The Changing Face of Foreign Affairs: the West is in Serious Trouble.

Uncle Volodya says, “”We are forced to fall back on fatalism as an explanation of irrational events. The more we try to explain such events in history reasonably, the more unreasonable and incomprehensible do they become to us.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run;
There’s still time to change the road you’re on…

Led Zeppelin, from “Stairway to Heaven”

“They were careless people…they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made….”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, from “The Great Gatsby”

    I led off with that snippet from ‘Stairway’ for two reasons – one, a lifelong love of Led Zeppelin. Two, an opportunity for ironic amusement. Because the time to change the road we’re on slid into the rearview mirror along about the time the USA summarily refused all Russia’s demands for security guarantees, in exchange for resumption of the uneasy peace which had prevailed. Although the forces and pressures which set the current military operation in Ukraine in motion had been steadily increasing for some time, years – that was the moment the wheels of inevitability began to pick up speed, until the windows hum with their turning.

The time to change the road we’re on has come and gone, and the world is now committed to whatever will ensue. We’re in the back seat, while our lunatic ‘leaders’ jerk the wheel this way and that. Each day brings new astonishment to stoke our incredulity, from Germany’s Annalena Baerbock’s ringing declaration that Germany will not waver from supporting Ukraine no matter what its voters think, to Liz Truss’s promise that Britain’s support this coming year will at least equal, if not surpass that of the year currently bleeding out. The UK has committed £2.3bn so far this year, so figure on at least another £2bn in 2023. That’s in an environment where inflation has topped 10%, and the Truss government is planning to borrow about $120 Billion for spending on subsidies to cap British energy prices. The inmates have taken over the asylum – who does Truss imagine will be on the hook to repay a borrowed $120 Billion? The taxpayer, of course. For Germany’s part, in July of this year it recorded its first trade deficit since Helmut Kohl was in his penultimate term as Chancellor. An export-based economy, Germany had been posting the highest trade surpluses in the world; 8%, 9% of GDP, or €20 billion a month. German industry is being ruined before its electorate’s horrified eyes – it is the nature of business that when conditions are imposed upon it such that it can be neither productive or profitable, it relocates to where that potential is again within reach. The German Greens, like Baerbock and Robert Habeck, don’t give a fuck – they hate industry anyway; it uses too much energy and generates so much smoke and pollution that it’s hard to see the dear little windmills turning. Don’t forget, in the next day or two, Germany is expected to announce the nationalization of gas-import giant Uniper; this was supposed to cost the German taxpayer €19 Billion, but according to the cost has ballooned to €30 Billion, added to the €100 Million Uniper is losing each and every day in its flailing efforts to replace Russian gas. Along with that bizarre action, Berlin also seized the local unit of ROSNEFT PJSC. In case you were unaware, ‘seized’ means ‘stole’. This invites retaliation and escalation from a country which has no worries at all where its gas is coming from, and has customers eager to buy the volumes Europe resolutely turns its stupid face from. Russia continues to realize record profits from energy sales even as the volumes it sells decline.

“Despite efforts to massively damage Russia’s economy in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, Moscow’s energy industry appears that it is continuing to boom, with Vladimir Putin’s state-owned gas company Gazprom posting record half-year profits on Tuesday thanks to soaring natural gas prices worldwide.

The company has since announced that it has totally halted gas deliveries to Europe via its major Nord Stream pipeline for what are ostensibly reasons to do with repairs, leaving bigwigs in Europe to sweat over whether the supply will ever be turned back on again.

According to a report by Der Spiegel, Gazprom posted a six-month profit of around 2.5 trillion rubles, roughly equivalent to $41 billion.

This is compared to the company’s previous record annual profit of 2.09 trillion rubles which it posted last year, a much smaller sum especially when the value of the now surging ruble is factored into the equation.”

Two years in a row of record profits, coincidentally two years of concerted NATO efforts to bring the country to ruin, during which it has steadily descended to pretty much every dirty trick in the book. Russians are the same as people everywhere; they see it when people blindly follow prejudice and disinformation to foment hatred against them. Despite this, Putin remains steadily and constantly popular with those he leads. The Conversation has an explanation for that – Putin owns the news media, and it pumps out Putin-love propaganda day and night. As well, people are too scared Putin will come into their room at night and kill them – he does that a lot – to criticize the war.

“Alexander Hill, a professor of military history at the University of Calgary writes that the Russian leader has the support of pretty much all of the country’s news media (unsurprising, as he controls pretty much all of it). So ordinary citizens have been fed a non-stop diet of propaganda since before the invasion was launched. Meanwhile, thanks to oil and gas revenues, the economy is in reasonable shape still. And, Hill asserts, people may just be too scared to admit their opposition to the war.”

I am encouraged to think Americans actually believe Putin is an unstable tyrant who rules with an iron fist, at the very same time that his hold on the public is so sclerotic that criticism from addled dotard Alla Pugacheva is the final straw which will bring his rotten empire crashing down around his pointy ears. The author cheerfully asserts that Pugacheva remains as popular and influential as she ever was, even though she is 73 and her last album was released ten years ago, relying on go-to western-shoe-kisser Stas Belkovsky, and a Russian blogger who writes…Christ, I don’t know if I can get this out….COOKBOOKS! You all remember Stas Belkovsky; you’ll be happy to know he’s still at the National Strategy Institute. They were damned lucky to get him, if you ask me. Strategists like Belkovsky – who predicted in 2007 that Putin would leave politics that year because Russia was too dependent on agricultural imports, the economic outlook for average Russians was deteriorating and Putin wanted to go someplace to enjoy his stolen wealth – don’t grow on trees. Incredibly, he didn’t stop there; Putin, he said, would need a prestigious international apolitical position to insulate him from the fury of Russians when they realized the extent to which they had been duped, and forecast Putin might become head of the International Olympic Committee. Well, he is only 70; still plenty of time for a second career. And in 2021, Russia became a net exporter of agricultural products – way to light a fire under that incompetent bastard, Stas.

Anyway, sorry, I seem to be wandering further and further from the point. So, here we are, in the back seat of the Clown Car, part of the giddy parade of clown cars with our gibbering leaders at the wheel, bucketing down the Highway To Hell. We’ve departed from Comfortable Reality We Once Knew, and are bound for Things Will Never Again Be Like That. Roads have signposts to mark our progress, and I thought it might be fun to cede that role to Foreign Affairs magazine, thereby charting the progress of the military operation in Ukraine through their stories. I had a subscription to Foreign Affairs – I think I wanted to cite something they wrote that I couldn’t get anywhere else – and they still send me notices of their publications. Without further ado…

Let’s spot the Americans about a month, to give them the opportunity to view completed events. The military operation kicked off in late February – although Ukraine’s own operation began much earlier and the USA was surely part of the planning – and March looks like a good place to start. So let’s begin with Liana Fix and Michael Kimmage’s “What if Russia Loses?”. The thinking here is typical of the German Marshall Fund’s prodigies, and it is the employer of both authors. The pervasive ambience is one of smugness; no matter how it comes out, America will benefit, because it always falls to America to manage global affairs. Know why? Because only America is any good at it. Here’s a sample:

“Meanwhile, the sanctions that the United States and European countries have imposed on Russia will result in a separation of Russia from the global economy. Outside investment will fall away. Capital will be much harder to acquire. Technology transfers will dry up. Markets will close to Russia, possibly including the markets for its gas and oil, the sale of which has been crucial to Putin’s modernization of the Russian economy. Business and entrepreneurial talent will flow out of Russia. The long-term effect of these transitions is predictable. As the historian Paul Kennedy argued in The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, such countries have a tendency to fight the wrong wars, to undertake financial burdens and thus to deprive themselves of economic growth—the lifeblood of a great power. In the improbable event that Russia could subdue Ukraine, it could also ruin itself in the process.”

In German Marshall Land, Ukraine will never, ever submit; instead, even if it is defeated militarily, it will become a wild and intractable acquisition, fighting a constant insurgency to throw off the yoke of Russian rule, because of Zelensky’s ‘pitch perfect’ stoking of Ukrainian nationalism.

As Putin argued compellingly just the other day in an impromptu press conference on the sidelines of the Head of States Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the SCO comprises around half of the global population, owns a quarter of the world’s GDP, and is made up of nations whose economies are growing significantly faster than those of the NATO club. But the NATO club is excluding itself from those economies, by choice and for ideology. The conflict centers loosely around Ukraine, but that’s really just a convenient pivot point – what it essentially boils down to is the west, with its big mouth, has maneuvered itself into a position where it cannot back down. It must grit its teeth and continue throwing money at Ukraine, in the hope that just a little more pressure will be the magic that will make Russia crack, but it’s not about a Ukrainian victory – it’s about western pride and the fact that losing would force it to rethink how it feels about itself, its self-appointed role as arbiter of global affairs, the beloved and admired dispenser of wisdom and regulation. Its hate has blinded it to its own behavior over the last couple of years. Meanwhile, I see news that Russia has announced a ‘partial mobilization’, calling up some Army reserves. Even after that, a revision of economic data was announced which forecast less shrinkage than national authorities had forecast, about a third of what the IMF predicted, and a return to growth in 2024. But if I were running a European country, I would have experienced a sinking feeling upon reading the second-to-last paragraph:

“The “redirection” of Russian oil and gas exports toward “neutral countries” will help to support economic activity by 2024-2025, the minister added.”

Europe has made a most uncomfortable bed, and must now lie in it – Russian supplies of cheap oil and gas are not coming back. Build some more windmills, Habeck, you unshaven dolt.

As to Ukraine mounting a fierce insurgency to ensure there is never anything like peace, things might be a bit different when the people no longer have to fear UAF and SBU reprisals. Kherson and some other regions have begun issuing Russian passports, and the Governor of Kherson has received one; there are plans to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation. Many video clips showing lines of people formed to apply have been taken down, and state organs like the BBC make sure to mock the whole process, suggesting only a handful of hardcore traitors have applied for Russian passports. When they won’t let you see for yourself, there’s usually a good reason.

Anyway, let’s move ahead, to April and Frederick Kagan’s “How Not to Invade a Nation”. I’m sure you all remember Fred Kagan; the Kagans – Frederick and Robert – are a big noise in neoconservative ideology, and Robert Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland, the famous Baker of the Maidan, whose generous buns birthed a new Ukraine. So to speak.

Frederick Kagan has himself not spent a day in uniform, although he was a professor of military history at the US Military Academy West Point. His petulant opining often reflects this background – I don’t want to suggest military history is easy, it’s not, but there is sort of not much strategic talent required to forecast the victor in a battle that wrapped up decades or even centuries ago. Spoiler alert – the Germans lose. At the same time, there is a temptation to believe you ‘see things’ others are incapable of grasping in maps which were furnished by your allies, known and demonstrated liars over and over, from a country led by an actor. Let’s take a look.

“The initial Russian objective was to seize Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities, remove the current Ukrainian government, and impose a new regime beholden to Moscow. Russia’s first and overwhelming objective, then, should have been taking the capital, and a sound campaign plan would have prioritized this aim and subordinated actions elsewhere. The collapse of the Ukrainian government and the destruction of the Ukrainian military forces defending it, after all, would likely have unhinged Ukrainian defenses elsewhere, making the conquest of eastern and southern Ukraine much easier.”

I don’t know why Putin persists in maintaining his own staff to generate military strategy and plans, when he could just outsource it to NATO – “Yo, yo; Freddie K, my man. Listen, I was thinking about laying a beating on Ukraine. Yeah, saucy, you said it. Anyway, how many people will I need, and what should my objectives be?” No matter how many times Russia says it does not want to overthrow and replace the Ukrainian government, there it is right up there on the tote; Objective Number One. I suspect that owes much to the fact that it did not happen, and can therefore be spun as a shocking failure, to a chorus of NATO snickering.

Next up, Dara Massicot with “The Russian Military’s People Problem”. It’s hard for Moscow to win, says Dara, while mistreating its soldiers. A rib-tickler replete with accounts of Russian soldiers stealing everything not nailed down from Ukrainian towns they’ve conquered. Toilets were not specifically mentioned, but the implication hangs heavy in the air that Russian soldiers are so poor that a stolen washing machine humped all the way back from Ukraine might become the focal gathering-point of their village, like some plateau-dwelling Amazon civilization which has never seen such technology.

“With discipline and morale faltering, Russian troops began looting what they could from Ukraine and shipping it back home—including washing machines, frying pans, televisions from Ukrainian schools, and even used mascara. They raided Ukrainian convenience stores for meat, cigarettes, and alcohol. When they ran out of food from markets, they stole it (along with livestock) directly from Ukrainian people. According to intercepted phone calls released by Ukraine’s intelligence services, some Russian soldiers have even eaten dogs.”

I don’t have to tell you where that comes from – yep, the old reliable ‘intercepted phone calls released by Ukraine’s intelligence services’. Hey, Sergey; yes, it’s me, Pavel. Oh, not much going on here, just hiding from the Ukrainian Army behind this big white thing with some sort of burners on top of it. Not a lot to eat here, but I have to say, the dogs are delicious! As if. Same with the accounts of Russian troops being issued field rations which expired ten years ago. At this point, if the Americans and NATO are going to insist on simply printing whatever Ukraine tells them, they are too stupid – not to mention assuming you are, as well – for it to merit further commentary.

We’re going to have to skip ahead a bit faster, because this is running longer than I planned, but the out-and-out foolishness in what is meant to be a prestigious and influential western defense publication has a sick fascination all its own, like driving past a messy road accident. Dara was up again in August; yes, not only was she not sacked for writing such fantasy crap, they even printed more of her stuff, every bit as mendacious.

“But although Russia has had six months to learn from these mistakes, it appears poised to once again commit its depleted forces to an untenable mission: annexing and holding Ukraine’s Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia Provinces, or oblasts. Holding this territory will require substantial amounts of manpower and armored equipment—particularly given that the regions have contested frontlines and that Russian forces in each experience organized partisan attacks. And Moscow has lost its most advanced equipment, for which it does not have equivalent replacements. The Russian armed forces have also suffered tens of thousands of casualties, including well-trained personnel, and its current strategy for replenishment—recruiting new soldiers from a motley mix of communities and armed groups—will not create a combat effective force. There remains, in short, a mismatch between the Kremlin’s goals for Ukraine and the forces it has to deliver them.”

There might be quite a lot to recently-discussed ‘projection theory’, which holds that whatever the problems are in Ukraine, they are promptly attributed to Russia in the interest of keeping Ukraine staggering along, by feeding its morale and whispering in its bloodied ear that it is soooooo close to winning. Russia, to the very best of my understanding, is nowhere near out of ‘its most advanced equipment’ – it doesn’t need to fire Khinzals at Ukraine all day long when artillery will do. Western magazines love to feature photos of burnt-out tanks with some civilian walking past, and caption it “Ukrainian woman walks past a burnt-out Russian tank”, but in reality Ukrainian tanks look identical to Russian tanks for many models because they were made by the same manufacturer, and all you have to do is photoshop a hazy ‘Z’ on the wreck – presto! a destroyed Russian tank. Nobody knows for certain what Russian casualties are, but according to the Russian defense ministry they are just under 6000, not ‘tens of thousands’, and it is Ukraine rather than Russia which is throwing untrained youths into the front lines; there is no realistic possibility that Russia’s casualties are ten times those of Ukraine, which is the way Zelensky tells it.

One of us is lying. I don’t think it’s me, but time will tell. Meanwhile, the same western analysts who told you Russian forces could roll right over Ukraine and be in Kiev in 72 hours now tell you Russia is screwing up six ways from Sunday and has to resort to putting the paperboy in a uniform and shoving him into the meat grinder.

I had initially planned to dissect a monthly article from Foreign Affairs, right up to the present. But that would result in a post about double its present length, and I don’t want to do that. The urgency I am trying to convey transcends simple mockery of American and NATO strutting and posturing; neither has won a war in decades, unless you count the stunning American victory over Grenada, and the US military was sent down the road in Afghanistan 20 years after it entered, having accomplished nothing significant but wrecking the place a little more than it already was, after spending $2 Trillion and losing nearly 2000 American forces in combat. To put that $2 Trillion in perspective, the 2020 GDP of Afghanistan was $20 Billion. Of course Grampy Biden portrayed the American departure as an awe-inspiring victory: nobody retreats like we do.

“The past 17 days have seen our troops execute the largest airlift in US history, evacuating over 120,000 US citizens, citizens of our allies, and Afghan allies of the United States. They have done it with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve,” the President said in the statement. He said he will make an address about Afghanistan to the nation on Tuesday.

The idea that NATO has the chops to be analyzing anyone else’s military conflicts and pointing out where they are fucking up is preposterous. If you approach that position from the perspective that NATO picked an ally before the conflict started and now repeats everything it is told by that ally without ever checking any of its stories, when billions upon billions in donations depend on the perception that the ally is kicking Russian ass and some 70% of that ally’s GDP is still under the direct control of a predatory oligarchy which includes at least its former president, if not the present one, too…well, what’s more preposterous than that? Ludicrous? Would that do it?

The relationship between NATO and Russia has been, historically, like having a slave you love to beat. Your slave does useful work for you, but by God, when you wants to feel like the Massa, ain’t nothing like getting out the whip. And this accrues from the most grotesque and bloated sense of entitlement, delusion writ so large that a talking balloon like Ursula Von Der Leyen is worshipped as a visionary, I…I’m lost for words. How did this world get so stupid so fast?

Now NATO seems to think it is ready to go to war in Europe. Think so? What do you plan to use for gas? Do you have tanks and planes that run on bullshit? Hope you have some big-ass piles of reserve ammunition, too, because ammunition is made in a factory and your factories are shutting down left and right; they use too much energy, and energy is becoming unaffordable in Europe.

A winter of discontent, indeed.

Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity:
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.


882 thoughts on “The Changing Face of Foreign Affairs: the West is in Serious Trouble.

  1. From the radio archives of the German SWR2 radio station.

    The young Olaf Scholz, 5 September, 1987.

    The young Olaf Scholz as deputy federal chairman of the Young Socialists at a 1987 peace event in the GDR: “Disarmament now!”

    In September 1987, Scholtz travelled to the GDR to take part in a youth event in Wittenberg. This was an event of the Free German Youth (FDJ), which was close to the SED [The Socialist Unity Party of Germany, often known in English as the East German Communist Party — ME], to which representatives of the International Peace Movement had also been invited. The participants were committed to a nuclear weapons-free corridor in Central Europe.

    In view of the policy of détente initiated by Soviet President Gorbachev and US President Reagan, the opportunity was good, said Scholz in his speech on September 5, 1987.

    Archive: DRA 2037512

    Scholz was 29 years old when he gave the above speech.


    1. Mark,
      1. Re – ” gradually acquiring significant investor interest in Russian companies so they could be strategically taken down at a time of choosing” – would you care to expand on the detail of this with perhaps some examples please?

      2. I write these essays about once every two months. Would you care to list the website down the right with the others, if you feel inclined to do so?

      3. The 3rd and 4th essays deal with something of the history of how we got to the present state of affairs. The crimes of Margaret Albright and others.

      Regards …


      1. Good afternoon, Les; an example I can think of off the top of my head is the attempts by Bill Browder’s Hermitage Capital Management (HCM) to acquire Gazprom shares at the national rather than international rate, by buying through shell companies; there is (or was at the time the article was written, in 2011) a 333% difference in the share prices. I covered it on the old blog, or rather a guest poster named Kovane – a Muscovite – covered it; I just wrote the intro.

        That was around the time I first became aware of the whole poor-Sergei-Magnitsky story, and of Bill Browder. As you will see, that wasn’t the only one of his scams, mostly legal in the most technical sense, but certainly unethical. However, generally speaking, many if not most major players in the global investment game do their best to acquire a controlling interest – 51% share ownership – in companies which do not restrict international ownership and all the more so if they are of strategic value, like an energy company which is the major industry of a particular country. Most of those are nationalized, though, as was Gazprom.


  2. Never let it be forgotten . . .

    What Brzezinski’s long-standing statement says.


    After the victory over communism, we need a split in Orthodoxy and the collapse of Russia. We shall be helped in this by the Ukraine, where betrayal is the societal norm.

    This statement is another confirmation that our sworn enemy is the West, which even in the 1990s sought to destroy Russia. And this refutes all the liberal-Sorossian fairy tales that under a different government, Russia could have lived well if she “had been friends with the West”.

    But in 1998, the bloody, drunken president of the Russian Federation was still Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who, in 1993, on orders from his Western masters, opened fire with tanks against the legally elected parliament, and then plunged the country into the “Stone Age”. Yet two-faced Pharisees still call Yeltsin a “democratic president”, probably because of his handing over of Russia and its peoples to their Western masters and their “henchmen”, the “new Russian” oligarchs, to plunder. In fact there were hardly any Russians amongst those oligarchs.

    And of course, Brzezinski knew perfectly well the main feature of Ukrainian nationalists, which the West has used to organize a hybrid war against Russia. And all this proves once again that the satanic ruling élites of the West, even during the years of “friendship” with them, were preparing an unenviable fate for Russia: that she be torn into a dozen-and-a-half hostile “appanage principalities” controlled by the West.
    Therefore, there is for Russia only one way to survive: to defeat the satanic West and its willing slaves, who have betrayed our common past and their Slavic ancestors, who had never been slaves of the West.

    michael101063 ©
    15 October 2022, 11:07


    1. In 1997, American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinsk wrote: “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives”.

      Brzezinski’s words that I have quoted above as a translation from a Russian blog, are verbatim:

      “After the victory over communism, we need a split of Orthodoxy and the breakdown of Russia, and Ukraine, where betrayal is the norm of public morality, will help us in this.”

      See “Front News”:

      We need a split of Orthodoxy and the breakdown of Russia, and Ukraine, where betrayal is the norm of public morality, will help us in this – Brzezinski
      15 November 2018

      The Great Satan?

      Kyiv: By the end of this year, a “Council” will probably be held in Kyiv, at which the fate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be decided: either the canonical Orthodox church is preserved or a split occurs and the world Orthodox community moves away from each other. . .

      Yesterday, November 13, a meeting of the so-called “episcopate” of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) with the President of the country Poroshenko took place. Only 3 representatives of the clergy came, but in reality, they are all traitors, like Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ, who betrayed him, giving him out to the high priests over 30 pieces of silver. Among them, Metropolitan Alexander (Drabynko), the former secretary of the late Most Blessed Metropolitan Vladimir, Metropolitan of Vinnitsa and Barsky Simeon and Archbishop of Novokakhovsk and Genic Filaret. Speaking of Drabynko, he was the first to sign a divisive appeal to Bartholomew, asking for autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.


  3. The “Independent” has published critical articles about the actions of foreign volunteers in the Ukraine…
    [Forwarded from MediaKiller]

    “Der Spiegel” and the “Kyiv Independent” have been critical of the actions of foreign volunteers in the Ukraine. Most of the charges brought by the publications are directed against “Colonel Kuczynski” (he is allegedly Piotr Kapuszczynski — a Polish mobster who fled to the Ukraine).

    What he is charged with:

    ▪️sent fighters to their deaths, forced them to help him rob stores;

    ▪️drunkenness, insults, anti-Semitism harassment of female doctors;

    Kuczynski demanded a share of the equipment that the soldiers bought.

    Despite a large number of complaints, “Kuczynski” remains in his command position.

    In Poland, Kapuszczynski is wanted for fraud and faces up to 8 years in prison. Warsaw asked Kiev to extradite Kapuszczynski, but was refused.

    It is noteworthy that back in May 2021, weapons and explosives were found in Kapuszczynski’s possession. He faced up to 7 years in prison, but was released almost immediately on $2,500 bail. After the outbreak of war, Kapuszczynski joined the army, the courts suspended his case and returned the bail.


  4. The trolls have been mocking of late over the impending Yukietard “offensive” against Kherson, even moreso as they started spreading the lie that the Russians were already evacuating civilians from there. Fact was that the Kherson governor had advised those who wished to get out of the area for fear of missile strikes from the Banderites to move away from the war zone to safe Russian cities, where accommodation had been provided from them. This is, in fact, what happened in the Donbass following an intensification of Yukieshite artillery bombardment last February, intended, as it turned out, for an assault by the Filth, which offensive was thwarted by the launch of the SMO.

    See: The head of the Moscow-appointed regional administration, Vladimir Saldo, without using the word “evacuation,” asked Moscow Thursday to welcome families from the Kherson region that want “to protect themselves” from what he described as constant Ukrainian shelling.

    The Kremlin promptly agreed to support such efforts, with officials in the southern Russian region of Rostov saying the first arrivals were expected Friday, the state news agency Tass reported.

    Western military analysts said the move underlined Russia’s growing concern over its ability to hold Kherson, just weeks after it claimed to annex the region and in light of sudden gains made by Ukraine’s military this month — its biggest advance in the south since Russian forces seized it early in the war.

    “You don’t evacuate from a region that you have recently annexed (illegally) if you are confident of holding it,” said Phillips O’Brien, a professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. “I think we can read this as a sign that they are very worried about their ability to hold the west bank of the Dnieper River.”

    That O’Brian twat is the know-it-all who was mouthing it off recently that Russia is getting the shit kicked out of it by the Banderite heroes.

    Well, time passed and only 300 or so heeded the Kherson governor’s advice and evacuated. That’s 1% of the Kherson population. Nevertheless, the trolls were cock-a-hoop over this apparent Vatnik fear of the Heroes (Glory to them), especially those trolls of the “concerned” variety.

    And now fellow Stooges (actually, I was called the other day a “Stalinist” on another site by an English wanker who thinks I’m an Orc: an English troll who is not only a wanker, but a moronic one too) — behold!

    18: 13, 15 October 2022
    The authorities have reported a completely failed offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kherson
    Stremousov has announced the complete failure of the AFU offensive near Kherson in the Beryslavl area

    The Armed Forces of the Ukraine have failed in their offensive in the Kherson region, and all their attempts have been completely repelled by the Russian military. This was announced in a Telegram channel by the acting Deputy Governor of the region Kirill Stremousov.

    He said that the Ukrainian offensive had been repulsed in the Beryslav direction near Kherson. According to him, mobile groups of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine in armoured cars and SUVs had intended to break through between strong points and cut the Dudchany — Melovoe road.

    “Artillery and mortars began to work on the advancing armoured groups of Nazis and mercenaries. Army aviation helicopters came to the rescue and destroyed several pieces of equipment with guided missiles”, Stremousov said.

    Later, mobile detachments of the enemy were hit by rocket-propelled grenades, he added.

    On October 15, Stremousov reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had launched an active offensive in the Kherson region. He recalled that on August 28, there was also an attempt of the AFU counter-offensive in the area of Posad-Pokrovsky, but it was stopped by Russian servicemen.

    I must pop over to MoA and see what the trolls are now saying there: they were intensely noisy there this morning.

    No doubt it’ll be “crickets” there now.


    1. The thing is, though, just stopping the Ukrainians from re-taking Kherson or even a part of it is not going to be enough. It is growing increasingly apparent that the west intends to use whatever remains of Ukraine as a launchpad for attacks against Russia, and if Russia pushes it back and back until nothing remains of it but Galicia, then the west will supply Galicia with long-range weapons and attack from there. Russia is going to have to take it all, and then reapportion it according to its conclusions once that is done. For example, Galicia might be given to Poland – but Poland is pretty much as Russophobic as Ukrainian nationalists, so in that event, would the western harassment simply move to center on Poland as a base?


  5. And there’s more from where that came from:

    15.10.2022 14:05
    Russian Armed Forces repelled all attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Nikolaev-Krivoi Rog direction

    Moscow, October 15 – AIF-Moscow.
    Russian servicemen have managed to repel all attacks of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine in the Mykolaiv-Krivoi Rog direction, the Russian Defence Ministry reports.

    According to the Defence Ministry, enemy forces attempted an offensive in the areas of the settlements of Dudchany, Sadok and Ishchenko in the Kherson region, but the Russian Armed Forces had repelled all attacks.

    The Ministry said that the Russian Armed Forces had eliminated about 120 militants of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, 17 armoured combat vehicles and eight vehicles. In addition, Russian servicemen had destroyed five Ukrainian crossings across the Ingulets River.

    Earlier, military correspondent of All‑Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Alexander [VGTRK] Sladkov said that the Russian military had created a stable defence system in all directions. According to him, at the moment the initiative had completely passed to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    From the above-linked article referring to the VGTRK reporter:

    Moscow, October 13 – AIF-Moscow.
    The Russian military has created a stable defence system in all directions, military correspondent of VGTRK Alexander Sladkov has said in his Telegram channel.

    According to him, the initiative has now completely passed to the Russian Armed Forces.

    “Ukrainians are rushing around like mice in a barn”, he wrote.

    Earlier, the Defence Ministry had reported that the Russian Armed Forces had destroyed four Ukrainian army crossings over the Ingulets River in the Kherson region. Thus, the transfer of Ukrainian reserves to the front line had been disrupted.

    Deputy Head of the military-civil administration of the Kherson region Kirill Stremousov also said that the situation on the front line in the region remained unchanged, that the defence line had deterred attempts to break through the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.


    All clearly Kremlin propaganda!


  6. RT Russian

    “Failure in the entire system”: disruption of Starlink in the Ukraine will lead to serious losses of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine
    15 October, 2022, 08: 55 RT

    Disruptions of the Starlink satellite Internet in the Ukraine, which have been observed in recent weeks, have become a serious problem for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine. The lack of timely information from the contact line leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of artillery and rocket attacks, hinders the coordination of actions of various units and significantly increases the loss of manpower.

    In the near future, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine may be left without Starlink satellite Internet. The owner of SpaceX, Elon Musk, said that he is stopping funding the project in the Ukraine and has asked the Pentagon to take on all future expenses itself.

    The Starlink satellite Internet system was developed and positioned by SpaceX and its owner Elon Musk as an exclusively civilian project. But since the beginning of the SMO, all its capacities have been urgently used to provide communications for the Ukrainian military. Starlink has been successfully operating with the Ukrainian Armed Forces since March of this year. This once again has confirmed the possibility of dual use of a number of civilian space projects being developed in the United States.

    In online mode

    “This program was funded by the Pentagon. Its main goal is to provide access to each soldier not only to his command, but also to the leadership of the US Department of Defense”, explains military expert, Colonel of the Russian Aerospace Forces Yuri Knutov. “It gives specific information and target designation, using the most primitive smartphone to show the target that needs to be destroyed: that is, to conduct combat operations online.”

    The Starlink system is extremely important for coordinating and planning actions at the front, explains military expert Dmitry Drozdenko.

    Satellite data is constantly sent via the Internet about any changes on the contact line, whether it is the regrouping of units, enemy coordinates or the beginning of a clash.

    “This is a powerful channel for transmitting combat information from the fields to the headquarters and back, access to databases”, the expert says. “As we remember, the same Azovtsy* with “Azovstal” via Starlink was perfectly contacted. This is their global connectivity system, through which they carry out all coordination. Therefore, if there are failures in the operation of Starlink, failures will begin in the entire management system.”

    It is precisely these failures that began at the headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine a few weeks ago. According to an RT source in military intelligence, during the communication breaks, the Ukrainian command was almost in a panic and made decisions on different parts of the front, based on outdated information. Orders given blindly led to the failure of offensives and heavy losses.

    Create interference

    The satellite communications system is also crucial for successful missile and artillery strikes. The Starlink Internet connection is not integrated into the weapons systems transferred by NATO to the Ukraine. HIMARS missile systems perform launches even without Elon Musk’s satellites, based on GPS data.

    Homing warheads “see” geographical objects and buildings as if on a map, but they cannot detect clusters of enemy equipment, manpower, fortifications, or minefields.

    It is Starlink that helps rocket launcher operators and artillery battery commanders get objective data from the contact line in real time and select the most important targets.

    Russia has opportunities to reduce the efficiency of the Starlink system over the Ukraine, says retired military expert Colonel Yuri Knutov. According to him, one of the options is to shoot down or damage the necessary number of American satellites in orbit, but this decision can be regarded as a declaration of war. Therefore, it is easier to jam or completely drown out the signal on the ground.

    “Starlink satellites can be disabled in case of GPS failure and jamming, because each satellite is quite primitive in terms of design, they do not have inexpensive and serious protection of communication channels”, the military expert explained. “It is possible to mute them. You can also try to influence the GPS system.”

    Disable the system

    Theoretically, Russian electronic warfare systems, in particular the Tirada complex, can drown out the signal from satellites, including from Starlink. There is no exact information about its characteristics in the public domain, but a number of experts in the military field allow this option.

    The US military, in turn, denies this possibility. Officials from the US Army have not yet commented on the October system failures and the possible involvement of the Russian military in them.

    Igor Bederov, founder and owner of an Internet Search company, believes that jamming or jamming Starlink with electronic warfare is possible and this is one of important tasks. Moreover, the information transmitted via Starlink channels has standard encryption and a degree of protection.

    “There is nothing serious about protecting communication channels, the only difficulty is that traffic is transmitted not through fibre-optic channels, but via satellite. In other words, the information gets to the US National Security Agency very quickly. And yet, this is the usual traffic of the ordinary Internet with the simplest of encryption tools”, the expert believes.

    According to another version, Elon Musk and his company SpaceX could adjust the performance of their satellites over the Ukraine and reduce the data transfer rate for non-payment by official Kiev.

    According to the owner of SpaceX and Starlink, his company has already spent $80 million on providing Internet for the AFU. At the same time, the Ukraine has paid only a small part of this. By the end of the year, maintenance of the system will cost at least another $20 million.

    * “Azov” – this organization is recognized as a terrorist organization by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 02.08.2022.


  7. I forgot to mention this before going to bed last night, but it is still 15 October in parts of the world, in Canada and the USA, where some fellow Kremlin Stooges hang out, so . . .

    Happy 15 October!

    October 15 anniversary of the elimination of the degenerate Stepan Bandera.

    A short man (158 cm) [which certainly doesn’t make one a bad person, by the way, but it amazes me why, for example, Putin is constantly mocked in the Free West (“sizeism” anybody?) for being short in stature, but Elensky is not — ME] with the appearance of an eternal boy, with no facial hair and a high voice. He himself never killed anyone, but often gave orders that others be killed.

    The leader of the Ukrainian nationalists ended his life under the rather unsightly name of “Popel, as the Germans called him: in German his nickname meant “snot” [or “piece of snot” or “bogey” or “boogy”, which latter two terms I had never heard before I left the misty shores of Albion: where I lived, we said: “You’ve got a crow hangin’ out yer nose!” — ME]

    By the way, judging by the last nickname of Stepan Bandera, all his admirers should be called Popelevtsy.

    Polite and Caring People:


    In May 1959, Stashinsky arrived in Munich. By October, Stashinsky had tracked down Bandera and established his address. The liquidator received a secret weapon — a double-barreled cylinder with a spring and trigger loaded with ampoules of cyanide. Depending upon on porous change [in the target’s skin], the poison may be released at a distance of up to a metre. A person who inhales the fumes loses consciousness, and his heart stops. The performer of the action himself takes a drug in advance that neutralizes the effect of poison .

    On October 15, at about 12:50 pm, Stashinsky, a few minutes ahead of Bandera, enters the entrance of the house and climbs up several flights of stairs. When he heard the front door slam, he put an antidote pill under his tongue and started back down the stairs. As he drew level with Bandera, Stashinsky threw forward his hand with the cylinder wrapped in newspaper and released a stream of poison directly into the face of the OUN leader. Without slowing his pace or looking back, the agent headed for the exit. As he was closing the door, he heard the thud of a body falling behind him.


    Why did they stop with Bandera? The then Baltic Soviet Republics were, and still are, full of shits such as was Bandera.


  8. How shite “journalists” operate:

    On Larry’s (Son of the American Revolution) site yesterday was due praise given to Putin’s Astana press conference, included in which praise there being the observation below:

    18:00 Putin is questioned directly about recent arrest of man in Moscow for listening to Ukrainian music. Putin responded that the arrest is wrong and we (Russia) should not behave like the West in trying to cancel a culture, in this case Ukrainian culture. He noted that Ukrainian is still a recognized language in Crimea and would remain so. He emphasized that Neo-Nazis and Nazi symbols on display in Ukraine are NOT Ukrainian culture and must be eliminated.

    The journalist who posed that question was from “Life”. Interestingly, “Life” is considered to be “Kremlin friendly”.

    A commenter to the site thereupon pointed out the following:

    A little extra bit on the question he received about the arrested guy allegedly “for listening to Ukrainian music” – only goes to underline what Larry says because he decently handled a deliberately bullsh!t distorted accusation there. I have the lowdown on the event in question – the “innocent Ukraine fan” in question was not privately listening to any random song but was publicly belting out OUN-UPA anthems and post-2014 Banderite “””music””” that is essentially just racial/ethnic hatred propaganda put to a melody (which is a felony under Russian law regardless of what form it takes). Of course, the Western-siding media airbrushed all that away to make for a good propaganda piece about ebul ruskies. It’s the same as seeing a man singing Nazi songs arrested for glorificaiton of Nazis and the media claiming that he was an innocent who simply listened to German music. If anything, ironically, the journos ended up painting an = sign between “Ukrainian” and “Banderite and Nazi”.

    Naturally, V.V. didn’t know of any of these details and it was probably the first he heard of that case, but look at how well he dealt with the attempted mudball.

    Compare and contrast the above 30-minute long, unscripted presser performance with those held by the incontinent dotard who “leads” the “Free World”.

    I feel I should add in hindsight that it is rather cruel of me to call Biden an “incontinent dotard”: it is not his intention to be so; as Russians say: Старость не радость! — Old age is no joy! However, a man such as is Biden is clearly in no fit physical and mental state to be the President of the USA. Of course, he is simply a bumbling political figurehead there and it is no secret about who or what pulls his strings.

    As regards the ages of Putin and Biden, the former is 9 years younger than the latter. I am almost half-way between their ages. I am glad to say, however, that I have not yet reached that state of physical and mental decrepitude that Biden has reached — yet.

    Must be because I have always led a clean and healthy life.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right about it being no secret that a US president is a puppet. It would be nice if they stopped pretending otherwise; more people might actually turn out to vote in the new, frankly and openly corrupt political landscape. “President” could be officially replaced by “Bumbling Political Figurehead”. “Bought-and-Sold Whore of Wall Street and the Arms Lobby,” though a mouthful, would also work. Biden was, after all, unofficially dubbed by congressional colleagues the Senator for Du Pont while he was Senator of Delaware…a state he helped turn into a corporate tax haven, to the very great benefit of the chemical corporation headquartered there. Make that kind of title *official,* and you might up political engagement among the disenchanted masses.
      All the above also applies to the term “Prime Minister,” when describing Canadian, British and other Western leaders…all leashed and led by the oligarchies they serve. Since dotards who can no longer pedal a bike or read a teleprompter do just fine, why not make it official? All candidates for Western leadership, before campaigning, would get I’M NOT IN CHARGE tattooed across their foreheads. I know I would definitely cast my utterly meaningless vote for any such patent fraud…instead of staying home on election days, as I do now.


    1. Ritter is damned right when he says that the German government doesn’t care about what the people want, ergo the present German government is not one of the people, for the people by the people — it is one of kleinbürgerliche Ideologen, and lamentably uneducated ones to boot, who, as that arrogant know-nothing Baerbock has done, spit in the faces of the Geman people.

      How ironic! Above the portico of the Bundestag is inscribed: DEM DEUTSCHEN VOLK — “To the German People”, meaning that the activities of that parliamentary assembly is dedicated to the German people. However, even when the then Reichstag was built to serve the German Second Reich (1871-1918), that inscription was highly criticized, as Bismarck’s Reich, and it most certainly was that man’s creation, didn’t really serve “the German people”. Some wags in Berlin even said that “dem deutschen Volk” really meant: “The German people are not allowed into this building”.

      The Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger suggested mockingly, “The German press,” and others called “The German people is the entry prohibited”.

      [Der Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger schlug spöttisch „Der deutschen Presse“ vor; andere nannten „Dem deutschen Volke ist der Eintritt verboten“. See: Dem deutschen Volke.]


      1. “Russia is going to solve this problem”, says Ritter in the above enclosed in the linked article video, “that Germany never again interferes in Ukrainian sovereignty”.


        How ironic!

        Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire created the Ukraine, moreso the latter, but the former took over after it had to continually bail out the latter in WWI, owing to the dismal performance of the k. u. k. on the eastern front and in the Balkans.

        In fact, the Ukrainian shitkicker dialect was developed and promoted by the Habsburg Empire in the late 19th century as the language of a fictive Ukrainian nation.

        When the war on the eastern front WWI ended in 1917, the Imperial German army occupied half of what became the UkSSR and is now Banderastan — Kiev was occupied by the Germans in 1917 right up to the signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty between the fledgling Soviet Union and the German Empire.

        And then Fritz pulled out following defeat on the Western Front, after the last great German offensive, Der Kaiserschlacht had failed.

        And guess who then moved into the Borderland political vacuum pronto?

        None other than the “Hyena of Europe”.


      2. The above translation from German should have been given in context so as to make its meaning clear.

        When architectural plans were put forward for the Reichstag, the inscription “To the German People” annoyed many critics, who suggested that “To the Welfare of the German people’, or “For the German people” be inscribed; The “Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger” newspaper mockingly put forward: “To the German Press”; others said: “To the German people entrance forbidden”.


  9. From totally incompetent to utterly devoid of wits: rumour is afoot that some members of the government party in the UK wish to oust Truss and replace her with . . . Wallace!

    ‘We kicked Russia’s backside before… we can do it again’: Astonishing moment Defence Secretary Ben Wallace claims Putin ‘has gone full Tonto’ and hails Britain’s ‘success’ in the Crimean war – as troops nervously laugh

    Ben Wallace cited a 170-year-old conflict notorious for one of the worst military disasters in history today as he claimed the UK had ‘kicked the backside’ of former Russian leaders and ‘can always do it again’.

    The Defence Secretary, a former soldier who served as an officer in the Scots Guards in the 1990s, was giving troops a pep talk when he referenced the Crimean War in the 1850s – most remembered for the Charge of the Light Brigade when hundreds of cavalry were accidentally ordered to ride into Russian artillery.

    He compared Vladimir Putin to Tsar Nicholas I because he also had no allies during the Crimean War. The overwhelming forces amassed by Britain, France and the Ottomans eventually prevailed, with Russia suing for peace when it looked like Austria would also line up against them – but the campaign was highly unpopular at home and dragged on for two years.

    It also ended the career of the Earl of Aberdeen, the PM who took Britain into the conflict and whose government fell in 1855 partly due to resentment of the war.

    Alongside the historical analysis, Mr Wallace dramatically escalated the government’s rhetoric against Mr Putin personally by insisting he had gone ‘full tonto’.

    Commonwealth soldiers laughed nervously and Home Secretary Priti Patel sat stony-faced as they listened to the comments – which would normally be regarded as a breach of diplomatic etiquette – at the Horse Guards building in Westminster this morning.

    It came as Ukraine announced a nationwide state of emergency and Boris Johnson declared that the UK will send more defensive weapons to the nation in a bid to deter a full-scale invasion by Mr Putin.


    1. More and more, Britain seems to live in a stuporous narcotic daydream of imperial greatness, like BoJo the Bullingdon Eejit muttering the verses to “The Road To Mandalay” on an official visit to Myanmar until prompted to stop by a concerned aide.

      The inbred gits who hold high political office in the UK apparently believe they still live in the heady days of Empire, when Britain made the earth tremble. And perhaps it could again, if it could just get all its adversaries to agree to limit themselves to heavy horse and archery.


      1. I cannot believe BoJo was that much of an idiot as to recite parts of “The Road to Mandalay” loudly enough that his aide had to tell him to shut up.

        I’m sure even members of the British Royal family would have been better behaved or have more self-control, and none of them came close to being his intellectual equal.


        1. I’m sure even members of the British Royal family would have been better behaved or have more self-control, and none of them came close to being his intellectual equal.

          Phil the Greek — better said, Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg — excluded!

          He was always dropping bollocks when on foreign tours with his missus.


          1. A classic faux pas of the jovial Duke was when he was on tour with his wife in China. Whilst there, he and Mrs. Windsor were being conducted on a stroll along the Great Wall, during which jaunt, the couple were introduced to a bunch of British students who were at that time studying in China, whereupon “Phil the Greek” went into overdrive as regards his already by then infamous boorishness, which was always portrayed by the British press as evidence of his “sense of humour”. He asked the students how long they had been studying in China, and having heard their reply, he said: “You’ll get slitty eyes if you stay too long”.

            Other gaffes by the joker prince:

            • While touring Australia in 2002, he asked an Aborigine whether they still threw spears at each other.

            • In 1967, he was asked if he would like to go to Moscow to help ease Cold War tensions: “I should very much like to go to Russia – although the bastards murdered half my family”, he replied.

            He could have added that in his family there were also many Nazi bastards who had been responsible for the murder of a great number of Russian “bastards”.

            In 2005, to celebrate Prince Philip’s 85th birthday, two British reporters, Phil Dampier and Ashley Walton, compiled “Duke of Hazard: The Wit And Wisdom Of Prince Philip”. Buckingham Palace was not amused.

            Asked to pick his favourite Prince Philip the “Duke of Edinburgh” faux pas, Dampier chose the Kenya independence ceremony in 1963, when Queen Elizabeth II’s husband represented Britain. As the Union Flag of the UK was about to be lowered for the last time, he turned to the Kenyan independence leader Jomo Kenyatta and asked: “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”


  10. This woman’s smart!

    Sarah Wagenknecht

    “A regional conflict has turned into a German war.”

    Sarah Wagenknecht rebukes German politicians: “A regional conflict has turned into a German war.” Sarah Wagenknecht has reproached German politicians who have dragged the country into the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation

    A member of the Bundestag from the “Die Linke” [The Left] party has said that the “Greens”, who promote “world peace” and unconditional pacifism, are the most aggressive supporters of supplying weapons to the Ukraine in order that Russian be killed by them.

    “More and more powerful weapon that can kill even more Russians! Together with President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, former self-proclaimed pacifists are driving themselves into a real frenzy”, she said in comments to the German newspaper “Die Welt”.

    Sarah Wagenknecht compared the stories of Ukrainians and the German authorities supporting them about the “atrocities” of the Russian army with the tearful and absolutely false story of the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, told by her during the first Iraq war, when the girl testified before the US Congress that Iraqi soldiers “brutally tore premature babies out of incubators and threw them on the floor”. “The Hill & Knowlton PR agency had professionally organized all of this and probably rehearsed it with the girl in advance”, the politician says. The evidence of the Ukrainian authorities about mass “rapes” of everyone – from infants to the elderly – is a story of the same level.

    “Putin says that his special operation, first of all, is connected with the fight against Ukrainian Nazis and fascists”, she says. “At the same time, major Anglo-Saxon PR agencies tell us about “atrocities and rapes” by Russian soldiers, and if Putin is not stopped, tomorrow he will attack Poland, and the day after tomorrow he will pass through the Brandenburg Gate”.

    Those who try to resist insanity and not allow themselves to be drugged are “radically excluded from everything”, says Wagenknecht.

    “So”, says Wagenknecht”, the regional conflict has suddenly turned into a German war. It doesn’t matter what the price is — sanctions based on keywords. But anyone who doubts this is a conspirator, a rightist, someone who must be shut up”.

    At the same time, the most active aggressors are those who allegedly advocate peace, positioning themselves as pacifists – these are the “Greens” and the liberal left that adheres to “Green” views.

    Subscribers to “Die Welt” support Wagenknecht in the comments.

    “The defeat by Russia [USSR as a matter of fact, dear Fritz commenter! — ME] has not yet been forgotten. The “Greens” , the half-educated and housekeepers, draft dodgers and other incompetent party leaders have formed a revenge mentality. Germany started and lost the war to Russia in 1941, and now it wants to continue, sacrificing our well-being and security for the sake of the interests of the United States. Idiots!” writes Girardelli Dagobert.

    “I honestly don’t care what Putin does with the Ukraine. The Ukraine is not my business. It is the Americans who have interfered in the Ukraine, and they should help them if they want to. What does the EU, Germany or me have to do with it?

    I also do not stand in solidarity with the people who have done nothing in 8 years to prevent the genocide carried out on a part of the population by National Socialist gangs of volunteers, financially supported by the state. Ukrainians also have nothing against the fact that the Hitler Youth trains in their forests, the unofficial greeting is “Heil Ukraine, long live the heroes”, Bandera is a national hero….

    As in Germany at that time, there are no innocent people involved in the situation. Just as at that time the majority of the population of Germany were Nazis, so today the majority of the population of the Ukraine are Nazis.

    Such a regime cannot be established or act against the will of the people”, says Chateau Nyruami.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. At risk being called pedantic, I have to say “Sarah” should be “Sahra”. Sahra Wagenknecht is part-Iranian (father was originally from Iran) and the spelling “Sahra” reflects German phonetic pronunciation so it is pronounced “Zahra”.


      1. The above article that I posted on Wagenknecht is translated from from a Russian article, wherein Wagenknecht’s forename has been transliterated into Cyrillic as Сара, whereupon I transliterated it back to English as “Sarah”.


  11. TASS

    16 OCT, 15:05 Updated at: 16:56
    Russian army destroys five ammo depots in Kherson Region, DPR, Zaporozhye
    The Russian Armed Forces continued to target Ukraine’s military and energy facilities in the past 24 hours

    MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. The Russian Armed Forces destroyed five ammunition depots in the Kherson Region, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the city of Zaporozhye, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing on Sunday.

    “Tactical and army aircraft, missile and artillery troops hit three command points near the Korovy Yar and Nikoforovka settlements in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Novoosinovo settlement in the Kharkov Region in the past 24 hours, as well as the positions of 42 artillery units, manpower and military equipment in 141 areas,” he specified.

    According to him, five ammunition depots were destroyed near Davydov Brod in the Kherson region, Shandrigolovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic and at a shipyard in Zaporozhye.

    High-precision strikes
    The Russian Armed Forces continued to target Ukraine’s military and energy facilities in the past 24 hours, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman said.

    “In the past day, the Russian Armed Forces continued to use high-precision, long-range air-launched weapons to target Ukraine’s military assets and energy facilities,” he said, adding that all targets had been hit.

    Krivoy Rog direction
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to break through Russian defenses in the Kherson Region in the past day but Russian troops stood their ground, Konashenkov said.

    “The enemy tried to break through Russian defenses near the Koshara and Pyatikhatki settlement in the Kherson Region in the past 24 hours, with the operation involving up to three battalions, including a tank battalion,” he said.

    “Russian troops stood their ground, causing heavy losses to the enemy. Over 250 Ukrainian troops were killed; 11 tanks, 14 combat armored vehicles and two field artillery pieces were destroyed,” he added.

    Russian air defenses downed 11 drones and intercepted eight HIMARS and Olkha rockets in the Kherson Region, Lieutenant General said.

    “Air defenses downed 11 unmanned aerial vehicles over Nikolskoye, Blagoveshchenka and Andreyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Kuzemovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Podgornoye in the Zaporozhye Region, Sukhanovo, Staritsa, Charivnoye, Maxima Gorkogo, Kuibyshevo in the Kherson Region,” he specified.

    According to Konashenkov, eight HIMARS and Olkha rockets were intercepted near the Khakovka and Antonovka settlements in the Kherson Region.

    SInce the start of the special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 323 aircraft, 161 helicopters, 2,247 unmanned aerial vehicles, 380 missile systems, 5,830 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 870 multiple rocket launchers, 3,480 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 6,595 special military motor vehicles.

    Zherebets River
    Russian missile and artillery troops prevented Ukrainian forces from crossing the Zherebets River in the Krasny Liman direction, Konashenkov said.

    “In the Krasny Liman direction, missile and artillery troops prevented the enemy from crossing the Zherebets River near the Stelmakhovka and Makeyevka settlements in the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Yampolovka settlement in the Donetsk People’s Republic,” he noted.

    He also said that Russian artillery units hit a Ukrainian assault group heading towards the Kirovsk settlement in the Donetsk People’s Republic, killing over 20 troops and destroying four armored vehicles.

    M777 howitzers
    Russian troops destroyed three US-made M777 howitzers in the Kharkov Region, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman said.

    “Three US-made M777 howitzers were destroyed near the Zagryzovo settlement in the Kharkov Region,” he specified.

    Konashenkov said Ukraine lost more than 40 troops in the Zaporozhye area.

    “Russian forces continued to destroy the enemy at its positions in the area of the Vremevka settlement of the Donetsk People’s Republic along the axis toward Zaporozhye and took control of dominant heights in the area of the Neskuchnoye settlement of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” he told reporters. “More than 40 Ukrainian troops, one tank and three infantry fighting vehicles were taken out.”.

    Konashenkov said Russian forces as part of the special operation foiled an attempt by Ukraine’s 92nd brigade to attack in the area of Kupyansk in the Kharkov Region, killing up to 50 Ukrainian troops.

    “A pre-emptive fire damage inflicted by a Russian artillery strike foiled an attempt by Ukraine’s 92nd mechanized brigade to attack in the area of Berestovoye in the Kharkov Region along the axis toward Kupyansk. Up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, five armored vehicles and three pickups equipped with large-caliber machine guns were taken out,” he said.

    Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman said Russian forces as part of the special operation destroyed a crossing over the Oskol River in the Kharkov Region that was used by Ukrainian troops to supply ammunition and reserves.

    “A crossing over the Oskol River in the area of the Dvurechnaya settlement in the Kharkov Region, which was used to supply reserves, ammunition and materiel resources, was destroyed,” he said.

    Banderastan winning hands down!

    Russia on the ropes!


  12. TASS

    16 OCT, 13:20

    Air raid sirens sound across Ukraine
    The authorities in the Odessa, Nikolayev and Poltava regions, as well as in some western regions, urged people to stay in shelters

    KIEV, October 16. /TASS/. Air raid sirens went off across Ukraine, regional authorities and Ukrainian media outlets report.

    According to the Klimenko Time news outlet, air raid sirens went off in all of the country’s regions.

    The authorities in the Odessa, Nikolayev and Poltava regions, as well as in some western regions, urged people to stay in shelters.

    How much more can the Orcs take off the Banderites?

    To the Heroes — Glory!


  13. Another “Holodomor” caused by the Evil Orcs on its way? . . .


    16 OCT, 19:48
    Ukraine to cut wheat plantings by more than 20% — minister

    Farmers in Kiev-controlled areas will plant crops on a smaller area than a year earlier, he said

    KIEV, October 16. /TASS/. Ukraine is set to cut winter wheat plantings by more than 20% and barley by 30%, Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solsky said on Sunday.

    Farmers in Kiev-controlled areas will plant crops on a smaller area than a year earlier, he said.

    “Farmers want to plant wheat on four million hectares, compared with five million hectares that were seeded in the same territories last year. That means a decline of more than 20% this year. As for barley, 800,000 hectares were planted last year, and we forecast 500,000 hectares at the most for this year. That means a decline of at least 30,” he told Strana, a Ukrainian news outlet.

    Solsky gave several reasons for the declines.

    “It’s impossible to forecast sales, rising prices of nitrogen fertilizers, expensive logistics and poor weather, which hampered planting very much, let alone the war,” the minister said.

    Farmers are yet undecided about what they will sow on the areas that they did not use for winter crops, he said.


    1. Somehow the actions of the Ukrainian farmers in delaying sowing wheat or deciding to plant other crops (like for-export cash crops or GMO crops as decreed by Western agri-corporations instead of food crops) at the expense of wheat will be blamed on Lord Vlademort and his fellow evil Orcs. I’m sure we all know the spiel by now: the war is all Lord Vlademort’s fault and somehow the bad weather will be his fault too.


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