No.

    Q. Have you asked permission from the Biden administration?

    I asked for permission from Secretary of State [Antony] Blinken. I sent signals to [National Security Adviser Jake] Sullivan. I spoke through various contacts and intelligence channels, and to the administration of the president. And at the same levels, leaders of other allied countries, European Union states, received such signals from me.‘No Risks of Escalation’

    Q. What do you say to the people who argue that it is too risky to allow Ukraine to use these weapons inside Russia because of the risk of escalation?

    There are no risks of escalation. Escalation has already occurred: Russia’s escalation against Ukraine.

    It’s like sanctions. They talk about the risk of economic escalation with Russia. This shows that our partners are afraid, in principle, of completely severed relations with the Russian Federation.

    When you sanction Russian businesses and withdraw yours from their market, it’s a sanction that works 100 percent. If sanctions cannot be bypassed, you prohibit any accounts, banking systems, freeze Russian capital located in the territory of a particular country altogether.

    If you freeze, for example, their capital, does frozen Russian capital on E.U. territory help E.U. society? No. Do they use this money? No. Do they receive this money as assistance to people? No. Do they benefit from this money? No. It is frozen. Yes, but they do not transfer this money to Ukraine. Why? Let’s find the answer together: Because it would mean a total rupture of economic relations with the Russian Federation.

    It’s similar to embassies. Did everyone close their embassies? No. Did everyone send Russian diplomats home from their countries? No. Did they recall their ambassadors from a state that is a terrorist? No. And so diplomatic sanctions — were they applied 100 percent? No.

    Therefore, we cannot say that we have pressured Russia diplomatically or economically through sanctions. No. Because there was no total rupture. Why? They’re afraid of being left without diplomatic ties with the Russian Federation. Isolation has not occurred.

    And now we move on to the issue of weapons. Nothing here is different. Why can’t Ukraine be given the ability to use them? You will be told that it’s escalation. No. It’s a complete rupture of any relations with the Russian Federation. Everyone keeps the door slightly ajar with Russia. Slightly ajar. Not as open as it was after 2014, when there was a big mistake. But each of the leaders left them slightly open. Not everyone, but many. Just a crack. “What if Ukraine loses? We should not close the doors completely with Russia.”Putin and Nuclear Weapons

    So, when it comes to escalation and nuclear weapons, and all these narratives that Russia speaks of — you know, he’s an irrational person. Because a rational person cannot unleash a full-scale war against another state. He’s irrational, or he knew that there would be no consequences for him, which means there was discussion with other countries. And I don’t even want to think about it because then it’s not partnership, it’s playing behind each other’s backs, and it’s betrayal, complete betrayal.

    Vladimir Putin walks along a red carpet in an ornate hall as crowds applaud.
    Vladimir Putin in Moscow this month. Mr. Zelensky called him “an irrational person.”Credit…Nanna Heitmann for The New York Times

    So let’s say that he didn’t have any agreements, and he’s just an irrational person who decided that nobody would defend Ukraine and he could invade and destroy us.

    So then he could have used nuclear weapons. When he failed to capture us in the first year of the war, he didn’t use them — because he may be irrational, but he loves his own life very much and understands that the doors will be completely closed, completely, if he uses nuclear weapons. Because the use of nuclear weapons is not a red line. It’s a different level. So that’s it. This is World War III.

    So, tell me, what could be a greater escalation than mass killings of people in Ukraine?Food as a Russian Weapon

    Q. You’ll be holding peace talks next month in Switzerland, and the month after that, NATO leaders will be gathering in Washington. What do you hope to achieve from each of these meetings? Regarding peace talks, these are indirect talks, talks with partners. Under what conditions would you begin direct talks with Russia, and what role would you see for China in a peace settlement?

    The peace summit is based on the formula proposed by the Ukrainian side. We have outlined in our plan what challenges we see.

    Unblocking the sea — food security — let’s be honest, did anyone, apart from deep analysts of this war, understand how much harm blocking the Black Sea would bring to the African continent? What price dumping there would be on agriculture? And that Russia would do this dumping by blocking the Black Sea and transporting its agricultural products to Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc., and selling them at a much higher price? And they are also politically deciding with this or that African country what will happen there, what the policies will be, how they should treat the E.U. countries and the United States, who they should maintain relations with and whose to sever.

    A view through a window of a port city with large cranes at the waterfront.
    The southern Ukrainian city of Odesa, a major port on the Black Sea, in March.Credit…Oksana Parafeniuk for The New York Times

    So it has become a weapon. Food products have become a kind of weapon for the African continent. There are chemical weapons they used on our territory, and there is a weapon like this, which can lead to famine in one or another country.

    We understand deeply the crises that this war has brought, and, therefore, we propose our plan. The peace summit will involve a large number of countries. It is very important to address the first three points, three points that can bring all the countries of the world together.

    One point is food security. What I mentioned in part about agriculture and the blockade of the Black Sea, the Azov Sea, there are challenges there and so on.Hostages at a Nuclear Plant

    The second issue will be nuclear security — energy. This is very important. Who knows what is really happening at the nuclear power plant in the city of Enerhodar? Who really knows the details? But we know. The IAEA knows.

    It is mined. There is weaponry there. There are armed individuals from the Russian Federation, mercenaries or military. There are Ukrainian citizens working at the plant who, for the first year, constantly sent us information about the situation there. There has never been danger like this before. If we remove them from there tomorrow, that station will definitely collapse. It will be a risk for everyone. Six reactors. It’s like six Chernobyls. How can there be military forces there? They don’t want to leave, they won’t give it up voluntarily. They don’t want to. But they’re afraid that the station will explode, so our people work there.

    Here’s another argument. The personnel of Rosatom who managed this operation and are currently managing this station — why haven’t sanctions been imposed on them? What’s the problem? Although the fact is absolutely confirmed here, absolutely confirmed, that they have occupied the station and are holding everyone hostage. All the people working there are hostages. You know, it’s a fact, proven, that the children of people working at this station have been taken to Russia. They are hostages. That’s why they work at the station, because their children have been taken away.

    And the third point is the [prisoner-of-war] exchange of “all for all,” as well as the return of deported children. This third point is humanitarian.

    If we support resolving all three crises separately, responsible countries will gather at a technical level and develop a plan that we will support.

    I believe if we develop a detailed plan to address these three points, it needs to be handed over to representatives of the Russian Federation. And when they see that, for example, 60, 80, 100 countries believe it’s a fair plan, well, then we’ll see if Russia wants to end the war. And we’ll see if the world wants the war to end on fair terms, not on what a person in the Kremlin sees.On NATO Troops in Ukraine

    Q. We’ve reported that NATO is considering sending instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces. Other NATO countries have discussed sending troops to Ukraine. Would you welcome either move?

    This is an independent decision for each state, including NATO countries. Undoubtedly, as a country at war, we would positively welcome any assistance, and we would support such a decision.

    A convoy of military vehicles drives along a highway.
    Military vehicles from Germany making their way to Poland in April. Mr. Zelensky said he wanted to underline that all the weapons received from allies were for the defense of Ukraine.Credit…Laetitia Vancon for The New York Times

    It’s true that no one has offered us anything yet. The first signals came through the media. They came from France, from Emmanuel Macron. We talked with him about what he means. There’s logic in two things that I definitely understood. This includes training on Ukrainian territory, simply speeding up the process, without having to send your brigade somewhere else, to one country or another, and then it returns. And there’s also the need for adaptation time here in the conditions of war.

    Yes, training here is faster, building repair hubs for equipment is faster. But there are a lot of media words behind this. So far, this idea hasn’t gone anywhere. I don’t see it, except in words. But, nonetheless, how can anyone be against this? We are only in favor.

    And then they talk about the troops. I don’t quite understand yet how this corresponds to reality and whether it’s true, and whether it’s possible, etc. I am grateful, again, for the boldness of Emmanuel, etc., but it’s necessary to understand what he’s really willing to do, what can be and how it can help us.‘Shoot Down What’s in the Sky’

    I asked, can we first shoot down — from the territory of a NATO country, from the territory of our neighbors — the missiles flying towards our energy facilities, without crossing into Ukraine’s airspace?

    Technically, all of this is possible. Shooting down Russian missiles already in Ukrainian territory, from their planes. This is what we saw in Israel. Not even on such a large scale.

    If you’re shooting down missiles targeting our energy facilities, you can deploy your planes. You already do. You should know that NATO countries are already deploying them because the missiles are heading towards our Western partners. For example, the gas network in western Ukraine, and missiles heading in that direction. Our neighbors are already deploying planes anyway.

    So my question is, what’s the problem? Why can’t we shoot them down? Is it defense? Yes. Is it an attack on Russia? No. Are you shooting down Russian planes and killing Russian pilots? No. So what’s the issue with involving NATO countries in the war? There is no such issue. It’s defense.

    Tomorrow, all these missiles will fly into these countries. Don’t doubt it. It’s just a matter of time. Why not shoot down the missiles? Where’s the involvement in that? When we talk about NATO countries discussing troops on Ukrainian territory, these are living people. I’m just responding to you, let’s take the first practical step. Shoot down what’s in the sky over Ukraine. And give us the weapons to use against Russian forces on the borders.

    Q. Did you ask Mr. Macron this?

    About the aircraft? No, I’m going to talk about it, but I asked other partners. I conveyed to all key partners that I believe it’s fair to shoot them down with aircraft.

    Let’s agree: The Russian Federation has a fleet with 300 aircraft that the Russian fleet uses against Ukraine. Three hundred aircraft. Our analysis told us that we need 120 to 130 F-16s or aircraft with high technical characteristics.

    Let’s agree: If Ukraine doesn’t receive such a quantity of aircraft for various reasons, why can’t a smaller number of aircraft located in NATO countries close our airspace? This is a reasonable option for today until we have F-16s. Not just that, I would say, until we have a number of F-16s adequate to the Russian fleet. Because when you only have a small number of F-16s, it’s undoubtedly insufficient to counter significant, serious attacks in many cases.‘Can We Get Seven?’

    The Washington summit, I did not answer about the Washington summit.

    Q. I had another question, but let’s hear about the Washington summit with NATO.

    I want practical solutions. I would really like us to get an invitation [to join NATO], because I know that this would be a very serious card in Ukraine’s hands before the end of the war. Although I believe that when this card is in Ukraine’s hands, it is also in the hands of the United States and other partners, and even those who are not in NATO. Those who are Russia’s neighbors, and those who are concerned about their security. Because everything can change completely.

    Those who today believe that Russia will never attack them, and those who consider themselves economic partners will become its enemies tomorrow. Wasn’t it like that with Ukraine? Weren’t we their main friends? Were we not their main market? Were they not our main trading partner? Families, friends, economy, geography, security, everything. And now we are 100 percent enemies.

    So this card is not only in our hands. This is change. A change in geopolitical security in our region. I believe this will have an impact on the whole world. So I would like specifics, an invitation.

    Yes, this is a political instrument. However, this doesn’t mean we are in NATO. And we are not pushing. We understand that if there is an invitation, we will only discuss NATO membership after the war. We understand all the arguments. There will be no pressure from our side.

    But everyone says that this is escalation — again. I believe that the U.S. and Germany are not ready for this. Right? Right.

    Then we can eventually get seven Patriot systems from NATO countries? Seven. We would like to close the airspace over all our regions and have 20 to 30. Let’s forget about that. Can we get seven? Do you think it is too much for the NATO anniversary summit in Washington? For a country that has been trying to become a NATO member since 2008? For a country that is fighting for freedom and democracy around the world today? Seven systems. This is just the practical result of the summit.

    And an American decision to give us its F-16s. Because without them, Ukraine will not have a fleet of 130 aircraft. It just won’t. And this means that there is no point in talking about it anymore, because there won’t be an adequate fleet that can fight the Russian air force.

    I think that’s two solutions. Maybe it’s a lot. We apologize, but they are very practical solutions.‘People Are Beginning to Forget’

    Q. Could you say a few words about your own life as a wartime president? What was a moment if you look back at the war when it seemed most difficult, and another moment when you were most hopeful and proud, for example?

    When we talk about difficulties, of course, the full-scale invasion was the most difficult moment. Of course, the first days were tough, and then it went on. Because you don’t think about yourself, you think about everyone. And, of course, when there are people under occupation, and losses, it’s just hard. And when we were liberating our territories, liberating Moshchun, Bucha, and when I saw those mass graves, it was the hardest thing.

    Police officers and investigators near a pit in a field outside a gold-domed, white church. A group in all-in-one suits carries a body from the pit.
    Police officers and investigators exhuming bodies buried in a mass grave during the Russian occupation of Bucha, Ukraine, in 2022.Credit…Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times

    I’m not afraid of any physical work. I’m not afraid of working long hours, doing my job. The most difficult weight is emotions. You understand this, right? Emotions, suffering. When you see people, when they tell you about it, when you give a medal — a hero’s star — to a mother who lost her child, or see children who lost their parents — those emotions, they are the hardest.

    It’s terrifying when you can’t help people who are in occupation. It’s harder for them there. They are the real heroes. I’m not saying this for rhetorical effect. I’m speaking the truth. When a person is in a hopeless situation, truly physically hopeless, but they keep fighting. That’s the hardest part. But no matter how difficult it was, we fought and were united when we liberated most of our territories.

    And now, with more than 20 percent still under occupation, people are beginning to forget. Now, it’s also about forgetting the war. Forgetting in the cities that have been liberated, in the capital, and so on. This is also very difficult, very serious.

    Because society starts to divide. Some are at war, and some are not at war. And, on the one hand, you understand, that’s why we are fighting — to liberate people, for cities to live, for people not to be at war. But above all, we must understand that we are all still at war until it ends, and civilians must all work to strengthen the soldiers, those who die or get injured every day.

    When it is very hard, everyone is united. When it gets a little easier, everyone is divided. And at this moment, the enemy can exploit this in various ways. I believe that this is our most difficult moral challenge right now. To prevent division in society, in politics, to prevent division in the world, in the European Union, in the United States, regardless of elections, regardless of anything in the E.U., or elections in the United States, to prevent a rift between the U.S. and Europe. This is also very important. It will have an impact on this war.‘I See the Children Very Rarely’

    Q. Mr. President, can you find ways to relax?

    Like everyone else. The choices are limited during wartime. Honestly, emotions help. If there’s a chance to see my children, I see my wife more often because she’s in the office, but I see the children very rarely. If you can see your family, it’s emotionally uplifting.

    I’ll tell you honestly, if there’s an opportunity to just talk, even to ask what’s going on in school, for example, I ask my son what’s happening. He says they’re starting to learn Spanish. I’m interested in that. I don’t know Spanish, but honestly, I’m only interested in the time I can spend with him, no matter what he’s doing. My son is young. And my daughter, she’s already grown up. These are the moments that recharge you, give you energy. These are the happiest moments. That’s when I can relax.

    I also enjoy reading books. I’ll be honest, any kind of fiction, I read at night, two, three, four, 10 pages max, and then I fall asleep. It’s the same when I try to watch a video or a movie at night — I just don’t have the energy. I’ll tell you, once I’m in bed, whatever I try to read or watch, I fall asleep. I wake very early.

    And, probably, the second thing that recharges me, besides family, is a bit of exercise. In the morning, it also gives me energy.

    And probably understanding what we are doing, what we can do, and believing in Ukraine’s victory. I believe very much in people, especially when people know and say, “We know how hard it is for everyone, but you, Mr. President, you are holding on, and we are with you.” I am always with the people. I think we recharge each other. So you see, again, it’s just emotions, some positivity, and that’s probably enough.The Health of Democracy in Ukraine

    Q: It’s now been five years since you’ve been president, and it’s a very uncertain time for Ukraine. Could you assess the health of Ukrainian democracy during the war, and how would you like to see Ukrainian democracy develop after the war?

    I think Ukraine doesn’t need to prove anything about democracy to anyone. Because Ukraine and its people are proving it through their war. Without words, without unnecessary rhetoric, without just rhetorical messages floating in the air. They prove it with their lives. By choosing how to protect Ukraine, how to defend it, because we are defending, first and foremost, values, principles, the way of life we live.

    Yes, of course, territory is very important. It’s our land. We cannot imagine our life without it. It belongs to us by right. But understanding who is coming against us, and what life is like there in Russia, we do not want a return to Soviet times, and we do not want to be part of Russia’s history.

    You know, I once gave this example. Once, Edi Rama, the prime minister of Albania — I told him that I needed to pass several reforms because it was necessary. These were the conditions for candidacy in the European Union. This was before we received candidate status. I told him, I want to show that even during wartime, we can move forward. He responded to me: Yes, but I want to tell you that Ukraine — by the way it is conducting itself during this war, by defending other states — is protecting the freedom of the world and the democracy of the world. This is the most important reform in which you need to succeed.

    And that’s how it is. Our people are doing it at the cost of their lives, children at the cost of their childhood, their happy years that they are giving up. So, when we talk about democracy, I believe that we are the most democratic country in Europe. One of the most democratic countries in Europe, which has proven this not with words, but with strength, weapons, and our lives. Not proving, but we have proven this to the whole world.

    And what kind of country can one wish for after the war? The kind of country it is now: free. Of course, during wartime, there are various restrictions. Regarding the mobilization of young men who cannot leave the country. There is martial law. There are other restrictions because of the war. Russia itself imposed these restrictions on us. Because it came with war, and war always brings losses and restrictions. This is understandable. But we want to live in a country like the one we have today, only in a peaceful one.After the War

    Q. Maybe there’s a short answer to this one. What are your plans after the war?

    I would like to … after the war, after the victory, these are different things. After the war, it could be different. I think my plans depend on that. So, I would like to believe that there will be a victory for Ukraine. Not an easy one, very difficult. It is absolutely clear that it will be very difficult. And I would just like to have a bit of time with my family and with my dogs. We have two dogs. One dog passed away, and now we have two dogs.‘We Would Lose Everything’

    Q. I wanted to clarify, you had said you need seven Patriots. Are you asking for them specifically from the United States?

    Let me explain. We have a map, and our partners have it, too. And there are points marked on this map, conditional points where the Patriot systems should be placed, and their analogues — short range, medium range, long range.

    For example, long range systems like THAAD, which are in the United States — we don’t have any. I’m just giving you an example. So, when I talk about seven Patriots, it doesn’t mean it fully covers our skies and our people. There’s a powerful, developed system, and it includes everything — all systems. When I talk about seven systems, we need to understand, I’m talking about specific needs today, to cover several places, to cover a few places in our country, without which we will completely lose our economy and energy sector. This is what we are talking about. The economy, including grain, metallurgy, and many other things. We would lose everything.

    That’s why I hammer this point every day. Because I know we could lose our energy sector and economy. And if we talk about a comprehensive air defense system for Ukraine, it includes everything: how many NASAMS, IRIS-T, Patriots, THAAD systems we need. And some of them we don’t have at all.

    It’s OK. We will win. We must.


    Use of the modal verb “will” to make a certain prediction, which certain prediction is based on the speaker’s firm belief that the occurrence of said future event is perforce obligatory.


  17. As regards the above NYT interview with the talking turd, it has clearly been translated into English. hence the repeated use of the word “shells”, meaning projectiles in English, in that by “shells” the Kiev Rat means artillery shells, rocket and missiles.

    NYT has also literally translated the verminous human rodent’s expression всех для всех as “all for all”, meaning the prisoner exchange formula repeatedly put forward by the Banderites, which expression I should imagine is better translated into English as “one for one”.

    I think this “formula” is being pushed by the filth because they don’t want segregation of prisoners taken by the Russian armed forces, namely into Nazis and ordinary conscripts and regular soldiers, notwithstanding the fact that during WWII, German PoWs in the UK were segregated into ordinary soldiers, run-of-the-mill Nazis, and Nazi fanatics, e.g. Waffen-SS. Hitler-Jugend etc. These categories of PoWs were identified by coloured patches on their clothing and the nazis underwent re-education programmes.

    See Banderastan propagandistic article below:

    Ukraine pins hopes on international pressure to conduct all-for-all prisoner exchange

    by Kateryna Denisova

    10 May, 2024 21:42

    As the Ukraine prepares for a major peace summit in June, President Volodymyr Zelensky sees an opportunity to free all Ukrainian prisoners from Russia before the end of the war.

    After the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has seized thousands of Ukrainians, from soldiers to children, adding them to the hundreds of Ukrainian fighters it had been holding from earlier.

    The Ukrainian authorities do not disclose how many Russian prisoners of war (POWs) are currently in custody in the Ukraine, nor how many POW detention centres there are in the country.

    Activists and relatives of Ukrainian prisoners of war hold banners urging for the return of Ukrainian soldiers of Mariupol garrison from Russian captivity during the rally on Sophia Square in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 7, 2024. The Free Azov rally in support of the captured defenders of Mariupol was held in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. The participants came out to remind Ukrainian society that Ukrainian soldiers have been in Russian captivity for the second year. (Oleksandr Gusev/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images)

    [“Free Azov”: many Azov members taken prisoner at Mariupol have already been tried in Donetsk and sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering civilians. Those bastards in the above photo want the Azov filth freed — ME]

    “Some are skeptical, saying that (the all-for-all prisoner swap can take place) only after the end of the war, since this is one of the conditions for the end of the war”, Zelensky said on 3 May. “I believe that we have the opportunity to try to do this earlier”.

    “All reasonable countries support this route”, he added.

    The possibility of an all-for-all prisoner swap will be one of the subjects at Ukraine’s upcoming global peace summit in Switzerland. Other subjects will include returning kidnapped Ukrainian children, energy and nuclear security, plus free navigation of the Black and Azov seas.

    The Ukraine hopes that this will lead to further discussions and diplomatic pressure on Russia to proceed with the swap.

    But as always, Russia has been doing everything it can to obstruct such an exchange. In the meantime, it is subjecting Ukrainians to trumped-up charges, sham trials, and torture, according to Ukrainian officials and international organizations.

    The Ukraine has been trying to have its people returned from Russia since long before the full-scale war. A prisoner exchange was one of the points of the Minsk II format, which was introduced in 2015, which failed to make peace or curb Moscow’s aggression.

    However, exchange talks are ongoing to this day, military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said in April.

    Kyiv is trying to have returned all its captured combatants and noncombatants. This includes military musicians, medics and chaplains, as well as civilians forcibly sent to Russia’s farthest reaches, Petro Yatsenko, spokesperson of Ukraine’s Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, told the Kyiv Independent.

    A man wears a Ukrainian flag during a night-time exchange of prisoners of war in Ukraine on Feb. 8, 2024. About 100 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were returned from Russian captivity in the Feb. 8 exchange. (Kostiantyn Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images)
    Ukrainian military members get on the bus after returning from captivity in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, on May 25, 2023. (Yevhenii Zavhorodnii/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images)

    Several countries have mediated prisoner swaps between the Ukraine and Russia, including the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

    Turkey is also negotiating with Moscow to release prisoners. During a March visit to Istanbul, Zelensky passed a list of Ukrainian citizens, including Crimean Tatars, captured by Russia to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Qatar, the only country that publicly assists in the return of deported Ukrainian children, may also start negotiations with Moscow on the release of Ukrainians, Ombudsman chief Dmytro Lubinets said in late April.

    A total of 160 national delegations will be reportedly invited to the summit in Switzerland, while several European countries and Cape Verde have already confirmed their participation.

    Russia has not been invited. Participants of the summit will create a common negotiating position and submit it to Moscow, Zelensky’s spokesperson Sergii Nykyforov said.

    In Russia’s Clutches

    It has not been made public how many Ukrainian troops and civilians are in Russian captivity. In January, Ukraine’s Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of POWs reported there were more than 8,000.

    However, those are just the ones whose POW status can be confirmed. Russia does not provide Kyiv with any prisoner lists, and people who were captured but have left no proof of their having been captured are listed as missing, according to Yatsenko. Almost 37,000 people were missing as of April — combatants and civilians, including children.

    Relatives and friends of Ukrainian prisoners of war from the Azov Brigade and sub-units hold placards during a rally in front of the Opera building in central Kyiv on March 17, 2024, calling for their exchange with Russian prisoners, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Genya Savilov/AFP via Getty Images)

    Ukrainian prisoners held in the occupied territories of the Ukraine or in Russia are systematically tortured, which has been repeatedly confirmed by U.N. reports. At least 32 Ukrainian POWs have been executed during this winter, a report by the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said.

    “Russia does not comply with the 3rd Geneva Convention on prisoners of war. This includes the lack of sufficient nutrition, medical aid, communication with relatives, torture, and humiliation”, Yatsenko said.

    “Everything that can be used to break a person is in Russian torture chambers.”

    Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Kyiv and Moscow have conducted 51 exchanges of POWs. A total of 3,135 people, including 147 civilians, were brought back to Ukraine, according to the coordination headquarters.

    The largest prisoner exchange brought home 230 Ukrainians in early January. Two more exchanges followed shortly, the last of which took place on 8 Feb.

    Despite the fact that there are more Ukrainians in Russian captivity than Russian troops captured in the Ukraine, parity is not necessary for the all-for-all exchange, Yatsenko said.

    “Our exchange fund is big for this kind of swap. We see that the Russian side is not interested in returning its (captured Ukrainian soldiers). It makes no sense for us to keep Russian POWs. Our state budget funds are being wasted in doing this. We should like to exchange them for Ukrainians immediately”, he told the Kyiv Independent.

    Ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that Moscow obstructs prisoner exchanges and uses the issue of POWs to undermine the social and political situation in the Ukraine.

    “Russia is trying to keep the families of POWs in limbo, a vulnerable state, in which they are easily manipulated or even blackmailed”, Yatsenko said.

    “Therefore, the interest of the Russians is to prevent exchanges, even though Russian families do not see their (soldiers). The main obstacle is that Russia treats prisoners as a tool that can be used to influence families, friends, and acquaintances in the Ukraine.”


  18. Russian general arrested for fraud.

    A real general, this time: not some thieving bastard of an MoD bureaucrat all tarted up in a general’s uniform.

    “Popov had the courage to tell his superiors what others preferred to keep quiet about.” Ex-commander of the 58th Army of the Russian Armed Forces arrested

    Law enforcement agencies reported that the former commander of the 58th Army of the Russian Armed Forces, Major General Ivan Popov, was taken into custody as part of a criminal case on fraud on a particularly large scale.

    “The former commander of the 58th Guards Combined Arms Army, Ivan Ivanovich Popov, has been arrested on suspicion of fraud”, a security source said. According to him, the request of the investigation to choose a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was considered in the 235th Garrison Military Court. Other details in law enforcement agencies did not give.

    “We are informed that on 17 May, 2024, a case was initiated against General Popov, the former commander of the 58th army of the Southern Military District, based on the materials of the Department of Counter Intelligence [DKVR] of the FSB of Russia. A criminal case under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Fraud committed by an organized group or on a particularly large scale…) was conducted earlier against his deputy, but now the key person involved is Popov. The mentioned amount is more than 100 million rubles. According to the investigation, the organized group also included an entrepreneur from the Krasnodar Territory and a high-ranking official of the Southern Military District. They write about the sale of two thousand tons of metal products that were purchased as part of the humanitarian aid from the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration for the construction of engineering structures in the interests of the current 58th Army. The entrepreneur, according to investigators, sold the purchased material assets outside the region. General Popov has been remanded in custody for two months by the decision of the 235th Garrison Court since May 17, “the Two Majors telegram channel reported.

    Popov began his service as a platoon commander in the 56th Airborne Assault Regiment. Later, he commanded various units and formations. He participated in a special military operation in various sectors, including as commander of the 58th Army.

    On 13 July , 2023, Ivan Popov publicly addressed his subordinates, confirming the fact of his dismissal by the decision of the “senior management”. The general’s appeal was published in his Telegram channel by State Duma deputy, former commander of the 58th Army Andrey Gurulev. According to Popov, over the past few days “a lot of events have taken place,” including the removal of him from the post of commander.

    “I was always honest, from the first day I joined our army. So I tell you honestly: there was a difficult situation with the senior management, when it was necessary either to keep quiet and be small-hearted and say what they wanted to hear, or to call a spade a spade. And I, in the name of you, in the name of all our combat friends who had died, had no right to lie, so I outlined all the problematic issues that exist today in the army”, the general said.

    He noted that during the conversation with his superiors, he focused on “the most important tragedy of modern war”, namely, the lack of counter-battery warfare and artillery reconnaissance stations for Russian troops, as well as “the mass death and injury of our brothers from enemy artillery”.

    “I raised a number of other issues, expressed it at the highest level, frankly and extremely harshly. In this regard, apparently, the senior bosses felt some kind of danger in me and quickly, in one day, concocted an order from the Minister of Defense, issued an order and got rid of me”, Popov said then.

    “Who should we put in jail: If this happens, it will be a disgrace for the country… To be honest, I’m still in shock. Those who knew Commander Ivan Popov well are also shocked, who in the summer of 2023, having built an excellent multi-layered defence line in his army sector (unlike many of his subcontractors), in fact, saved our army from defeat and the country from disgrace. And what is most interesting, it is the alleged theft of “metal products” intended for the construction of these defence lines that he is now charged with. To get the picture: before the enemy’s “counteroffensive”, many defense lines had been erected in each army’s sector. Moreover, it was in the 58th Army zone that this defence was the strongest of all. But that’s not the point. It is clear that in the chaos mode during the feverish construction of fortifications, the leadership of the armies always did not fully control the “scope of work”. And I am sure that the contractors made use of this, as we usually happens with us (unfortunately). What I want to say. And about the fact that all our army commanders can be imprisoned on such charges today. I will repeat all of them!!!”, blogger Yuriy Podolyaka wrote in his Telegram channel.

    He stressed that the charges were brought only against Popov.

    “And there are reasons for that. The whole army knows about the conflict between Popov and the leadership of the general staff. The reason for the conflict is simple. General Popov had the audacity to say straight into the faces of his superiors what others, with downcast eyes, preferred to keep silent about. For this he was disliked by his superiors and, in fact, he was expelled from the army. And now they intend to put him in jail. Probably for the edification of others. But he’s just as brave. So that no one would dare even doubt the genius of “academicians”. Or maybe the motive was even more base – to settle scores. It doesn’t matter. What is important is that if, against the background of today’s mega-scandals in the MoD for trillions of roubles (where many of the guilty will avoid arrest), and if Ivan Popov is jailed for this reason, it will be a monstrous injustice and a disgrace to the country. The country for which he has laid down everything he had.

    P.S. By the way, if it’s really important for someone to put things in order with corruption in the Russian Defence Ministry, and not to fulfill someone’s order, then I think together we will find a lot of more “worthy” candidates”, Podolyaka concluded.

    Later he added: “Why should this be happening … On the other side they are rejoicing over the arrest of Popov (the one who thwarted their plans for a “counter-attack”) in much the same way as our army recently rejoiced over the arrest of Ivanov [former Deputy Minister of Defence — ME].”

    News agency “Antifascist”



    1. Generals can be egomaniacs, it’s a professional hazard. The way he complained about counter-battery stuff seems excessively emotive.

      Plenty of dudes with brass stars get sacked for being impudent & big headed to their superiors.

      After all it’s not as if the MoD would be holding that stuff back for the AFU’s benefit, nor can they magically snap their fingers and produce a surplus.

      Let alone strip other units to benefit this guy’s command.

      Also these mil-blogger seem to be a bit whiney, naive or plain autistic. When it comes to practical reality.

      God help their mental health, if Russia was in half as bad a state as Ukraine is now. Or maybe they’d enjoy being “right”.


      1. We’ll see; he’s being accused of grand theft, or at least misdirection of state property on a grand scale, so he probably has a right to be a little emotive if he didn’t do anything. As for his fixation on counterbattery systems, such systems are fairly important. This conflict’s quickly settling into an artillery duel seemed to take the west by surprise, but tactics evolved rapidly, and now there is basically no such thing as dug-in artillery positions unless they are shielded by concrete or protected by air-defense systems. Anything in the field that fires much more than one salvo from the same position is looking to get stonked. Current tactics seem to be to set up as rapidly as possible, loose off as many rounds as rate of fire permits, and then break down the piece and move as quickly as it may be done. As soon as you fire, counterbattery radar is plotting the position from which the round originated and a return strike is quickly on its way.

        Ukraine’s terrain does not lend itself well to concealed movement or hidden artillery positions; however, in the modern battlefield environment of constant real-time surveillance, counterbattery systems are really only a broad search aid which tell drone operators in which direction to look. Similarly, even very capable air defense is not terribly effective at protecting artillery positions – or anything else, comes to that – against FAB bombs, and as long as the position has been located, it is at immediate risk of attack. Counterbattery stuff was nice to have before drones took such a prominent role, but it is arguable now if their assistance justifies their expense, particularly since counterbattery systems are unaware of the existence of a gun position until it has fired, whereas a drone can see the gun being maneuvered into position or traveling on a secondary road if the operator is looking at the right area at the right time. Several news sites have suggested Russia has a huge advantage in drone coverage. As well, Russian Electronic Warfare is arguably the best in the business, and drones are vulnerable to interference with their navigation systems or their data link which sends back positional information of targets, or both. Therefore, Russian drones have a surveillance advantage over the Ukrainian side.

        It seems unlikely the administration would cook up a massive misappropriation case against this individual simply for complaining about a perceived lack of focus on counterbattery equipment; especially as it might be a legitimate complaint, although compelling arguments could be made that other services fulfill a similar role. It’s likewise hard to imagine someone in politics or a senior military management role was so outraged at this criticism that they devised a scheme to frame him for something he claims he can easily disprove. There must be something we are missing from the equation.


  19. General Leiinish: “Russia does not even suspect the radically increased military power of Latvia”.

    Lieutenant General Leonīds Kalniņš

    Chief of Defence – Latvia

    Below, “Responsible Statecraft”:

    Latvia suggests it must ‘destroy’ Russia. That’s not helpful.

    Euro pronouncements about taking on Moscow only put the situation back on an escalatory path


    MAR 19, 2024

    When the presumptive Republican nominee for the U.S. presidency Donald Trump threatened that he would withdraw NATO protection from delinquent allies (i.e. those who do not invest enough in their own defense), his words drew widespread condemnation. Yet some of America’s European allies are not doing their cause any favors.

    On March 15, Latvia’s President Edgars Rinkēvičs expressed his “full support” for French President Emmanuel Macron’s hawkish stance toward Moscow, saying “we should not draw red lines for ourselves, we must draw red lines for Russia and we should not be afraid to enforce them.” Rinkēvičs failed to specify what these red lines were, but presumably, he referred to Macron’s hints at a possibility of sending NATO troops to fight Russia in Ukraine.

    This kind of rhetoric is a standard fare in European politicians’ speeches, particularly those leaders from Central and Eastern European countries. It has an advantage of projecting resolve while being sufficiently vague about what exactly would qualify as Ukraine’s victory and Russia’s defeat. But Rinkēvičs upped the ante by adding this phrase in Latin: “Russia delenda est.

    Delenda est” is a phrase used by Cato, a politician of the Roman Republic with respect to Carthago (Carthago delenda est) which is translated as “Carthago must be destroyed.” While some may interpret Rinkēvičs’s choice of words as an exhortation to steadfastly fight the enemy — Russia — it is reasonable to suggest that most people would take the phrase more literally: as a call to destroy, not just fight an enemy, in this case Russia.

    Certainly, this is how this call was perceived in Moscow: former president and current deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, true to form, responded with a volley of aggressive insults against Rinkēvičs and Latvia, calling him “a Nazi bastard,” his country “non-existent” and promising an “inevitable retribution.”

    It would be tempting to dismiss Medvedev’s unhinged verbiage as a desperate attempt to over-compensate for his once upon a time reputation as a relative dove. However, what the European politicians should consider is how their rhetoric is perceived by their allies in Washington at a time when there are tentative signs of a U.S. retrenchment from its omnipresent, hyper-activist global role. That is certainly even more true in the case of the Baltic states whose security depends almost entirely on American willingness to come to their aid should they be attacked. It is not clear whether Rinkēvičs fully gauged the impact his rhetoric might have on his most powerful ally.

    Elbridge Colby, a former Trump administration official, widely seen as a strong candidate for a key national security position should Trump win again in November, pointed out, in reference to Rinkēvičs’s words, that “for Americans to contemplate risking nuclear war with Russia over exposed NATO allies, it is vital that the allied cause can be seen as rational, defensive, and sober.” It is inferred that calls to destroy Russia are none of these and even invite an escalation of nuclear tensions. At a time when one of the two main political parties in the U.S., and one with a fair chance to regain the White House, is growingly skeptical of a further U.S. support for Ukraine, entangling the U.S. in a direct, and quite possibly, catastrophic conflict with Russia is hardly an enticing prospect.

    One plausible explanation for Rinkēvičs’s statement could be a fresh enthusiasm over Macron’s newly found hawkishness on Russia, including a prospect of a direct military intervention. But Macron himself has equivocated on this point by saying both that “perhaps at some point we’ll have to have operations on the ground to counter the Russian forces” and that he “won’t initiate it.”

    France, however, can afford to play strategic ambiguity as it is largely a militarily self-sufficient state at a safe distance from Russia. The Baltic states, by contrast, should be wary of escalating rhetoric and goals in the conflict both because of their higher vulnerability to a potential Russian aggression and greater dependence on external support.

    The sober and prudent assessment of the risks inherent in the present situation, however, seems to have been tossed aside in favor of a sterile moralist framing of the dilemmas facing the West. Macron set the tone by labeling those who disagreed with his newly combative stance as “cowards” — in a thinly-veiled reference to a more cautious German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas dismissed any restraint on the part of the West as a “trap of fear” that Putin sets against the allies to mask his own fear of war with NATO.

    Putin may indeed have strong reasons to want to avoid a direct clash with NATO as, in a conventional sense, NATO’s capabilities are amply superior to those of Russia. But that is exactly the point: if cornered, Russia’s conventional inferiority may lower the bar for a first use nuclear strike. Acting upon a threat to “destroy” Russia would certainly risk making this possibility more real. Can the Baltic states be confident of Washington’s continued readiness to engage in a nuclear brinkmanship with Russia on their behalf if their own actions are seen as unnecessarily provocative?

    We can keep helping Ukraine resist Russian aggression without embarking on a slippery slope of a misguided escalatory rhetoric.

    Eldar Mamedov

    Eldar Mamedov is a Brussels-based foreign policy expert

    The views expressed by authors on Responsible Statecraft do not necessarily reflect those of the Quincy Institute or its associates.


    “NATO’s capabilities are amply superior to those of Russia” — Eldar Mamedov.

    Eldar Mamedov has degrees from the University of Latvia and the Diplomatic School in Madrid, Spain. He has worked as a Latvian diplomat. Since 2009, Mamedov has served as a political advisor for the social-democrats in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP) and is in charge of the EP delegations for inter-parliamentary relations with Iran, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula.


    1. Latvia has about one third the population of St Petersburg, which by coincidence is rate their population shrank in the last 30 years.

      They project their existential angst onto Russia, because they know deep down their statelets have no future.

      France military self-sufficient! Lol, NATO superiority! Lol.

      The Ukrainians in all fairness would kick the ass of any NATO army. Because they’ve fought a real opponent, not helpless little basketcases.


  20. Ukrainian teenagers have the lowest intelligence

    The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies conducted IQ tests amongst adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years of age in EU countries, including candidate countries that wish to join the EU (36 countries in all).

    Too much lard, too little iodine, see!


  21. Kremlin lies!!!

    14: 52, 22 May 2024

    A Russian soldier was captured and convinced the Ukrainian Armed Forces to surrender

    A soldier of the 9th brigade of Russian troops with the call sign “Soroka” [“magpie” — ME] was captured and convinced the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to surrender. He told the WarGonzo project about this in Telegram.

    “We were going to into an assault. I was wounded at the start-point and I needed to hide somewhere to get bandaged up. ( … ) I jumped into a basement”, he said. In the basement were Ukrainian soldiers, who pointed machine guns at him, added the Russian stormtrooper. A colleague with the call sign Zolotoy [“golden” — ME] jumped into the basement after him; he was shot, but he survived.

    After having lost consciousness, Soroka woke up without a weapon. According to him, there were seven soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine in the basement. They planned to hand over the Russians to their commanding officers. Three Ukrainian soldiers who wanted to hand over the prisoners went in search of a lost radio. The remaining AFU soldiers were then mistakenly hit by friendly fire. “There were then just the two of us, plus four Ukrainians”, Soroka continued.

    He specified that the remaining Ukrainian military personnel were ordinary mobilized soldiers. During their conversation, Soroka was able to convince them to give themselves up. The Russian stormtrooper realized during the conversation that the AFU fighters did not want to take part in the fighting. According to Soroka, the Ukrainian servicemen were afraid of being shot, but he promised them he’d keep them safe and he kept his word.


  22. AiF

    22.05.2024 13:52

     Every man for himself. The West refused to discuss Zelensky’s plan for Russia

    Frothing at the mouth? — ME

    The summit of Western countries in Switzerland on the issue of the Ukraine has ended in complete failure for the regime of Vladimir Zelensky even before its start. The United States and European countries have refused to discuss Zelensky’s “formula for peace” and a presentation of an ultimatum to Russia. Instead, the West will solve its own problems.

    Back on 20 May, Zelensky, whose presidential term expired on 21 May, with great bravura stated that the Swiss summit on the Ukraine was primarily needed to put pressure on Russia. According to his plan, as many countries as possible would go there, behind whose backs Kiev would persuade Moscow to accept its conditions — the withdrawal of troops to the borders of 1991, including the return of the Crimea, and reparations.

    “And then Russia will have to answer to the majority of the world, and not to the Ukraine… No one says that tomorrow Russia will agree, but it is important that we have the initiative”, he explained in an interview with Western journalists.

    He was not bothered by the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin repeatedly publicly stated that negotiations are possible only “taking into account the situation on the ground”, that is, on the battlefield. And there, the situation for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine is disastrous — multibillion-dollar packages of financial and military assistance from the West are only allowing a slowing down of the advance of Russian troops.

    “We do not know about any [of Zelensky’s] formulas: we are not going to discuss them. But we have never refused to negotiate, unlike the Ukrainian side. It was they who withdrew from the negotiations; it was they who said that they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us, that they would fight to the end, to the last Ukrainian… What the point of this event [in Switzerland] is clear — to gather as many countries as possible, and then declare that [the decision] has been agreed upon by everyone, and presented to Russia as an ultimatum. There will be no such development”, Putin said bluntly at a press conference during a recent visit to China.

    The question of legitimacy

    One of the problems in the negotiations is the question of Zelensky’s legitimacy. “The question of legitimacy should be answered by the political and legal system of the Ukraine itself. There are all sorts of options in the Constitution. This is a matter for evaluation. And this assessment should be given by the Constitutional Court and the political system of the whole of the Ukraine. This is important for us, because if it comes to signing any documents, we must sign documents in such a fateful area with the legitimate authorities: this is obvious”, Putin said, clarifying the Russian position.

    The legitimacy of the leader of the Kiev regime has, apparently, confused his Western partners, who have refused to discuss the “formula for peace”, and in fact an ultimatum to Russia. Two days after his bravura statements in an interview with Western media, Zelensky himself indirectly admitted this. Commenting on the summit for Reuters, he admitted that there will be three issues on the agenda, and none on his initiative.

    “These three points are nuclear security, the safety of navigation in the Black and Azov Seas, as well as the return of Ukrainian children and the exchange of “all for all”. If all countries support it, they will develop a technical step-by-step plan and then present it to Russia… And then Russia will have to answer to the world majority”, he said.Foaming at the mouth.

    [The world majority? Are representatives of the majority of world states going to be attendance at thus shambolic conference? — Me]

    Thus, Zelensky has recognized the failure of his obviously impossible “formula for peace”. Moreover, the West is increasingly talking about the excessive radicalism of the leader of the Kiev regime. For example, yesterday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz opposed Zelensky’s idea of creating a “no-fly zone” in western Ukraine. The head of the Kiev regime proposed that NATO aircraft be concentrated on the border with his country and that Russian missiles and aircraft be shot down by them from there.

    In an interview with Bild, Scholz explained that by doing so, the Kiev regime wants to involve Germany, Europe and NATO “directly in the conflict in the Ukraine”. And these plans “can turn Germany into a ‘war party’ and lead to unpredictable reactions from Russia”. “No decision should be made when foaming at the mouth” the Chancellor said.

    The leaders of the Global South, led by China, have refused to fly to the summit in Switzerland because of the madness of Zelensky’s ideas and the senselessness of discussing anything without Russia. At the same time, Chinese President Xi Jinping has discussed peace in the Ukraine with Putin, and earlier he voiced his 12 points on the basis of which negotiations could be held.

    The main thing is money.

    The West’s refusal to discuss Zelensky’s “peace formula” and its focusing on economic and humanitarian issues suggests that its own financial interests are more important to the US and Europe, reserve lieutenant colonel Oleg Ivannikov, a candidate of historical sciences, explained to aif.ru.

    “All three agendas of the summit in Switzerland relate to the stupidity of Zelensky himself. On nuclear safety — Kiev has constantly shelled Zaporizhia NPP; safety of navigation — the ability to trade, which is called into question by attacks of Ukrainian sea drones and sea mines; and the West is all about money. The West does not support the ideology of Nazism, but it helps the Ukraine only because geopolitical interests coincide — there is an opportunity to try and weaken Russia”, Ivannikov ource says.

    According to Ivannikov, Zelensky’s “absurd peace formula” and his other initiatives will not be seriously considered by anyone now, because the question of the legitimacy of the former president of the Ukraine also arises now “There is no point in discussing peace with an illegitimate president. Because the status of any agreement will be called into question”, he added.

    Western pragmatism

    Experts of the Strategic Culture Foundation also speak about the pragmatism of the West. “The call for NATO to strengthen its deterrence of Russia in the Black Sea is related to concern that Russia’s presence in the region makes it difficult for the West to penetrate the Caucasus, the Middle East and Africa, and does not allow it to take control of oil and gas routes from Asia to Europe”, the organization notes.

    Amongst the Kremlin’s steps that have prevented the West from strengthening its presence in the Black Sea, experts have named recognition of the statehood of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the reunification of Crimea with Russia, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

    “Russia should be discouraged. How? Through a policy of sharp and coordinated deterrence. The strategy provides for the modernization of the Mikhail Kogalniceanu NATO base in Romania, equipping the Romanian and Bulgarian Navies with modern weapons, and more aggressive diplomacy towards Russia”, the experts added.


    1. It”s hard to see what the west is bitching about, especially now that Putin has come around to European leaders’ position, and agrees that the war must be won on the battlefield; his statement that ‘negotiations are possible only taking into account the situation on the ground’ can hardly be interpreted any other way. That wasn’t always the situation, of course; once it would have been possible to come to an agreement without any actual fighting at all. But the west assessed a willingness to negotiate as a display of weakness, and insisted the decision was entirely Ukraine’s, and if it wanted to be pro-Nazi and a member of NATO, well, who was Russia to tell it it could not? The options were reduced to capitulation and acceptance of the west’s judgment and reordering, or fight. Unsurprisingly to anyone who knows anything about Russia – which, apparently, does not include any decision-makers in NATO – Russia chose to fight. And as soon as punches were thrown, Ukraine agreed it would be okay to talk, and initialed an agreement which would have given Russia more or less what it was asking for within the limits of what lay within Ukraine’s power to grant, as well as territorial concessions. And the rest is history; the leader of the UK parachuted in to slap Ukraine silly and tell it to not be such a sissy, and to fight, and it did, and here we are, with Ukraine in an obviously disadvantageous position that pretty much no amount of donated western money will alleviate, because only about 10% of the country’s utilities are working and any which are repaired can be as easily destroyed again. Ukraine’s leadership clearly did not envision begging for enough Patriot systems (together with their American operating crews, but the less said about that, the better) to protect a few power stations just so they can keep the lights on, especially after the glorious counteroffensive when Ukrainians were tearing across open fields and seizing control of wide-spot-in-the-road settlements they had already lost to Russia. Yes, those were great days, the like of which might inspire young men to shave their heads except for one stupid hank of long hair hanging in their eyes, and go off in pursuit of glory. But those days are over, and what lies ahead is certain misery and slow attrition, and businesses shutting down one by one as the Army siphons off their workers to go and die, or be incapacitated for the rest of their lives, on the front line. Ukraine proved incapable of reaching the Russian defensive lines, but it cannot duplicate those defenses on its own behalf because everything is now visible to round-the-clock drone surveillance and construction equipment trying to build defenses will be destroyed. The west is trying to deliver ammunition and missiles, but it has to reach the front lines and surveillance overhead can see anything big enough to be carrying such supplies. Putting systems together in Poland and then driving them across the border to the front is also not a sustainable option. And as Europe has recently learned, the second-biggest gas storage complex in Europe – in western Ukraine – was completely destroyed. Oh, the gas is probably still there, safe underground – but the pumping and distribution and liquefaction equipment is just twisted junk. Europeans who can read a calendar as far as winter are looking at insane gas prices and a total reliance on American LNG, with no Nord Stream to help them out. And no gas storage complex in Ukraine is safe.

      It must be dawning on Zelensky that the west has lost its appetite for Teaching Russia A Lesson; there aren’t enough Ukrainians left to whip it like Washington and London and Brussels wanted, but the west dares not openly enter Ukraine on its side. It’s only a matter of time, but the longer Ukraine waits, the poorer its chances of eventual recovery.


  23. Totally fuckin’ blown ’em!

    From RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, a Hannover-based joint corporate newsroom: 

    Putin has both eyes fixe on Gotland”: Swedish army chief warns of Russian Baltic Sea fantasies.

    Die Welt

    „Bin mir sicher, dass Putin beide Augen auf Gotland geworfen hat“


    Nicht nur im Baltikum wächst die Sorge vor Russland: Auch in Schweden warnt man vor Putins Machtambitionen an der Ostsee. Der Oberbefehlshaber der schwedischen Streitkräfte, Micael Byden, schlägt Alarm: „Putins Ziel ist es, die Kontrolle über die Ostsee zu erlangen“, warnt er.

    “I am sure that Putin has both eyes fixed on Gotland.”

    Concern about Russia is not only growing in the Baltics: Sweden is also warning about Putin’s ambitions for power in the Baltic Sea. The commander-in-chief of the Swedish armed forces, Micael Byden, is sounding the alarm: “Putin’s goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea”, he warns.

    Any relation to geriatric Joe, I wonder?

    And for those of you who do not know where Gotland is . . .


    1. I’ve heard of Gotland, it’s supposed to be the place (along with southern Sweden) where the Goths who terrorised the Roman Empire came from.

      A story has it that, two thousand years ago, the Goths and the Svear vied and fought for control of central and south-central Sweden. After one big battle, the defeated side had to leave Sweden and go south into the lands that are now part of Germany and Poland while the victors claimed all the lands of the vanquished.

      Modern name for Sweden in Swedish is Sverige, which is an abbreviated version of Svearike (the kingdom of the Svear).


    2. Uhhhh….wants it for what? To build a great whopping palace on it for himself and Alina Kabayeva and their ten illegitimate children?

      This is the reality, people. These are the folks who are running the world. Nutjobs who simply make things up, presumably so they can announce how with firm resolve and unstinting courage, they prevented Putin from seizing Gotland.


  24. It seems that the Kiev Rat’s whining about an equal one-for-one exchange of PoWs is just so much bullshit as per usual: he only wants back his Praetorian Nazi guards:

    Simonyan has said that Kiev does not want to exchange 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war

    Simonyan has promised to publish a list of Ukrainians whom Kiev does not want to exchange

    Moscow , 22 May, 2024, 17:37 – IA Regnum. The editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and the RT television channel, Margarita Simonyan, has promised to publish a list of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war whom the Kiev regime has refused to exchange for four months.

    “ I have complete lists of 500 Ukrainian prisoners of war, whom Kiev has been refusing to exchange for four months now. Zelensky has selected 38 people – Azovites (the Azov formation is an organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) and others – and is ready to take only them. Ukraine doesn’t need the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers ,” she wrote in the Telegram channel

    She clarified that the lists contain the names and dates of birth of prisoners of war.

    Simonyan promised to publish the list on the evening of 22 May.

    “ I think wives, mothers and Ukrainian citizens in general will be interested in reading it”, added the editor-in-chief of RT.

    As Regnum reported , Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the end of January that the ratio of Russian and Ukrainian prisoners of war is one to ten. Putin also said that Russia is ready to continue the exchange of prisoners, despite the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down an Il-76 with 195 of its own prisoners of war.

    The last exchange between Russia and Ukraine took place on February 8 using the “100 to 100” formula. It was noted that the United Arab Emirates took part in mediating the return of the Russian military.

    Before this, on 1 February, another group of Russian soldiers released from Ukrainian captivity returned to the Moscow region. The parties exchanged according to the formula “195 to 195”.


  25. Might not be a bad idea, though — I mean letting the Kiev Shithouse Rat have his Praetorian Guard Nazis back “protecting” him in Kiev or wherever he has sneaked off to, though rumour has it that British SAS soldiers are guarding the filthy little rodent.

    The Imperial Rome Praetorian Guard in the end got pissed off on more than one occasion with their imperial wards and bumped them off.


  26. Ha! The Downing Street dwarf has called a snap election for July.

    Goodbye Sunak, Shapps, Dave and all the rest.

    Starmer of the British Labour Party will be the new PM.

    What a bundle of laughs that’ll be!


    1. Not sure that the next clown car in 10 Downing Street will be all that funny, especially if Sir Keir Starmer (heading a supposedly workers’ party) decides he needs Tony Blair back in an “eminence grise” role in Cabinet.


  27. Anyone who is looking for lessons on how to say ‘No’ without actually saying ‘No’ should consider learning from Romania’s president. He claims it remains possible that Romania will transfer a Patriot air-defense system to Ukraine, but doing so must not compromise Romania’s air defense.

    Romania has one system. He did not elaborate on how Romania could have no Patriot system without compromising national air defense. But then, perhaps he doesn’t need to.



  28. Ukraine hopes to acquire parts from Germany’s long-since-decommissioned coal-fired power plants to make repairs to its wrecked electricity-generation plants before winter. Well, before that, actually – peak summer power draws are about the same as winter, as residents try to keep cool. Good thing there aren’t many residents now; that might help. Anyway, that was a big part of Baerbock’s recent rock-star tour of Keeeve. Help us, Annalena!! Send us spare parts from the dirtiest-possible power-generation equipment so we can blacken the skies over Ukraine to keep those citizens still living here from sweating too much. And never mind that green-agenda bullshit, either.


    Aren’t you glad you stepped up to oppose the completion of the Nord Stream twin lines, Annalena? Especially with the price of natural gas climbing and climbing…and remember that what little stability there was came from knowledge that gas storages were filled to higher than the usual capacity at this time of year, about 60% versus around 45% over the last five years. Mind you, that satisfaction was before the second-biggest gas storage in Europe got blown to the moon in a missile strike. Since then – although the rapid rise is attributed to uncertainty over the situation in the Middle East – the price climbed 20% in a single week.


    Oh; I almost forgot – a Russian court in St Petersburg ordered the seizure of assets in Russia of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, over a lawsuit related to building of an LNG terminal in the Baltic for which those banks were guarantors, but who withdrew their support in obedience to sanctions, causing the cancellation of the project. Goodness!!


    Things just keep happening that make you drag your fingers down your cheeks and say to yourself, this can’t be happening, don’t they? Your pal Robert Habeck the stubble farmer opined that the German economy is ‘dramatically bad’, and it must be at least bad enough that he still cannot afford a blade for his razor.


    “Today, he said that Germany had been hit by a “very specific situation” after Putin’s full invasion of Ukraine because its energy-intensive industries were dependent on Russian gas.”

    Gosh – nobody could have seen that coming. Well, nobody from Europe’s current crop of turnip-headed politicians.


  29. Shaun ‘The Dill’ Walker has discovered an abiding sympathy and humanitarian concern for the people of Kharkov – although, naturally, he spells it the Ukrainian way – as he commiserates with them in their hour of darkness. The city, he tells us, is ‘under constant attack’.


    Oddly, no such empathetic instincts were observed on behalf of the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk during the 8 years the Ukrainian Army shelled them day and night, without apparently aiming in any more discriminatory fashion than ensuring they hit the city somewhere. I guess this must be a recent conversion.


  30. On the extremely obnoxious kreakl Makarevich, “foreign agent” and hater of Russia and Russians:

    Makarevich’s Drift*: how the artist who raised the price tag for his performances ignores fans

    19 May

    Photo © AGN "Moscow" / Sergey Kiselyov

    Photo © AGN “Moscow” / Sergey Kiselyov

    The fugitive foreign agent Andrey Makarevich * has never been distinguished by his love for humanity. This is evident not only in his statements, but also in his behaviour in society. About why fans have absolutely nothing to love the artist for, see material in group “Paragraph”.

    The leader of the group “Time Machine” and the newly minted “patriot of Israel” Andrey Makarevich * has never been distinguished by exemplary behaviour. The scandalous rocker regularly did unexpected things which were remembered for a long time by his fans. “Paragraph” managed to collect facts about the toxicity of the musician.

    What does Makarevich* think about the people around him

    Fans of Makarevich* will hardly be able to remember any hits of the artist written over the past 20 years. But there are cartloads of ambiguous statements, demonstrating his arrogance.

    A few years ago, the artist said that “eighty percent of our planet are idiots”, and proposed that his statement be taken as a given. He put himself, of course, in the “lucky” twenty percent.

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) / Andrey Makarevich

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) / Andrey Makarevich

    In 2018, Makarevich * once again spat at humanity, this time clarifying that he did not like his compatriots in the first place. He called the Russians “evil morons” and said that Americans are “much friendlier”. Later, the artist tried to justify himself, but, as they say, “you can’t argue against the facts”.

    After the start of the special operation, Makarevich’s statements * reached the peak of their inadequacy. So, two years ago, he came to the defence of our departed celebrities — Russophobes all — and called his compatriots “arseholes” and said that it was “Russia that had left them”, and not they who had left Russias.

    Later, in an interview, the “inoagent” [“foreign agent” — ME] welcomed the fact that as a result of sanctions, a number of medicines from abroad were no longer arriving in our country. In his opinion, we deserved it.

    However, Makarevich* did not show his attitude to the public with single statements. His actions on stage clearly confirm everything he said.

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) / Andrey Makarevich

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) / Andrey MakarevichOutrageous Makarevich concerts*

    On 3 April, 2017, a terrorist attack occurred in the St. Petersburg metro, as a result of which 16 people were killed. On the same day, Makarevich* performed a concert in the Northern Capital. The artist’s act of complete indifference caused outrage among his compatriots, who expected him to refuse to go on stage out of solidarity.

    However, he made a different decision and the show went on. After that, he justified himself by saying that a cancellation of the event on the day of the tragedy would have been “a demonstration of our fear of terrorists”. The last nail in the coffin of the artist’s reputation was hammered in by his press secretary. He said that “Time Machine” performed even after the terrorist attack at the Krylia Rock Festival in Moscow in 2003.

    At the beginning of 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Makarevich * showed disregard for sanitary standards. In pursuit of earnings, the musician performed at a private event in Yekaterinburg, which was attended by several dozen people who were without masks and did not observe a social distance.

    This caused a public outcry. Netizens accused the artist of ignoring the rules, which, as you know, are the same for everyone. However, neither Makarevich nor his representatives gave any comments on the situation.

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) / Andrey Makarevich

    Photo © Facebook (recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) /

    Andrey MakarevichMakarevich * increased the cost of his speaking engagements

    Despite his disdain for most of the world, Makarevich * decided that many people were eager to see him on stage, and he raised the price tag. He started asking for €35,000 per performance – €5,000 more than before. According to media reports, the for that kind of money, the rocker sitting on two chairs was ready to perform even those songs that he had refused to sing for “political reasons”.

    The indicated price for the performance traditionally does not include a household rider with payment for the flight, escort from the airport, the best hotel and food. Before the concert, Makarevich * intends to “fill up” with 18-year-old whiskey and a bottle of red wine. As a snack, he will prefer salted gherkins, fresh fruit, bread and bitter chocolate. In addition, the “outstanding vocalist” can request the service of a phoniatrist.

    Photo © AGN "Moscow" / Sergey Kiselyov

    Photo © AGN “Moscow” / Sergey KiselyovMakarevich’s colleague * on the shop floor explained his arrogant behavior

    The leader of the group “Bakhyt-Compot” Vadim Stepantsov in an interview with “Paragraph” explained the arrogant behaviour of Andrei Makarevich with the good old phrase about a golden spoon in his mouth. Born in a well-to-do family, the future artist never needed anything and studied at a special school with an English bias.

    According to a colleague of the foreign agent, apparently, the future leader of the “Time Machine” in childhood was not taught to love people:

    “Andrey Vadimovich’s statements speak exclusively about the small mind and arrogance of a man born with a golden spoon in his mouth. You know, not everyone can live in the family of an architect favored by the authorities (Vadim Makarevich, the musician’s father, was a famous architect and teacher-approx.). He could not destroy the proverbial “spoon”in himself. Makarevich was not taught to love people . To to treat with minimal sympathy those who were hooked by their shallow and monotonous work he did not learn on his own. He has no emotions, no heart, no mental strength.

    Stepantsov stressed that when “the time came to bare one’s soul and to disdain others”, Makarevich successfully did that.

    After the start of the special operation, the leader of the “Time Machine” decided to stay abroad, from where he continued to actively throw mud at his homeland in numerous interviews with the Western press. For example, he said that Russia allegedly should give new regions to Ukraine. In 2022, the fugitive artist was recognized as a foreign agent. He did not manage to challenge his status through the court.

    Recently, Makarevich* fell victim to a prank by Vovan and Lexus, after which he tried to justify himself by saying that he was treacherously deceived, and the video was allegedly edited. However, one of the prankers in an interview with “Paragraph” said that the artist was just trying to justify his own stupidity with such words.

    * Recognized as a foreign agent by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    Total wanker!


    1. Agreed, although I cannot hold some of his statements against him, and I always say myself that if you have to share the planet with idiots, you might as well seek out friendly idiots for company. Ditto his disdain for masking during COVID; it does nothing at all to prevent you from contracting an airborne viral illness, and it turns out that many of the people we were encouraged to ‘mask up’ in order to protect are jackasses the world would be better off without even if masking did work.

      I daresay when I am on my deathbed I will repent of my harshness and judgment. and the same will probably be true of Makarevich – he will remember he is a Russian, and yearn for the solace of fellowship even as his vision closes in to darkness and it is too late.


      1. As a matter of fact, Makarevich is one of the “Chosen People” on his mother’s side , so he’s strictly kosher. His mother, by the way, was no ordinary Jewish Soviet citizen: she was a top lung specialist and microbiologist. Papa Makarevich was a noted architect with Belorussian — hence the family name — and Polish aristocratic forebears.


  31. The West with back-breaking work divides its gains.

    Today in Italy, the G7 gang, which has appointed itself as “broker”, bypassing the UN Security Council, will begin to divide the stolen money from Russia.

    In fact, this is what the entire collective West will be doing in the coming days. After all, Biden has signed a law that allows anyone to be robbed for “bad behaviour”.

    Two days earlier, the EU countries took not the biggest, but a confident step towards their own economic, and possibly political disaster. The EU Council approved a decision that will allow Brussels to use proceeds from frozen assets for military assistance to Kiev. A statement about this was officially posted on the organization’s website and, by the way, according to international law, it is quite a casus belli.

    Thank God, the Kremlin has had enough patience to fire on a completely legal basis brand new Russian Sarmat missiles at European capitals.

    And not only at the economic level.

    Let us just recall that after the start of the SMO, the G7 countries, the EU and Australia froze almost half of Russian foreign exchange reserves amounting to about €300 billion. Of these, funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation alone amounting to about €191 billion are in the EU, mainly in the accounts of the Belgian Euroclear, one one of the world’s largest settlement and clearing systems (for comparison: even in London there are only about €22 billion, and in the USA only $4.6 billion).

    It should be noted that until recently the EU had been discussing ways to use frozen assets only to finance the restoration of Ukraine.

    Well, now the time has come for war itself.

    And although it is clear that Europe has resisted and continues to resist the pressure of the Americans, who want to force the EU and Euroclear not just to transfer interest on profits from frozen assets, but to transfer the assets themselves, sooner or later (more likely, sooner) the Americans will make the EU and Euroclear give them the assets: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in particular, has already stated that the topic of confiscation of Russian assets will be the main topic at the upcoming G7 negotiations on 23-25 May in Italy, and the transfer of interest here looks like the “last concession” of Europe, despite all the warnings of the European Central Bank, which explicitly stated that the erosion of confidence in European institutions caused by such actions would be irreversible and the long-term losses from it cannot even be calculated.

    Obviously, the EU decision did not come as a surprise to the Russian leadership. Even Sergey Lavrov has officially, on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry, warned that Russia will definitely make a response if frozen Russian assets are confiscated.

    As for the rest of us, this is a public lesson.


    1. Once again, what they have decided to appropriate for redistribution to a ‘good’ country – or perhaps for their own use, as they will likely use the funds to buy weapons from their own stores – is the proceeds of the frozen assets, being the interest earned on those investments, which I suppose they could argue technically that Russia did not put in. They keep repeating the figures of total assets frozen – about €300 billion – as though this amount was going to be spent on Ukraine. It is not. It is the PROCEEDS from these investments.

      Even that is illegal as hell and will certainly impose a chilling effect on FDI into western countries, because the moment you piss them off they will freeze your assets and skim off the interest, as a punishment. But they could give Ukraine $300 Trillion now and it would not save it unless the money was used to buy soldiers from abroad – its army is wiped out and nearly all that remains is conscripts mustered like cattle and trundled off to the front with rifles in hand; their skilled professionals are nearly all dead and all they have left is infantry and some of their artillery professionals.

      They may be dancing in the streets and celebrating, but what they are trying to paint as a momentous decision is not going to make any real difference other than cementing the division of Europe and Russia into enemy camps. That’s a victory for America, surely, but it will soon find it cannot supply its captive market as it was confident it could. Not at anything approaching what they were paying, although it is most certainly in American interest to either squash the so-called ‘green agenda’ quickly or else get LNG reclassified as ‘green energy’.

      Oh, and the action is likely to inspire further Russian confiscation of such western assets as remain in the country.


      1. Oh, and the action is likely to inspire further Russian confiscation of such western assets as remain in the country ...

        See below.


        1. Yes, I did see that; good. Past time for Russia to move ahead with severing all its connections with the west, and the next time NATO wants help with ‘international problems’ such as money-laundering or illegal immigration, it can be ignored altogether. The amusing part is that unless the west DOES push ahead with a ‘green agenda’ – which at present is unsustainably expensive and inefficient, but who knows what technological leaps might lie ahead? – it is going to find itself on an unequal playing field with major countries like Russia and China, whose development will benefit from cheap energy. But to diversify away from hydrocarbons means abandoning some of its biggest moneymakers. This year in the USA, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil accounted for over $40 Billion in earnings for 2023,



          …but more importantly, others among its top earners are heavily dependent on China. Walmart’s entire business model relies on the import of cheaply-produced goods from Asia, mostly China.


          Additionally, American top earner Apple admits its manufacturing is performed wholly or in part by outsourcing partners, and of those, the dominant one is China.

          “In their Annual Report, Apple admits that “business can be impacted by political events, trade and other international disputes” and that “the Company’s manufacturing is performed in whole or in part by outsourcing partners located primarily in Asia, including China mainland, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam.”

          This is disingenuous at best. More than 95% of iPhones, AirPods, Macs and iPads are made in China. By October 2010, Foxconn’s factories in Shenzhen alone had as many as 500,000 workers. Foxconn is Apple’s key contract manufacturing partner.”

          Apple realizes these results, and its huge profits, by operating in a strikingly similar fashion to Walmart.

          “Apple tightly directs partner processes and activities. Apple would dangle a commitment to buy a custom component – a part no other company would be allowed to buy – in massive quantities in return for taking effective control of the supplier’s R&D. In some cases, Apple would not just specify the production equipment to be used by the supplier on their factory floor, they would buy it and own it. There are also an array of specialized production and supply chain processes jointly developed by Apple and their partners. Specialized sub-suppliers and contractors have grown up to support Apple’s partners. FT points out that “if Foxconn, for example, needs to install sonic welders — a process to merge different metals or plastics with ultrasonic energy — it can call up any number of firms to run the line and hire the labor.”

          As a result, China offers labor with specialized skill sets hard to find anywhere else. “Cook,” FT reported, in “explaining why Apple couldn’t manufacture at scale in the US, once told an audience that if every tool and die maker in America were invited to the auditorium where he was speaking, they ‘wouldn’t fill the room’. Whereas in China, ‘you would need several cities to fill with tool and diemakers’.”

          As the closing paragraph suggests, Apple’s trumpeting of moving some operations to India is mostly a diversion – while those operations (Final Test and Assembly) are labor-intensive, they do not require a high degree of specialized skills.


          America’s economy is extremely vulnerable owing to its exposure to China. And the Sino-Russian alliance grows stronger every day.

          If the west’s appropriation of profits earned on captive Russian assets – which are obviously not ‘frozen’ at all, but being operated by the entities with whom they were invested, else they would not be earning interest – is perceived by themselves as being perfectly legal, ask yourself what their reaction would be to Russia doing it to them. We may find out very soon, although it likely will affect Europe more; the United States, knowing in advance every step of the process, will have minimized its own vulnerability to the degree it is possible. But that last linked article contains a general paragraph which explicitly recognizes that a consequence of America’s deliberate and suicidal fabrication of an enemy in Russia, entirely for its own selfish purposes, is the death of globalism for everyone who vested their hopes in it.

          “However, trade barriers are apt to increase. We are beginning to move from a world of “free trade” to one of bilateral trading blocs. In this new world, democracies will increasingly do business with each other. Similarly, dictatorships and pseudo democracies will increasingly trade with each other.”

          I’m sure you noticed that newly-minted term, ‘pseudo democracies’. Nice, huh? Even if your leaders are chosen by popular vote, you will never be a real democracy like the Trademark Original Democracy, which chooses its leader through the complex electoral college, a system which allows the appointed electors for a state to vote against the candidate who won a majority of that state’s votes; this exact tactic was encouraged upon electors in desperation to prevent Trump from being elected to his first term. Anyway, globalism and free trade, once the hope of corporate movers and shakers around the world, are dead and stinking. The new ‘bilateral system’ is likely to usher in an even more predatory USA as its massive corporations try to sustain their profits by preying on markets in ‘like-minded countries’, and one of the first concepts likely to sustain fierce attacks will be national subsidies.


  32. 23 May, 14: 58 

    Putin has allowed the use of US property to compensate for the seizure of assets

    After the start of the military operation in the Ukraine, Western countries froze the assets of the Russian Central Bank by an amount of about $300 billion, the Ministry of Finance reported. Putin has issued a decree allowing the use of American property in Russia to compensate for damage

    Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin (Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / Sputnik / Reuters)

    Russian courts have been granted the right to use American property in Russia to compensate for damage caused by the seizure of Russian assets in the United States, according to a decree issued by President Vladimir Putin.

    We are talking about the movable and immovable property of the United States, American companies and citizens located on the territory of Russia, as well as their securities, shares in the authorized capital of Russian companies and other property rights of the United States and Americans in Russia.

    As follows from the decree, a Russian owner of property rights represented by the state or the Central Bank, in case of confiscation of this property in the United States, has the right to apply to the court with a request to establish the fact of “unjustified deprivation of his property rights” in the United States. If the court agrees with the application, it requests a list of U.S. property in Russia from the government’s Foreign Investment Control Commission.

    The Commission then identifies U.S. property that “may be used for the purpose of compensating damages, subject to the principle of proportionality”. “The decision [of the court] establishing the fact of unjustified deprivation of the Russian right holder’s rights to property and compensation for damage provides for the termination of rights to US property or a US person included in the list, and the subsequent transfer of these rights to the Russian right holder in order to compensate for damage”, the presidential decree says.

    According to the US Congress, US financial institutions hold $4-5 billion in assets of the Russian Central Bank. In April, US President Joe Biden signed the REPO Act, which allows the confiscation of Russian sovereign assets under the jurisdiction of the United States (including assets of the Bank of Russia), in whole or in part. At the same time, the document states that such a decision is not subject to judicial review, except in cases of alleged deprivation of rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. American lawyers are ambivalent about whether Russia has constitutional rights in the United States that could prevent the confiscation of its assets.

    The decree is aimed at creating a mechanism in Russia, using which the Russian court, with the assistance of the government commission for monitoring foreign investment, will be able to identify the assets of American individuals in Russia and at their expense compensate for the value of Russian assets, if they are lost by decision of state bodies or US courts, says the project manager of “S&K Vertical” Boris Romanov. He emphasizes that the decree sets restrictions on persons entitled to compensation for such losses: they can only be the Central Bank of Russia or the Russian Federation itself (that is, the state).

    “It is likely that the adoption of this decree, amongst other things, is aimed at preventing (anticipating) possible confiscation of the Central Bank’s assets by US government agencies”, Romanov believes.

    The decree contains a wide range of persons whose property can be foreclosed on: any persons or organizations that are directly or indirectly related to the US jurisdiction, says Forward Legal lawyer Oles Gruzdev. “This means that the conditional Apple Inc, which theoretically could have shares in Russian companies, may lose its shares on the basis of this decree”, he said.

    The question of whether the property of Russian companies, “subsidiaries” of US companies, can fall under this list is ambiguous, Gruzdev believes. On the one hand, no, because the Russian company is subject to Russian laws. On the other hand, it is impossible to exclude the situation when the court considers that owing to the absolute control of an American person over a Russian company, the latter de facto acts as a US person, and foreclose on its property. “Nevertheless, the probability of such a development of events currently seems unlikely to me”, the lawyer said.

    Since special accounts (including C-type accounts) contain a large amount of assets belonging to foreign persons, including those from the US, it cannot be ruled out that it is at the expense of such assets that Russia can satisfy its claims in case of confiscation of its reserves in the US, Gruzdev adds.

    The decree allowing compensation for damage caused to the Russian Federation and the Central Bank sets the stage for a precedent allowing compensation for such damage at the expense of property owned by the United States and US individuals (including individuals), subject to the procedure provided for by the decree, says Victoria Bortkevicha, global managing partner of Better Chance.

    In relevant court decisions, most likely the amount of damage will be indicated, as well as movable and immovable property belonging to the United States or US persons on the territory of Russia, as well as shares, shares in the authorized capital of Russian companies, and corresponding property rights, to be transferred (as compensation for damage), she pointed out.

    After the start of the military operation in the Ukraine, Western countries froze the assets of the Russian Central Bank in the form of cash and securities worth about 260 billion euros. More than two-thirds of them are located in the Belgian Euroclear. The Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2022 estimated the volume of frozen assets at about $300 billion. The US Department of Justice announced the seizure of assets of Russian businessmen worth $500 million, but the volume of Russian state assets seized in the United States was not disclosed.

    Moscow condemns Western sanctions. The Kremlin noted that the confiscation of Russian assets will be “a solid nail in the future coffin of the entire Western economic coordinate system”, as well as “the subject of some retaliatory actions and the subject of legal proceedings”. “If such a decision [on the withdrawal of Russian assets] is made, then an absolutely symmetrical response will follow from the Russian Federation. We also have enough assets that are frozen here, are also in the accounts of the so-called S, these are our obligations on securities, dividends, and those that make up our obligations to foreign counterparties from unfriendly countries”, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in December. Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev previously said that the amount of funds held by non-residents in C accounts is comparable to Russia’s frozen assets.


  33. Putin has authorized the confiscation of USA and American property in Russia in response to asset confiscation.

    But . . . but . . . but that’s — illegal!


  34. Two more Russian officials arrested in widening military corruption probe

    By Andrew Osborn and Mark Trevelyan

    May 24, 20242:42 AM GMT+3Updated 2 hours ago

    Photo of deputy head of the army's general staff, Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin

    Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, deputy head of the army’s general staff, is seen in this image on October 6, 2023. Russian Defence Ministry/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo

    • Summary
    • Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin accused of taking bribes
    • Defence procurement official is also arrested
    • Corruption probe shakes army’s top brass
    • Defence ministry undergoing major shake-up, say analysts

    May 23 (Reuters) – Russia has arrested two more top figures – the deputy head of the army’s General Staff and a senior procurement official at the defence ministry – in a widening bribery scandal, investigators said on Thursday.

    The arrests of Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin and ministry official Vladimir Verteletsky raised the number of detained military and defence officials to five in the space of a month.

    Three other men, including a former construction company boss suspected of paying bribes, have also been arrested, signalling a major effort to stamp out corruption surrounding the awarding of lucrative military contracts at a time when Russian forces are fighting in Ukraine.


    If proven guilty — firing squad!

    This is a time of war, is it not?

    Russian soldiers are dying whilst certain parties are allegedly raking it in.

    Shamarin’s wife, by the way, says he has been framed.

    The Independent, UK

    Putin’s military purge ramps up as another Russian general arrested

    It is the fourth arrest of a high-ranking defence figure in the space of a month

    Andrew Osborn, Mark Trevelyan 11 hours ago

    [Note: authors of the Independent article are the same who penned the Reuters article above. All the same choristers singing from the same song sheet printed out by the free, independent non-government-controlled — better said: deep-state-controlled —Western media. And why “Putin’s purge”? Does due legal procedure in Russia only take place when permitted by the Dark Lord? — ME]

    The deputy head of the Russian army’s General Staff has been accused of taking bribes and arrested, investigators have said – the latest in a slew of high-profile cases of alleged corruption to shake Vladimir Putin’s top brass.

    The arrest of Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin is the fourth detention of a high-ranking defence figure within a month, starting on 23 April when Deputy Defence Minister Timur Ivanov was placed in pre-trial detention for suspected bribe-taking.

    Since then, Lieutenant-General Yuri Kuznetsov, head of personnel at the defence ministry, and Major-General Ivan Popov, former commander of Russia’s 58th army, have also been arrested.

    Lieutenant-General Shamarin is accused of taking bribes between 2016 and 2023 from a factory in the Ural mountains that produces communications equipment, as a reward for placing bigger state contracts with it, Russia’s Investigative Committee said. It said he had benefited to the tune of at least 36 million roubles (£310,000).

    Lt-Gen Shamarin, whose home was reportedly searched in connection with the investigation and who has been placed in pre-trial detention for two months, faces a prison term of up to 15 years if found guilty. There was no immediate word on how he pleaded.

    Lt-Gen Shamarin has been in charge since 2020 of overseeing the army’s Signal Corps, which is responsible for military communications, including ensuring confidential battlefield command signals.

    The arrests are the biggest scandal to hit the Russian army in years and come at a time when it is has made some gains on the battlefield in Ukraine – which Russia invaded in 2022 – and has a new defence minister, economist Andrei Belousov, at its helm.

    The appointment of Mr Belousov, who has no army experience, was widely seen, among other things, as a move to eliminate wastage and corruption in defence spending. Sergei Shoigu, the previous minister, has been moved to become secretary of Russia’s Security Council.

    With no obvious end in sight to the war, now well into its third year, the arrests appear to underpin a major effort to stamp out corruption surrounding the awarding of lucrative military contracts, to try to ensure that the military-industrial complex is producing as much as possible for the right price.

    The Kremlin, which said it was not authorised to disclose details of the case, played down Lt-Gen Shamarin’s arrest and said similar anti-corruption work was being carried out across various Russian state agencies.

    “The fight against corruption is consistent work,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “It is not a campaign, it is constantly ongoing work.”

    Other cases in other agencies are being pursued. On Thursday, investigators asked a Moscow court to place the deputy head of the Moscow region’s prison service in pre-trial detention in a bribery case.

    But Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin adviser, said Lt-Gen Shamarin’s arrest was the continuation of a sweeping shake-up among the army’s top generals.

    “The arrest of Shamarin, deputy chief of the General Staff, is not only an arrest, but also a large-scale audit of the work of the Main Communications (Signals) Directorate by the Audit Chamber,” said Mr Markov.

    He said one of the probe’s aims was to “increase the army’s morale and equip the army with modern communications equipment and missile and artillery guidance systems”.

    An influential military blogger close to the defence ministry who goes by the name “Rybar” and has more than 1 million followers, said the arrest and others like it were logical, but that investigators had probably sat on the alleged wrongdoing for a long time before acting.

    “And the result is an ideal situation for everyone,” Rybar wrote on the Telegram app.

    “The fighters at the front get a portion of positivity, the team of the new defence minister gets a loud start, the problems start to be solved immediately (it does not matter that the military-industrial complex and other components of the solution had already started to be put in place), and the ordinary population celebrates,” he said.

    Lt-Gen Shamarin is a deputy to Valery Gerasimov, chief of the General Staff, who is managing the war in Ukraine. General Gerasimov has not been accused of any wrongdoing, though he has at times faced harsh criticism over the performance of Russia’s military since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, something Moscow calls a special military operation.


    The arrests are the biggest scandal to hit the Russian army in years and come at a time when it is has made some gains on the battlefield in Ukraine. 

    Only some gains, note, whilst the valiant Banderites, ably assisted by noble, foreign so-called Wild Geese, who are determined to “stand by Ukraine” (for a fee) in defence of “freedom and democracy” .


    1. If he is not guilty of anything, I’m sure that will be revealed by the investigation – it’s pretty hard to frame someone where that level of graft is involved. And doesn’t the west celebrate Russian efforts to expose and punish corruption? They were all trying to not notice when Ukraine discovered corrupt recruiters were taking bribes, and reluctantly reported it with the most positive spin they could apply only when Zelensky fired them. And then ignored any further developments in the supposed investigation.


  35. RT

    23 May, 2024 20:53

    UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

    Members of Azov were greeted as heroes in London

    UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis (PHOTOS)

    British MPs clap for members of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi ‘Azov’ brigade in London, May 22, 2024. ©  X/azov_media

    British lawmakers cheered a delegation of the notorious Azov Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament on Wednesday, while former Prime Minister Boris Johnson called them “heroes.”

    The neo-Nazi militia was founded in 2014 by white supremacist Andrey Biletsky, who designed its logo with symbols once used by the SS. It was eventually integrated into the Ukrainian armed forces, while retaining its Third Reich iconography. The battalion has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN of multiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians.

    Three members of Azov visited London and spoke before a group of parliamentarians. Lieutenant Arseniy Fedosiuk and Ruslan Serbov had been captured in Mariupol in 2022, while the third, Sergeant Vladimir Vernygora, joined the unit in 2023. 


    Lieutenant Arseniy Fedosiuk, Sergeant Vladimir Vernygora and Ruslan Serbov of Azov, London, May 22, 2024. ©  X/azov_media

    Fedosiuk and Serbov were presumably among the Azov members Russia handed over to Türkiye on condition they not return to Ukraine until the end of the hostilities. Ankara later violated those terms and sent them back to Kiev.

    During the parliamentary roundtable, the trio of Ukrainian militants spoke about the 900 or so Azov members still being held prisoner by Russia.

    Azov, which is banned in Russia as an extremist organization, posted photos of the meeting on its X (formerly Twitter) account, thanking the sponsors of their parliamentary visit. 


    Members of the Azov unit speak to the UK Parliament, London, May 22, 2204. ©  X/azov_media

    The event, they said, was chaired by Victoria Prentis MP, attorney general of England and Wales. The two other MPs they thanked by name were Sir John Whittingdale, former minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure; and Bob Seely MP, chair of the UK-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group. All three are from the ruling Conservative Party.

    Fedosiuk, Serbov and Vernygora also posed with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who famously visited Kiev in April 2022 to torpedo any possibility of a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.

    After thwarting a peace deal in Ukraine and thereby condemning tens of thousands of young men to die in a ditch, Boris Johnson has welcomed fighters from the hardcore neo-Nazi Azov Battalion to the UK parliament. pic.twitter.com/Ix4JwQDSdy— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) May 23, 2024

    Johnson was photographed with the trio while holding an Azov banner featuring the Wolfsangel symbol once used by the Waffen-SS Division Das Reich and several Wehrmacht units during WWII.

    A video making the rounds on social media shows Johnson speaking at a reception for the Azov militants, urging the British government to give Ukraine whatever it wants – money, missiles, and air defenses.

    “The single best investment that we can make in the defense of the whole Euro-Atlantic area is supporting Ukrainian heroes,” Johnson is recorded as saying. Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace was also present at the event.


    1. Once again, they behave in this manner simply to taunt Russia, under the impression it ‘makes the Kremlin fume’ rather than just curl its lip in disgust at this profane capering. It is absurd to imagine the British people actually welcome and support Nazism, and they are surely bright enough to match up the symbols so proudly displayed.


  36. Eat your hearts out, Ottawa Parliament!

    You’ve been outdone in spades!

    Dab hands are members of the British Establishment at putting on pomp-and-circumstance bullshitting shows for the impressionable plebs.


  37. Applause given by the British MPs to the members of the notorious Ukrainian ultranationalist ‘Azov’ unit this week was nothing but a “grotesque spectacle” performed in “poor taste,” the Russian embassy in London said on Thursday.


    23 May, 2024 22:45

    The “Azov” unit is now officially named the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov of the Ukrainian National Guard. It was originally a militia set up by the notorious neo-Nazi Andrey Biletsky after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev. It was integrated in the Ukrainian National Guard later the same year.

    Biletsky was widely recognized as a white supremacist and neo-Nazi before ‘Azov’ was whitewashed by Western media after the February 2022 escalation of hostilities with Russia. In 2021, TIME magazine described his ‘Patriot of Ukraine’ organization as a “neo-Nazi terrorist group,” whose “manifesto seemed to pluck its narrative straight from Nazi ideology.” It was this group that would morph into the “Azov volunteer battalion” in 2014

    The battalion founder himself told TIME back in 2014 that hand-picked the symbols of Azov because they had been “used by Germans” in WWII. The man vanished from the public eye in 2019 but re-appeared again in 2023 when he was seen meeting Ukraine’s leader, Vladimir Zelensky.

    The unit has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN of multiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians. In 2018, the US Congress approved a ban on providing funding to the Azov unit due to its neo-Nazi nature.

    In 2016, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) issued a lengthy report on war crimes committed by the Ukrainian military and security forces in Donbass. The document mentions then ‘Azov’ battalion on multiple occasions in context of what was described as “beastly torture” of prisoners, including civilians.



  38. Now the tide will turn, you Orcish swine!

    WASHINGTON, May 24. /TASS/. The first group of Ukrainian pilots has completed training in the United States to use US-made F-16 fighter jets, the Politico newspaper wrote citing a spokesperson for an airbase in Arizona where the training course was organized.

    The number of pilots and the date when the training was completed was not specified. According to sources, the pilots are now headed to Europe to undergo additional training.


    1. I expect the number of pilots was not specified because it might need to be ‘tweaked’ to match the number of aircraft Ukraine receives, should NATO be so foolish as to go ahead with it. Zelensky begged for a minimum 120 F-16’s – what are the chances there were 120 Ukrainian students on the course, all good enough English speakers to absorb complicated training on a fighter they had never flown before?


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