Goodbye, Science – Hello, Modeling!

Uncle Volodya says, “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“You see, there is one very good thing about mankind; the mediocre masses make very few demands of the mediocrities of a higher order, submitting stupidly and cheerfully to their guidance”

Alfred de Vigny, from “Stello”

“Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.”

Ziad K. Abdelnour, from “Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics”

I’d like to think the readers of this blog always knew this is the way it would turn out. The ‘Pandemic’, I mean. The narrative was just too clumsy, so blunt, so jackboots I’m-out-of-reasons-so-do-it-because-it’s-an-order. First, as we all remember, it was just two weeks to ‘flatten the curve’, and the public-health authorities would like you to wear a facemask, but you should understand there is really no evidence that they do anything to stop the spread of infection. Just to comfort you, like. Then masks absolutely worked, there was no end of proof; in fact, wear two! To be perfectly clear, the CDC did not ever order the population to wear two masks, or even recommend such a practice. It merely offered guidance in a manner which suggested only idiots don’t care about ‘being safe’.

Research released Wednesday from the CDC found that wearing a surgical mask underneath a cloth mask “substantially improved source control and reduced wearer exposure” to the viral particles that cause COVID-19. It marked the first time the CDC has released guidance on the most effective ways to wear masks, NBC News reported…“That’s all (the CDC is) saying,”

[Fauci} added. “One mask at least, but if you want to really be sure, get a tighter fit with a second mask.”

The ‘viral particles that cause COVID-19’. But before, it spread through ‘droplets’, and masks were effective at stopping them even though Fauci privately confided in email traffic that it spread through particles which are too small to be deterred by non-medical cloth masks. Besides, everybody had to wear a mask because of ‘asymptomatic spread’, which the CDC acknowledged publicly was not a real threat, but if something was not done the anti-maskers would never wear one, and they’d get a break, and public-health momentum would falter.

And on and on we went, full-tilt down Bullshit Boulevard. The PCR test was the ‘gold standard’, even though the guy who invented it was quite clear that it was not a test. I’d like to just let it go at that, but I can’t; the ubiquitous ‘fact-checkers’ employed directly by the pushers of the narrative claim that Kary Mullis ‘never said PCR testing couldn’t be used for testing for any diseases‘. Before we go any further, because I am prone to distraction – when you’re picking out the lampposts to swing the public-health quacks from, be sure to save some for the fact-checkers. Here’s what they said:

“He did invent PCR, which is a process used to test whether someone currently has Covid-19…He didn’t say PCR testing couldn’t be used for testing for any diseases, as some social media posts claim. Confusion dseems to have arisen from quotes of his in a 1996 article about HIV and AIDS. In this, neither the author of the article, nor Dr Mullis said PCR testing does not work or only identifies the DNA or RNA of the person being tested.”

A word here about the emergence of these ‘fact-checkers’; this is an insidious new tool used by corporate interests or others to discredit points of view which oppose The Narrative. There seem to be two primary modes of attack; argue that the person named is not the one who said what was claimed (rather than that it was never said at all), or in cases where the fact-checkers want to argue it was never said at all, pursue the point that the person claimed did not say those exact words, verbatim. Refinements on these themes include “we could find no evidence that this is true”, which could mean something so simple as ‘we didn’t look very hard”.

Anyway, in the instance we are examining, the ‘fact-checkers’ led off with the admission – which was not in dispute – that Kary Mullis did invent the PCR process…and followed it immediately with the contention that it is a process used to test whether someone currently has COVID-19. Is that a lie? Technically, no. Medical personnel did use it to test whether a person currently had COVID-19. It was just never designed for that purpose, and when used, does not yield reliable diagnosis of COVID-19. If you’re okay with unreliable results just as long as the process errs in favour of false positives, it works like a charm.

“50% is the same as random chance. In other words, this 99% specificity test can do no better than a coin flip when declaring a positive result. So screening in this scenario is not warranted because data that is no better than a coin flip is not data — it’s random chance.

However, the situation is much worse than this because neither PCR nor antigen tests are close to a 99% specificity level in practice, for various reasons (Braunstein et al. 2021). Lee 2020 performed a lab analysis of the CDC PCR test accuracy, which was widely used in the first months of the pandemic, and found it had a 70% specificity (i.e. 30% false positives) and 80% sensitivity (20% false negatives). This is because of faulty designs built in to the test from the beginning, as various news accounts from the Washington Post, NPR and ProPublica have since revealed.

This level of inaccuracy matches the CDC’s own internal report that found 33% false results when its PCR test was released in late February 2020, as reported on by National Public Radio (Temple-Raston 2020).
Intuitively, and in an emergency situation, we may think that a 70-80% accuracy rate is far from perfect but may still be “good enough.”

To be clear, this scenario describes the outcome when broad-based screening of a largely asymptomatic population is carried out, which is a stupid idea from the start – why would you get tested for a disease if you have no symptoms of it? And why would you believe a test that says you have it when you have no symptoms? In a population where infection has an overall low background rate, a majority of positive results are likely to be false positives. But with COVID, for the first time, positive test results were added to the database as ‘new cases’, and the higher the numbers climbed, the more panicky people got, and the more of them rushed out to get tested whether they had symptoms or not.

Anyway, back to the fascinating tale of Kary Mullis And The Fact-Checkers.  If we must quote him word-for-word, then let’s do that. Here’s one – “Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.” You can spin and fact-check that all you like, but it sounded very negative to me, and I heard him say it. Here’s another: “If you could amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have a single one of in your body.” The PCR process is an augmentor which amplifies a single fragment of DNA until you can measure what is in it, but at high cycle levels the observer is likely to find material that was previously undetectable because it was present at such insignificant volume. Most people are likely to have fragments of dead virus in them, or minor virus fragments other than COVID. The PCR itself does not ‘detect’ viruses; that is up to the interpreter.

Which brings us to the usual rebuttal these days – a composite that says “Kary Mullis had one moment of brilliance when he developed the gold standard for COVID testing, a discovery he shared with others but for which he took all the credit. Apart from that he was a loon who dabbled in psychedelic drugs and thought he could talk with the dead, and who harbored any number of oddball beliefs. Oh; and he is a climate-change denier.” As the internet meme goes, “Follow the Science. But be sure to not listen to the guy who developed mRNA, or the guy who invented the PCR test”.

Be that as it may; I don’t want to get deep in the weeds on the subject of masks or PCR ‘tests’. What I wanted to talk about is the exit strategy for ‘the pandemic’, in which the miraculous vaccines will be covered with glory, and governments and the public-health quacks perfectly justified in having acted as they did. And what do we have to thank for it? Science?

Of course not. Beyond science lies…modeling.

A little background on modeling. It was modeling that got us into this mess in the first place; “Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson’s Imperial College model, which warned Boris Johnson that unless strict lockdown measures were adopted immediately, half a million Britons would die. He forecast 2 million dead in the USA. These apocalyptic figures came from a model, a computer program which works like a complex calculator; assuming these conditions (input value ‘x’), what effect will they have in, say, one year (value ‘y’)? In the Imperial College model, assumed replication rates of the virus were used to forecast numbers of deaths which would result in various scenarios, such as whether or not social distancing was observed, whether the public ‘locked down’ and stayed at home, and so forth. To say that it did not work very well is an understatement on the order of saying Stephen Hawking was quite smart, or that Elton John is sort of gay.

But the key here, for me, is ‘assumed’. The model, like models usually do, used arbitrary values born of assumptions to make its forecasts. And assumptions are not science. When very well-educated individuals who are well-versed in their field make predictions the result is often quite close to the forecast, certainly more so than when predictions are made by bumpkins and idiots. Predictions are what we think, what we assume will happen, based on a variety of variables, each of which might dramatically affect the outcome. Science is what we know will happen, because we did it until we proved it, and can thereafter reproduce it using the same conditions and get the same result.

The Imperial College model worked on assumptions. But it was far worse than that. It is one thing to plug 1.6% as your R0 value for communicability, and get something like 72,506 deaths over 8 months, although you must use assumptions for the virus’s mortality rate as well, and get the same result the next time using the same values. But the Imperial College model built by Neil Ferguson got widely different results running it twice in a row using exactly the same inputs. Different results depending on what type of computer you ran it on. Different results depending on what colour shirt the programmer was wearing. All right, I made that last one up, although I bet it was never tried.

Firstly, the computer model. The source code behind the Ferguson model has finally been made available to the public via the GitHub website. Mark E Jeftovic, in his Axis of Easy website, says: ‘A code review has been undertaken by an anonymous ex-Google software engineer here, who tells us the GitHub repository code has been heavily massaged by Microsoft engineers, and others, in an effort to whip the code into shape to safely expose it to the public. Alas, they seem to have failed and numerous flaws and bugs from the original software persist in the released version. Requests for the unedited version of the original code behind the model have gone unanswered.’

Jeftovic believes the most worrisome outcome of the model review is that the code produces ‘non-deterministic outputs’. This means that owing to bugs, the code can produce very different results given identical inputs, making the code unsuitable for scientific purposes. Jeftovic says the documentation provided wants the reader to accept that given a ‘starting seed’, the model will always produce the same results. ‘Investigation reveals the truth: the code produces critically different results, even for identical starting seeds and parameters.’

Buddy, that ain’t science. Science is friction creates heat. Science is water expands as it freezes. We know these things because we can prove them reliably, over and over, getting the same results. Modeling which tells us the safe number for a ‘gathering’ is 15 is not science, the six feet of separation mandated for ‘social distancing’ is itself based on science from 100 years ago, when Karl Flügge was in his heyday and the disease was tuberculosis. Modeling that tells us if the reproductivity rate for viral replication is ‘assumed to be’ this, then hospitals will be overwhelmed with new cases in two weeks is not science. It is sensible to consider precautions. It is not sensible to make all of society take precautions, in advance, based on the worst-case scenario from your model. And pretty much all the public-health decision-making nowadays is based on modeling. Where has that gotten us already? A timely reminder.

Just over one year ago, the epidemiology modeling of Neil Ferguson and Imperial College played a preeminent role in shutting down most of the world. The exaggerated forecasts of this modeling team are now impossible to downplay or deny, and extend to almost every country on earth. Indeed, they may well constitute one of the greatest scientific failures in modern human history.

Chart: US Covid-19 deaths, with and without vaccines
Yes, that’s right; a ‘model’ which proposes that a million lives were saved, in the United States alone, by the vaccines.

“The Commonwealth study wasn’t peer-reviewed, but it builds on a methodology that was. In a paper published this month in the journal JAMA Network Open, several of the same researchers estimated that Covid-19 vaccines averted more than 240,000 deaths between December 12, 2020, and June 30, 2021, before the worst of the delta variant ignited in the US.

In that same six-month window, vaccines were estimated to have prevented 1.1 million hospitalizations and halted 14 million infections, showing that more than 338 million doses had a powerful effect. “It was larger than we would’ve expected,” said coauthor Meagan Fitzpatrick, an infectious disease modeler at the University of Maryland.”

In instances in which the Keepers Of The Narrative wish to discredit a study, they simply announce coldly that it has not been peer-reviewed. Nothing to see here; move along. In this case they cannot get around the lack of peer reviewing, but frame it as merely a formality since the methodology has been proven sound as a dollar.

Consider. Many, perhaps most of the people who ‘died of COVID’ were at an age which closely approximates the age of…well, death.  Life expectancy in the United States is 81 years for women, 77 for men. The actual effectiveness of the vaccines is hotly debated, but nobody will ever know with the degree of certainty that constitutes ‘data’, because both major manufacturers vaccinated nearly all their control group within a couple of months of the commencement of trials which were supposed to span years, and are still ongoing. So modeling was conducted on the effectiveness of vaccines whose actual effectiveness is unknown and still undergoing trials, based on how many people actually died of COVID when that number is demonstrably overestimated; public health does not even know the incidence figure, because everyone who tested positive was a ‘new case’, using a ‘test’ which is virtually guaranteed to ‘find’ a virus if you just turn the cyclic rate higher.

“Public health epidemiology is the science of counting to prevent disease and promote health. We count the number of new cases of a particular disease; this is the incidence. Then we count how much a disease has spread in a population; this is the prevalence.

When it comes to COVID-19, counting has been a challenge. Despite all the news articles and reports, we know very little about the incidence or prevalence of this new disease. Projections are based on models, and this uncertainty breeds fear.”

No shit? Really? So ‘modelers’ know very little about either the prevalence or incidence of COVID-19, while the age range that gets it most is far less likely to die from it, and people are now being urged to not get tested if they do not have symptoms whereas before everyone was encouraged to get tested because most ‘new cases’ were asymptomatic? Wow – it’s astounding how those modelers could estimate that the vaccines have saved a million lives.

I’d like to close with another quote, this time by Umberto Eco, from “Foucault’s Pendulum”.

“Not that the incredulous person doesn’t believe in anything. It’s just that he doesn’t believe in everything… He is nearsighted and methodical, avoiding wide horizons. If two things don’t fit, but you believe both of them, thinking that somewhere, hidden, there must be a third thing that connects them, that’s credulity.”

1,674 thoughts on “Goodbye, Science – Hello, Modeling!

  1. Wonders never cease Mark, insofar as leadership, I’ll offer this one:

    “It is the habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they would prefer not to examine” -Thucydides

    When it comes to the masses, this one works:

    “You can’t convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee heaven. It won’t do it. But humans will” -Behaviorist Yuval Noah Harari

    Meanwhile Russian propaganda (are brothels legal in Moscow? Putin should send Margarita Simonyan to do her patriotic duty in one, it’d be little different to her day-job) shoves this ‘information’ meme back on the Western audience:

    I could leave it here as a ‘what’s wrong with this picture’ puzzle but I don’t dare, someone might actually believe it.

    Control groups:

    Vaccinated only (no covid infection)

    Infected, recovered & then vaccinated

    Vaccinated/recovered from subsequent ‘breakthrough’ infection.

    What is the missing control group?

    Spoiler: Natural immunity only (infected/recovered/unvaccinated)

    Is “super immunity” actually merely natural immunity? The study can’t tell us because there is no control for this (although evidence elsewhere indicates this possibility…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Putin’s wit and sense of humour at its keenest … from 4:54 …

      • Putin says “Russian hookers are the best!”

      “Actually, you know what I’d like to say about that [… rumours involving Trump]? Prostitution is one of those serious, ugly social phenomena; young women engage in this, for the most part because they can’t make a living any other credible way. And this reflects on the society and the government. But people who order this kind of falsified information – the kind that is being propagated against the President [Elect] of the United States – those that fabricate it and use if for political means – they are much worse than prostitutes. They have no moral limitations at all.”


      1. Wow. Now there’s a non-representative title. Putin never said anything like that at all. It reminds me strongly of my old archenemy, La Russophobe, whose writing technique strongly resembled your example. She would search out some article from a source that reliably presents Russia negatively – say, The Moscow Times or former-spook-but-I-don’t-like-to-talk-about-it idiot Paul Goble – copy it and tack on an over-the-top hyperbolic headline like “More Unbelievably Barbaric Russian Embarrassment”, et viola! A new post, done and dusted.

        One of the things I always admired about Putin as a leader is his capacity to speak with feeling on any subject, without notes. He says what he thinks in a manner that is radically different from a prepared speech, and in this instance it has the flavour of an admonitory message from your Dad; if you were the questioner who prompted that answer, you would probably be hanging your head by the time he was finished.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Caught me – damn!. Whenever I share that I make a point of saying please ignore the headline. Inessa S (Inessa Sinchougova) does amazing work with her translations and sometimes makes a cheeky headline such as this. I had assumed familiarity with her style here. Please do explore her channel – she has been quiet over the last year and is virtually being shut down.

          • “I work so that you could be happy” – Putin to a young couple in public Q&A


          1. Aaaahhh….okay. I will check it out, and thanks!

            The more recent one you sent is an example of what the west would mock heartily as ‘softball questions’, and I would have to agree that “What is your dream?” is pretty cringey. However, this is a bunch of kids, maybe college-age, and they can’t be expected to have much life experience. It is one thing to have such innocuous hit-’em-out-of-the-park questions posed to the President during such a session, but quite another to have them come from seasoned reporters at a press conference, as sometimes happens in the USA.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. InessaS, in case any here do not know, is a Kiwi-Orc:

          Meet the Pro-Putin YouTube Diva ‘Bigger’ than Rihanna

          Who the fuck is Rihanna?

          Only kidding! I just checked.But honest injun: I had never heard of her.

          Must get outmore.

          Now I am kidding!

          Having learnt who Rihanna is, I now know that my ignorance up to a few minutes ago of her existence has in no way diinished the quality of my life.

          Inessa S likes her though.

          No judging taste.

          But look at this for a load of shite in the above-linked profile about Inessa S:

          All that changed in 2008. By then she was studying for a political science degree at the University of Wellington. That August, war broke out between Russia and its tiny neighbor Georgia over the breakaway territory of South Ossetia, provoking an international crisis.

          Moscow had long backed separatists in the territory, and Georgia’s president, Mikheil Saakashvili, made a reckless bid to bring it back under Tbilisi’s control.

          Still fuming that Georgia had been promised NATO membership a few months earlier, Russia seized the chance to give its tiny neighbor a brutal lesson, decimating the Georgian army and sending its tanks to the outskirts of Tbilisi.

          Putin was “fuming”, eh?

          Gave its tiny neighbour a “brutal” lesson, did it?

          Not as brutal a lesson as the USA-trained Georgian cowardly murdering wankers gave the civilians of Tskhinvali – and then ran away!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Good link ME – but interesting – the author Agata Popeda describes her bio quite well … BUT. Russian born, raised in New Zealand, now moved to Belgrade and I would have mentioned that she was adopted by Joaquin Flores into Fort Russ for a period (Fort Russ is no longer publishing). She went silent for almost a year and has recently started posting again, still with threats hanging over her by YouTube.

            However, Agata Popeda then tried to chop her legs off with a few negative innuendos towards the end – including swipes at John Pilger and Ben Swann. But I must admit, I still haven’t worked out all the players.

            I will forgive her her choice in music/musicians (Rihanna). I hate to admit how many I have listened to and liked (harmonically) over the years without investigating who they were and what they stood for. And I must admit, I NEVER actually listened to the lyrics. I no longer listen to ‘popular’ music – just audio books with the occasion quality piece of music.

            It’s a shame the video of her actually addressing the camera has been taken down as it is always good to put a face and voice to the body of work. When I go through my archives I keep finding more videos that have been removed.

            But it is largely through Inessa S that I have been able to listen to the words of Putin (and Zhakarova) over these past few years.


            1. That’s how I first came into virtual contact with her, JULIUS SKOOLAFISH: through Fort Russ, which I gave up long ago trying to open, and now you tell me it’s down. And then, as you say, Inessa S vanished. I do faintly recall that she had moved to Serbia. And I also remember what she looked like: young and attractive — attractive because she’s Russian, of course. She must be approaching her 35th birthday now, or has already had it.


              1. Tracking Joaquin Flores – just a couple of bullet point links …

                • Critical Notices I – The Revolution Beyond Academia – Joaquin Flores

                I was so looking forward to a follow up in that series but I guess Joaquin got busy with other projects.

                He recently appeared here …

                • The China Distraction and U.S. Destabilization – Joaquin Flores


                and appeared here with Cynthia Chung and Tim Kirby (don’t know enough about him – he also appeared with Jeff J Brown recently)

                • Aldous Huxley & Deep State Predictive Programming


        3. “Wow. Now there’s a non-representative title. Putin never said anything like that at all. ”

          Actually, Julius had the video cued to 4:54, but rewind it to 4:08 – 4:42, and you will find the passage where VVP says — not those exact words in the title but:
          “I really struggle to believe that he hurried over to meet with our … um (pause) … ‘women of diminished social responsibility’ … although I’m sure ours are the best in the world, too. Of course they are!”

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Wow. You’re right.

            I think a lot of the reason the prostitution problem is never resolved is because of guys; guys who believe the hooker is a little bit in love with them and, even though they know it is an exchange of sex for money, they’re doing their best for the girl to enjoy it, too, and they think she is. I’m completely guessing here because I know little of the world of professional sex and even less about how hookers really see men. But how hard is it to fool them when making them believe a fantasy is your business, and they want to be fooled?

            I guess what I am saying is that if men really knew that hookers view them as simply a means of earning a living, there’s zero romance in it, they can’t wait for you to finish so they can get the money and never have to see you again, unless you have more money…I think a lot more guys would be discouraged and business would dry up except for the sadists who like to slap them around.

            Anyway, Russian women are lovely, and I imagine that is an asset for a prostitute; at least, I have not noticed much expression of interest for those who are unattractive or old.

            And although Putin really did say something almost exactly like the title specified I would not say it could be construed as an actual endorsement of the practice of prostitution or of any contribution it might make to the Russian economy. He seemed to argue quite the opposite, and to be serious in his repudiation of it as well as the exploitation of those who have nothing else to sell.

            Liked by 1 person

    2. Ha, ha! Thanks for the quotes, Ron – they are perfect, and you may well see them again. You’re correct, of course; the group which is being deliberately eliminated with fanatical and unswerving dedication to enforced vaccination is the naturally immune, who got COVID and recovered. Several recent ‘studies’ – although what constitutes a ‘study’ these days is itself open to debate – have grudgingly admitted that natural immunity is ‘a close second’ to vaccination in terms of protection, but nobody wants to discuss natural immunity as a defense, because the government can’t regulate it.

      An easy analogy, for me, is alcohol. You and I could sit down of an evening and drink the same number of beers over the same period of time – sounds good, actually – and at the end of that time period, one of us would be more suited to drive than the other. This would owe itself to a variety of factors – age, body weight, percentage of body weight that is fat, overall metabolism and driving experience, among others. But of course the government is not interested in splitting hairs to that extent – it is satisfied that consuming alcohol negatively affects your ability to operate a motor vehicle, and made a blanket law that says nobody is allowed to do it, period. For years it allowed a certain percentage of alcohol measured by breath sample, but it is getting steadily more restrictive so that if you have any measurable blood alcohol, you cannot drive a car.

      This appears similar; natural immunity is difficult to quantify, and some people – owing again to a variety of factors – have greater resistance to disease than others. How much easier it would be for the government to simply order vaccination and then send you a reminder when you are due for your next shot. Then everyone is working from roughly the same benchmark: vaccine-induced ‘immunity’.

      Quite apart from the obvious fact that the vaccines do not provide any sort of immunity – slickly got around by pretending that their purpose was always to reduce your probability of death or hospitalization to some immeasurable degree rather than inducing actual immunity – this is only the most benign explanation. The apparently deliberate obliteration of the control group, FDA ‘approval’ of vaccines which were themselves approved for ’emergency use’ when background infection was low and mortality negligible and the vaccines were still in trials argues otherwise. The rewriting of definitions so as to make the ‘vaccines’ fit for purpose and the manifest impossibility of now compiling data on any effectiveness at all is culminating in a bizarre celebration of their miraculous efficacy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Euractiv: Dombrovskis assures Ukraine the EU won’t allow the ‘weaponisation’ of Nord Stream 2

    European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said on Monday (31 January) on a visit to Kyiv that the certification of the Russia-designed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline has been put on hold to make sure it would not be used as a weapon.

    …Dombrovskis also noted that the EU is now studying whether Russia is violating the EU’s market principles with its whims regarding gas contracts…

    ‘Whims’? Following to the letter written contracts even when it doesn’t suit the EU? Is Russia supposed to be doing the EU favors when it is taking part in containing Russian, overthrowing governments in the neighborhood and turning a blind eye to nazis? It’s just another empty threat.

    Surely this is the EU weaponizing NordStream II as a threat to Russia when it is Germany that wants the gas?

    Orwellian, isn’t it?

    Or is the EU threatening Germany that if it does not get onboard with threatening Russia, it will get no gas?

    This really is desperate DO SOMETHING! stuff, of course timed for the EU’s visit to the Ukraine. But it’s not ‘political’ PR fluff by Brussels. It’s important to look and sound tough even if you are not.


    1. Again, it is irrelevant to Russia when the pipeline goes into operation so long as shortage in Europe equates to high gas prices, as the higher price makes up for reduced volumes; I noted from one of the articles I cited earlier that Russia has added another $200 Billion to its sovereign wealth fund since the last time I read of it, it is now over $600 Billion vice the $400 Billion reported previously.


  3. Superb piece, Mark.

    With the Big Tech ease of “vanishing” inconvenient truths about the conduct of decision makers during this “crisis”, it’ll be up to as many of us as possible to make a reckoning come about. Like post-Liberation France after WWII, there’s bound to be selective editing of CVs and personal narratives of “stolen valour” about Resistance during the dark days: that’s maybe OK for those who went along to get along; it’s unacceptable for the decision makers who stole the best part of two years of normal life from us while in a position to summon and apply REAL scientific advice from experts. For the decision makers, if not lamppost therapy, they need to be brought low.

    Thanks again.

    I have sent a link for your essay to someone who may spread it in England.


  4. MH17 BREAKING Lawyers for NL relatives have advised to take legal action only on Russia and to spare Ukraine. For tackling Russia they offer no cure, no pay scheme; not for tackling Ukraine. Appears from document. All about this in @AndereKrant

    His later tweet says that NL’s relations with the Ukraine take precendence over supporting MH17 victims.

    Further down is his tweet showing the positions of Ukranian Army BUKs.


    1. You really have to wonder what interest the Dutch authorities have in dissuading the families of those MH17 victims with Dutch and/or Indonesian citizenship from pursuing legal action against Ukraine. Conspiracy theorists might well believe that the Dutch have something to hide, given that the plane took off from Schiphol Airport which, even before 2014, did not have a very good security record. Recall that it was at this airport that the so-called Underpants Bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmutalleb) boarded a jet bound for Michigan on Christmas Day in 2009.
      2009 Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bombing attempt


  5. Neuters via Boeing Says Ukraine Tensions Creating ‘Adverse Climate’ for Business

    …Boeing relies heavily on Russia’s VSMPO-AVISMA for the supply of titanium, a lightweight metal that is used widely in planemaking…

    …The planemaker said it would monitor and evaluate for any sanctions or restrictions that might be imposed by the U.S. government and any responses from Russia that could directly affect company’s supply chain, business partners or customers.

    Western aerospace companies have shored up their stocks of titanium and are scrambling to bolster supply chains in case the metal is thrust into a potential trade war between Russia and the West….

    Maybe the US will threaten extra sanctions against Russia if it counter-sanctions US sanctions by sanctioning the delivery of titanium to the US (aka Boing)? There’s a comedy sketch in that. The conclusion should be that some time in the future neither can remember how it started.


    1. I’m so glad he’s on the case. Now something will surely be done. Perhaps he’s trying to get a feel for when the provocation will kick off, so he can be sure no Britons are hurt. Or Zelensky wants to try out his newest comedy sketch on western leaders. to see if it’s funny. If that’s the case, he should have chosen someone with an adult sense of humour.


    1. I’ve found that the video of BoJo and Jennette Arnold (holding the light saber) was actually taken in 2013 when BoJo was London Mayor.
      Lightsaber-wielding Labour politician filmed dancing with then-Mayor Boris Johnson says he’s a ‘party animal with Eton moves’ but warns the ‘totally selfish’ PM was ‘irresponsible and unfit for higher office’

      Gotta admit, BoJo dancing is a bit easier on the eye than Theresa May’s attempts to be less than wooden.


      1. Here’s BoJo having a Downing Street party, May 2020:

        Boris Johnson and staff pictured with wine in Downing Street garden in May 2020
        Exclusive: photograph raises fresh questions for No 10 after denial of a social event at time of Covid restrictions

        A TV car show host has admitted secretly dipping his member in Boris Johnson’s pint.

        What a tosser!

        “I dipped my knob in Boris’s pint then went out and handed it to him. It was just a prank.”

        He said: “Boris arrived as it was my round. So I said ‘Would you like a drink?’ I was drinking a pint of real ale and he said ‘What’s that like?’ I said it was pretty good so he said ‘I’ll have one of those.’

        “I went to the bar but the barrel had to be changed so I brought out my friends drinks — they were on gin and tonics, something like that.

        “Then I had to go back in for the pints. I got the pints and as I turned round I noticed that to my left was the gents’ toilets.

        “I needed a wee but when I was in the loo I thought ‘This is an opportunity of a lifetime.’ So I dipped my knob in Boris Johnson’s pint and then topped it up with mine.


  6. You don’t say!!!

    General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zabrodsky announced the desire of some residents of Ukraine to become part of Russia
    February 1, 2022, 18: 13

    Lieutenant General of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Mikhail Zabrodsky on the air of the Espresso TV channel expressed the opinion that residents of a number of Ukrainian cities would like to become part of Russia.

    According to him, a part of the population “still dreams of some kind of Novorossiya, of becoming another province or becoming part of the Southern Federal District.”

    Zabrodsky clarified that we are talking about the left-bank part of Ukraine.

    “The conditional direction is Kharkiv, Dnipro, Kherson-and all the way to Odessa”, RIA Novosti quotes him.

    Earlier, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky expressed the opinion that Russia could increase the escalation of the situation in those territories where historically people with family ties with Russians live.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, following talks in Geneva with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said that Russia is not going to attack Ukraine.

    He stressed that ” Russia has never, anywhere, ever threatened the Ukrainian people through the mouth of its official representatives.”

    Have no fear, Ze — Boris has come to your rescue!

    Stupid Eton and Oxford educated fucker!

    Zelenskiy (thinks): “This guy’s an even bigger clown than I am !!!”


    1. Why does he even have buttons on his suit jacket? He never fastens them, probably so his bulbous gut can wobble free and unobstructed. But the solution there is to get a new one, tailored so you can wear it the way it’s supposed to be worn. You don’t see Zelensky jerking about with his jacket gaping wide open.

      Perhaps Ze would like to ask him about the expiry dates on those NLAW rockets the UK delivered; earlier reports suggested Ukraine had received weapons that must be used almost immediately as they were about to expire. But that was likely confusion with the Javelins sent them by the USA, which have reportedly already passed their expiry date.

      Nope, the problem with the British weapon gifts – and with all similar systems – is that modern Russian armored and artillery doctrine relies on using drones to spot for fire corrections and blasting the shit out of the place from ranges too far for shoulder-launched weapons to reach. Also, much of Ukraine is open plains with little to no cover.

      That does not stop the smug western press from suggesting the reason you don’t see columns of Russian tanks in Ukraine is because the fearsome western weapons have frightened them all into jostling long-range respect. But the NLAW sent to Ukraine has a maximum range of less than half a kilometer against a moving target and less than a kilometer under the very best of circumstances. 400 meters is pretty close to get to an enemy tank or APC in anything but an urban-warfare scenario, and the latter assumes the enemy is already in the cities, probably with accompanying large-scale damage since he would have shelled it from a distance. Kind of bittersweet, I imagine, exulting about the performance of your NLAW projectile against tanks which are creeping closer to you through the rubble of a destroyed city.

      Russia’s Kornet D anti-tank missile, by way of contrast, has a maximum range of 10 kilometers, although it would probably be about half that against a moving target; there’s a reason operators like to get a shot at a tank or other target while it’s sitting still. The 10 km range is for the thermobaric warhead. With the HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) warhead the range is 8 km.


      1. I wonder if the west has learned its Afghan ‘lost stingers’ lesson here. If you are worried about such dangerous equipment wandering off (particularly the Ukraine) you have specialist components time limited and only available from the manufacturer. As a country you just book an order in advance and swap out the component for the new one.


  7. Ukraine’s Security Chief: Kyiv Shouldn’t Be Forced to Fulfill Minsk Agreements

    The agreements require Ukraine to give autonomy to Donbas seperatists

    …Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, said fulfilling the deal could mean the “destruction” of Ukraine.

    “The fulfillment of the Minsk agreement means the country’s destruction,” he said. “When they were signed under the Russian gun barrel — and the German and the French watched — it was already clear for all rational people that it’s impossible to implement those documents.”…

    …Danilov warned implementing the Minsk agreements could destabilize Ukraine due to internal opposition to the deal. “If the society doesn’t accept those agreements, it could lead to a very difficult internal situation and Russia counts on that,” he said…

    Surely that’s what the west has done since the agreement was signed?

    It’s the same thing they did in Bosnia over the Dayton Agreement. From day one they sought to ‘reform’ it out of existence, for the natives own good of course.

    The same with thee 1999 Rambouillet Agreement that was designed to be rejected by Serbia because it’s unpublished Annex B gave NATO forces free range thoughout.

    It’s the same thing they did with JCPOA with i-Ran. Day one O-Bomber’s administration squeezed every bank, financial institution, everyone to not go anywhere near i-Ran despite the ‘agreement.’

    It’s just one of many agreements the west has signed to get itself out of trouble in the short term with the intention to revise it later in their favor.

    So now it ‘is unfair’ that agreements signed by all sides should be upheld because the other side has the means to enforce it?

    Or is this the ‘International System’ that the west seeks to uphold, i.e. it’s only good as long as we decide so and everything is subject to our unnamed Terms & Conditions.

    France and Germany are equally up to their necks in the s/t for going along with the US. It was only a matter of time before the accounts were called. But it’s ‘not their fault’ either as it happend by ‘accident.’ That’s the west’s foreign policy for the last thirty years, A Series of Accidents that has left devestation, death and instability for millions of people ‘over there’ and a tiny bit at home (you don’t make omlettes without breaking some eggs!). It’s the price of FreeDumb.

    As for Danilov, he’s just the most recent in a long line of pro-western hamsters who believes that he has the right to decide who has rights. He conveniently believes that a significant number of Ukranians don’t have the right to vote or life because they would ‘make the wrong choice,’ i.e. not his. That is why he and his goons are killing civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk districts. They are ‘Other,’ something Danilov and the Nazi regime have in common. And meanwhile the freedumb loving west claps and encourages the likes of him.

    Maybe it is the 1930s again when we looked the other way for as long as possible because it was convenient for our ‘interests.’ How many free whoopsies do we get a century to kill tens of millions of people and wipe the slate clean? Maybe more than one…


    1. Ukraine is shameless; it will throw anyone under the bus, and then just days later hold out its hand for money, because everyone knows Ukraine is The Defining Conflict Of Our Age. So Germany and France stood by while Vladimir Putin bent Poroshenko over the table and gave it to him? Is that what happened? Not according to Poroshenko.

      “Following the talks, Russian President Putin admitted that ‘this was not the best night of my life, but the morning, I believe, is good’, adding that, ‘we finally managed to agree on the key issues’. Ukrainian President Poroshenko, who had demanded the ‘withdrawal of foreign forces’, accused Russia of making ‘unacceptable’ demands, but declared that,’despite tension and pressure’ Ukraine had not succumbed to ‘ultimatums’. French President Hollande called it a ‘serious deal’, but acknowledged that not everything had been settled. German Chancellor Merkel said there was now a ‘glimmer of hope’, but added that ‘we have no illusions. There is still very, very much work to be done’. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who joined Merkel for the Minsk talks, warned that ‘outbreaks of violence could still ruin everything’.”

      Goodness! So Putin was not very happy with the outcome of the talks, although he suggested there had been agreement on the key issues, while Poroshenko boasted that “Ukraine had not succumbed to ultimatums”. That kind of sounds like the opposite to what Danilov is blubbing about now, that Ukraine signed ‘under the Russian gun barrel’ while the partners basically did fuck-all but hoover up the free appies and bitch about how tired they were.

      EPRS-Briefing-548991-Minsk-peace-summit-FINAL.pdf (obviously, a pdf document; search by title.)

      Oh, look. Among the agreed-upon points was “withdrawal of all foreign-armed formations, weapons and mercenaries from Ukrainian territory, as well as disarmament of all illegal groups.” How does the west now rationalize pouring weapons into Ukraine, as it has been doing for years?

      The White House, now – it made it clear from the outset that it would stand for zero shit. “This agreement must now be followed by immediate, concrete steps to fulfill the commitments by all parties. The ceasefire must be implemented and honored. Heavy weapons must be withdrawn from the conflict zone, and Russia must end its support for the separatists and withdraw its soldiers and military equipment from eastern Ukraine,’ White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement. He added that, ‘The true test of today’s accord will be in its full and unambiguous implementation, including the durable end of hostilities and the restoration of Ukrainian control over its border with Russia.’

      Washington has always had a thing about Ukraine getting control of the border, because then theoretically Ukraine would be free to deal with the recalcitrant rebels as it saw fit, without any interference from Russia. We see now how likely that would be, since Russia could punch through any protective curtain for murder with ease, although probably not quickly enough to prevent some of it from happening. But following up on Danilov’s histrionics, America made it quite clear that it expected “full and unambiguous implementation” – that’s actually a quote of its statement. And exactly none of those things happened.

      Excellent point that NATO partners regularly enter into grand-sounding bargains they have no serious intention of following up, and that they regularly blame their adversaries for the collapse of same. A former instructor of mine used to warn, “You get what you INspect, not what you EXpect”.


      1. Agreements are for fools and the desperate.

        Next time one of the west’s hamsters squeals for mercy and are squashed, the west will claim ‘war crimes’ have been committed. Not by their side obviously.

        This reminds me of reports about the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka. It ended in an orgy of violence that categorically ended/broke/destroyed the Tamil Tigers resistance. There were noises from the likes of Amnesty and others that war crimes had been committed and noises from the west, but ultimately it was in our interests that the war was over so no-one was encouraged to look further.

        From the Sri Lankan point of view, not leaving any viable core resistance behind that could be rebuilt and used again in future was key, even if it mean ‘cleaning up’ (aka war crimes). The end was catagorical.

        As for the Ukraine, it f/ked itself the moment it declared a significant portion of its own population essentially subhuman, second-class ‘citizens’ that must Follow Orders! And that was even before it sent its enthusiastic Ukranian nazis for a quick clean-up operation in the east.

        If they had won the response from the west would have been similar to its response in Sri Lanka, and maybe add some words about ‘respecting minorities’ wink wink, which is why Croatia got in to the EU. It’s convenient to look the other way.


  8. Oh, look who’s in Kiev now, “reporting” for the BBC:

    Ukrainian civilians prepare as war with Russia threatens
    By Sarah Rainsford
    BBC News, Kyiv
    8 hours ago

    Vasyl Nazarov trains with a wooden gun

    City schools are practising bomb scare or air raid drills

    “We made our choice in 2014 and it’s clear: we don’t want to be part of the Russian ’empire’,” he says firmly. “Even if there’s no chance of joining the EU or Nato, our target is to be part of Western civilisation which means the rule of law, freedom of speech. These are things Ukrainians are ready to fight for.”

    Freedom of speech — as long asit isn’t in Russian!


  9. Transcript (part) of BBC interview with the British Foreign Secretary:

    30TH JANUARY 2022

    Question: The Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is travelling this week to
    Ukraine. Before that she is joining me here this morning. Good
    morning. Thank you for coming on to talk to us. Are you working
    on the assumption that President Putin is going to invade Ukraine?

    Liz Truss: We think it’s highly likely that he is looking to invade Ukraine,
    that is why we’re doing all we can through deterrence and
    diplomacy to urge him to desist. That’s why we are strengthening
    our sanctions regime here in the United Kingdom. We’re going to
    be introducing new legislation so that we can hit targets, including
    those who are key to the Kremlin’s continuation and the
    continuation of the Russian regime. We’re also supplying and
    offering extra support into our Baltic allies across the Black Sea
    , as
    well as supplying the Ukrainians with defensive weapons. And the
    United Kingdom is the largest contributor to NATO in Europe and
    we are the largest European NATO supporter of troops and
    defences in Europe.

    My stress.

    Zakharova has advised Britain to help the Baltic States not through the Black Sea
    2 February, 12:46

    The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, has drawn attention to a statement of British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss about providing support to the Baltic countries through the Black Sea.

    “Mrs. Truss, your knowledge of history is nothing compared to your knowledge of geography”, Zakharova wrote in her Telegram.

    Thus, she reacted to Truss’s statement during an interview with the BBC about the measures that the UK is taking to support allies in Europe.

    Zakharova, in response, pointed out that it would be much easier to supply the Baltic countries through the Baltic rather than the Black Sea.

    Maria Zakharova

    The other day, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss digressed from the “Mongol and Tatar invasions of the Ukraine” and focused on “Russian aggression” against that country. In an interview with the BBC, she stated literally the following:

    “We believe that it is highly likely that President Putin wants to invade Ukraine. That’s why we’re doing our best, using containment and diplomacy, to convince him to refrain from doing so. That is why we are strengthening our sanctions regime. Here in the UK, we are going to pass new laws so that we can ‘hit the targets’ — those who are key to the continued existence of the Russian regime and keeping the Kremlin in power. We also continue to supply and provide additional support to our Baltic allies across the Black Sea, as well as supplying Ukrainians with defensive weapons.”

    Mrs. Truss, your knowledge of history is nothing compared to your knowledge of geography.

    In order to “defend the Baltics”, you have to act not through the Black Sea, but through the Baltic Sea. The Prebaltic States are so called because they are located on the shores of this sea (in English they are called the Baltic States). Not the Black Sea. [the Russian prefix in “prebaltic” means “by the” —ME.

    In addition to the three Baltic States, Poland, Germany and Denmark are also NATO member states adjacent to the Baltic (Mrs. Truss, just in case: Britain is in NATO, and the “Baltic” is not only a brewing company) [reference to “Baltika Brewery”, St. Petersburg — ME].

    It is frightening to imagine how the head of the British Foreign Office will leap from a tank to an aircraft carrier in order to rescue the Baltics via the Black Sea. So by sneaking through the Celtic Sea into the Mediterranean, then via the Bosphorus, and then through the Kerch Strait you will try to get into the Volga-Baltic Canal unnoticed by Russia? And then — Behold, the Baltic Sea! You will have sailed all the way there! The main thing is that Kiev’s allies no longer keep on insisting that there is no Crimea Bridge, that “the Russians dreamt it all up and it is impossible to build”. There is such a bridge, and on the captain’s bridge, mindful of your tank rides in the Baltics, you will have to duck so as to avoid hitting your head — because it is not a drawbridge.

    Truss read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Merton College, Oxford.

    Another highly educated stupid cnut, like her political boss.


    1. PPE? Personal Protective Equipment? Or is that the current description of her job defending the trained otter that is her boss, Boris Johnson?


    1. Sums the useless bastard up perfectly. And it worked; the papers are full of outrage at the ‘selfish and disrespectful ‘ truckers and their Nazi supporters. The Letters to the Editor brim over with maudlin exhortations to just for Christ’s sake get a shot and put on a mask, it’s not the invasion of Normandy. Right on cue, local would-be comic and idiot-about-town Jack Knox muses that he is not sure if it could be called a ‘convoy’; he remembers his Dad telling him about Stukas dive-bombing his convoy, but he doesn’t remember if anyone was holding up a sign reading “Ivermectin works!” Right; got it – if it falls short of the invasion of Normandy, you have no right to oppose it, and if there are no Stukas, it’s not a real convoy.

      There are none so blind as those who will not see, and some people deserve every bit of misery visited upon them. As some have suggested elsewhere, this has been the most successful propaganda op in the history of the world. Governments have learned that you can sell the voters anything as long as you can convince them it is an emergency, and that they are playing a valuable part by simply doing as they are told.


  10. RT: Russia announces retaliation over RT DE ban in Germany

    Germany’s actions have left Moscow no other choice but to retaliate, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said

    …The ministry did not specify what particular measures will be taken. Earlier, it repeatedly warned Berlin about an “inevitable” response in case Germany refuses to find a “constructive solution” to issue around RT DE broadcasting “created by [Germany] itself.”..

    Timing timing timing.


    1. Make it hurt. Maybe a hint that no gas will be pumped through Nord Stream II for the first six months following its certification. No; I guess that would be ‘using energy as a weapon’. But it would sure make gas prices jump. Come on – you’re a creative bunch. What would be a good way to punish Germany so that it makes all of Europe suffer and Germany gets blamed? Alternatively, what would be a viable way to cut them off from gas without immediate howls that Russia is abusing its position as an energy provider, and so that, again, Germany would be blamed?


  11. Tass: Belarus bans transit of petroleum products, fertilizers from Lithuania

    On its side, Belarus has worked out all the required “logistical solutions on redirection of all its cargo flows”

    …in connection with the decision of Lithuania to halt transit of Belarusian potash fertilizers.

    “We made the decision to ban transit transportation on our territory for petroleum products, chemical and mineral fertilizers routed from Lithuania, loaded on stations of Lithuanian Railways,” the Ministry said. 1.5-1.6 mln tonnes of such goods are carried over Belarus in the amount over $1 bln, the Ministry noted….


    1. I truly believe Ukraine is trying hard to get itself psyched up for an offensive, and that the USA is pushing it, to settle this separatist thing for good. Remember, the Ukrainians only have to win once, and the west will proclaim loudly, Huzza!! Ukraine is whole again!


    1. 2 Feb, 2022 19:56
      Ukraine invasion no longer ‘imminent’ – White House
      The US is no longer using the word because it created an unintended message, says Jen Psaki

      Ukrainian media have floated a theory that the whole thing was a big misunderstanding, since there was no exact translation for ‘imminent’ in Ukrainian. The explanation was picked up by Politico, which also claimed that the word was mistranslated as ‘inevitable’ to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

      However, Zelensky’s native language is Russian, which translates the term – derived from Latin – just fine.

      imminent — неминучий in Ukrainian.

      Вторгнення в Україну неминуче — An invasion of the Ukraine is imminent.


  12. The BBC “Man in Moscow” in search of a story:

    Russia-Ukraine crisis far from minds in idyllic Vladimir
    By Steve Rosenberg
    BBC News Vladimir, Russia
    Published 7 hours ago

    Drive four hours east of Moscow and you’ll reach a picture postcard place.

    The ancient Russian town of Vladimir is peppered with onion-domed churches and centuries-old white stone buildings. Under a blanket of snow, it looks even more magical: a Russian winter wonderland.

    On your way there, Rosenberg, you drove past the “concentration camp” where Navalny is whiling his time away. Why didn’t you call in for a chat?

    Target reached:

    In their small flat, a young couple, Ayten and Viktor, are drinking tea and sharing their views on the crisis.

    “I don’t feel any hatred coming from the West, Nato or anyone else,” Ayten tells me.

    “I think it’s artificially made up. The Russian government’s pushing this line. They want us to hate. They want us to imagine that there is an enemy. There must be an enemy, otherwise people will focus on the problems they have and will start being unsatisfied. That’s not what the government wants.”

    I put a counter-argument to Ayten that you sometimes hear in Russia, that as a great power it should be able to dictate to other countries, and therefore Europe should listen.

    A counter-argument that you sometimes hear in Russia?

    When? Where? By whom?

    Do tell!


    1. As always, the power to overthrow the government is simmering in the population. It needs only a real revolutionary leader to bring it to a full boil. The government must constantly come up with distractions so the Russian people will not unite in their realization that their faith is being abused. Anyone can write this stuff. Where’s my cheque, BBC?


    2. Does Mr Rosenberg travel to these cities and meet someone by appointment?

      Seems a long way to go on the off chance that he can meet a random Russian, and the person wants to speak to him.

      And this person is then used as a representative of majority opinion.
      This tactic by the BBC is always used to construct a narrative about an enemy country. It’s not journalism.


      1. I could interview everyone in my house about their opinion concerning a war with Banderastan. All my neighbours are Russian Joe Bloggs. I’m sure very many of them would have an opinion that would not make “good copy” for Rosenberg to send back to London.


  13. 2 FEB, 14:00
    Ukrainian Foreign Minister rules out special status for Donbass

    In other words, rather like Nuland said: “Fuck the EU!”, the Ukraine is saying: “Fuck the Minsk Agreements!” — because Uncle Sam has their back?

    But when has the Ukraine never had that attitude towards the Minsk Agreements?

    Furthermore, Kiev not only wants the breakaway areas back, it also wants the Vatniki out.

    The Clown President even told them to get out if they were not willing to be part of “Independent Ukraine”, which also means that if they choose to stay, they must cease speaking Russian — in public at least.


  14. The “Exceptional Nation” in action:

    2 February 2022 18: 25
    A US diplomat in Moscow tried to help an American”terminator” teacher escape from the investigation
    The woman was detained while trying to fly to America, where she wanted to escape from justice

    Sarah Krivanek, a native of California, is likely to celebrate her 46th birthday in Russia under arrest.

    US citizens are increasingly being detained in Russia. Having broken the law, they behave arrogantly and even attack police officers. KP.RU has been told of the latest detention in the Moscow region of an American woman who was possessed by a “terminator”.

    California native Sarah Krivanek is likely to spend her 46th birthday in Russia under arrest for threatening to kill and causing grievous bodily harm to her partner. Information about this crime came from the Odintsovo hospital, where on November 11, 2021, 48-year-old local resident Mikhail Karavaev had gone for help. The man said that his cohabitant had cut off his nose with a knife.

    The police went into hot pursuit and detained Sarah Krivanek, who turned out to be quite drunk. The woman behaved like the eponymous character Sarah Connor in the action movie “Terminator” . During the interrogation, the detainee admitted that she had really been drinking in Karavaev’s room, which is in a five-story building on the Mozhaisk Highway, and then suddenly began to quarrel with him.

    “There was a strong exchange of words that turned into a fight. The American, having grabbed a kitchen knife, threatened physical violence, and then struck the Russian with the knife in the face, as a result of which action she inflicted bodily harm on him. The US citizen repents of her deed, according to her words, she did not intend to kill Karavaev, but only wanted to scare him”, documents for the criminal case say.

    The police are rarely surprised by such stories.

    Mikhail Karavaev, 48, of Moscow, claimed that his partner had stabbed him in the nose.

    Read on http://WWW.KP.RU:

    When the US citizen sobered up, she said that she had come to Russia back in November 2017 on the with a tourist visa in order to provide “paid services for teaching English in Moscow”. The woman even filed relevant ads on the Internet, and on her social page you can see many photos of her with children in the USA, England and Russia.

    For some reason, Sarah did not renew her visa, which turned out to be valid until November 2020. Instead of leaving Russia in time, the tutor moved in with Karavaev.

    Mikhail Karavaev turned out to be well known to the Odintsovo policemen: he had previously been convicted for running whorehouses.

    A DIPLOMAT turned out to be an accomplice
    This strange story has a rather unexpected criminal sequel. After the investigators had applied to the American teacher a measure of a procedural nature “a written undertaking not to leave”, she again tried to hide. And an employee of the American embassy in Moscow tried to help her in this matter.

    An American embassy employee in Moscow decided to help Sara leave Russia, despite her signing an undertaking not to leave.

    To be continued . . .


  15. Politico: Estonian PM calls for strong sanctions and ‘strategic patience’ in dealing with Moscow

    Kaja Kallas urges dialogue with Putin, but no negotiation.

    …Once written off in Brussels as “Russophobes,” Western allies now take Baltic governments such as the one Kallas leads with a new level of seriousness. As Moscow has expanded its territorial ambitions, “we are being listened to, which is great,” Kallas said…

    …“There’s a difference between dialogue and negotiation,” Kallas said. “And, you know, having this dialogue means that Russia doesn’t leave the table, which is already a good thing, because if they leave the table, they could also escalate the situation even further.”

    But that doesn’t mean inviting Putin over for lunch with the EU’s 27 heads of state and government. “I don’t mind having a dialogue,” she said. “What I was really against in the spring was having a high-level summit, because as we agreed, as [the] European Union, that unless Russia gives back Crimea, we will not hold high-level summits with Russia.”…

    Now that’s impressively deluded & 180!

    Has she got wool for brains? That would explain her wooly thinking.

    It is us that has refused to keep agreements, redefining at will.

    The Balts are still Russophobes. That hasn’t changed. The idea that three tiny states will leverage a huge influence over France and Germany to the point that it will tank the EU economy is deluded. Balt influence is transitory. The Americans, the Brits and others hump and dump you. This is something they have done serially with even close allies.

    The last quotation is the zinger for me. No high level meetings unless you give the Crimea! Pass the crack pipe.


  16. The continuing tale of Sarah Krivanek . . .

    According to KP.RU, despite the fact that the US Embassy in Moscow had been officially notified on November 13 of the ongoing investigations against Sarah Krivanek, the visa consul of this foreign agency, Davis Luke Waldren, helped her complete all the necessary documents so as to leave Russia.

    Davis Luke Waldren of the US Embassy in Moscow accompanies Sarah Krivanek to Sheremetyevo

    The American woman visited the US Embassy in Moscow, met an employee of the consular department, and on his recommendation she had collected all the necessary documents and prepared to fly to the United States. Davis Luke Waldren even bought her an air ticket at the expense of the US State Department and took her to Sheremetyevo, where on December 15 Sarah Krivanek was detained whilst passing through border control.

    Amongst the documents was a receipt addressed to her about receiving funds from the US diplomatic mission for a flight to Washington, signed by diplomat Davis Luke Waldren.

    She was about to fly to Washington in order to flee justice.

    “During her detention, a blue folder with the details of the US Embassy in Moscow, with medical insurance and tickets was found and confiscated from Krivanek. Amongst the papers was a receipt addressed to her about receiving funds from the US diplomatic mission for a flight to Washington, signed by diplomat Davis Luke Waldren. A court has ordered that Krivanek be held until February 11. The case has already been completed and, after approval by the prosecutor’s office, it will go to court”, the police said.

    During the detention, a blue folder with the details of the US Embassy in Moscow, medical insurance and tickets was found and confiscated from Krivanek.

    To be continued . . .


    1. Krivanek continued . . .

      The US Embassy in Moscow, which had tried to help Krivanek escape from the Russian police, has once again demonstrated a complete disregard for the norms of Russian law. The accomplice of the criminal in this case turned out to be diplomat Davis Luke Waldren, who has not yet been detained only because he has diplomatic immunity.

      There are more and more stories of such asocial behaviour by Americans in Russia. Just look at the attack on Voronezh police officers by 27-year-old US citizen Robert Gilman. On January 17, 2022, on his way to Sochi he started a brawl in a railway carriage. When police officers tried to detain him, he kicked them.

      Journalists revealed that Gilman had served in the US Marine Corps from 2019 to 2021 and then, as had Sarah Krivanek, taught English in Russia (the young man has Russian roots). In doing so, the polyglot moved around the country extensively, even travelling to the Ukraine. And again, like Krivanek, he was in Russia with an expired tourist visa.

      The US Embassy in Moscow immediately voiced its concern over Gilman’s imprisonment in pre-trial detention, who now faces up to five years in prison.

      In August 2019, in Moscow, a drunken student from Texas, Trevor Reed, argued with women in the street. The women called the police. A police squad was unable to calm the American down and it was decided that he be taken to a police station, pending investigation. On the way there, Reed resisted and earned himself nine years in prison, which he is now serving in Mordovia.

      A few days ago the Russian Interior Ministry announced new details of the criminal investigation into the case of another American teacher — US citizen Mark Vogel, who was detained at Sheremetyevo airport on August 15, 2021, when in possession of drugs.

      Investigation believes that this is possibly not the first time that a former US embassy employee had smuggled drugs from New York to Russia with his diplomatic status. There is a theory that the teacher had distributed them amongst schoolchildren, children of English-speaking diplomats who study at the Moscow Anglo-American school, where he recently worked as a teacher. Investigators faced opposition from the drug addict’s wife, who tried to destroy the evidence. Her husband now faces up to 20 years in prison.

      Keep on urging your lackeys to follow the rules of a law-based international order, USA!


  17. Hurrah!

    3 Feb, 2022 13:31
    Russia publishes response to RT DE ban in Germany

    The German state-owned international news service will also be barred from broadcasting in Russia via a satellite or through other means, the statement added. All the staff members at DW’s Russian office are to be stripped of their press credentials, according to the foreign ministry.

    The Russian authorities also launched a procedure of recognizing DW as a “foreign media outlet acting as a foreign agent” under the Russian ‘Foreign Agents’ law.

    Moscow also said it was compiling a list of the German state and public entities linked to blocking RT DE broadcast in Germany and exerting pressure on the Moscow-based broadcaster. Representatives of the bodies that would get onto the list would be barred from entering the Russian territory, the foreign ministry said, adding that it would release information about subsequent rounds of reciprocal measures “in due time”.

    In other words — GTFOH!


    1. Excellent. I’ve grown accustomed to Russia threatening reciprocal action but not really doing anything much; this is better than I had hoped. It should prove a credible deterrent to any other country thinking of pulling the same thing but thinking they can continue to run a press service in Russia.


  18. From DW (Deutsche Wichser)

    Russia shuts DW’s Moscow bureau, withdraws staff credentials
    Russia has withdrawn the press credentials of all Deutsche Welle staff and is shutting down the organization’s studio in Moscow. It is also taking measures to shut down DW broadcasting on Russian territory.

    Russia on Thursday said it was closing the Moscow bureau of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle and revoking its employees’ accreditations in the country.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry also said in a statement that it would “terminate the satellite and other broadcasting (output) of Deutsche Welle” on Russian territory.

    Russia had earlier criticized a German broadcasting regulator’s ban on German-language programming by Russia’s state broadcaster RT as an attack on freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

    The German MABB media watchdog and Commission for Licensing and Supervision (ZAK) of media organizations said this week that RT DE could not broadcast in Germany using a Serbian license.

    The Russian government said it was planning to initiate a procedure to label DW a foreign media outlet performing the functions of a foreign agent.

    It will also compile a list of representatives involved in restricting the broadcasting of RT in Germany, who would be banned from entering the Russian Federation.

    RT — formerly Russia Today — broadcasts internationally in six languages. While it claims that its programming contributes to public debate, critics accuse RT of funneling propaganda and disinformation on behalf of the Kremlin. As well as German, Moscow-based RT offers services in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.

    DW, a German state-owned broadcaster, has its service available in 30 languages, including Russian.


    1. 3 FEB, 17: 50 Updated 18:29
      German Journalists ‘ Union calls on Moscow to cancel measures against Deutsche Welle
      The head of the union, Frank Iberall, called the measures taken a “cheap reaction” to the decision of the German regulator to ban RT DE broadcasting in Germany.

      “The German Union of Journalists DJV] calls on Russian President Vladimir Putin to immediately lift the ban on broadcasting Deutsche Welle, which was announced at noon today,” it says. “There is no justification for these radical censorship measures,” DJV Chairman Frank Iberall is quoted as saying.

      He called the measures taken by the Russian authorities a “cheap reaction” to the decision of the German regulator to ban RT DE from broadcasting in German in Germany. “Unlike the propaganda channel RT, DE Deutsche Welle offers independent and critical journalism,” the German organization believes.

      Tough shit. Now fuck off!

      In 2014, Udo Ulfkotte’s book “Gekaufte Journalisten (‘Bought Journalists: How Politicians, Intelligence Agencies and High Finance Control Germany’s Mass Media’) was published. In this work, he stated that the CIA and other secret services pay money to journalists to report stories in a certain light. According to Ulfkotte, the CIA and German intelligence (BND) bribe journalists in Germany to write pro-NATO propaganda articles, and it is well understood that one may lose one’s media job if one fails to comply with the pro-Western agenda. This is part of a larger pattern of media corruption he describes in the book. An English translation was released under the title “Presstitutes” after its publication had been suppressed for 3 years..


      1. It is a ‘cheap reaction’… to a ‘cheap move’ by Germany that tried to hide it behind roolz! The old bureacratic shuffling things around until somewhere it hits a roadblock. It’s very German ‘Yes Minister!’

        Still, I’m glad he’s put his head above the parapet to explain why he and his cohorts are holier-than-thou. It’s quite simple, he is like the Americans. One rule for us, another for you.


        1. 15: 04, 4 February 2022
          Deutsche Welle office closed in Moscow

          The Moscow office of Deutsche Welle has been closed following a decision of the Russian Foreign Ministry

          Deutsche Welle’s Moscow office closed after its decision, the Russian Foreign Ministry will ban the channel’s broadcasting in the country. This has been reported on the official website of the channel.

          TV channel employee Irina Filatova said that none of the employees expected such harsh measures from the Russian authorities. “We did not expect that our Moscow office would be closed, and all colleagues working in Russia would lose their accreditation”, she said.

          [Get your bags packed and bugger off to Germany then: see if you can find a job there! — ME]

          Earlier on February 4, it was reported that Deutsche Welle continued broadcasting in Russia, despite the order to stop the activities of the Moscow bureau by 09: 00 on February 4.

          On February 3, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a list of measures in response to the ban on broadcasting of the German-language TV channel RT DE in Germany. Amongst them, the termination of satellite and other broadcasting of Deutsche Welle in Russia and the closure of the organization’s office in Moscow. The ministry also decided to cancel the accreditation of all employees of the Moscow office of Deutsche Welle and initiate a procedure for considering the issue of recognizing the company as a foreign agent.

          The ban on broadcasting the RT DE channel became known on February 1. A corresponding decision had been taken by the German Media Supervision Commission. Its reason was the lack of a licence required by the media law for the channel. Representatives of RT DE in response announced their intention to seek a review of this decision in court.


  19. Euractiv: Eastbound gas flows resume on Russian Yamal-Europe pipeline

    …This reverse mode means there are no requests for gas towards Germany, which also receives Russian gas via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline on the bed of the Baltic Sea.

    Russian oil and gas export monopolist Gazprom ships gas to Germany at cheaper prices than to Poland to offset higher the transit fees involved in piping it for a longer distance.

    However, this complicates gas sales as the European Union has allowed re-exports of gas which were previously banned by Gazprom. Gazprom agreed to drop the re-export clause in 2017 as part of an antimonopoly probe into its practices in Europe.

    This effectively allows gas bought at a discount from Russia in Germany to be sold to buyers other countries at a profit…

    It’s so stupid that you couldn’t make it up and be believed, except the European Commission is involved so then anything is possible.

    I bet it never ocurred to Brussels that The Market is based on PROFIT!

    But that doesn’t stop the Commission from ‘investigating Gazprom’ for ‘potential abuses’ of its position due to the Commission’s own incompetence. The House always wins, even if it is it’s own fault.

    Except that maybe this time Gazprom won’t dig the Commission out of a hole of its own making as it did back in 2017 when the Commission threatened Gazprom with fines over made up ‘abuses’, to whit Gazprom took the diplomatic route as it was no particular biggie.


    1. The EU/EC loves to re-export Russian gas, it makes them feel like they are spiting Russia by doing it because they know Russia didn’t want them to do it, but had to let them in order to make a deal. They cannot be expected to get it that Russia does not really care what they do with it after they pay for it; if they want to cut someone else a sweetheart deal – watching all the time out of the corner of their eye to see if Russia is noticing and getting mad about it – then that is up to them. If they like giving away money, it takes all kinds to make a world.

      But I completely agree Russia should flatly refuse to bail them out when stupidity equates to problems, as it will. And when they say “WAH!!! You could fix it by giving us more GAS but you WON’T so you are BAD!”, Russia could just say, “Yeah; I have this rule about making friends with stupid people, because it always leads to trouble in the end.”


  20. This is the current main story over at

    Politico: Poland’s Duda looks to thwart Moscow-Beijing axis on Ukraine

    Meeting with Xi will provide Chinese leader with a ‘different, European perspective,’ Duda’s office says.

    Europe’s frail hopes of stopping a Moscow-Beijing axis over an invasion of Ukraine now lie in the hands of Polish President Andrzej Duda.

    Duda originally raised eyebrows for being the only democratically elected EU head of state planning to attend the Winter Olympics’ opening ceremony on Friday, but his office now says he will use the visit to meet President Xi Jinping and make the European case over Russian aggression against Ukraine…

    What’s that I see speeding towards me? Why it’s the Polish President Duda riding two great white sharks like skis coming to rain thunder and order upon me!

    This cannot be serious. It seems to me that it is ‘If no-one hears from me do I exist?’ PR. Anyone worth their salt is making proclimations about Russia/Ukraine/China/whatever to show that they ‘have opinions.’

    My 75% calls Duda a ‘Numbskull’ and an embarrasing idiot.

    Why did Politico publish this and who would put their name to such a content free and patenently ridiculous article? Why it’s Politico’s ‘I cover everything China with the right Euro-Atlantic outlook’ Stuart Lau. Yawn!


    1. It is probably Duda’s hope that this will make him sought-after by ‘The Partners’, who will elbow one another out of the way to shout their requests – “Ask him this, Duda!” “No, me first; ask him that, Duda!”


  21. Can someone explain something to me?

    For the last few weeks the US has been repeatedly saying that the threat of Russian invasion to the Ukraine was ‘imminent.’ They sent no troops.

    A few days ago the US says that it is ‘no longer imminent.’ Now they are sending troops to the lo-land of Po-land, Germany and Romania.

    Are they all on drugs? Or am I? Are glove puppets real?


    1. Actually, I think it makes perfect sense within the world of US/NATO actions. They know that in an actual fight, things won’t go at all well for them, so they’re sending the troops (not, of course, actually to Ukraine, but in the area) now that a war isn’t credibly going to happen.
      The US does the same thin nowadays with their CBGs and Iran – when things heat up, the CBGs move away from the theatre, returning only in time of relative calm.
      They’re caught between the domestic need for warlike posturing and the cold hard fact that they’d get more than a bloody nose in any fight with a modern-ish military.


      1. Tokenistic then? I can understand the need to ‘Win’ however hollow that may be and I have written before that to me that is key for the west because compromise, negotiation among equals is unpalatable. It can only be presented as a solution ‘given’ by the west. That’s how shallow we have become.

        If you have power you don’t need to declare it because everyone knows it is there, which is what Russia is doing and in quite a measured way as far a I can see. The phrase that keeps on popping up on this thread is that ‘military planners look at capability, not intent.’

        It’s interesting the other ‘small moves’ that are afoot such as joint RuAF & SyAF partrols along the Golan, the use of Russian AB now authorised for i-Ranian transports. It looks to me as if we are in the time of wrapping things up that have dragged on far too long…


      2. Well, then, they may yet be unwitting patsies to Ukrainian perfidy. See what you think of this;

        According to this source, at least, Ukraine is still gathering together assets for an attack. If true, the Russians’ patient waiting in the fields across the border may be tested, and the speed of its reaction critical to stopping a long-planned breakthrough. I’m sure Russia must be well aware of such rumors. And they are at least as believable as the west’s constant yammering about a Russian invasion.


  22. I’m reading in the headlines that the US says Russia will create ‘graphic videos’ to claim a fake genocide as an excuse to invade. Why bother? They could just copy NATO and declare they are stopping a potential genocide and invoking Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as they did in one form or another in Kosovo (‘500,000 Albanian men are missing’) and Libya (‘Ghadaffi potential genocide in Benghazi’). The BDA is really scraping the barrel, but that seems to be their particular talent!


    1. ‘A fake genocide’ is what they would say if they intended Ukraine to make a sudden strike in the hope of rapidly rolling over the Donbas. But I don’t see how that would work. If it was a ‘fake genocide’, then what would the Ukrainian army be doing there? And they just said they have no idea now if Russia intends to invade. It now sounds more like an excuse to keep a large number of Russian forces camped on the border so they can bitch about it constantly.


  23. 05:23, 4 February 2022
    Russian embassy assesses US scenario of Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine
    Russian embassy not surprised by US scenario of Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine

    The Russian embassy is not surprised by State Department scenario of a Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine

    The Russian embassy in the US has assessed the US scenario about Russia’s alleged preparation of an operation against the Ukraine for a subsequent “invasion”. The response has appeared on the embassy’s Facebook page.

    “We are not surprised by the new ‘creative’ scenario voiced by the State Department and Pentagon spokesmen on 3 February about Russia’s alleged preparations for an operation against the Ukraine under a ‘foreign flag’. This is typical of the USA”, the Russian embassy said in a statement.

    The embassy also recalled that in 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell demonstrated a test tube with white powder at a UN Security Council meeting, claiming that it contained anthrax spores. Powell claimed to have received information about Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s alleged biological weapons technology.

    “The international community remembers on the basis of which forgery the Americans carried out military interventions around the world, including Colin Powell’s infamous test tube”, the embassy said.

    Earlier it was reported that the US State Department press chief, Ned Price, had refused to cite evidence that Russia had “fabricated” the video as a pretext for an “invasion” of the Ukraine.

    On 3 February, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that Russia was planning to fabricate a pretext to invade the Ukraine. “We believe Russia could release a very graphic propaganda video of corpses and actors playing the role of grieving people, destroyed buildings, and military equipment that the Ukraine or the West has”, he said.

    Sort of like the “White Helmets” used to do, eh?

    And let us not forget that filthy lying bitch who declared, with tears in her eyes, how she had witnessed Kuwaitis throwing babies out of incubators onto a maternity hospital floor.

    03: 40, February 4, 2022
    The State Department has refused to provide evidence of Russia’s fabrication of a video about the Ukraine

    [To be fair, hard though it might be to do so, Kirby said that the State Department believed that Russia “couldrelease a very graphic propaganda video of corpses and actors playing the role of grieving people”, using the subjunctive mood of the verb “can”, namely that the State Department believed that it was a possibility that such a “graphic video” be made by Russia — ME]

    Ned Price refused to provide proof of the words about the fabrication of a video about Ukraine by Russia

    Head of the Press Service of the US Department of State Ned Price declined to provide evidence or disclose any other information about Russia’s fabrication of a video about Ukraine as a pretext for an “invasion”. This has been reported by TASS.

    The information about the fabrication belongs to intelligence, Price said in response to a journalist’s request to explain what such statements are based on. “The source of this is… intelligence that we have declassified”, he said.

    The reporter then asked to know where the declassified intelligence was so that it could be viewed, but Price declined that request.

    I just told you about them… Of course, I will not disclose what exactly is at our disposal.


        1. And holes in the Ukrainian ground which were supposedly made by Russian artillery firing across the border.

          The largest caliber Russian artillery in the modern inventory is 203mm. It could be relied on to make a larger hole than that, of course, there would be an explosion and a shell crater; my point in this instance is that all shell craters look more or less the same and there would be nothing about these which would prove them Russian other than Putin’s passport being found carelessly dropped at the scene, or an entire shell casing with conspicuous Russian markings and lot number found right beside the hole even though the shell casing would be back in the gun that fired it, or right beside it, in Russia. But it would have to be quite a tremendous hole to be bigger than a Buk TELAR tracked vehicle in the open, which is 9.3m in length (30.5 feet) and 3.2m in width (10.4 feet, for a square footage of 317.2 feet).


    1. This is plainly an advance move to pre-discredit any evidence exhibited by Russia, in the event that Ukraine manages to hitch up its man-parts enough to take a swing at re-conquering the east. The aim will be to keep attention focused on Russia and its dastardly moves long enough for Ukraine to accomplish its objective, at which time the west will unanimously acclaim Ukraine whole again. But we should look deeper – why would this be so important now? Is it that the west actually does intend to incorporate Ukraine into NATO to spite Russia, and show them who’s boss? Can’t while the eastern provinces still claim independence and are recognized as such by a few states.

      Keep an eye out for a Ukrainian military buildup. Everyone is being directed to watch Russia, but they’re not going anywhere and are already present in sufficient strength to launch a rapid intervention and punitive operation. Ukraine, if it actually plans to jump on the east, will need substantially more forces than it already has on the line and would need to augment them without arousing attention. They could preposition them close by and make a dash for the objective on cue, but as other sources have pointed out, Ukraine is pretty open and there is not much cover to hide a large assembly of soldiers and armor.

      I still find it pretty hard to believe, because such an operation has no real chance of success. But it may be hard to believe because it is not the kind of thing the influencers of proxy forces would do to someone they cared about, as losses would be horrific and, as I said, there is no realistic chance of accomplishing the objective. But the west does not really care anything about Ukraine or the Ukrainians, except for the bleeding-heart liberals who weep to see the little sparrow fall.


      1. I think this about a ‘success’ but surprise and acting fast. They’re desperate and that means they’ll be tempted to do something really, really dumb, regardless of the consequences.

        Imagine an ‘event’ happens.

        London/Washington declares it as a pre-cursor to a Russian Invasion (TM)/whatever and then declare that they have to ACT NOW!.

        There will be no time by anyone, least of all any shred of reliable journalism to pick any of it apart.

        London/Washington will claim R2P/Human Rights/Upholding ‘International Law’/whatever.

        So I suppose the question is ‘who’s lives will they put in the way’ and ‘what kind of threat to Russia would make it worth the risk?’

        I can imagine that they will announce that British and American soldiers are ’embedded’ with the Ukranian military and if a hair on the head of any of them is hurt that both the US & UK will respond. This would be designed to provide ‘insurance’ for a Ukranian attack on the Donbass and Luhansk. Whether this response would be solely sanctions, actions or both is impossible to tell but it has to be something fairly extreme. The calculation is that Russia would back down when the only real reaction would be escalation and split the already evident differences wide open. That’s the same ‘game’, escalate to de-escalate but the latter in one side or anothers advantage that will last in to the future.

        I think the US has a whole list of accusations they are working down to keep their STRONK! PR message drip-drip in the western media. It’s quite possible the whole ‘fake massacre’ or whatever is just the next one down the list, the further down the list the more ridiculous the accusation. Saying nothing is not an option as that would be taken as giving up.


  24. Enter Truss:

    UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said the US intelligence “is clear and shocking evidence of Russia’s unprovoked aggression and underhand activity to destabilise Ukraine”.

    “This bellicose intent towards a sovereign, democratic country is completely unacceptable and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The UK and our allies will continue to expose Russian subterfuge and propaganda and call it out for what it is,” she said in a statement.

    Source the British Propaganda Broadcasting Service:

    Ukraine tensions: US alleges Russian plot to fake invasion pretext
    Published 1 hour ago


  25. February 4, 2022
    7:19 AM GMT+3
    Last Updated 2 hours ago
    U.S. warns Chinese firms against helping Russia against potential Ukraine sanctions

    We have an array of tools that we can deploy if we see foreign companies, including those in China, doing their best to backfill U.S. export control actions, to evade them, to get around them,

    If Russia thinks that it will be in a position … to mitigate some of those consequences, by a closer relationship with (China), that is not the case. It will actually make the Russian economy, in many ways, more brittle,

    — Price at a news briefing, referring to hypothetical US sanctions against Moscow over a hypothetical Russian invasion of the Ukraine.


      1. Anyway, right now the “Evil One” is having a chin wag with Xi Jinping in China. I wonder what President Xi might say about the USA’s unveiled threat to China?

        February 04, 2022, 10:33 am
        Putin’s meeting with Xi Jinping begins in Beijing

        A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping has started in Beijing. This was reported by TASS.

        Earlier, Russian presidential aide Yuriy Ushakov said that the programme of Putin’s visit was designed for one day.

        Putin is scheduled to take part in Russian-Chinese talks and then communicate with Chinese President Xi Jinping. During the talks, the two leaders will discuss in-depth consideration of key issues on the bilateral, regional and global agenda.

        According to Ushakov, Putin and Jinping may sign a solid package of documents (some 15 pieces). The politicians are also expected to adopt a joint statement related to “Russia and China’s views on major world issues”.

        On the evening of February 4, the Russian leader will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

        The XXIV Olympic Winter Games will continue until 20 February.

        From the linked above TASS article:

        BEIJING, February 4. /tass/. “For our meeting today, both our oil companies have prepared very good new solutions for supplying hydrocarbons to the People’s Republic of China, and we have made another step forward in the gas sector — I mean the new contract for supplying 10 billion cubic metres of gas to China from the Russian Far East.

        Speaking about cooperation between the two countries’ teams, the Russian leader highlighted cooperation in a variety of economic areas, including high-tech and the green agenda in relation to the transition to new types of energy. “We are not forgetting traditional [types of energy] either”, he stressed.

        Putin also expressed confidence that Moscow and Beijing would “definitely achieve” bilateral trade of $200 billion.

        Overall, the head of state described the agenda as very rich one. “Of course, we will make use of today’s visit of the Russian delegation: they are all here with us, despite the pandemic restrictions. We will work closely in all areas”, Putin summed up, adding that he was aware of Xi Jinping’s busy schedule in connection with the opening of the Beijing Olympics. “I hope we can find a few minutes to talk about bilateral relations”, the Russian president summed up.

        According to Putin, relations between Russia and China have become unprecedented, with the countries supporting each other’s development.

        “As for the bilateral relations: they are developing progressively in the spirit of friendship and strategic partnership. They have indeed acquired an unprecedented character and are an example of decent relations that help each other to develop and at the same time support each other in development”, Putin said.

        The Russian president said that despite not being able to hold personal meetings with Xi Jinping for two years, he and the Chinese president were in constant contact, had participated in video conferences and spoke to each other by phone. “But most importantly, we have supported the efforts of our teams in practically all areas” the Russian leader added. Putin clarified that he was referring to joint work through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at international platforms, as well as economic cooperation in various areas.

        Over to you, Mr. Price.


        1. “In a joint statement, the two countries affirmed that their new relationship was superior to any political or military alliance of the Cold War era.

          “Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation,” they declared, announcing plans to collaborate in a host of areas including space, climate change, artificial intelligence and control of the internet.

          The agreement marked the most detailed and assertive statement of Russian and Chinese resolve to work together — and against the United States — to build a new international order based on their own interpretations of human rights and democracy.”

          But of course the United States is not worried. Why should it be? If any troubling thoughts enter its mighty noggin, there are always ideologues to whisper in its ear and chase them right out.

          Scott Kennedy, a China expert at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that despite the rhetoric, there would be limits to the alliance.

          “China is willing to stand with Russia through thin but not thick. This collaboration works as long as it entails few costs. They are expanding their commercial ties, extolling a similar anti-American/pro-authoritarian narrative, and hoping their friendship weakens the West’s military position in Europe and Asia,” he said, adding, “If a war breaks out over Ukraine or Taiwan, we can expect this partnership to fracture.”

          Sure you can. Because nobody sticks to its guns like the good ol’ US of A. Everyone else falls by the wayside, because they’re not made of exceptional stuff. When asked, he knew what China was besides the pottery kind, and he was willing for us to use his real name, so he’s a ‘China expert’.

          In fact, Kennedy has actually spent considerable time in China, although of his published works focus mostly on business and lobbying. I frankly doubt he knows much about China’s political will or its future plans on the global stage.


    1. China is already being forced to strip Huawei products of all US-based components. Were they supposed to roll over and let their biggest telecom equipment company die? What is the message here? You will be punished if you defy our sanctions, but if you follow them, you will be unable to sell products you made because a tiny piece of them was made by us.


    2. You ARE an array of tools.

      The Russian economy is brittle? They’ll be interested to hear that American political assessment.

      “The Russian economy has now recovered to above its pre-pandemic peak, with growth driven by a strong rebound in consumer demand. In 2022, growth will be supported by continued strength in commodity markets, but will likely also be hampered by COVID-19 control measures and tighter interest rates.”

      The US government still somehow thinks it can just say whatever it wants to be real, and it will happen.

      Astonishingly, a substantial number of people still also believe that, although that number is shrinking. People need to see magic shit coming true in order to keep their believometers swinging to the right.


  26. What a shit!

    Matt Lee in good form again. All the other “journalists” remain stumm, it seems.

    And although that dickhead Kirby did say that Russia “could” release a fake video, that bastard above maintains that the US government has information that such a video exists.

    Price refuses to provide evidence to back up his statements about a Russian made “false flag” video, adding that he is sorry about Matt Lee doubting the information that is in possession of the US government.

    So if the US government were to say that it is in possession of evidence that fairies exist, is one bound to accept such evidence prima facie?


    1. If you listen carefully, he never says they have evidence that such a video exists already, just that Russia ‘could be’ making one. And obviously, without any evidence that such a video is made or is in the process of being made, you can identify any Russian you see in Ukraine and allege that he or she is a ‘crisis actor’ in Ukraine to make such a video. Of course they don’t look like that’s what they’re doing; they’re an actor, for fuck’s sake, haven’t you been listening to anything I said?

      I have to wonder for how much longer they’re going to let Matt Lee attend press conferences, even though he works for a solid and prestigious outlet. For his sake he had better ensure his electronic devices are rock-solid secure and that everything in his conduct is above reproach, and it is probably only his long experience as a journalist that prevents them from planting child porn or something like that and saying incredulously, “You think you know somebody! Who would ever have guessed?” But they must know a substantial number of people are watching for something just like that, because he has made himself such a goad in the lying government’s side.

      The government’s position reminds me strongly of the Bush government’s ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction-related program activities’, which – as an exercise in trying to draw an inference without actually saying anything – was a desperate trolling through the Lake of Adjectives. It was such a stereotype that the Urban Dictionary correctly labels it “A synonym for “We’ve got nothing”.


  27. 2 days ago
    Sales of superyachts for the year increased by 77%

    Last year, the world’s richest people bought a record 887 superyachts. This is 77% more than a year earlier, and almost double the figure for 2019. Demand has increased thanks to the growth of capital and the desire of wealthy people to retire during the pandemic.

    In 2021, 887 superyachts were sold, up 77% from a year earlier and more than double that of 2019, according to a report from marine data specialist VesselsValue.

    According to the report, sales of large yachts last year were a record for the entire time of observation. VesselsValue experts attributed main drivers of demand to the growth in the fortunes of the world’s richest people and their need for secluded relaxation against the background of the coronavirus pandemic.

    The total wealth of 2,660 billionaires on the Forbes list rose from January to early December last year.


    1. Maybe the rich are buying superyachts so when everything implodes into civil war etc. they can continue to live it up safely on the high seas. The land will be for what’s left of everyone else.


      1. One of the reasons offered was that the absurd ‘pandemic’ restrictions had fostered a desire in the super-rich to spend their leisure time where they could do as they pleased. But your suggestion is a possibility as well. If so, I would suggest those super-rich take a crash course in marathon swimming and survival at sea. In the event of a civil war in some developed countries or even the west as a whole, a lot of weaponry is going to fall into hands other than those to whom it was assigned.


        1. Jeff Bozo and his fellow super-yacht billionaires better like living among huge floating piles of trash when their vessels hit oceanic garbage patches and become becalmed.

          The expression “white trash” will soon gain a new meaning.


          1. It’s so hard to know what is true anymore, as purported experts line up on both sides of controversial issues. And the ‘huge garbage patches of floating plastic’ is one of them. I would not go so far as the author of this article in saying that plastic in the environment is actually beneficial, but I have read from several sources that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch itself is a fake.


            Most such stories contain a hook which compels belief, and I must admit the suggestion that we would not wrap our food in plastic if plastic was toxic does make sense, although in that instance he is only talking about plastic wrap, and solid plastics are a petroleum derivative.

            There came a time to stop listening to the news on television, because you could no longer discern what is believable, and maybe the time is approaching to stop reading as well, because the war for your mind simply abandons media which is no longer used. An article I saw yesterday, for example, argues that a propensity for believing ‘conspiracy theories’ is a matter of ‘intellectual character’, and that those who continually fall for scary stories about how the actually-benign government is messing with your mind and trying to cover its manipulative tracks are just ‘bad thinkers’.


            I’m always willing to listen to a case being argued, although I would have to confess it will be a long time before I believe anything that comes from a professor in the UK. But this is exactly the kind of thing that panders to the angry citizens who fill the editorial pages of the newspaper with rants and invective against the ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘anti-maskers’ – reassurance that they are the ‘smart’ ones, and their opponents are knuckle-dragging dolts.

            I’ve posted this before, but this NPR investigative report announced that in the past 40 years, only about 10% of disposed-of plastic had actually been recycled, and that furthermore, the very idea of recycling had originated with the plastics industry, so that John and Jane Consumer would feel good about continuing to use plastic because it was recyclable, which would permit the plastics industry to go on making new plastic. It is clear that this was an under-the-radar campaign which was deliberately hidden from consumers, because the industry feared that if they knew, they would stop using plastic. But now we are supposed to believe industry executives or their paid ‘fact-checkers’, or doctors, about what is and is not safe for us to do? Industry is all the same, and those whose business is profit will casually do harm that someone else will have to rectify in order to pursue industrial advantage.



  28. Asia Times: Richelieu’s ghost almost solves America’s problems

    ‘Russia and China, mon ami, are doing the West a favor,’ said the cleric, hovering above my living-room carpet

    by Spengler

    “Russia and China, mon ami, are doing the West a favor,” said Cardinal Richelieu – or, rather, a virtual-reality avatar of Richelieu hovering a couple of feet above my living-room carpet….

    …Richelieu’s virtual mustache twirled furiously.

    “A mission! A mission! It has every mission! Here is NATO’s official statement of mission regarding what it calls ‘human security’: ‘The concept of human security is one such result. Human security is a multi-sectoral approach to security that gives primacy to people and includes topics like combatting trafficking in human beings; protection of children in armed conflict; preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence; protection of civilians; and cultural property protection.’ It is tasked with protecting people against ‘cyber threats and climate change.’ It is an orphanage, a morals police, a museum curator, a nunnery, a traveling circus—but it is not a military organization!”

    “But surely it is still a military organization, too,” I insisted….

    Plenty more at the link, concise and well explained. Worth sharing if it doesn’t go behind the paywall in a day or so.

    I’m surprised that Russian/Chinese PR haven’t pushed the point much harder that they are cleaning up mess the west has created over the last 30 years.


    1. In euros for now, while Russia continues to extend semi-friendship to the EU despite its barking-mad Russophobia. But that might well be temporary, and could change at any time. However, as it stands it is a massive exchange of money and services which is not denominated in the dollar, and it increases the financial independence of all involved as the USA is less able to interfere with it, while the necessity of keeping a large fund of dollars on hand is also proportionally reduced.


      1. Yes, as Mark notes above: euros for now to extend semi-friendship to the EU. But also because settling in rubles or yuan would invite massive attacks against those currencies. Using the euro neatly sidesteps such attacks. A wise move.


  29. And guess who are up for that bastard’s NATO post after he quits NATO in September? —former British Prime Minister Theresa May, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas or Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, as well as former EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.


  30. RT: Russia trying to ‘intimidate’ Japan – US

    The American ambassador in Tokyo accused Moscow’s envoy of “intimidating” the Asian country

    …Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, Emanuel wrote, “the Russian Ambassador’s timing to intimidate Japan could not have been worse and lacks self-awareness with Northern Territories Day on Monday. Rules and respect count. The US stands with Japan and its Prime Minister for our shared values and principles.”

    The US envoy, who arrived in Japan last week, was referring to recent comments by Russian ambassador Mikhail Galuzin, who told the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan on Wednesday that recent statements by the Japanese government were “counterproductive and do not contribute to creating a positive atmosphere for dialogue between Russia and Japan.”

    Replying to Emanuel in a statement on Thursday, Galuzin said “the time is right” to raise the issue and that Moscow’s position is supported by international law despite the “illegal claims” from Tokyo….

    Blah blah.

    The United States, an unwanted third wheel in international affairs. It must be heard. I wondered what happend to nutcase Emanuel so it appears that even sending him far away wasn’t enough!


  31. Arseholes par excellence!

    An American broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing did not ignore the political aspect associated with the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the stands. Putin. This is reported by Sport24.

    NBC showed the Russian leader during the appearance in the arena of the Ukrainian national team.

    “Vladimir Putin is being watched by the whole world. Russia has sent more than 100,000 troops to the borders on three sides of Ukraine. The US authorities are threatening tough sanctions if Russia does something”, said commentator Savannah Guthrie during the broadcast.



    1. Typical pig-ignorance. Russia is on three sides of Ukraine? That will be of interest to Belarus, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. Technically Russia is on two sides if you count Crimea, but Russia does not have troop concentrations there, at least not exceeding the garrison which is always there.


  32. I’m just watching al-Beeb s’Allah’s Hard Talk Setphen Sackur with Lithuanian FM Gabriel Landsbergis and the latter is flailing badly, either not answering the question by responding with something else or outright lying.

    Asked why Lithuania opened a ‘Taiwan representative office’ he outright lied and said ‘We didnt.’

    It’s not often I recommend BBC stuff that is not arts and culture but this is a car crash interview!


    1. Mangled english there. When asked about agreeing to a ‘Taiwanese representative office’ (whatever) rather than a ‘Taipei…’ as the rest of u-Rope calls theirs, he said ‘We didn’t.’


    1. What a tremendous exhibition of quackery – easily the most despair-inducing denunciation of actual science I have seen since the beginning of this steroid-powered shitshow. One person – one – admits that lockdowns had a damaging effect on children. The scope of that will not be measured for years, perhaps decades, but I promise you it will eventually be regarded as a watershed failure of government and a serious blow to global education, as well as a root cause of future mental-health issues. However, the rest uniformly contend their principle mistakes were in underestimating just how amazingly, blindingly effective the vaccines and protective measures were. If anyone thought for a moment that government and public-health intervention ‘in the public interest’ would never again be seen on this scale, they need only to wait until the next virus or flu season. Government and public health are clearly going to pat one another on the back for a job astoundingly well done. It’s not about your freedom, you selfish bastard, and it never was!

      Well, according to Saint Bonnie herself, British Columbia has been in the habit of counting everyone in hospital who tests positive for COVID – a test is probably a routine admission policy – as a COVID hospitalization! THAT’s how your hospitals get ‘overwhelmed’, friends and neighbours! But in fact nearly half of these patients were admitted to hospital for other reasons, and were incidentally found to MAYBE have COVID, although they displayed mild or no symptoms.

      Additionally, nearly 74% of those hospitalized ‘for COVID’ had received either one or two ‘vaccinations’, against only 26.3% unvaccinated. I sure wouldn’t want to be accused of being ‘anti-Science’, but if you can add and subtract you can see that the vaccines are not working to prevent hospitalization, and that the ‘hospitals overwhelmed’ freakout is a crock. I mean, since ‘COVID hospitalizations’ are being overcounted at a rate of more than 40%, and have been since the beginning, including while the PCR test with its attendant high rate of false positives identified ‘new cases’ at completely unreliable – and completely unscientific – volumes.

      How are we ever supposed to sort out this fucking mess, when the public-health department of quackery, paid’ fact-checkers’ and on-call ‘experts’ trot out modeling to support their assertions that public health, science and the holy vaccines saved the world? How are we ever supposed to believe them, ever again?


  33. ‘Legacy media’ – fast becoming a synonym for the complete and total collapse of professional journalism in favour of partisan shilling and ‘cancel-culture’ demonisation of designated government adversaries – suffers another casualty at the hands of Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt.

    Remember all those murdered aboriginal children buried in unmarked graves on the grounds of former Canadian residential schools? What did excavation reveal? I’m not going to spoil Bolt’s acid mockery for you, save to endorse his description of Justin Trudeau as a ‘Woke flake’.

    Hey, Australia! Will exchange Justin Trudeau and 30 million COVID-vaccine booster doses for Andrew Bolt, the latter to assume the duties of Prime Minister of Canada within two weeks of arrival in that country. Office to remain vacant in the interim – we can do without leadership for awhile longer, it’s been 7 years now, but I’d like to not have to get used to it.


  34. 05 Feb, 04: 36
    Bloomberg mistakenly announced Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine
    Information about an “invasion” by Russia appeared on the site around 00.00 Moscow time. The headline was removed almost immediately

    Bloomberg published a headline about a Russian invasion of then Ukraine, then deleted it and admitted the error. The error message is posted on the agency’s website.

    “We are preparing headlines for many scenarios, and the headline “Russia invades Ukraine ” was accidentally published today around 4 pm Eastern time (around 0.00 GMT — RBC) on our website. We deeply regret this mistake. The header has been removed and we are investigating the cause.


    1. Dear me; an arm of the legacy media jumped the gun a little? Maybe they were all meant to announce it simultaneously, when the fake op kicked off, but deep down they are still – sort of – in the newspaper business and everyone craves to be first with the news, to boost their ratings.


      1. I wonder if it might have been a parting shot from an unhappy journalist as s/he heads for the door. “Take that, you bastards!”


    2. That crosses the ban line. Whether accidental or not, and as we see most of the Pork Pie News Media faithfully parrots the line coming out of Washinton or London (path of least resistance?), there should still be consequences.


  35. U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price wrote on Twitter that the United States condemned the decision of the Russian authorities to close the office of the German television and radio company Deutsche Welle (DW) in Moscow.

    “The United States condemns the decision of the Russian government to close the Moscow office of Deutsche Welle”, the diplomat said.

    According to him, Washington stands in solidarity with Berlin and DW.

    Earlier, the German Foreign Ministry said that the steps taken by the Russian authorities against the German TV and radio company Deutsche Welle had no grounds and represent a new tension for German-Russian relations. At the same time, the German State Minister for Culture and Mass Media Claudia Roth criticized Moscow’s ban on broadcasting DW in Russia, calling it “absolutely unacceptable”.

    On February 3, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced retaliatory measures to the banning of the broadcasting of RT DE in Germany. In particular, they spoke about the closure in the Russian Federation of the correspondents’ office of the German television and radio company Deutsche Welle .

    Earlier, the European satellite operator Eutelsat 9B had removed the German-language TV channel RT DE, broadcasting from studios in Moscow, from its platform at the request of the German media regulator MABB. An investigation was launched against RT. As stated by the head of the regulator Eva Flecken, the channel did not have a licence to broadcast the programme in German. The result was a ban on broadcasting the channel in Germany.


    Your hegemon has long been condemned, arsehole!


    1. The west does not do tit for tat. There is only tit; I do something to you, you protest – that’s expected, and if you didn’t we would just make up some macro-headline that you are ‘fuming’ or that you ‘slammed’ the decision – but under no circumstances do you give us any tat. If I were Germany, I would turn the gain right down on the indignation; they might have a pipeline that ends in Germany, but no gas has been delivered through it yet. Perhaps it is the prospect of Spring which causes them to run their mouths, but a lot of businesses use significant quantities of gas in all seasons. It’s not like Russia can’t sell it anywhere else, and I’m sure I don’t need to point out the development and economic advantages to China of having direct access to cheap gas while energy costs are crazy-ass high in the rest of the world. Chinese products are already competitive price-wise, but if the rest of the exporting countries had to figure high energy costs into their prices, and China did not…

      You know, it’s getting so having Washington ‘standing in solidarity’ with you is starting to feel more like a liability than an advantage.


    1. Bild has published “secret” information that Putin will take over the Ukraine and set up a puppet government and concentration camps “for millions of Ukrainians”.

      Western press, don’t stop there: destroy the trust of the especially stupid who continue to believe you.


        1. The German press can mention “concentration camps” or Konzentratsionenlager or KZ-lager, albeit that the Bild headline uses the term Internierungslager (internation camp/internation camps) as “KZ-lager” was the term used in the Third Reich.

          Most people, it seems, believe that “concentration camp” means “extermination camp”, an establishment where people are systematically murdered on an industrial scale. In German, “extermination camp” is Vernichtungslager”.

          The liberals in the West love to throw the term “concentration camp” around when erroneously stating that the British “invented concentration camps”, thinking that “concentration camps” means “extermination camps”.

          The concentration camp idea was put into practice by the Spanish during the Cuban War of Liberation, which occurred shortly before the British set up concentration camps towards the end of the Second Anglo-Boer War. In fact, some may argue that concentration camps had already appeared much earlier in the USA, where they were known as “Indian reservations”. For example, the whole Cherokee Nation was shipped off from their homelands in Georgia to what is now Oklahoma, where they were forced to concentrate and settle in allocated areas.


    2. I tell you, Putin is going to have to stop speaking his plans aloud while walking in the street where western journalists can hear him, or scribbling them on cafeteria napkins and then crumpling them up and throwing them in the trash where scoop-hungry cub reporters can recover them. Secret plans are SECRET, God damn it, I shouldn’t have to be still saying this, and Putin’s plans should not still be an open book for legacy media in the west.

      How long will they be able to move this to the right, using it as a distraction and cover for all manner of things from the lifting of COVID restrictions to cabinet shuffles? We were told all along that the Russkies must strike soon, because The Muddy Season is fast approaching and nobody can fight in that. It’ll be here in March. When it doesn’t happen, will there be apologies? Or will they simply shift it to June?


  36. KP.RU on that Bloomberg error:

    Indeed, the big media and news agencies have headlines ready for every occasion. There are reports of major drops or jumps in the price of gold and oil, obituaries for all the world’s leaders and influential people, and so on, waiting in the wings for their time to come. But it is quite another matter that this particular mistake had a role to play, and the fact that Bloomberg clearly did not and had not prepared in advance a headline that the Ukraine had unleashed military action in the Donbass, that the Ukrainian armed forces had bombarded Donetsk and Luhansk, resulting in mass casualties amongst the local civilian population. Even when the Ukraine has carried out such a thing in reality, there have been no headlines about it in the Western media.


  37. BBC
    Ukraine tensions: US sources say Russia 70% ready to invade
    4 hours ago

    Russian troops held drills in the Rostov region late last month

    [The BBC provided the above photograph so that its readers will be able to recognize an Orc if they have the misfortune to see one.]

    Russia has assembled about 70% of the military capability needed for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the coming weeks, US officials say.

    The ground is expected to freeze and harden from mid-February, enabling Moscow to bring in more heavy equipment, the unnamed officials said.

    Russia is said to have more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s borders but denies planning to attack.

    The US officials did not provide evidence for their assessment.


    European Russia has been under snow cover since the end of November! Much of those areas of Russia bordering the Banderastan frontier will have been well and truly frozen for over 2 months by now.

    Right now it is plus 1 °C in Kiev, but even as far south as the Rostov province near the Sea of Azov coast, it is now minus 1 °C.

    Minus 10 °C in Moscow right now and snowing: minus 5 °C in Voronezh, near to which latter city masses of Orcs are allegedly poised to invade Yukiestan. And in January there were some hard frosts of below minus 20 °C

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, two US officials told Reuters news agency that weather conditions would provide a peak window for Russia to move equipment forward between about 15 February and the end of March.

    At least the BBC has conceded in its article that no evidence has been provided by the USA for this statement that the evil Orcs will soon invade.


    1. It’s just a flailing excuse for why the ‘attack’ has not taken place already, because we’re getting along for the end of the previous window – the mud was not quite to the iron-like consistency Ivan prefers, but it’s almost there now, you better believe. Any day.

      And what’s with the hokey percentages? Is that going to be the new tensioner? 96.5% ready to invade today, look out, motherfuckers? What a joke; you would be tempted to laugh if the situation were not so serious. Russia is 100% ready to intervene to prevent the Donbas from being overrun and the Ukie Army conducting a punishment operation, and it has been for a couple of months.


  38. “There’s a limit to everything”: Russia ready to block British media as well
    4 February 2022

    Ебаный невежественный пиздюк

    If the UK imposes sanctions against the Russian media, Russia will quickly retaliate. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing today, February 4.

    The head of the British Foreign Office, Liz Truss, the other day did not rule out the possibility of imposing sanctions against the Russian media. If measures are taken against the Russian media, journalists, correspondents, well, you know, we know how to respond. We have been taught to retaliate. We have never done this before, we have created all the conditions for foreign correspondents to work here. We have been co-operative, open and in full compliance with the spirit and the letter of the law, including all our international obligations. But we have learnt to respond, because there is a limit to everything. Therefore, if this happens and some sanctions are applied to the Russian media, well don’t be too hard on us, for we shall have every reason to retaliate. Just telling you!

    As EADaily reported, the day before the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Deutsche Welle, the Berlin’s TV and radio company propaganda mouthpiece, had been shut down in Russia, its bureau closed, and its journalists stripped of their accreditation. This was a retaliatory measure to the blocking of the Russian resource RT DE and it caused quite a hysteria both in the company itself and in the German Union of Journalists.

    The ban imposed by the Russian authorities ordered the closure of the German TV channel’s Moscow bureau by 09.00 Moscow time, but so far DW has continued to broadcast in Russia on its cable networks and website.


    1. No loss, if it happens; the BBC reports on Russia as if it were 1972, and they could do that just as easily and accurately from beautiful Estonia. But they wouldn’t like that, because it’s much easier to undermine the government from inside Russia.


  39. Helmer:


    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hates Russians; thinks them inferior to Americans; fools compared to himself; deserving of the fate Blinken intends for them. The evidence is in the booby traps Blinken set in the document the State Department arranged to leak in a Spanish newspaper last week. It is called “NON-PAPER CONFIDENTIAL/REL RUSSIA Areas of Engagement to Improve Security”. . .

    Writers in the alternative media have made much of the failure of the State Department spokesman last week to provide any evidence for his allegation, widely printed in the mainstream media, that Russia has prepared a plan of fabricated attacks to justify an invasion of Ukraine. The media have all missed the bigger and more obvious fabrication – this is the text of the documents leaked in Spain last week.


  40. 08: 00 06.02.2022 (updated: 08:06 06.02.2022)
    The Ukraine prepares to deal a crushing blow to Russian energy sector

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal has confirmed previously announced plans to physically disconnect the country’s United Energy System (UES) from the common power grid with Russia and Belarus as early as this month. “In February, the test operation of the power system in isolated mode during the winter peak loads is planned. It is planned to conduct system tests of the operation of Ukrainian and Moldovan energy systems as part of a unified control unit in isolated mode from the synchronous zone of the CIS and Baltic states”, the head of the Ukrainian government explained.
    The tests will be carried out within the framework of implementation of plans of Kiev on joining the European energy system ENTSO-E already in 2023. Europe, by the way, has been unusually lenient regarding the requirements for the connection of the Ukrainian energy system. Initially the talks were that UES of the Ukraine together with the addition of the Moldavian energy system would have to work for almost a whole year in isolation both from the European energy system and from Russia and Belarus, which looked fantastic because of the state of the Ukrainian energy system, chronic problems with fuel reserves and so on. Then the Europeans agreed that the Ukrainian UES would just have to work in isolation for a week in winter and a week in summer. Now it is even less certain: a few days of isolated operation in winter and summer. Since the switch to the isolated version is being made to confirm its self-sufficient operation and lack of negative impact on its neighbours, it appears that these facts can miraculously be confirmed within the aforementioned few days.

    Given the problems with which the Ukrainian energy sector entered the current heating season (rather modest gas reserves, minimal coal reserves, and forced stable electricity purchases from Belarus, which started in November), it seemed that the implementation of the idea of the UES operating in an isolated mode might be delayed. All the more so because on 25 January, just days before Shmygal’s revelations, the first unit of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power station shut down early in the morning because of problems with a transformer, while a few hours later the fourth unit was put out of action due to problems with a turbine generator. The operator of Ukraine’s UES had to load the thermal generation units to the maximum, discharge water at hydroelectric plant to the maximum, and switch two units of Burshtynska thermal power station, which is normally synchronized with the European power system (the so-called Burshtynsk energy island), to operate in the UES, but all this was still not enough. On the morning of 25 January, the Ukraine had to request additional emergency assistance in addition to normal contracted supplies of electricity from Belarus. It was provided from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    The consequence of this situation, firstly, was a significant increase in the price of electricity on the market – the weighted average price, which had been falling little by little over the past month and a half thanks to the work of 14 out of 15 nuclear power units and the purchase of inexpensive Belarusian electricity, rose to UAH 3.3 (RUB 9.1) per kilowatt on January 26. And secondly, and more importantly, despite both units having been connected to the grid within two days, coal stocks in the thermal power stations yards fell by 7.9 per cent to 657,000 tonnes in the week of January 24-31. This was very inopportune in the run-up to the transition of the Ukrainian UES to stand-alone operation.

    However, it was decided not to abandon the experiment with the UES operating independently at any cost, for which the Ukrainian authorities tried out another experiment: the simultaneous switching on of all 15 nuclear power units to the grid. To this end, following the hastily patched-up units at the Khmelnytskyi and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants, a fourth unit at the Rivne nuclear power plant, which was scheduled to come out of operation only on February 10, was connected to the grid ahead of schedule on January 30. For the same purpose, a second unit of the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, which was scheduled to go into overhaul on 16 January, and the first unit of Rivne nuclear power plant, which was scheduled to go into scheduled repairs on 18 January, continue to operate.

    The risky experiment with maximum activation of nuclear generation made it possible to unload thermal generation – at certain hours, more than a dozen thermal power units were on standby, which has not been observed for a very long time. And, of course, not to burn precious coal, which the Ukraine now imports in significant quantities. And, accordingly, to return to slow accumulation of it in the stockyards of thermal power stations.

    The history of disconnecting the Ukrainian UES from the Russian and Belarusian UES resonates with a similar story of that of the Baltic States’ withdrawal from the BRELL energy ring (Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) – only, to put it in the words of Peter the Great, in a more dashing and foolish form. The Baltics have been preparing for breaking off energy ties with Russia for a long time. Long before the break, all three countries joined the EU, received funding and connected to power cables from Sweden and Finland. Last year, the Baltics experimented with a short-term disconnection from BRELL for the first time. But even now it is not planning to permanently cut off energy links until 2025.

    The Ukraine has not received serious funding from the EU on this subject and certainly has not acquired alternative sources of power supply. It is true that, unlike the Baltic States, it has considerable energy capacity, but the vast majority of it is very worn out. And nevertheless it aims at switching off from power systems of Russia and Belarus already in 2023. At the same time, things are not very good as regards Ukraine energy sector forecasts for the near future: a week before the resumption of electricity imports from Belarus in November 2021, the Ministry of Energy of the Ukraine openly declared that there would never again be electricity imports from Russia and Belarus.

    Interestingly, Russia very easily gave the Ukraine the go-ahead to experiment with the physical shutdown of its UES. But even more interesting is whether the Ukraine will just as easily be able to obtain reverse permission for its physical connection after the completion of the experiment.

    From the people who brought you Chernobyl!

    I expect soon to see a blue flash on the southwest horizon and, several minutes later, hear an ominous distant rumble.


    1. At first blush, this appears to be another chapter in the Ukrainian masterpiece, “How I Cut Off My Nose to Spite My Face”. But on reflection, it is unusually crafty. Ukraine already has the EU giving it gas money – because it’s poor – and soon it will have the EU giving it free electricity! God damn it, where is Karl the Intrepid Finnish Energy Critic when things like this are happening? Karl, have you seen this? Will weak Europe consent to be made a patsy by giving Ukraine free kilowatts?

      Seriously, it is only fair that Ukraine attacks Russia so the west has an excuse to be more firm with it – how much money has the west poured into Ukraine thus far, and for fuck-all return? The country cannot seem to get its shit together, it is plain it will remain helpless so long as it has a sugar-daddy to bail it out, and Europe is never to be allowed to forget that it volunteered for the role. The day may well come when Yurrup begs Russia to take Ukraine back, as it continues to hoover their pockets out year after year while never seeming to get any closer to getting on its feet.


  41. 19: 01, February 6, 2022
    The United States announces the timing of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine

    Biden adviser Sullivan has announced the readiness of the Russian Federation to “invade” the Ukraine at any time.

    National Security Adviser to the President of the United States Jake Sullivan has announced the timing of a Russia’s “invasion” of the Ukraine. According to Reuters, Sullivan said on Fox News that this could happen any day.

    “We are in a window of opportunity. Russia can take military action against the Ukraine any day, or it will happen in a couple of weeks, or Russia will choose a diplomatic path”, Sullivan suggested.

    It is also noted that in another interview – to the NBC television channel – the adviser to the American leader noted that the invasion could begin as early as Monday, February 7. Sullivan stipulated that the Kremlin could delay the invasion by several weeks. He also added that Moscow could not only annex the Donbass, but also carry out cyber attacks or even start a full-fledged war.

    Meanwhile, the Ukraine Ministry of Defence has assessed the likelihood of a Russian bombing of Kiev. As Deputy Minister of Defence of the country Anna Malyar stated, there is no point in capturing any territory with the destruction of infrastructure along the way.

    So you pays your money and you makes your choice — could be tomorrow; could be in a fortnight’s time; could happen any day; could be never.

    Do these people not realize how foolish and inept they sound?


  42. “The Spectator”

    Vladimir Putin is rolling over the United States
    February 4, 2022 | 10:21 pm

    The Biden administration botches relations with Russia while its experts tell each other flattering fictions

    Vladimir Putin doesn’t need to send troops into Ukraine. He has already achieved his strategic goals — for now.

    The leading European Union powers, France and Germany, are competing against each other for Putin’s ear, while Britain is competing against them by shipping arms to Ukraine. The United States is exposed as an unreliable protector, unable to defend its overextended position on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine. Nato is divided and powerless, a shadow of imperial overreach.

    A decrepit caste of corrupt leaders is incapable of managing a controlled retreat from imperial overreach. America today, or Russia the day before yesterday? Putin witnessed the decay and collapse of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent expansion of Nato up to Russia’s borders. He is now returning the favour. He is pushing American and European influence out of Ukraine, and unpicking the already frayed bonds of Nato and the EU.

    Geopolitics is not about morality. It is about the effective use of power. For thirty years, the smart opinion in Washington was that post-Soviet Russia was no threat to anyone because it had an economy the size of Portugal and its economy ran on carbon fuel exports. That these statistics were true shows how well Putin has played his limited hand — and how arrogantly the US has mishandled relations with Russia while its experts tell each other flattering fictions.

    When George Kennan, the architect of Cold War containment, reviewed the American diplomacy of the 1890s, he noted an ‘overestimation of economics, of trade, as factors in human events and the corresponding underestimation of psychological and political reactions — of such things as fear, ambition, insecurity, jealousy and perhaps even boredom — as prime movers of events.’

    Kennan habitually decried the crusading idealism of Wilsonian foreign policy. Here, he detects idealism’s shadow, the tendency to overemphasise material interest, as an obstacle to understanding what we are dealing with.

    This applies to allies as it does to rivals. It is not hard to see why Putin might want to redraw the map of eastern Europe, rebalance the power dynamics of the European continent and push the United States out of Europe by breaking up Nato. Kennan saw the Clinton administration’s triumphalist expansion of Nato and the EU up to Russia’s doorstep as containment continued past its sell-by date. He called it ‘a tragic mistake’ and saw where it would lead:

    ‘I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. …There is no reason for this whatsoever.’

    It is, though, harder to see why Germany might want to go along with Putin’s big play, or why France might, as it usually does, do everything it can to hamper the United States when the chips are down. The motivations for the behaviour of France and Germany are harder to understand because they go against both the bottom line of material interest and the higher aspirations of the American ethos. Understanding them requires modesty before the basic facts of history and culture.

    Why did the Germans allow Angela Merkel to turn off their nuclear power stations and make them dependent on Russian gas? Because the Germans have a primitive worship of Nature, because they think it makes them better than other people, and because, geography being what it is, they always have to choose between Russia and France. They’re not doing it out of guilt over World War II. They’re doing it because they lost the war and still think they’re special — which, looking at it this way, they are, one way or another.

    Why did Emmanuel Macron scramble to organise a summit with Russia in Paris rather than allow the US, the senior partner in Nato, to set the table? Because the French despise the US even more than the Germans do, and they too think this might be a chance to slough off the boorish Americans. Because French foreign policy since 1945 has been a long campaign against the true enemies of civilisation, les Anglo-Saxons, because the Germans no longer need the French to rehabilitate them, and because the French genuinely believe the United States is little more than England on steroids and hence, culturally speaking, a worse influence than Russia, which at least has a soul where the Anglo-Saxons have a wallet.

    It is the task of professional diplomats to understand their material, regardless of whether they approve of it. But the United States was in many respects founded to repudiate local variations of fact and history, and to install a better and universal way of doing things. This is why Americans do not make good diplomats — and why Kennan, one of the greatest diplomatic analysts of America’s imperial century, left no school of followers in the think tanks.

    Russia is not the only empire that the US humbled in the twentieth century. When FDR committed the US to smashing the German empire, he also committed the US to unmaking the British and French empires. Long after the last American had left the last base in Europe, the British, French and Germans will still be there, and so will the Russians. Now, as American credibility and coherence fall away, they’re responding by being more British, French, German and Russian than ever, just as the US is accelerating its strategic decline by falling ever further back on the American creed.

    What the US needs now is Kennan’s subtle and cynical policy toward Russia: respect and understand your antagonist, remember that the Russian people are not the same as their leaders, build your foreign policy on your domestic strengths, avoid extremes in policy and action. If you think Joe Biden is capable of any of that, I have a dacha in Crimea to sell you.


  43. Loath that I am to provide a link to that premium British rag the “Guardian”, but . . .

    Kremlin calls Boris Johnson’s Ukraine diplomacy efforts ‘utterly confused’
    Moscow ramps up criticism of Britain’s bid to be at helm of fight to protect Ukraine from Russian invasion
    Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
    Wed 2 Feb 2022 12.47 GMT

    The Kremlin moved to belittle Boris Johnson on Wednesday, describing him as “utterly confused” and calling British diplomacy a waste of time.

    The concerted effort to ridicule Britain’s efforts to put itself at the helm of the fight to protect Ukraine came the day after the UK prime minister flew to Kyiv to warn that a Russian invasion would be a humanitarian, political and military disaster for Moscow.

    British efforts to arrange a phone call between Johnson and Vladimir Putin were put in flux after a previously scheduled call on Monday had to be cancelled by the British because Johnson had to answer questions from MPs about alleged Covid rule-breaking parties in Downing Street.

    The Kremlin said on Wednesday it would provide details if and when Putin spoke to Johnson by phone, and Putin was ready to talk to anyone, including the “utterly confused”. Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov later added that the pair would speak on Wednesday evening.

    Russia has said it has no plans to stage a new invasion of Ukraine, and has ridiculed Johnson’s claims that an invasion is imminent.

    The Russian deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told Sky News: “There is always room for diplomacy, but frankly, we don’t trust British diplomacy. I think in recent years British diplomacy has shown that it is absolutely worthless in such issues, I am sorry to say.

    “I really don’t want to offend anybody, especially my good friends, British diplomats, but really, the results are nothing to boast about.”

    He added: “The hysteria just does not stop. What was happening is only in the heads of western politicians and not on the ground.”

    The UK has just taken over the chair of the UN security council, and Britain has had a number of run-ins with Polyanskiy, one of the more quotable Russian diplomats in recent years, on matters ranging from Syria, Libya, Ukraine and chemical weapons.

    Russian media is full of British media reports that Johnson attended prosecco-fuelled parties.

    Regarding the phone call, the Russian ambassador to London, Andrei Kelin, said in an interview with the Solovyov Live YouTube channel on Tuesday: “There is principled understanding that the conversation will take place. I hope it will be held because we really need to speak … but what about? Indeed, it should be understood that if Great Britain speaks from the positions it is looking at now – solidarity, intimidation, speculations about consequences – such a conversation will be not be long, I should say.”

    Johnson’s difficulties in securing a call with Putin contrasts with the two recent calls between the Russian president and France’s Emmanuel Macron, as well as a call between Putin and the Italian prime minister, Mario Draghi.

    The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, supposedly a close ally of Johnson, was afforded a rare five-hour face-to-face discussion with Putin in what looked like an attempt to help Orbán secure his re-election in April.

    Johnson, given Britain’s forward stance on Ukraine, was never going to receive the red carpet treatment. The UK defence secretary, Ben Wallace, is still due to travel to Moscow for talks this week with his opposite number.

    The friction in the British-Russian relations came as papers were leaked detailing the offer Nato had put to Russia on possible detailed future disarmament talks. Putin has not yet formally replied to the proposals but said they did not meet his central call for a reversal of Nato expansion and the removal of offensive weapons close to Russia’s border.

    The papers show Nato demanding de-escalation by Russia around Ukraine but also displaying a willingness to hold discussions within the Nato-Russia council on arms controls, including intermediate missiles, greater transparency and discussions about the concept of the indivisibility of security, a potential way in which Russia could open up a dialogue on Nato troop deployments that leave Russia threatened.

    Russia has yet to decide if the Nato offer presents a lever into wider talks.

    Russia will be disappointed by Ukraine’s refusal to open talks on a special status for the Donbas, the Russian-supporting eastern part of Ukraine. The Ukrainian foreign minister, Dmitro Kuleba, said: “No Ukrainian region will have a right power for national state decisions. This is set in stone. There will be no special status, as Russia imagines it, no voting power.

    “We are carrying out a very deep decentralisation reform, and we are ready to work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements. But the Minsk agreements begin with security issues. The political part is in second place. So everyone must first focus on security.”

    The Minsk agreements negotiated in 2015 set out a roadmap for greater autonomy for the region, but there is a dispute over sequencing.

    All well and good . . . BUT the statement in the above article that the “Russian media is full of British media reports that Johnson attended prosecco-fuelled parties” is a total and utter load of bollocks!!!

    Where does Wintour, the author of the above, get that idea from?

    Total fabrication, sort of like: “In the Kremlin, Putin is fuming . . .”


  44. RBK news video [Russian]

    What theUSA is waiting for from Russia. New articles about the Ukraine situation

    Scenes showing Russian army manoeuvres as it allegedly waits for the ground to harden in order to launch an invasion, and Yukie dickhead youth nationalists arsing around with wooden gun replicas, saying how they are willing to fight and die for Banderastan.

    Well, arseholes, if the balloon does, in fact, go up, you’ll certainly die, but I don’t think you’ll have much time to do any fighting — running, perhaps, but not much fighting.


  45. Going off-topic: state of emergency has been declared in Ottawa by the city mayor in response to the 8-day truckers’ convoy blockading the city streets.

    The truckers movement has spread right across Canada from what I have been able to read online: convoys are already in Quebec City, Toronto and Victoria on Vancouver Island.

    Justin Bieber Turdeau might have to be in his bunker for some time though I don’t suppose he’ll be missed much. Where is the Real Fearless Leader when you want her?


    1. He is actually losing his shit for real. In a tweet posted by CJ Hopkins, he described the truckers as “Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Anti-Black Racist, Homophobic and Transphobic”, as he tries to gather the tatters of his Woke army around him. Aux barricades, mes visible minorities!

      Of course Putin makes an appearance, as there is apparently no anti-democracy outfit in which the Russians are not at least minority shareholders. These – and I urge everyone to take a good long look, because you will not likely see them again so naked in their jutting obscenity – are the politics of division. As noted in the Australian clip I posted a day or two ago, Trudeau was ready to get down in the dust and roll around to show his sincere understanding of activist violence in support of protests by native activists over the residential-schools mass graves of native children that turned out to be tree roots and normal soil anomalies. But the very lowest peg on the protest totem pole is reserved for the white middle-class working man, because he’s…well, he’s got everything, hasn’t he? Not to mention being an antisemitic Islamohobic queer-hater, I’m not going to call the entire roll again.

      I suppose you saw that Gofundme, the California-based fundraising engine that was originally collecting funds for the truckers, withheld nearly all the $10 Million collected, which it was originally going to disburse to ‘real’ charities (like Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood), then public anger forced them to announce they would refund the donations of all those who applied for a refund, then when the anger continued to gather momentum, that it would issue automatic refunds of all monies collected. The Freedom Convoy switched to Givesendgo – also an American outfit which identifies itself as Christian (and which the liberals branded as the financial force behind The Proud Boys and other white-supremacist Capitol-debasing outfits) – and when I checked it just now they had raised over $4 Million in just a few days, with the momentum growing. And that’s before the wave of funding likely to arrive in 7-10 days when the Gofundme donors receive their refunds.

      Trudeau and his liberals and their police lackeys have left no smear unexplored in their desperate efforts to shut down funding, because no money likely means the truckers will go home, although their leader (Tamara Lich) has pledged they will stay in place until vaccine mandates and other COVID restrictions are dropped. Everybody who watched the Orange Revolution in Kiev learned a powerful lesson – don’t let them set up tents. If they establish a camp, you’re fucked. And the truckers, at least the big rigs, have a sleeping cabin behind the seats that they are used to staying in for short periods. I would be surprised if others who have smaller rigs or just cars were not billeted with sympathetic Ottawa families. If they receive regular infusions of donated cash for food, fuel and some replacement of lost wages, they could stay for months.

      The Ottawa police chief has speculated that the Army might be called in to assist, under a National Defense Act provision called Aid to the Civil Power. Trudeau said that was out of the question, but that’s what he said about vaccine passports, too. Still, I think he fears to call in the Army owing to the possibility of significant defections or outright refusal. The military is pretty tired of wearing facemasks and socially distancing, too.

      We’ll see how it plays out. But one all-too-predictable phenomenon has appeared that I’d like to highlight – the sudden pleas from the same people who just weeks ago screamed for the heads of the unvaccinated, for ‘unity and understanding’, and the usual bushwa you plead for when your side has lost the initiative and momentum is against you.

      Troodles is juggling flaming tar. Andrew Bolt called him a “Woke flake”. Jordan Peterson said he was a “teenage actor”. The possibility of him recovering any kind of post-crisis gravitas is somewhere between zero and nil point shit. Liberals who hope to have any short-term-future role in government would be wise to start distancing themselves from him now before his body starts to stink while they’re chained to it. And the public-health quacks would be wise to keep their mouths shut.


      1. Short update: one of the buttons on Givesendgo is ‘See Top Donors”. I clicked on it for interest, and see that some donors gave $20,000.00 or more, although nearly everyone identifies as ‘anonymous’ because the Ottawa police made a point of saying they were watching who donates (with the implication that donors are funding terrorism, violence and hate. Oh, and transphobia). But one who appears unmoved by such threats – and gave $USD 18,000.00 – is The Range, in Langley, BC. I thought it was probably a bar or something, so I checked it out. It is a shooting range, owned and operated by active-service and retired military and law enforcement. I was quite inspired by their want-to-make-something-of-it? declaration on their support of Freedom Convoy 2022.

        And inspiration is in pretty short supply these days.


      2. Yes I saw the news about GoFundMe’s freezing of the $10 million raised and that platform’s plans to transfer the money to charities of its own choosing before it was forced to refund the money. The latest news is that Florida state governor Ron DeSantis is now pursuing a fraud investigation of GoFundMe over its actions.

        BTW the minorities are already at the barricades: they’re the ones leading the convoys. From Transportation Nation Network’s website: “Punjabis “Dominating” Canadian Trucking and Will Soon Be Majority in California” (January 2019)

        “… Punjabis “Control” Canadian Trucking

        The Punjabi community has emerged as the clear majority of the Canadian trucking industry.

        Industry experts now estimate that about 60% of the Canadian trucking industry is controlled by people of Punjabi origin.

        Nachattar Singh Chohan is the founder and president of the Indian Trucking Association of Canada and he recently told, “We Punjabis control more than 60% of all trucking operations in Canada.”

        “There is a perpetual shortage of truck drivers and mechanics and new Punjabi immigrants fill this need,” said Chohan who came to Canada in 1980 from Budhi Pind near Hoshiarpur in Punjab …”


        1. Indeed, there are a lot of Indian truck drivers. Perhaps because they are willing to take any job, and driving a long-haul truck is a hard job that not everyone wants to do. I wouldn’t say they ‘control’ the industry, at least not with the implication that they restrict entry to only fellow Punjabi, like some kind of 18-wheeler mafia. But they probably offer decent-paying employment to young men who are new immigrants and are willing to work. I’ve never heard any complaints from any ethnic group that they can’t break into trucking because of the curry wall or anything like that.

          The most frequent complaint against Indian immigrants is their propensity for buying monster houses in Vancouver’s suburbs – such as Surrey, which is often called Curry for obvious reasons – and then moving their entire family including cousins, all spouses and children and grandparents in so that the house is chock-a-block with people and there are about a dozen cars in the driveway and ranged along the curb outside.


          1. I think the real problem is that there are few or even no alternative transportation options to the private trucking industry in North America. Canada and the US could be using rail for long-distance transport of goods, materials and other supplied but a railway network given over entirely or mostly to long-distance haulage requires a huge investment.

            I’m not surprised that Punjabi-speaking Sikhs dominate, for want of a better term perhaps, the trucking industry in North America. I haven’t had much to do with Sikhs personally though I did have a Sikh friend decades ago. I went to her wedding and met quite a few of her relatives and friends. They were a very enthusiastic and gung-ho lot. At the time, IT was a big thing and the men’s conversation at the reception was apparently full-on talk about computers. (I say apparently because most people were conversing in Punjabi and I asked the bride what a group of men in one corner of the reception room were talking about. She listened a bit and then said the talk was about computers.)

            Whatever Sikhs do, they throw themselves wholeheartedly into it.


            1. Nearly all exports between the former-NAFTA partners go by truck, because it is the most flexible and economical method of transport and delivery. One summer I drove my daughter’s early-90’s Pontiac Firefly – a little 3-banger interchangeable with the Geo Metro and the Suzuki Swift – across Washington, Oregon and California to San Diego so that she could drive it back at her leisure, while I took the bus home, as her job in California was ending. On interstate highways I was never out of sight of a large transport truck and there were usually between 6 and 8 within my field of view at any given time, all day long. Not as fast as rail, as you suggested, but able to carry heavy loads and use the existing road and load/unload network.


  46. Further madness!

    February 06, 2022, 20:27 Army
    Russia will sink the US aircraft carrier in the Black Sea in five minutes”
    Why did Washington need to introduce an aircraft carrier strike group into the Black Sea?

    “Mission Clemenceau – 2022” naval exercises of the NATO countries are being prepared in the Mediterranean Sea.

    As the American edition of The Wall Street Journal reported, citing its own sources, the US presidential administration intends to initiate a discussion of new rules for navigation and entry of warships into the Black Sea.

    It is precisely because of these legal restrictions that the Americans have never sent a main strike force through the Bosphorus – nuclear aircraft carriers with a displacement of 80 thousand tons.

    At the same time, technically, an aircraft carrier fits into the dimensions of the Bosphorus – the strait has a width of 700 to 3700 metres and a depth of 33 to 80 metres. This is more than the dimensions of any American aircraft carrier.

    “The Montreux Convention on the Status of the Straits of 1936 is a voluntary instrument. The US may initiate its revision. Or just get out. But everything can be solved even easier. Firstly, the Convention states that Turkey, in whose jurisdiction the straits are located, can allow any ships of any country to pass through the Bosphorus if it considers that it is “under a military threat”. Secondly, the US can recall that the USSR had withdrawn its aircraft carriers through the strait. And on this basis, based on the principle of public and legal precedent, aircraft carriers can enterthe Black Sea”, Maxim Alyoshin, a naval law expert and researcher at the US and Canada Institute, told

    Three NATO aircraft carriers are now off the coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean to take part in the “Mission Clemenceau 2022” exercise.

    They are the French “Charles de Gaulle”, accompanied by a battle group that includes the nuclear-powered attack submarine “Rubis”, the USS Harry Truman and her squadron, and the Italian aircraft carrier “Camillo Benso Cavour”.

    The exercise envisages at least one frigate-class ship entering the Black Sea under the cover of carrier-based aviation. No official word yet on aircraft carriers.

    “Aircraft carriers in the Black Sea are an absolutely useless and burdensome thing”, military expert, captain of the first rank of the reserve Vasily Dandykin, told “The surface of the sea is limited by its small size, which restricts freedom of manoeuvre of such a large object as an aircraft carrier. Secondly, it will constantly be in the sights not only of the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships, but also of coastal missile systems. For example, the distance from the Sevastopol wharf to the NATO base in Romanian Constanta is only about 400 kilometres, and to Turkish Istanbul about 540 kilometres, whilst the range of the Bal and Bastion missile systems is 500 and 300 kilometres respectively, and that of the Kalibers is 2500 kilometres. The Black Sea is completely covered by Russia.

    The expert also believes that a hypersonic Zircon missile could potentially be used against aircraft carriers, which “owing to to its ability to manoeuvre at hypersonic speeds cannot be shot down by modern missile defense means”.

    “Whether the Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet has hypersonic anti-ship Zirkons is unknown, but they have been tested and are in production. A hundred-ton aircraft carrier simply will not be able to fight off such a “swarm” of missiles and if it does not immediately rest on the seabed, it will lose its main purpose – to lift aircraft for air strikes. In general, an aircraft carrier in the Black Sea is useless”, Dandykin said.

    Retired Navy Rear Admiral Mikhail Nelyubin, a former member of the Russian Navy’s General Staff, also believes that

    from a “practical naval point of view, the passage of an aircraft carrier into the Black Sea makes no sense.

    “Another thing is that it would be a political gesture. Russia would sink a US aircraft carrier in the Black Sea in less than five minutes. But if one entered there, we would not fire immediately”, Rear Admiral Nelyubin told

    “And the very fact of its location would be discussed in the sense that the United States and NATO had thus “marked out” this territory. If aircraft launches were carried out from an aircraft carrier, this would be discussed twice as hard. In the end, it could even be imagined that Russia was afraid to wage war against the Ukraine precisely because of an American aircraft carrier. It does not matter that Russia has not planned any war. Such an approach would have a powerful political effect.”


    1. The latter strategy is the most likely; that the USA would argue the presence of an American carrier in the Black Sea had made Putin completely rethink his plan about invading Ukraine. That is kind of in the cards anyway – the west will never admit that there was no plan to invade Ukraine, the narrative will be that there was, but the resolute stance of the heroic west deterred it.

      And who has ever seen a hundred-ton aircraft carrier? They’d have to be pretty small aircraft. USS KITTY HAWK was among the smallest of the ‘supercarriers’, and she was over 61,000 tons.

      Years ago the Royal Navy took HMS INVINCIBLE through the Panama Canal, as much as an experiment as for any real need. The British carriers are tiny by comparison with those of the USA, but even so they had to flood her ballast tanks on one side so she went through at a steep angle. Going through the Bosporus with a full-size carrier would be a nail-biter for sure; I wouldn’t want to be on the bridge. And for what? The Black Sea is small and shallow and a carrier needs to be able to charge about at high speed to generate enough wind over the deck to create lift for its aircraft – fixed-wing fighters are a much different game than helicopters. The carrier itself and all its airborne assets would be under constant cover from Russian missile systems.

      The Americans just like to demonstrate how good they are at finding loopholes in the rules that let them do what they please. There is no good reason to deploy a carrier to the Black Sea, but nobody is going to tell them they can’t. Nearly every rule made contains a provision for how it can be circumvented in a dire emergency, and America’s specialty is arguing that everything is a dire emergency by making up threats against which it must react.


  47. Politico: Sullivan warns China could face costs if it supports a Russian invasion of Ukraine

    China’s president released a joint statement with Vladimir Putin last week.

    …“If Russia does choose to move forward, not only will it come at a strategic cost to Russia, but if China is seen as having supported it, it will come at some costs to China as well in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Europe and in the eyes of other countries who are looking on now and sending a clear message that they would prefer to see diplomacy over war,” Sullivan said.

    It’s also worth noting that the English version of the Putin-Xi statement doesn’t mention the word Ukraine, Sullivan said earlier on “Fox News Sunday,” which “suggests that China is not so excited about cheerleading Russia on Ukraine.”..

    Desperate stuff from the US. Only the other week Washington was imploring Beijng to ‘use it’s influence’ on Russia. PR Foreign Policy, based on domestic media consumption and politiking, innit?!

    As usual he offers nothing except on Washington’s terms that ignore the reality on the ground. It’s the famous ‘negotiations’ as long as you agree with us. ‘Compromise’ is still a dirty word and would mean accepting Russia as an equal power in talks. That cannot be allowed under any circumstances, particularly in public.


    1. Next headline; “China Warns Sullivan He Could Face Costs if He does not Shut His Fucking Piehole”. China is already well aware the west has it in for them, and that policy will continue no matter what they do – their best chance lies in an alliance which will blunt and curtail western freedom to maneuver economically, which translates to extra costs for the western population. The United States is going to tell everyone what to do and boss them around no matter whether they cooperate or resist, so there is no incentive to cooperate.

      And what diplomacy? Russia presents a list of must-do’s, and NATO announces all of them are unacceptable. How much of a fucking diplomat do you have to be to play any part on either side? There is zero common ground, no potential areas of cooperation. Washington considers the other side of any joint effort to be ‘leverage’. The simple solution, which would soon occur to even those not born diplomats, to not enter into any agreements or joint efforts with the United States. Simples.


      1. It’s like he’s been watching too many Hollywood movies where the heroes are on the back foot and look sure to be taken out, but their cunning and can do outwits the enemy at the final moment, guaranteeing ultimate victory over their enemies. Pass the fentanyl and the popcorn please!


  48. I’ve just read the Helmer piece laying out how Blinken’s response to Russia is a set of boobie traps.

    In short, it is gangsterism, i.e. ‘Accept our proposals or we will dial up the pain.’ the thing is that while the USA can always threaten to deploy nukes to the lo-land of Po-land etc. that in itself would cause significant problems, divisions and schisms in u-Rope and it would be entirely of the USA’s doing. How is that being a ‘good ally’? It isn’t. All the USA knows how to do is escalation to try and force the other side to accept a poor substitution. They’re certainly not fooling Russia. Washington, playing a weak hand even more badly.


  49. It’s Yukie begging-bowl time — again!

    Ukraine Looks to Foreign Aid to Ward off Economic Turbulence
    04:32 PM IST, 07 Feb 2022|05:10 PM IST, 07 Feb 2022

    (Bloomberg) — Ukraine is betting that foreign aid and improved tax collection during an economic rebound will help it weather the financial stress resulting from intensifying warnings of a potential Russian invasion. The government expects the European Union to sign off on 1.2 billion euro ($1.4 billion) of unconditional loans this month as it also began talks with the U.S. Treasury on debt guarantees,
    Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko said in an interview.

    Even as the situation remains “turbulent”, Ukraine was also able to boost state budget revenue in January better than expected, which Marchenko said can send a positive signal to investors after Ukraine struggled to tap debt markets, he added.

    “It has helped us to create enough cushion to mitigate any risk we can envision”, Marchenko said.

    Ukraine’s international reserves declined more than expected last month and the hryvnia also fell against the dollar as Ukraine’s NATO allies said Russia’s massing of more than 100,000 troops near its borders were a signal it may invade. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied such plans.

    Ukraine has already received $100 million in support from Canada and continues talks with Germany, U.K. and other partners on bilateral aid packages, according to Marchenko. Along with expected aid from the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine may raise total $2.2 billion of support this year from international donor organizations.

    “We are not alone, and this year I hope we can combat all possible situations”, Marchenko said.

    No mention of the repayment of IMF loans, I notice.

    On 11 March 2015, the Fund approved a four-year, $17.5 billion EFF for Ukraine; its first tranche of $5 billion was forwarded on 13 March 2015.

    The second, $1.7 billion tranche was transferred on 4 August 2015.

    The third tranche would be released after a review of the EFF, in which the IMF wanted to see a decrease in corruption.

    The third, $1 billion tranche was agreed to be forwarded on 15 September 2016 despite Russian opposition. Russia opposed the decision because since December 2015 Ukraine had defaulted on a $3 billion debt payment to Russia.

    The fourth tranche was forwarded in spring 2017.

    Because of a 2017 memorandum between Ukraine and the IMF, only pension reform was achieved and the country received no further financing from the Fund.

    On 10 June 2020 IMF’s executive board has approved an 18-month, $5 billion standby arrangement for Ukraine.

    Ukraine immediately received about $2 billion, while the remaining amount was planned to be disbursed in phases over four reviews during an 18-month period.

    In order to qualify for the loan deal Ukraine’s parliament had voted to lift a ban on the sale of farmland and approved a new banking law (which was designed to prevent Ihor Kolomoiskyi and Hennadii Boholiubov from regaining control of PrivatBank).

    To my knowledge, none of those loans have even started to be paid back.



    1. Well I don’t imagine they’re ever intended to be paid back. Nobody cares whether they’re paid back or not, provided the mark carries on doing as they’re told. After all, it doesn’t cost the US (well, the IMF, but same thing really) anything to make these “loans” – they can just print it. It’s only if the mark shows any reluctance to perform their assigned tasks that they might start asking for repayment.


    2. Ukraine really know how to turn any situation into a money making opportunity.

      The western powers who speak loudest of their support for Ukraine must dig very deep into their pockets and Ukraine know it.


    3. Excuse me, Mr. Creditor; perhaps you cannot into noticing word “unconditional”? “As long as you pay it back”, it is conditions!

      Ukraine ‘expects’. The money is ‘expected”. Well, who is to blame for that? The Ukrainians, or the blowhards who puff and snort about ‘standing shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine’? Don’t they think that constitutes an obligation to support and nurture? Anyone with half a brain would. You can’t really blame opportunists for availing themselves of opportunity, can you?

      There is absolutely no incentive for Ukraine to become a successful and prosperous nation, self-supporting and with equal opportunity for all, so long as its western ‘partners’ – although they are actually another word which begins with ‘p’ and it is ‘pockets’ – continue to insist its oligarchical plunderers are businessmen, and allow them to go on helping themselves to the budget while the western ‘pockets’ make up the shortfall.

      “Oligarchs have captured the Ukrainian state. However, they are more a symptom than the cause of the country’s crisis. That is why successful de-oligarchisation would not bring real progress, but only give rise to a new generation of oligarchs. What is needed instead is a political culture of transparency and accountability.”

      As true now as it was then. What, pray, are the chances a ‘political culture of transparency and accountability’ will spring up spontaneously in an environment where thievery is encouraged, the population is apathetic and accepting of its lot, and the west just keeps pumping in money but observes hands-off because it does not want to intrude on sovereignty? How long would it take you to learn to depend on free money if someone regularly gave it to you?


  50. BMPD: О формировании 19-й и 20-й мотострелковых дивизий – 19th & 20th Motorized Divisions formed

    Стали известны некоторые подробности формирования новых мотострелковых дивизий в Южном военном округе, о чём я и “долАживаю присутствующим здесь товарищам”.

    1 декабря 2021 г. в Волгограде состоялся торжественный митинг по случаю формирования восстановленной 20-й гвардейской мотострелковой Прикарпатско-Берлинской Краснознаменной ордена Суворова дивизии….

    …On December 1, 2021, a solemn rally was held in Volgograd on the occasion of the formation of the restored 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Subcarpathian-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division.

    I’m sure the choice of name is not an error.


  51. 19:01 07.02.2022
    Berlin is ready to pay dearly for Kiev’s security, says Baerbock
    German Foreign Minister Baerbock: Berlin will pay a high economic price for Kiev’s security

    International Lawyer and German Foreign Minister Frau Baerbock — what a noble gesture she has made in defence of the Ukraine!

    BERLIN, 7 February – RIA Novosti. Berlin is ready to pay a high economic price for thr security of the Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at a briefing in Kiev: the event is being broadcast on TV channel N24.

    “We will do everything to prevent further escalation, against which background, we have jointly prepared a number of tough measures. I want to emphasize that owing to the close economic relations of all partners and, above all, my country, yes, we are also ready to pay a high economic price for this, because it is about the security of the Ukraine”, Baerbock said.

    How noble and righteous of her to do this in the name of German citizens — to inflict some damage to the German economy and some inconvenience, perhaps discomfort and maybe even some suffering, to her fellow citizens lest the sovereignty of the Ukraine, its democratic values and its freedoms fall prey to the Orcish hordes that wait at the border, straining at the leash like dogs of war!

    In fact, they’ve been straining at the leash for so long now, it’s a wonder that they have not choked themselves already.


    1. We? Surely the gilded political class and others will not feel the slightest difference, unlike the rest of Germany. I’m glad she’s said so. She can explain it to electors and see if the Greens pick up votes from anyone but the diehards.


    2. Please yourself, Frau Baerbock; but don’t grizzle and moan when the European Union continues to regard Germany as the collective moneypot whenever some hapless spendthrift member requires another bailout due to their inability to live on their income – you just said Germany is ready to help as long as it is important to collective values. Diplomats prefer the term “economic engine” of Europe, but for practical purposes, ‘moneypot’ will serve as well.

      It’s good that you are prepared to pay a high economic price, because believe me, you will. If you persist in holding up the certification of Nord Stream II as a bargaining chip, the while you have a transit contract whose terms leave potential for Europe to run short while conveying no responsibility on the part of the supplier to increase supply, you will see energy costs spiral upward again, because that’s what happens when supply falls short of demand. And here’s a riddle for you – did your American cousins rush tankers to Europe’s shores because they were concerned about your comfort in a brotherly sort of way…or because you were paying higher prices than Asia and there was more opportunity for profit? Aye, there’s one to make your head thrash upon the pillow, and your sleep uneasy.

      Although some argue the opposite, to my mind activists and ideologues make poor ministers. Give me a bloodless cause-and-effect, cost-benefit man every time. Frau Baerbock’s mouth is likely to get everyone’s face in trouble.


  52. 7 Feb, 2022 16:57
    Germany pledges more troops in post-Soviet space
    Berlin will send additional forces to Lithuania as NATO buildup close to Russia’s borders continues

    Another cupid stunt, German Defence Minister Frau Lambrecht, rides in a tank, as did her British “partner” cupid stunt Truss.

    With this, we are strengthening our contribution to NATO’s eastern flank and sending a clear signal of determination to our alliance partners

    sagte die alte dumme Fotze.

    Again I ask: why “the eastern flank” of NATO?

    So where are the other flanks?

    Why didn’t she come out with the former term used by the Wehrmacht, namely Ostfront?

    Not politically correct?

    Better said, “politically insensitive”?


    1. Shhhhh!!! She’s learning to drive a tank! Don’t distract her. They must be really short for recruiting. I look forward to her and Ms. Truss leading their respective armored forces into battle.


  53. All progressive humanity is rushing to the aid of the Ukraine
    Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich, having failed to secure arms supplies from Germany (where she now lives), has decided to go to war personally as a sniper. She will be trained by the famous Olena Bilozerskaya, who, according to The Sun [UK gutter rag], has killed at least ten Russians [sic].

    After having learnt about the lesbian inclinations of the Nobel Prize winner, Olena warned her sternly: “If you start pestering me, I’ll bump you off there and then!”

    “Не варто турбуватися, дівчинка, мені є чим задовольнитися” [Don’t worry, girl, I have something to satisfy me “], answered the raised in Ivano-Frankivsk Alexievich, gently stroking the barrel of a telescopic-sighted rifle. At the same time, the itching in her crotch and her slightly damp knickers left no doubt that she would keep her word.


    1. In fairness to Alexievich, though I am most certainly no admirer of her or her works — her writing is, in my opinion, garbage and has long lost its shine amongst her Western promoters, and I am not saying this because of her hatred of all things Russian: I am talking about how she writes — she has made no statement at any time about her sexuality. Furthermore, she is 67. However, the person whom she passes off as her daughter is, in fact, her sister’s daughter, whom she adopted when the child was four-years old. Alexievich has lived most of her adult life in a small apartment in a ten-story Soviet-era apartment block in central Minsk. Her “daughter” is now a teacher. Alexeivich has a longtime companion, who lives in the apartment next door.

      It is debatable to what particular genre her writing belongs — People’s history? Collective history? Collective novel? Documentary prose? Novel-oratorio? Novel-evidence? Living document?” One thing that sticks out clearly in her works, though, is that she focuses on women’s version of events, women’s outlook on life. “Women tell things in more interesting ways”, Aexievich has said. “They live with more feeling. They observe themselves and their lives. Men are more impressed with action. For them, the sequence of events is more important.” Women’s voices predominate in her works and she has, therefore, become a darling of some Western women literary critics.

      Alexievich is extremely disliked in Russia, even by some whom, one would imagine, might have given her their fulsome praise. In her 1992 “Boys of Zinc”, about the privations and sufferings and deaths of Soviet soldiers, mostly conscripts, in the Soviet-Afghan War (the “zinc” in the title refers to the coffins in which dead soldiers’ bodies were shipped back to the USSR; unfortunately, some idiot changed the title of the English translation of the book to “Zinky Boys”), some of the subjects of “Boys of Zinc”, along with an organization representing the mothers of soldiers killed in that war, sued Alexievich for libelling the Soviet military.

      Called as a witness, a fallen soldier’s mother said, “You are saying that I should hate the state and the Party. But I am proud of my son! He died an officer in battle. His comrades loved him. I love the country we used to live in, the U.S.S.R., because my son died for it. And I hate you! I don’t need your scary truth.”

      The fact remains that, no matter what the Nobel Prize Committee may think, Alexievich’s metier is solely to throw shit at Russia and the Russians, whom she loathes to distraction, whilst shedding her crocodile tears for fallen in battle Soviet soldiers and the common Soviet/Russian citizen..


      1. I translated the title of her Afghan war book as “Boys of Zinc” above, but now I think “Zinc Boys” sounds better: “boys of zinc” has a different semantical meaning to “zinc boys”, in my opinion. The book was published in the UK as “Boys in Zinc”.

        All that Alexievich does is cobble together interviews — hundreds of monologues that she has recorded — and pastes them together as though she were recounting a living dialogue. I remember how, after her success in the West with “Zinc Boys” (aka “Zinky Boys”) — her “success” having hardly been surprising: “success” in the West comes easily to those who set themselves to the task of methodically throwing shit at Russia and the Russians — she “wrote” a book called “Last Witnesses”, about the memories that former Soviet citizens had of the Great Patriotic War. It goes without saying that most of those alive now who can remember those years are women. It was after “Last Witnesses” when the “chattering classes” in the West got bored with her “writings”. She wrote another book about memories concerning the end of the USSR. Money for old rope, it seems.

        See: Guardian review of “Last Witnesses”


  54. Energy company Shell made 4.7m quid in profit over three months in 2021 just from the jump in gas prices. I’The solution for the European Commission is to investigate Gazprom and make noises rather than going after u-Ropean mega-billion energy companies who filled up their storage last summer at low cost and sold it market rate in the last few month. The Market (and its hamsters) abide. This is the Commission that claims it is the u-Ropean public’s ‘consumer champion.’


    1. BP made a similar profit over a similar period. Where’s the People’s Champion? Where’s Ms. Von der Leyen in Brussels going after Total Energies & others for the u-Ropean consumer?


  55. In ‘you couldn’t make it up and be believed’:

    RT: US weighs seizing Venezuelan oil – reports

    Shipments could be confiscated to recoup unpaid debt incurred under crippling US sanctions

    …People close to the discussions said that Chevron representatives in recent months held at least one high-level meeting with US diplomats along with Venezuelan opposition envoys.

    Chevron has been lobbying for a year to secure a change in its license to operate in Venezuela. The energy giant wants Washington to reinstate trading privileges it enjoyed for a time under then-President Donald Trump’s administration. Back then the company, along with other foreign producers, were permitted to take and export Venezuelan oil to recoup dividends and debt from joint ventures with state-run oil company PDVSA….

    Theft by any other name, sanctioned by ‘liberal’ democracies.


    1. Nothing is too good for Ukraine, which is run by idiots and crooks, but they will steal from Venezuela because it is run by socialists. Crooks will always win out over socialists in ‘free-enterprise’ America, where the government hates socialists worse than anything.

      It could also be a ploy to reduce shipping of Venezuelan oil, for fear that the ships might be intercepted. Unless the Russian navy volunteers to escort them. That would be funny.


  56. Freedom Convoy 2022 has raised over $5 Million in 4 days, and it’s still pouring in, you can just refresh the page every few seconds and see it climbing. It was the second-highest Gofundme crowdfunding in Canada ever already at $10 Million, and it looks as if this Givesendgo effort will easily top it, especially when former donors get their donations back from Gofundme in a few days. Gofundme shot itself in the foot big time by crumbling to Canadian government pressure – it lost a lot of customers and donors, and still is under the threat of fraud investigation by Florida governor de Santis. This might just be the match that lights the powder keg of social patience, and gets the ridiculous virtue-signaling COVID restrictions rolled back to pre-‘pandemic’ levels. The more money they get, the more likely that is to happen, because if they had to go home because they ran out of money the Canadian government could still paper it over, maybe start a panic about another ‘new variant’, and keep the draconian restrictions in place. The longer the truckers stay in Ottawa the greater the chance the government will have to make a deal.


  57. Euractiv: Von der Leyen: Growing evidence Kremlin is using ‘gas supplies as political leverage’

    Von der Leyen: Growing evidence Kremlin is using ‘gas supplies as political leverage’

    …Because of what von der Leyen calls the “very strange business behaviour of Gazprom” and the crucial role fossil gas will play for years in Europe’s energy mix, the bloc is increasingly looking to diversify its gas supply.

    “We need to become independent of this and work consistently with reliable gas suppliers,” she told attendees of the conference….

    So stupid. I guess the Commission cannot miss out on the limelight however weak, ‘tarded or illogical their argument is as there are certainly no legal grounds. But then again she was previously a failed German defense minister (CDU), so it does make sense. If you can’t make it at home, go to Brussels.


    1. “Europe is currently amid an energy crisis and suffering historically high electricity prices, primarily driven by high gas prices but Gazprom has “no interest at the moment in increasing supplies to us, despite peak prices and exuberant demand,” von der Leyen told attendees of the Europe 2022 conference.

      “There is growing evidence that the Kremlin continues to use gas supplies as political leverage,” she added.”

      Good thing she wasn’t finance minister. She shows no sign of grasping economics. Let’s see if we can put it in context. Imagine you’re a gas-supplying country; let’s call you…’R’. Just a little while ago, your buyer, let’s call her ‘E’, made a mistake – owing to its brightest leaders being unable to forecast yesterday’s weather today – and underestimated (a) how cold it would be (b) for how long, and (c) how much gas she would use. Got all that? All right. Your choices are (1) increase supplies of gas to ‘E’, who is using economic sanctions against you to try to damage your economy, and make lots of money based on volume sales even though the price is reduced; or, (2) stick to your contracted minimum or close to it, and make the same amount of money based on high prices, plus keep more gas volume for yourself which you can sell to someone else for more money. What did you pick? Wow – you’re good at this. Better than ‘E’.

      “We need to become independent from this”. So simple; I’m getting angry – why did nobody think of this before? All we need to do is drill gas holes in Germany, or France, or Poland, and get lots of our own gas. What??!! They don’t have any? All we got is a lot of holes in the dirt!?

      Ursichka, everyone has already thought of this. And you are still buying gas from Russia. Why? Because it’s cheap, and because they have lots of it. It’s expensive now, yes, but that’s because you fucked up and didn’t buy enough, and now you are low on supply but high in demand. Remember how that equation works? Of course if you had another supplier, you would have alternatives. But you haven’t. Perhaps you could develop one; say, by building hundreds and hundreds of LNG terminals so that ships could bring you American gas in ships! Oh; but then Russia would simply increase its supplies and bring the prices down, and American ships would go to Asia instead, where they can get higher prices. Or, how about this? You could continue to buy expensive American gas, the prices would stay high because the costs are high, and Russian tankers would supply LNG to Asia where they could make good money in addition to what they are selling you through pipelines because the prices are high, and Russians don’t have to travel very far to get to Asia so their costs are less.

      Europe does any number of studies and holds any number of meetings of high-level officials to debate how to diversify energy supplies. Yet every year or two, some brilliant and self-starting European Einstein comes up with the Eureka solution – we need to become more independent. Well, then, go on! Import from someone else! What are you waiting for – you know what to do!

      “Gazprom uses its market power by influencing prices through the amount of gas that it supplies to Europe,” energy expert Georg Zachmann from the Brussels-based Bruegel think tank told DW.”

      You know how to stop them from doing that, George? Pay attention, now, because I don’t let this out to everyone…WRITE IT INTO THE CONTRACT THAT IF YOU NEED HIGHER VOLUMES, THEY WILL BE SUPPLIED AT THE SAME PRICE! You used to have that, it was called a ‘long-term contract’, but Europe whined that it did not like long-term contracts, they did not sound progressive. Europe wanted lace panties. No, wait; that was somebody else. I remember: Europe wanted the spot market, and hub pricing – Europe had been in the market since forever, and would outsmart those Russian clods six ways from Sunday. It would buy exactly what it needed, to the teaspoon, and no more, and would get it at the cheapest prices into the bargain.

      Gas prices this winter have told a different tale. Europe signed the contract which specified Russia must send a minimum of this much gas to Europe over that time period. And that’s what it did. To the letter. And now that looks nefarious, like a sinister plot. Next time, think a bit before you sign on the line. What will happen if I need to depend on the people I spit on every day, and revile as the enemy, to bail me out of a jam?


      1. Her complaint is not that Gazprom is unreliable as a supplier, but that it will not let the customer run the business as they are accustomed to in Europe. After all, in Europe if you do not like the way an entity does business you simply go somewhere else. And they would like to do that, but they can’t. Alternatively, Europe would like to directly approach other gas companies in Russia, and then make them compete for European business, set them loyalty tests and so forth to force the price down. But they can’t do that, either. As is customary for the west, when tried and true models they have used and evolved to bring the market into line with their liking do not work, they say you are a barbarian who does not understand civilized business methods.


  58. Arschloch!

    Scholz announced joint actions of Germany and the United States in the event of an “invasion of the Ukraine”

    “As I said, we are working together. We are absolutely united and will not take different steps”, he said. Scholz CNN.

    According to him, these measures will be very difficult for Russia.

    Previously, US President Joe Biden said that in the event of a hypothetical “Russian invasion of Ukraine,” the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be “put to an end.”

    Thus said the president of the power that occupies Germany.


    1. I recall how, a year ago, Biden stated that Russia would suffer severe consequences if Navalny were to die in prison.

      A year has passed, the bastard is still alive and well, as far as I know, in a “concentration camp”, and nothing more has been heard of this matter from Biden et al.


      1. By the way, the Bullshitter is to appear In mid-February in court, where two Navalny cases are to be considered: his alleged insulting of judge Akimova when last in court and showing off to the crowd, and one of fraud, in which he is accused of stealing and spending 350 million rubles donated by his hamsters to his “Fund”, which “fund” [FBK] is now recognized as an “extremist” organization banned in Russia.

        One commenter to news reports about the Bullshitter’s approaching court appearance has written:

        “So he spent the money of an extremist organization on himself. In other words, he destroyed them, thereby stopping illegal actions to undermine the constitutional order.

        So he’s a hero, right?

        So award him the ‘Order of Hero of Russia’!”


    2. Took them awhile, but they got there in the end, back in the driver’s seat. There is evidently no limit to the self-damage Europe will absorb for its American masters. That should have a salubrious effect on gas prices.

      The United States is not really afraid Russia will invade Ukraine. It is afraid Ukraine will try a military blitz to return the east to its control, and Russia will intervene and prevent it from succeeding. But Zelensky needs a success of some kind;l after all his promise, he has essentially accomplished nothing. Ukraine is still an oligarchy, still poor, still bleeding its population. Zelensky does nothing much but rattle the begging bowl, and anyone could do that.


  59. Putin indicates to Macron that he should fuck off!

    At least, that’s what that two-fingered gesture of Putin means in the UK.

    Two fingers, palm forward, however, is not offensive and can signify victory, peace, contentment.


    1. Look at the body language of the two: French President Micron looks like a child being scolded while Putin is almost leaning in his direction to give the lecture.


  60. 08.02.2022 11:31 321
    Crimean Tatars urge Turkey to accept the status of the peninsula

    Moscow, February 8 – AIF-Moscow.

    The head of the regional national and cultural autonomy of the Crimean Tatars Eyvaz Umerov said that the Turkish authorities need to come to terms with the historical choice of the Crimean people, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to Umerov, the Turkish ruling party needs to follow modern realities and accept that the Crimea is part of Russia. He noted that the Turkish authorities, refusing to recognize [that] the peninsula [is no longer part of the Ukraine], have chosen the tactic of flirting with the Ukraine. Umerov called this a momentary desire for economic gain.

    He also said that the Crimean Tatars will defend the sovereign borders of the Russian Federation and protect the interests of the Russian Crimea from any encroachments.

    Earlier, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara considers it necessary to preserve the territorial integrity of the Ukraine. During his speech at the general political debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, the politician also called for “making more efforts to protect the rights of Crimean Tatars”.

    Which Tatars, according to “the World Community” under the leadership of the USA, suffer human rights abuses whilst under the yoke of Orcish occupiers.


      1. Eyvaz Umerov only has to wear boots or keep his ankles well covered if Mustafa Dzhemilev is all Erdogan can send out. Maybe a basket to return Dzhemilev to his owners would come in handy too. Wuff-wuff!


        1. Ha, ha!! They say he was once a fierce partisan, but I guess that was back when he could still get clothes that fit him. Or perhaps he’s riffing on that power-of-positive-thinking vibe, and believes if he wears the clothes of a grownup he will turn into one.


      2. Turkey puppet: Dhzemilev lobbied against official recognition by the Ukraine of the Turkish attempted genocide of the Armenian people and has attempted to rationalize and downplay the scale of said Ottoman barbarity.


  61. Some Western journalists are getting their knickers in a twist over a phrase that Putin used when speaking of Kiev’s repeated non-implementation of the Minsk agreements:

    “And the president [the Kiev clown] said recently there’s not one item in the Minsk agreements that he likes. ‘Like it or not, my beauty, bear with it’. They must be fulfilled, it won’t work any other way.”

    “Like it or not, my beauty, bear with it” is a fixed Russian expression used, for example, when talking to whinging kids. It rhymes and in Russian is:

    нравится – не нравится, терпи, моя красавица.

    nraveetsya – nye nraveetsya, tyerpee, maya krasaveetsa

    In the West, they say Putin was alluding to rape, sex with an unwilling partner.


    1. Yes, it’s doing the round in ‘we interpret everything Russia says or does in the worst possible way’ Pork Pie News Media. It’s desperate stuff. I wonder if it is a reason for imposing sanctions? Hurt feelings for others or something?


      1. The phrase is full of sexual innuendo!!!!

        Making poor little Ze a sex-object!

        Putin is a toxic male!

        And a paederast!

        And he’s fathered loads of illegitimate children!

        And he has palaces all over Russia!!!

        Christ on a bike! You just couldn’t make all this shit up!


      1. What Putin said is like saying cynically in English to someone, be that person a man or woman, who should undergo something distasteful but necessary: “Just lie back, my dear, and think of England!”

        Sexual innuendo? Demeaning women? Vulgar?


        But I don’t give a fuck.


        1. Call me old-fashioned if you will, but I would say “Bear with me, my beauty!” to a recalcitrant horse, for example, then give the beast a little more coaxing with my riding crop, something that I sometimes have to do when riding around my estate when checking up on my indolent serfs.


  62. Euractiv: Nearly half of Finns would back NATO membership bid if leaders led the way

    According to the survey, 45% would approve of NATO membership if leading politicians recommended such a move to benefit national security…

    …Another poll published by Uutissuomalainen on 4 February shows a significant shift regarding a referendum on NATO membership.

    According to the survey, 43% favour letting parliament decide on the matter, while some 37% would like to see a referendum organised. Among those surveyed, 20% remained undecided…

    Let me fix that headline.

    Despite current high tension less than half of Finns would back NATO membership

    The cup doth not overfloweth. It is less than half full. It is well short of a pair…

    But who would be fool enough to take such an important foreign policy and ram it through without a clear majority and still take the blame for the consequences? What would be considered and acceptable majority, 60 or more?


  63. Ukraine Armed Forces tank exercises counter Biden’s nonsense

    News agency Suspilne [Суспільне] reported that the Ukrainian armed forces engineering, tank units and anti-tank artillery conducted a comprehensive exercise in the “Kherson Region near the annexed Crimea at several training ranges”.

    The MoD clarified that the tanks had been alerted and perfectly repelled a Russian offensive.

    This is all well and good, but, fundamentally, it undermines the claims of Biden personally and the Western media, who swear by their mother that Putin had postponed the offensive because the ground was not frozen hard enough and that tanks would get bogged down.

    Meanwhile, it is warmer in the Kherson Region than in the rest of the Ukraine, except for Transcarpathia, where Russian tanks will not be going — there will be Hungarian tanks there and Russian paratroopers, who will be accepting flowers from the locals.


  64. Politico: Top French minister: Europe shouldn’t be ‘dragged’ into following US on Nord Stream 2

    Bruno Le Maire says ‘the Americans will not have to bear the same consequences of a conflict in Ukraine as the Europeans, especially in terms of energy prices.’

    …”The Americans will not have to bear the same consequences of a conflict in Ukraine as the Europeans, especially in terms of energy prices,” Le Maire said on France Inter. “Let us not be dragged by the Americans to a position that is not that of the Europeans,” he added.

    During German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit Monday to Washington, Biden delivered a clear warning on Nord Stream 2, which runs from Russia to Germany: “We will bring an end to it. I promise you. We will be able to do it.” …

    Is this a Franco-German conspiracy? Scholtz goes to Washington and nods in agreement, €µ goes to Moscow and nods in agreement, Old u-Rope does nothing?

    Will he be fired like the German Admiral Schon(something) for stating the obvious because such a simple argument is no longer hidden from the u-Ropean public? Or do western politicians and their butt-licking corporate media thing the voter is too stupid to draw a conclusion between very large profits by western energy companies and western threats against a major energy producing country?

    But it’s not up to the great unwashed, however f/ked they might be by their politicians who will not suffer the same fate, save possibly not be re-elected (erected?).

    Very cold weather coming next week with plenty of snow expected. €€€ for u-Ropean energy producers again!


  65. Politico: Poland braces for ‘up to a million people’ fleeing war in Ukraine

    Poland has little experience with massive migration waves.

    For all the braying in Warsaw, they’ll get it in the neck too and mostly as a direct consequence of their warmongering on the Ukraine’s behalf.

    I wonder at which point it will penetrate their thick PiStaking skulls.


    1. Another million Ukrainians is a dream for Poland. Their artificially inflated GDP gets another boost as yet more cheap labour comes in that they can pay crap wages to and treat very badly, while simultaneously increasing Polish average wages because more of them will be working on the skilled or office jobs.

      One would assume that the million Ukrainians already in Poland, with an addition of another million stemming from this hypothetical war – is still not close to the millions of Polish who left for the UK, Germany and other EU countries after becoming an EU member.
      Therefore there shouldn’t be much of a housing crisis.


      1. I can see why but I can also see that unlike earlier migrations, it will be much more disruptive.

        Some investments by Germany and others have already gone to lower cost near neighbor labor in the Balkans.

        What will it mean for domestic politics is anybody’s guess but I can’t see it as any kind of smooth more or less trouble free absorption not to mention how many of those Ukrainians would be willing to stay in Poland rather than go to Germany and elsewhere.


  66. I don’t know if I’m imagining it but a thread of ‘Germany needs to be more assertive’ seems to be becoming a refrain amongst the ‘opinionerati’ including some younger Germans. The irony here is that even the lo-land of Po-land wants Berlin to come off the fence.

    Maybe that is what u-Rope needs as it has been floating about the last few decades but for sure those callign for it to do so will regret it not long afterwards (sic Poland, the Balts etc.) or even the moment ‘interests diverge.’

    Is there a temptation to do so? It’s hard to see particularly in Scholtz who is more cautious than a cat on a hot tin roof. I rule out any atlanticist ‘Greens’ because their aims have essentially become mainstream. Without the green outlier, they’re just another political party. I think that is part of the reason why they have dumped their pacificst past for a warmongering one, which is not popular with the party faithful itself.

    Whatever happens, Russia is the catalyst, not the cause. Decisions made three decades or so ago brought us to this point. In u-Rope by neglect and path of least resistance, not intelligence.


    1. I suppose so, if you make it up like Putin’s ‘what can’t be cured must be endured’ spun to mean ‘hold still while I rape you’. At some point or other he very likely said something like “See here; we can’t let you keep doing this” – which, according to modern interpretation, meant “Stand by for a Russian invasion” clear as clear can be.


  67. What does “Yatsenyuk’s wall” look like? Ordinary Ukrainians filmed the border with the Russian Federation. It’s both hilarious and pathetic…

    One of the “projects of the century” in the Ukraine is the “Wall Project”, for which 4 billion hryvnias were allocated in 2014 and which is still under construction. The Ukrainian authorities had managed to convince EU officials that the Ukraine urgently needed to build a “European Rampart” against a “border crossing” by the Russians.

    Russia’s drastic actions in 2014 frightened many, and not only in the Ukraine, so he EU allocated money, of course, for the construction of a defence structure. The media touted the move as a deterrent by European civilisation, represented by the democratic Ukrainians, against the barbaric hordes from the east

    The Wall Project was initially scandalous because after Prime Minister Yatsenyuk’s resignation, an inspection revealed gross violations of the construction of this defence structure.

    NABU (the National Security Agency of the Ukraine, the equivalent of the FBI, which reports directly to the US) immediately found discrepancies between the allocated funds and the work that had been so far completed. The “wall” was only partially-constructed and part of the Russian border was wide open.

    NABU suspected that eight people had misappropriated almost 17 million hryvnias. This is 1% of all the money spent on the project – and that amount was only what the investigation had dug up (or wanted to dig up).

    The very first glance at the fortified border made everyone who saw this engineering marvel laugh. Some of the fencing in the unfinished areas was probably stolen by the locals for their plots of land.

    Each new government has continued to allocate funds to continue building this fence along the border with the Russian Federation, but the funds have always been insufficient and for the time being the goal is been to finish the border fence by 2025.

    Here is how money was allocated for the “European rampart”:

    2015 – UAH 400 million
    2016 – UAH 200 million
    2017 – UAH 200 million
    2018 – 500 million UAH
    2019 – UAH 400 million
    2020 – 400 million UAH

    To date, hysteria about a possible “Russian border crossing” has prompted community activists to go to the border and see what the Wall project actually looks like.

    There are not even any locks on the fence and one can easily enter Russian territory through a gate, and no border guards are visible at all.

    The video speaks for itself.

    Open the link to watch the video.

    It’s a bloody laugh a minute!

    To paraphrase what one bloke says — and he speaks in Russian — he just effs and blinds about what a load of shite the “Wall Project” is, along the lines: “What a fucking waste of time this “wall” is! It’s fucking useless and they’ve spent fucking millions on the fucking thing. And it’s fucking well supposed to stop fucking tanks! Just look at it! It’s fucking pathetic. And look! There’s not even a fucking lock on this gate!”

    He then walks through the gate and says: “Look! I’m in fucking Russia now!”

    What a foul mouthed ignoramus! Does he not realize that this fence is the only thing that safeguards the freedom and democracy that he at present enjoys in Independent Ukraine against the monstrous hordes of barbarians who are ready spring atany moment from their lairs only a few kilometres away to the east in order to ravage and pillage the Ukraine?


    1. Actually, I am very impressed by Ukraine’s progress toward western ideals – already they grasp how to milk the public purse for extravagant amounts to build something that slides a sweet deal to some local contractors (who will be beholden to you for life) and which is as useful as a chocolate teapot in the purpose for which it was designed. Watch this loon loose on the streets of San Diego in a tank, and see if you think a link fence on poles as big around as your wrist would stop it.

      Be sure to note the part where it clips off one of those big steel beams which supported an overhead road sign without even slowing down.

      Yats only pretended to take it seriously – he had a smorgasbord hate for Russia on a chicken-feed budget, and there had to be plenty of opportunities for graft. If you actually spent all the allotted money on the ‘wall’ they might actually have gotten something substantial, but this guy and than guy had to siphon off a few million here, a few million there, and before you know it, there was only enough money left to build this laughingstock. But you’d need something concrete and tall and thick to stand a chance of slowing an armored advance, and even then the first load of sappers would just blow it up, while air cover flew over it. It was always a beyond-silly idea. It wouldn’t keep out fans at an outdoor Judas Priest concert.


      1. I watched the video and couldn’t help but think, just imagine Liz Truss or Christine Lambrecht driving the tank all the way from Germany to Moscow and collecting and dragging behind a stack of traffic signs, speed limit signs and the odd police car or two. Plus maybe a pylon or two of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin after they’ve crashed through it.


    1. And have you noticed the positioning of the coils of barbed wire atop the fence?

      Looks like its there to stop the Yukies from fleeing to Russia rather than hinder the Orcs from climbing over the fence.


        1. Good eye; the angle at the top is supposed to be canted toward the enemy – otherwise he will simply throw a sheet of heavy cardboard or a thick canvas tarpaulin over it and roll on over without much bother.


  68. Are folk in the West really as stupid as “journalists” there apparently think they are, in that they pump out such shite for dullards’ consumption, for dullards they must indeed be if they swallow such hogwash? Or is it only the “journalists” who are the retards? I think not — at least, not in the Ukraine they are not. Those idiots in the above photograph seem to think that fucking around with pieces of wood serves some purpose.


    1. They’re certainly getting their money’s worth out of those wooden guns. Make sure the ‘little lad’ has a good breakfast, Mum! He’ll need it when the Russkies come over the hill, and his real AK that weighs five times as much as his wooden cutout throws him on his ass when he fires it. And if he fires it while holding it the way he is in the picture, it’ll break his wrist and end up ten feet behind him in the snow – it’s a shoulder-controlled weapon, and if you must wring the last ounce of pathos out of the situation, at least teach him how to hold it properly.

      Pretend you’re all driving to the front in a wooden cutout of an APC, why not? You can learn to drive a vehicle by playing with a wooden silhouette just as easily as you can learn to load, handle and fire a gun from playing with a wooden one. But the journalists appear to love the whole concept. Take pictures of it with your wooden camera, you simpletons.


      1. I like the little guy’s helmet. Maybe it should become standard NATO head protection. Russian soldiers will quail at the sight of the pom-poms bobbing on top as NATO troops walk through the trenches.


        1. And the chap in the foreground has rigged up an impromptu sling of green yarn, just in case his totally-representative fake weapon becomes too heavy, and he has to march for miles over hill and dale with it on his back. I wonder if they’re supposed to shout “rat-a-tat-tat!!!” when ‘firing’.


  69. iNews: Russia tells UK to drop ‘pointless’ Ukraine sanctions rhetoric or prepare for ‘short’ meeting in Moscow

    Russian ambassador sounds warning as Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Defence Secretary Ben Wallace prepare to head to Moscow for talks

    …Russia’s ambassador to London, Andrey Kelin, said Moscow was interested in the talks if Britain had constructive proposals to make in response to Moscow’s security demands, Russian news agency Tass reported.

    “If they’re coming to Russia to threaten us again with sanctions then it is fairly pointless: we read everything, see everything, know and hear. In this case, the dialogue and conversation in Moscow will be probably fairly short,” he said…

    Maybe Truss is will go shopping at GUM? Pick up a souvenir or two to make up for the humiliation. As for Wallace, one of those military self-winding watches should be enough to keep him happy.


    1. The stupid, highly educated cow is in Moskva today.

      I wish I could observe her meeting with Mr. Lavrov. He’ll be as diplomatically as nice as ninepence with her, of course, but he’ll give her what for, I’m sure, but the stupid cnut of a British FM probably won’t realize that he is treating her with scorn and perhaps taking the piss out of her and her atrocious, halfwit fellow cabinet ministers and prime minister.


      1. Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia Sergey Lavrov asked that the speech of his British counterpart Liz Truss be translated the into Russian. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

        On Thursday, February 10, negotiations began in Moscow with the participation of Lavrov and British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.

        First, Lavrov began to have the greeting of the British minister translated. However, soon the head of the Russian department interrupted the interpreter.

        “Everyone here understands”, Lavrov said, and continued to listen to Truss.


        Truss, of course, cannot speak Russian, nor any other language for that matter, I suspect, Oxford graduate that she is, to say nothing of her being the British Foreign Minister.

        Lavrov, on the other hand, is fluent in English.

        Lavrov’s father was Armenian, his mother — a Russian.

        At school, Lavrov’s favourite subject was physics and he planned to enter either the National Research Nuclear University or the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, but he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), from where graduated in 1972.

        During his education at the MGIMO, Lavrov studied international relations. Soon he learned Sinhalese, then the only official language of Sri Lanka, as well as Dhivehi, the official language of the Maldives. Moreover, Lavrov learnt English and French, but has stated that he is unable to speak the French language fluently.

        Truss studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford.

        She does not know where the Black Sea is.


        1. Putin can speak English quite well, also, but it is still the practice when English is not one’s mother tongue to use an interpreter. This provides an extra layer of diplomatic protection – if it is to your advantage, you can say there could not have been any misunderstanding because an interpreter translated what you said, verbatim. If you said something you probably shouldn’t have, you can blame it on a translation which was incorrect or out of context.


  70. TAss: US wants Minsk Agreements to be revised — Russian Foreign Ministry

    Maria Zakharova pointed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s remark that the implementation of the Minsk Agreements required “the appropriate sequencing”

    …She pointed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s remark that the implementation of the Minsk Agreements required “the appropriate sequencing.”

    “It is strange how the US is trying to find a sequence in a document where the entire sequence of steps is spelled out for all parties,” Zakharova noted. “Such remarks, and especially their synchronicity, make one thing clear: the US wants the Package of Measures to be revised, which may lead to a collapse of the peace process. All this encourages the Kiev regime to engage in more escapades, first and foremost against their own people, as well as against international law and common sense,” the diplomat stressed.

    The diplomat also mentioned statements by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, who had ruled out providing special status to Donbass and said that dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk was not mandated by the Minsk accords.

    Zakharova emphasized that Kiev’s “US sponsor” encouraged its contempt for the Minsk Agreements. She added that Germany and France were also failing to show an appropriate reaction to the Kiev authorities’ statements…

    Trust us aka Not Agreement Capable.

    That ship has sailed long ago.

    But they want Russia to agree to it so that the USA isn’t seen breaking another international UN agreement to save face and of course, not implement their side.


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