Goodbye, Science – Hello, Modeling!

Uncle Volodya says, “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“You see, there is one very good thing about mankind; the mediocre masses make very few demands of the mediocrities of a higher order, submitting stupidly and cheerfully to their guidance”

Alfred de Vigny, from “Stello”

“Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.”

Ziad K. Abdelnour, from “Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics”

I’d like to think the readers of this blog always knew this is the way it would turn out. The ‘Pandemic’, I mean. The narrative was just too clumsy, so blunt, so jackboots I’m-out-of-reasons-so-do-it-because-it’s-an-order. First, as we all remember, it was just two weeks to ‘flatten the curve’, and the public-health authorities would like you to wear a facemask, but you should understand there is really no evidence that they do anything to stop the spread of infection. Just to comfort you, like. Then masks absolutely worked, there was no end of proof; in fact, wear two! To be perfectly clear, the CDC did not ever order the population to wear two masks, or even recommend such a practice. It merely offered guidance in a manner which suggested only idiots don’t care about ‘being safe’.

Research released Wednesday from the CDC found that wearing a surgical mask underneath a cloth mask “substantially improved source control and reduced wearer exposure” to the viral particles that cause COVID-19. It marked the first time the CDC has released guidance on the most effective ways to wear masks, NBC News reported…“That’s all (the CDC is) saying,”

[Fauci} added. “One mask at least, but if you want to really be sure, get a tighter fit with a second mask.”

The ‘viral particles that cause COVID-19’. But before, it spread through ‘droplets’, and masks were effective at stopping them even though Fauci privately confided in email traffic that it spread through particles which are too small to be deterred by non-medical cloth masks. Besides, everybody had to wear a mask because of ‘asymptomatic spread’, which the CDC acknowledged publicly was not a real threat, but if something was not done the anti-maskers would never wear one, and they’d get a break, and public-health momentum would falter.

And on and on we went, full-tilt down Bullshit Boulevard. The PCR test was the ‘gold standard’, even though the guy who invented it was quite clear that it was not a test. I’d like to just let it go at that, but I can’t; the ubiquitous ‘fact-checkers’ employed directly by the pushers of the narrative claim that Kary Mullis ‘never said PCR testing couldn’t be used for testing for any diseases‘. Before we go any further, because I am prone to distraction – when you’re picking out the lampposts to swing the public-health quacks from, be sure to save some for the fact-checkers. Here’s what they said:

“He did invent PCR, which is a process used to test whether someone currently has Covid-19…He didn’t say PCR testing couldn’t be used for testing for any diseases, as some social media posts claim. Confusion dseems to have arisen from quotes of his in a 1996 article about HIV and AIDS. In this, neither the author of the article, nor Dr Mullis said PCR testing does not work or only identifies the DNA or RNA of the person being tested.”

A word here about the emergence of these ‘fact-checkers’; this is an insidious new tool used by corporate interests or others to discredit points of view which oppose The Narrative. There seem to be two primary modes of attack; argue that the person named is not the one who said what was claimed (rather than that it was never said at all), or in cases where the fact-checkers want to argue it was never said at all, pursue the point that the person claimed did not say those exact words, verbatim. Refinements on these themes include “we could find no evidence that this is true”, which could mean something so simple as ‘we didn’t look very hard”.

Anyway, in the instance we are examining, the ‘fact-checkers’ led off with the admission – which was not in dispute – that Kary Mullis did invent the PCR process…and followed it immediately with the contention that it is a process used to test whether someone currently has COVID-19. Is that a lie? Technically, no. Medical personnel did use it to test whether a person currently had COVID-19. It was just never designed for that purpose, and when used, does not yield reliable diagnosis of COVID-19. If you’re okay with unreliable results just as long as the process errs in favour of false positives, it works like a charm.

“50% is the same as random chance. In other words, this 99% specificity test can do no better than a coin flip when declaring a positive result. So screening in this scenario is not warranted because data that is no better than a coin flip is not data — it’s random chance.

However, the situation is much worse than this because neither PCR nor antigen tests are close to a 99% specificity level in practice, for various reasons (Braunstein et al. 2021). Lee 2020 performed a lab analysis of the CDC PCR test accuracy, which was widely used in the first months of the pandemic, and found it had a 70% specificity (i.e. 30% false positives) and 80% sensitivity (20% false negatives). This is because of faulty designs built in to the test from the beginning, as various news accounts from the Washington Post, NPR and ProPublica have since revealed.

This level of inaccuracy matches the CDC’s own internal report that found 33% false results when its PCR test was released in late February 2020, as reported on by National Public Radio (Temple-Raston 2020).
Intuitively, and in an emergency situation, we may think that a 70-80% accuracy rate is far from perfect but may still be “good enough.”

To be clear, this scenario describes the outcome when broad-based screening of a largely asymptomatic population is carried out, which is a stupid idea from the start – why would you get tested for a disease if you have no symptoms of it? And why would you believe a test that says you have it when you have no symptoms? In a population where infection has an overall low background rate, a majority of positive results are likely to be false positives. But with COVID, for the first time, positive test results were added to the database as ‘new cases’, and the higher the numbers climbed, the more panicky people got, and the more of them rushed out to get tested whether they had symptoms or not.

Anyway, back to the fascinating tale of Kary Mullis And The Fact-Checkers.  If we must quote him word-for-word, then let’s do that. Here’s one – “Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.” You can spin and fact-check that all you like, but it sounded very negative to me, and I heard him say it. Here’s another: “If you could amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have a single one of in your body.” The PCR process is an augmentor which amplifies a single fragment of DNA until you can measure what is in it, but at high cycle levels the observer is likely to find material that was previously undetectable because it was present at such insignificant volume. Most people are likely to have fragments of dead virus in them, or minor virus fragments other than COVID. The PCR itself does not ‘detect’ viruses; that is up to the interpreter.

Which brings us to the usual rebuttal these days – a composite that says “Kary Mullis had one moment of brilliance when he developed the gold standard for COVID testing, a discovery he shared with others but for which he took all the credit. Apart from that he was a loon who dabbled in psychedelic drugs and thought he could talk with the dead, and who harbored any number of oddball beliefs. Oh; and he is a climate-change denier.” As the internet meme goes, “Follow the Science. But be sure to not listen to the guy who developed mRNA, or the guy who invented the PCR test”.

Be that as it may; I don’t want to get deep in the weeds on the subject of masks or PCR ‘tests’. What I wanted to talk about is the exit strategy for ‘the pandemic’, in which the miraculous vaccines will be covered with glory, and governments and the public-health quacks perfectly justified in having acted as they did. And what do we have to thank for it? Science?

Of course not. Beyond science lies…modeling.

A little background on modeling. It was modeling that got us into this mess in the first place; “Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson’s Imperial College model, which warned Boris Johnson that unless strict lockdown measures were adopted immediately, half a million Britons would die. He forecast 2 million dead in the USA. These apocalyptic figures came from a model, a computer program which works like a complex calculator; assuming these conditions (input value ‘x’), what effect will they have in, say, one year (value ‘y’)? In the Imperial College model, assumed replication rates of the virus were used to forecast numbers of deaths which would result in various scenarios, such as whether or not social distancing was observed, whether the public ‘locked down’ and stayed at home, and so forth. To say that it did not work very well is an understatement on the order of saying Stephen Hawking was quite smart, or that Elton John is sort of gay.

But the key here, for me, is ‘assumed’. The model, like models usually do, used arbitrary values born of assumptions to make its forecasts. And assumptions are not science. When very well-educated individuals who are well-versed in their field make predictions the result is often quite close to the forecast, certainly more so than when predictions are made by bumpkins and idiots. Predictions are what we think, what we assume will happen, based on a variety of variables, each of which might dramatically affect the outcome. Science is what we know will happen, because we did it until we proved it, and can thereafter reproduce it using the same conditions and get the same result.

The Imperial College model worked on assumptions. But it was far worse than that. It is one thing to plug 1.6% as your R0 value for communicability, and get something like 72,506 deaths over 8 months, although you must use assumptions for the virus’s mortality rate as well, and get the same result the next time using the same values. But the Imperial College model built by Neil Ferguson got widely different results running it twice in a row using exactly the same inputs. Different results depending on what type of computer you ran it on. Different results depending on what colour shirt the programmer was wearing. All right, I made that last one up, although I bet it was never tried.

Firstly, the computer model. The source code behind the Ferguson model has finally been made available to the public via the GitHub website. Mark E Jeftovic, in his Axis of Easy website, says: ‘A code review has been undertaken by an anonymous ex-Google software engineer here, who tells us the GitHub repository code has been heavily massaged by Microsoft engineers, and others, in an effort to whip the code into shape to safely expose it to the public. Alas, they seem to have failed and numerous flaws and bugs from the original software persist in the released version. Requests for the unedited version of the original code behind the model have gone unanswered.’

Jeftovic believes the most worrisome outcome of the model review is that the code produces ‘non-deterministic outputs’. This means that owing to bugs, the code can produce very different results given identical inputs, making the code unsuitable for scientific purposes. Jeftovic says the documentation provided wants the reader to accept that given a ‘starting seed’, the model will always produce the same results. ‘Investigation reveals the truth: the code produces critically different results, even for identical starting seeds and parameters.’

Buddy, that ain’t science. Science is friction creates heat. Science is water expands as it freezes. We know these things because we can prove them reliably, over and over, getting the same results. Modeling which tells us the safe number for a ‘gathering’ is 15 is not science, the six feet of separation mandated for ‘social distancing’ is itself based on science from 100 years ago, when Karl Flügge was in his heyday and the disease was tuberculosis. Modeling that tells us if the reproductivity rate for viral replication is ‘assumed to be’ this, then hospitals will be overwhelmed with new cases in two weeks is not science. It is sensible to consider precautions. It is not sensible to make all of society take precautions, in advance, based on the worst-case scenario from your model. And pretty much all the public-health decision-making nowadays is based on modeling. Where has that gotten us already? A timely reminder.

Just over one year ago, the epidemiology modeling of Neil Ferguson and Imperial College played a preeminent role in shutting down most of the world. The exaggerated forecasts of this modeling team are now impossible to downplay or deny, and extend to almost every country on earth. Indeed, they may well constitute one of the greatest scientific failures in modern human history.

Chart: US Covid-19 deaths, with and without vaccines
Yes, that’s right; a ‘model’ which proposes that a million lives were saved, in the United States alone, by the vaccines.

“The Commonwealth study wasn’t peer-reviewed, but it builds on a methodology that was. In a paper published this month in the journal JAMA Network Open, several of the same researchers estimated that Covid-19 vaccines averted more than 240,000 deaths between December 12, 2020, and June 30, 2021, before the worst of the delta variant ignited in the US.

In that same six-month window, vaccines were estimated to have prevented 1.1 million hospitalizations and halted 14 million infections, showing that more than 338 million doses had a powerful effect. “It was larger than we would’ve expected,” said coauthor Meagan Fitzpatrick, an infectious disease modeler at the University of Maryland.”

In instances in which the Keepers Of The Narrative wish to discredit a study, they simply announce coldly that it has not been peer-reviewed. Nothing to see here; move along. In this case they cannot get around the lack of peer reviewing, but frame it as merely a formality since the methodology has been proven sound as a dollar.

Consider. Many, perhaps most of the people who ‘died of COVID’ were at an age which closely approximates the age of…well, death.  Life expectancy in the United States is 81 years for women, 77 for men. The actual effectiveness of the vaccines is hotly debated, but nobody will ever know with the degree of certainty that constitutes ‘data’, because both major manufacturers vaccinated nearly all their control group within a couple of months of the commencement of trials which were supposed to span years, and are still ongoing. So modeling was conducted on the effectiveness of vaccines whose actual effectiveness is unknown and still undergoing trials, based on how many people actually died of COVID when that number is demonstrably overestimated; public health does not even know the incidence figure, because everyone who tested positive was a ‘new case’, using a ‘test’ which is virtually guaranteed to ‘find’ a virus if you just turn the cyclic rate higher.

“Public health epidemiology is the science of counting to prevent disease and promote health. We count the number of new cases of a particular disease; this is the incidence. Then we count how much a disease has spread in a population; this is the prevalence.

When it comes to COVID-19, counting has been a challenge. Despite all the news articles and reports, we know very little about the incidence or prevalence of this new disease. Projections are based on models, and this uncertainty breeds fear.”

No shit? Really? So ‘modelers’ know very little about either the prevalence or incidence of COVID-19, while the age range that gets it most is far less likely to die from it, and people are now being urged to not get tested if they do not have symptoms whereas before everyone was encouraged to get tested because most ‘new cases’ were asymptomatic? Wow – it’s astounding how those modelers could estimate that the vaccines have saved a million lives.

I’d like to close with another quote, this time by Umberto Eco, from “Foucault’s Pendulum”.

“Not that the incredulous person doesn’t believe in anything. It’s just that he doesn’t believe in everything… He is nearsighted and methodical, avoiding wide horizons. If two things don’t fit, but you believe both of them, thinking that somewhere, hidden, there must be a third thing that connects them, that’s credulity.”

1,674 thoughts on “Goodbye, Science – Hello, Modeling!

  1. RT: Russia not obliged to solve EU’s gas problem – Moscow

    Gazprom is not contractually bound to increase its gas supply to Europe, Russia’s envoy to the EU has said

    …Speaking to Moscow news agency RIA Novosti, Vladimir Chizhov explained that, since gas prices are on the rise, Gazprom’s European customers do not want to commit to buying more gas. If there is no demand, there will be no supply, he said.

    “Of course [Gazprom] is not obliged. Besides, it is already providing some extra supplies of ‘blue fuel’ to Europe, which is, apparently, still not as much as some would have preferred,” the Russian diplomat said in an interview.

    “If the winter was more severe and the stores of energy were depleting quicker, then, of course, the European companies would still buy more gas, regardless of the high prices. But as for now, the winter is mild, so there’s no extra demand and consequently no extra supply.”…

    Von der Leyen can maybe put a hand in her pocket and help out u-Ropean consumers as she appears to be unable to influence u-Ropean energy majors who have all been making big profits off the reserves they bought at a cheap price last summer and are now selling at an highly inflated rate to ‘their’ consumers.


    1. Which is exactly why they went with the spot market and hub pricing. Except that’s not how they sold it to Joe Public. For the dimwits in the cheap seats, they said oh, we’ll play our suppliers off against each other, they’ll fight each other for our business and they will have to drop their prices, and we will always get the lowest. That’s how competition works, doncha know.

      Well, if the Europeans are looking for someone to hang from the lampposts because gas prices are in runaway, they could look no further than the energy-company speculators in their own countries, who shake their heads ruefully at the crazy prices but are quite happy to pocket their dividend. It’s not the supplier’s fault if the users did not contract for enough supply.


  2. The idiocy of Ukraine “politicians” and “diplomats” has no limits!

    Russia circumvented UN rules in the 1990s and illegally became a permanent member of the Security Council after the fall of the USSR, a senior Ukrainian diplomat has claimed.

    That a fact, Yukietard?

    Well in that case, the Ukraine should no longer be a non-permanent member the United Nations Security Council.

    In 1947-48, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic served its first term as a non-permanent member in the United Nations Security Council in the Eastern European Group.

    In 1984-85, the UkSSR again served as a non-permanent member in the United Nations Security Council.

    In 2000-01, the Ukraine was a non-permanent member in the United Nations Security Council. This was after the UkSSR and the USSR had ceased to exist.

    It seems that the Ukraine considers itself the inheritor state of the UkSSR, but does not consider the Russian Federation, the former RFSR that in 1991 declared its independence from the USSR, to be the inheritor state of the USSR.

    However, the Ukraine apparently considers to be the inheritor state of the UkSSR.

    As of 2017, the Ukraine is currently serving its fourth term as a non-permanent member in the United Nations Security Council in the Eastern European Group.

    Source: Russia illegally occupying UN Security Council spot – Ukraine


    1. They’d love any excuse to get Russia off of the Security Council, because it has a prized veto; if it left and was ever readmitted, it would be without veto power, and then the western ‘democracies’ would only have to overcome China’s vote. But this is not going to be such an excuse. One day the west will tire of Ukraine’s big mouth branding it a lackey of the west – it is, or should be embarrassing.


    1. Do you see how in the above photograph there is the Russian for “censored” [abbreviated]?. It’s because the above frame is from a movie clip and the swastika on Hitler’s armband is censored out.

      But why in Russian? The swastika is not censored here, nor is “Mein Kampf”, unlike
      in Germany.


  3. Here they are again — cheeky wildboar taking a night-time stroll around a dacha territory.

    Wild boar went on a stroll on a dacha territory
    22 hours ago.

    In the Leningrad region, a whole herd of wild boar went on a night-time stroll around a settlement. They just casually went by a barrier and set off to investigate the territory. On the net, it has been suggested that the purpose of their visit was apples that had fallen from apple trees and which lay buried beneath the snow.


  4. 13:30 10.02.2022 (updated: 14:25 10.02.2022)
    Lavrov compared meeting with British Foreign Secretary Truss to one between a dumb person and a deaf person

    MOSCOW, 10 Feb – RIA Novosti. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after talks with his British counterpart Liz Truss that he was disappointed with how the dialogue had been progressing.

    “We have been having a mute-to-deaf conversation”, Lavrov said. We seem to be listening, but we cannot hear”, he said at a press conference.

    According to him, the Russian side has right up to the present time repeatedly given detailed explanations of its position, and cited arguments that demonstrate the groundlessness of fears of an “invasion” of the Ukraine.

    “I felt that our colleagues are either not familiar with these detailed explanations, or they are completely ignored”, the minister said.

    About threats

    The Foreign Minister added that Russia is not trying to threaten other countries.

    “Look at the public statements; no threats have ever been voiced anywhere: they threaten us”, he said.
    In this regard, Lavrov commented on reports that the EU is preparing a collective response to letters from the Russian Foreign Ministry asking the OSCE member states to comment on how they intend to fulfill the obligation on the indivisibility of security, according to which no state can ensure its security at the expense of another.

    “As I have heard, instead of honest answers from each country, the EU wants to make a collective paper where all the nuances of national positions will be levelled out. I am convinced that in this case we shall not be able to have a conversation. Then we shall probably have to think of how to get out of this situation”, the minister said.

    Lavrov also said that during the talks with Truss, he told his British counterpart about the situation with the Minsk agreements. Moscow has repeatedly said that Kiev ignores the commitments it has made and undermines attempts to peacefully resolve the conflict in Donbas.

    The two sides did not ignore the joint Russian-Belarusian exercises during the talks.

    “We also talked about our relations with the Republic of Belarus, including the preparation and conduct of those exercises that are literally kicking around now and which are causing concern in London and in the West, as well as how the actual positioning of Russian troops on our own territory is causing incomprehensible anxiety and very sharp emotions amongst our British colleagues and other Western representatives”, Lavrov said.

    Zelenskyy as a tool

    The Russian foreign minister said that the West was using the current Ukrainian authorities to throw Russia off balance, with little concern for the fate of the country’s citizens.

    “President Zelenskyy says not to panic, but apparently our Western colleagues need President Zelensky only as a tool to throw Russia off balance, and nobody cares what he thinks there and what negative consequences from all this hysteria the Ukraine, the Ukrainian economy, and the Ukrainian budget suffer; how investments flee from the Ukraine because of all this sobbing and wailing”, the minister said.
    He added that the statements about the Kremlin’s attempts to bring a puppet government into power in Kiev were similar to former British Prime Minister Theresa May’s accusations against Russia of poisoning the Skripals, which she accompanied with the phrase “highly likely”.

    “I leave on the conscience of our Western partners the allegations regarding the presence of Russian troops and heavy weapons in the Ukraine — this is all “highly likely”. I gave examples — Litvinenko, the Skripals, Navalny — the same accusations. It is not that we have never been presented with the facts and when we have pointed out several times in a row that there are no such facts, all these remarks are simply ignored”, Lavrov stressed.

    At the same time, the minister did not rule out the recall of employees of Russian diplomatic missions from the Ukraine.

    “We also looked at their (Western colleagues. – Ed. note) actions and will probably also advise the non-essential personnel of our diplomatic institutions to go home for a while”, he said.

    [Since the above article was published, the Russian FM has, in fact, stated that non-core members of staff at the Russian embassy in Kiev, may return to Russia if they should wish to do so — ME]

    Western countries have repeatedly alleged that Russia is preparing an “invasion” of a neighbouring country. Moscow has denied the accusations, believing that the reports serve as a pretext for the deployment of US and NATO forces in Eastern Europe.

    Late last year, Russia handed over draft documents on security guarantees to NATO and the U.S., the main demand being that the alliance not expand eastwards, but it was this that Western partners reportedly ignored in their written response, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    Welcome to Mordor, you waste-of-space!

    Note, the beaming Russian woman sent from the Ministry to meet Truss is not wearing her full winter monty and no hat, as it is at the moment unusually mild for the time of year — minus 1 °C max daytime, but snowing regularly. The guard is wearing his winter gear though.

    I wonder why neither Truss nor the envoy are wearing masks but the guard is?

    Load of bollocks!

    Truss posing in Moscow on Red Square with a somewhat bewildered look on her face and wearing a fur hat.

    A fur hat!!!!

    How non-PC!

    Welcome to Lavrov’s lair, you stupid cow!

    Old Sergey must have met her outside at the main entrance. I wouldn’t have done that if I were the Russian Foreign Minister: I would have remained in my office and made her wait a good while before allowing her to come up and meet me.

    And I’d have told her the lifts were out of order and and that she would have to use the stairs.

    And I’d have told her that my office was on the top floor, below the pinnacle.

    Russian Foreign Ministry.

    I had to go there in 1997 so as to get permission to marry Mrs. Exile after having sworn an affidavit at the British consulate that I had no other wife.

    I wonder what they do with British Muslims who want to marry Russian citizens?


    1. Typo above: I should have written:

      I wonder why neither Truss nor the envoy are wearing masks but the guard is?

      I think she put on her bewildered look when posing on Red Square because, judging by the position of that well known building directly behind her, she is gazing at the towered walls of the Black Heart of Mordor, the Kremlin.


    2. Never mind – by the time fair Lizbet arrives back in the land of bangers and mash, its press will be shrieking that while Russia denies it intends to invade, its actions tell a different story. Isn’t it pulling out its Embassy personnel? Why would it do that if it knows there will be no attack?


  5. This is what Lavrov had to meet today:

    She made the above speech in September 2014, when she was Secretary for the Environment under David Cameron and was addressing the Conservative Party conference.

    She had to give “Yorkshire Tea” a mention because she was mostly raised in Leeds, Yorkshire.

    As it happens, “Yorkshire Tea” is grown and harvested in Sri Lanka: it is only packaged in the UK.

    In the video, Truss displays the delivery and facial expressions of an utter simpleton.

    The term “gormless” is perfectly suited to her.

    I tells ya — she’s a highly educated blithering idiot!


    1. Good thing at the time that the speechwriter wrote “cheese” and not “lychees” or Liz Truss’s famous Cheese speech might have become even more famous.

      Incidentally I found that lychees can be grown in the UK but (like most tropical fruits) only as a potted plant needing lots of care, not as a commercial fruit for export.

      Here’s another Liz Truss classic:

      Good thing perhaps that Liz Truss is not UK Education Secretary or schoolkids would have to refer to cats and dogs as Domestic Cats and Domestic Dogs or as Feles Cati and Canes Familiares.


  6. 18:24, 10 February 2022
    Truss explained her words about Russia’s sovereignty over Voronezh
    Foreign Minister Truss said she had confused Rostov and Voronezh with parts of the Ukraine

    British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, responding to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about Moscow’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov regions, thought she was referring to Ukrainian territories. This is how Truss herself explained her words about Russia’s sovereignty over the said regions, RBC reports.

    As I have commented above: bloody gormless!

    “During the meeting, it seemed to me that Minister Lavrov was talking about part of Ukraine”, the diplomat said. She acknowledged that the Voronezh and Rostov regions are part of sovereign Russia.

    Earlier, Truss, during a conversation with her Russian counterpart, questioned whether Russian sovereignty extended to the Rostov and Voronezh regions. “Britain will never recognise Russia’s sovereignty over these regions”, Truss said in response to Lavrov’s relevant question. British Ambassador Deborah Bronnert had to clarify to the diplomat that the regions in question were Russian regions.


    1. So??? Doesn’t mean the UK will ever recognize those regions as Russian territory, you beet-eating gits! If fact, the only place we recognize Russia’s sovereignty is Moscow. And that’s all you’ll have left by the time we’re done with you, make no mistake, Mr. Loverug. Valet! My tank!

      I expect the UK’s Foreign Office to straightaway get on to Trudeau and Freeland, to see if they will visit Moscow, based on the belief that they will do or say something even more inflammatory and embarrassing, and take the sting from Britons’ chagrin. Second rule of diplomacy; when you have dropped a clanger, arrange a distraction.


    2. Typo above!

      Should be:

      British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, responding to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about Moscow’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov regions, thought HE was referring to Ukrainian territories. This is how Truss herself explained her words about Russia’s sovereignty over the said regions, RBC reports./i>


      1. No no!

        It wasn’t a typo!

        She thought she was referring to regions of the Ukraine when speaking of the Voronezh and Rostov provinces.

        When she told Lavrov to have Russian manoeuvres near the Ukraine border halted, Lavrov asked if she believed that Russia had no sovereignty over the regions of Voronezh and Rostov (where Russian manoeuvres have recently been taking place). In reply, the stupid cnut paused, then said majestically: ““Britain will never recognise Russia’s sovereignty over these regions”!

        Then the British ambassador politely informed the idiot that those regions are in south Russia.

        In Ivan the Terrible’s time, the halfwit British FM would have been promptly thrown out of the window after having made such a response.

        If I had been Lavrov, I should have been sorely tempted to do the same — or at the very least, shown her the door.

        Better said, have the stupid bitch frogmarched to the door — and not the main one, but the tradesman’s entrance.


  7. The British Foreign Secretary told the Russian Foreign Minister about the need to withdraw Russian armed forces from the Ukrainian border. Sergey Lavrov replied that the military is on the territory of their country. Liz Truss repeated that they should be set aside. To this, the Russian minister again objected that the military does not violate anything, since they have the right to conduct any manoeuvres on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    After that, he himself addressed a question to his British counterpart: “You do recognize Russia’s sovereignty over the Rostov and Voronezh regions, don’t you?”

    “The UK will never recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions”, the Foreign Minister said after a short pause.

    British Ambassador to the Russian Federation Deborah Bronnert had to intervene in the situation, who delicately explained to Ms. Truss that they were really talking about the Russian regions.


    Lavrov clearly pissed off with the total ineptitude of the British foreign minister, who, I reiterate, shows all the signs of being a well educated dullard and who had the temerity to use the presser as an opportunity to dictate to Russia what it had to do and not do.

    Better said, I think it far more likely that she had been instructed and trained to use the presser in this way.


  8. And get this!

    The useless cow was not met at Sheremetevo by Russian FM staff, but by British Embassy staff!

    So the beaming young woman welcoming twat Truss at the foot of the RAF aircraft that flew Truss here was not, as I commentated earlier, a “beaming” Russian who was not wearing winter clothing but a British woman.

    I have often noticed that British journalists and politicians like to pose in Moscow winters whilst not wearing overcoats and with their jackets and shirt collars wide open. I think they think that doing this makes them look tough.

    British Foreign Secretary called “Clown Who Came To Waste Our Time” By Russia!
    10 FEBRUARY 2022

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s meeting with his British counterpart Liz Truss in Moscow went very badly. Russian Foreign Ministry staff referred to the British Foreign Secretary as “a clown who came to waste our time” and Lavrov walked out, leaving her alone at the podium after their Press Conference, thus showing her the door to leave Russia.

    This is unprecedented rhetoric and a real hardening of the Russian stance.

    Upon her arrival at Moscow Airport, Truss was not greeted by any Russian Diplomats, but was instead met only by British Embassy Staff. Video below shows her arrival . . .

    When the Truss motorcade arrived at the Russian Foreign Ministry, she was not permitted to get out of the car, but instead, they were told to go park somewhere down the street and walk back ! ! ! ! Here’s video of Truss being made to walk several blocks back to the Foreign Ministry . . .

    Apparently, Truss stated: “Lavrov told me that Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine. But we must see the words followed by deeds and the troops moved elsewhere”.

    Whereupon Lavrov then publicly rebuked her by saying bluntly: “What Russia does on its own territory is not your job”. He then walked out of the Press Conference leaving Truss standing there all alone.

    Truss left standing on her tod.


  9. Bollocksed link above.

    Try again:

    Same frame from presser video shown below:


      1. Political analyst Vladimir Kornilov: “I told you that Liz Truss would soon outshine Jen Psaki in our audience. You just need to understand the logic of the head of the Foreign Office. It’s just that Britain cannot recognize Russia’s sovereignty as such. No matter what region she had been talking about, she would have said the same thing. We need to respond symmetrically and withdraw the recognition of Leeds and Manchester as British”.

        The other day, by the way, Truss (in an interview with the BBC), declaring a possible act of “Russian aggression” against the Ukraine, promised to provide additional support to “our Baltic allies through the Black Sea”.

        The popular question on the Web is: “Where do they grow them?” In this particular case, Oxford.

        Give me strength!



  10. If anyone was wondering what is going on with the trucker action in Ottawa, you could never find out by looking on YouTube unless it was some media harpy yammering about racism and sedition; YouTube, like all compliant bootlicking media, stopped carrying daily press conferences a week ago. They’re still going on, although the government and its toadies are trying hard to strangle them. And the most recent I could find – on Rumble or Bitchute or some alternative media – announced an unusual and clever direction: if you want to help, if you want to support us…come here. Not a plea for money as you might expect – although they are still accepting donations, and have to date raised over $8 Million on the GiveSendGo platform – but a plea for physical support.

    This has become global in a very short time. Tucker Carlson did a great piece on it, pointing out that Trudeau celebrated violence and confrontation when it was part of the BLM protests – and I’ve already mentioned how he ‘completely understood’ when the natives were up in arms over buried bodies of murdered children at former residential schools that actually never turned up. but when it is the here-and-now working man who is fed up, why, he’s a Nazi. He’s a troublemaker .

    I don’t have to tell anyone here what a cataclysmic piece of stupidity it would be for an augmented police presence to move in and arrest a bunch of truckers – they’d be that much further from any kind of settlement with the truckers who are part of the protests, and would have issued an open invitation to all truckers who are still working in the USA and Canada to stop, and join in the protests. And about 80% of the logistics chain in both countries would freeze solid. But the group that is advising the truckers convoy is not waiting around, and has issued a call for physical-numbers support in Ottawa.

    Because the traditional engines of information – the media – are all in the government’s pocket. And have been for a long time. It’s as true here as it is in America, which we’re turning into faster than anyone thinks. Only today I heard a radio announcement that informed listeners that gun violence is increasing rapidly in Canada, and that’s why the government is working on a ban on assault rifles and additional gun legislation to ‘keep us all safe’ from gun violence. Two years ago you would never have heard anything like that here, and it was only a decade or so before that that American networks ran pieces that wanted to know why Canada – a neighbouring country somewhat larger than the United States – didn’t have a gun problem at all and saw no need for onerous legislation.

    Assault rifles are an entirely peripheral issue – they have never been a serious problem here but they are an easy ‘yes’ whose regulation will gain instant support for the whole package from the voters. It’s in the ‘additional gun legislation’ where the full-court press will be found.


  11. British State Broadcasting Service:

    Ukraine tensions: Joe Biden says US citizens should leave Ukraine now
    Published 1 hour ago

    US President Joe Biden has called on all American citizens remaining in Ukraine to leave the country immediately due to increased threats of Russian military action.

    Mr Biden said he would not send troops to rescue Americans if Moscow invades Ukraine.

    He warned that “things could go crazy quickly” in the region.

    British State Broadcasting Service:

    Ukraine tensions: Can diplomacy prevent war?
    3 hours ago

    The prospect of a wider war in Ukraine is dreadful to contemplate. If Russia were to invade, thousands could die. Many more might flee.

    The economic cost would be severe, the humanitarian cost devastating.

    Yet Russia continues to build up its forces around Ukraine, and the West continues to threaten dire consequences if they were to step one foot over the border.

    So is there a diplomatic way out, an exit from this confrontation that is peaceful and durable?

    Diplomats talk of an “off ramp”, a way that all sides can get off the road to war. But finding such a path is not easy.

    Any compromise would come at a price. Here, though, are some potential routes that do not involve a military and thus bloody outcome.

    Can diplomacy prevent war?

    Not if by “diplomacy” one means that which was displayed here yesterday by that incompetent, rank amateur and clearly not so bright career “politician” who passes herself off as a foreign minister. Truss did not come here in order to reach an agreement of sorts through diplomacy, but to tell Russia what to do and at the same time put on a show to signal British “resolve” and “steadfastness” against Russian “aggression” and support for “freedom and democracy” in the Ukraine.

    No “give and take” but “do what we say”.

    Or else!


    1. “Mr Biden said he would not send troops to rescue Americans if Moscow invades Ukraine. He warned that “things could go crazy quickly” in the region.”

      He would know. Sort of a local expert, you might say.


  12. Boris Johnson poses for a photograph with British troops in front of a Union flag during a visit to Warszawska Brygada Pancerna military base near Warsaw

    They’re nearly all Polacks in the photo. Two of them seem to be young women. Of the British present, the only cap badges that I can positively identify are those of REME — the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers — and possibly the badge of the Royal Tank Regiment on the cap of the soldier standing behind the clownish PM of the UK, who said in Poland yesterday:

    Poland and the UK won’t accept a world in which a powerful neighbour can bully or attack.

    Funny that! That’s sort of what the UK government said in 1939 before Nazi Germany attacked Poland on September 1st of that year, following which attack, the UK did sweet fuck all.

    Johnson also said that if the Russians “want less Nato on their western borders, as it were, this is exactly the wrong way to go about it”.

    So tell us all, you arsehole, how they should go about it?


    Readers’ comments are quite scathing about UK “diplomacy” and rank incompetence:

    Diplomacy used to involve a degree of skill and understanding, and, would you believe it a bit of give and take; not just threats and demands. Truss is even more useless than all of her other useless colleagues in the Cabinet,

    It’s gunboat diplomacy without the gunboat. Just a big mouth, a huge ego & a tiny brain,

    including one from a snowflake:

    Pretty offensive to deaf people that remark.


    1. Huh. So the way for Russia to get ‘less NATO on its western border’ is to back off and let NATO decide whether or not it wants to accept Ukraine. Well, I must confess I would never have thought of that, and even now it seems just a bit counterintuitive.


    1. The PPNN don’t care. Clickz meanz $$$.

      I saw that he waited until she’d answered the last journalist question, went to the door and opened it, waited for her to go ahead and followed. Perfect manners despite the look on his face that showed he was in the presence of an imbecile who is more interested in bigging up herslef for becoming next PM of the UK looked.


      1. That, and the western media motivation to lie about every single exchange between the west and Russia, no matter how trivial. All part of building an alternate reality for the punters. And it works like a charm; I have had any number of people I would otherwise consider bright tell me earnestly that the poisoning of the Skripals is an open-and-shut case that left Russia no room to squirm away, and that there is no doubt that likeable rogue Rodchenkov was telling the truth about Olympic doping in “Icarus”.


  13. Little Russia and Novorossiya are being given to Russia almost officially

    A downright anecdotal story is happening with the “invasion ” of Russia into the Ukraine. Everyone understands perfectly well that there are some agreements between Putin and Biden, and that they relate to the future division of the world – they also understand this. But they are trying to turn the emphasis and geopolitics specifically to the Ukraine and the events around it. In fact, both the Americans and the British are not interested in the Ukraine itself. But it is a good example, both for some and for others.

    America is overextended financially. Withdrawal from Afghanistan, reduction of troops in Iraq and Syria – this is not out of kindness. Regular reminders from the United States and NATO member countries about the need for payments are also part of this financial song. The United States is trying to carefully leave where it is not financially profitable for them to be. And if there is no US, then there must be someone else. Putin outlined the approximate boundaries of the influence of Russian civilization – they will pass along the Elbe. And there was no “ultimatum” from Putin, there was a simple statement of fact – this is ours!

    The US can’t just walk out of its former zone of influence with its tail between its legs. Americans should follow the rhetoric in which Putin is the aggressor, and the United States is not going to start a nuclear war over the the Ukraine just out of love for everyone living on the planet. Britain is another matter! In the New World, those civilizations that have resources and can protect them will survive. Russia has both resources and protection, China has them, the United States still has them, and India may have them. But Britain does not have them at all!

    Britain left the EU in order to bring down Europe, bring down the euro and take control of it all. Europe and some European colonies were to become a resource for Britain. And here Russia not only claims the rights to eastern Europe, but also gives a chance to Western Europe, not to become a snack for the British. Despite all the lockdowns that have killed small and medium-sized businesses in Europe, the economy there is still not completely dead and has a chance. But there are chances only in the presence of energy, which the British, with the help of the “greens”, are also nailing down. And then there is Russia and … “SP-2”!

    Russia urgently needs something to distract it, creating a problem of this kind, so that it forgets, at least, about Western Europe. It hasn’t worked out with Belarus, and it hasn’t worked out with Kazakhstan either. The Taliban could not be drawn into a war against Russia or Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Georgia and Moldova have even rolled over on their backs and even soften their rhetoric. Only the Balts, Poles, and the country of permanent Maidan remain.

    The Balts are worthless. There is only a certain part of the population that is humiliated in the Baltic States by handing out passports of “non-citizens”. At this stage, it is probably easier to give “non-citizens” the opportunity to move to the Russian Federation and obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified scheme, than to kick the fascist government out of their Baltic states. With the Poles, too, not everything is simple: you can burn them in a war with Russia, but Poland is fat, it is better to use it for food as a resource for Britain

    But with the Ukraine, everything is very simple: there is almost no resource left. There is a certain part that can be split off and raised there with five million Orcs. But the rest should be given to Russia. But here’s the problem: Russia still hasn’t invaded. The end of the Olympics is near, and Putin has not attacked. Nevertheless, the West has a proposal: to give part of the Ukraine to Russia. The part that has basically been Russia throughout its history: Novorossiya and Malorossiya. And Putin may not invade, the British will draw and film the invasion themselves.

    Western embassies, Western instructors, documentation – all this is being evacuated only partially to Western countries. Not a small part of everything is transported to Galitsia and the north-western regions of the Ukraine. Bank servers are being evacuated there, and special services documentation is being taken there. There is an opinion that viral and bacteriological laboratories are being evacuated from near Odessa and Kharkiv and transported to western Ukraine as well.

    But now there are no longer rumours, but an interesting reality: in the cities of the south-east, a boom in sales of luxury housing has begun. Not in the sense that there are a lot of buyers, on the contrary – there are a lot of people who want to sell. And in western Ukraine, real estate has gone up sharply. And this has been prepared for more than one year. Let me explain…

    More than one person has told me, and I have written about it more than once: there is a huge difference between the western part of the Ukraine and the south-east. The difference is visible just physically. If you go from … say Kharkiv to Transcarpathia, then you notice: after Kiev, there is less and less yellow-blue nonsense hanging in the streets. And in Western Ukraine, this is practically not the case. There are flags on admin buildings and that’s it. The fences are not painted in yellow and blue, the borders are normal in colour.

    The roads are relatively well made, the city’s boulevards are beautifully maintained, and the sidewalks are paved. And along the roads there are beautiful and modern roadside eateries with hotels. Recreation centres, resorts, and campsites are being built or have already been built in the Carpathians. In the Carpathian region, too, all this is available. One “BUT” – all this is built and stands closed, a lone caretaker smokes on the doorstep… And people told me all this back in 2017.

    It feels like someone is investing in cheap building materials and cheap labour. But why? And everything is simple: when western Ukraine is ceded to Poland, the Poles will simply go into THEIR business structures, which the Ukrainians have built for them at a cheap price. No need to invest hundreds of thousands of euros, no need to worry about building permits. Everything is ready – just come in and use it.

    The roads are normal, the cities are well maintained. Yellow-blue rags are torn from the building admins, new ones are hung in other colours, and everything is ready! And now the news arrives from the Novoross telegram channel:

    “The US Embassy is looking for real estate in Ivano-Frankivsk or Lviv, and the Ukrainian ‘elites’ are fleeing further West. In large cities of the Ukraine, realtors are losing their heads trying to sell VIP apartments. For example, Irina Gerashchenko, the head of the European Solidarity faction, is trying to get rid of a house furnished with expensive furniture in the village of Letki, which borders the Zalesye National Park. For housing of this level – almost a bargain price of 8 636 760 hryvnia.”

    Yandex: “Poroshenko’s bagman Oleg Gladkovsky is selling a 3-storey house in Kozin, Koncha-Zaspa, also at a surprisingly low price – 28 789 200 hryvnia, which is about three times lower than the price of housing of this level. Top official of the SBU Andriy Shvets has put up for sale a luxury house in the cottage village “Vishenki” – 13 530 924 hryvnia. Realtor Natalia from Business real Group has just lost her head – such a number of sales in the Ukraine and purchases of housing abroad, was not even happening in 2014. It should be noted that this trend is observed not only in Kiev, but also in other major cities.”

    Pre-sale preparation is done. From the south-east, they have raked out almost everything they could. Roads are crumbling, infrastructure is in disrepair, bridges are falling, businesses are being robbed, specialists have left, even nuclear power plants have already run out of life. Dams are ready to fall and wash away Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson. And on the West Side, a showcase of the “European world” has been built, which, unlike the “Vatnik” south-east, is already ready for life and use. The information that is voiced in the channel “Novoross” is confirmed by my monitoring in Nikolaev, where luxury real estate is also offered for sale in huge quantities.

    And Western Ukraine is preparing to accept refugees. This is really interesting. True, it will not be so much refugees as returnees, but these are details that do not spoil the mood. Quite the opposite…

    Out of the goodness of their hearts, Britain will not give these lands to Russia, of course they will leave dirty tricks, we know that the “England is shitting herself”. However, we are Russians and for every cunning British nut, we have a bolt with a left-hand thread. So the England will soon either start shitting bricks, or completely shit herself.

    Sergey Lebedev (Shaggy) I wrote this topic on my telegram channel on February 8. If you want to read earlier, participate in the discussion, which will later form the basis of a full-fledged article, visit us (

    Sergey Lebedev (Shaggy)


  14. Politico: In Ukraine, even peace accords can be a Russian weapon

    Despite proclamations of world leaders, Minsk deal offers no magic formula for avoiding another war.

    In their frenzied diplomatic effort to dissuade Russia from a new invasion of Ukraine, Western leaders are pinning renewed hope on the long-stuck Minsk peace accords.

    The Minsk agreements, first negotiated in 2014 and 2015, were intended to bring an end to the war with Russian-backed separatists, then raging in eastern Ukraine.

    But the pact is fiercely disputed and flawed, with ambiguous provisions open to conflicting interpretation and serious contingencies unplanned for….

    It looks like the psycophantic media is now consistently receiving the briefing from official sources that the Minsk II accords are ‘not viable’ and the likes of the supposedly ‘seasoned’ journalist above just republishes that view.

    There are nothing but excuses and ‘it’s not our fault’ in the piece even though it is written that Kiev refuses to talk to the people in Luhansk and the Donbass. The excuse that few of the ‘same people’ are still there is gasping at straws. It reads like a laundry list of ‘it’s not fair’ and has little in the way of ‘analysis’ as it is supposed to be. It’s just lazy writing.

    The bollox about ‘resequencing’ is the democrat version of the t-Rump Adminstration agreement with North Korea which was supposed to start with 1: A peace agreement and last, denuclearization. t-Rump declared shortly after signing it that North Korea hadn’t ‘denuclearized’ deciding that the last point is the first point. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. et Al (not me). Are westnern politicians really so stupid or do they just not give a s/t? It hardly matters.

    The piece above is also a master class in ommission. Why don’t Russian speakers trust Kiev? The verbal and then physical threats in public on Ukranian TV? The rehabilitation of World War II nazi war criminals? Nope. Nothing but silence, because the Russian speaking slavs are being ’emotional’ about stuff in the past. There is no ‘trust us’ left.

    To me it doesn’t look complicated at all.

    1: Kiev pulls back its punishment batallions to barracks.
    2: Change the constitution and prove its functioning.
    3: Hold national elections.
    4: Allow the return of police and border guards.
    5: Eventually army ‘return,’ using mostly locals..


  15. Politico: Stop blaming Russia and fill your gas storage, top executive tells EU

    Marco Alverà said Asian competition for gas is the reason for EU price rises, not Moscow.

    …Alverà batted away any notion that the bloc’s supply-crunch woes were due to Moscow steadily closing the gas spigot — a refrain often heard in Brussels. Gazprom says it is fulfilling its long-term contracts, but it hasn’t sent much additional gas to the EU.

    “Gazprom has not run auctions to sell spot volumes on top of its [existing contracts], but these are a small part of the market,” he said. Reports of reduced pipeline flows in January, he added were due to Gazprom clients not ordering more gas in reaction to the December price spike, when the European benchmark TTF hub briefly cracked an eye-watering record high of €188 per megawatt-hour. ..

    Just in case Von der Layen doesn’t understand the market as a fundamental principle of the European Union.


  16. Blinken:

    11 Feb, 2022 13:43
    Olympic invasion possible – US

    “We’re in a window when an invasion could begin at any time, and to be clear that includes during the Olympics,” he stated, arguing that Moscow may not wait for the sporting event to draw to a close before ordering an offensive.

    Was it yesterday or the day before yesterday when he said the invasion “could start tomorrow”?


    1. The contempt for the audience is obvious in his deliberate clarification that ‘at any time’ includes during the Olympics, as if the yobs regard it as such an auspicious event that time stops until it is complete to the last detail. I’m just glad he did not provide an exhaustive list of all the things that are ‘possible’.


      1. Well they are in the “Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free”, that “Beacon of Democracy”, where someone with a penis and testicles can stuff them into the crotch of a tight-fitting swimsuit and compete in women’s swimming events because he believes or says that he is a woman.

        And that’s what freedom is all about!


  17. Apologies if posted already.

    The Cradle: Erdogan in Kiev, Putin in Beijing: can neo-Ottomanism fit into Greater Eurasia?

    Erdogan in Kiev, Putin in Beijing: can neo-Ottomanism fit into Greater Eurasia?

    …They seem to understand that if War Inc. gets what it desperately wants, “the Black Sea will be transformed into the Eastern Mediterranean. The US and Europe fully settling into the Black Sea means they will never leave.” That “could lead to Turkey’s destruction in the medium and long term.”

    And then there’s the crucial twist: “Ukraine cannot stop Russia. But Turkey can.” That is exactly what Erdogan is playing at. “The US and Europe must be thwarted from settling into the Black Sea. Turkey-Russia relations must be preserved.” The problem is how “Ukraine’s integrity and defense must be supported.”…

    More at the link.

    I will add, and I’ve mentioned before, that for all the complaints and firey words In Sultin’ Erd O’Grand has made about the west, Turkey has not missed a single NATO exercise (one was ‘cancelled’ though). Words v. Actions.

    There are multiple things that could go wrong, events in northern Syria for example. Destabilization is more of a threat to him than the Syrian government backed by Russia which itself has signalled i-Srael to behave itself in two ways recently; a) i-Ranian transport planes landing at a Russian AB rather than Damascus and elsewhere that Tel Aviv has bombed; b) joint air force patrols with the Syrian air force along the Golan.

    So Russia is marking out ground and limits without words, but by actions. It may also be in part also to add pressure and also support those i-Sraeli political mand military figures who don’t want to go to war and also bomb i-Ran in a last Hail Mary operation to kill JCPOA.

    The irony is that under t-Rump + Nut&Yahoo they said a lot but did much less. Now we have Bi-Dumb & Gantz who look more likely to do something very stupid.


    1. Erdogan has always been a snake who is interested in advancing his own and Turkey’s interests at the expense of various targets of opportunity. No problem there; many of the world’s leaders are the same and it is probably the reason Washington keeps courting him rather than regime-changing him out and replacing him.

      However, the deliberate ignorance on show here over a completely framed-up war is staggering. The only reason Washington could be continuing to stoke existential fear of a Russian invasion of Ukraine is that it continues to plan something. Because Russia – quite apart from having no motive to attack Ukraine; what, does it want to seize the ‘riches’ of the poorest country in Europe? does it need more land? – could cripple Ukraine economically without ever sending in a single soldier. Russia remains Ukraine’s largest investor by a significant margin, and it is staggering along on ‘loans’ it can never pay back and mercy disbursements.


  18. Asia Times: Russia confronts ‘good cop, bad cop’ ploy on Ukraine

    Putin likely unimpressed by European leaders arriving in Moscow in a bald strategy of inconsequential diplomatic gyrations

    by MK Bhadrakumar

    Americans use the slang “lockstep” recalling a characteristic trait of their prisons of the 19th century when inmates had to shuffle-step because of the chain that linked their legs. But US President Joe Biden used that powerful evocative metaphor to convey on Monday that his country and Germany are aligned on fighting any Russian aggression in Ukraine.

    “Germany is one of America’s closest allies,” he said, adding that the two nations were “working lockstep” to address the alleged Russian aggression. Biden was speaking ahead of his bilateral meeting with new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House. …

    More at the link.


    1. That’s not what ‘lockstep’ means. Lockstep is the Hoplite infantry’s maneuver of advancing in a phalanx so that the whole formation moves together as one – spears extended, shields overlapping, take one pace forward and brace the back leg. Western law-enforcement adopted it for riot control.

      The latter link opines that moving against a rioting crowd in a lockstep phalanx makes police more aggressive. That’s probably because it was originally formulated for war, and the formation follows the cues of whoever looks and acts the least afraid.

      He’s right, though, that this is all just an elaborate show so the EU can say “We tried to be the peacemaker”. Now all Washington needs to do is arrange the appearance that Russia has attacked Ukraine, and ‘the alliance’ will be called upon to stand foursquare behind the cancellation of Nord Stream II in reprisal, as the most attractive and sensible option – it would be a serious punishment, but avoid a world war.

      That would be forgetting, though, that Russia still has the gas supply and would, in that eventuality, be under no obligation to supply large volumes through Ukraine. The USA would realize its dream of being Europe’s chief gas supplier…and could not in a world of dreams ever do it. So if Europe really is that stupid, it deserves exactly what it gets. In fact, Russia is in a position already to refuse to sell Europe any gas at all at any price – there’s your energy-as-a-weapon, eejits. See if Uncle Sugar-Daddy can come up with nearly half of your daily and annual consumption. Better get to work on those renewables!

      Europe is a union of dazed dreamers ruled by the psychopathic and the mad.


  19. Euractiv: German businesses slam sanction plans as trade with Russia booms

    German businesses slam sanction plans as trade with Russia booms

    …In a huge joint effort, we have managed to limit the economic impact of the corona crisis,” the business organisation’s chairman, Oliver Hermes, said. “Now, we cannot risk this success through political conflict, new sanction spirals or even military adventures,” he added…

    …However, Hermes called this approach “irresponsible”, saying that “protectionist measures” would put at risk the “close network of trade and supply relationships that we all benefit from”.

    The comments came after the committee had released new data showing that Germany’s trade volume with Russia had risen by more than 34% in 2021, making it Germany’s third-biggest eastern European trading partner, after Poland and the Czech Republic…

    But Russia is poor and can’t afford quality German products, and has an economy smaller than Italy Portugal or whatever one our politicians have picked out of their a*s this week.


    1. There’s a bastard of a troll on RT who always gives the GDP-smaller-than-Italy line when slagging off Russia (followed by “hahahaha”) as well as constantly denigrating each and every Russian by saying they are all alcoholics who collapse full of vodka each night on their piss-soaked beds.

      I should really love to point out to the arsehole who the biggest boozers in Europe are, but one should not feed trolls.

      This particular troll uses at least 10 different names: a “Putinbot” regularly reveals them, which leads the troll to slag him off as being a Kremlin hired-hand.

      The biggest boozers in Europe re all freedom-loving democracies by the way, and at the top ofthe league is that haven of Nazis and nest of Russophobes Latvia.


  20. Lithuania to Deliver Stinger Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Ukraine

    The transfer of Stinger missiles to Ukraine marks an escalation in NATO’s military aid to the country

    …“We are increasing the number of military instructors in the country and providing Ukraine with additional weapons and equipment … Stinger anti-aircraft missiles from Lithuania will reach Ukraine in the coming days,” Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said during a visit to Kyiv…

    Maybe the Ukraine will shoot down another airliner by accident? So far Sibir 1812 & Malaysian Airlines MH17. Margarita Samsonite, as hard at as a travel case….


    1. I doubt it, unless it is flying at less than 10 kft. Maybe on landing or takeoff, but it’s pretty hard to blame it on a trucked-in Buk when the firing position is only 5 km from the impact point. The range of the Stinger is too limiting, it’s a short-range low-altitude air defense system. Russia could pound the piss out of Ukraine without even entering it, if it chose, and good luck to Ukrainians using a shoulder-fired missile to take down a short-range ballistic missile the size of a speedboat.


      1. I have great faith in the incompetence of the Ukranian armed forces. The Sibir 1812 was shot down by an errant S-200 long range missile during a training exercise. They’re also small enough to be stolen and used in a false flag. After all Russia would be blamed long before someone finds a Stinger was used.


  21. Neuters via EU Delivers Collective Reply to Russian Security Proposals

    …The European Commission, the EU executive, said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell decided to reply on behalf of all states to show unity.

    “The member states of the European Union agreed that the high representative should reply to the message by minister Lavrov in the name of 27,” a Commission spokesman told a regular briefing…

    Dear god, Borrell replied. It’s guaranteed to fail. Blah blah u-Ro blah values blah choice blah.


      1. Tass: Moscow can’t accept collective EU, NATO response to message on indivisibility of security

        Russia is waiting for a detailed response from each side, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova informed

        …”We cannot accept this collective response, which is more like ‘espirit de corps’. We are waiting for a detailed response from each side. Evading the question means that the West is not willing to recognize the obligations assumed within the OSCE and Russia-NATO and is trying to ensure its safety at our expense,” the Russian diplomat emphasized…

        …”Let’s recall that Lavrov’s message was addressed to the foreign ministers of 37 European and North American states. And it emphasized specifically that we were expecting a comprehensive response in a national capacity,” she said.

        “Instead, [NATO Secretary General Jens] Stoltenberg and [EU foreign policy chief Josep] Borrell write to us, [although] we did not address them. Such a move cannot be characterized other than as a manifestation of diplomatic impoliteness and disrespect for our request,” the diplomat added…

        BS called.


  22. Tass: British defense chief agrees on importance of implementation of Minsk accords

    Ben Wallace warned that Russia’s hypothetical invasion of Ukraine would have tragic consequences for “all people, both Ukrainian, Russian and the security of Europe”

    …”We also both agreed on the importance of the implementation of the Minsk agreement as a clear way forward,” he said at the press conference held at the British embassy in Moscow, broadcast by Sky News…

    Isn’t Wallace off message that the Minsk II accords are ‘unworkable.’ That is what is being seeded in the Pork Pie News Networks.


    1. Gosh! That’s just what Blinky said! Russia could invade ‘at any moment’. Well, no shit – could you be a little more specific? At any time literally means from next minute to 50 years from now and beyond. Such a broad window is completely useless – what if I lived near there, and I wanted to see the invasion? Should I get up early tomorrow, or….


  23. Yukietard incompetence is nothing when compared to that of the UK:

    All six Royal Navy destroyers in port amid heightened tensions with Russia
    The Defence Select Committee warned in December 2021 that availability of the ships was a ‘major cause for concern’.
    4 days ago

    All six of the Royal Navy’s state-of-the-art Type 45 destroyers are currently docked in port, at a time of heightened tensions with Russia

    The guided-missile destroyers have been plagued by engine issues since they were launched, with ships in the class now undergoing a power improvement project (PIP).

    Announced in 2018, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said it is intended to “provide a robust solution to the power and propulsion issues observed in Type 45”.

    The Defence Select Committee warned in December 2021 that the “low availability of the UK’s Type 45 destroyers and recognised issues in their propulsion systems are a major cause for concern.”

    HMS Dragon was pictured entering Portsmouth on Monday, joining HMS Defender, Diamond, and Duncan alongside.

    HMS Dauntless and Daring are docked in Birkenhead, receiving modification as part of the PIP

    It is understood that HMS Defender and Diamond are “at notice to sail”, but remain alongside.

    Tom Sharpe, a former Royal Navy Commander, told the PA news agency that availability is “unlikely to improve any time soon”.

    “This is about alliances versus redundancy.

    “On the one hand, that we have allies we can plan with and then call on to prove surface-to-air coverage is good.

    “On the other hand, that our fleet is now stretched so thin that a major set-piece deployment such as CSG21 reduces subsequent availability to zero, is clearly bad.

    “It’s also unlikely to improve any time soon, despite pledges to increase spending and hull numbers.

    “Playing tunes on what constitutes availability, or worse, resorting to ‘if there is a war, we could surge’ doesn’t ameliorate just how taut things are and how hard the Navy is being made to work to manage it.”

    Vice Admiral Sir Chris Gardner told the Defence Select Committee in November 2021 that all six ships would have their defects repaired by 2028.

    He also confirmed that HMS Diamond, while deployed with HMS Queen Elizabeth in July 2021, suffered “a failure of one of her gas turbines… and we had to replace it”.

    The chairman of the Defence Select Committee, Tobias Ellwood told the PA news agency: “The inability for any of our six Type 45 Destroyers to put to sea is a reflection of just how small our surface fleet has become.

    “Our world is becoming more dangerous not less. Operational taskings for our surface fleet are increasing not decreasing.

    “As our recent Defence Select Committee report concluded, our Navy will soon be too small to defend our interests and deal with emerging threats.

    “We must seriously consider doubling the size of our maritime forces if our hard power is to stay ahead of the emerging challenges to our security and access to international waters that are critical for our economy.”

    PA has contacted the MoD for comment.

    HMS Diamond (left), HMS Dragon (second right), HMS Duncan (right) and HMS Defender (partially visible at far right rear) in Portsmouth Harbour on Monday (Steve Parsons/PA) (PA Wire)

    And these are the bastards who constantly take the piss out of what they perceive as Russian incompetence and the inadequacy of their military!

    All together now! . . .

    We don’t want to fight but by Jingo if we do,
    We’ve got the ships, we’ve got the men, we’ve got the money too,
    We’ve fought the Bear before, and while we’re Britons true,
    The Russians shall not have Constantinople.

    Commonly sung in pubs and music halls, the chorus of an 1878 song, written in response to the surrender of Plevna to Russia during the Russo-Turkish War of that year, by which the road to Constantinople was open.

    By Jingo! You have neither enough men nor ships now, you stupid, pompous, blithering wankers, but you still strut around as if you were all god’s gift.

    Fucking cretins!

    I’m defo applying for Russian citizenship before I croak, for I shall die here in exile.

    I said I would return when Thatcher had croaked and the monarchy had ceased to exist.

    One down, but Prince Big Ears is all about to go on stage.

    I grant that the Old Woman at Windsor has barely done a thing wrong during her long reign as a “Constitutional Monarch”, albeit there is no UK constitution, but having that chump Charlie as king would really take the biscuit.

    I shall stay here and spend my twilight years acting as a Kremlin Stooge.

    I really do think that Vladimir Vladimirovich should grant me a sinecure, though, for my service to the “regime”.


    1. We don’t want to fight, but by jingo, if we do;
      we know already we’ve bit off far more than we can chew.
      We like to put the boot in to countries weak and small,
      but now we’ve come to where we can’t whip anyone at all.

      Beggin’ yer pardon, m’Lord, but ‘ere’s an ‘umble suggestion – why don’t you stop swaggering about and threatening to thrash others to within an inch of their lives when you couldn’t take the ladies’ auxiliary sewing circle without softening them up first with an artillery barrage? Tough talk avails you nothing if you can’t back it up. And Liz Truss poking her disturbed melon out of a tank and sporting a flak jacket does not scare anyone.


      1. I shouldn’t be surprised now if the manpower of the British army is the smallest ever since its origin in the mid-17th century as Cromwell’s “New Model Army”.

        In fact, I should not be surprised if it is now smaller than Ollie’s Army.

        Bear in mind though, Cromwell’s army was the English parliamentary army: the monarchies of England and Scotland only became united some 50 years or so after the New Model Army was created.

        Cue Elvis Costello:

        Written in 1979 during “The Troubles” in the British province of Northern Ireland and about the lot of British squaddies there, the reference to Cromwell in that the “Lord Protector of England” and his forces acted barbarously in Ireland in the 17th century.

        Elvis Costello (Real name Declan Patrick MacManus) — OBE, no less (Order of the British Empire) — is of mixed race: London Irish and Scouse — well, his mother was from Birkenhead, which is near enough to Liverpool: just on the opposite shore of the River Mersey to Liverpool.

        Costello will no longer perform “Oliver’s Army” because of its use of that word which many dare not say.

        One of the lines of “Oliver’s Army” goes:

        “Only takes one itchy trigger, one more widow, one less white nigger”.

        I recall some USA citizens referring to Russians in the ’90s as “snow niggers”. They seemed to me to have no qualms in doing so.

        Another line goes:

        “If you’re out of luck and out of work, we could send you to Johannesburg”.

        He could do a remake now and sing:

        “If you’re out of luck and out of work, we could send you to Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania/the Ukraine . . .”

        only it doesn’t rhyme.


        1. Huh. I always liked Elvis Costello, he’s an extremely clever songwriter, and his style is eclectic so that even if a song written and performed by him is not a hit, it has often got ‘hit’ written all over it for some less-imaginative artist who covers it and changes the tempo or beat slightly. I liked “Watching the Detectives”, and I loved “Alison”. But I was never such a goggle-eyed fan as to look into his background, and had no idea he was Oirish, or even part.


      1. Wartsila are quite reliable and very experienced in marine propulsion; ask Karl – they’re Finnish. I believe they did the engines for the Mistrals, and the LNG engines the BC Ferries Spirit Class got in refit are Wartsila. Engineers like them.

        The west has not had good luck with warship designs in the last decade or so; the Americans have had a crapshow with their Littoral Combat ships, severe corrosion problems due to electrolytic action where disparate metals touched, and the Type 45’s likewise have presented a host of problems. The trend has been toward multitasking and trying to build a ship which will do everything, and designs have become so complex; needless to say, they have also become crazy expensive, which attracts political meddling.


  24. More upping the ante by Westminster wankers:

    UK orders Britons out of Ukraine as White House says Putin poised for invasion
    UK nationals ‘should leave now while commercial means still available’ as US warns of action within 10 days
    10 hours ago

    Britons in Ukraine were last night urged to leave immediately as the United States warned that a Russian invasion could begin “at any time”.

    The Foreign Office said it was advising against all travel to the country and that British nationals there “should leave now while commercial means are still available.”

    It came hours after British defence secretary Ben Wallace flew to Russia for talks, meeting his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, who repeated Russia’s assurances that it was not planning to invade.

    Note how the headline uses “orders”, which then changes to “should” in the subheading, andin the article there appear the following verbs: urge, advise.

    Journalists are shite — mostly.

    My elder daughter Elena Denisovna is going to be a journalist, she hopes: that’s what she’s studying at RANEPA: journalism with English and German. Her English studies are a piece of cake for her, as everyone who becomes first acquainted with her, including exchange students from the USA, thinks that she’s English when she starts yapping away in my mother tongue.


  25. IDIOT!


    Comments by Irish journalist Brian McDonald about the appearance of British Foreign Minister Liz Truss in Moscow were supported by Russian netizens. “She was always asking about bears,” commentators joke.


    1. Well, she IS an idiot, but to be fair, there’s no harm in dressing extra-warm if you’re out of your comfort zone. And given how much Truss evidently knows about Russia, it might rain gelatin there as far as she is up on the situation. But you can always take off layers that are too warm, whereas it is pretty hard to magic warm clothes out of nowhere when it’s too cold.

      People who pretend to untouchable hardihood irritate me; there’s a fellow who lives near me, I frequently see him when on my way to the market (which is the only place I ever go besides work since the outbreak of the great plague). He wears shorts year-round, no matter the weather, and the sole concession he makes to winter is one of those Russian-style hats with ear-flaps (but not fur, just some kind of wooly material like the souvenir ones are, my daughter has a hot-pink one that all her schoolmates liked to be photographed wearing). And perhaps a sweatshirt with long sleeves. But shorts. When it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass bunny. Sometimes snow on the ground. He seems otherwise a very nice and friendly chap, but really, what’s he trying to prove? That he’s comfortable dressed like that? As if.


    1. Gosh; do you suppose she studied Thatcher in order to imitate her faithfully? I have to say that even though she has a big ass, she’s better-looking than Thatcher, who had teeth you could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence with. But I don’t know that looks are much of an advantage any more. I mean, look at pretty-boy Trudeau – his head is attractive to look at, but the day a real thought goes through it, it will have a lonely journey.


    1. In actual fact, I couldn’t care less if Truss became Prime Minister of the UK.

      I don’t give a flying fuck about the place. The more I observe the antics of my fellow countrymen and hear the nonsense they come out with, the more I withdraw into my Russian shell. In fact, on detecting the presence of an Englishman in my vicinity, I avoid him like the plague — not so much those from my part of England, who are very rare birds here, but most definitely those of a similar background as has Johnson.

      Scots, Irish and Welsh are not included in my persona non grata.


      1. I couldn’t give a flying fuck who becomes leader of any place on earth except Russia – Please, God, not a hothead after Putin. But Canada could not be more rudderless if it were governed by a sock monkey named Bobo. It does not matter a jot who takes over after Trudeau; they might be worse, but that would take some doing and it would only be a matter of degree of misery. And the government of Australia! My God, how could you possibly find people outside the penal system who could do worse than that – Lukashenko looks permissive and soft as puppy shit by comparison. Boris Johnson should be strapped to a cannon and blown to the four winds to nurture the crops. Not only are the countries of the world ruled over by degenerates and simpletons, there is no second string waiting to take over who are anything like improvement; the political stables are chockers with idiots, posers and criminals. Suggesting the outlook is grim would be to understate the case a little.


    2. To be fair to Truss though, she should have checked out the weather forecast for here, where there has occured a sudden warm spell. If she had come here a couple of week ago, she would certainly have needed to wear winter clothing. Such mini-thaws do occur at this time of year.


    3. I’ve been meaning to give Stooges who may not know about Truss’s political pedigree an insight into Truss’s political background, but a commenter to RT has just posted in a nutshell what I wanted to write about:

      The Thatcher tribute act is still running her mouth?

      For those that may not know it – this piece of shit deserted her original party (the Lib Dems) to cross the floor of the Houses of Parliament and join the Tories Once there, she amended her former strict REMAIN (in the EU) credentials – so that she would fit in with all the other Tory chancers

      Because she is as dull as dishwater and as thick as shit, The Johnson (as he has done with all other Ministerial posts) gave her the position of Foreign Secretary, knowing full well she will be like a fish out of water in the role – but at least she would present no threat to his position, and being hopeless in the role of Foreign Secretary, she would make The johnson look good in his role

      It has not worked out that way – the Tories are discovering that The johnson is an electoral liability and, crazy as it may sound, they actually believe that this dummy will make a good PM (but they could fall back on the Indian Chancellor of the Exchequer). Such are the dire straits of UK politics. Is it any wonder these idiots are all sticking their noses into the Ukraine business, trying to look tough and statesman like?

      I have very bitter experience of political turncoats. Where I lived, Blair’s bogus “New Labour” party had parachuted in a former Tory MP who had crossed the floor to join the “Labour” ranks. He did this, of course, because he had the nous to realize that the writing was on the wall for the Tories remaining the party of government, so across the floor he went.

      The Labour Party had then to find a “safe seat” for this Tory traitor to represent, and where safer than my shithole of a former mining hometown, which had returned a Labour member since that party had first come into existence.

      So the Parliamentary Labour Party got the standing MP to retire and in went jack-the former-Tory-the-lad with a much reduced majority. And get this: he then represented a constituency in which 3 coal mines had been closed on government orders, resulting in the loss of about 6,000 jobs directly associated with deep mining, annd numerous jobs in ancillary, mostly mining engineering industries, to say nothing of the de-population of the place because the place had become a ghost-town. And he who had been parachuted in, was part of the Tory government that had voted in these closures!

      One of those who buggered off was Moscow Exile, of course — first to Germany, then to Mordor.

      But here’s the best bit: this turncoat Tory who had become a Labour MP for a mining ghost-town, was not only a millionaire who had married a millionaire wife, but he rolled up in my old town with a fucking butler!

      I kid you not!

      Needless to say, I and practically all my old workmates left the party in droves..


  26. The Cradle: Will the US re-ignite a ‘Syrian revolution’ to punish Russia in Ukraine?

    The US and its allies have already set the scene for Revolution 2.0 in Syria. The question is whether their plan is to extract concessions from Russia over Ukraine, or to go full out and risk a West Asia-wide conflagration.


    But what’s in it for America’s ‘allies’? Where’s the upside? A pat on the back? The world has fundamentally changed and this looks like just another of America’s very clever wheezes that fail and backfire.


    1. Seriously? This time around the headchoppers are TOTALLY going to succeed in taking over Syria. The last however many attempts don’t count because ….well, REASONS. The stupid, it burns.


      1. Uh huh; because Washington has loads of allies it can use in Syria, after its parade of Keystone Cops stepping-on-own-dick moments.

        It reminds me of that great line from “Hamburger Hill”; “We been up an’ down this hill…twenny-seven times….and they still don’t think we serious!”

        Of course that was a black actor – Courtney B. Vance, as Specialist Abraham ‘Doc’ Johnson – so I suppose I should apologize for Cultural Appropriation for attempting to ‘talk black’. But it is nowhere near as funny or poignant if you say it like whitey.


  27. 08: 00 12.02.2022 (updated: 08: 09 12.02.2022)
    Why did British ministers make recurrent visits to Moscow?

    Why did British ministers come to Moscow? Relations between the two countries have long been at a freezing point, and Russian leaders have far fewer personal contacts with British politicians than even with Americans. The chronology is more than clear: the last time the Foreign Secretary visited Moscow was four years ago (and it was Boris Johnson), and there has not been a meeting at the level of defence ministers since 2013. Prime ministers have not visited Russia for more than a decade.
    London takes the most radical anti-Russian position of all Western countries: no Balts or Poles can compare with what the British say and do. Suffice it to recall the story of the Skripal poisoning, which was fully used by the British to block even the possibility of a partial easing of tensions between Russia and the West. And suddenly there is such activity: on Thursday, Foreign Minister Liz Truss flew to Moscow, and on Friday, Defence Minister Ben Wallace flew in. The latter was also accompanied by a senior military officer, that is, the chief of the defence staff. What does London want to talk to Moscow about?

    About Russian aggression in the Ukraine? No matter that it was invented by the Anglo-Saxons [sic]: what matters is what you can get out of it. Yes, Prime Minister Johnson has a difficult domestic political situation because of the scandal concerning his non-compliance with quarantine, but this alone is not enough for increased activity in the Russian direction. In fact, it is evident that the British need visits to Moscow in order to improve (or rather, restore) their status. Not in the eyes of Russia, but in the West as a whole.

    After Brexit, London wants to be perceived simultaneously as an independent player, as the centre of the Anglo-Saxon [sic world, and even as the leader of the West. Not all of this is openly proclaimed, but there is a very official concept of “Global Britain”. The kingdom is outside the European Union, but who says that the latter should not listen to it? Britain is in NATO, and this is the steering wheel of the EU. And together with America – while the New World’s elites are immersed in internal political squabbles, it is the United Kingdom that should embody the power and confidence of the Atlantic project for the rest of the world.

    On the eve of the ministerial visits to Moscow, Johnson published an article in The Wall Street Journal stating that “no one feels more awe at the build-up of Russian military power on the Ukrainian border than our allies on NATO’s eastern flank. The Poles, the Baltics and Eastern Europeans in general should be defended – after all, they “have been victims of great-power expansion for centuries and regained their independence only three decades ago”. The Hungarians, who openly compare the EU diktat with the Soviet one, might disagree, but who will listen to them at a time when Europe is in danger?

    Perhaps the Russians have decided to bring Hungary and Poland back into their camp? No, they only demand that the Ukraine not be part of the West – what nerve! But Johnson will not allow any collusion with Putin:

    “Above all the UK, the US and our allies agree that we shall not go back to the days when a handful of great powers decided the fates of lesser nations without consulting them. To paraphrase a famous saying: All nations are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights, the first of which is that powerful neighbours should not invade their territory, dictate their foreign policy or tell them, at gunpoint, with whom they should form alliances.

    Surely he is alluding to the EU, which not only dictates foreign policy to its member states, but also domestic policy? True, it has not always succeeded in doing this yet (le.g. with Hungary or Poland), but the process is there. No, this he is talking about Russia, which is arguing with the West not even over Eastern Europe (as Johnson’s argument might have suggested), but over the territory of historical Russia, which only recently became a separate state through our own (all the people of a large country) misunderstanding. Is not the fight for Ukraine’s right to be part of the Western world a fight against Russia? No, it is a defence of the “basic principles of international relations” and European security.

    And Britain has something to offer in its defence, Johnson reminds us:

    “We have the largest military budget in Europe and the second largest in NATO. We are the only NATO member to give the alliance its entire nuclear deterrent force and an aircraft carrier as well.

    We have committed more troops to NATO’s so-called extended forward presence in the Baltics and Poland than any other ally. The British Army is leading a NATO battlegroup in Estonia, and we are preparing to double its numbers. We have sent over 600 soldiers to Poland, and more are on standby to help in the event of any crisis. Britain has been at the forefront and is bolstering the defence capabilities of Ukraine. We have trained 22,000 Ukrainian soldiers and supplied her with two thousand anti-tank missiles.

    At a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev last week, I told him that in the event of another Russian invasion of Ukraine, Britain, the US and the European Union would impose unprecedented economic sanctions against Moscow. The British sanctions will come into effect the moment one boot of the first Russian soldier sets foot on Ukrainian territory”.

    So Britain is Europe’s greatest defender against the Russians? Johnson, of course, stipulates that “deterrence alone is not enough”, so negotiations are needed in which Russia’s “legitimate security concerns” can be allayed. And so the British ministers set off for Moscow….

    Liz Truss’ visit was a failure not because she confused the Rostov and Voronezh regions with the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. No, she simply had nothing to say to Lavrov, who described the talks as a conversation between a mute and a deaf person. Truss spoke in slogans, demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Russian territory and unwilling to discuss options for guaranteeing the non-accession of the Ukraine to NATO (which Macron had been quietly doing during his visit to Moscow). Against this background, Wallace’s visit can even be called a success – in the sense that at least the minister heard Shoigu’s words about Russia’s lack of intentions to invade the Ukraine. But one need not have come to Moscow to understand this, right? No, the West is so wrapped up in the situation and in itself that they are already believing their own propaganda.

    Wallace, like Truss, did not discuss Russian demands for guarantees of NATO’s non-expansion to the east – such a discussion was beyond their remit. And Prime Minister Johnson believes there is no threat to Russia:

    “NATO is not going to strategically encircle or threaten Russia. On the contrary, we are united by a deep respect for the Russian people and the indelible memory of fighting shoulder to shoulder against fascism”.

    One can, of course, only marvel at Johnson’s cynicism, whereby he openly proposed that Russia accept the peace-loving nature of NATO and this instrument of Anglo-Saxon [sic] control over Europe. As if in Moscow they had forgotten about Churchill’s plans to strike at the USSR in 1945 immediately after the defeat of Germany (and with the use of the Germans)! Johnson’s idol, Sir Winston, also liked to speak beautiful words about the right of peoples to democracy, and about his immense respect for the Russian people.

    It is pointless, of course, comparing Johnson with Churchill or 2022 with 1945, but one should not forget the sheer duplicity of Anglo-Saxon [sic] leaders. Not even duplicity, but an innate sense of superiority and contempt for the rest. Britain’s capabilities are now incomparable to those of a century ago, though still far beyond its scale as a nation-state. But even those tools that are available are increasingly difficult for London to use, as Thursday’s Russia sanctions bill makes clear.

    It gives the British [Hurrah! At last, not “Anglo-Saxon” — ME] authorities the ability to impose them on virtually any Russian company, not because of “aggression against the Ukraine”, but simply because of their association with the Russian authorities, i.e. the state. Any companies: not only state-owned but also private companies.

    This law violates every conceivable rule of both inter-state relations and interaction between state and foreign companies. Generally speaking, such measures could only be imagined in one case: if one is talking about a country with which one is already at war.

    Therefore, it would be suicidal for London to apply this law, and not simply because a harsh Russian response would immediately follow, but because this law first of all damages the reputation of Great Britain (where the the world’s financial centre, the City of London, is still located, albeit very un-British in its essence): one should not talk about “Global Britain” here, but about shooting oneself in the foot. And not in the healthiest leg, but in a situation where the other leg — Scotland — is already limping.

    And the very fact that such a law has been passed shows a poor understanding of what leads to one’s own benefit, a misjudgment of the situation — and this is a much more serious sign of inadequacy than ignorance of the Russian regions.


    NATO is not going to strategically encircle or threaten Russia. — Johnson.


      1. And now Her Majesty’s Government has ordered that British troops be withdrawn from Banderastan, as has the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin today ordered 160 members of the Florida National Guard to leave the Ukraine!

        Officials in Washington, based on evidence that they refuse to make public, claim that Russia is preparing to invade the country.

        On Wednesday, says Der Spiegel.


              1. Let the provocations begin! CNN has the script written. A breathless Wolf Blitzer will keep us glued to the edges of our seats as he prances across a map of the Ukraine making sure all understand that Russia launched an unprovoked attack. Biden’s IV’s have been turned to maximum in preparation for his addrss to the nation. It’s coming!

                Yes, seriously, this could be it.


                1. Putin/Biden phone call:

                  Biden Made ‘Clear’ to Putin That Russia to Face ‘Swift, Severe Costs’ If It ‘Invades Ukraine’
                  27 minutes ago (Updated: 1 minute ago)

                  President Joe Biden has warned that a Russian “further invasion of Ukraine” would prompt Washington and its allies to “respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia,” the White House said in a readout following Saturday’s talks.

                  The White House did not elaborate on what these “other scenarios” or “swift and severe costs” might constitute. However, US officials and lawmakers have threatened to impose a range of sanctions against Moscow, including “preemptive sanctions,” i.e. before Russia does anything, to “punish” the country for its “escalation” in Ukraine.


                2. Zakharova Telegram:


                  Volodymyr Zelensky: “If you or some people have additional information about the 100% invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation starting on the 16th, please give us such information”.

                  Have you ever seen anything like this at all? The United States has been declaring every day for 2 months that Russia is about to attack the Ukraine. The President of the Ukraine and representatives of the power bloc of that country have been saying for 2 months that they do not have such information, and now they are also asking those who are not indifferent to share the data.

                  Apart from Bloomberg, Der Spiegel and unnamed American sources, no one has such information. But, apparently, until the ideological inspirers of the Maidan are bringing the Ukraine to a complete collapse: They will not calm down. For 2 months they have been mocking common sense and the Ukrainian people, implementing another global provocative campaign.

                  Zelensky called for evidence of the” Russian invasion of Ukraine ” on February 16
                  February 12, 2022, 15: 51

                  “If you or some people have additional information about the 100% invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation starting from the 16th (February. – RT), please give us such information”, TASS quotes Zelensky.

                  As previously reported by the publication Politico, citing sources, US President Joe Biden, during talks with allies, said that Russia could “launch an invasion of the Ukraine” on February 16.

                  In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that Russian troops are stationed on the territory of the country and do not threaten anyone.

                  The Kremlin stressed that Russia is not going to attack anyone.


                3. Better translation of Zakharova’s Telegram comment above:

                  Apart from Bloomberg, Der Spiegel and unnamed US sources, no one has such information. But, apparently, until the ideological inspirers of the Maidan bring Ukraine to a complete collapse, they will not rest. For two months now, they have been mocking common sense and the Ukrainian people, implementing another global provocative campaign.


    1. Near the “contact line”. Near what was the airport.

      Hopefully, some “punishment battalion” members have accidentally turned themselves into big, steaming wet chunks of flesh and severed limbs and heads.


      1. They’re regularly booby trapping everywhere, they —the “terrorists” and “Vatniki” say.

        They’re also very profligate with anti-personnel mines, upon which, having laid them, they often tread.

        How sad!


        1. For a “huge” explosion, I’d think it would likely be something on the order of an ammunition dump / arms cache, no? But yeah, some folks may have just gotten an opportunity to hobnob with Bandera in person.


        2. The explosion may have been a Russian missile strike against a Uke military target intended to deliver a message. More likely it was something else involving stupidity and Ukes.


  28. Tass: Russia to optimize its diplomatic staff in Ukraine – Foreign Ministry

    “We want to highlight that our embassy and consulates will keep performing their basic functions,” the Maria Zakharova says

    …”Considering the substantial influence that Washington and London have on Kiev and, generally, their role in governing the processes in Ukraine – let us just mention the efforts of beefing it up with weapons and instructors – we can make a conclusion that our American and British colleagues, apparently, know about some violent acts being prepared in Ukraine that can considerably complicate the security situation,” Zakharova stressed…

    Is this a change of tack by Russia? As the WAR meter goes to 11 it then makes sense to just go with it with your own narrative as above. Is the Ukraine now going to complain that Russia is exaggerating the situation? Well if the west is ignoring Kiev’s calls to calm down why should Russia do the opposite? Interesting.


  29. ACHTUNG!

    Der Spiegel

    11.02.2022, 23.42 PM
    CIA expects a Russian attack next week
    The situation in the Ukraine has escalated dramatically: According to SPIEGEL information, the US has warned its allies in Europe that it fears that there will be a Russian attack on Wednesday.

    US intelligence services have warned NATO allies more urgently than ever before of an imminent attack by Russia against the Ukraine. According to SPIEGEL information, both the US intelligence service the CIA and the US military informed the German government and other NATO states during the course of Friday that, based on new information received, they fear an attack could take place as early as next Wednesday.

    According to several diplomats and military officials, the USA has given many details in secret briefings. For example, specific routes for the Russian invasion were described, as well as the naming of individual Russian units and what tasks they were to take on. The date for a possible start of the invasion was given as 16 February.

    It was not initially possible to find out in Berlin what information this strong US warning was based on. However, it was said that the US statements were very detailed and supported by many sources. Nevertheless, according to the information given, one cannot assess and predict exactly whether an attack is imminent. A point in time around mid-February has long been considered plausible. However, insiders also believe it is possible that the USA is deliberately spreading this information in order to torpedo Russian attack plans.

    Nice one, Spiegel!

    No named sources, of course.


    1. Yes, it probably will be, because that’s the day the Armstrongs are supposed to come over for dinner; they will be visiting Victoria, so I will finally get to meet Patrick. Trust Putin to try to spoil it. Well, I’m not having it, and that’s that. There is to be no invasion on the 16th.


      1. Indeed. I’m going to Edinburgh then for lunch with an old friend (we suffered together and somehow survived an 8-week training course run by world-class morons in the early 90s – the ties that bind!) so they can get right to Fuck with their cunning plans for that day.


      2. No way they’ll say tomorrow that the Orcs have invaded, because tomorrow is that big, bogus pseudo-holiday for “lovers” in the “Land of the Free”.

        Then again, if I were the “Evil One” and knowing full well how important all that St. Valentine’s crap is to many Americans, I would order that the attack start tomorrow (coz everything here is only done on Putin’s orders) just to spoil their party.

        Which reminds me . . .

        I’m going to print out one of these below for her tomorrow because every year she pulls her face on February 14, because she has been brainwashed through intense marketing here that everyone in the West celebrates St. Valentine’s Day, the so-called Day of lovers.

        I just tell her to shut her cake hole and boil some fish heads and some gruel.


        1. Those are great!!! But I am one of the sentimental fools who will court his lover all over again, I am afraid. There are lots of things I find brilliantly hilarious that I would never do myself. I owe the missus everything, and cannot imagine life without her. I suspect you feel the same – about your own wife, not mine – but are too curmudgeonly to say so publicly.


  30. Tass: US military attache summoned to Russian Defense Ministry over submarine incident

    Virginia-class US nuclear-powered submarine was detected on Saturday morning near the Pacific Fleet’s drills near Iturup Island of the Kuril Chain

    …the crew of the Pacific Fleet’s frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov used appropriate means. The US submarine started a self-propelled simulator to split the target image on radar and acoustic control means into two parts and retreated from Russian territorial waters at a maximum speed, the ministry said…

    Isn’t that what submarines are for, apart from not getting caught in delicto flagrante?


  31. The CIA says the invasion will happen on wednesday because they intercepted some military comms (coz no doubt the Russian military laughs at encryption or broadcasting attack plans over the air). If it doesn’t happen, we are told, it is because of Russian ‘disinformation.’


      1. I think it highly likely that it is Russian disinformation. The fact that the CIA are stupid enough to make it public should not be surprising but it is as the west only knows Escalation as a response. It’s too stupid, arrogant and full of hubris to do anything else.

        Eitherways, if it tanks the Ukranian economy and soldiers can’t get paid etc. it may well achieve the same result as having the Ukranian army and politics neutered without a shot being fired. (Almost) No-one dies. I wonder what the Banderite/nazis in the Army would then do next? Turn against Kiev? The revolution will yet again eat its children and there’s f/k all the west could do about it.


        1. I saw a snippet of news the other day, in which some source in Yukiestan reckoned that if it came to a shooting war, some 60% of Ukraine armed forces would desert or go over to the the other side.

          You never know what to believe now as regards news from the Borderland, but the Yukies have form in this regard: a large number of Yukie military in the Crimea changed sides, including an admiral, if I remember rightly.

          If, however, such large scale desertion/changing of sides were to happen, I should hope that those who had done so would be fully encouraged to go on a turkey-shoot, the turkeys in this case being “punishment battalions”.

          Little chance of that though: in such a scenario, the Banderite swine would have all skidaddled back to Galitsia at the first indication of a Yukie armed forces collapse.


  32. Russian Ministry of Defence using its soft skills to the full on visiting British warmongering guests:

    Joint photo of the Russian and British Defence Ministers, Sergey Shoigu and Ben Wallace, and the Chiefs of Staff of Russia and the UK, General Valeriy Gerasimov and Admiral Sir Antony David Radakin.

    The soft touch is hanging on the wall behind them: a work depicting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Marshal Georgy Zhukov and General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny amongst soldiers celebrating victory in Berlin at the end of World War II in Europe.

    It seems that Twitter users appreciated that nice touch, whereby the wicked Orcs reminded the visitors that their country and the USSR were once allies against a barbarous foe.

    Pity that one of Wallace’s shoe laces is untied, and he a former Guards officer as well!


    1. All part of the Russian plan – Shoigu will say, “Oh, look! Your shoelace is untied!”, and when he bends down to tie it again, Gerasimov will clock him with that marble bust to his left.


      1. In the first comment to the above-linked RT article, someone points out what a chump Wallace must be, as he left the Scots Guards with rank of captain, having served in that regiment for 8 years.


  33. “The National Interest” — which. I suppose, implies that its editorship believes that the publication reflects the interest of the “nation” or, at least, that’s what it wants its readers to believe; or perhaps the purpose of the publication is bolster those beliefs that its readership already holds true?


    I digress.

    Why Washington Has Lost Its Mind Over Ukraine
    February 11, 2022

    The writer of the above-linked article opens by describing Washington’s actions over the Ukraine as a “two-month frenzy”. I think this continuous barrage of mendacity from the government of the “Exceptional Nation” has lasted somewhat longer than 2 months. The other day, I heard Professor Robinson of Ottawa University say that these warnings of an invasion of Banderastan by the Orcs had been going on for 100 days.

    The author of the above-linked article states what has been for me obvious from the very beginning, namely the immediate purpose of this wicked exercise being carried out by the hegemon is the blocking of NS2.

    USA all the way!

    And if successful, the usual dullards can go into a frenzy about “freedom and democracy” and shout out “Winner, winner, winner!” whilst pointing the finger at “loser” Russia,

    But the real “loser” will once again be Europe. It has been the loser since at least the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922.

    Baerbock and other European “green” dreamers will be happy though, as well that amorphous mass known as the “Alanticists”, those who believe that the USA is Europe’s succour and salvation.

    I’d rather be dead than “Red”?


    1. A confusing sentence in the above article:

      The misperceptions which now rule the day in Washington, especially a view of the adversary which sees it as basically deranged, are not a good omen.

      I think the author had in mind to write:

      The misperceptions which now rule the day in Washington, especially a view of the adversary which it sees as basically deranged, are not a good omen.


      1. The last paragraph of the above article:

        The cleverest feature of the administration’s approach is that, when there is no war, Biden and Blinken can claim that it was all due to them and their solid statesmanship. Deterrence has been successful! Our firm leadership made it so! We’re not quite at that part in the unraveling of the plot, but getting closer, as U.S. intelligence seems not to be getting its predicted 175,000 troops. At the last congressional briefing on February 5, the latest intelligence estimate was that 130,000 troops were mobilized, with only 62,000 combat forces deployed, scattered all around Ukraine’s periphery. Count on it, the reduction in future numbers (as the Russian exercises wind down) will be attributed to the wise leadership of the Biden administration.

        I should have thought that the above conclusion had long been obvious.


  34. Asia Times – Opinion: Quads and triangles: Is US losing grip on its alliances?

    The juxtaposition of two meetings of US-aligned foreign ministers should shed light on where they agree – and where they don’t

    by Swaran Singh

    Hectic in-person parleys of Quad foreign ministers – of the US, Japan, Australia and India – in Melbourne on Friday are juxtaposed by the triangular three-day deliberations of special representatives on the denuclearization of North Korean – from the US, Japan and South Korea – in Honolulu.

    While the former has a whole range of issues on the agenda including preparing for the next Quad leaders’ summit in May, the latter, focused on North Korea, will conclude on Saturday with the respective foreign ministers issuing a final statement. ..

    Good questions therein.

    I was tempted to make a politicially incorrect unwoke comment about the ‘Quad’ but I didn’t. Remember kids, it’s not about what you say, mean even the intent of your own words, they could will be understood as something else entirely as a means by others to attack you. It’s autof/kery by other means.


  35. PA News Agency: Ukraine criticises Ben Wallace’s appeasement comparison with diplomacy efforts

    Ukraine has criticised the Defence Secretary’s comparison of diplomatic efforts aimed at preventing an invasion by Russia to appeasement as unhelpful, saying now is the wrong time to “offend our partners”.

    …But his remarks that there is a “whiff of Munich in the air”, in a reference to the agreement that allowed German annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938 but failed to prevent the Second World War, was not welcomed by Ukraine…

    …A source close to Mr Wallace explained that his frustrations centred on if Mr Putin strikes “come what may, then all the diplomacy would have been a straw man”, rather than being aimed at any European allies….

    For once it is Kiev that is not confused. Rather Wallace of the UK twisting history yet again in his country’s favor. They’re very good at that.

    As for ‘all the diplomacy’, what ‘diplomacy.’ The west has done nothing to make sure the Ukraine implements Minsk II and has stayed silent as is was re-armed and building up its forces along the contact line. They dug their holes together, climbed in and are now complaining that Russia has stolen their shovels and threatening to fill them in. ‘It’s not fair!’


  36. Airline insurers are pulling coverage for aircraft flying in the Ukraine but Ze says there’s ‘no point’ in closing Ukranian airspace…

    In other news.

    Tass: Ukraine boosts gas import to 14 mln cubic meters daily from February start – operator

    The bulk of import is coming from Hungary – 5.5 mln cubic meters per day in average

    …About 5 mln cubic meters are supplied from Slovakia and the remaining portion “largely by virtual reverse from Poland,” Makogon said. “162 mln cubic meters were imported in total from February start and 218 mln cubic meters – year-to-date. Gas export/re-export amounts to 2-2.5 mln cubic meters a day,” he added…


    1. Correction: Ze’s Chief of Staff Mikhail Podolyak said it.

      Maybe it is the Ukrainian army that will launch a Defensive attack on wednesday?


    2. It will be interesting to see if they can actually do ‘reverse flow’ when they don’t have a GTS anymore and it is hauled away for scrap. Because the ‘reverse flow’ method for now does not consist of gas going backward in the pipe, it consists of Ukraine tapping off the flow bound for the country that is its destination, and ‘selling’ it to itself, usually using ‘borrowed’ money. There is no physical ‘reverse’.


      1. On 4 February it was reported that the gas flow in the Yamal pipe between Poland and Germany, which for a while now has been “reversed” in Poland’s direction, stopped for several hours. Needless to say, Putin was accused of stopping it, meaning, I suppose, that he told Gazprom to stop the flow, and Gazprom told its engineers to turn off the gas.

        Small point: how could they have done that?

        Parachuted Spetsnaz operatives into Poland or Germany? .


  37. Spot the difference:

    Russian Ambassador to Sweden: “Sorry for the language – but we shit on Western sanctions”

    Scandalous headline screenshot:

    An interview with the Russian Ambassador to Sweden by the national newspaper Aftonbladet blew up the diplomatic beau monde of Europe.

    The Swedish edition of Aftonbladet published an exclusive interview with Russian Ambassador to Stockholm Viktor Tatarintsev, tagging the article with the heading “Scenario of Horror”. The title contains the words of a Russian diplomat, which can be translated as follows:

    “Sorry for the language – but we we shit on Western sanctions”
    (Ursäkta språket – men vi skiter i västs sanktioner).

    In the interview, Tatarintsev said that the US and NATO are aggravating the security situation, and it is for this reason that Moscow strongly objects to the potential membership of Sweden in the North Atlantic Alliance.

    British Daily Mail:

    Putin ‘doesn’t give a s**t about Western sanctions’, says Russian ambassador to Sweden

    Vladimir Putin ‘doesn’t give a s**t’ about the risk of Western sanctions if his country were to invade Ukraine, Russia’s ambassador to Sweden said as US staff began withdrawing from eastern Ukraine amid warnings of an ‘imminent’ invasion.

    In an outspoken interview yesterday, Viktor Tatarintsev told the country’s Aftonbladet newspaper that ‘the more the West pushes Russia, the stronger the Russian response will be’.


  38. USA occupying the moral high ground — of course!

    17: 13 13.02.2022 (updated: 18: 17 13.02.2022)
    Sullivan said the US would like to “stop the war”

    WASHINGTON, Feb 13-RIA Novosti. The United States makes public intelligence about the situation around Ukraine in an attempt to stop a war, and not provoke one, and therefore they are trustworthy, said the US president’s national Security adviser Jake Sullivan.

    “We do not provide intelligence to start a war, as has happened in the past… We present it to stop a war. I think fundamentally it means a different level of confidence from the very beginning”, Sullivan said in an interview with CNN.

    The US warns that Russia can any day attack the Ukraine, using as a pretext a provocation – an “operation under a false flag” against its own forces or Russian-speaking residents of a neighbouring country. Sullivan, at the same time, admitted that he could not accurately predict the date of the start of the war and did not rule out that it would not happen at all.


  39. The Pentagon announced the expiration of time for a peaceful solution to Ukraine
    today at 20:12

    Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a briefing that there is less and less time for a peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine.

    “We still believe today that there is still time and space for a diplomatic path forward”, Kirby said, noting that the US military believes that there is still a way to find a peaceful way to avoid war in the Ukraine.

    At the same time, he called Europe’s attempts to promote de-escalation “final and desperate”.

    “We recognize that time is decreasing in this sense,” Kirby said, adding that this gives everyone something to worry about.

    Now just consider the above:

    • there is less and less time for a peaceful, diplomatic settlement

    • if a diplomatic settlement is not reached, war will break out.

    How will war break out if no hostile action follows the absence of a diplomatic settlement?

    Surely, if war were to break out, then one potential belligerent should have to attack the other, diplomatic agreement or not.

    For 100 days or so, the aggressor in this affair has been continually named as Russia.

    Russia has still, despite endless statements that a Russian attack is imminent, has not attacked; has said it has no intention to attack the Yukie retards.

    Is Kirby saying that Russia will attack if no settlement is made?

    His whole argument is founded on the premise that Russia intends to attack Banderastan. and is almost out of patience in waiting for a diplomatic settlement.

    A diplomatic settlement over what?

    That Banderastan implement the Minsk agreements?

    The Svidomites have persistently refused to do so.

    Not the EU.

    Not Russia.

    The Nazi Galitsians refuse — the tail that wags the Kievan dog!

    And who supports the Svidomites?

    The ball has long been in the Banderites’ court.

    Yet Russia is going to attack just as sure as the sun is going to rise tomorrow — according to Washington.


    1. This, to me, suggests that the USA means to attack, having prepared the ground for months for the world to expect a Russian attack. But it could only do so by hurling the Ukrainians and Europeans against Russia, as its opening position would be with next to no forces of its own in-theatre. So it is a mystery how it could hope to accomplish anything.


  40. I made the mistake of watching al-Beeb s’Allah World Nudes channel. There was a report by seasoned reporter Fergal Keane in the Ukraine where they peddled the ‘Holodomor’ bollox and had the Ukrainian minister for ‘National Memory’ or something showing him a prison/torture cell from Stalin’s time explaining why ‘Ukranians don’t trust Russians.’ It finishes with a shot of a cemetary where apparently starvation victims were buried.

    Pop quiz fellow Stooges, for the time period of 1932-1933, what was the general agricultural situation say in the US that became a big part of American literary and cinema culture?


    1. It was “Grapes of Wrath ” time, the time of the”Oklahoma Dustbowl”. And there was starvation in the RSFSR as well and other Soviet Republics.

      I was reading a blog yesterday, in which someone pointed out that if Russia occupied the Ukraine, then Moscow would face civil disobedience and guerilla warfare. “Remember”, pointed out the commenter, “that these Ukrainians are the people who slaughtered half their livestock and destroyed their crops, rather than accept the collectivisation of agriculture that Stalin wished to impose upon them.

      Don’t forget now: the Orcs attempted to wipe out the whole Ukraine “nation” — whatever that is.

      Oh yes! And Galitsia did not suffer starvation: it was then part of Poland, yet the Galitsians howl so much about this fake genocide.


  41. Remember thisRussia!

    Europe is closer to war on the continent than it has been for 70 years, a UK minister has said.

    James Heappey, UK armed forces minister, said Russia had in place the logistical means for an invasion of Ukraine that went beyond diplomatic showmanship.

    He said Moscow had prepared the “unglamorous stuff” to support an attack – such as fuel and medical supplies – that would not be needed if the build-up on the Ukrainian border were only about “winning leverage in diplomacy”.

    International efforts to de-escalate the situation have gathered pace after warnings from the US that an invasion was imminent.

    And this shite:

    The UK defence secretary did not mean to invoke Hitler by comparing current diplomatic efforts with Russia to appeasement of the Nazis with the 1938 Munich agreement, a minister has said.

    Ben Wallace drew criticism from Ukraine for remarking that there was “a whiff of Munich in the air from some in the West”.

    James Heappey, the UK armed forces minister, said: “I don’t think for a second that Ben was seeking to draw parallels, either between Hitler and President Putin, nor between Western allies and their approach.


    Who mentioned Hitler?

    He was comparing the West’s attitude with that which it had towards the German Führer in 1938.

    Putin isn’t Hitler!

    What makes you think he was comparing Putin with Hitler?

    You really are all such silly-Billies!

    And there are no Nazis in the Ukraine either!


    1. All this drama just to pump up a leaky senile windbag? We all agree plus add in the need to make NATO relevant and to keep Germany from going wobbly and . . . .


    1. With all due respect, I think Mister Milonov needs to consider a switch to decaf.
      Valentine’s day, like most holidays, has become a wholly owned joint venture of the Hallmark company and the chocolate industry, but in our current world that hardly seems an urgent priority to me.


    2. Russia already has plenty of holidays, although I am sure the uninformed will cast Milonov’s position as ‘trying to squeeze the last drop of enjoyment from the drudgery of daily life in Russia’. But I agree Valentines Day, however trite and commercial, is not a western cultural bomb aimed at undermining family values in Russia. It’s a day to show your significant other how much you appreciate them, and there are already not enough of those. Romance never did anyone any harm. Well, apart from Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare must have been a Russian.


      1. Romance is a load of bollocks dreamt up by mediaeval Frogs strumming their lutes whilst crooning to Frogesses.

        It has the same pedigree as another dumb Frog idea that was dreamt up at the same time, namely chivalry.


        1. And you are a crusty leatherized despot with all the romance of a dilatory speculum. You are lucky flight rules are so restrictive, else I would fly there and take Mrs. Exile home with me to be a part of my seraglio, where I would lavish flowers upon her. You’ll be lucky if she does not push you down the stairs.


  42. BBC

    Yatsenyuk, Ukraine’s prime minister between 2014 and 2016, spoke to the BBC in Kyiv.

    Yatsenyuk says time isn’t running out for a diplomatic solution but it all depends on Russia’s President Putin. He says if Putin really wants to wage a war he needs to realise “he’ll be remembered as Adolf Hitler”.

    Asked what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz can bring to negotiations when he meets with Putin on Tuesday, Yatsenyuk says Scholz can’t fix the problem alone but needs the western world to also help tackle it. However, he says he doesn’t believe in dialogue with Putin unless it’s supported by “a very strong stance – financial, economic, and military”.

    The former PM says people in Ukraine are nervous about what’s going to happen. He says Ukraine is “the state of war”, and says his country has to fight because “that’s what we have done in 2013 and are ready to do in 2022”.

    When asked about Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky playing down the threat from Russia, Yatsenyuk says he’s on “the different side of the aisle” to President Zelensky. He says he believes the situation is “very, very dangerous” and the current president needs to address the Ukrainian people in an “open and truthful manner”.

    Regarding Ukraine’s Nato membership he says the only compromise Putin will accept is the “capitulation of Ukraine”.

    Thus spake the builder of the Great Wall of the Ukraine!

    And all built on the false premise that the Russian president wants to wage a war – coz ‘es evil, see!

    Who sez?

    Well everybody sez!

    Stands ter reason, dunnit?


  43. Come again, Joe? On the 16th? Can’t do it — our hockey team is playing then!

    . . . The Kremlin did not even have to organize “leaks” with half hints. Propaganda clichés of the West have themselves caused global hysteria. It turned out that the Anglo-Saxons [sic], throughout long years of demonizing Russia and Putin … have themselves come to believe in their own inventions. And the judoist Vladimir demonstrated the main principle of this fight – use the opponent’s weight against him.

    The West came up with the “insidious dictator and aggressor Putin”: the real Putin has played on that. Each propaganda line, written a thousand times in the speeches of Western politicians, printed in millions of copies of newspapers: the Russians are striving to restore the USSR within its former borders, to again make neophytes of the European Union from Eastern Europe satellites, to turn off the “gas valve”; Russia is wild and aggressive, no decent person needs to reckon with it, it poisons political opponents with polonium and Novichok, and so on and so forth …

    Well, pre-demonized? And they themselves believed: Putin is the most dangerous person in the world, the father of the hydrocarbon bomb, yeah! “Even elected Trump”, annexed the Crimea with one movement of the eyebrow, crushed the Middle East under him … God, you can expect anything from him! So, for a dozen years (since the Munich speech), most of the Western establishment has believed its own propaganda mantras.

    Therefore, Russia’s polite and unambiguous proposal that it withdraw from the Ukraine, that it not cross the borders of the “Russian world” – called the Anglo-Saxons [sic] to arms. What’s that?!? This is our sphere of influence. We will not go away anywhere. And they placed their little head into the trap.

    Today, the whole world is watching with great humour the assurances of the State Department and Brussels, which are kicking with all their limbs from the official accession of Ukraine to the Western military bloc. Well, yes, by crossing a “red line” drawn by our Guarantor [of the constitution ME], you can be guaranteed to run into a real, not a fictional conflict. The trap closed.

    Vladimir Putin perfectly played along with Western propaganda. He has my respect. Bitterly lamenting the shameful flight of Washington from Afghanistan, pointing out with deep regret what the “American security guarantees” are actually worth to the puppet regimes of the USA. Kiev took it personally. Then the Ukraine received a direct refusal from the “allies” to even consider bringing in NATO troops to “repel aggression”. It became clear to everyone – America would not stand up for anyone.

    In the autumn of 2021, the Guarantor continued to escalate the situation by surprisingly announcing that the West was going too far in building up its forces and resources near the borders of the Russian Federation. He demanded security guarantees in this area and the exclusion of even a hint of the Ukraine’s integration into NATO. Then the Geneva “ultimatums” appeared, demanding a written response on all points.

    As expected, the not-so-smart Anglo-Saxon [sic] politicians took this as an insult, and began to convince everyone that war was coming. And the shuffling pensioner Biden agreed to a specific date – it will happen on the 16th of February, senilely forgetting to put the country’s armed forces on alert. This is how for the last two months Washington and Brussels have been discrediting themselves in the eyes of a still sane public:

    — “the ground is not frozen” for the aggressor’s tracked vehicles,

    — “Putin is afraid of ruining the Olympics for Chinese helmsman Xi”

    — past the sell-by-date foodstuff in soldiers’ rations

    and so on.

    To admit that Putin was bluffing and blatantly mocking the demonisation of himself and Russia would have been shameful, a complete nullification of all the years of lies and propaganda against Moscow.

    Waiting to attack? That’s all there is to it, whilst continuing his self-mockery with each passing day. And the Guarantor does not stop: he trolls ever more fast and furiously: he would lecture Hungary’s Orban to about European energy security and how Washington would have “green energy” stripped right down fand have liquefied gas replace it. Then Macron he would directly ask Macron: “Well, are the French ready to fight? And could you explain to the people for whose interests would be, mon cher monsieur?”

    And what should Biden and his ilk do? Only to impose “hellish sanctions”? Europe does not agree to such an arrangement; it could lead to a terrible financial and energy crisis.

    Introduce something vegetarian… Homeric laughter will shake the rest of the world. Oh, for “aggressions” is there now a ban on importing Turkish tomatoes?

    There is only one way out of Putin’s trap: to sit down at the negotiating table, starting with the most reputationally painless issue – the Ukrainian one. The first necessary words have already been spoken: we will build up our troop presence in the eastern countries of NATO, but we will not go to war with Russia over Kiev under any pretence. One-nil, as required.

    Will the Guarantor believe the “guarantees” of the Ukraine’s non-accession to the North Atlantic Alliance? Don’t be ridiculous! Not even written assurances are needed. Everything the Kremlin needs has already happened: there is a complete split and rift within the collective West, a political hangover and the collapse of statehood in Kiev. And Zelensky has floridly quarrelled with the “guarantors” of Maidan democracy, realising a simple thing – the Ukraine is simply being pushed into the jaws of the angry bear.

    Having led themselves into the abyss they had invented, many in the West have realised: there is no “Russian aggression” even in the distant future; the manipulators have blatantly played games and made a fool of themselves. America is eager to fight to the last Ukrainian soldier in order to finally crush EU politics and its economy with “infernal sectoral sanctions” against Russia, from which it will not suffer one cent.

    This has been understood for a long time, but Vladimir Putin needed to fix this arrangement publicly. So that as many European “Pinocchios” as possible would rush to the “Field of Miracles” in the eyes of the voters to bury their gold coins, to sit and wait… “for Russian aggression”. But this is just the first layer of the Kremlin’s merry provocation that has been decided as time has passed.

    The oligarch problem.
    The claws of Britain’s decrepit lion dug in deepest when there was a call in Parliament for the Sanctions Act against the assets of Russian business and property of Russian-speaking oligarchs in England. The author of this fateful document for Russia, as it is not difficult to guess, is the great geographer and historian, the head of the Foreign Office of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss.

    One cupid stunt!

    We will make sure that those who share responsibility for the Kremlin’s aggressive and destabilising action will share in bearing a heavy cost. Their assets in the UK will be frozen. No UK business or individual would be able to transact with them, and should they seek to enter the UK, they would be turned back.

    The Kremlin immediately played along, with spokesman Peskov threatening reciprocal “mirror measures”, but the politically literate populace rolled with laughter. Had London decided to take on Russia’s oligarchs? In the end, he got up the courage to respond to Her Majesty’s Government’s 2016 report, which states directly:

    The amount of Russian business funds of corrupt origin that enter the United Kingdom is estimated at 100 billion pounds a year.

    The intentions of the British authorities with regard to the oligarchs’ assets were fully supported by the Russian side. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was particularly venomous:

    The main thing is not to take a step back, Mrs. Truss! We have great hopes in you. No momentary British financial interests are more important than democracy and freedom! If you bring your idea to fruition, you will be eligible for the “Co-operation Award” [of the FSB — ME]

    Along the way, there were reported the names of corrupt officials, whom Russia had asked London to extradite in the first place. And all the official media, as if on cue, released in-depth analytical materials, where the main point was the long-standing warning of the Guarantor to the domestic elite regarding the risks of foreign placement of funds.

    And are there a a lot of them piling up over here? No one knows how many of them there are. There are at least 100,000 of our very poor compatriots living in the United Kingdom. At the end of last year, Reuters reported that over 1,500 Russians have “investment visas” alone, which are issued to obtain permanent residence permits (subsequently British citizenship).

    By the way, an “investment visa” is a requirement to invest a lump sum in the economy of the Kingdom … of 2 million pounds sterling (202 million rubles) to each applicant for British passport.

    The names of the wealthiest oligarchs are well known: Alisher Usmanov, founder of the USM group; Roman Abramovich and Mikhail Fridman. All have invested in football clubs, securities, elite and high-end real estate. Their mansions are close to fabulously expensive houses in the most prestigious areas of London: Andrey Guriev, vice-president of PhosAgro; Andrey Borodin, former head of the Bank of Moscow; Andrey Goncharenko, a former top manager at Gazprom.

    What the “Russian Assets and Oligarchs Act” will turn out to be like be is not very clear (or whether it will happen at all). But according to highly substantiated leaks from the Guardian, Russian energy companies’ shareholdings will come under attack. From the biggest billionaire, Mikhail Prokhorov, to the “minor oligarchs”, Evgeny Chichvarkin, their funds will be seized or frozen indefinitely.

    The Foggy Albion authorities are powerless to do anything about the oligarchs’ assets. The only thing they can do is to limit the right of lien and sale. They could spend decades in litigation against every corrupt official in our country, trying to prove their illegitimacy. It is a stillborn initiative, but it could be nerve-wracking for the oligarchs.

    If all the traps and snares have been correctly set by the Guarantor, we should stock up on popcorn and wait to see exactly where the financial flows will soon flow. The problem of the 2024 elections will be solved by a complete shake-up of the oligarchic elite. If they are for Russia, they’ll bring their loot back home as soon as possible: If they are against Russia, they will be ready to finance opposition campaigns (this is clearly a condition for “unfreezing” or immunity of assets), and go to London.

    Of course, the risks are great. If the law is passed, London will immediately lose its status as a safe haven for stolen capital from all over the world, losing the trust of all the overseas oligarchs without exception. And as for Russians … this will be a gift from Vladimir Putin’s new election campaign, causing a long and prolonged applause from the Russian people for the integrity of their “British colleagues”.

    And especially if the data on current officials and employees of state corporations, which are now hidden behind the named accounts of relatives, friends, relatives – the greatest of scandals could come to light. The Guarantor has a full and legal right to roll up his sleeves and start repopulating Siberia with new colonists in the best Stalinist traditions.

    That is to say, the hysteria with the “Russian aggression” has caused the not-so-smart politicians to be shackled by their stupidity: following her spanking by Lavrov, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is already being asked by hostile British commentators: “Are you acting on Putin’s instructions to cleanse his country of corruption and thieves and depriving our economy of billions of pounds if many of them decide to “return their loot” and repent?”

    It is a pity that these are only dreams. Our just annoyance at the holders of “criminal capital” will not be satisfied. I can imagine how overwhelmed all the Russian secret services are now, watching the panic fever of domestic “Pinocchios” re-hoarding their gold coins. Everyone will surely be quietly spoken to, pointing out a new “Field of Miracles” for their cultivation.

    It is a shame that the consensus of the elites will not be broken; all that has happened in these months will remain behind the Kremlin’s seven seals. But the “Russian Aggression” special operation commands respect on all counts. How the Western political elites fell into their own vat of false propaganda, how the world marvelled at the “security guarantees” and real attitude towards the proxy regimes, how “united the North Atlantic Alliance” is when it senses it’s being hauled over the coals.

    Yes, and our oligarchs will have to take a closer look at the politicians of the host countries of their capital. How has the level of professionalism collapsed, the ability to conduct public affairs; how easy it is to manipulate and drive into hopeless dead ends the once great diplomacy of the hegemonic powers, to expose presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers and the public of a lower rank in front of the whole world!

    How , by their very own hands, have they made Russia stronger and fueled our sense of humour and cohesion, and saved President Putin’s campaign costs!

    Hw clever!

    Translated in part from: Well done Putin, well done! How the special operation “Aggression of Russia-2022” has played out


    1. I need hardly point out to this audience that the ‘operation’ did not go according to plan. Russia was supposed to make some conciliatory motions, perhaps move its forces arrayed ‘on Ukraine’s border’ a few hundred miles inland toward the center, although that would have been a purely symbolic gesture as they could have occupied the same positions again in a day or so. But it would have allowed NATO to beat its chest and strut and roar that it had made Putin back down, by God!

      Instead, the forces remained in place, and even more arrived from time to time as different exercises began and wound down; no use having so many people in uniform hanging about, gobbling rations and drawing pay – put them to work! And if Putin were moved to be as much of a smack-talking pile of pigshit as western leaders are, he could have claimed to have averted dozens of provocations, several aborted lunges by the Ukie army to reconquer the Donbas, the way Washington has already shown it intends to spin ‘the invasion’. If it doesn’t happen, it is because Joe ‘the Talking Walnut’ Biden frightened Putin to the point he abandoned his cherished plan of conquering a loudmouthed but bankrupt nation, subsequently going bankrupt himself in an attempt to restore its economy to pre-Maidan genteel poverty. All’s well that ends well.


  44. It took awhile, but Ze is finally singing from the same song sheet. Leave Wednesday free, folks.

    Meanwhile…*gulp*…the Russians are moving into ATTACK POSITIONS!!!!

    Please note: “Once the Russian attack begins, U.S. knowledge of what is happening will dramatically decrease. Americans will have no troops on the ground and no reconnaissance planes over the air, and Russian cyber attacks and electronic warfare will blot out communications.”

    But the information right now is rock-solid. Once the balloon goes up, America will be virtually blind, as the Russians deploy all kinds of jamming and dirty tricks which must be in the shop getting tuned up at present, because they apparently have been unable to deploy them for the past month or two to cover their movements.


      1. Sullivan has previously claimed that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could happen within weeks, if not days. However, the national security adviser also admitted on 13 February that the US “cannot predict the precise day or time the alleged attack will start”. He and the US Department of State have called on Americans in Ukraine to leave the country, and Washington has reportedly reduced its diplomatic mission there to 22 people.

        We have seen over the course of the past 10 days a dramatic acceleration in the build-up of Russian forces and the disposition of those forces in such a way that they could launch a military action essentially at any time

        he said.



      2. I need hardly point out to this audience that the ‘operation’ did not go according to plan. Russia was supposed to make some conciliatory motions, perhaps move its forces arrayed ‘on Ukraine’s border’ a few hundred miles inland toward the center, although that would have been a purely symbolic gesture as they could have occupied the same positions again in a day or so. But it would have allowed NATO to beat its chest and strut and roar that it had made Putin back down, by God!

        Instead, the forces remained in place, and even more arrived from time to time as different exercises began and wound down; no use having so many people in uniform hanging about, gobbling rations and drawing pay – put them to work! And if Putin were moved to be as much of a smack-talking pile of pigshit as western leaders are, he could have claimed to have averted dozens of provocations, several aborted lunges by the Ukie army to reconquer the Donbas, the way Washington has already shown it intends to spin ‘the invasion’. If it doesn’t happen, it is because Joe ‘the Talking Walnut’ Biden frightened Putin to the point he abandoned his cherished plan of conquering a loudmouthed but bankrupt nation, subsequently going bankrupt himself in an attempt to restore its economy to pre-Maidan genteel poverty. All’s well that ends well.


        1. No doubt in part because the west cannot be trusted to stick to do something stupid and the Russians had already had enough. Surely it was clear to Washington when Russia told the USA before Bid-Dumb was annointed that the gloves were off. No wiping of the slate clean for a new President. No deference in policy to fit around US domestic policies/elections/d*ck swinging.

          As usual you have to follow up with action to words which is why the west ignored it. And why they expanded NATO etc.

          I don’t think anything is out of the woods by a long shot but it’ll be interesting to see how much Moscow will let the USA in particular get away with claims of success or victory somewhere. I assume there is some latitude there as long as Moscow gets what it wants in substence.

          In other news, I see that Russia is quite angry about new i-Sraeli air force attacks against Damascus. It seems that Tel Aviv hasn’t got the message. I do wonder if it might be Washington that will go for broke and back an i-Sraeli strike on i-Ran as a do something aka ‘do anything’ to try and distract/confuse/whatever just to show that the USA is still STRONK!

          As for the u-Ro’s, I’m sure they’ve been told that their time of sitting on the fence is coming to the end and that choice will be made for them one way or another if they don’t do it first. I can imagine France & Germany needing some way to manage it that won’t further split the EU or do damage to ‘Ever Expanding Union’, but that is of no Russian concernt. Russia laid out its lines very clearly and has backed those words with action.

          In other news Finland has effectively joined NATO by signing the contract for F-35s. Considering ALIS and all the other telemetry etc. the F-35 transmits home and possibly vice-versa, it would hardly make much difference to have US troops on Finnish soil (apart from for the Finns). It’s the same lie as Sweden being ‘neutral.’ I guess that as long as neither are used to stage US weapons and materiel that is the best that can be had.


      3. Ha, ha! Priceless; yes, indeed he did say there was no cause for alarm. But he evidently allowed himself to be persuaded, and now western outlets are shouting “Extry! Extry! Ukrainian President says Russia will attack on Wednesday!!” just as if it were Ze who told America rather than the other way around.

        No-lose and win-win for Biden – if the attack does not materialize, he can say he was misinformed by Zelensky.


  45. I just hope that no aeroplanes are targeted for this false flag

    Or schools or hospitals I hope precautions have been taken

    Donbas leaders also should make themselves scarce for the next few weeks

    Crimean bridge could be attacked
    Or a nuclear reactor
    Or a pipeline


  46. It’s that old video comparing a Russian Army recruiting video with “Emma has two moms” recruiting video. The 45,000+ comments are now visible. What a blast! Most popular comments were that the Russian soldiers also has two moms – the biological one and Mother Russia.

    Most said that the Emma video was effective for Russian army recruitment. Seriously, the US MSM/deep state realize that a sizeable fraction of the deplorables would support Russia simply on cultural/moral grounds if given knowledge of Russian society.


  47. “Spiked” magazine:

    Liz Truss: an embarrassment to Britain
    The foreign secretary’s arrogance and ignorance has further damaged UK-Russia relations.

    Dispatched for little more than a day trip to Moscow, Liz Truss managed to confirm all of Russia’s negative preconceptions about British diplomacy – arrogance, coldness and an attachment to hypocritical sermonising about ‘values’ – while adding at least one more: ignorance.

    According to Russian media reports, not denied by the UK side, Truss’s chilly encounter with her vastly more experienced Russian opposite number, Sergey Lavrov, included an exchange that went roughly like this.


    1. Liz Truss is a drama-school idiot. But more and more that is the norm for politicians; the most disgracefully privileged, who consider themselves above the law, are also the most out of touch with reality. Trudeau just went on television and blathered on about ‘cornerstones of democracy’, taking care to point out that ‘displays of Nazi symbolism’ is not one of them.

      That so, Justin? Then why was Canada – under your leadership – one of only three countries on the entire planet to vote against the Russian-sponsored UN resolution condemning the ‘Glorification of Nazism’? The others were Ukraine, with an obvious vested interest since its ‘punishment battalions’ like to slip in cutesy little Nazi art moments which they pretend to be confused about if you call them out, and the United States, with an obvious vested interest in opposing any legislation originated by Russia. Remember that proud moment for all Canadians? What a fucking disgrace. Take some personal time – like the rest of your life – to manage your sock collection, and get out of politics. It’s not a good fit for you, you embarrassing failure.

      However, lest I be misunderstood as endorsing the opposition, there’s no hope there, either. I know it’s hard to imagine the Indian head of the New Democratic Party, the ‘party of the working man’, as an out-of-touch elitist, but Jagmeet Singh is just that, and another idiot into the bargain. The Conservatives are leaderless at the moment, having just ousted their party head owing to his lacklustre election performance. The political scene in Canada is such an empty field, yet at the same time so venomous, that it is hard not to visualize it as the wreck of a train carrying assholes colliding with a train carrying mental patients, resulting in a plague of delusional asshole zombies searching for brains. Congenital idiots like Singh evidently regard politics as some kind of blood sport in which the quickest to ridicule the leader for another simpleminded example of lunacy gets to sit in his chair – Singh has no ideas of his own, and his act consists of sorrowfully espousing the opposite view of whoever just fucked up. How hard is that, really? If you know what ‘opposite’ means, you could do it. No political skilz required.

      And don’t even get me started on Australia and the Reasonophobic buttplugs that manage it, or the tone-deaf Maori woodcarving that is Jacinda Ardern. The politicians of the world are infected with Bush 01, the virus that makes its victims proud to be ignorant. There’s no hope for politics, we might just as well go back to tribes ruled by chiefs whose term depends on tribal consent. The Age of Reason has led us to the Age of Unreason.

      More and more, those who aspire to a lifelong occupation of swinging off the tit of the taxpayer cultivate an image of whatever they think you want to see. It has no bearing whatever on their actual character, because they don’t have any – they are a blank slate on which they hope you will draw your ideal leader. But that is only going to get harder, the longer we go without any real examples of leadership. The writing is on the wall for Troodles, but replacing him will change nothing. The same is true around the Americas and Europe, where airheads and Baywatch audition dropouts fiddle with the levers of power. A restless world is undergoing a paradigm shift – as Tucker inquired during one of his recent rants, who’s going to believe a doctor, after this?

      If you skinned Liz Truss’s head, you couldn’t even make a good baseball glove out of her skull-hide. She is as useless as a star-shaped suppository. But don’t be too hard on her – she’s only in the front rank of a useless group that is well-paid and secure despite having the collective IQ of a St. Patrick’s Day parade. Anyone who thinks anything can be changed by another election probably also believes in leprechauns and the power of positive thinking.


    2. Interestingly, Dejevsky posits the the idea that those such as she, who have spent 1 year in Russia, or, in her case, the Soviet union, as exchange students, should better be hired in the UK as Russian specialists. However, she suspects that such persons are viewed upon as being somewhat tainted, in that they have “slept with the enemy”.

      Dejevsky studied at Voronezh State University, which is in Russia, a fact apparently unbeknown to Truss when she arrived here the other day, as did I. Dejevsky was there in the ’70s: I was there in the late ’80s.(See: Voronezh and the re-branding of post-Soviet Russia.) In my case, however, I most certainly “slept with the enemy” — both literally and intimately. I still do so, and have done these past 25 years in fact.

      Dejevsky is mistaken in thinking that exchange students such as she had been, are not employed as “Russia experts” in the West, the most glaring examples of such being the idiot McFaul, who, when US ambassador to Russia, said that Russia was a “savage country” (дикая страна), and the academic and former intelligence analyst at the U.S. National Security Council, specializing in Russian and European affairs under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the Englishwoman, now a naturalized US citizen, Fiona Hill, both of whom being Russophobes.

      Hill was even working part time as an intern for NBC News when an exchange student in the USSR in 1987. Having returned to the UK, she was offered a scholarship in the USA, where she went and has remained.

      Having been categorized in the UK by Thatcher as one of the “enemies within” some 4 years before I set off for the Evil Empire in 1989, it is hardly surprising that I was offered neither an internship with NBC News before I set off for the USSR, nor employment in the UK after my having returned there and graduated in 1991.

      So I went back to Russia in search of work, which I found and where I have since stayed.

      I am still waiting for the call for my services as a “Russia expert”, though.

      One can still live in hope . . .



      1. Strange — that FT link to Dejevsky’s article on Voronezh is behind the usual FT paywall, but it wasn’t when I first opened it and added a link to it in what I posted above.

        I have found the article again in my browser history, and it is not behind a wall.

        Here it is below in full, should anyone be interested in what it says. Its content may even be of some use to that moron Truss:

        Cheerful crowds throng the flag-bedecked avenue — young people seemingly welded to their phones, proud parents with their offspring, smartly dressed elders pausing to listen to bands and choirs along the route. The atmosphere might tease you into imagining you are in a passeggiata. But this is nowhere near the Mediterranean — this is the Russian city of Voronezh as festivities for the annual Day of the City reach their climax.

        I am here because this year’s celebration coincides with the centenary of Voronezh University, once a very Soviet institution, where I (and, over the years, many other British students) passed an austere year. In a move inconceivable in the 1970s, when I was there, the university put out a call for foreign alumni to revisit. I am one of those curious enough to answer.

        As dusk falls, the Patriarchal Choir belts out heavy metal and the primary school orchestra strum their balalaikas. The scene is of relaxed contentment — and an age-mix quite unfamiliar to those of us whose last immersion in this city was in the depths of the cold war. Bread and circuses with the compliments of Vladimir Putin? Maybe. But can anyone begrudge such normality after 30 years of turmoil?

        When I was first in Voronezh, collective celebrations entailed marching columns and forests of red flags — and a black mark against your name if you failed to show up. (Or, in the case of two of my immediate predecessors on the British exchange, if you climbed a lamp post and tried to capture a flag to take home.)

        Voronezh is, in many ways, unrecognisable from its Soviet self. Even its layout has been altered to restore the 19th-century plan. A vast new church rises from what was once a scruffy park. The skyline boasts a dozen gleaming domes and crosses. Old vistas have been reopened. Voronezh is, once again, a river town.

        In some ways the changes are a triumph of post-Soviet rebranding. Once Voronezh’s civic pride derived from victimhood. It was, we were constantly told, “the last front before Stalingrad”. As such, it had paid the price in lives, ugly postwar rebuilding and a reverence for sacrifice. That legacy remains, enshrined in a new memorial complex on a bluff above the river where the armoury had been defended to the death.

        But the history told now has nuance. There was heroic resistance but there were also deportations and executions. The Soviet story of heroic loss has acquired a more human dimension.

        Meanwhile, Voronezh has unearthed another past: as the city where Peter the Great built Russia’s first navy. In my 10 months here in 1972-73, I never heard a mention of Peter or of the ships now deemed the city’s claim to national renown. The wharf section of the riverbank has been redeveloped, the church of St Mitrofan has been rebuilt and a replica warship moored alongside. Peter the Great is the new theme — for streets, for a shopping centre, for souvenirs.

        Which is not to say that this city is about to renounce its past. It was loyal to the Kremlin then, as it is largely loyal to Putin now. Lenin Square retains its statue in taxi-hailing mode. The student hostel I lived in still stands on Friedrich Engels Street; there is still Karl Marx Street and Soviet Square; Revolution Avenue is still the main drag. But here the first crack appears.

        The original name, our guide explains, was “Great Gentry Street”, which explains the mansions that have survived on either side. Some signs even display the double name. Not far away you can find memorials to the once taboo writer Ivan Bunin (who was born here and won the Nobel Prize after emigrating) and to the poet Osip Mandelstam, who spent his exile here.

        The Voronezh of 2018 plays havoc with your head. You can saunter down Revolution Avenue, or Great Gentry Street, as you choose. You sense the substance of the USSR draining away as today’s jeans-clad teenagers grow into their Russian inheritance, wearing Orthodox crosses around their necks.

        Among the students I met, there was a bit of a buzz about the Salisbury “tourists”, whose interview had just been broadcast on state TV. Bafflement and not a little hilarity spilled into social media — not much sympathy, it has to be said, for the poisoned Skripals or respect for Russia’s “lads”, who might once have been revered as selfless defenders of the motherland.

        Nowhere was the dissonance more striking than at the centenary gala concert. The university’s go-ahead rector, Dmitry Endovitsky, once Russia’s youngest doctor of economics, made the introductions. The concert brought together a visibly new middle class: well-dressed, well-mannered and exuding a solidity that could (if you were an optimist) come to anchor Russia’s stable future. Or not.

        The modern world has found more tasteful ways of “thanking our sponsors” than inviting an academic audience to sing the name of a major Russian bank to the tune of a folk song. No less disconcerting was the follow-up to a rousing Freddie Mercury number, with the next (patriotic) song announced as “the favourite of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”.

        The few seconds of silence — or did I imagine it? — were deafening, before they were broken by a ripple of thin applause. Politics had made an unwelcome intrusion. In Moscow and St Petersburg, the transition from the Soviet Union may seem complete. In the provinces, and in the mind, it is a work in progress.

        Mary Dejevsky is a writer and former Moscow correspondent

        I never got no invites, the miserable buggers!

        That “scruffy park” that Dejevsky mentions was right facing the Soviet students’ hostel where I too lived, situated on Friedrich Engels Street.

        My two Russian cohabitants, with whom I shared a tiny room in the hostel, called that scruffy place “Pedo Park”.

        “Pedo” is Russian for “faggot” or “queer”.

        Voronezh was almost totally razed during the Nazi occupation, during which their Hungarian allies became infamous for their brutality.

        When I returned to Voronezh in 1993, I was strolling along the main drag there, Prospekt Rovolyutsii, with my erstwhile paramour Natasha No.1, when someone suddenly called to me across the broad avenue. That person, a former Soviet student acquaintance and also an Afghan veteran, rushed across the road to me, gave me a hug, and said: “We knew you would come back! Only you!”

        I was the only British student of my year who went back, it seems.

        And they never gave me an invite to the bash that Dejevsky was invited to.

        On the other hand, maybe they did, but I have not lived at my old English address for almost 30 years, probably the only address which they knew if they had wanted to contact me: I have been here, in the Evil Empire, since 1993.


      2. Well you just never know … you could be the next Alexander Mercouris, jumping from below the line of Mark Chapman’s posts at The Kremlin Stooge / The New Kremlin Stooge into the spotlight with a Duran wannabe news site and have your own regular podcasts on YouTube, broadcasting from the sacred grove of Woden at your dacha.



  48. According to a poster at Moon of Alabama

    “…Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy didn’t say Ukraine has been told Russia is going to attack on Feb 16.
    He was referring to reports from the US it will happen Feb 16 and said instead Ukraine will hold a holiday.
    He was actually suggesting Ukraine doesn’t believe it will happen.

    Some US media misreported his comments, losing them in translation.
    Zelenskyy himself was clear in the speech. The whole address was dedicated to calming panic, not warning people Russia will attack on Wednesday.”


    1. That’s very interesting, thanks for posting it. We will see if it is true. Although I would suggest the US media employs quite a few translators who were hired for their apparent skills at creatively interpreting what they hear rather than what was actually said.

      No matter how it turns out, the author of the translated piece posted by ME is likely right – it is inescapable that the principle western nations who swaggered that they stood ‘shoulder to shoulder with their Ukrainian brothers’ instead pulled out all their Embassy personnel and publicly declared in advance that they would not send any military personnel to the fight in the event there was one.

      The whole ‘the attack will be this Wednesday’ rubbish is unfathomable – how could ‘western intelligence agencies’ determine that scheduling information when they continue to claim nobody knows if Putin has ‘made up his mind’? Did someone let them have a peek at their meeting notes which were headed “Invasion Wednesday – pack clean underwear, and do NOT sleep in”? You either see telltale signs of preparation to move or you don’t, and maybe you see them in western military movements so that you know the attack will come four days later, but even the famous western General and sometime-CNN-expert-commenter Wesley Clark could not be any more accurate than ‘we’re going to knock over 7 countries in 5 years’.


    2. Hey Biden, Sullivan!

      Seen this?

      February 15, 2022
      9:56 AM GMT+3
      Last Updated 36 min ago
      Ukraine president calls for ‘day of unity’ for Feb. 16, day some believe Russia could invade

      MOSCOW/KIEV, Feb 14 (Reuters) – Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Monday called on the country’s people to fly flags and sing the national anthem in unison on Feb. 16, a date that some Western media say Russian could invade.

      Ukrainian government officials stressed that Zelenskiy was not predicting an attack on Wednesday, but responding skeptically to the foreign media reports.

      “They tell us Feb. 16 will be the day of the attack. We will make it a day of unity”, Zelenskiy said in a video address to the nation.

      “They are trying to frighten us by yet again naming a date for the start of military action”, Zelenskiy said. “On that day, we will hang our national flags, wear yellow and blue banners, and show the whole world our unity.”

      Zelenskiy has long said that, while he believes Russia is threatening to attack his country, the likelihood of an imminent invasion has been overstated by Western allies, responding to Moscow’s efforts to intimidate Ukraine and sow panic.

      Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Zelenskiy’s chief of staff, told Reuters the president was responding in part “with irony” to media reports of the potential date of the invasion.

      “It is quite understandable why Ukrainians today are skeptical about various ‘specific dates’ of the so-called ‘start of the invasion’ announced in the media”, he said. “When the ‘start of the invasion’ becomes some sort of rolling tour date, such media announcements can only be taken with irony.”

      Zelenskiy’s office released a decree calling for all villages and towns in the Ukraine to fly the country’s flags on Wednesday, and for the entire nation to sing the national anthem at 10 a.m. It also called for an increase in salaries of soldiers and border guards.

      U.S. officials said they were not predicting an assault ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on a specific day, but repeated warnings that it could come at any time.

      “I won’t get into a specific date, I don’t think that would be smart. I should just tell you that it is entirely possible that he could move with little to no warning”, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby told reporters. Earlier, Kirby said Moscow was still adding to its military capabilities on the Ukrainian frontier.

      Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington, which has already sent most of its diplomats home, was moving its remaining diplomatic mission in the Ukraine from Kiev to the western city of Lvov, much further from the Russian border. He cited a “dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian forces”.

      Blinken has said Washington was offering the Ukraine up to $1 billion in sovereign loan guarantees to calm markets.

      The State Department issued a travel advisory recommending that U.S. citizens leave Belarus, which borders both Russia and the Ukraine.

      Russia has more than 100,000 troops massed near the border of the Ukraine. Russian political leaders deny Western accusations that it is planning to invade, but say it could take unspecified “military-technical” action unless a range of demands are met, including barring Kiev from ever joining the NATO alliance.

      Russia suggested on Monday that it would keep talking to the West to try to defuse the security crisis.

      In a televised exchange, Putin was shown asking his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, whether there was a chance of an agreement to address Russia’s security concerns, or whether it was just being dragged into tortuous negotiations.

      Lavrov replied: “We have already warned more than once that we shall not allow endless negotiations on questions that demand a solution today”.

      But he added: “It seems to me that our possibilities are far from exhausted … At this stage, I should suggest continuing and building them up”.

      Western countries have threatened unprecedented sanctions if Russia invades. The Group of Seven large economies (G7) warned on Monday of “economic and financial sanctions which will have massive and immediate consequences on the Russian economy”.

      After having spoken with the foreign ministers of Russia and the Ukraine, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he still believed “from his own analysis, his own hopes” that there would not be a conflict, a U.N. spokesperson said.

      Moscow says Ukraine’s quest to join NATO poses a threat. While NATO has no immediate plans to admit the Ukraine, Western countries say they cannot negotiate over a sovereign country’s right to form alliances.


      The Ukraine has already suffered economic damage from the standoff. A surge in the price of 5-year credit default swaps on Ukrainian sovereign bonds suggested that markets have given Kiev a 42% probability of defaulting.

      Ukraine International Airlines, the nation’s biggest airline, said its insurers had terminated coverage for some of its aircraft.

      German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has held talks with Zelenskiy in Kiev. Scholz is due to fly to Moscow on Tuesday, following visits by French President Emmanuel Macron and two British ministers, who went last week. read more

      Scholz said he saw “no reasonable justification” for Russia’s military activity on Ukraine’s border, and that “we are ready for a serious dialogue with Russia on European security issues”. He announced a credit of 150 million euros ($170 million) for the Ukraine.

      Keep on handing out to them the dosh, idiots!


      1. Typical politician, wrapping himself in the national flag. “Let them remember, on that day of infamy, that Zelensky united the people!!”

        By my reckoning, their warbling carols will be interrupted by the armed DJ and changed to the State Anthem of the Russian Federation; if they wait until 10:00 AM to sing about unity, the state will have been in Russian hands for nearly four hours, if the Salo Bowl kickoff is to be at 01 double-bubble.

        NATO cannot negotiate over a sovereign country’s right to form alliances? But it forbade the presence of Russians at the Glorious Maidan? And announced the alleged discovery of all Russians since in Ukraine as ‘the capture of spies’? Little message disconnect there, I think.

        The Russians could move with little to no warning? So, as a ‘show of good faith’, they should announce to Washington 48 hours in advance the movements of all Russian military personnel inside Russia? Or if they fail to do so, be considered to be attempting an invasion?

        Be sure to thank Grampy Biden, Zelensky, for the wonderful things America has done for Ukraine. While Russia remains Ukraine’s biggest foreign investor, Uncle Sam promised to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine through thick and thin but suddenly remembered he had left the stove on when Ivan decided to teach Ukraine a hard lesson once and for all. Now it appears to be sinking in to Ukraine’s other foreign creditors that Ukraine might be a significant credit default risk. You don’t say.

        Well, never mind. Sing about unity. It will take your minds off your troubles.


  49. 10: 52, February 15, 2022
    Truss described a scenario with the rapid capture of Kiev by the Russian military
    British Foreign Secretary Truss said that Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine is very likely

    A Russian invasion of the Ukraine remains a highly likely scenario, and the Russian military may attempt an unmarked invasion and quickly take over the territory.Kiev, the Foreign Minister said Great Britain’s Liz Truss. This is reported by the Reuters news agency.

    “In terms of the timing of the invasion, it could happen very soon”, Truss said.

    Truss described the likely invasion plan as follows: Russian troops attempt an unmarked attack, as they did in 2014 in the Crimea, and then in a few days the offensive could stop with the capture of Kiev, which is the main goal of the operation.

    General Truss


    1. Ahhh…I see. So the military forces that will run loose in Ukraine and butcher its innocent people – presumably even the little lad in his tassel hat, bravely defending his homeland with his wooden gun – will be ‘unmarked’. Little green men. Unidentifiable as to national attribution because they wear no insignia of rank, nationality or identification. So the Russians have been encamped in the open, right next door to Ukraine, for more than a month, with no doubt whatever as to who they are or where they came from. But tomorrow night they will don their anonymous green uniforms, innocent of badges or numbers, and lunge across the border all the way to Kuh-yiv, which is their ‘objective’…and nobody will know who they are. Except for Putin, of course, that grand-master of secrecy and maskirovka. Cunning? That doesn’t begin to describe it.

      All forces so engaged should keep the telephone number of the US Department of State tucked into their sock right next to their passport. That way if they become confused in the ‘fog of war’ and temporarily unable to recall their objective relevant to where they are, they can call for directions. The State Department apparently knows the whole plan at least as well as those who are supposed to have devised it, right down to zero hour.


  50. Some cheering news from Mordor:

    A court has began an offsite hearing in Pokrov in the case of the founder of FBK Navalny

    The Lefortovo Court of Moscow has begun considering a criminal case against the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK, recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia) Alexei Navalny on four episodes of fraud and two episodes of contempt of court during the process of defamation of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ignat Artemenko, reports RBC.

    The visiting session is taking place in correctional colony No. 2 (IK-2) in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region. Present, in addition to Navalny and his lawyers, is the wife of the oppositionist. The judge has already read the charges. According to the investigation, Navalny stole and spent for personal needs more than 350 million rubles collected for the FBK.

    Contempt of court is imputed to the founder of the Fund because of an insult to judge Vera Akimova, who passed the verdict in the case of slandering veteran Artemenko. The materials contain more than 100 of phrases made by Navalny. On February 20, 2021, in a libel case, he was sentenced to a fine of 850 thousand rubles in favour of the state.

    In January, Navalny was included in the list of terrorists and extremists. Also on the list were his closest supporters: Lyubov Sobol, Vyacheslav Gimadi, Georgy Alburov and Ruslan Shaveddinov and others.

    Give him another 2 years to run sequentially!


  51. USA all the way!

    Amerika — stronk!

    Russia — losers!!!

    Ukraine-Russia news – live: Moscow says some troops returning from border, as Truss calls for full withdrawal
    Military units on move after completing drills, says Russian defence ministry
    5 minutes ago

    Troops in Russia’s military districts bordering Ukraine are returning to bases after completing drills, Russia’s defence ministry said.

    The move could significantly de-escalate the current tension with the West as the current crisis has been driven by the build-up of Russian troops near Ukraine.

    Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesperson for Russia’s defence ministry, said units of the Southern and Western military districts have completed their exercises and started returning to bases. It was not clear how many troops he was referring to.

    Liz Truss, UK foreign secretary, said the UK would need to see a complete withdrawal of Russian troops to believe that Moscow was not planning an invasion.

    Earlier, she said that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was “highly likely” and could take place imminently.

    She urged Vladimir Putin to “step back” and said a war would have “severe consequences” for Russia, Ukraine and the security of Europe.

    Western officials said the Russian president was planning multiple attacks on Ukraine’s borders as well as a capture of Kiev.

    Attagirl! You tell ’em what to do with their own military in their own country, Truss!


    1. Ah. So Russia backed down in the face of united NATO resolve, and decided to mothball the invasion. Karl will be pleased. Still the chance of a fight, though – every single Russian soldier must be back in the barracks before General Truss calls ‘Time!’, or it will be the worse for Russia. Put ’em up, Putin!! The Lizzard will rub your nose in the dirt.


  52. A draft State Duma appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics will be sent immediately to President Vladimir Putin, bypassing approval by the Foreign Ministry. The majority of deputies voted for this decision. Kiev has already stated that the Ukraine will consider the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk by Moscow as Russia’s withdrawal from the Minsk agreements.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Kiev believes that Moscow will actually withdraw from the Minsk agreements if the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics is recognized. The Ukrainian side has already warned its partners about its decision, he said.

    First of all, regarding the possible recognition by the Russian Duma of the so-called “L/DPR”. I want to once again remind you of Ukraine’s unwavering position — if the decision on recognition is approved, Russia will de facto and de jure withdraw from the Minsk agreements with all the accompanying consequences,

    the minister said.


    As if Banderastan had ever attempted to implement said agreements!

    The Minsk Protocol is an agreement was written in 2014 by the Trilateral Contact Group on the Ukraine, consisting of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), with mediation by the leaders of France and Germany in the so-called Normandy Format.

    After extensive talks in Minsk, Belarus, the agreement was signed by representatives of the Trilateral Contact Group and, without recognition of any status, by the then heads of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic.

    “The solution of the Ukraine question can be only political, and the basis of the solution can only be the Minsk agreements”, said Macron in Moscow on Monday.

    The next day in Kyiv, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, reaffirmed to Macron what he has been saying for months: Ukraine is committed to fulfilling the Minsk accords, as long as this happens in the way Kyiv interprets them.

    Privately, however, Ukrainian officials are more downbeat. “Minsk is impossible to fulfil. It would lead to the destruction of Ukraine as a state if we did,” said one high-ranking government official.



  53. I still don’t get what the purpose of the past few weeks was all about.

    Has Russia got their security guarantees? No

    Ukraine has got money and weapons ?

    USA and NATO scared their respective populations with talk of war

    The Europeans stayed silent in lockstep with USA

    What has been learned by Russia from all this I wonder


    1. BBC

      More from Nato’s secretary-general who says Russian movement of forces doesn’t represent real de-escalation if military equipment is left behind.

      Jens Stoltenberg says a real de-escalation would mean a substantial withdrawal of troops and equipment from the border areas with Ukraine.

      Russia has amassed a fighting force in and around Ukraine unprecedented since the Cold War. Everything is now in place for a new attack.

      But Russia still has time to step back from the brink, stop preparing for war and start working for a peaceful solution.

      There are signs from Moscow that diplomacy should continue. This gives grounds for cautious optimism. But so far we have not seen any sign of de-escalation on the ground from the Russian side.

      He spoke to reporters ahead of a two-day meeting of the alliance’s defence ministers in Brussels. He says they will address the need to further “increase our defensive posture”.


    2. See the movie Wag the Dog. (which came out shortly before Bill Clinton started the Kosovo war to distract from his domestic problems). It was an exercise in propaganda and I never believed it was related to any of Russia’s actions.


    3. I’ll try and answer you question.

      The Ukraine is not a core interest of the Euro-Atlantic alliance. It is a plus, aka ‘nice to have.’ It is required to contain Russia more easily. That is why the west was onboard with th 2014 coup and looking the other way on Galitsian Nazis.

      It has clearly be exposed as biting far more off than it can chew. It’s been backpedalling furiously since to try and keep the current status quo. That is why the west has refused to make sure that Kiev fulfills the requirements of Minsk II, which is why they go along with ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation’ rather than the correct ‘Civil War.’ No IMF or other monies. The idea was to stabilize Kiev, re-arm and then ultimately look the other way while it ‘re-conquered’ the Donbass. This is what the west did in Bosnia using Croatia and NATO airpower.

      For the west there is one thing worse than actually losing. That is to be seen as losing. If the West is not willing to commit resources, i.e. men, machines and money to the Ukraine in any quantity sufficient to ‘win’ (sic ‘not a core interest’ as I wrote above), then it has to be seen to have stood up to Russia and either made it back down from a position of strength, or at minimum as an equal that could also inflict significant damage back (sic sanctions). But cutting off Russia from SWIFT has been ruled out. Who’s weak again?

      Hence the made up story that Russia ‘wants to invade the Ukraine’ and the pluck common Ukranian including grannies and children tooling up to in their masses to ‘repel the invader’ and ‘fight to the last.’ It really is wall-to-wall propaganda. Our free, fair, independent and critical media has just repeated what Kiev and their own national capitals have said, more or less verbatim, though some with extra excitement. War sells ads too.

      Russia has been clear from the beginning and for quite a long time, but vis the Ukraine it cannot become a NATO member. This is a fig-leaf the PR west is focusing on because it is the easiest to give up can claim it is a great sacrifice when it isn’t. Giving it up can be sold as a Great Western Compromise, We Don’t Want War and thus ‘Russia is not offering anything in return.’ The West wins either way on the PR front.

      The real issue is whether Russia is in u-Rope, which according to NATO it isn’t but the United States is. The deliberate exclusion of Russia is what has destabilized u-Rope and encouraged ‘Ever expanding Union.’ You keep pushing until someone says ‘No.’ This is what has finally happened. The hysteria we are receiving wall to wall is to distract from this. Address everything but the core issues. Appeal to emotion which will distract from cold logic. The rubes (us) must be distracted.

      What is clear is that the west has been caught short. Russia didn’t make a move until it could fully back up its words with actions, unlike us. So exaggerating the threat, however stupid, illogical or counter-intuitive is a win because if it doesn’t happen it is because we are STRONK! – as other commenters on this blog have numerously written.

      We, the west, are looking for an off-ram where we can save face and claim victory, even if it is not true. Other blogs with military backgrounds (Martynov, bernhard, the Saker) have pointed out that that Russia has ‘escalation dominance.’ This means that because Russian words are fully backed by actual capability, Russia can at will make things more dangerous for the west and its hamsters but equally make it less dangerous. This is precise control in Russia’s hands. Something we (the west) don’t have.

      As we know, Russia has proved patient and Putin has often come under attack by nationalists and hotheads ‘Why doesn’t Russia respond’ by bombing the f/k out of something. Whether is is the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey, the shooting down of its Su-24, MH-17 etc. etc. There’s no point responding if it does not a) have the ability to inflict significant damage (sic tanking Turkey’s tourism); b) doing so without significantly damaging itself. If those are the goals then you adjust the response, but more importantly the timing to bet the best results. In Sultin’ Erd O’Grand may be a pain in the a/s, but Russia knows Turkey and the likes of him very well. He’s been punished and more importantly he knows that Russia can punish him and his country at any time it sees fit. It’s a threat with meaning which is why Russia ignores his words that are inflamatory, but looks at this actions.

      u-Rope and the US have not learned this lesson. It is only a few months since both Russia and China clearly told the US under Biden (and by extension u-Rope) that the globes were off, both in (diplomatic) language and in action. It is then still very early days. I thin Russia understands that upping the pressure shows it has intent, then it can ease off a little to allow the west to a) understand; b) behave differently. This is why Russia says We are not going to get bogged down in endless talks.’ You can imagine it as a series of giant tidal waves that Russia controls. The current timing is the UAF preparation for an Donbass offensive coupled with a self inflicted shortage of gas storage in the west. Even the u-Ropean Commission is blowing out of its a/s over this, but they too have to sound tough. I would expect antoher crisis to happen in summer, maybe the traditional time in August as I can imagine that once this immediate crisis is over the west will breath a sign of relief and think that is it and blah blah blah.

      This is not the end. This is almost the end of the beginning, depending on whether the UAF actually attacks which does seem unlikely but not impossible.

      The other plus is that the west has inflicted serious economic damage on the Ukraine with all its ‘immediate invasion’ talk. It’s one thing to be subjected by the enemies psychological warfare, it’s entirely a different one when it is by you supposed allies. Zelensky and others may claim victory by ‘surviving’ but they are elected officials. Russian speaking Ukrainians voted for him because he would stop the war. He didn’t. His vote has tanked. Whatever comes next on the Ukranian political scene will have to deal with this in one way or another. If all moderate or supposedly ‘pro-Russian’ politicians are banned from taking part in presidential elections, then there is no democracy in the Ukraine and many people won’t vote. It will be rock bottom. All that will be left will be Banderites and the west would somehow have to congratulate them on election victory and the OSCE would have to go along with it.

      Russia hit rock bottom in 1999. Ukraine is not there yet. The west can only work with a compliant regime. It is also not willing to fund it ‘no matter what.’ The mirage of gas transit fees as a subsidy has effectively gone. If there is one thing the west hates it is permanent hand-outs. u-Rope doesn’t want to do it and America wants to ignore the Ukraine if possible and waste more time, energy and weapons in trying to contain China. There is very little time left for the Ukraine as it currently is, it’s just that it took a while for the usual suspects to notice until they were forced to.

      So in short, don’t get wrapped up in minute-to-minute reports. It is easier said than done and I’ve been doing my best to avoid the news on the Ukraine but it is almost impossible. Just remember that most of it is bs and this is merely a snapshot in time.


      1. The Ukraine is not a core interest of the Euro-Atlantic alliance. It is a plus, aka ‘nice to have.’ It is required to contain Russia more easily. That is why the west was onboard with th 2014 coup and looking the other way on Galitsian Nazis.

        Replace “Euro-Atlantic Alliance” with “Habsburg Empire” and you hit the root cause of present-day problems.

        A “free and independent Ukraine nation”, independent from the “tsarist yoke”, was the line pushed by the Habsburgs since the last partition of Poland. The Russian Empire abutted on the Austrian Habsburg one, and both were in competition in filling the vacuum left in the Balkans by the collapse of the long moribund Ottoman Empire. So the Austrians went pell-mell into conjuring up “Ukrainian” (then “Ruthenian”) nationalism, as well as a “Ukrainian language” — a shit-kicker East Slav dialect — a project rather like promoting Ozark English as a standard and separate language in the USA; and even promoting a hybrid religion, Greek Uniate, namely Eastern Orthodox ritual, but recognising the Roman Catholic Pope as the boss in all matters spiritual — and everything else, for that matter. Needless to say, the Austrian Habsburg Empire was rabidly Roman Catholic.

        All Habsburg Realpolitik: in 1848, the “Year of Revolutions” in Europe —bourgeois revolutions, that is — the Austrians were having a hard time with Hungarian nationalists within their empire. Enter the “Policeman of Europe”, the Tsar of Holy Russia, whose policy, together with the Kingdom of Prussia and the Habsburg Empire, was to maintain the status quo ante bellum, namely the state of affairs in Europe that had existed before the tumultuous and bloody years 1789-1815.

        The Tsar had a Russian army enter the Hungarian lands of the Habsburg Empire and baled out the hapless Austrians. The Austrians showed their gratitude 8 years later by threatening to enter the Crimean War: the Russians had, as per usual, kicked Ottoman arse in yet another Russian-Ottoman war prior to the Crimea hostilities, and, as was very often the case, it looked as though the Russians would get a foothold in the Balkans, which the Habsburgs considered their “backyard”.

        The Crimean War kicked off, according to the official bullshit, as a dispute in Jerusalem over the rights of the Orthodox and Catholic churches there. The real reason for the war, though, was the containment of the wicked Orcs.


    4. I suspect, given the overwhelming and humiliating defeat Russia just suffered, that the West will give Russia a little wiggle room and no new sanctions (said in jest of course).

      But NS II is the big question and China’s power over the German economy remains the rifle over the fireplace mantle. If Germany wimps out, we may yet see Russian military-technical response but I suspect that the West is way too afraid to find out what that may be. Russia will win this battle and war.

      Club Orlov has a good piece on Russia’s ascendant position.


      1. That is a good piece, and it brought up a point I had never considered before in my mocking of the western analysts who are all of a sweat that Russia wants to capture and subjugate Ukraine. Of course it doesn’t, I always argue – Ukraine is dirt poor, military damage to the cities in the east owing to the civil war is immense and the economy is thoroughly corrupt. Yanukovych figured he would need about $70 Billion poured into the country to see it right, but it would be more like $200 Billion now.

        But Dmitry brought up something I did not even consider. Ukraine is in the hole for billions upon billions in foreign debt. I don’t know how that could have escaped my notice considering I regularly mention it whenever Ukraine is ‘lent’ more money – how in hell are they ever going to pay that back when they are sinking further every day? And Dmitry is exactly right; whoever steps up to say “Ukraine is mine – I am taking command of it!” is going to be presented a bill that will make his eyes pop. If the west doesn’t get to have it as a plaything, it is going to want its money back. Russia already paid off Ukraine’s debt once, when it became independent and the Soviet Union collapsed. Once is the lifetime limit.


        1. Surely the western debt that the Ukraine has racked up can be written off as Odious Debt. As we know, it’s a thing that is also popular with human rights warriors (but only for the deserving who support us) and others and not countries we use it as a weapon. I think I read or posted recently that Exxon is asking the US to give it Venezuelan assets because since US sanctions on their joint venture, Exxon has not got any money but it is not the US governement’s fault which it now wants to ‘recover’ lost funds and interest. Because it can.


  54. The head of the British Foreign Office, Liz Truss, spoke of “insults” from her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

    “We are concerned about a government that is expansionist in its intent, that seeks to undermine the democracies on its border and we are going to call it out. Frankly I don’t care what insults are levied at me by Sergei Lavrov, I will carry on making the same point”, Truss told ITV.

    At the same time, Truss did not specify what kind of insults she was talking about.


    Well, here’s one from me, Foreign Minister: When God put a mouth in your head, he ruined a perfectly good arsehole.


    1. She’s perhaps talking about when Lavrov compared his official conversation with her to ‘talking with a deaf person’. That is kind of an insult, and it was somewhat gauche of him to have mentioned it aloud. Especially given he probably should have expected it; for some time now, the official representatives of Britain have all come from the same mold. Stuck on ‘transmit’, with no ‘receive’ capability.

      Thus the “I will carry on making the same point”. She is not programmed to do anything else. Britain talks; you listen. Your role is to take notes, and obey. Certainly makes a powerful argument for more women in government, dunnit? I mean, there was the Dancing Queen with her legislative legerdemain and geopolitical nous, and now Truss, who ever-so-subtly made the point that if Putin did not back down, he would be lucky to hold on to Rostov and Voronezh. She saved the world from war. She’ll get the OBE for this. The USA should be chastened – it is fortunate to have such a fierce ally.


    1. Other Russian news from the above rag:

      Alexei Navalny, Putin’s fiercest critic and political rival, appeared in court in Russia today for a ‘show trial’ that could see him locked up for a decade. His supporters say the Ukraine build-up has distracted from his fate

      “Distracted from his fate”?

      Hardly anybody here gives a rat’s arse about him!

      A “show trial”, of course: aren’t they all in Russia?


      1. Of course, after the photographer left the room, the shouting and smacking around the head and “What?! Still in jail?! Why aren’t you doing more to get out, you lazy bum?!” from Julia started up again.


  55. Weak German Chancellor:

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz takes part in a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Kremlin on Tuesday, as he prepares for talks with Vladimir Putin

    It’s not “in the Kremlin”: its outside the Kremlin walls in Aleksandovskiy Garden, created after the moat had been filled in around 1820.


    1. Olaf Scholz is a genocide expert:

      al-Beeb s’Allah: Ukraine crisis: Putin says he does not want war in Europe

      …But the two men clashed when Mr Putin said there was a precedent for war in Europe – the conflict in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s – which he said was waged by Nato against Serbia without UN Security Council approval.

      Mr Scholz said the situation was different because there was a danger of genocide by Serbs against non-Serbs, to which Mr Putin said what was happening in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region – where Russia is backing separatists was also a genocide, against ethnic Russians.

      The German chancellor later told reporters that Mr Putin was wrong to use the word genocide in this case….

      That would be the 500,000 missing invisible Albanian men then?

      He clearly forgot to add that NATO had to intervene to stop a genocide in Libya too.


  56. Putin must have been talking in his sleep again when lying next to his CIA “honeypot (“gender” unknown), as American intelligence believes that former MP Oleg Tsaryov could be made leader of a Ukrainian puppet regime after a successful Russian invasion has caused the Kiev government to fall, Britain’s Financial Times reported on Tuesday.

    Citing an anonymous source in a Western intelligence agency, the outlet suggested that Tsaryov, who served in the Ukraine parliament until 2014, would be made head of the country.



  57. The international press are lying again. They now say that Russia has changed tack and says it won’t attack Ukraine under any circumstance but that it would “counter-attack” in case of an attack by the Ukranian army (Russia EU envoy Chizov). Except that is what Russia said from the start.


      1. The other new lie is that “Russia is sending mixed signals” with its withdrawl of some military forces. Let’s see if this theme is picked up by the Pork Pie News Networks.


  58. think many here are missing the big picture.

    As long as the majority of Ukrainian population sees Russia as a hostile country Russia is battling an uphill battle.

    Russia passively watched for 20 years (from early 1990s to 2010s) as Ukraine was slowly turned into an anti-Russian country. You have to remember that back in 1991 Ukraine actually voted to stay within the Soviet Union! Ukraine was not – and I believe still is not – a naturally anti-Russian country like Poland, Lithuania and Finland are. These three countries are anti-Russian countries to the core, and nothing can ever change that. But Ukraine is not.

    A fundamental change inside Ukraine – driven by internal nationalist and external Atlanticist forces – slowly turned Ukraine into what it is today. Russia – as always – was too slow to react. In fact Russia did pretty much nothing to counter this development. All Russia did was to throw billions of dollars of money into Ukraine with gas transit payments and other subsidies without getting anything in return.

    The positive side in this story is that if Ukraine was turned into an anti-Russian country in a relatively short time then this development also can be reversed. But how? Russia has shown little to prove that it is able to project any soft power. Russia is only good at projecting military power, but horrible at projecting soft and cultural power. Young Ukrainians look to the West and not to Russia. Only people in Ukraine with sympathies to Russia are the older generations.

    Russia cannot afford to let Ukraine join the NATO, or that US military bases and missiles are put to Ukraine. Currently military means are the only way Russia can prevent this. How much better it would be if Ukrainians voluntarily wanted to align themselves with Russia and screw the West?


    1. “Russia is only good at projecting military power, but horrible at projecting soft and cultural power. ”

      Which is, apparently, another way of saying that Russia is no good at projecting power of any kind, considering your customary argument is that Russia radiates weakness and will do little but wipe the spit out of its eyes when the west spits in its face. Since when has Russia been good at projecting military power?

      It will be difficult for Russia to project soft or cultural power for so long as the west’s values are completely foreign to its culture of family values and public restraint rather than hedonistic gender-swapping, body-piercing and green hair.

      I frankly do not believe Ukraine is an anti-Russian country at all, simply that its population is mostly passive and just goes along so that it can live its life with as little aggravation as possible – the vehement Russia hatred is the catechism of the nationalist yobbos who were part of Ukraine while it was still a socialist republic, and before that and ever since. They would prefer an alliance with Poland because that’s what they once were, if only they could coax Poland into accepting them. And if I were running Russia, I would encourage that; partition Ukraine, keep the east, give the west to Poland and leave the rest as ‘independent’ Ukraine, albeit it would have no defining source of income and would probably still depend on foreign aid from the west. There’s no compelling reason for Russia to crave an alliance with Ukraine except that their peoples are both Slavs. Certainly ‘independent’ Ukraine is going to be a millstone around the neck of whoever accepts responsibility for it, particularly when gas transit across it ceases except for low-level domestic needs.

      For the west, Ukraine is only a helpless pawn, to be used and re-used as an irritant. It would require the expenditure of more than $200 Billion to repair the war damage of continuous insurrection and counter-revolution, and restore Ukraine to its pre-Maidan state in a country that was dirt-poor to start with and has only gotten worse. And the gratitude Russia could look forward to after that kind of layout would be another western-instigated regime-change, once Ukraine was ‘fixed’, to replace its presumably pro-Russian leader with another western puppet, and the grinding cycle would start all over again, with the aim of bankrupting Russia through nation-building. Colonizing Ukraine with western military bases would be a fool’s errand, since those would be a primary target and would be obliterated early in the case of a global conflict.


      1. “Which is, apparently, another way of saying that Russia is no good at projecting power of any kind”

        Russia is a strong military power as I said. But it is the only kind of power that Russia currently has along with Russia’s natural resources which many countries are more or less dependent of. But Russia is not a magnet like the EU or the NATO that attract countries such as Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria. Currently other countries are not eager to align themselves with Russia. All they want from Russia is cheap energy (and money of Russian oligarchs).

        “It will be difficult for Russia to project soft or cultural power for so long as the west’s values are completely foreign to its culture of family values and public restraint rather than hedonistic gender-swapping, body-piercing and green hair.”

        I was talking about Ukraine and not about the West. It is a clear Russian failure that Ukraine was captured by the West that used soft power. The West did not have to conquer Ukraine like Hitler tried before. The Anglos was way more cunning than Germans anyway.

        Ukraine is like Russia as its people are eastern Slavic and speak the same language as the Russians do. So Russia should have an advantage over the West in Ukraine as the Western culture and languages is foreign to Ukraine. But somehow Russia managed to lose Ukraine to the West despite throwing all that money was a pure subsidy to Ukraine over all these past years.

        The West invested its money in Ukraine a lot wiser than Russia did. While Russia was pumping money to Ukrainian state the West was funneling its money to NGO’s.

        “I frankly do not believe Ukraine is an anti-Russian country at all, simply that its population is mostly passive and just goes along so that it can live its life with as little aggravation as possible ”

        Problem for Russia is that all the “activist ” population in Ukraine are anti-Russians. The politicians, the oligarchs, the media people etc. Those who might support Russia keep silent and are passive.

        Russia has no allies in Ukraine who are willing to actively work for Russia-Ukraine realignment. These kind of people simply do not exist in Ukraine right now. So Russia’s options are limited. If Russia has no internal allies in Ukraine then military power is the only thing Russia can use.

        At least Ukraine is still somewhat dependent on Russia on energy. Too bad Ukraine managed to replace Russian nuclear fuel with Western alternative (from Westinghouse). If Ukraine’s nuclear sector would still be dependent on Russia then Russia would be in a far better position (as around 40% of Ukraine’s electricity is produced with nuclear power.).


        1. Wrong on every count. Russia has good relations from Saudi Arabia, Israel, India, virtually all of Latin America and Africa all without a coercive military presence. Iran (the Power in the Middle East) is strongly tied to Russia. And the only country that counts on the global economic stage, China, is joined at the hip with Russia. India is doing the floppy-fish but will settle in a non-aligned status as the American allure continues to fade.

          Karl said “Russia has no allies in Ukraine who are willing to actively work for Russia-Ukraine realignment. These kind of people simply do not exist in Ukraine right now. “. Really? What do you call the Donbass region not to mention Crimea? Oh, how quickly they forget!

          Karl, you spend way too much time swallowing the swill from the western MSM. As the Western empire implodes, the world will breath a collective sigh of relief as the hegemonic bully and invader-of-any country-who resits, slinks back to its decaying and socially destroyed husk of a country. The US will leave behind a cadre of sociopaths to wreck the nations that they abandon. But Russia and right-thinking people will clear out the garbage.

          As noted earlier, a sizeable fraction of Americans would embrace Russian values but dare not speak from fear. Russia has real soft power that transcends money. Tremble Karl, tremble.


  59. Follow up:

    AP via Metallurgist gets 2.5 years for faking steel-test results for Navy subs

    A metallurgist in Washington state was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison and a $50,000 fine Monday after she spent decades faking the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make U.S. Navy submarines…

    …There was no allegation that any submarine hulls failed. But authorities said the Navy has spent nearly $14 million, including 50,000 hours of engineering work, to assess the parts and risk to the 30 submarines affected. The Navy says it will incur further costs as it continues monitoring the subs….


  60. D-Day!


    Ukraine crisis: Russian attack still a possibility – Biden
    Published 4 hours ago

    A Russian attack on Ukraine is “still very much a possibility”, but the human cost would be “immense”, US President Joe Biden has said.

    In remarks televised nationally, he said the US was ready to respond decisively to such a move.

    The US president said Russia had now massed some 150,000 troops on the border with Ukraine.

    Russia’s defence minister has said some forces have withdrawn. Mr Biden said that this had not been verified.

    “[Russian forces leaving] would be good, but we have not yet verified that. We have not yet verified the Russian military units are returning to their home bases,” the US president said.

    “Indeed, our analysts indicate that they remain very much in a threatening position.”

    The “threatening position” meaning, I suppose, that they are still in Russia.

    So they KNEW with absolute certainty that they were there, but now they have to check to see whether they’ve gone.

    I think this Russian presence, ever menacing, will never go away.

    It is like Covid: it will always be with us and we must forever wear our tin hats and maintain our social distance from all things Orcish.


    1. Not only did they ‘know with absolute certainty that they were there’, they squealed with alarm that some units were ‘moving into attack positions’, suggesting real-time monitoring. But now, of course, they haven’t got a clue – check the Magic 8-Ball.


    2. Are we nearly there?

      A little gem from the excellent English band Lemon Jelly (feat. the voice of Liz Truss, maybe, and Russian male voice choir):


      1. That sounds like one of those ‘mixed beats’ recordings that are put together as a layered audio collage of clips; it’s pretty good. Here’s another UK artist who’s pretty good at those, his name is Sam Wills. He sings over top of the clips, though, and there are some actual instruments as well. I had never heard of him; he was brought to my attention because my son did the album cover. He calls himself ‘Howie Wonder’ for that kind of work.

        He does quite a lot of that visual surrealist-collage stuff on Instagram, too.


  61. Today’s rabid “Daily Mail”

    D-Day arrives in Ukraine: Biden says war ‘still a risk’ amid fears Putin is toying with the West by removing some tanks but deploying MORE troops to the border on the day intelligence agencies predicted invasion would begin

    Russia was last night stepping up preparations to invade Ukraine – despite Vladimir Putin’s claims he favours further talks over military conflict.

    Yesterday in a deeply alarming move, and against Russian proclamations, Western nations saw additional Russian troops advancing towards Ukraine’s border.

    They will bolster the 130,000-strong invasion force. But in spite of Western evidence that Russians are strengthening frontline forces, President Putin insisted he does ‘not want a war’.


    1. How are they counting troops? Their satellite photography makes a tank look like your littlest fingernail. Are they seriously counting heads? If no, are they estimating – ‘highly likely’ – based on the number of vehicles? What’s to prevent Russia from parking a bunch of vehicles in a line that have no crews?

      I’m not disputing that there really are soldiers there; I think, and have always thought that it is a credible counterstrike force arrayed in the open as a deterrent to a Ukrainian attempt to retake the Donbas by force. But this officious we-KNOW back-and-forth from the USA and UK, including the day and hour of the supposed attack, is foolish and irritating.


  62. Arseholes, all of them!

    In Europe, they welcomed the withdrawal of troops, but continued to talk about the risk of a Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine

    Gustav Gressel, an analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations, called the withdrawal of part of the troops a good signal. At the same time, he urged to wait for monitoring to “see where they will go”. The expert was surprised that the decision to withdraw troops from the borders of the Ukraine was made now, since even at the weekend the threat of war looked quite real. At the same time, Gressel pointed out the lack of significant progress in Russia’s negotiations with Europe and the United States, and doubted that the Ukrainian crisis would end there.

    British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss also said that an invasion of the Ukraine is still “very likely”. According to her, Moscow would be able to dispel the concerns of Western countries only after a full-scale withdrawal of Russian troops from the borders of the neighbouring republic.

    Against this background, the British newspaper The Sun published an article in which the next date and exact time of the “invasion” was given, assuring readers that a full-scale operation should begin in the early morning (4: 00 Moscow time) on February 16. Similar information appeared in a Mirror edition. The date of the “invasion” had been previously announced by US President Joe Biden — according to Politico, he also said that they were talking about February 16.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry denied this information, called it disinformation and recalled that on February 11, the American agency Bloomberg had named February 15 as the date of Russia’s “invasion” of the Ukraine.

    Well, almost 11:00, 16 February here, and nowt’s happened yet.



  63. 08: 00 on 16.02.2022 (updated: 10: 15 on 16.02.2022)
    The operation to force Russia into war failed

    Yesterday, in the apt words of Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the Bloomberg news agency had “turned into a pumpkin, and those who used it to promote the war – into rats”. Recall that it was this agency that had already started the “Russian invasion of the Ukraine”. And then it announced the final “attack” would be on February 15.

    Today, on February 16, many Western media outlets and, according to Politico, the US president himself should turn into the same pumpkins. It was his words that the publication referred to when it announced the “invasion date ” for Wednesday.

    And what media outlets have not since then repeated this date as already final and approved. Some TV channels and websites made a live countdown to it. Newspapers ran screaming headlines on the front pages about how many hours were left to “avert” war in Europe. The British tabloids even started an exercise to see who could name the exact time of the “invasion”. The Sun and Mirror agree that Russia will attack Ukraine at 3am sharp. Accordingly, by this morning the number of “pumpkins” had increased dramatically — you might as well throw a pre-spring Halloween party.

    Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, realising that no one intends to invade anything, tried once again to calm his own population and stop the panic, but did so in his tragicomic style, only increasing the misunderstanding of what is happening in society. I mean, really, who else would have guessed to mark the “day of the Russian invasion” as a holiday? And Zelensky actually did so by signing a corresponding decree and calling on the people to take cardinal steps, traditional for conscious Ukrainians in times of any invasion – “from Mongols to Tartars”, as British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss would say. These steps boil down to chanting, wearing blue and yellow ribbons and raising flags. According to Ukrainian media reports, schoolchildren have been obliged to wear vyshyvankas to school on Wednesday. Apparently, all this should stop the supposed enemy.

    This brings to mind the brilliant film “Shchors“, made by the great Ukrainian director Oleksandr Dovzhenko back in 1939. In it Petliura asks his directorate for advice on how to repel the Reds’ advance and is advised to sound all the bells “so that all the people will go without hats and rejoice, rejoice, rejoice”. Petliura did not succeed, let’s see if Zelensky will succeeds.

    It is clear that no one was going to and is not going to attack the Ukraine. At least not unless Moscow is “provoked”, as Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s permanent representative to the European Union, has said. Many are asking themselves the question: how will the western media, which have become “pumpkins”, behave, how will they justify themselves and how will this affect their credibility?

    And the answer is known in advance: in fact none of them will even remember it. In today’s world of information crap, in which one monstrous lie is instantly replaced by an equally monstrous one, the perception of time and space completely disappears from viewers and readers. Now let us ask them what other dates have been announced for the “Russian invasion” — almost no one will remember. And one might recall the not-so-distant prediction made by White House Speaker Jen Psaki that Russia would invade “from mid-January to mid-February”. So is that period over — and has anyone asked Psaki what happened to her bold prediction? It is if she had not made that statement. No one in the American media really cares what their operatives said yesterday, they just keep on giving out more and more “scoops” about evil Russia, without being distracted by uncomfortable questions. It will almost certainly be the same with predictions of “the invasion of February 16”. In a week or two the same media will be discussing new unbelievable dates and scenarios just as furiously.

    True, the Russian Defence Ministry’s announcement of the withdrawal of the troops that had completed the exercises to their permanent locations triggered a flurry of claims by Western Kremlinologists, who have lately been called “invasionists”, that Russia was beginning to de-escalate and even “retreat from the Ukrainian border”.

    And pay attention to the “logic” of Russia’s constant critics. Our Ministry of Defence has always stated that planned exercises were taking place, after which the military units involved would return. To which the Western media were screaming that these troops would attack the Ukraine tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Now the Ministry of Defence has, as promised, started returning the troops to their places of deployment, with no one attacking anyone. The Western media immediately claim that this is a “retreat from the Ukrainian border”. And the brave Western Kremlinologists instantly declare that Russia has always lied by claiming that its troops were not on the Ukrainian border. So we were telling the truth all along, they lied, but now they accuse us of lying.

    It is clear, however, that the “invasionists” are worried. It is not a pleasant experience to spend several months making money on anti-Russian hysteria and suddenly feel that they are losing their jobs. For example, take a look at the nature of Forbes columnist David Axe’s publications. Here are just a few recent headlines: “Russian battalions vulnerable. Ukrainian commanders know how to defeat them”, “Ukrainian army helicopter crews could be in trouble if Russia attacks”, “To resist Russian attack from the Crimea, the Ukrainian army is deploying a whole artillery brigade”, “Just one Ukrainian tank brigade stands between Russian army and Kiev”. This is all being stamped out as if on an assembly line. Between December and today this author [Axe] has published 37 pieces, of which 30 are devoted to an analysis of the coming “Russian-Ukrainian war”.

    One can imagine what Axe will be missing if the situation around the Ukraine is de-escalated. Can you imagine, so much effort has been put into fomenting hysteria, and the pacifism of those obnoxious Russians is blowing their earnings. Though it is not impossible that all these “invasion-words” will be reclassified as “retreat-words” in the blink of an eye. And from under the pen of Axe there will be articles under the headings: “What is stopping the Russian tanks from withdrawing even faster to beyond the Urals?” or “Will Russia, whose sovereignty over these regions is not recognized by Britain, withdraw its troops from Voronezh and Rostov?” They might well do that.

    However, Biden somewhat “calmed down” Western experts on the “imminent Russian attack” at his briefing, saying that America had yet to see any signs of a “Russian retreat”. And this not the youngest of US presidents, someone whose physical condition has left much to be desired lately, showed a remarkable sprinter’s ability in the way he avoided answering journalists’ questions. Apparently, he had a hunch that they would also mention his forecast about “the invasion on February 16”.

    But Biden’s statement that he sees no signs of de-escalation and has not noticed any Russian troops returning home from the exercise sites has reassured the pumpkin-toting press, with many citing him as saying that “the danger of war has not abated”. American media gazed hopefully into the “quiet Ukrainian night”, hoping to see the outlines of Russian tanks.

    Britain’s most rabid newspapers the Sun and Mirror had front-page stories today about the Prince Andrew sex scandal. Surprisingly so, in the light of their promised “start of a war in Europe”. The Sun added an account of the nighttime expectation of Russian bombers, adding: “The cold clear skies over Kiev, where people prepared for an air raid, remained silent” — very reminiscent of the code phrase for the beginning of the Spanish counter-revolution of the 1930s: “A cloudless sky over the whole of Spain”. Some British newspapers, on the other hand, write with obvious annoyance that “Putin is playing with the West”. Between the lines this reads: the operation to coerce Russia into war did not work.

    Strange, but they could have declared their “victory”: “Look, Putin is in retreat”. But instead they ask the same question that Petlyura asked in the above fragment of “Shchorsa”: “Where is the joy of victory, I ask you?” But there is nothing: Ukrainian children in vyshyvankas went to school today adorned with blue and yellow flags. According to Zelensky’s idea, they should “rejoice, rejoice, rejoice”. At least until Bloomberg, Politico or The Sun announces new dates for the “Russian invasion”. And the fact that they are announced not by the media, but by the already formed “pumpkins”, no one will care. Who in such a stream of scares and phobias will remember tomorrow yesterday’s fakes by these publications? There is no time for doubts, the world must be saved from another “invasion”.


    1. Good article

      It would be so funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous.

      The Sun screaming about war in minute … then Prince Andrew sex Assault scandal

      All done without pause for reflection.


    2. The problem here is an interesting one, as the main difficulty with the current cunning plan of “Scream constantly about Russian invasion threat” is – what, exactly is the exit? Pretend that the end of the exercises is a humiliating Russian retreat? But then, you can’t really keep up the hysteria, OTOH if you do keep up the hysteria, where’s the victory?
      My best guess would be some vague victory noises combined with memory holing the whole thing fairly soon and moving on to making hysterical noises about China or Iran. Anybody have a clearer understanding here?


  64. Military vehicles crossing the Crimean bridge on their way back from exercises
    16 Feb 2022

    Units of the Southern Military District are returning from exercises after manoeuvres in the Crimea. A trainload of equipment has crossed the Crimean bridge. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery pieces have been loaded onto special railway cars. On arrival they will be prepared for the next phase of combat training.


    It’s a model railway. And if it’s not a toy train, then how do we know that it’s not crossing in a westwardly direction, from mainland Russia to the temporally occupied peninsula?


    1. Sounds real enough, and the audio correlates to the actions. Is the moon full right now, though? And the clouds do not seem to move. Anyway, if accurate I presume you could suss the direction of travel from the position of the moon relevant to the end of the bridge.


      1. Certainly is a full moon: was last night as well. Just the right conditions for a night attack, don’t you think?

        The attack was categorically stated by the Sun and the Mirror on 15 February to kick off at 04:00 Moscow time, 03:00 Yukie time today.

        Mirror admits Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine did not happen

        LONDON, Feb 16: British newspaper the Mirror, unlike the Sun did not correct its article, which said that Russia would allegedly attack the Ukraine at 3 am local time, but published a new text stating the fact that the “invasion” did not take place. Earlier, the British tabloid Sun edited its article on the website, in which a reference to US intelligence data indicated the time of Russia’s “invasion” of the Ukraine. The Mirror also cited a US intelligence source. Zakharova asked western media for a timetable for Russian “invasions” of the Ukraine: no night attack happened as Putin’s 3-night deadline expired, headlined an article on the Mirror newspaper’s website. US intelligence believed that the invasion could have started at 3 a.m. local time – 1 a.m. in the UK – on Wednesday, but this did not happen. The newspaper does not give an assessment of this fact, instead citing a large number of recent statements by Western politicians and experts who question the absence of Moscow’s “aggressive plans”, although someone expresses cautious optimism. According to the Mirror, the “attack” did not take place against the backdrop of a meeting of NATO defence ministers starting today in Brussels, where they will discuss how they should respond to the current situation.

        Above proofread by me, because the original is in Russian-English.


  65. Zakharova Telegram channel this morning:

    Мария Захарова

    Просьба к средствам массовой дезинформации США и Британии Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Sun и т.д. – огласите график наших «вторжений» на предстоящий год. Хотелось бы спланировать отпуск.
    Feb 16 at 10:21

    Maria Zakharova

    Request to the US and British disinformation media Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Sun, etc. – announce the schedule of our “invasions” for the coming year. I should like to plan a holiday.


    1. A woman after my own heart. She is great at mocking them. But to be perfectly accurate, her presence in the office is not required for an invasion, they could probably manage quite a good one without her. Unless she plans to drive a tank like General Truss.


  66. That yapping chihuahua again:

    13: 08, 16 February 2022
    Estonian intelligence has changed the date of the alleged Russian invasion of the UkraineEstonian intelligence has put back the date of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine

    The Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service has changed the date of the Russian Armed Forces ‘ invasion of the Ukraine. The postponement of the proposed offensive is stated in an official report of the ministry.

    According to Estonian intelligence, the Russian army can start a “full-scale operation against the Ukraine” from the second half of February. “Once military readiness is achieved, only a political decision will be required to launch the operation”, the report says.

    The ministry also stressed that the war in the Ukraine “does not pose an immediate military threat to Estonia or NATO”. At the same time, they expressed fears that Russia’s political and military pressure on the Baltic states might intensify if Moscow succeeds diplomatically or militarily against Kiev.

    Earlier, Politico reported that US President Joe Biden had named 16 February as the date for the alleged Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Later, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that the US military department had no information or evidence which could confirm that Russia had launched an offensive on Ukrainian territory on that day.


  67. Karlin on that “invasion”:

    Regathering of the Russian Lands
    The Empire, Long Divided, Must Unite

    8 hours ago

    There is a good chance that the coming week will either see the culmination of the biggest and most expensive military bluff in world history, or a speed run towards Russian Empire 2.0, with Putin launching a multi-pronged assault invasion of Ukraine to take back Kiev (“the mother of Russian cities”) and the historical provinces of Novorossiya.


    1. Well, ain’t that a kick in the head? Anatoly is usually pretty insightful, and that’s a pretty apocalyptic turn of events he’s predicting, so…Yikes? Well, stay tuned
      A trivia note about the previous video – looks to me like the tank tracks are wider than the flatcar, so loading on must be loads of fun


      1. I don’t know whether Anatoly is still living in Russia. I think he is. But he seems to have become more and more of a Russian nationalist as time has marched on. However, his predictions of how things will turn out here are never far off the mark.


      2. I think that’s pretty standard – a tank’s axles are pretty unforgiving so if you have half the tread on the flatdeck that is quite adequate. There was that comical video of a self-propelled artillery piece being loaded in which the driver missed that point of balance and the whole thing tumbled off to the ground, to yells of derisive merriment from western commenters about the drunken Russians. But right by the signalman was a fairly prominent Ukrainian flag.


    2. I’m not a fan of ‘either or’ scenarios. Regardless of how this temporarily calms down, the western press will claim victory, that Putin is on the last ropes blah blah blah and that it woz the ‘united’ west wot did it.


  68. BBC defence correspondent:

    Claims by Russia that it has withdrawn some of its forces from the border have been met by deep scepticism from Nato allies.

    Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said so far the alliance had not seen any evidence of a Russian de-escalation. On the contrary, he said Russia appeared to be continuing its military build-up.

    A senior Western intelligence official told the BBC that Russia’s words now needed to be matched by actions: “We’re at the point where the loaded gun needs to be holstered.”

    Nato says Russia still has forces in place to carry out a full-scale invasion if that is what President Putin decides.

    There’s also concern that this crises is far from over – with Russia maintaining an increased military presence over the longer term.

    Over the past year, each time Russia claimed it was drawing down forces they’d only been “reset at a higher level” – with troops leaving military equipment behind and then returning, the official told the BBC.

    Defence ministers in Brussels are now discussing beefing up their own longer term military posture, while maintaining a strategy of deterrence and dialogue – with the hope that Russia engages in serious talks.

    But there’s still the question as to whether those talks could lead to a peaceful outcome.

    It’s all Orcish subterfuge, see.

    BBC Banderastan correspondent:

    When I asked whether he thought the Russian threat had receded, he said he had “only heard about it”.

    “When the troops do pull back, everyone will see that,” he told me. “But for now, it’s just statements.”


    1. Considering that every man-jack of them is in his own country, Russia will always have “forces in place to carry out a full-scale invasion if that is what President Putin decides”. How far away can the entirety of the Russian armed forces be moved from Ukraine’s sacrosanct border before the west announces itself satisfied that Putin is not going to invade? Is Russia supposed to leave itself stripped of defences on the frontier of its sworn enemy as a gesture of good faith? Exactly how stupid do you like your enemies, Kiev?


  69. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has called out NATO’s issues with the ability to assess situations correctly after the alliance claimed that it had not seen evidence of a Russian troop withdrawal. The Russian Defence Ministry reported on 15 February that southern and western military units had begun returning to their bases of permanent deployment following scheduled drills on the southern border near Ukraine.

    Responding to a journalist’s question, Peskov confirmed that NATO is incorrectly assessing the situation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in turn, has called out a “lack of upbringing” in NATO following calls to “verify” Moscow’s statements about troop withdrawals.

    The spokesman’s comments come in the wake of remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who doubted the Russian Defence Ministry statements about a troop pullout from Russia’s southern border.



    1. Oooooo…a ‘lack of upbringing’. That sounds quite a bit like an insult, and not only to NATO, but to its parents as well. Can ‘raised by monkeys’ be far away on the diplomatic horizon?


  70. Heavy Metal arrives in Syria.

    Tass: Russian defense chief sends warning message to US, NATO with visit to Syria — expert

    Sergey Shoigu’s visit to Russia’s Hmeymim air base and Tartus naval logistics facility points to the “significance that Russia attaches to these facilities in global stand-off,” Charles Abi Nader noted

    …”In the conditions when the United States and Western countries are deliberately escalating the international situation, exploiting the developments around Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu visits Damascus to send a warning message from there,” the Lebanese general pointed out.

    “It implies that Russia will use its strategic facilities in Syria in the event of military confrontation with NATO,” the expert said…

    More at the link.

    In other news, iSrael claims it decided not to sell its Iron Dome system to the Ukraine in deference to Russia. This is shortly after it had yet again bombed Damascus and Russia was publicly unhappy towards Tel Aviv in its response.


  71. Euractiv: Polish, Russian FMs meet amid OSCE promise to create conditions for prisoner swap

    …“Should there be no progress in negotiations with the US and NATO, the (OSCE) talks in Vienna will be useless,” Lavrov said, quoted by the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

    He also told Rau that Russia sees no alternative to the implementation of Minsk agreements and pointed to the need “to ensure a direct dialogue between Kyiv, Donetsk and Luhansk” as well as a “neutral observation of the situation” by Western countries and taking into consideration “the issues of discrimination Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine and the activity of neo-Nazi groups” there…

    Can it be any clearly than that? No. Can it be ignored and replaced with an alternate reality that will be faithfully parroted by ‘I just want to collect my wages’ Pork Pie News Network journalists? Yes.


  72. According to Western media, Joe, Jake, Jens and Jenny all maintain that the Russian withdrawal of some of its military from the Banderastan border cannot be verified, but on the other hand, they have evidence that the Orcs are even building up their forces there.

    So they can’t say they’ve gone but they do say they’re still coming.


  73. For your delight and delectation to you Stooges from me, taken from behind the “Independent” wall:

    Vladimir Putin has kept all his options open in Ukraine – and divided the west with easeEditorial: The price of peace, if such it is, has been to build up President Putin’s reputation as a global player to be reckoned with, and to leave Nato visibly demoralised and weakened
    11 hours ago

    There may still be a long and bloody war in Ukraine, and one that no side can truly win. According to American intelligence released a few days ago, and with a curious precision, the war is imminent.

    Such is the often inevitable consequence of vast troop build-ups and bellicose rhetoric, as well as years of distrust, rivalry and expansionism. The very mobilisation of troops on both sides can create its own momentum to war that overwhelms diplomatic initiatives and political manoeuvrings – “war by railway timetable”, as it was once styled.

    The Russia-Ukraine war cannot be declared over. Yet, according to western sources, there seems to be some possible disengagement of Russian forces taking place around Ukraine, a little hope in the air. It is at least better than the visible arrival of yet more armoured divisions.

    There is talk in the west about a window of diplomatic opportunity opening up. On the other hand, Russia is still constructing field hospitals, and its armies, freshly exercised, can be restored as quickly as they were deployed in the first place. Russian officials are mostly still talking tough. The most hopeful sign is that the talks between leaders are still taking place, including with Ukraine.

    The chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, is the latest to be filmed looking bemused at the end of President Putin’s new, globally celebrated, oval table. If there is to be a peaceful, diplomatic solution, the outlines of such a deal are already becoming clear.

    Perhaps if Nato scales back its own strictly defensive force build-up in Poland, Estonia and elsewhere in the broad region in a voluntary, reciprocal, gesture, it might yet prompt further demobilisation by Russia. At the very least a peace “deal”, somehow grafted onto the now redundant Minsk accords, will require Ukraine to abandon or “suspend” its stated aim of joining Nato and the EU.

    At the moment, a little unusually, the dearest hopes of the government of Ukraine and many of its people are enshrined in the country’s constitution. It is a token of how much Ukraine sees itself as a modern, democratic, European nation; no different to, say, Poland or Denmark.

    Those devoutly held ambitions have long alarmed President Putin, who has said that he doesn’t regard Ukraine as a truly legitimate state, and sees its people as Russian in all but name.

    It is ethnic nationalism in its purest and most arrogant and dangerous form. Hence the standoff and the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Ukraine’s eastern provinces. The irony, of course, is that Nato as a “family” is unwilling to accept Ukraine as a new addition; a problem child, already semi-occupied by Russia.

    So if Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to join Nato, and Nato doesn’t want Ukraine to join Nato, the only thing that stands in the way of shelving this particular point of largely theoretical conflict is the dogged determination of the Ukrainians themselves.

    If they wish to retain the clause in the constitution, then it is up to them as a sovereign state; if they want to play their part in defusing tensions, amending it would go a long way. There is, however, no guarantee that Mr Putin won’t ask for more. He might press for international recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, and try to make the occupied eastern regions as autonomous from Kiev as possible.

    Of course, the loss of Crimea and half of Ukraine’s territory to bogus Russian puppet “people’s republics” ought to give Russia rather more cause for reassurance about this security and nationalistic satisfaction. But Mr Putin has a large appetite.

    Without doing much more than making some threatening speeches, sitting western leaders at an oversized table and organising some military manoeuvres around Ukraine, there seems every chance that President Putin has proved a few points and will gain some valuable concessions – and has done so without firing a single shot.

    To keep up to speed with all the latest opinions and comment sign up to our free weekly Voices Dispatches newsletter by clicking here

    He has kept his options open, and divided the west with ease. The price of peace, if such it is, has been to build up President Putin’s reputation as a global player to be reckoned with, and to leave Nato visibly demoralised and weakened. Mr Putin can order his troops home having secured significant concessions from the west. His people will be impressed. He has played the game of appeasement. He’ll be back for more.

    Taking a step back, it may appear an absurd situation. Russia is an industrially inefficient power with the GDP of Italy. It has natural resources, a talent for spying and space exploration, and a substantial military and nuclear arsenal; but lacks leading Russian software giants, AI pioneers or pharmaceutical innovators. President Putin knows his forces would likely be crushed by the west. The US remains a superpower, and the EU remains an economic superpower. The west has friends and allies around the world.

    Still, even with Beijing partly covering his back, President Putin is leveraging the advantages he has to astonishing effect. For the west and Ukraine, the prospect of peace has a bitter aftertaste.

    Some gems in the above, reference to a “Russia-Ukraine war” not being the least of them:

    Russia is an industrially inefficient power with the GDP of Italy. It has natural resources, a talent for spying and space exploration, and a substantial military and nuclear arsenal; but lacks leading Russian software giants, AI pioneers or pharmaceutical innovators. President Putin knows his forces would likely be crushed by the west..

    Some comments ridicule the above hogwash:

    . . .The UK and US ran away from the battlefield showing the whole world what unreliable partners they are (despite all the rhetoric – words mean nothing, actions do, and the US/UK lighting the fuse and then running away says – cowards) They also illustrated to Ukraine that the west couldn’t give a fig about them. NATO fell into disarray and is an utterly defunct organisation . . .

    . . . NATO refused to fight, the US and UK fled the battlefield and illustrated what an unreliable actor they are. Russia has the most technically advanced and mobile military in the world, the US’ aged doctrines and low morale is no match for Russian superiority, especially in Europe. American will negotiate, in fact it is doing so, Russia will get what it wants. Don’t fall for the BS. The UK aren’t even in the picture, we dont have a relevant military in any way or in any sphere, we’re a little yappy dog clinging to the US ankle. Liz Truss in one of only 156 tanks the UK posses does not inspire faith. Especially when you would be facing 13000 (thousand) Russian tanks. Stop reading MSM and open your mind, its all out there the facts the figures, go find it. America will not fight Russia, they will sit on the sidelines using countries like Ukraine, Georgia etc to snipe and poke the bear . . .

    This is the most uneducated and most uninformed article I have read on the independent in a while . What a garbage. What gave this writer the impression that west will easily crush Russia if there’s war between the west and Russia?. Even America will never subscribe to this belief, can anyone tell reduce the outcome of war?. . I wonder what the writer would’ve written had Russia being the one expanding its influence westward. What about demands made by the Russia, don’t they have the rights to be concerned about their own security?. To people like this writer, west is a good guy, and reverse is the case with Russia The bottom line is, Ukraine will never be part of NATO. The west/Nato know this for a fact.


    1. Not to mention the fact that even before the 13000 Russian tanks started rolling, most of the 156 UK tanks and a lot more besides would have been turned into smoking ruins by missiles, air strikes or MLRS.


  74. BBC
    12 minutes ago

    There is no sign that Russian forces are de-escalating near Ukraine, Nato’s secretary-general says, despite claims from Moscow that it is pulling some troops back from the border.

    Jens Stoltenberg said Russia still had a huge force ready to attack Ukraine.

    He warned that the threat from Russia had become a “new normal”, adding that the defensive alliance was considering strengthening its eastern flank.


    1. So I guess by saying that a brooding Russian threat simmering across the border is a ‘new normal’, he is suggesting that the western media can always be assured of something to talk about when some politico or other needs a distraction. Because, you know….they really could attack at any moment.

      Is it my imagination, or is the appending of ‘the defensive alliance’ to every mention of NATO becoming a bit of a knee-jerk?


  75. BBC

    Ukraine crisis: Russian claim of troop withdrawal false, says US
    43 minutes ago

    Russia’s claim that it is moving troops away from the border with Ukraine is “false”, according to a senior US official, who added that 7,000 extra troops have arrived in recent days.

    The official also said that Russia could launch a “false” pretext to invade Ukraine “at any moment”.

    Moscow says it is moving troops away from the Ukrainian border after the completion of military exercises.

    But Western officials say they have seen no evidence to support the claim.

    “Russia must take real steps toward de-escalation,” US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed in a phone call on Wednesday, according to the German chancellery.

    Russia – which has repeatedly denied planning to invade Ukraine, despite having amassed well over 100,000 troops near the border – calls Western concern over an invasion “hysteria”.

    On Wednesday, its defence ministry published a video purporting to show tanks leaving Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014.

    But according to a senior White House official, thousands more troops have arrived in the area in recent days – including some on Wednesday itself.

    Speaking to journalists, the US official cast doubt on Russia’s assertions “it was withdrawing troops from the border with Ukraine”.

    “They received a lot of attention for that claim, both here and around the world. But we now know it was false.”

    As trolls on RT regularly point out:

    Q. How do you know Russians are lying.

    A. Their lips move!

    Hahahaha! — as trolls like to add to their oh so wry comments.

    Here’s another troll comment that I saw yesterday:

    All Russians are really Mongols. Just look at Shoigu!

    Why being a Mongol is so despicable in the first place, I fail to understand.

    I was going to point out to the troll that Shoigu’s father is/was a Tuvan, and his mother an ethnic Russia, but realized I would be completely wasting my time if I did so.

    In the 2010 Census, roughly 81% of the population were ethnic Russians, and the remaining 19% of the population were ethnic minorities, and over four-fifths of Russia’s population was of European descent, of which the vast majority were Slavs, with a substantial minority of Finnic and Germanic peoples.

    I wonder what percentage of US citizens are “Anglo-Saxons”?

    Dumb question, but why does the press everywhere, including here, refer to them and the British, for that matter. as such? Even the usually impeccable Lavrov refers to the “Anglo-Saxons” when talking about the USA and its pathetic arse-licking side-kick, the UK.


    1. But not headlines in the other UK rags, including those noisome arsewipes the Mail, the Mirror and the Sun, in which the big front page story is about that arsehole of a British “prince” who apparently liked shagging minors.

      His mother was in the news as well: she’s ready to pop her clogs, I’m sure. She looks very frail.

      Up the republic!


          1. I think she only has the one pooch now. She used to have a whole pack of corgis running around the place. I suppose all the rest of them, apart from Candy, have been culled or whatever.


            1. The Queen currently has at least two dogs, Candy (corgi-dachshund cross aka dorgi) and Muick (purebred corgi). She had another purebred corgi called Fergus last year but he died young. He may have been replaced by another puppy.

              The Queen stopped breeding corgis and dorgis after 2012 so I assume all the dogs apart from Candy she has had since then have been gifts. Muick and Fergus were given to her by Prince Andrew’s daughters to keep her company while Prince Phillip was in hospital.


  76. 04: 11 17.02.2022 (updated: 06: 22 17.02.2022)
    The head of the US Treasury warned about the consequences of sanctions against RussiaUS Treasury Secretary Yellen speaks about global consequences of sanctions against Russia

    WASHINGTON, February 17-RIA Novosti. If Western countries impose new sanctions against Russia, “global consequences” will be inevitable, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said.
    Earlier, US President Joe Biden admitted that sanctions against Russia in the event of an escalation of the situation around the Ukraine will hit the United States, causing, in particular, an increase in energy prices.

    We recognize that the sanctions will have some global consequences,

    she said.

    Yellen added that the US Treasury Department, together with the Europeans, is developing a number of financial sanctions that may affect “individuals or companies” and “of course, may include export controls”.

    According to the Minister, Washington, together with the European Union, is working to protect the latter as effectively as possible from the “adverse impact” of sanctions, trying to ensure the supply of energy resources to the continent.

    The West has recently been accusing Russia of plans to escalate the situation around the Ukraine, threatening to impose new large-scale sanctions. against this background, the North Atlantic Alliance is strengthening its presence in Eastern Europe and is sending additional forces and troops there.

    The Kremlin denies these accusations and claims that they serve as a pretext for strengthening the bloc’s military presence on Russia’s borders. They also explained that the main reason for the escalation is the actions of the United States and NATO, which “pump” the Ukraine with weapons, thereby pushing it towards military adventures.

    Way to go, USA!


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