Incompetent Russia Hilariously Fails to Prevent Ukraine from Losing.

Uncle Volodya says, “Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it’s on the far side of the airlock.”

“Nonsense has taken up residence in the heart of public debate and also in the academy. This nonsense is part of the huge fund of unreason on which the plans and schemes of optimists draw for their vitality. Nonsense confiscates meaning. It thereby puts truth and falsehood, reason and unreason, light and darkness on an equal footing. It is a blow cast in defence of intellectual freedom, as the optimists construe it, namely the freedom to believe anything at all, provided you feel better for it.”

Roger Scruton, from, “The Uses of Pessimism: And the Danger of False Hope”

“Bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about. Thus the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person’s obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic are more excessive than his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic. This discrepancy is common in public life, where people are frequently impelled — whether by their own propensities or by the demands of others — to speak extensively about matters of which they are to some degree ignorant.”

Harry G. Frankfurt, from, “On Bullshit”

The title probably made you scratch your head for a second, because it’s what Steely Dan called ‘Pretzel Logic’ – an attempt to stick to a chosen storyline regardless the inability of assembled facts to support it. According to the Pop Culture dictionary, “…used to describe inconsistent, illogical thinking that, once scrutinized, doesn’t stand up…frequently appears in political contexts, used in an effort to call out opponents’ logical fallacies or to characterize someone’s twisted line of reasoning or justifications.”

Unless, perhaps, you work for British Intelligence, or the British Ministry of Defense. In which case it will make perfect sense – even have about it an air of immutable prophesy. Speaking of prophesy, here’s one: in the years or even decades to come, as analysis of the Russo-Ukraine war is filtered, the contribution to an accurate picture of the situation offered by the combined staffs of the establishments just mentioned will be assessed to have been as effective as if it had been provided by an equivalent number of pithed frogs.

Here’s a relevant example. “Ukraine’s counter-offensive has failed for now – the West needs a new plan”. I’m bound to ask, right out of the blocks, what makes the author assess that the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive – which would be comical were it not for the awful cost in human lives – needs the qualifier, ‘for now’? Is there something about the steady, spiraling downward non-progress of Ukraine’s efforts which inspires the belief that it will reverse, and turn into success? If it foundered while transfusions of money and western equipment reached a crescendo, what is the likelihood that burnout and disillusionment among Ukraine’s allies will inspire a reversal of its fortunes?

I guess I was forgetting that we are talking about the UK media, for whom loopy prognosis is as natural as moral superiority and cheap gossip. Demonstrations abound; Britain’s ‘spy chief’ – Richard Moore, head of MI6 – interpreted in the summer of 2022 that Russia was ‘running out of steam’ in Ukraine. He elaborated that Russia was increasingly having trouble finding enough soldiers, perhaps due to Putin’s policy of sending the poor and underprivileged kids from blue-collar Siberian towns to be mowed down by Ukraine’s ruthless efficiency.

“Moore also provided an estimate on the number of Russians killed in the war thus far — 15,000. He said that’s “probably a conservative estimate” and marked a “very bloody nose” for President Vladimir Putin, who expected a quick victory.

He noted that it is about the same number that Russia lost in 10 years in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

“And these are not middle-class kids from St. Petersburg or Moscow,” he said. “These are poor kids from rural parts of Russia. They’re from blue-collar towns in Siberia. They are disproportionately from ethnic minorities. These are his cannon fodder.”

Disproportionately from ethnic minorities. Perhaps he is thinking of the US Army, where blacks and Hispanics made up 37.4% of the active-duty component as of end-June 2022, according to the US Army’s own statistics. Do blacks and Hispanics comprise 37.4% of the general population in America? Mind you, that’s what pretzel logic is for – if you are a mostly-white progressive western market democracy, and have a high proportion of ethnic minorities in your ground forces…you score high marks for ‘diversity’! If you are Russia – which is also predominantly white – no matter how many ethnic minorities you have in your ground forces, they are ‘cannon fodder’ and you recruited them so as not to throw away white lives needlessly. For the record, over 80% of Russians identify as ‘ethnic Russians’ – which does not necessarily mean they are white Europeans – and the Army’s internal documents do not include ethnicity, which makes me curious what Richard Moore is using for references. Then again, he is Britain’s ‘spy chief’, so maybe he just ‘knows’. With those whole-‘nother-level instincts which made the British so good at forecasting when ‘Putin’ was going to run out of missiles.

“Russian forces are resorting to removing nuclear warheads from old cruise missiles to fire at targets in Ukraine, according to the latest Western assessment that points to Moscow’s dwindling weapons stocks…”Whatever Russia’s intent, this improvisation highlights the level of depletion in Russia’s stock of long-range missiles,” the defense officials said on Saturday in an assessment that typically highlights Kyiv’s gains and Moscow’s losses.”

The latest western assessment, current as of almost exactly a year ago, November 26th 2022. Since then, as those who do not work for the British Ministry of Defense or British Intelligence know with a relative degree of certainty, Russia has increased production of the military hardware it expends most by anywhere from double to tenfold. Of course, that could be just another shoddy piece of Russian propaganda, as it is sourced from the industrial director of the armament complex at Rostec, Russia’s largest weapons manufacturer.

Nope; looks like ‘EU and American officials’ buy it, even elaborating that current production exceeds pre-war levels. Which kind of suggests the British analysis was wrong on the Mark Twain ‘the report of my death was exaggerated’ order of inaccuracy. Daryana! Remind me to run a search to see if sales of the ‘Magic 8 Ball’ spiked in 2022 in the UK, and if possible, how many were purchased using government expense accounts.

Anyway, let’s get back to the subject article, which introduces the marvelous premise that while even a western General going up against Russian defenses in Ukraine would be hard-pressed to improve on Zaluzhny’s performance…

“Even if one is an armoured warfare true believer, it’s still hard to picture a Western general really doing much better than Zaluzhny and his colleagues. In order to carry out a classic Blitzkrieg operation, after all, one must first get past the enemy’s front lines. This is extremely difficult to do if they are heavily manned, heavily fortified and protected by deep minefields and lots of heavy weapons.”

…the army that Ukraine has run into and slid down like a brick wall is chronically incompetent.

“The Russian army, reinforcing the impression of incompetence it has given ever since the invasion, is of course mounting a huge attack in the Avdiivka area right now.”

As of two days ago, in fact, attacks by the Russian side were intensifying, the Russian side was advancing steadily and the rubble where the town used to be was nearly surrounded, with only a single road in for re-supply. Predictably, western media are dusting off the standard accusations of ‘human wave assaults’ and wailing despairingly how useless it is to fight against a ruthless despot who cares nothing at all for the lives of his soldiers, as if Putin were the reincarnation of Xerxes.

Which reminds me of something else I intended to bring up, from Lewis Page’s self-serving and airheaded screed. He cites the massive defenses arrayed against the Ukrainians as if no mortal man could be expected to prevail against them, almost as if heavily manned and fortified defense in depth, protected by minefields and heavy weapons was some sort of backstabbing dirty trick – the sheer unmitigated malevolence of the Russians! Quite a performance, really, given how incompetent they are. Still, they did have that pause of a couple of months while the west dithered over supplying tanks and armor, and Zelensky postured and mugged for the cameras and promised the counteroffensive would be a rilly rilly big show. This allowed the Russians time to build deep defenses and sow minefields and bring up artillery, all the things meanies like them do to prevent the Forces Of Light from winning easily so twits like British Intelligence can say, “See? I told you so.”

Well, Ukraine had eight years to build defenses in Avdiivka, years in which the perfidious French and Germans pretended to take the Minsk Accords seriously and to be persuading Ukraine to do its bit to satisfy the agreements it had signed, all the while they were building up its military and training it for war. Eight years during which Ukraine constructed strong defenses which made Avdiivka ‘heavily fortified’ and ‘heavily defended’, and a strong point from which to shell Donetsk with monotonous regularity during the years Ukraine was supposedly ‘working for peace’ under the tutelage of its benign western curators, and causing by far the majority of the civilian deaths the western media agonized over before the war even started.

Let’s consolidate what we have learned thus far, before moving on – Russia has established a record of military incompetence, upon which it has not improved up until the referenced piece was written, about three weeks ago. Ukraine must be forgiven its inability to advance in its much-hyped counteroffensive because the Russians had a two-month holiday in which to build defenses so daunting that practically no mortal man could breach them under the absurd limitations imposed upon the gallant Ukrainians by their lily-livered allies.

At the same time, the supposedly-incompetent Russians continue a slow but measured advance which tightens a strangling grip on Avdiivka, a city the Ukrainians had eight years and billions in funding to turn into a fortress. A fortress whose capture by the attackers, as the British Defense Ministry forecasts with its usual unreasoning and casual stupidity, “looks increasingly unlikely in the short term.” When it happens, they have an easy out – we said, “in the short term”. Means in the next two days. Or whatever interval is required so we can be right.

I wish I could say Lewis Page has never been in the military – then we could just laugh and dismiss his spiteful diatribe out of hand. Unfortunately, he was; in fact, he seems to have been a bit of a one-man show – a Royal Navy officer for 11 years, part of it as commander of a small warship (probably a minesweeper or something like that), a clearance diver and a Green Beret Commando. As a Royal Navy officer, that likely means he attempted and passed the All Arms Commando Course. Quite a respectable service record. Now he is US Comment Editor at The Telegraph.

This diverse mix of experience apparently inspires him to offer the solution whereby Ukraine could easily win the war: give them whatever weapons they need, and remove the silly restrictions imposed by the western donors whereby Ukraine is not allowed to use those weapons to strike Russia itself. Gloves off, no holds barred.

At present Ukraine is allowed – nay, encouraged – to strike at Crimea using western weapons such as the British Storm Shadow and French SCALP cruise missiles, because the west believes its non-recognition of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation constitutes reality that it is not. However, whether Lewis Page realizes it or not, attacking inside the recognized borders of Russia with western-supplied weaponry would invite escalation by removing NATO’s deniability on the basis it is only ‘helping Ukraine defend itself’. A hot war gradually pulling in European NATO nations would quite possibly go nuclear. Russia remains the custodian of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, nearly a thousand warheads more than the US inventory. At the same time, its ally, China, has embarked on a construction blitz of missile silos, with the number under construction exceeding the total number of silo-based ICBM’s operated by Russia and more than half the number of the ICBM force of the USA. They say that nobody would win in a nuclear war, we would all be losers, but that goes double for NATO.

But suppose it was a conventional war, and the west could enter it with confidence that it would not spiral into a nuclear engagement? We might as well attribute that motive to the UK, since its absurd porky-pie exaggerations and distortions go very well with its equally-absurd superiority complex. Don’t take my word for it – enjoy the prancing and poo-flinging of Hamish De Bretton Gordon, another British military expert, who claims the British Challenger tank – ‘the Mercedes BMW tank of the world’ would need at least 10 to 15 Russian T-72 tanks against it for the Russians to approach confidence of success. No, I’m not making that up.

“These are the Mercedes BMW supertanks of the world,” Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commanding officer in the British army’s Royal Tank Regiment, told CBS News, adding: “I would want at least 10 or 15 T-72 survivors [used by Russia] up against one of them.”

And, of course, commentary from the obligatory unidentified but star-struck admiring ‘Ukrainian serviceman’ who claims the Challenger is a sniper rifle among tanks, that a Challenger 2 had set a world record by hitting a T-55 tank at a range of more than 5 km, and that since their arrival they were ‘basically scaring the Russians away with the sound of the engine’.

Yes, I realize the British press is to reporting what Pussy Riot is to music – but, come on. In fact, like the other tanks used by Ukraine, both western and domestic designs, the Challengers “ran into trouble against extensive Russian defenses, including artillery-covered minefields, anti-tank ditches, and dragon’s teeth that forced Ukrainian forces to push forward on foot.” The same reference assessed that the western tanks ‘have not been game-changers so far’, and that Ukraine would likely use them mostly for defense; indeed, this reference suggests the Leopards are being used as long-range artillery. Against actual artillery which far outranges them. I’d just like to inject a reminder here that it is the Russian forces which are routinely accused by the west of incompetence.

“But tanks have nothing close to the range of standard artillery. A Leopard tank’s 120mm cannon has an effective range of about 2.4 miles, while an M777 howitzer has a 13-mile range, more than 5 times as far.”

And it’s not just armor. NATO’s foolhardy all-in policy of stovepiping weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, in simpleminded faith that it will defeat Russia for the west, has left its own power-projection combat capability in a state the the commander of US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) described this past summer as “dreadfully below where we need to be.”

“If you look at the US itself  — and let’s not just talk about the munitions we recently have given away to Ukraine — but we’re [at] roughly half the number of fighter squadrons that we were when we did Desert Storm,” Hecker said, pointing to a similar decline in fighter strength for the UK. “So we don’t have nearly what we had at the heart of the Cold War. Now you add that we’re giving a lot of munitions away to the Ukrainians — which I think is exactly what we need to do — but now we’re getting dangerously low and sometimes, in some cases even too low, that we don’t have enough. And we need to get industry on board to help us out so we can get this going.”

In fact, if Russia was thinking of kicking NATO’s ass, there would be no time like the present. Factor that into your martial wet-dreams, why don’t you?

Let’s wrap up. NATO – the poodles, as usual, doing their jerky marionette dances in obedience to the Washington puppet-master – has stacked failure on top of failure. Sanctions were supposed to wreck Russia. Well, they didn’t, and now except for niche shortages like Parmesan and Camembert, the Russian economy is stronger than ever, and has never been so out of reach of western influence. The Americans blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, and now European industry is tanking for lack of cheap energy. The price of manufacturing collapse will be security of supply, export ability and job creation.

“Losing manufacturing capacity means losing jobs, and that — said Luc Triangle, general secretary of the IndustriALL European Trade Union, which represents manufacturing workers — has “political consequences.”

“We are not exaggerating when we say that European industry — starting with the energy-intensive industries on the frontline — is facing an existential crisis,” Triangle said. The same “existential” threat applies to the 8 million workers in the energy-intensive sector, IndustriALL has warned.”

Europe’s confronting of gas prices that are around six times the average price of the previous ten years means that energy has become more expensive for everyone who is not a self-sufficient major exporter. As we have discussed before, energy impacts every facet of modern commercial life, from manufacture to packaging to shipping to delivery, and consequently North American food prices are out of control. Restaurants have raised their prices as high as they dare, and are still staring into the face of insolvency. For anyone who has not yet glimpsed where this is heading…these are all things that were supposed to happen to Russia. Gun, meet own foot.

And, yes, the war. The war the west maneuvered Russia into, now fairly-well understood to have been deliberately escalated and an early agreement scuppered by Boris Johnson, thanks to the confession of David Arakhamia, the parliamentary leader of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” party who led the Ukrainian delegation in peace talks with Moscow. Decidedly too much a buffoon to have been acting on his own, Johnson was ‘highly likely’ to have been doing the bidding of Washington, which has been obsessed with Russia’s destruction since the two were allies in the Second Great Unpleasantry. The war Washington is no longer certain it can continue to support. Another embarrassing failure the west is forced to cover with ridiculous made-up statistics about the fearful death toll and jaw-dropping loss of equipment experienced by Russia – see? We didn’t lose! It worked! Russia is being destroyed! They’ll never recover!

You lost. And the more frantically you try to paper it over or insert hand-waving distractions, the more foolish and ineffectual you look. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. But the costs were borne by Ukraine, who is the one that will probably never recover. I hope the remaining Ukrainians are able to understand who was responsible. Perhaps the final paragraph of that Responsible Statecraft piece will act as a guide.

“The decision not to seriously pursue a viable diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine has been a disaster for that country and its inhabitants. The only mild consolation is that it could offer a vital lesson for the United States and other NATO states to apply to and prevent future conflicts — if we dare learn it, that is.”

1,791 thoughts on “Incompetent Russia Hilariously Fails to Prevent Ukraine from Losing.

  1. I wonder what happened to that Russian A-50 long range radar detection aircraft that the brave Ukrainian heroes shot down a fortnight ago — you know, over the Sea of Azov, which is only 15 metres deep in its central part. Nobody seen any wreckage of the A-50?

    Just wondering.


  2. 11:32, 30.01.2024

    MOSCOW, January 30-RIA Novosti. A court in Donetsk has sentenced to life imprisonment the commander of a brigade of the Armed Forces of thet Ukraine, who ordered the shooting of ten civilians in Mariupol, the press services of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee report.

    The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic has issued a verdict in a criminal case against Vasyl Tkachuk, 29-year-old platoon commander of the 56th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.

    According to investigators, from March to April 2022, Tkachuk ordered his subordinates to “liquidate” civilians in Mariupol, after which Romashin, Kolmychevsky, Dobrovolsky and Kulyk shot 10 people passing near the metallurgical plant with automatic weapons. Seven men and a woman died from their injuries, two managed to escape.

    As specified in the RF IC, Tkachuk fully admitted his guilt in the incriminated crimes and confessed. “The court sentenced Tkachuk to life imprisonment while serving his sentence in a special regime penal colony,” the release says.Earlier, Romashin, Kolmychevsky, Dobrovolsky and Kulyk were also convicted.

    Glory to the Ukraine! To the Heroes — Glory!


  3. Top read Politico US story: ‘F—ing lunatics’: Deadly Jordan attacks spur open GOP feud

    Tucker Carlson and other pro-isolationist voices have insulted or questioned lawmakers who have called for swift retaliation over the Iran-backed strikes.

    …Carlson trained his ire against Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who called for the U.S. to: “Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,” and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who posted “Target Tehran,” before clarifying that it was not a call to bomb Iranian civilians…

    …Grassroots conservatives seem to have Carlson’s side in the emerging dispute, with conservative host Jesse Kelly posting: “Who d’you think is gonna fight this war for you? We all know it won’t be you getting your hands dirty” in response to Graham…


    You have to give Carlson his due, whatever you think about him and his comments over his career. He’s carved himself out a space to speak plainly about things that neither the Democrats or Republicans want to talk about openly. Maybe not ‘carved out’ as it was a deafening mainstream silence that he walked in to an claimed having a lot of recognition already.

    There were plenty of independent voices/journalists already speaking about the same issues but as we know the PPNN has successfully sidelines most of them to the ‘lunatic fringe’, which is an irony as the PPNN is itself the lunatic fringe, but unfortunately the vast majority of output news.

    Either way, the debate as to America’s role in the world is being discussed more and where better than in an election year which will expose the Genocidaires decades of brain dead tub-thumping ans less than relevant to the American voter who is stuggling just to get by. Will it make a difference? It’s an extraordinary year already, so all bets are off…


    1. I agree Tucker Carlson deserves some credit for speaking out. He’s one of the few dissenters with a sizeable following these days. I mean, I prefer Chris Hedges, Caitlin Johnstone, and John Pilger (who just died), but who reads them? Russell Brand has that deranged persona that makes him sound like a crackpot. (But I guess he’s big enough now to warrant a smear campaign, which happened some months back. When will Tucker’s turn come to get slandered?)

      2024 is starting to feel like 1914. The rhetoric of Western leaders is getting crazier by the day. Lindsey Graham sounds like a normative voice these days, not the moronic kook he is. I say the long-range forecast is for more and more war, less and less “democracy”–that sham that this November will expose to even the stupidest Western citizens.


      1. Maybe 1914 without industry as most of it is outsourced. Lots of puff, not much in the bag apart from a quick son et lumiere I would say. The downside is nukes and the desperation of some to preserve face at any cost, because you know the enemy will always back down.


  4. A “diplomat”?

    Military operation in the Ukraine , 30 Jan, 19: 03 
    Borrel has called the “temptation of reconciliation” of Russia and Ukraine a mistake

    The “temptation of reconciliation” between Russia and the Ukraine is comparable to the expectations of Kiev’s defeat in early 2022 — these plans are wrong, Josep Borrel said. Moscow has repeatedly stated its readiness for negotiations on the conflict.

    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrel, believes that the idea of reconciliation between Russia and the Ukraine is erroneous. He compared the expectations from them with those that were at the time of the start of the military operation in 2022.

    Borrel writes in a column for the French magazine L’Obs that Russian President Vladimir Putin expected the fighting to last several days, and “many Europeans expected something like this”. “Putin never imagined that two years later Ukraine would still be fighting back”, he writes.

    [So he knows what Putin thought and imagined or he wants to believe that’s what he thought and imagined? — ME]

    Borrel noted that by 2024, there were again opinions about the impossibility of a Ukrainian victory. “All of a sudden, we hear again that the Ukraine can’t win and that Western support won’t hold up. Once again, the temptations of reconciliation appear. These ideas were wrong in 2022 and remain wrong today. We should not allow them to shape our policy towards Ukraine”, the head of European diplomacy believes.

    [The Ukraine will win if people want it to win! Furthermore, the West cannot allow the Ukraine to lose!— ME]

    In particular, he called for ” remembering the lessons learned from 2022, avoiding repeating mistakes and redoubling efforts in areas where success has been achieved”.

    [Oh right! He must mean those famous victories at Kiev, Kharkov and Kherson and the destruction of the Orc Black Sea Fleet and the taking of Snake Island and the drone strikes in Russian territory and the complete destruction oil refineries and LNG plants — ain’t that right, troll? — and the “Ghost of Kiev” etc., etc. — ME]

    “We need to change the paradigm and move from supporting the Ukraine ‘as long as it takes’ to committing to doing ’whatever it takes’ to make it win. We must provide the Ukraine with the means necessary to liberate its territory, including long-range missiles and other modern weapons systems. We must also strengthen the air defense of the Ukraine”, Borrel said.

    However, according to him, these actions should “go hand in hand” with the development of the defence industry in Europe. Borrel noted that the conflict in the Ukraine showed its unwillingness to solve “the challenges we face”.

    “We really can’t let it [Russia] win. Our own safety is at stake. If Putin’s strategy is successful, it will encourage Russia and other autocracies to pursue their imperialist goals. We must at all costs prevent the emergence of a world in which force prevails over law, where strong countries change their borders at will, and the weak become victims of the strong. Allowing such a scenario would cast a dramatic shadow over our future for decades to come”, he said, calling a victory for the Ukraine the best guarantee of security for Europe.

    [“We must at all costs prevent the emergence of a world in which force prevails over law, where strong countries change their borders at will, and the weak become victims of the strong”? Oh heavens forbid! We need a rules-based international order! — ME]

    The Russian side has repeatedly stated its readiness for negotiations with Kiev. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said that a diplomatic method of settlement was the preferred one. He also noted that otherwise the military operation would continue until Russia achieved its goals. Moscow also emphasizes that it did not refuse to negotiate — this was being done by Kiev.
    “After the withdrawal of our troops from Kiev — and we were asked to do this in order to create conditions for concluding a final agreement — the Kiev authorities abandoned all previous agreements. Therefore, I believe that the ball is completely in their court”, President Vladimir Putin said in July 2023.

    Moscow also denounces any Western aid to Kiev, saying it would prolong the conflict.


    1. Whatever, Josep. Borrell has not a schmick of military experience in his background, being educated as an aeronautical engineer, economist and professor of mathematics. He’s probably quite a bright guy in his fields of experience, but the Peter Pan approach to warfare – just think happy thoughts about Ukraine winning, and it will happen – have never achieved any measurable success outside children’s movies. But he and his NATO compadres have found their perfect leader in Zelensky, who is willing to keep trying so long as the west is willing to keep sending him money.

      Borrell is like a lot of academic noodniks, especially those in politics, who have an unshakeable faith in western power to achieve certain outcomes, which is kind of funny for an economist because you would think someone with an economics background would grasp just how much money the west is sinking into the law of diminishing returns. Oh, well; if you must. It will only make Russia’s eventual triumph that much sweeter to think of all the European political deadwood that will perish from either shock or shame when reality can no longer be held back.


    2. [The Ukraine will win if people want it to win! Furthermore, the West cannot allow the Ukraine to lose!— ME]

      Does this sound a bit like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz.

      We really can’t let it [Russia] win. Our own safety is at stake.

      From the personal point of view of a number of European politicians, this could very well be true. How many lampposts does Brussels have?


      1. Yes, and I have often commented earlier that this now seemingly widespread idea that we can create our own reality reminds me of the bringing-Tinker-Belle-back-to-life pantomime performance in the UK.

        In the traditional pantomime “Peter Pan”, the fairy Tinker Belle dies in a cage into which the villain captain Hook had placed her. So the hero Peter tells the children that if they really wish to bring Tinker Belle back to life, then all they have to do is to shout out loud: “I believe in fairies”.

        So all the kids do this, and at first, nothing happens. So Peter tells them: “Agan! Louder”. And so it goes on and on and the theatre is filled with shrieking voices of hundreds of children until, at last, Tinker Belle stands up again and lives.

        So remember now kiddies —if you really, really want the Ukraine to win, just keep on shouting out loudly: “The Ukraine will win!” and see what happens!

        Nazis liked to talk of “Der Triumph des Willens” [The Triumph of Will] and “Der Sieg des Glaubens” [The Victory of Faith]

        You just godda believe, see, and it will happen.



  5. More on those two fat Spanish fuckers “Mummy Tsar” and Sonny Tsar”:


    In 1918, during the revolution in the Russian Empire, all members of the ruling family were murdered, According to the rules of succession to the throne, the brother of Nicholas II was to become the next tsar. Mikhail Romanov, having become tsar, however, immediately signed his abdication, and then he was executed by the Bolshevik authorities.

    [More on Mikhail here.]

    Consequently, the throne would then have had to pass to another branch of the Romanovs, the closest of whom were cousins of Nicholas or his nephews.

    Today, the so-called Kirillovich branch (descendants of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich) claims its rights to inherit the status of Head of the Imperial House. Kirill Vladimirovich, while in exile, proclaimed himself emperor in exile in 1924.

    Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov

    Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov

    Kirill was always in conflict with Emperor Nicholas II for marrying his cousin Victoria Melita without the tsar’s permission.

    He was the first of the dynasty to openly betray Nicholas II, recognize the Bolshevik power and rejoice in the revolution.

    Kirill Vladimirovich with his wife Victoria Melita

    Kirill Vladimirovich with his wife Victoria Melita.

    His son Vladimir actively collaborated with the Nazis during World War II to help him restore the monarchy in Russia with himself as ruler.

    Victoria Melita with A. Hitler

    Victoria Melita with A. Hitler

    The daughter of the same Vladimir Kirillovich in 1992, after the death of her father, proclaimed herself the Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. Supporters of the monarchy in Russia call her the Empress, and her son George the Tsesarevich.

    Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

    Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

    Maria was born in 1953 and lives in Spain. She was married to Franz Wilhelm of Prussia (great-grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II). The couple divorced in 1985

    Maria Vladimirovna's wedding

    Maria Vladimirovna’s wedding

    In 2021, George married an Italian woman, Rebecca Bettarini, who converted to Orthodoxy under the name of Victoria Romanovna. The couple’s wedding took place in St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg and caused a lot of discontent. In May 2022, George and Victoria officially announced that they were expecting a child.

    Венчание Георгия Романова и Ребекки Беттарини в Исаакиевском соборе

    Wedding of George Romanov and Rebecca Bettarini in St. Isaac’s Cathedral

    [Which “cathedral” is a museum — ME]

    The “Grand Duchess” and “Tsesarevich” hardly speak Russian, and visit Russia from time to time. Their interests are taken care of by the non-profit organization “Office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna”. The main activity of Maria and her son is charity.

    Мария Владимировна Романова

    Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

    The current ruling houses of Europe do not recognize Maria Vladimirovna seriously, do not invite her to solemn events and do not keep in touch with her, except for Prince Albert II of Monaco.

    [Well, he bloody well would, wouldn’t he, he being the son of a Hollywood film star and husband of a South African Olympics swimmer ; he’s not a real prince like King Charles “Jug Ears” III’s son Prince William, is he?— ME]

    Meanwhile, Maria Vladimirovna behaves quite brazenly, and allows herself a lot. So, she referred to Queen Elizabeth II as “Cousin Lilibet”, Elizabeth, in turn, completely ignored Maria. The “Grand Duchess” demands special treatment and is seeking to be allocated a residence in the Russian Federation. Today, Maria Vladimirovna is recognized only by the Russian Orthodox Church (in 2013, the Russian Orthodox Church “crowned” her under the name “Maria I”). All other descendants of the House of Romanov categorically do not recognize the claims of Maria Vladimirovna and George.

    Мария Владимировна, Георгий и Ребекка

    Maria Vladimirovna, George and Rebecca

    Personally, the “Grand Duchess” and her descendant make me laugh every time they appear in public. Ridiculous outfits, caricature, strange attempts to imitate aristocrats, and all this causes “Spanish Shame” rather than pride in the successors of the Romanov dynasty.

    В 1918 году в ходе революции в Российской империи были убиты все члены правящей семьи, соответственно, по правилам престолонаследия следующим царем должен был стать брат Николая II.-9

    Never heard of the expression “Spanish Shame” before.

    Vicarious embarrassment or second-hand shame is the predominant feeling that the vast majority of Russians living abroad feel at the moment, this type of embarrassment is caused by observing an event or actions done by others that make you ashamed. In Russian literature, this phenomenon is also called Spanish shame.

    You live and learn!


    1. God knows why the ROC recognizes the old fat frump as “Maria I”. There are so many counter arguments that can be made against her and Fat Boy George’s claims, not least that her grandfather was born from a Lutheran mother, as were his two brothers. Furthermore, grandfather Kirill betrayed his sovereign and his homeland. It seems that All the Vladimirovichs, a branch of the Romanovs from Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, brother of Alexander III, were hungry for power.

      Best of it is that the hard-faced “Archduchess” even demanded that she have use of the Livadia Palace and a monetary allowance from the state. 

      The Livadia Palace — not, you may notice, situated in chilly Moscow or St. Petersburg: it’s in the Crimea: it’s the former summer retreat of the last Russian tsar. It’s where the 1945 Yalta Conference was held.

      Well, Fat Maria and Fat George were born and bred in Madid, so the Crimea summer climate would be more comfortable for them, I suppose.


    2. That old guy behind the would-be Queen Mum looks as if he’d like to kick her for having such outrageous fashion sense, especially in her choice of hats to match her strange outfits.


  6. The truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth (rex_net) wrote,
    2024-01-31 03:06:00

    About Zelensky, Zaluzhny and the new law on mobilization

    [“My sources in Washington have now confirmed the replacement of Zaluzhny” — Zelensky.]

    Two Western publications immediately report that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov refused the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine instead of Zaluzhny.

    In particular, The Economist and The New York Times write about this.

    Both publications claim that Zelensky has intentions to fire Zaluzhny, but so far there is no candidate to replace him.

    The commander of the ground forces, 58-year-old Alexander Syrsky, is also being considered as a contender for the position of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.

    “Exile” of one of the most popular figures in the Ukraine would be too controversial and would mark a turning point in the conflict, The Economist clarifies.

    In addition, The New York Times, citing sources, writes that Zelensky decided to postpone the dismissal when this news became known to the media.

    How events developed:

    Zelensky yesterday called Zaluzhny to instruct him to come to the Rada with a new bill on mobilization.

    Zaluzhny did not want to go down in history like that.

    Zelensky suggested that he write “after his own fashion”.

    Zaluzhny suggested that Zelensky issue a Decree with a different wording (except for “transition to another position,” which is logical – it makes no sense for Zaluzhny to remain in this team).

    Then there was squabble, calls from embassies…

    Now the conclusions:

    🧩 The bill is so toxic that Zaluzhny is ready to resign just not to take responsibility for it, but with a certain wording.

    Most likely, the bill will be introduced again by the Cabinet of Ministers, that is, Shmygal.

    A new bill on mobilization has been introduced to the Verkhovna Rada.

    The project has a different registration number. That is, its consideration will have to start from the very beginning.

    One of the main innovations of the updated draft law on mobilization is the imposition of restrictions on draft dodgers through the courts.

    In the original version of the document, they could have been introduced by the military registration and enlistment office (TTsK)

    Now the TTsK must go to court, which can impose the following restrictions on the person liable for military service:

    — seizure of bank accounts and valuables stored in banks

    — restrictions on travelling abroad

    — restriction of driving licence

    Restrictions are introduced for the duration of the conscript’s fulfillment of the TTsK requirements.

    The court considers the request of the military registration and enlistment office within 15 days, a complaint against the refusal to open a case will be accepted within 10 days.

    If the parties do not appear in court, it considers the case in writing.

    Also, the new bill on mobilization essentially legitimizes electronic summonses – through the electronic account of the person liable for military service.

    “A summons to the territorial center for recruitment and social support can be sent to a citizen through the electronic account of a conscript, a person liable for military service and a reservist,” the document says.

    The day of delivery of the “electronic” summons is considered the day the TCC receives notification of the delivery of such a summons to the conscript’s electronic account.

    If it appears in the electronic account later than 17:00, such a summons is considered to be served on the business day following the day of its departure.

    At the same time, paper subpoenas are not excluded; they must be served in the traditional way – against signature.

    And on and on it goes.

    Needless to say, patriotic Ukrainian shitwits are flocking to the recruitment centres.


    1. Mobilization 2024: Points of the law on mobilization in the Ukraine have become known
      Andrey Smoliyenko 31.01.2024

      Onward, onward valiant heroes! You shall receive your rewards in heaven.

      Mobilization 2024 in the Ukraine takes on new features. The new law on mobilization in the Ukraine has finally been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration. To say that this law is not democratic is an understatement. A number of experts say that this law violates almost all human rights in the Ukraine. But such is the current state of “democracy” in the Ukraine.

      Mobilisation 2024 in the Ukraine
      A number of Ukrainian media outlets have already posted the first changes and paragraphs of the new law. Let’s start with the fact that people from the age of 25 will now be mobilized, whereas previously it was from 27. Now TTsKs (Military registration and enlistment offices) will be able to seize bank accounts, restrict the conscript’s travel abroad, and even take away his driver’s licence. Mobilization 2024 provides that people who are in reserve will also be involved in work in the rear. Although we all know what happens. They say that it is necessary to sort out papers in the military enlistment office, and in a month you find yourself in a front-line trench.

      Now every citizen of the Ukraine is required to register electronically TTsK. Subpoenas will also be sent out in electronic form. Not registered, but a summons was sent? That’s your problems! Now every Ukrainian between the ages of 18 and 60 will be required to carry a military ID card. At the same time, not only employees of TTsKs, but also the police will be able to check your military ID. Moreover, the police will now be able to detain draft dodgers and take them to military registration and enlistment offices.

      Also, mobilization 2024 in the Ukraine provides for the processing of any foreign documents only if you have military registration documents. Moreover, this also applies to those people who are already abroad. Have you decided to seek help or advice from the Ukrainian embassy? Get yourself a military ID, otherwise there will be no help.

      Furthermore, all women recognized as fit for service and having had a medical education are subject to military registration in a TTsK with subsequent dispatch to the front. This is not what young women in the Ukraine were dreaming of when they were studying to become doctors. And finally, all citizens recognized as being of limited fitness are required to undergo a medical examination once every nine months. And then suddenly they might be discovered as fit, but not yet at the front.

      This is the kind of mobilization in 2024 that will take place in the Ukraine. Not all mobilization criteria are yet known. This is just a small part of them. It is also important to find out who is now recognized as fit and who is not. Although these well-known criteria already violate a number of constitutional rights of citizens of the Ukraine.


  7. The BBC kinda-sorta admits that Russian forces are advancing into Avdiivka. Only saboteur groups, mind, not really the army in strength, just naughty schoolboys up to no good.

    And here again we see a couple of old themes re-emerge; one, that Avdiivka is now ‘nothing but rubble’ – so that when the Russians take it, it can be laughed off as “So what? They didn’t win anything, it was totally destroyed”. Of course, if Ukraine was somehow able to hold on to it, it would be “Hero City Avdiivka!! Dreams of sunflowers waving forever motivated our valiant defenders!” and similar such maudlin patriotic dreck.

    Two, the reincarnation of the notorious ‘White Helmets’ of Syrian fame, in the emergence of the ‘White Angels’, who will most likely be a similar propaganda vehicle for heart-rending stories of human suffering and those who bravely hold their tiny candle against the advancing dark, avidly repeated by the perfidious western yellow press.

    I suppose a credible argument could be made that Avdiivka is no longer a very significant target – Russia wanted to take it because, among other reasons, it had for years been a preferred position from which Ukrainian artillery regularly shelled Donetsk, without too much concern for who or what they hit. Now the Ukrainian Army doesn’t have any artillery rounds to waste, and it needs every shell to stave off a mauling. However, that might not always be the case, and the west has resolved several times to ramp up its production of artillery rounds for Ukraine. Also, Avdiivka occupies a strategically important position and if the Ukrainians have to retreat from it they will have to pull back a considerable distance before they reach another.


  8. Below, the sad tale of a patriotic Yukietard:

    кто там (ctotam) wrote in peremogi,
    20240131 03:14:00 

    From the life of agronomists.
    The story of an ideological Ukrainian Forelock Wearer from way back in the year 2022!

    [The Cossack forelock is called a чуб [chub]. The man about whom the article is written is mockingly called a “chubotant” in Russian, probably a play on the term “debutant” — ME]

    Graduation Day

    Mum and dad, little girl, and wife.

    Anatoliy Anatolievich Lukyanov (born 25.01.2001) from Khmelnytsky graduated from university with a an “Agronomist” degree, then voluntarily joined the AFU. He learnt the standards of NATO in Great Britain and was sent off to fight for this NATO near Maryinka.

    But as we know “every gopher in the field is an Agronom” but not every “Agronom” in the field is a fighter, but rather the same gopher. So the gopher died, leaving behind a collection of vyshyvankas in its place.


    Разом до останного українця — Together to the last Ukrainian!

    Truth be told, I feel very, very sorry for Anatoliy Anatolievich Lukyanov, his wife, his little girl and his mother and father, who will very likely live out the rest of their days hating all Russians, whom they, no doubt, prefer to call “Orcs”. However, for the past 30 years, the whole of the Ukraine and its inhabitants have been constantly bludgeoned with propaganda about the Evil Moskals, Holodomor, the “Aggressor State” and, of course, about the great and wonderful historical land of the “Ukraine”, which is the birthplace of “civilization” as we know it and, therefore, an integral part of the “free” and “prosperous”, liberal Europe.

    Anatoliy Anatolievich Lukyanov was from Khmelnytsky, a city in western Ukraine, which city and region had most definitely long been under Polish rule.

    A little history about Khmelnytsky:

    The place was first mentioned in 1431 as a Polish military post, where it was known as Płoskirów under Polish rule. It was seized by Cossacks during the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Uprising and was then later ruled by the Ottomans until 1699. Khmelnytsky and its region then became part of the Russian Empire in 1793 as a result of the Second Partition of Poland. The city was then known as Proskurov, which name is a russification of the former Polish name of the city and its region.

    Poles always whinge about the three partitions of Poland that took place in the 18th century, and to hear their whinging about this, one would believe that partitions had all been the doing of the Evil Russians. However, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire also helped themselves to chunks of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but one hardly hears from the Poles much about those annexations of parts of Poland, only the ones that the Orcs did.

    From 1917 to 1920, the Khmelnytsky region was controlled by the short-lived Ukrainian People’s Republic before becoming part of Soviet Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian People’s Republic was promoted and supported by the German Empire after the 1917 defeat of the Russian Empire in WWI. The German Empire was then defeated by the Western Entente allies the following year, and only then did the Ukrainian People’s Republic became part of Soviet Ukraine. No doubt very many of the inhabitants of that part of Western Ukraine much preferred to have been subjects of either the German Kaiser or the Austrian Emperor, but that was not to be: the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires were already history.

    Oh yes, and Khmelnytsky once had a very large Jewish population. However, that population fell from 42 per cent in 1939 to 10 per cent in 1959. I suspect that many of those who survived the systematic murder of Jews by the Nazis, if they lived long enough, later emigrated with their descendants to the USA gratis the Jackson-Vanik amendment. And in the USA, thay sang in unison about Russian pogroms and discrimination against the Jews being the reason why they could no longer live in the USSR.

    And another thing: the city and region known in the Russian Empire and the USSR as Proskurov was only named Khmelnytsky In 1954 in honour of the Cossack leader Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

    Does the year 1954 ring a bell?

    It’s when Khrushchev illegally handed over governance of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea to Kiev. It’s when the Ukrainisation of the UkSSR was underway.

    Evil, evil Orcs!

    All done to keep latent Ukrainian nationalists quiet — nationalists without a nation, that is, or a country.


  9. He’s a laugh a minute!

    30 Jan, 2024 17:07

    ‘Stop giving money to our refugees’ – Zelensky

    Kiev has asked Berlin to pour funds into its budget instead of spending them on Ukrainians who fled to Germany

    Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has called on the German government to abandon its policy of financially supporting Ukrainian refugees on its territory and divert the cash to Kiev instead. The scheme would make aid mechanisms more transparent, he argued in an interview with the public German broadcaster ARD over the weekend.

    People who have fled Ukraine and moved to Germany currently receive financial assistance from both countries, Zelensky claimed in the interview, released on Monday by his administration. This needs to change, he insisted.

    “It would be better if Germany supported Ukrainians by giving money to the budget of Ukraine,” the president said. He added that the government in Kiev would then distribute the funds, depending on each person’s whereabouts.


    1. Stop giving grass to our beef cattle, so that they will wander homeward and we can slaughter and eat them! Zelensky’s maudlin clown-tears about the sanctity of Ukrainian lives echoes the rote pantomime of large corporations: “Our people are our most precious resource”. If nearby countries cease aid payments to Ukrainians who have fled Ukraine to escape military service, they will be forced to return home where they will be promptly conscripted, packaged in uniform and shipped off to the front to be killed. Unless one chooses to believe the conscription of another half-million or so Ukrainians, and their subsequent entry into battle on the same uneven terms in which thousands of their predecessors went to meet Bandera will turn the tide and bring awe-inspiring victory.


  10. YESTERDAY AT 21: 56

    Great-granddaughter of pilot Chkalov called for a nuclear strike on Moscow

    The great-granddaughter of pilot Valery Chkalov has proposed that a nuclear strike be made against Moscow

    The great-granddaughter of the legendary Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov, Daria Bogdanova, said in an online debate that Moscow should be hit with nuclear weapons. She also expressed her readiness to sponsor this war crime.

    According to Bogdanova, the atomic strike on Hiroshima and Nagasaki served as “a wonderful end to a conflict”.

    The pilot’s great-granddaughter, who is an Israeli citizen, was not even intimidated by the concomitant sacrifices in the name of hitting the decision-making centre. She said she didn’t care about her mother and grandmother.

    Bogdanova has previously suggested shooting Russians right on the street, but now she says that “Muscovites should hear an air raid”. At the same time, the emigrant actively sponsors the Ukrainian army with the money she earned in Russia, Readovka noted.

    I am truly shocked and surprised! An Israeli citizen, no less!

    Her test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union grandfather, by the way, was not a Jew.

    Valery Chkalov and his cnut of a great-granddaughter Daria Bogdanova.

    So, the great-granddaughter of the legendary test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Chkalov hates Russians and raises money for the Ukrainian national battalion. The name of the great-granddaughter is Daria Bogdanova, her kinship with Chkalov is on her mother’s side. With the beginning of SMO, 35-year-old Daria and her husband left for Belgium. From there, Chkalov’s great-granddaughter has been collecting money for weapons for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine via social media pages.

    Daria Bogdanova has already sent 13 drones to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Information about this can be found on the website of “Freedom Birds for the Ukraine”, where she is an activist. The woman was awarded for this help with a certificate from the deputies of Nikolaev, where the National battalion is located and which the activist strives hard to support.

    In social networks, she curses Russia: “Infuriating! There shouldn’t be such big countries!” She boasts that she paid for inscriptions to be written on the Ukrainian munitions used to bombard the Donbass. And to those who criticized the abolition of Russian culture in the West, Chkalov’s great-granddaughter replied:: “All those who are against the cancellation of Russian culture just shut your fucking gobs. Hide and transfer donations to the AFU, then no one will cancel your culture”.

    This foul bitch is not alone: there others who are descendants of Soviet heroes who have become fanatical Russophobes; mostly “artistic”, types of course, the usual type of 5th columnist.

    This spring, there was a scandal when the granddaughter of a Great Patriotic War front-line poet Evgeny Dolmatovsky, the author of the lyrics to the songs ” My favorite city can sleep in peace…”, ” And your unfamiliar hand lies on my palm…”, banned, as the copyright holder, the performance of his song “Road to Berlin”: “And the name is, really, combat…”

    The poet’s granddaughter Tatiana Dolmatovskaya moved to London at the very beginning of the SMO and took there an openly anti-Russian position. In her social networks, she wrote that she “gladly forbids” the performance in Russia of her grandfather’s song “Road to Berlin”.

    And although not a descendant of a Hero of the Soviet Union, the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev has also been stating her anti-Russian position. However, she has been throwing shit at Russia from her base in the USA for years and, no doubt, gets well paid for doing so. Articles written by her regularly appear in Newsweek, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times and other publications. Of course, it’s much better health-wise being a presstitute rather than a prostitute. Immediately after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia, which, as is known, was transferred to the Ukraine in the ’50s of the XXth century, on the initiative of Khrushchev, Nina Khrushcheva gave a acidic interview overseas, in which she refused to consider the peninsula as part of Russia, calling its return to Russia as “annexation” and not “reunification”.

    Khrushchev’s great-granddaughter, besides being a presstitute, is also a professor at an American university (she moved to the United States more than 20 years ago), and has expressed her fervent hope that Western sanctions will have a detrimental effect on the Russian economy. In a recent interview, Nina Khrushchev supported Zelensky and she called the Ukrainian attacks on civilians in the Donbass “a noble desire to protect the rights and freedom of the Ukrainians”.

    Нина Хрущева, грязная мерзкая дрянь.

    Obviously, in the West, these great-granddaughters of Dolmatovsky, Chkalov and Khrushchev are welcomed and allowed to live comfortably, not least because of their high-profile pedigrees and about whom European and American newspapers may write that these descendants of Soviet heroes are now opposing Russia. By the way, Nina Khrushcheva herself is a specialist in propaganda. Currently in New York, she conducts courses on international media, comparative propaganda, culture and capitalism, cinema and empire, as well as contemporary politics and Russian history.

    However, not all those whose forebears were famous Soviet citizens behave as do those whores described above.

    Konev’s granddaughter delivers humanitarian aid to our fighters

    Fortunately, the vast majority of the descendants of Soviet heroes have not left Russia and are helping their country. Moreover, they do it without resonating statements and do not curse anyone at the same time, as those who have left Russia do.

    So, the marshal’s granddaughter Ivana Koneva Elena Gelievna has during the past year made five trips with humanitarian aid to the Belgorod region. “We brought a minibus packed to the brim”, Elena Gelievna said in an interview with “And it’s not just traditional products and warm clothes. We brought four stoves, military optics, which we were asked for, prefabricated cots, bed linen. And cigarettes that are worth their weight in gold to the military.” And she added: “I understand that the fate and future of Russia is being decided now, and I cannot stand aside”.

    The marshal’s granddaughter often visits Belgorod, where her grandfather is treated with special respect — it was Ivan Konev who liberated the city from the Nazis in August 1943. Ivan Stepanovich commanded the Steppe Front, and fought at the Kursk Bulge. At dawn, 5 August 943, the troops of the Steppe Front stormed Belgorod, and in just a day the city was completely cleared of the Germans.

    Grandson of Vatutin called the demolition of the monument fanaticism

    Elena Gelievna carefully preserves the memory of her grandfather, whom she remembers well — the marshal managed to take part in the upbringing of his granddaughter. And for her, the answer that Chkalov’s great-granddaughter gave when asked how she felt about the recent demolition of a monument to her great-grandfather that stood in Kiev, would probably seem crazy. This event occurred in February 2023. In response, Chkalov’s great-granddaughter Daria said that the Kiev authorities had the right to decide independently what to do with a monument on their territory and that “poking one’s nose” into the affairs of other cities, in her opinion, was impolite.

    The monument to Chkalov was demolished simultaneously with a monument to General Nikolai Vatutin, who liberated Kiev from the Nazis. The General’s grandson Alexander Vatutin, a man who lives in Russia, called the demolition of the monument “fanaticism”. He said he would not be surprised if in Kiev “neo-fascists collected the bones of his grandfather and scattered them in the streets, shouting their slogans”. The demolished monument was installed on the grave of the commander. The grandson of the general and liberator of Kiev recalled how back in Soviet times, on one of his trips to his grandfather’s grave, he heard “one Ukrainian figure say that it was unfortunate that Vatutin was Russian”.

    “I visited the monument to my grandfather as a boy. We were standing there, and suddenly a member of the Kiev soviet says to my grandmother: “You see, Tatyana Romanovna, the trouble with Vatutin is that he is Russian. If he were Vatutenko or Vatutko, people would come here to this monument. But here we have a Moskal”, recounted Alexander Vatutin.

    As I repeatedly say: so-called Ukrainians are retards.


    Result of not enough iodine in their diet.

    Proven fact

    Pork lard and no iodine makes idiots.



  11. Iodine deficiency has multiple adverse effects on growth and development and is the most common cause of preventable intellectual disability in the world .

    The effects of severe iodine deficiency on neurological development are well documented. Results from several studies suggest, for example, that chronic, moderate to severe iodine deficiency, particularly in children, reduces IQ by about 12–13.5 points.


    According to WHO data, (2017) Ukraine is known as a country with endemic mild iodine deficiency. According to Unisef research in Ternopil region (2002) median of urinary iodine excretion was 141,86 mg/l.


    Epidemiological aspects of pediatric thyroid disorders in Western Ukraine

    Approximately 70% of Ukrainians suffer from iodine deficiency

    Слава дебілам!


  12. 11:55 31.01.2024

    Kiev has announced the receipt of seized funds taken from Deripaska’s account

    MOSCOW, January 31-RIA Novosti. The first 850 thousand dollars seized as a result of sanctions have been deposited into the budget of the Ukraine, said the head of the State Property Fund of the country Vitaly Koval. “For the first time, sanctions money is starting to work for the state. More than 32 million hryvnias (about 850 thousand dollars – ed.) have already been received by the state budget”, reads the message posted on Koval’s Facebook page*.

    According to the official, the amount includes personal savings of the Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo and funds of one of the firms owned by entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska.

    The National Security and Defense Council of the Ukraine in October 2022 approved the sanctions list, which included Deripaska and Baldo.

    * Meta activity (social networks Facebook and Instagram) is banned in Russia as extremist.

    Fuck me! $850, 000!!!

    That should buy . . . errrm, let me see …

    How much does an artillery shell cost?

    Yeah! Got it!

    The Ukraine spends around $100 million of state funds daily to defend itself against Russia’s “full-scale” war — former Defence Minister Reznikov, 4 September 2003….

    Reznikov: Russia’s war costs Ukraine $100 million daily

    As regards the “full scale war”, a much beloved term bandied around in the West, Martyanov reckons that 5 – 15% of Russian military capabilities are being deployed in the SMO.


  13. FP writes that Germany and the United States are against officially inviting Ukraine to NATO at the next summit

    Today, 06:19

    They are again trying to make it clear to the Kiev regime that the Ukraine is not welcome in NATO, at least in the current situation.

    Foreign Policy published an article by Robbie Gramer and Jack Detsch, the title of which speaks for itself:

    The US and Germany insist on delaying Ukraine’s invitation to join NATO.

    Western journalists write that a number of NATO countries (the Baltics and Poland primarily) are calling for an official invitation to the Ukraine to join the alliance to be announced at the next NATO summit. However, Berlin and Washington oppose this.

    In Poland, for example, they believe that Ukraine’s admission to NATO “will weaken Russia’s position in Eastern Europe”. In turn, Germany and the United States are opposed not because they are against the weakening of Russia, but because in this case they will have to fight in the Ukraine with their own troops. For obvious reasons, the prospect of mass receipt of “cargo 200” [dead bodies — ME] from the territory of the Ukraine is not tempting for either the Biden administration or the Scholz cabinet.

    FP adds that so far no one in NATO is ready to go against the will of the United States and Germany, since it is these countries that have financed Kiev significantly more than others to date, sending it weapons and tens of billions of dollars.

    In general, the NATO carrot remains dangling in front of Kiev’s nose.


  14. Have fellow Stooges seen the speech that G. Doctorow was going to give in Latvia about the “holocaust” there, which speech was quashed by no less than the President of the European Parliament?

    Check it out here.


  15. 31 JAN, 20:13

    UN court rejects almost all of Ukraine’s terrorism-related complaints against Russia

    Ukraine sought to prove that the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic are terrorist organizations, and Russia gave them funding and weapons

    THE HAGUE, January 31. /TASS/. The UN International Court of Justice has found most of Ukraine’s complaints against Russia in a lawsuit over potential violations of the convention that fights the financing of terrorism to be groundless, court President Joan Donoghue said as she read out the verdict.

    She said Russia failed to conduct investigations into people who could allegedly finance terrorism in Ukraine. The court rejected Ukraine’s accusations that Russia violated the other clauses of the convention, which were listed in the Ukrainian lawsuit.

    On 16 January 2017, Ukraine filed a lawsuit with the court accusing Russia of violating the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. As part of the case, where it concerns the convention on stopping the financing of terrorism, Ukraine sought to prove that the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic are terrorist organizations, and Russia gave them funding and weapons.

    And get this:

    31 JAN, 21:05

    UN court rejects most of Ukraine’s racial discrimination complaints against Russia

    The court found that Moscow violated the convention against racial discrimination by the way it implemented school education in the Ukrainian language in Crimea after 2014

    THE HAGUE, January 31. /TASS/. The UN International Court of Justice has rejected most of Ukrainian complaints against Russia that are related to the international convention seeking to do away with racial discrimination, court President Joan Donoghue said as she read out the verdict.

    The ruling capped a lawsuit that Ukraine filed against Russia regarding application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

    According to Donoghue, the court found that Moscow violated the convention against racial discrimination by the way it implemented school education in the Ukrainian language in Crimea after 2014. The court “rejects all other submissions made by Ukraine with respect to the international convention,” she said.

    The Ukraine actually complained about the way “Ukrainian” was taught in Crimea schools.

    They said that the way the teaching of the bumpkin dialect was implemented violated the convention against racial discrimination?

    And what about the use of Russian in Banderastan?

    Wasn’t it the Galitsian morons’ idea to forbid the use of Russian in the Ukraine which kicked off the whole shit show of separatism in East Ukraine?


  16. Foreign Ministry comments on UN refusal to recognize Russia as an aggressor state

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

    31.01.2024 20:15

    On the refusal of the International Court of Justice to recognize Russia as an “aggressor state”, and the DPR and LPR as “terrorist organizations” on the basis of Ukraine accusations


    On January 31, the International Court of Justice issued a final decision on the proceedings initiated by the Ukraine in January 2017 with Russia on the basis of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (ICCFT). The arguments of the Russian side about the groundlessness of Ukrainian insinuations were heard in The Hague: of the more than 20 claims made by Kiev during the seven-year trial, the Court rejected almost all of them and left the Ukraine without any compensation.

    The International Court of Justice did not go along with Kiev and basically refused to recognize Russia as an “aggressor state”. The court also rejected Ukrainian insinuations that the DPR and LPR are allegedly “terrorist organizations”.

    These findings are particularly important in light of the fact that the Court’s verdict was intended to support Kiev’s demands for the transfer of Russian assets stolen in the West and the introduction of international restrictions against Russia.

    In addition, the Court rejected the claim of the Ukraine under the ICFBT on assigning responsibility to Russia for the crash of Boeing flight MH17 and did not accept the claims of the Ukrainians about the involvement of the DPR in the crash. During the hearing, Russia presented convincing evidence of fatal flaws in the pseudo-international investigation of the incident by a “joint investigation team” under the umbrella of Dutch justice.

    Regarding the events of 2014-2017, the International Court of Justice did not consider it possible to support the Ukraine arguments about the alleged involvement of Russia and the fault of the Donetsk militia in the shelling of the Bugas military checkpoint near Volnovakha, the military airfield in Kramatorsk, where the headquarters of the so-called ATO was located, and the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Mariupol and Avdiivka, ICDFT.

    The Russian side highlighted the particular cynicism of the Ukrainian accusations: Kiev tried to present attacks on military targets as “acts of terror”, although the Armed Forces of the Ukraine for many years have shelled the cities of Donbass with heavy weapons, striking civilian targets, including the airstrike on the building of the Luhansk regional Administration on June 2, 2014, the killing of civilians in the city of as a result of an artillery strike on a public transport stop in Donetsk on January 22, 2015, and many other bloody crimes.

    No less cynical is the way the Kiev regime tried to declare “terrorist financing” for humanitarian aid to residents of Donbass who suffered from Ukrainian shelling and the economic blockade.

    The International Court of Justice pointed out that Russia had faithfully fulfilled its obligations to cooperate in the field of terrorist financing, including the obligation to identify and block funds used to finance terrorism; to extradite or independently try persons who have committed terrorist crimes; to provide mutual criminal and legal assistance; and to cooperate in the prevention of terrorist crimes. This is fully consistent with the FATF’s earlier conclusions about Russia’s high level of compliance with its obligations in this area; the FATF assessed Ukraine’s claims as being of a purely political nature.

    Against this background, the Court’s conclusion that Russia allegedly failed to properly investigate the activities of individuals who, according to the Ukraine, collected funds in Russia to help the people of Donbass, was met with bewilderment. The Court had to go against its own practice and set an all-time low bar for proving the applicability of the Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism in the complete absence of signs of both “terrorism” and its “financing”.

    As a result of the proceedings, the Ukraine was completely denied all claims for compensation or other forms of satisfaction.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Too little, too late to put the brakes on; things have already gone much too far. The time to be reasonable was when the charges were first leveled, but all the west was in the grip of exhilaration that Ukraine and its good friends had managed to build a mighty army in plain sight, right under the stupid Russians’ noses, and now that army would surely kick their ass.

      The decision is welcome in that it will make it much more difficult for America to confiscate Russian assets and donate them to Ukraine, but even reining in that policy is much too late to repair the rift the Americans, the British and the political aristocracy in Brussels imposed between themselves and Russia. Anybody could have told the west ten years ago it was doing wrong, and the time when a legal decision might have helped is long past.


      1. 05:45 01.02.2024

        Former-deputy of the Rada has analyzed the decision of the UN court on the claim of the Ukraine against Russia

        Ex-deputy of the Rada: the UN decision on the lawsuit against Russia proved the far-fetched charges

        MOSCOW, February 1-RIA Novosti. The decision of the International Court of Justice to reject most of the Ukraine claims against Russia has nothing to do with obvious problems with the support of the regime of Vladimir Zelensky in the West: this position of the court proves that the Kiev accusations were “too deliberately far-fetched”, said Oleg Voloshin, a former member of the Verkhovna Rada, a member of the “Other Ukraine” movement.The International Court of Justice has rejected most of Ukraine’s claims against Russia under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in Crimea, Court President Joan Donohue said on Wednesday.

        “This has nothing to do with the obvious problems with support for the regime of Vladimir Zelensky in the West. They really exist: there is huge disappointment in it. Finally, the Western elites have sobered up and have great doubts about the prospects for generally ending this conflict in a format favorable to the West”, Voloshin said.

        He noted that the court decision should be considered from a legal point of view, without a political background. According to him, the position of the court shows that judges have authority and self-respect: they made the only correct decision, despite all the far-fetched accusations made by the Ukraine against Russia.”I should like to believe this and hope that we have not yet lost the remnants of the independence of international courts… and a year ago, when Kiev support was at its peak, I think that the court would have made the same decision. [Are you serious? — ME] The claims of the Ukrainian side were too deliberately far-fetched”, he added.

        According to Voloshin, you don’t need to be an expert to understand that the LPR and DPR had not carried out any activity that could be called terrorist.”Their goal was never to deliberately destroy or intimidate Ukrainian civilians, so I believe that the court made the only correct decision in this situation”,”the politician concluded.The International Court of Justice did not follow the Kiev lead and fundamentally refused to recognize Russia as an “aggressor state” and the DPR and LPR as “terrorist organizations”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier. As the ministry noted, by the court decision, Kiev “expected to have its demands reinforced for the transfer to it of Russian assets stolen in the West and the introduction of international restrictions against Russia”.

        The Ukraine filed a lawsuit against Russia in the International Court of Justice in January 2017 with a demand that the actions of the Russian Federation in the Donbass be recognized as violating the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, and in Crimea as violating the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Russia has repeatedly stated that it guarantees respect for human rights throughout its territory, including the Crimea, and will protect these rights.


  17. Another corrupt Russian “politician” gets his collar felt.

    01.01 1 February 2024

    Former Sevastopol Governor Ovsyannikov arrested in London

    The Times: ex – Governor of Sevastopol Ovsyannikov detained in London

    The former governor of Sevastopol, former Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Dmitry Ovsyannikov has been detained in London on charges of violating the sanctions regime. This was reported by TASS with reference to The Times.

    The British newspaper cites information from the National Crime Agency (NCA). The article is published only in the paper version of the publication. According to the data, Ovsyannikov was arrested at his home in the British capital on January 22. He is charged with “violating sanctions and money laundering”.

    The agency reported that Ovsyannikov received transfers totaling 82.5 thousand dollars to an account that he had previously opened in one of the banks of the HBOS financial group. In addition, cash in the amount of 98.5 thousand dollars was seized from him. The police assume that they were also obtained as a result of illegal financial transactions. A preliminary hearing on the case is scheduled for 20 February.

    Ovsyannikov had been the governor of Sevastopol since 2016. Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed him from office on 11 July, 2019.

    Whereupon he fucked off to the favourite refuge of Russian crooks.

    How come he became governor of Sevastopol in the first place? Did nobody know he was bent?

    More likely all his former colleagues in the Crimea are bent as well, but Osyannikov took his bentness beyond tolerable limits.


  18. Russian corrupt official who escaped from Crimea detained in London

    The former governor of Sevastopol and ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Dmitry Ovsyannikov has been detained at his home in London.

    The former Governor of Sevastopol (2016-2019) and former deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Dmitry Ovsyannikov was detained in his London home by the British police, The Times reports. It is specified that he is suspected of violating the sanctions regime and money laundering — a preliminary hearing in his case in a London court is scheduled for 20 February . However, now this article is not in The Times, and a screenshot of it is being distributed online.

    So, according to the publication, Ovsyannikov received transfers totaling 65 thousand pounds ($82.5 thousand). Also, 77.5 thousand pounds ($98.5 thousand) in cash were seized from him — presumably they were obtained illegally. It is noteworthy that he has been on the sanctions list of the UK for seven years, and this implies the seizure of his assets in the country and restriction of access to financial services.


    1. And naturally, he is a ‘Putin ally’. Were the Ukrainian defense officials who made off with $40 Million intended for the purchase of artillery shells all ‘Zelensky allies’? Of course not; Zelensky is the ‘anti-corruption president’ who fired them. And $40 Million only buys 100,000 mortar shells? Heavy mortars generally have a maximum range of about 7 km, and the lighter they are below that category, the shorter the range. $40 million for shells for a weapon that is hugely outranged by Russian artillery?


  19. Check this out – Israeli soldiers disguised themselves as women and medical staff and raided a hospital in the West Bank, killing three ‘militants’. Israel claimed – of course – that they were operating from the hospital using it as their base, and using civilians as ‘human shields’ . So naturally everyone is grateful to them for their liberation.

    Ummm….aren’t there laws which forbid soldiers from pretending to be medical personnel? Oh, sorry – I forgot for a moment we were talking about Israel; right, right, children of God, I remember now. So, no need for them to obey His laws, or anyone else’s. There are no rules for Israel, and how they must laugh when the use that ‘most moral army in the world’ slogan and the western rubes just nod vigorously.


    1. Another open precendent is set, but nothing much new.

      I wonder how and when this will come back and bite us?

      As mentioned on twatter, various ‘special forces’ operating in countries where the oppotision is not white do things like this quite often.


  20. 29 Jan, 2024 17:56

    Russian figure skater banned after doping ruling

    The then 15-year-old Kamila Valieva tested positive for banned heart medication ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

    Kamila Valieva of Team ROC reacts during the Women Single Skating Free Skating Team Event on day three of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games at Capital Indoor Stadium on February 07, 2022 in Beijing, China © Getty Images / Catherine Ivill/Getty Images

    Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva was issued with a four-year ban by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Monday, two years after the teenager tested positive for a banned substance in an incident that dominated the Beijing Winter Olympics.

    The CAS ruling means that all results achieved by Valieva following her positive test on December 25, 2021, when she was 15 years old, will be removed from official records. Now 17, Valieva must also forfeit all titles, awards, medals, and prize and appearance money she subsequently received.


  21. The Nuland the Hutt has flown in . . .

    1 February, 10:51

    updated February 1, 11:31

    Gavrilov: Nuland has arrived in Kiev to assess the situation with the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny

    The head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna talks on military security and arms control believes that the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs has not been give the task of reconciling the President of the Ukraine and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine.

    MOSCOW, February 1. /tass/. US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland has arrived in Kiev on a visit to assess the situation with the conflict between Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny, but not to reconcile them. This was stated by the head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, Konstantin Gavrilov, on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

    “It’s not for nothing that Nuland has apparently flow in to sort out this (the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny – TASS) and find out the situation, about what’s going on, and how it could all end. <…> I think it’s just a showdown. The Americans will assess the situation, where all this is leading, to conversations will be held, I think, with Zaluzhny, with President Zelensky, and so on. Recommendations will be made, he said, answering a question about the purposes of Nuland’s visit.

    The diplomat also believes that Nuland does not have the task of reconciling Zelensky and Zaluzhny. “Everything has gone too far, there is unlikely to be any reconciliation”, he added.

    Gavrilov drew attention to the fact that for Russia it does not matter who the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine will be — Zaluzhny or anyone else.

    The situation around Zaluzhny

    On Monday, former Verkhovna Rada deputy Borislav Bereza said that Zaluzhny had been removed from the post of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine. According to him, in this regard, the office of the president received outraged calls from foreign partners. For his part, Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleksiy Honcharenko said that Zaluzhny had been informed of his resignation, but there had not yet been a corresponding decree. Later, the press secretary of the President of the Ukraine Sergey Nikiforov clarified that Zelensky had not not dismissed Zaluzhny.

    However, speculation in the Ukrainian media and social networks about the fate of Zaluzhny continues to this day. On Wednesday, The Washington Post newspaper, citing high-ranking sources in Kiev, reported that Zaluzhny would keep his post for now, but the decision on his resignation had already been made.

    Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that there were many questions concerning the news about Zaluzhny, but it was obvious that for the Kiev regime “everything is going wrong”, and the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the situation around the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine reflects the death-agony and collapse of Ukraine statehood.

    translation note

    In the original of the above, there is ,at the very end, the phrase: отражает агонию.

    отражает means “reflects”.

    The thing that is reflected is агонию — which is the noun агония in the accusative singular case, namely the noun is the object of the verb “reflects”.

    However, агония does not mean “agony” in English, namely great pain— a common mistake for Russian translators: агония it means “death pangs”, “death throes”, “death struggle”, “final agonies” etc.


    1. This is a lucky break for Ukrainians – the forecasts of the Toad-Queen of Neoconservatism are prized for their insight, informed as they are by her decades of strategic experience and perspicacity. She masterminded The Glorious Maidan, and it’s all been steady progress since then for Ukraine, hasn’t it? Her prediction that Putin will get some ‘nice surprises’ on the battlefield

      will doubtless strike fear into his evil heart.

      In reality, the Great Throbbing Heart Of NATO, Washington, is throwing its weight behind the exact same strategy it recently mocked and derided when attributed to Putin – simply waiting the game out and hoping fortune will turn in its favour. The major difference is that soon the USA will be doing it on its own, except for its staggering zombie proxies in the trenches – Ukraine is completely insolvent. ‘Skint’, I believe, is the colloquial term, and Yurrup is not far off that; its debt-to-GDP ratio, while far better than that of its big American master, is around 85% of GDP and I can’t imagine that trending downward given the ongoing exodus of its industries.

      Its opponent, as before, will be Russia, but a Russia whose economy is forecast by the IMF to grow steadily – moreover, attributing some of the strength of its growth to the war and domestic spending.

      A sad moment in history for those triumphalists who confidently predicted sanctions would cripple Russia, and it would have to beg for whatever terms it would be offered. And that – if this absurd wooden performance continues – reckons without the input from China, against whom America regularly clashes its sword against its shield and directs threatening remarks. Just let me say this about that.

      “…Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one…The thing we see across all the wargames is that there are major losses on all sides. And the impact of that on our society is quite devastating,” said Becca Wasser, who played the role of the Chinese leadership in the Select Committee’s wargame and is head of the gaming lab at the Center for a New American Security. “The most common thread in these exercises is that the United States needs to take steps now in the Indo-Pacific to ensure the conflict doesn’t happen in the future. We are hugely behind the curve. Ukraine is our wakeup call. This is our watershed moment.”

      That’s right – in its own wargaming, the USA regularly either loses to China (in a war which does not include Russia as a co-belligerent) in a bewildering shower of flopsweat, or takes such heavy casualties that it would leave many wondering if victory was worth it. And all those sobering analyses, as the article makes clear, assume the conflict could be held to a more-or-less conventional war, without going nuclear against one or both countries that have substantial nuclear arsenals, in Russia’s case surpassing that of the USA.

      Tell it, Becca: Ukraine is our wakeup call. You’d never know it from the nasal foghorn dronings of Nuland, for whom any apocalyptic scenario implies no lifestyle changes other than perhaps a change of location, unless Putin smuggles in a poisoned Twinkie or sugar becomes radioactive. But those who can see beyond the brash overconfidence that has always been as American as apple pie should know better.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Nuland the Hutt

    What did Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland do in the Ukraine?

    01.02.2024 16:34

    Deputy Head of the State Department Victoria Nuland visited Kiev on an unannounced one-day and, apparently, high emergency visit. She didn’t bring any money or pastries with her, and the high-precision bombs that she praised at the press conference, as it turned out, have been supplied for a long time. Therefore, the answer to the question of why she came is now being sought by the entire Kiev beau monde.

    According to US Ambassador to the Ukraine Bridget Brink, her older friend and supervisor came to Kiev to “meet the country’s leadership, veterans and civil society”, as well as to “emphasize our common commitment” towards enmity with Russia. However, the Ukrainian media were not invited to these meetings, which only fueled interest in their content. And the final and very short press conference on Sofia Square did not explain much.

    For example, Nuland gracefully evaded the question of what will happen to the Ukraine if the United States does not give money. According to her, Americans “understand what will happen if you (Ukrainians) cannot continue not only to defend yourself, but also to succeed, and this understanding will affect the results of voting in Congress”.

    The phrase about the expected “assured successes” of the Ukraine this year and generally quite aggressive rhetoric may partly indicate the meaning of the visit. The fact is that the last time Nuland came to Kiev was in December 2022, and after that Ukrainian propaganda, as if on cue, began seriously fuelling public expectations of a “counter-offensive”. Strange as it may seem, in recent days particularly gifted Ukrainian military experts have begun to confidently theorise about a new offensive by the Ukrainian armed forces, under which it seems that men who have not hidden are being seized in the streets.

    But what Nuland did not say herself, and what Ukrainian journalists dare d not ask her about, was the relationship between Zaluzhny and Zelensky. The careful avoidance of the subject only convinced observers that the real reason for Nuland’s sudden arrival in Kiev was about these two and the generally simmering, unstable local politics. Perhaps it was accelerated by the results of the inspection of the Ukrainian roadplan by high-ranking representatives of the State Department, Pentagon and USAID, who had finished their work on the eve of Nuland’s arrival. It is not known what scalding truth they told about the state of affairs in the Ukrainian colony, but Nuland considered it a good idea to assess the situation on the ground personally.

    It is noteworthy that shortly after her departure, CNN and other American media, citing unnamed sources, announced Zaluzhny’s resignation as commander-in-chief. Whether they knew something or are speculating on the topic, as are their Ukrainian colleagues, is unknown, but the coincidence of the news with Nuland’s visit draws one’s attention. However, there was no need for Nuland to come to Kiev herself just to reconcile Zaluzhny and Zelensky or to agree on the format of the resignation of the commander-in-chief. Probably, those Ukrainian experts are right that predict a serious reformatting of the Ukrainian government, including the resignation of the current cabinet and the appointment of a new one. And a personal conversation about this really corresponds to the political importance of Nuland, who can rightly be called the creator of the current Ukraine.


    1. May I propse a better titile? Evil visits town.

      The true heiress to ‘500,000’ i-Racki kids deaths was ‘worth it’ Madeliene Albright.

      Of course there are quite a few other evil people, but they are usually smart enough to stay in the shadows, something Nuland has only learned to do in the last few years which is why it is a surprise to see her pop up so publicly.


        1. Is Budanov of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of the Ukraine your source, or VOA. or RL/RFE, or CNN, or WP, or Reuters . . . or a man on a bus in Helsinki?


          1. And if your unsubstantiated announcement is true, does that mean Russia is defeated and the Kiev filth and its Western supporters are now boogy-woogying in the streets?


            1. From the UK Guardian:

              Ukraine sea drone hits Russian warship near occupied Crimea

              Overnight attack deals another blow to Moscow’s Black Sea fleet

              Pjotr SauerThu 1 Feb 2024 16.45 CET

              [video clip]

              Video appears to show moment Ukraine hits Russian missile ship

              Ukrainian forces struck a Russian warship during an overnight sea drone attack near occupied Crimea, dealing another blow to Moscow’s Black Sea fleet.

              Ukraine’s military intelligence published a grainy video that showed several uncrewed Ukrainian boats – known as sea drones – approaching the Russian-guided missile ship Ivanovets before the video cuts to footage of the ship on fire.


              1. According to the BBC, it sank, which would likely entail a considerable number of fatalities. But then again, according to the BBC Russia is losing and Ukraine’s a democracy.


                1. Nothing up in the Orc news media about this sinking of a Russian warship, and I’ve been scouting the lying Russian press as soon as the troll had changed his underpants and feverishly announced here that the Ukraine armed forces had sunk a Russian warship.


                1. Russia’ll have to content itself with downing every last F-16 that comes swooping in to the rescue of democracy this spring…or summer…or fall…or something. All four of them. Possibly piloted by Tom Cruise or Mark Hamill if they can’t find anyone else.


      1. I just have to call attention here to the fact that we never saw the dancing and singing clip I requested – or, to be clear, any sign whatsoever of celebration for Russia’s whacking of foreign mercenaries, an action the Finland desk strongly supported and regularly shouted for. When it happened…nothing. What sort of signal does this send to Putin? Is he going to be likely to continue stonking foreign fighters if he does not receive any encouragement from his fans?

        By contrast, every time any injury to Russian interests is observed, and most especially when it can be attributed to Ukrainian operations with likely western backing, it is the inspiration for excited arm-waving for attention. I am beginning to be suspicious that Finland covertly supports Ukraine!


  23. Asia Times: US calls Chinese EVs a posssible security threat

    US calls Chinese EVs a posssible security threat

    …The Biden administration has warned that Chinese electric vehicles can pose a national security threat to the United States as they can collect huge amounts of personal information and may send it overseas. 

    US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said during an Atlantic Council fireside chat on Tuesday that the US should think deeply about whether it wants all the data collected by electric and autonomous vehicles to be sent to China. She said the information could be about the driver, the location of the vehicle and the surroundings of the vehicle. …

    …Chinese columnist Ruan Jiaqi on Wednesday criticized Raimondo, accusing her of maliciously defaming China’s EV makers. Ruan said EVs made by Chinese firms such as BYD have already received strong market responses in Europe and Latin America but not actually entered the US market due to an additional 25% tariff imposed by the Trump administration on Chinese autos in 2019…


    Notional Security in action.

    The plus side is that this is the US isolating itself quite effectively. And punishing American consumers in the process for their own good.

    As for cars, they already send data back to whomever, even the ones that are not electric. Most modern ones have a ‘black box’, the engine logs info (read by bluetooth), all hire cars are GPS equipped etc. etc. It’s almost impossible to buy an ‘unconnected’ car. And all that data about you gets sold to data brokers, and sold on etc. etc. Just like everything else whether it is ‘free’ or not.

    I guess in election year the stupidity has to be cranked up to 11.


    1. I am beginning to see a few signs that the bloom is off the electric-vehicles rose, and that some realities are beginning to sink in. There was that study a couple of years ago now, in which industry academics and scientists found that electrifying just the total number of cars on the road in the UK alone would exhaust the global supply of several critical battery-making elements, leaving none for anyone else. Similarly, some rare-earths elements among them are supplied at about 80% by China, which has few reasons to help out the west to achieve energy independence. Previously unbeknownst to me, although I think I mentioned it here nearly as soon as I learned it (from someone who owns a Tesla), electric vehicles are nearly twice as heavy as conventionally-powered ones, so they need more energy to move.

      Granted, advances in battery technology MIGHT make breakthroughs, and they keep blabbering about the unlimited promise of hydrogen fuel cells. Electric vehicles might conceivably be made much lighter, although I suspect much of the extra weight is the powerplant. But now there is an added factor – they are assessed by the biggest car-rental company in the business as significantly more costly to repair and faster to depreciate in value. Hertz is offloading some 20,000 EV’s – including Teslas – and replacing them with gas-powered vehicles.

      Lest that be thought of as just a speed-bump, major carmakers are scaling back their production plans for EV’s, amid industry philosophy that ‘expectations for EV’s need to be tempered’. On the plus side – always a silver lining, innit? – Hertz might be a good place to pick up a cheapish used Tesla.


      1. Hybrid is more sensible and manageable, but apparently not fashionable. The US reported the other day that they have discovered a very large lithium reserve in McDermitt Caldera on the Oregon/Nevada border. But, as usual, how much will it cost to recover, process etc. etc.? $$$ Meanwhile german carmakers in China have gone all in with localization not to mention CATL opening a battery factory in Erfurt, not to mention investments in Hungary…


        1. Yes, the McDermitt Caldera story came out some time ago, a year at least, and it was encouraging news not only for Americans but for Bolivians, who are probably tired of American attempts to tweak their government so as to get someone in power who will let the Americans strip-mine their lithium reserves for pennies on the dollar. A big find of lithium is important to battery-making, but it is only part of the elemental chain and further reserves of other critical elements have yet to be found. Cobalt, for example;

          electrifying all UK cars by 2050 would require twice the current existing reserves, and that would only serve the UK and only until those batteries ran out.

          EV’s currently require six times the mineral inputs of conventional cars,

          and you can put money on the USA not going along with any such plan unless it controls – either directly or indirectly – the required quantities of critical minerals. Which is why I confidently forecast that EV’s will not rule the roads during my lifetime. We had a hybrid for a while, a Lexus light SUV, but I didn’t like it very much, it had some annoying features. Doubtless they could have been turned off but I didn’t know how. The lane-departure one was particularly annoying – if you were passing a cyclist, for example, and did not signal to pull a little further over from your lane to pass him/her, the wheel would fight you and an alarm would sound. I’m not in the habit of signalling just to go around a cyclist and when there is nobody else approaching.


  24. So it turns out that Orban is just all mouth and trousers, he having caved in to “democratic” EU pressure, namely if he didn’t agree to the next EU handout to the Kiev filth, the EU, which by definition, represents “European values”, would tank the Hungarian economy.


  25. February 01, 2024, 19: 08

    EU approves €50 billion in aid to the Ukraine but set conditions for Kiev

    EU to allocate €50 billion to the Ukraine on condition of respect for human and minority rights

    All 27 EU member states have approved the allocation of €50 billion to the Ukraine for the next four years. Among other things, the proceeds received from frozen Russian assets can be used for financing. To receive the money, the Ukraine must meet several conditions. These include respect for democratic principles and human rights, including minorities, and the rule of law. What else is known about the aid package that Hungary has been blocking for so long?

    Money for the Ukraine

    Leaders of the European Union (EU) member states at an emergency summit in Brussels have approved a €50 bn financial aid programme for the Ukraine over the next four years. The approval of the programme was announced by European Council President Charles Michel in social network X.

    “All 27 leaders have agreed to allocate an additional €50 billion as part of the EU budget support package for the Ukraine. This ensures stable, long-term and predictable financing for the Ukraine”, Michel said.

    Kiev will receive €33 billion in loans, and €17 billion in non-repayable support.

    The EU acknowledges that in the latter case, they can use funds received from income from frozen Russian assets.

    In a press release, the European Council said that Ukraine must meet several conditions in order to receive assistance. If they are not met, the EU reserves the right to stop payments.

    Basic conditions:

    – support for effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system;

    – rule of law;

    – Guarantees of respect for human rights, including those of minorities (Hungary insisted on this requirement).

    Kiev is also obliged to take measures to eliminate fraud, corruption and conflicts of interest when using the aid. In addition, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers will have to develop a specific plan of reforms in the public sector and economy. Payments will be made for completing them.

    Ukraine’s Economy Minister Yulia Sviridenko  said that the terms of financing still need to be approved by the European Parliament at a session which will be held during the period from 26 to 29 of February.

    Ukraine expects to receive the first tranche of €4.5 billion in March. Then the money must be transferred every quarter.

    Approval of payments now does not guarantee that the Ukraine will receive the full amount. The EU Council will be able to approve and stop payments by a “qualified majority”, as well as make changes to the plan based on proposals from the European Commission. The EU Council also has the right to review the programme.

    TASS drew attention to the fact that Brussels had reduced aid to the Ukraine by 1.5 times compared to 2023. Last year, the EU allocated €18 billion to Kiev (they paid €1.5 billion a month). The allocation of €50 billion over four years means that Kiev will receive €1.02 billion a month.

    The Ukraine is happy: there are dissatisfied people in the EU

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the EU unanimous decision. In his opinion, it ” once again proves the powerful unity of the European Union”.

    “Continued EU financial support for the Ukraine will strengthen our long-term economic and financial stability, which is no less important than military assistance and sanctions pressure on Russia,” Zelensky said.

    At the same time, European Parliament member Harald Wilimski, who heads the delegation of the Austrian Freedom Party, called the allocation of €50 billion to the Ukraine “bad news” for European taxpayers: “EU citizens, including Austria, are being forced to send another €50 billion to the Ukraine”.

    According to him, “no one believes” that the Ukraine will ever be able to return the money. He is convinced that the EU does not want to seek a peaceful solution to the crisis, and also does not have a clear strategy for ending the conflict.

    Hungary lifted its veto

    The new aid package was agreed upon because Hungary stopped vetoing it. At the same time, according to Reuters, Budapest is still blocking the issuance of money to Kiev from the budget of the European Peace Fund.

    The news agency notes that before the vote, the EU leadership and community leaders held consultations with the participation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

    There, they increased pressure on the politician, suggesting that he “choose a side” in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.

    After the summit, Orban explained that he had agreed to allocate funds to the Ukraine, since the EU decision guaranteed the rational spending of funds. In addition, Hungary had received guarantees that the funds from European funds due to it will not be used to finance Kiev.

    In early January, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that the European Commission was preparing an alternative project to help the Ukraine if an agreement could be reached at the summit. According to the Financial Times, the EU was developing a plan to undermine Hungary’s economy if it continued to resist the allocation of funding.

    It seems that the EU kommisars are dab hands at handing out money the does not belong to them to Kiev, to say nothing of EU tax-payers’ money.


    1. Before Orban caved in today, TSS reported:

      1 FEB, 13:52

      EU ratchets up pressure on Hungary amid fear of Russia clash after victory over Kiev — WSJ

      “Behind those threats is growing concern in European capitals that Russian success in the Ukraine could directly imperil the security of the continent”, the WSJ article reads

      NEW YORK, February 1. /TASS/. The European Union leadership is ratcheting up various means of putting pressure on Hungary to approve financial aid for Kiev amid growing anxiety within the bloc about the risk of a conflict with Moscow in case of a Russian victory over the West’s proxy in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) writes.

      According to the authoritative US newspaper, EU leaders are threatening to strip Hungary of its vote on a number of issues and some EU funding unless Budapest relents in its Ukraine-skeptical stance and approves a 50 bln euro aid package for Kiev. “Behind those threats is growing concern in European capitals that Russian success in the Ukraine could directly imperil the continent’s security”, the WSJ article reads.

      French President Emmanuel Macron said in an address to the military on 19 January that, “A Russian victory would mean an end to European security” .Shortly after, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius told the ZDF broadcaster that the West had three to five years left before a possible clash with Russia might break out. A senior EU official said ahead of an extraordinary EU leaders’ summit, set to take place in Brussels on 1 February, that the heads of European institutions had so far been unable to persuade Hungary to approve the EU’s latest Ukraine aid package.

      At a Brussels meeting of EU leaders December 14-15, 2023, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban blocked amendments to the community’s 2024-2027 budget, which had called for granting 50 bln euros to the Ukraine. Instead, he called for providing annual aid to Kiev outside of the EU budget and ensuring stringent controls over use of the funds. EU leaders will once again discuss the issue at their meeting on 1 February.

      Orban confirmed in an interview with France’s Le Point magazine on 30 January that Hungary had presented a compromise proposal to the EU, saying that funds could be allocated to the Ukraine as long as the decision was approved annually.

      WSJ article linked above:

      EU Leaders Agree to $54 Billion Ukraine Aid Package as Hungary’s Orban Backs Down

      Decision comes against the backdrop of fears about Russia’s threat to Europe’s security

      Updated Feb. 1, 2024 12:51 pm ET


          1. It was mentioned in the closing paragraph:

            “In early January, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that the European Commission was preparing an alternative project to help the Ukraine if an agreement could be reached at the summit. According to the Financial Times, the EU was developing a plan to undermine Hungary’s economy if it continued to resist the allocation of funding.”

            The Worst Female Leader Ever was ginning up a package for Ukraine anyway, doubtless using other funds and subterfuges to go around Hungary’s objections so that approval would not be solicited from the entire body – although God knows how they could slip 50 Billion euros past that way – and simultaneously working out ways to punish the Hungarian economy. The latter part they will probably proceed with anyway, to lay the groundwork for getting rid of Orban. But according to the Comedian President, coughing up this huge hairball of money demonstrates European unity. It is actually the result of quite the opposite.


            1. I was thinking of something so direct and blunt-force-weapon-like that Orban would have had no choice but to back down, something like freezing Hungarian financial assets in EU-domiciled banks, closing off ports and airports to Hungarian exports or cutting off energy supplies for an indefinite time until Orban changes his mind. Something that could turn the Hungarian public against Orban so that he fears for his political survival in the short term.


              1. And there may well have been something like that: Europeans who believe they live in a ‘democracy’, where the will of the people counts, are living a delusion. Politics attempts first to steer the discourse so that the electorate ‘wants’ what the political power wants, and if that fails the coercive measures appear and accelerate. Von Der Leyen and Stoltie and Scholz and the whole Eurolib crowd are the very worst people to be entrusted with power and influence because their moral certitude renders them impervious to reason, at the same time their political pedigree assures them they can never lose. But we cannot hold them entirely responsible, because there are so few examples of terrible political failures being ostracized and punished for their idiocy. Instead they just assume subordinate roles in the system until their next opportunity – if they’re young enough – or enjoy meddling from the sidelines until they retire or go on permanent speaker rotation. There are always enough tools willing to listen to assure a decent living. The final escape clause is to become a well-paid member of Zelensky’s ‘cabinet’, or whoever is the dictator flavour of the month.

                These people should be hounded into penury. But they are not.


    2. “…on condition of respect for human and minority rights…” Guffaw, guffaw. You mean, like being allowed to speak the language you learned at your Daddy’s knee?

      I note also that only the ‘proceeds’ from Russian assets may be used, meaning accrued interest. That might be a bit of a deterrent to investors, knowing the assets themselves so far cannot be touched, by law, and that interest accrued is being handed over to the most corrupt country in Europe.


      1. I want more!

        antifashistcom (antifashistcom) wrote,
        2024-02-02 06:00:00

        €50 billion not enough. Zelensky has demanded that even more money be transferred to the Ukraine

        Gimme more!

        Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a video message to the participants of the EU summit in Brussels, who approved the allocation of macro-financial assistance to Kiev amounting to 50 billion euros, stated the need for further increase in funding.

        The leader of the Ukraine noted that the next step after having agreed on the allocation of €50 billion should be the approval of additional contributions to help Kiev through the European Peace Fund.

        “This should be at least €5 billion a year for a period of four years. This is an obvious priority”, Zelensky said.

        He also expressed regret that the European Union could not fulfill its promise to transfer one million artillery shells to the Ukraine.

        “Unfortunately, the implementation of the European plan to provide the Ukraine with one million artillery shells was postponed. This is another signal of global rivalry, in which Europe cannot afford to lose”, the President of the Ukraine said.

        First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Svetlana Zhurova said that the United States, with the help of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, wants to destroy the EU economy.

        “All these decisions on financing the Ukraine are already passing with such a difficulty, and EU countries need to find reserves. Perhaps the Americans are trying to persuade Zelensky to bleed Europe more and more, forcing them to give money as if it were out of a bottomless barrel. Being dissatisfied and asking for more is, of course, just oo much”, Zhurova said.

        Earlier today, the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, said that all 27 leaders of the EU member states at the summit in Brussels had agreed to allocate an additional €50 billion from the association budget as part of a support package for the Ukraine.. Reuters, citing two anonymous European diplomats, pointed out that the European Union had been forced to compromise with Hungary, which until recently had blocked the aid. Now the EU has agreed to annually discuss assistance to Kiev and, if necessary, review it in two years.

        The Prime Minister of Belgium, which country chairs the alliance Council, Alexander De Kroo, said before the emergency meeting in Brussels that the EU €50 billion aid package to the Ukraine would be used for weapons and teachers’ salaries, so reaching a compromise was a key factor.

        At the same time, the chairman of the [Russian] Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Andrey Klimov, admitted that the Ukrainian élites would steal part of the funds allocated by the European Union. Klimov also noted that the main part of the €50 billion would be allocated in the form of loans, which means that the Ukraine would be increasing its national debt and be forced to pay interest.

        News agency “Antifascist”


        1. Today

          50 we write, 21 in mind. How many billions of euros will Kiev receive after the EU summit?

          The EU special summit overcame the resistance of Hungary and allocated 50 billion euros to Kiev for civilian purposes in the next four years. Of these, 18 billion may be issued in 2024, and an additional 21 billion in military aid.

          A special meeting of the European Council (that is, the summit of EU heads of state and government and senior European officials) in Brussels, the main issue of which was the allocation of 50 billion euros from the EU budget in 2024-2027 for the so-called “Ukrainian Fund”, was supposed to start on February 1 at 10:00 am CET.

          However, the start of the summit was delayed: the formal and actual leadership of the European Union at closed meetings twisted the arm of the Hungarian Prime Minister, who had blocked the allocation of this money to Kiev at the summit on December 14-15, 2023, and continued to put forward various conditions.

          During a lengthy breakfast, Orban met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the French President , Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and the heads of EU institutions: European Commission President ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel. Later they were joined by the Prime Ministers Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, Alexander de Kroo of Belgium, and Donald Tusk of Poland.

          It is worth noting that before this meeting,Tusk had told reporters that the EU “does not have a so-called problem of fatigue with the Ukraine, but there is a problem of fatigue from Viktor Orban”. According to the Polish Prime Minister, in the medium term,”we need to think more, perhaps not about tough measures, but about clearer consequences” for Hungary. “My intuition tells me that we will find some strong arguments to convince Orban in the end”, Tusk said.

          This is what happened as a result. At 11: 26 am Brussels time, President of the European Council Charles Michel wrote on the social network X* that all 27 leaders had agreed on an additional package of support for the Ukraine to an amount of 50 billion euros within the EU budget (17 billion euros in grants and 33 billion euros in loans-approx.).

          “This ensures sustainable, long-term and predictable financing for the Ukraine. The EU assumes leadership and responsibility in supporting the Ukraine. We know what is at stake”, said the President of the European Council. According to the Brussels edition of the American portal POLITICO, Macron and Meloni had played a key role in convincing Orban.

          Initially, it was reported that the EU had agreed to Hungary’s demand for an annual review of funding for Kiev within the allocated amount, with unanimous approval of the programme for next year. However, in reality, Brussels had managed to push through its “compromise” proposal: the use of money by Kiev will indeed be regularly discussed, but Hungary’s vote will not matter at all.

          “The European Council will play a crucial role in managing the Ukraine Support Fund. In this context, an executive decision of the council based on the assessments proposed by the European Commission should be taken by a qualified majority to approve or suspend payments”, the summit final document says. A “qualified majority” means that EU member states will not be able to use their veto power to unilaterally block payments to Kiev.

          Viktor Orban received only a consolation prize. First, the European Commission should report annually on how Kiev uses European money, and the European Council will hold debates on the implementation of the aid package. Second, “if necessary” in two years, the European Council may ask the Commission to propose a revision of the EU budget.

          A special paragraph was also added to the final document of the summit, referring to the decisions of the EU summit of December 2020, to ensure that the assessment of the rule of law in Hungary by the European Commission is “fair and objective”. It gives Budapest hope for unblocking the funds intended for Hungary in the EU budget and funds, which amount to $ 21 billion.

          As noted by the portal POLITICO, Brussels considers these concessions insignificant, since the leaders avoided a scenario in which Orban would have had the opportunity to annually veto funding for the Ukraine. However, at the same time, Orban may declare victory at home, saying that Hungary had achieved the inclusion of a review of aid to the Ukraine.

          Actually, that’s what has happened. “Mission accomplished. Hungary’s funds will not end up in the Ukraine, and we have a control mechanism at the end of the first and second year. Our position on the war in the Ukraine remains unchanged: we need a ceasefire and peace talks”, Viktor Orban said in a video message posted on social networks after the summit.

          “We were afraid that funds from EU funds intended for Hungarians and blocked by the European Commission would end up in the Ukraine sooner or later. And we were afraid that resources would be provided to the Ukraine uncontrolled for a long period”, Orban said, adding that the decision provided for the necessary control and guarantee that Hungarian funds would not go to Kiev.

          In turn, Kiev did not hide its joy. President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the EU leaders for allocating 50 billion euros to the Ukrainian Fund, and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dymtro Kuleba stressed that the decision of the summit clearly demonstrated that there was no “war fatigue” in Europe, and that this woud also be the right signal for discussions on assistance to the Ukraine in the US Congress.

          After this decision had been made, speculation began about how much money Kiev would receive from the EU in 2024. If you divide 50 billion euros over 4 years, you get an amount of 1.02 billion per month. At the same time, last year the European Union allocated 18 billion euros to Kiev, paying 1.5 billion euros a month.

          Ursula von der Leyen at the final press conference, despite repeated direct questions, did not name the amount that the EU will transfer to Kiev this year – especially since the final changes to the multi-year EU budget must be approved by the European Parliament during the plenary session scheduled for February 26-29, 2024.

          However, the secret was immediately revealed by Ukrainian officials. “We expect to receive the first payment of 4.5 billion euros in March. The Government is currently working on a corresponding transition financing agreement with its European partners. We are grateful to our allies for their help and trust in Ukraine”, Economy Minister said.

          And Verkhovna Rada deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak , one of the mouthpieces of the West in Kiev, said that, taking into account budget needs, the Ukraine expected 18 billion euros from the EU this year. According to him, funding will be allocated quarterly, on the principle of “money in exchange for reforms”. Thus, in the first quarter of 2024, Kiev will receive the same 1.5 billion euros a month from the EU, and, with a high probability, the same level of funding will remain until the end of the year.

          It is worth noting that in order to receive money from the “Ukrainian Fund”, Kiev will have to fulfill a number of conditions. “A prerequisite for supporting the Ukraine under the programme is that the Ukraine continue to support and respect effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system and the rule of law, as well as guarantee respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities”, the EU summit outcome document says.

          The document also says that the European Commission and the Ukraine, as part of the implementation of the programme, should take all necessary measures to protect EU financial interests, in particular, to prevent, detect and eliminate fraud, corruption, and conflicts of interest. However, given the previous practice of the EU, all these conditions are a fig leaf, and the main duty of Kiev is to fight against Russia.

          At the moment, it is difficult to say exactly what amount the Ukraine will receive from the EU in the form of grants in 2024, and what amount in the form of loans. So far, the attraction of transferring frozen Russian assets into the Ukrainian Fund is also hypothetical, although the final decision of the summit states that “potential revenues for the formation of this amount can be generated within the framework of relevant EU legal acts regarding the income of private platforms from the immobilized assets of the Central Bank of Russia”.

          The only thing one can be sure of is that the total amount of assistance to Kiev from the European Union and EU member states this year will exceed 40 billion euros. The fact is that the “Ukrainian Fund” in the EU budget is formally intended for civilian purposes: 39 billion euros – macro – financial assistance, which will go directly to the state budget, 8 billion should go to investments, and 3 billion to compensate for loan rates. At the same time, European institutions and EU member states have committed themselves to provide at least 21 billion euros in military support to Kiev in 2024.

          This was stated by the head of European Diplomacy Josep Borrel on the eve of the EU summit at a meeting of defence ministers with the EU Council. He stressed that this was a minimum, since individual states had not yet provided figures of their support. “According to the list provided by the member states, we are talking about 21 billion euros for military support of the Ukraine, included in the budgets for 2024, compared with 28 billion in the previous two years”,Borrel said on January 31.

          Kiev may receive another 5 billion euros for weapons this year from the so-called “European Peace Fund”. Although the creation of a special fund to support the Ukraine by an amount of 20 billion euros for four years has not yet been approved, but this issue is planned to be resolved before March. But even with the amounts already allocated, Brussels had won over Washington.

          After all, both at the summit itself and at the final press conference of Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, the spirit of US President, who still cannot get Congress to allocate funding for Ukraine, was visibly present

          “I am convinced that this decision is also a signal for American taxpayers: it is a demonstration that we in the EU have take responsibility, and we know that we must show our leadership. We must show that we are reliable and worthy of trust”, Michel said at a press conference.

          The head of the European Council expressed the hope that this would also help those in the United States who make decisions to achieve concrete results in the field of additional financial support for the Ukraine. According to him, this applies not only to the United States, but also to other EU partners in the world.

          On the evening of February 1, the head of the European Commission announced on the social network X* that she had a telephone conversation with the US president. According to the president of the European Commission, during a “wonderful telephone conversation” that preceded the decision on 50 billion euros, she and Biden “agreed that Ukraine needs to continue to receive broad support from partners”. “We shall jointly support the Ukraine for as long as necessary”, she concluded pompously.

          In turn, the coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council (NSC) of the White House John Kirby said that the funding package provided by the European Union to Ukraine could not become a substitute for American assistance to Kiev, and the White House called on the US Congress to approve the allocation of funds to Kiev.

          “This is a financial aid package that is not intended for military support, and it will certainly be welcomed by the Ukrainian people. But this is not a substitute for American leadership in terms of military aid. That is why it remains vital to continue to urge Congress to approve the request for additional funding for national security needs”, Kirby said.

          But Donald Trump’s supporters in the US Congress are harder to convince than Viktor Orban.

          * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.


  26. 18:53 01.02.2024

    Austin has admitted that he unlawfully withheld information about his health

    Austin has admitted that he unlawfully hid his health data from the White House.

    WASHINGTON, 1 February – RIA Novosti. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin has admitted that he acted “wrongly” in not informing the US leadership about the state of his health, and made a public apology to the American public.

    “I want to be very clear. We approached this issue incorrectly. I approached it wrong, I should have informed the president (Joe Biden) about my cancer diagnosis. I should have told my team and the American public. I apologise to my colleagues and to the American people”, Austin said at a press conference.

    Austin began his first working day after a month-long absence from the Pentagon on 29 January with a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, to whom he said he was still not fully recovered.

    Austin underwent “minimally invasive” surgery to treat prostate cancer at the end of December last year and returned to hospital for a fortnight on the first day of the new year because of inflammation of the urinary tract and fluid buildup in his abdomen.


  27. As I now write at 06:54 MSK in my dilapidated, stinking hovel, situated in the Tagansky District of the central administrative area of the Black, Beating Heart of Mordor, I have to report to all those yet slumbering in their contented affluence in the Free and Prosperous, Democratic West, or to similar Western fortunate souls in Australasia and the Far East who have already arisen from their contented slumbers, that, having searched Russian news aggregators and the Russian media and blogosphere, I have as of yet not found any news of the alleged sinking yesterday of a Russian Black Sea Fleet warship, which event caused a troll who visits this site to ejaculate in his excitement in his pants and then report such wondrous news on this site.

    I wait in anticipation of confirmation of this wonderful Ukrainian feat of arms.


    1. By the way, any news about the whereabouts of the wreckage of that Russian A50 aircraft, which the Western media always refers to as a “Russian spy plane”, allegedly downed last week by the valorous Yukieturds?


  28. 02.02.2024 11:59

    TASS: The Ukrainian Armed Forces had prepared in advance an attack on the IL-76 that had Ukrainian prisoners on board

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine had prepared in advance the attack against the IL-76 that had Ukrainian prisoners on board. This has been reported to TASS by law enforcement agencies.

    According to a law enforcement agency source, the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system that shot down the aircraft had been delivered in advance to its firing position. The SAM was positioned with its radar turned off so as to remain undetected whilst waiting for the command to open fire.

    The Ukrainian side already knew the IL-76 flight data because members of the AFU PoWs were on board the aircraft and everything about the flight had been coordinated with Kiev.

    “The crew was given the command to destroy, and they attacked it”, the source said.

    The source also explained that the Patriot system requires quite a long time to be deployed.

    Recall that on 24 January, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a Russian IL-76 in the Belgorod region. There were not only Russian citizens on board, but also 65 Ukrainian PoWs. All of them ere killed.

    All fragments of the IL-76 have been gathered up, removed from the crash site and delivered to a special military training area.


  29. Orban adopts a moral stance as an excuse for chickening out at Brussels . . .

    2 FEB, 12:05

    EU money will go to support bankrupt Ukrainian state — Orban

    The Hungarian prime minister explained that according to a number of Western experts, “the Ukrainian economy is connected to a life-support machine”.

    BUDAPEST, February 2. /TASS/. Hungary had not objected to the allocation of 50 billion euros to the Ukraine at the European Union summit in Brussels, because this money would not be spent on purchasing weapons, but on supporting the bankrupt Ukrainian state in order to prevent its complete collapse, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on the Kossuth radio station.

    He noted that the decision to provide the Ukraine with 50 billion euros from the EU budget over a four-year period “does not contradict Hungary’s position in support of peace”, according to which Hungary does not supply weapons to the Ukrainian military and proposes an immediate cessation of hostilities. According to Orban, these funds will be spent “not on weapons, but on preventing the bankrupt Ukrainian state from collapse”.

    He explained that according to a number of Western experts, “the Ukrainian economy is connected to a life-support machine”.

    “But for support from the European Union and the United States, there would be no salaries, pensions or working institutions, and ‘closing shop” would be the sole option left”, Orban said.

    On 1 February, at a summit in Brussels, the leaders of the 27 EU countries decided to allocate 50 billion euros from the community’s budget for financial support to the Ukraine over a four-year period. At the same time, they agreed with Hungary’s proposal and established a mechanism to control the spending of funds. In a year from now, the EU will discuss this issue again, and in two years, it will revise the amount of financial aid to the Ukraine in the light of its own new budget drafting. At the same time, none of the countries, including Hungary, will have a veto right in further discussions on this topic.

    According to Orban, the negotiations were lengthy, but when all the obstacles had been eliminated, Hungary agreed to the proposed plan. At the EU leaders’ previous meeting on 14-15 December, the Hungarian Prime Minister blocked amendments to the EU budget for 2024-2027, which provided for the allocation of 50 billion euros to the Ukraine, because they lacked a mechanism to control the spending of funds.

    TASS article proofread and corrected by ME because it is blatantly obvious that the agency does not employ an English native speaker proofreader like what I is.


    1. But they want much more money in gimme-gimme Banderastan!

      02 Feb, 12: 21 
      Ukrainian authorities estimate compensation claims from Russia at $1 trillion

      Zelensky adviser: Kiev wants to receive $1 trillion in compensation from Russia

      Direct damage from military operations amounted to $750 billion, and taking into account indirect damage – $1 trillion, Zelensky’s adviser said. The West discusses the use of frozen assets for the restoration of the Ukraine, Russia considers it illegal

      Russia should compensate the Ukraine for the damage caused by military operations to the amount of $1 trillion, according to Presidential adviser on economic issues Oleg Ustenko.

      “We are not talking about a figure of $300-350 billion of their gold and foreign exchange reserves”, he said on the “telethon” (quoted by Ukrainian News). “According to estimates made in Kiev, we are talking about $750 billion in direct losses. Add in indirect losses, which can raise the figure to $1 trillion”, he said.

      Ustenko gave the same assessment last fall. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said in the summer of 2022 that the restoration of the country affected by the fighting would require, according to preliminary estimates, $750 billion. President Volodymyr Zelensky then spoke about an amount in the range of $600-800 billion. In the fall of 2023, the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice ruled out the possibility of concluding a settlement agreement with Russia without paying reparations.


  30. 15:26 2, February 2024

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine demanded explanations from German journalists for their visit to Mariupol

    The speaker of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Nikolenko demanded an explanation from the German publication ZDF

    Rebuilding Mariupol

    The speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko has demanded an explanation from the German TV channel ZDF after the visit of their journalist to Mariupol. The corresponding post he published in the social network X (formerly Twitter).

    “Distorting reality is not journalism. Moreover, the visit of the head of the Moscow office of ZDF to occupied Mariupol without the consent of the Ukraine violated Ukrainian legislation”, the politician wrote.

    Nikolenko noted that the violation of Ukrainian legislation may affect the work of ZDF in the country, if the publication does not provide an explanation.

    What the Banderites wish not to be reported on: photo taken Mariupol — ME

    Earlier, ZDF journalist Armin Kerper visited Mariupol and was surprised by the normal state of life in the city. “Mariupol is not a ghost town, I want to make this clear”, the journalist said. According to him, most of the city’s residents have pro-Russian views.

    The open, free, liberal democracy of Banderastan considers the above photos to be distortions of reality.


  31. TASS: US should be ready to deter both Russia and China over next decade — official

    US National Nuclear Security Administration Jill Hruby told that Russia has been demonstrating “destabilizing behavior”

    Kill Hurbe also added that the United States has maintained its readiness to carry out an underground nuclear test.”Although we use the site for both subcritical and nonproliferation experiments, we have been clear that we have no plans to conduct a nuclear explosive test even though, as required, we maintain and evaluate test readiness,” she said.

    The official told the Arms Control Today journal in December 2023 that the United States has no need to resume nuclear tests at this point.

    Earlier, Vladimir Yermakov, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, said that Washington consistently maintains its proving grounds in Nevada in a state of high readiness and, therefore, Moscow believed that the Americans had not abandoned the idea of conducting a full-fledged nuclear test as part of efforts to modernize the US nuclear arsenal.


    ‘At this point.’

    If they’ve skimped on maintenance (probably) and don’t know reliably if their nukes will still work, then it looks like there will be at least critical testing if not full-blown testing.

    Who wants ‘unsafe’ nukes????


  32. al-Beeb s’Allah: Western officials in protest over Israel Gaza policy

    More than 800 serving officials in the US and Europe have signed a statement warning that their own governments’ policies on the Israel-Gaza war could amount to “grave violations of international law”.

    The “transatlantic statement”, a copy of which was passed to the BBC, says their administrations risk being complicit in “one of the worst human catastrophes of this century” but that their expert advice has been sidelined…

    …One signatory to the statement, a US government official with more than 25 years’ national security experience, told the BBC of the “continued dismissal” of their concerns.

    “The voices of those who understand the region and the dynamics were not listened to,” said the official.

    “What’s really different here is we’re not failing to prevent something, we’re actively complicit. That is fundamentally different from any other situation I can recall,” added the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The statement is signed by civil servants from the US, the EU and 11 European countries including the UK, France and Germany…


    Those elected officials who dismissed concerns know they will not be held to account. Ever. They will retire on very comfortable pensions. Some, quite soon consdering the unprecedented number of elections for this year.

    Vis the PPNN reporting, I have been a bit unfair. While it does follow their governments in memoryholing ‘unflattering’ reports from the i-Sraeli press (sic the Ynet investigation of Oct. 7) and avoiding ‘contentious terms’, they have continued to do coverage directly and reports from those affected and also have had primetime interviews including graphic descriptions of events too.

    The resistance by younger and middle professionals will only grow with time as they eventually take over the reins. Unfortunately there are still far too many dinosaurs in charge who either don’t care or are afraid to do anything.


  33. Just got my weekly news review from Moscow Times. I usually just scan the headlines of the “stories” that MT thinks are of importance, and then trash it. This evening, however, I found this opinion piece (better: “promote the “narrative” piece) and read it for a laugh. I share it below:

    Kyiv’s Allies Need to Rethink Ukraine’s Victory Strategy

    By Anthony King

    Jan. 29, 2024

    The new year and approaching anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine have put the spotlight on the West’s strategy for supporting the country. Many commentators have already stressed that we are approaching a crux, maybe even a climax, in this war. But preventing a Russian victory may require rethinking what success looks like for Ukraine.

    Ukraine’s long-anticipated 2023 counteroffensive failed. Despite the bravery and skill of the Ukrainian troops, it was never likely to succeed as much as its proponents hoped and predicted. The Ukrainian armed forces were trying to breach heavily fortified, prepared Russian positions, without air superiority or favorable combat ratios. Many of the assault brigades were only recently formed, under-trained and inexperienced. 

    The Ukrainian forces (UAF) lacked the command capacity to coordinate a concentrated combined arms assault. Rather than one major operation, the counteroffensive consisted of a series of small tactical assaults on three axes — Orikhiv, Velyka Novosilka, and Bakhmut — supported by artillery and missile strikes against Russian targets behind the frontlines. Some attacks worked: several villages and small towns, such as Robotyne, Makarivka, and Urozhaine, were liberated. But overall, there were no decisive gains.

    Ultimately, Kyiv lacked the combat power to breach Russian defenses. Even if UAF had breached the Surovikin line it seems probable the offensive would have culminated in an urban battle around Tokmak, Melitopol, or Mariupol. They just did not have the combat power or the operational expertise to conduct their forces.

    Despite horrendous losses of men and materiel, Russia has endured. It has regenerated its force throughout 2023. Putin has raised tens of thousands of new recruits through new conscription measures. As a result, there are estimated to be about 300,000 Russian troops in Ukraine. It has fortified the territory it has taken. It has at least a three-to-one advantage in artillery — and often more. 

    Ukrainian forces fired 8,000 artillery shells a day during the counteroffensive in the summer; they accounted for 80% of Russian losses. They are now firing 2,000 a day. The Russians, by contrast, are firing 10,000 shells a day. 

    It is imperative that Ukraine wins this war. Russia’s aggression has to be resisted. Recently, President Zelensky still defined winning as retaking all Ukraine’s stolen territory including the Donbas and Crimea. 

    Ukraine has the right to its land, and the full reintegration of Ukraine would be desirable in the ideal world. But is it a realistic basis for a coherent strategy for 2024? It seems unlikely. Just though it may be, a maximalist Ukrainian strategy may be counterproductive. It may be weakening Western support, rather than energizing it.

    It seems improbable that a 2024 offensive would be any more successful than the one in 2023. The conditions the UAF faces are worse. Combat ratios have decisively shifted in Russia’s favor, even if almost all its professional troops who started this war have been killed or wounded. Including local militia, the Ukrainian army today is a large force, and much bigger than the one which repelled the invasion. Only a fraction of the ranks are occupied by combat troops. Their precise number is unclear, but Ukraine may have about 150,000 – 200,000 active soldiers (about 30-40 brigades). But these troops are better trained and have much higher morale than their Russian opponents. 

    Yet the UAF is still outnumbered. Russia has re-equipped its army. Its fortifications have been strengthened. Without a huge increase in Ukrainian troop numbers, firepower, and airpower, it is almost inconceivable that a major offensive could succeed. It may even be unwise to mount it in the first place. 

    Does this mean Ukraine and the West should just give up and admit defeat? Not at all. This war can and has to be won. The realistic assessment that another Ukrainian counteroffensive cannot succeed, recommends only a refinement of strategy – not an admission of failure.

    On Feb. 24, when Russian tanks rolled across the border, most observers believed that Ukraine was doomed. Russia would defeat Ukraine’s armed forces and depose Zelensky, they said. Instead, Ukraine inflicted a terrible defeat on Russia in 2022, defending most of its territory and united as a genuine, democratic republic. It won. The fact that it is unlikely to be able to re-integrate the Crimean peninsula or much of Zaporizhzhia and the Donbas cannot take away that remarkable victory.

    However, to hold onto the victories of 2022, Ukraine — and its Western backers — need a new strategy. Instead of pursuing an unrealistic strategy of expelling Russia from the all territory it has taken, the new strategy should focus on consolidating what it has. 

    An aggressive defensive strategy seems more likely to succeed. Russia may end up keeping the land it has illegally invaded. But the prize of any further aggression against Ukraine would be catastrophic. Ukraine needs to secure the terrain it currently holds and make it impossible for Russia to encroach upon it, or to threaten it again. 

    To repel Russian forces and deter the Kremlin from advancing, Kyiv and its allies need a new strategy. The Ukrainians should construct a network of citadels and strongpoints in and around frontier towns and villages, so the Russians could only take them at great cost. Those strong points would serve as the bastions from which the Ukrainian army could use artillery and rocket strikes to repel any incursion, supported by special forces raids into the enemy’s rear. This is a strategy that was decisive in repelling the initial phase of the invasion, especially around Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv. 

    At the same time, the Ukrainian forces should seek to attack Russian forces behind the front, targeting headquarters, logistics hubs, and areas where troops are concentrated deep in Russian-held territory. At the same time, the Ukrainians should continue targeting Crimea with strategic artillery, rocket, and drone strikes, supported by naval attack and block against Sevastopol. 

    Since the summer of 2022, the Ukrainians, masterminded by General Budanov, have carried out attacks on Russian sovereign territory. Some of these attacks, like the assassination of Darya Dugina (the daughter of the notorious Russian nationalist sociologist, Alexander Dugin) and the alleged attacks on the Nord Stream pipeline, have been controversial. However, to maintain pressure on the Kremlin, careful and precise kinetic and cyber strikes against critical national infrastructure in Russia may prove effective, such as the recent attack on the fuel terminal in St. Petersburg. 

    Ukraine cannot execute this strategy alone. Continued and increased Western support throughout 2024 and into 2025 is imperative here. Without it, Ukraine’s victory may descend into a defeat.

    What should the West do? The West must increase the training of Ukrainian troops. It should accelerate the training and education of staff officers to generate brigade, divisional and corps-level headquarters capable of conducting genuine combined arms operations — not just tactical missions.

    The West must increase the production and supply of artillery shells; this is imperative. Kyiv’s allies must also increase the supply of advanced missiles, rockets and artillery, as well as fighter aircraft to execute strikes in Ukraine. The provision of air defense systems to protect Ukrainian civilians must also be enhanced. 

    Finally, and most controversially, NATO members must agree to admit Ukraine to the alliance on the day after the war is over. The West has a duty to do this. Even more importantly, NATO membership is the only way to guarantee Ukrainian security in the long term. Before Feb. 24, NATO membership for Ukraine seemed unwise as it could provoke Russia by threatening its strategic access to the Black Sea. The situation has now changed completely. The question is not of Western provocation — but of actively containing and deterring Russia from future attacks.

    It is deeply regrettable that the full reintegration of Ukraine’s territory is unlikely. Russia’s aggression is deplorable, and the deaths and misery it has inflicted cannot be forgotten. But if this war ends in 2025 with most of Ukraine intact and as a thriving member of NATO and eventually the EU, that is hardly a defeat — especially when we think back to February 2022. It is better to follow a successful pragmatic strategy, than one that is morally justified but impractical.

    The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times.

    Anthony King Professor Anthony King is Director of the Strategy and Security Institute at the University of Exeter, and author of Urban Warfare in The Twenty-First Century. @antbruceking

    Yes, quite!

    Professor King writes:

    Since the summer of 2022, the Ukrainians, masterminded by General Budanov, have carried out attacks on Russian sovereign territory. Some of these attacks, like the assassination of Darya Dugina (the daughter of the notorious Russian nationalist sociologist, Alexander Dugin) and the alleged attacks on the Nord Stream pipeline, have been controversial.

    King says that the assassination of Dugina most definitely took place, but the “attacks on the Nord Stream pipeline” are only alleged, notwithstanding the fact that the US Government persistently attempted to derail the Nord Stream projects since their very inception.

    And If the destruction of one of the NS2 pipelines, which most definitely took place, was not the result of an attack against it, did it somehow self-destruct then, or was it simply an accident or an inexplicable “act of God” even?

    And why does the learned professor describe Alexander Dugin as being “notorious”?

    What do you think of Professor King’s learned opinion, Kremlin Stooges?

    Dumb question.


    1. What I think is that Professor King along with those who think like him should be given a few weeks’ military training and then be packed off to Kiev to take their turn at being cannon fodder. The laptop bombadiers who urge this war on are the worst of the worst. The lion’s share of a whole generation of Ukrainian men has been largely wiped out in pursuit of a war Ukraine cannot win. And for what? There was nothing unreasonable about Russia’s demands at the outset – essentially a guarantee of Ukrainian neutrality.

      And the suggestion that whatever is left of Ukraine should join NATO and then the EU – how stupid do academics need to be nowadays?


    2. Yet the UAF is still outnumbered. Russia has re-equipped its army. Its fortifications have been strengthened. Without a huge increase in Ukrainian troop numbers, firepower, and airpower, it is almost inconceivable that a major offensive could succeed. It may even be unwise to mount it in the first place. 

      Does this mean Ukraine and the West should just give up and admit defeat? Not at all. This war can and has to be won. The realistic assessment that another Ukrainian counter-offensive cannot succeed, recommends only a refinement of strategy – not an admission of failure.

      Yes, quite right! That’s why the German General Staff decided to have another go after the failed 1918 German “Kaisershlacht” offensive against superior, better equipped, well fed forces only recently reinforced by fresh troops from the USA.

      Oh, hang on! They didn’t. They asked for an armistice and found someone else to blame for defeat. So they sent socialist Reichstag delegates to treat with the allies in a railway car in France and right-wing nationalists blamed the Jews, natürlich!


    3. This is the way history is going to be written in the west; that the west and Ukraine did nothing to provoke a Russian attack, that the allies were the model of decorum and diplomacy, but wicked, wicked Putin could not allow diplomacy to run its course because he could see dissatisfaction building on the home front, so he attacked with everything he had. And Ukraine inflicted a stinging defeat, in the Battle of Kyiv!!! Amazing, because literally everybody – especially Putin, because he said it numerous times – said the Russians would roll over Kyiv in 72 hours. How that failure must make Putin wild with rage!

      But slowly, slowly the pendulum swung in Russia’s favour, because its crazy leader cares nothing for human life and threw away hundreds of thousands of soldiers in meat assaults and human-wave attacks on relatively insignificant objectives such as Bakhmut and Avdiivka. Putin replenished the decimated ranks through ‘new conscription methods’, and in the end the brave Ukrainians could not stand against the endless ranks of untrained and unskilled meat that threw itself on their weary swords.

      It’s all, all a fucking crock and completely made up to help the west swallow the chicken foot that losing is to it, but it always follows the same pattern. Just like in Georgia, the west struts and prances and flings its poo, screeching about how the crack troops it has trained and equipped are going to so demoralize the low-browed apes in Russia that they will fling away their weapons and run from the forces of light. Then when there’s nothing much left but churned mud, bootprints and dead bodies, western analysts say “Wait a minute – the troops we trained were nowhere near ready; we did our very best, but there were some bad decisions made by local commanders, and the Russians launched a totally unprovoked sneak attack, the bastards. If we had had the time to do it right, our guys would have kicked their asses!” The only startling thing is that the USA can still find countries willing to be used as patsies to further American foreign-policy objectives so that Americans do not have to fight.


  34. By the way, contrary to my usual behaviour, I most especially and with great care looked through the MT bulletin in detail this evening, because 12 hours ago I wrote above:

    As I now write at 06:54 MSK in my dilapidated, stinking hovel, situated in the Tagansky District of the central administrative area of the Black, Beating Heart of Mordor, I have to report to all those yet slumbering in their contented affluence in the Free and Prosperous, Democratic West, or to similar Western fortunate souls in Australasia and the Far East who have already arisen from their contented slumbers, that, having searched Russian news aggregators and the Russian media and blogosphere, I have as of yet not found any news of the alleged sinking yesterday of a Russian Black Sea Fleet warship, which event caused a troll who visits this site to ejaculate in his excitement in his pants and then report such wondrous news on this site.

    I wait in anticipation of confirmation of this wonderful Ukrainian feat of arms.

    Nothing so far has been reported here about the sinking of a Black Sea missile corvette by Yukiemoron sea drones, which alleged event was gleefully announced on this site by the resident troll.

    When the MT weekly bulletin arrived in my mailbox some 30 minutes ago, I thought that surely such a momentous Ukraine victory for freedom and democracy which surely has brought confusion to the Orc barbarians would have been reported in that most worthy source of unbiased reporting.

    I was sorely disappointed to find out that there was no such report.


  35. An example of the sophistry that so-called experts are wont to write:

    But preventing a Russian victory may require rethinking what success looks like for Ukraine.

    Professor king, an expert, wrote that.

    Right then! So let’s define what success means for the Ukraine.

    Call me a a pedant, but for me — and I’m not an expert professor — success for the Ukraine means Moscow not achieving by means of its SMO its stated goals, whereas success for the Ukraine means the achievement of its stated goals vis-avis its conflict with Russia, one of which being the full withdrawal of Russian armed forces from what Kiev calls the “occupied territory” of what was the former UkSSR —  including the Crimea.

    Oh yeah, and not long ago, Kiev demanded off Moscow $11 trillion so as to compensate for war damaged inflicted by its barbarous Orc armies.

    Yeah, and another Kiev goal is to put the Russian government on post-bellum trial as war criminals.

    These are just some of the goals, the achievement of which will enable Kiev to claim success, victory or what you will.

    Now Professor King says we most do some rethinking about this matter, because clearly such successes for the Ukraine are unachievable.

    So the task now is how to squeeze out something or other that can be described as a success for the prostrate Ukraine, which at present only exists as a result of the munificence of Uncle Sam and, to a much lesser degree, the EU.

    Let me think now . . . what can be described as a success for the Ukraine, something that exists as a detriment to the Evil Regime . . .?

    I’m still thinking.

    I’m really trying hard to think of something . . .


    1. It’s actually pretty easy. You just attribute some goals to Russia, whether it has actually announced them or not, and then say Ukraine prevented the achievement of those goals. Success!! Shall we try, just for fun? Okay – The Kremlin (it sounds more portentous when you say ‘The Kremlin’) intended to kill Zelensky, and to replace him with a Russian puppet. This was an embarrassing failure, thanks to quick thinking and steely resolve displayed by Ukraine’s Churchillian leader, who remains very much alive. See? Success for Ukraine. Easy.


  36. Typo:

    Call me a a pedant, but for me — and I’m not an expert professor — failure for Moscow means its non-achievement by means of its SMO of its stated goals, whereas success for the Ukraine means its successful prevention of Moscow from achieving its stated SMO goals.


  37. 2 FEBRUARY 2, 2024, 20: 03

    Foreign Ministry: Kiev shot itself in the foot with a lawsuit filed in the UN court against Russia


  38. 2 FEBRUARY 2, 2024, 20: 03

    Foreign Ministry: Kiev shot itself in the foot with a lawsuit filed in the UN court against Russia

    Kiev failed in the case “Ukraine vs. Russia” and the UN court has only one question left – whether the Ukraine had committed genocide in the Donbass, said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

    Commenting on the decision of the International Court of Justice on the claim of the Ukraine against Russia for violation of the Genocide Convention, Zakharova said that the case “concocted” by Kiev had fallen apart, and all charges against Russia for allegedly violating the Convention had been completely rejected by the court, reports TASS.

    “The Court heeded Russia’s preliminary objections and agreed that the allegations made by Kiev were not relevant to the Convention. After all, it is not at all about Russia committing genocide or failing to fulfil its obligations to prevent it: on the contrary, Kiev claims that Russia has allegedly been too ‘zealous’ in implementing the Convention by launching a special military operation to protect the Donbass from genocide without sufficient evidence”, the diplomat said in a statement published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation website.

    As a result, Kiev had found itself in the dock, and the court only had to find out whether the Ukraine had committed genocide in the Donbass, Zakharova concluded. “It remains only to applaud the Kiev ‘craftsmen’ and their Western patrons: they “shot themselves in the foot”, she added.

    Earlier, the UN Court had found groundless almost all of Kiev’s claims against Russia under the Convention on the financing of terrorism.


    1. The only information that I can see here about this alleged sinking is on the Russian social network vKontakte.

      I neither look at vKontakte and other social networks. Twitter etc. are blocked here, such is the authoritarian nature of this vile tyranny were I am forced to live in exile.


  39. Further to my comment made here over 12 hours ago as regards the alleged sinking by Banderastan sea drones of a Russian Black Sea Fleet missile corvette, I shall post below what I immediately saw on the Russian blogosphere at 05:00 MSK today, which posting has led me me seek out all day further reports about this matter. So far, there have been none.

    Despite the name of the blog that I have pasted below, I’m sure it has been written by anyone but a “Russian Patriot”, it probably having been created in “Kyiv”:

    I love my homeland…

    Patriot’s Magazine

    01:00 2nd February, 2024

    Loss of Small Missile Corvette “Ivanovets” in Crimean waters

    For those who, whilst listening to Putin’s epochal statements yesterday, missed this important event: just at the same time as he was speaking, the Khokhlopidors [Khokhol Paederasts — ME] launched a massive three-wave missile strike code-named “Ghost Storm” against Russian Aerospace Forces bases at Dzhankoy, Gvardeysky and Sevas (Belbek) in the Crimea.

    In total, 20 missiles were launched from Khokhol bombers: some missiles were shot down by air defence and fighter jets over the sea, but some missiles broke through — in any case, 3 missiles flew to the air force base “Belbek”, but, if we believe the official data of the Ministry of Defence, there have been no losses of personnel and equipment: there have only been destroyed private houses near the base. There is no information about killed and wounded civilians. Well, if that’s the case, hurray! And, mind you — I’m not even asking how this happened, namely that after 2 years of SMO the Khokhols are able to organise with impunity hour-long merry-go-rounds with as many as 20 missile launches from their bombers and fighters – because it’s probably part of the ХПП [Хитрый План Путина: Putin’s Cunning Plan, a meme that was often used at the height of the armed conflict in Donbass and during the period of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. At that time, the meme meant a clearly planned and perfectly executed special operation to return the Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia — ME], which my brain can’t understand. And forgive.

    To be continued . . .


  40. Continued from above . . .

    But that’s not all – simultaneously with the missile attack the Khokhols attacked with 9 unmanned kamikaze boats the Black Sea Fleet base at Lake Donuzlav [also referred to as Donuzlav Bay — ME]. Some of the drones were destroyed as they were attacking, but three of them successfully attacked the Small Missile Corvette “Ivanovets”, located outside of the bay-lake: the corvette crew were not asleep at their posts and they detected the threat in time. They tried to hit the drones with fire from light small arms and to evade them by manoeuvre, but their attempts were unsuccessful — all three of the drones one after another struck the vessel and exploded. After the third detonation the vessel itself exploded and it sank.

    From Khokhol telemetry — Images of “Ivanovets” being sunk:

    If anything, the Ministry of Defence reports that the entire crew of the Ivanovets was evacuated safely from the vessel, but the brutal footage of the ship’s destruction raises reasonable doubts about a happy outcome for the sailors of this next disgraceful debacle.

    Yes, it’s clear – the corvette, built 40 years ago, was not a very good target, but I hope that now even the dumbest morons — turbopatriots [Angry patriots, also known as the war party, Z-patriots, and numerous other names, are a loose group of Russian ultra-nationalist political commentators, such as Girkin, who is now languishing in jail — ME] will understand why the Black Sea Fleet ships can’t go to sea — the whole Black Sea Fleet is locked in its bases, and almost all combat-ready ships have been withdrawn from Sevas to Novorossiysk, which is more difficult for the Khokhols to reach, although last summer they successfully attacked one of our Large Landing Ships at Novorossiysk using a nautical drone.

    In general, guys, we can clearly see that everything is still going victoriously: according to plan and under full control — we are successfully “expanding the borders of the demilitarised zone”, and all these Wunderwaffen such as HIMARS shall be downed and they will all bite the dust.

    Hurrah, tovarishchy!

    P.S. The top photo is of the Small Missile Corvette “Ivanovets”. Let us remember her as she is portrayed above: young and beautiful. To the dead sailors — eternal memory: to the wounded — a speedy recovery; to their relatives and friends— condolences and sympathy….



  41. 01 FEBRUARY 2024 15: 59


    The enemy has claimed that it was able to trap and sink the small missile corvette [MRK] Ivanovets with surface drones (this information has not been officially confirmed by the Russian Defence Ministry).

    Ivanovets was commissioned in 1989 and belongs to the Project 1241 missile ships. Let’s tell you in more detail what the Ivanovets MRK is.

    Project 1241 missile boats are a series of Soviet missile boats that were developed in the 1970s. They are amongst the most powerful and efficient missile boats in the world.

    The Project 1241 boats are about 57 metres long and about 10 metres wide. They can reach speeds of up to 40 knots and have a cruising range of up to 1,500 miles. The boats are equipped with two diesel engines, which provide high speed and manoeuvrability.

    The main weapons of the Project 1241 boats are anti-ship missiles “Mosquito”. These missiles are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 120 kilometres and have high accuracy. In addition, the boats are equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems “Osa-M”, which provide protection from air attacks. Project 1241 boats also have a powerful electronic warfare system that allows them to effectively counteract the enemy.

    They can detect and track targets over a long distance, as well as transmit information to other ships and aircraft.

    Project 1241 boats were put into service in the USSR in the 1980s and are still used in a number of countries, including Russia.

    Boats of this type are among the most efficient and powerful missile boats in the world and can be used for various tasks, including protecting maritime borders and conducting operations against sea targets. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a boat could become a target for the enemy.


  42. The only information that I can see here about this alleged sinking is on the Russian social network vKontakte.

    I neither look at vKontakte and other social networks. Twitter etc. are blocked here, such is the authoritarian nature of this vile tyranny were I am forced to live in exile.


  43. On another planet . . .

    23.23 2 February 2024

    Britain has proposed sending a NATO expeditionary force to the Ukraine

    The United Kingdom has proposed that NATO allies send an expeditionary force of the military-political bloc to the Ukraine. This was reported to RIA Novosti by a source.

    In addition, London has proposed that a no-fly zone be established over the territory controlled by Kiev. It has also been proposed that the supply of weapons and equipment to the Armed Forces of the Ukraine be increased.

    “In connection with the unfavorable development of events in the Ukrainian theater of operations for Kiev, Britain has invited its NATO allies to consider sending an alliance expeditionary force to the Ukraine”, the source said.

    However, according to him, London understands that most of the NATO member countries are unlikely to support such measures in the near future.

    Earlier, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the UK had refused to consider the idea of introducing a no-fly zone over the Ukraine because of the risk of a full-scale conflict with Russia and the outbreak of World War III. The politician said that the idea of introducing a no-fly zone over the Ukraine had been discussed with former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace.

    In addition, former British intelligence agent Alastair Crook previously had said that the West was not able to create a no-fly zone over the Ukraine and thereby completely secure the sky over the country. In his opinion, if states only tried to achieve a no-fly zone, it would mean dragging them into an armed conflict in the Ukraine.

    In connection with the unfavourable development of events in the Ukrainian theater of operations for Kiev?

    Does that mean the Yukietards are . . . losing?

    “However, according to him, London understands that most of the NATO member countries are unlikely to support such measures in the near future” — well spotted!

    So why make the fucking proposal, arseholes?


  44. Saturday, 3 February 2024

    Having looked through the Russian news aggregator here on my Yandex browser, there is still no report of the sinking of the 40-year-old missile corvette “Ivanovets”.

    Moskva, 08:39, 03.02.2024


    1. And nothing more is ever heard about the Orc A-50 early warning aircraft that the Yukieshites so gloriously shot out of the skies over the Sea Azov not long ago.



  45. Yesterday 21:06

    Le Figaro: the whole of the Ukraine has turned into cemeteries that continue to grow

    Glory to the Ukraine? To the Heroes — Glory?

    Dulce et dignum est pro patria mori — my arse!

    The French publication Le Figaro writes that the Ukrainian military complain about Western equipment: it is not enough, it is outdated and inoperable; it is not suitable for performing the tasks they face.

    At the same time, they are not happy with what is happening in Kiev: The media is increasingly censored, and Zelensky is slipping into authoritarianism. So 2024 will be a very difficult year for the Ukraine, Ukrainians admit. “More and more Ukrainians now do not want to make this great sacrifice”, writes Le Figaro. They oppose the new mobilization, distribute videos on social networks with footage of how the police grab conscripts right on the street, and some of them flee the country. The author of the article notes that a deep split is maturing in society.

    Ukrainian TV host Andriy Onistrat, who participated in the unsuccessful counter-offensive, notes: “Cemeteries continue to grow. The whole country is turning into a graveyard. Tell them to go to our morgues. 20-30 corpses arrive there every day in each morgue located near the front: bodies without heads, without legs, dismembered. If the West does not give us weapons, our country will perish”. However, he admits: “Many people are not ready to die for the country”.

    It is noted that at the front, the military complain about the lack of suitable ammunition and the fact that every time they have to repair equipment before leaving: “The equipment is unreliable, dangerous. And we don’t have any spare parts anymore. We are given ammunition limited to a range of 7 kilometers, and in too small quantities. With these projectiles, we are forced to approach the Russians within 3 kilometers to strike, and at this distance they launch kamikaze drones at us even before we launch the first projectile”.

    Also, one of the Ukrainian soldiers told the journalist that they had received 20 tanks from the allies, but none of them was in working order. They were old, worn-out vehicles, and after several months of repairs, the Ukrainian military had managed to put only 12 tanks into operation. At the same time, a representative of the Ukrainian army later asked the French journalist not to publish such unflattering words of the Ukrainian military for the allies.

    However, the allies are also criticized in Kiev. Oligarch Sergei Taruta notes: “Our allies give us what they have, not what we need”. At the same time, according to him, if Kiev had all these weapons in 2022, they allegedly would have already won the war. “The soldiers complain that the country is not ready for a long war, and they are right.”

    Former President Petro Poroshenko agrees with his colleague: “We are running out of ammunition. This is a huge problem, even if this war becomes a drone war”. He recalls how in early January there was a cannonade in Kiev, as at the front. Therefore, in addition to Patriot missiles, he asks the allies for F-16 fighters, Scalp and Storm Shadows missiles, as well as additional projectiles.

    However, distrust of the Ukrainian general Staff is growing at the front. “Everywhere we are in a defensive position. 2024 will be a very difficult year”, says Andrey Onistrat. “Our allies are putting too much pressure on us to get results. As a result, our general staff has set us tasks that are unattainable with our existing weapons.” At the same time, the soldiers suspect that the general staff may have decided to keep some of the supplied ammunition for the future. So they have to rely on willpower alone.

    Also, Ukrainians have begun to notice that information on their television is heavily censored. So, Petro Poroshenko said in an interview with Le Figaro: “The government has put rose-coloured spectacles on people. They are made to believe that Russian soldiers are idiots, that the Ukrainian army is doing a good job. They are led to believe that we will be having tea in the Crimea at the end of the summer. In reality, the situation is quite different. As a result, people do not understand why a new mobilization is needed. They see protesters being arrested. Some get scared and run away from the country”.

    Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko directly criticizes Vladimir Zelensky, who, according to him, did nothing to prepare the country for war until 2022. In addition, the opposition complains that the elections have been cancelled and the country is drifting towards authoritarianism. “The presidential administration manages the entire country without the slightest transparency. The level of corruption harms the business climate and the economy, which could work much better”, says oligarch Serhiy Taruta.

    According to him, “the Rada has ceased to be a place of discussion. Orders come directly from the president. International activities of opposition deputies are prohibited. Security services are omnipotent and carry out their activities without the slightest control. First of all, incompetent people are appointed to key positions because of their proximity to the authorities. Our foreign partners do not engage in sufficient dialogue with the government and the Ukrainian political class to understand our real needs. The gap is huge”.

    The publication says that Poroshenko, in turn, notes that the people should be able to criticize the president, but the president, on the contrary, should not openly show a conflict with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces Valery Zaluzhny. According to the author of the article, Zelensky wants Zaluzhny to resign, because he is a “real national hero” and is more popular than Zelensky himself, and can dangerously compete with him.

    Poroshenko also believes that Ukraine’s European allies bear a special responsibility to his country because of the prospects for its integration into the EU. “The Europeans should provide us with all the necessary weapons, without any conditions”, he said. But financial aid can be made dependent on structural reforms: “Reforms are necessary to fight corruption, strengthen the rule of law and restore freedom of the press”. However, according to Taruta, although two years are enough to carry out all these reforms, the Ukrainian authorities do not want to carry them out, and therefore Western allies should put pressure on them.

    The authors added that Poroshenko explains why the West needs to do this: “Westerners fear that entry of the Ukraine into NATO will provoke a third world war. But the Third World War has already begun. Open your eyes! Every day, Russia claims to be at war with NATO. We need to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel: the prospect of joining the North Atlantic Alliance. This is the only way to stop the war. And if it isn’t stopped it here, then it will come to you, to Europe”.

    My, how squeaky clean is Porky now! No suspicions whatsoever now about his being corrupt when president of Banderastan.

    And when president of Shittystan, Porky used to say that the Yukietard army was the second strongest army in Europe, did he not?

    By the way, Porky’s sons are not at the front. His eldest served for a very short while as an “artillery officer” during the ATO in the Donbass, namely he was directing bombardments gainst civilians. However, come the Rada elections, and Porky junior became a Rada deputy, and therefore immune from military service. So there you have it: an “experienced” artillery officer of military age swanning around somewhere or other.

    Figaro, should anyone be unaware of this, is, by the way, a bourgeois newspaper read by the upper-middle classes in France and it follows, I should imagine, a very conservative line — right-centre, they say. I reckon it’s a French “Times” or “Telegraph”. By “Times”, I mean what USA citizens call the “London Times” and not that vile rag the “New York Times”.


  46. RT

    2 Feb, 2024 21:49

    Pentagon confirms strikes against 85 targets in Iraq and Syria

    Washington has bombed Iranian-backed militias following a drone strike that killed three American soldiers


  47. AiF

    03.02.2024 00:05

    “They’ll kill you.” Expert: Agent Zelensky can’t kill Agent Zaluzhny

    Thinking hard . . .

    “It won’t come to an end peacefully”, video blogger Anatoly Shariy wrote about Zaluzhny in his Telegram channel. According to Shariy, for Zaluzhny it “is better not to fly on charters and on helicopters serviced by non-relatives. It’s better not to fly at all”. “So far, this seems to be the case. I should be surprised if it were not”, he added.

    Is there a threat of a terrorist attack hanging over Zaluzhny? The situation for А explained political scientist Sergey Markov.

    Vladimir Kozhemyakin, а Questioner: Sergey Alexandrovich, is an attempt being prepared on Zaluzhny’s life?

    Sergey Markov: I don’t think so. Zelensky has been a criminal for a long time, of course, but he is not the head of the Ukraine. The head of the Ukraine is a certain headquarters, which includes the Pentagon, the CIA, the British Ministry of Defence and the British intelligence service MI-6. They make the key decisions. For them, Zelensky is a top-level agent, but Zaluzhny is also an almost top-level agent. At the same time, both Zelensky and Zaluzhny are under the tight control of their owners. Therefore, Zelensky cannot organize the murder of Zaluzhny secretly from the Americans and the British. If they find out that he has arranged the murder of their valuable agent, they’ll kill him.

    — Can an attempt on Zaluzhny be organized by hostile groups during the clan struggle?

    — That’s highly unlikely. I think there are some interested parties. But he’s still the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Few people would be able to overcome its security system.

    “So one agent won’t remove the other agent?”

    — Only with permission from the centre. Otherwise, it just can’t happen.


  48. Governor Bocharov: A fire at the Volgograd oil refinery was caused by a drone crash

    Air defence forces have repelled a drone attack on the territory of the Volgograd region at night. This was announced by Governor Andrey Bocharov in the Telegram channel of the administration of the Volgograd region.

    According to Bocharov, the drones tried to attack objects in the Kalachevsky district and in the Zakanalya district. The attack was repelled by air defence forces and electronic warfare systems.

    Because of the downing of a drone, a fire started at the Volgograd oil refinery. Currently, open burning has been eliminated, there are no casualties, the governor stressed.

    Earlier it was reported that oil products had caught fire in the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd. The fire burned on an area of 300 square meters. By Saturday morning, the fire was extinguished, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

    Stay tuned for news from the Finnish desk tht the refinery has been totally destroyed.


  49.  00:38 03.02.2024 (updated: 11: 43 03.02.2024)

    Archives have revealed why Canada allowed entry to soldiers of the SS division “Galicia”

    Archive: soldiers of the SS division “Galicia” were allowed to go to Canada for their anti-Soviet views

    To the SS Division “Galicia” Hero — Glory!and a big round of applause from the great and the good in the Canadian parliament.

    WASHINGTON, Feb 3-RIA Novosti. Ukrainian soldiers of the SS Galicia division were allowed to enter Canada after long negotiations in the 1950s, counting on their loyalty to the government of the North American country and anti-Soviet views, archival materials show.On September 22, 98-year-old Yaroslav Gunko (Hunka) was invited to the Canadian Parliament in honour of Vladimir Zelensky’s visit.He was introduced to the applauding audience as a veteran of the “fight against the Russians”. In fact, he turned out to be a former soldier of the SS division “Galicia”, which was recruited from Ukrainian nationalists and not only fought with the Red Army, but also was noted for its atrocities against Jews, Poles, Belarusians and Slovaks. 

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later apologized for the “terrible mistake” in honouring the Ukrainian SS soldier, and the Speaker of the House of Commons (lower house) of Parliament, Anthony Roth, who initiated the invitation to Gunko, announced his resignation. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has demanded the extradition of Gunko, claiming evidence of his involvement in large-scale shootings of civilians, including the murder of at least 500 Soviet citizens in one of the villages.

    The Library and Archives of Canada on Friday released online a 600-page report by historian Alti Rodal, who investigated the immigration of former Nazis to Canada in the mid-1980s. As stated in these materials, lobbyists sought admission to Canada of about eight thousand who had served in the SS division “Galicia”, as well as more than 20 thousand Ukrainians who had been in German labour camps. To ensure a positive decision on the first group, it was possible to pass off former Nazi soldiers as having been prisoners in labour camps, the historian wrote. Against the background of accusations of their complicity in war crimes, until the 1950s it had not been possible for former members of the SS to obtain permission to enter Canada, but after that a change occurred, the materials say.

    The question was whether these Ukrainians had ties to nationalist groups in Canada or terrorist organisations of collaborators during the war, Rodal wrote. The officials concluded that the former fighters of the Galicia division could join anti-communist Ukrainian nationalists.

    “The officials were satisfied that the division’s soldiers were anti-Soviets and, if accepted for immigration into Canada, they could probably incorporate various politically passive organizations of Ukrainian nationalists who are considered loyal to Canada and opposed to communism”, the materials say.

    By the summer of 1950, the Cabinet of Ministers decided that “those Ukrainians living in Great Britain  Ukrainians would be accepted into Canada, despite their having served in the German army”, but only after a special check, the materials say. The issue was discussed in parliament, where representatives of the executive branch assured that the children of the division’s fighters could become worthy sons of the Canadian fatherland, and when receiving them, the usual rules that apply to migrants should be applied, Rodal says. The decision was opposed in Jewish organizations, but this only briefly postponed its implementation, the materials say. At first, the country was allowed to admit “Ukrainians who were prisoners of war in the UK, despite their service in the enemy forces” and “with the easing of the policy towards ethnic Germans, Germans and SS men in general, the government approved the admission of SS Ukrainians with some hesitation”, the archived report says.

    I worked with several of them down the pit in Lancashire, Northwest England. They clearly had chosen to stay in the UK and not cross the Atlantic. I also worked with several former German PoWs. One of them had even served in the SS. I didn’t believe this when a workmate much older than I was, a former WWII serviceman, told me this, whereupon he said to me: “When you’re in the baths, ask him to show you his SS tattoo on his arm which shows his blood group. He’ll show it you. He’s not shamed”.

    So I did and he did and he wasn’t.

    In fact, I’d known him for several years in a “how do” sort of way: where I lived, men just used to say “‘Ow do?” when acknowledging acquaintances. He was a tall, big man: not fat — very quiet and lean and muscular. He was also a very hard worker. He must have been only 18 or so when taken prisoner, because he was near retirement age when I last saw him at the pit, and that was in 1985 after the end of the Great Strike. After that, all the pits closed and I buggered off — to Germany as it happens.

    Just remembered his name — Walter Fink!

    To tell you the truth, I liked him, though I never worked with him. He worked in a different underground district to where I worked — the same underground area, but in a different district and on a different face. So we used to “travel in” together most of the way to our “stall” or place of work and “travel out” together. And we were wound down and wound up the shaft at about the same time. So I saw him almost every working day. We both always worked the morning shift. He was a very reliable worker and in no way loutish or churlish as were many of my fellow countrymen down below in that shithole..


  50. Shit Shapps mouthing it off again.

    3 FEBRUARY, 2024, 14: 22

    In Britain, they have demanded that a Russian victory in the Ukraine be prevented

    British Defence Minister Shapps: The world can’t allow a Putin victory

    The international community cannot allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to win the conflict in the Ukraine, British Defence Minister Grant Shapps has said.

    On his page in the social network X (formerly Twitter, blocked in Russia) Shapps wrote that Britain supported the decision of the European Union to allocate additional funds to the Ukraine, and called for the prevention of a Russian victory in the Ukrainian conflict, RIA Novosti reports.

    “The UK strongly welcomes our European partners joining us in committing to more funding for Ukraine”, the minister wrote.

    In the comments under the publication, Shapps is urged not to provoke Russia and said that Putin is not an enemy.

    A prevention of a Russian victory?

    But they have all been saying for over 2 years until only very recently — “they” being the talking heads, think-tank experts, USA “generals” who have never fought and won a real war against an enemy of equal standing — that the Yukie Morons have been winning, have won amazing victories against the Orcs; they — the “experts” — have been endlessly singing about and glorifying the valorous (I mean, love ’em or hate ’em, you gotta admire the guts of these stupid Yukie nationalist shits who are, after all, defending their hearth and home) AFU and mocking the idiot and brutal Russians. And, lo and behold! There now looms over the horizon the spectre of a Russian victory!

    Shapps tweeted this shite below:

    Check out the responses:

    Putin is not our enemy.

    Ukraine is anything BUT DEMOCRATIC! WOULD YOU BE SO KIND AS TO LOOK AT THE PEOPLE’S opinion on this?!

    I respectfully beg to differ that your entire narrative is false, and you are leading His Majesty’s government to humiliating defeat with the likely destruction of the UK in a nuclear war with Russia in which there will be no victors.

    Putin’s justified response to an existential threat by NATO is not illegal and it’s not unprovoked. Your entire narrative is false and is leading UK to nuclear destruction.

    Coming from a man who used to sell get-rich-quick schemes on the internet using a variety of false names, I’m sure these words come as great comfort to the people of Ukraine.

    The tyrants, Mr. Shapps, are in Davos and most western governments it would seem, not Moscow.


    1. I just added, “I can recall a time when the price you have paid already would have been unimaginable. Are you close to victory, do you think?” I should have amplified, “Is it getting nearer, or further away?”


  51. Shapps is a crook. a lying shit, a conman — exposed, but nothing done about it.

    Tory chairman Grant Shapps branded a liar and bully for legal threats against constituent

    Constituent Dean Archer said he had feared losing his family home after millionaire Mr Shapps warned he would take him to court over a Facebook post referring to his internet sales sideline as Michael Green.

    22:53, 16 Mar 2015|UPDATED11:25, 17 MAR 2015

    Tory chairman Grant Shapps has been branded a “liar and a bully” for threatening a constituent with legal action for highlighting the fact he had a second job.

    David Cameron’s election chief faced fresh calls to quit yesterday as he was forced to admit he had “over-firmly” denied using the alias Michael Green to flog get-rich-quick manuals after being elected as a Tory MP.

    He allegedly told a BBC reporter he had “screwed up” on dates in a radio interview last month in which he insisted he had “never had a second job whilst being an MP”.

    Constituent Dean Archer, 50, said he had feared losing his family home after millionaire Mr Shapps warned he would take him to court over a Facebook post referring to his internet sales sideline as Michael Green.

    A letter from solicitors in November demanded an apology for his comments and threatened litigation if he did not comply.

    Dean took advice and was told a legal battle could cost him the £250,000 terraced house he shares with wife Susan, 49, and their three kids in Mr Shapps’s Welwyn Hatfield constituency in Hertfordshire.

    Dad-of-three Dean said: “The guy’s a weasel.

    “I don’t know why he has to be so nasty and vindictive.

    “I’m just an ordinary human being. It frightened my wife, the worry of losing the house.”

    Dean, a former Labour councillor, described Mr Shapps as “the big person” who set out to target and bully “the little man”.

    He added: “It’s not what you expect from your local MP; you expect your local MP to look after your constituency.

    “Whether you vote for him or not, he should be there to represent everybody.

    “I deserve an apology in person.

    “I would like him to publicly apologise on camera so everyone can see it.”

    He also called for him to quit, telling the Mirror: “Anyone who oversteps the mark as an MP should stand down.

    “We elect them to serve us and our country, not ask people to retract what they’ve said, then admit to the Prime Minister he’s made a big gaffe. He’s not fit to hold office. How can you trust him?”

    The Prime Minister last night faced calls for an inquiry into the fiasco. And a No10 spokesman was forced to insist Mr Cameron had “full confidence” in his party chairman.

    Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Jon Ashworth said: “These letters clearly show the lengths Grant Shapps was prepared to go to in order to bully a constituent into saying the Tory Party Chairman had stopped pretending to be called Michael Green after being elected as an MP – a claim we now know not to be true. They also drive a coach and horses through Shapps’s claim that his denial of having another job while an MP was made in the heat of the moment.

    “Nothing could be further away from the heat of the moment than the sending of a threatening solicitors’ letter.”​

    Labour wants an inquiry into whether Mr Shapps broke the Ministerial Code.

    Election campaign chief Lucy Powell wrote to the Prime Minister saying there were “serious questions to answer”.

    She added: “Despite his repeated denials, there is irrefutable evidence that Grant Shapps had a second job while being an MP.

    “It is also now clear that he was actively soliciting for business while using the pseudonym Michael Green.

    “It is now essential that you fully investigate whether Mr Shapps has broken the Ministerial Code.”

    The Lib Dems also weighed in, with a senior party source mocking both Mr Shapps and the PM’s attitude to environmental issues. The source suggested: “Perhaps it’s time for David Cameron to finally ‘get rid of the Green crap’.”

    Tory Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt blamed Labour and the media, tweeting: “Unbelievable Lab/Guard/BBC attack on @grantshapps. His sin not 2 use pseudonym but 2 write books about how 2 create wealth – shock horror…”

    For years Mr Shapps had denied he worked for the web marketing firm How To Corp or used his pseudonym after being elected an MP in 2005.

    But he was forced into an embarrassing U-turn yesterday after it was revealed he boasted in a recording from the summer of 2006 his products could make listeners a “ton of cash by Christmas”.

    Using the name Michael Green he made a 40-minute sales pitch on the Stinking Rich 3 guide.

    He initially dismissed the issue as an “old story”, but the Tories said that although he had talked of his other work having ended when he became an MP “in fact it ended shortly afterwards”. ​

    “Weasel” is an apt description of Shapps.


  52. Blackface!!!

    The very first line of Sense & Sensibility:

    The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex”.

    That’s Sussex County, UK, not Sussex County Delaware, USA.

    Delaware was a Slave State on the Mason-Dixon line and all efforts to abolish slavery in Delaware prior to the Civil War failed owing to a small number of Delawareans who were slave owners with an outsized political influence.

    That’s USA democracy for you!


    1. This sort of nonsense speaks to how little genuine creativity there is in the so-called ‘creative’ industries. A few years ago, there was confected outrage at a remake of ‘Little Women’ which was, you know, all white whereas it was suggested that at least some of the March girls should have been portrayed by black actresses. Ye gods. You see it over and over again – version 1: main roles are white guys; version 2: roles now played by black guys; version 3: white women in former male roles; version 4: black women now in former male roles; version 5: trans characters now introduced. A real life example? Take ‘The Equalisier’ which started life as a TV series in the UK starring Edward Woodward. Remade as two films with Denzel Washington in the Woodward role now back as a TV series with Queen Latifah in the lead role. It’s only a matter of time before ‘The Lion King’ gets remade with a black panther as Mustaphe.

      There are interesting stories out there about people from all backgrounds and ethnicities – it’s just that those who commission film and TV productions seem anxious not to find them.


      1. One wonders why talented black actors don’t see and realise that they are being exploited as virtual blackface actors in roles in historical drama films based on works set in a past in which the social / economic norm clearly distinguished between the white wealthy and the non-white poor. In these woke-revisionist film and TV productions, who would be playing the servants and the slave labour?

        Ditto might be said for black and other non-white actors offered to play black / non-white versions of white characters like James Bond or the various superheroes in the Marvel or DC Comics movie series.

        The best films I’ve seen featuring all-African casts are those made by a Ugandan fellow called Isaac G G Nabwana, who cranks out his own Tarantino-styled home movies with budgets of about US$200 or less using his own slum Kampala neighbourhood for film sets and to supply the actors he needs. All the special effects you see in his films are done on a computer he salvaged from a junkyard and put together himself.

        Entire film “Who Killed Captain Alex?” by Isaac G G Nabwana:

        Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda’s First Action Movie (English Subtitles & Video Joker) – Wakaliwood – YouTube

        Plot is non-existent, and you never really find out who killed Captain Alex.


        1. Apparently, almost all the servants depicted in the Blackface “Sense and Sensibility” are Snowballs.

          Hallmark, originally a greetings card firm that makes a bomb out of that bogus American “holiday” St. Valentine’s Day, has taken to calling February “Loveuary” — geddit? 14 February. Happy Valentine’s Day!

          I kid you not.

          “Woke” knobheads long ago adopted Jane Austen as one of theirs, as they reckon she was a “proto feminist” and some, dare I say, think she was a homosexual. I suppose they base their reasoning on the fact that Miss Austen never married. I have even seen Miss Austen referred to as Ms Austen — I noticed that foul rag “The Guardian” doing that 30-odd years ago. I’m quite sure that Miss Austen would have taken affront if she had not been addressed as “Miss Austen”. I don’t think she felt in any way unfulfilled or as some kind of social outcast because she never married and died “an old maid” at forty-one.

          In the tosh narrated above, the speaker of United States English says: “Eleanor Dashwood . . . the oldest of the Dashwood sisters”.

          She is not the “oldest” of the sisters: she is the eldest sister.

          Some of what the American woman says in the above clip I find incomprehensible.

          She says that the “Dashwood women are low on funds with even slimmer prospects after their beloved family patriarch”.

          What does that mean?

          Oh right! Perhaps she should have said: “the Dashwood women are low on funds with even slimmer prospects after the death of their beloved family patriarch”.

          The subtitles to the clip name the author as Jane Austin, by the way.

          Lordy, lordy, Miz Dashwood, you ain’t gone done nuffin de whole long day! You jest bin sittin’ here on yo black ass while ah’s bin out in de feels a-pickin’ cotton!


          1. I think the Hallmark travesty was shot in Vancouver. Hallmark movies are based there I think. I wonder where the “English Stately Home” is where the photo above of the cast of the Dashwood family and servants.was taken?


          2. Yes, the aim of activism is to get noticed, and there is no such thing as bad attention. That is most likely the reason for selecting well-known classics to reverse the roles of black and white, because although choosing a mostly-unknown period piece with a compelling storyline and reversing the roles of subordinate and master might have been a hit and greatly advanced the career of a black actor or actors, it would be less likely to generate anger and make the races fight.


        2. There was a subtle allusion to the rebalancing of race, which accrues to money, in Forrest Gump. It was not so subtle that anyone would miss it, but so well-done that it did not rouse any cries from activists on either side of the issue. Once the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company takes off and becomes a major corporate earner, Forrest visits deceased Bubba’s family to present them with a cheque for Bubba’s half of the company. You can see that they are both very poor, and are expecting to be rooked by the white man. But a couple of frames later the family is sitting down to a sumptuous dinner in a kitchen several upgrades above their old place, and the cook/servant is white.

          On very rare occasions, high-profile black citizens with serious money still get aggravation from police who are unfamiliar with the neighbourhood and are suspicious to see a black man walking around like he owned the place, but those are increasingly rare, and generally the black population which is subjected to social pressure is low-income. Cyndi Lauper was right – money changes everything.


  53. Ha, ha!! I swear, it would make a cat laugh. The EU is ever so earnestly ready to provide Ukraine with about $54 Billion smackeroos, and wants you to know – in the most transparent fashion possible – how the money will be spent.

    Well, it’ll be invested in stabilizing Ukraine’s economy, pay for rebuilding and set the country up for future EU membership. Because the ideal candidate for EU membership is a country at war with a much bigger neighbour, and whose economy has been eked out for the last decade on loans and grants, so that it would enter the city-boy club of the EU as a wide-eyed bumpkin totally innocent of the wherewithal to sustain itself. As Pop Larkin might have exclaimed in “The Darling Buds of May”…Perfick.

    But it won’t be spent for weapons and ammunition, naturally – that’s a totally separate program, in which the west expects and is expected to donate even more money. Wait, wait, though -that’s not even the funny part yet. This is the kicker: the EU solemnly assures readers that this $54 Billion is going to be invested in noble objectives to help out the struggling country, to get it on its shaky feet…but it actually does not know dick about how Ukraine intends to spend it! No!!

    “As of Saturday, neither President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s office nor the Ukrainian finance ministry have disclosed details of how the funds will be spent. However, statements by EU authorities, Ukrainian lawmakers and diplomats have identified key areas of concern:”

    The Ukrainians have said nothing about how the money will be spent, despite the assumption that it will be spent in Ukraine. ‘EU authorities’ have ‘identified areas of concern’. Well, whoopity doo. They can be as concerned as they like, but the EU has now committed to handing over great chunks of money every year for four years, with just the expressed hope that Ukraine will spend it on ‘areas of concern’. The most corrupt country in Europe, in case anyone needed reminding.

    Just as an aside, I find it hard to imagine the EU handing over that kind of cash to the Russian opposition, even if it looked like they were on the edge of a successful revolution – because, of course, it might ‘end up in the Kremlin’s clutches’. It never seems to occur to them that a substantial part of $54 Billion might end up in the clutches of Zelensky and selected chums. And when it happens, as you know it will, they’ll whine, “Oh, boo hoo!! We just didn’t KNOW!!!”

    Here’s another solid-gold treasure from the same article:

    “Russia’s economy, meanwhile, has weathered the unprecedented economic sanctions by Kyiv’s Western allies better than expected, despite a price cap on Russian oil and natural gas and a widespread diversification in the West towards other energy sources.”

    So much so that, ha, ha, pardon me, I have to take another laugh break…so much so that the sewer rag known as the Daily Express forecasts that perhaps the end of the war actually IS desirable, because THAT’S WHEN PUTIN’S ECONOMIC HOUSE OF STRAW WILL BE BLOWN TO BITS!! Yes, true story; pursuing the conflict – while a Putin victory is ‘unimaginable’ – just might not be the way to go, because war is actually MAKING PUTIN RICHER!!

    “Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, the IMF’s chief economist, suggested that the stimulus being put into the economy as part of Russia’s “war economy” has contributed to the performance.

    Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies economists said in January: “The longer the war lasts, the more addicted the economy will become to military spending.

    “This raises the spectre of stagnation or even outright crisis once the conflict is over.”

    Elina Ribakova, a non-resident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, told the Financial Times: “The Russian economy now is like a gas station that has started producing tanks.”

    I have to stop for a bit, I can’t go on. Is this seriously what passes for analysis by western ‘think tanks’? Ukraine must win, but it must win quickly because every day Russia endures under a war economy, it gets stronger and wealthier? Under, you know, unprecedented western sanctions? My, those certainly worked a treat. We must listen to more western advice, obviously.


    1. Makes you wonder why the EU didn’t admit all the other eastern European states, and all the former states that were part of the old Yugoslavia, as soon as they had left the old Soviet orbit or the Warsaw Pact, and were left floundering under the impact of neoliberal Western capitalist policies on their economies in the 1990s, if all that is needed now to prepare a country for EU membership is having a trashed economy that needs huge infusions of other EU members’ money.


      1. Ha, ha; true, true. But we know, of course, that no such motivator is operative here. Instead – although I’m no physician or psychiatrist – it is easy to diagnose a case of ideology trumping common sense to the point the eye refuses to see what is being waved in front of it. The west will have to spend bundles of cash before it becomes inescapable that it is pouring it into a black hole, and the kind of people who benefit will be the very sort the west always decries as unscrupulous crooks. By then, of course, it will be too late and the money will be irrecoverably gone.


        1. They should put a picture of him in the dictionary, opposite the term “Politician”, as he is perhaps the essence of politics. As they used to say in the navy, “I’d rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother in the legislature”. Presumably it would be easier to manage the shame and embarrassment of the former than the latter.


        2. People should ask Shapps if the UK is an EU member and see what he says one week, and then later ask him again a fortnight later to see if he gives a different answer and then maintains that he answered the same way when previously asked.


    2. Most orthodox economists, given a choice between theory and contradictory facts “know” the facts are wrong. And unfortunately, I am not joking. 


  54. Something to gladden the troll’s heart:

    4 February, 2024, 08: 39

    The death toll after a strike by the Armed Forces of the Ukraine on a bakery in Lysychansk has increased to 28 people, including one child. This was announced on Sunday, February 4, by the press service of the Government of the Luhansk People’s Republic.

    “As of 6:00 on February 4, 10 people were injured, 28 were killed, including 18 men, nine women and one child,” the message published in the department’s Telegram channel says, referring to the administration of the head of the LPR.

    The Russian Emergencies Ministry added that a search and rescue operation is continuing at the scene in Lisichansk. Work was carried out all night, about 65% of the destroyed structures were dismantled.



    1. Here you go, boys; something to paint on the side of your plane, just under the cockpit.

      I wonder if the pilot will get a medal? The Stepan Bandera cross with dill-sprig cluster, perhaps. To the heroes, Glory.


  55. It is rumoured that Tucker Carlson is in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin.

    I can see how this will boost Tucker Carlson and his new media venture

    but what is the benefit of doing this interview for President Putin?

    I am not a fan of Carlson, he was pushing that agenda that USA should align with Russia against China. There seems to me anyway an underlying prejudice against China for being successful.

    USA has reverted to its agenda of bombing the Middle East . Provides targeting information as well as weapons to kill Russians in Ukraine.

    Why does the president of Russia want to talk to Carlson who represents that nation.


  56. Hey Shapps, you steaming heap of shite, seen this?


    Royal Navy aircraft carrier cancels sailing after propeller ‘issue’.

    HMS Queen Elizabeth will be replaced by her sister ship to lead the largest Nato exercise since the Cold War.

    HMS Queen Elizabeth HMS Queen Elizabeth has suffered a problem with a propeller shaft (Andrew Matthews/PA)

    February 04, 2024 at 10:13AM GMT

    The departure of the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to lead the largest Nato exercise since the Cold War has been cancelled at the last minute after an “issue” with a propeller shaft was spotted during final checks.

    The setback comes 18 months after sister ship HMS Prince of Wales broke down off the Isle of Wight after it sailed for the US having suffered a malfunction with a coupling on its starboard propeller.

    It will now be readied to take the place of the £3 billion fleet flagship on the major exercises which will involve more than 40 vessels.

    Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Andrew Burns said: “Routine pre-sailing checks yesterday identified an issue with a coupling on HMS Queen Elizabeth’s starboard propeller shaft. As such, the ship will not sail on Sunday.

    “HMS Prince of Wales will take her place on Nato duties and will set sail for Exercise Steadfast Defender as soon as possible.“

    HMS Prince of Wales broke down as it was heading to a diplomatic mission to carry out exercises with the US Navy, Royal Canadian Navy and the US Marine Corps.

    The carrier came to a halt off the Isle of Wight and was brought under tow back into harbour for the problem to be identified.

    Inspections by divers and engineers found the Nato flagship’s 33-ton starboard propeller – the same weight as 30 Ford Fiesta cars – had malfunctioned, with a coupling holding it in place breaking.

    A Ministry of Defence spokesman said the issue on HMS Queen Elizabeth was “separate and not linked” to the earlier defect on its sister ship.

    He said: “The issue identified is with the ship’s shaft couplings. The ship’s propeller shafts are too big to be made from a single piece of metal, so each shaft is made from three sections, which are connected using shaft couplings, which bind the shaft sections together.”

    HMS Queen Elizabeth deployment: HMS Prince of Wales (top right) berths alongside aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth as it arrives at Portsmouth naval base (Jonathan Brady/PA)

    HMS Prince of Wales was taken to the Babcock shipyard where it was built in Rosyth, Fife, to undergo repairs to a propeller shaft, which took nine months to complete.

    On that occasion, HMS Queen Elizabeth acted as the replacement for its sister ship on the US deployment.

    Having HMS Queen Elizabeth out of action could affect the ability of the Royal Navy to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Red Sea amid the continuing threat by Iran-backed Houthi rebels which armed forces minister James Heappey has suggested was being considered.

    HMS Prince of Wales will now take over the lead of Exercise Steadfast Defender, which will take place of Norway’s Arctic coast in March.

    HMS Prince of Wales returns to Portsmouth HMS Prince of Wales returns to Portsmouth naval base after breaking down off the Isle of Wight

    Its sister ship had been set to lead a carrier strike of eight ships – four of them British, including frigate HMS Somerset and two Tide-class tankers from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary – supported by US, Spanish and Danish vessels.

    It was to be joined by its F-35B Lightning stealth fighters from 617 “Dambusters” Squadron at RAF Marham, submarine hunting and airborne early warning Merlin Mk2 helicopters from RNAS Culdrose, and battlefield Wildcat helicopters of 847 Naval Air Squadron from RNAS Yeovilton.

    Announcing the carrier’s sailing, Commodore James Blackmore, Commander UK Carrier Strike Group, said: “Steadfast Defender demonstrates the unity of the alliance, our commitment to it – and that the UK continues to play a leading role in Nato.

    “The exercise allows us to train with our neighbours in a truly challenging environment, especially at this time of year – but that is why we have to operate up there; the weather cannot put us off.”

    Before heading to the Arctic, the Carrier Strike Group was due to take part in the annual Joint Warrior exercise off northern Scotland before joining Exercise Nordic Response – the maritime part of Steadfast Defender.

    Any old iron, any old iron, any ,any any old iron?

    Impressive photographs! Pity the vessels don’t work.

    These names for NATO exercises kill me!

    “Steadfast Defender”?

    “Limp Dick” would be more appropriate.

    Heappey is the cnut who used to go on and on about the barbarous nature of the Orcs, in that they use mobile crematoria to dispose of their fallen. He used to appear blubbing on TV about all his pals who had fallen in Afghanistan, where he had served, whose bodies had all been brought back with the greatest of respect to “Blighty”.

    No evidence has appeared of the existence of such crematoria used behind the Russian front line for the cremation of the Russian dead.

    True Brit Heappey, 2022

    Following university, Heappey attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. As a university graduate, he was immediately promoted to lieutenant in 2004. He was promoted to captain in 2007. Having attended Staff College he was promoted to major in 2012.

    He served as an officer in the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment and then The Rifles in Kabul in 2005, Northern Ireland in 2006, Basra in 2007 and Sangin in Helmand Province in 2009. He also served in Kenya, and in 2011 he was posted to the Ministry of Defence in London, where he worked as executive officer on the General Staff. He retired from the British Army in 2012 with the rank of major.


    1. Someone should tell him it looks really, really stupid when you wear your military medals on a civilian suit jacket. Especially when most or all of them are ‘theatre awards’, meaning bestowed upon a candidate who served in a particular theatre of operations for the requisite number of days to be eligible for nomination to receive it, rather than for any conspicuous act of gallantry, sacrifice or heroism. To put it in perspective, the unit’s cook who was present during the deployment for the same period as Heappey was would be eligible for the same medal – although he might never have left the kitchen except to visit the washroom or sleep – if some authority nominated him for it.

      This raises once again the disparity in how combat readiness is viewed for the allied forces, and their enemies. Whenever a Russian capital ship appears off British shores, it is inevitably ‘belching clouds of noxious smoke’, a ‘rustbucket’ and otherwise derided as a prime example of neglect and indifferent maintenance. But it got all the way there somehow – you know that because if it were broken down or taken under tow the British press would have shouted it from the rooftops. But when some engineering or structural casualty renders their own vessels inoperable, it’s just one of those things, nothing to see here, move along and do not infer anything as to the quality of workmanship or maintenance associated with them.

      I’m pretty sure the names which designate NATO exercises are chosen using a random aggregator, in which tough or resolute-sounding words are lined up in two opposing columns and the machine simply picks two. That’s for one-off’s, though – I think “Steadfast Defender” is a regular exercise which is held at established intervals. The Canadians have some as well; “Trident Fury” is a regular naval exercise held whenever we have enough money, generally every two or three years. RIMPAC, short for Rim Of The Pacific and incorporating naval and air-element participants from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Mexico and Japan (and for RIMPAC 2012, Russia – the ADMIRAL PANTELYEV – for the first and only time) is held every two years, while the Canadian Air Force has one called Maple Spring which it holds regularly.

      The ship in the background, around which PANTELYEV has plainly just sailed in a circle, is an American ARLEIGH BURKE Class destroyer. Very nice ships, and very fast; they have the GE LM-2500 gas turbines that Canadian frigates have, but the American ships have four instead of two.


      1. I posted this link earlier in this comments thread but it’ll be too hard to find by scrolling back so I’ll post it again.


        The names incorporate a code that tells you who is in charge of what exercise, what the function of the exercise is, and in whose functional area the exercise takes place.

        Of course, where words like “steadfast” and “defender” come from originally and how they and not other words pass muster must be the big secret: probably a dartboard is used to determine which ones are used and which are not.


  57. Foreign Ministry Ambassador: The West knows that Kiev is using its weapons to kill civilians en masse
    Mike Gabrielyan
    February 04, 18: 31

    Kiev’s Western sponsors know that the weapons they supply to Ukraine are being used to kill civilians. This was stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Ambassador-at-large for crimes of the Kiev regime Rodion Miroshnik, RIA Novosti reports.

    © RIA Novosti
    Miroshnik was commenting on the AFU strike on a bakery in Lisichansk, which killed 28 people, including a pregnant woman and a five-year-old child. Today, the LPR declared mourning for the victims.

    Western sponsors are well aware that the weapons they supply are used to kill civilians, but this argument as a reason for stopping supplies is practically not heard in Western circles

    Miroshnik said.

    According to him, this is the third terrorist attack organized by Kiev and has caused mass casualties amongst civilians. Prior to that, Ukrainian forces launched terrorist attacks on the centre of Belgorod and a market in Donetsk.

    He stressed that all these attacks were carried out against the background of “bidding” both in the United States and in the EU for the allocation of additional funds and weapons.

    Piroshnik added that about two thousand strikes against civilian targets on Russian territory are recorded weekly, as a result of which strikes about 50 to 70 people are injured, and every fourth person dies.


  58. Pathological liars!

    4 February, 2024, 19:34

    A Ukrainian film about Bucha.

    Hi! I’m from Bucha. Before I could be evacuated, I lived there for two weeks during the occupation.

    What’s not right about this poster is that it shows Barodyanka.

    In the advertising poster of the film “Bucha”, Ukrainian propaganda used a photo from Borodyanka. 

    “The True Story…”

    Even here they lied and talked aload of shite.


  59. The Ukrainian woman who posted the above comment — on Instagram, I think — has chosen a good moniker: Pani Salo.

    It means Mrs. Pork Lard.


  60. Another very titillating sitrep from Simplicius; highlights are Zaluzhniy’s alleged contacts with the west (supposedly, according to Seymour Hersh, the new reason he’s being fired) in which he is allegedly trying to find a halfway-honorable end to the war, and in which – in an alleged phone intercept – he refers to Zelensky using a variety of highly-amusing pejoratives such as ‘Krivoy Rog imbecile’ and some real crease-ups insulting his stature, such as ‘Stuart Little’ and ‘Frodo’.

    Consistently one of the most informative sources on the internet, if not THE most, it also suggests the Banderite capital might be moved to Lviv (or Lvov or whatever), more foreign mercenaries killed (always ‘medics’ or ‘aid workers’, of course) and includes details of a new Russian advance in the capture of Avdiivka. Startlingly, male life expectancy in Ukraine has plunged to 57 years, the lowest in the developed world, and Ukraine has the lowest fertility rate in the entire world, supporting earlier UN studies which suggested the Ukrainian ethnicity would never recover from the effects of the war in which they volunteered to be the USA’s proxy army.


    1. I’ve seen a statistic (but lost the link) that says that female life expectancy in Ukraine has fallen from about 76 years to 70 years so the stat about male life expectancy in Ukraine now being 57 years (from 65 years) is based on information concerning the numbers of Ukrainian soldiers who have died.

      Be prepared for a plunge in female life expectancy in Ukraine once women aged from 20-something onwards to 60-something become the new focus of the press gangs.


      1. Yes, I suppose it is a very complex forecast – since those who have been killed, regardless their age, have reached the end of their life expectancy – incorporating social factors like quality of life, availability and cultural bias toward intoxicants and other life-shortening factors and perhaps even what remains of a tax base to support public funds, since that impacts quality of life and the onset of despair. But I well remember it used to be a reliable stick for La Russophobe to use to beat the Russians with – that their life expectancy was lower than most developed western nations. Whenever any positive data was cited for anything to do with Russia, she could be relied upon to chime in with “but their life expectancy is only 72.5 years” or whatever some circle-jerk western index said it was for that year. I wonder what she would make of Project Ukraine (if she’s still alive herself), considering the amount of money that has been poured into it and the must-win cheerleading from the sidelines by the cream of the western political establishment. It should be obvious, even to a thicko such as she was and probably still is, that the combined power and effort of the west is unable to prevent the dismantling of quality of life in Ukraine; moreover, that the combined power and effort of the west is unable to substantially degrade the improvement in quality of life in Russia.

        Even when things are improving for Russia, western institutions cannot help themselves – they must denigrate any progress, or argue what was once of paramount importance (when it was useful for unfavourably comparing Russia with the west) is, having improved for Russia, not very important at all any more. A good example is this comically-titled, “Russia Needs to Look Beyond Longevity”. Yes, ‘course it does – just living longer is not really much of an achievement, is it? How far does the average Russian live from the nearest golf course? Okay, I made that up, but it just seems as if the goalposts are always in motion for Russia.

        Thus graphing against the ‘Preston Curve’, and so on – if we can’t make it look negative, let’s muddy the waters until everyone is baffled and doesn’t really know what we mean. But the medical community grudgingly acknowledges the upward trend in life expectancy in Russia is ‘unprecedented’, and that it is most likely the result of embracing a healthier lifestyle and of improvements in public health overall.

        Therefore, considering the plunge in Ukrainian life expectancy entirely apart from the wholesale murder of hundreds of thousands of its young men, it must be clear to all that the west has struggled to achieve a positive result for Ukraine to the very utmost of its ability, and has failed. Being the west, it most likely will persevere until it has wiped out Ukraine entirely before blaming the whole debacle on Russia.


    2. Further proof, if any be needed, of the moronic nature of very many Khokhols:

      The above taken from Simplicius’s latest sitrep.

      Literally a low-brow seated on Zaluzhny’s left.

      Note the inscription in English on the Ukrainian Insurgent Army flag, which is liberally decorated with skulls and bones.

      Amongst the battle honours of the Ukraine Insurgent Army [Українська повстанська армія, УПА: Ukrayins’ka Povstans’ka Armiia, abbreviated UPA] is the ethnic cleansing of the Polish population of Volhynia and eastern Galitsia.

      Lots of stories going around, by the way, that Zaluzhny is an alcoholic.


      Yesterday, 09:03

      Alcohol and mistresses: details of scandals around Zaluzhny

      [video insert: Junkie vs. Alcoholic]

      The video insert shows Zaluzhny receiving “a sabre of the Queen of England”. Apart from the fact that the last Queen of England was Queen Anne, who became Queen of Great Britain and Ireland following the ratification of the Acts of Union on 1 May 1707, which merged the kingdoms of Scotland and England: prior to this, Queen Anne was Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 8 March 1702, the person shown in the video handing a sabre to Zaluzhny is most certainly not the late Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms.

      What is shown in the clip is apparently what happened in 2014, when Zaluzhny graduated from the Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defence University of the Ukraine as the best graduate of the operational and strategic level of training. For this achievement, the drunken bum was awarded the “Transitional Sword of the Queen of Great Britain”.

      Reminds me of the the time when Idi Amin, former Uganda President and assistant-cook in the King’s African Rifles, awarded himself the Victoria Cross.

      He was a laugh-a-minute was Amin! Having achieved promotion in the army, he became aware that Ugandan President Milton Obote was planning to arrest him for misappropriating army funds, so he launched the 1971 Uganda coup d’état and declared himself president, whereupon he began awarding himself all kinds of military awards, the most glorifying of which was the title that he had awarded himself: “Conqueror of the British Empire”.

      Unfortunately, Amin was not really a bundle of laughs: he was a tribalist murderer. Killings undertaken on his orders were motivated by ethnic, political, and financial factors, and they continued throughout his eight years as President of Uganda.


      1. Towards the end of the latest Simplicius sitrep:


        Ukraine sank another middling Russian boat, of a ‘cutter’ class by Soviet designation—project 1241. Problem is, Russia seized four of these from Ukraine itself . . .

        Again I ask: where are confirmations of this alleged sinking, jubilantly announced here the other week by the Kremlin Stooge apart from the one posted here by our Finnish desk?

        And again I ask: Anybody seen evidence of the wreckage of the downed Russian A-50 AEW&C allegedly downed by the heroic Banderites the other week over the Sea Azov, which sea is a mere 11 metres deep at its centrally located deepest point?


        1. Even “National Interest” only wrote 4 days ago about the alleged sinking of the Small Missile Corvette Ivanovets:

          Sinking Feeling: Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Has Lost 20 Percent of Its Strength

          The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claimed to have destroyed the Russian Navy’s Project 1241 Molniya missile corvette Ivanovets in the Black Sea in the early hours of Thursday morning. The attack was purported to have been carried out by the special forces unit “Group 13,” which employed unmanned sea drones.

          The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claimed to have destroyed the Russian Navy’s project 1241 Molniya missile corvette Ivanovets in the Black Sea in the early hours of Thursday morning. The attack was purported to have been carried out by the special forces unit “Group 13,” which employed unmanned sea drones.

          And get this — at the head of the above-linked article:

          That’s the Russian battlecruiser Пётр Великий [Pyotr Velikiy ] — Peter the Great.

          And his below is the allegedly sunk Ivanovets:

          What a cunning stunt! Clearly the photo of the warship Peter the Great is to persuade the gullible public into believing that the alleged sinking of a Russian Black sea Fleet vessel happened to such a huge Russian warship, if not to Peter the Great herself.

          Then again, “National Interest” is probably unaware of the fact that Peter the Great is the flagship of the Russian Northern Fleet.

          Peter the Great belongs to the Kirov-class of Russian warships, designated by the Orcs themselves as heavy nuclear missile cruisers. In the west, however, they are classed as battlecruisers because they are the largest surface “line of battle” warships in the world. 

          The West seems to be rather dated in its warship classification. So called “line of battle” warships were like this in the 18th and early 19th centuries:

          and like this until the mid-20th century, when they were already out of date:

          Battlecruisers HMS Renown (foreground) and HMS Hood (background) with other line-of-battle ships during a Royal Navy Exercise in the English Channel, 1939, just to annoy the Frogs, I guess, because they go hopping mad when you say “English Channel”.


          PS I’m joking! I like France and Frogs are OK, apart from Macron and Bernard-Henri Lévy etc., etc.


          1. Well, the Ukrainian navy – kind of a contradiction in terms – claims to have cut a pretty wide swath since the beginning of the war.

            “Even before the sinking of the Ivanovets, it was reported that the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet had lost 20 percent of its total force. Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk claimed last November that Ukrainian forces have destroyed 15 Russian warships in the Black Sea and damaged 12 others since the start of the all-out war in February 2022.”

            15 warships destroyed, and another 12 damaged: I find myself wondering when all this carnage took place. And who else is in the Ukrainian Navy besides Dmytro Pletenchuk. To the best of my knowledge the only ship which has actually been sunk at sea is the MOSKVA; the others, which were nothing like 15, have all been moored or secured alongside. To date the sea drones the Ukies and their sponsors are so fond of using are not able to attack something which is moving. I think you will recall I mentioned years ago those decked-over remote-controlled fiberglass boats would make a dandy anti-ship weapon in harbor, back when I used to run the Target Cell. We did use them at sea and drove them remotely to make attack runs on moving ships for target practice, but the range was very limited and they were actually being controlled from one of the ships in the firing line. It would not be very practical in Crimea or in the Black Sea because you would have to be dangerously close unless you used a repeater. Which they might.


      1. Mmmm…yes….although there was that stint in the Foreign Legion as a member of its infantry and then the Airborne Regiment. But then he came over all soft and human-like, and decided to dedicate the remainder of his days on earth to the pursuit of peace and random acts of kindness. Quel dommage.


  61. I like this site, and I like that Moscowexile, he has some wealth of info… I ll add to his Pole mudslinging, When Germans grabbed Sudeten, Poles grabbed North Moravia from Czechoslovakia too… I guess there was this opportunity to get away with it.


  62. Iron General — Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Who is behind the Ukrainian troops, which bravely repel Russian ‘world’s second’ army

    June 16, 2022

    Before Russia unleashed the full-scale war against Ukraine, some politicians and experts predicted the imminent defeat of Ukraine, as the Russian army was ‘much more powerful,’ Russia had more weapons, the Russian army was the ‘world’s second,’ and so on. 

    But the war has been going on for 112 days now, and Russia has not been able to achieve significant success. Its troops have left Kyiv, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. Russia cannot advance in the Donbas, although it has concentrated almost all its forces there. All this is thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine — men and women — who courageously defend their country and fight till the end. 

    The great merit of Ukraine’s military success belongs to its military leadership, in particular, to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. He wasn’t well known to an international audience before the large-scale war but became a real revelation after February 24, 2022, and an example for many military leaders. Read who is behind the Ukrainian troops, which bravely repel Russian ‘world’s second’ army in our special story.

    Valerii Zaluzhnyi, 48, was born into a military family and dreamed of being one from childhood. He holds three degrees, two in military affairs and one in international relations.

    In 2014, he graduated from the Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defense University of Ukraine. As the best graduate of the operational and strategic level of training, he was awarded the Transitional Sword of the Queen of Great Britain.

    Zaluzhnyi was never one of those servicemen who stayed in the office. Like many officers, he actively participated in the fighting in the Donbas. 

    He passed all stages of military service and, in July 2021, was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    To be continued . . .if you can stand it.


  63. Valerii Zaluzhnyi is the first Ukrainian top commander who hasn’t served in the Soviet Army, and, therefore, he has a completely new approach to the Military Service. 

    Zaluzhnyi is the commander who is respected, not feared. He supports the involvement of youth in the army and the use of the NATO warfare approach, not the Soviet one. He advocates military decentralization and bureaucracy elimination in the army.

    Politico named Zaluzhnyi ‘iron general’ and said he is definitely a hero, but not a star, as he largely avoided the spectacle of a celebrity commander and just did what he should  — defend Ukraine from Russian invaders.

    Valerii Zaluzhnyi is included in TIME’s 100 most influential people of 2022. 

    “Ukrainians defending their homeland against significant Russian aggression is incredible. General Zaluzhnyy is the man behind that effort, bearing the immense burden of leading in combat. His work will be remembered by history,” Mark Milley, head of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Source, said about Zaluzhnyi.

    And there’s more to follow!


  64. Thanks to Valerii Zaluzhnyi and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in general,  all plans for the Russian invasion failed. During the three months of the war, the Russian army — many times larger and much more weaponized than the Ukrainian one — did not take a single large city.

    Every soldier who defends Ukraine from Russian invaders is definitely a hero.

    Donate to the Ukrainian Army!

    Help Ukraine to defeat Russia!


    1. During the three months of the war, the Russian army — many times larger and much more weaponized than the Ukrainian one — did not take a single large city.

      The Russian armed forces participating in the SMO at the outset of the SMO were fewer than those of the Banderites.

      Saying on 16 June 2022, when above nonsense was written, that the Russian forces are far higher in number than those of the Yukietards is simply promoting the Western narrative that Russia, in an “unprovoked attack” launched a “full scale” invasion of Banderastan on 24 February 2022.

      During the three months of the war, the Russian army … did not take [sic] a single large city.

      The Russians have never stated that taking cities is their objective. The objectives of the SMO have been clearly stated many times: seizing territory and taking cities are not including in their objectives, nor is bombing their enemy “back to the stone age”, as the USA military, whose last success was the invasion of Grenada, is fond of saying. Not, of course, that the Russian armed forces are incapable of doing that.


  65. Here’s the FT article. I got it by means of, which is dead sneaky.

    The Big Read Russian Economy

    The surprising resilience of the Russian economy

    Heavy public spending on defence has led to a rebound in growth but could also be storing up problems for the near future

    Anastasia Stognei in Tbilisi and Max Seddon in Riga YESTERDAY

    Addressing a crowd of activists on Friday in Tula, the capital of Russia’s arms industry, Vladimir Putin crowed that the country’s economy had defeated western sanctions imposed after his invasion of Ukraine.

    “They predicted decline, failure, collapse — that we would stand back, give up, or fall apart. It makes you want to show [them] a well-known gesture, but I won’t do that, there are a lot of ladies here,” Putin said to a round of applause. “They won’t succeed! Our economy is growing, unlike theirs.”

    Russia’s president gloated that Russia’s economy had not only withstood an onslaught of sanctions from western countries — but was now bigger than all but two of them. He was referring to the World Bank’s ranking of GDP by purchasing power parity, by which Russia slightly edges ahead of Germany. “All of our industry did their part,” he said.

    On Tuesday, the IMF appeared to concur with Russia’s president. The IMF revised its own GDP growth forecast for Russia to 2.6 per cent this year, a 1.5 percentage point rise over what it had predicted last October.

    The Russian economy’s resilience has stunned many economists who had believed the initial round of sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago could cause a catastrophic contraction.

    Instead, they say, the Kremlin has spent its way out of a recession by evading western attempts to limit its revenues from energy sales and by ramping up defence spending.

    Russia is directing a third of the country’s budget — Rbs 9.6tn in 2023 and Rbs 14.3tn in 2024 — towards the war effort, a threefold increase from 2021, the last full year before the invasion. This includes not only producing hardware, but also giving war-related social payments to those who fight in Ukraine and their families, as well as some spending on the occupied territories.

    Russia’s increasing spending — and its continued reliance on energy receiptsFederal budget (Rbs tn, three-month moving sum, seasonally adjusted)

    The significant increase in military expenditure marks “a striking break with Russia’s post-Communist development to date”, a recent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) paper concluded.

    Putin’s own top economic officials have warned a surge in public spending comes at the risk of a major overheating of the economy in the near future. But for the time being, it is keeping growth robust.

    All of this would have been impossible if Russia had not continued to generate colossal revenues from its energy resources, despite sanctions.

    In 2023, Russia’s energy revenues reached Rbs 8.8tn — a decline of about a quarter from the record-breaking result in 2022 but above the average for the past ten years. Despite this, the state has had to resort to increasingly irregular methods to generate revenue from one-off taxes and levies, including “voluntary donations” western businesses have to pay when leaving Russia.

    “The regime is resilient because it sits on an oil rig,” says Elina Ribakova, a non-resident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “The Russian economy now is like a gas station that has started producing tanks.”

    As he announced Russia’s staggering military spending to lawmakers in September, finance minister Anton Siluanov used a Soviet slogan from the second world war to describe the Kremlin’s approach to the budget.

    “Everything for the front, everything for victory,” Siluanov said.

    The Kremlin’s shift to what Vasily Astrov, a senior economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), calls “military Keynesianism” is a radical break from the conservative macroeconomic policy of Putin’s first two decades in power.

    Technocrats like Siluanov and central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina helped steer Russia through multiple financial crises by aggressively targeting inflation, shoring up the country’s banking system, building up foreign currency reserves, and attempting to rein in additional spending.

    That approach also proved crucial in mitigating the initial impact of the sanctions at the war’s outset, when western countries froze $300bn of Russia’s sovereign reserves and the Kremlin imposed currency controls to halt an exodus of capital and a run on the banks.

    “The economic bloc [the finance ministry and central bank] keeps saving the regime. They have proven to be much more useful for Putin than the generals,” says Alexandra Prokopenko, a former Russian central bank official.

    Avoiding a bigger contraction in the economy allowed the Kremlin to pivot to fuelling growth through spending, Astrov says. Although the authorities officially continue to refer to the war in Ukraine as a “special military operation”, the entire country’s economy has shifted to producing for the war.

    Addressing a group of arms producers on Friday, Putin said they were “guaranteed to be filling orders for years to come” as Russia ramped up its weapons production and said the defence ministry was paying suppliers 80 per cent of the costs in advance.

    The drive to produce more missiles, artillery, and drones in particular, is paying dividends for Russia on the battlefield at a time when Ukraine is struggling to secure funding for the advanced western weaponry Kyiv needs to beat back the invasion.

    Putin and other top Russian officials have made a point of complaining that even the recent surge in production is insufficient. On Wednesday, defence minister Sergei Shoigu gave a public dressing down to the head of one of Russia’s weapons manufacturers over what he said was a lag in production of a “promising new artillery system”.

    “If we have the chance, then we need to make use of it,” Shoigu said.

    Ukraine’s army chief Valery Zaluzhny admitted this week that Kyiv and its allies had not done enough to improve Ukraine’s capabilities at a time when Russia’s ability to reinvest in its own defence industry had given it a significant firepower advantage.

    The Russian finance ministry estimates that war-related fiscal stimulus in 2022-23 was equivalent to around 10 per cent of GDP. In that same period, war-related industrial output has risen 35 per cent while civilian production has remained flat, according to research published by the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies. Putin claimed on Friday that civilian production had increased by 27 per cent since the start of the war, but did not cite a source for the figure.

    “The verities of economic policy cease to apply when a government prioritises war over all else. Russia’s decision [to dispense] with two decades of prudent economic policies caught many by surprise, not just forecasters,” the Bank of Finland researchers wrote in their most recent forecast for Russia.

    Economists and even some of the Kremlin’s own top technocrats have warned, however, that the rampant spending is already exposing new cracks in the Russian economy. Instead of lessening its dependence on oil and gas export sales, which make up about a third of budget income, Putin’s wartime drive has created a new addiction: military production.

    “The longer the war lasts, the more addicted the economy will become to military spending,” WIIW economists wrote in their January paper. “This raises the spectre of stagnation or even outright crisis once the conflict is over,” they added.

    The growth is already creating imbalances that could become more pronounced over time. This is particularly noticeable on Russia’s labour market, where Russia’s army and its weapons factories are sucking in a growing number of workers on inflated wages — Putin said on Friday that Russia had created 520,000 new jobs in the industry — to man the round-the-clock shifts needed to achieve defence production targets.

    This has created labour shortages in civilian industry amid an already bleak demographic outlook exacerbated by the war. Russia mobilised 300,000 men into the army in 2022 and claims to have recruited a further 490,000 in 2023. At least as many more, meanwhile, have fled the country to avoid being sent to the front.

    “The greatest shortage of personnel is observed in the machine-building and chemical industries, many enterprises are forced to work in several shifts to fulfil orders received from the state,” analysts from the Gaidar Institute in Moscow wrote in December 2023.

    To compete for labour against military production — which offers an exemption from the draft in addition to generous wages — the civilian sector has also had to increase salaries, which in turn drives domestic demand but adds to inflationary pressures.

    If the sanctions have failed to stop Russia from spending, however, the restricted access to international markets has driven up the cost of imports, creating another potential economic trap for the Kremlin.

    The circuitous routes goods now take to Russia are hitting consumers hard and weakening the rouble, which lost around 30 per cent of its value against the dollar in 2023.

    “The huge budget expenses combined with Russia’s isolation . . . create an effect that’s like when you put dough in a plastic container,” says Prokopenko, a non-resident fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin. “It rises until it runs into the roof, and then there’s nowhere to go.”

    The surge in public spending has driven inflation up to 7-7.5 per cent, prompting the central bank to raise the key interest rate to 16 per cent — a higher rate even than in Ukraine.

    Following the rate rise, central bank governor Nabiullina warned the spending ran the risk of overheating Russia’s economy. “Trying to use dovish fiscal policy to grow beyond our potential will drive price growth [inflation] that’s going to eat more and more into savings and wage growth. And there won’t be any real growth in household wealth as a result,” she said.

    The pace of growth may also not be sustainable even if Russia keeps up its current level of military spending, economists say.

    Even analysts from the state-owned Russian Academy of Sciences say limited capacity means key sectors of the economy are already showing “signs of a slowdown”. These include a decline in railway transport loading, which is one of the primary indicators of an economic recession, they wrote in a note.

    Other economists argue that Russia’s economy would have grown in consecutive years at a much more sustainable level if Putin had not ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

    “2022 began from a very optimistic note, and the growth even surpassed most expectations. I would have expected that both in 2022 and 2023, we could have anticipated an annual GDP growth of around 3 per cent,” says Ruben Enikolopov, a research professor with Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona.

    Interestingly, although the two presstitutes that compiled the above are based in Riga, Latvia (why don’t they come to Mordor to make their reports and observations?) they see fit to say that Putin “crowed” and “gloated” when making a speech in Tula, which is some 100 miles south of Moscow. How did they know what Putin’s demeanour was when making his Tula speech?

    And again, almost the last word of the article pushes that favourite meme of the Western “narrative”, namely that Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of the Ukraine.


  66. Valerii Fedorovych Zaluzhnyi

    Again, mention is given of the “transitional sword”, but this time of the “Queen of Great Britain”:

    In 2014, Zaluzhny graduated from the National Defense University and as the best graduate of the operational and strategic level of training, he was awarded the Transitional Sword of the Queen of Great Britain.

    What is it?

    The only sword that I know of that was by order of a British monarch to the Orcs is the Sword of Stalingrad, presented by Churchill to Stalin at the Teheran Conference in November 1943, and on the blade of which is engraved:



    It’s in a museum now in the Battle of Stalingrad Museum, Volgograd, Mordor.


    1. However, the “Queen of England” did once down a pint with Yuri Gagarin.

      Apparently, she was mad keen on meeting Gagarin in person, so fascinated was she by his being the first human to leave this planet and come back, so she invited him to have breakfast with her at Buckingham Palace.

      All kinds of myths arose from this meeting. It was said that Gagarin brushed her with his hand to ensure she was not a fiction. Also,when faced with a large variety of cutlery on the table, not knowing which piece to use, Gagarin apparently said: “Let’s eat like Russians!” and took hold of a large spoon. I should imagine it was the soup spoon. Apparently, the then 35-year-old queen said: “My dear Mr Gagarin, I was born and brought up in this palace, but believe me, I still don’t know in which order I should use all these forks and knives” She then added in a whisper: “Each time, you take the knife and fork that lie at the outer edge”.

      Gagarin could not speak English, so interpreters were present. When many years later she was asked what Gagarin was like, she simply replied: “Russian”. She then added: “He didn’t speak English… he was fascinating. And I suppose being the first one [to go into space] it was particularly fascinating”.

      Apart from her being fascinated with his being the first cosmonaut, I don’t believe half of it. For one thing, she wasn’t born and brought up in Buckingham Palace: she was born in neighbouring Mayfair, the poshest part of London adjacent to the palace. She only moved into the palace after her uncle, King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 and her father, the erstwhile Duke of York, became King George VI. Princess Elizabeth was 10 years of age then.


  67. antifashistcom (antifashistcom) wrote,
    2024-02-05 15:00:00

    Ukrainian guests have become a fishbone stuck in the European throat
    The Ukrainian slogan “the whole world is with us” has long run its course. Europe has quickly grown tired of the flow of Ukrainian refugees, as for the rest of the world, they did not expect their arrival and was indifferent towards them. Now those same Europeans who initially, two years ago, generously poured in money for benefits and privileges, intensively welcomed and courted the Ukrainians, rushed around everywhere with them, settled them at home or in comfortable hotels, are trying to get rid of them. Receiving countries have become overcrowded with migrants. Benefits are inevitably being removed, the provision of humanitarian aid is being curtailed, and refugees are openly being given the message: work or leave, because there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    The assertion that a Europe in need of workers would happily “digest” millions of refugees turned out to be far from reality. The European economy is going through hard times, and so many arrivals are becoming a burden. Therefore, both social packages and adaptation programmes for Ukrainian refugees in many countries are either being terminated or reduced.


    Oksana Vilkova spent a long time wondering where to g.o in order to get away from the war in Donetsk. As a result, they left for Ireland as refugees with their husband and small child. The excitement of emerald green lawns and beautiful stone houses passed quickly: savings were consumed, job prospects did not loom. But somehow they made ends meet on benefits. Now Ireland has cut adult benefits five times — from 220 to 38.8 euros per week. Only the child benefit — 140 euros per month — has not changed. In addition to the perceived lack of money, the prospect of being left without social housing has loomed. In 2023, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Ireland was ten times higher than the average for European countries. Sometimes there are up to 200 arrivals per day. In this regard, the Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar spoke about the need to “slow down the flow” of refugees into the country. More than 73,000 refugees have received public housing, and the cost of it is about 1.5 billion euros per year: 40.9 thousand Ukrainian adults and 20.4 thousand children received social payments. Such costs have weighed heavily on a small country with a population of five million people. There is no longer any place to accommodate refugees, so the term for providing them with social housing is limited to 90 days. This innovation will be introduced from the end of January 2024. John Lannon, executive director of the charity for the support of migrants, expressed concern that with a 90-day period of living in social housing, the number of homeless people will increase: “This will put people in a dangerous position — and, most likely, they will end up on the streets.” Also, according to Lannon, “it is impossible to cover basic needs in the amount of 38.8 euros”. In addition to high prices for rental housing, food, medicine, the cost of utilities here is simply off the scale. In winter, the cost of heating in this country, taking into account the chilly climate with strong winds, can reach 30,000 rubles in terms of our money. Therefore, it is difficult for Ukrainians, who are spoiled in their home country by a communal central heating system, to get used to the constant cold, dampness and the need for strict energy savings. And the refugees are clearly given to understand that they are no longer welcome there. And this is not only happening in Ireland.


    Switzerland is ready to pay for the Ukrainians to leave its territory. The Swiss government has developed a strategy to send Ukrainian refugees home. Temporary protection status for Ukrainian refugees will be abolished in 2024. As of November last year, Switzerland received more than 66,000 Ukrainian refugees. And the incentive to leave is to be a one-time payment to the amount of one thousand to 4 thousand Swiss francs (1050 — 4200 euros) per person. The maximum amount will be received by those Ukrainians who return to their homeland before the end of the temporary protection period. 

    Swiss officials said that Ukrainians should make the decision to leave voluntarily; they will be given six months to prepare. For now, people who need special support — unaccompanied children, of whom there are about a thousand in the country, and one and a half thousand Ukrainians over 75 with health problems — will not be forced to leave. According to this strategy, if it is not possible to pay them off, then restrictive measures will subsequently await those who do not want to voluntarily leave well-fed, rich and prosperous Switzerland. Life in this country is expensive, and the Swiss are not interested in a large influx of labour. There are a number of countries that have different economic parameters and do not need migrant workers. Besides Switzerland, which earns money in the financial sector, there are Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and a number of others.

    Norway. It has also become expensive for rich Norway to support Ukrainians, which has accepted more refugees than Sweden, Denmark and Finland combined. Norway has announced a one-time payment of 1.5 thousand euros to Ukrainians for their returning to the Ukraine. The payment is available to those citizens who have a valid residence permit in Norway or refugee status. In addition, the Norwegian authorities are introducing new restrictions for Ukrainian refugees. They will not be paid for rented housing; they can live free of charge only at a Refugee Reception Centre. The benefit for couples without children is reduced by NOK 6,000 per month. To receive basic and additional benefits, there is now a fixed period of residence in Norway. For example, to qualify for free dental services for persons aged 19-24 years, you have to have lived in Norway for five years. In addition, Norwegian authorities will no longer cover the cost of pets for newly arrived asylum seekers.

    Previously, Ukrainians in Norway were offered more generous benefits than in other countries.

    Germany. 293,117 Ukrainians entered Germany in 2023. 95,915 Ukrainians who had a residence permit left Germany during the same period. Currently, there are 1,100,720 people in Germany. Such a large number of refugees, as well as the need to support them, causes discontent amongst the Germans. According to Joachim Walter, chairman of the Baden-Württemberg District Council, Ukrainian refugees in Germany have no incentive to look for work, because their allowance is higher than the average income of local residents. Now Ukrainian refugees in Germany will have two options: either agree to a 65% reduction in the assistance provided to them, or leave. Because of spending on Ukrainian refugees, the debts of German communities have increased fourfold in a year. Only 19% of Ukrainians in Germany have found a job. The rest live off social and other types of benefits. Ukrainian refugees in Germany are required to learn German faster and find a job. In fact, the Germans want to get rid of a large number of dependents who are wasting federal budget funds. In 2024, Berlin will allocate only 1.7 billion euros to support refugees, although last year they were given 3.75 billion.


    Netherlands. Deputies of one of the largest parties insist on the expulsion of Ukrainian refugees to the western regions of the Ukraine. The demand was made during a debate over the government’s budget for dealing with refugee problems: “We can’t accommodate everyone. The west of Ukraine seems relatively stable”. Other deputies suggested that Ukrainians who found work in the Netherlands should pay for their own housing rent and medical care. Currently, Ukrainian refugees are placed free of charge in municipal reception centres. They also receive a living allowance of between 340 and 380 euros per month. In total, almost 95 thousand Ukrainian refugees are on benefits in the Netherlands. Recently, the Ministry of Justice asked them to move from shelters to rented housing.

    Poland. This country is also ready to reduce support for fleeing Ukrainians in 2024: about a million of them have sought refuge in Poland. Some types of support for Ukrainians will not be extended. Requirements for accommodation, work permits, free access to schools, medical care, and family benefits will be tightened. “Poland will most likely not provide the same amount of support to Ukrainian refugees that it henceforth accepts”, said Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller. It is known that Poland allocated about $ 16.5 billion to support refugees from March 2022 to June 2023, exceeding the costs of all other European countries hosting Ukrainians.

    Great Britain. Tens of thousands of migrants are at risk of becoming homeless in the UK, the British Red Cross warns. Since the beginning of the summer, the number of refugees in distress has doubled. The British government has limited the time that people can move out of a temporary shelter after they have been granted refugee status — a 28-day “relocation period”. Experts note that more than 53 thousand people may be affected, of which at least half will be on the street. As of November 2023, the UN reports that the UK has accepted 210,800 Ukrainian refugees.

    Romania has stopped providing housing subsidies — 400 euros per month per family. They only help those whose children go to local schools. Currently, there are more than 110 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Romania, of which only 5,007 people are officially employed, which is less than 5%. That is why Romanians demand that refugees do not sit around on their arses, but go to work. Refugee camps will continue to receive funding from the authorities, but there are fewer people willing to live in them. Many refugees have no savings or means of support and are forced to return home or move to other European countries owing to the termination of payments. According to Melania Madelenu, head of the Centre for Ukrainian refugees in Bucharest, Romania is incredibly poor outside of cities, and Romanians believe that their state should first of all take care of its own population.

    Czech Republic. According to the Czech government, spending on Ukrainian refugees has been reduced by more than a third. If in June 2023 the Czech state spent almost 71 million euros on humanitarian aid and solidarity grants, by July the expenditure had been reduced to about 46 million euros. Czech Labour Minister Marian Jurechka has confirmed that some refugees have left the country and returned to the Ukraine because of reduced benefits. Others decided to stay and find work in the Czech Republic. As of 2023, there are more than 360,000 Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic.

    Estonia. There are 50,450 Ukrainians in Estonia. It is reported that for more than a year they were literally persuaded to take a free language course at the elementary level. But in the summer of 2023, the funding ended, and now it is almost impossible to find free places on entry-level courses — either free of charge or for a fee. From March 2024, Ukrainian refugees will use all the country’s public transport. In addition, refugees have the same problems with housing, work and adaptation in Estonian society as in other countries.

    Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said that 6.3 million people had been forced to flee the Ukraine and lamented that “there is no mass movement to return to their usual place of residence”. In this recognition lies the unfulfilled hope that the problems with Ukrainian refugees will resolve themselves. Judging by the emerging trend, Ukrainian refugees still have a long way to wander, to be humiliated and to suffer restrictions. The European paradise that they had dreamt of has turned out to be rather thorny.

    Marina Kharkova
    Anti-Fascist News Agency


  68. From “Ukrainian Truth“:

    Bakery in Lysychansk served as venue for Russian army meetings



    A bakery in Russian-occupied Lysychansk which was shelled by the Russians on 3 February, was used to bake bread for Russian forces and also as a venue for their meetings.

    Source: representatives of the Lysychansk City Military Administration and internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Lysychansk in a comment to Suspilne Donbas 

    Details: On the afternoon of 3 February, Leonid Pasechnik, the leader of the LPR terrorist group, reported the shelling of a bakery in Lysychansk, blaming the Ukrainian army for the attack. He claims that 28 people were killed. The Ukrainian side has not officially commented on these statements.

    As the IDPs from Lysychansk said, in one of the videos posted by the Russian Emergencies Ministry on Telegram, they recognised the restaurant as the Adriatic, which was located on the outskirts of the city, in the part of it that was adjacent to the Lysychansk oil refinery. 

    The Lysychansk City Military Administration told Suspilne Donbas on 4 February that the bakery started operating in this location after the city had been occupied. 

    Quote from a representative of the Lysychansk City Military Administration: “The facility in question was used by the occupiers for their own purposes. They would eat and hold meetings there. The bakery started operating after the occupation of the city. It was opened to bake bread for the frontline… 

    The strike was carried out while the occupiers were gathering there. The list of the dead that is circulating on the Internet is mostly made up of collaborators, such as Firsov, who defected to the occupiers in March.” 

    More details: Telegram channels published a list of the alleged victims on Sunday. According to information from local residents who have now left the city, the list includes the name of the owner of the facility, a local businessman who also had shops in Lysychansk. In addition, the locals recognised the name of a man who worked in the ‘tax office’ set up by the Russians in the city.

    Right . . . well that’s what would have been an embarrassing situation well sorted out then!

    The Russians did it!

    Stands to reason, don’t it?


  69.  February 05, 2024, 18: 00

    Zaluzhny’s new appointment spoken about in the Ukraine Supreme Rada

    Rada deputyShevchenko has stated that Zaluzhny has agreed to become the ambassador to Great Britain

    I hope he wears something more appropriate when he presents himself to King Chuck III at the Court of St. James’s

    Deputy of the Supreme Rada of the Ukraine Yevgeny Shevchenko claims that the Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny has agreed to leave as an ambassador to the UK. This is reported by TASS.

    The Rada Deputy stressed that Zaluzhny would most likely go to the UK. In Shevchenko’s opinion, people who have been sent as ambassadors go into “political retirement and never come back”.

    He argues that if Zaluzhny still decides not to go to Britain, he will have a high chance of succeeding in politics after his retirement.

    Shevchenko added that the resignation of the AFU commander-in-chief can be expected around 8 February, “give or take a couple of days”.

    Before that, former Deputy Minister for temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine Georgy Tuka said that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has not yet dismissed Zaluzhny because of the negative reaction of the West, but will still bring his plan to an end.

    Earlier, the Supreme Rada warned that Zaluzhnyy’s dismissal would split the Ukraine.


  70. Cowardly genocidal Zionists resent solidarity and resistance

    5 February, 2024, 16:43

    A Zionist whines that a London policeman has a “boycott against Israeli apartheid” patch on his sleeve! This photo was posted by the “fighters against anti-Semitism” — genocidal Zionists, for which I thank them.

    Yes, the Zionist genocide causes such disgust in the world that even some cogs of the bourgeois suppression machine can understand what’s going on. This is already good.

    Of course, the vast majority of policemen in London still faithfully serve the capitalist swine cronies of the genocidal invaders. On 3 February, a quarter of a million people in London protested against the Zionist genocide of the Gaza ghetto. Policemen arrested a demonstrator from the International Marxist Movement (IMT) — a doctor and two of his comrades. They were accused of “supporting terrorism”, as the police pointed to their slogans and the newspaper “Communist” with the call “intifada to victory”. (Palestinian guerrillas usually write “Jihad (fight) to the death or victory”). They were held at a police station for several hours before being released without charge.

    And the Socialist Workers’ Party reported that police officers seized a poster from the demonstrators of the Student Society of Socialist Workers (SWSS)”Victory to the Partisans”, but then they handed it back. It is great that hundreds of thousands of people who are marching against the genocide can see which side the socialists are on.

    I reckon that cop above is a Sikh: he’s got long hair hanging over his collar. They’re supposed to wear a turban and not cut their hair and have a “full set” — same as a Russian Orthodox priest — but I think he’s “excused turban”. They also have to wear a brass arm bangle, carry a little dagger and wear big “boxer-shorts” underpants. His oppo fevvers a Hindu.


    1. Four out of five! – excellent score.

      All Sikhs, men and women, are required to wear five items that remind them of their faith and their religious obligations. These items are known in Punjabi as Panj Kakaar or Panj Kakke.

      The Five K’s in full:

      • Kesh: (Kesh is uncut hair) A Sikh is to maintain and adorn this natural God-given gift. To work with nature and not against it. The Kesh was covered with a turbanKeski [mini-turban for men and women] or Chunni [shawl for women] to keep it clean and manageable. The keski is regarded by some the kakkar instead of kesh.
      • Kanga (wooden comb) for the maintenance and ongoing upkeep of Kesh. A reminder to regularly maintain the body and mind in a clean and healthy state.
      • Kara (steel bracelet or slave bangle): Symbolises an unbreakable bond with God. It is a constant reminder that the Sikh is a slave of the Lord. He or she must only do His work in accordance with the Holy Scripture; to abstain for wrong-doing at all times.
      • Kachhera (cotton underwear) Standard, Naturally Comfortable, dignified attire reflective of modesty and control. A sign of a soldier; ever ready; dignified and highly mobile.
      • Kirpan (a small sword) A sign that a Sikh is a soldier in “Akal Purakh’s (God’s) Army” (Akal Purakh de fauj); to maintain and protect the weak and needy and for self defence. Never to be used in anger.


  71. King Charles III has been diagnosed as having cancer

    King Charles III of Great Britain has been diagnosed as having cancer

    London, 5 February 5, 2024, 21: 08 — IA Regnum. Doctors have found that the King of Great Britain Charles III has cancer. He will postpone his public duties for the time being. This was announced on 5 February by the Buckingham Palace press service.

    “During a recent medical procedure with the king for a benign prostate tumor, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests revealed a form of cancer”, the message says.

    It is noted that the monarch has began a course of treatment. At the same time, he will perform state duties and work with documents. Information about the king’s illness was published to prevent speculation. Charles III hopes to return to full performance of his duties as soon as possible, the press service added.

    As reported by IA Regnum, on 26 January 26, Buckingham Palace announced the monarch’s hopitalization because of an enlarged prostate. The Royal Chancery stressed that he was referred for a routine medical procedure, and the neoplasm is benign. On 29 January, he was discharged from hospital. At the same time, Charles III postponed public events, as he needed time to recover.


  72. Taking it easy in Germany

    “Ukrainians” don’t want to work in Germany.

    In Germany, only 25% of refugees from the “Ukraine” work, despite the increase in the number of jobs, writes the German newspaper Bild.

    These differences are explained by financial conditions: in Germany, adult “Ukrainians” receive a benefit of 563 euros, children — from 357 to 471 euros, housing and other expenses are also covered.
    So natives of 404 think: “Why work?”

    The Germans allowed themselves to be imposed upon by the “refugees” and are now surprised by their unwillingness to work.


    1. There have been some news items going back two years about fires at places housing Ukrainian refugees in the UK, Germany and Ireland.

      Galway fire latest in string of suspected arson attacks on properties linked to asylum seekers (17 December 2023)

      Midhurst fire: Historic hotel housing refugees engulfed by blaze (16 March 2023)

      Fire ravages Ukrainian refugee shelter in Germany (20 October 2022)

      <BLOCKQUOTE>”… This is not the first time that shelters hosting Ukrainian refugees have burnt down this month.

      Earlier in October, a shelter in Apolda (Thuringia) caught fire. No one was inside the building at the time, and investigators have not determined whether it was intentional …” </BLOCKQUOTE>

      The article from Germany mentions that police suspected arson (but not a political motive) after finding a swastika painted on the door of the refugee shelter in northern Germany. The painting need not necessarily have been the work of local neo-Nazis; it could also be a painting done by other people as a protest against the refugees. The possibility that one of the refugees could have done it also should be considered but I hardly think the police would consider that scenario.


  73. This year’s Song for Europe winner!!!

    ganna_94 (ganna_94) wrote,

    20240205 20:47:00

    The Ukraine has presented the Eurovision Song Contest contestant who will represent the country this year

    The Eurovision participant who will represent the Ukraine this year — hip-hop and rap artist Alena Savranenko, known as “Alyona Alyona”

    And in the song of the duet Alyona Alyona & Jerry Heil (which took second place in the Ukrainian popular vote on Eurovision) the Catholic nun Mother Teresa of Calcutta is mentioned.

    Yes, the same nun who was posthumously awarded the honorary titles “Angel from Hell” and “Vatican Assassin.” The Khokhol really didn’t like this song.

    But despite their protests, fatty Alona will still go to the Eurovision song contest. even though she categorically refuses to collect donations for the Armed Forces of the Ukraine and disassociates herself from the sending of Khokhols to the mincing machine.

    Whatever, the blooming Gayropa has been replenished with another worthy Ukrainian.

    We assume that Alyona will sing about the Holodomor in the UkSSR


  74. day_1923 (day_1923) wrote in peremogi,
    20240205 21:00:00

    Whilst Lyosha is under observation in solitary, someone is keeping an eye on Yulia in Britain…

    [video insert]

    Anna Gonchar, a former Fund for the Struggle against Corruption employee and personal assistant to Navalny’s wife, has leaked information about her and her adventures to the Internet… It is reported that Yulia Navalnaya has been sleeping with sponsors and journalists for material and informational support. (What a surprise!)

    Gonchar mentions Navalnaya’s relationship with Yevgeny Chichvarkin (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation), a former co-owner of the Euroset mobile phone network, who has been living in the UK since 2008.

    Another romantic interest of Yulia Navalnaya was Hristo Grozev, a Bulgarian journalist and head of the BellingCat online publication.

    According to Gonchar, this was one of the reasons for her departure from the Foundation: “it all ended up with organizing leisure activities for Alexey’s wife (Navalny) in the company of various men, while Alexey himself is in prison.”

    * – an extremist organization

    I really do think it is my duty to send Lyosha a “Dear John” letter.


    1. That second photo is hilarious … the saintly Yulichka is gazing adoringly at Hristo Grozev while another fellow (out of shot) has his right-hand on the right-hand side of her neck and her right shoulder. I wonder if the second guy is wearing black to match the black stripes on Yulia Navalnaya’s shirt, as the red stripes match Grozev’s red jumper.


  75. The lying bastards have done this before with the same photo. I recall this happening at the beginning of the SMO.

    5 February, 2024, 23:59

    Supreme Rada Deputy Lesya Vasylenko tweeted a photo of a boy, writing that there were no children left in the Ukraine, only small people with the eyes of old people, tired of the life that they have not yet lived. With the photo, Lesya writes that 8-year-old Mark has just survived a Russian artillery bombardment.

    The photo is actually from the Spanish language cover of Christina McKenna’s novel “THe Forgotten Man”.

    As a matter of fact, Im sure this is an old story regurgitate, which nevertheless does not negate Vasylenko’s mendacity.

    Ukrainian MP Falsely Shares Photo Of A Child From 2013 And Claimed He Just Survived A Russian Artillery Attack For War Propaganda

    Ukrainian Member of Parliament (MP) Lesia Vasylenko is now facing backlash on Twitter for falsely tweeting a photo of a child that recently survived a Russian artillery attack. As it turns out, that same image was used as the cover for a 2013 book titled “The Forgotten Man.”

    Dec 28th 2022

    Vasylenko quickly faced backlash on the platform after the audience found the same image of the boy on a book cover from 2013. The book in question is titled The Forgotten Man by Christina McKenna. Users who are evidently tired of Ukraine’s propaganda have voiced their opinions in the comment section.

    “See this is the false propaganda that you and some of leadership liars are creating that is killing the needed sympathy with Ukraine and its true victims of the war !! This image is from a novel published in 2013, not in current conflict in Ukraine ! Shame !” tweeted user @HSajwanization.

    Before the Maidan, Kiev born and bred Vasylenko had worked as a corporate lawyer. She completed a master’s degree in international law at the Institute of International Relations at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. She then got an LL.M. at University College, London.

    I have seen her speaking on the BBC. She is fluent in English and hardly has a foreign accent.

    At the beginning of the SMO, Vasylenko armed herself with several guns to protect her family.She must have been one of those Kievites who took the opportunity to arm oneself to the teeth with weapons handed out by Zelensky’s gangster regime to the shitwitted Kiev public at large. In the Ukraine it was extremely difficult to gain legal possession of firearms. It’s still very difficult to get a firearms licence in Putin’s horrendously authoritarian state.

    She said on 26 February 2022 that the Russian military was targeting Ukrainian civilians to make the country surrender. On 1 March, Vasylenko evacuated her three children from her home in Kiev. On 4 March, she said the invasion was the start of WWIII.

    Vasylenko became one of the initiators of the international #unrussiaUN. campaign aimed at excluding Russia from the UN.

    When the SMO ends, she’ll easily find employment somewhere in a Western European whorehouse, as 36-year-old Vasylenko is still quite pretty. She should do well earning money on her back, as she clearly is an adept faker.


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