Doctor Politico, Reliable Journatard.

Uncle Volodya says, “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”

“We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal.”

Carl Bernstein

Don’t wanna be an American idiot,
One nation controlled by the media;
Information age of hysteria…

Green Day, from “American Idiot

Is there, anywhere in the great trackless expanse of the internet, a pseudo-news site more gratuitously insulting, more deliberately offensive than Politico?

I have to say, the hysterical, grunting, wild-eyed hatred routinely on show there reminds me of La Russophobe in her prime. Its reliance on anyone who will say what it wants to hear reminds me of her sycophantic celebration of the ‘work’ of Paul Goble, deep thinker and self-confessed former CIA spook operating from darkest Taunton, Virginia. Once described by Mark Adomanis – remember him? Lithuanian by descent, referred to Edward Snowden as the worst kind of traitor until outed by a commenter as a former employee himself of Booz Allen Hamilton, the security consultancy which had employed Snowden – as ‘a whore who trawls through the lowest gutter press in Russia such as Novaya Gazeta, translates their articles and passes them off as analysis’. Anyway, the default mode at Politico is ‘unhinged’, while its agenda is as easy to see as a turd in a punchbowl, and about as edifying.

The example I’m most recently acquainted with is this hatchet job on Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. Let me say up front that I am not a believer in any of the current magic vaccines, and am not interested in being vaccinated with any of them. However, this nakedly partisan attack is in a class by itself; over-the-top hyperbole that labels everything that comes from Russia a weapon. Let’s take a look.

The piece starts out neutrally enough, mentioning – accurately, enjoy it, because that might be the last time you see it for awhile – that the Russian vaccine was given the stamp of approval by The Lancet, Europe’s leading and most-respected medical journal. I would just point out here, in fairness, that The Lancet is as guilty of political bias as anything in print, and only last year was forced to withdraw its approval of a study which found hydroxychloroquine completely ineffective against the symptoms of coronavirus, and even hazardous to health. It transpired the study relied on a database which was mostly bullshit, and was overseen by a director at Brigham & Women’s Health Hospital which was at that time carrying out a trial of Remdesvir, hydroxychloroquine’s rival and a clear conflict of interest. As if that were not enough, America’s ‘leading infectious disease expert’, Dr. Anthony Fauci – living proof that if you claim every possible position on an issue, you are bound to be right on one of them – also piled on that no randomized, placebo-controlled studies have found hydroxychloroquine to be effective. For the record, it is possible if not probable that hydroxychloroquine’s studied efficacy was due to other factors. That does not change the fact that if Dr. Fauci told me my own name, I would check my driver’s license to make sure he was not lying.

Be that as it may, Politico quickly shifted into its customary sneering derision. It also wants you to know that Moscow ‘humiliated’ EU leader Josep Borrell when all he wanted to do was congratulate Russia on its success. In fact Borrell was in Moscow to talk about the Sputnik V vaccine, with a view to securing some doses for the EU. And if he had confined himself to that subject, he would have been warmly received. Unfortunately, he also wanted to shoot his European mouth off about ‘political dissident’ and ‘opposition leader’ Alexey Navalny, and to convey Europe’s absolute insistence that he be released ‘immediately and unconditionally’, which kind of smothered any possibility of cordiality from that moment on. Kind of like how if Lavrov visited Borrell in his native Spain, and ordered him to release Catalan leader Oriol Junqueras would go over among the Spanish.

“It’s a nightmare,” said German Green Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, an MEP who sits on the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee. Likening Russia’s Sputnik strategy to its sports doping scandal, she called it an “urgent matter” that demands the EU’s attention.”

What, you mean Russia’s ‘sports doping scandal’ which saw 28 of 39 convictions overturned on appeal, and Olympic medals which had been ordered stripped from the athletes reinstated? That doping scandal? The one that saw the prosecution’s star witness, Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, crash and burn like the Hindenburg? That doping scandal?

“How the Times could provide such minimal coverage of these important April 2018 reasoned CAS decisions on matters on which the Times had extensively reported is inexplicable. By allowing the Russian athletes, for the very first time, to confront their accusers with cross-examination, the CAS was in a position to make startling revelations about Rodchenkov and McLaren. Rodchenkov, for example, admitted that he never personally witnessed any accused Russian athlete committing doping violations themselves, including taking the illegal drug cocktail, giving a clean urine sample out of competition, tampering with a urine sample, or transmitting information to co-conspirators about the coding on the drug sample after it had been given.

Furthermore, several of Rodchenkov’s explanations of events were simply not believable. For example, Rodchenkov had stated that the swapping of urine samples occurred after 1 am, but his own diary entries confirmed his bedtime by midnight each night, with two or three exceptions. When confronted with this contradiction, he made the incredible claim that he had lied to his diary.

Dr. Rodchenkov also could not recall with any degree of accuracy the ingredients in the ‘Duchess Cocktail’ which he claimed to have invented himself, for the purpose of undetectably doping athletes.

All that notwithstanding, you can sort of see why Politico tapped von Cramon for her opinion; it had most likely already apprised itself of her Russophobic credentials from this letter she sent to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, imploring her to slow down any approval process for the Russian vaccine, citing a Russia “unfortunately notorious for politicising and manipulating even medicine and science when it serves a political goal.” No mention at all of the west, chiefly the UK and USA, politicizing sport until the Olympics is just a big rainbow-sparkle state-doping extravaganza in which actual sport comes a far-distant second to politics.

Overall I must say we still wonder why Russia is offering theoretically millions and millions of doses while not sufficiently progressing in vaccinating their own people,” she remarked…This is also a question that I think should be answered.”She underscored that Russia would need to permit inspections of its manufacturing sites and submit all of their data for scrutiny as part of the regulatory approval process

Oh; can you afford to adopt that smarmy tone, Ms. von der Leyen? I don’t think you can, and your frantic ass-covering over EU vaccine shortages bears me out.

“After harsh criticism of European vaccine procurement, von der Leyen said the pharmaceutical industry had simply not been able to keep up with the “groundbreaking pace” of vaccine development. Her agency has since set up a working group to prevent further production problems, due, for example, to shortages in the supply of ingredients.”

Once again, and probably not for the last time, it’s a good thing I am not in charge in Russia; I have no patience at all for the chowderhead inbreeders who make up the EU’s leadership, and I would long since have said, “Know what? You’re right – we’ll keep all our vaccine for ourselves and our direct-marketing clients. Thanks, and no need for further visits.” I might have thrown some sailor-talk in there too. Meanwhile, Seeking Alpha sees the Sputnik vaccine as a likely candidate for most popular vaccine outside the western world.

“Currently, there are about 20 countries that already authorized the Russian vaccine for use, while countless others are lining up, following a glowing review of the vaccine that appeared in the Lancet Journal. While the Russian vaccine will probably never be used in the US and it may only be used in a small number of EU countries, I think that its specific qualities make it a candidate to become the most popular vaccine outside the Western World.

The fact that it is over 90% effective and it is also apparently safe makes it an attractive vaccine compared with many other conventional vaccines, most of which did not achieve an effectiveness rate that is even close to the Russian one. The only two vaccines that are currently in use that also claim an effectiveness rate that is over 90% are the mRNA-based vaccines from Moderna (MRNA)and Pfizer (PFE). The two mRNA vaccines do suffer a major handicap however when it comes to distributing it and administering it in places where the infrastructure meant to keep it at very low temperatures is lacking. Russia’s vaccine can be kept in a household fridge if need be, while the Pfizer vaccine needs to be kept at -70 Celsius. Given its overall advantages, I foresee this vaccine becoming the preferred available choice for literally billions of people around the world.”

Would Russia’s time be well-spent trying to influence the United States, do you think? What about Europe, especially under its current wildly-incompetent leadership? Or would it be better off working with countries who don’t spit on the doorstep when it rings the bell? That’s what I thought, too. Russia and China both have made significant progress in South and Central American relations, while the Trumpian debacle of trying to hammer the Guaido peg into the Venezuela hole is still fresh in everyone’s mind. Europe’s view is “If we’re not your friend, you don’t have any friends”. Washington’s is “I’ll think about your offer while you tell me who is going to be the leader of our gang”. What would you say to two actual people who behaved like that? Would it be two words? Would they be ‘Happy Birthday”? I thought not.

Back to the Politico attack piece, and Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

“Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė is also staking out her opposition to the Russian jab, and has said her country will shun Sputnik even if the EMA approves it. There’s “no doubt” that Russia’s efforts to sell the vaccine to Europe are “yet another geopolitical game,” she warned.”

The Lithuanians have elevated Russophobia to a national obligation; it’s part of being a patriotic Lithuanian. Of which there are now 2.79 million, meaning total citizens and not necessarily ethnic Lithuanians, down from a high of 3.7 million in 1992, which was just about exactly the moment it announced its independence from the USSR. Before that it had seen a steady climb in demographics, so that the population of Lithuania now is about what it was in 1955, maybe a bit less. Freedom is untidy, right? Anyway, imagining once again that I am leader of the Russian Federation, I’d be saying, “Make a note of that, Sergey; no vaccine for Lithuania, I don’t care if they’re injecting mosquito repellent in desperation.” Don’t let your mouth get your face in trouble, Ingrida – at the moment Lithuania has an accumulated 194,051 COVID cases, of whom 3,171 have died. Lithuania currently is experiencing a vaccine shortage and has only the Pfizer vaccine; its hope of achieving herd immunity rests on acquiring millions of doses of the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines, the former currently awaiting approval from the EU, and the latter just approved end of last month. The AstraZeneca vaccine achieved only 60% efficacy in trials. Against Sputnik’s 91.6% assessed efficacy. But Lithuanian pride? Priceless.

I see the Sputnik V vaccine being very well received in places like Africa, where a freezer that keeps your vaccines at a comfy -70 Celsius might be a bit hard to come by, like the Pfizer vaccine requires. It’s also much cheaper. I see it doing well in Eastern Europe, once some of the snotty pretenders realize they are going to be at the back of the line for vaccines that the west cannot seem to make fast enough.

I also see this not being a long-term issue, because people around the world are already fed up with the high-handedness of public-health Caligulas, and are not going to take kindly to being told they now need an annual COVID vaccination to cope with an always-mutating virus that just laughs mockingly at herd immunity. Someday, someday soon, a critical mass of people is going to say under its breath, “This far, no further”.

But the sheer prickishness of the leaders of the EU will be remembered, long after COVID has shuffled offstage. The hysteria of the German Greens, former radical liberals gone momentarily respectable simply because the rest of Germany’s government is as dysfunctional as a Marilyn Manson concert. The clumsy defensiveness of Borrell, who didn’t realize he had been insulted until he got home and his barking-mad colleagues told him all about it. The icy condescension of von der Leyen. Uncle Sam, grinning in the wings, ready to bend the EU over and fuck it ’til it cries with its own fancy deep-freeze twice-as-nice-for-twice-the-price vaccines. Remember.

You brought it all on yourselves.

2,164 thoughts on “Doctor Politico, Reliable Journatard.

  1. China’s digital yuan displaces the dollar

    $16 trillion of US dollar deposits may disappear
    by David P. Goldman

    …The production, storage, and shipment of goods will be verified every step of the way. The blast furnace will pay the Brazilian mine on delivery, and the rolling mill will pay the blast furnace, the nail factory will pay the rolling mill, and so forth. None of them will have to borrow money from an international bank and keep it on deposit for months while waiting to see whether the delivery arrives…

    More at the link.

    We’ll see. FinTech has been massively over hyped I think. But the party is over and as much as the US will rant and rail, it was the US and its allies that pushed globalization hard since the 1990s. There really is no one else to blame.


    1. That is a tremendously interesting story, thanks for posting it. I agree Fintech is still mostly hype, but there are two resounding takeaways there; one, the declining power of the big international banks. Few except the western regime-changers would mourn that. Two, the leverage of trade as opposed to pure financials, and that makes it much easier to see the emerging power of China.

      Most of America’s efforts in the economic field lately have been focused on trying to compel obedience, I think most would agree, and it’s the sort of overlord role-playing that many will think of when making long-term financial decisions which could imply vulnerability. Smaller countries and operations are often somewhat sneered at by the American financial empire, while it will be hard to forget the gloating tone of Wall-Street columnists in major American newspapers as they smirked that at last the Russians were going to get their comeuppance. Anyone who offers a way around America’s economic boot on their necks in daily operations is at least going to get serious consideration, if not hailed as a messiah, and few could have failed to observe China’s careful cultivation of trade links.

      The Chinese might prove just as brutal global financiers as the Americans; who knows? They are certainly portrayed that way. But once again, what will pass through every decision-maker’s mind will be American chortling that countries have little choice but to submit to American regulation, and that it is for Washington to decide who is an evil-doer and who is not. Whoever makes it simpler for countries to do business with one another while not screening it through the political-cooperation filter or subjecting it to New-York-Times judgment is going to command attention. It will also be interesting to see what it does to America’s perception that the world sees no alternative to American leadership.


  2. Euractiv: Czechs urge allies to expel Russian intelligence officers in act of solidarity

    The Czech Republic will ask European Union and NATO allies to take action in solidarity with Prague in its row with Moscow, including expelling Russian intelligence officers from their countries, acting Foreign Minister Jan Hamáček said on Tuesday (20 April).

    …The Czech Republic will ask European Union and NATO allies to take action in solidarity with Prague in its row with Moscow, including expelling Russian intelligence officers from their countries, acting Foreign Minister Jan Hamáček said on Tuesday (20 April)…

    …The Foreign Ministry said Prague also asked for a special meeting of NATO’s North Atlantic Council this week.

    “(The meeting) will allow for talks of possible further allied steps,” the ministry said on Twitter, adding the country would be sending a high-level representative…

    Epic fail! The Czech Republic’s actions didn’t play out as expected, i.e. tit for tat and now they are even more angry? While Brussels says that it doesn’t want any further escalation and is keeping its spokesholes quiet, Cz wants the opposite. This should be interesting. If it succeeds, then Brussels is being directly undermined. If it doesn’t, Cz has been stabbed in the back by its allies! And if the aim now is to ‘re-size’ the Russian embassy which is only that big to keep an eye on the US which uses Cz as its main intelligence base on the continent, will they be ready for the inevitable consequences? Probably not.


  3. Euractiv avec afp: Ukraine leader Zelenskiy urges Putin to meet on frontline

    …In an address to the nation, Zelenskiy said that Ukrainian and Russian negotiators had recently discussed plans for officials to travel to the frontlines of the trench conflict to assess the situation.

    “I am ready to go even further and invite you to meet in any part of the Ukrainian Donbas where war is ongoing,” Zelenskiy said…

    …“A considerable number of Russian troops are concentrated near our border,” he said. “Officially, Russia calls this military exercises. Unofficially, the whole world calls this blackmail.

    “The Russian president once said that if a fight is inevitable, you need to hit first. But every leader needs to understand that a fight must not be inevitable when it… concerns a real war and millions of human lives.”…

    Translation: ‘Please give me a free PR victory to bolster my political base’ and designed to be rejected.

    The simply reply should be “We call on the Ukraine to return to its legal commitments as set out in the Minsk II Agreement.”


    1. Putin would have to be insane to agree to meet Zelensky anywhere in Ukraine, where the nationalist nutjobs would be perfectly happy to sacrifice Zelensky in order to get a chance to blow up Putin in an elevator or something.


  4. No one wants Navalny alive

    The USA needs sanctions against Russia, no matter in what way. So a dead Navalny is good for the US. However, it is not so easy to make out of a dead person in prison someone whom the Americans say is a political prisoner. Maria Butina has made this point quite lucidly:

    No one benefits from Navalny on the outside, because there is an active struggle for power going on, and all these figures are like spiders in a jar, already beginning to redistribute very serious financial resources, most of which fall into their hands, including resources from Western countries. Naturally, we are also talking about power claims, about who will be the leader of this protest. It is another matter that none of them are ready to risk their lives and freedom. What we are now seeing is that these leaders are directing all the actions from abroad. Naturally, they need Navalny as a kind of sacrificial victim, who is somewhere far away and physically does not pose a threat in terms of competition for power.

    Yes, it seems that Navalny, alive and well, is not needed by either internal supporters or external curators, and if he is needed, then only as a sacrificial victim. Leonid Gozman does not hide his joy and anticipation, because on the same day there will be both a message from President Putin and a rally organized by employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation founded by Navalny, which in turn is recognized as a foreign agent in Russia. A radical liberal says:

    And here is the apotheosis: a rally on the day of the President’s Address to the Federal Assembly. Putin will drive to the Kremlin through the military-occupied city. Or he won’t go at all, but will address his historical words remotely. Of course, he won’t say anything about Navalny, but the entire audience listening to him will also see the troops. Probably, the overwhelming majority of the audience of the message has a bad attitude towards all sorts of bigots, but they will see the inadequacy of the president, who ignores reality, and, to put it mildly, the ill-being of the regime. And if he doesn’t come, then everyone will understand why he hasn’t come>

    Personally, I don’t feel sorry for Navalny at all, probably because this corrupt element has done nothing good for Russia, but through it the West is increasing its pressure on our country. And look at what is being done — who called for going to the rally? They leave the FBK, run abroad, and Navalny himself is hidden in a cosy cell away from problems. [He is not in a cell, he is in a dormitory, and more likely now, in a hospital bed in an isolation/observation room — ME] Denis Mikhailov has spoke extremely harshly about FBKite cowards:

    It’s easy to call a rally when you’re safely abroad. It is much more difficult to do this here, as the pressure on the opposition now exceeds any previous indicators.

    Vitaly Serukanov, a former FBK lawyer, said in an interview with Reedus that many supporters of the Anti-Corruption Foundation are somewhat annoyed by the fact that people who hold senior positions in the FBK prefer to manage the protest from abroad. Here’s what he highlighted:

    A lot of people are leaving because of this. The very head of Navalny’s regional headquarters, Leonid Volkov, constantly pushes people to commit various violations whilst he is abroad. People do not want to commit violations, realizing that they are simply being framed. In addition, they connect their lives with Russia. Volkov, Milov and other FBK executives who have no ties to Russia cynically use the foundation’s employees as cannon fodder to make money and write vulgar reports to their Western curators. Even the rank-and-file Navalnyites are slowly beginning to understand what kind of game is being played against them and against the country. There are very few fools left.


  5. Europe has no excuse for letting Russia surprise it again

    As troops gather on the Ukrainian border, Western leaders need to look at what Moscow did in the past.

    By Christoph Meyer

    Christoph Meyer is a professor at King’s College London and co-author of “Warning about War: Conflict, Persuasion and Foreign Policy.” His work has been funded by the European and U.K. Research Councils (ERC and ESRC).

    This is what passes for ‘informed analysis’ from the Kings Colledge think tank that also employs the comedic likes of Mark Galeotti.

    Meyer on the on hand makes many valid criticizms of the west’s stupidity, but his own comments are equally stupid right from the start, sic <'Western leaders need to look at what Moscow did in the past..' As anyone who has even a slight interest in strategy/war/whatever knows, predicating a future conflict on the past one is really dumb.

    One of the other anal-y-tical errors he makes is the assumption of Russia’s interests. As we on this blog have pointed out many times and also other great blogs, Russia does not want to someway absorb the Ukraine or even bits of it. It didn’t either in Georgia, but the west has consistently undermined agreements as part of its strategic policy of containing Russia.

    As for his final recommendations of ‘credible sanctions’ where he links in the article above to a deluded idiot Steven Pifer a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine (, you start to wonder if Meyer has been living under a bush somewhere or is even remotely aware of other ‘anaylists’ have openly declared that sanctions gainst Russia just haven’t worked at all. Pifer’s recommendations are laughable. There’s not even a hit of military intervention by the west in support of the Ukraine. Why not? Could it be that it is not in the US interests to have a nuclear stand-off over the Ukraine? Instead more sanctions and sending more wunderwaffe ATGM Javlins is supposedly somethign meaningful when it is really just vapid self-PR fluff for Pifer’s credentials as someone with a strong opinion.

    Why not a very simple solution that would be easy to apply such as Hands Off the Ukraine. A return to the status quo ante? Russia would be happy with that if the west was agreement capable. But the US and EU cannot agree to something like that would be admitting it blew everything up in the first place. No-EU, no-NATO. No f/king about.

    Simple is too complicated for some.


  6. Putin is speechifying now.

    The BBC take:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is giving his annual state of the nation address, amid heightened tension with the West over Ukraine and jailed Putin critic Alexei Navalny.

    Jailed because of his being a “Putin critic” or because he is a convicted thief who breached the conditions of his suspended sentence?

    The lead on the BBC online front page reads:

    Ukraine and Navalny cast shadows over Putin speech
    Tensions over Ukraine and dissident Alexei Navalny overshadow President Putin’s national address

    But the above is just click bait for this:

    Russia’s Putin gives key speech amid tensions with West
    1 hour ago

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is giving his annual state of the nation address, amid heightened tension with the West over Ukraine and jailed Putin critic Alexei Navalny.

    He has spent more than 30 minutes focusing on Russia’s battle with Covid-19, praising the social solidarity of millions of people in the pandemic.

    But in the past Mr Putin has also used the occasion to send signals abroad.

    Russia has moved more than 100,000 troops close to Ukraine, reports say.

    A large part of that force is in Crimea, the peninsula which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. A senior Ukrainian officer, Gen Serhiy Nayev, estimated the total force to be 103,200 last week.

    Russia backs the separatists holding a swathe of eastern Ukraine, and its manoeuvres have fuelled fears of a new Russian military intervention.

    Mr Putin’s speech comes as anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny, an arch-critic of the president, is being treated at a prison hospital in Vladimir, about 180km (112 miles) east of Moscow. He is on hunger strike and his allies say his life is in danger.

    No mention of Navalny so far; no mention of the Crimea and the Ukraine.

    But in the clickbait …

    And since when has that gobshite Navalny been a “dissident”?


    1. They just had Rosenturd on BBC World News saying that Putin has warned the West not to cross Russia’s red lines and it is Russia who defines them.

      He then goes on to say that ‘We don’t know what Russia’s red lines are if it doesn’t say so how do we know if we’ll be crossing one.’

      Either Steve is immensely stupid, or stupid and lying. Maybe he doesn’t speak Russian! 😉

      Russia has clearly stated over the years, starting very clearly at the Munich Security Conference in 2007 what Russia finds and does not find acceptable, his Crimea speech in 2014, later in Sochi and in 2015 at the UN. And everything inbetween and since, directly with the US and others too. It has been serially ignored, thus clusterf/k after clusterf/k that is not their fault.


      1. Also well known ‘Russia expert’* and certainly not just a former Soviet chess Grandmaster Gary Kasparov was interviewed about Russia… from New York. The BBC interview was followed by the latest coverage of the collapse within 48hrs of the proposed European Super League of football. Is Gary a football? I don’t include his head.

        * aka ‘Gobshite.’

        ME, what’s the equivalent in Russian?


        1. The most common translation of “gobshite” in literature seems to be придурок [moron, imbecile], though I should say that that term is far more insulting, I feel, when used by Russians than it is in English.

          In придурок, the term дурок [fool] is prefixed with при-, which intensifies that noun to a degree that would require a string of English expletives in English in order to modify “fool” in a way that the prefix при- modifies дурок in Russian, sort of like ” fucking blathering idiot”.

          Whenever I use that term придурок when speaking about someone, I often notice slightly raised eyebrows amongst my Russian interlocutors.

          Anyway, here are some translations of “gobshite”, taken from US English sources, that I have found for you:

          Shane’s the thinker, that means you must be the gobshite — Шейн – умный, что значит, что ты, должно быть – идиот.

          Oh, that gobshite Craig Cooper — А, этот идиот Крэйг Купер.

          No, I’m gonna throw the book at the little gobshite — Нет уж, я продемонстрирую этому придурку свои полномочия.

          She’s the biggest gobshite of them all! — Её рот поганее, чем у всех остальных.

          That last one literally translates as: “Her mouth is more filthy than everyone else’s”, which isn’t an accurate translation, really.

          I have it on good authority, however (namely from my son Vladimir Dennisovich) that the extremely vulgar term пиздабол conveys the sense of “gobshite”.

          Interestingly, there is another Russian word similar to пиздабол, namely балабол, which is not at all vulgar and means “chatterbox”.

          The root of пиздабол and балабол is -бол, which comes from “to chatter” — болтать.

          So балабол is the Russian equivalent of the English onomatopoeia “blah-blah”, meaning any empty chatterer.

          However, a пиздабол is a пиздун, a [fucking] liar, a lying fucker.

          Here is the same root -бол, but preceded with the Russian for “cunt”.

          So there you have it: a пиздабол chatters bullshit.

          In other words, he is a lying cunt, such as is Navalny..


      2. I’ll tell you how you will know if you crossed one. First, you will have to abandon the common sense that tells you, this might be considered a hostile action by a country that has been lied about, insulted and taken advantage of for a decade. Then there will be a very bright flash, and a sound like a thunderclap. When you open your eyes, Churchill will be leaning over you, the place will smell smoky and there will be howling and wailing in the background, and Sir Winston will say “What about a nice cigar?”


        1. I’d have thought Steve Rosenberg would have known from following recent events in Russia that he should be checking his underwear while travelling in the country. If his undies smell of Nina Ricci perfume then he knows he has crossed Russia’s red lines.


    2. Why don’t they call him ‘holiday-maker’ Navalny? He has a much more public profile as a gadabout in other countries with his lovely family on vacation than he has successes as a corruption-fighter. His most prominent anti-corruption action to date – the ‘Moscow Schoolboy’ tainted-food supplies case – has still to come up in court where he is likely to see his ass roasted like a chestnut, and his anti-corrution movie about Fuhrer Putler’s opulent palace turned out to be a complete fabrication replete with eye-candy photoshops of lavish furnishings in what is actually a gutted shell. As an anti-corruption leader he appears remarkably like a lazy fake who raises money for anti-corruption work which he then dips into for fun times abroad sampling the local culture, all with no job. Performance his kiddie followers would scream about if it were exhibited by one of Putin’s politicians. But The Great Dissident is entitled to his pleasures.


      1. The Navalny Cycle

        [clockwise from 12:00]

        videos, appeals to supporters, collection of donations

        push donate

        hamsters go onto the streets, photographs for Western mass media, provocations

        arrest, detention, 15 to 30 days

        [photo of overweight Navalny]

        overseas family holiday


  7. I have a few of Matthew Raphael Johnson’s books, in particular “Russian Populist: The Political Thought so Vladimir Putin”.

    I hope readers here will appreciate this marvelous interview with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (ACH – and appreciate where I am coming from).

    • ACH (1498) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – How And Why Vladimir Putin Inspired A Resurgence Of Christianity In Russia


  8. 19:00 approaches here in Moscow (now 18:20), but they’ve already gathered in their thousands in Siberia as 19:00 local time has already come and gone:

    21.04.2021, 17:32
    More than five thousand people came out to protest in support of Navalny in Siberia


    Putin is doomed!

    Several thousand people attended unsanctioned rallies in support of opposition activist Alexei Navalny in a number of Siberian cities.

    Kommersant-Siberia estimates that at least 3,000 people came out to protest in Novosibirsk, about 2,000 in Omsk, about 400 in Krasnoyarsk, and 300 in Tomsk.

    Resign now, Evil one!

    As of 17:20 Moscow time, “OVD-Info” reports 182 people detained in various Russian cities, most of them in Siberia: 30 in Novokuznetsk, 27 in Kemerovo, 19 in Tomsk, 17 in Barnaul, 4 in Krasnoyarsk, 2 in Norilsk, 1 in Sayanogorsk. The regional offices of the Interior Ministry did not comment on the detentions.

    Let freedom ring out across this sorry land!


    1. Wasn’t the expected turnout to be 500,000?

      Was the estimated 5,000 from local authorities or the organizers?


      1. Bottom photo Novosibirsk. Posted twice by mistake.

        Look at the kiddies who think everything’s bad here and who cannot remember the “Glorious Yeltsin Years”

        Navalny wil make Russia beautiful for them, that’s for sure!


  9. Putin throws down the gauntlet:

    He said the right things at the right time. Here is a summary of his commentary on foreign matters:

    Commenting on the series of “unfriendly actions” he said have been taken against Russia, Putin said that while Russia has so far acted with “utter restraint.” He added, however, that “if someone perceives our goodwill as indifference or weakness, and is prepared to completely burn, or even blow up…bridges, Russia’s response will be asymmetrical, speedy and tough,” he warned.
    Without naming any country specifically, Putin denounced nations attempting to impose “unlawful, politically motivated economic sanctions” and making “crude attempts to enforce their will on others.”
    Comparing countries seeking to bully and intimidate Russia to the tiger Shere Khan and the jackal Tabaqui – characters from Rudyard Kipling’s classic novel “The Jungle Book” – Putin warned adversaries not to cross Russia’s “red lines,” saying these lines would be determined by Moscow in each specific instance. “Those staging any provocations that threaten core interests of our security will regret it like nothing before,” he said.
    Mentioning the recently uncovered foreign-backed plot to assassinate Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and members of his family and to stage a coup in Belarus, Putin said this plot “crossed all boundaries” of legitimate intercourse between nations. Commenting on the plot’s details – including plans to shut down the Minsk power grid and shut down the city’s infrastructure and communications, Putin suggested that “apparently, it’s not for no reason that our Western colleagues have stubbornly rejected numerous proposals by the Russian side to establish an international dialogue in the field of information and cybersecurity.”
    Pointing to Moscow’s ongoing work to modernise its nuclear arsenal and reporting that the share of modern weapons systems in the country’s nuclear triad would exceed 88 percent by the end of 2021, Putin invited other nations to discuss with Russia questions related to strategic stability. “The purpose of such talks may be the creation of an environment of conflict-free coexistence on the basis of the equalisation of security, which would encompass not only traditional strategic weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles, heavy bombers and submarines, but also – and I would like to emphasise this point: all offensive and defensive systems capable of carrying out strategic tasks, regardless of their armament,” he said.
    On the subject of strategic defence, Putin revealed that the first full regiment of Russia’s new Sarmat ICBM would come online by 2022, while Zircon hypersonic missiles would be put on alert in the near future. Overall, the share of modern equipment in the Russian military is expected to exceed 75 percent by 2024, according to Putin.

    Lots more on domestic matters.


  10. Russia declares 10 employees of the US Embassy in Moscow persona non grata
    April 21, 2021, 17: 55

    The Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Wednesday, April 21, that the Deputy US Ambassador to Russia Bart Gorman had been handed a note declaring 10 employees of the US Embassy in Moscow persona non grata.

    “On April 21, Deputy head of the US Diplomatic Mission in the Russian Federation Gorman was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and handed a note declaring persona non grata 10 employees of the US Embassy in Moscow”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement posted on its website.

    These individuals must leave Russia by the end of Wednesday, May 21.

    At the same time, it is noted that this measure taken is a mirror response to the hostile actions of the American side against a number of employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington and the Consulate General of Russia in New York, which were groundlessly declared persona non grata.

    Don’t be late for your flight now! Already 7 p.m., Wednesday, 21 April.

    Have a nice flight!

    Don’t come back!

    Dont even think of coming back!


    1. Was this timed to coincide with the day that the Derek Chauvin trial verdict came in?

      It can also read it as rubbing in the previous retaliation against Czechia by expelling more diplomats than they did, ergo Cz ‘small’ and unimportant.

      …”Further steps will follow in the immediate future as part of the set of retaliatory measures, which were announced in the April 16 statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry, in response to the latest wave of illegal anti-Russian sanctions of the United States,” the Foreign Ministry said….

      …Russian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Alexander Zmeyevsky arrived at the Czech Foreign Ministry on Wednesday to hold a meeting with Minister Jakub Kulhanek…

      …Kulhanek will inform Zmeyevsky of the Czech Republic’s next steps in relations with Russia…

      Let’s see how stupid Praha is.


        1. Just saw it here:

          What’s the British phrase, throwing toys out of the pram?

          Clearly Moscow will not change its mind, so should we make bets? I’m sure the Americans would be more than happy to have more Russians thrown out, but the cost will fall squarely on Czechia. Have none of them learned that Russia is always thinking several steps ahead?


          1. Oh, this is the threat (remember kids, don’t drink and post):

            …Should this decision not be made, we will initiate the option of achievement of parity of the number of [embassy] employees,” Kulhanek said…

            Is that it? I have to say that I am dissapointed.


  11. E-7T flew first mission over Romania

    The information was data-link to the Romanian Control Reporting Center via Link 16.


    Nominally AWACS, includes ELINT/EW/whatever at some level. The story here should be that Turkey(?) has chosen Romania with its Black Sea coast close to the Ukraine as a PR stunt to show its new buddy its support. Romania of course hosts NATO’s Aegis Ashore radar/whatever for ‘Missile Defence’ (don’t mention supporting attack with universal Mk.41 VLS capable of launching US nuclear armed cruise missiles/whatever).


    1. Meanwhile… Russian aviation authority sets up crisis center to return Russians from Turkey

      …”The crisis center of Rosaviatsiya [acronym for the Federal Air Transport Agency – TASS] will be regularly informing the Russian Transport Ministry about the number of performed flights from Turkey to Russia, the number of transported citizens as well as the number of Russian citizens with issued flight tickets, who are waiting to return to their homeland,” the statement says…

      …”[The meeting] assessed the current situation on repatriation of compatriots, including the carriers’ readiness for the repatriation campaign,” the statement said. “The situation with the return of Russians from Turkey is under Rosaviatsiya’s close control. The agency will take the required decisions to resolve the situation promptly.”

      Two days ago (according to TASS) Turky approved production of Sputnik-V.

      TASS: Russia to scrutinize military cooperation with Turkey, if it supplies drones to Ukraine

      The Turkiye newspaper reported on April 15 citing an unnamed source that Ankara was ready to sell its weapons and drones to all countries

      Russia will scrutinize the prospect of military and technical cooperation with Turkey, if Ankara delivers drones to Ukraine, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said on Wednesday after President Vladimir Putin’s annual State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly.

      “We will look [at the prospect] specifically in each individual case,” the vice premier told reporters, responding to a question about whether Russia would suspend military-technical cooperation with Turkey, if Ankara delivered drones to Ukraine…


  12. Sunbeams From Cucumbers: The View From the Khanate of Kaganstan

    Patrick Armstrong.

    “Putin’s disinformation campaigns” are so clever that they use real information, Patrick Armstrong writes.

    We now have the complete set, so to speak. The Khans of the Khanate of Kaganstan have both spoken. The husband in A Superpower, Like It or Not and the wife in Pinning Down Putin: How a Confident America Should Deal With Russia; he, so to speak, is the theorist and she the practitioner. She, Victoria Nuland, is back in power as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. She is, of course, infamous for the leaked phonecall during the Maidan putsch. He, Robert Kagan, is one of the founders of the – what now has to be seen as ill-named – Project for the New American Century….

    I don’t know how I missed this one, particularly as it focuses on Noodle Brain Nuland and her CockerPoodle Doodle Kagan joined to each other by a leash.

    Recommendation before reading: a glass of wine may spill through a combination of horror and laughter.


  13. Watching events live in Moscow now. The big demo started 22 minutes ago, allegedly.

    So far, it loks like one big nothingburger.

    Live from KP:

    Correspondent “KP” Alexander Rogoza said that at the metro station, in the area of which the gathering point of the protesters was announced, there are not many people – no more than on a normal day. However, every 10-15 meters there are two law enforcement officers. According to the special correspondent, “so far only the yellow vests of the journalists are strike your attention”.


    Alexander Rogoza informs that so far only townspeople who are going about their business can be seen in the vicinity.

    Read on http://WWW.KP.RU:


  14. 19:10

    Correspondent of Alexander Rogoza moves along one of the central streets of Moscow together with photographer Ivan Makeev. There are not many people, according to them. It is impossible to determine whether passers-by are participants in the action.

    I can recognize the Navalnyshites though. They’re mostly juveniles huddled in groups because they are scared of getting lifted. I guess they’re waiting for some provocation. It’ll come, for sure. Some dickheads will start shouting at the cops and goading them. They always do.


      1. Yeah, watching the live shots, there are kids everywhere, all looking a little sheepish, glancing at the camera, then at the cops, who tell them not to assemble. Too few of them yet to feel brave enough to start anything.

        It’s an evening out down town for them so as to fuck around with the cops then run away.


          1. 19:30

            Protesters have moved from the centre of Moscow to walk along the streets. In doing so, some of them have become scattered. The police have not used any force, just blocked off the road to this column. It is evident that these people have no kind of coordinating link to guide them. So far, the whole thing looks like a Brownian movement without any serious organization, says Komsomolka correspondent Alexander Kots.19:30

            Brownian movement — random zig-zag motion of a particle that is usually observed under high power ultra-microscope. This movement resembles the exact motion of pollen grains in water as explained by Robert Brown, hence, the name Brownian movement.

            Freedom molecules?


            1. Comments are coming in to the online KP:

              The action has failed. That’s nice. Imagine the sadness of the ringleaders. Get used to it, guys. It will only get worse from here.


              1. Looks like they’ll have to bump the bastard off so as to get a suitable anti-regime reaction.

                Somehow, I don’t think many would be that bothered one way or the other if that were to happen.

                I hope that doesn’t happen, though, even though I dislike the lying bullshitting bastard so much.

                He’s more to be pitied than despised.

                Better said, his kiddie acolytes are.


                1. It’s getting dark now, so:


                  Participants of the unsanctioned rally in Moscow have switched on their smartphone flashlights.

                  And now the Navalnyites can be identified!

                  A pathetically small number!

                  They’re strolling up and down Tverskaya with their lit up smartphones held aloft.



  15. BMPD: Единственная польская подводная лодка небоеспособна

    Как сообщили польские СМИ, единственная оставшаяся в составе военно-морских сил Польши подводная лодка Orzeł (бортовой номер “291”, советской постройки проекта 877Э, в строю с 1986 года) полностью небоеспособна ввиду неисправности торпедного вооружения и выявленной невозможности загрузки торпед в ее торпедные аппараты….

    Was this the case when it was spotted by the NordStream II ships? I suppose it could always have rammed one of them if it is impossible to even load torpedoes and a host of other problems.


    1. 21 апреля 2021 18:35
      Что происходит в центре Москвы во время объявленной несогласованной акции 21 апреля 2021
      Журналисты Александр Коц и Александр Рогоза передают из центра Москвы

      What’s going on in central Moscow during the declared uncoordinated rally on 21 April 2021 journalists Alexander Kots and Alexander Rogoza report from central Moscow


  16. US President Joe Biden to fat twat Volkov in Riga:


    PS So is the rest of the team.

    MI6 to Pevchikh:

    Her Majesty’s Government most regrettably informs you that your services are no longer required

    PS Sorry about that, old thing!


    1. KP:


      The protest has been going on in central Moscow for over an hour. There are no detainees. Police are still asking protesters to stay off the road and not to interfere with car traffic.

      Now 20:27.

      The party’s over.

      Still planning to starve yourself to death, arsehole?


      1. 20:13

        “I have not seen a single case when police officers have been twisting arms and grabbing hold of folk and bundling them into Paddy Wagons. Everything has gone calmly”, reports correspondent of Alexander Rogoza.


        1. 20:30

          About 6,000 people took part in the illegal action in the city, according to the Moscow police department.

          “Police officers have been explaining to those gathered that their action is not duly coordinated with the authorities and warn them of the liability stipulated by law for violating the law and order.”

          Government authorities have also counted the number of participants in illegal actions in 29 Russian cities. It came out to around 14,400 people. So 150 people turned out in Barnaul, 50 in Tyumen, 100 in Petrozavodsk, 0 in Vorkuta, 9 in Ukhta, 20 in Pskov, 1,000 in Novosibirsk, 500 in Irkutsk, 3 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 200 in Khabarovsk, and 350 in Vladivostok,


          1. Yesterday journalists like Max Seddon were predicting that this would be the biggest demonstration for years.

            Now I bet they will say that people stayed away because of threats and intimidation from the “regime”.


            1. Max Seddon & Henry Foy:

              FT: Putin threatens ‘asymmetric’ and ‘tough’ response to US sanctions

              Russian president slams western interference, as Navalny supporters stage nationwide protests

              …Turnout at Wednesday’s protest in Moscow was significantly lower than in January, when as many as 40,000 attended, but stretched well into the thousands, showing that Navalny’s core supporters were willing to brave bad weather and the threat of police violence…

              Has he tried a career in autofellation? Hold on, he’s a russophobic journalist. He’s already doing it!

              I remember the FT from when it was a decent paper (mid-90s when at UK university). Opinion now seems to be synonymous with fact…


          2. About 6,000 people took part in the illegal action in the city, according to the Moscow police department.

            I repeat: SIX THOUSAND.

            Got it?

            OK, now what does Bullshitter Inc. <b<Navalny Live say?

            21: 45, 21 April 2021
            Organizers of actions in support of Navalny believe that 60 thousand people came out to protest in Moscow

            Yes, you read right!

            That’s SIXTY THOUSAND!

            This figure is given by the Navalny Live Twitter account. At the same time, the Moscow police counted 6 thousand participants in an uncoordinated rally in support of Alexey Navalny. In St. Petersburg, according to the Interior Ministry, 4.5 thousand people came out to protest and 14.5 thousand in 29 other cities.

            Participants of the rally in Moscow chant “Freedom” and “Doctors to Navalny”. According to estimates of the portal “OVD-Info”, almost 460 people were detained in almost 50 cities, including 18 in Moscow and more than 40 in St. Petersburg.


  17. There’s a libtard cartoonist who constantly pumps out his endless mockery of Putin and his hatred of the “regime”. He pisses me off.

    Here’s his latest masterwork on today’s events:

    Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly and a response from Navalny.
    The Russian president’s annual address to the Federal Assembly on 21 April has received an unexpected rivalry in the political agenda.

    Wrong again, dickhead!


  18. News on PAK-DA (sic nothing to do with Welsh dads). About the modernization of the MiG-31 and the creation of the MiG-41

    Russia is developing a next-generation interceptor, which will complement and eventually replace the MiG-31, which was put into service forty years ago. The project of a promising long-range intercept aircraft complex (PAK DP) under the symbol “MiG-41” is at the stage of development work.

    The work under the PAK DP program is being carried out by the designers of the engineering center of the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, which is part of the UAC, subordinate to Rostec. It is proceeding on schedule approved by the Department of Defense, albeit at a slightly slower pace than previously promised by industry officials.

    For the first time, the beginning of the process of shaping the appearance of a promising car was publicly announced in 2017. Judging by the news of January 25 this year, over the past four years, the project has gone from scientific research and concept formation to R&D. Completion of this stage involves the construction of an experimental prototype for flight tests….

    Quite a bit more at the link.

    My problem with all the very fast stuff is that a) it gets quite hot and thus can be tracked (step 1 of 2, 2 being killed); b) will be in service for decades during which advances in sensor technology will far outpace any stealth/whatever coatings or ‘clever’ cooling designs. On the plus side Russia is not trying to control the world and the Mig-41 will be based almost entirely under Russia’s defensive umbrella.


  19. Today, kiddies at play:

    There must be thousands of them!

    From a libtard blog:

    Tasers and detentions – how is the Day of Solidarity with Navalny going?
    APRIL 21, 2021, 21: 47

    In St. Petersburg, on Sennaya Square, police used a stun gun against a protester. In Moscow, protesters are fleeing from the police.

    Pushkin Square, Moscow. Fleeing the police? . . .

    And from Liza Fuckit at BBC Russia:

    Just watch the Navalnyites fleeing from the police!


    1. How can those juveniles dance so gaily at a time such as this? Don’t they realize that a man is dying slowly and painfully in prison for them so that they shall be free of tyranny and corruption?


  20. 22 Apr, 00: 35 88 793

    “OVD-Info” reported about 1,600 people detained at actions in support of Navalny
    Human rights activists have recorded the largest number of detainees in St. Petersburg, Ufa and Barnaul

    In Russia, 1,631 people were detained at uncoordinated protests on April 21 in support of Aleksey Navalny as of 02:10 Moscow time on April 22, the OVD-Info project reports. The Interior Ministry has not published official data on detentions in the country.

    Human rights activists recorded the largest number of detainees in St. Petersburg.

    Cities with the highest number of detentions at the April 21 protests:

    Saint Petersburg — 743;
    Ufa — 99;
    Kazan – 60;
    Sochi — 52;
    Voronezh — 48;
    Kemerovo — 36;
    Ivanovo — 29;
    Kaliningrad – 29;
    Tomsk — 24.

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 3.9 thousand people took part in uncoordinated actions, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to the police, the largest number of people came out to protest in Novosibirsk (1 thousand), Omsk (900), Irkutsk (500), Vladivostok (350), Khabarovsk (200), Barnaul (150) and Tomsk (130).

    The police have given data on the capitals separately: in St. Petersburg, 4.5 thousand people took to the streets, in Moscow — about 6 thousand people.

    Now get this, further down the above linked site:

    22 Apr, 03: 07 43 833
    The Public Monitoring Commission has announced the release of some of those detained at the protests in Moscow
    Some of those detained during an unsanctioned protest rally in support of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny in Moscow have been released from police stations without charges having been made against them. This was announced by the chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission (PMC) of Moscow Nikolai Zuev, reports TASS.

    “There were no mass detentions at the rally. We checked the police departments — there are about 20 delivered. Most people were released immediately without their having been charged”, Zuev said.

    Unauthorized actions in support of Navalny in more than 20 Russian cities were held on April 21. The protests began because of the [alleged!!! — ME] deterioration of the health of the politician [sic], who is now serving a sentence in correctional colony No. 2 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region. Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK, recognized as a foreign agent by the Ministry of Justice) The actions were announced to take place two days after the prosecutor’s office had filed a request to recognize the organization as extremist.

    According to the police, about 6 thousand people came to the rallies in Moscow on April 21. In St. Petersburg-4.5 thousand, in other cities — about 3.9 thousand.

    In the capital, the organizers initially planned to gather on Manezhnaya Square, but it was blocked by the police in the morning. As a result, the rallies began on Tverskaya Street. The protesters did not step onto the roadway. The authorities, in turn, blocked the approach to the entrance to the State Duma building.

    After that, some of the protesters went to Kamergersky Lane in the direction of the Kuznetsky Most metro station. Then the protesters moved along Rozhdestvenka to Lubyanka, but the police blocked the approaches to the square. After that, some of the protesters went to the Garden Ring, and some remained in the area of Rozhdestvenka and Kuznetsky Most.

    According to OVD-Info, law enforcement officers detained 1,691 people across the country. Most of those detained were in St. Petersburg — 774 people, followed by Ufa (100 people), Kazan (63), Barnaul (58) and Sochi (53).

    According to human rights activists, 29 people were detained in Moscow. Among them was a teenager born in 2005, who was carrying a sapper shovel. In addition, the court arrested Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s press secretary, for 10 days. She was charged with Part 2 of Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code (Organizing or holding a public event without submitting a notification in accordance with the established procedure).


    without charges having been made against them


    These human rights and FBK bastards scream and howl about the arrests, but the arrested ones are out of the local police stations very quickly.

    The cops cannot be arsed charging most of them because they are soft-arse juveniles or aged freaks.

    And there are often minors, whose parents/guardians ar summoned to the cop shops to take their little shits home.

    Now get ready for Rosenturd and Painsford’s BBC take on events, as well as that of RL/RFE, “Meduza”, “The Insider” and the whole of the lying bastard Western mass media.


  21. “I’ll shout… and in response, silence!..”, – the electorate of the prisoner Navalny once again let him down. Disappointing results…

    [Or “crickets” as USA speakers of English would say. I like that Americanism!]

    On Tverskaya Street

    A cold April wind and ringing loneliness — it seems that these are the only remaining supporters of the “Berlin patient”. The rally in support of Navalny, on which great hopes were pinned, disappointed both representatives of the non-systemic opposition and their overseas curators. People did not show up at the illegal rally even in Moscow, which has always been renowned for its ability to organise itself and bring onto the streets in the shortest possible time tens of thousands of protesters who, in principle, do not care about the agenda because hype is paramount. This pre-arranged action, designed to force the authorities to play by the rules imposed by a bunch of con artists and provocateurs, looked miserable, inarticulate and completely alien to the vast majority of Russians.

    Now is the time to gloat, recalling how Navalny’s subordinates Volkov and others like him have repeatedly stated that a huge number of people would come out for illegal actions, exceeding the expectations of the “Free Navalny” website. How liberal political scientists predicted the fall of the “Putin regime” as a result of the actions taken by the supporters of the “Berlin patient”! So what happened?

    Ring-a-ring of roses?

    Only 40 people came to the rallies in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In Irkutsk, instead of the planned 7-8 thousand, about 600 people turned up. The same trend was observed in Yakutsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo and Khabarovsk. Vladivostok – between 400 and 1,000 citizens took to the streets, whilst 4,498 people had registered on the “Free Navalny” website. None of the protesters shouted slogans or made speeches. Protest action in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk — about 60 people took part in the rallies. In Ulan-Ude, there were only about 200 people who supported the Russian blogger. In Chita — 50 people, protesters led round dances and sang the national anthem of Russia… Dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of Navalny’s “fans” were expected in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The result is deplorable for both the non-systemic opposition and the great “helmsman” Navalny, 15-25 thousand protesters in both megacities – an epic failure of epic proportions.

    Even in comparison with the recent failed rallies of the non-systemic opposition supporters, the turnout was not very large. The moment when some “creative” protesters tried to remind us of the imprisoned Navalny by carrying blue underwear, obviously alluding to the “poisoning” of their guru through the crotch seams, which made the already pathetic spectacle turn into a panopticon altogether, deserves a separate mention. What more can I add to what I have said so far? Maybe a little about the behaviour of the protesters… The singing of the Russian national anthem, the Katyusha song, the round dances and the banners “Crimea is not ours”, “For Navalny a doctor”, “Down with the Tsar”, all this does not seem to make sense.

    In general, I was not impressed by the rally, which, they declared, was going to shock the very foundations of the “Putin regime”. If it shook anyone, it was the puppeteers of “Navalny and Co.” I am convinced that now even they can now clearly see that their bet on Navalny has not worked out. It is not yet clear what all these “fighters” will do next; it is likely that a “brainstorm” is now underway in the offices of the Western ideologists of the Russian liberal opposition, aimed at finding a way out of the impasse. I shall assume that the struggle for the “health and freedom” of Aleksei Navalny, although it will continue, will go on like a guttering flame, and while he is sitting in prison, to the Russians there will be “revealed” another contender for the presidency of the Russian Federation. By the way, you, my dear readers, may well try on the role of “analyst or predictor”, whichever suits you best, and try to guess who will replace the “Berlin patient”? My forecast: it will be either Roizman or the communist blogger Nikolai Bondarenko …

    As always, I expect an active discussion from you and frank dialogues. Do not hesitate to express your thoughts. I expect constructive criticism from you, but I ask you not to slip into insults in discussions. Your every voice is important and must be heard. Remember silence is acceptance of the current situation.


    1. BBC is using Shoigu’s statement to Russian armed forces as its source:

      Speaking at the Opuk training ground about the exercises of the Russian troops, the Minister noted that the troops had successfully fulfilled the entire range of tasks to ensure military security of the southern borders of Russia. He noted that the goals of the surprise check had been fully achieved. “In this regard, I have decided to complete the verification activities in the Southern and Western military Districts”, Shoigu said. They were ordered to start returning troops to their permanent locations on April 23, as well as to conduct a detailed analysis and summarize the results of a surprise inspection of the troops.

      Source: Shoigu: Surprise inspection of troops in the south and west of Russia completed
      22.04.2021 15:14


  22. TASS: Kremlin slams situation involving Russian diplomats in Czech Republic as hysteria

    Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek earlier said in an interview that the country might expel “about 60” Russian Embassy staff members from Prague in the heat of the conflict with Moscow

    Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has blasted the recent crisis unfolding in the Czech Republic that involves Russian diplomats as hysteria, urging that “diplomats are given an opportunity to formulate positions.”

    “Our diplomats are working now. We, of course, view all this hysteria negatively. This is the only thing I can say. Let’s give diplomats an opportunity to formulate positions,” he told reporters Thursday….

    Unhindged. Does the FM realize he is not the PM? Probably not.


    1. Don’t wait around for the next dick move in this stupid game of one-upmanship. Kick out all the Czechs, close their Embassy for renovations, and reopen it as a peeler bar for the Russian Army.

      I’m sure the Americans are pressuring the Europeans for a tidal wave of expulsions across Europe. But Europe is probably not too anxious for another World War fought across Europe, with the Americans chipping in a couple of armored brigades to help blow the place up in the name of freedom and democracy.


  23. In passing – note the parallels …

    • Myanmar’s New Parallel Gov Led by Anti-Rohingya Racists – Land Destroyer

    “The US-backed opposition in Myanmar has declared a “National Unity Government,” a parallel government to the existing government of Myanmar. It is expected that the US will pressure nations around the globe to recognize it as the legitimate government and begin providing financial and military support to its cause of taking over the country.

    However, the man announcing the creation of this parallel government – Min Ko Naing of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party – is an inveterate racist who proposed deporting the nation’s Rohingya ethnic minority and repeatedly referred to them as illegal immigrants and terrorists.

    This is not a “pro-democracy” opposition and it merely uses talk of “human rights” as camouflage – just as other extremist groups the US has attempted to put into power around the globe from Libya to Syria, Ukraine to Venezuela, and Hong Kong to Thailand.”


  24. Euractiv avec AFP: Germany seeking to buy 30 million Sputnik doses from Russia

    Germany is in talks with Russia to buy 30 million doses of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, said Saxony state premier Michael Kretschmer who discussed the issue with President Vladimir Putin on Thursday (22 April).

    “Germany is negotiating 3 x 10 million doses for June, July, August. The prerequisite for this is the swift EMA approval of the vaccine,” Kretschmer wrote on Twitter.

    Kretschmer posted the tweet after meeting Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko as part of a visit to Moscow ostensibly focusing on cultural relations with Russia…

    More at the link.


    1. The USA will surely have something to say on the matter – if by no other means, through their ventriloquist’s dummy Stoltenberg. Pfizer and Moderna aim to corner the market on COVID vaccines, which are clearly meant to be an annual event if not more frequent than that. They lose no opportunity to demean the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which is having an uphill battle owing to side effects. Norway recently recommended its use be discontinued altogether, claiming that with its few COVID deaths, Norway is experiencing a higher death rate due to Astra-Zeneca than to COVID. Probably just a coincidence, but the Norwegian Public Health Institute’s Director is Stoltenberg’s sister.


  25. TASS: Prague demands Russia cut number of diplomats to match that of Czech staff in Moscow

    According to the Czech Foreign Ministry, there are currently 27 diplomats and 67 technical staff at the Russian embassy in Prague as compared to five diplomats and 19 technical employees at the Czech embassy in Moscow

    …”We will cut the number of diplomats at the Russian embassy in Prague to match the number of our staff at the embassy in Moscow. The decision took effect today. Russia has been given time until the end of May to recall their staff,” he said…

    It wouldn’t have occured to Cz that Russia has a substantially bigger population.

    TASS: Czech Republic’s ambassador arrives at Russia’s Foreign Ministry

    Earlier on Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the envoy would be briefed on what Prague’s further confrontational actions might entail


    1. For reference, the population of Czechia is about 10.7 million. The population of Russia is about 146 million.

      For me one of the interesting things abou this ‘drama’ is that it is usually the West seeking to provoke Russia with moves to make response emotionally (and stupidly). In this case Russia cleverly upped the ante by two diplomats and now Czechia has completely lost the plot and is expelling a further 67 Russian diplomats (though I assume this is reversible if Russia backs down and lets Czechia have two diplomats back). The fact that they have given Russia a month shows that they have left a way out for themselves. Still, it is a self-inflicted face egging.


    2. “Good evening, gentlemen, and welcome to Charlotte’s Web, the newest exotic-dancer bar in Moscow – hey, can you believe this place used to be the Czech Embassy? Nothing too good for our fighting men in uniform, am I right, Alexandra? Oh, good news, boys: the hostess says the first round is on the house! And without further ado, put your hands together and help me welcome to the stage, the LOVEly TASHA!!!!”


      1. I suspect that the other reason for having more diplomats is to keep an eye on the rather large US embassy presence. Cutting the Russian embassy down to size certainly suits the US and would allow them to go about their ‘business’ more comfortably in Cz, the latter of which has been more than obliging to US intelligence (fake Paul Manafort visit etc.) when required.


  26. Horror comic distorting history again:


    Yulia Leonidovna Latynina, journalist.

    Yulia Leonidovna Latynina:

    Let me remind you that Stalin himself lost this war on May 9, because he planned to conquer the whole world, and conquered only a piece of Eastern Europe. That is why Stalin himself did not participate in the May 9 parade.

    Ekho Moskvy, April 17, 2021

    Part translation of above linked text:

    It is clear that April 12 is only a small date before the big date of May 9, when there will be another cult holiday associated with the end of the war that Stalin had waged at least since 1929 against his own people. An industrial war, during which the entire USSR was building in plants weapons that were supposed to conquer the world. Or he built tanks that were supposed to conquer the world. From the point of view of the USSR, it was called “freeing the world from imperialism.” Tanks that were supposed to conquer the world. Or the iron from which these tanks were made. Or factories that made electricity, that were supposed to produce iron, from which the tanks were to be made. And, from Stalin’s point of view … Let me remind you that Stalin himself lost this war on May 9, because he intended to conquer the whole world, but conquered only a piece of Eastern Europe. That is why Stalin himself did not participate in the May 9 parade. May 9 in the USSR under Stalin was not a victory date. Stalin spent 20 million human lives in this war. And shouting “We will do it again!” the current authorities will celebrate it. Although it is quite obvious that they cannot repeat this, and thank God for that.]

    May 9, when there will be another cult holiday associated with the end of the war that Stalin waged at least since 1929 against his own people. The industrial war, during which the entire USSR was building weapons on construction sites that were supposed to conquer the world. He built or tanks that were supposed to conquer the world. From the Soviet point of view, this was called “liberating the world from imperialism.” Or tanks that were supposed to conquer the world. Or the iron from which these tanks were made. Or factories that made electricity, which were supposed to produce iron, from which tanks were supposed to be made. And, from Stalin’s point of view… Let me remind you that Stalin himself lost this war on May 9, because he planned to conquer the whole world, and conquered only a piece of Eastern Europe. That is why Stalin himself did not participate in the May 9 parade. May 9 in the USSR under Stalin was not a victory date. Stalin spent 20 million lives in this war. And with the cry “We will repeat it!” the current authorities will celebrate it. Although it is quite obvious that they cannot repeat this, and thank God.

    From the above linked blog:

    Whom the Soviet leader wanted to conquer, everyone imagines to the best of his imagination, but he could not participate in the parade on May 9, 1945 simply because no parade was held on the day of the German surrender. The Moscow Victory Day Parade took place a month and a half later, on June 24. Stalin not only greeted the troops from Lenin’s Mausoleum, but also participated in the preparations. Chief of the Operational Department of the General Staff Sergey Shtemenko in the book “The General Staff during the war” noted That it was Stalin who suggested that representatives of “all fronts and all branches of the armed forces” should pass through Red Square.

    So she’s a stupid lying traitorous bitch.

    I think she should get psychiatric treatment or therapy, such as a bucket of shit thrown into her face again.

    Last time that happened, she kept her stupid gob shut for quite a while.

    It’s almost impossible to listen to her rants on the radio. She just talks shite . . . on and on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think she’s lying at all ME. I thnk she’s living in one of her alternate fantasy novels. She’s lost the ability to tell real life from her books. I don’t konw why you get so worked up about her as she is a very well known quantity. Self-flagellation, much?! 😉

      Even her wikipedia page notes that she is known for her sharp and polemic statements.
      She argues that universal suffrage is bad for poor countries.[7][8] She also criticizes western liberalism and human rights organizations which she thinks are used by Muslim extremists as useful idiots to prevent winning the War on Terror.[9] She considers that the magnitude of global warming and its damage is “usually exaggerated”…

      Clearly she’s a bit nuts.



  27. Warning! More incoming BS from the USA! Pentagon investigated suspected Russian directed-energy attacks on U.S. troops

    Defense officials have briefed congressional committees on the use of mysterious weapons against American service members.

    The Pentagon has briefed top lawmakers on intelligence surrounding suspected directed-energy attacks against U.S. troops, and officials identified Russia as a likely culprit, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter….

    …bla bla bla….

    …nothing nothing nothing…

    …filler filler filler…

    …para. 25+

    A former national security official told POLITICO that, in one instance, officials suspected that directed energy had injured a Marine in Syria; but a Pentagon investigation later concluded that the Marine’s symptoms were the result of food poisoning.

    Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at the Middlebury Institute who focuses on technology and national security, said the topic can be troublesome from an intelligence standpoint…

    …“The problem is — and I think we saw this at the embassy in Cuba, but honestly with a lot of these stories over the years — it’s just really hard to know why people are getting sick unless you have the weapon or some technical means of knowing if there’s a particular beam being focused on a place,” he said…

    …Phil Coyle, former director of the Office of Operational Test and Evaluation at the Pentagon, urged caution.

    “It seems far-fetched to me — harder to do by far than just killing American soldiers with bombs or bullets,” Coyle said. “The advantage, of course, of some imaginary weapon is maybe there would be no attribution. Nobody would be able to tell, which I guess is the situation you’re describing in Syria. All we know is these soldiers got sick, and we don’t know whether it’s food poisoning or something else that made them sick, so we can’t blame the Russians. And that of course was part of the problem in … Cuba.”….

    So Politico using five journalists came up with the first 24 paragraphs of nothing, only then to quote anyone of note saying ‘probably not, if not very highly unlikely.’

    Watch the Pork Pie News Networks get themselves in to a giaganic froth about this in the run up to Bi-Dumb making key national security appointments.


    1. Oh, and the above is an ‘Exclusive’ to Politico, a pro-Democrat outlet with the right kind of high minded audience.


      1. Politico Story Alleging Russian ‘Energy’ Attacks Quickly Debunked

        CENTCOM Chief said he’s seen ‘no evidence’ of such attacks

        …Shortly after the story was published, it was debunked by comments from Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of US Central Command, which oversees US military operations in the Middle East.

        “I have found no evidence of those attacks in US Central Command,” McKenzie told the Senate Armed Services Committee during a hearing. Before McKenzie’s comments were included in the Politico report, the original story said a Pentagon spokesperson told Politico that “the department is not aware of directed-energy attacks against US troops in Syria.”

        Doubling down, Politico published another story about the threat of “directed-energy attacks” later on Thursday…

        So despite having 5 journalists on the piece, they didn’t bother to check thoroughly with other sources.


            1. I posted the above to quickly without the commentary I’d been thinking of, so…

              We’ve been questioning for a long time on this blog ‘when will sanity return about Russia? When are we going to see proper Russia experts in print/broadcast/whatever bring some semblance of normality?’ Because for us that would possibly show the US of A might be finally turning the corner of post 9/11 psycho-killer insanity and offers the rest of the world hope that its is starting to stop f/king s/t up just because it can.

              Russia is our scope (obvs) and we have actually seen in the last few years more rational voices on Russia return to public. Still too few and not often enough.

              Also, we’ve seen Russia take a competely different approach with the new Bi-Dumb Administration, no more business as usual sic suffering the slings and arrows of postively mad accusations day in and day out by not only western governments, but their ‘journalists.’ The glove are off and Russia’s nice diplomatic riposts have been dumped for language that matches its accusers. Like for like.

              What I think I see in the politico ‘EXCLUSIVE’ story above is that there was very quick push back from the US military itself and that is why the article was rapidly updated and not quite memoryholed. If you look at’s website of ‘this weeks news’ (on gsm) you don’t see the ‘exclusive’ story highlighted. It’s not even made ‘Editor’s picks.’ It comes after ‘Washington’ half way down the homepage.

              Why would the US military care and push back? Because it clealry could have damaging consequences in relation to a Russia that is no longer turning the other cheek to this kind of anonymous shite. I expect pressure also came from above as now the Democrats are no longer in opposition where they can say anything, they are now directly responsible and the politico ‘exclusive’ is anything but helpful. Russia has made it more than clear that it expects the USA to show restraint if it expects anything more than token co-operation.

              I may be clutching at straws or reading the runes wrongly, but the change in the article appears to me to a feather marking a shift in the winds. it also seems to me that by the end of 2021 even more will have changed globally on the ground as hard realites that have already been occuring can no longer be ignored or brushed off. This is a year of turning points and we are not even half way through!


              1. You may indeed turn out to have been a bellwether. We will see. For my part, I have no interest in a sea change which is not accompanied by acknowledgement of having been wrong, and having done wrong in an attempt to preserve continuing ignorance. A change of direction without remorse and repentance is merely a change in tactics, not thinking.


  28. Czechs expel more Russian embassy staff over bombing claims

    …Late Wednesday, new Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhánek demanded Russia allow the expelled Czechs to return. He gave the Russians until noon on Thursday to reply.

    “Our proposal went unanswered,” Babiš said. “We cannot let the evidence of a terrorist act on our territory go unanswered.”

    But he stressed the Czechs do not want escalation. “The Czech Republic is interested in fair relations with Russia,” Babiš said…

    …Kulhánek tried to minimize the punitive nature of the expulsions, calling it a “standard diplomatic tool that allows you to cap the number of diplomats at the embassy.”

    Russia has until the end of May to withdraw its people, the Czech foreign minister said….

    There’s real comedy gold there. They really are that stupid.

    Maybe the whole point of this ridiculous exercise is to undermine Babiš who they have been trying to get out by hook or crook. Everything so far has failed. This is their next desperate step which opposing politicians will use against him and his party in the next elections by saying ‘you were soft on Russian and they took advantage. You cannot be trusted.’ It’s truely desperate stuff but the US of A is backing them. Until it isn’t…


  29. Ukrainian President Says Nation Ready for War, Signs Bill To Call Up Reservists as US and Britain Boost Military Training and Assistance

    …The keynote of his address was this: “Does Ukraine want a war? No. Is it ready for it? Yes. Will Ukraine stop fighting for peace through diplomacy? Never. Will Ukraine defend itself if it needs to? Always.”

    The utility of such phrasing is that the statement can be interpreted differently according to where the stress is laid. And a threat of war can be couched within a seeming pledge of peace. ..

    He’s well on the way to having a salad named after him. More laughs at the link.


  30. Liberals have confidently stated that 60 thousand people took to the streets in Moscow on 21 April.

    above: photo taken from the Four Seasons Hotel by surveillance camera, 19:33, 21 April, looking down onto the the the corner of Tverskaya Street where the Hotel National stands. In the foreground can be seen police guarding the barricaded Manezhnaya Square, the hoped for venue of the liberast rally.


    Almost 700 participants in the unauthorized rally in Moscow were identified using city video
    surveillance cameras. There is a breakdown by institutes of higher education etc.

    And this below is what 60,000 people look like:

    The 60,000-capacity Xi’an International Football Centre, China.

    Bullshitting foreign agents and their lackies!


      1. St.Petersburg libtards. The woman holds a placard on which is written a verse from the bible:

        Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
        Matthew 5:10.

        Her artistic companion has a placard that reads:

        “I wanted to buy blue underpants but now I am afraid to do so”.

        Are these knobheads for real???


  31. Vis my comment yesterdat* about yet another an anal-y-sis coming out of Kings College London, I just saw this:

    MintPress: A School for Spooks: The London University Department Churning Out NATO Spies

    Alan Macleod uncovers the deep links between the British security state and the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, responsible for training a large number of British, American, and European agents and defense analysts.

    ….A prestigious university located in the heart of London, King’s College has, in its own words, “a number of contracts and agreements with various departments within government, including the Cabinet Office, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Ministry of Defence.” Some of those contracts are up to 10 years long. The university has so far refused to elaborate on the agreements, telling investigative news outlet Declassified UK that doing so could undermine U.K. security services…

    It’s nothing new as universities have long been a source of research for military and other stuff, but it’s a good reminder that the hallowed halls of academia do have interesting sponsors…



    1. An IP attorney I know considers university research programs to rate high on the dishonesty scale due to a single-minded goal of landing government and private industry research grants through whatever means necessary. And, frankly, those are likely the least dishonest of major US institutions.

      100% saturation in corruption has been achieved.


    2. Wasn’t that intellectual giant Higgins once a ‘fellow” of King’s College War Studies department or whatever?

      Good old Higgins!

      Where would we be in this modern world without such expert investigative journalists as Higgins?


      Eliot Higgins is an award winning investigative journalist and the founder of the Bellingcat investigative collective. Through the use of open-source and social media investigations, Eliot has been able to shed light on some of the most pressing issues of our time.


  32. Gilbert Doctorow: Post Script to Vladimir Putin’s Address to the Nation on 21 April

    …As one analyst remarked, the foreign affairs section was notable as much for what Putin did not say as for what he did. No country was named. It was all rather abstract except for the specifics of the Belarus assassination plot…

    Plenty more good commentary at the link. Don’t forget to check out his other posts.


  33. Using my favourite Americanism, I noticed yesterday that it was “crickets” in the Western mass media as regards the nothingburger (another Americanism) that the Freedom to the Gobshite rallies in Russia were.

    Yesterday’s VZGLYAD:

    Expert: Navalny supporters’ rallies have failed across the country
    22 April 2021

    A major opposition rally on the day of Vladimir Putin’s address to parliament drew only a few thousand people across the country, even though organizers had planned to bring half a million protesters onto the streets. That is what political analyst Alexei Martynov HAS told Vzglyad.

    Martnov said: “This isn’t even a failure – it’s just another fraud. Apparently, Leonid Volkov, head of the Navalny campaign headquarters, promised his handlers an incredible national protest rally of the scale of a half-million people. In reality, however, we see that all together only a few thousand people took to the streets across the country. In some cities the number was a hundred, some places less, at others even over a thousand. That’s despite the fact that a great deal of money had been spent on preparing the rallies, and had been worked out in the blogosphere using propaganda methods”, says Alexei Martynov, director of the Institute of Modern States.

    “Initially, Volkov and his supporters had planned the rally for the warmer months of May and June, when young people like to go out in the evenings anyway. However, foreign foundations affiliated with Western special services decided that it would be nice to hold a bright opposition demonstration early”, says Martynov. “The point is that since March the West has been “warming up” the situation around Russia. “The ‘warming up’ started with the controversial statements of American President Biden and was intensified the other day by the diplomatic scandal around the Czech Republic, as well as the inclusion of a virtual military scenario in Ukraine.”

    “It was against this background that Leonid Volkov’s handlers, who live in Lithuania, apparently decided to “apply pressure from within”. They believed Volkov, who had promised them on the day of the announcement of the Russian president’s address to bring up to 500 thousand exalted young people onto the streets of Russian cities and thus launch the flywheel of “an orange revolution”. But today we have once again witnessed that Western handlers are just wishfully thinking”, said Martynov.

    “I don’t know how Volkov will now justify himself to his handlers for the expenses”, the political analyst said ironically. “And I don’t even know how to treat Volkov personally. After all, his promises have worked out way off target, and in the end the efforts of our opponents have gone to waste.”

    According to the Interior Ministry, fewer than 15,000 people in total took part in unsanctioned rallies held by supporters of the blogger Aleksei Navalny across the country. For example, two people came out in Kyzyl, 15 in Cherepovets, and three in Gorno-Altaisk, just as in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In Khabarovsk, 200, and in Vladivostok, 350. At the same time the website of the manifestation organizers announced the participation of 460 thousand people all over Russia. The Interior Ministry said that as of 8:30 p.m. the event had been attended by about six thousand people in the centre of the capital. Recall that the organizers’ website said that more than 115 thousand people were expected to come to the rally. In St. Petersburg, 4,500 people attended an unauthorized rally.

    The previous day the Ministry of Internal Affairs called on Russians to refrain from taking part in illegal rallies, promising to suppress all aggression and provocation. The message was issued amid calls by Navalny’s supporters to hold unauthorised rallies this Wednesday, April 21, because of the blogger’s deteriorating health, they said. The Prosecutor-General’s Office has also warned of liability for participating in illegal mass rallies.

    Enter HM.GOVT:

    Ambassador Neil Bush raises concerns about the erosion of independent media and critical voices in Russia at the OSCE Permanent Council.

    Mr Chair,

    I am delivering this statement on behalf of both the UK and Canada.

    The actions taken by the Russian authorities in recent months are a further demonstration of the erosion of independent media and critical voices in Russia. We remain concerned by the brief detention and interrogation of the journalist Roman Anin, who has led numerous investigations into organized crime and corruption in Russia. Mr Anin’s apartment and offices were raided by the FSB, allegedly in retaliation for his investigations into the Kremlin elite. This is yet another example of Russia’s constriction of independent media.

    Furthermore, the Chechen authorities’ continued intimidation and verbal attacks against the journalist Elena Milashina and the newspaper Novaya Gazeta are unacceptable. We previously raised the attack on Ms Milashina last February in this forum. We are dismayed that these attacks have continued.

    Ms Milashina’s article on extrajudicial killings, featuring the testimony of a former Chechen patrol officer, is the latest of credible reports detailing the continuing violations of human rights in Chechnya. We recall the 2018 Moscow Mechanism report, which confirmed concerns over very serious human rights violations in the Chechen Republic, and addressed the lack of effective remedies and the problem of impunity.

    We note that in Milan in 2018, OSCE participating States agreed to “take effective measures to end impunity for crimes committed against journalists… including by ensuring that law enforcement agencies carry out swift, effective and impartial investigations into acts of violence and threats against journalists”.

    In addition, we are concerned by the detention of Russian citizens exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, which are enshrined in the Russian constitution. Again the Russian government fails to respect and comply with its international commitments on human rights in the OSCE and the Council of Europe. Russia should release citizens detained during peaceful demonstrations. We are also concerned that Russia continues to target independent media outlets and journalists who are covering these protests.

    We urge the authorities in the Russian Federation to demonstrate their commitment to the OSCE human rights principles that they freely signed up to, including the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. Russia must investigate all human rights violations committed against journalists and independent media outlets, and bring those responsible to justice.

    Published 22 April 2021

    My stress: got it in my mailbox this morning.

    Two-faced bastards!

    Try an unsanctioned march down Whitehall this Saturday afternoon, arsehole, and see what happens!

    Granted, there’s fuck all enshrined in your constitution as regards freedom of assembly , whether peaceful or not — because you ain’t fucking well got a written constitution, have you!

    We have here. There’s one on our kitchen table right now. Mrs. Exile was reading it yesterday evening for some reason or other. I told her that in this republic, I’m the president and guardian of the constitution, and then told her to get some dinner made — or else!.


    1. Mmm.. where was Bush when that other Bush had a New York Times reporter imprisoned because she refused to reveal her sources to investigators? Wasn’t that a ‘critical voice of the free and independent media’?

      Please note that in accepting her sentence, Ms. Miller ‘bowed to the authority of the court’. In other words, when the US government wants to know where you got your information, regardless if it is true or your pledge to keep your source safe from retribution, you have to tell them. It’s the law.


      1. Judith Miller should have been tried as a war criminal for inciting war along with the NYT editorial board.


        1. I absolutely agree, and it was not my intent to ennoble her actions with altruism. However, the usual western bleeding hearts had all been served notice that screeching about human rights in that instance would not be welcomed, and they stayed away. The New York Times wrote a weepy puff piece about her courage, but they were given artistic license because they were her employer. They did plenty of bending over for the Dubya Bush administration, before and after her jailing. Nobody else of any particular repute said anything much about the country becoming a fascist dictatorship. But the west absolutely loves Russian ‘dissident’ reporters, even though 98% of it cannot understand a single word they write.


  34. Prague says number of employees of Russian, Czech consulates to remain unchanged

    …”So far, this (mutual steps to equalize the number of employees of the embassies in Moscow and Prague – TASS) has not affected these missions. Russia has not yet taken any steps in relation to our Consulates in Russia. In this case, the number of [employees of Russia’s and the Czech Republic’s Consulates] will not change,” he noted…

    It’s funny to see Czechia behaving as if it is the United States. I reckon Kulhanek is angling for Babis’ job as PM. How does he actually think this is going to work out?

    Meawhile the lo-land of Po-land expelled 3 Russian diplomats and Russia expelled 5 Polish ones!* Slovakia has expelled 3 in Czech support…



    1. Yes, they plainly believe they are something special, and that firm resolve displayed will result in Russia scurrying to obey, lest they be offended. It’s probably quite a nice dream, and I’m sure they are enjoying it. But nappy time is almost over.


  35. Reflections on the protests of the Russian opposition minority.

    Is this an example of the “The Beautiful Russia of the Future” to which the gobshite and his depraved US controllers wish to lead us all?

    Yesterday, a wave of rallies swept through our cities. If I were a journalist from Ekho Moskvy, then I would definitely write about the large numbers. I would point out some incredible figures and make sure to use phrases in the spirit of “It’s obvious to the whole country”, “The whole world is with us”, “Most of the inhabitants of Russia”. But these formulations have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. There is no need to talk about any majority, and even more so about the whole of Russia. Just that the majority of residents of our country ignored all these gatherings yesterday. And how not to ignore them, if our opposition itself pushes away potential sympathizers amongst our fellow citizens?

    Take a closer look at the title shot. It was just made on April 21. Such a character comes out and they immediately start photographing him. I guess it’s funny how the show looks. But what does all this have to do with politics? Are these people really able to change anything as regards price increases? They Might they be able to have a new factory built? I cannot believe they can do that. For some reason, there is a strong feeling that these people would not even be able to open a tiny shop, not to mention the construction of some infrastructure like the Crimea Bridge. And to be honest, I don’t think they feel the necessity to do anything of the kind. They come to a rally for entertainment. Some jump with a parachute, some go fishing, but in large cities they like to go to gatherings. We went, stood, and dispersed.

    Then comes the turn of various liberal media outlets. They actively write about some mythical majority, try to spread their point of view on social networks. Young people read all this and they really have a dangerous illusion that there are many people who share their hobby.

    Unfortunately, critical thinking is not held in high esteem today. Why the opposition media embellish the picture can be understood. People get paid for doing such a thing. This is their job. But I don’t understand why people don’t analyze the situation themselves. How many people came out across the country in support of Navalny? According to various estimates, from 30 to 50 thousand people. These figures are not from government sources. I am even inclined to believe that they are inflated. But OK, let’s take the maximum figure of 50k. This is all over Russia, if anything. There were only about 5 thousand people in Moscow. The Civil Defence Concert attracted a lot more people in its time, but oh well.

    So we take these 50 thousand and see how many people we have in total who live in our country. 146 million, roughly speaking. This 50 thousand is 0.03 percent of the total population. Young people from rallies like this like to talk about democracy, don’t they? Well, there it is. The majority is not interested in them. And if the majority decides something, it is accepted as a guide for action. That’s the basics of democracy, folks. So the majority may have a grievance against the government. But they are certainly not on track with Navalny and his supporters.

    Junior gobshite and friends

    Take a closer look at the following picture. Notice the demands that these young people have written on their posters. They are going to ban someone from giving birth. They want to violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, I mean, obviously, these people are not going to build any strong country.

    For them everything that is going on is some kind of fun. They see the rallies as a little adventure. And there is probably nothing bad in it. The only question is what will grow out of these people in the end? I personally see a simple solution here. If you come out for unsanctioned rallies, be kind enough to leave the state universities. That seems fair to me. Schoolchildren have no business being at such events.

    However, I cannot say that I like everything that is happening in Russia. Yes, I am annoyed by rising prices and the extremely slow pace of development. And we have more than enough officials who sometimes seem to me to be doing nothing at all. It would be strange to deny that there are problems within the country. But today’s protest has ended up being a small gathering of fringe groups.

    You only have to flick through the pictures on social media of various activists from these rallies. And looking at their bright faces, I somehow don’t feel the confidence that they will be the ones to change my life for the better. Somehow I don’t have confidence in them. And I’m afraid I won’t like the Russia they want to build. And the big question is whether there is even a place for me there.

    [The placard that the man in the photograph above is holding reads:

    I, Buzarov Vladislav Vyachislavovich (1969), am prepared to be a candidate for the post of Mayor of Moscow. I ask that you give your signature in support of my candidacy at:

    101000 Moscow, Main Post Office, POSTE RESTANTE]

    I fully share the thesis that my freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins. My sense is that protesting citizens think somewhat differently. There is their need and that’s that. The rest of the people, in their opinion, watch too much TV, believe too much in the official authorities, are too naive. And they end up pitting themselves against the rest of society, which rest of society being the vast majority. And the way I see it, instead of democracy, I am being offered some kind of totalitarianism. In my opinion this is not right. And I personally do not want to see such a “Beautiful Russia in the Future” as modern liberals and oppositionists see it. And neither do most people want to see it that way. This is exactly what those who go out to the squares should be thinking about. They are still in the minority, which means they are going against democracy.

    That’s all for today. Thank you for your attention and see you later.

    I suppose the writer has not heard of that saw much bandied about in recent years: “The true measure of a democracy is the way it treats its minorities”.

    So how should minorities be treated?

    With respect, of course, but does such respect also encompass their right to impose their will onto the majority?

    I think the concept of democracy, notably that which US “politicians like label as “OUR democracy”, is crap.

    And don’t forget, “our democracy” must be defended unto death!

    As Ronald Reagan once said:

    Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.

    Ronald Reagan died in bed a very old and senile man.


    1. If the squawking Russian protesters want a glimpse of what a beautiful country led by a wild card looks like, they need only look next door. Zelensky swept to power with a substantial majority which believed his funnyman prowess would translate quickly into political chops that would amaze and delight. Maybe he even believed it himself. Although I loathe politicians and earnestly hoped to see a US president elected from outside the born-to-politics class, it took only one term of Trump to relieve me of all my optimism about that idea. It is apparent I was wrong to hope for such a miracle, and that a political education and experience are vital to moving easily and effectively in the political milieu.

      Navalny has no political qualities at all. He’s not a natural leader, and has to be levered into leadership roles by his western patrons. At least Nemtsov was a politician, although he established a national reputation for starting a zillion projects and finishing none of them, and was too starstruck by all the opportunities being a big wheel gave him to get his end away to focus much on national priorities. Navalny is far below Nemtsov’s calibre, and is mostly just a whiny self-entitled prat. As military parlance would have it, I wouldn’t appoint him 2 I/C of a blank file.

      That’s much funnier than it sounds.


      1. . . . a political education and experience are vital to moving easily and effectively in the political milieu.

        which is what Plato wrote in “Republic” about 2,500 years ago, only he wrote about “philosopher kings”, not kings by right of primogeniture, by the way, but leaders selected from a cadre of persons who had been educated and trained in the art of good governance.

        This happens to a certain degree in some states, but clearly not in present day USA: witness the antics of present US “diplomats” and heads of state.

        In the Evil Empire, however, one has persons such as Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, who graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) in 1972, though I suspect citizen Lavrov is something of a polymath, as his top subject in his school years was physics and he was of a mind to enter either the National Research Nuclear University or the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

        And my eldest daughter, whom I am coaching to become the first woman president of Russia, is a student at RANEPA, THE Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

        She’s smart, is my Lenochka: takes after her Orc mother, who is a right old clever clogs, a graduate engineer from the top technical university here, the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

        PS My Lena does not like liberasts! Chip off the old block, as they say, though her genetic make-up is clearly Orcish.


  36. NATO Deploys Polish Troops to Turkey for War With Syria

    …So now Polish troops, an estimated 80, have been deployed to Turkey to conduct naval patrols in the Mediterranean and surveillance and reconnaissance flights over the Black Sea coordinated with other NATO operations in theater.

    Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak said of the NATO deployment: “Polish soldiers are present where allied solidarity requires it. They carry out tasks of various nature, ensuring stability and security, as well as transferring their knowledge and skills. Joining the NATO mission in Turkey is another expression of the fact that Poland treats its alliances seriously and works for security on a global scale.”

    Does Poland know it is supporting jihadis? Yes. Does it care? No.


  37. Venezuela’s Guaido Taps $152 Million in Funds Stolen by US

    The Biden administration has no plans to change Venezuela policy and the country remains under crushing sanctions

    …Guaido is tapping $152 million from the accounts. $100 million is said to be going towards purchasing vaccines through the World Health Organization. It’s not clear what the remaining funds will be used for. According to Bloomberg, at least $23 million will go towards what is called “defending democracy,” and $2.3 million will be spent on “advising, security and travel costs” of Guaido’s “inner circle.”..

    Arbeit Macht ‘Merika.

    The US, it’s allies and their ‘Rules based order.’ AKA, thieves.


    1. Yes, it’s kind of sad – they see an opportunity in vaccines to compel support for Guaido by implying that those who do not get on the Guaido hayride will have to take their chances with the virus. It would be reprehensible if the United States government had not already rendered that term meaningless.


    1. That looks like a smart move by Putin. Ze will learn that Russia would have handed him his ass if Ukraine attacked the Donbass.

      It may be premature but it seems that the Ukraine gambit as an effort to stop NS II has ended in failure. The diplomat expulsion circle jerk is another, even more pathetic, effort to disrupt progress.

      What next? An assassination attempt on Merkle linked to Putin?


      1. Don’t give them any ideas; of course the chosen weapon would be Novichok, and the ocean of bobble-head idiots that constitutes their target audience would believe anything.


  38. Navalny’s entourage is preparing explanations for his stopping his hunger strike
    April 23, 2021

    Supporters of Aleksey Navalny have published an appeal from doctors who observed him before his imprisonment and asked the blogger to stop his hunger strike. A statement explaining the reasons for this decision appeared the day after the protest action “Navalny’s headquarters”, which gathered dozens of times fewer people than the organizers had planned.

    Navalny’s personal ophthalmologist Anastasia Vasilyeva, said that “fairly complete objective” data on the prisoner’s condition had been obtained. The statement says that he is being asked to “stop his hunger strike in order to preserve his life and health”. Vasilyeva confirmed that on April 20, Navalny was visited by civilian doctors – chief neurologist of the Vladimir region Andrey Mnev and a chief freelance specialist-nephrologist (Vasilyeva did not give a name). “They gave these data, medical reports, to us”, Kommersant quotes her as saying .

    According to Vasilyeva, the preliminary conclusions, which were formulated with the participation of “foreign specialists”, indicate the need to “urgently stop the hunger strike”. Vasilyeva connects the admission of doctors to Navalny with protest actions, but doctors visited him a day before the actions. Navalny’s doctor Yaroslav Ashikhmin said that the visits of “civilian” doctors “were a long time ago.” “And we have long been familiar with the results of the survey”, he said, explaining that they had not been used before.

    The statement, signed by Ashikhmin as well, states that “the necessary research (electroneuromyography) was carried out, consultations were held with the neurosurgeon and the chief freelance nephrologist and the chief neurologist of the Vladimir region”. The medical reports were passed on to civilian doctors who had treated Navalny before his incarceration. “We have analyzed this data, prepared our own conclusion and will transmit it tomorrow through lawyers to Aleksey Navalny and the doctors who are currently involved in the treatment of our patient”, the text reads.Mediazona .
    On April 19, the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Vladimir region reported that doctors had decided to transfer the patient. Navalny was transferred from the penal colony in Pokrov to a hospital of the regional hospital for convicts in Vladimir. After that, Navalny’s personal ophthalmologist, Anastasia Vasilyeva, said that he was healthy and there was no need to transfer him to the hospital.
    [My stress. What does an ophthalmologist know about the Bullshitter’s general health? I thought he was near death’s door, anyway! —ME]

    Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova said that Navalny was repeatedly given medical examinations, was prescribed medication, but he refused it. [I thought he was supposedly being denied medical treatment. Why then the signs carried by the Navalnyites on 21 April “For Navalny a doctor!” — ME] In particular, “medical examinations were conducted: on March 19, 2021-by a neurologist, on March 23, 2021-by a psychiatrist, on April 6, 2021-by a general practitioner”, and “information about the diagnosis, the results of an MRI examination, and the treatment regimen were brought to the attention of the convict on March 30, 2021”.

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, unauthorized actions organized by Navalny’s supporters took part in the whole country. Participation was less than 15 thousand people. For example, in Kyzyl, two people took part, in Cherepovets – 15, in Gorno-Altaisk, as in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, – three. In Khabarovsk-200 and Vladivostok-350. At the same time, the website of the demonstration organizers
    announced the participation of 460 thousand people across Russia. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow reported that as of 20.30, about 6 thousand people took part in the event in the centre of the capital. Recall that on the website of the organizers, more than 115 thousand people promised to go to the action. In St. Petersburg, 4.5 thousand people came out for the uncoordinated action.

    “The latest actions can be called a complete failure. This is a demonstration of their insignificance and the best gift to the current government on the day of the president’s address”, publicist Mikhail Delyagin told VZGLYAD newspaper.

    Why is a convicted criminal who is serving his sentence being treated by his “personal doctors”?

    Is this a “right” of convicts, that they be allowed individual treatment by doctors of their choice?

    Are convicted criminals in the USA allowed such a privilege?

    Who or what the fuck do they think Navalny is, other than a convicted criminal?

    The party’s over, Bullshitter!

    Either find a job when you come out, or fuck off out of Russia for good!

    Better still, just get the fuck out of Russia!


    1. Of course this is spin to make it appear that Navalny got his way, and was seen by ‘foreign specialists’, and can therefore in good conscience stop his hunger strike because it achieved its purpose, and made the brutal regime acquiesce to his demands. Although, of course, he reserves the weapon to use it again as soon as he asks for something and they don’t jump to it. He’s got Putin’s number now, and knows how to manipulate him like pliable putty.

      What a pitiful charlatan – how does anyone take him seriously? He’s just a clown, and as soon as clowns become predictable, their routines are no longer as funny, they lack spontaneity and freshness. Navalny is about as unpredictable as Christmas.


      1. Of course this is spin to make it appear that Navalny got his way, and was seen by ‘foreign specialists’, and can therefore in good conscience stop his hunger strike because it achieved its purpose, and made the brutal regime acquiesce to his demands.

        Exactly! The Russian blogosphere is now being swamped by Navalnyite posts saying just that. So is the Bullshitter thanking his hamsters for their support that has led to victory.


  39. Saints be praised! The liberast hero is not going to die — of starvation at least!

    14:58, 23 April 2021
    Navalny has decided to end the hunger strike

    Moscow. April 23. INTERFAX.RU – Convicted opposition leader Aleksei Navalny announced that he was ending his hunger strike.

    “I do not withdraw the requirement to admit the necessary doctor to me — I am losing sensitivity in parts of my arms and legs, and I want to understand what it is and how to treat it, but taking into account the progress and all the circumstances, I am starting to get out of the hunger strike”, says Navalny in an Instagram .

    “According to the rules, it will take the same 24 days and, they say, it is even harder. So wish you luck,” the message says.

    Navalny said that he had already been examined twice by a council of civilian doctors. “The last time was right before the rally. They did research and an analysis and gave me the results and conclusions”, the oppositionist said.

    He recalled that his doctors had issued a statement the day before calling for an end to the hunger strike. “Frankly, their words … seem to me worthy of attention”, he added.

    Navalny went on a hunger strike on March 31, while in a colony in the Vladimir region, where he was sent to serve his sentence by a court decision. He demanded that a doctor be allowed to see him, explaining this by pain in the back and leg, as well as the lack of medical assistance.

    On April 19, it became known that the oppositionist was transferred from IK-2 in Pokrov to the in-patient department of the regional hospital for convicts. The Federal Penitentiary Service noted that Navalny’s health condition was assessed as satisfactory, that he was examined by a therapist every day, and he was also prescribed vitamin therapy.

    On February 2, the Simonovsky Court of Moscow, at the request of the Federal Penitentiary Service, replaced Navalny’s suspended sentence in the “Yves Rocher case” for 3.5 years in a general regime colony.

    See how Reuters calls him a “convicted opposition leader” and not a “convicted criminal”.


    1. Never ending bullshit:

      As Alice from “Wonderland” said: here you have to run to stay put. and to get somewhere, you have to run twice as fast.

      I ran, tried, fell, went on a hunger strike, but all the same, without your help, I just bruised my forehead.

      With the tremendous support of good people across the country and around the world, we have made tremendous progress. Two months ago, they smirked at my requests for medical assistance, they did not give any medicines and did not allow them to be transferred. A month ago, they laughed in my face at phrases like: “Can I find out my diagnosis?” and “Can I see my own medical record?”

      Thank you – now I have been examined twice by a council of civilian doctors. The last time was right before the rally. They do research and analyses and give me the results and conclusions.

      Doctors, whom I fully trust, issued a statement yesterday that you and I had achieved enough for me to lift the hunger strike. Well, and – I will say frankly – their words that the analyses show: “in the very near future there will be no one to treat” … mmm … seem to me worthy of attention.

      Another argument that became perhaps more important to me was that, in solidarity with me, several different people had started a hunger strike, including representatives of the “Mothers of Beslan”. Tears flowed from my eyes as I read this. Lord, I don’t even know these people, but they go to doing this for me.

      Friends, my heart is full of love and gratitude for you, but I do not want anyone to experience physical suffering because of me. I am not withdrawing the requirement that a necessary doctor be allowed to see me – I am losing sensitivity in parts of my arms and legs, and I want to understand what it is and how to treat it, but taking into account the progress and all the circumstances, I am starting to withdraw from my hunger strike. According to the rules, it will take the same 24 days and, they say, it is even harder. So wish you luck.

      Once again: this is solely your merit. Kind caring people around the world. Thank you, I won’t let you down.

      Oh fuck off, will ya!


      1. By the way twat, haven’t you noticed something?

        You’re still doing time, you bastard.

        Only another 2 years or so to go.

        And you are still facing other charges, so I reckon you’ll have more time added on.

        I certainly hope so.


  40. The BBC on the end of the Bullshitting bastard’s hunger strike:

    Putin opponent Navalny ends hunger strike in Russian jail
    59 minutes ago

    And get this from the above:

    Navalny was sent to a penal colony in February for over two and a half years, after a court ruled he had broken the terms of a suspended jail term, even though he had been in a coma. Russia rejected a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights that he should be freed because his life was at risk.

    Was he in a coma after he had been discharged from Charité, declared fit, and then began swanning around in Black Forest resort, taking time off from his rest camp there to visit Dresden in order to get some dirt on Putin’s time in that city (accompanied by Pevchikh, whose whereabouts in Germany the German government knew nothing of), before returning to Baden-Württemberg so as to make, with the help of USA colleagues, a fantasy documentary about Putin’s palace?

    And now, according to the ECHR ruling on Navalny, namely that he should have been freed because his life was in danger, does that mean that any criminal who undergoes a hunger strike, thereby endangering his life, should be freed?

    Of course not! Because the Bullshitter is not a criminal, is he: he’s a political prisoner, right?



    1. Note: Navalny had ben allowed consultation with outside doctors and had called off his hunger strike before the demonstrations on wednesday, 21 April.

      Ahead of the protests, Russia’s human rights commissioner, Tatyana Moskalkova, told journalists that, the day before, Navalny “was visited by civilian doctors, four doctors who examined his state of health.” She said that the clinicians were giving Navalny, “voluntarily and with his consent, medical drips consisting of nutritional fluids.” In addition, the watchdog added, “according to the information I am receiving, he is receiving all the care that he needs according to the doctors’ opinion.” “So far, I have found no serious concerns in this analysis on the part of the authorities.”


      Yet the Navalnyites who took to the streets did so, demanding what had already been done as regards their courageous leader.

      Suckers! Especially those who were arrested for the Wednesday escapades.

      So what else is left now in Navalny’s attention-seeking box of tricks and which will give rise to the ECHR demanding that he be released forthwith?

      I know!

      He can say he’s pregnant.

      Yeah, he can say he’s transgender and got humped in nick, that’s what he can do.


      1. Mmm…I can imagine. ‘Medical drips’ of mashed potatoes and vegetables and ground meat, more likely, like his model prisoner and fellow hunger-striker Tolokonnikova.


    2. But you knew that was coming, didn’t you? Of course he’s not going to die for the people – he only got a measly 2.5 years, he could do that standing on his head. And then, assuming his wealthy enemy in the Moscow Schoolboy case does not put him in the clink for another 10 or so, he’ll be free as a bird no longer doing bird, flitting about and looking for another grifting scheme to keep him in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed, all without ever doing a day’s work.

      He might find western interest in himself a little subdued, though. There was never a problem selling him to the dozy fucking westerners, they all go into raptures at the mention of his name; just like they did over Rodchenkov, that charming rascal, after ‘Icarus’ came out. But westerners do not vote in Russian elections, and it has become painfully obvious that Navalny is never going to be voted in to public office, nor can he be washed in on a groundswell of public anger a la regime-change mode, because he has no real support base in Russia, and his dreadful and cruel prison sentence has done nothing to improve a popularity standing on a par with steamed broccoli ice-cream, were someone so foolhardy as to invent it.

      The ‘hunger strike’ was just like all his other steadily-accumulating disabilities and illnesses, calculated to build unstoppable momentum which would see him released in triumph because western pressure had just made it too costly for the state to keep him incarcerated. He’s going to do his full sentence at the helm of his interplanetary craft, all alone. Most emerge sadder but wiser, but not Navalny – he’ll come out the same entitled lippy prick he went in. But his value to the west will have greatly diminished, and despite Team Navalny’s best efforts to keep him fresh and current, he will have to start all over again and woo a new batch of kiddies. And he’s getting a little long in the tooth for that, sooner or later it will get creepy. But Volkhov is the one who has just seen the bottom fall out of his future.



    So, as I said, the “hunger strike” and Navalny’s “fatal illness” charade is coming to an end. “Doctors beg Navalny to end hunger strike”. “The walking skeleton” (this is how Navalny writes about himself) has changed his mind about dying.

    That is correct.

    As Comrade Sukhov [fictional character in still popular Soviet film “The hite Desert Sun” — ME] used to say: “Of course, it is quieter for a dead man, but it is very boring”. And here, though sluggish, there’s movement. At the same time let them beg him to stop being terminally and ingeniously ill — in today’s world of fitness and dieting it is not fashionable: a stunted leader, frequenters of hospitals and pharmacies, cannot lead the wide, healthy, rosy-cheeked masses — the contrast would be too great and the risk of not reaching the masses.

    But it’s not just that.

    The main objective of Navalny’s “sickness” and “hunger strike” was to cause another anti-Russian wave in the West, and the urgent scheduling of the rally “in Navalny’s defence” on the day of the presidential address was intended to distract media attention from the address and reduce its media and social impact. Neither of these objectives was achieved.

    The West expected another anti-Western manifesto, while the message turned out to be absolutely “internal Russian” and socially oriented, and Putin, one might say, simply brushed aside the Western theme. In short, “Don’t tease the Russian bear Sherkhan. If you poke fun at it, you will be punished” — nothing more was said. That is, there was so little to object to that Psaki started objecting not so much to Putin as to Kipling.

    The action, which looked more like a memorial service for the opposition, was even more pointless and aimless than its predecessors. All it managed to do was draw attention to itself, but to divert attention away from whatever it was. Bender [Ostap Bender, a fictional con man and the central antiheroic protagonist in the novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Little Golden Calf “,written by Soviet authors Ilya Ilf and Yevgeni Petrov — ME]. was far more successful selling tickets to “Failure” so as “not to fail too much” than Volkov selling invitations to the opposition’s “failure of the opposition” street show. Watching Volkov fail was completely free of charge.

    One big fat failure!

    So it is really time for Navalny to stop “swatting mosquitoes” (and how come he has them in his cell[He’s not in a cell FFS! He’s in a dorm!!! — ME] in this cold — they must have been planted by his enemies), stop “starving”, finish his vitamins and come up with something more original. The audience is clearly getting bored, which was clearly visible in the “protest action”. There is an urgent need for creativity. Even Greta Tunberg is better to listen to! Speaking of Greta, she too has been terribly lacking in attention lately. Maybe we should put them together somehow. Navalny and Greta. You could blow up any TV channel with a mix like that.

    We understand that the same doctor Vasilyeva, who makes diagnoses through a closed door, will backtrack. She is not in the habit of lying. But how will those who have been dragged into this disgrace feel on the outside? For example, the leaders of “charities” (among them, however, was mysteriously the church’s “Echo of Moscow” “Pravmir”), which sowed panic about the grave state of health of the eminent patient.

    To begin with, they should be ashamed of the fact that most of them, being on the state’s payroll, support an outright enemy of the state. But since this is common in our country today and no one is embarrassed by it, at least let them be embarrassed that they have fallen victim to a scam that has been operating for many years and still finds gullible people.


    1. Before going on his diet that nearly killed him And that’s his “cell”, in which he is giving lip to a prison officer whilst nonchalantly holding a mug of tea as though he runs the place.


    2. Oh, Greta’s still around; in fact, she just did a virtual with a US Congress subcommittee yesterday, to harangue them some more about climate change. We can do it, you know; it’s not too late. We only have to ‘completely divest from fossil fuels’ and make candles from pig fat and live like the Amish. Remember Al Yankovic’s “Amish Paradise”? Think ‘National Anthem”.

      “A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
      I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
      I really don’t care, in fact I wish him well
      ‘Cause I’ll be laughing my head off when he’s burning in Hell
      But I ain’t never punched a tourist even if he deserved it
      An Amish with a ‘tude? You know that’s unheard of
      I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
      And my homies agree, I really look good in black, fool”


  42. Apparently Bi-Dumb will recognize the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire.

    It should have been done decades ago, but now? Just as In Sultin’ Erd O’Grand has swung back towards the west on Bi-Dumb’s election and is playing footsy with Brussels and more western interests? Strategically it is a very stupid decision. I’m happy though!


    1. Will the West recognize the genocide of the Serbs in WW II? Ever? No, Never.

      Per Wikipedia on the Jasenovac concentration camp, data indicates up to about 1,000,000, mostly Serb men, women and children were murdered by barbaric means to terrible to describe here. Yet, our Jewish friends say:

      The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C. presently estimates that the Ustaše regime murdered between 77,000 and 99,000 people in Jasenovac between 1941 and 1945.[2]

      The Jewish number is less than what the Croatians claim. Holocaust, Inc. rolls on.


      1. Not to mention the abominable murder of Soviet citizens during the Great Patriotic War, very many of whom were Jews, of course, but the great majority of them were of Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian “ethnicity”, not that I consider those nationalities as consisting of different ethnic groups . . .

        I do not deny the fact that there was systematic murder of European Jews by the Nazis, and all lives are “sacred” they like to say, but nobody knows for sure how many Soviet citizens died during the Great Western European Crusade to save European “culture” from Judeo-Slavic-Tatar Bolshevism, but the Soviet figure is many orders of significance higher than that which the Holocaust industry claims as regards those Jews murdered by Nazis and their fascist allies.

        Orc lives matter!

        Don’t they?


        1. I don’t recall where to to find the source material but the the majority of wanton murder of Soviet citizens were the work of ordinary German soldiers and not the SS, IIRC, this conclusion was based, in part, on a collection of letters written by said German soldiers to their families and sweethearts. And, given the wanton murder of civilians, one would expect rapes of Soviet women to be norm for said German soldiers.

          Germany got off light for their war crimes. But that is not surprising as Germany was simply doing the bidding of the Western elites. True, they failed, but they gave it that old college try.


          1. Back when he ran his own blog, Crappy Town, Marko Marjanovic wrote (as ‘hoct’, for ‘Hero Of Crappy Town’, which devotees will recognize as a quote by Hoban ‘Wash’ Washburne from the series ‘Firefly’) an excellent post for the previous blog, called “Counting The Dead – Soviet Losses in World War II”. It was so informative it was saved as a research paper on the old site, linked here;


            I planned to add a lot more, but as you know, the future was soon to end for The Kremlin Stooge due to unforeseeable circumstance, and Marko’s contribution was the only paper featured at that page.

            Now, of course, he is the editor at Anti-Empire, and reaches a much wider audience than he ever did before. That this was entirely intentional is suggested by the last message on the former blog, which now leads to a dead link; here’s the abstract.

            “The plan for the future is that I will write content with the view to have it published on outlets other than Crappy Town. It is a simple issue of math. Writing for your own reasons is fine, but it is doubly nice if someone actually reads and benefits from what you write, and it is the case Crappy Town simply does not have a very extensive reach.”

            Marko is a Slovene from Ljubljana.


          2. Here’s one:


            That said it comes with a few howlers:

            ‘Their conversations betray how deep the Nazi state corrupted the military code, and in doing so, the men who considered themselves honourable – men like Oberleutnant Hans Hartigs from fighter squadron.’

            This ridiculous notion that there was ever an ‘honourable’ German military tradition, when all of the Third Reich’s high-ranking military commanders won their spurs in the Kaiserreich’s army (Who were also very fond of senseless violence against civilians, but the whole world convinced itself after 1918 that they had been spotless knights).

            ‘This banishment of morality, of ethical behaviour, is apparent in transcript after transcript. Hitler had boasted in the early days of the regime of turning the youth of Nazi Germany into ‘magnificent beasts of prey.’

            Hitler was in power for a grand total of twelve years, he didn’t transform anybody, he just took them as he found them and set them loose.

            ‘In Italy, as in France, in Russia, in Poland, it was the same, terrible corruption that allowed men who, before the war would never have kicked a dog or struck a child, to behave with the barbarity of Mongol hordes instead of the discipline of an army reared in a country which gave the world Schiller and Schubert, Goethe and Beethoven.’

            Savage cruelty is in fact a staple of German family life, and always has been. Mongol hordes meanwhile, have not existed for centuries, while Germanic hordes from America and England plague the earth to this day.

            One delightfully quaint aspect of these conversations is that one of the few dissenting voices came from…. a Waffen-SS recruit, who couldn’t believe that German soldiers would do such things.


            1. Mongols are OK. I once was acquainted with a very nice Mongol lady. She spoke excellent English as well. She was an English teacher. Didn’t meet her here: met her in Hastings, Sussex, England, when she and I were on a course of studies there and before had met my wife, who is an Orc.

              And in 20 minutes, I start teaching online a Tatar. I have 2 online Tatar students who are both cultured and well mannered.

              And my neighbours in the country are Tatars and lovely friendly folk as well.

              So those Mongol-Tatar hordes of the 13th century seem to have given rise to some pretty likeable persons whom I know


          1. It is in the realm of possibility that more Serbs died from genocide than Jews. The genocide of Soviet citizens was, by far, the worst in WW II in Europe. I understand that the Japanese carried out genocidal murder of Koreans and Chinese but i don’t know the numbers.


            1. For China, I have seen figures of up to 20 million dead (civilians and military) but I am not sure if the figures start in 1937 when Japan invaded China or if they start in 1931 when Japan invaded Manchuria. There was a parallel war going on at the same time, a civil war between nationalists led by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kaishek) and Communists led by Mao Zedong.

              One anti-Chinese source Foreign Policy gives a figure of 14 – 20 million. R J Rummel gives a figure of 6 million but this omits the Sino-Japanese war (1937 – 1945). This site suggests up to 50 million Chinese may have died during the Sino-Japanese war.

              For Koreans the figures will vary as well because the Korean peninsula was under Japanese control from 1910 to 1945 and the Koreans were subjected to cultural genocide (their language and culture were debased and corrupted) and many were subjected to forced labour, prostitution as comfort women and medical experimentation. Many Koreans were also drafted into the Japanese armed forces.


  43. Expert links the end of Navalny’s hunger strike with the number of his rally supporters
    April 23, 2021

    “I see a direct link between Aleksey’s decision and how few people in the country came out to hold rallies in his defence”, political analyst Marat Bashirov told VZGLYAD newspaper, commenting on the decision of blogger Aleksey Navalny to end his hunger strike.

    “Navalny’s team, which is based on Western financial flows, will now find some favourable justification for this act of Navalny”, political analyst Marat Bashirov believes. “But ordinary supporters of Aleksey will now have a huge disappointment – they hoped for some kind of ideological sacrifice. And here it turns out everything is primitive: the doctors measured the level of oxygen in his blood and forbade starvation, and he immediately stopped. Of course, the Navalnyites did not want him dead, but they probably expected more firmness, commitment to their idea”, the source suggested.

    “I think Navalny is very upset that so few of his supporters came to the rally on Wednesday, which was one of the reasons for his decision to end his hunger strike”, Bashirov said. “I think many sincere supporters of Navalny will now start sobering up. First, they didn’t see any genuine heroism on the part of their leader. Secondly, we saw firsthand how few of them there are in the country.”

    Recall that on Friday, blogger Aleksey Navalny announced a decision to stop the hunger strike, which he had previously started because of the alleged non-admission of doctors to him. He explained his decision by saying that he was twice examined by a council of civilian doctors, who conducted tests and acquainted him with their results. “The doctors, whom I fully trust, issued a statement yesterday saying that we have achieved enough for me to end my hunger strike. Well, and – I shall say frankly – their words that the tests show: ‘in the shortest possible time, there will be no one to treat’ … mmm… they seem to me worthy of attention”, it is reported on Navalny’s Instagram.

    On April 19, the Federal Penitentiary Service reported that doctors decided to transfer Navalny from the penal colony in Pokrov to a hospital of the regional hospital for convicts in Vladimir. As the Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova pointed out, Navalny repeatedly underwent medical examinations, was prescribed medication, but he refused it.

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, less than 15 thousand people took part in unauthorized actions organized by Navalny’s supporters on April 21 in the whole country. At the same time, the website of the organizers of the demonstration announced the participation of 460 thousand people across Russia.

    At the same time, the opposition politician, libertarian Mikhail Svetov, reproached the organizers of the rally, Ivan Zhdanov and Leonid Volkov, for hiding from their supporters the fact that the blogger had been transferred to a civilian hospital on the eve of the rally. According to Svetov, this was “manipulation of trust”.

    “The latest actions can be called a complete failure. This is a demonstration of insignificance and the best gift to the current government on the day of the president’s address”, publicist Mikhail Delyagin told VZGLYAD newspaper.


    1. How does Navalny know that the hoped tsunami of support was, in fact, an inconsequential ripple hardly anyone noticed?

      Regardless, the end is nigh for the Navalny project. Even if the West can somehow off him in prison with Novichok, his usefullness is finished. He will serve out his present sentence (and possibly more if convicted of other crimes).

      Being a natural born grifter, he may come out of prison as a born-again Christian to reel in the Baptist community or selling herbal supplements or offering mindful mediation retreats.

      Or, the West can bring him in to be an adjunct Professor in BS.


      1. Nay, a born again Muslim!

        One of his recent whinges was the denial of a request for a copy of Muhammad’s scribblings, which were first relayed to him from the big boss by the Archangel Gabriel no less.

        How does Navalny know that the hoped tsunami of support was, in fact, an inconsequential ripple hardly anyone noticed?

        Because he lounges around watching Kremlin-controlled TV and supping mugs of tea during his sojourn in rest-camp IK-2, Vladimir.


        1. As a matter of fact – if one should think that the term “fact” is appropriate when talking about the claims of “prophets” – Muhammad didn’t scribble down the earliest revelations made to him by Gabriel: he was illiterate, so he committed to memory everything that Gabriel said to him .

          Pretty good powers of memory that is.


    2. “He explained his decision by saying that he was twice examined by a council of civilian doctors, who conducted tests and acquainted him with their results. “The doctors, whom I fully trust, issued a statement yesterday saying that we have achieved enough for me to end my hunger strike. Well, and – I shall say frankly – their words that the tests show: ‘in the shortest possible time, there will be no one to treat’ … mmm… they seem to me worthy of attention”, it is reported on Navalny’s Instagram.”

      Once again, ‘He’ did not ‘explain’ anything; Navalny has no access to Instagram while he is in prison; yet even political analysts continue to report his missives as if his facility to speak directly to his ‘vast audience’ had never been interrupted. The justifications for his absurd actions are written by his PR team, with the benefit of spin and reflection. The Great Bullshitter can be made to look even more a philosopher and Prisoner of Conscience because he does not need to think any more – only do, and a clever explanation for what he did and why will be furnished by people who do not have to think on their feet.


  44. Forbes Russian:

    22.04.2021 01: 33
    “It’s all like a funeral procession”: how an uncoordinated rally in support of Navalny was held in Moscow

    “Journalists” in yellow.

    On April 21, uncoordinated actions in support of Navalny were held in several dozen cities of Russia. All over the country, 1,496 people were detained at rallies, OVD-Info reports, a little less than half — in St. Petersburg, and 26 participants of the rally were detained in Moscow. How one of the most peaceful uncoordinated protests in the capital took place: Forbes report

    The city authorities began preparing for the action the day before: on Manezhnaya Square, which was named the main gathering point of the protesters, metal fences appeared on April 20. On the day of the event, the police began to restrict exits from the metro: the crossings near Pushkinskaya Square and the Lenin Library were blocked.

    At 18: 00, an hour before the start of the uncoordinated action, it was quite deserted near the Borovitskaya metro station and near the Lenin Library. Journalists gathered around the Dostoevsky monument, police officers in full uniforms and special vehicles stood near the square by the library.

    Several people, surprised by the crowd of people in yellow vests with the inscription PRESS, asked what was happening on the square. “Here at 19 o’clock there will be an action in support of Navalny” the law enforcement officer explained.

    “I’m just here by chance. We were walking along, and I looked at some more pigeons . . . but we’d better go”, said a young woman with a small child in a stroller. When asked why they were here, many cautiously replied that they were out for a walk. “It’s good to breathe the fresh air; I just like strolling amongst people”, said a man who had come to the meeting place with a friend.

    At some point, a spontaneous press conference gathered near the underpass: a woman who actively expressed support for the current government attracted media attention. “I am very happy with my life in the country! I experienced the ’90s and I am grateful to Putin. I have a future, my children and grandchildren. And who is Navalny? Go abroad and ask for sanctions for your country?” She was indignant. Her monologue is interrupted by another woman with the opposite position. “He is the main anti-corruption fighter!” she says. “What exactly has he done for the country? They poisoned him. Yes, who needs this, this poison? …” The first participant of the discussion gets angry. “Oh, okay, I’m just came out onto the street for a smoke”, she says, and disappears into the passageway.

    “When an Inquisition begins, emotions come into play.”

    Closer to 19:00, the police began to address the people, who have became noticeably more on the square. “Dear citizens, observe social distancing, observe the mask regime”, sounds from the loudspeaker.

    “When an Inquisition begins, emotions are used”, says a man in his 60s who had been in contact with the police a little earlier. According to him, now both sides are on edge, which is why the outcome of the action is unpredictable.

    Hello kiddies!

    At some point, a group of security officials approached the Dostoevsky monument. Then, having been in the middle of the crowd of protesters, they simply left without apprehending anyone. “Have we won?” was asked of each other in the crowd. After some time, the protesters decided to try to walk to Manezhnaya Square by side roads and moved towards the Arbat.

    [Can’t work that out! The square and the Arbat are in opposite directions. Does the journalist really know the lie of the land here? — ME]

    “They are so calm that it is even scary”

    Along Vozdvizhenka [the street that leads from the Arbat area towards the Kremlin and Manezh Square — ME], the metal fences have been replaced by policemen, who stood a couple of meters apart, without interfering with the protesters’ passage. “They are so calm that it’s even scary” is heard in the crowd. [What? Are they all saying that? Or did the journalist just hear some one or one or two saying it? — ME]

    “I have been to all rallies since the one at Bolotnaya. It was fun at Bolotnaya [Yeah! It was a riot, literally! — ME], now it all looks like a funeral procession. Because it is – it’s getting worse and worse. I don’t believe that it will help, but it’s impossible to sit around and do nothing”, says Ekaterina, who came to the rally with her daughter Ksenia.

    Arbat Square: Old Arbat left distance, New Arbat right distance. Manezh Square half a mile behind the cameraman

    To be continued . . .


    1. Continued …

      “A little further and everyone will sit down. Here, for example. Because we have subscribed and disseminate information. FBK (recognized as a foreign agent – Forbes) is an extremist organization. Just a few more days and that will be it. There will be hundreds of thousands of us. It is unclear where they will take so many of us to prisons”, says Ekaterina [who clearly wants to be a martyr to the cause — ME]. On April 16, the prosecutor’s office appealed to the courts with a request to declare the FBK and the headquarters of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny as extremist. If the court satisfies the request, those who made donations to the organization may be held liable.

      “Not as many police cars, not such angry faces”

      An hour and a half after the start of the march, its organizers announced in a Telegram channel that the new meeting point would be the FSB building on Lubyanka, and the protesters headed there. After the protesters had left Vozdvizhenka, the security forces also left.

      A young man named Nikolai said: “We should take the opportunity to show that there are people who want some kind of change”. “Maybe this is the last opportunity”, says Anastasia in support and with whom he came to the rally. “The constitution is just a piece of paper. We are all powerless here, and our legal right we are exercising illegally here, according to the government”, added Nikolai [You need authorization, dickhead! Anywhere!!! You want anarchy, you soft arsed pampered, self-centred twat!— ME], explaining that he came to the action because of “widespread lawlessness”.

      A young man in the crowd raises up a notebook in the colours of the Russian flag. Later in the conversation, Ahmed said he did not recognise the constitutional amendments and came out to the rally for the freedom of political prisoners, for the prospects and development of the country, high salaries and pensions. “A change of government allows a new way of looking at the people and passing laws that will satisfy the people”, he added, noting that he did not believe in prospects under the current government. “Down with repression!” the crowd interrupted his conversation with Forbes.

      Along Tverskaya Street there is a cordon and police buses. As the protesters moved away from Central Telegraph, so did the security forces. The next meeting point was the presidential administration building. A girl named Serafima, who was one of the first to arrive at the site, said that she regularly comes out to rallies with demands that concern the release of political prisoners and a change of government. Today, however, the main reason for her to take to the streets was Aleksey Navalny. “I am very scared for him. I believe that disseminating information, pickets – it’s all better than nothing,” she said, specifying that before the quarantine, she went out every evening for several days in a row to picket in support of the participants in the “Moscow Case”. “It seems to me that today everything is not as scary as it was in January – there are not so many police cars, the faces of the police officers are not so angry”, she added.

      Pavel, who also came to the building of the Presidential Administration, said that he was not sympathetic to Aleksey Navalny and his entourage, but that the issue of political prisoners was relevant to people of different views. According to him, “this applies to the anarchists, the Seti case, the Dagestani journalists of Chernovik, the Moscow activists, and the MPs who are under pressure from the law enforcement agencies today”. “Regardless of our political views, we must still come to the conclusion that you cannot beat a man who is lying down, you cannot mock a man who is in detention, especially if he is there illegally”, said Pavel.

      A patriot who supports a traitor?

      When the bulk of the protesters had approached the FSB building, the HQ again announced a new route – to Pushkin Square. But it, like Manezhnaya Square, remained blocked off. The approaches to Pushkinskaya Square were also blocked off, so the protesters headed towards Tsvetnoy Boulevard, from where they began to disperse to their homes. Some stayed on the streets and sang Civil Rights songs.

      According to official figures from the Interior Ministry, around 6,000 people took part in the Moscow action. The police practically did not interfere with what was going on. At the same time, media outlets operating in St. Petersburg began to report large detentions of protesters. This included the use of riot gear. In Moscow, mass detentions did not start in the end. According to the human rights project OVD-Info, 26 people were detained during the rally in the capital, something that was hard to imagine at previous, winter uncoordinated rallies.

      And so to bed, kiddies!


  45. via Euractiv: Baltic states expel Russian diplomats in solidarity with Prague

    Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will expel several Russian diplomats and embassy employees in solidarity with Prague, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis announced during a joint press conference on Friday (23 April). EURACTIV’s media partner reports.

    “My Latvian and Estonian colleagues have each expelled one [embassy] employee involved in espionage activities,” Landsbergis said.

    Lithuania will expel two Russian diplomats, he said without disclosing names. “They both had a diplomatic rank” and were involved in espionage, added Landsbergis…

    The Balti yapping chihuahua pack have joined the club. Expulsion of diplomats from Czech Republic shows anti-Russia psychosis, says Chizhov

    Russia’s Permanent Representative to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov considers expulsion of Russian diplomats from the Czech Republic and the attempt to involve the European Union and NATO to be a clinical case of the west’s anti-Russia psychosis.

    “The Czech story is not an isolated episode. That is part of the west’s current anti-Russia psychosis. It is even no longer a hysteria, it is indeed psychosis, an absolutely clinical case,” he told TASS on Saturday.


    1. Are these countries trying to impress the boss or did the boss send them a memo? Is it part of a larger plan to break relations between the EU and Russia? So far, this latest expulsion war seems to be confined to eastern European countries which hardly count for anything – no economy, no leadership and just a source of silliness.


    2. Know what? I’m fed up with hearing about the ‘Baltic States’, as if they were countries of great significance. They are not. They are rudimentary teats on the belly of the west, and they can be counted on to respond with alacrity out of all proportion to their importance whenever some expression of Russophobia is demanded; they have an inborn sense of grievance and offense. Russia should just cut them off altogether, no diplomatic relations, no economic relationships whatsoever, no cross-border travel permitted. Take the hit with Kaliningrad and link to it only by marine and air travel. Isolate them completely from any and all contact with Russia, especially any direct energy supply, and just leave them to either starve or be wholly supported by their western patrons. Fuck them, and the horse they rode in on. The clear aim here is to start a landslide of expulsions of diplomats, egged on by the US Department of State, and if the trickle continues accompanied by constant pressure from above, eventually Europe will cave like it always does, and it’ll happen. Punish them hard, for fuck’s sake, instead of coddling them and flattering their psychotic leaders.


  46. Turkey, Egypt overtures calm a war of words

    Rival powers explore common ground amid realignment of alliances among Mediterranean region nations

    …“Turkey is the one who is initiating all this,” Sami Hamdi, managing director of global risk consultancy The International Interest, told Asia Times. “Egypt has been reluctant to engage and has been painfully slow in doing so. Essentially, Egypt doesn’t trust Turkey.”

    To try and overcome this, Ankara has been tackling one of Egypt’s long-standing complaints – the Egyptian opposition media haven in Istanbul.

    Yet, Al-Sisi will likely want much more…

    A lot more at the link.

    No-one trust’s Erd O’Grand’s Turkey. What it does show is pragmatism on his terms regardless of all the crap he’s said in the past. Egypt of course also get along very well with Russia and is not intimidated by the US (threats of sanctions). I think this shows another shift by Turkey to ‘calm the waters’ and maybe back to being less of an a/shole for everyone. Still, Idleb/northern Syria remains a major problem for him and the EU.


  47. I suppose Bill Mahar presents videos focusing on egregious corruption in the US that we all can agree with in order to sell his much more controversial messages. In any event, this one highlights various high level scams in the US:

    He stays away from the ultra-scams of our financial system. Perhaps Mahar is the master of misdirection.


  48. Navalny and the Void-2
    24 April 2021, 00:40

    Again we are in sympathy.

    And it’s not even that the rally in support of Aleksei failed catastrophically. Even according to maximum estimates, his supporters in Moscow amounted to 15,000 (in fact, considerably less). But let’s be honest, at the Spartak-CSKA match significantly more people come, and they chant their chants louder and more coherently. In social networks, with all the complacent responses from Navalny’s comrades-in-arms, “there are so many good faces,” despondency reigns: not quite the right people are supporting Aleksei, only oh-so-precious students, nervous city madmen and quite self-aware provocateurs and feminist-LGBT-human-rights activists and advanced baristas want to support him, but the people don’t.

    But it’s quite beside the point that Navalny ended his hunger strike quietly and with gusto. So the supporters walked around the streets, made a picture to their handlers: “No need to die now”, as the hero of “Gentlemen of Fortune” [1971 Soviet film — ME] said, “it’s dinner in jail: macaroni!”

    In the last article a month ago, we sympathized with Aleksei, who would be feeling the emptiness around him whilst he is in a colony and his former associates are in restaurants and on scooters. Alone over tea in the colony, it is inevitable to think about why they had given him up the slaughter.

    But now the comrades-in-arms started up, and Alexei himself settled down in the zone and began to remind himself so cheerfully.

    And now it is clear that Aleksei has emptiness inside, and with this emptiness he now has to live.

    Dostoevsky described how imprisonment changes people, if they are people, of course, and not functions.

    What happened to Aleksei? How did the regime’s martyr and fighter for justice appear before us?

    Yes, as nothing new: a quarrelsome type with an unstable psyche, a social phobia with a Napoleon complex, scribbling slander and denunciations. And at the same time requiring a special attitude towards himself.

    If this is such an image, then the PR move can hardly be considered successful. Can we imagine Nelson Mandela refusing to clean up his cell, whining about a sore knee and demanding a personal doctor from Nigeria?

    It turns out that rumours of an imminent death from pain in the legs were exaggerated: footage shows a man with a shaven head walking imposingly with a mug of tea, and he moves his legs quite purposefully.

    But again there are squabbles and shouts about Aleksei being very ill. But excuse me: what, then, are the vaunted doctors from “Charité”? Did they really overlook something when he was discharged from there?

    One can understand a lonely soul – any hype brings back the memory of past activity that is sorely missed when in detention. But loneliness and emptiness are different. In loneliness, one feels the world sharper and brighter: in emptiness, one feels nothing but embitterment at the world for this emptiness.

    What is Navalny upset about? His health is fixable, but his level of support is not. He was been too harsh with the veteran. For many this was when their tolerance towards him reached rock bottom. He was too arrogant in his self-confidence that they wouldn’t dare do anything to him. Was there someone protecting him at the very top?

    Then we had Maria Pevchikh publishing and then suddenly deleting a photo of Navalny on the balcony of the prosecutor’s office. So Navalny had been visiting prosecutors, drinking beer, and smiling.

    And in this emptiness, in the flickering of white coats from the “Alliance of Doctors” near the Vladimir colony, a new hype emerges: you can sign up for a rally in support of Aleksei. The colony had few protesters, but now millions must come out.

    However, the figure on the website, with all its tweaks and bots, freezes before reaching 500,000. Recall that is roughly how many votes the liberal parties got in the elections without gaining a passing percentage; 500,000 is five stadiums. All right, seven. That is, more people regularly and without any appointment come to a football championship round. But here you don’t even have to come, just press a button for fun – and there is no turnout.

    The journalist Andrey Loshak on Facebook complains: this is a diagnosis of people’s indifference, the people have no empathy.

    There is empathy, Andrey. The people feel real pain and worries about the children of the Donbass under shelling, for the insulted veteran, for the boys who courageously died in Syria, destroying the militants, worries about everything that you and your supporters never tire of mocking. And then they wonder: where is the empathy?

    [Right, right, right! My stress— ME]

    In the same place, where the support of the sick for those who are sick, millions are raised. For those who whine and want to hype – well, just silence and emptiness.

    The writer Akunin from a European distance writes posts about indifference, about Navalny’s heroism in his struggle against the regime. But it is impossible to mold a new Fandorin [fictional 19th-century Russian detective and the hero of a series of Russian historical detective novels by Boris Akunin — ME] out of a prisoner, and Akunin himself turns into some kind of caricatured character in his books, a grumbling piquant stuffed shirt, who is all for what is good, but cannot distinguish between good and evil. And Fandorin looks at his author in bewilderment – he figured out where the enemies of the empire were, where the allies were, and where the swindlers and fools werre.

    And now the prosecutor’s office is appealing to the court with a request to recognize Navalny’s FBK as an extremist organization. For real oppositionists, this is probably not so scary – they must be ready to fight. Limonov’s party was banned, and Limonov remained Limonov.

    But this is not the case with FBK. Its response is tantrums and the stamping of its feet.

    Most of all worries Leonid Volkov in his Luxembourg house – while his comrade is in prison, he could also close all his financial flows to himself and buy a Monaco house, for example. But the curators demand successful actions, and so far they have lit only five flashlights into the sky across the country. And for some reason the regime resisted.

    And the rest of the income – from donations of cheerful schoolchildren and adherents sincere in their enchantment. And now such transfers will become impossible for FBK. Well, it’s like supporting ISIS with a pretty penny.

    Therefore, you need to shout that the patient is dying, so that the curators do not turn away.

    And here is the main danger that Aleksei probably begins to understand: do his comrades-in-arms need him in these conditions, alive and well? No, the regime, of course, needs it – they saved him in Omsk, they will save him now. The death of such a patient, of course, will worsen an already difficult relationship with the West, which has exhausted its resources to resist Nord Stream 2.

    By the way, Navalny’s death in the colony before the completion of Nord Stream 2 will only complicate its launch. And FBK will be provided new funds from the West.

    So it is better for Aleksei to listen to the doctors and receive fewer transmissions from his comrades.

    And rightly so, he decided that it was time to stop starving. I wish him health, appetite and a good mood!


    1. ..despondency reigns: not quite the right people are supporting Aleksei, only oh-so-precious students, nervous city madmen and quite self-aware provocateurs and feminist-LGBT-human-rights activists and advanced baristas want to support him, but the people don’t.

      The foregoing is a good summary of the protest class in Russia. The protest class in the US is much broader and diverse – corporate posers, self-righteous mask vigilantes, the empty class who needs a cause, etc.


      1. Forgot the violent protestors who seem bent on looting stores in the name of whatever.

        Russia is hopeless behind in these vibrant forms of democratic expressions.


    2. “Yes, as nothing new: a quarrelsome type with an unstable psyche, a social phobia with a Napoleon complex, scribbling slander and denunciations. And at the same time requiring a special attitude towards himself.”

      Best description of Navalny, without swearing, evah. The police could find him with this description without even knowing what he looked like.


  49. Daily Fail: Alexei Navalny ENDS hunger strike, saying his ‘demand to be examined by doctors had been met’ after prison leaked footage ‘of him doing pull ups’

    …Earlier on Friday, a video, presumably released with official approval, was released showing Navalny exercising, aimed at countering claims of his ill health.

    It was spread among pro-Kremlin social media on Friday although it is not clear when the footage was taken. ..


    1. Fake!! A guy with a gut like that, whose acquaintance with exercise prior to being imprisoned was to drive past a gym now and then could as likely step off a building and fly as he could do even one pull-up. And all his previous blabbering about exercise was ‘running through the hills of Germany’ like some dissipated scion of the Von Trapps. It takes core strength to do pull-ups. The only pull-ups Navalny is acquainted with are the training pants, which probably constitute research for new supporters.


      1. Definitely a fake. His posture is wrong and, if he knew a camera was within 100 feet, he would be posing and mugging for the camera..


      1. The west does not seem to get the message that the type of leaders it endorses – Khodorkovsky, Kasparov, Navalny, Tikhonovskaya – are broadly disliked and regarded with suspicion by the great majority of the electorate in their countries of origin. Western endorsement is therefore an automatic badge of unfitness for public office. It should naturally follow, then, that the more abuse and innuendo western media and analysts heap upon Putin and Lukashenko – the latter of whom actually IS a dictator in the most conventional mold – the more popular it makes them with the voters.

        In my household, whenever something is found amiss – the butter melting a little so it leaks out from under the lid of the butter dish, the garbage bag misaligned in the can so that refuse has collected in the can outside the bag – I just have to give my mother-in-law a significant look, sniff, and remark dryly, “Putin!!!” and we collapse with laughter.


        1. Done – ordered my copy through Book Depository

          Forty-eight years ago, a young and apprehensive Tony Kevin set off with his family on his first diplomatic posting, to Moscow at the height of the Cold War. In the Russian winter of 2016 he returns alone, a private citizen aged 73. What will he find? How has Russia changed since those grim Soviet days?
          Tony Kevin invites readers to see this great nation anew: to explore with him the complex roots of Russian national identity and values, drawing on its traumatic recent seventy-year Soviet Communist past and its momentous thousand-year history as a great Orthodox Christian nation that has both loved and feared ‘the West’, and which the West has loved and feared back in equal measure.

          I look forward to having my confirmation bias sated and having some of the gaps filled in.


  50. And it turns out that leaders who call themselves leaders of the world aren’t really leaders. They are just chest-puffers.

    “It seems to me that our Western partners have let their imaginations run wild. They seem to be seeing things when there’s nothing there, and not seeing the obvious. It’s an amazing thing, really, to be able to live in fantasy land,” she said.

    They [Czech government] didn’t realize what they were signing up for, what their Western supervisors were dragging them into. And when they realized what was happening, it was too late, and they were probably not allowed to take a step back.

    Zakharova again delivers with clarity and conviction. We are seeing some of the red lines in the media space mentioned by Putin.


  51. Lawyer: Navalny’s campaign coordinator’s stories about police torture are a figment of her imagination
    April 23, 2021

    “The Ministry of Internal Affairs should file a libel complaint against Seredkina, as the woman’s story about torture by the police turned out to be fake”, lawyer Ilya Remeslo told VZGLYAD newspaper. Earlier, the coordinator of one of Navalny’s headquarters, Ksenia Seredkina, had said in social networks that she was allegedly abducted and tortured by the police. The Interior Ministry denied these reports, and later Seredkina herself said that no one had tortured her.

    “The coordinator of Navalny’s headquarters in Rostov-on-Don, Ksenia Seredkina, reported in social networks that she had allegedly been in the hands of police officers who had forced her to either kiss or take part of a police baton into her mouth. As proof, she published videos and photos. But in her story, many things do not fall together. For example, in the video, when woman videos the front door, it sounds like someone is knocking on it from the inside, not from the outside, although allegedly outside, according to Seredkina, there was an unknown man. That is, the young lady has a vivid imagination”, says Ilya Remeslo, a member of the Public Chamber and a corporate lawyer.

    Seredkina’s story not only evokes a smile, but also “shows how much the level of Navalny’s supporters has degraded”. “People do not reflect, people just spread fakes according to the precepts of Aleksey Anatolyevich Navalny. Nothing has changed, although they have already been deceived so many times”, and have been fed “false information. But it seems that the Navalnyites will continue to spread anything”, the expert complains.

    The source recalled that Seredkina first became well known three years ago, when she also complained to the blogosphere about “two unknown people” who allegedly beat her and forced her to kiss their shoes. “But these stories were never confirmed. So this seems to happen to this woman frequently. Here everything is according to the saying ” like the priest, so is the parish”. Navalny himself lies about his health, invents that he is dying, but then a video appears on the Network, which shows the supposedly dying of hunger Navalny pulling himself up on a horizontal bar. [Video has recently been released by the IK-2 concentration camp showing the lying bastard doing exercises in the prison gym — ME] His associates see all this and think that they can behave in the same way. Releasing such fakes is considered quite acceptable for them”, added Remeslo.

    “But in this case, I think Seredkina should be taken to account for slander, because she has accused specific police officers of committing a particularly serious crime. It happens that a person is sometimes mistaken in good faith. Let’s say an emergency happens to him, which can be interpreted in different ways. There is nothing like this here: only a slanderous statement aimed at undermining the authority of the authorities”, Remeslo believes.

    On Friday, the Krasnodar Region Interior Ministry denied allegations that local police had detained Ksenia Seredkina, a Navalny campaign coordinator from the neighbouring Rostov Region. The activist previously claimed that on Friday night she had allegedly been abducted by police officers, tortured, and then released near the village of Shirochanka, located in the Yeisk district of the Krasnodar Territory. On Friday, Seredkina herself wrote on her Twitter that there had been no torture done to her: “No one tortured me in the Yeisk police department!”

    I remember when in January, after they had just put the recently arrived from Berlin Bullshitter into a remand prison here, how a Navalnyite shite, some juvenile wearing a yellow “press” plastic overjacket and flaunting a camera, was accosted by a cop because, after having been told to move on, the Navalnyite the shite gave the cop some lip, saying he was “press”. The cop suddenly lost his rag because of this lip off some soft kid, who clearly was not press, and, wrongly, of course, he suddenly turned round, walked a couple of paces back to the lippy cunt and “Whack!”, clouted him across his shoulder with his baton.

    Now I say this as someone who has on many occasions been on the receiving end of police batons, both off round-shield footsloggers and mounted cops, and I can recognise when cops have been given the OK to give all they’ve got — and they have done so with relish. This “press” Navalnyite received a mere warning shot, but my — what a performance he then put on! He started screaming and howling, sagged to his knees and then started rolling and howling on the deck in the hope of attracting on audience.

    Must have seen this gobshite hero’s performance on that infamous Tomsk-Moscow flight.


    1. Oh that Seredkina!

      She’s a bloody freak!

      24 April 2021 8:33 am
      I cry every day, but I won’t go to the police: Strange tragedies and sorrows of Navalny’s chief of staff in Rostov-on-Don

      Ksenia Seredkina’s beatings occur with amazing regularity

      If you open Ksenia’s microblog and read her posts, you get the impression that Seredkina suffers day and night
      Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication in the social network

      Ksenia Seredkina, an activist from one of the regional headquarters of the opposition politician, is a very tearful girl. If you open Ksenia’s microblog and read her posts, you get the impression that Seredkina suffers day and night. And, judging by her own notes, she has plenty of reasons. Now her husband will beat her, then a hooligan in a park will attack her, then something else, such as fascist torture…

      “I remember the hell I lived in when my ex-husband beat me up… The law enforcement agencies left me alone with the aggressor. I didn’t know where else to turn for help. I was scared. I didn’t need flowers then. I needed protection.” She wrote on March 8, apparently timing her post to coincide with International Women’s Day.

      But with the divorce, the violence in Seredkina’s life did not end.

      “Oh, the horror”, she writes on January 1, 2021. “I’m going to meet Korovain in the park. And then he grabs me. I say, don’t touch me, please. And he’s like, how can I not touch you? He grabs me by my jacket hood. I fought back, of course. But it’s scary.”

      Sometimes Ksenia’s publications have very strange and ambiguous content. It’s almost as if she’s writing this out of random thoughts: “So, can someone explain to me why I still call my tablets kaliki, my phone Alyosha, and my stash tarka” (spelling and punctuation are preserved).

      Or here’s another one (from February 7) .

      “I was sitting in the department during the second detention. Ashnik comes up to me and asks:

      “How’s it going?”»

      Me, looking into his eyes:

      “Why are you doing all this?”


      “To avoid winter in cities and villages. It’s a strange one. Winter is coming anyway. Sooner or later. Well, obviously”.

      And sometimes Seredkina imagines that someone is opening her phone: “Apparently, they opened it in the hope of seeing my naked photos”. Ksenia made this conclusion because she found political images in the smartphone gallery.

      In March, Ksenia admitted that she cries every day.

      “I cried only on one occasion: when Mufasa died. I’ve been doing this all the time since August 20 last year. Almost every day.”

      Her last message made a lot of noise. Of course! After all, Seredkina on the night of April 22-23 in her Twitter account, and not in the police station for some reason, made a statement that she was abducted and tortured for several hours by unknown men. “I refused to swallow the rubber baton. For each of my refusals, I was given a notch on my arm. I have a lot of notches”, she says in a matter-of-fact tone.

      If you follow the chronology of Ksenia’s messages that night, it all started at 02: 25. “I’m being held up. Symbolic.” The only thing that is not symbolic is that, as is customary for Navalny’s supporters, she did not immediately arrange a live broadcast with a demonstration of everything that is happening around her — police officers, Pazikov, playing the piano, etc .

      Instead, an hour later, Seredkina modestly wrote: “I am being taken away in an unknown direction by several men. Please help me”.

      Ksenia did not write a word about her 11-year-old daughter. Where was she at that moment? What if she’s home alone? Suddenly not sleeping, worried, where is my mother? I went to take out with the rubbish at 2: 35 and didn’t come back…

      Whether Ksenia’s followers provided her with any help or not, we don’t know. But 2 hours later, at 5: 28, she showed up. And again, for some reason, not with the police, but in her Twitter account. “I was released. I’m walking from Shirochanka. They made me swallow a rubber baton.” Well, then there was a post about notches on her arm for refusing to swallow it.

      To confirm her words, the woman attached a photo of her arm to the post. There are indeed some marks there, as if something not sharp, like a key, had been scratched on the skin not to the point of causing bleeding, but resulting swelling.

      I refused to swallow the rubber baton. With each refusal, they cut notches in my arm. I have a lot of them.

      Why didn’t the brave oppositionist immediately run to the police station? After all, these men who walk around the rubbish bins at night may want to try someone else. Or her again. Seredkina did not go to a doctor either. Instead, she decided to just ” try to get some sleep”. And when she woke up, she gave several interviews, saying that she was sure that she had been tortured by the police, even though they were were not in uniform and had no marks of identity. She warned that she was going to go to the authorities with a statement about her having ben tortured. And then she said that “Yes, it is not clear why the officers took me away from my home. I didn’t ask them about it. They took my phone. This is all not very pleasant, of course. But there was no torture. I had to spend half a day in the police department in an incomprehensible status. No phone. But I can handle this! I’m strong!” However, the police press service gave a number of official comments, stating that they had not detained any Seredkina.

      Was there any allegation of torture at all? And what came of it? Ksenia Seredkina does not attach a photo of the statement itself to her posts. But she marked her portrait, which has been scattered across social networks and the media. “AND ALL THIS IS WRITTEN BY ME, AND NOT COMRADE MAYOR! NOW I AM SAFE (AS POSSIBLE)! ” …

      Seredkina looks happy in the photo.

      Whatever, she’s the heroine of the day in the news media and amongst the supporters of the opposition politician.

      I can spot ’em a mile off!

      Headbanger: female!

      Call a shrink!

      She made a good Mater Familias in a remake of the Adams Family!


      1. Seems more like Morticia Addams’ grown-up kid sister and Wednesday lookalike. Although crying every day over the death of a cartoon character in “The Lion King” would be too much even for the Addamses, who’d be more likely to have rejoiced over Mufasa’s death because if that hadn’t happened, there would have been no story and Morticia would think less of Jeremy Irons as the voice of the evil uncle Claudius-like lion. (“The Lion King” is loosely based on “Hamlet”.)


  52. He wasn’t doing exercises in the prison gym: he was doing them in the yard:

    It says on the Telegram channel clip above:

    A video of Aleksei Navalny, charging up with morning vigour, has been uploaded to the network.

    We never imagined that glucose drips were so life-giving.

    Apr 23 at 09:37

    On his carefully monitored withdrawal from self-imposed starvation, about which his handlers wrote in his name via Instagram, it said he was on a drip and that his recovery would be a long process


    1. Granted, its hard to identify the man in the video.

      A video with Navalny pulling up on a horizontal bar in a colony has been posted on the Web
      Oppositionist on hunger strike had previously complained of health problems
      Andrey Dovlatov
      10:13, 23 Apr 2021

      The network got hold of a video in which a man who looks like opposition leader Alexey Navalny pulls himself up on a horizontal bar. The video was published in the Telegram channel “Life of a cop. Ivanovo”. The footage shows how a man in a prison uniform slowly approaches the projectile, and he manages to pull himself up three times. Navalny has repeatedly complained about health problems and the lack of high-quality medical care in the colony.

      Navalny, who went on a hunger strike in protest at what he said was a lack of proper medical care, was transferred to a hospital in the regional prison hospital on April 19. The lawyer of the politician Vadim Kobzev in his Twitter claims that it is is difficult for Navalny to sit and talk, and the oppositionist’s hands are ” punctured and bruised.”

      “Last night, three nurses made six attempts to insert another IV catheter, but they couldn’t get it into the vein. Now his hands are punctured and bruised”, Kobzev said.

      Navalny himself wrote in his Instagram that now he looks so bad that you can scare children with him. “If they saw me now — they would laugh. A skeleton is staggering around the cell”, the politician complains. “With me you could now really scare children who refuse to eat.”

      Earlier, Navalny complained that instead of medical care, he was being “tortured with sleep deprivation.” He also said that no one is allowed to clean around his bed. The politician claims that prisoners are ordered not to do this, and they do not want to have problems with the prison administration.

      On March 31, it became known that he had gone on a hunger strike. “I have the right to invite a doctor and get medicine. [NO YOU HAVE NOT, ARSEHOLE!!! — ME] Stupidly, neither one nor the other was given to me. The pain in my back had spread to my leg. Sections of the right and now the left leg have lost their sensitivity”, the opposition leader explained the reasons for this decision.

      He previously joked that he is already considering the option of a wooden leg, after which he will get a parrot and become a space pirate. “I can already imagine walking around the area with a stylish walking stick. Inside which, of course, I will hide a sharp blade. Or maybe with a crutch. I can easily throw it, turning it into a deadly weapon”, he sneered. He also admitted that at first he did not want to complain about his health, but when he was transferred, he asked for help and did not receive it.

      Doctors who treated Navalny before his detention appealed to him to stop his hunger strike. In their opinion, if the opposition leader did not stop, he could cause great harm to his health or even die. The head of Navalny’s regional headquarters, Leonid Volkov, said that Navalny’s doctors had made such a decision after they had received the results of the oppositionist’s medical examination.

      Doctors also called for Navalny to be transferred to a multi-specialty hospital in Moscow, where he would be able to be provided with medical care at the proper level. The document was signed by therapist Yaroslav Ashikhmin, anaesthesiologist-resuscitator Alexey Ehrlich, neurosurgeon Vsevolod Shurkhay, neurologist Andrey Plotnikov and ophthalmologist, head of the “Alliance of Doctors” trade union (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia) Anastasia Vasilyeva.

      Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Tatyana Moskalkova said that in the colony Navalny “is given eight hours of uninterrupted sleep”, he has access to a gym, a library, and on April 13 he “was granted a meeting with his wife.”

      “The conditions of detention and medical support for Navalny comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international standards”, the Ombudsman said in a letter to the Council of Europe Secretary General Maria Pejcinovic — Buric about Navalny’s condition.

      According to doctors, the politician [sic] does not need to be examined and treated outside the colony, Moskalkova writes. Navalny “was diagnosed with a diagnosis that does not require hospitalization, since we are talking more about age-related changes in the musculoskeletal structures of the body, characteristic of many men of his age and lifestyle”, the ombudsman explained. Moskalkova also said that Navalny used obscene language against human rights defenders who visited him in prison.

      According to Moskalkova, Navalny was also visited by civilian doctors, not from the FSIN system. There is their conclusion that with the consent of the patient, IV injections of nutrient mixture continue, and the ombudsman “has not yet found any serious concerns about this conclusion”.

      On February 2, the Moscow City Court replaced the opposition leader’s suspended sentence in the Yves Rocher case with 3.5 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Navalny is serving a prison sentence in the Vladimir region in IK-2.

      Navalny’s arrest and replacement of his suspended sentence with a real one sparked a wave of protests in Russia. The largest events were held on January 23 and February 2. All actions were unauthorized. A new large uncoordinated rally of Navalny’s supporters was held on April 21.


      1. “Navalny himself wrote in his Instagram that now he looks so bad that you can scare children with him. “If they saw me now — they would laugh. A skeleton is staggering around the cell”, the politician complains. “With me you could now really scare children who refuse to eat.”

        Wow! What a tough prison – prisoners are allowed to regularly update their social media! Dear Mom; please bake your poor son a cake. In it, please put a gun with a full clip of ammunition, some dynamite and a detonator, and a rock hammer. Fill the car with gas, and watch the papers next week. Love, Kolya.

        One more time, ‘Navalny himself’ does not update his Instagram account. He has no computer access except perhaps for the library, and any computer there which could be used by the prisoners would not have internet access. He does not have his smartphone with him in the dorm; it’s supposed to be a fucking prison, for God’s sake, not Church Camp.


      1. My only interest in it was that the Daily Fail ran the story. Why? This is unusual behavior by the usual Russia hating British media. As you lot have already pointed out, Navanly’s star is in the descendent and there’s really not much value left to milk. Therefore this is a new angle even if it is mocking him and calling his stories in to question. Doubt seems to be the new order of the day.


        1. The Daily Mail’s current readership draws in people who are sceptical of other UK media outlets reporting across a wide range of topics. Most MSM media outlets cater to very narrow ideological mindsets at one or the other extreme and (for the time being at least) The Daily Mail is the last MSM outlet still tolerating a wide (though perhaps shrinking) range of views. Its low-brow reputation allows it to get away with publishing “conspiracy theories” which have subversive appeal to readers. My view is that The Daily Mail and other tabloid-type media have a useful function, if that is the right term, in allowing some opinion and views to appear that would not be tolerated in “quality” MSM: helping a resentful British public to blow off steam against the govt and the propaganda from the “quality” media and the Murdoch-owned media alike.


          1. Correct.

            As usual.

            It’s a safety valve to allow venting. The availability of the safety valve can be seen best in the frequency of citation on US dissident sites. C’mon man: five years ago, exactly how many US citizens knew about the Daily Mail? And now it’s the “go to” site for “the news THEY don’t want us to hear about.”


        1. Remember another one of his attention seeking distractions following his miraculous “recovery” in Berlin from a coma, medially induced in Omsk, namely his persistent demands for the return of his clothing that had been removed from him when in hospital in Omsk, where his Tomsk-Moscow flight had been diverted as a result of his howling and screaming in-flight and claims that he had been poisoned by the most deadly of nerve agents known to man?


  53. For me, this is another red line that the West crossed:\. Recall that Putin said that the red lines will not be announced in advance and they reserve to right to move those lines around as they see fit.

    Russia’s Interior Ministry has banned entry to the country for 122 foreign nationals found to have participated in unauthorized protests in Moscow this year. The restricted individuals won’t able to return for 40 years.

    Speaking at a meeting about security, immigration, and interethnic relations in Russia’s Public Chamber, the head of Moscow Police’s migration department revealed that the capital will ban those who pose a threat to public security and public order for a long time.

    “The migration units made a decision not to allow entry for 40 years for 122 foreign citizens who participated in unauthorized actions and protests on the territory of Moscow,” Dmitry Sergienko said.

    Yes! they are hacking away at the neck of the medusa. About time.


  54. DefenseNews: Turkey’s removal from F-35 program to cause hike in engine price

    …“These are some of the most critical parts of the engine, and the Turkey suppliers were high-quality, low cost,” he said. “Seventy-five percent of them have been qualified in new suppliers. Most of those are domestic here in the United States.”

    Pratt & Whitney expects to have the remaining 25 percent of Turkish-made parts for the F135 qualified by the end of 2021, with all Turkish parts flushed from the system by the time engines for the fifteenth lot of aircraft roll off the line in 2020…

    The irony here is that the USA is cutting Erd O’Grand adrift as Turkey returns to the west. On the one hand yes, he cannot be trusted and just don’t give him any wiggle room,
    on the other he’s still leader of NATO’s most important country.

    In my opinion this is a win for Russia which has vastly more experience dealing with Turkey and can handle the slippery nature of its leaders and politics far more adeptly. The US currently cannot or at least doesn’t think it’s worth the effort. Russia has shown that however much Erd O’Grand twists and turns, it can selectively apply extreme pressure when it wants (currently calling back Russian tourists). But it is still building the Akku (sp?) NPP, TurkStream is still running and a host of other mutually beneficial projects. It’s clear who is on which end of the leash. Moscow doesn’t close doors, Washington does. Yes, Turkey is still in NATO but that organization has already become a ‘coalition of the willing’ in main cases. The only fly in that ointment is that those not taking part in whatever harebrained scheme is on the table, abstain rather than vote against it.



    It has been 46 years since the evacuation of the US Embassy in Saigon. Not since then have US forces under the direction of the State Department suffered such a defeat in the face of superior defending military force. Until these days. …

    …The red line in the Donbass had been announced on April 8 by Dmitry Kozak, the Kremlin’s chief negotiator for Ukraine:..

    More at the link.

    The Russian military spoke to their direct American counterparts and told them clearly what would happen if they didn’t change course. I would guess that the American counterparts passed this on directly to the Bi-Dumb team filter free so as to avoid any ‘managing.’ Message received.


  56. Well, I can’t speak!

    5.04.2021, 12:40

    The President of the Czech Republic has said that there is no data on the involvement of the GRU in the explosions in Vrbetice.

    Czech President Milos Zeman has said that there was no evidence in the counterintelligence reports of the presence of “Russian agents” at the ammunition depot in Vrbetice. According to him, the reason for the explosions was considered to be not only the possible involvement of foreign special services, but also careless handling of ammunition.


  57. Just seen this, in a comment by “Lola” in “Irrussianality“:

    Anders Åslund and Leonid Gozman at the Atlantic Council have written a PLAN for Russia!

    “We need to start discussing now how a new state should be built on the ruins of the old system”, they say. Why the Atlantic Council needs to plan out Russia’s future isn’t even a question – who else could possibly do it? Clearly not the wretched Untermenschen who live there?!

    The PLAN includes the following major steps, among others:
    * …. Russia should abandon its presidential system…
    * …. dissolve the Federal Security Service (FSB), the principal security agency of Russia…

    But the heart of the PLAN is this:

    “….Russia has all along been overcentralized… In the process of decentralization, separatist tendencies will be reinforced and some regions may want to secede from Russia. The new government has to be prepared to handle such developments. Therefore, the mechanism for secession should be clearly delineated in advance in new laws…”

    What’s going on in those people’s heads?! Who do they think they are?!

    Anders Åslund the Russian “expert” strikes again!

    Russian “liberal-conservative” Gozman is president of the “Union of Right Forces”, initially founded as an electoral bloc in 1999 and associated with free market reforms, privatization, and the legacy of the “young reformers” of the 1990s, namely Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov, and Yegor Gaidar. He is one of the people who, in September 2014, signed a statement to “Stop the aggressive adventure: To withdraw from the territory of Ukraine, Russian troops and stop the propaganda, financial and military support to the separatists in the South-East of Ukraine”.

    So you can see what kind of “Beautiful Russia of the Future” Gozman has in mind.

    Nemtsov and Gaidar are dead: Gaidar is still with us, waiting in the wings for a return to unfettered Raubkapitalismus


  58. The Grey Zone: Challenged on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief lies and US-UK-France evade

    Aaron Maté

    Facing new outcry over the Syria cover-up scandal, OPCW chief Fernando Arias has been caught lying, while the US-UK-France are desperately trying to change the subject. Aaron Maté recaps recent meetings at the EU and UN, where the growing Douma controversy was center stage.

    Video at the link.


  59. Strategic Culture: Russia, Russia, Ever Failing

    Patrick Armstrong

    No one ever asks: Mr Expert, you’ve been wrong for twenty years, why should anybody take you seriously now?

    One of the favourite delusions of the people Scott Ritter calls the “Putin whisperers” is that Russia or Putin – to them the two are synonymous – are always on the point of collapse and one more push will bring them down. To the sane, observing the development of Russia from 1991 to 2021, this conviction is crazy:…

    A lot more at the link.


    1. Thanks.

      Very enjoyable. I had a great time going through our host’s pitiless skewering of Aslund of 2015. A match between him and Gorgeous George Galloway would truly be a Clash of the Titans of invective.

      Carlson messing with Max Boot’s underbiting brain was a hoot as well. “The Jaw of Unctuous Rectitude” took a helluva beating.


  60. BBC Russia Service:

    Death for covid infection. Where and who was executed in the world in 2020?
    Olga Prosvirova
    BBC Russian Service
    April 20, 2021

    The pandemic has not stopped 18 countries from carrying out executions in 2020, Amnesty International estimates. In some countries around the world, the number of executions carried out has increased compared to the previous year, which, according to human rights activists, shows a frightening disregard for human life at a time when the whole world is trying to protect people from the deadly virus.

    In February last year, when the coronavirus began to spread rapidly around the world, China came up with a new crime – concealing the symptoms of Covid-19. At best, a person who hid their symptoms and infected someone else could get ten years in prison. The maximum penalty is a death sentence.

    Execution was also threatened for those who distributed counterfeit medicines during the pandemic, specifically infected someone with the coronavirus, or caused any harm to health workers.

    By mid-February 2020, 21 crimes of this nature were registered in China. Four of them assumed the maximum penalty. It is impossible to determine how many people were actually executed because of violations of preventive measures: information about death sentences is a state secret.

    However, Amnesty is confident that at least one person was executed because of violations of anti-coronavirus rules. In total, China executes for 46 types of crimes not related to the pandemic, including corruption. Given the fact that the statistics are completely hidden, Amnesty relies in its calculations on information that gets into the press, as well as on the testimonies of relatives of those executed.

    Got that?

    There’s plenty more of the same.

    However, with the above text there is this photograph and subtitle:

    Amnesty International has been advocating for the abolition of the death penalty in China for many years.

    Who are those people kneeling down?

    What does it say on the placards?

    Who are the guards, one of whom being a woman, standing behind them and pointing guns at them?

    None of the three guards whose faces are visible appear to be Chinese.

    And the signs visible on one of the buildings in the background are written in the Latin alphabet.

    Just wondering!


    1. What do they say about people who will not wear a facemask being denied medical care if they get sick, because they ‘should have known better’? I assume the possibility of that ending in death was considered, and I would not have to go past the “letters to the editor’ page of my local newspaper to show you people advocating that.


    2. I must admit I never learned to read Chinese characters but one of the characters on the far right placard (the one being held by the lightly bearded guy) looks like Japanese kanji. The second placard from the left looks a bit odd too but that may be due to the font used.


  61. At last!

    I had become sick unto death of reading Navalnyite kiddie blogger’s arguments that Navalny and his brother simply conducted normal business practice with Yves Rocher and that the accusations made against them had been fabricated by the “regime” and, their cherry on the cake, Yves Rocher had never made a complaint about the Navalny brothers swindling them:

    Yves Rocher statement on the Navalny brothers’ fraud has been published
    April 20, 2021

    Brothers Navalny in dock

    A copy of the statement signed by the general director of Yves Rocher Vostok Bruno Leproux about a crime against the French company Yves Rocher, for which brothers Aleksei and Oleg Navalny were convicted, has been published on the Web.

    The document, as follows from the its photo, was submitted to the chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin on December 4, 2012. It says that in 2008 the malefactors had persuaded Yves Rocher Vostok employees to conclude an agreement for the carriage of goods and freight forwarding services with “Main Subscription Agency Ltd.” [ООО «Главное подписное агентство»] . As a result, the company was forced to use the services of a carrier without the possibility of choosing another counterparty and agreeing on other prices. In this regard, Yves Rocher Vostok from August 2008 to November 2012 could have suffered considerable financial damage.

    Meanwhile, in 2012, a number of journalists, speaking in Navalny’s defence, claimed that there was allegedly no statement from Yves Rocher. Representatives Russian branch of the French company also claimed that they had not filed any complaints or lawsuits involving the Navalny brothers. It should be noted that the statement signed by Leproux does not indeed include the Navalny brothers, but the very fact of the appeal to the IC is documented.

    “This document proves that it was Yves Rocher that initiated the proceedings against the Navalny brothers, and not the government, not state agencies, and not state-owned companies, as the liberal media have been trying to prove for years. That is, the Navalny brothers tricked a major international company, using their official position, inflicted damage on Yves Rocher, which company then wanted to sort matters out according to the law”, reports Telegram’s Oprah ….

    Aleksei Navalny was sentenced in 2014 to three and a half years’ probation for fraud in the Yves Rocher Vostok case. On 2 February 2021, the Simonovsky District Court of Moscow granted a petition from the capital’s Federal Penitentiary Service to replace Navalny’s suspended sentence with a real one as regards fraud case against Yves Rocher. The court ruled to send Navalny to a minimum-security penal colony, crediting his time spent under house arrest. Navalny is to spend about two and a half years in the colony.

    Oleg Navalny was released in the summer of 2018 from colony No. 5 in the village of Naryshkino in the Oryol region, where he spent three and a half years after having been sentenced in the Yves Rocher embezzlement case.

    And Oleg Navalny neither suddenly became ill whilst doing time, nor did he go on “hunger strike”.

    He just did his time, unlike his soft-shite of a poseur elder brother.

    But then again, Navalny junior is not “Putin’s leading critic”.

    Statuesque Blonde giving her brother-in-law encouragement before his being taken off to Butyrka, which is a shithole: I know, I’ve been there.

    Brotherly love! Oleg Navalny welcomed upon his release from prison by his arsehole of a brother. The Bullshitter’s sister-in-law right foreground. After having done three-and-a-half years’ bird, Oleg Navalny looking decidedly skinnier than his roly-poly, lobster eating, foreign climes jaunting brother

    On tour in the USA


    1. Despite the widely-separated-in-time photos at the top, Navalny is wearing the same shirt. He does not seem to have a very extensive wardrobe. That, of course, is due to his self-sacrificing nature, that sees him devote every incoming kopeck to fighting corruption.

      Navalny’s child army doubtless claims there was no foul in the business dealings of the Brothers Navalny because the ECHR said the same thing – that as far as the court was concerned, the swindles perpetrated by the Navalny Brain Trust were merely normal business practices. Shame to think that people regularly cheat and misrepresent in business, folks, but there you have it.


  62. Court decision on work of Navalny’s “headquarters” and FBK (VIDEO)
    26.04.2021 – 18:09

    What am I gonna do now? Waiting for further instructions. A dirty protest? Pleeeeease, no!!!! Not a dirty protest!!!

    The Moscow City Court has decided to suspend the activities of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK)* and Navalny’s staffs pending consideration of the prosecutor’s office’s claim to ban and liquidate them owing to alleged extremist activities.

    This was stated by lawyer Ivan Pavlov, who represents the interests of these organizations.

    As reported by “Russkaya Vesna”, the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office has filed a corresponding application with the Moscow City Court today. The application was sent to the judge for consideration.

    “Moscow City Court judge Vyacheslav Polyga has approved the request of the Moscow prosecutor’s office and suspended the activities of the “Anti — Corruption Foundation” and the headquarters of politician Aleksey Navalny until a decision on the extremism claim has been made”, lawyer Pavlov said.

    At the same time, the heads of organizations located abroad are trying to convince supporters of the need for further funding, namely the the transfer of donations. The situation was commented on by the authors of the Telegram channel “Blok”.

    “The court has suspended the activity of FBK (foreign agent) as regards the demand that said organization be recognized as extremist. Employees of the Navalny Foundation have no doubt that they will lose in court, following which there may begin the prosecution of ordinary Navalnyites for sponsoring and cooperating with them.

    However, fugitive provocateurs do not care about the fate of Navalny’s followers. Earlier, they literally begged the fans of the blogger, who is now serving time for fraud, not to unsubscribe from donations. And now, while there is no court decision, Volkov explains in what other ways potential extremists may be sponsored. These actions of his are a direct incitement to committing a crime”.

    In April of this year, the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office filed a lawsuit with the Moscow City Court to recognize the Anti-Corruption Foundation*, the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights* and Navalny’s headquarters as extremist organizations. The law enforcement agency stressed that under the guise of these organizations there are foreign and international companies whose activities in Russia are recognized as undesirable.

    “The actual goals of their activities are to create conditions for changing the foundations of the constitutional order, including using the scenario of a ‘colour revolution’ “, noted the Moscow prosecutor’s office.

    * October 9, 2019: The Russian Ministry of Justice added FBK and its operatives to its list of foreign agents and wankers.


    1. Navalny is not a ‘politician’. He is neither leader nor member of any recognized political party in Russia, and is prohibited from running for public office because he is a convicted felon. The Russian government avoided that action for as long as it reasonably could be expected to do, awarding him suspended sentence after suspended sentence and jailing him for petty actions which would not result in a criminal record, but he couldn’t even show up for his court-appointed meetings, deeming them too much an imposition on his valuable time. He is a crook, a common criminal, and there is nothing of the politician about him. He has no plans of his own for the country, only strategies fed him by his foreign sponsors, and he cannot even keep them straight in his head long enough to avoid being soundly humiliated by the likes of Kseniya Sobchak in a public forum on political policies. Navalny is simply a talking head for foreign interests.

      Nonetheless, I imagine ‘giving to help Lyosha’ will endure in some form, through front organizations and the like, because it appeals to the self-image of ‘rebels’ among Russian young liberals who have allowed themselves to be convinced they live in a pestilential hellhole that Lyosha is going to turn into a beautiful garden oozing with prosperity and foreign investment.


  63. 26 APR, 13: 21
    Russia declares Naval attaché at the Italian Embassy persona non grata
    He must get the fuck out of the territory of the Russian Federation within 24 hours

    Curzio Pacifici: Arrivederci Russia!

    MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Russia, in response to the expulsion of diplomats from Italy, has declared the assistant Attaché for Defence, the naval attaché at the Embassy of this country in Moscow, persona non grata. This is stated in a statement issued on Monday by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    “On April 26, Italian Ambassador to Moscow Pasquale Terracciano was invited to the Russian Foreign Ministry, where he was presented with a note from the Ministry declaring persona non grata Assistant Attaché for Defence, Naval Attaché at the Embassy of the Italian Republic in the Russian Federation Curzio Pacifici, as a response to the unfriendly and unjustified actions of the Italian authorities against the military attaché at the Russian Embassy in Rome. The specified employee is ordered to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within 24 hours”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    On the evening of March 30, a Carabinieri special unit detained an Italian officer from the General Staff of the Italian Defence Ministry together with an employee of the military attaché of the Russian Embassy at the time of an alleged transfer of secret documents in exchange for a monetary reward. On March 31, when it became known about the incident, the Italian Foreign Ministry invited the Russian ambassador and announced the decision to expel two employees of the Russian Embassy in Rome. The attaché officer and his supervisor, the military attaché, left the country on April 1.

    You no fuck-a around with the Russkies if you know whats-a good for you — capisce?


    1. Just keep in mind, though, that Uncle Sam is sitting on the sidelines rubbing his hands with enjoyment. Russia is expelling people from everywhere, but all the ones being expelled by other countries are from Russia. Less diplomatic presence globally = Russia is isolated, which is what the United States wants to see. Of course Russia is taking the only action it can, and answering every expulsion with a corresponding expulsion, and I am not suggesting it should just absorb the punishment and take no action; I approve of Moscow kicking out equal numbers of foreigners and answering immediately with a return slap. But in the long run it does not benefit Russia to cut off contacts with potential allies, while it benefits America with its ‘isolate and contain Russia’ strategy.

      The round of tit-for-tat expulsions, which is shaping up like it is going to become an annual event, is mitigated during ‘these extraordinary times’ by the fact that everybody just gets together on Zoom anyway.


      1. Being isolated from the EU while strengthen ties with the rest of the world is not bad. Besides, I have the feeling that the EU secretly hates their boss and would jump at any safe/painless way to quit,

        China jumps to Russia’s defense:

        China has blasted a wave of new sanctions imposed by the US on Russia, saying it will work with its counterparts in Moscow to protect against external interference and urging Washington to take a different approach instead.

        Speaking to journalists on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said his government was “strongly opposed to the use of unilateral sanctions” and would work with its allies to reduce their impact.

        “China and Russia maintain a comprehensive partnership with each other,” the official said. ”In matters of protecting state sovereignty, the People’s Republic of China and Russia will support each other.”


  64. The US flag has been at half-mast for over a week – mass shootings and some politician died. Maybe there is a new reason from over the weekend.

    M.E., does Russia often fly their flag at half-mast and, if so, why?


  65. Yes. Same reason.

    I remember half-mast flags when that Red Army choir got killed by an aeroplane crash off Sochi and especially because one of the dead was a well-liked humanitarian doctor, a woman — I forget her name now.

    That was the crash that that laugh-a-minute Frog “satirical” journal “Charlie Hebdo” took the piss out of:

    The repertoire of the Red Army Choir has been enlarged.

    And the Russians flew half mast as reported here:

    23 FEB, 05:31
    Russian embassy’s flag flies at half-mast to mourn US COVID-19 deaths
    According to the latest data, as many as 28,174,133 people have contracted COVID-19 in the US and 500,071 people have died

    WASHINGTON, February 23. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States is flying its flag at half-mast in Washington, D.C. in solidarity with the US mourning of those who died from COVID-19.

    “Today our flag flies at half-mast as a sign of solidarity with the American people mourning the loss of more than 500,000 lives claimed by #COVID19 pandemics,” the Embassy wrote on its Twitter account.

    The Russian flag was also flown at half-mast on the premises of the Russian diplomatic mission on occasion of the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Jolly decent of those Orcs, doncha think?

    And when the Kursk submarine tragedy happened, flags were at half-mast.

    There was a day of national mourning and flags at half-mast when that bastard Yeltsin croaked an’ all.

    And get this:

    Russians’ outpouring of emotion touches Poles

    The Russian national flag and the President’s Flag flew at half-mast over the Kremlin on Monday, April 12, 2010, in respect for Polish President Kaczynski and others who had died in an aeroplane plane crash near Smolensk.

    Typically Russian “masking” tactic of course, for everyone knows that the Orcs caused that crash on the Evil One’s orders.

    Here’s that doctor who was sadly killed off Sochi; Charlie Hebdo thought her death was hilarious:

    Doctor killed in Russian plane crash had VT ties
    Burlington Free Press
    December 27, 2017

    MONTPELIER – A widely revered Russian doctor killed in the crash of a Russian military planehad lived for years in Vermont but had been working in her native country for the last several years, dedicating her life to helping children, terminally ill patients and people in war zones.

    Dr. Yelizaveta Glinka, 54, was one of 92 people killed when the Tu-154 crashed Christmas morning after taking off from an airport in Sochi. The plane was headed to Syria, and Glinka was taking medicine to a hospital there.

    For years she had been helping the poor and disadvantaged in Moscow. She also was tirelessly raising money, medical supplies and contributions to be shipped overseas to those in need, said her husband’s Vermont law partner, Jess Schwidde.


    1. And we are supposed to be outraged and get all serious when no-talent Hebdo cretins get offed. I laughed so hard I nearly fell to the floor, it was so hilarious! Hope that they do an encore.


      1. Yes, that was the point at which they had used up all my sympathy for them as well. I kind of tried to see the freedom-of-speech angle when they were making fun of Mohammed, and although the cartoons were in extremely poor taste, some of those religious types are just wired way too tight. But making a big hilarious joke out of people’s deaths in a plane crash – no matter who they were – made me look around for my “Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie” T-shirt.


  66. And the show goes on . . .

    Navalny’s daughter is to speak at the human rights summit in Geneva

    Thank you daddy for getting me into Stanford!

    Daria Navalny, daughter of opposition politician Aleksei Navalny, will speak at the Geneva Human Rights Summit. The summit will take place on June 7 and 8.

    The event is annual with the participation of two dozen human rights organizations from around the world. The announcement with the participation of Daria Navalnaya was published on the summit’s Twitter page.

    I wonder who pays for her flight tickets?

    Daddy’s doing time and mummy doesn’t work.


    1. And the great and the good will come and listen enthralled to Daria’s heartfelt speech about the horrors meted out by the regime to her papa.

      Daria, a know-nothing human-rights expert!

      Daria is to human rights as is Greta Thunberg to climatology: both know fuck all about what they have taken upon themselves to talk about

      Opinions they no doubt have, but are opinions facts?


    2. Daria Navalnaya is receiving the (splutter, splutter, wipe the coffee stains off the screen) Courage Award of the Geneva Forum on Human Rights and Democracy on Daddy’s behalf. The ceremony is being held online. Maybe Julia Navalnaya doesn’t do Zoom meetings (as in, can’t be bothered if she has to take instructions from someone).

      <A HREF=""<Navalny was awarded the prize of the Geneva Forum on Human Rights and Democracy


      1. The west loves to do that – when it perceives that one of its ‘dissidents’ is intensely disliked in Russia, it loves to present them with human-rights awards and hero biscuits and make a big ostentatious show of how worshiped they are by westerners. Look at all the attention showered upon Solzhenitsyn. It’s why the west keeps silent over Ukraine’s worship of Bandera.


  67. al-Beeb s’Allah Turn News interviewed William Browder about Russia suspending Navanly FBK organization. Browder is an expert on what exactly, apart from stripping enterprises of value and dumping the rest?


    1. Yes, it’s always a good idea to interview a Russia expert who has not been allowed into the country since 2005. No doubt his grasp of the current political and economic picture is enviable. Lest we forget, Browder once championed Putin’s anti-oligarchical policies, notably against Khodorkovsky, when it was to his economic advantage to do so. If you want to know what Browder thinks, consider which side of the equation will increase either his influence or his enrichment, or both. But that will be the limits of its accuracy.


  68. Neuters via EU Rejects Russian Decision to Label Media Outlet Meduza as ‘Foreign Agent’

    ….The designation issued on Friday requires Meduza to label itself as such, subjecting it to increased government scrutiny.

    Set up in 2014 in Latvia by Galina Timchenko, Meduza publishes online news in Russian and English. Timchenko was the chief editor of Russia’s most popular news website until her sacking after she fell foul of the authorities…

    …EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, said in a statement.

    “It is extremely concerning that Russian authorities continue to restrict the work of independent media platforms, as well as individual journalists and other media actors. It goes against Russia’s international obligations and human rights commitments,” he said.

    A bit late in the day, but still good news. ‘Independent.’ Yes, as long as it reports the ‘right kind’ of news and its funding is secret:

    …According to a Newsweek article, Timchenko prefers to keep Meduza’s investors anonymous….

    …and in articles they typically source anti-Russian government sources such as RTVI, which is not available in Russia. However, Meduza also utilizes credible sources such as BBC, The Financial Times, AP, Reuters as well as Russian news sources such as Russian News Agency TASS and Russia’s international news agency RIA RU….

    Ho ho ho. ‘Credible sources,’ not water carriers.

    …In August 2018, Meduza started a partnership with the American website BuzzFeed. The partnership includes publishing each other’s materials, sharing experiences, and carrying out and publishing joint investigations….

    Buzzfeed, the famous outlet that published the notoriously bs Christoper Steele dossier on t-Rump that no-one else would publish despite being the wild already for months.

    … has a global rank of #822 which puts itself among the top 1,000 most popular websites worldwide. rank has increased 334% over the last 3 months. It reaches roughly 5,792,130 users and delivers about 9,267,450 pageviews each month. Its estimated monthly revenue is $26,875.80. We estimate the value of to be around $980,966.70. The domain uses a British Indian Ocean Territory suffix and its server(s) are located in with the IP number is also listed on Dmoz…


  69. Soyuz-2.1b rocket with 36 OneWeb satellites aboard launched from Vostochny spaceport

    A successful launch of 36 OneWeb satellites aboard the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with the Fregat upper stage was executed on Monday from the Russian cosmodrome Vostochny. The launch of the spacecraft was carried out under the contracts of Glavkosmos (a subsidiary of Roscosmos) with the European launch services provider Arianespace, which provides and operates the launch of OneWeb spacecraft with the use of the Soyuz launch vehicle, and the Russian-French company Starsem…

    OneWeb is owned by UK gov. Since they were kicked off Galileo u-Ro GPS, it bought OneWeb.


  70. Ukrainian national sentenced to 10-year jail term for attempting to smuggle Russian S-300 parts

    …In May 2018, Marchenko was assigned a task by Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service staffer Pyotr Khomenko to acquire klystrons in Russia – spare parts for S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems and received $163,000 for implementing the criminal intent, the statement says.

    “The secret items were expected to be transferred to the Ukrainian Ukroboronservis state arms exporter through an intermediary firm in Macedonia,” the FSB press office said…

    Is it that bad in the Ukraine that they need to steal parts, or is it on behalf of the USA? And what version of the S-300. It went in to service a long time ago and hand been through quite a few iterations. The US even has a S-300 electronic equivalent it uses during its annual Red Flag multinational exercises.


    1. I’m confident it was on behalf of the USA. And remember, in order for the USA to stage a convincing false flag that implicates Russia, it needs the actual system, or at least parts from it. It could easily have pushed the narrative that Russia shot down MH-17 from Russian territory, if only Ukraine had had a system which would have the range. But they didn’t, so they had to go with the Buk and that cockamamie story about the Russians sneaking it in, taking the shot and then sprinting for the border.


  71. Roscosmos expects talks with US customers on RD-180 rocket engine deliveries may restart after Starliner’s tests

    ….blah blah blah Rogozin blah…

    …Overall, Energomash has delivered 122 RD-180 rocket engines to the United States over more than 20 years of cooperation.

    It’s time to close the books on this deal.


    1. The Vulcan Centaur is supposed to replace the Atlas V hence the supposed end of the RD-180. In fact,, Congress mandated the following in 2016:

      n brief, the compromise sets December 31, 2022 as the end date for awarding contracts to the United Launch Alliance (ULA) for Atlas V launches of national security satellites that would use RD-180 engines. It also limits to 18 the number of RD-180s that can be used between the date that the FY2017 NDAA is signed into law (enacted) and that end date.

      I agree that the RD-180 supply contract should not be renewed. However, it keeps the production line and supply chains in good condition until the Russia Super Heavy booster generates domestic demand for the RD-180


  72. Meanwhile the relatively new head of British Intelligence MI6 (foreigners branch) ‘C’ has recently been doing the media rounds, warning of the danger of China being first in 5G that ‘could allow it to spy,’ that’s UK gov’s remit, on the UK warning Russia what would happen if it ‘invaded the Ukraine’ and MI6 spying on the biggest polluters. How woke. I wonder if they warned India that it was about to have a massive increase in COVID-19 cases? The current ‘C’ was announced as the new boss back in november last year and even managed since then to apologize for discriminating against LBGTQ+. He’s also ‘still angry’ over Novichok in Salisbury!

    It’s all part of Globollocks Britain where it will ‘punch above its weight’ globally outside the EU and on a relatively small budget and not much in the way of resources. No doubt some of that will be diverted to local hamsters to do stuff more cheaply with them taking the risk, as Team Players.


    1. ‘Reckless’ Russia’s power is in decline, says British spy chief

      MI6 chief believes Moscow’s power is waning.

      …“Russia is an objectively declining power economically and demographically,” he said. “It is an extremely challenged place. ..

      Boilerplate Brit intel press release within.

      MISicks more like. So repeating old propganda that he knows isn’t true tells us the true state of British Intelligence. As others have commented elsewhere, the real threat is western countries services believing their own propganda and acting accordingly (for a disasterous outcome).

      Romania also has now expelled a Russian diplomat in sympathy with the Czechs. It’s the new game, but underlying it is that it is a very easy option to take when they cannot do anything of consequence after the US pulled the plug on Zelensky’s threats of further war in the Donbass and the withdrawl of USN ships before they could enter the Black Sea. But if we are to believe the head of (A)MISicks it’s the other way around.

      What of France and Germany or a ‘united EU response.’ There’s supposed to be a summit soon to talk about this and other issues but usually you don’t need to wait for one to do dick moves.


    2. I was wrong about 5G source, it was GCHQ:

      Independent: China and Russia could win ‘moment of reckoning’ over control of internet unless UK evolves, GCHQ warns

      ‘In the natural world, during a period of rapid change, the only option is to adapt, and it’s the same for us,’ Jeremy Fleming is to say

      Again, little more than a boilerplate press release with no anal-y-sis from the professional journalist.

      As for the story itself, it’s like the current one in the US when all sorts of agencies are hyping the ‘foreign threat’ to beef up their budget for the next few years. It doesn’t matter how stupid the claim is as politicians will believe and repeat it, cold hard $$$ is all that counts.


    3. Oh, it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that Ericsson is going to get a lock on western 5G, just because Uncle Sam says so. They were doing some sort of software update here a couple of days ago, and dropped Telus phone service for most of the day Canada-wide. Off to a great start. We’ll end up with an inferior and slower network, and it’ll cost more. But that’s just business in the west.


  73. Moon of Alabama: Saudi Broadcaster ‘Leaks’ Context Free Quotes From Iran’s Foreign Minister Talk – Should It Be Trusted?


    I saw the headlines too and though it looked very odd. I’m glad to see my suspicions were correct. Either way, Zarif is on his way out in the upcoming presidential elections in i-Ran.


    1. Quite a bit like Ahmedinijad being quoted as having said Israel must be ‘wiped off the map’; no end of translators said so. But it wasn’t what he said at all. The best propaganda is simply telling a lie and then repeating it until it is accepted as fact.


  74. Babiš under fire after Commission audit published

    Czech opposition demands full refund of subsidies.

    …On Friday, the European Commission published the final results of a years-long audit process of EU subsidies granted to the Agrofert agricultural conglomerate Babiš founded. It concluded he still controlled the business and the disbursement of the subsidies, despite having put his assets into trusts. ..

    …Pirates chairman Ivan Bartoš declared that “Agrofert must abide by the law in the same way as an ordinary citizen.” He said the actual sum that must be reimbursed was more than €770 million, if public contracts, which he claimed were illegally awarded to Agrofer, are included in the calculations….

    Nice timing Brussels!

    Brussels is mired in corruption. It can’t even manage a functioning register of lobbyists or its own MEPs have for years been abusing their free to spend ‘office expenses’ as they see fit which included the salaries of assisstants they employ…

    It goes to show how if you are not a ‘Team Player’ you are targeted while others are ignored or let off because they are ‘Team Players.’


    1. No need for Babiš to repay EU money over conflict of interest, Commission says

      EU audit report found Czech prime minister in violation of conflict of interest rules.

      …Asked about the financial consequences of the findings at a press briefing on Monday, a Commission spokesperson said Czech authorities never requested any EU money in connection to the activities mentioned in the audit. Therefore, “we haven’t made any payments on those operations” and “there’s nothing to recover,” the spokesperson said.

      The spokesperson added, however, that the Czech government still needed to implement four recommendations issued by the Commission “to essentially enhance compliance” for dispersing funds.

      It is expected that Babiš’ company will still have to repay the subsidies to the Czech state. ..

      But the Czech police/experts found nothing, just as the u-Ropean Commission didn’t. There’s plenty of ‘conflict of interest’ going on in u-Rope, including ex-Commissioners…


    2. What’s wrong with that? Poroshenko continued to control his candy company throughout his presidency, and even bought tons of chocolate ‘for the troops’ from his own candy company using public funds. The west didn’t even blink.


  75. A large number of US and foreign auto assembly plants have shutdown over the past several months and will continue for many more weeks. It’s a computer chip shortage:

    Over all, the chip shortage and other supply chain snarls curtailed production by 1.3 million vehicles in the first three months of the year, according to IHS Markit, a consultancy.

    The problem has become a concern for political leaders in Washington and other capitals.

    Peter Altmaier, the German economics minister, recently appealed to his counterpart in Taiwan, a global center for semiconductor manufacturers, asking in so many words whether the Taiwanese minister couldn’t help shake loose a few chips urgently needed by German carmakers.

    The chip shortage “has become a serious problem for manufacturers, especially the auto industry,” a group of German economic research institutes warned in a joint report this month.

    Several local assembly plants have been idled for many weeks and expected to remain closed through much of May,

    I can’t help but wonder if there is more than this than a raising demand in smart phones.


    1. One issue is that if the chip shortage is prolonged then companies in the supply chain will have to start idling or laying off workers and managers. This extends all the way upstream to the mining companies that extract the minerals that go into manufacturing the chips and downstream to the companies that transport the chips to the car manufacturers. Companies that design and supply the templates will be affected as well. It becomes a logistics problem as well and affects all firms that would be involved in the transport, storage and inventory administration of the chips and the materials that go into them.


  76. Euractiv: Bellingcat connects the dots between Czech explosion and Bulgaria poisoning


    Well that’s a slam-dunk then! Intelligence disinformation laundromat Bell-End Cat is once again called in to Fake News service on behalf of the British (Bulgarians ho ho ho/whatever) for the Czechs. As usual if it is found to be bs, no intelligence service will be fingered because they not involved and it will just disappear down the memory hole. Again. With all the other ‘claims’ that went nowhere.


    1. Bellingcat better be careful or they’ll have Petrov and Boshirov (or Myshkin and Chepiga) in two places at once. Petrov, meet Myshkin. Boshirov, meet Chepiga. After you, sir, with the gel. No, after you, sir, with the spray-on.


  77. Ekho Moskvy has deftly changed its stance because of the threat of Navalny’s FBK being recognized as an extremist organization

    Aleksey Venediktov, editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, writes political strategist Marat Bashirov on his TG channel Politjoystik, was the first to step aside from Navalny’s FBK after the threat of recognizing the foundation as an extremist organization in Russia appeared. The liberal values his position and doesn’t want to lose any money.

    The radio station under the leadership of Venediktov long ago turned into a mouthpiece for anti-Russian propaganda, and on all key issues, Ekho Moskvy promotes Western interests. No neutral news feed and no opportunity to speak to all parties.

    This really is a collection of freaks and Russia-haters, ready to sling mud at our country both for money from Western sponsors and just for the fun of it. It is worth noting that Venediktov is a senile old man who is trying to sit on two chairs simultaneously – to avoid getting embroiled in extremism thanks to his “friendship” with FBK, and to avoid upsetting his handlers in the West.

    It is working out pretty badly. Earlier, for example, the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy claimed that special agents of the security services had infiltrated the FBK and were allegedly working in Navalny’s entourage. A bold and foolish statement.

    According to political analyst Sergei Karnaukhov, Venediktov may even be able to expose the identity of the agents in question, thanks to his persistence, and he will be “harshly reprimanded” by foreign coordinators for this. It’s entirely possible that agents of Western special services have long been implanted in the ranks of the Navalnyites.

    Political analyst Sergei Markov earlier noted that blogger Aleksei Navalny is a project of foreign special services.

    And now it’s April. Venediktov observes the situation and quietly steps aside.

    By the way, the blogger’s associates Leonid Volkov and Ivan Zhdanov had earlier managed to quarrel with the editor-in-chief, reminding him of his “friendship with the siloviki” [security forces —ME]. More recently, Venediktov refused to participate in an unsanctioned FBK rally in support of Navalny, claiming the event was ill-conceived. And this is a platform that previously almost glorified the crook, now convicted and sitting in jail.

    We should remind you that yesterday, on April 26, the Moscow City Court held a preliminary hearing, in closed session, on a suit filed by the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office to declare extremist the blogger’s rants as well as the FBK and FZPG [Fund for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights — ME] (foreign agent NGOs), whose activities had been suspended as a protective measure until the court decision. The foundations and headquarters are prohibited from using state and municipal media, holding rallies and other public events, using bank accounts, etc.


    * Both what he is and what he is now thinking as regards the recent turn of events.


    1. It is a useful weather-gauge of how heavily the west relies on its shit-disturbers in targeted countries, the consternation exhibited when NGO’s are evicted and provocateurs jailed. Western soft power in Russia has never been as weak as it is now, and across the border in China is a mirror image. These countries are more or less impervious to western threatening and stamping. Nobody can ever say Navalny was not given every chance to straighten up on his own – suspended sentence after suspended sentence, and the net effect was to make him so bold he thought he was bulletproof. Russia now must have a care to not become carried away, and to only come down hard on those who can be clearly shown to be liberal provocateurs with ties to western agencies and do-gooders. The Russian foreign-agent law was eminently fair, and held that Russian NGO’s can still receive foreign funding without publicizing it so long as their activities are truly benevolent and not political.


      1. Agreed, Russians in general tolerant people so “liberals”, if patriotic to Russia, should have their voice heard proportional to their numbers.


  78. Navalnyists request political asylum in the West – Volkov senses a loss of money
    April 27 2021, 13:56

    Trust me, your donations are absolutely necessary for me the struggle!

    The clouds continue to gather over the Anti-Corruption Foundation (a foreign agent). The rats are already fleeing the ship. Mikhail Murygin, former coordinator of Navalny’s Saratov headquarters, has reported a mass exodus from the permanent staff.

    The people, he says, are depressed. Half of the staff plans to leave, waving goodbye to the FBK structures. Leonid Volkov is already in a frenzy, because he does not know what to do and how to stop the mass exodus of slaves. And you know, the prosecutor’s office has only just started to tighten the screws a little, and to what an effect!

    Disorder and total disarray now reign in the Navalny structures. Another blow for Volkov is the departure of regional manager Ekaterina Mashonkina, who was in charge of 1/3 of the Navalny headquarters network.

    And that’s not the funniest thing of all. The Navalnyite arses really are on fire. According to Volkov, the foundation`s employees are trying to win political asylum by besieging foreign embassies and NGOs. Lenchik [mocking diminutive for “Leonid”, sort of like “Lenny Boy” in English — ME] is trying to dissuade them, saying there won’t be enough room in the West. But one should aask why should they not flee — the more vermin that flee Russia, the cleaner the air will become.

    It’s just that Volkov is worried about his future. He doesn’t care about hamsters and “associates”. He understands that his foreign handlers will not appreciate the failure of the Navalnyites in Russia and therefore will not give him any money. So how to recriut newly registered staff? And a law is to be passed on extremism if the court decides that FBK is worthy of being recognized as an extremist organization, so it is doubtful that Volkov will find like-minded people.

    Another important point is the deception and constant setting up [of FBK supporters]. The FBK has always abandoned its supporters to their fate. The promises of Volkov, Zhdanov, Sobol and other Navalny scumbags are not worth a penny. And the blogger, by the way, is in gaol and the system he created is broken. After all, Volkov is just a fatso with zero charisma and his greed and stupidity are set at a maximum.

    Now the freeloading is over. Russia has suspended the activities of FBK and Navalny’s headquarters, which the prosecutor’s office said were planning to carry out a “colour revolution” scenario in our country. Thanks, but Russians doesn’t need a Maidan. Neither do the Navalnyists.

    Volkov, who cares about his wallet and is setting up supporters in Russia, does not even realize that all is finally lost. He will not come back home, because he is afraid to keep Navalny company in prison. Other FBK managers are of the same pissy nature, preferring to crap on Russia from abroad. Sobol has been delayed so far, but she is a blonde, and that says it all. [I say, steady on there old chap! That’s rather misogynistic, what? — ME]

    Meanwhile, the Moscow prosecutor’s office has finally started the process of cleansing the country of Navalnyite scum and traitors. Run, you losers, to the West! They’re waiting for more toilet bowl washers and roadside prostitutes.

    Magnanimity in victory my arse!

    Kick them when they are down and kick them again and again so that they never get up!

    Be purposefully vindictive!

    And enjoy being so!

    Hail Woden and fuck that “love thy enemy” crap!



    1. It just proves how banal/clown-like the Navalny opposition always was. They flee like rats under the slightest pressure. The Russian government may have decided that keeping a roach motel open for them is no longer needed.


  79. And here is what happens to electricity prices if your country embraces green energy or happens to be an isolated island.

    Please note Germany’s horrible last place finish – $0.372/kWh. 2.5 times higher than the US rate. Germany needs low cost NS II to fuel their power plants else it will get worse. They are in a mess.

    It is worth a good chuckle to hear claims that solar and wind now produce power at a lower cost than fossil fuel plants. Pure rubbish. Just look at Germany and other countries that embrace green energy. In Michigan where wind energy is favorable along the shores of the Great Lakes, the net output is 10-11% of the nameplate rating. And then the units are producing energy, it may be when it is not needed! Can it get worse? Probably.

    Wind and solar have achieved religious status. Have faith! Everything will be fine!


    1. That’s a frequent claim, and there always seems to be a mitigating factor behind it which suggests it was a complete fake, or is unlikely to be repeatable. Don’t get me wrong; I would love it if renewables really did work as described and we could get low-cost energy from a neverending resource that does not pollute. This is my favourite site for debunking such fantastic claims.


      1. UK comes in at $0.264/kWh. There seems to be an absence of examples of any country that has embraceed green energy wthout sky high electricity costs. The greater the committment, the higher the cost. There are no examples of a country that has moderate electricity costs and a significant fraction of green energy power. The conspiratists are right, it’s a sneaky way to deindustrialize the economy and reduce the standard of living in the name of the environment. Russia knows better thankfully.


  80. Operation Barbarossa: a review in the Daily Fail that seems to glorify the courage of the poor little Nazis, innocent victims who were cruelly sent to Russia by the callous Führer, only to be defeated by the”Siberian cold”.

    Never knew that the Nazis crossed the Urals, but there you go . . .

    See: Four winters in HELL: Rare photos from Operation Barbarossa reveal the horrors faced by Hitler’s troops who were brashly sent to take Moscow… with little thought for the Siberian cold that awaited them

    Liebe Mutti! Da bin ich hier in Rußland. Hier gibt es kein Bier, keine Zigaretten, keine Frauen . . .

    And get this for a new twist on rewriting history:

    Ultimately, the invasion failed and heavily contributed to Germany’s overall defeat.

    Damn right it “contributed”: it played by far the greatest part in bringing down the Third Reich.

    Official German documents show 2,001,399 dead and 1,902,704 missing from 1939 until January 1945. Of this, 1,105,987 died on the Eastern front, with another 1,018,365 missing, of which the majority had actually died, since the Soviets had only taken 500,000 prisoners at that point.

    In contrast, 50,481 Germans died and 194,250 were missing on the Italian front. An additional, 107,042 Germans died and 409,715 were missing in France (both 1940 and after DDay.) The majority of these missing were likely POWs, since the allies held around 700,000 at this point.

    Either way, using official German statistics, over 75% of German army deaths appear to have occurred on the Eastern Front from 1939 to 1944.

    However, almost all military historians note the the German army records seem to have severely underreported figures. More soldiers were missing than the German army actually recorded, and most of those missing on the Eastern Front had actually died


    But here is a new twist to the endless retelling of the tale of WWII in Europe that I had never before — until I read the above-linked article in that UK rag:

    In forcing them [Nazi Germany] to fight a conflict on two fronts, it [The Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945] diverted manpower and resources from the battle against the Allies, led by Britain and France.

    Led by Britain and France???

    In May 1940, the Frogs threw in the towel after 6 weeks of fighting.

    As the victorious Soviet general said following the Battle of Stalingrad, the Germans lost more men trying to capture the “Pavlov House” in that city than they did when taking Paris.


    1. Uh huh; only the Fuhrer was a nasty piece of work – the rest were a bit of all right. Give it another ten years or so, and the Nazis will have frequently interrupted their advance to build roads and schools, and clean the place up.

      General Winter always helps the Russians; it’s a well-known fact that they always schedule invasions against themselves so that he will be able to help out.


  81. Survey: Nearly all Russians support annexation of Crimea

    A vast majority of Russians support the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and do not believe Russia violated international agreements when it took the action in 2014, according to an independent survey published, The Moscow Times reports. The Levada Center polling agency said 86 percent of respondents supported the annexation, while 71 percent of respondents did not see it as illegal and only nine percent said they did.


    I thought I’d post this from a reliably russophobe EU rag that also likes to brown tongue the usual suspects (Khordokovsky/Browder/Bell End Cat/usual a/holes).

    Meanwhile Hungary seems to be the only one who has doubts:

    Euractiv: Orban blocks harsh V4 declaration on Russia, accepts softer version

    The Visegrad countries – Czechia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – approved an official statement on Monday (26 April) condemning the recently revealed Russian military covert operation in Czechia, namely a blast of ammunition depot in 2014.

    …The initial version of the declaration, drafted by Poland, was much tougher, calling for the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project and voicing strong support for Ukraine and Belarus. It said Nord Stream 2 would “adversely affect the energy security of Europe”…

    Where’s the ‘alleged’? Trust us. The ‘evidence’ is in the post..


  82. 00:03 April 27, 2021
    The project “Navalny’s Daughter” has started

    Yulia Navalnaya, wife of Aleksei Navalny, after long deliberation, has refused to accept the protest banner that fell out of the hands of her “seriously ill” husband, who is now in prison.

    With a slight movement of the hand (whoever needs a hand), the project “Navalny’s wife” has become the project “Navalny’s daughter”.

    19-year-old Daria Navalnaya will speak at the annual Geneva Summit on Human Rights and Democracy, which this time will be held online, June 7-8, 2021.

    “The daughter of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny will speak at # GenevaSummit2021,” the organizers of the summit said. “Daria Navalny will speak at the Geneva summit!” – Leonid Volkov, chief of Navalny’s regional headquarters network, repeated especially for the remaining hamsters.

    If the show is successful, a massive promotion will begin. Dasha will have to try very hard, because Lyubov Sobol disgracefully failed her speech at The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy-2020 because of “the worst English pronunciation in the entire forum”, as the media noted.

    The Geneva Summit on Human Rights and Democracy takes place on the eve of the main meeting of the UN Human Rights Council. Organisers/sponsors include:

    • UN Watch (the Geneva office of the American Jewish Committee, an NGO with special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council),

    • Liberal International (an international association of liberal parties headquartered in London),

    • the Human Rights Foundation (headquartered in New York), the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (headquartered in Paris),

    • Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice (headquartered in Concord, USA),

    • the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (headquartered in Montreal, Canada),

    • Human Rights Without Borders (Human Rights Without Borders International) and the International Federation for Human Rights,

    • Human Rights Without Borders (headquartered in Brussels),

    • Forum 2000 Foundation (headquartered in Prague);

    a large number of these participants is affiliated with the network of billionaire George Soros. CNN, Agence France Presse, AP, The Australian, the Wall Street Journal, Spanish news agency EFE, Radio Free Europe, ANSA provide news coverage.

    Daria Alekseevna Navalnaya was born on September 6, 2001 in Moscow. She studied at the elite gymnasium №45 named after L. I. Milgram, at the paid (and the fees are very high) preparatory department of the international baccalaureate, although the unemployed blogger Navalny himself once ranted that his children – Dasha and Zakhar – were studying in a “regular school in Maryino”. [Moscow suburb — ME] Her parents sent her to an American summer education camp, a prestigious educational camp on the picturesque Estonian island of Saaremaa. In the fall of 2018, she created a video blog “The Voice of My Generation”, in which she communicated with her peers on the topic of protests against the Russian authorities. Aleksey Navalny supported his daughter’s initiative, forcing FBK* employees to promote Daria’s blog.

    Since 2019, she has been studying on a special course (on the recommendation of the US Department of State) at the American Stanford University: “Yes, yes! I entered Stanford University, I am terribly happy about it, and this is a great honor for me” [quote from Daria Instagram — ME]. In June 2020, she arrived in Moscow. Then she flew to her parents in Germany. Then she returned to the United States (despite the fact that her studies are now taking place online, and there is no need at the present time for her to stay permanently in the United States).

    Back in September 2019, scans of Dasha Navalnaya’s correspondence with her close (even too close) friend Polina Savchenko were published. Judging by the dialogue dated December 2018, the young party girl used illegal substances, preferred same-sex relationships and permanently clashed with her oppressive mother. And at Stanford, they write, she has become a radical feminist.

    Dasha at Stanford — getting quite plump now, it seems; must take after dad — ME

    Navalny’s regional headquarters have been mentioned above. They no longer exist. On 26 April, the Moscow City Court (in a closed hearing to declare extremist the organisations associated with Aleksei Navalny) granted the prosecutor’s office’s motion to suspend the activities of the headquarters. Aleksei’s structures were banned from holding and organising public events, taking part in elections, posting materials on the Internet and using bank accounts except for the payment of fines and taxes.

    Leonid Volkov has confirmed to “Open Media” that Navalny’s regional network of headquarters has been out of operation as of today. He called the court’s decision “insane”. HQs across Russia have announced that they have ceased operations and frozen their social media pages. In a feverish rush, they are selling off merchandise and all sorts of worthless souvenirs with symbols to hamsters.

    Iron Felix TG-channel: “Lenka Volkov is crying and weeping, waiting for the lid of feeding trough to be finally put on … Yeah, it’s time for Volkov to cry like a wolf – all the “genius” ideas of FBK have failed, the “rally of the century” was a disgrace, the curators are angry: you can raise up your paws and capitulate. All over the country, Navalny’s campaign headquarters have announced that they are shutting down and freezing their pages on social networks – a total and fatal surrender for the non-systemic opposition. The Führer is to be congratulated on the final breakdown of everything he has painstakingly and meticulously built up over the past 10 years. His excessive lies and provocations have alienated all ‘sympathisers’ and his most ‘loyal’ minions are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship”.

    “Meanwhile, Ivan Zhdanov (FBK director* – Editor’s note) reminds us: less reflection, more ‘sacrifice’. Don’t have time? You have to make time. The fugitives are running out of money, by the way”, Anti-Navalny TG noted.

    The international human rights organization “Amnesty international” strongly criticizes the suspension of the work of Aleksei Navalny’s regional network of offices in Russia pending a decision on a claim made by the prosecutor that these organizations that are connected with Navalny be recognized as “extremist”. “”The audacity and scale of the potential consequences of this cynical attack are unprecedented, as it effectively violates the rights to freedom of expression and association of thousands of people at once”, said Amnesty International’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia director Marie Struthers on Monday, 26 April

    * an organisation performing the functions of a foreign agent

    “The Führer is to be congratulated on the final breakdown of everything he has painstakingly and meticulously built up over the past 10 years”!

    Cue Götterdämmerung!


      1. I clearly recall Navalny publicly slagging off Russian “crooks and swindlers” who were having their children educated abroad. I’ve been searching for articles about this but, as of yet, to no avail.


    1. But no fucks given by Travesty International – or anyone else in the west – for the suffering of ordinary Russians whose lives were upended by western sanctions. Which were totally the fault of the United States, who twisted its allies arms until they squealed and went along.

      Participation is free but registration is mandatory; of course it is, because they want to know what sort of hamster base they can count on for Dasha’s activist cotillion. She’s the breadwinner now, and you can only imagine the writeups about how ‘fiery’ she is, such a ‘tigress’ as she lays out her ‘amazingly mature vision’ for the Russia of the future.

      In my opinion, it is a little premature to be passing the torch to Navalnaya – after all, Daddy-O is only going to be in lockup for another two years, unless he gets more time added on for lawsuits which have yet to be settled. Or perhaps the west has already written him off as a spent force, which indeed he seems to be, with the collapse of his network. But there is no reason to imagine Navalnaya is going to be able to pick up where he left off, or to imagine she has even as much of a support base in Russia as The Great Tit had.


      1. If Papa Navalny is anything to go by, Daria’s support base will be zilch. It certainly is now. Clearly, she prefers to be in California. She may be a very nice and pleasant girl for all I know, but she knows sweet FA about Russia, having, until her move to the USA, lived a very cosseted life here. I just can’t imagine dickhead Navalnyites tramping down Tverskaya behind her to certain arrest as they did behind her Pied Piper father.


  83. This is special day/week for Mrs. PO and me. On this day, 5 years ago, we were strolling through Red Square, met and shook the hand of Stalin and had a thoroughly wonderful day and week in Moscow.


    1. Be thankful you are not here now, because it is bloody cold for the time of the year! It was snowing yesterday morning and max. temp. yesterday was plus 3 °C. I had to go the polyclinic again yesterday and I was cold, even though I had put on my winter overcoat.

      This medical nightmare that I am undergoing is driving me crazy. As I have perhaps explained earlier, I finally had a consultation with a surgeon and shall be admitted to hospital №24 after my having handed in there the results of routine medical tests taken at my local Tagansky polyclinic.

      So off to the clinic I went last week and after lengthy bureaucratic arsing around there, I at last was given 4 May as my medical check-up date there.

      Back home, however, the news broke that because of this shamdemic, it was being considered by the powers that be whether to run both coming May holidays into one.

      Saturday, 1 May is a holiday and Monday, 3 May is, therefore, being given as a day off in lieu. Likewise, Sunday, 9 May is a holiday, so Monday, May 10 is being given as a holiday in lieu of Sunday, 9 May.

      But now, some government advisor has advised that in view of the risk of the alleged plague being spread far and wide because of people socializing during those two first long weekends in May, it would be better to join the May holidays, namely having non-working days lasting from 1 May through to 10 May. I fail to understand the reasoning behind this proposition, but there you are!

      So that has fucked up my 4 May appointment.

      I went to the polyclinic yesterday to find out what was going on. It was bloody mayhem there! The place was packed with geriatrics suffering from all kinds of sickness, who were demanding that they be put into the picture as regards what is going to happen at the beginning of May. I should add that I do not include myself as being such an old fart as those who were creating such a disturbance yesterday at the polyclinic, most of whom having been old women on sticks.

      Anyway, my natural charm and quick wittedness enabled me to get prompt attention from a medical sister there, who fixed it up that I get my chest X-ray done there and then, that procedure being one of many that were supposed to be done on 4 May.

      I was the only visitor to the X-ray department, it being very early in the morning, and the radiologist did the job right away. She also told me that this May holiday extension was up to then still not confirmed, that everything depended on Mayor Sobyanin’s decision whether clinics should close during that period. She added that none of the polyclinic staff wanted such a proposed shutdown because of the absolute chaos that it would cause.

      So I went home with one test done.

      When the next ones will be, Woden only knows.

      I have been waiting for this treatment for well over a year now and everything has been held up because of this plague hysteria.

      What especially pissed me off yesterday when amongst the old farts at the polyclinic was that many of them were whinging that such a situation could only happen in THIS country.

      Geriatric Navalnyites, notwithstanding the fact that all their treatment is buckshee, as is mine.

      And according to the relentless propaganda about Russia that emanates from the Nirvana that they believe the West is, they should all be dead already.


      1. We have new travel restrictions in British Columbia that essentially restrict you to your ‘health area’, although technically all of Vancouver Island is under VIHA, the Vancouver Island Health Authority. That notwithstanding, the busybodies and do-gooders who besiege the editorial pages of the newspaper assure anyone who will listen that it is NOT ALL RIGHT to go to Whistler for skiing (which is pretty much finished for the year anyway) because it is a HOTBED OF INFECTION. But I guess you could go to Mount Washington, which in my opinion is just as nice absent the boutique hotels and trendy shops, because it’s on the island.

        Canada is inspired by ‘the Atlantic Bubble’, the four maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, which ‘locked down’ hard at the beginning and closed their border with neighbouring provinces. They’ve had only a handful of cases and this is touted as a great success, although it is really just a huge pool of uninfected potential victims who can never open up again or COVID is going to go through them like thrown shit through buckwheat. I suppose they’re all vaccinatin’ away ,like crazy, thinking that they can open and will have magically achieved herd immunity, but you know and I know that is pretty unlikely considering the miracle vaccines do not promise immunity at all, only to mitigate your symptoms. But I guess everyone is okay with that, being confident they won’t die and getting a booster shot every six months. Meanwhile the Maritimes, whilst wagging their finger scoldingly at the rest of the country, are happy to take transfer payments from the wealthier provinces because they are dirt poor and cannot get by without support.

        Les Leyne is right; he observed in a recent column for the Times-Colonist that BC’s new travel restrictions “have more to do with the public hunger for some kind of crackdown on those ignoring the pandemic.” The pensioners and retirees who storm the editorial pages every issue begging Doctor Bonnie for ever-tougher restrictions, because we’re not miserable enough. These are the fucksticks who used to be ‘my community’, and whom I no longer care anything for what happens to them.

        The blue-hairs and the harrumph brigade will not draw a happy breath until the economy (which supplies their pensions) is irrecoverably destroyed and every last man, woman and child is cowering in their basement with the windows boarded up and the crack under the door blocked with blankets.


  84. What a wally!

    Apr 28, 11:25 26 614
    Zelensky names the Vatican an ideal place to meet Putin
    The President of the the Ukraine noted that the Vatican is an ideal place for a dialogue about peace, and in addition, in his opinion, he acts in a “disinterested way” and has no military-political or economic interests

    Like fuck the Vatican is disinterested: for one it wants to “convert” Orthodox Christians; and for another thing, it wants to protect its Ukrainian Roman Catholic/Greek Uniate Nazi flock.

    What a laugh!

    A Ukrainian Jew proposes that he and an Orthodox Christian Russian should meet in the Vatican, where the Argentinian head of the Roman Catholic church act as “honest broker”.


    1. It seems that the not so funny funny man was talking out of his arse again:

      Neither Moscow nor Vatican received Zelensky’s proposal for meeting with Putin — Kremlin
      The Ukrainian leader had said earlier in an interview with Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper that the Vatican could be the perfect place for the Donbass peace talks

      President Zelensky said that it would be the perfect place for such a meeting. However, neither the Vatican nor Russia has official information on the matter. We haven’t received specific information about the proposal



      1. The Vatican considered as an honest broker in a dispute with an Orthodox Christian nation? That Ze is such a comedian! Is he just trying to appear cool and innovative? I mean, no one else would have thought of such a concept – thinking way out of the box! Wow, just wow.


    2. Has no economic interests? Ah ha ha hahahahahah!!!

      “What we do know is that Vatican Bank, officially titled the Institute for the Works of Religion, manages €5.9bn ($7.3bn, £4.64bn) of assets on behalf of its 17,400 customers. And it manages €700m of equity which it owns. Another titbit to emerge is that it keeps gold reserves worth over $20m with the US Federal Reserve.

      The bank has been caught up in a number of scandals in the past, including the funding of priests caught up in sex abuse allegations and of money laundering for the Mafia and former Nazis.”

      The world would probably have a much better idea of how much wealth the Vatican controls if the most-inquisitive quarter of it was not constantly occupied with new searches for Vladimir Putin’s ‘stolen squillions’.


  85. Petersburg:

    Modern Day Hero

    Now you see it . . .

    . . . now you don’t — or soon won’t

    And “journalists” gather for the event.

    And when that bastard and his organization are at last proclaimed “extremist”, in that he and it do not not act in the best interests of the Russian state and its citizens, the smartarse artistic twat who spent time painting a representation of his hero will be arrested.

    And also made to pay for the damage he caused to property that is not his.

    The building, by the way, is a local pumping station for the hot water provided by the communal central heating that the local authorities provide in “this” country, and very cheaply at that.


    1. That’s quite good, actually; the artist is very talented. A minor quibble; to be completely accurate, there should have been a dollar sign painted in the middle of Navalazy’s “I love you” finger-heart.

      I suppose that will be the new rebellion to keep The Bullshitter fresh in the public eye – paintings of him everywhere that the authorities will have to hustle here and there to obliterate. And in order to catch the perpetrators there will have to be more security cameras, so more surveillance and less freedom, and by and by the country will become the police state its detractors say it is.


  86. Glenn Greenwald via

    …In 2018, it was Jeffrey Goldberg himself — knowing a star CIA propagandist when he sees one — who gave Bertrand her first big break by hiring her away from Business Insider to cover Russiagate for The Atlantic. Shortly thereafter, she joined the Queen of Russiagate conspiracies herself by becoming a national security analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. From there, it was onto Politico and now CNN: ..

    A lot more at the link. If you can bear it.

    It’ll be a relief not to see her articles at Politico any more, which does publish a decent article every now and then. As for the United States, the public knows they are being lied to. It’s one of the reasons it is so f/ked.


  87. Aleksei Navalny left without headquarters
    Prosecutor suspends their work pending trial

    On April 26, the Moscow City Court held a preliminary session behind closed doors on the claim of the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office that the regional headquarters of Aleksei Navalny be recognized as extremist, as well as the entered in the register as foreign agents Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) and Foundation for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights (FZPG), . As an interim measure, the prosecutor has suspended the activities of the politician’s headquarters: they, in particular, are prohibited from organizing rallies and participating in elections. In the coming days, the court will consider the prosecutor’s petition to impose the same bans on FBK and FZPG. The oppositionists do not agree with the decision, but have already begun to implement it.

    On Monday, the first preliminary meeting of the Moscow City Court was held on the claim of the prosecutor’s office of April 16 on the recognition of the headquarters of Alexei Navalny and the two foundations he created – FBK and FZPG – as extremist organizations. From the point of view of the department, the purpose of their activities is to “create conditions” for changing the foundations of the constitutional order using the “scenario of a color revolution”.

    Security measures at the courthouse were increased prior to the start of the preliminary hearing. The meeting itself was held behind closed doors owing to the fact that some of the materials are classed as “secret”. [Could be “secret” as they are the reports of FSB operatives working within Navalny’s HQs? — ME] According to lawyer Ivan Pavlov, the Prosecutor’s Office has placed about 1,000 pages under the heading “secret” – mostly “reference information”.

    Well, arsehole, you’re at long last only getting what you deserve. When you are free, try going around asking hostile government to impose sanctions against Russia and see where that gets you again.

    You’re finished, Bullshitter!

    Though truth be told, you never really got started, apart from in the imaginations of your sponsors.


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