This Year’s Recipient of the Double-Headed Eagle Prize for Being the Antithesis of the Degenerate and Hypocritical West.

Uncle Volodya says, “Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.”

“For me, the most ironic token of it is the plaque signed by President Richard M. Nixon that Apollo 11 took to the moon. It reads: “We came in peace for all Mankind.” As the United States was dropping 7 ½ megatons of conventional explosives on small nations in Southeast Asia, we congratulated ourselves on our humanity. We would harm no one on a lifeless rock.”

Carl Sagan, from “Pale Blue Dot: a Vision of the Human Future in Space”

Before we congratulate the winner, a bit of background. This is an entirely new award, and its origins call for a bit of explanation. As most readers will be well aware, western nations – and most typified by the United States of America – have a wide range of honours and awards which recognize a significant and valuable contribution to the human condition. Recognition for advances in medicine, science, awards for inspiring moral courage, medals for bravery and skill and excellence in a plethora of professions.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Winners should be proud of the contribution their  skill and perseverance made to the betterment of mankind. There is also a number of awards made to advancement of more amorphous concepts – such as ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’, two words that politicians like to sprinkle over everything like kids in control of the sugar bowl. The politically-minded have displayed a tendency in recent decades to honour those the west perceives as ‘Russian dissidents’ for no apparent reason other than that they appear to believe it makes Russians crazy with frustration and rage. Real contributions to such concepts as freedom and democracy – of which those handing out the honours have only the most rudimentary and imperfect understanding themselves – are much harder to measure. Being rewarded with a trophy for scientific excellence because you are the inventor of carbon fibre, for example, is easy to quantify and understand. Making a contribution to ‘freedom’ where most countries are already quite free is therefore often subjected to political spin, and politicians enjoy being able to give a shout-out to their proteges and friends, and to pretend that yahoos who are greatly disliked in countries those politicians regard as enemies are actually some kind of virtuous saints.

Look at the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for example. The highest civilian award in the United States, it was established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963. It is traditionally awarded by the President and is awarded to a person of his or her choice, or as a result of recommendations. It recognizes “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” It can be and frequently is awarded to non -Americans. Although it is a civilian decoration, it can be awarded to military figures, and when it is it may be worn on the uniform.

Colin Powell was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom twice. It would be difficult to deny his overall humanity and compassion in such cases as his obvious anguish in recall of how Saddam Hussein murdered the Kurds after they were persuaded to rise up against him by American instigators, who then whistled and looked out the window as if there were something interesting going on across the street while Saddam’s forces rolled over them like a sandstorm. The world turned its face away, blubbered Powell in memories of the event. It sure did – including Colin Powell, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time it happened. The President he served then – George H.W. Bush – is on record saying “There is another way for the bloodshed to stop: and that is, for the Iraqi military and the Iraqi people to take matters into their own hands and force Saddam Hussein, the dictator, to step aside and then comply with the United Nations’ resolutions and rejoin the family of peace-loving nations.” That was on February 15th, 1991. On February 24th, one of the ubiquitous ‘Free Insert Name of Nation Here’ radio stations the CIA frequently sets up to influence the national population, in this case Voice of Free Iraq, broadcast an exhortation to the people of Iraq to rise up and overthrow their leader.

Here’s an excerpt from CNN, with Brent Sadler: “Iraq’s infrastructure: bridges, roads, water, and electrical power systems were severely damaged. Many Iraqis lost services, vital to daily life. By war’s end, one of the most prosperous and modern Arab countries in the Middle East lay in economic ruin; if Iraqis had expected life to improve, they were mistaken. Indeed, 10 years on, their economy is barely functioning. Iraq’s oil revenues are managed by the United Nations, and strict sanctions remain in place on what can and cannot be imported. These trade restrictions have contributed to a spiraling humanitarian crisis for the country at large. A recent UNICEF study drawing a world health organization support and Iraqi data, states that half a million Iraqi children under 5 have died unnecessarily. Under prewar living conditions, they would have survived.”

But that wasn’t enough: the United States for some reason did not kill Saddam Hussein that time around, so it went back for another whack at Iraq, in 2003. Some countries were pretty reluctant, and required coaxing and convincing at the UN. Who convinced them? You know, don’t you? Colin Powell. Using fabricated evidence, pretending to be absolutely sure of facts when many were just assumptions based on Iraqi ‘defectors’ telling the Americans what they wanted to hear, and including Powell’s personal embellishments of recorded intercepts so that they appeared to show the Iraqis attempting to hide prohibited materials from inspectors. Those embellishments were not on the original intercepts.

But he got the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Twice.

George Tenet got the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was Director of the CIA during the run-up to Gulf War II. He assured those present in the Oval Office on a well-known occasion that the collected evidence of Iraq’s conspiracy to conceal weapons of mass destruction was ‘a slam-dunk’. He later did not deny saying it, but said he didn’t remember, and anyway it was taken out of context, inspiring the National Review to describe it as “the other Washington dodge for anyone quoted saying something he wishes he hadn’t.” I’m just surprised Dubya didn’t give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to everyone in the United States named George.

Anyway, I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds on this particular medal; my intent was to show that recipients of grand-sounding decorations rewarding the advancement of ‘freedom’ are often terrible people who did terrible things, but were rewarded nonetheless for their loyalty, and not trying to blame the debacle on their leaders.

Let’s take a look at the White Helmets. Officially known as Syria Civil Defense (to differentiate it from the Syrian Civil Defense Force, which is government-sponsored), the White Helmets were co-founded by James Le Mesurier as an outgrowth of the Mayday Rescue charity. Although discussion of Le Mesurier dances all around whether he worked for British Intelligence, it would not be much of a stretch to imagine it considering he was an intelligence officer in the British Army. But some coverage of the man and his work reveals a planner of amazing depth, a planner who understood and believed that humanitarian aid was ‘more effective than an army’ in theaters of war for steering, managing and prolonging the conflict as desired.

“Indeed, the White Helmets were founded when the West was losing on both the propaganda and military front regarding the push for regime change and foreign intervention in Syria. More specifically, as Beeley told MintPress, the group’s founding took place just after “the Syrian government had raised concerns about a terrorist chemical weapon attack in Khan Al Asal against the SAA [Syrian Arab Army].”

It should come as no surprise then that, since their founding, the White Helmets have been instrumental in blaming the Syrian government for any and all subsequent chemical weapons attacks in Syria, acting as both witnesses and responders to events that were later proven to be the work of the armed opposition in Syria or staged. As a result, Beeley argued that it’s well within reason to speculate that the White Helmets were explicitly founded with this purpose in mind.”

James Le Mesurier may have been a talented manipulator of public opinion, but the White Helmets were not; they were caught over and over staging scenes, rigging disasters, faking rescues – in which the victims seemed always to be covered in a white film of concrete dust (as they probably would be if buried under rubble) while their White Helmet ‘rescuers’ were as pristine and spotless as if they had stepped out of a display window of a disaster-rescue store. They were frequently photographed, sometimes carrying weapons, with al-Qaeda or al-Nusra Front militants, the outfits the west claimed their military presence in Syria was there to fight; sometimes they appeared to be sharing a celebratory moment with the militants, as they are here.

Showcasing how committed the western elite is to promoting a narrative regardless of its provenance or any claim to truth, the film about the organization – “The White Helmets”, which lauded and humanized the actors with maudlin pathos and formulaic emotion – won an Academy Award in 2017, for Best Short Film. The year before that The Syria Campaign – a shadowy outfit whose donors are mostly unidentified – started a push to nominate the White Helmets for the Nobel Peace Prize. It has become routine in the west to politicize awards and recognition so as to score points in narrative building, support spin and legitimize shady characters. As a consequence, the entire process of recognizing real altruism, selflessness and dedication has become so debased and grotesque that it is a mockery of itself.

So it sort of looks as though we need a new award. An award which recognizes real dignity, devotion to duty as assigned by the state the nominee serves, and – above all – a decisive rejection of the sly, reprehensible, cynical manipulation which now characterizes western political maneuvering. And when you get right down to it, there is little or nothing left in the western public purview which is not subordinated to politics – for example, the ‘canceling’ of a 198-year-old tree from recognition because it is Russian. You probably think I am making that up. Not only is it – sadly – completely true, the winner of the European Tree of the Year, a 400-year-old Polish oak, was selected because “Judges said it had become a symbol of Polish resistance to aggression after it welcomed Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict.” Saying a tree is a symbol of Polish resistance to aggression – especially when the Poles feature prominently among the mercenaries in Ukraine to fight Russia to satisfy American foreign-policy ambitions – is like saying the tree from which Gepetto carved Pinnochio is a symbol of deception-based growth.

Because of out-of-control stupidity like that is, because the very nomination for a western human-rights award or humanitarian prize is an invitation to jump headlong into a of sleaze…I am proposing the Double-Headed Eagle Prize for Being the Antithesis of the Degenerate and Hypocritical West. Here’s what it will look like; I’m thinking a tall cup or goblet, prominently featuring the eastward-westward looking twin eagle heads. I think this one is an Army hat-badge or something like that; you can see the prongs behind that hold it in place.

This is not a cash prize at present, although perhaps some day it will be, if it endures. I propose that it be awarded annually, and starting with the next award, we can make up the rules as we go forward; at the moment, they are simple. As indicated by the title, the winner must embody the rejection of phony western ‘values’, but that does not suggest no westerner can win it. It can be awarded to anyone who meets the criteria, and next year it will be awarded by popular vote. How about by end-November next year? Let’s say the call for nominees should go out by end-April, and the list of nominees – each of whom will have to be substantiated by the individual forwarding the nomination as to how their performance and conduct epitomizes the rejection of phony western values – out by end-August. Then the vote will take place sometime in November, online, here.

But because it was my idea, I get to pick the first winner, and the Double-Headed Eagle Prize for Being the Antithesis of the Degenerate and Hypocritical West for 2022 is…Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin, ‘General Armageddon’, the ‘Butcher of Syria’.

Ha, ha!! Might as well start as you mean to go on, right? And that is a classic example of western nonsense right out of the gate – I believe they call it ‘branding’, like the way the Leader of the Russian Opposition (who at the moment is indisposed, in jail, and likely to be there for a long time), Alexei Navalny tried to ‘brand’ the ruling political party in Russia – United Russia – ‘The Party of Crooks and Thieves’. Leading up to the election which put Vladimir Putin back into the President’s chair –  let’s see, that’d be, what, 2012? – virtually every time Alexei Navalny appeared in print in the western media, he was spouting about ‘the Party of Crooks and Thieves’ as if he had thought of it himself, and trying to help it grow legs. Although that same western media testified, wide-eyed, that  ‘the Party of Crooks and Thieves’ was catching on in Russia like Eskimo Pies in Hell, it never caught on at all. No Russians said it except for spoiled ‘dissident’ liberals. Alexei Navalny was a nothingburger, just like he is now, and if you asked around in Moscow today you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who even remembers the slogan. And General Surovikin’s English nicknames are the same.

For example, “Armageddon” is not even part of the Orthodox religion, which dominates in Russia. The closest term to it is “великое побоище”, which translates to ‘Great Massacre’ –  ‘Armageddon’ in English has evolved to a generic term for any cataclysmic battle, although the word actually refers to a place; the location (in the New Testament) of the final battle between the forces of good and evil before the Day of Judgment. Why would Russian troops refer to their Commanding Officer using an English nickname – ‘General Armageddon’ – which has no parallel meaning in their beliefs? Well, then, where did this nickname come from? I’m glad you asked.

“Surovikin gained his ominous “General Armageddon” nickname while leading Russian forces in Syria — where he was accused of overseeing a brutal bombardment that destroyed much of the city of Aleppo.

“This is a man who regards terror as a legitimate, maybe even inevitable part of war,” historian Mark Galeotti wrote in The Spectator.”

Did Mark Galeotti give Surovikin his nickname? Gosh; he’s not a Russian soldier, nor has he ever been, although I would have to say I would not be surprised. Mr. Galeotti has a fondness for the bon mot, the catchphrase, such as ‘The Gerasimov Doctrine’. Remember that one? After the western media plastered it everywhere just as if it were a genuine military philosophy, Mr. Galeotti admitted that he made it up.

As for ‘overseeing a brutal bombardment that destroyed much of the city of Aleppo’, so much of what happened in Aleppo was western spin that I seriously doubt anyone really knows what happened there. I do know the ‘last hospital in Aleppo’ was ‘destroyed by the Russians’ not less than 20 times between June and November of 2016, because it is a matter of record. I do know the poignant Twitter messages allegedly sent to the world by 7-year-old Bana Alabed were fake; the child plainly cannot speak or understand English, as was painfully evident in a softball interview conducted in Turkey. When she was asked what she liked best about Turkey so far, she replied haltingly, “Save…save the children of Syria”. Then the story evolved so that her mother actually wrote the Tweets; her mother, the pro-western Syrian activist. Like ‘Syrian Danny’ Abdul Dayem, a British citizen and pro-western Syrian activist who spiced up his ‘reports from Syria’ for CNN with fake gunfire and hysterics.

It is, similarly, extremely unlikely that Russian forces in Syria awarded Sorovikin the nickname ‘the Butcher of Syria’, considering he was credited with the Russian/Syrian victory.

“But Western military officials and analysts note there are already signs of more tactical coherence than was seen under his predecessor General Alexander Dvornikov. “His war tactics totally breach the rules of war but unfortunately they proved effective in Syria,” a senior British military intelligence officer told POLITICO. “As a war strategist he has a record of effectiveness — however vicious,” the officer added.”

Yawn. Tactics that completely breach the rules of war, huh? Like…like shooting up a wedding celebration and then refusing to even apologize for it? Who was in charge of that fiasco?  Mmmmm…says ‘Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt’ – would that be General “the Butcher of  Makr al-Deeb” Kimmitt? Just kidding – you know the west does not award its senior military officers murderous-sounding nicknames; no, they call them, “Stormin’ Norman’ and monikers that imply martial prowess with a human touch. One exception I can think of is James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, and as I live and breathe, he was a part of this story as well.

“How many people go to the middle of the desert 10 miles from the Syrian border to hold a wedding 80 miles from the nearest civilisation?” said Maj Gen James Mattis, commander of the US 1st Marine Division.

“There were more than two dozen military-age males. Let’s not be naïve.”

Asked about witness testimony and film broadcast by the Dubai-based Al Arabiya television which showed weeping relatives lowering bodies, one of a child, into graves, he said: “I have not seen the pictures but bad things happen in wars. I don’t have to apologise for the conduct of my men.”

There you have it – bad things happen in wars. Mind your own fucking business. Oh, wait: I thought I had heard that name before- James Mattis, the Mad Dog. Where did he get that nickname? Uh oh. Fallujah.

Yes, indeed; General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis led his US Marines into Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004. His troops “shot at ambulances and aid workers. They cordoned off the city, preventing civilians from escaping. They posed for trophy photos with the people they killed.” A reporter who covered the story, and who is the author of the reference, said “During the siege of Fallujah, which I covered as an unembedded journalist, Marines killed so many civilians that the municipal soccer stadium had to be turned into a graveyard.”

Oh, look – there’s more. “In the years since, Mattis – called a “warrior monk” by his supporters – repeatedly has protected American service members who killed civilians, using his status as a division commander to wipe away criminal charges against Marines accused of massacring 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in 2005 and granting clemency to some of those convicted in connection with the 2006 murder of a 52-year-old disabled Iraqi, who was taken outside his home and shot in the face four times.”

You probably remember Mattis’s name, too, but in a different context – he was Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense. Not bad for someone whose war tactics totally breach the rules of war, but are effective. You might even say that as a war strategist, he had a record of effectiveness – however vicious.

I don’t think we need to belabor the point of cruel-sounding nicknames awarded by western media, dipshit analysts and western ‘Human Rights’ organizations any further.

Actual details of General ‘Strategic Effectiveness’ Sorovikin are hard to come by in English, as you might expect, and are often couched in terms which suggest disapproval no matter what he did. For example, as Commander of the 34th Motor Rifle Division, he was accused in 2004 by Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Chibizov of “beating him up for leaving his post to participate in elections as an observer.”

Let’s just try to put that in context. The Commander of the East Anglia Horse Guards in the UK (I made them up, if there is any such formation, it is a coincidence) learns that one of his mid-level officers decided to skip being Duty Officer, and go to see “Braveheart” at the nearby cinema instead, because it is a military film, leaving the base with no Duty Officer for more than 3 hours. Upon learning of this, the Commander calls him into his office and punches him right in his stupid face. Do you think that would be the end of the Commanding Officer’s career? Probably not. Because sometimes, confronted with gross incompetence by someone who most assuredly knows better, bad things happen. Does a Lieutenant Colonel in the Russian Army know he is not permitted to leave his place of duty to be an election observer, a responsibility to which he was not assigned? Well, what do you think? Is creativity regarding your responsibility to the armed services encouraged in the west? As a former member of them for nearly 40 years, I can assure you it is not.

In November 2017, Sorovikin was appointed Commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, by Presidential decree…over his objections. Gosh – certainly sounds a nepotistic social climber, doesn’t he?

“Under the command of Surovikin, a significant turning point in the fight against the Syrian opposition was achieved. The Syrian Government regained over 50% control of Syria by the end of 2017 after a string of successful military campaigns. According to several Russian military commentators, it was Surovikin who managed to turn the tide of the war in Syria.” Multiple substantiation citations for that one – gee, I can’t think why the Russian government would want him in command in Ukraine. Or why the west hates the idea so much it has to make up scary nicknames for him.

Congratulations, General. I don’t know much about Army tradition, having been a Navy man most of my adult life. But in honour of your award, I’d like to propose a toast. Let’s just keep it simple, and use the Toast of the Day, in naval tradition, for today, which is still Thursday where I am. Ladies and Gentlemen, raise your glasses please – “A bloody war, or a sickly season”.

Sounds prophetic on both counts.

986 thoughts on “This Year’s Recipient of the Double-Headed Eagle Prize for Being the Antithesis of the Degenerate and Hypocritical West.

  1. AiF

    20.11.2022 09:18
    Downing stop. Rishi Sunak engaged in political suicide in Kiev

    As taxes rise in the UK, the middle class (i.e., the foundation of British society), writes The Times, will face a real shock. This, however, did not prevent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak from announcing in Kiev his desire to continue increasing the already gigantic aid to the Ukraine. The tendency of the third consecutive guest of 10 Downing Street to commit political suicide (and all because of the “Kiev syndrome”) cannot but attract attention. However, British taxpayers seem to understand the motives of the “madmen” in power.

    The magnificent British trio
    First Boris Johnson, then Liz Truss, now Rishi Sunak — this “magnificent” British trio with maniacal stubbornness has refused to deal with the problems of their own country, convincing their voters that the main thing now for the whole of Great Britain is not its own economy or education and medicine. First of all, they really wanted and still want to deal with Moscow. But not with their own hands, of course, but with the “mediation” of Kiev.

    Johnson and Truss, it would seem, with their political fiasco, clearly demonstrated to Sunak how quickly the British branch on which they were sitting was being sawn. And the new prime minister at first seemed to show signs of an instinct for political self-preservation, even tried to distance himself from the Ukraine, but in the end, he nevertheless couldn’t stand it and broke down.

    Sunak was carried away
    He went to Kiev, and there he was carried away, as were his two predecessors. Yesterday in Kiev, he did much that would ensure he would very soon follow Johnson and Truss.

    “The United Kingdom will continue to provide assistance until Ukraine finds the peace and security that it can count on. This year, we have provided military assistance in the form of more than 3 billion pounds and will continue to provide assistance while you put pressure on Russian troops”, Sunak said yesterday in Kiev during a joint press conference with Zelensky.

    London will help Kiev “warm up” in winter
    Moreover, he announced that London is joining an initiative to increase the amount of aid that the Ukraine needs in order to “survive the winter.”

    What do Ukrainians need for this? According to Sunak, they need 120 more units of British military equipment, as well as help in training military doctors and engineers. Just the thing for warming up in the winter cold!

    Another important question is: how much money is London going to spend so as to increase its assistance to Kiev? A few days before Sunak’s visit to the Ukraine, British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt announced that he had found a source of funding. He announced measures to reduce public spending on Britons and raise taxes by an amount of 55 billion pounds. That is, Zelensky will still have something to beg from London.

    The British are shocked by Sunak’s team
    Meanwhile, after listening carefully to the suggestions of Sunak’s team, one of the most influential publications in the UK, “The Times”, informed its readers that the country was facing the highest tax burden since the end of the Second World War. At the same time, the British Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned that the English middle class would face a “shock” in lthe ight of the tax increase.

    Stagnation for two decades
    “Wages are falling, but taxes are rising. The middle class in England is in for a shock”, IFS chief Executive Paul Johnson said.

    According to him, the country is “reaping the benefits of a long-term lack of economic growth, the effects of an aging population and a high level of past borrowing after several years of stagnation”.

    At the same time, the “Resolution Foundation” think tank warned Britons that most of them faced wage stagnation for a period of two decades.

    Does the Prime Minister, who until recently was the finance minister, really not understand all of this? He understands everything. And, nevertheless, continues to saw the branch on which he sits. Either this is some kind of contagious mental disorder that has affected the last three British prime ministers (and the focus of the disease is at 10 Downing Street), or they are driven by some unknown force?

    The whole truth about money laundering
    British readers of the “Daily Mail” are sure they know the answer to this question. In their opinion, the British government, through Zelensky’s mediation, is involved in a major financial scam in which funds allocated for “aid” to the Ukraine are being transferred to the accounts of those in power.

    “I, like many Britons, do not agree with what Sunak says. We know the whole truth about money laundering”, said a commenter, using the nickname Ciebie.

    “At home – spending cuts and high taxes, and in Kiev, meanwhile, billions are being laundered, we have already been through this. Another leader with the old scheme” , phil added. “Dear government, read the facts and stop giving away our money. Send at least some of it to our families”, Tommy and Paul pleaded.

    “Yes, let’s raise our taxes to send billions to Ukraine permanently”, Toto4 concluded.

    Sunak has 16 days left on the “anti-record”.
    Meanwhile, on the previous day the “yellow vests” appeared again on the streets of Paris, where demonstrators clashed with the police, who used tear gas and batons. They again began to arrest protesters who demanded social and tax justice, higher wages and pensions, taking into account high inflation, lower prices for essential goods and energy.

    And this time (judging by the mood in social networks), it is obvious that not only the French are ready to dress in yellow. Today is the 28th day of Sunak’s premiership. There are 16 days left to break the 45-day worst track record.


  2. Achtung! Panzerhaubitze 2000 sind gefuckt!


    Because of a shortage of spare parts self-propelled howitzers are out of action
    14 German self-propelled howitzers were delivered to the Ukraine, and now unexpected problems are surfacing: According to SPIEGEL information, there is a glaring shortage of spare parts. How it could come to this?
    • 18.11.2022, 13.14
    Panzerhaubitze 2000

    According to SPIEGEL information, planning errors in the ordering of spare parts are increasingly jeopardizing the operational readiness of German self-propelled howitzers in the Ukraine. Following the delivery of a total of 14 self-propelled howitzer 2000, the German Ministry of Defence failed to order extensive spare parts packages in time in order to regularly maintain the weapon systems and thus keep them operational.

    In the meantime, a large part of the artillery systems supplied by Germany is in need of repair owing to intensive use on the front in eastern Ukraine. According to Bundeswehr sources, the Ukrainians are currently firing around 300 shells a day, which is severely wearing down the weapon systems.

    Indeed, six German howitzers were recently brought to Lithuania for technical overhaul. However, since the necessary spare parts for the howitzers were not available from either the industry or the Bundeswehr, the technicians had to cannibalize one of the howitzers and leave it in Lithuania for the time being.

    The lack of spare parts does not come as a surprise. In late summer, the Bundeswehr’s procurement office had already unsuccessfully urged the ministry to order extensive spare parts packages for the howitzers and the Mars II multiple rocket launchers, since the special material had long delivery times. So far, however, no corresponding instruction has come from the so-called “Special Staff Ukraine”.

    The lack of spare parts is now also paralyzing the so-called repair hub that Germany plans to set up in Slovakia by mid-December to repair weapons delivered there.

    And I can guarantee that this god-almighty cock-up in the Bundeswehr can be traced right back to when that bureaucratic know-nothing Von der Leyen held office as Federal Minister of Defence.

    And if any Stooges should be interested, there’s this article in the same issue of Spiegel:

    Kherson resident about Russian occupation
    The Ukraine: Resident of Kherson reports on Russian occupation – “We were like in prison”.
    Putin’s soldiers allegedly arbitrarily detained people, checked cell phones, and stole ambulances: A resident of Kherson reports how she experienced the more than eight months under Russian occupation.

    Olga Fedorova, teacher:

    All this time we were like in prison. We could walk around the city, but everywhere you saw Russian troops with weapons. You couldn’t take your cell phone with you because they could read everything on it. They read what you had stored on it. They just grabbed you.

    The Russian army stole everything. They stole our buses and our ambulances – and even the children’s train in the amusement park, they even stole toys for children. And now we see our police. Police cars with our people, Ukrainians, and we feel safe.

    What? They never nicked no toilet bowls but thieved kids’ toys and a bloody kids’ amusement ride from a park???

    What heartless Orcish swine they are!

    And they had weapons!!!

    Russian soldiers were toting weapons???


    The inhuman bastards!


  3. No rest for the wicked!

    November 20, 2022, 10:46 am
    An air alert has been issued for the entire territory of the Ukraine

    An air alert has been issued for the entire territory of the Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the data of the online map of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of the country.

    The alarm was issued around 10: 15 am.

    On November 15, Lvov Mayor Andriy Sadovoi announced in a Telegram channel that explosions had occurred in the city. According to him, part of Lvov was left without electricity after the strikes.

    The administration of Kiev also reported in the Telegram channel that two explosions occurred in the city. Earlier, it became known that an air alert was declared throughout the Ukraine. According to the mayor of the city Vitali Klitschko, some residents were left without electricity.

    Explosions are being heard in the city of Krivoi Rog in the Dnepropetrovsk region of the Ukraine. This is reported by the publication “Suspilne”.

    It was noted that the explosions occurred in Krivoi Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as in Cherkasy and Khmelnytsky regions of the Ukraine. The air raid alert continues.


  4. I noticed this story the other day in the media and a Russian blogger has since posted a comment about this news.

    It turned out that some folk recognized a man who gave an interview to foreign media in Kherson was not quite who they thought he was, namely a Kherson citizen liberated from Russian occupation.

    The blogger’s comment:

    Nov 20th 2022

    In a video made by the France Presse news agency, a delighted “native of Kherson” declares that there is no light, water or telecommunication connection in the city but he’s happy, because there are no Russians there.

    The “Kherson citizen” has been identified as Pondin, Evgenii Nikolaevich, who lives in Kiev. Pondin turns out to be a National Guard squad leader, who is likely to have arrived in Kherson in order to carry out repressive measures against Kherson citizens who have remained in the city.


  5. The crisis has been cancelled
    Nov 20, 2022 at 1: 00 PM

    Weather forecasters are predicting an anomalously warm winter in Europe. Given that European gas storage facilities are more than 95.5% full, it is likely that an EU energy crisis has already been overcome. @banksta

    Yeah, right.

    Rest easy!


  6. Whenever I can find time, I listen to ‘alternative’ views and narratives regarding current events, just to challenge myself and question ‘am I missing anything?’ – ‘have I allowed myself to become blinded and biased towards the wrong side?’.

    … and of course Ukraine is top of the list at the moment.

    • TCUP Brief 3: Russia’s War Crimes in Ukraine – Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University
    • Dr. Emily Channell-Justice, director of the Temerty Contemporary Ukraine Program

    also from this channel

    • Russia’s War in Ukraine: What Everyone Should Know

    The channel does not allow comments so I could not ask Dr Channell-Justice to clarify NATO’s ‘defensive position’ regarding Libya.

    Dr Channell-Justice makes various assertions, for example regarding the ‘annexation of Crimea’, the ‘invasion of Ukraine’ and the ‘war crimes/crimes against humanity by the Russians in Bucha’. And yet she seems to genuinely believe in her position and presents her narrative in a most enthusiastic and infectious manner, that even my friends and family would believe her.

    And of course …

    • A Conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

    What astounds me is the conviction and sincerity with which people like Dr Channell-Justice live in such alternative and opposing realities.

    With thanks Mark, I agree with the broad position on this (New Kremlin Stooge) site but I do wish you would all take a closer look at WWII (pre and post) – and in fact back to WW Phase-I – to see how Peace could have been sustained if it was not for the likes of Churchill and his handlers and collaborators.

    (Isn’t it cute how Ash Carter refers to Zelenskyy as ‘Churchillian’ in the linked ‘Conversation’ video.)


    1. The missus watches all sorts of TV as well, quite often some curly-haired git who calls himself ‘Dude’ and who is scornfully dismissive of everything the Russian government does, of course someone like Navalny would do so much better, a fresh look at things and a bit of cooperation, what? I think that’s on TV Rain, he’s supposed to be some famous blogger. I’ve never seen him actually endorse Navalny, so perhaps he’s an anarchist and in favour of social contracts where each person chooses what sort of political system he would like to live with. That’d be great; then Uncle Sam could just print up a piskillion dollars and buy everyone on earth.


    2. Some of us here (and perhaps many if not most lurkers) regard Winston Churchill as a racist, pro-eugenics, imperialist war criminal and political opportunist. The mass starvation of 2 to 3 million people in the Bengali-speaking parts of eastern India (areas around and including Kolkata) in 1942/3, the imprisonment and torture of thousands of rebels and others in concentration camps in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprisings in the 1950s, and similar treatment to pro-independence supporters in Malaya during the Malay Emergency in the 1950s occurred on Churchill’s watch as British Prime Minister. This is the fellow who also advocated gassing people in British-held Mesopotamia (the future Iraq) with mustard gas in the 1920s.

      Not to mention of course Churchill pushing for aerial bombing of Dresden and some other cities in Germany to force Nazi surrender over the protests of US Army generals like Eisenhower in the 1940s. When Allied intelligence indicated that there were German officers plotting to get rid of Hitler’s government, Churchill ignored this information. Those officers carried out their assassination attempt which failed and they ended up being executed.

      It seems that at every opportunity, when Britain could have chosen diplomacy and peace over war with the ultimate aim of destruction and annihilation, Churchill chose the latter.

      I believe Churchill was not well liked by the British public when he was Prime Minister in the 1940s and he was quickly dumped not long after the war ended. The next government after him introduced the National Health Service (in 1948, I think). Shows you how much he cared for his fellow Brits.

      Zelensky has a long way to go to reach Churchill’s heights (or depths) though by throwing so many Ukrainians into Russian artillery sights and overseeing Ukraine’s destruction, he is forging his own unique path of villainy.


  7. Moscow today: The opening of the monument to the Cuban leader is scheduled for November 22

    20 bloody million rubles it cost!

    Still giving it its final touches. You can see on the plinth a workman’s tape measure and metal letters.


  8. Love has gone away: the Javelins have “wilted”
    Nov. 20th, 2022 at 2:19 PM

    Why the Kiev regime refuses American anti-tank systems

    The deathly silence that has replaced the exuberant joy of Ukrainians about the modern weapons of the United States has serious grounds.

    The Western and Ukrainian press enthusiastically thanked Washington for the supply of Javelin anti-tank systems to the Ukraine. This was the case at the very beginning of the Russian military special operation in the Ukraine. Today, they are silent about the American portable anti-tank missile system. And for good reason. Military experts have evaluated the combat effectiveness of Javelins and given the reasons for silence.

    In particular, Chinese experts are convinced that the complexes have not proven themselves in any way in the combat tactics used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Manus McCaffery, a mercenary instructor who fights on the side of the Kiev regime, wrote on social networks that the Javelins were useless in combat with the Russian Armed Forces. Moreover, the use of APCs had cost his unit several severed limbs.

    Javelin Mania

    Most of the Javelin anti-tank systems were delivered to Kiev by NATO countries in March-April 2022. In the Ukraine, they were waiting for them with impatience, hoping that now they would show Russia on the battlefield, “Life”[online journal]recalls. According to the Kiel Institute of World Economy in Germany, in two months Kiev received more than seven thousand of these anti-tank missile systems.

    In the Ukraine, a real Javelin mania broke out. It was absurd. So, the Likhachiv meat processing plant in the Kharkov region in the spring began to produce sausages “Javelinki” and sausages ” Bayraktarchiki “(in honour of the Turkish drones “Bayraktar”).

    And Ukrainian newly borns began to be called Jan-Javelin and Adeline-Javelina.

    “Now ‘Bayraktar’ is on the Ukrainian vyshyvanka! Ukrainian embroidery is our amulet. Bayraktar has also become a kind of talisman for the Ukrainian people”, the Verkhovna Rada’s Telegram channel reported.

    On the walls of some houses appeared an “icon” with “St. Javelin”. And then the love went away.


    1. Javelin continued:

      Failed verification

      The first serious test of the Javelins took place during the battles for Mariupol (February 24 – May 20). Then a video appeared on the Network in which the captured commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, Colonel Vladimir Baranyuk, admits that they were useless for fighting in urban conditions. Something interferes with the missile’s targeting all the time, the Ukrainian colonel explained. And then he even said that his fighters had not managed to carry out a single launch against tanks. Moreover, some complexes broke down in the hands of soldiers while they were carrying them from a vehicle to their positions. In short, the quality of American anti-tank systems was not up to par.

      The officer criticized the manufacturing quality of the Javelins, as well as the inability of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine to handle these weapons. He complained that the soldiers do not know English, cannot read the instructions; besides, no one had explained to them how to use this ATGM.

      Instructions are attached

      The Americans stood up for their “brainchild”. In particular, analyst Alex Horton complained that the Ukrainian military does not handle Javelins according to instructions: they keep them in damp rooms, drop expensive electronics and missiles during transportation. The ATGM is accompanied by detailed instructions, but in English, and most of the Ukrainian militants do not understand it. Some made attempts to download instructions for use from the Internet, but this did not affect the effectiveness of shooting. And this is despite the fact that the Ukraine received not the latest version of the complexes, but the first-FGM-148A, developed in the late 1980s.

      Russian military expert Konstantin Sivkov has confirmed that the Javelins did not live up to the expectations that the Kiev authorities had placed on them. The military expert noted that this is a complex anti-tank system and very effective, but it requires certain conditions and skilled army personnel, which the Ukrainian has not.

      Another military expert, Alexey Leonkov, also considers Javelins ineffective against armoured vehicles. They only hit lightly armoured vehicles, the expert stressed. Leonkov found out that the Americans recently tested their Javelins and received a statistical picture of their combat use. The military expert concludes that the United States found out the shortcomings that should be taken into account when launching other Javelins.

      “I think they will make some kind of adjustments there so that these anti-tank systems can deal with the active dynamic protection of Russian main battle tanks”, Leonkov said.

      Lack of chips

      After the first rumours about the problems of American weapons, US President Joe Biden visited the Lockheed plant in Alabama in October, where they produce Javelin ATGMs, and found out that there were not enough special chips for their production. Moreover, there are not enough not only for Javelins, but also for other weapons systems.

      The White House posted a transcript of the meeting with employees at the plant, from which the problem becomes clear. “America invented these chips. They set in motion NASA’s first mission to the moon, inspired by President Kennedy — here in America. Federal investment has helped reduce the cost of manufacturing these chips, creating a market and an entirely new industry. As a result, more than 30 years ago, America accounted for more than 30 percent of global chip production”, Biden said.

      And then he admitted that something had gone wrong and American production had begun to “go” abroad.

      “And as a result, today we have barely 10 percent of the world’s chips, despite the fact that we are a leader in chip research and design”, the president complained.

      And then he promised that very soon everything would change, and again the chips would be produced in the United States.

      Earlier, the alarm had been sounded in the West. It turned out that the Ukraine sells Javelins on the Darknet. War correspondent Alexander Kotz said that a special section with gun shops had appeared on the Darknet, where you can buy any military equipment, including the American Javelin anti-tank missile system (ATGM).


        1. Seeing what thieving bastards Russian soldiers allegedly are, I bet there’s a few hundred or so Javelins hanging over the fireplace back home in Russian hovels now, sort of like smoothbore muskets used to hang over fireplaces in Minutemen’s homes in Colonial and Revolutionary British North American Colonies.


          1. Can you imagine an Uncle Jed Clampett type Russian way out in the sticks here hollerin’: “Hoo-ee grandma! Just lookee here what Ivan done gone an’ sent us from the front! One o’ them sit-down white pottery things that rich folks use instead of a shithouse pail and some kinda giant bird gun. I’m gonna go a-huntin’ right now with it after I gone fixed a bucket under that sit-down thing”.


              1. Just imagine what Jed junior will bring back:
                “Hot damn, Grandmaw, I jes went a-huntin’ with this here giant bird gun and look-it what I jes shot down … this here giant bird with more a’ them sit-down things like that white pottery thing there … only these ones are coloured silver … we’s gonna need more buckets unner them … hey Grandmaw, whattaya you think this orange thing here says?”

                And Grandmaw will say:
                “Lord Almighty, Junior, this here orange thing says … hmm, been years since I could read anything … ‘Flight Recorder, do not open’ … why Junior, I declare, what kinda giant bird did you just shoot down?”


                1. We had the lot down here …. “The Beverley Hillbillies”, “The Dukes of Hazzard” among others … and famous US evangelist Billy Graham even came here for several MONTHS back in 1959.

                  From the archives of the State Library of Queensland, no less:
                  Crusades : Billy Graham in Brisbane 1959 and 1968

                  Those famous “Southern” rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd even toured Australia back in 2014.



              2. Russian Uncle Jed Clampett type and his kinfolk waiting for a toilet bowl and Javelin delivery from their Jethro Bodine nephew at the front.

                They look like my wife’s relatives (my in-laws!) — I kid you not!


    2. And don’t forget the HIMARS, which is the Ukrainian word for ‘justice’.

      I well remember, back when the Kyiv Post was a thriving online publication which allowed comments, the strategic scribblings of various armchair warriors who either were Ukrainian or were westerners pledged to its cause. If Ukraine could only get hold of a few Javelins, went the rhetoric, you’d soon see the fur fly and bears in retreat. I guess they must have read the manufacturer’s brochure and just assumed that stuff was all true, or that what it achieved in careful testing could be easily replicated on the battlefield.


  9. December 2021 Cover of “The Atlantic”: “The Bad Guys Are Winning”.

    It’s November 20, 2022, and the bad guys are still winning. And it’s pleasing.



  10. Big fire in the centre of Moscow.


    The area of fire in a warehouse building in the centre of Moscow has increased to 2.5 thousand square metres
    November 20, 2022, 16: 35

    The area of a fire at a flower-warehouse near Komsomolskaya Square (the “Three Railway Stations Square”) in the centre of Moscow has increased to 2.5 thousand square metres. Also, according to Izvestia, the collapse area has increased from 500 to 700 square metres.

    Earlier it was reported that the fire area had reached almost 2 thousand square metres.

    The fire broke out on Sunday afternoon in a two-story brick flower-warehouse at the address: Komsomolskaya Square, 1a, p. 18. The blaze has been classified as having a 3rd level of complexity. It is known that three Ka-32 helicopters and a fire train have been involved in extinguishing the fire.

    According to the latest data, rescuers evacuated seven people from the burning building, two people are still trapped inside./i>

    [video insert]

    I shouldn’t think it is sabotage: flowers are not part of the Orcs’ armaments.

    Latest reports say the blaze is now localized and under control.


    1. Well, I expect Zelensky will announce it anyway in his regular evening presser to the nation, and claim it as the work of the Thirteenth Detached Deep-Cover Battalion or something – you know, keep the Orcs off their stride. And speaking of that, I know we used to joke on here about the Russians being Orcs, but it seems to only have become a ‘common Ukrainian term of contempt’ since the beginning of this conflict. I certainly never heard it before anywhere but here.


      1. It’s a great big brick warehouse — looks 19th century to me, a former railway company warehouse no doubt. interestingly, the same place caught fire almost exactly 3 years ago in the afternoon of 14 November 2019. Workers there say it was packed with new-year decorations — all highly flammable stuff, I guess.


        1. New Year decorations may well include small fireworks like Catherine wheels that could have set off a chain reaction of explosions and small fires coalescing into a conflagration. One would think after the November 2019 fire, the building should have been outfitted with some kind of fire prevention or mitigation system and its electrical cabling checked as well.

          Small animals like rats chewing on cables could have set off the fire then in 2019 and now in 2022. With the weather getting colder, rats and other rodents may be moving into old buildings looking for shelter, warmth and food.

          The best news story I’ve ever heard about mice causing fires by chewing on electrical cables came from Toronto years ago: an animal shelter there went up in flames in 2008, killing 100 cats. The fire which began in the ceiling was surmised to have been caused by mice.

          Somewhere in Mouse Heaven, three lucky little individuals have been given a special place of honour with endless supplies of Brie and Camembert cheese.


          1. Yes, grey squirrels entering buildings cause enormous damage to electrical and other ducts, so I imagine other rodents are similarly dangerous.


            1. One grey squirrel had got into a local transformer cabinet, chewing those cable isolating materials and blacking out a whole local district. Poor thing was found dead inside said cabinet …


              1. No grey squirrels here, though, only these rascals:

                In winter, their coats turn partly greyish-white:

                See: Park squirrels prepare for winter

                “As the winter approaches the coat of a squirrel changes from bright red to a rather long thick grey fur between late September and November. This helps them to blend in better with their surroundings,” explained Mospriroda and Moscow Department for Environmental Management and Protection experts.

                See: Russian Photographer Captures The Cutest Squirrel Photo Session Ever

                Only the other day, Mrs. Exile took a great photo of one such squirrel frolicking around in the snow in the children’s playground in front of our house. It’s a pity there’s no way of uploading photographs onto this platform.


                1. Now those are sweet – unlike the tree rats, a.k.a. grey squirrels which have replaced the native red ones, to the detriment of gardens all round and to the detriment of any proper dog: it’s instant hysterics and chase if they see one. I’ve once seen a collie nearly half-way up a tree to get one! As for terriers: they are proper bionic, the height to which they can jump is amazing.
                  Mind you – me and my readers have ‘adopted’ squirrels as emblem for MSM shenanigans, with me documenting when said MSM cry: ‘look – a squirrel’ whenever they want to distract us. Ain’t working any longer on our watch.


                2. Not far from where I lived in Northwest England, in West Lancashire and the woodlands of the West Lancashire coast, is one of the very few areas in the UK where red squirrels still thrive. As far as I know, zoologists don’t quite understand why this is so.

                  Check this link out if you’re interested.


                3. I should add that over 40% of Moscow’s area consists of forests and parks, which comes as a surprise to many Westerners — you know, those who rely on descriptions from the likes of the infamous plagiarist Luke Harding that Moscow is the cold, grim and gloomy capital of “Post-Soviet Russia”, where nobody smiles and everyone is scared shitless of the KGB.

                  I often think that Moscow and the Moscow Province is like Berlin and Brandenburg respectively, because, like Moscow, there’s no shortage there of woodlands and lakes in and around the German capital.

                  See: Moscow Parks


                4. Interesting: I know/knew Berlin well and can attest to the woodlands and lakes, even inside the infamous wall which was still in force when I left for Wales.
                  I think certain people think that only a ‘proper’ park, like Central Park in New York, or Hyde Park in London, counts as remarkable sign of urban civilisation – which, as we all know, simply doesn’t exist in Orc-Land. Above all, one never ever must leave one’s desk and venture out to see things with one’s own eyes: one’s whole narrative would need to be revised.


                5. “Elk Island” park, Moscow.

                  Wonders of the Elk Island

                  They usually show photos of moose or “caribou” on “Elk Island” sites, but there are elk there. It’s a “wild park” and it’s big.

                  Лосиный Остров [Losiny Ostrov — “Elk Island Park”] is located at the north of Moscow. It covers 15 miles from the west to the east and 10 miles from the north to the south. Two rivers, the Yausa and the Pechorka rise here. There are wild fields and meadows, swamps, ponds and streams and woods and forests there — and zillions of mosquitos in June. And there are red deer, elk, moose, wild boar, European bison, beaver, and all kinds of birds and wild flowers there. You can pay for a guided tour by a ranger who will tell you about about the lora and fauna of the area. I think it what remains of a hunting area of a Prince of Muscovy, because there are no villages situated within its boundaries.

                  There’s a maze there as well — a “labyrinth” as Russians say:

                  That’s the outskirts of Moscow across the highway.


                6. No wolves, but plenty of these:

                  and they are extremely dangerous. There are warnings from rangers not to approach them. There was a scandal the other year when on the Russian social network vKontakte someone uploaded a photo of an Elk Island visitor scratching a young wild boar’s back. The photo was fake, and the city authorities launched a big public information campaign, warning park visitors never to attempt approaching wild boar.

                  I must say, though, that they are also very tasty. I used to buy it in Germany at Wildfleisch counters in supermarkets.

                  There are no bear at Elk Island either, but there are in the forests near our dacha, and, I suspect, wolves too. I sometimes hear howling there at night.


                7. Ah – now that’s really like Berlin where boars have left the forests and go into town. Some Berliners actually feed them and are even said to have put antibiotic into bananas to ‘help’ those boars who look a bit ill …


                8. I remember when Dubya was visiting Mutti Merkel, and they had let him know in advance that he would be served roasted wild boar. All during their mutual televised chatting, he would drift off and his eyes would glaze over, although in theory they were discussing matters of great import to global well-being. When prompted – never the least bit ashamed of being self-centred and ignorant – he would confess candidly “Ah’m thankin’ about that pig”.


                9. “Ah – now that’s really like Berlin where boars have left the forests and go into town. Some Berliners actually feed them and are even said to have put antibiotic into bananas to ‘help’ those boars who look a bit ill …”

                  They are German wild boar, emasculated by the American occupation.

                  Russian wild boar are most Orcish in their ways.


                10. Yeah – and they’ve become lazy and thus ill because yon Berliner will feed them … unnatural, I call it.


                1. No pine martens here in urban Kairdiff! Only the occasional successful mutt catching the occasional squizz and the terriers chasing them away exert a vague sort of ‘control’. Instead, we exchange tales of woe with our neighbours across the garden fences, about destroyed plants and flowers.


      2. I think Estonian E-Citizen Lucas may have had something to do with labelling Russians as Orcs. Russians laugh about the term. I call my son a mixed-race Orc of the worst possible kind, a “breed” with an English father. He agrees. He says: “I’m a halfe-caste and the races that made me are the most hated in the world: the English and the Russians. Is there any kind of future for me at all?” He’s kidding, of course. And I say to him: “Well, one of your great-grandmas was Irish, if that’s any help”.


        1. Re: the use of terms like “orc” to indicate Russians

          As far as I can remember it was widely adopted and publicized by the Ukrainian government from Ze down already in March/April (see e.g. I found it a clear way to manipulate mass thinking and polarize the outlook on the war, and it succeeded because people like polarization and are built to cheer more than to think. Just like in Tolkien’s books evil and good are easily distinguished, in this war there was a good side and a bad side. Reality is seldom that clear cut, but reality is also difficult to understand and people are too lazy to think.

          I found it funny, besides the usual amount of reddit artists spending their time to draw cartoons of orcs stealing toilets, that Russian troops actually embraced this and painted “orc logos” from the Warhammer world ( on their transport vehicles.
          Sorry I can’t provide embedded photo evidence, I still don’t know how to do that on this platform.


          1. At the beginning of the LDPR hostilities, the Donetsk/Lugansk militia started calling the Yukies укропы — “Ukropy”, a play on УК [UK] for “Ukraine” [Украина].

            In Russian, укроп means “dill”.

            The response of the Ukrainians was to make uniform badges showing a dill plant.

            Note the absence of nastiness in the LDPR milita calling Yukies “Ukropy”, whereas the term “Orc”, as used by Banderites when referring to Russians, is intended to insult and denigrate.


  11. Greetings from Banderastan:

    Happy first Kiev winter 2022/23!

    Русні пизда

    Russians are cunts

    How delightfully original — for morons.


  12. The New Yorker

    Vladimir Putin’s Place in the Culture Wars
    The columnist Christopher Caldwell discusses conservative admiration for the Russian leader, and whether election denialism is just politics.
    October 19, 2022

    I have been reading a lot of your stuff on Russia, and you highlight how a lot of people in America, especially conservatives, have seen Putin, Russia, and Eastern Europe through the prism of some of the culture-war issues that we in America are fighting. Do you think I’m on the right track here?

    Yes, I do think you’re on the right track.

    You said, about Putin, “He is a hero to populist conservatives around the world and anathema to progressives.” You point out that he is “not the president of a feminist NGO. He is not a transgender-rights activist. He is not an ombudsman appointed by the United Nations to make and deliver slide shows about green energy. He is the elected leader of Russia—a rugged, relatively poor, militarily powerful country that in recent years has been frequently humiliated, robbed, and misled.” Can you talk a little bit about why you think Putin has become a symbol in our domestic culture wars?

    Yes. I want to be clear: I’ve written about Putin since the invasion as well. That passage that you quote was from a talk I gave in 2017. In the winter of 2014, there was a boom within the Obama Administration for boycotting the Russian Olympics. There were three issues that were given. One was the jailing of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Another was the arrest of Pussy Riot—they apparently did some sort of performance in a church. And the third thing was a law that is very similar to the one that’s been controversial in Florida, called the “gay propaganda law,” which is basically about teaching sexual things to children. [The legislation banned the promotion of “nontraditional” sexual relationships to minors.] In all three, certainly in the last two, there’s a culture-war element.

    But I also think that Putin was beginning to feel like kind of an outlaw to the lawyered-up international order. Maybe having done a lot of reporting in Europe heightened this sense of Putin’s traditional idea of sovereignty. The idea that the European Court of Human Rights would say something—I mean, if you’re in France or Belgium, that’s the end of the ballgame. But Putin said, “Oh, we’re a sovereign country, and we’ll take that into consideration.”

    Ukraine may not be a sovereign country, but Russia is.

    Yes, that’s right.

    You also wrote, “If we were to use traditional measures for understanding leaders, which involve the defense of borders and national flourishing, Putin would count as the pre-eminent statesman of our time.” Do you think that’s still true?

    It’s been severely challenged in two ways. The golden age of the Russian economy seems to have ended around the time of the financial crisis. That would’ve been the strongest exhibit of his success in helping his nation flourish. The Russian life expectancy at the end of Boris Yeltsin’s term had fallen to Bangladesh’s levels. And yet certain Russians were fabulously wealthy. So Russia was really in an awful state when Putin took power, and, by 2010, it had recovered and even exceeded its level of wealth at the end of the Cold War.

    He had brought back the idea of Russia, and Russians’ idea of Russia, as a country to be reckoned with. Now it’s a more difficult calculus to make. It’s tough to tell whether Russia will come out net-ahead or net-behind because of what he did.

    Even if it came out net-ahead in some sort of “great power” rating, it could also come out net-behind in terms of killing a lot of Ukrainians and getting a lot of Russians killed for no good reason, right?

    Well, even if it came out net-behind in terms of popularity and the economy, it could come out net-ahead in security. It’s a very hard calculus to make.

    I didn’t just mean popularity. I meant people dying and things like that.


    When you say that Putin’s not a “transgender-rights activist,” are you saying that he’s fought the culture war the right way? Are you approving of the way that he’s fought the culture war? Or are you saying that he’s just looking at things from a different perspective than people do now?

    The title of the speech was “How to Think About Vladimir Putin.” That was what I was trying to address. Being censored by a board of judges, by an international court, or something like that, just doesn’t affect him in the same way that it does the leaders that we are familiar with.

    Is that a good thing? Do you think it’s good that annexing Crimea and going farther into Ukraine hasn’t affected him? Is that a point in his favor or against him?

    That’s a very deep and complicated—we started with social issues. Is that a point in his favor? There are other social issues, there are gay rights, there are women’s rights, there are all sorts of things going on in Russia, and—

    Gay rights have had a tough go of it in Russia.

    In a Western country, you might say that a lot of these issues have been too much decided by courts and bureaucracies and too little by the electorate. In that context, the attitude that judges and bureaucrats should be shown less deference can be a positive thing. But I wouldn’t know how to judge where all of those rights stand in Russia, you know what I mean?

    It’s sort of hard to call him the elected leader anymore. Russia doesn’t have fair elections. So, it’s hard to say that anything is in the hands of the electorate. [Proof by assertion! No evidence given for his assertion: it’s a “given” — ME]

    Well, yeah. [Why does he accept the above assertion? — ME]

    Just a minor point. [It is NOT a “minor point”! It is in essence why the West portrays Russia as “the other”, because it is not a “democracy” fashioned in the way the west decrees it must be in order to one of the “International Community” that adheres to a “rules-based order”— ME]

    Yeah. You also mentioned the current war. That’s a different kind of issue than a human-rights issue. I mean, that’s a geostrategic issue. And his belief is that a Ukraine in nato would be a nato base, and—now I’m trying to read his mind a little bit—would be able to block Russia’s exit into the Black Sea and would be an intolerable security risk. If that’s his real belief, you can see why he fought the war. It doesn’t mean we have to accept that the war is right. But you can certainly see his reasoning.

    You wrote, regarding Western accounts of the invasion of Ukraine, that Putin’s reasons are often “presented as psychopathological, not geostrategic. Putin comes off as Hitler. He wants to reconstitute the Soviet Union. Or the tsarist empire.” In hindsight, do you think re-creating something like a tsarist empire is, in fact, what he wants?

    No, I really don’t. One of the really interesting things is that we’re seeing a war between two countries that, before the war, were in a state of demographic devastation. The Eastern European countries are demographically challenged. [Russia] is a country full of “only children.” It’s a country full of only sons, and there’s a lot of resistance to sending children to war in a society like that—in Ukraine as in Russia. He doesn’t have what made it possible to build that empire, and to defeat Napoleon and Hitler: endless supplies of manpower.

    I’m not sure what you’re getting at, what article you’re looking at, but, in one of the articles I wrote, I mentioned that he invaded Ukraine with a hundred and ninety thousand men. Maybe he did think he could stun Ukraine, but that’s not enough men to win a battlefield victory.

    You don’t think that he was actually trying to take over Ukraine?

    I accept pretty much what I’ve read in the papers—that he was trying to change the government there. But he sort of expected that he could shock them into it, put a lot of Russian troops on the streets of Ukraine, of Kyiv, and then get the government to resign. None of his efforts were very effective. It turned into an actual war that he didn’t have the manpower to wage.

    You say that Putin is not trying to reconstruct the tsarist empire. He has compared himself to Peter the Great, saying that it has “fallen to us to return and to strengthen” our territory. It does seem, from his own words, a little bit like he is trying to re-create the empire.

    I think that Ukraine does seem to be, for him, a very special part of the empire.

    Oh, O.K.

    He seems to have thought that he could take the whole thing, but I don’t think it reflects a larger imperial—he does have an idea about Ukraine being, at the very least, a kind of sister society of Russia. I don’t think that reflects a larger agenda of reconstitution.

    So you’re saying that, even with the hundred and ninety thousand men, maybe he did want to take the whole thing?

    I remember finding it plausible that his idea was to send tons of tanks across the border, put lots of soldiers into Kyiv, make a lot of noise, and get the government to resign. The key moment early in the war seems to have been the failure to take the airport. His ability to bring in those heavy units that were supposed to produce the shock and awe was really limited. Once the Ukrainian public was roused and was putting up active resistance, he couldn’t get those people into the airport, and it became a slog. The hundred and ninety thousand weren’t adequate.

    In your piece, you said, “Administration officials often describe Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a war of choice. Although this may have been true at the outset, it is not now. Vladimir Putin and the Russia he rules cannot stop fighting. . . . They are quite right to believe themselves in a war for their country’s survival.” Why couldn’t Russia stop fighting? I can see why it may be trouble for Putin’s survival as the leader of the country, but why couldn’t Russia stop fighting?

    There is something to the belief that, without Crimea, Russia is indefensible. If Russia could be granted title to Crimea, there might be a way to get it to stop fighting. Without that, Putin’s view is that the country faces a threat to its survival.

    Threat from the West, you’re saying?

    The threat is from the West. It’s a question of Kremlinology and public opinion. And, I could be wrong, but it’s very hard to see them stopping if they think that there’s going to be a heavily armed nato installation in what they consider their country.

    Although it seems that the West has refused to accept Ukraine into nato. That didn’t seem to be in the cards before the invasion.

    Yeah, I don’t know. There are people who say Ukraine is being defended as if it were a nato member, and, if they can just tough out the war, they will effectively have nato membership.

    The war might have been a mistake for Russian security, then.

    Yes, it’s possible. It depends on how it comes out. [You don’t say! — ME]


  13. Big hug!

    We support our allies with actions and not words. That is why I visited Volodimir Zelensky in Kiev in order to promise him £50 million for the strengthening of the Ukraine air defence. Ukraine must and shall win.

    Since when have the United Kingdom and the Ukraine been allies?


  14. The latest PR strawman from Kiev:

    Politico: Top Ukrainian aide says Russia didn’t ask for a ‘short truce,’ clarifying Zelenskyy remark

    Andriy Yermak also said a military campaign for Crimea will happen, but wouldn’t say when.

    …On Friday, Zelenskyy told an audience at the Halifax International Security Forum that Kyiv rejected Russia’s preference for a “short truce,” leaving open the question of whether Moscow made the request of the Ukrainian administration…

    …Andriy Yermak, who heads the Ukrainian presidential office, stated in a virtual interview that the Kremlin did not propose such a pause to the Ukrainian government. “We have not [had] any official application from the Russian side about some conversations, some negotiations,” he said…

    …Ukraine so far has rejected those appeals, saying that any move for talks now would benefit Moscow more than Kyiv…

    Why would Russia want a ‘pause’? Because they are losing!

    €µ meanwhile cannot stop himself with Neuters reporting ‘Macron accuses France of ‘Predatory’ incluence in Africa‘ – well €µ can’t have ‘the natives’ going off piste and not holding France in a special, permanent place in their hearts! But again these comments appear to be aimed at a domestic for some reason. France may be one of the few countries that refuses to rule out talks with Russia but with comments like these, is there any point and why should Russia bestow upon France such a favor as it did on Sarkozy over Georgia’s failed 2008 war against its Ossetian minority?


    1. Vis Frogland:

      …Justin Bronk notes in a 2021 article for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) that France views the FCAS project differently than Germany. He notes that France requires power projection capabilities due to its interests in North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East while at the same time maintaining a nuclear deterrent.

      These requirements contrast with Germany’s pacifist political orientation, emphasis on counter-air capabilities over long-range strikes and its politically contentious nuclear-sharing agreement with NATO…

      France’s interest abroad…

      It’s funny that the author says that Germany has a pacifist political orientation yet needs to deliver nuclear weapons, long-range strike etc… I what he means is that Germany doesn’t go on global rampages to keep itself at the top table. That doesn’t make it ‘pacifist’ but then we are in an age of reinterpreting words to mean whatever we want and not to be so stiff with meanings!


  15. This is what Kirill Stremousov’s car allegedly looked like after the traffic accident in which he died. The car can be seen to have numerous bullet holes in it.


  16. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has called for a “ban on Russian propaganda”.

    “Incitement to genocide on Russian state television is in full swing. They acknowledge that Russia is bombing critical infrastructure in Ukraine to create unbearable living conditions, and call for more strikes. Russian state propaganda in the EU and other countries should be completely banned”, Kuleba said on Twitter.


  17. Volodymyr Zelenskyy yesterday again recorded an evening address from a room with white walls, accompanying the speech with very characteristic facial expressions.

    And whilst the Ukraine again lies to the whole world, saying that the incident will be investigated, namely that incident during which, presumably, the Ukrainian military shot captured Russian soldiers, the Verkhovna Rada claims that the Russian soldiers themselves are to blame and started it first.

    Zelensky records video clips in a room with white walls. Kuleba gives instructions to the West.


  18. NYT

    Videos Suggest Captive Russian Soldiers Were Killed at Close Range
    Videos circulating online and reported on by Russian state media have raised questions about whether Ukrainian soldiers committed a war crime.

    “It looks like most of them were shot in the head,” Dr. Rohini Haar, medical adviser at Physicians for Human Rights, said in an interview. “There are pools of blood. That indicates that they were just left there dead. There appears to have been no effort to pick them up or help them.”

    Dr. Haar noted that when they surrendered, the Russian soldiers had been lying down, apparently unarmed, with their arms outstretched or behind their heads. “They’re considered hors de combat, or noncombatants — effectively prisoners of war,” Dr. Haar said.

    But they brought it on themselves . . .


    1. Comment to Sputnik article NYT Confirms Authenticity of Videos Showing Russian PoWs Executed by Ukrainians:

      Russia murders hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and deports many more while adopting their children and calls media fake when it exposes truths. Now Russia uses western media to show how the terrorist and invading Russians military are killed and calling it executions? Russia needs to go home and fully exit Ukraine and until then Ukraine needs to kill every Russian invader and start targeting Russian territory to show that Putin’s folly is futile and will result in loss in the end. Aside from nukes Russia is lower than 3rd world! FACTS!

      From the above-linked Sputnik article:

      MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The New York Times has confirmed that videos circulating online of more than ten Russian Prisoners of War (PoW) getting executed by Ukrainians were filmed in the village of Makeevka at the time of its recapture by the Ukrainian forces.

      “By comparing the videos to satellite imagery, The Times confirmed that the videos had been filmed at a farmhouse in the village. Some of the videos are part of a series of four drone videos circulated on Nov. 12 by a pro-Ukrainian Telegram channel reporting the recapture of Makeevka. The Times verified that the other aerial videos had also recently been filmed in the village,” the newspaper said on Sunday.
      It was emphasized in the report that in the videos the Russian soldiers can be seen lying dead, positioned as they were when they surrendered . . .

      UN Spokesperson Farhan Haq said on Friday that the United Nations was calling for a full investigation of all reported human rights violations in the context of more than 10 brutally executed Russian PoWs by the Ukrainian side.

      Russia has sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the issue of inhumane treatment of Russian PoWs by Ukraine and asked the top official to circulate it as an official document of the UN Security Council and General Assembly.


  19. Well, whaddaya know! Now that the Footie world Cup kicked off yesterday, the ‘War News’ from Ukrieland have gone from the front pages, print and online! There’s not one photo of yon clown on said pages to make one spew out one’s coffee. Was yesterday’s photo shoot of Sunak and Mr ‘e the last one for the time being? After all, AFAIK, England plays on Wednesday, so lots of little stories need to be published about the English ‘Lions’ … space is limited, innit … sorry, Mr ‘e, you’re no longer important …


  20. In a recent address, Stoltenberg has stated that Sweden and Finland will step up their game regarding the Kurds to please Turkey and get into NATO.
    It goes against his own declaration of less than two weeks ago that the countries “had done enough” in response to a comment of the contrary by Turkey. For its part, Sweden has already stated last week that their priority is to get into NATO, so screw their previous policy on the Kurds.

    So what has changed in the last weeks? A couple of bombs in Turkey that were officially blamed on the Kurds (even though Turkey pointted out that they know this was all the US doing), which gave a chance for retaliation by the Turkish army in “Kurdistan”.

    I have no particular sympathy for the Kurds, but they have been played by everyone in this game, to their detriment.
    This also shows that whatever moral high-ground people think their countries/side have is purely fictional, and that if you can create appropriate conditions (with whatever means) you can completely reverse long-standing policies without losing political face.

    Russia will have to find a way to stop NATO expansion and roll it back, in my opinion, despite their earlier statements that they are fine with it. I personally still can’t imagine how they’ll do that, but I know that they probably could not accept to have so many passive/aggressive countries on their border.


  21. The IAEA are suddently being very cagy about who might be behind the recent artillery attacks on the Zaporzizhia NPP (Ukraine!) and General Austin in Halifax claims that Russia winning in the Ukraine will only encourage other countries to get nuclear weapons. This is a new PR claim, Russia could de-rail nuclear non-proliferation says the country that pulled out of the UN backed JCPOA with i-Ran and goes around blowing up other countries! There’s more than a smell of desperation in the air.


  22. Melnyk the gobshite to Scholz:

    Moin Herr @Bundeskanzler aus Kyjiw. Schön, dass Sie Putin aufriefen: “Beende diesen Krieg”👏🏻Aber das sind nur Worte. Russland versteht nur Stärke. Stellen Sie Putin ein Ultimatum. Mit schmerzhaften Folgen. Um den Energie-Genozid gegen die Ukrainer zu stoppen. Tun Sie das. Bitte

    — Andrij Melnyk (@MelnykAndrij) November 20, 2022

    Hi Herr @Chancellor from Kyiv. Glad you called out to Putin: “End this war”👏🏻But these are just words. Russia understands only strength. Give Putin an ultimatum. With painful consequences. To stop the energy genocide against Ukrainians. Do that. Please

    So Russia is waging “energy genocide” against Ukrainians now, is it? Makes a change from “holodomor”.

    And what had Banderastan been waging against the Crimeans, then, when cutting off both the electrical energy and the water-supply to the Crimea?



  23. How strange!

    According to UN estimates, 7.8 million people have left the Ukraine since February this year. This is only according to official data. How many people have actually crossed the border, no one is able to calculate — neither the UN, nor the EU, nor even the “world government”, if there be one.

    And where are these people going to?

    It is generally assumed — to the West. Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic are, of course, the most popular countries for migrants.

    But eastwards? . . .

    Where in the east, if Russia, the “damned aggressor”, lies to the east?

    According to Ukrainian and Western propaganda, they should run away from Russia. But we take a look at the figures and wonder. According to the same official UN data, 2,800 thousand people have gone to Russia.

    Twice as many as to Poland!

    Three times more than to Germany!

    Seven times more than to the Czech Republic!

    Even the UN recognizes that people who live in the Ukraine are more sympathetic to Russia and want to stay in our civilization with our mentality.

    So who are all these people moving in with us? Will they be able to find their place in Russia?



  24. Mark Ames passes on the news that Azerbiadjan has signe a contract with Russia for 1bcm of gas for the winter.. which can then allow Az to send gas to u-Rope and premium prices. What was the other EU con? Oh yes, something like ‘it is not Russian gas if it is sold on or mixed at 49% or below with other gas.’ YAY! U-ROPE FOR DA WIN! The rubes will never know…


    1. Yes, it will be billed by Aliyev as ‘some of our bountiful supply from the Shah Deniz field’. You know, that source what was supposed to be the ‘supply’ end of Nabucco, the dream pipeline which fed years of meetings and European circle jerks, but of which not a meter was ever built. If Russia was actually a strategic power looking to broaden its influence, it would have contracted Europe to build it a new fifth-generation fighter plane. It would have never gotten built, but the planning and arguing and infighting would have consumed a decade and a sea of money, while keeping Europe largely out of mischief during that time. Then when Europe decided – together, by consensus, as they do everything – that they could not actually let Russia have the three-times-more-expensive design they came up with, Russia could sigh and say “Gee; that’s really too bad”. And then the Yurrup side would all high-five each other for having outsmarted the Russians again.


      1. Actually, the Russians would have contracted with France to build a new fighter jet but the moment the plane is finished is the moment the US directs Paris to slap sanctions on Russia ever receiving anything from France, so Russia sues the French for non-delivery and the French are forced to refund the money. The French are then left with a white-elephant fighter jet that they can’t dismantle and which they can’t sell to anyone else because it has been built to Russian specifications. Eventually after a walk-out by disgruntled workers at the company that built the plane, the French government gives it away at bargain basement prices to one of its former colonies in Africa or Asia somewhere.


  25. The Cradle: India welcomes Syrian foreign minister for first time

    In recent months, Syria has begun a rapprochement process with some of its neighbors following the US-sponsored war in 2011

    Washington can’t be happy about this indirect slap in the face. Turkey’s operation against the Kurds around the border lands are also upsetting the US applecart, aka supporting Kurdistan because it allows the US to ‘play’ in the neighborhood and show who’s boss. It looks to me that a rationalization is picking up momentum in the region towards some sort of reasonable settlement (broth) minus several cooks.


  26. British mercenary did not want to fight for the Ukraine after having been shelled by Russian Armed Forces
    November 3, 2022 at 15: 38

    Sharif Amin

    British mercenary Sharif Amin, nicknamed Rambo, who was wounded as a result of shelling by Russian troops, has decided not to fight on the side of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine anymore. After having been discharged from hospital, he intends to return home.

    The publication notes that Amin had been seriously wounded and doctors doubted that he would survive. In his own words, he is “fed up” with participating in the fighting in the Ukraine, like many other foreign fighters.

    “Suddenly there was a shock, all I could see was red, a dying comrade was thrown at me like a doll, I couldn’t move anymore. I thought: now I’m going to die”, Amin said.

    Now he wants to go to the UK with his Ukrainian girlfriend.

    Earlier, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that over the past two weeks 190 foreign fighters who fought on the side of Kiev had been killed. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, over eight thousand military personnel from more than 60 countries have joined the Armed Forces of the Ukraine in eight months. The most numerous groups have come from Poland, the USA, Canada, Romania and the UK.

    Well, shit happens, don’t it old chum, but as you might say: Allahu akbar!

    And you got yourself a nice Yukie girlfriend to take back home with you as a sort of consolation prize, so there’s always a silver lining, as they say.

    How much did you get paid, by the way — 1,000 bucks a day and as much shaggin’ as you could get?

    Thank Allah that there are heroes such as you willing to defend Banderastan sovereignty and to fight for freedom and democracy against Putin and his barbaric, vile authoritarianism.


  27. An “access denied” message for the above link.


    And here’s 40-year-old Afghanistan vet Sharif after his having had a a near fatal brush with the evil Orcs:

    Formerly of the 1st Battalion “Rifles”

    And here he is with his Ukrainian girlfriend, 33-year-old Helen Vitvickaja:


      1. MOSCOW, Nov 22-RIA Novosti.The Ukrainian Armed Forces are experiencing supply problems, British mercenary Sharif said in an interview with “Bild”.
        01:48 22.11.2022

        The native of Bristol four weeks ago was seriously wounded in battles in the Kherson region. According to the British citizen, his unit was ambushed.

        “We have no painkillers or morphine. There is no helicopter or special forces to pull people out of there. We are completely on our own”, Sharif complained.

        The mercenary said that his colleagues had to take him away from the battlefield.

        “The pain was unbearable: it went through my whole body. I was lying face down in the mud. This is a battle of attrition. And it’s so terrible”, concluded the Sharif.

        Oh you poor dear!

        I’m sure that it is still illegal in the UK to take active service in the armed forces of a foreign country against those of another state with which the UK is not at war. That whinging piece of shit Aslin was arrested as soon as he had returned to the UK from his first trip to the Middle East, where he had served with some of Uncle Sam’s acceptable terrorists. Aslin was released from custody with a warning, whereupon he buggered off again to “serve” as a mercenary with the Kurds. The Kurds, apparently, fucked the useless dimwit off, so he joined those nice Banderites. He is now a “hero” in the mass media of the UK, who was brutally tortured by the Evil Orcs.


        1. A similar principle to the one which sees many street beggars with dogs – people who will sneer “Get a job” to the indigent will not let a dog go hungry because of its master’s irresponsible wastrel habits. And people who will balk at donating money for soldiers to kill one another will donate money to help injured soldiers purchase medicine and medical supplies, because they can feel good about the latter where they might be uncomfortable with the former. And donors often have only touching faith in the honesty of those receiving the donated funds. That’s just the way the world is, and the unscrupulous learn its secrets and prey upon it.


  28. FT

    [wall, climbed over using VPN]

    ‘Ordinary Germans are paying’: anti-war protests stretch across central Europe
    Demonstrations bring together unlikely hardline bedfellows from left and right over impact of Ukraine conflict

    Sam Jones in Leipzig and Raphael Minder in Warsaw 15 HOURS AGO

    Were it not for the banners, it could have been a crowd gathering for an early opening of Leipzig’s Christmas market.

    Then came the speeches.

    “Please do not provoke the police and note that Russian flags or signs that show support for Russia’s armed forces are not welcome!” an organiser declared by loudspeaker at the event this month.

    “Germany is serving as a puppet exclusively for American interests and those of Nato,” the first orator warned to the hundreds-strong crowd, a mix of students, families and pensioners. Some carried banners for the German left, some peace flags and some homemade signs drawing complex parallels between the nine-month war in Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic. As the anti-American rhetoric soared, the crowd applauded, jeered and whistled.

    “The embargo policy against Russia has failed completely and is being directed catastrophically against ourselves,” the speaker continued, invoking the Holocaust and declaring the war in Ukraine a “paradise” for “warmongers, arms companies and profiteers”.

    For several weeks every Monday evening — a nod to the regular protests in the 1980s against the Communist regime on that day in Leipzig — such rallies have taken place in dozens of towns and cities across eastern Germany.

    Most are attended by a few hundred people, many by just dozens. But as with similar rallies elsewhere in central and eastern Europe, they point to a worrying trend for the region’s political mainstream.

    Several thousand protesters including groups from the far-right and far-left take part in a rally in Prague in September © Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images
    In Germany, some protests have been organised by the radical left and some by the populist right, in a sign of how a deepening economic crisis, conflicted historical heritage and complex relationship with Russia are dissolving traditional political rivalries and fusing new movements opposed to the status quo.

    In Leipzig, eastern Germany’s biggest city after Berlin, the hard left and hard right have often found themselves protesting together on Augustusplatz, separated only by a tramway.

    “We want Nato warmongers to stop creating a conflict between Germany and Russia, between Ukraine and Russia,” said Sabine Kunze, a pensioner at the rally. She clutched a brown cardboard sign that read: “Peace with Russia.”

    “We want normalised gas and electricity prices,” she added, rolling off a list of grievances, including that young children were being “set against” Russian children in kindergartens. “I don’t mind speaking to you because people need to understand we’re not Nazis,” she added. “We want peace.”

    David, a 30-year-old unemployed man from Brandenburg, carried a cardboard picture of chancellor Olaf Scholz: “Jumping Jack,” it read, with “Biden’s War” printed on its reverse.

    “Ordinary Germans are paying because America wants to interfere in Russia,” he said, adding that his bills were increasing and his chances of getting a job decreasing.

    In rallies elsewhere in eastern Germany in the past two months, the messages have been strikingly similar, regardless of political hue.

    “Energy security and protection from Inflation — our land first!” declared the banners at an October gathering in Berlin organised by Alternative für Deutschland, the established right-wing populist party. Some protesters waved Russian flags.

    A recent parliamentary disclosure by German security services listed the campaign slogans at 23 rallies organised in September by the far-right Free Saxons. They included: “Nordstream 2, open it immediately!”; “Community not division!” and “Stop inflation, the war, and the corona madness!”.

    “A lot of different grievances are becoming fused — very dangerously fused in democratic terms — in these protests, particularly in east Germany,” said Professor Hajo Funke, a political scientist at the Free University of Berlin.

    It was notable how anti-war sentiments were being channelled by populist movements that established themselves in opposition to restrictions imposed during the pandemic, he added.

    He said their spread was being slowed by the German federal government’s effective measures to help consumers and businesses cope with the impact of the war.

    But the outlook, particularly with refugee numbers again growing sharply in Europe and cold weather setting in, is far from certain.

    Even bigger anti-war protests have taken place in neighbouring Czech Republic, although pro-Russian sentiment there has often been refracted through local political issues.

    In early September, 70,000 protesters gathered in Prague to oppose the government and Nato. Speakers at the demonstration were “pro-Kremlin, Eurosceptic” and sometimes connected with conspiracy websites, according to Petr Just, head of the political science department at Metropolitan University Prague. But, he said, their audience was “quite a diverse group and most of the people came to express their disappointment with the government’s handling of the current socio-economic crisis and energy crisis. Many of the people did not know they were being used by the pro-Kremlin groups.”

    In Slovakia, polls have shown 19 per cent of the population preferring a Russian victory to a Ukrainian one, according to a survey published last month by the think-tank Globsec.

    While public anti-war or pro-Russia street protests have been small, “this can change over the course of winter”, said Globsec policy director Dominika Hajdu. As in other countries, the Slovak protests “also unite different factions”, Hajdu added.

    In fact, some analysts take heart from the fact that protests in places such as Prague have not got bigger since September, even as colder weather raises the impact of higher energy prices on households. This is likely to be seen as “disappointing for anybody in Moscow who wanted to see citizens disconnect from their governments”, said Milan Nič, senior fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations.

    But it is in Austria where anti-war messaging and pro-Russia sentiment appear to be enjoying the greatest currency.

    Against the backdrop of an unpopular and divided central government dogged by corruption scandals, Austria’s populist Freedom party has clawed back voter support in recent surveys, having relentlessly blamed sanctions and hostility to Russia for the mounting economic hardship facing working-class Austrians.

    “The entire issue landscape now speaks for the Freedom party,” said Thomas Hofer, an Austrian political commentator. “We’re not far from a situation where they could conceivably be first in the polls.”

    In January’s regional elections in Lower Austria, many on the German radical right, which has built increasingly strong ties with its Austrian counterparts, will be watching closely.

    “We have a clear message for the [government],” the organiser of the Leipzig protest shouted as the crowd began to move through the old city. “In Germany, insecurity and fear are rampant . . . Ukraine is being sacrificed on the altar of American interests . . . and we are standing up.”

    It was in Leipzig where anti-government demonstrations kicked off that led to the fall of the GDR, the Berlin Wall, and the (partial) reunification of Germany.


  29. Tass: Court in Poland overturns fine for Nord Stream 2 construction participants

    …”Proceedings to fine Gazprom and five other companies (Engie Energy, Uniper, OMV, Shell and Wintershall) for establishing the company responsible for the construction and operation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline without the required consent of UOKiK chairman were initiated in May 2018,” the regulator informed. “Fines amounting to more than 29 bln zloty [$6.3 bln at the current rate – TASS] for Gazprom and over 234 mln zloty [about $53 mln at the current rate – TASS] for other the entities who participated in the project were imposed two years ago. The companies appealed this decision. On November 21, 2022, the Court for Protection of Competition and Consumer Rights reversed the decision,” the regulator said.

    UOKiK intends to dispute the court’s judgment in the Warsaw Court of Appeals.


  30. A Times headline has popped up: AP reporter sacked for Polish missile strike claims that sparked ‘WW3’ frenzy


    So crAP’s ‘James LaPorta, 35, its national security reporter’ who quoted the senior US intelligence offical who said it was Russian? There’s shooting messengers, then there’s shooting the ‘wrong’ and the ‘right kind’ of messengers to get you out of trouble even though you had been aptly carrying water for western officals loyally (that’s your crAP, Neuters et al – not me!). The west is at war with its own reporters. It’s not good enough to keep your head down and do what is expected to stay out of trouble, you have to pray too.

    In other news, Vovan & Lexus pranked Polish prez Duda in a 7 minute call by pretending to be Macron!


    1. Polish Chancellery confirms president’s conversation with Russian pranksters

      On November 15, a missile strayed into the village of Przewodow in eastern Poland’s Lublin Voivodeship on the border with Ukraine, killing two people

      …”After the explosion of the missile in Przewodow during contacts with heads of state and government, a phone conversation with a man posing as French President Emmanuel Macron took place. President Andrzej Duda realized from the atypical manner in which the conversation was unfolding that it was probably a deceit and stopped the conversation,” the report said. “After this conversation, the president’s office, together with the relevant services, immediately began to clarify the circumstances of what had happened,” the Chancellery added.

      In a video published on Tuesday on the prankers’ social media accounts, the supposed Macron asks Duda if he linked Kiev’s position on the incident to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s constant requests for new weapons deliveries. In response, the Polish president said that he was extremely cautious, did not blame the Russians and stressed that he sought to avoid war with Russia….

      Doesn’t want war with Russia so d*ck moves by banning Lavrov’s Russian OSCE delegation claiming that is ‘against EU sanctions’ is ok? It’s political farce.


    2. Daily Beast/iNews: ‘Standards were violated’: How a reporter’s mistake on Poland missile strike raised fears of a Third World War

      The use of a single anonymous source at one of the world’s most respected news organisations sparked global fears of nuclear escalation within minutes

      … AP news values and principles state material from anonymous sources may be used only if it meets certain conditions.

      This includes being “information and not opinion or speculation” that is vital to the report. Other conditions state: “the information is not available except under the conditions of anonymity imposed by the source,” and “the source is reliable, and in a position to have direct knowledge of the information.”

      AP also states that it “routinely seeks and requires more than one source when sourcing is anonymous. Stories should be held while attempts are made to reach additional sources for confirmation or elaboration. In rare cases, one source will be sufficient – when material comes from an authoritative figure who provides information so detailed that there is no question of its accuracy.”…

      crAP has standards? Use of anonymous sources used to be very rare (when we were young), now it is very common, sexy and used regularly because otherwise news wouldn’t be exicting, opinionated or interesting enough otherwise!

      I guess that in other times they would have let this one go but too many or the right kind of people required a change of underwear and demanded that heads must roll.


      1. Perhaps it marks a change in direction, but certainly not in method or tactics. There would be simply no way to report half the foreign-policy drivers generated by the mee-jah if ‘journalists’ had to report only what they could verify and were not permitted to offer anonymity in exchange for juicy rumors. Moreover, a good half the sources would be immediately discredited if their identities were revealed, and a significant number of others probably do not exist.


  31. Well if you think the Polacks are performing a political farce, then it pales into insignificance when compared with the following Yukieshite performance:

    22 November, 18:43
    Military operation in the Ukraine
    The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office has brought charges against the Russian soldiers who were shot by members of the Ukraine armed forces

    The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office has alleged that “Russian soldiers, whilst pretending their surrender to AFU soldiers, had opened fire on the Ukrainian defenders”.

    KIEV, Nov. 22. /TASS/. The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office has accused the Russian servicemen who were shot after surrendering to Ukrainian security forces in the LPR village of Makeyevka of “treachery” and “violation of the laws of war”.

    “The Lugansk Regional Prosecutor’s Office (of the Ukraine – by TASS) entered information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations on the fact of perfidy committed by servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces. Criminal proceedings have been initiated under the article on violation of laws and customs of war (part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of the Ukraine)”, said a message posted on Tuesday in the Telegram channel of the office of the Prosecutor General of the Ukraine.

    “Russian soldiers, pretending to surrender to AFU soldiers, opened fire on the Ukrainian defenders”, the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office claims. “Such acts are prohibited by international humanitarian law.”

    Earlier, Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case over the mass shooting of captive Russian servicemen by representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the basis of a video circulated on the Internet.

    Needless to say, the accused parties have no ability to defend themselves against the accusation made of them by the Prosecutor General of the Ukraine — because they are dead.


    1. Well, we should have expected it; it follows the Sarah Palin Law of Campaign Advertising, which says when people are broadly outraged at what you said, quickly think of an innocent explanation for it – what COULD you have meant? Then say you meant that. Similarly, if you did something wrong in an incident, think of a way the incident could have unfolded so that you had to do what you did, or at least circumstances in which you could be given the benefit of the doubt. Then say it happened that way, and look as innocent as you can. They PRETENDED to surrender, but then they treacherously opened fire on us. Honest, Guv. We couldn’t have done no different. That’s just what Russians is like.

      Won’t work, I’m afraid; there has been enough circulation of the video which shows the Russians coming out of the house with their hands raised, then down on the ground with their hands extended, then apparently dead in the same poses. The Ukrainians can try saying their soldiers were attacked and defended themselves, but any nation which backs this narrative will be seen to be complicit, and it would be especially hard to believe coming on the heels of Zelensky’s obvious lie about the ‘Russian’ missiles striking Poland, and his demand that Ukraine be included in the investigation. Perhaps that’s the way he got used to things happening during the MH-17 investigation – although he was of course not President then – but he will have to learn that while the west is perfectly happy partnering with Ukraine to make patsies of everyone else, it decidedly does not like being regarded as a patsy itself by Ukraine, nor any attempts by Ukraine to make up narratives of its own and assume western endorsement. The more the Ukrainians look like liars, the less they look like useful partners.


  32. And get this for Polack childishness:

    The other day, Warsaw authorities ostentatiously renamed a pedestrian and bicycle lane near the Russian embassy “Victims of Russian Aggression Avenue”.

    Source: AiF


    1. Yes, a page from the American Book Of Diplomatic Sandbox Games, like their renaming of the street the Russian Embassy was on in some city – maybe New York or something, I can’t remember – ‘Andrey Sakharov Street’. So droll. I suggested the Russians rename the street the US Embassy is on in Moscow ‘Edward Snowden Avenue of Patriots’ or something, perhaps, ‘Scrotum Square’, but for some reason childish games do not appeal to them.


  33. 22 Nov, 2022 17:43
    Ukrainian nationalist ‘hero’ dies in Germany
    Yuri Shukhevich was the son of a prominent WWII Nazi collaborator

    Yuri-Bogdan Romanovich Shukhevich, whose father Roman commanded Ukrainian volunteers in the service of Nazi Germany during the Second World War, died on Tuesday at the age of 89. The younger Shukhevich followed in his father’s footsteps as leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement and was elected to the parliament in Kiev after the US-backed 2014 coup.

    “Eternal memory to a great Ukrainian,” Lviv Mayor Andrey Sadovoy said on his Telegram channel, announcing Shukhevich’s passing and calling him “a Hero of Ukraine, dissident, member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group.”

    According to several Ukrainian outlets, Shukhevich passed away at a hospital in Germany. He was 89.

    Yuri Shukhevich’s most recent public engagement was as member of parliament for Oleg Lyashko’s Radical Party, having been elected in 2014. Prior to that, he was the leader of the nationalist organization UNA-UNSO, which was established in 1990 amid the turmoil in the Soviet Union.

    He was given the title Hero of Ukraine in August 2006, for “for civil courage, long-term social, political and human rights activities in the name of independence of Ukraine.”

    President Viktor Yushchenko, who came to power in the US-backed ‘Orange Revolution’ of 2004, also honored Shukhevich’s father Roman with the same title in 2007, but Ukrainian courts annulled that decision on a technicality: having been born in Poland [namely in what is now Western Galitsia, which became part of post-Versailles Poland; up to the end of WWI, that part of Galitsia was the poorest and most backward province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire — ME] and dying in 1950, Shukhevich had never been a citizen of independent Ukraine.

    Roman Shukhevich was the notorious commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which was responsible for the mass murder of Poles in Galicia-Volyhnia in 1943. Prior to that, he volunteered in the Nachtigall Battalion, a unit set up by Nazi Germany’s military intelligence in February 1941 and composed of Ukrainian militants.

    The unit has been accused of involvement in the pogrom of some 6,000 Jews in Lviv. When it was dissolved in late 1941, Shukhevich joined the Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201 and continued working for the Nazis until late 1942. He died in 1950, reportedly committing suicide while surrounded by Soviet police in a house near present-day Lviv.

    The red-and-black banner of Shukhevich’s UPA is a symbol embraced by modern Ukrainian nationalists, who revere him alongside Stepan Bandera as “freedom fighters” against the USSR. Yuri Shukhevich was likewise honored as an anti-Soviet dissident and political prisoner, having spent a total of 28 years behind bars on charges of Ukrainian nationalist agitation.

    Ukraine nationalists — speciality: killing Russians, Poles, Jews, Czechs, Hungarians etc., in other words, any people who were not “pure” Ukrainians, whatever that may be.

    Oh yes, and quite a few of them found employment as “extermination camp” guards, overseers etc.

    That’s Vernichtungslager, not “concentration camp” [KZ-lager].

    Glory to the heroes1


  34. 04:10 23.11.2022
    Refugees from the Ukraine trapped on a cruise ship angered by the Russian-speaking crew
    DM: Ukrainians living on a cruise ship in Scotland complained about the Russian-speaking crew

    MOSCOW, November 23-RIA Novosti. Ukrainian refugees placed on a cruise ship in Edinburgh, Scotland, have complained about their living conditions and the “Russian-speaking crew”, reports “The Daily Mail”.

    Because of a lack of housing for refugees in the country, more than one and a half thousand Ukrainians have been accommodated on board a ship in the local port of Leith since July. As the newspaper notes, the refugees complain of cramped conditions and difficulties in accessing benefits, transport tickets, and they also did not like that “they are being kept on board a ship with a Russian-speaking crew”.

    In addition, the Ukrainians have complained about low Internet speed, problems with access to parking at the pier, as well as difficulties in providing an educational programme for their children.

    According to the leader of the Scottish Liberal Democratic Party, Alex Cole-Hamilton, at the current rate of refugee accommodation, “many Ukrainians may face years (living – editor’s note) on board the cruise ship”.

    At the same time, the Edinburgh City Council has reported that the Ukrainians living on board the liner had not officially address any of the voiced problems.

    Plans to accommodate Ukrainian refugees on cruise ships owing to a lack of housing in Scotland became known in the summer. The local government chartered the ship “Victoria I” from the Estonian shipping company Tallink, and it arrived at the port of Leith in Edinburgh. According to the British media, the cabins in which the Ukrainians were placed are smaller in size than the cells in local prisons. In September, another cruise ship with more than 700 cabins arrived in Scotland to accommodate refugees, and the ship was chartered for six months.

    Almost 22,000 refugees from the Ukraine have arrived in Scotland since February.

    Oh, they’re so precious!


    1. How would the refugees know the crew spoke Russia unless … they can understand the language? And if they don’t understand Russian, the crew could be speaking Polish for all they know.

      And what benefits were they expecting on a cruise ship … swimming pools, bars stocked with alcoholic drinks, all-day buffets and free entertainment?

      The poor precious dears!


      1. Do you speak Russian?

        In Russian:

        Вы говорите по-русски?

        In Ukrainian:

        Ви говорите російською


          1. I believe that according to present Ukrainian language law, one is not allowed to speak Russian in shops, cafés etc. when making purchases without having first asked permission of one’s interlocutor that Russian be spoken because of one’s inability to communicate in Ukrainian.

            That’s the law in Banderastan, and, it seems, that Ukrainian nationalists believe that should be the rule on board an Estonian cruise ship berthed at Leith, Scotland.


            1. The crew of the Estonian ship very likely consists of ethnic Russian Estonian citizens. Perhaps it would be better if the crew were replaced by ethnic Estonian citizens, and then the Yukietards and Estonian crew could talk merrily away with one another in Estonian?


              1. I believe there’s another cruise ship housing Ukrainians, berthed at the George V Dock in Glasgow. They must have a great view of bulk goods being loaded and unloaded 🙂


      2. Could have been worse for the Yukies, though: the crew members might well have been Polacks.

        Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
        This name appears in the cult Polish movie “How I Unleashed World War II” when a Polish prisoner pretends to be thus named in order to thwart the Nazi officer who has to keep track of prisoners’ identities. His reaction is probably illustrative of most foreigners’ frustration with our devilish Polish phonology.

        [subtitles available]

        Love it!



  35. Yes, the whole world owes them a living!

    Kuleba: Western countries have no right to get tired of helping the Ukraine
    November 23, 2022, 04: 59

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Western countries “have no right” to get tired of helping Kiev. This is reported by the German newspaper Die Zeit.

    “If we, the Ukrainians, are not tired, the rest of Europe has no moral or political right to get tired”, he said.

    According to Kuleba, the EU needs to “put aside all doubts and fatigue” in order to agree on the ninth package of sanctions against Russia as soon as possible.

    Earlier, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced the allocation of a new tranche of financial assistance to Ukraine for $4.5 million.

    In addition, the head of the UkraineMinistry of Finance Serhiy Marchenko announced the receipt of the next tranche of financial assistance from the EU to the amount of €2.5 billion.

    Yep, freedom and democracy always has a price!

    Moskals to the Gallows! Moskals to be knifed!

    Glory to Banderastan! To the heroes — Glory!


  36. RT

    23 Nov, 2022 00:29
    CIA reveals plan for disgruntled Russians
    The US spy agency wants to recruit disaffected Russian officials and business executives

    The CIA is interested in recruiting Russians “disgusted” with the conflict in Ukraine, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. The claim was made by deputy director of operations David Marlowe during a recent meeting at a Washington-area think-tank.

    “We’re looking around the world for Russians who are as disgusted with that as we are, “Marlowe reportedly said, referring to the current events in Ukraine. “Because we’re open for business.”

    Marlowe spoke “before a select audience of university faculty and staff” at George Mason University’s Hayden Center in Arlington, Virginia. The “CIA at 75” event was his first public appearance since he took office in June 2021, according to the WSJ. Though the event was held last week, the Hayden Center made the video of it public on Monday.

    CIA Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold, described as responsible for producing finished intelligence reports for President Joe Biden and the rest of the US leadership, was also on the panel, along with the agency’s one-time acting director Michael Morrell.

    Appointed by current CIA Director William Burns, Marlowe is an Arabic speaker whose expertise is in the Near and Middle East. According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin “squandered” all of his power and influence by “invading” Ukraine in February. He described the conflict as a massive failure for Moscow and said it presented opportunities for Western intelligence agencies to recruit disaffected Russians.

    The announcement follows several instances during which Western intelligence agencies have tried to approach Russian personnel serving abroad, according to Moscow.

    Last month, Moscow summoned the Dutch ambassador over reports that a British spy had tried to recruit a Russian military attache in The Hague. Earlier this year, the Kremlin denounced US attempts to suborn Russian diplomats as “very impudent behavior” and “unacceptable.”

    The Hayden Center was set up in 2017 by retired US Air Force General Michael V. Hayden, several months after he became a CNN contributor. Hayden ran the National Security Agency (NSA) between 1999-2005 and the CIA from 2006-2009, amidst such controversies as the waterboarding torture of terrorism suspects and warrantless mass surveillance of Americans.

    Note: this is not interference by the USA in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state!

    A commenter to the above RT article asks: “Who’s the fat cow in the middle?”

    Why, it’s Linda Weissgold, no less — Deputy Director CIA: one of the tribe, no doubt.

    “She” might even be a man who thinks he’s a woman — wouldn’t surprise me at all.


    1. Personally, I think Dmitry Bykov would be perfect as a CIA agent.

      Somehow Putin is a dictator who squandered all his power and influence by attacking Ukraine, while the USA is not a dictatorial power for attacking Iraq against the advice of many cooler heads, and only increased its power and influence thereby. Cast your memory back – did the price of gasoline go through the roof after the USA attacked Iraq, and were there global supply-chain issues, a chip war and food extortion? All of which, of course, are Russia’s fault, even though it is without power and influence.


  37. Goodbye USA! You can stick your “values” up your collective arse!

    🚨#BREAKING: A Walmart manager has shot multiple employees ⁰
    📌#Chesapeake l #VA ⁰
    Police are to responding to multiple fatalities and injuries inside a Walmart superstore in VA with officials saying the Manager at Walmart Started to open fire shooting Multiple employees inside

    — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) November 23, 2022
    SHOOTING INSIDE CHESAPEAKE WALMART: what we know right now per police— multiple fatalities and injuries inside. Believe there is only one shooter, but they also believe that person is dead. This is off Battlefield Blvd. @13NewsNow

    — Sarah Hammond (@SarahHammondTV) November 23, 2022


  38. Politico: Putin puts the energy squeeze on pro-EU Moldova

    The crisis is also inflaming tensions between Moldova and the breakaway territory of Transnistria.

    I enter this in to evidence as the kind of painful escherismis that journalists go through to blame Russia. You don’t pay for X, you don’t get X. You take part in hostile sanctions against X, X has no reason to be friendly.

    A lot of this author’s ‘article’s are fairly bad, but he’s outdone himself in self-serving deceit with this one! For some reason, there’s a bunch of actually interesting articles on today for a change.


    1. Apparently Moldova wasn’t getting all the gas it paid for as Gazprom’s measuring systems noted and accused the Ukraine of stealing it. Chisnau says today that it is ‘storing’ bought reserve gas in Ukranian storage…


      1. Moldova’s President Maia Sandu commented on the systemic power outages. According to her, the light in the republic was lost and it was Russia’s fault. She also added that “we cannot trust this regime”:

        “Russia has left Moldova in the dark. But the power supply can be restored. We’ll fix the technical problems, and we’ll have the lights back on. All government agencies are working on this. We cannot trust a regime that leaves us in the dark and cold, that deliberately kills people out of a simple desire to leave other people poor and humble”, she wrote on Facebook.

        Another Washington marionette has spoken!

        In 2010, Sandu obtained a Master’s degree in public policy, after having completed studies at the Kennedy School of Public Administration at Harvard University.

        From June 2010 until July 2012, she was the Adviser of the Executive Director of the World Bank in Washington D.C.

        Before being winged away for “training” in the USA, Sandu had graduated in 1994 from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Management. From 1995 to 1998, she studied at the Academy of Public Administration in Chisinau, obtaining a Master’s degree in International Relations.


        1. Sandu cannot trust the Russian “regime”, but her thieving, lying bastards of Ukrainian neighbours are beyond any criticism whatsoever and would never dream of siphoning off gas that Moldova had paid for.


  39. Alexander Rogers: Freelance writer. Born on June 6, 1978 in Vinnytsia [then in UkSSR — ME] Graduated from Vinnytsia National Technical University, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications. After the events in the Ukraine in 2014, he moved to Moscow. Author of the publications “Journalistic Truth”, “Federal News Service”, “News Front” and others.

    Interestingly, his family name is of British origin. It was a Welsh mining company that developed the Donetsk coalfield in the 19th century. Perhaps that’s the reason why Alexander Rogers has such a family name.

    Here is a blog posted today by that same Alexander Rogers, who is, remember, a “Ukrainian”, but as you shall see below, identifies himself as a “Russian-Ukrainian”, in that he writes “we Russians”.

    Alexander Rogers: Characteristics of the “Little Ukrainian” mentality
    Nov. Wednesday, 23rd, 2022 at 09:44

    In order to sort out the “Ukrainian case” sometime, you need to understand the specifics of the mentality of the indigenous population.

    First of all, you need to understand the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

    A patriot loves his country.

    A nationalist loves himself.

    Nationalism is an ideology that promotes the right of certain people to preferential birthrights. A nationalist is not looking for the good fof his country: he is looking for the good of himself.

    All sorts of myths about “oppression” and “famines” for a nationalist are ways to bargain for various preferences and compensations (as is known from psychology, attempts to instill a guilt complex in someone is pure manipulation).

    Just like stories about someone’s inferiority, the ideology of “superhumans and subhumans” is only a way to justify one’s own crimes.

    So, there is no patriotism in the Ukraine. In the Ukraine there is nationalism (Nazism). Self-love raised to the absolute.

    Let the whole world burn with fire, as long as I, my most beloved, fare well.

    We Russians are stupid. All the time we try as a group to make our own judgements of events and agitate accordingly. In 2013, when there was a choice between the “Customs Union” and the “European Association”, all our campaigning was based on the concepts of the public good, the benefit for the country and people. We talked about the development of mutual trade, jobs, GDP growth and so on.

    This is our catholicity, collectivism, community.

    And the “Little Ukrainian”, riding on the back of “Maidan”, thought only about “visa-free travel”: he’s from a farm, he doesn’t care about society; he doesn’t care about what will happen to the country and everyone else; he expected to get his “visa-free” EU entry and get out of the Ukraine for good.

    Once upon a time in the nineties, films were still being made at the dying Dovzhenko film studio [former Soviet film production studio in the Ukraine, in 1957 named after the Soviet film producer Oleksandr Dovzhenko. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the studio became the property of the government of the Ukraine — ME]. And in one of that studio’s films called “Four sheets of plywood” there is an episode in which there is a meeting on a collective farm, where they are trying to decide what to do with the money received for the harvest. And one old man says:

    – Let’s buy four sheets of plywood with this money.

    – Why?

    – Let’s make an aeroplane out of them and fly away and get the hell out of here.

    So, the national idea of ​​the the Ukraine is to get out of the Ukraine at any cost.

    Therefore, it is useless to tell “Little Ukrainians” about corruption. You tell them, and they mentally consider not how to deal with it (they are not a fools, simply very cunning), but how they can fit into this system.

    You tell them about economic crimes, but in their dreams they are already working out how to fit into the corrupt schemes and to make money out of them. Just like in this joke:

    – All around me there is corruption!

    – Do you want to fight it?

    – I want to take part in it!

    By the way, “political Ukrainians” of this kind are to be found in Russia as well: there are all kinds of Rashkins, Bondarenkos, Delyagins there – their names are legion.

    It is useless talking with Little Ukrainians about the corruption of Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Klitschko or Zelensky. For Little Ukrainians, stories about what Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Klitschko and Zelensky have done and continue to do are not tales of criminality: for Little Ukrainians, these are success stories, and the criminals are role models.

    Stealing a billion and getting out of the Ukraine is their ultimate dream.

    I have met honest people (relatively) who have simply said, “So what? I would do the same if I had the chance!”

    And if that’s what you’re thinking yourself right now, then that’s your little inner Khokhol that’s stirring inside of you.

    Similarly, it is useless to write (believe me, I have tried) that the Ukraine has been deprived of sovereignty and is a powerless colony of the west. It suits them just fine. The main thing is that they are embedded in a system of colonial oppression, having the roles of policemen or officials of the occupation administration.

    I’m beginning to suspect that even when they are finally dumped (which will inevitably happen), they won’t be particularly outraged because of: “Well alright then! I’d have done the same too”.

    You don’t believe me? Am I lying?

    And what was the first thing nearly 11 million Ukrainians (essentially half the population) did, having heard the news of the start of the SMO? They fled! They had a legitimate reason to get out.

    And don’t get me started on the horrors of war. Many people went “abroad”, got help for refugees, and then came back, because, inevitably, they’re shutting down the freebie shop abroad.

    The ostentatious “patriotism” of Ukrainians is always petty. To wrap oneself in the flag in exchange for a position. To wrap oneself in the flag in exchange for a freebie. To squeal on a neighbour to the SBU in order to move the garden fence a couple of metres in one’s favour.

    I’ve read the official reports of investigations into the Ukraine army atrocities. Often their own neighbours were brutally murdered in order to get a piglet, a few chickens and a set of pots. Or even out of pure envy.

    Almost forgot! Yes, envy is one of the main motivators of the “Little Ukrainian”. God forbid that one’s neighbour have at least something better!

    Here, recently, a video was doing the rounds, in which an elderly Banderite woman was crying that her neighbour was not being taken away by the SBU. She just cannot live!

    That is why they so happily supported Poroshenko’s words that “their children will sit in the basements”.

    That is why they happily supported the shelling of the Donbass all these years: otherwise it would have been better living outside, in the DPR, than it is inside the Ukraine – the soul of a Little Ukrainian (or whatever it is) could not endure such a thing.

    They don’t need to be good: they just want their neighbours to be even worse off than they are.

    And now there is light in Donetsk and Lugansk, but not in Kiev and Lvov. Now in Europe they are freezing, and in Russia they are sitting in warmth. Now the EU is rapidly becoming impoverished, and in Russia supermarkets are crammed with food, and parking lots in front of them are filled with cars.

    Little Ukrainians can’t bear this: they desperately squeal “get out” and come up with stories that the Russians have never seen asphalt and electric kettles. Do you think they’re making this up for us? No, this is purely for internal consumption, to deny the reality in which they, no matter how cunning they might think they are, made the wrong existential choice.

    Tales of how the Biden family laundered tens of billions of dollars through the Ukraine will only evoke cries of: “Well, that’s how folk live!”

    And the video of Poroshenko, who ran off to London and sat there in a restaurant, “He did everything right”.

    For they would have acted exactly in the same way.

    P.S. I actually wrote this more as a memo to myself. Not to try to appeal in dialogue with “Little Ukrainians” to any higher justice. Such a thing for them is an inaccessible concept.


    1. End of film: “Four Sheets of Plywood”, showing the meeting of Ukrainian state-farm shitkicking morons:

      At the end it reads:

      Кінець фільму

      which means: “End of film” in Ukrainian.

      In Russian that’s

      Конец фильма

      See how Yukies find it so hard to understand Russian, let alone speak it?


    2. Thanks for passing that on ME, it’s powerful stuff.

      The bit about having your neighbor’s whacked or dragged off because you don’t like them is very much a long history on ‘Ukranian’ territory, whether WWI or WWII. You could apply it also to Croatzia in the 1990s which has learned at least to pretend to be ‘civilized’ by u-Ropean standards and not embarass Brussels too much, but it took them a good ten to fifiteen years after the end of the civil war (to stop publicly glorifying homegrown/WWII local nazis etc.).


  40. Apparently the Daily Fail is reporting that i-Sraeli intelligence source say i-Ran is planning to attack a USA world cup game in Qatar. That’s insane.

    It looks to me that now the west has killed JCPOA and i-Ran is yet again censured by the IAEA board on the behest of the west and in response declared that it will now purify its uranium to 60%, the balance is finally tipping to war.

    The question is I think will Washington be onboard with this? There are enough crises on its hands without one playing out unpredictably, but on the other hand there are ‘opportunities’ in war and for the genocidal warhawks that control US foreign policy I can imagine that they would see a war with i-Ran (direct or indirect) as a means to show the world that America STRONK! and and opportunity undermine the value of BRICS/SCO to which i-Ran is to be come a formal member.

    If this is the case then the water carrying western media (no questions asked!) will be flooded with similar stories like this in an effort to soften up the western public and build support for the war, which would probably happen just after the world cup concludes, aka early next year.


    1. I should probably add the obvious, that this would also be building on the domestic situation of large scale protests which are in part sponsored/backed/whatever by our ‘special services’ to unravel i-Ran’s inner fabric, so the usual thinking is that an external (limited?) war coupled with further internal division would drive the collapse ‘the regime,’ so nothing new.

      The problem with this is that is no-one likes being attacked from the outside and i-Ran has international allies and the US would require a significant proxy force to work on its behalf (Kurds again?) as it does not have geographic access for its own forces.

      Further flies in the ointment are that In-sultin’ Erd O’Grand’s current campaign – depending on the form and length – against the Kurds for the recent i-Stanbul bombing, not to mention that nobody in the neighborhood apart from the Kurdish control of northern i-Rack will allow it.

      An attack on i-Ran in the near future may well be though of as a ‘now or never moment’ for the Neoc*nts however insane and regardless of the consequences.

      Who can stop all this? The US military maybe. Washington doesn’t listen to allies. The UK will be fully onboard and a handful of others.

      I’m still surprised that I’m surprised at events becoming even more nuts than they have already been these last years. At some point do we have too much peace and have to scratch that war itch, just because? Less than a couple of weeks ago here in u-Rope commemorated the end of WWI on Rememberance Day, memories by combatants played on TV and the media to remind everyone how awful war is, but there are not many of them left. What’s the point of commemorating the loss when we are still keen on more war because we can, for ‘credibility’ and other stupid chest puffing reasons considering what we know of the consequences?

      I hope there will be growing anti-war protests here in u-Rope but I’m not convinced there will be. If there is enough public pressure here maybe our r*tarded warmongering governments might not offer the US the support it always wants before it goes on a rampage of destruction with one of its hamsters somewhere around the world, such as i-Ran. Maybe they’ll just have their war or chioce sooner before the public figures out what is going on?


      1. The west is high on war because it sees the sunsetting of its ‘way of life’, which was largely myth anyway. For a brief period in the 50’s it looked like the USA and its allies might be content with prosperity, but prosperity – while undoubtedly satisfying – just doesn’t assuage that need to beat the shit out of someone. NATO is a cruising psycho looking for its next victim.


    2. Uranium enriched to 60% is still too low for use in nuclear weapons. It’s basically just extra-rich nuclear fuel.

      It is, however, useful as an expression of defiance and a warning that the percentage will continue to go up if the west persists in its elitist bossman antics. It would be interesting if Russia announced that in the event of a western attack on Iran, it would supply Iran with weapons, money and mercenaries to help it fight the west – in the interests of ‘weakening’ it, like. And I could see that happening. It’s obviously permissible behavior – no law against it, or surely the west wouldn’t do it.


  41. Well waddya know!

    23.11.2022 11:25
    Mass production of Moskvich cars has started in Moscow

    [video insert]

    A Moskvich 3 was the first to roll off the assembly line – it’s a redesigned version of the Chinese front-wheel drive crossover JAC JS4.

    Sales of this car will begin in Moscow and the Central Federal District in December, and throughout Russia – in March 2023.

    The Moskvich 3 will have two engines. The first is a 1.5-litre turbocharged powertrain. Its power is 150 hp and 210 Nm of torque. It works together with a 6-speed manual transmission or a continuously variable CVT. The second engine is a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine (109 hp and 150 Nm). With it comes only a six-speed “mechanics”.

    Recall that the company’s partner was the Russian KAMAZ. According to the previously mentioned plans, 600 Moskvich crossovers will roll off the assembly line by the end of the year, a third of them will receive an electric power plant – these electric models will be called Moskvich 3e.

    Such a car practically does not differ in design from a crossover with an internal combustion engine. It is powered by a liquid-cooled DY Power electric motor with a peak output of 68 horsepower. A battery with a capacity of 187 ampere-hours (250-450 V) is claimed, on a single charge of which the electric car can travel up to 410 kilometers.

    The Moskvich plant was a mile or so up the road from where I live. Shutdown during the fast-track to capitalism years. Renault (Frogland) owned the Moscow automotive plant from 1998. In March 2022, they announced that they were closing the site down. The Moscow Government bought the plant, changed its name and signed the Passenger Automotive Transport Development Agreement with KAMAZ.

    Above: part of the Moskvich plant when it was occupied by the Frogs. Metro line in the foreground, just one stop from Moscow Exile’s Moscow pied à terre, which is situated off screen to the right.

    And that’s how the Moskvich plant was like in its pomp . . .

    . . . and that’s how it became during the Golden Yeltsin Years. All those jobs and incomes gone down the Swanee . . .

    Go to hell the “Free West”!


      1. So here it is again, I hope:

        Above: part of the Moskvich plant when it was occupied by the Frogs. Metro line in the foreground, just one stop from Moscow Exile’s Moscow pied à terre, which is situated off screen to the right.


        1. As regards the metro line in the foreground of the above photo, I just don’t know why it is on the surface.

          About 1 mile to the right, in the direction of the city centre, is the station Volgogradskaya — that’s Volgogradskaya Prospekt in the bottom right corner — which station is underground. Leaving out of town from that station, the line surfaces, goes past the car plant, and then, about half a mile from the point where the line is no longer visible in the bottom right foreground of the photo, the line goes underground again and enters the station Tekstilshchiki.

          After Textilshchiki, the line remains underground right up to the end station and in the other direction, from Volgogradskaya to the end station in the northwest Moscow suburbs it is also underground all the way. So why is it on the surface between Volgogradskaya and Tekstilshchiki?

          Must be one those Russian riddles wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that Churchill faffed on about.


    1. Speaking of Frogs, I’ve read that Renault (burnt by the land of the Rising Sun vis its JV with Nissan, sic Carlos Ghosn) has signed a Framework Agreement with China’s Geely, that’s the company that makes the electric London Black Cab, Volvo, Proton, Lotus etc. That can’t make the Team boss USA happy.


  42. Euractiv: The United States has “fortunately” managed to establish a moderate approach toward Russia within NATO despite calls for the opposite, a NATO source told EURACTIV.

    Some NATO members raised their reservations about the “typical” exchanges between Admiral Rob Bauer, NATO’s chair of the Military Committee, and his Russian counterpart General Valery Gerasimov over mutual security, a NATO source told EURACTIV on condition of anonymity.

    At the beginning of the war, the US and Russia had set up a deconflicting crisis cell at the political-military level to avoid any dangerous military action by air or sea across the world.

    The two military officials recently agreed to “be careful”, especially with ships not navigating in close proximity of each other in the Black Sea to avoid “accidents”, the NATO source said…

    …More generally, the NATO source insisted that there is a group of eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, the UK, and former Yugoslavian countries backing a zero-sum approach on Russia, while traditional NATO members, such as the US, France, Turkey, Italy, and Greece are said to be more moderate in this regard.

    The NATO source emphasised that “fortunately”, Washington has taken the lead within NATO, and therefore a “more moderate” approach has so far prevailed. On the other hand, the UK had come closer to the eastern European position, with the source estimating that London is seeking a role, especially after Brexit.

    Regarding Germany, the source said the country has been “inexistent” within NATO in the last two years. “Germans pay, give and don’t speak”, the source said, expressing the hope that Berlin will soon play a more active role….

    WtFoF? The US as a moderator rather than what they are, an initiator sic Breziznksi slicing off the Ukraine to contain Russia? I guess it is what ‘superpowers’ do, re-write history to absolve themselves of blame and of any future consequences.

    But, as we should always ask, ‘why now?’ and ‘to whom is this story aimed?

    For the timing, it’s the UAF S-300 landing in Poland and the collective a*s clenching that followed is the most reasonable explanation.

    To whom it looks like a public warning to allies to tone-down their public bs.

    The next question is who is the source and why does it matter?

    Whether the source is non-American and clearly speaking on behalf of the United States or an American source is not so important, rather why is RAH! RAH! America trying to dial down the madness after all this time?

    Is it a recognition that the west is not far from losing control of events and the US doesn’t want to be put in an embarrasing position of having to tell its allies publicly and officially to STFU, even though this article is precisely that, unofficially?

    If there is one thing we can be sure about Washington it is that they like their plans and they don’t like it when it is not followed (for whatever reason).

    USA is sufficiently afraid of events running out of their control that they have effectively gone public. That tells us something. Any other ideas dear fellow Kremlin Stooges?


      1. All Russia should have to say to NATO at this point is “The exit is that way. Use it”. Too bad my father-in-law wasn’t still alive; I would recommend him as chief negotiator. He did not seem to feel the need to jabber when he had nothing to say, and he did a great stone face. He was a wonderful man with an intense curiosity about everything he didn’t already know, and a terrific sense of humor, and I miss him more than I can say, but if you were across the negotiating table from him and didn’t know him you would think, “I’m never going to get anywhere with this soulless bastard”.


    1. I think this is the beginning of Washington’s efforts to establish an arms-length detachment from its former baying for Russian blood, now that it is clear Ukraine must go into the ‘liabilities’ column rather than the ‘assets’. Therefore Washington will attempt to portray much of the mayhem as Zelensky going off the reservation rather than US-backed and US-run operations. The west is losing badly and it remains to be seen if it will continue to double down, or try to cut its losses. But whatever the immediate actions by the west, the outcome must be rethought before it is upon us because it is clearly not going to be the one the west wanted. Rather than presiding grandly over the cutting and parceling of a fragmented and beaten Russia, the west is going to have to learn to live with a Russia which not only was not defeated, but which now regards it with suspicion and dislike. Because Russia is going to be influential, folks; every time the west tries to pull the rug from under it and fails, more people notice, and more people appreciate that Russia did not behave like an angry child but maintained its dignity throughout. Its word carries more weight each time it is seen to have been telling the truth, while the west and its proxies were lying. And a lot of things are going to have to be acknowledged as having been lies, else the USA and its NATO buddies would have to do something. Bucha, for instance. Will it be easier to try to prove Russia was responsible despite what remains of the evidence demonstrating otherwise, or to announce that Ukraine – disappointingly – misled the west on what happened? Because if NATO continues to insist Russia was responsible, people will want to know why there is no war-crimes prosecution – are they just going to let it go? But now there will be no payoff in a weakened and beaten Russia and a triumphant western-backed Ukraine, so why continue to support the lie?

      And that’s just one example of many things that are going to have to be dealt with in a far different way than the way foreseen in the giddy days when America fancied that the huge Russian military didn’t matter because Putin wouldn’t dare use it. Ukraine might be at a numerical disadvantage, but it had the killer instinct. Well, now a pal with the killer instinct is exactly what they don’t want, don’t have a use for, and now Ukraine is as embarrassing as a crazy uncle.


  43. Happy Wednesday, Banderastan!

    23 Nov, 2022 13:13
    Wave of massive air strikes reported in Ukraine
    There’ve been emergency power outages in all regions of the country, according to national operator Ukrenergo

    Russia has apparently targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in a large-scale missile attack on Wednesday, striking multiple targets in the capital Kiev and elsewhere across the country.

    Emergency power outages occurred in all regions as a result of the attack, Ukraine’s national power grid operator Ukrenergo reported.

    Kiev Mayor, Vitaly Klitschko said that there were explosions in various parts of the city and that there were power shortages and water supplies had been cut off in the capital.

    According to Kiev’s military administration, a projectile hit a residential building, killing at least three people and wounding six others. However, it’s not yet clear if was a Russian missile or one fired by Ukrainian air defenses.

    The whole of Odessa Region has been left without electricity amid the attack, local authorities said. In Ukraine’s second-largest city Kharkov, the subway system has been paralyzed due to a power outage, with people being evacuated to the surface, the mayor said.

    The South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant in the southern city of Nikolaev has been forced to shut down all of its reactors, according to media reports. The plant became the largest in Ukraine after Zaporozhye Region, which hosts the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, joined the Russian state last month as a result of a referendum.

    The local authorities have also confirmed the stoppage of reactors at the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant in western Ukraine.

    Strikes and power outages have also been reported by officials in Lviv, Nikolaev, Khmelnytsky, Sumy and other locations.

    The neighboring former Soviet Republic of Moldova has also experienced power shortages as a result of the Russian strikes on Ukraine. The country’s energy system is connected to that of Ukraine. There’ve been blackouts in the capital Chisinau and other parts of the country, with the breakaway region of Transnistria also being affected.

    Russia has stepped up pressure on Ukraine since October 10, when it accused Kiev of using “terrorist tactics” and of targeting Russian infrastructure, including the strategic Crimean Bridge. Since then, missile strikes against Ukrainian energy facilities, including power stations, have led to rolling blackouts across the country. Kiev authorities said that at least 40% of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been knocked out by the Russian attacks so far.

    During his interview with the BBC at the weekend, Maksim Timchenko, the head of largest private power utility DTEK Holding, said that Ukrainians should consider going abroad during the winter. “If they can find an alternative place to stay for another three or four months, it will be very helpful to the system,” Timchenko stated.

    Ealier this week, Kremlin press-secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Russia wasn’t seeking a regime change in Kiev as part of its military operation. He reiterated that Moscow didn’t rule out peace negotiations with Ukraine, saying that its goals in the country could be achieved “by various methods and in various formats.” And they will be achieved eventually, Peskov assured reporters.

    On the bright side, however, at this rate, the Orcs wil soon run out of missiles — won’t they?


    1. Moscow, November 23 – AIF-Moscow.

      Emergency power outages have been introduced in all regions of the Ukraine, which will continue throughout the country during the day, according to the Ukrenergo energy company.

      Local authorities also issued a statement that the Lvov and the Odessa regions were completely de-energized after strikes on the energy infrastructure.

      In the Sumy region, emergency blackouts were introduced.

      Earlier, the Ukraine announced planned power outages. According to the European Commission, the level of damage to energy facilities is close to the critical point.

      We will remind, today on the territory of the whole of the Ukraine the air alarms sounded. Citizens are being asked to leave the streets and hide in shelters.

      And the little man in the pseudo-military fatigues is nowhere to be seen.


      1. He’ll be on TV this evening, though, after having had a couple of snorts.

        Has no one noticed his facial expressions when he addresses “the nation”?

        At times, he’s coked up to the eyeballs.


    2. Don’t despair – let a smile be your umbrella! Put up a big display of a postcard frame with a background picture of a burning electrical plant, and make selfies of yourselves jumping up and down in front of it with big smiles on your faces. During the day, when it’s visible. Then before your phone battery runs out, post it to Instagram where the Moskals will see it and be downhearted that they could not break your unbreakable spirit.


  44. No electricity supply at all in Lvov, the city mayor says.

    The whole city is without electricity. We are waiting for more information from the power company. There may be interruptions in water supply. Stay in shelters

    Plus 1 °C [33.8 °F] in Lvov now. Sleet.

    No water in Kiev.

    Minus 2 °C [28.4 °F] in Kiev now: sleet, turning to snow.

    Bloody awful freezing rain here yesterday, streets glazed, like glass.

    Not too cold though, at least it doesn’t seem so to the two Moscow girls pictured below — they’re not wearing hats or mittens or boots..


    Oh yes! One’s wearing gloves. The other isn’t because it looks like shes got a fag in her right hand.

    This weekend in Moscow it’s going to be -10/-11 °C [14/12.2 °F] at night, during the day — -5 /-7 °C [23/19.4 °F], snow.

    Coming your way soon, Yukietards — I hope!

    Hot water, central heating electric lighting in Moscow of course.

    Slava Banderastan!


      1. Right! Indispensable indeed! My daughters are permanently attached to one of the damned things. My elder daughter even walks around the bloody flat endlessly yapping into it.


    1. Stay in shelters. Is that like living in the basement? Oh, the ironic irony of it! Are they living in the basement in the DPR/LPR? What happened to the impenetrable shield of western air defense, like that sparkling-new German system that not even the German military has yet? What was it called, again? The Fire-Spitting Baerbock, something like that. I know! Lobby NATO to impose a No Missile Flying Zone. They need a western ideas man like Curt ‘Curly Doodle’ Doolittle over there to quickly propertareianize their problems. I recall he said what a great place Lviv was. Until The Only White People Who Failed rekt it.


  45. A Western — made missile that flew into a residential building in Kiev

    KIEV, November 23, 2022, 18: 12A Western-made missile hit a residential building in Kiev, Kiev social networks and Telegram channels reported on November 23.

    The published photos show a fragment from a missile. Presumably, this is an anti-aircraft missile of the IRIS-T air defence systems, supplied to the Armed Forces of the Ukraine from Germany and the United States.

    Recall that Kiev was left without electricity and water as a result of a missile strike by the Russian Armed Forces on power facilities in the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR.


    A hit, a very palpable hit!


  46. Tass: Russia in close contact with Turkey to thwart any escalation in Syria — envoy

    Alexander Lavrentyev also said hopefully Turkey and Syria could work toward a gradual rapprochement

    …”We have been in quite close contact with Turkey, primarily through Defense Ministry channels, so that we can prevent tensions from escalating further in general.”

    Lavrentyev also said hopefully Turkey and Syria could work toward a gradual rapprochement. “That is just vital, because those two countries are neighbors and they should be friends,” he insisted.

    “I think the signs and signals out there that Turkey and Syria are ready to somewhat meet each other halfway are steps in the right direction that could help avoid any deadly incidents involving civilians,” the Russian diplomat added…

    Typically understated these days, aka ‘old skool.’

    The beginning of the end for USA’s Kurdistan master plan?

    Meanwhile ‘missing in action Putin’ according ot the PPNN is attending an SCO summit in Yerevan…

    Erdogan hints he could meet Assad under ‘right’ circumstances


  47. 18: 29, 23 November 2022
    All nuclear power plants and most thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations in the Ukraine were left without electricity
    Ministry of Energy of the Ukraine: on Wednesday, all nuclear power plants and most TPPs and hydroelectric power stations were temporarily de-energized

    All nuclear power plants, as well as most hydroelectric and thermal power plants located on the territory of the Ukraine, on Wednesday, November 23, temporarily stopped generating electricity. This was reported by the Ukraine Ministry of Energy , reports RIA Novosti.

    According to the ministry, energy infrastructure facilities were de-energized as a result of missile strikes by Russian troops. The Ministry of Energy also noted that the vast majority of consumers across the country remained without electricity.

    “The vast majority of electricity consumers across the country are de-energized. Emergency shutdowns have taken place. The lack of electricity has affected the supply of heating and water”, the ministry said.

    The ministry also stressed that specialists were doing everything possible so that the systems be quickly restored.

    Earlier on November 23, it became known that serious Internet outages were being recorded in the Ukraine. It was noted that this was due to massive power outages throughout the country.

    Prior to this, an air alert was issued in all regions of the Ukraine. Later, the Ukrainian authorities confirmed missile strikes on several energy facilities in several regions of the country.


  48. MoA
    November 23, 2022

    Earlier today the Russian military shut down the Ukrainian electricity network.

    Without electricity there is no water flowing in the water distribution systems of the cities. Without water toilets can not be used. Public hygiene will suffer. The internet in Ukraine is also down.

    A country that is becoming ‘uninhabitable’ has little chance to wage and win a war. When there is no transport, no electricity, no heat and no communication everything becomes incredibly difficult.

    The refugee stream all this will cause will increase pressure on Europe to push Ukraine into negotiating for peace with Russia. Tough conditions will be applied but there is no other way out of this mess.

    An urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine is scheduled for November 24
    November 23, 2022, 20: 05

    An urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ukraine is scheduled for 16: 00 New York time on November 23 (00: 00 Moscow time on November 24). This was stated on Wednesday by the first Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky.

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was announced as a speaker via video link, which, according to Polyansky, is a violation of the rules of procedure of the Security Council.

    “The Kiev regime made a wonderful gift to Westerners before Thanksgiving. It is celebrated in the United States tomorrow, smoothly flows into the day after tomorrow and then into the weekend, and traditionally involves trips to relatives and “mini-vacations”, usually starting today in the afternoon”, the first deputy permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN wrote in his Telegram channel.

    Polyansky stressed that the Ukraine had requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council after today’s strikes by the Russian Federation against the country’s infrastructure.

    On Wednesday, an air alert was issued throughout the Ukraine. Explosions occurred in many Ukrainian regions, including Kiev, Vinnytsia and Lvov regions, Zaporozhye, Odessa and Ochakov in the Mykolaiv region. There are power outages in a number of regions. So, the Kiev region is completely de-energized, the entire Odessa region and residents of Lvov were left without electricity.

    Also, all nuclear power plants (NPPs) in the Ukraine and most thermal and hydroelectric power plants (TPP and HPP) were temporarily de-energized.

    Russian troops launched massive strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure on October 10. As Russian President Vladimir Putin explained, this was a response to the terrorist actions of the Kiev regime, in particular on the Crimean Bridge.

    And there’ll be more to come tomorrow!

    Think on that! In your dark cold basements. You know, like what that bastard Poroshenko said would happen to your fellow countrymen and you said and did sweet fuck all about it save for making your moronic shouts of “Glory to the Ukraine, to the Heroes Glory!”


    1. An urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ukraine is scheduled for 16: 00 New York time on November 23 (00: 00 Moscow time on November 24). This was stated on Wednesday by the first Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky.

      President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was announced as a speaker via video link, which, according to Polyansky, is a violation of the rules of procedure of the Security Council.

      Well. it’s 06:00 here in Moscow, 25 November. It’s stll 24 November in the USA, they’ve had their “UN Security Council” meeting (why do the pretend that the UN is not a USA government organ?), which they let the Kiev Clown address online in his Clown suit, in his mock military fatigues, the complaint by Russian Permanent Representative to the UN that such an address was a violation of the rules of procedure of the Security Council notwithstanding.

      24.11.2022 01:41
      Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Nebenzia came to the Security Council meeting during Zelensky’s speech
      Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, took his seat in the Security Council Chamber as Vladimir Zelensky began his speech. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

      The Russian diplomat started preparing to participate in the meeting. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian leader used the UN Security Council meeting to ask Western countries for missile defense systems.

      Recall that the day before the meeting, Kiev had requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, it was scheduled for midnight on November 24. As Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, had already stressed, Zelensky’s speaking for the Ukrainian side was “in violation of the rules of procedure of the Security Council”.

      Earlier, the Kremlin commented on the words of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces Mark Milley about the possibility of peace talks between Moscow and Kiev by the end of the year. According to presidential press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, Moscow and Washington are not in contact over this issue.

      But the Clown Show must go on!


      1. Russian missiles rain unimpeded on Ukraine – Ukraine begs for missile defense systems from the west. The war ends and commerce returns – Ukraine begs for money and favoured-trade status from the west. It remains deeply ironic that Vladimir Putin is supposed to have said Ukraine is not a real country – which he never did that anyone can demonstrate, it remaining a media trope to inflame passions – because, realistically, what are the chances it will ever be able to stand on its own without being coddled and pampered by the west, at tremendous cost?


      2. Well. it’s 06:00 here in Moscow, 25 November. It’s stll 24 November in the USA,

        Wrong way round!

        When I wrote the above, I should have written:

        Well. it’s 06:00 here in Moscow, 24 November. It’s stll 23 November in the USA,


        1. . . . it was scheduled for midnight on November 24 in the Russian news article above meant midnight, 24 November Moscow time, which was 16:00, 23 November New York time.


  49. Ukrainians offered to freeze at home

    Apparently, the Ukrainian energy industry is living out its last days and is in its terminal stage. From the last step into oblivion, it is separated by only one massive strike of Russian missiles and “Geranium” [missiles].

    The head of Ukrenergo said that almost all large thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations and nodal substations were damaged by missile strikes in the Ukraine, and there were no intact thermal and hydroelectric power plants. At the same time, there are no spare parts for even hypothetical repairs, and the West also reports that it is impossible to provide power equipment in a short time to restore the destroyed power system, which was created decades ago in Soviet times.

    The situation is truly catastrophic, and there are no ways to solve it. Talk of modular reactors being hastily assembled by the Americans is very reminiscent of Hitler’s dreams of a “Wunderwaffe” that would instantly change the course of the war and turn Germany’s ever-looming defeat into victory. And, most likely, the Z-office understands this perfectly well.

    So, the head of DTEK [ largest private investor in the energy industry in the Ukraine — ME] .Maxim Timchenko in an interview with the BBC urged Ukrainians who are abroad, not to return, and those who could leave the country, to do so before the onset of cold weather.

    However, he almost immediately realized that he could be accused of alarmism, and began to explain that he was suggesting that Ukrainians consider moving to reduce the burden on the energy system.

    “This is not an emergency situation where we need to evacuate immediately, but we need to organize everything so that consumption is as efficient as possible. If you consume less, then hospitals with wounded soldiers will be guaranteed an electricity supply”, the head of the energy company hastened to add in order to soften his first statement.

    However, whether the situation be softened or not, the UN has warned of an impending humanitarian catastrophe in the Ukraine because of the approaching winter cold.

    In addition to the UN, the EU has warned Kiev, using closed channels, that the appearance in Europe of millions of Ukrainian “heat” refugees will lead to an immediate curtailment of European aid to the Nazi regime. In addition, Bankova [the street in Kiev, where Clown HQ is situated — ME] has realized that the mass exodus of Ukrainians, which they themselves had previously called for, though it on the one hand removes their concern (or imitation of it) for a significant part of the population, on the other hand, it deprives them of the mobilization potential for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, human shields and a lot of workers, who are still needed even in a stagnant economy. Moreover, it will be much easier for empty cities to be taken of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation than cities with residents.

    In general, they are stuck for time and have demanded that the Ukraine Security Service throw all its might into the fight against “alarmists”, organizers and participants of “energy protests”, which have become particularly widespread in Odessa, where the situation is not the most desperate. Residents blame the authorities for what is happening, believing that they are deceive the population and are not do everything possible to solve the problem.

    The Ukrainian ” Gestapo” has not come up with anything better than grabbing participants of speeches, forcing them to ask someone for forgiveness in front of the camera and repent for their “collaboration”. In this way, the Nazis seek to nip protest in the bud and prevent them from spreading to other cities. All official propaganda is devoted to promoting the following narrative: the Ukrainians will be able to survive the winter (they say), and in the spring they will launch an offensive and defeat the enemy. However, those who state a different position are “zradniki” [traitors] and FSB agents.

    Nevertheless, some Ukrainian TV channels are calling the attempts of the Bandera authorities to prevent panic and protest “especially cynical”, because by reassuring Ukrainians that the situation is under control, the Ze-team condemns millions to try and survive in the cold, in the dark, without proper water supply, and many to death. Everything is done so that the “Western partners” who have embroiled the Ukraine in a fratricidal and suicidal war can spend the winter in relative comfort and continue to supply the Zelensky regime with money and weapons.

    If it is more convenient for you to discuss political topics in TG, then here is my link –


    1. Again, calling an emergency meeting of the UN is not something you do when you are winning – this is particularly bad optics for the secret winner. Mmmm….how do we say it? “People should leave because the electricity remaining is only sufficient for a small group”…No, still too panicky…

      Is it time for a return to the ‘Last Hospital in Aleppo’ meme? Last power-plant in Ukraine? Get out your wallets, and gib, gib, gib!!!


  50. Well! This is a ‘first’: at the time of posting this, there’s not one report on the Daily Wail’s front page about the Ukraine. Not one. And we’ve been spared a photo of the Ukrie clown – something to be profoundly grateful for. Thank you, ‘General Armageddon’!


  51. 4 Nov, 2022 09:22
    Ukrainian plot to blow up Russian pipeline to Türkiye foiled – Moscow
    According to the Russian security service, several people were taken into custody

    Russia’s security service FSB has said it has foiled a Ukrainian plot targeting a gas pipeline to Türkiye, which mostly runs undersea. Magnetic mines, plastic explosives and other pieces of evidence have been seized during the bust, according to the statement.

    Several Russian nationals “involved in the preparation and material support of the terrorist attack” have been taken into custody, the FSB said. It said that it discovered communications between the plotters and Ukrainian special services during the operation.

    Kiev allegedly gave instructions on the exact location in Russia’s Volgograd Region the bomb should be placed to disable the Southern Stream pipeline, which is used to deliver Russian natural gas to Europe.

    The agency released images purportedly shot during the bust. These included footage of two arrests made at different locations and of what appear to be bombs, explosives, detonators and money. The statement said agents seized 593,000 rubles ($9,800) from the alleged plotters.

    In mid-September, the FSB reported capturing a Ukrainian agent and several accomplices, who allegedly plotted to plant a bomb at a facility through which Russian natural gas is exported to Türkiye. Senior Russian officials later confirmed that the ground infrastructure of the Southern Stream link, which goes under the Black Sea, was the target.

    The undersea pipeline would be a crucial element for a proposed gas hub, which Russia and Türkiye have been discussing recently. Moscow suggested that Ankara could serve as an intermediary for supplying Russian natural gas to southern Europe.

    Southern Stream was initially supposed to link Russia with Bulgaria, but the project was scrapped under pressure from Brussels in the wake of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine. The project was repurposed with Türkiye serving as the partner and is now called TurkStream or Turkish Stream.

    For freedom and democracy and the maintenance of Banderastan’s sovereignty!

    Waddya say, Borrell, Scholtz, Macron, Baerbock, Van der Leyen, Johnson, Sunak, Blinken, Austin, Sullivan and the rest of you rules-based society hypocitical, bullshitting arseholes?


    1. Well, Baerbock and Habeck will never be sorry for the course Germany has taken, because they are committed greenies and believe carbon-based energy is sufficiently disastrous for the planet that human comfort is not a strong enough reason to keep it going. Better that people should layer their clothing and learn to adapt to the cold season without heat – it will ensure Spring is greeted with the more joy! And Scholz is such a weakling that anyone with a kilogram of assertion can run right over him like he wasn’t even there – it defies explanation how he could ever have maneuvered his way into party leadership unless the rest of the membership was dead.

      Ukraine’s little escapades are nearing their end; their electrical grid is REKT (LOL) and even if the west was willing to flood the country with technicians, it could not repair the damage; the entire power grid would have to be replaced from the ground up, because you can’t get those gigantic transformers anywhere but Russia. Perhaps Ukraine would like to have an entirely-new power grid built with western technology, but Ukraine’s strategic value has dwindled with each passing day and I suspect the west is beginning to wonder what it ever wanted with the place anyway. When they wanted to use it as a springboard and an army reserve to attack Russia, it did not matter how grating Zelensky’s abusive charity compulsion was; the western leaders would run interference for him with any of their population who didn’t like it enough to say so. But I think there will be more outcry allowed now, so that western leaders have substantiation for abandoning him one by one; the people are simply fed up with gibbing, and in a democracy, you have to do what the people want. Dreadfully sorry, old chap.

      And however it turns out, the lesson should be clear enough that Russia can REK the utilities system again at its pleasure regardless what replaces it, and precedent already exists for doing so in retaliation for Ukie attacks on Russian infrastructure. Perhaps those who continue to live in Ukraine can persuade their young heroes to not carry out such attacks, since while they might be a tremendous rush, it is all Ukraine which must bear the punishment for them.


  52. Happy 23 November, Banderastan!

    The Russian Armed Forces launched a massive strike on Ukraine’s infrastructure on November 23, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said.

    “On November 23, the armed forces delivered a massive blow to the military control system of Ukraine and related energy facilities. As a result of the strike, the transfer of AFU reserves, foreign weapons, military equipment and ammunition to combat areas by rail was disrupted,” he said (quoted by RIA Novosti).

    Konashenkov also noted that on the eve of Russia did not strike a single blow on the territory of Kiev. All the destruction reported by the Ukrainian authorities and local media is related to the fall of foreign and Ukrainian air defense missiles located in residential areas of Kiev.


    Mind you don’t forget now: only 31 shopping days left until Christmas!

    That’s “Catholic Christmas” of course, as they say in Mordor. To Orthodox Christmas on 7 Januar, add 13 more days.

    Oh yes! And to all your Pindosi friends in Banderastan, both acting as hired killers at “the front” and those working with directing the Yukie state security Gestapo — Happy Thanksgiving Day!


    1. Yeah, Russia is clearly no democracy because, as some wag on the web worked out long ago and was recalled by a commenter on “Reminisce of the Future”:

      And I’ve read on the internet, so it must be true, that the reason Putin wins every election is because after Russia had lost 10 million in the Civil War, 10 million to famine, 66 million to Stalin’s murder spree, 40 million from WW2, and 3-4 million in the postwar famine, Putin is the only Russian left — so of course, he votes for himself and with no opposition!

      Liked by 1 person

  53. The Economist predicts that 100,000 more elderly Europeans than usual will die this winter because of the energy crisis.

    What do you reckon, Baerbock, Halbeck?


    1. Clearly, according to the “Economist” cover above, western (European) Russia is not in Europe. It’ll certainly be freezing there this winter, though. In fact “climatic winter” began in Russia on 15 November, from which date the average temperature during a full day remains below freezing, but Russia as far as the Urals, which is in “Europe”, so they used to say, will not be “frozen out”. In Siberia, however, in Yakutsk in the “far east”, it is right now at 21:28 Moscow time, minus 37 °C [-34.6°F]. Nevertheless, it is warm indoors there: they have central heating, electricity and hot water — and guess what? There are no wind powered electricity generators and solar panels there.

      Did you hear that, Baerbock?


      1. And you people at “The Economist” who made that cover illustration above, have mistakenly presented the whole territory of the former Ukraine Soviet Socialis Republic, including the Crimea, as part of “Europe”.

        Dream on!


        1. And Anatolia is NOT in Europe!

          They push it all the time that ASIA MINOR is part of Europe.


          And if that were the case, why then is Turkey (or, as the “woke” are pushing us to say and write:Türkiye) not a member of the EU?


    2. Poor Yurrup!!! All it ever wanted was to serve America and be rewarded by its rich citizens for carrying their water and doing their skivvy work. And now that it has destroyed its economy and its trade and is helpless, it is also friendless and left to make its own way as best it might. And do you know what it learned by this grim example? The square root of fuck-all, is what – if offered the opportunity to lay its coat in the mud so that the United States might reach its destination without soiling its shoes, it would do so with every imaginable gesture of obeisance and gratitude for the chance to prove its loyalty.

      If such a prediction as offered by The Economist comes to pass, Borrell will send a diplomatic cable to the USA thanking it for helping them get rid of so many useless eaters.


  54. And those who stayed behind in Kherson to hug and kiss their “liberators” are being evacuated.

    Temperature in Kherson right now is 9 °C [48.2 °F].

    Southern Ukraine does not have hard winters — being near to the sea keeps it much warmer than further north.

    And those passengers — the ones whom I can hear — are speaking Russian.

    Glory to Banderastan!


    1. 24 Nov, 2022 19:27
      Mayor of Ukraine’s second-largest city fined for speaking Russian
      The Kharkov city head has been accused of violating the law by addressing his fellow residents in a “non-state” language

      Kiev has slapped the mayor of Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkov, with a fine for using what the authorities called a “non-state” language in an official TV address. Mayor Igor Terekhov is known for addressing his fellow residents in Russian.

      Terekhov will have to pay a fine of 3,400 hryvnas ($92) for violating Ukrainian law, Taras Kremin, the Ukrainian government’s commissioner for the protection of the state language, said in a statement on Thursday.

      The mayor had “used non-state language in his addresses to the residents of the city of Kharkov” during a news telethon, the statement read, calling this an “administrative offense.” The language commissioner’s office also issued an administrative warning to the mayor’s office, telling it to only use Ukrainian on the mayor’s social media pages.

      Terekhov has until December 4 to appeal the commissioner’s decision, the statement read. The Ukrainian authorities did not specify what language the mayor had used during the telethon, but the Ukrainian media reported that he was known for regularly addressing his fellow residents in Russian.

      According to the language commissioner’s office, Terekhov and some Kharkov city council members have already been found in violation of the state language law. It is unclear if they were sanctioned back then as well.

      The Ukrainian state language law was signed by then-President Pyotr Poroshenko back in 2019, five days before his presidential mandate expired. The legislation requires Ukrainian public officials to use only the Ukrainian language when discharging their duties.

      Ukrainians are also required to use the Ukrainian language in the fields of public services, medical care, education and science, as well as in the media, although certain exceptions are allowed. A person found in violation of this law might face a fine of up to 8,500 hryvnas ($230), which can be further doubled for a repeated offense.

      In mid-June, the language commissioner was granted the right to impose fines on those found in violation of the law. In October, an assistant professor at the Ukrainian National Aviation University was slapped with a fine of 3,400 hryvnas ($92) for teaching through a “non-state language.”


    1. Bollocks!


      MOSCOW, Nov 25-RIA Novosti. An air alert has been declared in the Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk regions of Ukraine, according to the data of the online air alert map of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of the country.

      In addition, an air alert is reported in the territories controlled by Kiev in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

      Have a nice day!


    1. Here the other day, some freak that has a saucepan on his head and a Yukie lock of hair had the temerity to make fun of free breakfasts in Russian schools: they are also called “Putin’s” breakfasts. Perhaps it was the name that had inflamed the Svidomites to boiling point.

      I was not too lazy to ask a colleague to send me some photos of these very same breakfasts provided by one of the schools in the Kirovsky district of Yekaterinburg (parental committees control the nutrition of children). As you can see, the breakfasts are excellent. From the very beginning I said that this is an important initiative, a huge support for families, especially those experiencing financial difficulties, those with many children.

      In the photos can be seen breakfasts given for five consecutive days – five excellent breakfasts for well-nourished, healthy children. That is how the priorities of a sovereign country planning for the future should be.

      Source: Russian blogger.

      What, no hamburgers, hotdogs, potato chips?

      Liked by 1 person

  55. FT: Zelensky says he is ready to decide the fate of Crimea by non-military means
    November 25, 2022, 09: 27

    The Clown invited to give yet another performance

    According to Zelensky, the topic of the peninsula is being raised on the international agenda.

    Zelensky believes that “everyone is confused about the situation and what will happen to the Crimea”.

    “If someone is ready to offer us a way to de-occupy the Crimea by non-military means, I will only be in favour”, he said.

    At the same time, Zelensky claims that “it is not worth wasting time” if the decision onthe Crimea confirms that the peninsula is part of Russia.

    In September, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Crimea was an integral part of Russia and claims to Russian territory would receive a proper response.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed that the issue of the Crimea is closed for Russia, and the referendum on the peninsula was held in strict accordance with international law.

    The Crimea became a Russian region after a referendum held there in March 2014: the majority of residents voted in favour of reunification with Russia.

    So fuck off!

    Zelenskyy vows Ukraine will withstand Russian attacks on power networks
    ‘We must return all lands,’ Ukrainian president tells the FT

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Russia’s new strategy to destroy Ukraine’s infrastructure and plunge it into darkness would not weaken the country’s resolve to liberate all occupied land, describing the conflict as a “war of strength and resilience”.

    Pushing back against western fears of escalation, Ukraine’s president insisted there would be no lasting resolution to the war unless Russia withdrew from all the territories it was occupying.

    Moscow has stepped up a bombing campaign against Ukraine’s critical infrastructure since last month, hoping to force Kyiv to make concessions despite its advances on the battlefield.

    “We must return all lands . . . because I believe that the battlefield is the way when there is no diplomacy,” Zelenskyy told the Financial Times. “If you can’t get your land back entirely, the war is simply frozen. It’s a question of time before it resumes.”

    On Wednesday, Russia launched 70 missiles against infrastructure targets across Ukraine, leaving about 80 per cent of the country in the dark and without water. All 15 of Ukraine’s nuclear reactors were taken offline because electricity became unstable.

    Speaking in the presidential office, which was also out of water supply, Zelenskyy said this week’s strike was unimaginable in the modern world.

    “It was the kind of incident that hasn’t happened for I don’t know how many years, maybe 80, 90 years: a country on the European continent where there was totally no light.”

    He said Ukrainians could despair or fight. “The state superbly fought back. Energy workers, the state emergencies’ ministry, deminers, everyone worked to fix and restore power and provide at least a bit of water.”

    By Thursday morning the nuclear reactors were being reconnected and water had started to return in some districts of the capital Kyiv. “This is a war about strength, about resilience, it is about who stands stronger.”

    Even before Wednesday’s strikes, half of the country’s power system had been disabled by waves of Russian missile attacks, triggering rolling power outages for millions of people. After the entire capital’s water supplies in Kyiv were cut this week, some residents were forced to gather snow to melt for washing and cooking.

    Ukrainians queue to refill bottles with fresh drinking water in Kyiv on Thursday © Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters

    Ukraine is running short of replacement transformer units for its Soviet-era power network after repeated Russian missile strikes on its grid. It is seeking spares from Poland and Lithuania and is looking to ramp up domestic production, but it takes four to eight months to assemble new units.

    Oleksandr Kubrakov, infrastructure minister, said Ukraine needed several hundred million dollars in aid — in addition to ongoing budgetary support — to urgently fix its power system.

    Zelenskyy also appealed to Ukraine’s western partners to provide more air defence equipment to help protect critical infrastructure, as well as diesel supplies for emergency generators and additional gas to help offset power shortages.

    The president said the attacks targeting civilian infrastructure showed Moscow had no intention of negotiating an end to the war.

    Kyiv has been pushing back at perceived pressure to show its openness to an eventual negotiated solution to the war. Some western partners are concerned that any attempt by Ukraine to take back Crimea — annexed by Russia in 2014 and which it deems crucial for its security — could lead to a dangerous escalation by Moscow, possibly even the use of nuclear weapons.

    As Ukrainian forces have made advances against Russian troops in the south and east, Ukraine’s military aims have hardened: it is seeking the return of territory occupied since February and land occupied in the 2014 Russian assault.

    Zelenskyy acknowledged that the fate of Crimea was rising on the international agenda.

    “I understand that everyone is confused by the situation and what will happen to Crimea. If someone is ready to offer us a way regarding the de-occupation of Crimea by non-military means, I will only be in favour,” said Zelenskyy. “If the solution [does not involve] de-occupation and [Crimea] is part of the Russian Federation, no one should waste their time on this. It’s a waste of time.”

    . . . . despite its advances on the battlefield.

    The Ukraine’s advances on the battlefield?

    Ever the same bullshit!

    The Ukraine is “winning”!


    . . . could lead to a dangerous escalation by Moscow, possibly even the use of nuclear weapons.

    Russia has never said that!

    . . . everyone is confused by the situation and what will happen to Crimea.

    There is no confusion whatsoever in Russia concerning this matter!


    1. Why am I reminded of Monty Python’s Black Knight?

      The real question is, “Why are the FT or the NYT, etc., publishing such bilge? It is hard to see its usefulness in terms of arms contracts as one would hope gov’ts would have opt-out clauses in case of peace breaking out. In the longer run all they can do is discredit themselves even more.

      Could it be that there really is a collective delusion in the West and reporters and all those retired generals, etc., really believe their own propaganda the way a lot of people in the anglophone West believed Judith Miller in the lead-up to the Iraqi invasion?

      Given the recent UK MOD statements I begin to think it’s true.

      BREAKING NEWS: V. V. Putin hospitalized with suspected case of Ebola.


      1. I’ve long believed that in the West they believe their own propaganda: that’s the only explanation.

        So it’s not propaganda that they spout in the “free” West, but “truth”.

        It’s the same with devout Christians who say that all “truth” is in the Bible because “Holy Scripture” is “the word of God”.

        “How do you know?” I used to ask them, and I used to get the dumb response: “Because it is; because it says so in the Bible!”

        They’re locked into a belief system that they feel they dare not deny.

        A Soviet gag went thus:

        Q. What’s the difference between a Soviet reader of “Pravda” and an American reader of “The New York Times”?

        A. The Soviet reader of “Pravda” knows he’s reading propaganda.


        1. More classic bullshit propaganda from FT.

          Just take a look at the first paragraph!

          Then comes the Russian threat of nuclear escalation in the second paragraph.

          Third paragraph: “But history shows, he says, that an occupying force “always finds it difficult to hold on to Crimea”. Oh really? Russia occupied the Crimea in 1783. It still occupies the peninsula.

          Then comes the HIMARS Wunderwaffe in para 4.

          And on and on it goes.

          Reading the article, it seems that the Ukrainians are winning hand over fist.

          They are, of course . . . aren’t they?

          A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be bloody and difficult
          And Western support can hardly be relied on
          Nov 27th 2022

          Vladimir putin hoped to take over Ukraine in ten days. Nine months on, he faces serious problems holding on to the slice of territory he did manage to seize. Momentum is on Ukraine’s side following two counter-offensives, around Kharkiv in the north-east, and Kherson in the south, that were conducted with a minimum of loss and a maximum of triumph.

          But those victories now raise the prospect of what would be much more humiliating Russian reverses in the Donbas and Crimea, territory seized by Vladimir Putin in 2014. In an interview published on November 24th, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, reiterated his aim to “return all lands”. This approach chimes with Ukrainian public opinion, but not necessarily with Western backers. They fear that an operation to retake Crimea, or the Donbas (militarily perhaps an easier proposition), might drive Russia into escalation, perhaps even past the nuclear threshold.

          Ukrainian commanders are coy about their next moves. “If we telegraphed our plans on social media and on tv, we’d achieve nothing,” says Mykhailo Zabrodsky, a former commander of Ukraine’s air assault forces, who remains close to the planning process. The lieutenant-general insists an operation to take back Crimea is not only possible, it was something that was being prepared for 2023. When exactly an operation might begin is another question: there are many battles to win first. But history shows, he says, that an occupying force “always finds it difficult to hold on to Crimea”.

          Sources in the armed forces say that “nothing” is off the table, including operations against territory seized by Russia before February 24th. Roads leading to Crimea are now within the range of Ukrainian firepower, including by the himars rocket systems that have so dramatically impeded Russian logistics since they were first introduced in the summer. Russian-appointed authorities in Crimea are preparing for a ground attack, ordering the construction of new fortifications and trenches, and declaring emergency threat-levels in several parts of the peninsula. Locals in Dzhankoy report trenches are being built near an airbase that was targeted in August (and, it appears, again a few days ago) in what appear to have been attacks by Ukrainian special forces.

          But Ukraine seems likely to focus its firepower elsewhere first. Cutting Mr Putin’s land bridge, the occupied territory linking mainland Russia to Crimea, remains the priority. Russian military planners understand this too, and have devised and manned defensive lines accordingly. A source in military intelligence is confident that Ukraine’s structural advantages, principally its ability to stage highly mobile hit-and-run attacks and break up supply lines, will prevail. “We’ve demonstrated at every stage that our tactics and focus on logistics are correct. We will show it again,” the source says.

          The many battles for Crimea over the centuries provide Ukrainian planners with plenty of insights. The largely bloodless Russian 2014 annexation, during which only two Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives, is not a typical example. Military operations in Crimea more usually end with thousands dead: in the last century alone hundreds of thousands have fallen at its gates, primarily in the Russian Civil War and World War II, to say nothing of the vast casualties during the Crimean War of the 1850s. Taking the peninsula has usually required crossing narrow, open strips, or marshlands.

          Military experts with intimate knowledge of the peninsula said that the topography should give Ukraine pause for thought. Admiral Mykola Zhibarev, who back in 1992 provoked the break-up of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet by declaring his frigate to be Ukrainian, now says that diplomacy is the most promising route to regaining the contested territory. Andrii Ryzhenko, a retired navy captain who was born in Crimea, says that a successful operation would require a lot of things to go right. “There is a real prospect that things will end in a bloodbath. That is an operation Ukraine does not need.”

          Lieutenant-General Zabrodsky insists that Ukraine’s military planners have devised tactics that might work. Ukraine does not intend to enter into a senseless frontal assault on Crimea, he says. There are other “interesting” possibilities for combined arms manoeuvre, using land troops, sea landings and air attacks. Russian naval and air dominance could be thwarted with “asymmetric tricks”. The Ukrainian drone attacks on the Black Sea fleet in late October, damaging the flagship Admiral Makarov, and the destruction of part of the Kerch bridge were examples of Ukraine’s thinking. “We will surprise people—and many times—again.”

          Ukraine’s Western backers have refrained from talking down Ukraine’s military ambitions in public. Ukraine likewise insists they have not held back military planners in private either. But gaps appear to be opening up in the rhetoric. America’s top soldier, General Mark Milley, who is on the more cautious end of government opinion in that country, said on November 16th that a Ukrainian victory in Crimea was unlikely to be “happening any time soon”. Ukraine’s military planners understand that America, and the weapons it supplies, are the key to whether it will ever happen at all.

          Political leaders in Kyiv privately concede that retaking Donbas and Crimea is more complicated than issuing public slogans. They accept that a large proportion of the population there remain hostile towards Kyiv. The operations in Kharkiv and Kherson, for example, were helped by a network of sympathetic informers. The opposite will be the case in the areas of Donbas held by Russia since 2014, and from where most of those sympathetic to Kyiv have long ago fled or been chased out. An operation to retake Crimea would probably encounter partisan resistance from pro-Russians. It is far from clear that Ukraine could even count on more sympathetic parts of the population, such as the Crimean Tatar community, many of whom have by now accepted Russian rule as a fait accompli.

          But Mykola Bielieskov, an analyst at Ukraine’s National Institute for Strategic Studies, says Mr Zelensky is now tied to his promise to return Crimea. Even before the successful counter-offensives in Kharkiv and Kherson, polls showed more than 84% of Ukrainians were against making any territorial concessions to Russia in eventual negotiations; those numbers are now almost certainly higher. That raises the possibility that Ukraine’s war president might be manoeuvring himself into a corner. An attempt to bring Crimea back under Ukrainian rule would be a costly military endeavour—and would cause splits with allies that he cannot afford to alienate.


  56. MOSCOW, Nov 25-RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky has appealed to the West to provide the Ukraine with diesel fuel for emergency generators and additional gas to compensate for the lack of electricity in the country.

    “Zelensky appealed to the Western partners of the Ukraine with a request to provide… diesel for emergency generators and additional gas to compensate for the lack of electricity, ” writes the Financial Times newspaper, to which Zelensky gave an interview.

    As noted by the publication, the interview took place in the building of the presidential office, where there was no water.

    The Clown clearly scents victory.


  57. They made the buffoon Boris Johnson an “honorary citizen of Kiev” yesterday.

    I do hope that the idiot visit the Ukraine in order to have this great honour officially bestowed upon him.

    And while the fool is at Bankova to shake hands with the Kiev Clown and his “government” gang, Russia could deliver there a congratulatory “Khinzal” telegram.


  58. They are no strangers to this.
    November 25th, 10:00

    Kiev-1919: devastation in the municipal economy

    The activities of the Bolsheviks in 1919 led to the collapse of almost all spheres of the Kiev city economy. The domino principle worked – a crisis in one industry immediately collapsed all related industries. Fuel problems put the power plant at risk, and power outages in turn paralyzed urban transport. Intercity services were also under threat.

    Get ready for winter!!!


  59. From Larry’s blog yesterday:

    One of the other major consequences of Russia’s campaign to turn off the electrical power in the Ukraine is the psychological damage inflicted on the population . . . Very few in modern industrial nations know what it is like to be cut off from news about world events. That knowledge or information plays a key role in shaping public attitudes.

    What we will see in the coming weeks from Ukrainians who remain in darkened, electricity starved cities are people cut off from their political leadership and filled with a genuine feeling of being abandoned.

    . . . we live in a[n] . . . era [where] there is now an expectation of immediacy. Once expectations are set at a high level and a gap emerges where reality falls far short of the expectations, that is a recipe for unrest and even revolt.

    Can you imagine the withdrawal the 20 and 30 year olds in Ukraine will experience when their phones and computers are dead and they can no longer text or call a friend? I am not sure the intelligence communities of various nations have even taken time to cogitate on the implications of such a development. The most likely outcome is that people will vote with their feet and go to where they can charge their phones and make a call. This means mass emigration into neighboring countries with viable power girds.

    From the Third Rome to the Fourth Reich…

    below: Photo from Kherson, where 90 thousand of the population of 280 thousand have remained. The rest left or were taken out — to who knows where. The Ukrainians restore the electricity supply and organize charging centres. And the city is already being shelled from the left bank of the Dnieper.

    That’s the waiting room of Kherson railway station pictured above, whence those who wished to be moved into deeper Banderastan were evacuated yesterday.

    How can one live without a cell phone?

    Even worse: how can one live with a cell phone that one cannot recharge?

    Life would just be unbearable for many if that were to happen.

    Those pictured above are not only the ones who rejected the idea of becoming Russian citizens: they also rejected the offer of being evacuated by the Orcs from the right bank of the Dnieper and into “occupied territory” of the Kherson province that is now part of Russia. And now they have rejected the offer from their Banderastan government that they be evacuated from Kherson city into the hinterland of the “Fourth Reich”.

    For them, literally, the train has already left the station.


  60. MOSCOW, Nov 25-RIA Novosti. MOSCOW, Nov 25-RIA Novosti. 78.7% of Russians trust Russian President Vladimir Putin and 75% approve of his activities, according to a survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VTsIOM).

    The majority of respondents (78.7%) said that they trust Vladimir Putin. According to the survey, 62% of respondents trust Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

    75% of respondents approve of Putin’s activities, 52.8% approve of Mishustin’s activities, and 49.1% approve of the Russian government.

    Yet Doctorow quite often publishes stuff like this:

    The fact is that Russian society from top to bottom is very unhappy with the present state of the war – but their discontent is with what they see as the pusillanimity of their own government in not responding more resolutely to Ukrainian provocations in the form of continuing artillery strikes on the Kursk and Belgorod regions from the Kharkov oblast just across the border or through atrocities such as the just released video of the cold-blooded murder of Russian prisoners of war by gleeful Ukrainian soldiers. The withdrawal from the city of Kherson inflamed the passions of the Russian public who demand better explanations in their parliament and on their television than they have received so far.

    The pressure on Mr. Putin is from his own patriotic supporters, and an untimely truce for negotiations right now could lead to civil disorder in Russia. This is not idle speculation: it was perfectly clear from the latest edition of yesterday’s talk show Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov in which a deputy speaker of the Duma from the ruling party United Russia and a Duma committee chairman from the Communists took an active part, meaning that the nation’s elites are moving with the popular current against Defense Minister Shoigu if not against those still higher in the Kremlin. Meanwhile, discredited Russian Liberalism is taking down with it the commitment to free markets for the sake of more effective war production. There is serious talk of reintroducing Five Year Plans. And the recent official approval of plans to proceed with traditional celebrations of Christmas and New Year’s in Russian cities was denounced as inappropriate for a country at war in an existential struggle with NATO.

    We may conclude that the Special Military Operation is indeed a watershed in Russian domestic politics.

    I suspect that the society that Doctorow sees as being very unhappy from top to bottom is really that section of Russian society that he associated and no doubt still associates with in Russia, namely the bourgeoisie and the nouveau riche, the chattering classes who live comfortable lives in Mordor.

    Doctorow was a businessman in the Yeltsin years: indeed, for twenty-five years he worked in the USSR and the Russian Federation for US and European multinationals in marketing and general management with regional responsibility, finally closing in 2000 his corporate career as General Director in Russia and the CIS for a UK based multinational.

    Doctorow is often derided by many in the West as a “Stooge”. Nevertheless, I do feel that his impressions and analyses of Russian society are focused on the opinions of the “movers and shakers” and that he pays scant regard to the attitudes of the hoi-poloi, that he holds the opinions of the быдло to little account.

    I don’t. I’m dead common, me: I do not and never have run big businesses here; I do not go shopping in in expensive stores in St.Petersburg; I’m not one for wining and dining with other fat cats in posh, over-priced restaurants; I do not have a swank dacha in a fashionable St.Petersburg suburb. I’m just like yer regular Ivan me: rough as a bear’s arse and one of the 78.7% that fully trusts the tyrant and one of the 75% that approves of all his wicked wiles.


    1. I do feel that his impressions and analyses of Russian society are focused on the opinions of the “movers and shakers” and that he pays scant regard to the attitudes of the hoi-poloi,

      Likely true. Those are the people he knows. I’d not discount his appraisal of that group, just as you say, be aware that it is limited.


    2. Well, this is why we should be relying on a variety of commentators with different backgrounds, education and experiences, and points of view. “Diversity” is not just an empty slogan favoured by those who flatter themselves as socially “liberal” and “progressive” and their starry-eyed followers.

      Gilbert Doctorow should be given some credit for recognising the BBC and its fellow MSM travellers as propaganda outlets, in view of his background and the circles he moves in. At least his outlook is closer to reality, if not that close, than the views and writing of so-called journalists from the West who are supposed to have regular contact with people from all walks of society as part of the work they do as paid reporters. Of course, like many if not most of us who had the opportunity to get a tertiary education and/or to travel overseas, he may be guilty of underestimating the opinions of those who never had such opportunity and who would be presumed to rely completely on official or other mainstream media outlets for information – not realising that even among The Great Unwashed, opinions and viewpoints can still vary.


  61. BRUSSELS, November 25. /TASS/. NATO doors remain open for the Ukraine, the organization’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday at a press conference ahead of a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Bucharest on November 29 to 30.

    “NATO’s door is open and we have demonstrated that not only in words, but also in deeds,” he said, recalling that in recent years Montenegro and North Macedonia had become new members, and Finland and Sweden were invited to join NATO in 2022. “So we have demonstrated that NATO’s door is open and that it is for NATO allies and aspirant countries to decide on membership. This is also the message to Ukraine,” the NATO Secretary General said.

    At the same time, Stoltenberg stressed that it was necessary to focus on providing assistance to Ukraine in order for it to win the conflict with Russia.

    According to the Secretary General, the foreign ministers of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, among others, have been invited to the Bucharest meeting to discuss “further steps to help them protect their independence”.

    Yeah, that’s a major step towards reaching a long-lasting and peaceful settlement with Russia over its security concerns.

    Smart move — you fucking idiot!


      1. Stoltenberg: We shall pay an even bigger price if Russia wins, so we will not back down
        Today, 15: 43

        NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that strikes against energy facilities in the Ukraine had led to the fact that the beginning of winter for that country had turned out to be terrible, and NATO intends to strengthen support for Kiev in the confrontation with the Russian Federation.

        He claims that “waves of strikes” had worsened the energy and food situation in the Ukraine. “This is a terrifying start to winter for Ukrainians”, the NATO Secretary General said. “Winter will also be a difficult time for America and Europe. But we shall have to pay an even greater price if Russia wins. Therefore, NATO intends to continue to increase its support for the Ukraine. We will not back down”.

        Also, the official of the military bloc of the European Union and the United States said that the foreign ministers of NATO countries are expected to decide at a meeting in Bucharest on expanding assistance to the the Ukraine, including fuel and medicines. “I expect the foreign ministers to increase non-lethal aid to the Ukraine, including winter clothing, fuel, and medicines”, he said.

        In addition, Stoltenberg said that NATO had been able to significantly expand the production of Soviet-style weapons and ammunition in Eastern Europe, which the Ukraine needed. “We can see that production has expanded significantly. In particular, NATO has been able to significantly increase the production of Soviet weapons and ammunition, which the Ukraine urgently needs, which still has a large amount of Soviet artillery, for which ammunition and spare parts are needed. Individual countries on the eastern flank of the alliance still have significant production capacities for this”, Stoltenberg said.

        “I met with industry representatives last week and we discussed how they could further expand the production of weapons for the Ukraine. In some cases, the expansion of production can happen quickly, in some it is already happening, in other cases it will take longer. Sometimes it is possible to expand the production of weapons for the Ukraine by launching new shifts at existing enterprises and production lines, but in some cases there is a need to launch new lines and open new enterprises, which requires additional investment and time. But we need even more weapons”, he said.

        In turn, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the North Atlantic Alliance is an accomplice of the Kiev regime. “NATO is complicit in the crimes of the Kiev regime”, the diplomat wrote in her Telegram channel, commenting on the words of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that the alliance had significantly expanded the production of Soviet-style weapons and ammunition in Eastern Europe, which the Ukraine needs.

        We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

        But send more money . . . MORE MONEY, I TELLS YA!

        All human civilization hangs on the outcome of this existential struggle!

        If Russian wins, NATO loses . . . which means the end of the world !!! as we have known it and loved it under the benevolent leadership of the indispensable nation.

        Thank you! Thank you one and all!

        Please give kindly.


        1. The sad thing is that so many people will have to suffer and sacrifice for the high-minded principles of this fool and his delusions. You could pick nearly anyone on earth and lay out for him a situation in which a massive alliance is trying to use a proxy to destroy another large country. Explain to him that the alliance has gone from trying to defeat the large country on the battlefield to supplying the proxy with food and blankets and medicine, and ask him, “Is the alliance winning?”, and get the correct answer. But Stoltenberg is made of sterner stuff. He won’t give up – losing is just a state of mind.


  62. 25.11.2022 15:57
    Kudrin to quit the post of head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation before the end of the year-Mass media


    Moscow, November 25 – AIF-Moscow.
    Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Russia Alexey Kudrin is to leave his post before the end of this year, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to the agency’s source, Kudrin will go to work at Yandex. It is specified that before this, the head of the Accounting Chamber must resign from the control department.

    Earlier, the media reported that Yandex shareholders want to invite Alexey Kudrin to the company’s management. It was reported that the chairman of the Accounts Chamber had allegedly asked the Russian president if he could move to Yandex.

    In mid-September, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, commenting on this information, said that Kudrin had not asked Vladimir Putin whether he could move to Yandex.

    In July, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber Alexey Kudrin left his teaching post at St. Petersburg State University. He was dismissed from the university at his own request.

    It was also reported that Yandex.Market had decided to buy all the remaining IKEA products in Russia, which is curtailing its activities in the country. We are talking about more than 20 million products of various categories.

    Good riddance!

    Not missing you already, libtard tosser!


    1. What??!!?? He fled to Israel, but he’s still head of the Accounts Chamber?? Of course I have heard of working from home, but that’s taking things to the extremes just a little, don’t you think??

      I suppose he and his USraeli friends had a huddle and decided he would be more of a buggering influence at Yandex. I guess that suggests how important his job as head of the Accounts Chamber was.


  63. Russian high-precision weapons hurt Yukiestan in the rear, and now they will arrange the defeat of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine at the “front”
    November 25th, 20:15
    Today 10:41

    For strikes way back in the hinterland, there is no missile worse than the X-101, and for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine – the Guided Gliding Aerial 1500B bombs.

    The Ze-team and its POLs (public opinion leaders) are bullshitting the public that self-styled energy companies are doing the impossible in restoring power to the cities by switching flows to backup substations. But, as local people, including those in Odessa, ironically put it, “any fool with a small IQ knows that ‘impossible’ is synonymous with “unfeasible” or ‘”unfulfillable”. That is why the glib statement of the country’s top officials that most regional centres have received electricity is pure nonsense.

    In particular, the well-known Odessa publicity site “Frayer” [Odessa slang: an ostentatiously dressed person; a person inexperienced and naive; someone pretends to be a person above his real position — ME] wrote straight out that after the recent missile strikes the entire city had been left without light. An even more interesting fact was cited by Volodymyr Kudrytsky, head of Ukrenergo. According to him, Russia had already fired more than a hundred missiles at Ukrainian thermal power and hydroelectric power plants, and almost all large thermal and hydroelectric power plants in the Ukraine had been damaged during the November 15 missile attack.

    However, at the official level, through the Ze-team, almost nothing was said about strikes made against energy infrastructure facilities, for example, in the Odessa region. But Kudrytsky directly says that “missile attacks gainst energy facilities in Odessa are comparable to those in the Kiev region, Kharkiv region and Lvov”.

    Ukro-experts write that the Ze-team, “is cheating creatively”, i.e. lying openly.

    Firstly, Bankova is lying that 10 or 20% of Ukrainians do not have electricity. Like, “You must have been amongst the unlucky ones, but the rest, the majority, are fine. It’s in your best interest not to get all worked up”. This allows them to assert that the situation is under control and almost all Russian missiles have been shot down.

    Second, the Tsipsotas (employees of the Centre for Information and Psychological Operations) deliberately show Zel in light clothing, saying that he “doesn’t care” about what instructions from “on high”. This sends the signal that negotiations with Moscow are not being planned at all. This means the conflict with Russia will be long and prepare for the worst. As for the protests, the clown from Bankova demonstrates his confidence that he will cope with the rebels.

    And, thirdly, “it’s as cold in an apartment as it is in a trench” has became the main slogan of the new campaign of the “office” (functionaries of the president’s office) to fool the population — sort of like: “look upon yourselves as soldiers on the front”.

    Meanwhile, the mayor of the capital of Banderastan, Klitschko, has made an unpleasant statement for the Ze-team: “Kiev can expect the worst winter since the Second World War. If things go according to the worst scenario, part of the city may have to be evacuated, although the authorities do not want it to come to that”.

    By and large, the whole Banderites’ “energy hype” is about our precision weapons. It is to the advantage of the Ukro-Wehrmacht and its star-spangled handlers to present Russian cruise missiles as indiscriminate and ineffective weapons.

    However, a well-known blogger in Yukieland came out with the truth in his post dated November 23: “Kiev: a direct powerful hit on an energy sector facility. There is no light. Before that, explosions were recorded in the Dnepro, Vinnitsa, Kremenchug, Kherson, Nikolaev, etc. The President’s Office massively launched the thesis that they shoot down missiles, but as we see, they reach their targets, even in Kiev”.

    And another thing: Klitschko and the other mayors abandoned the idea of air-raid shelters. There was such a “clever” idea amongst the local mayors: people could take shelter in concrete boxes during missile attacks. Even Ze-command acknowledged the impracticality of such a measure. This fact did not escape the attention of “Telegram” social network users, who concluded: these “actions of the powers-that-be only confirm the Russian message that Russian missiles fly precisely towards the target, and tragedies happen only when they are shot down by Ukrainian air defences.

    Judging by the videos from the Ukrnet, there is serious panic brewing in many cities of the Ukraine. The Yellow-Blue people have begun to stock up on whatever is still for sale. Despite the fact that Ze-team is holding on “cheerfully” and the AFU are trying to advance, the people have stopped believing the official rhetoric that “everything will be fine”, and have opened their eyes and realized that everything around them is only getting worse.

    The point is that earlier, the Arestoviches and Podolyaks were able to cash into the Russian threats of “we haven’t started yet”. In Yukiestan, at the instigation of Yankee experts, behind whom are either profound propagandists or Soros-ites, the message was promoted that without imported components, the Russian “defence industry” was not capable of producing high-precision weapons, without which a modern conflict cannot be won.

    According to all Western calculations, the “Kalibr” and Kh-101 should have been used up in the summer, but they continue to destroy the critical infrastructure of Banderstan with a regularity frightening even for NATO.

    Soviet engineers and builders who created the electrical power system of the Ukrainian SSR with a huge margin of safety are to be thanked for the fact that electricity is sometimes available in Ukrainian apartments. However, there is no doubt that the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation will soon completely “turn off the switch” in Yukieland, after which Russian missiles will start dealing with Ukraine military logistics.

    In the meantime another means of high-precision defeat has appeared for the Maidan public: during a visit of the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Service Dmitry Medvedev there were seen the high-precision Guided Gliding Aerial bombs UPAB-1500B (K029BE) and UPAB-500B (K08BE), which if widely used, according to even self-professed military experts, can quickly change the course of the SMO.

    These weapons have been used in the SMO before, but to a limited extent. Now any targets at the “front” or in the rear up to a distance of 50 km will be guaranteed to be destroyed. For reference: strikes by UPAB-1500B and UPAB-500B can be made from a bomber flying at a safe height of 15 km and without entering an enemy air defence strike zone.

    Apparently, the Russian defence industry responds quite quickly to the requests of our army, which definitely does not bode well for the defenders of “Independent Ukraine”. It seems that the display of these high-precision weapons means that they will not just be manufactured, but mass-produced.

    In any case, Western intelligence services no longer write in their reviews that Kalibr and Iskander will soon run out, and producing UPAB-1500B and UPAB-500B is much easier than that of cruise missiles.

    Even with the naked eye, it is clear that entire industries for the production of complex weapons are getting on their feet in the Russian Federation, including high-precision (X-101, Tornado-S, Krasnopol) and unmanned aerial weapons (Geran-2, Lancet, Kub) ). When Russian troops are fully supplied with them at the fronts, a different reality will arise. Very bad for Ukro-Wehrmacht.


    1. Thanks for that, ME.

      Interesting about the loss of faith in the authorities. Around a week or so ago I saw a comment on a one of the blogs – unsure which – about a wave of demos in Ukraine’s cities against the selective blackouts which (quelle Surprise) always seemed to spare the districts where the elites live. There must be a lot of resentment building.


      1. According to a news article I read the other day (not got the link now), one of the lit up buildings during the Kiev “black outs” has been one in which there is an apartment rented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada.

        The building is situated right by “Independence Square” — “The Maidan”.

        Слава Україні!


        1. Helmer say it is not confirmed but that her apartment is in that complex. As she has been testifying before an inquiry in Ottawa I doubt she cares. Still, the apartment likely comes under the VIP accommodation protection scheme.


  64. Still trying their damndest to start WWIII so as to “save” Banderastan from the Orcs:

    19: 45 25.11.2022 (updated: 23: 19 25.11.2022)
    Kuleba: the Ukrainian Armed Forces have data that the missile that fell in Poland was not Ukrainian
    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that the missile that fell in Poland was not Ukrainian

    MOSCOW, Nov 25-RIA Novosti. Kiev allegedly has data that the missile that fell in Poland was not Ukrainian, says in an interview with the French newspaper Parisien, the head of the republic’s Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba.

    “We have heard political rhetoric that it was a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile, but we have not seen any evidence. Our military has information that it is not our missile”, the diplomat said.

    Kiev is ready for an “exchange of elements”, after which, according to Kuleba, the Ukraine and the West “will come to common conclusions”.

    According to the Foreign Minister, Kiev” very openly ” participates in the investigation together with the Polish services.

    On the evening of November 15, the Polish media reported the fall of two missiles in Lublin Voivodeship on the border with the Ukraine. As a result of the incident, two people were killed.

    Initially, Warsaw suggested that the origin of the missiles was Russian. However, later, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda stated that he had no evidence that the fallen missile was connected with Moscow. At the same time, he pointed out the “high probability” that it belonged to the air defence of Ukraine. At NATO they announced similar data.

    President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, commenting on the incident, said that they were talking about Russian missiles. He accused Moscow of making an attack against Poland and called the incident an escalation. Later, he stressed that he did not doubt that his country was not involved in the incident. However, the US President Joe Biden in response to Zelensky’s words, noted that they could not serve as proof of Kiev’s non-involvement in the state of emergency.

    Later, the Ukrainian leader said that his country did not have exact data on whose missile fell in eastern Poland. At the same time, he admitted that the Ukrainian air defence system was operating at the time of the incident.

    The Russian Defence Ministry, in turn, stressed that on that day they did not strike any targets near the Ukrainian-Polish border. The ministry called the media’s statements about Moscow’s involvement in the incident a deliberate provocation. As noted in the Defence Ministry, there were published in Poland photographs from the scene of the incident that clearly indicated that the wreckage of a Ukrainian S-300 air defence system missile had fallen there.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement on the “missile incident” expressed confidence that an impartial investigation and the publication of its results would expose the provocation.

    Is this the point where the Z-crowd has finally “jumped the shark”?

    Is lickspittle Europe finally going to tell the Kiev freaks to take a hike.

    Is Uncle Sam finally going to wash its hands of the Kiev Clown and his entourage?


    1. They have seen no evidence – but they know it was not Ukrainian because their military has ‘data’? How do they know what the evidence suggests if they have not seen it? Most will blame Ukraine for this, but I blame the west, and the UK and USA most of all. Because those two ‘regime-changers’ established an environment for the most corrupt country in Europe in which it could lie with complete impunity, and the UK/USA-led west would cover for it, pretend what it said was the incontestable truth and block anyone who tried to get a counter-argument going. They are now going to reap what they sowed, and will have Ukraine swinging from their teat forever.


  65. NYT

    Artillery Is Breaking in Ukraine. It’s Becoming a Problem for the Pentagon.
    Ukrainian soldiers are firing thousands of shells daily, forcing the U.S. to replace gun barrels across the border in Poland.

    Nov. 25, 2022, 4:12 p.m. ET

    WASHINGTON — Ukrainian troops fire thousands of explosive shells at Russian targets every day, using high-tech cannons supplied by the United States and its allies. But those weapons are burning out after months of overuse, or being damaged or destroyed in combat, and dozens have been taken off the battlefield for repairs, according to U.S. and Ukrainian officials.

    No mention of the fact, of course, that UAF artillery — USA and its NATO allies supplied artillery — fires almost daily at civilian targets in the Donbass and has done so for the past 8 years. I should also add that I read (lost the link) the other day here that more civilians have died in the Donbass as a result of heroic UAF bombardments than have died in deepest Banderastan as a result of the barbarous Orcs’ missile strikes at “civilian infrastructure” there and about which the little shit in the pseudo-military fatigues never ceases to whine.

    To the Heroes — Glory!


      1. The Centralstanis are upping their small production for the Ukraine, on behalf of their daddy hamsters:

        Euractiv: Weapons industry booms as Eastern Europe arms Ukraine


        Yet more ‘DO SOMTHING!’ however little, late or pointless. I suppose the ‘bonus’ is that these weapons will be produced more cheaply than anything the old west can and is nearer the front.


  66. KIEV, November 25. /TASS/. Over 90% of Ukrainians are ready to live without electricity and heat for years if they see the prospect of EU membership, Elena Zelenskaya, the wife of the Ukrainian president, said.

    She cited a a recent poll where 90% of Ukrainians said they were ready to live with electricity shortages for two to three years if they could see the prospect of joining the European Union. “You know, it is easy to run a marathon when you know how many kilometres there are,” she told the BBC, according to the excerpts of her upcoming interview published on Friday. Zelenskaya did not specify who conducted the survey or how many people took part in it.

    On Wednesday, an air alert was declared throughout Ukraine, it lasted for more than two hours. There were reports of explosions and damage to infrastructure in Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepr, Nikolayev and other cities. The vast majority of Ukrainian residents were left without electricity. All three Kiev-controlled nuclear power plants in Khmelnitsky, South Ukraine, and Rovne were urgently disconnected from the power grid. Outages also affected most thermal and hydro power plants, while some electricity grid facilities sustained damage.


    Call me a cynic, but somehow I cannot imagine Zelenskaya living for 2 to 3 years without heating, lighting and electricity. Of course, she didn’t say she would be willing to do so, but “according to a recent poll”, 90% of Yukietards were — so she says.


    1. It’s a trick question. After 2 or 3 years of no electricity, heat or water, most Ukrainians will be refugees in EU countries thus indirectly achieving EU membership.,

      She looks tall.


      1. No, she’s of limited stature, as is her clown spouse.

        UK Clown Prince meets Clown Prince of Kiev

        In fact, when not wearing high heels, Zelenskaya is shorter than her husband.


  67. November 25, 2022 13: 05
    Apocalypse in the dark: Ukrainian cities plunged into the Middle Ages: looters rob and kill on the streets
    Residents of Kiev and Lvov in social networks are preparing to rob supermarkets and discuss pogroms

    Residents of Kiev and Lviv in social networks are preparing to rob supermarkets and discuss pogroms — Photo: REUTERS (Wonder if Zelenskaya goes shopping there? — ME)

    Life in the Ukraine is getting more interesting. If you are not sent to the front lines, you will be killed or kidnapped right on the streets of cities. Looters are gutting abandoned apartments that were previously under an alarm system. Passers-by are being robbed and killed in the dark streets, and foreigners are being abducted for ransom. While the city authorities are preparing for a long-term blackout of electricity and no heat, residents are wondering: will there be pogroms?

    In Ukrainian social networks, tjey are already discussing what to grab first when robbing supermarkets in Kiev and Lvov. They advise picking up more cigarettes and spirits, as they can always be exchanged. As well as wet wipes, with which some Ukrainians have already adapted to wash themselves with. Ten wipes are enough to wash the whole body, they say, and for some even say as few as 5 is sufficient. For home toilets it is recommended to take trash bags. It is also recommended to take candles and batteries, and to keep a stock of water for five days at home. If possible, it is advised that the bath and sink be filled with water and even an aquarium, if you have one.

    A resident of Kiev Sergey (all names have been changed) has been collecting antiques for many years.

    “I bought medals, gold coins, weapons, protective armour of European knights — in the USA, at auctions in Europe, from dealers from Russia. All this has now turned into a suitcase without a handle: it is not convenient to carry it, but it is a pity to leave it.

    “Then the Russian troops will come, and the National Guard will take everything”, the antiquary complains. “Indeed, in Russia, collecting weapons is possible only with r a licence. And who will give it to me? Because everything has to be sold for a penny in the pound. What I don’t have time to sell, I’ll dig a hole and bury it and then I’ll leave.

    Sergei says that it has become difficult to sell antiques in the Ukraine.”There are few who want to part with their hard cash currency, which is growing in price. They take only what fits in their pocket and costs more than gold: coins, jewelry. What can be taken out unnoticed by the border guards. But large antiques can only be smuggled out at a price. But this does not mean that information will not immediately fall into the hands of Ukrainian or Polish bandits. After all, in Poland and Romania they also rob. Both their own and others.

    “What is happening now on the Ukraine antique market?”

    “It’s a disaster! Several collections of knives from the Third Reich, knight’s armour and helmets from France during the time of Louis XIlI, mediaeval weapons were thrown onto the Ukrainian sites at once. Items worth hundreds of thousands of euros. But even in Europe, no one needs these items.”

    “Locked up in a bank maybe?”

    “Banks can be nationalized, robbed by nationalists, and it is becoming more and more difficult and dangerous to guard collections and any property. There are no lights for hours, no cameras or security systems in the city. The streets are overrun by armed groups of illiterate citizens — no amount of security will help. And they can bring you up on charges at any moment. You’ll give them all away. They recently stopped me at a checkpoint, checked my phone, and a number from Russia came up. I don’t even know whose it was. Maybe it was an advertisement. So almost got killed. They only let me go when I showed them that the call didn’t even last a second, and I was shaking as there were a tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of coins in the car”, says Sergey.

    Outbreaks of criminal incidents because of the blackouts have been reported not only in the Ukrainian capital, but also in Lvov, Odessa, and Kharkov.

    “The number of apartment robberies has skyrocketed in Lvov”, says a local resident named Andrei. “It has already got to the point where old people are afraid to leave their apartments. People are killed for insignificant sums of money, pensioners are being extorted by armed drug addicts, and children kill their parents for their modest pensions. Once wealthy people disappear, and everyone thinks they have gone to Europe. There is a hunt for foreigners all over the Ukraine. Even former mercenaries are kidnapped to extort larger sums from their relatives. The kidnappers are not afraid to withdraw money from ATMs. They come to them with the combat cover of entire nationalist units.

    According to Andrei, the armed groups of local militia have already criminalized themselves to such an extent that they are gradually beginning to divide the districts of Lvov with other groups. And not only groups, but also international groups. After all, smuggling with Poland was established in the 90’s, and today these channels are 100% involved in both directions.

    “Back then it was counterfeit electronics and clothing, then stolen foreign cars, but now it’s more drugs and guns. Weapons are being sold completely uncontrollably”, Andrei points out. “Some military men have set up a weapons cache in the old cellar underneath the house next door. At night, cars with diplomatic Polish license plates drive up to the windows of the cellar and take away the boxes. They say that the weapons are sold from Ukrainian warehouses to criminal groups in Europe for a quarter of the price. Through the Polish border guards, the weapons find their way to end up with buyers in the Czech Republic and Germany”, says Andrzej.

    We can only hope that the local criminals with grenade launchers and machine guns are not going to seize NATO bases with nuclear weapons, but some museums and bank vaults. After all, millions of Ukrainians have got an opportunity to settle in Europe according to their ideas about decent life. And here Europe and the United States will have to be patient.

    The situation when Ukrainian criminals (they used to call them “Russian” in the US and Europe) began to show interest in heavy weapons caused concern of the head of the UK National Crime Agency Graham Biggar.

    He told the British media straight that “grenade launchers, machine guns and grenades supplied to the Ukrainian army by Western countries may fall into the hands of criminal groups and terrorists in Britain. With all the ensuing consequences…

    For the time being, NATO army weapons are settling in numerous Ukrainian groups that are already harassing other traffickers of prostitutes, drugs and weapons in Europe. The calm will not last long: a global redistribution of the criminal market, which is now occupied by ethnic groups from Africa and Asia, is coming to Europe. From the hands of criminals, army weapons will fall into the hands of extremists and terrorists. It is only a matter of time.

    Russia’s law enforcement agencies are also noticing an influx of weapons from the West. In the regions bordering the Ukraine, the FSB regularly seizes dozens of machine guns and grenade launchers, even anti-aircraft missile systems have been found. Small arms are offered for every taste. Even ammunition marked “Ukraine” on the bottom of the casing can be found among imported cartridges.

    While the U.S. is trying to figure out how to tighten control over the weapons it sends to the Ukraine, a criminal revolution, not a “colour revolution”, may break out in Europe. Perhaps only then will the term “de-ukrainization” will become worldwide synonymous with the term “decriminalization”.


  68. The Black Sea and the Ukraine are equally dark in the image below taken by satellite (via MofA). Is that huge splash of light in the upper right Moscow?


    1. Well, he has cited perhaps the only way it would be acceptable to absorb all that remains of Ukraine – if the west were mostly depopulated, with the nationalist vermin fleeing to Europe. But to my mind it is still not desirable; Russia should hang onto the resource-rich southeast, and let the rest be a drain on NATO budgets forevermore. If Russia were ever to take responsibility for all of Ukraine, it would have to adopt a strict policy of keeping western influence out – no NGO’s, none of that shit, inveigling and plotting and stirring up liberal dissidents. Because what it will cost to restore Ukraine just to livability will be an almost unimaginable fortune. It would be far better if that fortune came from the west rather than from Russia.


      1. The Evil One, seeing as he’s all-powerful and rules by decree, could give as a Russian New Year gift from Dyed Moroz Western Galitsia to the Polaks and parts of Western Ukraine to the Czechs, the Slovaks, the Hungarians and the Romanians. After all, up to 1918 such possible territorial gifts were once all part of the Habsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire until Woodrow Wilson had the wonderful idea of creating “national states” out of that Empire’s territory, not knowing, because of his typical American ignorance of geography and cultural differences in Eastern Europe, that doing so would be no easy task because of centuries old differences and intolerances between groups of people whose home territories were not only in close proximity, but often also intermingled iwithin n the territories of other national groups.


  69. Sputnik

    Germans Are Growing Weary of Propping Up Ukrainian Regime, Survey Finds
    6 hours ago

    A new survey has found that the German public’s appetite for continuing to prop up the Ukrainian regime is beginning to dwindle, and may be the latest indication that Germans’ interest in supporting the Zelensky regime is continuing to wane.

    In a analysis of the data published in an American news outlet, the authors of the study note that even decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany retains a stark political divide on geographic lines: “while only 27 percent of West German respondents are opposed to increasing military assistance to Ukraine, 52 percent of East Germans express this view.”

    The opinion poll of 1,000 Germans found “a majority (54 percent) think that their country is doing enough (37 percent) or too much (17 percent) to help Ukraine’s military efforts and its refugees.”

    The poll comes just days after German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock acknowledged that the “vast majority” of Germans “pose critical questions of their government” over rising food and energy prices, but insisted “this winter we will continue to stand by Ukraine’s side.”

    But the statisticians’ findings paint a somewhat different picture. When asked if they’d support increasing sanctions on Russia, sending more military equipment to Ukraine, admitting more refugees, or admitting Ukraine into NATO, nearly a third of respondents declined. And for those willing to consider more handouts for Ukraine, it’s more complicated. Only 31% strongly support “either delivering more weapons to Ukraine or admitting more refugees,” and “strong support for admitting Ukraine to NATO is lower still” at 26%, researchers write.

    “In other words, German support for increasing either military assistance or humanitarian aid is lukewarm,” they found. Comparing the public’s desire for greater German participation in the conflict in Ukraine to the country’s role in the US invasion of Afghanistan, they determined that since February, “Germans have become more hesitant about being involved militarily.” And the fact that “Germans are losing enthusiasm for admitting more Ukrainians” compounds the situation further, they say.

    Conversations about how to handle huge shocking price increases have dominated Germany’s domestic political sphere recently, as average households are far from the only ones affected by the gas crunch. With production in energy-intensive sectors having fallen by more than 2% since July, the chief economist for ING Germany warned last month that a recession is “inevitable,” noting “we don’t need a crystal ball to see a further weakening of German industry in the coming months.”

    In an apparent effort to buy off voters and stave off further discontent, the government recently announced plans to reimburse all German households the cost of their December gas bill.

    But with gas prices having “soared to ten times their previous levels,” the study’s researchers conclude that “even that might not be enough to boost German public support for delivering weapons and admitting more Ukrainian refugees.”

    2:02 —“No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine”.

    German voter’s comment to the above:

    ‘No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver.” Ja Frau Baerbock, das einzige Problem ist dass Sie von den deutschen Wählern gewählt wurden sind und diese dementsprechend repräsentieren. Da kann es Ihnen leider nicht egal sein, was diese Wähler denken/wollen.

    Yes, Frau Baerbock, the only problem is that you were elected by the German voters and represent them accordingly. Unfortunately, you cannot be indifferent to what these voters think/want.


  70. AiF

    26.11.2022 09:40
    “The Smartarse” from Kiev. Zelensky will be in power until the last American

    The actor/comedian from Krivoi Rog,whose mother tongue is Russian — ME

    American experts still cannot decide on their attitude towards Vladimir Zelensky. Either he is a real defender of the land of Kiev, or a madman who is ready to bring the world to complete destruction with his provocations. And sometimes these two diametrically opposed thoughts coexist in some strange way in the mind of the same analyst.

    That Zelensky would be happy to fight Russia to the last American and his attempts to unleash a Third World War would certainly be repeated horrified “The American Conservative”. At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned the West that, according to Moscow, the President of the Ukraine “is entering some kind of uncontrolled orbit of his own”.

    Shakespeare at rest.
    A few months ago, many people reproached the West for turning actor Zelensky into a puppet and for the Kiev regime being completely controlled by the American embassy in Kiev. They assured us that the State Department was ready to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. But everything flows and all things

    Now fears of a different kind are gaining popularity – the president of the Ukraine has managed to get out of Washington’s total control and is now playing his own crazy game. Either the “controlling authorities” turned out to be untalented, or the “protagonist” decided to write his own play, even outdoing Shakespeare. In any case, Zelensky’s entrance into a new orbit was publicly discussed both in Russia and in the United States.

    A “smartass” from Kiev
    Kiev’s recent attempt to drag the U.S. and NATO into a conflict with Russia (the incident with the strike made by a Ukrainian missile in Poland) was unsuccessful, but as Doug Bandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, suggests in an article for “The American Conservative”, it will almost certainly be repeated. “Zelensky’s position is, of course, understandable. He cares about the Ukraine, not the United States, and would be happy to go to war with Russia to the last American”, Bandow believes.

    Zelensky’s Missile Gambit
    Bandow, however, is obviously not quite sure what his attitude to Zelensky is. One day he “cares about Ukraine”, and the next day, Bandow claims, Kiev’s actions could provoke a conflict with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. That, in turn, would lead to strategic nuclear strikes around the world.

    “This would be a catastrophic result for all parties involved, including Ukraine. Zelensky’s misleading missile gambit reinforces the need for a change of course in Washington”, Bandow adds. So where is the concern for the Ukraine?

    Blackmailing the West
    But Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova long ago made up her mind about Zelensky. And not only about him.

    “The West understands that Zelensky is already beyond their total control, that is, they control him in everything that benefits them, but he is already entering some kind of uncontrollable orbit of his own. Zakharova said on the Rossiya 24 TV channel: “He’s just starting to blackmail the West, in many ways. – This has always happened to everyone whom the West has actively created as one of its creatures, who, over time, begin to dictate their terms”.

    Total nonsense
    Meanwhile, readers of Western publications and users of social networks (when it comes to Zelensky and the Kiev regime) are increasingly coming to conclusions that almost exactly coincide with the position of Russian diplomats. And now they are no longer embarrassed by this fact.

    Readers of the Polish newspaper “DoRzeczy”, for example, did not let the eloquent statements of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba pass them by. He continues to insist that Kiev allegedly has data, according to which the missile that fell in Poland was not Ukrainian.

    “Total nonsense, total lies”, [commenter] Dorota mresponded. “What a strange apology”, remarked Łukasz Widomski. “He doth protest too much, methinks”, added Alex Matwiejsz.

    Dmytro Kuleba: another lying bag of Svidomite shit! — ME

    20 Billion for Zelensky
    Readers of the American Conservative periodical “Breitbart” were impressed by the new package of military aid to the Ukraine worth 400 million dollars (it will include equipment for anti-aircraft defence, additional weapons and ammunition). By the way, according to experts’ calculations, the total amount of military aid sent to Kiev from Washington since the beginning of Joe Biden’s administration has already reached an astronomical $19.7 billion.

    “Listen, you over there in Washington! You pathetic puppets grooming and controlling your Alzheimer’s patient. I did not give you the slightest permission to dump our taxes on this Ukraine! Nor did I give you any permission to plunder my generation”, commented trl resentfully.

    “Both America and Ukraine are controlled by globalists. They put Zelensky in Kiev. We need to stop funding this conflict immediately!”, a reader under the nickname of Amy Smyth stated.

    “When will the world finally open its eyes and realize that this is nothing but ‘hush money”? It’s money for the Ukrainians to keep quiet about the dirt they have on Biden and all the leftist Democrats!”, summarized rob.


  71. The British MOD has been in propaganda overdrive the last week or so peddling new stories of ‘Russia running out of [ … ]’, the latest being that it is using ancient AS-15* de-nuclearlized missiles. If the west is using the Ukraine to get rid of all its old weapons stocks, then why shouldn’t Russia, especailly if they still work? I guess that as there is no other narrative out there they have to stick with the one they have. Saying nothing, even if it is far less stupid is not an option.


  72. Western foreign policy is like a drunken judge at the wheel of an aging luxury car who is repeated pulled over for running people over and general dangerous driving but let off each time because s/he knows the cops/friends in the judiciary/is a ‘pillar of the community’ etc. etc. That’s why we hear such phrases as ‘It’s time to put it behind us’ & ‘let’s move on’ whether it is from Tony Blair, Boris Johnson and anybody inbetween and the like in the west. If the fish stops swimming it is afraid of being dead in the water so better to go from one ‘accidental’ disaster with ‘no bad intent or malice’ to the next because at least you are alive even if the consequence is that they are not. The same is true for out media who despite a brief reflection after the NYT’s ‘Miller Time’ scapegoating has also doubled down on not asking critical questions or holding our leaders to account. It’s not worth their jobs. Nothing will change until something breaks, that would be us…


  73. Echoing the if-Russia-wins-NATO-loses sentiment:

    November 26, 2022, 15: 33
    Moravetsky: either the Ukraine wins, or the whole of Europe loses
    Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki: the whole of Europe will lose if Russia wins in the Ukraine

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has expressed the opinion that if Russia wins in the Ukraine, the whole of Europe will be defeated. This is reported by the Polish portal quoting Morawiecki’s statement.

    “There can be only one outcome”, the Polish Prime Minister said during talks with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and his Lithuanian counterpart Ingrida Simonite at the signing of the”Declaration of the Lublin Triangle Premiers”.

    In his opinion, Poland is obliged to support the Ukraine at the international level.

    “Europe noticed the threat from Russia too late, so today we cannot delay rendering assistance to the Ukraine”, the Polish leader stressed.

    Earlier, Morawiecki announced the threat of an “internal explosion” in the European Union owing to a split between countries that want peace and states that want the Ukraine to win.

    Got news for you, Morawiecki: Europe’s lost already, or haven’t you noticed?


  74. This Telegram channel video clip is sure to have caused premature ejaculation amongst some Yukietards:

    17: 18, 26 November 2022
    In Tver military vehicles with Ukraine flags noticed taking part in the shooting of a film
    In the network there was a video from Tver of vehicles participating in the shooting of a film

    The appearance on the central streets of Tver of military vehicles and equipment with Ukraine flags and accompanied by traffic police cars was caught on video. The entry on Saturday, November 26, is published by the Mash Telegram channel.

    The footage shows how an armoured personnel carrier and other vehicles with Ukrainian symbols, accompanied by police cars, move along the street, passing by cars. One of the drivers, commenting on what is happening, asks: “What’s going on here, guys?”

    As it turned out later, the city is shooting the film “The Musician”, dedicated to the Russian special operation in the Ukraine. For some scenes, the director had to film the movement of a “Ukrainian military column”.

    On April 20, it was reported that following complaints from residents, a sandbox had been repainted in Moscow because of its similarity to the Ukraine flag .

    The sandbox incident was long ago.

    The translated sandbox story linked above:

    19: 15, 20 April 2022
    In Moscow a sandbox has been repainted because of its similarity to a Ukraine flag

    Photo: Telegram channel “Caution, news”

    In Moscow, following complaints from local residents, a sandbox has been repainted because of its similarity to the Ukraine flag.

    Some Muscovites complained about a yellow-and-blue striped sandbox. It was decided to repaint the playground feature because of its similarity to the Ukrainian flag, according to the Telegram channel “Caution, news”.

    Residents of the “Sky Fort” housing complex were outraged by the colour of one of the sandboxes after updating and painting of the playground in the house courtyard. They complained to the housing management company, accusing the employees of provocation.

    The organization responded that the colours of the sandbox being those of the Ukraine flag was simply a coincidence. An hour after having received the complaints, the company sent to the complex employees, who then repainted the structure green.

    Earlier, a Muscovite reported his adopted son to the police for making statements about Russian military actions on the territory of the Ukraine. The man told law enforcement officers that the young man had not insulted the Russian Armed Forces, but during an argument, he had begun shouting slogans of support for the Ukraine. The police charged him and now the young man is accused of discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He faces a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.



    I shall have to dash of to the dacha tomorrow, the present inclement weather notwithstanding, as one of our two watering cans there, both of which are now wintering in our greenhouse, is painted blue-yellow. I noticed that fact right away when we bought the place in 2004: I guess the old lady, the wife of the old man whom we bought the place off, was a Ukrainian, albeit she wasn’t wearing an obligatory vyshyvanka and a garland around her ancient head. Her husband was a Muscovite for sure.


  75. And now for something completely different . . .

    Пьяный ЕБН здоровается с трезвым Клинтоном

    Drunken fuck meets sober Clinton

    Actually, it’s not so completely different: the above shows the situation when the Empire had cordial relations with the prostrate former USSR. My, how Uncle Sam loved that drunken criminal bastard Yeltsin, when the “Chicago Boys” were ravishing “Mother Russia” and attempting to loot her of her natural possessions!

    Sham election, anyone?

    And they want this to happen again: they want to empower a sycophant in Russia, a stooge, a clone, a slave, a hired hand, a Washington Stooge, and bring “Freedom and Democracy” to Russia — and degeneracy, vulgarity, crap food and booze, obesity, to re-install fucking Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonalds . . . .

    Enter rant!

    Must go for lie down.


  76. November 26 2022, 18:09
    The meaning of Ukrainian sadism. How to turn an opponent’s advantage into a weakness
    09: 33 25.11.2022 (updated: 11: 03 25.11.2022)

    In recent days, the number of videos documenting the crimes of the Ukrainian military has sharply increased on the Internet.

    They’ve appeared before. Ukrainian Nazis’ mockery of prisoners of war, shootings, and burning alive have been recorded on camera from the first days of the SMO. Moreover, the first videos of this kind (hangings, burnings, shootings, etc.) appeared on the Internet back in 2014. Then the victims of the Ukrainian Nazis were the so-called separatists — people who did not accept the coup d’état and resisted it.

    But there is a significant difference.

    In 2014, official Ukrainian propaganda insisted that all such videos were fakes, designed to compromise the “bright ideas of the Maidan”. In February-May 2022, in addition to attempts to shrug off AFU and personally recorded by Ukrainian servicemen as fakes, Ukrainian authorities also, in cases when it was impossible to deny that a crime had been committed, referred to the “excesses of the perpetrator”, that these were isolated cases, and in some cases even promised to investigate (although they did not). In addition, Ukrainian officials publicly appealed to their soldiers not to record war crimes on camera or at least not to post them on the Internet, explaining that by doing so they undermined trust and sympathy for the Ukraine in the world.

    Now everything has changed radically. The videos appear one after another. They record the shooting and torture of Russian servicemen, the arbitrary shooting and torture of civilians accused of collaborating with the Russian authorities (mostly their “guilt” is that they took Russian humanitarian aid). At the same time, the last time the Ukrainian authorities tried to deny the involvement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in war crimes was a couple of months ago (in early October), when a video of the Nazi Zhorin appeared, which recorded the results of the shooting of civilians by Ukrainians in Kupyansk.

    However, even then Gerashchenko (Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Ukraine) publicly stated: “A hunt has been declared for collaborators, and their lives are not protected by law. Our special services destroy them, are shooting them like pigs”.

    Following that, official Kiev has not utter eda word of condemnation or promised to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine and the special services of the Ukraine; the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry only condemned the Europeans, who were outraged by the crimes of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine after information about them had reached such a scale that it was simply impossible to ignore it.

    We are obviously dealing with a new information strategy of the Ukrainian authorities. The most heinous crimes of the regime are not hidden, as before, but, on the contrary, are being highlighted. What can be the reason for such a change in the information policy of the Kiev regime?

    The first thing that can be suggested is that in the conditions when a significant number of mobilized Russians have appeared at the front, the Kiev authorities then try to cause panic among their relatives, pushing them to protest, and destabilize the situation in Russia. Such a task is certainly worthwhile, but is this one of the main reasons for the sudden information openness of the Ukraine regarding the committing of war crimes and crimes against humanity by its military personnel? After all, the Ukraine has already tried to put pressure on the relatives of the Russian military. They called from mobile phones the wives, children and mothers of fallen Russian soldiers. They sneered at them. They used the phone databases in phones found on Russian servicemen and lied to their relatives that their son / husband/brother had been taken prisoner or killed, etc.

    If such an approach has proven ineffective, then it is clear that atrocities on camera will only cause anger and a desire to take revenge on the murderers. Moreover, bullying of civilians in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions clearly cannot serve as a demoralizing factor for relatives of Russian military personnel. On the contrary, it proves that the country is really fighting yhe absolute evil of an infernal regime.

    Therefore, it seems that the main task of the new information strategy of the Ukraine is to bind all the people, and first of all the military, with blood.

    The Ukraine at the beginning of November, according to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, irretrievably lost more than seventy thousand military personnel. This roughly coincides with the data of American experts, who have estimated the total losses on the Eastern Front at more than one hundred thousand irrevocable and more than three hundred thousand total losses of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, the Ukrainian special services and foreign mercenaries fighting for the Kiev regime.

    At the time of the start of the special operation, there were over five hundred thousand people with combat experience in the Armed Forces of the Ukraine and in the reserve of the first stage, mainly participants of the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation in the Donbass. In fact, a much larger number of Ukrainian citizens have taken part in the war in the Donbass, but some of them have died, others got became alcoholics, others killed themselves after having been discharged from the reserve, and some had been disabled. Therefore, the total number of military personnel and reservists with combat experience exceeded half a million, but it turned out to be less than initially expected.

    Data on the losses of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine indicate that even taking into account the wounded who have returned to service (and their percentage is low both because of the nature of the wounds and because many use their wound in order not to return to service again), the Armed Forces of the Ukraine have lost about half of the initially available personnel and trained reservists with combat experience.

    In recent waves of mobilization, low-quality and completely unmotivated troops are being recruited into the army. These are people without experience of participating in combat operations, many who have not served at all, who previously had a postponement from service owing to illness (usually bought in the same Military Enlistment Office — now called the “Centre for Recruitment and Social Support”, but in essence its the same thing), serve, especially those who do not want to fight. Recruitment in the Armed Forces of the Ukraine is mainly in the regions of the South-East. People from Kiev and Western Ukraine are becoming significantly fewer. [It has been noted recently here that the Banderites are now purposely drafting Russian speakers, namely Ukrainian citizens from Eastern and Southern Ukraine and not from the Banderite cess pit of Western Ukraine — ME]

    The forces of the Zelensky regime, if not trained, then at least the motivated fighters, are exhausted. The Kiev authorities still have the ability to maintain the number of their combat units at the same level, but the quality of replenishment has sharply decreased. Those who wanted to fight to the last have largely been knocked out, and those who have remained prefer desertion and surrender. Even from the situation on the front line in the Donbass, where after many months of stubborn defence, the strongholds and defence nodes of the Ukrainian troops have suddenly begun to fall one after another, it is clear that the resistance of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine has significantly weakened.

    Meanwhile, the United States has set Zelensky the task of containing the Russian army’s winter offensive, draining the Russian Armed Forces of blood in defensive battles, and thereby creating prerequisites for greater Moscow’s compliance with the US-proposed peace agreement format. Let me remind you that America needs to untie its hands in Europe to fight China, but in such a way that Russia remains tied up in the West and cannot seriously help its ally. [Wrong! The Chinese People’s Republic is not Russia’s ally — ME]

    To fulfill the task set by the United States, it is necessary to force the existing low-quality material received by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine as a replenishment to fight to the last. How to do this?

    I think the idea was American (giving directives is their thing). However, it does not matter. The videos of atrocities against civilians and Russian servicemen that have flooded the Internet should and will cause a response. Ukrainian soldiers will be taken prisoner much less frequently. After all, in the heat of battle, no one can (or will) know whether a soldier has shot anenemy who has already raised his hands or is still resisting. This is often known only to the shooter himself. Yes, and an enemy who is penned up in a basement can be there a long time while he is being tediously offered to surrender, or you can just throw in grenades and move on. And an attempt to surrender by an enemy soldier who had previously shot all his ammunition into ours can be “overlooked”.

    And no power, no exhortations can do anything here. The feeling of revenge for fallen comrades is one of the main driving and motivating forces of the fighter. The demonstrative killing of civilians and unarmed (surrendered) civilians by the enemy causes legitimate anger.

    So the sudden Ukrainian “openness” regarding war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine contains a not very subtle, but working psychological calculation. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be much less inclined to take representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine prisoner. For them, the Ukrainian military will finally turn into the same Nazis as have the “Azovites ” and other representatives of the national battalions.

    Thus, Ukraine citizens, who have been mobilized in the last wave and are unwilling and unable to fight, are deprived by Kiev of the opportunity to surrender. They are put between two fires: if you retreat from your position, your own Nazis will shoot you, and if you try to surrender, there is a great risk that the Russian soldiers, who are furious about the videos of the torture and execution of their comrades, will “not notice” your attempt at surrender. The only chance of survival is to stand your ground to the end.

    It must be said honestly that this mechanism will work. Soldiers at the front will have neither the time, nor the strength, nor the desire to find out who and to what extent is a Nazi, and who in the AFU was caught dancing the the day before in a village. The murder and abuse of prisoners and civilians by Ukrainians has taken on a mass scale. Kherson has been turned by the AFU into a huge concentration camp for its remaining population. Those who wear the uniform of the AFU risk no less (perhaps more) than those who wore SS uniforms at the end of World War II: it did not matter whether they were just soldiers, cooks, drivers, telegraphists or officers, or whether they had served in combat units or in the Sonderkommando.

    In my view, the only way, if not to prevent (they cannot be prevented) excesses, the result of which being that the Ukrainian military will have a drastically reduced opportunity to surrender, then to reduce their effect, is to scatter leaflets over their positions, explaining that in connection with the massive crimes committed by the AFU against civilians and the Russian military, the safest way to surrender is collectively, by prior agreement.

    When an entire unit surrenders, especially without a fight, it is almost impossible to pretend that the surrender was “not noticed”. And there is no bitterness, such as happens in the heat of battle, at such a moment. Therefore, the guarantee of survival is almost one hundred percent (except that their own Ukrainians will cover the surrendered with artillery fire).

    In addition, there should be explained with the help of leaflets and radio broadcasts to the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the of Ukraine their position and that by continuing to resist, they become accomplices in war crimes and crimes against humanity, which have no statute of limitations and are prosecuted extraterritorially. Every Ukrainian soldier should understand that he can receive an order to shoot civilians or prisoners at any time. If he refuses, then his own Nazis will shoot him, and if he does, he will become a war criminal.

    I don’t know whether in this way we shall be able to convince the Ukrainians to surrender en masse, but at least the confidence of the AFU command in their subordinates will be undermined. The Ukrainians will have to allocate more forces to their detachments, removing them directly from the front. The division of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine into those who are sitting in the trenches at the front line and those who are preparing to shoot them in the back will contribute to the growth of internal contradictions.

    All of this will not contribute to strengthening the resistance of the AFU, and the weaker the resistance, the lower will be our losses.

    One should never fight something that one is unable to change. It is necessary to change the conditions of the game so that the advantage that the enemy hopes to gain becomes his weakness.

    Rostislav Ishchenko


  77. 360kuai: “Anti-Russian” Europeans have begun to support Russia
    Today, 16: 59

    Federal News Agency | Natalia Makeeva
    [No weapons to UA! Stop collaboration with Fascists! Peace with Russia!]

    The news coming from the European Union will not please the United States. It has turned out that even “anti-Russian” – minded Europeans came to rallies in support of cooperation with Moscow. This was written by the authors of the Chinese edition 360kuai. PolitRussia presents a retelling of the publication especially for its readers.

    Rallies have been taking place in various German cities in recent weeks. Every Monday, local residents gather to express their disagreement with the policy of the German authorities. Participants of the action are confident that the anti-Russian sanctions have failed, and the German authorities are acting in the interests of the United States.

    “As the weather gets colder and colder, some Europeans have begun to wonder if it was really the right decision to follow the example of the United States and impose sanctions on Russia”, write the authors of the 360kuai report.

    Protest scenes are taking place not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. Residents of France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom are protesting. All of them are outraged by rising energy prices, high inflation, and low wages. Chinese analysts note that all this has been a consequence of the anti-Russian policy of European countries and the refusal to import energy resources from the Russian Federation.

    Federal News Agency | Natalia Makeeva
    [Negotiate instead of shooting! Only when acting together is there security in Europe!]

    “One of the most surprising facts is that in the UK a group of far-left people (many of whom are anti-Russian) have also taken to the streets to demand peaceful coexistence between the UK and Russia. It’s really interesting when anti-Russian people are in favour of Russia, but this is the reality”, the authors of 360kuai conclude.

    While the Western media tries to portray these protests as anti-war protests against Russia, the real grievances of the people lie elsewhere. As experts from the Pople’s Republic of China have noted, the thing is that sanctions against Russia have had an extremely negative impact on the lives of Europeans, who now have to concern themselves with storing firewood and food for the winter. Under such conditions, residents of the EU countries and Britain no longer want to worry about the Ukraine.

    “Europeans don’t care about the Ukraine: they care about whether they can buy cheap natural gas. The wages of the people cannot keep up with the rate of price growth, so they can only ask for the resumption of imports of inexpensive Russian energy carriers”, the Chinese journalists state.

    Russia can easily change the lives of Europeans for the better, and the Germans (as well as the British, Italians, French and everyone else) understand this. The authors of 360kuai note that, paradoxically, the attempts of Western politicians to make Europeans hate Russia have led to the opposite effect. As a result, even some anti-Russian people have begun to advocate cooperation with the Russian Federation, and this, according to Chinese experts, is unlikely to please the United States. After all, it was Washington that tried to get the EU countries to quarrel with Moscow.

    Earlier, PolitRussia wrote that the economist Belyanin pointed to the “winter nuance” of Putin’s oil plan.

    Belyanin linked above article:

    Economist Belyanin has pointed out a “winter nuance” of Putin’s oil plan
    November 26, 2022 14: 43

    The Kremlin is preparing a decree that prohibits oil trading with those who have imposed a ceiling on prices for Russian black gold, Western media writes. Economist Alexey Belyanin, in an interview with PolitRussia, has revealed the essence of Vladimir Putin’s oil plan and pointed out an important nuance.

    The Bloomberg news agency has written that the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing a decree prohibiting Russian companies and any traders who buy Russian oil from selling it to those who have introduced or supported a price ceiling for black gold.

    Alexey Belyanin, an associate professor at the International Institute of Economics and Finance at the Higher School of Economics, told PolitRussia that it is now difficult to predict what decision the Kremlin will make. Much depends on the market price of oil. Now it is not very high, and probably will meet the price ceiling, so there is no point in banning oil exports to any countries.

    However, closer to winter, prices may start to rise. And it is precisely this “winter nuance” that Vladimir Putin can count on if he decides to sign a decree banning supplies to unfriendly states.


  78. Maidan euphoria lasting nine years
    Nov. 27th, 2022 at 08:14

    I saw a comment in my chat room from a subscriber who had been to Ukrainian resources and found that they were full of peremogi[Ukrainian peasant dialect: victories — ME]. And euphoria. It was just like nine years ago on the Maidan. And in a few days there is going to be the anniversary of the “Holodomor,” invented by Ukrainian pseudo-historians.

    In general, this is not surprising and is logical. I did not expect anything else from the inhabitants of 404 territory.

    But they have their defenders, who try to attribute their absolutely abnormal behaviour, both at home and abroad, to stress, allegedly caused by the special operations.

    It is nothing like that. I shall give you an example here of how they were jumping and hooting triumphantly for three whole months because of the euphoria they felt, which, by the way, had absolutely no basis in reality.

    I have covered this before in several of my narratives, but now I just want to summarize.

    It was the summer of 2019. To be fair, I should point out at once that Zelensky had promised the people of Ukraine nothing of these “desires”, of but the Ukrainians waited for some reason. They had made them up, dreamed them up in their heads and waited.

    At that time we had a fairly large number of Ukrainian migrant workers working at our site. Naturally, everyone was euphoric. Well what do you know, the people’s favourite has won the election! All of our Ukrainian workers were waiting for quite interesting and fantastic “zdobutki” [Yukie shitkicker West Slav dialect: achievements — ME].

    1. They expected that Zelensky was about to lower taxes to the pre-Maidan level and distribute compensation to absolutely all Ukrainian households for the five years of Poroshenko’s “communal lawlessness”. I mean, they thought they would get back everything they thought they had overpaid over a 5-year period.

    2. They believed that utility rates in the Ukraine would continue to fall and become the lowest in the world. But in Russia, on the contrary, they would increase a hundredfold and become the highest in the world, which is why Russians would suffer greatly. Well, of course, there is no complete Ukrainian happiness without Russian suffering, as everyone already knows. [A characteristic of Ukrainian shitwit peasant behaviour, as noted by another Russian blogger, whose opinion I translated and pasted here further above, namely wishing ill on one’s neighbour: not “keeping up with the Joneses”, but vindictively destroying them! — ME]

    3. They believed that the budget of the Ukraine in the very near future would be increased to $400 billion. Where was this money to come from? Well, in that summer, the euphoria in Ukrainian brains was quite powerfully driven by Azarov, speaking on Ukrainian television in an online format. And clips with his new performances could be found almost every day on the Web.

    The effect that Azarov’s speeches had on our Ukrainian guest workers would have brought Goebbels to tears of emotion and admiration. The euphoria was such that one could have easily asked them to start building the Tower of Babel. In almost every speech, Mykola Yanovich spoke about the huge potential of the Ukraine, as well as about the fact that the Ukraine would soon “be a highflyer”. He, of course, also criticized the Ukrainian government, but you know how Ukrainians are — they will remember only what is pleasant to their ears, and forget the rest.

    But Azarov had not said anything about the $400 billion: they had already thought that figure up themselves and continued to dream on. Three Ukrainians came out in the evening after watching a video with Mykola Yanovich, stood, philosophized and came to the conclusion that the Ukraine had a small budget. And even a hundred billion would not be enough for such a country. Let it be four hundred, and then they parted ways. And the next day the whole precinct was buzzing with euphoria.

    4. They were sure that salaries were about to grow to several thousand euros, and pensions too. Yes, yes, you are right: all this is very similar to the Maidan slogans! And In Russia, salaries would be reduced by tens, if not hundreds of times. And sobbing Muscovites would have to humbly beg the Ukrainians for work.

    Can you now see the scope and scale of expectations and the wish-list requests? And no SMO was underway then. All of this was simply because Vova Zelensky had come to power. And the euphoria was of the same scale as it had been during the time of their fun and games on the Maidan.

    With such overwhelming euphoria, the Ukrainians had everything so firmly and reliably set up that it was simply enough for Ukrainian talking heads to post a small comment or a mini-video, and so everything went on and on. Everything was the same as in the summer of 2019, only instead of Azarov, Podolyak was then pumping the brains of Ukrainians with euphoria, with the idea that all things were possible.

    Now, in order to develop the topic further, I must draw your attention to the fact that Ukrainian guest workers, whatever one may say, are still representatives of the Ukraine. Some commentators write to me about the fact that I have only spoken with the “wrong” kind of Ukrainians, with those who are representatives of economically active citizens of the Ukraine, those who would be written about in a textbook of general economic theory, because they have the determination and courage to go to a foreign country in order to make money; and last but not least, they were generally less hostile to our country than are the schirye Ukrainians*. Some of them usually work in Europe. I should add, however, that I have come across obvious Russophobes amongst Ukrainian guest workers.

    What do I mean by “less hostile”? Well, they did not shout at every turn that tomorrow they would burn down the Kremlin,though they regularly threatened to sink the Black Sea Fleet and constantly fantasized about it.

    They looked down upon us and our country and did not hide it. The thesis about the superiority of everything Ukrainian over everything Russian was embedded into the brain of almost every holder of a passport with a trident.

    “Gastarbeiter” [‘guest workers”: immigrant workers with no civic rights — ME] are certainly not the smartest part of Ukrainian society, but they are not the stupidest either.

    What Ukrainian guest workers are, I think we have now figured out. And now, finally, let’s talk about the Maidan, which is already nine years old.

    I want to upset some exalted Russians who think that only pro-Russian people go to Russia to earn money. Yes, there are such naïve people amongst our compatriots.

    Sorry, but the reality is a hard one to accept: the majority of Ukrainian guest workers with whom I had the opportunity to talk, it was at the end of autumn 2020, had a positive attitude towards the Maidan. Most of them did not see the connection between the Maidan and the destruction of the Ukrainian economy or did not want to see it. And those who saw these connections and recognized their existence, said that they would be willing to endure twenty, and, if necessary, forty years of devastation and deprivation, just to “stop living in the shadow of Russia”.

    Some of those who were still concerned about how things were going on as regards the economic front in the Ukraine, very often told me that the Maidan itself had been a process very necessary and useful for the development of the Ukraine. And they said it was really good that it had taken place. And things in the economy were going badly because at the last moment the oligarchs had seized control of the “people’s process”, which, in their opinion, was the Maidan, and then “something went wrong”.

    There were also those who said that the Maidan was the only way to escape from the clutches of Russia and finally move towards Europe. Some argued that “Yanyk still had to be demolished”, and without the Maidan, this could not have been done.

    There were some interesting characters who claimed that the economic downturn began under Yanukovich, who allegedly had handed over the entire Ukrainian economy to the Russians. The people, they say, could not stand this and tore it to all to hell, and now the Ukraine was allegedly raking in the economic consequences of Yanukovych’s betrayal and Russian intrigues.

    Yes, I agree, the economic downturn began long before the Maidan, but no Yanukovych had handed over the economy of the Ukraine to Russia.

    Yanukovich’s government, as was he too, was largely viewed poorly by Ukrainian guest workers as of late autumn 2020. And no, they did not want Mykola Azarov to return to the premiership. It is just that this topic was regularly discussed on conditionally oppositional channels, where Mykola Azarov often spoke in online format. Yes, they loved to listen to his speeches about the “unprecedented and enormous” economic potential of the Ukraine, but nothing more.

    And finally I shall tell our readers that for a number of Ukrainian migrant workers with whom I crossed paths at work, the anniversary of the Maidan was . . . a holiday! And they celebrated it by setting up improvised tables in the evening in their trailers. I witnessed this myself in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

    I have no doubt that many Ukrainians right now are celebrating yet another anniversary with tables set up with salted gherkins and various preserves brought upstairs out of the basement and a bottle of wine. True, not everyone has light, but that’s just the way it is.

    You won’t believe it, but they also celebrate the “Holodomor”. And they also set the table for that.

    And now people living in the Ukraine also have euphoria during their short periods of electricity supply. And the tents that they call “points of invincibility”** serve for them a kind of mini-maidan stations, where they can dream about peremogi, talk about the superiority of everything Ukrainian over everything Russian, and spit concentrated hatred in the direction of Russia.

    You know, while writing this article, I got the feeling that the Maidan euphoria that reigns over the remnants of Ukrainian citizens’ self-consciousness has not stopped since November 2013. So don’t be surprised, and let things take their course.

    And in general, do not go near them yet. They mean business. They have been doing his for nine years in a row now.

    Anatoly Ursida,

    *schirye Ukrainians — “fat Ukrainians”.

    The phrase “fat Ukrainian” requires an explanation for those untrained in the Russian way of thinking. At first glance, it may seem that when one speaks of schirye Ukrainians, one is talking about generous and hospitable, simple-minded and smiling Ukrainians, people who are ready to take in a guest with a friendly embrace and will share their last piece of bread. No, dear reader, alas, this is an illusion.

    A “shchyry” is a real, true Ukrainian. And a real Ukrainian is a person who has absorbed at the genetic level the downtroddenness of past generations, an anger and envy towards peoples who are able to develop themselves, and a natural servile stupidity, i.e. ignoring the elementary laws of progressive social development. source

    **The Points of Invincibility have started operation. Their main purpose is to become an island of safety, stability, warmth and unity in the event of an emergency power outage for more than 24 hoursMinistry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, posted 24 November 2022 11:39


    1. “…but you know how Ukrainians are — they will remember only what is pleasant to their ears, and forget the rest.”

      Ukrainians do not have a monopoly on selective hearing; all the way back to the ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ Album in 1970, Paul Simon sang, “…all lies and jest; still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.” And the Globe and Mail did a puff piece the other day on the heartbreaking courage of President Zelensky in his tearjerking ‘Without You’ speech (in which he asked Putin if he still believed the Russians and Ukrainians are one people, and posited in the latter’s behalf “Without oil or without you? Without you. Without lights or without you? Without you.” I think someone alluded already to the ‘Churchillian’ parallels in it), which – to use a metaphor I have before, reminds quite strongly of the drunken shipmate who shoots off his mouth and starts swinging in a bar and gets the whole crew involved in it. The piece went on to say, in complete and blissful dismissal of reality, that the Russians, having suffered numerous battlefield defeats, were trying to broker a ceasefire in order to consolidate their strength. Incredible. But the unquestioning lambs will hear that and bleat “Give Ukraine more money and weapons, for the hour of their deliverance is at hand!!”

      It is human nature to draw positive messaging from what you hear and filter out the alarming and discouraging bits – that’s how silly myths get started, some of them dangerous, like the impossibility of getting pregnant ‘the first time’.

      I don’t personally believe that Ukies are born to serve a stronger master and to eternally be duped, but if that were true there will never be a reckoning when they look around and take stock and realize there are hundreds of thousands of them missing, and the last three governments will completely get away with sacrificing the young men who would be needed to assure that the Ukrainian ethnicity carried on. Babies born to Ukrainian women and foreign men are only part-Ukrainian, and the bloodline will get further and further away from the ‘pure Ukrainian’ ideal, while Ukraine’s young men sleep in the earth. And people caused that to happen, people who will never be punished. How’s that for a depressing thought?

      For those Ukrainians and their defenders who continue to blabber about the future being so bright they gotta wear shades, return once again to Trading Economics and its statistics on Ukraine, helpfully provided in this instance by the World Bank, which is not necessarily a guarantee of accuracy. The figures provide that in 2022 Ukraine’s GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP) is $12,943.61, a figure that remains below the $13,020.6 it was the last year Yanukovych was in power, and significantly below the $16,428.48 it was the last year Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. Imagine that, if you can – your take-home pay today being about a fifth less than it was more than 30 years ago. Could you live on that now? Now, if you weren’t already depressed enough, imagine your take-home pay today and whatever miserable progress it has made upward over the last 7 years being the product of loans whose accumulated value is a boulder of debt on the country’s windpipe, money that can never, ever be repaid even supposing it had negative interest. The country is not only completely insolvent, it is insolvent and foreign-owned and the most valuable parts of it are claimed and defended by Russia, which acknowledges no responsibility on the parts it claims to contribute to settling the debt burden of the remaining rump state, which is too catastrophically depopulated to feature anything like a tax base.


  79. Happy Sunday, Yukietards!

    2 hours ago
    Air Raid Alert Declared in Five Regions of Ukraine – Authorities
    An air alert went off on Sunday in the Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Kropovnitski regions of Ukraine and the Kiev-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region, according to an online alert map of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

    The first alarm went off in the Dnepropetrovsk region. A few minutes later it was also sounded in the Poltava, Cherkasy, Kropovnitski regions and the Kiev-controlled part of the Zaporozhye area.

    Ukrainian energy, defense, military and communications infrastructure has been periodically facing attacks by the Russian armed forces since October 10. Moscow launched strikes using precision-guided weapons against Ukraine two days after the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, which, Russia believes, was carried out by the Ukrainian special services. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that through its continued terrorist activities Kiev put itself on par with the most odious terrorist groups, and vowed to harshly respond to such crimes.

    Following attacks on November 15, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that about 50% of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure had been damaged.

    No rest for the wicked!

    Sputnik LIVE UPDATES: Air Raid Alert Declared in Five Regions of Ukraine – Authorities, 27 November


  80. The Hill

    Congress should end the war in Ukraine by withdrawing from NATO
    11/25/22 3:00 PM ET

    Congress can end the war in Ukraine and win a Nobel Peace Prize by enacting a statute withdrawing the United States from NATO — transforming it from a mighty offensive oak into a tiny acorn unalarming to Russia.

    As early as 1798, Congress nullified a defense treaty with France by statute. A congressional end to United States participation in NATO would be no constitutional novelty.

    At the very latest, NATO became obsolete in 1991 when its raison d’etre — the Soviet Empire — dissolved. By remaining in NATO and spearheading its expansion to Russia’s borders with 30 members, the United States provoked President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine. It was poised to join NATO to fortify the encirclement of an already diminished Russia constituting a greater existential threat to it than the existential threat the Cuban missile crisis posed to the United States.

    But don’t run away with the idea that we’re beating a retreat . . . !

    The nuclear and conventional military forces the United States can summon to destroy Russia or defend NATO members are staggering. The annual national security expenditures of the United States approach $1.7 trillion. We are the most secure nation in the history of the world. Europe’s NATO members sent the United States an SOS to pacify convulsions in its own backyard when Yugoslavia began to fragment in 1991. Russian forces were deterred from assisting their Serbian friends, as post-Soviet Russia had become a member of the United Nations. United States forces remain in Kosovo, which has pleaded for a permanent United States military base. In sum, NATO without the United States is a paper tiger and no existential threat to Russia with or without Ukraine.

    But Russia is a paper tiger as well. Its military forces have performed miserably in Ukraine. It has been forced to rely on Iran for weapons. Russia’s military spending is a fraction of the collective defense budgets of Europe’s NATO members. The European Union’s GDP is more than eight times Russia’s, and the EU’s per capita GDP is more than double Russia’s corresponding figure.

    Further, Russia has witnessed an incalculable brain drain because of its Ukraine war. Its 145 million population is down by nearly half a million since the start of the year.

    In sum, Russia is no military threat to Europe’s NATO members. Not even close. The United States departing NATO would not leave them in the lurch.

    So nerrr!

    We’re the winners and you commies are the Losers!

    An American <a href="; lawyer wrote the above opinion piece.



    1. But somehow Ukraine’s forces have not performed miserably, despite having to rely on the west for everything. And back when Russia was buying assault carriers from the French, it was just ‘being smart’.


      1. Much comment here now on the visit of the British Foreign Minister to Kiev and the body language displayed by the “host” and his “guest”.

        “The master has arrived”:

        “The master has arrived”: users have reacted to the appearance of the British Foreign Minister in front of Zelensky and with his hands in his pockets

        Appearing with several other members of the British delegation, the British Foreign Secretary did not even take his hands out of his pockets when the Ukrainian president greeted him. As a result, Zelensky had to put his hand to his heart…

        Commenting on these shots, netizens described the pair as follows:

        “The master has arrived.”

        “And this Cleverley showed who is the real owner at Bankova.”

        “And he probably conducted the negotiations in front of Zelensky with his feet on the table.”

        It is known that during the meeting with the Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, Zelensky was not original. He began to ask the foreign guest, whose behaviour was more similar to that of a host, that he have transferred the next packages of financial assistance and weapons supplies to the Ukraine. In this regard, Zelensky’s work in recent months has been reduced to begging Western “partners” for money, weapons, ammunition, and now gas, diesel fuel, generators and electrical batteries 24/7.

        Also during the meeting with Cleverley, the head of the Kiev regime thanked him for the assistance provided by London earlier to the value of £2.3 billion pounds in the form of British weapons, ammunition, equipment and batteries.

        Earlier, another British minister — Defence Minister Ben Wallace — called on Ukrainian troops not to stop fighting, to continue their offensive in the winter.


        What “offensive”?

        Electrical batteries?

        In the Russian original: “accumulators”, meaning “rechargeable batteries”.

        What for?

        Car batteries?

        “Or batteries for their Wunderwaffe “Lancet”?

        I should add that though I loath that little shit Zelensky with a passion, I think Cleverly was a pig-ignorant bastard to stand as he did with his hands in his pockets when acting in his official capacity of King Charles III’s Secretary of State .

        Just sayin’!


        1. Zelensky’s lackey’s always look like they eat well — too well!

          Must get through a couple of pounds of Yukie lard a week.


    1. Bit of a rare bird is His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, in that he is a government minister of state who did not graduate from Oxford with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, but from Ealing College of Higher Education, now The University of West London, with a bachelor’s degree in “Hospitality Management Studies”. So if you want to organise a company piss-up, the The Right Honourable James Cleverly is the man to contact.

      I trust that Foreign Minister Cleverly, unlike his not so illustrious predecessor in office, is fully aware of the fact that the Russian Voronezh and Rostov provinces are not situated in Banderastan and knows where the the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea are situated.


      1. The University of West London, with a bachelor’s degree in “Hospitality Management Studies”

        Given the recent record of Oxford PPE grads. having someone with some practical training may be a good idea. Still, Minister of Defence might have been a better post. People in the hospitality industry are likely to understand staff training and logistics if not at the level of an army. Come to think of it, a friend of mine had ~1000 Holiday Inns in Eastern Canada reporting to him. Personnel if not budget probably was two or three times the size of the Canadian or British Armed Forces.


      2. That was the university that originally banned a Russian student this year from doing a Masters in hospitality because she was Russian. I guess there is a link. They had to reinstate the offer after a media campaign, don’t know if she took it up


        1. I should have got a Masters in Hospitality when I finished my studies at Voronezh State University, USSR, in 1990. I was stinking rich then because the Soviet Min. of Ed. gave me a grant of 300 rubles a month: Soviet students were lucky if they got 30 rubles. So I used to buy all the booze for weekend thrashes in the students hostel, where I debauched and occasionally studied.

          Booze was hard to come by then because of that traitorous bastard Gorbachev’s anti-drink policy, but you could buy it if you knew where to go and had the dosh. So I used to buy top-of-the-market Russian rocket fuel every Friday as party time approached.

          Needless to say, I was an extremely popular person in that twilight year of the Soviet Union: the Vodka King of Voronezh, no less.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Galkin, not Malkin.

      Married a woman much older than he is, the Diva Ala Pugachyova — time was when she was never off the bloody TV screen. She was born 2 days after I was, so she’s bobbing on now.

      Galkin is now 47. He was a good impersonator and a likeable bloke: good with kids on TV. Both he and Pugachyova buggered off pronto when the shit hit the fan on 24 February.

      Galkin is Pugachyova’s 3rd husband. Her second husband was that big-girl’s blouse who likes dressing up, the Bulgarian/Armenian/Russian Philipp Kirkorov.

      I have it on good authority that Kirkorov is as queer as a five-bob note. Two likely Russian lasses, with whom I was dead pally years back, worked as waitresses at a really up-market restaurant in down-town Moscow and they used to tell me how Philipp used to regularly breeze into the place in the small hours with his latest, much younger than he, boyfriend.

      Anyway, try as hard as I might to live and let live, I am usually ill at ease with homosexuals, not that Kirkorov is outrageously homosexual, but regardless of his sexual peccadillos, I’ll give old Phillipp the crooner credit where credit is due: he hasn’t quit Russia as has his former showbiz-marriage “wife” and her present spouse. In fact, old Philipp is dead patriotic, or acts as though he is.

      Whatever, he’s set his stall and not fled the Evil Empire.

      He won’t be doing any concerts in Banderastan in the near future though..


    1. He missed a few things like shooting the cows because you cannot pump water or having most of the Federal and Provincial Gov’t stop working and so on. Eastern Canada had the Great Ice Storm in 1998. Parts of the country were without power for, oh maybe, 4-5 weeks. Hydro cables and towers were down along with trees all over the place.

      My sister and husband who lived in the country were without power for 3 weeks. They were not too badly off as they had a wood furnace. Without the electrical blower they never got the temperature above 15 degrees but they did not have to evacuate. They could not drive anywhere until an army unit worked their way down 10km of tree-blocked road but they could have gotten out by snow mobile across the lake in need be. They cooked with the barbecue and a fondue pot.

      The city of Montreal lost all mains power for several days . Parts of the Eastern Townships of Quebec had no power for 5 weeks.

      Strangely enough, in my sister’s area and in the area around where I was living in Hull QC, just across the river from Ottawa the phones worked.
      Ice Storm

      It was not a lot of fun and this was in peace time and we had the army the police forces and emergency Hydro crews from Western Canada and some US states rushing to help.


      1. Excellent point. I remember it well, and a collateral effect was that maple syrup went through the roof pricewise for a year or two after because much of Quebec’s sugar-maple groves were heavily damaged or destroyed. And as you say, that was not under combat conditions and nobody or nothing but nature impeded efforts to correct the situation.


  81. In the US German colony:

    Süddeutshe Zeitung

    “Ami go home”-Demo in Leipzig
    Kein Anschluss unter diesem Motto

    27. November 2022, 12:30

    “Ami go home” demo in Leipzig
    No joining in under this motto×792?v=1669552810&format=webp
    Shattered dream of the right: The organizers had expected 15,000 participants, but not that many came.

    The extreme right-wing failed at the weekend to mobilize the masses for their protest. This is not the end of the hot protest autumn, but a glimmer of hope.

    See, if you say “extreme right-wing” in Germany, those who are accused of being such are tarred and feathered and driven out of town.

    However, Germany must support the Ukraine where there are most definately no “extreme right wing” brain-dead running the show. No sir! Those Galitsians do not look upon upon the doctrines of the NSDAP as holy writ and that party’s erstwhile members as their mentors. That’s why Galitsian Banderites changed the name of one of their parties (perish the though that it be labelled “extreme right wing”) from “National Socialist Party” to “Social National Party”, which later became the party “Svoboda”, which means “freedom” in both the shitwit Yukie dialect and Russian (the Orcs must have “stolen” the word off the purely Slav Galitsians).


    Get it?

    Liberty and democracy and mom’s apple pie and all that jazz.

    No Gestapo Mirotvorets. No missing persons. No executions on the street. No summary “justice”. No beatings . . .

    All would be sweetness and light in Banderastan were it not for the Evil Orcs and their unprovoked attack against the paradise on earth that is “Ukraine”.

    By the way, SD Zeitung ridicules the number of people who attended the Leipzig protest — Protest “Ami go home” floppt in Leipzig: “The far-right failed over the weekend to mobilize crowds for their protest”.

    However, 37 minutes ago I heard the 7 p.m. news on the Moscow radio station “Jazz FM”, which I have on most of the time here, and it said that 6,000 attended the protest in Leipzig.

    Ye gods! Does that mean Jazz FM is Kremlin controlled?

    RT Russia, which is most definitely Kremlin controlled — I dare say the Evil One even writes the RT news bulletins himself — states:

    Anti-US protest rally held in Leipzig
    November 27, 2022, 17: 11
    Anti-American protests were held in Leipzig, Germany, on the evening of November 26

    Leipzig right wing extremists in Leipzig, 26 November, 2022

    According to police estimates, about 1 thousand people participated, and according to the organizers — over 6 thousand.

    The protesters marched through the city centre, then stood near the US Consulate in front of the Constitutional court building, unfurling Russian and German flags.

    On October 8, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the Bundestag in Berlin to protest against the policy of the German authorities. Members of the audience demanded the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions and access to cheap energy sources from Russia.

    And then they all went home, their torches ablaze and singing Horst Wessel Lied.


      1. Bollocks to it!

        Not there again.

        Hang on though! Maybe you can see it but I can’t because SD Zeitung is blocked here because it writes hurtful things about the Orcs, who are really cute and cuddly once you get to know them.


        1. I’m sure even little Orcs are cute and cuddly, at least until they start behaving in Orc-like ways, like defying authority and wanting to do their own thing.


          1. Recently, a Ukrainian returned PoW (a woman by the way), upon her arrival in Banderastan, publicly stated that all Russians — and she specifically included Russian babies — should be killed so as to eradicate Russians from the face of the earth. And last year on Ukrainian TV, a piece of ordure, seemingly of Middle Eastern origin, said the same. No criticism was made by the Ukrainian media of these statements, which certainly did not give rise to headlines in the Western media. Nor, for that matter, did a statement made on Ukrainian TV by a Ukrainian army field hospital surgeon that he was ordering that all Russian PoWs be castrated.

            What the Ukrainians did, however, was to make a missile strike at a prison in the Donbass where very many Yukonazi PoWs are imprisoned and awaiting trial.

            Didn’t want them to start squealing to the Orcs about their crimes, perhaps, so as to to get their death sentences overruled, which they very likely will be anyway, because there has long been a moratorium on capital punishment in Mordor?


  82. By the way, as regards that entartete Kunst known as “jazz”, how many of you fellow Stooges knew that it has long had a following here since the early ’20s of the last century. In fact, there is a particularly Russian version of jazz that was composed and performed by Soviet Jews.

    Jazz was heavily Jewish influenced in the Soviet Union because Jews have (or maybe “had” now) a music genre called “klezmer”, which relies heavily on improvisation, so Russian Jews took quickly to jazz when it arrived here in the 1920s.

    An example:

    Love it!

    It’s called “Baron von der Pshik”.

    Baron von der Pshik
    had long meant to eat
    some Russian shpik
    and dreamt of doing so.

    Russian shpik and black bread.

    Just remembered! Got some shpikin the fridge.

    See y’all.


  83. Unbelievable!

    Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki has paid tribute to Bandera at a monument to the nationalist
    Nov. 27th, 2022 at 19:09

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who arrived in Kiev on a visit on November 26, paid tribute to Stepan Bandera by visiting a monument to the Ukrainian nationalist.

    “The memory of this great warrior will always remain in our hearts. Bandera had always been a great friend of the Polish people”, the Telegram channel Rupost quotes the politician as having said.

    A photo of Morawiecki at the Bandera monument was also published.

    79 years ago, Bandera attacked almost 100 Polish villages in Volhynia. Their victims were, according to various sources, numbered from 100 thousand to 130 thousand killed people.

    Polish historians regard the Volhynia massacre as genocide and ethnic cleansing, but the current authorities of the country are trying to convince their people that they need to cooperate with the heirs of the murderers.

    The previous day, the Polish administration reported that Morawiecki had “laid a wreath in Kiev at the monument to the victims of the Holodomor”.

    On November 24, Morawiecki supported the idea of transferring German Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to the Ukraine. As the politician noted, the incident with the fall of Ukrainian missiles onto Przewodów showed that the eastern border of Poland and the western border of the Ukraine are one and the same space.

    On October 25, readers of the Polish newspaper “Interia” criticized Warsaw’s plans aimed at supporting and restoring the Ukraine. Poles condemned the words of the head of the National Security Bureau of Poland Jacek Sever, who said that with the onset of winter, the country’s policy regarding assistance to the Ukraine would be rebuilt in order to restore the destroyed territories. In the comments, readers noted that the authorities want to rebuild a foreign country, although they themselves cannot even increase coal production in Poland or ban its importation.

    On October 26, Twitter users from Poland condemned Morawiecki’s statement.

    In his statement, it was pointed out that those who do not support the Ukraine were either betraying the values of civilization, or “were being fooled by Russia”.

    Many users called the politician a hypocrite and pointed out the many problems in the country that he does not pay attention to.

    Greater love hath no Polack for his own country than he carry out acts of hatred against Russia.


      1. Photo of Morawiecki at Bandera memorial a fake, they say.

        Link to source of blogged article above which states that Morawiecki visited the memorial — blocked.



        1. And so low is the confidence in the truth of published material in the age of PhotoShop and government cells which specialize in state disinformation that the environment is ripe for believing whatever you want to believe…because nobody can prove anything. We have arrived at a moment in history in which propaganda is at its most successful because everyone engages in it, and everything can be faked – voice recordings, air route history tracks, clandestine meetings, pathetic tortured bodies. It is getting harder and harder to catch state actors in lies because fakery is getting more and more convincing, and eventually even the highest-level technicians who speak the mumbo-jumbo of metadata and splicing will be in the pockets of commercial or state interests, and sell their reputations for filthy lucre. It is now perfectly possible for two realities to exist simultaneously regarding the same event or incident, each with its cult of believers.


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