Look Out the Left, the Captain Said: the Capture of Roman Protasevich

Uncle Volodya says, “He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.”

Star bright, star bright, you got the lovin’ that I like;
Turn this crazy bird around…
Should not have got on this flight tonight

From “This Flight Tonight“, by Nazareth

For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.

Noam Chomsky, from ” Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World 

When news happens, there is a rush on the part of the press to get it out there, hopefully so that their paper or reporter is the one to bring it to you first. This race to be your headline eye-candy king is greatly simplified by having a preformed narrative bias – if we did it, or one of our close allies did it, it was either good or it was an honest mistake; you have to laugh, really, our intentions were so good and look how it turned out. If our enemies did it, or even those who are in arrears on their friendship dues, it’s because they are rotten to the marrow of their wicked bones, and of course there was the basest of evil intent behind it. The story almost writes itself, you just need to plug in a few assumed facts here and there, wind up with a bit of soulful off-the-cuff analysis, maybe a reasonably-safe prediction (“there will be consequences”, said a government source who cannot be named…), et voila!

I usually don’t like to do that. Well, partly it’s because I am often too busy to sit down and write the moment I hear something; I just don’t have the time. But also, I like to give it a couple of days – often, there are major changes in the original storyline, which I often heard entirely one side of anyway, and sometimes there is a complete and embarrassing reversal, in which I would have been complicit had I jumped on the bandwagon.

This story is not like that. There have been some major revelations and mitigations, but we are still left with a lot of questions. Let’s start out with what we know, or think we know. The description of events lifted straight from TASS seems to me to describe the ‘known knowns’ – to borrow from legendary cold warrior Donald Rumsfeld – as well as any I have seen, or at least it more or less encapsulates what I know;

Protasevich was detained on May 23. On that day, a Vilnius-bound Ryanair plane that took off from Athens made an emergency landing at Minsk International Airport after a reported bomb threat. After the landing, the plane was inspected and no bomb was found on board. Among the passengers on that flight was Protasevich who was wanted by Belarusian authorities. Protasevich was detained by law enforcement agents once the plane had landed in the Belarusian capital. Russian national Sofia Sapega was also detained together with him.

However, there is a great deal more to the story than that, and you can usually make a fairly safe bet that when an immediate western pile-on ensues – given its typically lackadaisical organization where domestic and international affairs are concerned – there is something about it that plays directly to its interests, rather than the non-partisan by-Jove-we-will-have-fair-play-wot-wot that it pretends.

And there was a lot of that; a lot of fist-shaking and blustering about ‘air piracy’ and ‘hijacking’, a lot of hyperbole by sources who would pretty much be living on government assistance programs if hyperbole was not allowed. Serial fabricator and English gasbag Luke Harding, for instance. He has more or less abandoned journalism altogether in favour of waiting for major events to fall in his lap, and simply stringing together a series of comments on them. Here’s a fine example:

Friends have wryly noted that the thunderous and very public manner of his arrest is in keeping with his outsized career and personality. “Everything he does is loud,” Nicolai Khalezin, who has known him for a decade, said. “The riot police came and arrested me. Roma got a fighter jet.”

Anyone with an ounce of journalistic integrity, and a brain that exceeded roughly the same deadweight, would know a couple of things which would have precluded putting one’s real name to such tosh. One, the riot police do not patrol or execute offsite arrests; they provide security at events which have the potential to turn into riots, and when they do, arrest people who showed up; therefore, Khalezin has attributed ‘came’ to the wrong authority. If he ‘came’ to a protest and it got out of hand, perhaps the riot police arrested him there. If he was arrested somewhere other than at such an event, it probably was not by the riot police. But that’s semantics. What I particularly wanted to point out is that escort of civil aviation which is making an emergency landing, owing to a potentially dangerous situation onboard, by a military aircraft is standard procedure since the momentous events of 9-11. The polite and peaceful Canadians go so far as to suggest sending two fighter planes is ‘an appropriate response’.

Maj. Holly Apostoliuk said NORAD officials don’t have time to verify a threat is genuine before responding. “Considering the time available when information is received about a potential threat to an aircraft, one does not have time for a full investigation, and neither would anyone want us to do so,” Apostoliuk told The Canadian Press. “The point is, based on the information, to do all we can to ensure a safe landing of the aircraft.”

Quite. This would seem to be affirmed by Air Traffic Organization policy guidance in the event of a bomb threat received while the aircraft is airborne.

  • When information is received from any source that a bomb has been placed on, in, or near an aircraft for the purpose of damaging or destroying such aircraft, notify the supervisor or facility manager. If the threat is general in nature, handle it as a suspicious activity. When the threat is targeted against a specific aircraft and you are in contact with that aircraft, take the following actions as appropriate:
    1. Advise the pilot of the threat.
    2. Report the threat to the Domestic Events Network (DEN) Air Traffic Security Coordinator (ATSC) via (202) 493-4170. If unable to contact the DEN ATSC notify the Transportation Security Administration/Transportation Security Operation Center (TSA/TSOC) directly at 703-563-3400.
    3. Ask if the pilot desires to climb or descend to an altitude that would equalize or reduce the outside air pressure/existing cabin air pressure differential. Obtain and relay an appropriate clearance considering minimum en route altitude (MEA), minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA), minimum reception altitude (MRA), and weather.

NOTE − Equalizing existing cabin air pressure with outside air pressure is a key step which the pilot may wish to take to minimize the damage potential of a bomb.

    1. Handle the aircraft as an emergency, and/or provide the most expeditious handling possible with respect to the safety of other aircraft, weather conditions, ground facilities, and personnel.

NOTE − Emergency handling is discretionary and should be based on the situation. With certain types of threats, plans may call for a low-key action or response.

  1. Obtain and relay clearance to a new destination, if requested.
  2. When a pilot requests technical assistance or if it is apparent that such assistance is needed, do NOT suggest what actions the pilot should take concerning a bomb, but obtain the following information and notify the supervisor who will contact the DEN ATSC or TSA/TSOC as explained in a2 above.

Going back for a moment to Harding’s gasbaggery, there was nothing ‘thunderous’ about the manner of his arrest; it is even possible the Belarusian authorities did not know Protasevich was aboard. He managed to get off the plane without any extra attention at all; it was when the passengers were invited to re-board the aircraft after it had been searched for the bomb that, unsurprisingly, was not discovered that passengers had to present their passports. And it was at this point that Protasevich and his Russian squeeze were arrested. But Protasevich is Belarusian, and has frequently claimed he intends to return – presumably when Guaido-Tikhanouskaya has made a wealthy democratic freedom paradise of it. There was theoretically nothing to prevent him from simply walking away from the holding area, and disappearing in the country of which he is a native, exiting at some later point when security might be expected to be a little less alert.

Much attention has focused on the message received which warned of a bomb aboard. As soon as I saw the map of the air track, I asked, “Why didn’t they simply go on to Vilnius? It’s much closer, and obviously the airport is equipped to handle aircraft of that size”. But apparently the crew of the aircraft were specifically threatened that if they tried to land at Vilnius, disaster would ensue. That left Minsk – conveniently, some say – the closest airport able to handle large international aircraft and having all the necessary emergency organization and equipment, such as crash wagons and so forth.

Some quickly suggested Minsk sent the email itself, so as to concoct an excuse to grab Protasevich, and that the whole thing was a setup established with the goal of getting him.

However, questions quickly arise around that as well, and an excellent resource for resolving some is the material posted by Bernhard Horstmann at the comprehensive newsblog Moon of Alabama. As some have commented, Moon of Alabama has far more about it of investigative journalism than the assembled bobblehead ‘journalists’ of the western press, and this effort is no exception.

As detailed therein, the email was sent to the address of the Minsk International Airport from a protonmail address. The message read as follows:

“We, Hamas soldiers, demand that Israel cease fire in the Gaza Strip. We demand that the European Union abandon its support for Israel in this war. We know that the participants of Delphi Economic Forum are returning home on May 23 via flight FR4978. A bomb has been planted onto this aircraft. If you don’t meet our demands the bomb will explode on May 23 over Vilnius. Allahu Akbar.”

Again, convenient, many will smirk. But I submit it is believable. So far as I am aware nobody has denied that participants in the Delphi Forum were aboard, although their list of supporters raises no particular red flags of corporate sponsorship of Israel (except, perhaps, for Lockheed-Martin, but they tend to spread donor cash with a generous hand). A particularly atrocious series of airstrikes against the Palestinians by Israel had indeed just taken place. The specific flight is identified by number. It might indeed have been a fake, but…who’s going to be brave enough to dismiss it as a fake and do nothing, when every international procedure demanded that Minsk behave exactly as it did?

Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Dossier Center quickly pumped out a mocking accusation that the email had actually been received by Minsk, according to its metadata, after Minsk had already announced the threat to the flight and recommended it divert to Minsk. I think you will agree it is unlikely anyone who could dream up such an elegant trap would have stumbled owing to such a stupid mistake. According to the official statement by the Belarusian government, they were not aware Protasevich was on board.

“According to the Belarusian top diplomat, the country’s authorities did not know that Roman Protasevich, one of the co-founders of the Nexta Telegram channel, which was recognized as extremist in Belarus, and his Russian girlfriend Sofia Sapega were among the passengers. “These two persons were detained after they had passed through customs and border control to board the plane after it had been checked. So, there are no links between these events. I think that we see deliberate attempts to link these things to the plane’s landing after a bomb threat,” he stressed.

He rejected allegations that the plane’s landing had been organized by the Belarusian authorities to detain Protasevich. “I learned about the plane’s landing and the detention of these persons from the news,” the minister noted. “Many officials, those who are in a position to know about such things, knew about the bomb threats but the detention was reported in the evening. Initially, we had no information about it.”

Confusion has arisen over the apparent transmission of two emails, one of which was the original and upon whichHow to draw a prisoner Minsk claims to have acted immediately as international procedures mandate, and a ‘copy’, which was received somewhat later. I recommend readers read all of MOA’s post. As he also points out, the version in which Minsk came up with a phony email after it had already contacted the plane is the one currently assumed to be accurate in the west, appealing as it does to confirmation bias – that’s just what they would do, so they probably did, because they are not freedom-lovers like us.

This might be a good place to discuss – if the Belarusian government actually did make the whole thing up just to snare Protasevich…what of it? Absolutely it flies in the face of international aviation procedures to deliberately do such a thing. But has that ever stopped those who are shouting the loudest over what a crime it is? Let’s review, again using Moon of Alabama’s excellent resources; mmm…in 1954, Israel forced down a Syrian plane so it could use the captured passengers as hostages to exchange for Israeli soldiers. Illegally detaining civilians to exchange them for soldiers presumably captured on combat operations: what was that about The Most Moral Army In The World? France diverted a Morocco-Spain civil air flight to French-owned Algiers in order to arrest an Algerian Independence leader in 1957. In 2010 the USA closed its airspace to an Aeromexico flight from Paris to Mexico City, and the flight was diverted to Canada, where a passenger was arrested and extradited to the United States; we’re quite a reliable partner for that sort of thing, and international travelers should keep it in mind – just avoiding the United States is probably not enough. More recently, and much better known, all of Europe collaborated with the United States to force down the official presidential aircraft of the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, on a flight from Moscow because furious US government officials became convinced that famous domestic-surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden was hiding onboard. Totally and completely against diplomatic and common-international procedures, but I didn’t even see an official apology, never mind an acknowledgment that it was illegal. In 2016, in a case of mistaken identity, Kiev sent military aircraft after a flight which had departed Kiev and forced it to return, on suspicion a passenger it wished to arrest was aboard. And only last year, Kiev concocted an elaborate ruse to capture Russian mercenaries it had contracted itself through advertising, by diverting their flight from Minsk to Turkey and forcing it to land in Kiev. It should be pretty clear by now that the west and its allies do not give a tin weasel about obeying the law or following procedure when the possibility of a dramatic arrest is in the offing. What’s that old parable? When the law is in your favour, pound on the law. When the law is against you, pound on the table.

Did Minsk have any reason to detain Protasevich, other than his efforts as a minor irritant at the helm of NEXTA, another of those “stand up for freedom of the oppressed” outlets which endeavor to foster the belief that expat candidates who performed dismally in an election actually won it, but were just faked out by the ‘authorities’? I’ll say they did. By his own admission in this interview – in Russian, selected English translation by Moscow Exile – he was an active-service combatant, in Eastern Ukraine, of Azov Battalion.

“When the war broke out in eastern Ukraine, I couldn’t stay away…I tried to join the “Donbass” battalion, but it didn’t work out: I couldn’t get through to the phone numbers listed on the social network. Then I learnt that the Belarusian squad “Pagonia” was recruiting volunteers to take part in the fighting in the ATO. I wrote to them…After some time, I was invited to an interview. I had no military education and no experience in combat. I’m a journalist.

“Pagonia” is not an independent combat unit. It is rather a popular organization, an association of warring Belarusians. After the volunteers have been selected, they are sent to the Ukrainian volunteer battalions…The selection process consists of questionnaires, interviews, and psychological tests. The questions are designed in such a way that sooner or later a person will be exposed by some trifling matter if he is lying.

Then the volunteers go through combined-arms training, but without weapons…I had the opportunity to get into “Azov”, “Aidar” or “Donbass”. I was in the very first set, so I ended up in Azov . I arrived in the Ukraine in July. We received tactical and medical training in the battalion. Then there was a training course for a new recruit and then his deployment in the ATO. Now recruits train according to the latest methods: they take the “Azov-Spartan” course. This is based on the United States Navy SEAL training course . This is a serious test. People who have problems with psychological endurance are eliminated at this stage.”

Plenty of photographs have emerged of Protasevich in military fatigues, armed and festooned with extra ammunition magazines, and on parade with combat units at a national ceremony with military participation. It’s perfectly true that you can do anything with PhotoShop these days, and I encourage the unconvinced to thoroughly explore any possibility the photos are faked, but I suggest it is an unlikely prospect given his own proud admission of having served with Azov.

Is Azov a terrorist organization? Agencies in the United States and Ukraine have pretzelated themselves in attempts to argue it is not, using comically-specious arguments such as the ideological Atlantic Council’s deflections that since it is now a regiment of the Ukrainian National Guard under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it cannot correctly be called a ‘paramilitary unit’.

“What the authors call a “Ukrainian Azov Battalion,” where they add a description of it as “a paramilitary unit,” is, in fact, a Special Operations Detachment “Azov”—a regiment of the Ukrainian National Guard that is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This means that Azov is neither a paramilitary unit nor has any independence from the state, but that it is an integral part of official structures and that it follows orders given by the Interior Ministry…But the authors produce no clear proof of ongoing links between American right-wing terrorists and a unit within Ukraine’s Interior Ministry. To label that unit “a foreign terrorist organization under federal law” would be a grave mistake and a gift to the Kremlin. “

My, yes; if you do this, you’re only doing what Putin wants, I swear that is getting competitive for The Oldest Trick In The Book. I ask you to note also that while the article appears under the auspices of The Atlantic Council – which is already nutty enough on the subject of everything evil in the world having its roots in Russia – it is by a Ukrainian author who has a more specific genre; all the Nazi extremists are in Russia. Not in Ukraine. There are no Nazis there, especially not in Azov…whatever they are. Certainly not a paramilitary organization.

Similarly, the Counter-Extremism Project argued loudly that Azov must not be designated a terrorist organization. Kind of makes you wonder why, although their regimental symbol is the Wolfsangel or ‘Wolf’s Hook’ of Nazi distinction – never, to the very best of my knowledge, worn by an military unit other than German SS infantry and armored divisions, until now – western organizations argue strenuously that they are not white supremacists or Nazi aficionados.

Anyway, the Counter-Extremism Project presents a similar argument – originally, they might have been Nazi fans, but that’s not the same organization at all as the one which currently exists, and isn’t even called Azov Battalion anymore.

It is not my intention to go into semantics here as “Azov Battalion” no longer exists. I recognize Rep. Slotkin’s effort and will assume she meant the Azov Regiment or to be more precise—the Azov Movement, a much broader and amorphous entity. The intention to designate such a social movement, however, is challenging.”

Also includes the jaw-dropping avowal, Ukraine has nothing to gain from hosting any entity that could be deemed by the United States as terrorist as Ukraine seeks U.S. security assistance.Ukraine had already burned dozens and perhaps hundreds of unarmed protesters alive in the Trade Union Building in Odessa; onsite video recorded armed Ukrainians shooting at people huddled on ledges outside flame-belching windows although the official Ukrainian account swore devoutly they were there to help with rescue efforts. Fascist organizers set the building afire although it was afterward blamed on the protesters inside trying to throw firebombs out the windows, despite the existence of videos showing young girls filling beverage bottles with gas outside in the courtyard after the protesters had already fled inside and could not escape.

The collective action of the western media was to pretend it never happened or to accept the official Ukrainian version that it was all a tragic accident perpetrated by anti-Ukrainian protesters.

Anyway, we were talking about Belarus, not Ukraine. The point I was trying to make is that Protasevich is linked, by his own admission, to an extremist military unit in Ukraine which 40 members of the US Congress petitioned to have designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Predictably, it went nowhere, as doing anything to tie the hands of anti-Russian allies is a non-starter in the United States. For Minsk, simply letting him go unchallenged would be like the United States letting a known al Qaeda footsoldier fly into Maine, enjoy a lobster dinner and buy some souvenir miniature lighthouse carvings, and fly out again. Not very likely. Once Minsk knew Protasevich was among the passengers, it was inevitable that he would be arrested, as he was a wanted man in Minsk – to do otherwise would be inexplicable for any country or authority under the same circumstances.

But when did they know – and how? Aaahh…now that’s a question, isn’t it? Few buy that it was merely coincidence that brought the KGB and Protasevich to the same point in space and time, and most believe it was a setup – note I did not imply that the cover story was true, merely that it is believable. Some have speculated that it was a western operation, and that Potato-head was sacrificed to the cause of ratcheting up sanctions against Belarus. If so, that was a pretty spectacular failure, if I must say so – although it greatly served the cause of convincing Lukashenko that he has no real friends in the west, and that his best chance of dodging the regime-change bandwagon lies in an alliance with Russia. But Protasevich has been singing like a canary. Among his disclosures is his accusation that he was indeed set up, but by his own side. According to him, the mastermind behind his denouement is one Daniel Bogdanovich, a ‘member of Svetlana Tihanovskaya’s entourage‘. In Russian, again translated to English by Moscow Exile:

“Former head of the Belarusian opposition resource NEXTA, Roman Protasevich, has named the man whom he suspects of being behind the aeroplane provocation. He spoke about this on Thursday, June 3, in a film, presented by the ONT TV channel.

“This person is Daniel Bogdanovich from Svetlana Tihanovskaya’s entourage. It was with him that there were conflicting relations. He also knew that I would be returning by a Ryanair flight from Athens to Vilnius”, Protasevich told a journalist of the TV channel.”

Although airline passenger manifests are notoriously difficult to access unless you are the US Department of State, or an organization with similarly large ones to swing, I daresay quite a few people knew Protasevich would be on that flight; like most young liberal leaners, he is a prolific tweeter, and imagines his personal doings are of absorbing interest to the world. So simply knowing he would be on that plane is hardly evidence of culpability.

On the other hand, the Guaido-Tikhanouskaya opposition movement is faltering and rudderless; in February she wept for an international audience that the opposition had ‘lost the streets‘. The Belarusian government-in-exile badly needs a timely ‘incident’ to focus international attention once again on Belarus, and renew pressure on Lukashenko to step down. A tightening of sanctions against Minsk would be a Godsend.

Sometimes, the ‘largeness’ of one’s personality marks one down for the role of martyr rather than messiah. Sometimes, Roma…it’s just business.

856 thoughts on “Look Out the Left, the Captain Said: the Capture of Roman Protasevich

  1. Vinyard the Saker: New Great Game gets back to basics

    Russia-China-Iran alliance is taking Afghanistan’s bull by the horns

    By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times

    Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is on a Central Asian loop all through the week. He’s visiting Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The last two are full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, founded 20 years ago.

    The SCO heavyweights are of course China and Russia. They are joined by four Central Asian “stans” (all but Turkmenistan), India and Pakistan. Crucially, Afghanistan and Iran are observers, alongside Belarus and Mongolia.

    And that leads us to what’s happening this Wednesday in Dushanbe, the Tajik capital. The SCO will hold a 3 in 1: meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group, and a conference titled “Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity, Challenges and Opportunities.”…

    More at the link.

    No one expects the west to give up in the ‘hood. STB (‘soil’ the bed) is the US’s only policy for the region now that it has been kicked out of Afghanistan.


    1. The CIA will be very butt hurt losing billions in drug revenue. There was mention about maintaining drone bases in countries bordering Afghanistan. That would be a dual use application – to kill people with armed drones and to transports drugs with a cargo drone variant.


  2. Euractiv: EU, Ukraine sign ‘strategic partnership’ on raw materials

    Kyiv will be invited on Tuesday (13 July) to join EU industrial alliances on batteries and raw materials, with a view to develop an entire value chain of the extraction, refining and recycling of minerals in Ukraine to supply the EU market for electric cars and digital equipment.

    …The EU-Ukraine partnership on raw materials has a wider global significance. As Russia completes construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, Kyiv is expected to lose out on gas transit revenues. And raw materials could provide a new source of income for Ukraine.

    “We need to see the meetings and discussions we will have today and tomorrow also in a geopolitical context. Because Ukraine is becoming part of a European value chain which I think is of strategic importance,” Šefcovic said…

    …The EU’s list of critical raw materials was last updated in September last year, and includes 30 materials, including rare earths, Bauxite, lithium, and titanium.

    “There are 30 of them and 21 of these critical raw materials are in Ukraine, which is also extracting 117 out of 120 globally used minerals,” Šefcovic said. “We’re talking about lithium, cobalt, manganese, rare earths – all of them are in Ukraine,” he explained…

    For a few euros more.


    1. Maros Šefcovic would be quite happy to secure an agreement whereby Ukraine agrees to sell off its resources for pennies on the Euro. Watch the scramble among the oligarchs to secure mining rights and control over mineral-rich lands, and Šefcovic and the Yurrupeans couldn’t give less of a fuck who they buy from – they probably prefer to buy from an oligarch, as they are untroubled by conscience and can be counted upon to make decisions entirely in their own interests, regardless if they are bad for the country. As I have said before now, Russia would not want it back, and there is no real practical future for a relationship between Ukraine and Russia – by the time Europe is done with it it will be broke and have nothing left of any value. In fact, Europe will probably try to contrive circumstances where Russia will take it back after it has been stripped out, because there is zero future for a large poor country in Europe that will always have its hand out, begging for help.


  3. BMPD: На авиасалоне МАКС-2021 будет представлен новый российский боевой самолет

    Как сообщила 13 июля 2021 года Государственная корпорация Ростех, входящая в его состав Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация (ОАК) презентует принципиально новый военный самолет 20 июля – в первый день Международного авиационно-космическом салона МАКС-2021 в городе Жуковский…

    …Со стороны bmpd укажем, что, предположительно, речь идет о презентации на МАКС-2021 перспективного легкого однодвигательного истребителя пятого поколения, разрабатывемого входящим в состав ОАК ПАО “Компания “Сухой”. По одному из предположений, проект обозначается как ЛТС (“Легкий тактический самолет”). Наиболее вероятно, что на МАКС-2021 будет представлен не прототип, а полноразмерный макет нового самолета. Самолет, видимо, должен быть оснащен одним двигателем “изделие 30″…


    So a 5th generation ‘light tactical’ aircraft type probably powered by (the yet in production) Izdelie 30 (to be used in future Su-57s). Elsewhere on the web (Martyanov*), it’s been noticed that Russia has bumped up the displacement of proposed small carriers from ~25kt to 40kt. We’ve touched upon this before that mega-carriers are a) far too expensive; b) ergo too few; c) vulnerable/obsolete – thus the proposed solution is to have smaller but more carriers around 40kt so you can mix and match your battle group better to the mission (cheaper and more efficiently).

    * https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2021/07/a-mystery-aircraft.html


    1. This story indicates that a new lightweight fighter will be revealed at the MAKS air show on July 20. The fighter is speculated to be a smaller, single engine, version of the Su-57. It has something to do with the knight chess piece:


      Knights can jump over other pieces so my guess is that the fighter can teleport. I am sure to be disappointed.


      1. Teleportation would be cool, but I wouldn’t hold my breath I think Andrei is hoping for a jump jet, i.e. V/STOL. We’ll see soon


  4. https://www.indianpunchline.com/us-russia-ties-warming-up-is-it-for-real/

    Interesting article from MK Bhadrakumar former Diplomat

    He discusses the complete 180 change in Russia policy towards the USA.

    He lists the issue of ransomware and the vote at the UN on Syria as examples.

    Makes Russia seem weak and easily swayed by attention from the Americans.

    “…Of course, Putin and Biden had agreed at Geneva to launch high-level talks on ransomware. That group is meeting today. Russia has been complaining about the delay. Certainly, Biden, an experienced politician, knows how easy it is to pamper Russian vanities.”


    1. No, it makes MK Bhadrakumar look like an idiot. Joe Biden playing Putin? MK is kissing ass, nothing else.

      Did learn a few facts such as the discussion to withdraw US troops from Syria. If true and a total withdrawal, that would be a huge win for Syria.


      1. There is a huge amount of wishful thinking about Russia in India. They are terrified of the Russia-China strategic relationship and seek to portray Russia as wavering in that relationship. MK is peddling that message in the article.


      2. Look at MK Bhadrakumar’s tweet on Tass’s reporting on the protests in Cuba and then read the Tass report for yourself. Not only does MK dismiss the possibility of US or other Western influences on the protests, especially those encouraged by social media, but he appears completely oblivious to the underlying context of many of Cuba’s ongoing problems: Cuba may still be subject to US sanctions on food, medical and other supplies.


  5. More news on Russian military technology regarding body armor, individual combat systems (cyborg stuff like a monocle that sees in infrared), data linking, etc. are in field use or soon will be.


    When Rostec plans on unveiling a next-generation Sotnik system remains to be seen. What is clear, however, is that the Russian military appears to be beating the pants off of the U.S. when it comes to future infantry combat systems.

    Indeed, the Pentagon has been pursuing the dream of a powered exoskeleton for nearly a half-century, with its latest effort, U.S. Special Operations Command’s Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS), failing to yield a fully-integrated suit of combat armor following its unveiling in 2019.

    Where the U.S. has remained stymied by system integration issues, Russia has benefitted in its exoskeleton development from its ability to field test such gear in its weapons playground of war-torn Syria, as Bendett previously told Task & Purpose.

    At the moment, the U.S. military is still playing catching up: The Army is currently in the process of sussing out requirements for a brand-new exoskeleton to help soldiers ruck faster and harder while reducing fatigue. Whether they can catch up to the speed of Russian developments remains to be seen.

    But lets not forget our “secret” weapon! You better run Ivan!


    1. For me exoskeletons make much more sense starting out in logistics, so getting the stuff off the plane much faster and in to trucks to the front line where again they can reload/refuel/replenish/whatever. Frontline stuff should come later when the kinks (weight/safety/range etc.) have been worked out


      1. Like Ripley in “Aliens”; that cargo-unloader thing you could get inside of and access the controls, and it made you a kind of human forklift. With the present technology, I agree; exoskeletons are still jerky, cannot run naturally and are less agile than the unencumbered human. That makes them still poorly suited for the infantry – you could move further without tiring, but there are vehicles for that already. But that should not suggest it will never be an option.

        The example of body armor should be borne in mind, though. It enabled soldiers to survive blasts that would otherwise have killed them, by protecting the body core. But it left them alive and often limbless, to eke out their days as cripples in facilities like Walter Reed. How many of them would thank body armor for saving their lives?


  6. This link has stories of survival at sea.


    The second story about being lost at sea caught my attention for several reasons. First, the ordeal lasted just 5 days versus the 100+ days for the other stories. Second, it appears to have been sanitized. The two remaining survivors were Brad Cavanagh and Deborah Kiley. Both were in a weakened state and believed that they were close to death. The story, as told in a documentary made many years ago, had Deborah convincing Brad to leave the life raft to retrieve something that would help them (don’t remember what). There was nothing there. When he tried to climb back in the raft, she repeated bashed him with an oar. However, she was too weakened to continue. so he managed to climb back in. A Russian cargo ship spotted the life raft and saved both of them. Brad recounted that a huge Russian sailor pulled him out of the raft with one hand while feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

    Deborah became a motivational speaker and wrote a book on her ordeal sans the bit about trying to kill Brad. Current accounts of the story omit that part as well. I don’t know if Brad recanted or it was simply better and/or more profitable for Brad to forget that part of the experience.


    1. The photo attached to the Wikipedia article on her leads me to suspect Brad’s first account of the oar incident was true.


      1. Thanks Jen. Will followup. The British have orchestrated the anti-Serb campaign from WW II to today. Important goals were the largely successful effort to bury the Vatican’s genocide of Serb Orthodox to preserve the RC’s anti-communist/anti-Russian power, to stage a color revolution and to split Serbia away from Russia. Recent signs are encouraging that the effort is unraveling.


          1. All Latin American countries are fair game for regime change even if and when their current govts happen to be pro-US. (Look at what happened to Jovenel Moise in Haiti.) Better cut straight to the Russian or the Chinese embassy and be part of the diplomatic baggage if staff at either of those embassies are cut and have to go home with their belongings.


    1. I just tried the other links again in my comment and they have been broken.

      Try going directly to moonofalabama.org, select the article “A Secret British ‘Strategic Communication’ Campaign Aims To Fracture The Balkans” and click on the links in the sentence: “… An extensive narrative around those documents is available in three parts …” – each of the last three words links to a part in Matthew Doer’s extensive post on the British documents.


    2. I can’t be bothered to read any of it but it strikes me as Britain still trying to show that it is a ‘world power.’ If you don’t use it (however poor it actually is), you lose it. That seems to be the thinking.

      Two recent bs handwringing posts about the Balkans:

      Shite no.1:

      Euractiv: Political scientists say EU has lost the battle for the Balkans

      The EU has lost the battle for the Balkans, where Russia and China are offering bonuses without asking for reforms, geopolitical experts told an online conference organised by EURACTIV.bg this week, proposing increased cooperation and a Balkan common market as the best way forward.

      More at the link. If you can bear it.

      Shite no. 2:

      Euractiv: Avant-garde proposal for EU enlargement to the Western Balkans

      A binary ‘in or out’ concept of membership has become obsolete for a region that has been on its path towards the EU already for two decades. A group of think tanks have now come up with a proposal to unpack the accession process and allow progressive membership in stages, write Milena Lazarevic and Michael Emerson.

      More at the link.

      Wanktanks doing what they do best. Wanking!

      It’s not, ‘let’s just leave it alone for a bit.’ NEVER! It’s ‘How can we slice this salami differently that leads to the same result, i.e. Serbia and others in the EU as good little member states?’

      Much more interesting is (as reported by the same sources); Bulgaria’s Borrisov is out. The head of BiH intelligence is under investigation. And Turkey wants Narf Makedonia to hand over 86 ‘Gulenists.’


      1. The first linked article was a hoot – Serbia should unite with other Balkan countries; presumably meaning Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania and Romania. These countries have, without fail, stabbed Serbia in the back at every opportunity. Sort of a Yugoslavia 2.0 to bury Serbia but on a grander scale.. These evil Serbs refuse to play along and are using Russia and China as a form of blackmail. Gosh, why did not I see this before? It only makes sense that Serbia should join the other powerhouse Balkan countries and their EU masters and turn its back on upstarts like China and Russia. Just because those two countries offer investments and growth without demanding subservience is not a strong argument. Serbia desperately needs to embrace LGBTZ? values before its loo late!


        1. Serbia has just been told off by a Brussels spokeshole for not following EU foreign policy for sending its Ambassador back to Syria. Belgrade’s response is that Serbia has kept diplomatic relations throughout though at a lower level and is returning to normal now it is possible. As one of my UK uni class mates would say “F/k the f/k off!”


  7. July 13, 2021, 20:06 pm Society
    The European Court of Human Rights has called on Russia to legalize same-sex marriage. Moscow against
    Peskov said that the Russian Constitution prohibits recognizing same-sex marriages

    Three same-sex couples from Russia applied to the ECHR. They stated that in different years they were denied marriage because their union did not meet the definition of marriage as a union of “men and women”. The Court considers that the Russian authorities do not respect the right to respect for private and family life. At the same time, Russia refers to the Constitution, according to which marriages are concluded only in opposite-sex couples, and declares that Moscow will not comply with the decision of the ECHR.

    Russia is unable to comply with the requirement of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and recognize same-sex marriage, as it is prohibited by the main law of the country, said the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “According to our constitution — it is impossible!” – TASS quotes him as saying.

    The ECHR considered the complaint of three same-sex couples who were unable to register their marriage in Russia. The Court ruled that the Russian authorities thus violated article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to respect for private and family life).

    “[The ECHR] recognizes that participating countries can choose the most appropriate form of registration for same-sex partnerships, taking into account the social and cultural context (for example, a civil partnership, a civil union or a solidarity agreement)”, the report says.

    At the same time, the court rejected the Russian Government’s argument that the interests of the community as a whole could justify the lack of registration of marriage by same-sex couples.

    The ECtHR considers that by refusing registration to same-sex couples, the Russian authorities go beyond the discretion granted to them.

    History of applicants
    Three same-sex couples-I. Fedotova and I. Shipitko [lesbians – ME], D. Chunusov and Yu. Yevtushenko [sodomists – ME], as well as I. Shaikhraznova and Yu. Yakovleva [lesbians – ME] — said that the Russian authorities refuse to legalize their relationship, which, “in their opinion, is discrimination against them on the basis of their sexual orientation”.

    The couples applied to the registry offices at different times and in different cities. Fedotova and Shipitko wanted to register a marriage back in 2009 in Moscow. The remaining applicants filed their notices in St. Petersburg in 2013. St. Petersburg officials refused to allow same-sex couples, citing article 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which defines marriage as “a voluntary marriage union between a man and a woman”.

    If over 18 years of age, they are legally allowed to fudge-pack in Russia or do whatever dykes like to do to each other, but that’s not enough! They want to get “married”.

    Aw, how sweet!

    Of course, the denial by of the Russian authorities of their “right” to get wed is now deemed a major “human rights” issue, according the ECHR!

    Get fucked, ECHR, up your collective shitter if you wish!

    I identify myself as “unwoke”.

    That’s my human right!


    1. Europeans had a right to private and family life? I wonder how many of them knew that while they were all wearing ‘face coverings’ and social-distancing and getting pressured to vaccinate themselves?

      If I am not mistaken, homosexuals are allowed to join in ‘civil unions’ which legally allow Husband 1 a share of Husband 2’s property if they break up, just like marriage, and imbue both husbands with responsibilities to one another and so forth. They just insist it be ‘marriage’ because it would force the state to capitulate, and after that it would be in constant retreat before the advance of activists constantly pressing for more and more ‘rights’. None of us have any rights; George Carlin was correct – they’re not ‘rights’ if someone can take them away.


    2. The EU to Russia – “We will destroy your culture and substitute with our own”. Freedom and self-determination – EU style.


    1. That will teach the Chinese a bitter lesson. They should strongly consider cancelling the Olympics rather than suffer further humiliation such as a LGBTZ? boycott.


      1. Oh, boo hoo hoo!! A diplomatic boycott!! That just means no members of the British government will be there, and last time I looked, nobody in any British government role looked like he or she could tear a waffle in half. Oh, except for Karen Pierce. Who could tear the person holding a waffle in half, unless he threw it into her mouth and escaped during the snorting and chewing.

        Sadly, there is no Olympic Sandwich Throw, where Pierce might give the UK an invincible advantage by scoffing the play pieces before they could be scored; there is no Scotch Egg-Eating Relay, no Biggest Ass event. So even the mighty Pierce could not help England, or, rather, the UK. But as I have said so many times I am beginning to bore myself, international sport was moribund the moment national governments started formulating strategies whereby their athletes could win more gold medals, and paying them bonuses to make the nation they represent look great just because one of them can skate faster than anyone else in the world. Just have done with it, please. Some nation show some real leadership, and announce they will no longer be sending a team to the Olympics – ever – because it is just another political event and the ideals have become hopelessly corrupted. The UK is so desperate for recognition and acclaim that it would give a Roller to the gold-medal British athlete who trounced the Marshall Islands in an Olympics which featured only those two countries.


        1. That’s my understanding too, a diplomatic tantrum but not telling UK olympians that they cannot go. It kind of loses its impact when actions don’t follow words, but that is very much the current Western zeitgeist.


  8. Apparently she meant it:


    The clip shows Jen Psaki apparently responding to a question about vaccines during a Wednesday press briefing, stressing the importance of staying on message and praising actress and singer Olivia Rodrigo, who came to the White House to raise awareness on the subject.

    But Psaki’s message soon takes an odd turn, as she suddenly declares that the vaccines the Biden administration is desperate to convince more Americans to take “can still kill you” – even if you’re “under 27.” She made the comment after noting there are areas in the country with lower vaccination rates among people under that age – seemingly meaning to say Covid-19 can still kill even young people.

    Her message was simply that the vaccines can be fatal at any age but she muddled it up. Or, whatever Biden has is spreading.


  9. At first I did not believe the story but it is true that the US is busing and flying illegal immigrants to various northern cities for release.


    The US military is using passenger aircraft to fly illegal immigrants within the US from an Air Force base in Texas, according to documents seen by Fox News. The operation, confirmed by the Pentagon, is being conducted in secret.

    The destination of these flights is unknown. A Pentagon spokesman told Carlson’s show that the flights were part of a “non-citizen movement” program, and referred Carlson’s team to ICE.

    “ICE did not deny they were using Laughlin Air Force Base to relocate large numbers of foreign nationals into the interior of our country and do it secretly,” Carlson said on his show on Wednesday night. Carlson said that ICE promised to provide additional details, but never did.

    What happens when the planes land? Are they dispersed to government subsidized housing projects? Do city officials have any say in this matter. Do the citizens have any say? Are these immigrants vetted regarding criminal activities?

    These are not small numbers – one million in the past 6 months have crossed over.

    Tucker Carlson addresses this issue and was instrumental in uncovering what was intended to be a secret relocation program. Presumably the illegal immigrants will, at some point, be granted the right to vote thus helping to ensure a multi-generational advantage to the democratic party – an updated form of gerrymandering.

    It will also bring havoc to the labor market as illegal immigrants will often eagerly work for subsidence wages under hazardous and exploitative conditions. Yup, Trump’s voter base will be further punished and rendered redundant.


  10. This is a staggering number:


    Drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed over the past year, according to federal data.

    On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2020, the United States saw a 29.4% increase of drug overdose deaths, the highest number ever recorded at 93,331. The provisional data, which will be finalized later this year, compares to 2019’s 72,151 deaths projected.

    “This is the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period, and the largest increase since at least 1999,” Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, said in a statement, CNN reports.

    This is about 2.7% of all deaths in 2020. For every overdose death there is undoubtedly many more overdoes that did not result in death. Can we say 10% of the population has a very serious drug problem?

    The above chart covers the years 1991 to 2019. The 1999 rate was a paltry 18,000 or about 20% of the current rate. Death by despair. For some reason I think that our deep state leaders could not care less. Perhaps they promote the collapse of hope.


  11. Tosspot Harding has still not lost his old touch!

    ‘Russiagate’ redux: The Guardian’s spooky anonymous ‘sources’ claim Putin put Trump in power, but there’s still no hard evidence


    A sample of Tintin’s instantly recognizable “journalistic” style:

    According to Harding, “Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months”, giving a hint as to where his sources might lie. The article goes on to say that the papers “seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin”.

    Harding faffing away in his inimitable style. His article is full of his favourite expressions, such as “appear to show”, “suggest” and “assessed to be”.

    What and to whom do these alleged documents “appear to show”, and by whom are they “assessed to be” what exactly, I wonder?


  12. AIN Online: Russian Government Issues New Plan To Boost Airliner Output

    Russia’s Ministry for Industry and Trade has arrived at a new $25 billion plan to place 735 domestically produced passenger aircraft with local and foreign operators in the 2021 to 2030 timeframe. Meant as part of Russia’s new edition of a national strategy for social and economic development, the document calls for the formation of an “internationally competitive product line for the [local] aviation industry.”..

    I agree. Go large or go home. This is what China does. Not only does it massively invest in indigenization it buys its own stuff, even relative ‘failures’ like the ARJ21.


    1. I have said this all along; the two countries – China and Russia – account for the bulk of the approximately 3000 new airliners that are expected to be ordered over the next 15 – 20 years. Buying a domestic design rather than Boeing or Airbus should send a ripple of sheer terror down the spines of both companies. They’ll still make sales, of course, but Boeing at least (and perhaps Airbus as well) often sells at steep discounts for bulk buys. That’s not really a good way to make money, although it allows them to move a lot of money around and make it look hugely profitable, but bottom line is if it costs you more to build the plane (including salaries of employees, bla, bla) than you realize by selling that plane, it is not sustainable. Huge-volume sales attract wealthy investors. Death spirals do not.


  13. What’s up with the headlines ‘Biden and Merkel united against Russian aggression’? I easily find the quote from Bi-Dumb, but nothing from Merkel. When will the media stop lying like this?*

    * Rhetorical question.


    1. Alexander Mercouris on his own channel made a vlog on the Biden and Merkel meeting.

      Its short and worth a listen

      Merkel indeed had a lot to say – she talked about Ukraine having a ‘right to be a transit state’- which is nonsense

      She also made threats of sanctions on Russia – if it cut off Ukraine in 2023.

      She didn’t however say she’s going to stop taking gas via nord stream

      By comparison – Biden didn’t say much at all


        1. So Merkel believes that the Yukietards have the “right” to have gas transported across Banderastan by means of a gas transport system constructed by the Soviet Union and which, since the Ukraine became “Independent Ukraine”, has been allowed to fall into an abysmal state of disrepair?

          She is spouting nonsense out of her Polish-German arsehole!

          If I rightly recall, the Germans were none too pleased to discover that gas destined for Western Europe was being siphoned off by the Ukrainians after Gasprom had ceased supplying the Ukraine with gas, following a Yukie refusal to pay Gasprom for its gas, claiming that the price demanded by Gasprom was too high, notwithstanding the fact that said price was the lowest demanded by Gasprom of its customers, in that the Ukraine was a “friendly brotherly nation”?

          See Reuters, January 4, 2009:

          Ukraine siphoned off European gas — Gazprom

          MOSCOW, Jan 4 (Reuters) — Ukraine siphoned off or held back a total of 50 million cubic metres of Russian gas intended for Europe on Jan. 3, the spokesman for Russian gas company Gazprom GAZP.MM, Sergei Kupriyanov, said on Sunday.

          “In total, over the past day European consumers have not received 50 million cubic metres,” he told journalists.

          Ukraine still owes Gazprom $614 million for gas supplies in 2008, Kupriyanov said.


          See also:

          Putin tells Merkel gas piped to EU could be siphoned off in Ukraine
          November 14, 2016

          (Reuters) — Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday of the risk of Ukraine siphoning off Russian gas destined for Europe, the Kremlin said.

          In a statement, it said that in a phone call the two leaders agreed that talks would be held involving the Russian energy ministry, gas giant Gazprom and the European Commission on the issue.

          Putin said the risks of unsanctioned gas siphoning by Kiev had increased because of expectations of a cold winter.

          Most of the gas sold by Russia to European countries flows along pipelines crossing Ukraine. Russian gas accounts for over a third of gas consumption in the EU.

          Neighboring Ukraine has not bought gas from Russia for a year because of its political conflict with Moscow, which annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region in 2014.

          In the past, the European Commission has successfully brokered deals between Moscow and Kiev on the sale of Russian gas to Ukraine.

          In the past decade gas flows to Ukraine have been interrupted several times because of pricing and other issues. Putin said last month Russia was ready to resume gas deliveries to Ukraine at “any second” if Kiev agreed to pre-pay for supplies.

          The Kremlin said Putin and Merkel had also discussed Syria on Monday.


          Of course, the Ukraine gas company denies siphoning off gas.

          From the “Guardian”:

          Ukraine accused of stealing Russian gas as fuel flow declines
          2 January, 2009

          Russia upped the ante in the “gas war” with Ukraine yesterday, accusing its former Soviet neighbour of stealing millions of dollars’ worth of transit supplies, as the dispute left some European countries starting to experience reduced flow of fuel.

          Gazprom, Russia’s state energy group, cut natural gas deliveries to Ukraine on 1 January after a long dispute over unpaid bills and prices for this year’s supplies.

          Moscow and Kiev have promised that flows through the same pipeline network to European consumers including Britain will not be disrupted.

          But last night Romania, Hungary and Poland said pressure in their pipelines had started to fall because of the dispute. Romania’s state-controlled pipeline operator, Transgaz, said gas imports had dropped by up to 40% from normal levels.

          The new holder of the EU presidency, the Czech Republic, repeated calls for the two sides to honour existing supply deals and said it would call a crisis meeting of envoys in Brussels on Monday. “We feel that the situation has now escalated to a point that substantiates an extraordinary meeting,” Czech presidency spokesman Radek Honzak said.

          Gazprom’s chief spokesman, Sergei Kupriyanov, said Kiev is now threatening deliveries. “The Ukrainian side has openly admitted that it is stealing gas, and it is not even ashamed of this fact.”

          Naftogaz, Ukraine’s state energy concern, has said it is diverting 21m cubic metres of gas a day to maintain enough pressure in its pipeline network to ensure daily transit shipments of about 300m cubic metres to Europe.

          “It’s true that such a quantity of gas is necessary for technical reasons,” Kupriyanov told the Guardian. “But under our agreement it should be bought by the Ukrainian side, not simply removed from transit supplies.” At last year’s rates, 21m cubic metres would cost $3.8m (£2.6m).

          The Ukrainian company denied it was siphoning off gas. “Naftogaz considers that any statement from official representatives of Gazprom about the unsanctioned siphoning off by Ukraine of Russian gas destined for Europe is untrue,” it said.

          Kupriyanov said Gazprom had been obliged to increase supplies through Ukraine and Belarus and from its storage facilities in Europe to compensate for the siphoning and ensure steady supply to clients.

          The root of the dispute lies in Ukraine’s failure to pay off more than $2bn in debt for gas supplied by Russia last year. Naftogaz says it has paid $1.5bn to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-registered intermediary company. Gazprom, the world’s biggest natural gas supplier, expects to receive that payment but cannot check if it has hit its accounts until after the Orthodox Christmas holiday, which falls next week. Gazprom is also demanding $614m in fines.

          The row is also about the price for supplies to Ukraine this year. Last year Kiev paid $179.50 per 1,000 cubic metres of gas and this year says it is prepared to pay $235 if transit fees charged to Russia are increased, citing falling rates across Europe. Gazprom initially offered $250 without a transit fee change. However, it says that Ukraine’s refusal to accept that “subsidised” rate means it has reverted to its original bargaining position of $418.
          Tense relations between Moscow and Kiev over President Viktor Yushchenko’s wish for Ukraine to join Nato and Russia’s alleged meddling in Ukrainian elections have made negotiations more difficult.

          Around a quarter of the gas used in the EU comes from Russia, most of it pumped in pipelines that pass through Ukraine.

          If supplies are disrupted the effect could be noticed quickly. Ukraine has enough gas in storage to satisfy internal demand until April, but other European countries have reserves only for a few days.

          Talks appeared to have reached an impasse yesterday. A spokesman for Naftogaz said: “We hope there won’t be prolonged talks until March and that we will reach a contract by Christmas [7 January in Russia and Ukraine].” However, Kupriyanov said there had been no approach from Ukraine, whose negotiators were “sitting at home in Kiev”.

          Fuelling controversy

          The latest dispute between Ukraine and Russia centres on an overdue gas bill worth $2bn (£1.38bn). Russia’s Gazprom claims it is owed the money for gas delivered in November and December. Ukraine says it has paid $1.5bn in outstanding bills via a Swiss company — but not the late-payment fines. The two sides also disagree over the rate Ukraine will pay in 2009, and how much Russia should pay for its gas to be piped through Ukraine to European markets. Russia has been accused of using its energy might to put pressure on neighbouring countries; in turn Russia says Ukraine has used its strategic role in gas deliveries to blackmail it. About 80% of Russia gas bound for the European Union passes through Ukraine. Relations between Moscow and Kiev have been tense since 2004, when protests over a rigged election set Ukraine on a course to European integration.

          So who’s telling fibs?

          And 12 years after the above Guardian article appeared, the Ukrainians have still not paid their debt in full: they went to arbitration in Sweden and guess what happened if you don’t know already.

          But Merkel thinks that the thieving lying bastards in Yukistan have the “right” to transport Russian gas to Gasprom customers in Western Europe!


          1. Ukraine squawks that Russia is cheating it because it cannot exercise any leverage against Russia without European support. Ukraine has always been poorer than Russia by a wide margin, and frequently tries to duck out of its bills without paying; when there is a dispute over unpaid bills, it is pretty easy to see who is trying to get out from under, and Russia could hardly be expected to pay transit fees on gas it never supplied. Also, Russia typically pays up front; then the Ukrainians decide it wasn’t enough. Basically, whenever Ukraine thinks it has the upper hand – which means western support – it threatens to raise transit fees.


            Such announcements are typically received with golf-clapping and smiling benevolence by the west, which loves to see the two countries fight, much as white people pay top dollar to sit at ringside and watch two black men beat the shit out of each other. I don’t know why Ukraine never catches on, and continues to believe the west is its friend, and has its back.

            However, often ignored is that gas is a fungible commodity, competing on the basis of price but indistinguishable from gas supplied by the Netherlands or Norway or Turkey. If it can’t be sold to the EU via Ukraine, it can be rerouted through other pipelines and sold on elsewhere. Therefore when Russia refuses to be bullied into a disadvantageous agreement, Ukraine is told it will have to climb down.


            “Ukraine is saying they want to maintain the transit of Russian natural gas to Europe and will seek solutions that would guarantee the higher the volume the cheaper for Gazprom,” Sefcovic told Reuters at the Globsec security forum.

            Ukraine is thrilled at the opportunity to play the bully, but is apparently incapable of remembering that last time it eventually resulted in a climbdown, just like the time before and the time before that. Its pretensions to virtue and fairness are laughable, because as soon as it thinks it has clout, or leverage, it begins to bluster and threaten. Russia is an old hand at this game, and I don’t want to appear to deny they will drive as hard and profitable a bargain for themselves as they can. But the bottom line is, don’t accept a deal and sign on the dotted line, and then pull your pants down and hold your ass and cry to Europe, “Pliss to help”. You never – and I mean never – see Russia going to Europe for help negotiating with Ukraine; it is always – and I mean always – Ukraine looking for its big brother to help it drive an advantageous bargain. Apparently ‘Independence” in Ukrainian is similar to ‘Different Master” in English.


      1. Easy for Merkel to say – she will be safely removed from decision-making by 2023, and can blame whatever happens on someone else; I suspect being taken out of the accountability spotlight will be something of a relief for her.

        Once Nord Stream II is pumping and demand for its volumes is established, Germany can bluster as much as it likes – it is hardly likely to martyr its own transit role in favour of a transit role for Ukraine. It suits Merkel to talk through her ass now, because nobody expects her to do anything; Ukraine is still a transit country, albeit the volume is much reduced, and by the time that agreement lapses Merkel will be retired.


      2. So she was just PR puffing. As ME pointed out the gas problems come from the Ukranian side. I don’t remember either Russia ever threatening to cut off gas to the Ukraine just like that. OK, so a nothingburger as they say in the States.


        1. I like that “nothingburger” expression, especially the variant “a fucking big fat nothingburger”.

          Another favourite Americanism of mine is: How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up?

          I’m dead polite, me.


      1. To which above tweet an (apparently) German arsehole has commented:


        If your country would be in a war and struggles for its independence against an overwhelming force, that completely changed not only the country but every single football club, your league would have a slogan like this as well.

        If you could speak English correctly, arsehole, you should have written: If your country were in a war . . .!

        And pray tell, arsehole, how the Evil Russians have “changed not only the country but every single football club”?

        “Weiser Army” sort of means in “Germish” [German/English], by the way, “White Army”.


        1. Yes, just checked: WeiserArmy is a German from East Germany, die ehemalige sogenannte sowjetische Besatzungszone.


          1. Whereas the territory formerly known as “West Germany” is still an American occupation zone.

            And the Germans still have no constitution but a “Basic Law” as drawn up in Bonn on 8 May 1949, thereafter coming into effect on 23 May after having been approved by the occupying western Allies of World War II on 12 May.

            It was termed “Basic Law” (German: Grundgesetz) to indicate that it was a provisional piece of legislation pending the reunification of Germany, in the expectation that an eventual reunified Germany would adopt a proper constitution, enacted under the provisions of Article 146 of the Basic Law, which stipulates that such a constitution must be “freely adopted by the German people”.

            Nevertheless, although the amended Basic Law was approved by all four Allied Powers in 1990 (who thereby relinquished their reserved constitutional rights), it was never submitted to a popular vote, neither in 1949 nor in 1990..

            So you can shove your European democratic values up your Arschloch, you sausage-eating twat!


        2. “If your country would be in a war and struggles for its independence …”

          This tends to be an American way of expressing the subjunctive mood. That might suggest there is more to Weiser Army than his being an Osti. Of course we would say “If your country were in a war and were struggling for its independence …” or “If your country were in a war struggling for its independence …”.


          1. It is also what Germans literally say, using the subjunctive of the auxiliary verb werden rather than the subjunctive of the verb whose mood one wishes not to express in the indicative.

            However, most Germans would say:

            Wenn dein Land in einem Krieg wäre . . .

            Literally: “If your country in a war were …” using the subjunctive of sein [to be].

            [subordinate clause word order — verb at the end of the clause]

            rather than:

            Wenn dein Land in einem Krieg sein würde

            A German is far more likely to use the subjunctive of sein in such an instance.

            WeiserArmy IS a German.

            I have been reading his tweets — all in German.

            He is probably aping that debased English that he hears many USA citizens speaking.

            I should add, however, that many speakers of the Queen’s English use “would” in such an uneducated fashion, most notably, in my experience, Brummies — natives of Birmingham and the West Midlands in general, e.g. If I would be you, I would say I’m sorry.


            1. I would go to Germany tomorrow if I could. If I went to Germany tomorrow, my wife would be very surprised.

              In German either:

              Ich würde morgen nach Deutschland fahren, wenn ich könnte. Wenn ich morgen nach Deutschland fahren würde, würde meine Frau sehr überrascht sein.


              Ich würde morgen nach Deutschland fahren, wenn ich könnte. Wenn ich morgen nach Deutschland fuhre, wäre meine Frau sehr überrascht.


  14. Of interest (bit busy lately but appreciate the ongoing comments on this thread when I can)

    • Guardian’s Fake ‘Kremlin Papers’ Bombshell Points to Russiagate Origins – Alexander Mercouris

    Try not to switch off each time you hear the name “Luke Harding”.


    1. The very mention of his name causes me to be overcome by waves of nausea.

      I am sure he is a hired hand of UK state security.

      He’s a faffing, waffling twat as well. I once watched him trying to take on the deceased and much lamented by many Professor Cohen in New York.

      Harding epitomizes the mannerisms of an archetypal fumbling, bumbling inbred twat of a bourgeois Englishman.

      I do not believe for one moment he is a journalist, and if he is, then he is a total waste of kit.

      He’s an MI6 stooge for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yeah, and there was the time when that sharp witted bloke with a Froggy surname really made a monkey of Harding, and Harding repeatedly bleated back “But you’ve never been there! I know what it’s like in Russia: I’ve lived there!”

        That was when KGB FSB operatives were sneaking around his Moscow apartment, where they left his window open.

        The meaning was obvious, according to the dickhead: they were giving him notice that they would throw his children out of the window.

        They, the Russians, also left a sex-guidance book on his bedside table, claims Harding.

        Harding did not explain the obvious meaning of this action: he can’t get a hard-on.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yeah, and one night, a woman knocked on his apartment door. When he opened it, she just turned around and walked away without saying a word.

            The meaning was obvious.

            She wanted to see what a real English dickhead looks like.

            Liked by 1 person

  15. I pledge my undying subservience to you oh lord and master.


    The kneeling incident reportedly took place while Biden was meeting in the White House with soon-to-be retired Israeli president Reuven Rivlin. Rivlin was doing something like his victory lap, having presumably completed his term of office without being charged with corruption, which is what the Jewish state’s leaders have traditionally been noted for.

    Words fail me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shoe lace, sock? His foot is at a funny angle. As usual, a single still out of what looks like a mobile footage can mean whatever you want it to mean, so I call bs on this one!


      1. He fell and they offered no assistance or he was kneeling or he was tying his shoes. The authenticity of the picture has not been questioned. The most likely explanation is that Biden is daft.


  16. Britain’s Secretary for Health, Sajid Javid , tests positive for COVID-19 after having been double-jabbed with Astra-Zeneca. This amid entreaties by Britain’s public-health leaders for BoJo to keep the COVID restrictions in effect until the coronavirus goes away. Until the only people still working are public-health officials and transit workers, apparently.


    Uh huh; the vaccines are our way back to normal, and they are working a treat.

    ‘Trust leaders’ – ha, ha! I didn’t mean to laugh, but who are those people? Are there any left in Britain? It is plain that the public-health Nazis are the very worst community the government could ever have put in charge, the country would be better off run by the Motor Guild, or the Tropical Fish Fanciers. If it is left up to public health zealots of the world we will be bathing in sanitizer and donning PPE for every appearance outside the home until the judgment trump. Fire the lot, is my advice.


    1. Uh huh; the vaccines are our way back to normal, and they are working a treat.

      Simple probability theory. If the vaccine is 90% effective then 10 out of every 100 can still catch it. It’s good for the health minister to really get a first hand exposure to the NHS, etc., workings of infection control.


      1. If the vaccine is 90% effective against COVID-19, that means everyone in a given population can still get the disease regardless of the percentage of people vaccinated. The vaccinated are 90% less likely to be affected by the disease than the unvaccinated. Pfizer and Astra Zeneca have never claimed their vaccines will protect vaccinated from getting the disease.


        1. I cannot remember whether I posted this earlier, but the Moscow CSKA footie players have got it right:

          EVERY player from Russian soccer team CSKA Moscow refused to vaccinate against Covid-19 due to high levels of antibodies — reports
          16 Jul, 2021 12:44



          Mrs. Exile went for he second Covid injection (I refuse to use the baby-talk expression “jab”!) yesterday.

          She has not stopping nagging me for weeks about my not having the injection.

          That’s one reason why I am now living in reclusion here out in the badlands. She’s over 50 miles away in Moscow.



          1. She’s had it done! Sent me a happy selfie taken in our local and otherwise cordoned off to the general public Taganskiy Park, where the sheeple assemble to receive their non-compulsory injections.

            Non-compulsory, that is, apart from the fact that the arsehole of a director of the school where my wife works has told his staff that they shall be dismissed from employment if they have not had a Covid injection.

            Moscow Gauleiter Sobyanin, however, announced yesterday that his earlier announced restriction of entry to bars, clubs, restaurants etc. of those without a QR code proving that they have been obedient and received the Covid injection has now been lifted.

            My wife says she feels fine this second time: no adverse reaction to the junk they’ve squirted into her.


    2. Not sure what the vaccine mix is in San Marino, but initially they were too tiny to get any other vaccines so they used Sputnik V. There has been no Delta surge like elsewhere in Europe:


      Everyone is either going to get infected or vaccinated by this virus. It does look like the Delta surge in cases in the UK is not translating to a lot of hospitalizations. India is younger and they still ran out of simple things like beds and oxygen because the population was too virginal.


      1. Everyone is either going to get infected or vaccinated by this virus.

        No, not necessarily. If we hit whatever that magic number needed for herd immunity then the few remaining un-vaccinated are usually protected though sheer bad luck may mean one of them will get it.

        This is what led to the USA and Canada being effectively measles–free for years until that corrupt, evil, POS, Andrew Wakefield published that fraud of a paper and set off the rabid antivaxers like Robert Kenndy Jr.

        We were back to measles outbreaks in Canada, the US and the same thing happened in the UK–South Wales maybe?. BTW, WHO reports 140,000 deaths from measles in 2018 so it is not a trivial disease.


        1. Between those who recovered from Covid (IIRC, over 100 million Americans) and those vaccinated, herd immunity likely has been achieved except possibly in localized areas. Michigan has removed all mandatory Covid-related restrictions as the rate of infections were from zero to a few per day.

          Herd immunity would have been achieved without vaccination and may have been achieved months earlier if not for the draconian lockdown mandates. Just me two cents.


          1. Between those who recovered from Covid (IIRC, over 100 million Americans) and those vaccinated, herd immunity likely has been achieved

            I have not looked at US figures very closely but I doubt the US or Canada are there. Just guessing but I think we probably need 90% or so with the new delta variant. Measles assumes a need for 95% but it apparently is the most contagious airborne virus and the D**$ thing can hang around for something like half-an-hour after the carrier has left.


        2. Once again – and I have yet to see this satisfactorily addressed – it would be easy to believe in the magic of the vaccine technology, even allowing that the companies who produce it are for-profit outfits with a clear motive to agitate for wide acceptance, but for one thing. Those who speak out against the vaccines include noted virologists and career medical professionals whose training and skills must be believed to be equal to those who champion the jabby-jabs. It’s not just all the white-coats on one side of the line, and all the foaming loonies on the other. If you’re going to adopt ‘follow the science’ as your mantra, what of the science that says mRNA technology is too much too soon, and that the proper testing was simply pole-vaulted over? Are they all kooks? One won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2008 – is he a nutjob?


          Likewise indisputable is the US government appealing to the American social-media giants to silence that body of knowledge, on the grounds that it is ‘spreading disinformation’.


          Don’t listen to the bad doctors. Only listen to the good doctors. Follow the science.

          Wear a mask that you could not use to dispense herbicides or paint your car inside an unventilated space to protect you (and ‘your community’) from a deadly virus, although viral particles are much smaller than paint or herbicides, which are visible to the naked eye. Limit your ‘gatherings’ to just your immediate family, because of some modeling done by Alberta – whoops, don’t follow the science there, because there isn’t any.

          Keep two meters apart, because scientists arrived at that distance through careful application of…well, science, and so…follow the science. Oh, whoops, there was no science there, either.


          Hang on a moment; perhaps Nicholas Jones, from Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care, and his colleagues are all anti-vaxxer nutters, and their advice can be laughingly discounted. In favour of, yes, computer modeling by Ian Ferguson. Because he’s a fucking DOCTOR, that’s why.

          Do you see why otherwise-rational people might assume something odd is going on, and that doing what seemingly everyone is pressuring them to do might be unwise? I do. Especially considering the whole ‘pandemic’ thing has also been modeled several times in several different ways, including in 2017 with “The SPARS Pandemic”, set for the future. Take a moment to watch how this communications exercise gamed vaccine hesitancy and how to overcome it. Coincidence? I suppose it could be. Follow the science!


          1. . It’s not just all the white-coats on one side of the line, and all the foaming loonies on the other.

            Well there may be one or two non-foaming loonies on that side. Almost all are batshit crazy one way or another. There are any number of formerly good researchers who have done a Luc Montagnier[1] as they have gotten older, some have $$ signs in their eyes and some probably were pretty flaky or conspiracy prone and this has put them over the edge.

            Oh, whoops, there was no science there, either.
            Sometimes it’s a best educated guess and those guesses can be wrong. Remember, as the saying goes, “Science does not know everything. If it did we’d quit doing it””

            Have you seen the latest, great, Ivermectin paper to get retracted? Except that it got a lot of cites and inclusion in at least two meta-analyses it would be absolutely hilarious.

            However these assholes are endangering lives. Here is a reference just to the data problems, there’s lots more. Some problems in the dataset of a large study of Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19

            That often seems to be the type of thing the foaming loonies publish. I really like that term.

            On the other hand a lot of very good research that originally supported Treatment X or Drug Y just gets disproven or corrected over time as more research accumulates.

            The early work on hydroxychloroquine from China was preliminary and had some holes but given the state of our knowledge was well worth pursuing. Then it got taken over by foaming loonie, Didier Raoult ,who botched a trial (being very charitable here) and went full bore nuts.

            1. This is known as “Going Nobel” when a highly distinguished Nobel-winning scientist suddenly starts endorsing astrology or Scientology.


            1. I know professor who would sell his mother for a juicy grant. And where is the money in Covid research directed to and by whom? I should think that the answers are obvious. I would leave you to consider this:


              Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

              here is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.

              Science, at its best, reports facts free of recommendations. “Follow the science” is BS as science does not form policy. That is done by money – end of discussion. To believe anything else is lunacy.


            2. Ah, yes; I suppose I should have known it was the well-documented ‘Nobel Whacko’ syndrome. Although I cannot help wondering how whacko he would be made to look if he shilled for the vaccines like so many other public figures are doing, despite there being no clinical data on their long-term effects or efficacy – other than that provided by the manufacturers, and by fudging the numbers, which is the very antithesis of science.

              7,000 dead now in the United States, from adverse vaccine effects, according to the notorious VAERS database. Some say that is a small fraction of the actual numbers, but even if it is dead-on accurate, you’d think that would scare people; Americans had a fit when the numbers killed in Iraq went over 4,000. And another 17,000 or so in Europe. But the medical and public-health communities do not seem to be noticeably upset, so I suppose we should just trust the science. And the ‘fact-checkers’ who say there is no reason to suspect those people died from getting the vaccine, just because they died after getting vaccinated, although that criteria was quite satisfactory for COVID deaths.

              So be it, then; the lines are drawn.


      2. “… India is younger and they still ran out of simple things like beds and oxygen because the population was too virginal.”

        Since May 2021, there’s been a tremendous drop in the number of daily new cases of COVID-19 in India.

        The poorest states in India (as determined by their GDP) are the northeastern states (the ones north of Bangladesh attached to the rest of India by a skinny neck of territory if you look at a map of India), Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Yet so far these states have not had very many cases of COVID-19 compared to wealthier states like Maharashtra and Kerala. The southern parts of India suffered quite badly and these states together are not that poor or underdeveloped: Karnataka is the state where the Indian govt under Indira Gandhi originally launched the country’s space program back in the 1960s and this laid the foundation for the state’s IT industry. Maharashtra is also not a poor state though I can imagine the gap between the richest and the poorest people there would be insanely huge.

        The northeastern states may have escaped the worst of the pandemic by being remote from the rest of the country. Other poor states may also have escaped by sheer luck in their demographics, with the young less likely to suffer than the old, and poor rural folks not having chronic metabolic issues like heart disease, obesity and diabetes that would undermine one’s COVID-19 survival chances, and not living in crowded conditions in cities with high levels of air pollution and other exposure to toxic chemicals and chronic diseases. Chhattisgarh on the other hand has fared badly even though most of its people live in rural areas and poor access to health services, along with inadequate healthcare infrastructures, probably is to blame. The point is that for every state in India, the COVID-19 situation is different and doesn’t always correspond to the level of wealth or development in that state.


    1. I sent my old workmate the link below to the Washington Post opinion piece that is embedded in the Moon of Alabama article linked above.

      The Washington Post opinion piece:


      My old mate and his wife visited me when they were in Moscow in August 2020. They had decided to take a river cruise vacation here, their cruise starting in St. Petersburg and ending here in Moscow.

      My wife and I met my old pal and his wife on Manezh Square in the centre of Moscow.

      I had not seen him since 1985. We both had previously worked underground at the same coal mine.

      My old pal is 4 years younger than I am. He left school at 15 years of age and joined his father “down the pit”. He is not an “educated man” such as is, say, Oxford University educated Luke Harding; he is, however not stupid.

      Compared to the present education system, it is my firm opinion that state education in the UK was far superior when my old workmate and I went to school. Steven, my old workmate, is not semi-literate and uneducated as it seems to me many present day British school leavers are, despite the fact that many now finish school in the UK when they are 18.

      Anyway, I emailed Steven the above link to the Washington Post opinion piece that describes Russia and China as uncivilized nations and asked him whether he had got the impression when here that Russia is indeed “uncivilized”.

      His reply:

      18 July 2021
      Certainly not, we have not visted China so can’t comment on them and l don’t take on board what the media over here says.. (Just look at the record of how this lot over here twist the news.)

      Anyway, enough of that!!!

      When we visited Russia, albeit on holiday, we were greeted better then in any other countries that we have visited, namely the USA, France and Italy, to name but a few.

      During our visit, I observed the infrastructure and it is excellent: the architecture is a treat and the upkeep could put a lot of European countries and cities to shame..

      The streets were clear of litter, no evidence of any graffiti, especially in the Metro. Just look at London, Paris and New York! It’s everywhere.

      The feeling that comes through, is how the people are proud: proud of the present and certainly proud of the past.

      The guides on board the boat were all native Russians, as were the guides throughout our stay and they all showed their enthusiasm and encouragement for their country.

      Yes, we would certainly visit again, with knowing a little more about both St Petersburg and Moscow but the cost of getting a visa is an obstacle…

      About Henry Kissinger: who the fuck would take him on? I remember his rhetoric over Vietnam. Enough said about him!


      1. I feel I should add, however, that Steven, when writing such praise about Russia and its peoples, was and is still blissfully ignorant of the scandalous fact that homosexuals are not allowed to marry here.

        I shall not go into detail about “gender issues” here — better said, the absence thereof.


      2. The correlation between education and intelligence/comprehension is close to none. I would go further – education as applied in the Western world is intended to limit thought and awareness. It can be downright evil.

        The degradation in public education noted in the UK mirrors the US experience. However, the US is developing a perfect solution by declaring intellectually challenging subjects such as mathematics as inherently racist. Problem solved.


  17. An old workmate of mine emailed me yesterday about a documentary he had just watched in the UK about the battle of Kursk. He said it was surprisingly unbiased towards the Red Army victory. He was particularly interested to have found out that the battle at Prokhorovka, allegedly the largest clash of armour ever, took place on his birthday, 12 July.

    No, he wasn’t born in 1943, but 10 years later.

    So I then checked out on the Internet so as to find the most recent documentary on that battle.

    At the top of the Google search list was a USA documentary.

    It begins with “Few have heard of the Battle of Kursk. It was probably the decisive battle of WWII [right] and took place in the heart of Ukraine” [wrong!]

    Jesus Christ on a bike!

    Kursk is in RUSSIA — in 1943, in the RSFSR and not the UkSSR!

    And in English, it’s THE Ukraine!

    What shites they are who make documentaries about things they know very little about!

    Furthermore, the narrator in this documentary stated that German preparations for the battle had lasted for 3 months but the fighting was over in 2 weeks.

    The battle, in fact, a slogging match if ever there was one, lasted for 50 days!

    According to my calculations, that’s 7 weeks and 1 day.

    I’ve been past the Kursk battlefield several times on the train. It’s next to the Moscow-Kiev mainline. For about 20 miles the line skirts the easternmost edge of the battlefield and you regularly pass tank parks and monuments — and Red Army cemeteries. It’s very sad really.

    Travelling south, I’ve often looked out west through the windows towards the horizon and thought what horrors must have taken place there.

    The battle was around the perimeter of a huge Red Army salient that jutted out west with the city of Kursk at its centre. The village of Prokhorovka is to the south of the salient.

    Whenever I hear Western shitwits who still try to peddle the myth that the Germans were beaten by the Russian winter, I always ask “Which one?”

    There were 4 winters when the bastards were in the Soviet Union. And I always say to them: “Yeah, it must have been fucking cold in July 1943 when the Germans got well and truly hammered at Kursk!”

    I used to live not very far from Kursk. It gets very hot there in summer. And yes, it can also get bloody cold in winter.


    1. Few have heard of the Battle of Kursk
      If the program was aimed at citizens, few will have heard of the USSR and fewer could find it or Russia on maps.

      I was having a beer and talking with a pleasant young couple from New York State a few years ago in a village about 100km from Ottawa Ontario, (wife–teacher, husband–engineer) who had been visiting the area for several years.

      They seemed surprised to hear that Ottawa was the capital of Canada.


    2. Western leaders knew of the importance of the German defeat at Kursk. Thinking about the outcome of WW II switched from a Nazi/Western victory to managing an adverse outcome (i.e. a defeat of Nazi German). This new strategy was most visible in how Britain was managing Yugoslavia. and in particular the genocide of Serbs by Croatia and protection of assets that would be valuable in fighting the SU after military hostilities ended.


    1. And what was the test used? The PCR test? And how many cycles did they run it at? 40+? A rock could test positive under those circumstances. There is plainly a herding effect going on here, shepherding everyone toward vaccination by using two different testing methods to create the appearance of a pandemic raging unchecked among the unvaccinated, but successfully damped down among the vaccinated.

      One more time; the CDC announced, in its published guidelines, that it is no longer necessary to report ‘new cases’ of coronavirus if the infected person is vaccinated UNLESS they die or are hospitalized.

      “As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.”


      Nobody knows with any degree of certainty how many ‘new cases’ there are among the vaccinated because the CDC, by its own admission, is no longer following them unless they result in death or hospitalization. It is quite well known that the very great majority of ‘new cases’ – indicated by a positive test run at God knows how many cycles – did not result in death or hospitalization for the vaccinated or unvaccinated. But ‘new cases’ are still being reported among the unvaccinated, and the test requirements are unchanged, which naturally creates the impression that only unvaccinated people are getting sick.

      The control freaks have stumbled onto a gold mine, an illness they can turn on or off at will to manipulate the course of any event, and which cannot be ignored. If you don’t want it to happen, presto! Outbreak.

      I personally could not care less about the Olympics, and it would not bother me if they were never held again, they have become just another extension of politics. But COVID is going to be used to manipulate events forever – it will never go away, and no country will ever reach herd immunity, through vaccination or otherwise. It’s too useful as a tool of power, and governments love how terrified the people are of it; they can spend pretty much anything they like as long as they rationalize that it is for fighting COVID or compensating some sector which got fucked over by it.

      Also, they keep fudging the numbers depending on what they want to achieve; I saw figures in the paper today (I think it was the National Post) which claimed there is a hard wall in Canada of 10% which will not accept vaccination under any circumstances, and another 10% who are ‘vaccination-hesitant’ but who might be persuaded if they could only hit on the right means of worming through their defenses. But Trudeau claimed only a couple of days ago that 87% of Canadians have received at least one dose, and another story in the same paper said that figure was only 67%. 20% unvaccinated fits neither of those scenarios. The National Post – quoting Biden in his ‘there is a pandemic of unvaccinated’ croaking – said that under half of Americans are completely vaccinated. But they think they might open the Canada/US border, what? July 21st?


  18. TASS: Russian tech firm launches work on sixth-generation engine for combat aircraft

    At the moment, Russia is developing fifth-generation engines, which are item 30 for the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter and the Item RF for the prospective aviation complex for long-range aviation

    Russia’s United Engine Corporation (part of the state tech corporation Rostec) is launching R&D work on the sixth-generation engine for combat aircraft, United Engine Corporation Deputy CEO for Strategy Mikhail Remizov told TASS on Friday.

    “Now work is starting in several promising areas: the technologies of the sixth-generation engine, a combined powerplant, and the more electric engine technology. The R&D effort on the sixth-generation demonstrator engine technology has been included in the long-term work schedule of the United Engine Corporation and our applications for state program financing,” he said.

    A government decision and state financing will be required for the work on developing the sixth-generation engine, the deputy chief executive said.

    Russia is currently developing fifth-generation engines: Item 30 for the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter and the Item RF for the prospective aviation complex for long-range aviation (PAK DA).

    ‘Variable cycle’ engine amongst other things?


    BMPD: Перспективный легкий истребитель ЛТС в Жуковском

    Как сообщают споттеры, 15 июля 2021 года на аэродром АО «Летно-исследовательский институт имени М.М. Громова» в подмосковном Жуковском был доставлен закутанный в черный брезент полноразмерный макет (или все-таки первый опытно-экспериментальный образец?) российского перспективного легкого однодвигательного истребителя пятого поколения, разрабатываемого ПАО «Компания «Сухой» (в составе АО «Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация»), по, предположительно, программе ЛТС («Легкий тактический самолет»)…

    It strikes me that India would be ideal for it. It has no replacement for its retired Mig-21s and it would be a much more affordable way of rebuilding squadron strength etc. As the new plane will probably have derived systems from the Su-57 and other modern stuff, it should be popular, particularly those that don’t want to buy China’s JF-17 which has been popular as a low cost (non-US) fighter aircraft. I can see Russia doing quite well for export with this. Others around the web have made similar comments.


  19. Re young Mr Protasevich, the media seems to have lost interest in the fate of the freedom fighting journalist. The latest update of the Wikipedia article has

    “ On 7 July 2021, Protasevich was provided an internet connection and he created a Twitter account, where he stated that he stayed together with Sapega in a private house outside the city and denied that he was tortured by the KGB.[50] According to Reuters, journalists were “unable to verify whether the account belonged to Protasevich or whether he was drafting his comments unassisted”.[51]”


    1. According to Reuters, journalists were “unable to verify whether the account belonged to Protasevich or whether he was drafting his comments unassisted”.

      Of course not. The only way you can tell that is if he is bitching about the cruelty of the people’s lot and the decadence of the Emperor. He would never fake that. Who gets a twitter account to tell you that life is peachy? No money in that.


  20. Euractiv: Charles Michel heralds more EU involvement in the South Caucasus

    European Council President Charles Michel will attend a regional summit in the Georgian Black Sea city of Batumi on Monday (19 July), after a weekend visit of Armenia and Azerbaijan, in what appears as an attempt to keep the region closer to the EU. EURACTIV reports from Batumi.

    ‘honest broker.’ Yes dear! Surely if that were the case he would be also visiting the friendly dicatator that Brussels has no problems with in Baku. Michel give the impression of moving a lot to distract you from nothing actually happening but a bunch of words with ‘EU’ and ‘Brussels’ in them.


  21. Sputnik

    Russian Ship Building Nord Stream 2 Ditches Danish Waters, Arrives in German EEZ to Continue Work
    19 July 2021 15:24


    Sputnik journalist’s misuse of English.

    Why “ditches”?

    Why not just simply “leaves”.

    “Ditches” implies “abandons”, or in the context of aviation, means an aircraft “landing” on the surface of the sea in the hope that its passengers may quickly disembark and be rescued, or an aircraft crashing uncontrollably into the sea and breaking up.

    Whatever — go to hell “freedom molecules”.


  22. Gilbert Doctorow: Mikhail Bulgakov, “Master and Margarita” and the anti-Russian hysteria in the United States

    I write to you today from Helsinki, this summer’s vacation destination chosen not only because Scandinavia is enjoying an usually warm and sunny season, unlike Central Europe even putting aside the latest, once in five hundred years devastating floods that have struck Germany and Belgium; not only because the White Nights, even in these final weeks, lend a magical quality to the trip, when we can enjoy 20 hours gazing at the calm sea that stretches out below our balcony; …

    Much more at the link.

    And So say all of us.


  23. Is anyone enjoying the media at the moment? There are two gigantic hacking narratives competing at the same time.

    1: A ‘private’ i-Sreali’s companies’ spyware used by our favorite dictators in the Gulf, elsewhere and Hungary to spy on policians, journalists and whatever;

    and 2: CHINA HACKED MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVERS! I feel sorry for the Guardian considering they are a state captured vessel and having to report both without sucking lemons.

    This is extraordinary. I suspect that the ‘China hacking’ story was supposed to get full court press but by hook or by crook, someone went full NSO spread which is not in Da Establshment’s interests.

    From a PR/propaganda perspective, this looks like a disaster (for us). Even readers thinking ‘we’re as bad as each other’ is a loss (for us). It breeds apathy and a ‘pox on both your houses.’ I know we jumped the shark years ago on ‘Russia/China want to take our freedumbs away,’ but has the shark (with laser attached) jumping finally reached critical mass? This extraordinary year is long from over.

    BTW, the new Sukhoi lightweight tactical fighter will be publicly revealed at 00:00 tonight (Moscow time?).


        1. Thanks. As usual, typing and posting too fast. A better habit would be to put the tags in first and then the content.


      1. Thanks PO. I think I saw it already over at BMPD. The Warzone is on my list of ‘decent and interesting, but almost unquestioning of official sources.’


  24. RT.com: Shocking leaked files once again expose BBC as insidious UK foreign policy tool

    A newly released raft of government papers has revealed the British Broadcasting Corporation’s extensive involvement in spreading pro-London, pro-EU, and pro-NATO messaging across the Balkans.

    In February, classified documents revealed that BBC Media Action (BBCMA), the ‘charitable arm’ of the British state broadcaster, was embroiled in a number of clandestine operations to “weaken the Russian state’s influence,” funded by the UK Foreign Office…

    I’m surprised that anyone is surprised by this. The west has been financing ‘correct media’ in the Balkans for decades through charity rubrics (tax free?/transparency evasion/degree of separation). If you look a some sites you will see syndicated media from the likes of the BBC in the local language – aka ‘tailored content’ and know it certainly isn’t financed by the target country.

    What usually happens is that such ‘sponsorships’ of small outlets are commercialized after a period of time (subscription) to save money Balkan Insight amongst others but the conclusion is always the same, training young media professionals to think and behave like us coz its the only way, and as they move up in their national media industries they spread ‘good practice’ and naturally sympathetic views of the west. To what degree this successfully happens is the question. It reminds me of the military training schemes that sponsor foreign soldiers/whatever to come over and learn ‘our techniques’ and as we have been told more recently ‘respect for human rights,’ yet judging from the past they often go home and discard the alien/anglicized/western bits. You see this generally with foreign univeristy students too. They have a good time abroad, but back home…


      1. Bloody Bulgaria!

        Rescued by the Russian Empire from the tender loving care of the Ottoman Empire and its civilian murdering rapist “irregular” auxiliaries the Bashi Bazouks, whereupon Bulgaria rewarded Russia by not only joining the Central Powers in WWI and the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941, but more recently by stymying a Russian gas-line project for the Balkans. This latter Bulgaria did as an act of suck-holing to the EU, which in its turn was simply following USA orders.


  25. Russian Aviation: Wings completely built of Russian composites have been installed to МС-21-300

    In July 14 2021, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (part of UAC of Rostec State Corporation) finished installing the left wing panel to the fuselage of МС-21-300 airliner. The right wing panel and center section were also installed earlier.

    The aircraft is intended for delivery to the first customer….

    …The wing is manufactured using unique vacuum infusion technology, patented in Russia…

    Well thanks must be given to the USA for banning US composite materials to Russia. If I recall correctly the -300 version is powered by P&W and the -310 version is the Russian PD-14.

    Russian Aviation: Russian government approves talks with US on sales of RD-181 rocket engines

    …Also, the US partner must guarantee that Antares rockets powered by Russian-made engines will not be used for launches of defense and military spacecraft.


    Not Agreement Capable.


    1. I’m sure years ago (back in the 1990s) we had an incident here in Australia where an elephant escaped from a zoo or circus in Melbourne and hid in the bush for several days. The elephant really was hard to find. The searchers only found her among the gum trees when she had to move (from standing too long).


        1. As it turned out, the weightlifter travelled 200 km from his base in Izumisano in northern Osaka prefecture down to Nagoya and then travelled another 40 km to Yokkaichi where he was found by authorities in a small Ugandan community already living there. So he must have found out very quickly that there were Ugandan people already living in Japan and in an area not too far from where his team was based.


          1. I wonder what employment Ugandans find in Japan?

            Perhaps something to do with importing blooms. They export loads of flowers from there to the Amsterdam flower market, whence they are distributed throughout Europe and even to the semi-Asiatic wastes of distant Mordor.


  26. RT

    Photos of senior Russian traffic policeman’s large luxurious palace go viral after local cop ‘mafia’ arrested over bribery charges
    20 July 2021, 15:03 GMT


    I wonder why Team Navalny hadn’t already sussed the thieving corrupt bastard out?

    I suppose the bent cop’s mansion never aroused their suspicions

    And also, the cop isn’t a government minister or one of the Tyrant’s inner circle.

    Bear in mind, the Navalny anti-corruption sleuths never exposed the former furniture store director turned Minister of Defence and his floozy.

    “Campaign for the Struggle Against Corruption” my arse!


    1. Yes, there’s always a golden toilet seat, isn’t there? The watermark of the true dictator. I didn’t realize the colour of people’s toilet seats was such a reliable barometer of their familial corruption. I suppose it’s boring to mention that the subject has a white toilet seat, because of course it can’t be made of solid gold – would anyone want a lead toilet seat? When you get up in the middle of the night and stagger to the loo, bursting for a piss, do you want to – if you’re a man – go through the vein-popping ritual of raising the seat so the next user does not have to sit in your urine? I’m guessing not. If you figure two gold ingots would probably go into the making of an average toilet seat, you have a seat that weighs something like 50 pounds; a ‘good-delivery’ gold bar weighs 400 troy ounces, or 27.4 pounds, and it’s only 7 inches by 3 inches.


      What kind of cheapskate would you be if you were only gold-plating your toilet seat? Not to be crude, but the average toilet seat sees quite a lot of traffic, and it would not be long before the leaf was peeling off – what would your guests think? Are you maybe telling me they’re just gold-COLOURED, and consequently the average plug could easily afford one? Say it ain’t so!

      Solid gold would be the way to go to impress, and I suppose if you’re that rich you could also afford a powerlifter to stand by the toilet to raise the seat for you when you need to whizz, any time, day or night. Actually you would probably need two, to ensure round-the-clock coverage. Big muscular men need to eat, and eating over the toilet is just yukky.


      1. The toilet featured in the bathroom photo that State Duma MP Alexander Khinshtein posted on his Telegram social media account looks like this plumbing fixture from Royal Toiletry. The advertisement describes the lid and seat as “slow-close”, meaning that when you start to lower them from the vertical (you only need to tap them or move them a bit), they move down slowly by themselves. Special hinges attaching them to the bowl allow this so there is no slamming that would cause either lid or seat to crack. Some models of “slow-close” toilet lids and seats have hinges that allow removal so they can be taken off for cleaning or replacement.

        The other option the corrupt police officer could have had is a Japanese model that warms the seat for you, plays music (and gives you a choice of music or nature sounds to play) and cleans and perfumes your bum when you’ve finished.


    2. One of the reasons I think foreign press suck ass is that they peddle the line that only Nav-lany is ‘exposing corruption’ when there’s the likes of RAPSI News (it’s even in english too).* The Pork Pie News Networks are so invested in their own Russia bs that they won’t even look any further unless it is ‘opposition/whatever’ stuff pointed out, sic Furgal.

      * https://rapsinews.com/


  27. WSJ: US-German Nord Stream 2 Deal Announced Wednesday
    A possible agreement between Washington and Berlin on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project will be a disaster for the United States.

    According to the newspaper, the American administration will move away from its position of opposing the gas pipeline project.

    Germany, in turn, will commit itself to helping The Ukraine with energy projects and diplomacy.

    Merkel, for her part, said that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline should not be a substitute for gas transit through Ukraine.




    Senator calls the Nord Stream 2 gas deal a disaster for the United States
    July 21, 2021
    Moscow. 21 July. INTERFAX.RU – A possible deal, reached between the United States and Germany on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, will be a victory for Russia and a disaster for the United States and its allies, said Republican Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    On July 13, 2021, Putin indicated to the world that the Russian Federation will fully fulfill the contract for the supply of gas through Ukraine.

    “If the messages and details of the deal are accurate, it will be a geopolitical victory for (Russian President Vladimir – IF) Putin a generation ahead and a disaster for the United States and our allies”, Cruise said in a statement posted on his website.

    “President (Joe – IF) Biden defies US laws and has completely surrendered to Putin”, he said.

    In his opinion, “Europe will continue to be subject to Russian energy blackmail”.


    Сенатор назвал сделку по газопроводу “Северный поток 2” катастрофой для США



    1. Yes, Kuh-yiv, we want you to button your lip and take one for the team. Don’t worry, Uncle Sam will be watching for the first signs of Moscow using energy as a weapon against Ukraine, and you better believe we will bitch-slap Vlad into next week if we see any of that shit. There’ll be….let’s see….oh, I know! Sanctions! And consequences, and stuff.

      Riddle me this, Washington – Kuh-yiv has said it is completely independent, and does not want any Russian gas. Is proud of ‘not using any’, in fact. So what if that’s what it gets? How is that using energy as a weapon? Russia should continue transiting gas it sells to a third party across an enemy country, where it is increasingly vulnerable? What businessman would do that if he didn’t have to?

      The Yoo-nited States can do nothing short of declaring war to stop Nord Stream II, so now it is posturing and trying to create the appearance of managing the whole process. You do this. You, over there; you do that. I’m in charge, and I make the decisions, thank you. It would be a mistake to sell the Americans short, though; having failed to dent the Russians, they will now set to work on Germany, trying to build a coalition with opposition politicians to so over-regulate the flow through Nord Stream II that the Russians will give up in exasperation. Quitters, they’re not, and the aim is to preserve transit through Ukraine. It won’t work, but ‘E’ for effort.


      1. Нуланд заявила, что США достигли соглашения с Германией по “Северному потоку – 2”

        Nuland says the US has reached an agreement with Germany on Nord Stream 2
        21 July 2021


        WASHINGTON, July 21. / TASS /. The United States of America and Germany have reached an agreement on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline — details to be announced in the coming hours. This was announced on Wednesday by the US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, speaking at a hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

        “We imposed significant sanctions in May on an additional 19 organizations, and we also imposed sanctions on the [pipeline] operator and employees, but we suspended them in the interest of seeing if we could get Germany to work with us, the Ukraine and Poland on the issue of the consequences and vulnerabilities that this pipeline creates for the Ukraine,”, Nuland said.
        “We have not taken any action to [force] the Ukraine to remain silent. The Ukraine is a sovereign country and speaks for itself”, the diplomat said, commenting on the Politico newspaper article about Washington’s alleged demand for Kiev to stop criticizing the pipeline.

        “Today we will publish the agreement that we have reached with the German government. I can provide you with a number of details here”, she said.

        Details of agreements

        According to Nuland, within the framework of agreements with the United States on the Nord Stream 2 project, Germany has undertaken to seek the development of pan-European sanctions against Moscow in the event of aggressive steps by Russia against the Ukraine.

        “Among other things, Germany has pledged to take measures at the national level, as well as to seek the application of effective measures at the European level, including sanctions, to limit Russia’s export potential to Europe in the energy sector if Russia tries to use energy resources as a weapon or commits further aggressive acts against the Ukraine. This is one aspect of this agreement”, she said.

        In addition, Nuland noted, Berlin, within the framework of the agreement with Washington on Nord Stream 2, had agreed to support the extension of the agreement on the transit of energy carriers between Russia and the Ukraine, which expires in 2024. The United States is seeking to extend this agreement for 10 years, said the deputy head of American diplomacy. “Another aspect of the agreement is support for the extension of the transit agreement between Russia and the Ukraine. As you know, it expires in 2024. We will seek with all the levers of influence for an additional 10 years for the Ukraine,”, Nuland said.

        Finally, she explained, the agreement involves the provision of financial assistance to the Ukraine by Germany and the United States in order to diversify the sources of Kiev’s energy resources. “More broadly, however, we need to work together to reduce the Ukraine’s dependence — both its economic dependence on transit [Russian energy] and its own dependence on Russian [natural] gas”, the undersecretary of state said. She promised that when Washington publishes the details of the agreement with Berlin in the next few hours, it will include, among other things, “significant efforts” by the United States and Germany to diversify energy sources “for the Ukraine”. The United States and Germany will fix “specific amounts in dollars and euros” for these purposes, Nuland added.

        But the Ukraine says it doesn’t want Moskali gas, you fucking slag!


        1. The the Ukraine project is winding down. Donbass will ascend to join Russia. What remains of the Ukraine will be sold off to Western interests and the population will scatter. It will be the first example of the devolution of a large and modern state – like the deurbanization of Detroit but far worse. No one will rescue what is left including Russia. The only question is how much of the Ukraine will join Russia.


          1. It may go down as Russia gaining the Donbass and adjacent regions with other border countries getting their piece. That way, it could be cast as not a victory for Russia and those countries gaining land area, resources and population will be all in. What will not fly is the Ukraine without the Donbass – that would be a clear Russian victory (its a victory either way but appearances count). I don’t think that there can be any other future for that land areas formerly known as the Ukraine. Time will tell.


            1. Well it’s the done thing to call Belorussia “Belarus”, so how about reverting to something like “Malarus” for the former Малороссия — “Little Russia” or “Russia Minor”?

              And no, the “little” (or “minor” in Latin) is not in anyway belittling that place: people say “Asia Minor” and the Turks do not go into hysterics as a result, and those who like to mock the British, in particular the English, mistakenly thinking that “English” is a synonym for “British”, by repeatedly pointing out that Britain is no longer “great”, in their ignorance fail to understand that the term comes from the French “Grande Bretagne”, as opposed to “Bretagne,”(Brittany), now part of the French Republic, albeit that very many shitwit, nationalistic fellow countrymen of mine seem to think that the “Great” in “Great Britain” does mean “mighty”; nor is Velikiy Novgorod any “mightier” than Nizhniy Novgorod, nor the Greater Antilles in any way superior to the Lesser Antilles.

              Belarus, Malorus and Russia — what’s wrong with that?

              Before the idea was concocted, primarily by the Hapsburg Austrian Empire, latterly the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, that Malarus, situated on the south-western border of Velikiy Rus (Greater Russia — “greater” in that it is bigger, much bigger than the other “Russias) promoted the idea that this borderland was a state with its own ethnicity and identity and called “The Borderland”. However, the Borderlanders called themselves “Little Russians”; their Austrian imperial masters and Polish lickspittles of the Austrian part of the partitioned Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth called them “Ruthenians” or “Ruthenes”, which latter two word, ironically, stem from the Latin for ”Russians”.

              Svidomites, of course, find the term “Little Russia” offensive.

              I’m surprised the bastards don’t now talk about “The ‘R’ word”!

              Svidomites’ small minded opinions are, however, of little importance.


              1. The style “all the Russias” in the Imperial titles is similar to that of Spanish titles: here’s Ferdinand of Aragón, one of the “Catholic Kings”:

                Fernando, rey de las Españas, Sicilia, Córcega y Baleares, el mejor de los príncipes, prudente, valeroso, piadoso, constante, justo, feliz”

                “Ferdinand, king of the Spains, Sicily, Corsica and the Baleares, best of all Princes, wise, valiant, pious, steadfast, just, happy.”


              2. Typo error above.

                The 4th paragraph should have read as follows:

                That Malarus, situated on the south-western border of Velikiy Rus (Greater Russia — “greater” in that it is bigger, much bigger than the other “Russias), was a state with its own ethnicity and identity and called “The Borderland”, is an idea that was concocted primarily by the Hapsburg Austrian Empire, latterly the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. However, the Borderlanders called themselves “Little Russians”; their Austrian imperial masters and Polish lickspittles of the Austrian part of the partitioned Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth called them “Ruthenians” or “Ruthenes”, which latter two words, ironically, stem from the Latin for ”Russians”.


  28. I read Martynov’s take on the Sukhoi Su-75/LFA* and watched one of the videos. One thing that jumped out was the $30 million equivalent sale price. I assume that is without all the add-ons that usually come with weapons packages but it is still half the price or less of western jets which means countries can buy more and with the S-75 it is no longer a simple choice between quantity v. quality. That should make it very popular. The one presented is a non-flying experimental prototype

    * https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2021/07/it-does-look-great.html




    1. It’s a beauty, and yes; simplicity of maintenance – a kind of flying AK-47, which would keep going in appalling conditions with indifferent to no maintenance – is a strong selling point in countries where they are interested in keeping them in the air. Places that don’t have air-conditioned hangars manned by technicians in white boiler suits with rolling racks of every wrench that’s ever been made. I would venture to suggest the degree of hands-off is an important selling point as well – once the sale is completed, the vendor should mind his own business, and the USA is deservedly notorious for using technical know-how and access to spare parts as leverage if it does not like something you are doing, or has decided on a whim to partner with your opponent. As it did to Iran with the F-14, forcing the country to reverse-engineer the missile, engine and radar at ruinous expense. A lesson that traveled much further than Iran.


  29. Nasa Space Flight: Nauka science module launches to ISS arrives

    Good things come to those (modules) that wait. On July 21, at 14:58:25 UTC (10:58:25 EDT), a Proton-M rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome to take the first Russian ISS module in 11 years to orbit. The moment marked a major milestone for Roscosmos, which was originally slated to launch the module in 2007.

    After launch and orbit insertion, the module, MLM-U Nauka, is now performing an eight day phase to the Station for an automated docking on July 29 to the nadir docking port of the Zvezda service module, a port currently occupied by the Pirs module….

    …Initially, Nauka was built as a backup for FGB Zarya, the first module of the ISS. Construction started in 1995, with a design based on the hull of the Soviet cargo ship TKS, itself a part of the Almaz military program which included orbital stations, a supply cargo ship, and crewed ships with reusable descent modules.

    Nauka is in fact the last surviving, active part of the Almaz program, excluding the hulls and ships which were sold to the Excalibur-Almaz company and to museums for exhibition. Nauka’s original use as a back up Zarya stemmed from the critical nature of the Zarya module to the overall ISS design; given a launch failure would have set the ISS program back years, Nauka was built as a “quick replacement” to Zarya in case the original module was lost in a launch failure…

    A lot more at the link.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish?


  30. В Германии назвали разрушенную Россией «мечту» Запада

    In Germany they have spoken about the destruction by Russia of the European “dream”
    22 July 2021

    The head of the Vienna office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Reinhard Krumm, in an article for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, has spoken about the European dream that Russia has destroyed, writes RIA Novosti.

    According to the author of the article, Western countries were counting on Moscow having to face difficulties, after which it “will back down and turn its gaze again” in their direction.

    The author of the article notes with sadness that such hopes have diverged from reality.

    “The internal development of Russia, as well as the development of its foreign policy, causing such an emotional rejection in the EU and the US — this development has amazed both the East and the West,” Krumm wrote.

    He believes that the current situation has led to “a paralysis of thinking”. The most appropriate method of interaction between the governments of countries, according to the author, is negotiation.

    Oh, what a novel idea! Talk rather than aggression!



    Useless point of information:

    “krumm” means “crooked” in German.


    1. Oh, dear; economic sanctions completely illegal under WTO rules failed to make Russia grovel and beg for mercy! What a pity; and it’s…whose fault, again? Russia’s, for not living down to expectations? I’m having a hard time seeing that.

      Perhaps the Germans should occupy themselves with consideration of what might happen if the plan had worked, and the USA learned that it could form economic coalitions against anyone it chose without any fear of reprisal or being held to account. As the powerhouse economy of Europe, Germany itself makes a tempting target when Europe is not sufficiently cooperative with Moloch.


  31. Blah blah blah . . .

    Joint Statement of the US and Germany on Support for Ukraine, European Energy Security, and our Climate Goals
    21.07.2021 – Press release

    The United States and Germany are steadfast in their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, and chosen European path. We recommit ourselves today to push back against Russian aggression and malign activities in Ukraine and beyond. The United States pledges to support Germany’s and France’s efforts to bring peace to eastern Ukraine via the Normandy Format. Germany will intensify its efforts within the Normandy Format to facilitate the implementation of the Minsk agreements. The United States and Germany affirm their commitment to tackling the climate crisis and taking decisive action to reduce emissions in the 2020s to keep a 1.5-degree Celsius temperature limit within reach.

    The United States and Germany are united in their determination to hold Russia to account for its aggression and malign activities by imposing costs via sanctions and other tools. We commit to working together via the newly established U.S.-EU High Level Dialogue on Russia, and via bilateral channels, to ensure the United States and the EU remain prepared, including with appropriate tools and mechanisms, to respond together to Russian aggression and malign activities, including Russian efforts to use energy as a weapon. Should Russia attempt to use energy as a weapon or commit further aggressive acts against Ukraine, Germany will take action at the national level and press for effective measures at the European level, including sanctions, to limit Russian export capabilities to Europe in the energy sector, including gas, and/or in other economically relevant sectors. This commitment is designed to ensure that Russia will not misuse any pipeline, including Nord Stream 2, to achieve aggressive political ends by using energy as a weapon.

    We support the energy security of Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe, including the key principles enshrined in the EU’s Third Energy Package of diversity and security of supply. Germany underscores that it will abide by both the letter and the spirit of the Third Energy Package with respect to Nord Stream 2 under German jurisdiction to ensure unbundling and third-party access. This includes an assessment of any risks posed by certification of the project operator to the security of energy supply of the EU.

    The United States and Germany are united in their belief that it is in Ukraine’s and Europe’s interest for gas transit via Ukraine to continue beyond 2024. In line with this belief, Germany commits to utilize all available leverage to facilitate an extension of up to 10 years to Ukraine’s gas Transit agreement with Russia, including appointing a special envoy to support those negotiations, to begin as soon as possible and no later than September 1. The United States commits to fully support these efforts.

    The United States and Germany are resolute in their commitment to the fight against climate Change and ensuring the success of the Paris Agreement by reducing our own emissions in line with net-zero by 2050 at the latest, encouraging the strengthening of climate ambition of other major economies, and collaborating on the policies and technologies to accelerate the global net-zero transition. That

    is why we have launched the U.S.-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership. The Partnership will foster U.S.-Germany collaboration on developing actionable roadmaps to reach our ambitious emission reduction targets; coordinating our domestic policies and priorities in sectoral decarbonization initiatives and multilateral fora; mobilizing investment in energy transition; and developing, demonstrating, and scaling critical energy technologies such as renewable energy and storage, hydrogen, energy efficiency, and electric mobility.

    As part of the U.S.-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership, we have decided to establish a pillar to support the energy transitions in emerging economies. This pillar will include a focus on supporting Ukraine and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. These efforts will not only contribute to the fight against climate change but will support European energy security by reducing demand for Russian energy.

    In line with these efforts, Germany commits to establish and administer a Green Fund for Ukraine to support Ukraine’s energy transition, energy efficiency, and energy security. Germany and the United States will endeavor to promote and support investments of at least $1 billion in the Green Fund for Ukraine, including from third parties such as private-sector entities. Germany will provide an initial donation to the fund of at least $175 million and will work toward extending its commitments in the coming budget years. The fund will promote the use of renewable energy; facilitate the development of hydrogen; increase energy efficiency; accelerate the transition from coal; and foster carbon neutrality. The United States plans to support the initiative via technical assistance and policy support consistent with the objectives of the fund, in addition to programs supporting market integration, regulatory reform, and renewables development in Ukraine’s energy sector.

    In addition, Germany will continue to support bilateral energy projects with Ukraine, especially in the field of renewables and energy efficiency, as well as coal transition support, including the appointment of a special envoy with dedicated funding of $70 million. Germany is also ready to launch a Ukraine Resilience Package to support Ukraine’s energy security. This will include efforts to safeguard and increase the capacity for reverse flows of gas to Ukraine, with the aim of shielding Ukraine completely from potential future attempts by Russia to cut gas supplies to the country. It will also include technical assistance for Ukraine’s integration into the European electricity grid, building on and in coordination with the ongoing work by the EU and the U.S. Agency for International Development. In addition, Germany will facilitate Ukraine’s inclusion in Germany’s Cyber Capacity Building Facility, support efforts to reform Ukraine’s energy sector, and assist with identifying options to modernize Ukraine’s gas transmission systems.

    The United States and Germany express their strong support for the Three Seas Initiative and its efforts to strengthen infrastructure connectivity and energy security in Central and Eastern Europe. Germany commits to expand its engagement with the initiative with an eye toward financially supporting projects of the Three Seas Initiative in the fields of regional energy security and renewable energy. In addition, Germany will support projects of common interest in the energy sector via the EU Budget, with contributions of up to $1.77 billion in 2021-2027. The United States remains committed to investing in the Three Seas Initiative and continues to encourage concrete investments by members and others.




      1. It is mildly amusing to hear a European promise that Europeans will work to help America achieve greater control over energy supplies to Europe, as if it were historically some sort of benign supporter of unattributed progress. The United States wants Ukraine still in the mix because whenever it wants to cause a crisis in Europe, it only needs to stir up trouble in Ukraine which makes gas supplies to Europe stutter or stop.

        Of course it is all a cover for the fact that the United States was unsuccessful at stopping the construction of Nord Stream II; now, instead, it wants to regulate it, and Germany implies that it will allow it. It will be interesting to see just how thick Europeans are, that they will wail and gnash their teeth when they experience supply disruptions owing to trouble in Ukraine – or, even more incredibly, throw money at upgrading the Ukrainian GTS, which is falling apart – when there is a brand-new pipeline all connected up which could handle the entirety of European supply unaided, unless it rises dramatically.


    1. МИД России назвал условие продолжения транзита газа через Украину
      22 July 2021, 16:19

      The Russian Foreign Ministry has laid down a condition for the continuation of gas transit across the Ukraine

      Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko has said that the main condition for the continuation of the transit of Russian gas across the territory of the Ukraine after the termination of the contract in 2024 is demand in Europe, RIA Novosti reports.

      The Deputy Foreign Minister explained that Gazprom’s European partners are primarily responsible for the use of the Ukrainian GTS. If it is necessary to use the Ukrainian transit route fir gas supplies, then Russia will not object.

      Grushko stressed that energy cooperation between Russia and the European Union has stood the test of time. Commenting on the agreement between the US and Germany on Nord Stream 2, he pointed out that Washington is trying to impose strict conditions on other countries, even partners, for the realization of its own rights and interests.

      Of course, the Yukietards have absolutely no desire to buy filthy Gazprom gas off their erstwhile oppressors, that enemy state of interbred subhuman Mongol-Tatar-Ugric tribes with which they insist they are at war.

      Funny that!

      Belligerent states do not, as a rule, continue trading.

      Ukrainian shitwits say that they wouldn’t touch anything Russian with a barge pole.

      They don’t want Russian gas!

      The Svidomites say they don’t need it.

      They spit in Russia’s face when it comes to suggestions that they buy Moskaly gas.

      They are independent of Russia, they say.

      That means, I suppose, that they neither desire to buy from or sell any commodities to Russia.

      But they want the transit fees — a tidy sum — paid to Gazprom for the transit of Russian gas to Western Europe via a gas transit system constructed by the USSR and which has been allowed to fall into a state of calamitous disrepair.

      And the thieving Ukrainian smart arses have form for siphoning off that gas destined for Western Europe when need be, namely when there is a shortfall in their gas supplies.




      1. Bloody block letters not closed correctly again!

        Makes me flipping well want to use vulgar language, it flipping well does!


  32. Very informative and well balanced (virus or no virus)

    • A Conversation with Dr. Byram Bridle Professor of Viral Immunology

    Dr Bridie concentrates on the deliberate damaging effect of the ‘COVID response’ on children.

    At 11:10 he rightly expresses:

    “My concern is that we may have a generation of ‘COVID kids’ and the potential damage, we won’t be able to fully understand and appreciate until years into the future … “

    He goes on …(I have edited out his -um- stumbles)

    “… when these diseases start becoming apparent but I am afraid that we are going to have a group of children, especially those that have been in this year plus long lockdown that are in that age range of from birth to age six, who later on in life are going to have – not all of them right, there’s genetic predispositions etc that govern this, so not certainly not all of them – will develop immunological disorders, but there will be a much higher incidence I fear of immunological disorder so these kids will grow up – and this is irreversible right – and so we’re almost certainly going to have more children that are going to be suffering for the rest of their lives with allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases as a consequence of this severe and prolonged lockdown.“

    And does anyone think these Moloch-grovelling w####s masquerading as ‘Chief Health/Medical Officers’ and State/Provincial Premiers/Governors don’t know this …? This IS the Plan.


    1. And for something a little punchier …

      • Stew Peters: Interview with Dr. David Martin – ‘Patented Genocide’


      I still can’t connect all the dots re “China”, but for 2 minutes and 45 seconds from 31:00, Dr David Martin states the following:

      “What has been done is we’ve chosen the cunning use of the term “vaccine” despite the fact that “vaccine” as a defined term – even the Patent Office had to school Anthony Fauci […] on what a vaccine is because Anthony Fauci was in fact trying to get a vaccine that wasn’t one – and fact checkers hate when I say this, but there is in fact a legal standard for what a vaccine is and there is also an FDA standard for what a vaccine is and this is neither.

      The fact of the matter is in the case of the Moderna and the Pfizer shot this is injecting a stimulant to produce a toxin for the secondary benefit – you hope! – of building an immune response to the toxin your body is producing.

      But listen to what I just said because it is technically unfortunately correct.

      You’re not getting a pathogen that your body is responding to with an immune response, [LISTEN UP] you’re getting the instructions for your cells to create the pathogen and then you hope[!] that your body in response to the pathogen you were told to create, you hope your body comes up with an immune response.

      But here is the tiny problem. The clinical trials did not measure immune response – they did not measure infection response – and they did not measure your transmission response. So every public health benefit that vaccines purport to have was never measured in these trials.

      Let me repeat that one phrase:

      this is injecting a stimulant to produce a toxin for the secondary benefit […] of building an immune response to the toxin your body is producing.

      In my own words, as Dr Martin states emphatically elsewhere – there is NO VIRUS – they are injecting the toxin in order to trick the body into building an immune response to something that was never there … aka we are being experimented on to perfect a means of biochemical genocide for around Seven Billion people.


      1. Checkout “cowpox” and Dr. Edward Jenner and see where the term “vaccine” comes from!

        Clue: “vacca” [Latin] — “cow”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, and I sincerely hope Mrs Exile is okay – placebo hopefully

          • J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve


          (no shortage of informative links – this just happens to be the latest)


      2. Those who trust the system are fools, but I still find it hard to imagine our ‘influencers’ (which seems to have either replaced or become interchangeable with ‘leaders’) are planning to murder billions in order to reduce pollution and ensure a more equitable distribution of resources. Seven billion is a lot of people, and included in there are sure to be many of the loved ones of survivors – how do they imagine the survivors will deal with that knowledge? Or do they imagine the people are so stupid they will never catch on? I can visualize rows of parliamentarians hanging from the lampposts outside the legislature, like birds on a wire.

        However, an email message this morning from Seeking Alpha reported that investment brokers were once again recommending ‘buy’ on makers of disposable masks, and it looks as though the authorities are going to take another run at mandatory masking, even for the vaccinated.


        This one has been bandied about for a bit, but if you have not seen it it is worth checking out. A representative of the world’s largest firm of underwriters, observers and arbitrators of patent law among other things, claims patents were sought on the ‘novel coronavirus’ gene sequences as early as 1999. Some 4000 patent applications have been made in connection with SARS-CoV2. It’s very dry – there just isn’t any way to make patent law exciting – but what I got from it is there is no shortage of actionable intelligence that this one has been in the works for quite a while.


        And just to exit on a high note, check out What’s Her Face, rendering you spellbound with her account of the ‘SPARS Report’ – a communications exercise for public-health-care professionals from 2017. A future pandemic (2025-2028) is modeled by Johns Hopkins. The pandemic is initially met with low-key mitigation strategies (wash your hands, etc..), escalating all the way up to the availability of a vaccine and brainstorming how public-health authorities can overcome vaccine hesitancy by using popular media and entertainment figures as ‘influencers’. It sounds…pretty familiar. You’ll like the closer, in which she speculates that sperm from unvaccinated men will be worth more than gold, and that they will become ‘cum cows’. Mooooo…sign me up.

        On the notion of reintroducing masking, even for the vaccinated, let me share with you my take on where that is going. I see it as a deliberate strategy to put more pressure on those who have still refused to get their jabby-jab. Vaccinated people are sure to be resentful of any reintroduction of countermeasures, after they were so good and went and got their jab for the community. Feeling will build against the unvaccinated; if it doesn’t happen on its own, or not quickly enough, the media will help it along with some well-placed articles from medical talking heads that the unvaccinated are why we can’t return to normal. This, I believe, will progress all the way up to civic authorities warning the unvaccinated that they can no longer guarantee their safety if they continue to act selfishly – the police can’t be everywhere, you know. The ends justify the means. Just because you could never imagine such a sequence of events in what is supposedly the ‘free world’ does not mean it isn’t happening. Ordering free citizens to get ‘inoculated’ has produced all the dividends it is going to; those who remain are expendable, and the public can take care of them.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. So people will have autoimmune disorders; so what? Pfizer and Moderna and companies like them will have their backs, with ‘shots for everything!’ Come on; it’ll be way better than ‘natural immunity’ – quit living in the dark ages, man! You can get your selfie of you and your vaccine card framed for free at Rexall! Trust the science, why don’t you?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to disagree there. If the ECHR dismisses this (and it will one way or another) then it damages its own credibility among Russians (citizens or not of Russia) and marks it as a western leaning institution even though it is supposed to be independent. The ECHR may take quite a while to come to any conclusion….

      The ECHR is struggling with cases (particularly from new EU member states and non-states like the Ukraine, Russia etc.). Most are not either credible or have not exhausted (the national court system which is a pre-condition of the ECHR starting anything. That’s a Navalny & co. trick that we have covered here before on this blog – taking money from people to help them file directly to the ECHR rather than telling them that they have to go through due process. Just look at number of repetitive cases and ‘cases closed’ to get an idea of the backlog.




      1. . . . marks it as a western leaning institution even though it is supposed to be independent.

        Is any further proof needed of that?

        The Navalny appeals to the ECHR were always heard in inordinate haste, whereas other appeals take years to be heard.

        Always straight to the front of the line with the USA agent.

        I wonder why?


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