Tell Me How It Is

Uncle Volodya says, “It’s not a moral position if you only hold it when it applies to you.”

Maybe the time has drawn
the faces I recall;
Things in this life change very slowly
if they ever change at all

Eagles. from “Sad Cafe

“Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power.”

C.G. Jung

Everything bad that happens is because of Russia, and when anything good happens in Russia, it’s because they got lucky.

A recent revelation for me was the announcement that the revenue Russia realizes from agricultural exports has surpassed what it earns in arms sales. That was actually announced more than four years ago, but it came to my attention only a short time ago, because of context. I mean, it was fairly common knowledge that the sanctions Europe dutifully imposed on Russia, and the counter-sanctions against imports of European meat and produce, fostered an agricultural renaissance in Russia. But linking it as a moneymaker to exports of weapons really puts it in focus; Russia is now able to exercise more economic clout through farming than through the tools of war. And, as if any of you needed to have it pointed out to you, this peaceful surge in production occurred at a time in history when western pressure expected to make Russia more martial – not less.Hillary Clinton

Given that any positive news from Russia is immediately pissed on by the western media, you might expect reporting which suggests the Russian state merely caught a completely-undeserved lucky break. And you would not be disappointed. The booming farm economy and the profits which accrue to it, Politico will have you know, are due to…good land management, and the weather having a pro-Russian bias.

So if the Kremlin tells you it actually wants the sanctions to continue,  it’s just whistling past the graveyard, because those who say sanctions have not had a serious impact on Russia are lying. I mean, there’s the impossibility of getting good French cheese, and….and….no French cheese, and…well, okay, it’s just cheese, and widespread fakery which leads individuals who presumably were discerning cheese buyers only a couple of years ago to mistake blocks of grease for fine Camembert. Yes, the western obsession with European cheese imports, and their conviction that not being able to buy real Parmesan or Stilton is driving suffering Russians to the edge of madness refuses to die. Washington is determined to believe the sanctions against Russia are a tremendous success.

Well, they’re not.

The Politico reporters correctly point out that Russia overtook the United States in wheat production in 2016, and looked likely also to overtake the EU in 2017 as its own grain crops were devastated by bad weather. Russia does not need to import pork any more, as domestic production has made up for the shortfall and more – Russia is now poised to be a small-scale exporter of pork to China. Good news, though – Russia has completely failed to become self-sufficient in oranges; got you now, you Slavic bastards! The price of oranges shot up 58%! I smell regime change.

Okay, I was being sarcastic. The price of oranges fluctuates wildly based on the eternal law of supply and demand, everywhere. The USA likes to put on airs because it has a couple of states where it is warm enough in winter to grow oranges. But surprise! Orange prices in the USA are subject to the laws of supply and demand. And prices are driven not only by seasonal factors, but by natural disasters such as the fires in Southern California. And the number 2 and 3 global orange exporters – which might come as a surprise to many – are South Africa and Egypt, both comfortably outside the sanctions regimen.

But all that is background. I didn’t really want to talk about oranges, that was just a piece of idiocy from the article that rubbed me the wrong way. What I really wanted to talk about is a core but unacknowledged truth in the west’s endless – but lately more aggressive – attempts to overthrow the government of the Russian Federation, and replace its leader with a compliant western-friendly liberal who will bow to western whimsy, and cease competing on the world stage.

I was reminded of this core truth once again at the sight of US Secretary of Eating Everything Not Fast Enough to Get Away, Mike Pompeo, conferring with Eye of Earthly Wickedness Binyamin Netanyahu, and the former’s rote blathering that upheaval in Iran is because of ‘people seeking freedom’ from the ‘kleptocrats’. And it is this.

The people of Russia – and of Venezuela, and of anywhere else the United States and its western allies decide to go in and cause a big disturbance in an effort to change the government to one which will let them have a free hand – have only the word of the regime-changers that prosperity and peace will be theirs if they only cast down their leader, and loyally serve the hand-picked western replacement.

What does their track record look like? The west overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and took control of the country. The GDP growth last year was -1%, and that was even an improvement over the previous year, when it was -3.8%.

Iraq GDP Annual Growth Rate

Unemployment was 14.8%, the inflation rate was negative and per-capita GDP had declined by every metric. Freedom isn’t free, you know.

How about Libya, another target of the regime-changers? Libya GDP Annual Growth Rate

Growth is sporadic, to put it mildly, again the inflation rate is negative, and unemployment is 17.3%. You probably noticed that massive growth spike right after the government was overthrown, and if you pushed out the viewable period in the Iraq chart, you’d see it there, too. That results from the west conducting an aggressive round of debt forgiveness following its successful conquest, and pouring in money in the short-lived hope of making the country a capitalist paradise.

Ukraine? I’m glad you asked. The growth figures for GDP look pretty respectable.Ukraine GDP Annual Growth Rate

However, in the midst of all this prosperity, the country is running a current account deficit of $651 Million USD, and a trade imbalance of – $1.2 Billion USD. How is that possible? Actually, it’s pretty easy, if you are living on handouts and loans and spending everything you are given. At no point since the Glorious Revolution has GDP growth ever attained what it was in 2010, under Yanukovych. Regular hikes of utility costs in a country where a quarter of the population lives in poverty are all part of the western plan – before the revolution, western whizbang economist Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden, said that generous state subsidies on utilities were making Ukrainian business uncompetitive, and the people lazy about efficiency. Good to see they’ve cleared that up.

Once more; the Russian economy is not only growing, it is hardening against shock from without by increasing domestic productivity and self-reliance. It is accomplishing this in the face of a nasty and deliberate campaign to ruin it. Countries the west has already despoiled and taken over are failing, in spite of western efforts to make them a success. Russia’s resilience is mostly the result of sanctions, and efforts to tell you it is mostly down to luck and good weather are mendacious. Luck and good weather would not have motivated Russia to undergo a revitalizing of its agricultural sector to take it from a net importer to a net exporter without the impetus of sanctions.

But don’t take my word for it. If sanctions are working for the west, and all is unfolding according to Washington’s plan, keep them in place. Although truth be told, it probably would not make much of a difference if they were dropped. Russia would not immediately begin accelerated imports of American pork and poultry, and the precious French cheese it cannot do without.

I know that’s not the popular view. But tell me how it is.

1,503 thoughts on “Tell Me How It Is

    1. Germany already said Russia could complete the remaining portion with divers if it had to, although that would slow things down a great deal and winter would not be the best season for that kind of work. But the pipeline will be completed. The USA will not be able to stop it, and it will have shown a shocking side of itself to anyone in international trade who takes note of the merits of potential partners.



    If the USA can access and confiscate assets of an entity it may wish to subject to sanctions, be it an individual or mega multinational, then obviously care must be taken by said entity to put its stuff beyond the reach of USA psycho claws.

    Other than that, other parties that are (somewhat) practically insulated from or beyond the reach of USA economic thuggery can simply ignore the sanctions as psycho USA horseshit
    It IS that simple.
    Also if USA insists on ANY annoying interference with the business of sovereign nations, reciprocal retaliation could come into play. For example Germany could tell Cruz et al to get USA troops the fuck out of Germany NOW!!! Raus!!! Raus!!!

    If you can take the long way home to avoid a vicious bully…maybe that’s the way to go..sometimes.

    However sometimes you need the baseball bat…


    1. Once again, the most telling action Germany could take would be to press for the relaxation of European sanctions against Russia. Even if that resulted in no noticeable market-transactional improvement, as it would not likely do right away, it would still be a powerful repudiation of US interference and leave the USA holding the sanctions bag all alone. Well, except for Canada and Australia and maybe a couple of other American skin tags.


      1. The EU rolled over anti-Russia sanctions for another six months only last week. I don’t see Jermany even risking to to go out of step with the EU until mid-2020 even though gas talks with the Ukraine have borne fruit. I guess that will be the real test considering that it was µ€ who broke EU ranks first. Germany won’t want to go it alone…


  2. Based on:

    Were Russia to simply shut off ALL gas flow thru Ukraine, the latter would blink -along with a collective pant shit by Western EU nations. Russia needs to stop mucking around with these MFs bcuz Psychos WILL continue their madness without end unless muzzled and restrained. And discussions about Crimea?? Seriously? There is nothing to discuss. It’s part of Russia. End of story.


    1. Pride goeth before a fall. Washington is proud of itself, but a day will come when it will count the cost, and mutter, “What the fuck was I thinking?” It was not ever going to actually interrupt, and then seize for itself, Russia’s share of the European gas market – that was just another example of its addled belief in exceptionalism and its ability to overcome any and all limiting factors, including distance and capacity. What it HAS done is reveal itself as a petulant global child who will break anything that does not please it, and therefore a dangerous and unpredictable business partner.


        1. That episode was one of the most chilling in the run in my opinion. There was a remake in which a baby girl is born with apparently similar powers. She is raised nicely and the town is rejoicing that she will finally free them from the kid’s tyranny. Nope, she realizes that her power is too much for the little town and she takes over the world (IIRC).

          In that era, television shows seemed less adverse to showing the darker/cowardly side of ordinary people – we were less exceptional than now. Progress baby!


  3. @ Yalensis: Actually that’s the bayonet on the potato-masher guy’s rifle which he has slung over his shoulder.

    Sorry to spoil your fun.


    1. Don’t know what happened there but the comment should have been appended to Moscow Exile’s sub-thread on Soviet and Chinese Communist posters.

      Oh well, maybe start a new sub-thread on Chinese Communist posters.

      Bullet ballet:

      “Work hard on the skills of fighting the enemy, constantly prepare for war.”

      Even children were catered for:


      1. I was teaching online a lovely Chinese woman until quite recently. Sadly, she has changed employer and I no longer see her. She had two delightful little boys, whose heads used to suddenly pop up on the screen as they said to me: “Hello, Dennis!”

        And no, they did not say: “Harrow, Dennis!”



        1. P.S. – I like that bullet ballet quite a lot! This should become an Olympic sport.
          The dancer has to stand en pointe at least as long as Aurora in Sleeping Beauty.
          But shooting into, and taking down, a suitor instead of accepting a rose!


        2. Here’s one poster where the doggy not only went up into space but actually also went exploring and helped to find all those sugar-candy coloured rocks with unpronounceable names like unfairyflossium and uncheetopuffium that US Space Forces would kill for if they knew what the kids had done.


  4. Thus spake the official Washington arsehole in Germany:

    The American Ambassador in Berlin Richard Grenell, about whom it has already been requested in Germany that he be recognized as persona non grata because of his repeated attacks against the German leadership, has said that the sanctions imposed by Washington against the pipeline “Nord Stream-2” had been introduced in the interests of the EU and many countries of Europe are grateful for them.

    “Seriously: from 15 European countries, the European Commission and the European Parliament have all expressed their concerns about the project. We have long heard from our European partners that the United States should support their efforts. Therefore, sanctions represent a very Pro-European solution”, said Grenell to the publication Bild am Sonntag. [A German arsewipe publication of the first magnitude — ME]

    According to him, European diplomats have allegedly already repeatedly expressed their gratitude for the measures taken by Washington.

    Recall that the United States, which from time to time has opposed the emergence in Europe of a strong competitor for its gas, imposed sanctions against the pipelines “Nord Stream-2” and “Turkish Stream”, requiring that the companies involved in their laying immediately stop construction. In response, the German government has said it “rejects such extraterritorial sanctions” directed “against German and European companies.



  5. 22 December: the Winter Solstice, when in the Northern Hemisphere the length of daylight reaches its minimum.

    Today in Moskva there will be only 6 hours and 52 minutes of daylight, but this daylight time will seemingly be shorter because of the heavily overcast sky. Sunset is expected about 15:30, but soon the nights will become shorter — first for a minute a day, and then faster and faster.

    And it’s a miserable plus 3°C as I write. On this day 7 years ago, we had a record low of minus 18°C!

    Winter! Where are you???


    1. We luxuriate in 6 hours 59 minutes between sunup 0846 and sunset 1545. And cloud cover total.

      General Winter is matched by Field Marshal Dreich (where the ch = x as in loch) for instilling terror. And Vitamin D deficiency.


  6. Just two events that occurred during Saturday night have turned into one of the main news stories in recent months and years: Russia, the Ukraine and the European Commission signed a trilateral agreement on the transit of gas over the coming years from Russia to the EU via the Ukrainian GTS, and President Trump signed a law on the defence budget, in which US parliamentarians have written separate clauses concerning sanctions against companies involved in the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream – 2″…

    If anyone has forgotten, allow me to remind you that Vladimir Putin has never talked about the categorical refusal as regards the transit to Europe via the Ukraine of Russian gas. Always, he has only stressed that it is a question exclusively of a commercial nature, without any political overtones, and that such transit be carried out on favourable terms. Vice-Premier of the Russian government Dmitry Kozak has said about the new contract to be signed before the New Year that he parties had agreed on favourable terms. In addition to this, the Ukrainian side said that “Gazprom” had agreed to pay “Naftogaz” $3 billion, according to the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. So, can the Ukraine celebrate a “victory”?

    So far, only Kiev has stated this figure of $3 billion. On the Russian side, there has been no confirmation of this yet, but even if the Kiev figure is correct, I do not see much reason to celebrate “victory”, for if Russia has paid this money to the Ukraine ($2.6 billion + penalties), then the Ukraine is obliged to return $4.5 billion to Russia (3 billion Eurobonds + penalties). The balance is not in favour of Kiev. In addition, the Ukraine has pledged to stop all legal disputes on gas issues. Yes, in one case there is a dispute between economic entities, and in a second case there is a dispute about sovereign debt. However, since both Naftogaz and Gazprom are budget-forming state companies, to a certain extent this difference in debt statuses is leveled.

    Now on transit. There is no denying that for Russia it is not only important but necessary to transit gas through the Ukraine at the moment, since under long-term contracts with Europe, Gazprom is obliged to supply the volumes of gas stipulated in them, regardless of the circumstances. Otherwise, the Russian company would have to pay heavy fines and penalties. By concluding the contract, Gazprom has once again proved its reliability as a supplier, which, by the way, was has already been emphasized by the European Commission following the negotiations.

    The only thing currently known about the transit contract is that it has been concluded not for 10 years as Kiev had wanted, but for 5 years. Apparently, a longer term is not relevant, chiefly because of complete uncertainty about the future of the Ukraine — by the way, in the next few days Kiev is likely to start an active struggle against the agreements already reached, and if something threatens them at the moment, it is only Ukrainian instability. According to data received from the Russian company, the volume of transit through the Ukraine next year will be about 65 billion cubic metres. This is certainly a very significant figure, but it is significantly less than the 90 billion cubic metres pumped through the Ukrainian GTS in 2017. In 2021-2024, the annual transit volume will drop to 40 billion cubic metres. This volume allows the Ukrainian GTS to operate at a plus rather than a minus, but Kiev will not receive any significant financial gain through it.

    By the way, a certain demand for Ukrainian transit will remain after the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline has reached its design capacity, as European gas demand grows annually and a number of fields operated in the EU countries are decommissioned in the coming years. As for NS-2 itself, by the time the sanctions are imposed, less than 50 kilometres will have been left on one pipeline and about 70 kilometres on the other. Even if the Swiss company gathers up its belongings, Russian pipe-laying ships will finish the job, and even though they lay pipes 3 times slower, they have absolute immunity from American sanctions. One of them is now located in the area of Indonesia, and the second pipe-laying ship, “Fortuna”, which, by the way, has already participated in the implementation of “NS-2”, is in a German port and is ready to start working within a few days. [My stress! See that Finnish troll? — ME]

    So, by and large, the question is only one of time. But in any case “SP-2” will be completed in terms of installation, testing and commissioning, and can be put into operation, at most, at the end of the first half of 2020.



      1. Where’s my pony ME?

        Continuing from the last page (which I have not looked at before this post), has Russia abrogated the Ukraine’s debt, ergo $3b Stockholm debt + 3$b Yanukovic debt = ~$6b total which the Ukraine is not claiming? Is it offset or is Russia happy for Kiev to say any old shit publicly regardless of the actual facts?


      2. You did, but in this instance you began your italicization with the ‘close italics’ symbol . So only a small portion of it was italicized. But you often do it correctly and it comes out without italics. I go in to fix it and the coding is correct. I remove it and insert my own coding, exactly the same, and it works.


    1. Even if Russia is able to finish the pipeline by itself Russia cannot rule out the US using dirty tricks, even terrorism and sabotage, to stop the project. Russia better use their military ships to protect and guard those pipe-laying vessels when they get to work.


      1. I really really doubt that the US military will attack overtly or covertly. The US already announced that it will sanction other Russian energy projects if North Stream is placed in operation.


      2. I don’t imagine that will be necessary. Be pretty hard to argue then that they were not acting solely in their own interests, wouldn’t it? It would make a hell of a thriller novel, though – the pipeline is on the seabed, so any American efforts to tamper with it would probably have to be from underwater. A submarine has no business being there, so its mission would have to be super-secret and plausibly deniable. And in that scenario, if it simply disappeared, the Americans would have to just proceed as if it never existed. There you go, Karl; a great book idea, you should write it. But I want 20%; 30% if I have to proofread it before publication to take out all the rhapsodizing about freedom and democracy, and rewrite the ending where the Americans blow up the pipeline and miraculously escape, sailing home to a ticker-tape parade and leaving Putin with angry tears running down his face.

        Bulgaria is an instructive example here. Remember when it stopped South Stream in its tracks, and was the hero of America and the EU? And Bulgaria strutted and swaggered, and was pretty proud of itself while it waited for the rewards of its bravery. And then the USA built them a Middle School or a new fence or something, I forget, and there were lots of ‘well done, old chap!’ compliments, and…and then that was it. Bulgaria did not become everyone’s preferred business partner and the destination of enormous foreign investment. And then, gradually, everybody stopped talking about what a great and brave thing Bulgaria did, and it just sort of sat there with its mouth half-open, trying to take in how skillfully it had been creampied, and evidently all for nothing.

        And eventually, Bulgaria repented, and went back to Russia and Putin, cap in hand. And Russia received it warmly, like a brother who fell in with a bad crowd but was not really, at heart, bad himself. It did not say that Bulgaria must prove itself by repudiating its former friends. It seemed willing to let bygones be just that.

        It is not even too much of a stretch to imagine that might one day be Ukraine as well, although it certainly could not be under the current conditions. The nationalists would have to be purged, hard. And there would have to be a completely new political administration. But there’s time, and lots of it. The west is not going to make a prosperous paradise of Ukraine, it is only interested in stripping it of anything of value, and in the meantime it will go down and down, because nobody wants to put any money into it. Except, ahem; Russia.


    2. And as predicted above:

      by the way, in the next few days Kiev is likely to start an active struggle against the agreements already reached

      Партия Порошенко инициирует санкции против поставок газа из России
      22.12.2019 | 22:12

      Party Poroshenko initiates sanctions against the supply of gas from Russia

      The faction of “European solidarity” in the Ukrainian Parliament initiates sanctions against the Russian gas supplies directly, reports RIA “Novosti”.

      As stated by the ex-President and leader of the faction of Petro Poroshenko, the political force will require the convening of the national security Council on this issue, and “implementation of sanctions” against the gas supplies from Russia

      In the best interests of Banderastan?

      Or of the Exceptional Nation?


        1. The only place where Porky will keep his head down is in a trough full of truffles … paid for by North American and European taxpayers through the IMF.


        2. The people who elected Zelensky expected him to put Porky behind bars. But, surprise surprise, Zel is a wimp who couldn’t bring himself to buck his American overlords.
          Said Overlords like Porky and want to keep him around, as the new leader of the Opps, with hope he gets back into power some day.
          Porky is the Ukrainian version of Saakashvili, there is simply no getting rid of him!


      1. What if Germany, angered by American high-handedness, decided to move away from the US dollar. Could that happen?

        It could. Analysts caution that it would be unwise for Washington to laugh at efforts by nations to make themselves less dependent on the dollar, because it also makes those nations less susceptible to American sanctions. The world outside America is getting fed up with the USA’s sanctions-happy punishments, which have mushroomed from 5 targeted countries at the start of the George W. Bush administration to 22 targeted countries at the end of 2018.

        One of the ways Russia has hardened its economy against American tampering is in increasing its use and accumulation of gold as a hedge, which is immune to ‘freezing’ by the USA, so long as the gold is held in Russian vaults. That’s the key, and momentum is slowly gathering in other countries. Hungary repatriated all its gold from the Bank of England in October of this year, and increased its holdings tenfold as well. Romania has submitted a bill to parliament which mandates that only 5% of the country’s gold can be stored abroad. Currently about 60% of its 103 tonnes is stored at the Bank of England. In 2017 Germany repatriated around $31 Billion worth of gold which had been stored in New York and Paris. This week, Poland and Slovakia called for a return of their gold, which is being held by, you guessed it, the Bank of England. The lesson of Venezuela’s stolen gold was not lost on anyone, and the less foreign gold the Bank of England has in its vaults, the less useful it is to Washington and its ‘freeze’ orders.

        Germany was chafing at US bullying back in 2018, and talking up policies to pull away from the US dollar. Would this latest example of American meddling make them more, or less inclined to pursue financial policies which did not include the United States as a partner, do you think?


    1. They were playing it in our local supermarket this afternoon.

      In English, not in Russian. No one, I am sure, has a clue in our supermarket what the words are about. Furthermore, Christmas here is still a fortnight off.


    1. Don’t know WTF is going on. RT links that I myself post on KS, once posted…I can’t get them to connect!!! Does this RT link I just posted work for any of you guys?


    1. A more dangerous and insidious takeover of culture occurred when the Siberian Guitarist was infiltrated:

      The long arm (and nimble fingers ) of the KGB.



    Oh look! Under Russian flag. So is the USN navy thinking of sinking it?

    Position Received: 2019-12-22 18:31 UTC
    10 minutes ago

    42.79881° / 132.8823°

    Near Vladivostok

    Incapable of laying 50 kms of pipeline?

    If the Swiss Allseas, which owns Pioneering Spirit and Solitare, decides to stop work on Nord stream-2 in connection with U.S. sanctions, the work to be completed TUBES Fortuna

    Now in the Baltic.

    Russians don’t have the know-how. The dullards must rely on the West for everything … because Russians are weeeeeeak!!!!


    1. Idlib province is close to Aleppo (it’s just southwest of the city) and for years Aleppo had been the largest city and the major industrial centre in Syria, and consequently it’s a main node in Syria’s communications and transport networks. So securing Idlib is the major focus.

      The map also shows how close Idlib province is to the Syrian coast and to Latakia (the major port city) and Tartus.

      The areas where Syria’s oil fields are located are mostly desert.


  8. The Shining City on the Hill has a PR problem.

    The longest-running measure of alienation in American life is the Harris Poll’s Alienation Index, which has been calculated annually for more than 50 years. It’s a simple survey that asks whether respondents agree with these five statements:

    What you think doesn’t count very much anymore.

    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    Most people with power try to take advantage of people like yourself.

    The people running the country don’t really care what happens to you.

    You’re left out of things going on around you.

    Harris then averages the rates of agreement to reach an index, which is a rough proxy for how included Americans feel in their country and their communities. In 1998, a year after the “Birth of a Digital Nation,” was published, the score was 56%. In 2008, as the platforms became dominant, it was 58%. Last year, it was 69%, the highest it’s ever been. (The lowest level, 29%, came in the Alienation Index’s first year, 1966, the same year HP began selling the 2116A — its first computer.)

    The article is too woke for my taste but the Harris Poll results was telling about the crumbling US culture.


    1. Yes, Lawdy, Ari Fleischer, who now thinks American politics needs to focus on the American people. But I remember a time when Ari Fleischer thought that the American people needed to watch what they said, and what they did, because there was a new sheriff in town and his name was George W. Bush.

      He’s right that the stupid impeachment blunder was a huge mistake for Pelosi, she just completely blew her wheels – what did she think, that Trump would resign in terror? He now says he wants a trial, probably because he knows the Democrats realize they shit the bed and have no intention of carrying it through, because it would just be a big waste of time.

      But you don’t need to be a FOX News consultant and former Presidential Press Secretary to see that.


    1. One thing Russia should make more noise out of, particularly to the morons in the baltic states and Poland – is that Lithuania has a much higher suicide rate, and a high usage of alcohol/alcoholism problem compared to Russia.

      Both statistics on alcohol and suicides would have been unthinkable when Putin took over in 2000, when Lithuania entered the EU in 2004 , or even in 2010.

      Lithuania, of course, has the least % of Russians than any other Baltic state. Important because those stats help to largely disintegrate any stupid, negative inferences they have tried to make about Russians and Russia over the last few years.


    1. That photo blurry enough, do you think? Did someone take that photo from inside their T-shirt? And Bellingcat – if they did not exist, it would be necessary to invent them. What’s not to like about a ‘citizen analysis group’ to whom you can leak your speculations and then say they discovered it?


    1. That picture above was taken when they had just started laying. The location is in the Gulf of Finland. They had only 50 kms to lay when they ran away scared, after having received threats from a big-mouthed gobshite in the US Senate. Bear in mind, big-mouthed gobshites in that place are not noticeable by their absence.


    2. Nobody whose project does not first get the a stamp of approval from Washington. That might open up a whole new lobbying industry – agents who will pre-clear your project with the Americans so that you have a sanctions-free promise before you start.


  9. More potential trouble for NS2:

    “According to S&P Global Platts Analytics, Nord Stream 2 would have to seek alternative vessels and contractors to complete the remaining section of pipe in Danish waters if the sanctions are enacted.

    “While the most challenging parts of Nord Stream 2 have been laid in water depths of around 200 meters, the remaining section in Danish waters at 90 meters depth remains complicated,” it said.

    Russian companies operate capable offshore pipe-lay vessels, which have completed projects in challenging Arctic conditions, including the MRTS Defender, which worked on the offshore stretch of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta pipeline.

    Platts Analytics believes MRTS Fortuna could be used to complete Nord Stream 2, but is capable of laying just 1 km/d.

    A further obstacle, according to Platts Analytics, is that the Danish permit application states that it is assumed that the vessels used to complete the Danish section will have dynamic positioning capabilities (such as those of the Allseas vessels) which are not present on MRTS Fortuna.

    A Russian pipelaying vessel that already has dynamic positioning capabilities, Akademik Cherskiy, could be used, but it would take up to two months to arrive to Danish waters as it is currently stationed in Russia’s Far East.”


    1. It is surprising that the Gazprom management didn’t prepare for this situation! If this article is correct the only Russian vessel that can be used to finish the project is currently stationed in Vladivostok, and it will take about two months for it to arrive to Danish waters.

      The sanction threat has been looming for months, but it seems that Gazprom did not prepare for it in any meaningful way.

      I would be pleasantly surprised if this project is finished in 2020.


      1. Karl, this is no attitude for the Christmas season – don’t be so dour and pessimistic. It takes two years to build a specialized ship, at a minimum, and that’s just a regular design like an LNG tanker – should Gazprom have built two or three, only to have the Americans laugh and not impose sanctions? Then you would have chuckled ruefully over how foolish Gazprom was to waste its money; there’s no pleasing you. Only two days ago you were moaning over how the entirety of the funds spent so far would be wasted; the pipeline could not be completed, America is just too strong. You can go back and look. Now it looks as if it can be completed, just the remainder will be done at about a third the speed it could have been. But the money which would have gone to Allseas will be saved, and really there’s no hurry now; they have 5 years if they need it. In 2 months the worst of the winter weather should be over, and any further slowdowns between now and completion can be blamed on the Americans, whose fault of course it is. It would have been done now but for American pressure on Denmark to hold out.

        I wouldn’t say it couldn’t have turned out better, but all things considered the results are not that bad for Russia and not very good for the USA, which has incurred a lot of resentment and ill-will in exchange for really nothing. It is not going to stop the pipeline from completing, but it has made a lot of enemies, and even the Poles have stopped yapping and do not appear to be celebrating too loudly, lest they anger other Europeans.


    2. ““While the most challenging parts of Nord Stream 2 have been laid in water depths of around 200 meters, the remaining section in Danish waters at 90 meters depth remains complicated,” it said.”

      Norwegian divers welded pipelines at 900 meters depth… (And, yes they had some problems).

      90 meters is now a problem?


    3. Let me guess – the United States has threatened to confiscate the assets in the USA of any company which sells dynamic-positioning systems to the Soviets (oops! I mean the Russians!), and so now they will have to develop the technology themselves. Why not just threaten to slap sanctions on anyone giving ‘aid and comfort’ to the Russians? I mean, they’re the enemy, right? Right?? So nobody sell them boots or warm clothes, or anything. See how they like laying pipe in their skivvies, barefoot.

      Say, I’ll bet that attitude is good for market share for the remaining American businesses still operating in Russia. And speaking of that, here’s another example – gosh, there are so many – of America’s love affair with sanctions; CAATSA, the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. According to an analyst at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, it’s a failure, because it did not prevent Turkey from buying the S-400 system from Russia when they were supposed to buy the Patriot from the USA, or prevent Egypt from buying the Sukhoi S-35 from Russia when they were meant to buy the F-35. Oh, but they were frustrated in that because Israel did not want them to have it. Washington never misses an opportunity to show Israel it still loves it despite all the actions Israel makes it take against its own best interests.

      “Egypt turned to Moscow for the Su-35 aircraft after being frustrated in repeated attempts to get a foothold in the F-35 program, a move closely watched in Israel, which remains the only country in the region to receive the fifth-generation aircraft.”

      America threatened Egypt with – you guessed it – sanctions if it continued with plans to buy Russian fighters worth $2 Billion in sales, but Egypt basically ignored them, only not laughing because it would be impolite to laugh.

      “The Egyptian leadership views the US threats as not credible, based on a long history of Egyptian/US relations where the US has made threats and even withheld assistance, but in the end has always capitulated,” said Andrew Miller, who was director for Egypt and Israel military issues in the Obama administration’s National Security Council.”

      Egypt also bought the two MISTRAL class light assault carriers that Washington made France cancel the sale of when Russia had already paid a security deposit, which had to be returned. Egypt quickly purchased helicopters from Russia to outfit its new ships.

      In fact, America seems to be losing its grip on the Middle East and Africa. And its newly-discovered and somewhat childlike faith in sanctions as a cure-all is ruining its traditional alliances and eroding its global reach. Much less-powerful countries now routinely ignore its threats to impose sanctions and more sanctions. The fewer foreign businesses interested in locating significant assets in the United States – so as to prevent their being seized in a fit of pique – the less influence Washington can bring to bear through sanctions. Its most loyal toady, the UK, will soon no longer be a part of the EU, while nations jostle one another in eagerness to get their gold back from the Bank of England where the United States cannot slap a ‘hold’ order on it through its devoted proxies.


  10. Russian dolts just don’t have the technology, isn’t that right …?

    From the Finnish naysayer:

    In retrospect the biggest mistake Russia did was to start the Nord Stream 2 project without possessing the technology to complete the project and relying on the Western technology. This made Nord Stream 2 and Russia vulnerable for the sanctions and this vulnerability was exploited.

    Will Russia learn and not start any major project in the future without having the means to complete the project itself without relying on the West? I doubt it.

    Russia has ships to complete Nord Stream 2 pipeline without European help
    23 Dec, 2019 11:27 / Updated 41 minutes ago

    Yes, they hired the biggest and probably best pipelayer to do the job: who could blame them for that?

    But they dropped a right bollock in choosing such shit, lily-livered firm ashas Allseas turned out to be.

    Who in their right minds would hire Allseas now?


    1. As mentioned earlier, commercial contracts normally include provisions for frustration – supervening illegality can prevent performance of obligations contracted under different circumstances and no one would expect a company to commit suicide. It’s just a business problem. But a business problem which, as Mark states, leaves the instigator – the USA – diminished by its own actions.


      1. Every contract has Force Majeure provisions to address factors beyond the control of the supplier. The list includes of acts of God (weather, for example), civil unrest, labor disputes, etc. “US sanctions” need to be added.


  11. The first train travelling between St. Petersburg and Sevastopol (№ 7/8) has departed from the Moskovskiy railway station. The journey will take 43 hours and 25 minutes. It is scheduled to arrive in Sevastopol on December 25 at 9:25 am (Moscow time). The train will pass over the Crimea Bridge on December 25 between 2:10-2:30 am (Moscow time). A ticket for the St. Petersburg-Sevastopol train costs 3,500 rubles ($56).

    Merry Christmas, Banderites!


  12. According to ME they were within 50 kilometers of landfall. According to Karl the replacement vessel can lay pipe at a 1km/day rate. The resulting calculation isn’t rocket science mathematics. Ribbons will be cut and valves will be turned on in a few months to the clink of vodka and champagne glasses.


    1. Two pipelines are being laid in parallel. One line , if I rightly recall, has 50 kms left to be laid, the other 75 kms. The Russian pipelayers, again if I rightly recall, lay at one third of the speed as did the Allseas vessel. The Russians are also aware of the geopositioning requirement that the Danes may impose. Only one Russian pipelayer, the one at present in the Far East, has this capability.

      from here

      “Pioneering Spirit” and” Solitaire” crossed the border of Swedish and Danish waters on 27 and 28 November, respectively, since which time the former has covered 89 km, the latter — a little less than 70 km, i.e. they move at a speed of 3.5–4.5 km per day. This means that they should be able to complete the construction within a month. But maintaining this momentum depends on the weather conditions.

      There was only 1 month’s worth of laying left when Allseas fucked off.

      The Russians are seemingly, from the troll’s point of view, faced with such insurmountable odds that he is coming in his pants. They’ll never finish the job.

      Like when they said they would never finish that bridge, across the petersburg-Simferopol train crosses for the first time this coming Christmas Day?


      1. Update:

        До окончания строительства морского участка СП-2 остается всего 150 километров…

        Only 150 kilometers remain until the construction of the offshore section of NS-2 is completed…



        1. From same source as above, namely Moskovskiy Komsomolets:

          According to a representative of one of the contractors involved in the creation of the offshore section of “Nord Stream – 2”, Gazprom began to insure against sanctions against companies involved in laying the pipeline in October. The Fortuna pipe-laying barge, built in 2010 at a Russian shipyard and later upgraded at Chinese shipyards, has been used. This vessel has been based for about two months in the German port of Mukran, where the pipes required for the gas pipeline construction are shipped.

          According to an MK interlocutor who wished to remain anonymous, despite the fact that Fortuna is the most powerful domestic vessel in its class, it is unlikely that it can fully replace Allseas pipelayers. “Fortuna” is able to do such works, but the speed of the project will be slowed down. “Fortuna specializes in laying infield and linear pipelines on land, while Gazprom charters vessels with foreign registration for offshore sections.

          At the same time, Fortuna has experience working in deep water areas. As part of the Sakhalin-3 project, the barge was deploying an underwater production facility in the Kirinskoye field at a depth of 100 meters. The depth of the sea in the Danish section of the NS-2, which remains to be completed by Gazprom, does not exceed this mark, while Fortuna has a depth limit of 200 meters”, explains the MK interlocutor.

          Yeah, according to the Troll:

          it is surprising that the Gazprom management didn’t prepare for this situation! If this article is correct the only Russian vessel that can be used to finish the project is currently stationed in Vladivostok, and it will take about two months for it to arrive to Danish waters.

          The sanction threat has been looming for months, but it seems that Gazprom did not prepare for it in any meaningful way.

          I would be pleasantly surprised if this project is finished in 2020.

          For “pleasantly surprised” above, read: “bitterly disappointed”.


      1. The article suggested that the bridge crew knew they were in trouble over 3 minutes before the collision. Was a “collision” alarm or equal sounded to give those sailors a chance to escape?


    1. I see a parallel between the circumstances that led to the John S McCain collision and those that resulted in the crashes of the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX passenger jets. In both sets of accidents, technology had been introduced in such a way as to try to save money, with the result that operators either were poorly trained or their training was deliberately rushed or insufficient, and the technology itself was causing the ship or the planes to move in extreme directions (which in itself suggests the technology was a poor or a crude fit for the requirements demanded of it).

      The US Navy personnel operating the John S McCain were dealing with technology that they were not only inadequately trained in (and what training they did have appears to have been rushed) but also technology that itself was problematic in steering the ship and navigating through the Strait of Malacca (which is not only very narrow but also very busy). The article states that even senior US Navy personnel found the technology hard to understand, let alone realise it might be having glitches.

      It would seem that a reliance on touchscreen steering to the exclusion of manual or partly manual steering (or not using an appropriate emergency backup steering system), to the extent that bridge crews with members having superficial training in manual or semi-manual steering and navigation are allowed to operate large ships, must have been approved at some high level in the US Navy. If so, that was an incredibly stupid policy decision.


      1. Yup!!!

        Your drawing analogy between the two circumstances wherein the human operators were unable to wrest control from either a plane’s ‘out of control’ MCAS mediated avionics or a ships malfunctioning cyber enhanced navigation control system is EXACTLY what I had in mind.


        1. I hate to pour cold water on their theory, but I regularly steer through Active Pass driving a Spirit-class vessel which is 550 feet long and weighs 11,650 tons (rounded off). This is Active Pass.

          BC Ferry in Active Pass, between Mayne Island and Galiano Island, Gulf Islands, Georgia Strait, British Columbia, Canada

          Two Spirit class vessels pass abreast, going in opposite directions, inside this restricted waterway, which has strong currents and eddies at any time but slack water, and they do it at around 20 knots, eight times a day. Helmsman is a duty of any seaman who has a bridge watch qualification, and that often includes deckhands who are in their first year of service. There are typically 5 people on the bridge during the transit: the helmsman, the Captain, the second and third officers and a lookout. The vessel in the photo is a Coastal class (I think, it’s pretty blurry), a little smaller than a Spirit. During the winter months, the last three transits will probably be in darkness.

          The helmsman’s position which was added in the last refit is similar to the one featured on the JOHN MCCAIN. Not quite as many bells and whistles, and it’s a single screen rather than a double. But there’s lots of stuff accessible on there that I don’t know the purpose of and never use. I would bet at least some of the widgets on the JOHN MCCAIN’s display are for propulsion controls, which is a separate job performed by a different person. There will be some others on the helm display which the helmsman knows perfectly well what they are but might not use as a general rule, such as rate of turn and station in control.

          In addition to this new display, the Spirits are even harder to steer than they were before. They have always had a becketed rudder, which means that as you apply a correction, the rear half of the rudder bends in opposition as well as the entire rudder correction being applied at the rudder post, so that the effect is of cupping the water to increase opposition, The Spirits are very tender to steer, so that a light correction is all that is usually necessary. But with the new console, the steering pumps are on-demand. When the helm is in the midships position, the pumps are off. When you apply a correction to port, the pump comes on and drives the rudder over, but there is a slight delay, and another when you take the correction off and come back to midships. It’s better suited to a large deep-sea vessel that might drive on the same course half a day without a correction.

          Anyway, the helmsman still steers using a wheel, a smallish one like the one featured in the JOHN MCCAIN. I have a hard time believing the steering is done by any other medium than direct drive where the movement of the wheel activates a steering pump or hydraulics which directly control the rudder. The fault they describe sounds like a total failure of the steering gear, something navies regularly practice as it is a part of their readiness requirements. There is a secondary steering position in the tiller flat, near the rudder head, and the officer of the watch can also steer using the main engines, by either varying the pitch of controllable-pitch propellers or going astern on one shaft while going ahead on the other. Not precisely enough for a difficult maneuver like docking, say, but certainly well enough to avoid a collision that is three minutes away. What the hell’s an anchor for? Drop it!

          There likely are lots of touch-screen controls on the display, but I can’t imagine primary steering is via some drag-and-drop control or a virtual electronic wheel when you have a perfectly functional manual one on the front of the display. The clincher, if one is needed, is that a power failure to your console could leave you with no primary steering; that would be unacceptable.

          Navies’ as well as civilian companies’ designers and marine architects tend to gravitate to electronics which combine several functions, and displays tend to get more cluttered as more functions are added. But the helmsman does not perform his duties in isolation – distractions, inexperience, inattention and fatigue can all make the helmsman turn the wrong way. There are many types of helm indicators visible to bridge officers which will let the officer of the watch know immediately if the turn is being made as ordered. On the ferries, when we are entering the pass, the first helm order (say, “starboard five”) is repeated by the helmsman (“starboard five”, so that you know he/she heard you correctly), then applied. The co-navigator reports aloud “Starboard rate of turn”, and when the helm indicator has run into line on the ‘5’, the helmsman reports “Five of starboard on”. The officer of the watch repeats “Five on”, so you know he/she heard you. And so on. Navies do it much the same way. Helmsmen in warships do not make steering decisions on their own – everything is an order, and the helmsman typically does not look where he/she is going – he/she watches the display for the correct indicators and reports his/her actions. In all but the most gentle turns on a ship with as narrow a stem as a warship, you feel a helm correction almost immediately. If you don’t, something might be wrong and it better not take you three minutes to notice.

          Lastly, it might be crowded on the bridge, but there is minimum manning consistent with safety. Every time an organization tries to go below that to ‘streamline things’, sooner or later there will be an accident, and things will correct the other way. Also, during pilotage through restricted waterways or during high-maneuvering events such as docking, leaving harbour and fueling/transferring stores from another vessel underway, critical positions such as helmsman are manned by experienced sailors who are extensively trained for their roles and practice them regularly. They are known as Special Sea Dutymen, and are ordered to their stations when maneuvering offers potential dangers. For us in the Canadian Navy, it would be “Starboard Watch special sea dutymen, close up, part ship hands close up, stand by to come alongside Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas” (I just threw that bit in because it was my favourite port visit ever). The USN prefers to call them ‘details’: “Now set the special sea and anchor detail, stand by UNREP (Underway Replenishment) with USNS Henry J. Kaiser”.

          A surprise crisis might stun everyone for a little bit, but to be so stunned you took no action for three whole minutes and culminated in a collision, well…you might have a future as a medical cadaver. Your own radar presentation usually includes a leader, a line which stretches out from the dot which represents you and extends in the direction you are going, is also a function of time; if set for three minutes, the end of the line is where you will be on that course if nothing changes, in three minutes. If it is right on top of another contact, do something.


          1. The dynamics of ship handling is way too complex – inertia, delays in response, winds, currents, etc.

            The thing that caught my attention was the lack of awareness of the cause of the ship’s turn to the left (port). The lee helm display shows rpm of each prop and the leftward turn was due to the starboard rpm being greater than the port rpm. Unless I am missing something, that should have been easily detected and easily corrected.

            Perhaps numerous past failures of the system caused a psychological blind spot – rather than looking for an obvious cause for the left turn, they just assumed the system was broken leading to a series of increasingly desperate (and wrong) speculations and decisions.

            Here is another example of ships doing bad things:


          2. …you might have a future as a medical cadaver

            Yeah, the inability to take action for over three minutes is of even more concern than bad controls design. One could only imagine how that crew would react in high intensity naval combat.


    1. Boeing’s problems go far deeper than the CEO. The Boeing Starliner capsule test did not go well either. Time will tell.


      1. I agree; it’s not Muilenberg’s fault, or not entirely. But firing the CEO is about as far from American corporate tradition as you can get – it is much more customary to identify ‘a few bad apples’ from the lower echelons, fire them and announce the company has undergone a purge and is now ‘all better’. And they had to have had it in for the engineers who shot off their mouths. ‘They’ being the investors and the board of Boeing. Letting Muilenberg take the fall might have something to do with his very early admission of company responsibility. Mind you, he was also the CEO when Boeing fought so hard against grounding the type, and only did it when pretty much everyone else had already done so for aircraft under their own control.


    1. The author makes a valid point that conventional fission reactors are good enough. I actually agree with that especially given ongoing development of fast neutron reactors that extract, what, 50 times more energy from a given mass of fissile uranium and burns up the most dangerous radioactive isotopes. And, don’t get me started on thorium.

      Controlled fusion will eventually come but there is no hurry given the proven performance of advanced fission reactors. My 2 cents is to continue with fusion development but keep the pedal to the metal on fission.


  13. Lengthy…But Martin and Low-key draw interesting parallels between the situations on both sides of the ‘pond’ as they call it. Apparently Pompeo stated that if Corbyn were to win, extraordinary measures would be taken to neutralize the problem. (Dallas option ??) This together with some in the military
    warning a coup would result from a Corbyn win. Sound familiar? Did you know that it was not until 1928 that Brits who are not property could vote for members of Parliament!! I sure didn’t realize that!!


    1. You mean British voters who were not owners of property were disenfranchised until 1928?

      Not true! It was only women who had no property that were not allowed to vote until 1928, so no big deal!

      In 1832, the Great Reform Act broadened the spectrum of voters to include the likes of landowners and shopkeepers as part of the property criteria. Householders paying more than £10 in annual rent were also given the vote.

      The act still defined voters as ‘male persons’, however, and continued to exclude swathes of working class workers from elections. Subsequent reforms in 1867 and 1884 increased the electorate further with broader property and rental criteria. They also continued to make voting boundaries more fair, but failed to make any changes for women.

      In February 1918, the Representation of the People Act made two major changes to voting criteria – it removed practically all property requirements for men over 21 and allowed women over 30 to vote. Property qualifications were kept in place when giving women over 30 the vote, however.

      With Equal Franchise Act, 1928, women were at last given voting equality to men. In 1928, the Equal Franchise Act gave all women over 21 the right to vote, removing property requirements completely. Some 15 million women were eligible to vote in the following 1929 General Election.


      1. Northern Star is sort of right in a way. Universal suffrage for all Britons aged 21+ years, regardless of whether they owned property or paid rent to someone who did own property, was achieved in 1928 with the Equal Franchise Act.

        Even so, plural voting (which privileged certain property owners and people with university degrees) continued up to 1948 (national elections) in Britain. Plural voting is the practice in which people can vote as many times as they like in the same election. Up to 1948, if a person owned properties in a number of different electorates, that person could vote in all those electorates. Attempts to abolish plural voting had been made as early as 1892 at least.

        Part of a speech made by MP George Shaw-Lefevre (Bradford, Central) in the House of Commons in 1892, recorded by Hansard, regarding plural voting:

        “.. Before the counties were divided, in olden times, when travelling was expensive, and when tradesmen and shopkeepers in boroughs resided in their places of business, the possibility of giving plural votes in respect of different constituencies produced very little effect. But as it became easy and cheap to travel ​ the non-resident freehold voters assumed a much greater importance, and it became worth while to acquire freehold qualifications in counties for the express purpose of giving votes. In London also, and in most towns in the country, it became the fashion for men of business and tradespeople to reside in villas and houses other than their places of business, and where there happened to be in a different constituency such persons were able to vote in respect of both qualifications. Lastly, the system under which counties have been divided into one-membered districts, and London has been divided into twenty-seven different boroughs, has greatly increased the number of plural votes. In the first place, a man may have as many votes for different county districts as he has freehold qualifications in them. Secondly, he may have as many occupation votes as he has bonâ fide residences in different constituencies. I know many men among my own friends who have four or five votes for different constituencies. I know men of wealth—men with very large means—who have only one vote, and I know others of smaller means who have two, three, and four and five votes. I have myself five votes for five different constituencies—not that I have sought the votes by purchasing property for that purpose; but they have come to me accidentally on account of holding property in different places. Two are occupation votes, two freehold votes, and one is for a University. But I know many who have a great many more votes than five. I think it was Sir Robert Fowler, a late Member of this House, who used to boast that he had no fewer than thirteen votes in different constituencies, and that he was able at one General Election to record them all. Then there is the well-known case of the Oxford tutor—a man who had eighteen different qualifications, and, at the Election of 1874, voted in respect of these different qualifications eighteen times. But this case pales before one I heard of recently. A clergyman of the Church of England, who has a hobby for acquiring qualifications in different constituencies, has been able to obtain fifty votes in different places, and I was informed that at a certain General ​ Election he contrived to vote in no fewer than forty different places …”

        Plural voting in local council elections continued up to 1969 when it was abolished outside the City of London. The City of London still allows plural voting.


        1. But up to 1928 it was only women who had to have property in order to vote, not all “Brits”, whatever they might be, over 21 years of age, so no big deal, really.


          I remember feeling really pissed off when I was first allowed to vote, which I did at a general election that took place 2 months after my 21st birthday, because in that same year, the vote was given to 18-year-olds. So I had to wait 21 years in order to cast my first vote, but had to do so in the company of gormless juveniles who had suddenly been transformed by the stroke of a bureaucrat’s pen into “grown-ups”.

          When I was 18, I knew four-fifths of fuck all: when I was 21, I knew three-fifths, which is better than four-fifths.


  14. The opening of the railway part of the Crimea bridge is a “violation of the state sovereignty of the Ukraine”, reads a statement published by the foreign policy service of the European Union.

    “The Russian Federation has completed the construction of the railway section of the Crimea bridge and has opened up rail connections with the Crimean Peninsula without the consent of the Ukraine”, states the message.

    As stated, this is “another violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukraine” by Russia.

    “The rail service is another step towards the forced integration of the illegally annexed Peninsula with Russia”, says the EU.

    It is also stressed that the opening of the railway part of the bridge leads to the “isolation of the Crimea from the Ukraine” and the bridge “restricts the passage of vessels through the Strait of Kerch to the Ukrainian ports in the sea of Azov”.

    The Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs has protested to Russia about the launch of the railway part of the Crimea bridge and the visit of Putin to the Peninsula.


    What sad bastards Yukietards are!


    1. How I wish they would allow all the arseholes from Kiev, Berlin, Washington, Brussels, Warsaw etc. organize and run a referendum in the Crimea, so that I could see the look on the bastards’ faces when the result shows an even greater majority for becoming part of the RF than in there was in the first referendum, which was done at the point of a Kalashnikov, of course.

      Of course it was!

      Stands ter reason, don’t it?


        1. If the British were the ones to organise an independence referendum in Crimea, they would probably push as many people as possible into postal voting and reduce the number of polling stations as part of this strategy.

          Postal vote fraud seems to be an ongoing problem in the UK as detailed a 2016 report on electoral fraud by Sir Eric Pickles:

          The actual report:

          Click to access eric_pickles_report_electoral_fraud.pdf


        1. Of course the ballots should have been printed in Turkish, Crimean Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian and Braille…. else the issue of the legitimacy of the referendum may need to be revisited.


    2. Imagine that! FORCING economic prosperity and freedom of travel on these downtrodden and forgotten victims. Monsters!


    1. It will more likely be Hungarian/Slovak nationalists attacking “Ruthenes”, those Greek-Uniate Galitsians whose forebears in the not too distant past were subjects of the Hapsburg Emperor. Said Galitsians and their Galitsia are, in the words of Porky, “the essence of the Ukraine”, which is interesting, because they were only tagged onto the UkSSR in 1939 and the Carpathian territories that were formerly Hungarian/Slovakian were added to the Ukraine post-WWII.


    1. The original script called for him to do it shirtless while wrestling a tiger and holding a giant pike – the fish kind – in one hand, but the great leader himself decided it would be too great a risk to public safety to allow for even the possibility of distraction. That, and the western press would have had a meltdown.


  15. Rapoza’s latest effort, for Forbes, is his review of the Russia/Ukraine gas deal that everyone is talking about. His take, in summary, is that Russia did not really have to give up very much, it would be to Ukraine’s advantage to stop fucking around and concentrate now on the issues, that Ukraine dropped a very large amount in claims in return for not very much money (although he does not say how likely Ukraine would have been to win them in court, and my personal opinion is not very), that Nord Stream II will be completed with not a significant amount of delay, and that Russia can implement the same no-gas-through-Ukraine in five years if it does not like the way things are going.

    Riffing a bit on the theme that Russia did not really have to give up very much, he highlights an angle all other western coverage has missed; adding Ukraine’s transit volumes to all other pipelines running flat out (which he says pipelines hardly ever do and cannot sustain for long periods) actually increases Russia’s pipeline export capacity to 230 BcM. That seems like a lot, but Gazprom announces it expects to export 200 BcM to Europe in 2020. That’s not far off. Groningen, the world’s tenth-largest gas field, is shutting down production altogether in 2022, owing to the increased danger of earthquakes. Production from Groningen has already dropped from annual volumes of 42 BcM in 2014 to only 17 BcM today.

    That could mean an additional annual export sale of 20 BcM for Gazprom if it plays its cards right, over and above the record volumes it expects to export this coming year. No wonder the US State Department is rattling Poroshenko’s chain. Perhaps it is beginning to dawn on them what they actually achieved by pressuring Russia into a continued transit deal with Ukraine.

    If ever there was the time for a good poker face, Mr. Putin, it’s now. And start thinking seriously about your successor, because the expansion of Gazprom’s export capacity is going to outlive the Putin presidency. The USA’s efforts to put a stick through the spokes of a chosen successor will outstrip all its regime-change efforts to date, because if Russia gets what is essentially a younger Putin in charge, that’s it.


    1. Too lazy to confirm but IIRC, the guaranteed minimum volume is 40 BcM of which Ukraine would typically consume 20 BcM leaving a net 20 BcM as transit gas. Russia only pays transit fees for the transit volume. Moreover, any gas entering the pipeline that does not make it out of the other end is automatically assumed to have been consumed by Ukraine putting an end to gas theft. This implies flow meters at each international crossing that will be used to enforce the foregoing agreement. To me, that is a big deal.

      The agreement does allow Ukraine to use reverse flow gas purchasing which may mean that gas Ukraine purchase from a 3rd country would including transit fees plus whatever profit the 3rd party wishes to make.

      The above agreement also suggests the end of Ukraine’s past shenanigans of blocking gas transit while blaming the Russians and pocketing billions of dollars of free gas.

      The more we know about the deal, the better it sounds for Russia and Europe.


    2. The Russia that will exist in 2024 when Putin retires ought to be richer, stronger and more secure than ever. Although that is good, it is also dangerous in that the temptation to take down one’s guard and to trust the West could cloud good judgement.

      On the other hand, the US could be a true economic basket case by then greatly diminishing its ability to bully and coerce beyond its borders.

      My hope is that the US can have a soft landing, learn to live within its means and redirect its defense spending to rebuilding the country.


      1. My hunch is that a lot of Pentagon defence spending already props up communities throughout the US. Private defence companies set up factories in towns that would otherwise be ghost towns to manufacture armaments or parts for planes or ships in programs funded by the US Department of Defense, in states across the country. Part of the reason is to lobby politicians representing the electorates where their factories are located for more Pentagon funding to finance more contracts. Politicians willingly support more defense funding because they know these companies provide jobs and keep unemployment down.

        The issue then is how to keep those jobs and keep those factories but change what engineers are designing and workers are making from machines of destruction into machines that sustain life and communities.


        1. Yes, the absolute truth. Defense spending is spread over as many states and regions as possible to keep strong political support. It seems every month the state is sponsoring seminars aimed at educating small/medium manufacturers on how to bid on defense contracts. Even small mom-and-pop machine shops get their share of defense business. One small shop in our region makes compressor blades for cruise missiles. Every time the US fires off a barrage of missiles, they probably get an order; everybody is happy except those in the target area.


          1. Many American communities also depend on the Military-Industrial Complex to educate their children. I personally know several families who had children enlist in the military in order to get a free college education; one that their families could otherwise not afford. The parents put their kids in the army and navy, and then just cross their fingers and hope they won’t be deployed to a war zone.
            The system is actually perfect. The odds of any one of these young people actually getting killed in a war, is actually quite low. The vast majority get a good education with lots of perks, all expenses paid including housing, they do their time, and never see a bullet. All at the taxpayers expense.


    3. I linked a Russian newspaper article above which analysed the deal and in which it was pointed out that the $3 billion that Gazprom coughed up is 1% of the annual turnover of that company. And another thing that the article pointed out was that the deal is between Gazprom and Naftogaz not Russia and the Ukraine. In return for that $3 billion, which will be pocketed by many Yukitard bastards, I am sure, Gazprom’s never ending altercations with the Yukie gas outfit over compensation and claims and counter-claims have had a line drawn under them. I suppose that’s really why the Porky bloc in the rada is taking action against the deal: they fear that their nice little earner is being stifled, in that penalties imposed by arbitration courts against Gazprom have seemingly ended.


      1. $3 billion that Gazprom coughed up is 1% of the annual turnover of that company.


        The source that I linked to previously: The Gas War Has Retreated, but the Most Interesting Thing Is Yet to Come.

        To reiterate:

        All talk about a Ukrainian victory or a Russian victory should be left to politicians for domestic consumption, although, to be fair, it is worth noting: Ukrainian functionaries immediately claimed it is a victory for Ukraine. This sounded against the background of the absence of fanfare in Russia, which, in the face of the most difficult negotiations, would be extremely inappropriate.


        Because Gazprom is Gazprom, not Russia. Confusion in concepts is a very characteristic phenomenon for immature structures and individuals on both sides. So talk of Russia allegedly forgiving Ukraine $3 billion in credit has nothing to do with the topic at all. There is no word in the document about this, which is natural, because, I will repeat: Russia is not Gazprom.

        However, the Naftogaz fanfare coming from Vitrenko’s mouth is also understandable on the other hand: the [Naftogaz] board (8 people) will not have to return millions of dollars already distributed to their pockets as part of the prize according to the results of the Stockholm Arbitration. Moreover, now, if Gazprom pays the claim amount, the premium will increase significantly.

        As for the amount Gazprom has pledged to pay – about $3 billion – it is less than 1% of the assets of the Russian gas giant (not to be confused with capitalisation). Few will notice this drop in the ocean. And for Naftogaz? In the absence of up-to-date information about the assets of this structure, I believe that the figure is comparable to all assets, especially since, according to the current reform, the Ukrainian gas transit system, the market value of which is no more than $1.5 billion (according to the Chairman of the Board Kobolev), leaves from under Naftogaz in general.

        Conclusion: tactically Naftogaz and its board benefited from a contract with Gazprom. Strategically, as it seems, Gazprom at least did not lose, firstly, significantly reducing the term of the contract and the volume of pumping on the gas transit system of Ukraine, taking into account the forthcoming and inevitable implementation of “Nord Stream-2” and, secondly, leaving itself the right to disagree with transit tariffs, which remain the subject of negotiations…

        My stress.


        1. Yet again I would comment that it really is no skin of Russia, let alone Gazprom’s nose to let Kiev/Naftogaz have their PR victory. This is much the same as Russia has produced results on the ground in Syria whereas the West is far happier with easy high altitude bombing but not providing boots, and so fails to consolidated any gains. The Rotten Media may clap and stamp feet as much as they like, it really makes no difference at all what they say.


  16. “Dan Crenshaw did not serve his country. Dan Crenshaw is not a hero. Dan Crenshaw participated in a military occupation that after 18 years and counting has claimed tens of thousands of lives for no benefit to any ordinary American at all. All he served during his time in that country was the geostrategic imperialist agendas of unaccountable government agencies and the profit margins of war plutocrats, yet upon returning home he’s been able to convert his stint as a glorified hired thug into social collateral which got him elected to the US House of Representatives and secured him a punditry platform from which he can spout war propaganda. All because people agree to play along with the completely nonsensical narrative that US war veterans are heroes.”

    (“glorified hired thug” LOL!!!)

    “I’m not saying to be mean to veterans, and I’m not saying veterans are bad people, in fact, one of the most heinous injustices about these corporate wars is that they turn many of our finest and bravest young people toward the very most toxic and pernicious ends possible. Many of them sincerely enlisted due to an impulse to help make the world a better place; it’s the same impulse which led Julian Assange to set up a leaking outlet to help expose unaccountable power structures, the only difference is that Assange saw clearly through the fog of propaganda and they did not. But the reverence and fairy tales have got to go.
    There are no war heroes. There are only war victims. It’s time to grow up and stop pretending otherwise.”

    Damn!!!!…Caitlin is Spot F’n On !!!

    BTW…Notice how these war ‘heroes’ seem to bear a striking family resemblance.
    Who does that pix of Crenshaw bring to mind??? LOL!!! Weird huh!!!

    So we go to THEIR homeland as if they had come here to our homeland-which they haven’t.

    Maybe that’s what Dan would have said if he were a straightforward truthful kinda guy…which of course he isn’t.


    1. Be careful. Playing upon her military service is a big part of Tulsi Gabbard’s gravitas and authenticity. It’s quite true that she uses it to argue against regime-change wars, but a position that military records only mean you served as a dupe for war profiteers and enabled their plundering will not do her any good at all, and Caitlin has set it up so there is little wiggle room for intentions.


  17. Nigerians Accuse France Of Sponsoring Boko Haram In Re-Colonization Plan

    19 Dec 2019

    African Diaspora News Channel

    According to the civil society group, they embarked on the protest to let President Macron be aware that Nigerians are aware of Paris’ “nefarious covert” activities in Nigeria.

    Hosted by Phillip Scott


  18. Sarah Rainsford, intrepid BBC correspondent in Russia, digs up something new so as to tell you all how it really is in Putin’s oppressive regime:

    Russia’s reluctant teen activist: ‘Mum’s house arrest changed my life’

    The juvenile’s mother, Anastasia Nukzarievna Shevchenko, is a self-proclaimed “civil activist” and has the misfortune to have been the first Russian citizen to have faced criminal charges under Russian Federation law as a result of her of participating in an “undesirable” organisation.

    In the West, of course, she is hailed as being a political prisoner and a prisoner (under house arrest) of conscience.

    The “undesirable” organisation in question is none other than “Open Russia”, which is registered in the UK..

    “Open Russia”, the “Open Russia Civic Movement” and the “Institute of Modern Russia” (headed by Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s son Pavel in the US are all involved, according to the Russian authorities, in the implementation of “special programmes and projects aimed at discrediting the results of the Russian elections, at seeing the results thereof recognised illegitimate” and “encouraging protest speeches and destabilizing the domestic political situation, which poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation and the security of the state”.

    Why on earth would Putin’s thugs think that?

    Clearly, they are all paranoid psychopaths!

    In January 2019, the authorities conducted searches against “Open Russia” activists in Pskov, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, and Ulyanovsk. On 21st January they searched Anastasia Shevchenko’s house. She was detained shortly afterwards. Shevchenko was kept in a pre-trial detention facility for 48 hours, which is normal procedure most places, including the UK, until her court hearing. On 23rd January she was placed under house arrest by the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don. On 29th January, the Rostov Regional Court upheld the lower court’s decision to place her under house arrest.

    All grist to St. Misha of the GULag’s mill:

    Sadly, on 31 January, Shevchenko’s eldest daughter, Alina, died in Zverev City Hospital. She was taken into the intensive care unit two days earlier and the investigator only allowed Shevchenko to visit her a few hours before she died. On 1st February, Dmitry Peskov, press secretary to President Vladimir Putin, expressed his condolences at the death of Shevchenko Shevchenko’s daughter.

    Of course, this sad death was manna from heaven to Khodorkovsky and his chums.

    However, on the other hand …

    Правда об умершей дочери Анастасии Шевченко

    The truth about Anastasia Shevchenko’s dead daughter

    According to our liberal media, Putin’s repressive and bloodthirsty law enforcement system would not even allow the under house arrest Rostov-on-Don “Open Russia” activist Anastasia Shevchenko to see her dying daughter. “Animals! And isn’t the worst of it the fact that we don’t know what to do about this?'” rhetorically asks Radio Liberty presenter Dmitry Tkachen his like-minded listeners.

    Another groan from the oppressed truth-seekers and fighters for freedom, equality and fraternity who joined them spread through the networks. The subtext of a publication in Novaya Gazeta: “The Rostov judges, in placing the mother under house arrest, deprived a disabled girl of the presence of her mother. Such a preventive measure [namely house arrest — ME], humane under ordinary circumstances, in fact, sent the activist’s daughter to her certain death.”

    “Two courts were informed about the fact that the child was disabled and needed not only doctors, but also maternal care. The first was the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don, which had placed Shevchenko under house arrest for two months on January 23, and the second – the regional court, which “settled” this decision, the publication told its flock. “Anastasia herself explained that she had three children who were minors: two of them needed to be taken to school, and the other was her 17-year-old daughter, a disabled person, who had to go to a boarding school for children with special needs and who had to have medicine brought to her daily”.

    The flock responded obediently and predictably.

    Slogan of the day:

    Something lately has been pulling me to making extremely short comments. Last time it was one word: “idiots.” “Nitwits”, I shall now say.

    Valery Andreev: This is too soft a definition. ‘Filth’ is more suitable.

    Vlad Potapov: Not only a child died – justice, power, Putin and society died in Russia.

    Comments similar in tone from an article on the Radio Liberty website.

    Lucia Mindubaeva: This is just horror and cynicism.

    Tamara Nikolaeva: The heart hurts to read about this, and to live all this is beyond one’s strength. It remains only to wait for the complete disappearance of Putin’s darkness that has covered the country.

    Sam Vog: The most undesirable organization is the Kremlin gang and its godfather Putin.

    The last comment is a reference to the Ministry of Justice, which two years ago recognized Open Russia as an undesirable organization. Human rights activists are trying to challenge this decision, but so far to no avail. It seems to me that they did not choose the most successful method of legal defence: they claim that the name “Open Russia” is registered in the UK, and that the social network movement “Open Russia”, whose activist Anastasia Shevchenko is, are not connected in any way and that it is just pure coincidence that these organizations have the same name.

    Be that as it may, a criminal case under Art. 284.1 of the Criminal Code has been started, in which it is said very clearly: if during the year a person has been held twice under administrative arrest, then a a criminal case may be brought against him. This is just the case with Anastasia Shevchenko. [So why not with that twat Navalny???— ME]

    Let us return, however, to the sad event around which the hype revolves: the death of her daughter.

    On January 30, the girl was brought from the boarding school to the hospital in the village of Zverevo, in which hospital she was detained. She was In a serious condition: she was suffering from obstructive bronchitis.

    According to liberal publications, the mother was not allowed to visit her dying daughter. “No one knows whether Anastasia Shevchenko could have saved the girl had she not been under house arrest. But each of us who sympathizes with this tragic story understands this: if she had been free, she could have said goodbye and seen her child before she died; she could have brought necessary medicines, could have hugged her several times, kissed her, stroked her, covered her with a warm blanket, sat next to her, and held her hand. And no one knows whether the 17-year-old girl would have had an acute attack if she had not been aware of her mother’s arrest”, writes Novaya Gazeta. [“Journalism” as we know and love it in the free world! For example: “As the poor girl lay dying , she must have been thinking what a cruel hearted tyrant Putin is …” — ME]

    The article is written, I must say, to the very end without any understanding of the circumstances, for in the evening of the same day, the activist under investigation was allowed to leave for Zverevo. She really was not allowed to visit her daughter immediately, but only because it was at that moment that resuscitation measures were being carried out. Moreover, according to MBH-media [MBH (МБХ): Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky (Михаил Борисович Ходорковский)] observer Zoe Svetova, the doctors “allowed Anastasia Shevchenko to stay overnight in the hospital and gave her a bed”.

    The woman spent the night at the hospital, saw her daughter and left, after which the girl died.

    And the incident reached the ears of Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Anna Kuznetsova, firstly in the Novaya Gazeta, Radio Liberty and other hype hawkers’ interpretation of the events. But then the picture began to clear up.

    – There was no appeal made to us over this issue. But as far as we know, the child had recently been under the care of the state. Mum visited the child about twice a year”, said the Ombudsman. [My stress — ME]

    I do not like to delve into someone else’s life. But it was the liberal media that raised the wave of comments in which the personal life, rather than the social activities of Anastasia Shevchenko, became the main and most discussed topic. And this has been unambiguously linked to the intervention of a cruel state into it.

    It is the liberal media and their anti-Putin fan club that has opened wide the gates of the personal life of “Open Russia” activists. Well, get this:

    The story of how a mother with many children travelled to and fro for a hundred kilometers in order to “bring medicines daily” is a lie. The mother went to the boarding school, where she herself had put her own daughter into care, twice a year. Trying to jerk out a tear by recounting sentimental stories mixed with lies is vile.

    Anastasia Shevchenko had enough time for social activities, but not for her own daughter. This was her choice: no one has the right to judge the woman for that. And I, by the way, do not judge, but only react to this: “Hug several times, kiss, stroke, cover with a warm blanket, sit next to her, hold her hand”, and to this: “Two courts were aware of the fact that the child was disabled and needed not only doctors, but also maternal care”.

    Once again: the mother visited her daughter and took care of her twice a year.

    Novaya Gazeta is right: no one knows whether the 17-year-old girl would have had an acute attack if she hadn’t been aware of her mother’s arrest.

    I use the same trick: no one knows whether the 17-year-old girl would have had an acute attack if her mother had visited her at the boarding school more often and had not give all her free time to “Open Russia”.


    How I loathe them!


  19. S&P Global Platts does not seem to be in the same jubilatory mood as is the troll in his belief that Nord Stream 2 has been well and truly fucked by the mighty Empire:

    Nord Stream 2 pipelayer Allseas suspends operations on US sanctions

    The move by Allseas will certainly mean new delays to the completion of the 55 Bcm/year pipeline, which had originally been scheduled to start operations at the end of 2019.

    Delays to the completion of the pipeline?


    Are you serious Platts?

    The Empire has once again been victorious against the doltish Mongol-Tatar subhumans, who have no technology, no wits, no gumption …no nothing, when faced with the awesome might of the Exceptional Nation.

    Nord Stream – 2 is totally fucked, I tell ya!


    1. In that regard I have this piece by Olga Samofalova. She works through the various scenarios for completion of the pipeline; and calculating the extent of the delay. Best case scenario: Something good might happen, and the pipeline will be completed in the first quarter of 2020.
      Worst case scenario: Gazprom must complete the construction itself, but with a significant delay, maybe even unto the end of 2020.

      Under this worst case scenario, Kiev will gain a certain advantage, and Russia will lose face. But the pipe will still get built, either way.


  20. No video games here
    More USAAF Eighth Air Force men
    were killed over Europe than the total number of USMC men killed in the Pacific.
    The footage is grim. Particularly the
    concluding encounter between a
    Bf- 110 and a B-17. The former was
    equipped with 20 or 30mm cannon
    besides machine guns. It would have been miraculous if that B-17
    somehow made it back to England


  21. Euractiv: How a EURACTIV journalist inadvertently coined the ‘Worst Phrase of the Year’ 2019

    It’s official: “Freedom gas” is the Worst Phrase of the Year, according to the Plain English Foundation. But where does the expression come from? EURACTIV did not have to look far to get the answer…

    …So where does the whole story come from?

    On 1 May, EURACTIV’s energy and climate reporter Frédéric Simon attended a briefing with US energy secretary Rick Perry in Brussels. He recalls the events below.

    The four journalists in the room had spent about an hour asking Perry a basic question: why would Europeans choose to pay for expensive LNG imported from the US when they have access to cheap Russian gas?…

    …“But my surprise soon turned to dismay when Perry suddenly took a grave face and started talking about the Normandy landings during WWII for which commemorations were planned days after.”

    Here’s what Perry went on to say: Seventy-five years after liberating Europe from Nazi Germany occupation, “the United States is again delivering a form of freedom to the European continent,” the US energy secretary told reporters that day.

    “And rather than in the form of young American soldiers, it’s in the form of liquefied natural gas,” he added. “So yes, I think you may be correct in your observation,” he said in reference to Fred’s suggestion about ‘Freedom gas’….

    Quite instructive about the mindset (f/king nuts) they are over in the States. They really do live in their own universe where no-one picks up their dogs’ (and their own) crap. They neither notice the smell nor link to the slipperyness underfoot to their own actions. They don’t care either.


    1. They like to talk about the European “blood-debt” to the USA.

      I don’t know what they think a large number of unfortunate young men were doing on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches in June, 1944, or indeed that there were such beaches. Even moreso, they are apparently unaware of the over 22 million Soviet citizens who died 1941-1945 during what is known as “The Great Patriotic War for the Fatherland, 1941-1945”..

      The what???


  22. AFPreski avec Euractiv: Greece says EastMed pipeline deal to be signed on 2 January

    The Greek government said Sunday (22 December) it will sign an agreement for a huge pipeline project with Cyprus and Israel next month that is designed to ship gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe.


    Everyone is a winner after EU-Russia-Ukraine gas talks

    An agreement was reached Friday (20 December) on transit rules for Russian gas going through Ukraine. Maroš Šefčovič explains why this is good news for Europe and all parties concerned.

    Maroš Šefčovič is European Commission Vice-President in charge of foresight. He also leads trilateral gas talks on behalf of the EU.

    Whither the NSII partners in the process of taking Šefčovič and the Commission to the European Court of Justice for its unique discrimination against NSII? Silence.* Again, we wonder if what has been agreed in silence is much more interesting that what as been agreed in public.

    I also recall that Kiev and Brussels were demanding a ten year transit agreement. The new deal says five years, extendible… Uh-huh. There’s still plenty to unpick from what is made public.



    1. I suspect the general European view of Nord Stream II has undergone a bit of revision since the application of American sanctions against European companies for daring to participate in a commercial venture with Russia to their mutual benefit. Washington’s continued aggressive marketing of its own natural gas makes it clear that its efforts to cripple the pipeline are oriented toward removing a market competitor in order to make its own more-expensive product competitive, by altering the supply side of the supply-and-demand equation. I don’t know that Sefcovic is actually all that delighted; although he wanted to get a gas deal before he was rotated out of his appointment, his country stands to lose transit fees if Nord Stream II goes online.

      I certainly did not see the deal as advantageous to Russia, but it is, in view of the extra capacity granted by using Ukraine as a transit country. It must transit 65 BcM fr the first year, so its options are a bit limited, but after that it can pretty much sell as much gas to Europe as it wants, and if it needs less-ambitious volumes it can always cut back the volumes it sends through Ukraine first while running the non-fee pipelines full out. If Europe’s needs grow, it can still export as much as 130 BcM using Ukraine, and if it was selling that much gas, Ukraine’s transit fees would be peanuts. The construction of a second land line by Germany, to get around Opel restrictions, is just gravy – Germany is evidently not intimidated by Washington bluster that it is getting too cosy with Russia. The best of it is that Washington has forgotten how to do sweet talk, and has convinced itself that it only needs to threaten and bluster, and all its terrified toadies will fall into line. So it will very likely compound its error by trying to pressure Germany into cutting back on its cooperation with Russia.


      1. I don’t rule out that much of this was a Good Cop – Bad Cop routine that the US screwed up. The Americans are still as hammy as Ronald Regan was., but they don’t need to be anything more than their threatening best.

        It also rather smacks of plea-bargaining tactic that is used in the US of threatening much worse charges and longer in jail to get the person to cop to something much simpler and easier to push though a jury trial.

        I remain an optimist. ‘Losing’ a battle to win a war is not unknown. The thing is that the West does not like losing face, so however thin the victory is, PR or otherwise, if it gets them out of a hole with an opponent that refuses to be intimidated and the clock is ticking down (NS2 arbitration/Kiev-Moscow gas contract), then it makes sense.

        Yet again, Russia practices strategic patience when others would lose their shit and dig themselves a hole. It’s a game of un/enforced errors, like tennis. Russia dragging things out, not responding puts the onus on the other side to try things. The more things they try to work things in their facor, the more likely they are to trip up/over-complicated the situation and tie themselves in knots. This is what happened for example when Brussels illegally changed its rules to discriminate against NS2. The irony is that if they had waited a bit for the legal ping-pong over rules turned in the favor thanks to the lo-land of Po-land, then there wouldn’t have been the need to fiddle their own rules.


        1. The trick is to win by making the other party think it has won. And if they think that and then begin to crow and shout about it, then all the better: don’t spoil their childish, shitwit fun!

          That’s the Orc way of doing things: the Orc knows deep down in his soul that he has succeeded and it is not necessary to tell the whole world this: let one’s opponents find out the truth themselves, if they wish, the hard way, and when they finally realize the truth, then one may enjoy the deep inner satisfaction of imagining the inner torment that they feel.


          1. Oh, I doubt they feel much inner torment. After all, they can bask in their own moral superiority – they are a force for good. And certainly the media never feels a tickle of remorse for its hamfisted blundering – it simply moves on to the next managed/invented scandal as if the foregoing exercise in berkmanship never happened. And it is allowed to forget, by most – few ever say, “But what about last month when you said….tons of evidence…absolutely no doubt….and come to find out…” The press is always granted a certain amount of artistic license because it goes out on a limb, dunnnit, it speculates. And if it’s wrong once in awhile, well, that’s to be expected, innit?


  23. Opinion journalism is often disregarded. But even if it just provides a distraction from the news cycle, it’s still a thing. The recent article by Dmitry Olshansky reflects on the nature of the split between pro-gov and anti-gov factions in Russia. Olshansky argues that the problem of the Russian society is that its culture is separated from its authority due to historic reasons. Consequently, there are not two but three factions. One that believes that success can be achieved by aligning with the Western societies — their combined culture and authority. One that believes that success can be achieved by aligning with the Russian authority (separated from its culture). And the one that believes that success lies in developing the Russian culture (separated from the Russian authority).


    1. Just a quick take, the separation of the Russian government/ruling elites from Russian culture suggests foreign influence as in Russia’s elites looking to the West and aping Western ideas – think of Peter the Great or Gorbachev. That was a betrayal of Russian values and a historical mistake of immense proportions. Russia is learning to how to minimize the core values of the West – greed, deception and narcissism.

      China has done a better job than Russia in that regard but on the other hand it has a vastly different history and enjoyed more isolation from Western meddling if not outright invasions.


      1. I would make a distinction here. Mastering Western technology is not necessarily the same thing as “aping Western ideas”. Also would distinguish between Peter the Great who won some remarkable geopolitical victories for Russia (think Poltava); vs Gorbachov, who completely betrayed Russia. To the extent he even left Russia vulnerable to American nuclear attack for a window of 2 whole hours, or more.
        As I showed in this old post .

        Gorby in phone conversation to George W. Bush Daddy:
        “And now concerning Russia – this is the second most important theme of our conversations. In front of me, on the table, lies the Decree of the President of the USSR, concerning my resignation. I am hereby also relieving myself of the duties of the Commander-in-Chief and handing over my responsibilities for employing nuclear weapons, to the President of the Russian Federation. In other words, I continue to manage these affairs right up until the completion of the constitutional process. I can assure you, that everything is under strict control. The moment I announce my resignation, these orders will become effective. There will not be any kind of dispute about this. You can spend your Christmas evening in complete peace of mind.”

        In other words, Gorby not only left the Soviet Union completely vulnerable to nuclear attack for a period of 2 hours or so; but even announced that fact to their greatest enemy. What kind of national leader does something like that? The only reason any Russians are even around today, is because George Bush Daddy was either too kind, or too dull-witted to take advantage of that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


  24. Fellow stooges:
    Finished posting my 3-part Christmas opus on the Dutch character known as Zwarte Piet. This story arose as a spin-off of my previous post on the Russian ballet and the controversy ignited by Misty Copeland.

    It deals with the issue of blackface, and I expect the usual hysterics and profanity from you-know-who, but don’t worry, I have my ripostes ready to deal with the B.S.


    1. wiki: In 1859, the Dutch newspaper De Tijd noticed that Saint Nicholas was often accompanied by “a Negro, who, under the name of Pieter, mijn knecht, is no less popular than the Holy Bishop himself”.

      knecht [letter “k” pronounced] meant “servant”, not “slave”. It is cognate with Knecht [“k” pronounced] in German. The English “knight” also has a common origin with the Dutch and German terms, in that they all stemmed from proto-Germanic. English “knight” formerly had its “k” pronounced and the “-gh-” was like the Scottish “-ch-” in “loch” or as in “It’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht taenicht!”

      For some reason, the Dutch tradition is that St. Nicholas resides in Spain, whence he arrives in the Netherlands on St. Nicholas’ Day at the beginning of December. Shades of the old Spanish Netherlands? Whatever — I reckon “Black Pete” must be a Morrish servant, seeing as Saint Nick is a Spick, sort of. He wasn’t, actually: he was from Asia Minor: probably a Greek.

      Anyway, Woden’s da man! He’s the real deal, a northern European shaman, as is the Russian Ded Moroz, and not that Coca-Cola Claus of New Amsterdam!

      The ghost of Christmas Present, as depicted in Dickens’ 1842 “A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas”.

      Gimme a rye and coke, and make it quick!


        1. I have just got a phone call from my Scrooge employer to check if I am working tomorrow. I answered in the affirmative, saying that I had agreed with my student to see her on 25th December”.

          “Are you sure?” I was asked.

          That’s because my fellow native English-speaker colleagues, whom I make it policy to keep as well away from as is possible, whinge and whine and downright refuse to work on Christmas Day: many, in fact, wing their way home well before the start of the festive season, where they will enjoy their Yuletide fun.

          In fact, my employers here have, over the years, always enquired of me in December when I am departing for home, where I shall spend Christmas. I always tell them that I am already “home”.

          This reply always perplexes them. So they then speak to me in Russian, saying that by “home”, they mean родина [rodina]— literally “place of birth”, usually translated as “mother country”.

          “Are you sure you are going to work on Christmas Day?” I was asked a few minutes ago.

          I reassured her that I was, that working at Christmas does not bother me in the least as I long ago had mutated into an Orc.

          Sad, really.

          I mean, becoming a subhuman mutant.

          [Caliban} Exit stage left, sobbing uncontrollably …


          1. Mr. Scrooge actually gave Bob Cratchit Xmas day off, and that was even before Scrooge’s conversion to kindliness. In fact, “Old Mean Scrooge” even let Bob leave work early on Xmas Eve so that he could go to the market to buy some piece of meat for Xmas dinner.


            1. It was a goose that the grovelling Cratchit bought for Christmas, more exactly, what old Ebenezer bought: he, the old fool, gave Cratchit the dosh to buy it because Cratchit had successfully played his crippled-kid card.

              As I have previously said, I prefer the traditional goose.

              I usually eat watery gruel on Christmas day, though. Always necessary to economize!

              Recycled water, of course, which, unfortunately, makes the gruel taste slightly of chlorine gas.


  25. There is little doubt of an extensive Bidden criminal enterprise. The problem is that there are also Republican criminal enterprises. These facts limit the what can be done to attack Joe Bidden & Son 24 hour Money Laundering Service.

    Liked by 1 person

            1. Old Style New Year’s Eve, of course: Old New Year”s Eve, on New Style January 13th.

              It’s usually brass-monkey’s then, so if I have to show my arse then, mine will be jangling like a brass monkey’s!



      1. Trump’s inquiry to Zelensky about Biden corruption can’t be used against him given that the Bidens apparently ARE corrupt. This defeats the justification for the impeachment. Trump didn’t ask about anything that the Bidens weren’t mouth deep in without any help.or digging or prodding of Zelensky by Trump.


  26. В Германии разрешили прокладку труб «Северного потока — 2» зимой
    23 декабря 2019, 12:51

    In Germany, pipe-laying of “Nord stream – 2” in winter allowed
    23 Dec 2019, 12:51
    The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency has allowed the pipe-laying of the gas pipeline “Nord stream – 2” in the winter months.

    About this reports Interfax with reference to the press service of the ministry.

    “The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) [Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie — ME] has authorized the laying of pipes to complete the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2″ in length and 16.5 km in the winter months”, — stated in the message.

    How many damned kilometres of these parallel lines remain to be laid???

    I see different lengths quoted in different sources.” 20, 80, 150, 350 kms etc. And now 16.5 kms!

    One thing for sure, NS-2 is going to be completed.


    1. В ОСК заявили о способности построить судно-трубоукладчик
      24 декабря 2019, 16:28

      <bAt USC they have spoken about about the ability to build a pipe-laying ship
      Dec 24, 2019, 16:28

      The head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, Alexey Rakhmanov, said that USC could build a Russian pipe-layer in 3-4 years, that such a ship would be able to carry out such work as, for example, the laying of the pipeline “Nord stream – 2”, reports “RIA Novosti” on 24th December with reference to an interview with the TV channel “Russia 24”.

      “On average we’re probably talking about 1.5–2 years of designing and 3-4 years of construction. Unfortunately, it would be for us, as always, something made from scratch, so we could not do it in less time” said Rakhmanov.

      He assured that from a technical point of view there is nothing difficult in the construction of such a ship there. “The country that built nuclear icebreakers and submarines will be able to do everything,” Rakhmanov said, adding that in the event of receipt of an order, the corporation would immediately begin the design process.

      On 23rd December, the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) approved the application for the laying of the pipeline “Nord stream – 2” during the winter months. The ministry clarified that the decision covers the period from January to April, and in May, new permits are not required. It refers to a distance of 16.5 km. Application for work was sent to the company “Nord Stream 2” on 23rd September.

      Then, on December 23, the German government expressed confidence in the successful completion of the pipeline project. The Cabinet noted that the position of the authorities in relation to the pipeline has not changed, and expressed confidence that the American imposed sanctions will not prevent its implementation. [My stress — ME]

      On 9th December, the US Congress published a defence budget for the country for 2020, which laid down sanctions against the gas pipeline “Nord stream – 2” and “Turkish stream”. The purpose of constraints is called “protection” of European energy security.

      On 20th December, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed the document — according to the US Treasury, the sanctions came into force from that moment. The names of the corporations that came under sanctions has not yet been specified. Within 60 days, the Secretary of State and the Minister of Finance of the United States must submit their proposals on this issue.

      On the same day, the company Allseas, the “Nord stream – 2” pipelayer, announced its suspension of work. This information was confirmed by the contractor, “Nord Stream 2”.

      The German government expressed confidence in the successful completion of NS-2 and that the American imposed sanctions would not prevent its implementation.

      Anyone still leaping up and down with glee over the apparent Russian discomfiture because of its mauling at the hands of the Exceptional Nation?


    1. Аналитики назвали способ нарастить экспорт «Газпрома» в обход Украины

      24 Dec, 09:01
      Analysts have identified a way to increase the export of Gazprom to bypass the Ukraine
      The Eugal pipeline built to deliver gas from “Nord Stream-2 ” to end users, will be operating in 2020, despite US sanctions. “Gazprom” will redirect gas to this pipeline from “Northern stream-1”, experts say

      The capacity of the Eugal onshore gas pipeline, built specifically for delivering gas from the Nord Stream-2 offshore gas pipeline to end users, may allow Gazprom to increase supplies to Europe bypassing the Ukraine, despite the fact that the United States has imposed sanctions against laying the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. , said experts interviewed by RBC.

      The Gascade Gastransport operator, controlled by Gazprom and the German Wintershall Dea, will commission the first of two Eugal pipelines with a capacity of 30.9 billion cubic metres per year from January 1, 2020 (total pipe capacity should be 55 billion cubic metres), which will go from German Greifswald on the Baltic Sea to the south to the border with the Czech Republic, the Eugal press service said on December 20. And the next day it became known that the European pipe-laying company Allseas had suspended the construction of Nord Stream-2 (which should pump 55 billion cubic meters per year) in the Baltic Sea.

      Eugal will lay another 36 billion cubic metre capacity OPAL landline, built to pump gas from the first Baltic gas pipeline of Gazprom and partners, Nord Stream-1, which achieved at full capacity 55 billion cubic metres per year back in October 2012. Since 2013, Gazprom could only use 50% of OPAL capacity because of restrictions, and in 2016, the company received permission to connect to 90% of the pipeline capacity. However, in September 2019, Gazprom was forced to reduce gas pumping through OPAL, and then through Nord Stream-1, because of a decision of the European Court of Justice, which, in lawsuit filed by Poland, limited supply by almost half – from 90 to 50% of capacity , or up to 18 billion cubic metres per year.

      “The launch of Eugal will ensure a full load of Nord Stream-1. About 20 billion cubic metres of gas per year can be delivered via a new land gas pipeline, which volume was lost because of restrictions imposed as a result of Poland’s victory in court”, said Mikhail Korchemkin, director of East European Gas Analysis, to RBC. The remaining 17–20 billion cubic metre Gazprom can pump through a second branch from the offshore gas pipeline NEL, which runs only through Germany to the west of Greifswald, so Poland could not achieve restrictions on its capacity.

      At the peak of capacity, OPAL pumped up to 103 million cubic metres of gas per day owing to a decision of the European Court to decrease transit to 50 million cubic metre. Last week, it fell to 12 million cubic metres per day. This is due to an increase of 115 million cubic metres per day in supplies to the NEL gas pipeline, as well as an increase in transit to Europe through the territory of the Ukraine, Korchemkin points out.

      “Now most of the gas from Nord Stream-1, which continues to operate at its design capacity, is sent to the markets of northwestern Europe through NEL, that is, the limitation of the use of OPAL by the decision of the European Court has practically had no affect on the load of Nord Stream”, added Deputy General Director of the National Energy Policy Fund, Alexey Grivach. According to him, after the introduction of Eugal, part of the gas can go to Central Europe through a new onshore gas pipeline, depending on the current market needs and the optimization of Gazprom’s export portfolio.

      Despite the impending U.S. sanctions, the possibility of using Eugal to pump Gazprom’s gas was recognized in November by Arno Bux, chief commercial officer of gas transmission operator Fluxys, which is a minority shareholder in Gascade. According to him, since 2020, from 80 to 90% of the Eugal capacity has already been booked for 20 years at auctions. “Since the transportation facilities are reserved on a ship-or-pay basis (“ transport or pay ”), the potential delays of the Nord Stream-2 project do not affect Eugal’s revenues”, he told Interfax, noting that the flows from the gas pipeline Nord Stream 1 can be routed through Eugal.

      “We cannot predict the volumes that will be transported through Eugal, because it depends on requests from transport customers”, Gascade spokesman Georg Wustner told RBC on December 23, declining to specify whether gas supplies from Nord Stream-1 will begin on January 1 through a new onshore pipeline. A representative of Gazprom Export declined to comment; the press service of Nord Stream AG (operator of the Nord Stream-1 project) did not respond to a request from RBC.

      Any trolls out there still leaping up and down with joy over the success of American sanctions against the Evil Empire?


      1. Ha, ha! Good catch! I remember when the decision of the ECJ was announced – to dancing and singing from the western press that this had driven a stake through the heart of Nord Stream II – that someone here, I think it might have been et Al, commiserated that there was no sense getting excited about it because things could change and it was still a considerable time before the pipeline would be operational. The attitude of Germany seems to be hardening not only against the Meddling United States of Amedlia, but against some of its eastern-European allies with whom it has erstwhile been very patient. I need hardly point out that the whole effort to halt Nord Stream has taught the Germans the same lesson it taught the Russians – no sense to rely on anything which is international property and presided over by an international regulatory body subject to dithering and conflicted decision-making and outside pressure. Do it yourself, and share the profit with individually-selected allies. Europe likes to have the gas, but it likes to swagger about and make regulatory decisions, too. Putting things out of their reach seems like going backward, and it probably is from the viewpoint of a we-share-everything union. I hope Europe is ready for a new and newly-powerful Germany which thinks of itself first. It should be – Europe created it.


  27. Interesting video on the movie Top Gun: Maverick in that it shows the degree of military involvement in big time movies and the amount of fakery in scenes purported to be real:


    1. I should think hardly any action movie made by Hollywood gets the go-ahead these days without approval from the Department of Defense or the relevant spook agency. Even James Bond flicks, the Star Wars cartoons and the DC Comics / Marvel superhero episodes must line up for the requisite lookover and rubber-stamping. Otherwise they wouldn’t get any technical assistance and money.


      1. Popular fiction in print also seems to be choreographed. For a good while characters in serial novels had spent time preventing genocidal Serbs from wreaking vengeance against their innocent minorities. Then they were called on to help Syrian rebels or prevent terrorist outrages by the “Syrian regime.” And of course there’s the stock villains Boris and Natasha.


        1. There was a book by a British pilot shot down in 1994 who was afraid of being captured by the Serbs. It turned out that jhadists fighting for Sarajevo were the much bigger worry!* For all the lying, racist rancid bigoted shite written by the ‘international press’ about the Serbs, they never deliberately targeted the UN (OK, there was the odd accident), even when they took ‘hostages’ to stop bombing. They were treated very well. Then there’s USAF’s F-16 Scott O’Grady who was shot down, not quite the hero he was polished as.**



    1. I would just remind the audience that Newt Gingrich promised, while a candidate for President of the United States, to establish a permanent colony on the moon within 9 years, to declare at least half of the moon a US territory, and to consider the new territory for statehood. You know – that space rock 234,000 miles away that the USA used to visit regularly using a spacecraft about the size of a two-car garage, with spindly legs covered in gold foil. Just before, you know, anybody decides what he says has any credibility because it’s what we like to hear.


      1. You may like to know that Dave McGowan wasn’t alone in having doubts about folding lunar rovers &c. There’s a chapter in Dmitry Orlov’s “The Meat Generation” about the sad loss of all that incredible 60s technology topped, perhaps, by the disappearance of the blueprints for the amazing Saturn V rocket propulsion systems which made possible the Conquest of Space.


      2. The lunar village would become Epstein’s Island in the Sky. That, I am 100% sure, was in the back of Gingrich’s mind.


    1. In essence he lied about the effect of an NSL letter to make it appear that it doesn’t stifle discussion, when it absolutely DOES. So he tried to make a tool of fascist repression appear harmless. So I think we can assume he is continuing with the same slimeball tactics in his current impeachment filings with the Court


    1. A remarkably disingenious article I would say. Russia sanctioned and sanctioned again with threats of being kicked out of SWIFT and isolated in every way takes minimal precautions against an internet collapse and is criticized. For example, DNS resolution function which I believe resides in various western countries could be denied rendering much of the Russian internet useless.

      US cellphones and computer OS have more back doors than a bordello and Russia is criticized for developing their own OS.

      Mr. Putin – Build the Wall!


    1. Can’t help but think that there is a military aspect to these constellations -at least Musk’s. There are too many satellites for ASAT weapons to make a dent, the satellites can relay encrypted military messages, perhaps they can emit jamming signals of some sort to blind long range radars meant to detect ICBM launches, etc. Russia does have satellites that detect the heat signature of missile launches but without radar verification, they could not accurately characterize the scope, direction, etc.

      These things, in other words ,may be a Trojan horse with a commercial cover.


      1. Everything is dual use. Just look at US and western sanctions lists going back to Saddam Hussein’s i-Rack where chlorine was banned because it could make gas. It also meant that potable water wasn’t protected and killed a lot of kids but Madeleine Albright thought it was “worth it.” May she rot in hell.

        The US military also buys up spare satellite capacity when it is short on bandwidth, and not just imaging from the usual ‘civilian’ sats.

        Popping a nuke or two in the Van Allen Belts (that one of you mentioned recently)would bork plenty of space comms. The good/bad news is that it would affect those who depend on space more. The bad news is that the US is testing systems to navigate without GPS, i.e. TERPROM & other passive systems such as using any radio transmitter as a waypoint/location fix.



  28. An excellent show from last week. However still relevant with some reminders from the 80s that are quintessential irony. Sanchez’s journalistic delivery is impressive.


        1. I mean that Russia and Germany are giving the USA ‘fair warning’ that it is about to make another of its colossal foreign-policy blunders. “Fairly warned be thee, says I” is just a comical way of saying it. It was not a warning intended for you.


  29. It’s illegal, say the Banderites.

    It’s illegal says Brussels.

    The first Sankt-Peterburg-Simferopol train crossed the Crimea Bridge over the Kerch Strait in the early hours of Western Christmas Day morning, 2019.

    Russia — weak?

    FO Putin?


    1. Just noticed that the line is not electrified, that the train is being hauled by two diesel units.

      That’s right! I remember now. Trains to Rostov-on-the-Don and further south to Krasnodar and Sochi are electric — overhead power lines and pantographs on the locos. But when you go off on branch lines — to Anapa and Port Kavkaz, for example — the locos are changed and diesel-electric motive power is used.

      I don’t think that font of eco-knowledge, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, will be pleased to hear that: dirty, smelly diesels???? Russian pigs!!!

      Get ready for the Svidomite eco-warrior attack!


      1. Can’t those engines run on bio-diesel? Saw a couple of chain store delivery vehicles boasting of using biodiesel from recycled cooking oils from their restaurants recently.

        And if Ms Thunberg were to catch sight of the estimated cost to bird life of one of the “eco friendly” wind turbine farms she might have a more nuanced view of just how “clean” modern electricity generation really is.


    2. I saw this cute piece in the news today.
      A Russian lady (a pensioner) made sure to greet the very first car of the very first train from St. Pete to Sebastopol. When the wagon stopped, she proceeded to write the word “URA” (“Hooray”) in lipstick on the side of the car. The video shows how she puts lipstick on her lips each time, then kisses the car, and writes the word URA in kisses.


  30. Latest from the land of retards:

    Нарушен суверенитет: Украина возбудила дело из-за поезда в Крым
    Украина возбудила уголовное дело из-за российского поезда в Крым
    Иван Апулеев 25.12.2019, 14:42

    Sovereignty violated: the Ukraine has instituted proceedings over train to the Crimea
    The Ukraine has instituted criminal proceedings over Russian train to the Crimea

    Ivan Apuleev 12/25/2019, 14:42

    A criminal case has been opened by the Prosecutor General of the Ukraine in connection with the passage of the first passenger train across the Crimea bridge. The case file states that the convoy “illegally crossed the Ukrainian border”. In addition, Kiev said that Russia had “flagrantly violated the sovereignty of Ukraine”.

    What arseholes! The newspaper adds:

    It is worth noting that the train from “Greater Russia”, the first to cross the bridge to the Crimea, was met at the railway station in Simferopol with flags, flowers and music.

    I wonder how much they were paid to mob the Simferopol station, or did they appear there “under the point of a Kalashnikov”?


  31. Throughout the war German mega cannons based in coastal France shelled Southern England. No mention of this in many accounts of the war:


      1. Schwerer Gustav was used in the Crimea to bombard the Sevastopol fortresses during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. The Nazis built a spur off the Simferopol-Sevastopol railway along which they shunted the gun and used curves off the spur line to traverse the monster-weapon. While the filth were doing this, their willing Crimean Tatar helpers were rounding up ethnic Eussians, murdering them or transferring them to a concentration camp built for them on the peninsula. I daresay the friendly neighbourhood Crimea Tatars of the time did not distinguish between the Ukrainians on the peninsula and those whom Svidomites now label as Moskal occupiers.


    1. The Dover big siege gun “Jane” was named after this wartime newspaper popular favourite:

      She was a spy who shagged her way around Europe:

      Despite her alley-cat morality, fear not: she was on the side of freedom and democracy!

      After the Nazis had been defeated, she turned her attentions to the new enemy:

      In defence of freedom and democracy, of course!


  32. Those diving Ilyushin Il-2 Strumoviks were (some) armed with two 37 mm cannon. Tank busters!! Some of the footage shot in the Summer of ’43 around Stalingrad is vintage.


        1. She’s Navalny’s press secretary. 30-years old and yearns for the Yeltsin-era freedoms and democracy that she can only faintly remember.

          She was 10 when Yeltsin was fucked off and probably knows fuck all about sweet fuck all, only that she wants to be free, like you lot are in the West.

          When she was 10, the Evil One became president and still is now, apart from a 4-year interlude when Dima, a Petersburg bourgeois, was president. I’m willing to bet that her parents were raking it in when Yeltsin was president and it all stopped when Putin became president.

          I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,: many kreakly and others whom I have become acquainted with and who detest Putin, think they were short changed, that their opportunities to make loadsa lolly were stopped when Putin and his gang of thieves got their hands on the state cash box, whereas Yeltsin and chums used to hand out state industries for kopecks on the ruble.


    1. As also reported by the BBC, about which I had already posted above, pointing out that the BBC never ceases to publish shock-horror stories about the Evil Empire.

      It seems that kreakly think that by their very nature they are not obliged to do compulsory military service.

      My son is regular summonsed to the district drafting board, even though he has a draft exemption document. They have told him that when he graduates, he will still be liable to do military service.

      How about that for a story, BBC?

      How dare they threaten a British citizen with compulsory service in the armed forces of the Evil Empire!


          1. Oh, I see now!

            A comment has been added by Cartman to an existing thread whose content has nothing to do with that comment.

            Hence, above, the comment concerning “lashings” refers to an earlier thread about the alleged kidnapping by the army of a Navalnyite draft-dodger and not to me, who, NS has stated, for some incomprehensible reason to me at any rate, has been “fired up”.


                1. Here’s a question for you; why does the text of your comments appear in runty little left-justified columns of less than 8 words before dropping down to a new sentence? Is it maybe the device you are using to type your comments? Like on a phone or something? Nobody else’s comments appear that way. I often fix them if I have time.


          2. Looks as if the system is misposting the order in which the comments should be posted, causing confusion. I dunno. No one is trying to provoke or annoy.


            1. I have not counted the number of replies in each thread, but I would remind everyone that the comments are typically nested 8 deep, meaning the ninth reply – if there is one – will start as a new thread.


    2. So many things to mock in a content-rich article. No idea who the author is, as it’s a reprint from another source, but they need to work harder on their Empire-of-Eevul stories. Let’s take a couple of the easy ones; first, the photo – “A man holds a poster reading ‘Happy New Year 1937…” At first I thought it was a girl in the photo, but it’s not; it’s a boy who looks to be about 15, and whom I would say is definitely too young to vote and probably still living under his parents’ roof. I suppose it’s possible he has a deep grounding in life experience and a broad grasp of what life is like in other countries, but I doubt it, and he is certain to not have any practical experience of events which occurred 80 years before he was born. But to the regime-changers, he’s a man, a brave soldier in the front lines of the battle for Russian freedom.

      But actual youth organizations sponsored by the Russian state, which teach children this boy’s age the history of their country, or camps like Seliger which bring young people together to discuss politics and economics and culture are unfailingly portrayed as ‘Soviet-style indoctrination’ by know-nothings like Julia Ioffe.

      So I guess whether you are a dupe of the Kremlin or a brave fighter for freedom has less to do with your age and more to do with your willingness to agitate for western ‘values’.

      Values like gay pride, whose festivals western adults sometimes use to showcase their tolerance and openness by co-opting their children; you’re never too young to experiment with what makes your dick hard, I guess. Like young Ryder, AKA “Milan”, the talk of the town in Gay LA in 2018 at only 7 years old. I’m sure all the old pedos were gelid with lust.

      Another: “Russian men are eligible for conscription between the ages of 18 and 27 and serve one year’s military service. However, many find ways to avoid this in a corrupt, flawed system.”

      So, ipso-facto, by upholding the law and sending this mook to do his obligatory service to the country, the Russian state is fighting corruption! What’s not to like?

      Encouraging, though, to see that Alexey Navalny is still “president Vladimir Putin’s top opponent”; as long as he represents the Upper Deck of the opposition, the Russian government need fear a ‘people’s revolution’ about as much as it need fear the president’s decapitation by a flying skillet.


  33. The BBC article repeats the claim made by the Navalnyshites that the “activist” was “kidnapped” by the Evil Empire.

    Of course, this doesn’t happen to draft dodgers in Western countries where there is compulsory military service.

    It used to happen in the UK when there was “National Service”: if you refused to acknowledge your “call-up” papers, the cops came round to your house a-thumping on your door and you were taken to the local cop shop, which was then visited by the Redcaps — the Royal Corps of Military Police, who have the well deserved reputation of being a shower of Berkshire Hunts.

    I wonder if the Guardian can recall this article that they published 50 years ago:

    Hunt is on for ex-GI deserters
    21 October 1970: Politicians want to close loophole allowing American military to seek draft dodgers and deserters living in the UK

    … US marine, Richard Lee Haygood, was arrested last month by London police and handed over to the US military investigations team. After being held for two days in police cells, Mr Haygood, who had lived in Britain for 15 months and is married to an English woman, was shipped back to the United States. Nothing has been heard of him since. His wife said last night that two letters sent to his old army camp in North Carolina had not been answered.

    Is that or is that not “kidnapping”, you Guardian arseholes?


  34. al-Beeb s’Allah: Radio silence: The Syrian broadcasters in exile

    Until recently, a small, politically neutral Syrian radio station was broadcasting in exile from Istanbul, but then, last year, the US administration withdrew funding for Syrian stabilisation projects. Radio Alwan is now off air, and – as Emma Jane Kirby discovered – its journalists no longer feel welcome in Turkey.

    The lies never stop. Radio Alwan broadcast originally from…. drum roll please…. Idlib, jihadi head-chopper central where it was allowed to operate until they pushed it a bit too far.* Foreign ‘policially neutral’ media does not get funding from the United States. The station has lost funding because its purpose is no longer considered cost effective by the US, and Turkey doesn’t like it either. The Slate article linked below makes it very clear if you also follow what is unsaid. My principle objection is that it is presented as neutral, a lie, and those writing that know it is. It’s just another drop in the ocean of the BBC’s foreign output that seamlessly works with British government foreign policies.



  35. 26 декабря 201913:02
    В офисе ФБК Алексея Навального прошли обыски

    Alexei Navalny’s FBK office has been searched

    The office of the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) has been searched in Moscow. This was reported by FBK spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh. The founder of the organization, Alexei Navalny, was expelled from the premises.

    Earlier it was reported that Navalny had been detained, but he himself has denied this information.

    “There are no detainees. I was simply dragged out of the office by force”, Navalny wrote on Twitter.

    There is no official information from law enforcement agencies about this yet. However, this is not the first search time the fund has been searched. In early August, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case regarding financing of FBK. According to investigators, from January 2016 to December 2018, employees of the organization had legalized about 1 billion rubles received from other persons by criminal means. In addition, on September 9, the Ministry of Justice entered the Anti-Corruption Fund into the registry of “foreign agents”.

    I wonder when they will stop picking on him, the clown?

    A blast from my past! I was 10 when that came out. I loved it!


    1. Piling on the PR thick!

      The morons of the FBK locked themselves in their office when told to open up, so the cops had to cut the bolts. Russian security doors usually have sets of bolts that lock into the door jambs. So the cops had to cut away and the FBK got good footage to spread around the world:

      And the BBC duly jumped onto the bandwagon:

      Russia agents raid Alexei Navalny offices with power tools
      2 hours ago

      Of course such heinous uncalled for heavy-handed behaviour never occurs in the UK and UK state security never forced the Guardian to destroy its Snowden files:


      GCHQ, Britain’s equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency, forced journalists at the London headquarters of The Guardian to completely obliterate the memory of the computers on which they kept copies of top-secret documents provided to them by former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden.

      More whinging from Navalny’s PR man:


  36. Humans need constant reminder
    of the existential threat to human
    life on the planet posed by the Zionist and goy psycho warmonger
    cockroach/parasite infestations.
    Both the article and the comment
    by Chuckman are well worth reading. The world has been turned into a casino where a handful of Jews wager that the inevitable fall of Israel’s reign of
    ME terror will somehow not come
    to pass.


  37. To the “kidnapped” by the military Navalnyite:

    Шаведдинов не может ответить за свои слова: ссыкло пытается избежать службы в армии

    Shaveddinov is unable to answer for his own words: he is trying to avoid military service

    Constitution RF Chapter 2 Article 59

    Article 59. The defence of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen …

    1. The defence of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    2. A citizen of the Russian Federation undertakes military service in accordance to the federal law.

    Shaveddinov, who likes to show off at unsanctioned demonstrations, has finally gone too far. This bloke is no longer shouting “Respect your Constitution”: he does not wish to respect it himself. According to article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the defence of the Fatherland is a duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. However, Shaveddinov, apparently, is not aware of this.

    As liberal Maria Baronova has noted, absolutely any man must do his duty as regards his Motherland, otherwise what is he? If you have been drafted into the army, then please do your duty, because a man is judged by what he does.

    The well-known Telegram channel “Lesonaval” has reminded its readers, as well as Shaveddinov, about what he had said before; nobody has been putting words into the Navalnyite’s mouth: they were his own words.

    All comrades-in-arms of the odious blogger Navalny make much too much noise at first and then later, they cannot answer for what they have said. It’s like always: at first you are Leo Tolstoy, but then, in reality …

    Maria Baronova could not resist ridiculing the unfortunate Navalnyite, who hopelessly tried to challenge the decision that he be drafted into the army. Earlier, the Savelovsky District Court and the Higher Moscow City Court were not satisfied with his grounds for not being drafted.

    Baronova said Shaveddinov wasn’t a man.

    “I said this to Konev when he was ‘called up’: a real man who is engaged in opposition activities, if called up into the army, should join the army. That’s the best way to “sort out” any other man in the opposition. So don’t piss your pants at all,” said the liberal on RT’s “Beautiful Russia boo-boo”.

    Telegram channels have also ridiculed Shaveddinov for being a pussy

    See also: «Прекрасная Россия бу-бу-бу»: RT провёл стрим «Год протестов» if ya can talk the talk!


    1. Have fun, chump!

      And remember — this is what the Yukie army, ably assisted by the likes of the Azov punishment “battalion” and others, has been heroically holding back for 4 years or so.



    1. It’s really outrageous, that the beastly Russians forced the noble Englishmen to leave their families on Christmas Day! Boo!
      Hopefully, the nobles will be able to return to their manors on Boxing Day, in order to wrap up the leftovers for their loyal subjugants.


    2. And what’s with this “scramble” crap in the Independent article about the British warship that valiantly raced out into the chops of the Channel on Christmas Day, its crew manfully leaving behind heartbroken loved ones, not to mention turkey and Christmas pud, in order to deter the evil Russians?

      Chocks away, chaps?

      Last time I was aboard a sea-going vessel, they said “cast off for’ard, cast off aft”, or something like.

      Plenty of readers to that above linked Independent article take the piss out of it and that RN commanding officer, who spoke of defending national security against the threatening presence in international waters of a 50-year-old Russian navy training ship, manned mostly with cadets, all armed with aerosol sprays of Novichok, no doubt.

      Tally ho, chaps?


      1. The gung-ho British wankers never mention things such as this, though:

        Russian fighter jets scrambled 3 times on interception missions in last week
        The Russian Defence Ministry said that violations of Russian airspace were prevented

        Tally ho, tovarishchi!

        MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. Russian fighter jets have been scrambled three times on interception missions in the last week, the Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) newspaper quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying.

        According to the defence ministry, 34 foreign aircraft conducted reconnaissance near Russian borders. The defense ministry said that violations of Russian airspace were prevented.

        The defence ministry said that Russian pilots carried out 176 sorties at 57 aerodromes in the past week.

        Well of course not, because the NATO prodding of the Bear is in order to let the beast know that the free West is ever on guard against the wiles of the Evil Empire, whereas said empire is hell bent on enslaving the world, innit?


      2. I must say, though, that despite that awfully dated style and gung-ho attitude of the 1940 newsreel reporter above, I really do think that many of those RAF-types were very courageous. Furthermore, I think that their Spitfires were beautiful machines, as indeed were many of Fritz’s aircraft.

        But this encouragement to “young Britons” to get up there and “do their bit” has a darker side.

        I well remember when I was about 11-years-old and was travelling with a couple of school friends in a local train. Suddenly, one of them began nudging me and nodding in the direction of another passenger, a man who had a terribly disfigured face. We all fell into silence, a silence brought on by the sight of his horrific disfigurement: most of his nose missing, no ears, his skin — if you could call it skin — a blotchy yellow and red and which looked like badly applied putty, all topped with tufts of hair.

        The result of terrible burns. I realize that now, but I didn’t know then. And in hindsight, I realize that the man had probably been a WWII airman, who had “done his bit”.


      3. I think they used ‘scramble’ in this instance in the sense of ignominious haste rather than an organized quick reaction by a duty section to a surprise air threat. The British press loves to play on the theme of government incompetence in military affairs, almost as much as it enjoys maudlin demonstrations of sentimentality. It often blends the two. HMS TYNE could not stop a fist fight at a brewery tour. And ‘cast off’ is more or less interchangeable with ‘let go’.


    3. Wow. All that stands between the enslavement of Britons by the Mongol-Tatar hordes and the preservation of freedom is a 20mm Oerlikon. I don’t like those odds.

      Few make such a production of these dog-and-pony shows as the British – dear Lord, a comment from the Defense Minister on the overnight sortieing of a single patrol vessel. And the drama! God, it’s like they’re going to their deaths. Look after Nigger for us, auld lass.


      1. Yeah… it’s a defective hand held I’m replacing. If it continues.. I won’t use it.
        I have a question for you Mark: Are you gonna permit Yalensis to suck your and the asses of the other Stooges in his attempt to solicit support to
        demean and vilify me. WTF!?? If YOU have a problem with me I would have thought you would have made that clear years ago. Same for the other regulars. If the little shitass has nothing better to do with his time than post some fuckhead ad hominem gibberish about me, then Yalensis needs to be removed from KS. The last time we got into it-initiated by Yalensis-you said KS isn’t meant for that kind of stuff. Well here we are again.

        It’s very simple Mark. If you and the other Stooges think my posts are tiresome and offensive, then say so!!!! In which case I won’t post. I enjoyed posting…. I learned a few things..but I’m not addicted to the GD place. OTOH….if you don’t have any essential difficulty with my comments …then you need to shut Yalensis the fuck up on KS as far as I’m concerned. I KNOW what I’ve posted over th last 5 years as do you. NS is a troll?….that mf’n dog won’t hunt!

        Sooooo…. Showtime!! Your blog….your call.

        Ummm…What’s up with YOUR use of the word “Nigger” ??


        1. I am not getting involved in the spat between you and yalensis in any way, shape or form. I tried that last time, and it was obviously wasted effort, since it has come up again. I personally think flame wars detract from what otherwise might be interesting content, but I’m sure if it were your blog you would have no problem getting how irritating it is to be invited to take sides on a conflict in which you have no interest whatsoever, and in which delivering a ruling in such a conflict would guarantee losing you one of your supporters when you had done nothing yourself to contribute to the conflict. I did nothing to bring it on, and I have no intention of interfering in it. If you want to call each other names, that’s up to you.

          “Look after Nigger for me” is a wartime catch phrase which immediately sets the period at World War Two and the legendary Dambusters; ‘Nigger’ was a labrador retriever belonging to Wing Commander Guy Gibson of the RAF. He was treated as a pet of all the pilots, drank beer (of which he was said to be very fond, surprise, surprise) and the phrase ‘look after Nigger for me’ was frequently used to set a mood of determined patriotism in the air war. Although it was attributed to Wing Commander Gibson on takeoff for every mission ‘in case I don’t come back’ (tug, tug on the heartstrings), there is no evidence I know of that he ever said it.


          1. The Labrador in question ended up by being run over by a jeep on the bomber-base runway I believe. Apparently, the faithful hound used to wait on the runway for his master’s return with his squadron of Lancasters. The dog was a black Labrador and some dickhead didn’t see him in the dark.

            The smartest dog that I have ever had had the same name. It was not uncommon to give a dog that name when I was young. That wonderful dog of mine was just like “Black Bob, the Dandy Wonder Dog” of Thompson comics fame.

            When they not so long ago made a remake of the 1950s British war film “The Dambusters”, they changed the name of the dog so as not to upset anyone. And so it could be released in the USA, I suppose.


            1. Agreed that it was a very common name for black labs. Creepier by far was the 1980s substitute name “Benson” (from the name of the butler in the spoof soap opera “Soap”).


          2. It didn’t just “come up” in some manner of spontaneous generation. Yalensis started this shit as was the case in the prior go round. You GD well know this so why the fuck are you acting as if each of us is equally prone to go after the other.The cocksucking faggot is at the bottom of this as a plain reading of his posts demonstrates. Call him names?? I want nothing to do with the little shitass.
            Someone who came across KS and knew nothing about Yalensis or NS would read his fucking BS and probably conclude KS is BS and you would miss out on a potentially useful follower. Yalensis has cost you at least two followers. You are a very smart guy Mark… But you are wrong to think any blog can maintain credibility as a an intellectually rewarding venue of informal political or cultural colloquy if it tolerates juvenile logorrhea like that shit out the trap of some clown butthurt over some real or imagined insult.


  38. And here’s what threatened UK national security:

    The Russian vessel was a Smolnyy-class ship built in the 1970s and used as a training ship for 30 crew and 300 cadets.

    It usually carries a basic armament for self-defence and patrol duties. There are two Smolnyy Perekov ships attached to the Russian Baltic fleet.

    Those Russian cadets are evil bastards, though. They can’t help it, these Mongol-Tatars: its their nature, see.


    1. Thus far I’ve been reluctant to call for resort to the ‘glassing’ option. Maybe ,as another commenter suggested, an appeal to the UN to denounce the American presence as flat out violation of International Law.


      1. Use of nukes would kill civilians and wreck the oil field infrastructure. So that isn’t the way to go. Look at how those troops are situated in an enclave in Syria. They must be resupplied. Maybe one tactic would be to make ground resupply unworkable. Since Iraq isn’t pleased with the continuing American presence, getting Iraq’s assistance -covert or overt-in interdicting traffic into the enclave from Iraq shouldn’t prove difficult.To stop resupply by air requires S-400 capabilities.


        1. The local Arab population does not appreciate the Kurds one bit nor the US for that matter. This is one of those self-correcting problems.


      2. Talking in the UN will not help. Sanctions won’t help either because Syria and Russia would have to go alone with them.

        Use of force against the US military personnel in Syria is the only thing that could make a difference.

        Of course the problem is that the US would retaliate which would put the Russian troops in Syria in danger. There are no easy answers obviously.


        1. The USA has set itself a mission which is more or less unattainable without the absence of public scrutiny, if it really means to steal Syrian oil. It can’t get any substantial amount of it out without being spotted, and if the intent is merely to ‘guard’ it, all it is achieving is to push the price up by taking supply off the market. It looks to me very much like creating the appearance of decisive action, while not actually doing anything meaningful. It probably does no real harm to leave the US military presence alone and let them weary of endless patrolling without any appearance of interest.


    2. Karl, you surely realize that the US is on a losing streak. The defeat in Syria was a body blow to US Middle East plans. Right? Its strutting and posturing regarding oil is nothing more than snorting and spitting frustration. There is no strategy behind it; just pettiness that will not be sustainable for, what, a year or two? Not worth a nuclear war.

      Crimea was a stunning setback to NATO’s plans to install a permanent naval presence on the Black Sea. Now, Crimea is becoming a showcase for Russian development and has united Russians like nothing before.

      As for North Stream II, the US has huffed and puffed and flung every piece of shit it could to coerce the Europeans in blocking it. Alas, to no avail. So now, it has used its last and most desperate trick of trying to bitch slap Europe but without success. Sure, Germany did not retaliate with counter sanctions but they did not have too. NS II will be placed in operation and other pipelines will be used for added capacity. But, Germany will not forget this when they have more room for maneuvering. Not that they will ever be a friend of Russia (actually that is OK with me) but they will no longer be a US pawn.


      1. Basically, Russia seems to be a master at using minimal force to accomplish strategic objectives. Compare and contrast with Western orgasms over shock and awe. Gawd, they are stupid clueless fucks.


      2. What is stopping the US from occupying Syrian oil fields indefinitely? It would be profitable for the US as the sales of oil would cover the costs of occupying eastern Syria, and it would prevent the Syrian government from getting money to rebuild the country. So it looks like a win-win for the US. That is as long as their military personnel are not dying while occupying those oil fields. So far there have been very little US military losses in Syria. This needs to change in order to drive the US out of Syria.

        Russia did right to take back Crimea but they need to solve the fresh water issue sooner or later there.


        1. Do you think it technically beyond the capabilities of the Orcs to have a water main slung under the Crimea road bridge deck?

          As regards an electrical power supply to the Crimea, those technically deficient Moskali had already laid a power cable between the Krasnodar region of the RF and the Crimea peninsula of the RF before they really started to go full speed ahead with the construction of the road and railway bridge that now spans the Kerch strait and which the Yukietards said was unbuildable.

          They also say that the bridge is illegal, in that, amongst other things, it obstructs large Yukie ships from accessing Azov Sea Yukie ports, notwithstanding the fact that said sea is the shallowest in the world and huge ocean going vessels cannot sail into it from the Black Sea in any case — but that’s beside the point: the Yukieshites object to the bridge in principle.


        2. As ME points out, Russia basically solved the fresh water issue for Crimea even before the bridge was built. Maybe you are reading old sources, it was an actual issue a couple of years back. But solutions were found, including conservation, drilling for new cisterns and trucking in water containers. Crimea is not dependent on the Ukraine for fresh water any more, even without the Bridge.


            1. “Karl is trolling, plain and simple.” I agree, Patient Observer.
              But so is “Northern Star” trolling, plain and simple.
              Note how he and Karl converge on the water supply issue…
              Birds of a feather…


          1. Trucking in water containers to Crimea sounds rather expensive and not a good permanent solution.

            It is my understanding that there is enough water in Crimea for people to drink and household usage, but not enough for the agriculture. And this problem has not been solved yet.


                1. Have you any details of what exactly was negotiated?

                  Were you at the negotiating table perchance?

                  What kind of quid pro quo was discussed between the negotiating parties?

                  Do tell!


                2. Either he is incompetent or the negotiating position of Russia was not that good.

                  I should rather imagine that nothing concerning the Crimea was open to discussion, considering that the gas discussion was between Gazprom and Naftogaz Ukraine, two corporations and not two sovereign states, but apart from that, there is nothing about the Crimea to be discussed with the Yukicnuts. The Crimea is part of Russia: no deals made as regards Russian sovereign territory, nothing to be discussed, no quid pro quo of any sort to be made.


                3. There was no mention of the water supply of Crimea so I assume it was either not discussed at all or Ukraine refused.

                  I repeat: the talks were about gas transit across Banderastan and the pricing thereof: the Crimea was not open to discussion in those talks between two gas corporations.

                  Is that really too difficult to comprehend?


                4. Gazprom is owned by the Russian state so it is not a private company. Therefore national interest should be part of any decisions that Gazprom makes. Russia could have demanded that Ukraine resume the water supply to Crimea. It would have cost Ukraine nothing and Crimean people and agriculture would have benefited.


                5. Gazprom is Public Joint Stock Company.

                  The company is majority owned by the Government of Russia, namely the Russian government is the majority Gazprom shareholder.

                  Gazprom board of directors, however, are not politicians or Russian civil servants.

                  Gazprom is not a nationalised company.


                6. “Gazprom board of directors, however, are not politicians or Russian civil servants.”

                  The majority share holder of Gazprom is the Russian state, which means Russian tax payers and Russian people, including the Crimean people. Gazprom is partly owned by the Crimean people as they constitute a part of Russia’s population.

                  It seems that you have something against Russia using gas as a leverage to solve the fresh water supply of Crimea. Why would that be? I don’t see any harm of Russia using gas as a “political weapon”, as the West so often accuses Russia doing. It is Russia’s gas and it is Russia’s right to use its gas reserves to further its national interest, even in fields that are not directly linked to gas trade.


                7. Yes, true enough – everything should be on the table for leverage. After all, the United States ordered that a private company in California not be sold to Chinese interests, and even though it should be none of the US government’s business, the sale was kiboshed.


                  Congress cited National Security grounds for stopping the sale, which probably allowed Chevron to acquire Unocal at a lower bid – but that’s okay, because whatever the US government does, at least it’s trying, right? Hey – maybe this is what they mean when they talk about leveling the playing field for US companies; you think?

                  I suppose you will say you fail to see the relevance of bringing up Chevron and Unocal when we are talking about Gazprom – guilty. I just kind of thought it suggested that every company in the United States is actually state-owned, in the sense that it is controlled by the government, if the US government can use National Security grounds to block a private commercial sale because it doesn’t like the buyer nation.

                  It’s not hard to see that you constantly and reliably make excuses for the way America does things, while deriding the way Russia does things and labeling it weak or incompetent for essentially the same or similar behaviour. I personally have no problem with it, but I would suggest you stop trying to pass yourself off as an unbiased observer of international affairs when you are pretty obviously an Americaphile and fan of might makes right. Again, that’s up to you and I only point it out because it seems to be obvious to everyone except you – perhaps it’s time to come out of the closet. And bring it on, as well – we will see who triumphs. I am overall pretty satisfied with Russia’s slow and steady progress, and see nothing alarming in it not leaping to great-power status in five minutes. Who cares? These things take lifetimes, and that’s probably why they call it The Great Game. If you are impatient with Russia’s progress, or what you term lack of progress, I doubt it is keeping anyone awake in the Kremlin. Perhaps declaring yourself for your favourite will bring more substantial rewards.


                8. It seems that you have something against Russia using gas as a leverage to solve the fresh water supply of Crimea. Why would that be?

                  Because to do so would be unethical.


                9. Why should the Ukrainians be penalized for acting unethically? It’s just something people who exercise power do because they can. I guess you could say they are just being honest, and they’re certainly trying, aren’t they?


              1. And if you were not a troll, this web site would be better. If the US were not so incompetent, it would have had Syria in the bag, the Europeans stopping North Stream II and a naval base in Crimea.

                Got it?


                1. I fail to see what the US involvement in Syria has to do with the water supply to Crimea.

                  In a big picture Russia has screwed up a lot more than the United States during the last 30 years. Russia has lost its superpower status. In fact Russia voluntarily gave away its superpower status without a fight.

                  Then Russia allowed the Western “advisers” and local corrupt and greedy oligarchs to rape the country for a more than a decade.

                  Russia has somewhat recovered since the 1990s, but the losses in 1991-2000 were so great that Russia probably will never be able to get them back. And these losses were not imposed on Russia from outside. As I said Russia voluntarily broke itself apart.

                  Russia back then was led by an idiots and traitors. Far greater idiots and traitors than the ones leading the West right now. The West at least tries to preserve the Western hegemony (they might or might not be successful, but at least they try) while the Russian leadership back then voluntarily traded away a superpower for jeans and Coca Cola. This might be the biggest idiocy in human history.

                  And now we have this de-facto civil war between Russia and Ukraine. In a perfect world Russia and Ukraine would be working together as allies, or even be part of the same state, because essentially Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. They have the same ethnicity, same religion, same language, same alphabet, similar names (in my books Volodymyr is still Vladimir and Mykyta is still Nikita), similar national character and temperament and so on.

                  Why did these people end up fighting against each other? Why did they end up hating each other? Think how much stronger and wealthier the Russian world would be if these people (and you can add Belarus and Kazakhstan too) would be united? They ended up in this state because the leadership in these countries allowed the situation to get out of hand. Again, it was not imposed to them from outside. It was their own doing.

                  I fail to see how the West has failed worse than this. They have failed a lot, but not in this magnitude.


                2. Karl said – I fail to see what the US involvement in Syria has to do with the water supply to Crimea.

                  In a big picture Russia has screwed up a lot more than the United States during the last 30 years. Russia has lost its superpower status. In fact Russia voluntarily gave away its superpower status without a fight.

                  The US had a historically unique advantage in terms of location protected from foreign powers by oceans, a largely uninhibited continent (once they killed off the natives) and rich in resources of every kind. The exceptional US has the same mentality as a mega-power ball super lottery winner who comes to believe that there wealth was brought about by god-given super powers rather than the truth of standing in line with a six pack of beer at the local party store and buying a lottery ticket at random.

                  Russia suffers repeated invasions. The environment is harsh but with good resources. They have overcome adversity (think WW II) like no other nation could.

                  I take a much different view. Russia is much further ahead in shedding itself of a stale ideology that had some upside while the US/West wallows in narcissistic self-love as its society falls apart.


                3. You are right that Russian geography is not as good as the US but it didn’t play any role in the collapse of the USSR. In 1990 the Soviet Union had the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world and the biggest land army in the world. In 1990 the Soviet Union was not under any invasions or outside military threat. The NATO was still in west of Berlin and the Warsaw Pact was intact. The collapse was not forced upon it from outside, but it happened internally. And it could have been avoided had the country been led by pragmatic sane people.


                4. I agree the SU could not survive Gorbachev and the greed he unleashed on a nation ill-prepared to handle the greedy – lack of laws and experience allowed them to run wild. Of course, the West was up to its ass doing everything possible to facilitate the collapse once they realized the possibilities.

                  Russia (and Serbia for that matter) can survive hardships and invasion far beyond the capabilities of a Western nation. Now that Russia has gained experience in dealing with the power of greed it will be much less vulnerable to future attacks from within. That is one reason why the oligarchs were not offed, just put in their place, by Putin. And the Chinese certainly learned from the Russian experience.

                  I sometimes wonder how bad it will be for the US. A military invasion and occupation is extremely unlikely but severe economic collapse affecting all but the, say, 5%, is likely in the cards (hopefully not but I can’t believe otherwise).


              2. as unethical as Ukraine shutting off the water supply to Crimea in the first place?

                So it’s always “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” with you, is it?

                Since when has a wrong been righted by responding with a wrong?

                Is that what tough guys do?


              3. Karl – If Putin was a better negotiator he would have included resuming of the water supply to Crimea as one of the conditions for the new gas contract between Russia and Ukraine.

                How quickly we forget – Ukraine’s ability to abide by an agreement is between zero and zilch. Russia would be far better off to place zero trust on the word of Ukraine. Therefore, Russia should assume that not one drop of water would ever flow from Ukraine; deal or no deal.

                Before you shout BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GAS DEAL Russia just made! That deal involved major European players who have a stake in its success. Not such 3rd party interest applies on water supply from Ukraine to Russia/Crimea.

                This should put an end to this silly and stupid argument.


              4. Perhaps in Finland, it is usual for the Finnish PM to tell the state gas companies how they can get their customers to pay more in gas rates by suggesting to their customers that if they coughed up more, their regular water rate payments could be decreased by their local state water supply boards. That would probably explain Karl Haushofer’s reasoning with regard to what he thinks Gazprom should be doing.

                Karl has yet to get his head around the idea that Gazprom’s decision-making remit does not extend to the politics of water supply simply because the organisation happens to be a government-owned entity.


                1. I have to take issue with YOUR reasoning. I don’t think Karl was suggesting that Gazprom should have lobbied for lower gas prices to be paid by Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine turning on the water tap; Gazprom passing the resulting loss of revenue on to the Russian consumer.The exact legal construct that describes Gazprom is beside the point. In this matter the ONLY thing that matters is that Gazprom is a Russian thing. When negotiating with a hostile foreign thing -Ukraine-all cards are subject to being played…and they are fungible. Actually Russia was holding most if not all of the cards. You MFs WILL turn the tap on or we will shut the freakin gas off. Ukraine would have blinked, especially given the imminent appearance of NS2. You stop acting crazy with the water or we will show you just how crazy crazy can be with the gas. Finally if TPTB went to some big defense contractor or utilities company or telecommunications outfit… private…not state owned, and told them to do thus and such in some specific dictated way. What do you think the response would be? It would be: “Yes Sir..may I have the privilege of kissing your ass in any other way Sir”


                2. I think you’re misunderstanding something basic – the USA still controls Ukraine through its America-loyal government, and Washington is interested in portraying Russia as an unreliable energy partner so that it can contrast that performance with the sale of its own reliable freedom molecules. An agreement such as you describe would make Russia responsible for enforcing Ukraine’s obedience to the agreement, while Ukraine was – in theory – not receiving any Russian gas for its own use. Therefore, the only gas that concerns Russia is Europe’s supply, and Ukraine would be under constant pressure from the USA to find an excuse to interrupt it repeatedly. There would be nothing easier than Ukraine shutting off Crimea’s water to call Russia’s bluff and make it shut off Europe’s gas, while Ukraine received reverse-flowed gas from Slovakia or Poland and the IMF gave it money for gas purchases.

                  I think it’s kind of a moot issue now anyway – I wouldn’t say Crimea has all the water it can use, but it is far from the desperate state it once was and probably has passed the point where Ukraine can realistically menace it with water shortages.


                3. To NS – any Russian bilateral deal with Ukraine is worthless, can there be any doubt about that? Russia certainly knows that so any talk of an agreement over water supply to Ukraine having any reality is ludicrous. So, why should Russia even try? To give satisfaction when Ukraine violates it?


                4. NS Troll: you simply don’t know what you’re talking about, do you actually believe that you are some kind of politcal analyst? You’re delusional, man… Jen made a good point, and you’re just spewing BS, as usual… because you have no clue what you’re talking about.


                5. @ NS: I was making a point that the issue of Crimea’s water supply is completely irrelevant to negotiations between Gazprom and Naftogaz over the supply, the distribution and the pricing of gas. While these companies may be government-owned and run entities, the people who work in these companies (even the most senior managers) are not politicians from their respective countries’ governments. They may have politicians on their Boards of Directors but depending on the constitutions of Gazprom and Naftogaz, the politicians may not necessarily have any role in running the companies and making decisions.

                  To expect that two state-owned and run (fully or partially) companies in the business of producing, selling and distributing gas should include the supply of something completely outside their business scope and level of knowledge and expertise as part of their negotiations is really odd. To expect also that Putin should be telling Gazprom how to run its business, how to negotiate and what to put on its business meeting agendas with Naftogaz is just as weird. At this point you wonder if Karl really knows what he is talking about or whether he understands the nature of business (in a mostly capitalist system with government ownership of essential natural resources) and politics generally, or if he just started the comments sub-thread to waste people’s time. Karl lives in a country where there is a mix of private and public ownership, and where politicians do not usually tell businesses what to make, who to sell to and at what price, so you would think he should know.


                6. Karl also lives in a country that would be about as likely to aggressively grab some other country of comparable size by the collar and demand that it do as it is told as it would be to change the national flag to a Hello Kitty motif. Yet this is the kind of diplomacy he respects and admires. It does not matter if you are right or not, it only matters that you take immediate and decisive action, and so long as you do, you can be forgiven anything that might ensue – at least you are trying, instead of sitting there passively being weak and letting it all happen to you. The only thing which allows the USA to behave as it does is its ability to simply print more money to use, so that it never goes broke as a result of its lurching escapades and can continue buying weapons and ammunition in ridiculously-outsize ‘defense’ budgets. A country which had to accept funding limitations would have hit a wall long ago. But simply magicking more money into the air is not infinite. It was never necessary to replace the US dollar with a single reserve currency, but only to convince other countries to do business in their own currencies and put up with the logistics of exchange.



                  Analysts suggest the USA could never refinance all of their current debt, even if they brought home their manufacturing base, radically cut back on government spending and ended all wars currently running. They’ve gone past the point of no return, and are simply edging further and further out on the precipice. The major piece that still has to fall into place is a broader adoption of a trading and payment alternative to SWIFT, which the USA still relies upon to leverage the dollar.


                  “The proliferation of alternatives to SWIFT risks slowing the flow of financial data since the new systems are unlikely to communicate in the same uniform structure. Such systems may also not be equipped to facilitate financial messages across jurisdictions, which could also hamper cross-border trade. In addition to negatively impacting US businesses with an international presence, it may also harm US banks that have historically played a central role in international financial flows, particularly across currencies.”


                  American economists are understandably nervous at the notion of manipulating international financial links and messaging systems for political gain, but as the reference article points out, American political bodies convinced themselves that sanctioning Iran through SWIFT ‘brought it to the negotiating table’ so it could formalize trading away all its advantages to powerful America. Therefore, simply pasting language from one bill into another is a simple way to ensure American domination.

                  There is a great deal more trade now in national currencies than there was before, some of it important and some of it specifically structured to avoid the dollar, which is gaining an unsavory reputation as another leveraging tool in the American political toolbox. The emergence of a dominant alternative to SWIFT is likely the remaining event which will start the cascade of irreversible decline in American international influence.


                7. The troll also lives in a country that is now governed by a gang of pussies:

                  Finland’s present all-women government.

                  Sanna Marin, 34, is Finland’s new and youngest ever prime minister …

                  What a riot!


                8. Well, the Me-Too types are always going on about how the world would be better off if women ran it. So let’s see them perform with a small example first. I’m not quite ready to throw my support behind the concept just yet – I remember Sarah Palin too well.


              5. Yes, that’s a valid point, and perhaps the subject did come up. I have not seen the full text of all discussions, so I don’t know. I don’t think you have any realistic idea of what Putin is like as a negotiator, while – to you – attaching sanctions to a Russian pipeline to the US domestic defense appropriations bill is simply ‘being honest’. I have to say I see a little bias there.


                1. Those Finnish ladies are nice looking, but watch them start to bicker soon. Women can be the most underhanded, when it comes to office politics! I could be wrong, though, maybe they are all just nice people.


                2. I’m perfectly prepared to learn they are some other-worldly beings who can make personnel dynamics work without offending anyone and foster a spirit of national cooperation without resorting to ‘man-tricks’; there must be another way, and we are about to see it. I have never said, nor do I secretly believe, there is anything men can do that women cannot. I am prepared to see and support a miracle, if one occurs. I’m just saying that has not been my experience to date, and would point out that now there are no men to hide behind and blame if they make a pig’s ear of it.

                  But we should never lose our sense of optimism, and should always be prepared for it to be different this time. We’ll see.


                3. I found online references to a paper published by a politics / economics academic (Oeindrila Dube) and a PhD candidate at New York University, S P Hardish I think the name is, which studied the foreign policies of 120+ European monarchs in 17 polities from 1480 to 1913. The study found that reigning queens were 27% more likely to wage war than kings. Married queens were more aggressive than married kings. Unmarried queens were about as aggressive as married queens but were more likely to be attacked by other states. My laptop or WordPress refused to let me post the links to the study and I’m on a smartphone at present but if you do a search on Oeindrila Dube’s name and keywords like “queen”, you may be able to find the study.


                4. Ah thanks so much, that’s the link to the Oendrila Dube / S P Harish study that I wanted to mention. Yes it can be downloaded but it’s a very long paper.


                5. No, thank you; the little bit of it I read in the abstract was extremely interesting, and as I said, I like to have factual substantiation which will withstand challenge when I am going up against someone ignorant and loud. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, of course, but oftentimes our opinions simply reflect that we do not like the facts. I am as likely to be in that position as anyone else, and as likely as anyone else to suggest men, or white people, or just people in general on the issue under discussion do not behave that way just because I do not behave that way. Who knows how I would behave if I were a drug addict, or just had a different upbringing than I did?


                6. In that photo that Moscow Exile posted of the Finnish coalition government party leaders, there probably should have been a fifth woman present.

                  The current Finnish government is a centre left / social democratic coalition made up of five parties all led by women. The missing woman happens to be in her mid-50s, all the women in the photo are aged 35 years or under.

                  Of the four centre right / conservative / liberal / nationalist parties in opposition, three are led by men and one is led by a woman of half-Moroccan ancestry.



                7. Yeah, most of the lady bosses I have had in my career turned out to be Sharks on Heels. To be fair, most of the men bosses were also despotic tyrants as well. But I work in the I.T. field, so that just goes without saying.

                  In my current job, I have a lady boss who is the rare exception: she is a doll and a sweetheart. HOWEVER! the problem is, she is so weak and lacks ruthlessness, that all the other bosses walk all over her. And she is so meek that she doesn’t stand up for her own people either, i.e., yours truly and my fellow peons.

                  One of the gals on the team said wistfully the other day over lunch: “I wish [x] were more like a barricuda in dealing with those idiots [in the other department].”
                  I agreed, but had to warn her: “Be careful what you wish for. If [x] suddenly turned into a barricuda, then what would stop her from turning on us as well?” See, barricudas are also known to eat their young.
                  [I just made up that last part.]


            1. В Крыму рассказали о ситуации с водой
              РИА Крым:
              13:56 12.09.2019 (обновлено: 13:59 12.09. 2019)

              [NOTE DATE OF ARTICLE! — ME]

              In the Crimea, they have spoken about the water situation

              SIMFEROPOL, Sep 12 – RIA Novosti The Crimea. All available water resource potential makes it possible to satisfy the needs of the population of the Republic of Crimea in full. This was reported in the press service of the State Committee for Water Management and Land Reclamation of the Republic of the Crimea. According to the press service, the water reserves in the reservoirs of natural runoff are enough to supply the population on the southern coast of the Crimea and in Simferopol.

              “The least water-supplied region is East Crimea – the cities of Kerch, Schelkino, Feodosia, Sudak, as well as the settlements of the Leninsky district”, the press service said and recalled that in 2014, a complex of hydraulic structures was built to provide the population of Eastern Crimea with a State Committee for Water Supply and Water Management waterworks near the village of Novoivanovka, Nizhnegorsky district.

              The State Water Committee emphasized that owing to the application of necessary management measures, the available water and resource potential allows the needs of the population of the Republic of the Crimea to be met in full. Until 2014, the Ukraine provided up to 85% of the Crimea fresh water needs through the North Crimea Canal. It was used to irrigate about 140 thousand hectares of farmland. After the reunification of the peninsula with Russia, the water supply through the canal there was completely stopped.

              A number of projects have been implemented in the Crimea to supply consumers with water. So, in 2014, hydraulic structures were built that allowed filling the North Crimea Canal with water from the Belogorsk and Taigan reservoirs along the Biyuk-Karasu riverbed. Thanks to this engineering solution, residents of eastern Crimea began to receive water. In addition, in October 2014, construction began on three water intakes in the Nizhnegorsky and Dzhankoysky districts: Novogrigoryevsky, Nezhinsky and Prostornensky, with a total debit of about 200 thousand cubic metres per day. The project provides for the drilling of 12 artesian wells at each of the water intakes from a depth of 110 to 180 metre. The total cost of the work is about 1.2 billion rubles. The construction of water intakes was completed in the autumn of of 2016.


              Cue: Troll.


              1. Russia has no doubt solved the water supply issue regarding human needs. Bravo for that. It may be the case that crop irrigation has been curtailed in some regions. If crop prices justify, irrigation can be supported through other sources including desalination using brackish water as the feed. Drip irrigation or other means can be used to extend limited irrigation supplies. It would like take a year or so to apply widely.

                Southern Spain uses brackish water desalination to grow multiple crops of water melons. Bananas and tomatoes are grown using desalinated seawater in the Canary islands. It’s not like Russia is hurting n the agricultural arena so this is a very localized and small scale challenge that can be readily solved if there is an economic justification or political will to prove a point. There is nothing else to read into this situation in my opinion.


          2. Depends who you believe, I guess. If you want to believe Kyiv is slowly starving the Crimean peninsula into renewed loyalty to Ukraine, you can find sources which will tell you that is most definitely happening – mostly, if not all, Ukrainian. If you want to believe Russia has solved all Crimea’s water problems, you can find sources which will tell you that – mostly, if not all, Russian. Perhaps the Crimean regional leader could have a say.



        3. It looks like a win/win for the USA only providing they are extracting and selling Syrian oil and using the proceeds for their own ends. Have you any evidence that that is what is happening?


      3. So far, Russian patience and refusal to be drawn into grappling in the mud has paid dividends. Every western effort to cause a big stir which will bring Russia to open battle has failed – the Olympic ‘cheating’ scandal, the Magnitsky Act, Litvinenko, MH17, the Skripals. There has been no western acknowledgement that these were deliberate fabrications, but neither has there been any meaningful and lasting punishment for Russia, but for economic sanctions which have greatly unified the country, strengthened its resolve and fostered sweeping market replacement which has hurt the west more than it hurt Russia. Western assurances of mountains of proof have turned out in each case to look quite a bit like put-up jobs which inspire a loss of faith in such assurances and broad cynicism. Insistence on slow, dogged pursuit of legal redress resulted in the implosion of drug-cheating charges and the restoration of Olympic medals, determined resistance to Browder’s lying and manufactured outrage is slowly evolving to repudiation of Magnitsky’s sainthood, and American efforts to secure international punishment of Russia for MH17 has resulted in no such action and growing skepticism.


    3. Surely you mean that he is truthful about his dishonesty, which would mean that he is either shamelessly immoral or simply amoral.

      What do you think?

      If the former, he is to be despised, and if the latter — to be pitied, though still shunned.


    4. Just as a matter of curiosity, is there anything Trump can do that will not compel your admiration? If he announces he is going to keep an uninvited military presence in a sovereign country for the purpose of securing its resources for American use, then he wins points for honesty. Suppose Putin announced he has several palaces in Russia and he intends to retain ownership of them after he leaves office as President – would you say, “At least he’s honest”? I suspect it’d be something more along the lines of ‘Fuck you, Putin – I was never fooled, although everyone else was”.

      Just for the record, I don’t think Trump ever said he intended to ‘keep Syria’s oil’ for the use and enrichment of Americans, although it’s popular to say he did. There must be a line of lawlessness somewhere that America will not cross, and it likes to maintain the outward appearance of honest forthrightness. If he ever said anything close to ‘keeping Syria’s oil’, he probably meant American forces would keep an eye on it, or that America would safeguard it for its pet Kurdish rebels and not let it fall into the hands of al Qaeda, something of that nature. It’s quite a stretch to think he openly announced the intent to seize it for the fun and profit of Americans.


      1. How many people who visit this site are US citizens?

        How many US citizens who regularly contribute to this site are US citizens?

        Do you know?

        I can name only 3 regular contributors who are US citizens.

        Out of how many contributors in total?


          1. How many US citizens who regularly contribute to this site are US citizens?

            I’m afraid I was in a rush when I wrote the above and left it standing as it is: I had to go to work. I have just come back home.

            That sentence was being edited, but I rewrote it as “How many people who visit this site are US citizens?” and forgot to delete the sentence that was being edited and which appears below “How many people who visit this site are US citizens?”

            Of the regular visitors to this site, I think those who are US citizens are slightly outnumbered by those who have not had the great good fortune to be or have become part of the Exceptional Nation.

            Those unfortunates include one Canadian, one Englishman, one Scot, one Australian, one New Zealander and one Russian; there are other occasional unfortunates that visit: one other occasional Australian visitor and one other occasional Canadian, who originates from Monmouthshire, Wales.


            1. And I forgot Trond the Norwegian.

              God jul og godt nytt år, Trond!

              I lived in Sweden for a short while, which period included the festive season, and I remember the Swedish season’s greetings as “God Jul och Gott Nytt År”, which is almost the same as Norwegian.

              ᚹᚨᛖᛋ ᚺᚨᛖᛚ ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᚹᛟᛞᛖᚾ


          1. That was a cheap shot. ME has the best grammatical/syntax skills of all posters on Mark’s site in my opinion with Yalensis up there as well.. His intended message was clear.


  39. Scowls and frowns directed at the Kurd led SDF or their American masters will not dislodge these motherfuckers. Syria, devastated by 10 years of Civil war needs access to and control of ALL her resources…NOW. In any event the Americans have ZERO legal justification for any presence in sovereign Syria. If the UN were to pass a resolution condemning the US presence in Syria as illegal thuggery in the service of the plunder and theft of Syrian resources, that could be the basis to justify military force to evict the criminals. Of course no such resolution is needed to justify the Americans being kicked the fuck out; it would serve to emphasize the complete Illegitimacy of the American presence to facilitate political PR for the forthcoming strike.



      The eastern regions -where the fuckin’ oil is-ARE mainly arab populated. Oh…and many of the Arabs HATE Assad,with the Kurds de facto administrators of local government. Apparently the millennial/snowflake phenomenon is alive and well in parts of Syria per the remarks of 20 year old Shebab. He thinks the welcome American presence will bring i-pads, chocolate bars and jobs!! We have Kurds fighting with the Syrian army in Idlib, against in the
      East. And of course there are Syrian expats living in Europe who are experts at the situation in Syria on the ground. Sound familiar?

      I know it’s an AP article and thus suspect.. BUT if it is more or less accurate,then maybe the glassing option needs to be considered. Bcuz America can exploit the potpourri of political confusion in the east forever.


      1. Yeh yeh keep on trolling’ NS and be sure to identify Russophiles with the “glassing” option so everybody think we want to nuke them….
        Does anybody here still take this guy seriously as a sincere commenter?


        1. Yeah… you don’t like my posts…so I’m a troll..LOL! Get some new material ya little shitass…the same troll BS is kinda played out.
          OOps…I used profanity!! Ha ha ha…. you are a silly and weak motherfucker Yalensis. Hey….why don’t some of the others post THEIR answer to
          your question…OK? You must be fixated with me because you are the ONLY one who has come up with your BS about 5 years! What’s up motherfucker…are their tongues all tied? LOL! BTW… profanity? That’s all you merit.


          1. You’re either a paid troll or a moron, take your pick. You’re certainly not any kind of political analyst. To be that, you need to be able to read a book, have a college degree in something, or know at least one other foreign language. Do you meet any of those criteria? Highly dubious…

            Plus, it’s pretty clear from your belligerent and ignorant posts, that you seek to discredit Russopohiles, by identifying them with vulgar and ignorant morons, such as yourself!
            You post a lot of spam and music videos, but very little worthwhile content; and any content that you do post (for example, Jimmy Dore, who actually really is good) is readily available to anyone without your assistance.


      2. Yawn. I know the notion of America’s all-powerful guiding hand is a popular one. However, it tried quite hard to set up a Kurdish independent republic in Iraq which would control significant oil resources, and be ever so grateful. And look how that worked out.

        Kurds played a central role in writing the new interim Iraqi constitution after the Americans overthrew Saddam Hussein, and it specifically recognized the autonomy of the KRG within the federal system. Jalal Talibani, President of Iraq, was a Kurd. But in the end things shook out more or less the way they always had done – ethnically speaking – and it never happened The Kurds were supposed to get Kirkuk, and sign Production-Sharing Agreements (PSA’s) with American oil companies which would allow those companies to pump ‘cost oil’ until they had recovered 100% of their costs in setting up their industry, and to enjoy giddy profiteering afterward for as long as the oil lasted. But it somehow never came about, although the American investor class has never completely given up hope.

        The significance of the Kurds to America is that they form the world’s largest ethnic group which does not have its own state. Consequently the Americans are always trying to carve one out of some oil-rich nation, putting the oiliest parts under Kurdish control so the Kurds can ‘show their gratitude’.


    2. That, quite frankly, is never going to happen. The UN is majority-US owned, and if the prospective UN General Secretary does not meet with American approval, he gets a pass and it is as simple as that. There is a thing in the UN where it’s always the leader of some jerkwater nowhere republic or something, or else it’d be a US General and devil take the hindmost, save for the open and unconcealed pursuit of American interests possibly attracting some distaste. But the USA provides most of the funding, and it likes the things it buys to stay bought.


        1. Mmmmm….Strength!! Action!!! Getting Things Done!!! Rapid movement which substitutes for deliberation as we drag NATO willy-nilly from its last debacle to the one it didn’t even see coming next! Except for our special friends in the UK, of course, who are often privileged to know our next target before anyone else, so their fantastic media can lay the groundwork. To which we can then refer as if we were reluctant, but given the mountains of evidence unearthed, we just don’t see that we have a choice. And anyone who doesn’t at least pretend to be convinced is no longer a friend, outside the Circle Of Trust, and a target for economic warfare until it complies or folds up. Moving on, the Leader Of The Free World would like to address….


    1. The solutions that Moscow Exile posted earlier have the result of Crimea becoming self-sufficient in water. The localities ME mentioned are located in Crimea itself.

      As long as the immediate water needs (drinking, cooking, bathing, sanitary needs) of people resident in Crimea are taken care of, that should be the main issue. Agriculture and industry don’t matter so much: they can use water from desalination plants and recycled water (which the author Inna Polianska poo-poohs as wasteful and expensive) and they may be allowed to run down if better or cheaper equivalent products can be brought in from Russia.

      At this point you have to wonder why Crimea had to get its water from mainland Ukraine when it could have developed its own water resources ages ago. The answer must be that the decision to supply Crimea from Ukraine was a political one and had nothing to do with the actual economics of making Crimea self-sufficient in water but everything to do with being able to hold Crimeans at ransom.


      1. Also had to do with decisions made by Soviet officials, economists, and engineers. Not necessarily thinking nefariously, but just routine bureaucrats deciding what was more cost efficient, in their view.


        1. After Stalin’s death in 1953, the people who dominated the Soviet leadership right up to and including Gorbachev happened to be Ukrainians or Russians with very close family or career connections with Ukraine, to the extent of wanting to favour that territory in their decision-making even when, in the context of water supply for the Crimea, self-sufficiency was possible. From a geopolitical viewpoint, if not an economic one, maybe even desirable. But yes, you are right, bureaucracy usually has to make do with the reality of the time and in the 1950s the most efficient option was to make the Crimea part of Ukraine to minimise the paperwork involved in supplying water to the peninsula. The issue I was trying to draw attention to was, who made the decision to supply the Crimea with water from Ukraine in the first place that later created the hassle for later politicians and bureaucrats which they tried to patch over by changing administrative boundaries.


          1. Svidomites are in permanent denial about the origins of the Ukraine, faking history of their fictive land by means of a fake Ukraine History institute that they have set up and run by fake historiographers. There is an ongoing spat right now between a Russian academician in history and Banderite wankers over Ukrainian “history”.

            The fact is that the Ukraine is a construct of the USSR — period.

            The areas of the UkSSR and now “independent” Ukraine (without a definite article, English speakers!) that have a majority “ethnic” Russians, aka by Svidomite tossers as “Moskali”, “Vatniki”, “Koloradi”, “Katzapi” etc., , albeit that Ukrainian Slavs and Russian Slavs are of basically of the same ethnicity, were added on to what had been the quite small rump of the historical Kievan Ukraine that had become over the centuries part of the Russian Empire, after it having been for centuries under Polish-Lithuanian suzerainty, namely the Eastern Yukie Slavs had been lackeys and slaves of the Western Slav Polacks.

            This addition of a Russian populace and its territories to the UkSSR was the work of Lenin and chums, done so as to add more proletarians to what otherwise was a territory full of shitkickers.

            The Black Sea and Sea of Azov litoral of present day Ukraine was in the distant past populated by Scythians and other nomadic tribes from the Asiatic steppes, even by the long extinct East Germanic tribe folk known as the Goths, who had wandered eastwards in what Germans call the Völkerwanderung, whilst their western kinsfolk, Angelcyn in Old English, meaning “Angle-kin”, had gone in the opposite direction. The Goths ended their wandering in the Crimea, then began interbreeding with the locals and becoming extinct as an identifiable ethnic group; by Greeks, by Tatars (again from the steppes) and by Ottoman Turks (a Tatar woman acquaintance of mine, a Bashkir from Bashkortostan, a Russian-Tatar as it were, unequivocally assures me that Crimea Tatars are not Tatars but Turks), which latter were there until well into the 19th century, until Bessarabia/Rumania were liberated from the Terrible Turk with the help of the Imperial Russian army.

            Most of the present southern Ukraine was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Sultan of Turkey, following the final defeat of the Ottomans there in 1783, the same year as when the Exceptional Nation was recognized as a sovereign state by the Treaty of Paris. When the Crimea became part of the Russian Empire, the Imperial Russian cities of Simferopol, Sevastopol, Odessa, Ekaterinoslav (later Dnepropetrovsk and now the Svidomite renamed Dnepro) and many others were founded. Interestingly, Donetsk was originally named Yuzovka (Юзовка) in 1869 after Welsh businessman John Hughes, who founded a steel plant and several coal mines in the region.

            After the decrepit Ottomans had yet again been bettered by Russian imperial arms, Empress Catherine II invited settlers to set up home in “New Russia”, namely the ceded to Russia former Ottoman territories, which Yukietards claim have eternally been “Ukrainian”. Many of these settlers came from Ottoman occupied Balkan lands, mostly Serbs and Greeks. The Ukrainian port Mariupol has, for this reason, the largest ethnic Greek populace in the Ukraine, formerly the UkSSR, formerly the Russian Empire.

            Yukie Svidomite are retards! I realized this long ago. I have met and spoken with them many times. They talk their fake shit to me because, having found out that I am English, they think that I am such a typical arsehole as are very many of my fellow countrymen and, therefore, an inveterate Russophobe. They usually shut their stupid gobs, though, having found out how long I have been living here, because they realize then that someone who has chosen to live in the Evil Empire so long must like the place and the locals.


            1. Фальсификация истории на Украине

              The falsification of history in the Ukraine

              The oldest period in the history of the Ukrainian people – the ancient one – lasted for over 140 thousand years.
              From a textbook on the history of the Ukraine for pupils of the 7th class of secondary school, approved by the Ukraine Ministry of Education

              Postulates of Ukrainian Russophobia
              Briefly, the main tenets of Ukrainian “new chronology” can be described as follows:

              1. The culture of the Ukrainian people originates from the culture of Tripilya (the era of the Copper-Stone Age: VI — III thousand years BC).
              2. Ethnogenesis of the Ukrainian people began as early as the Middle Ages (end of V – end of XI centuries).
              3. Kievan Rus: this is the Ukraine, more precisely Russia-Ukraine. The official history of Russia has undeservedly appropriated this historical period for itself.
              4. Rus-Ukraine after the invasion of Batu did not suffer and continued its history in the form of the Galitsia-Volyn principality, and then the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This made Ukraine a fully fledged European state.
              5. The cunning and evil Russians envied the happiness of the Ukrainian people and captured it in 1654, and then until 1991 kept it under occupation.
              6. In addition to their freedom, the Muscovites stole the name of the people from the Ukrainian people, and the Ukrainians were nicknamed with the infamous ethnonym “Little Russians”.
              6. Before Peter I, the Russians called themselves Muscovites, and Russia Muscovy. Only Ukrainians have the right to call themselves Russian, and Muscovites simply stole this name from the Ukrainian people.
              7. Muscovy and its inhabitants was originally a hinterland of the Ukraine, and it was the Ukraine that gave Muscovy its culture, language, and written language.
              8. Muscovites are descendants from mixed marriages of Finno-Ugric tribes and Tatar-Mongols. Modern Russian is a dialect of Ukrainian, greatly corrupted by Finno-Ugric and Turkic dialects.
              9. The Bolsheviks occupied the Ukraine, and under Stalin, they exterminated millions of Ukrainians (the Holodomor, GULag, executions, etc.).
              10. The Soviet government robbed Ukraine of the vast territories of the Kuban, Pridonya, etc.
              11. The OUN-UPA heroically fought for the independence of the Ukraine with the invaders of the Third Reich, the USSR, and even with the Army Krajova.
              12. The collapse of the Soviet Union gave the Ukraine the chance to reunite with the family of civilized European nations, from which the Russians had excommunicated it. All the failures of post-Soviet Ukraine are the fault of the Communist Party of the Ukraine, the Party of Regions and other “Kremlin agents,” in particular Viktor Yanukovych.
              13. Russia fully retains the ideology and totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union. Russians will do everything possible to re-establish their dictatorship over the Ukrainian people and suppress their national identity.

              Shades of Untermenschlichkeit [subhumanity] there as regards Russian Mischlinge [crossbreeds], I wonder, to say nothing of the Ukrainian Herrenvolk [Master Race]?

              I tell you, those retards from Galitsia who are of the above opinions are, almost to a man, shitkickers, bumpkins with a huge inferiority complex to all who are not stamped of the same mold, namely they hate Russians, Poles, Slovaks, Magyars, Rumanians, Jews and fellow “Ukrainian” countrymen who are not from the former Galitsia province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, namely persons such as he below:


              and these women:

              and bastards such as those above, who have come in recent years from behind of the Ukrainian woodwork, and who love to parade with images of Bandera.

              And this is what those Galitsian scum did:

              Atrocities of Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA in Poland

              Warning! Not for the faint hearted!


              1. On the bright side, this account might just invoke a more positive image of Russia in certain quarters. I mean, after all – it sailed in when there was an established culture and country already on the premises, and seized everything for itself and the use of its own people, making the previous and rightful inhabitants little better than slaves. They might not have been perfect, but the appropriation of someone else’s lands and inheritance showed strength and decisiveness, and at least they were taking action rather than just sitting around letting things happen. Unlike the Ukrainians, who were weak, because they had it all at one time, but lacked the willpower and national spirit to rise up and slaughter the invaders until none were left.


            2. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science and Doctor of Historical Sciences Vyacheslav Nikonov has commented on statement made by the Mayor of Kherson about native Russian territories.

              Earlier, the Mayor of Kherson Vladimir Nikolayenko, as well as 33 deputies of the City Council, had responded to a statement made by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said that the south of the Ukraine, the Black Sea Region in particular, is native Russian territory. According to Nikolayenko, “the South of the Ukraine is ethnically, mentally, geographically, and culturally Ukrainian”, and “native Russian territories are marshes near Moscow”.

              “A little educational programme for the Mayor of Kherson and his colleagues: Nestor the Chronicler, who lived in Kiev, wrote about where the Russian land came from. In Kievan Rus lived Russian people who knew nothing about the Ukr or Ukrainians. The Rurik dynasty, who came to Kiev from Veliky Novgorod, ruled Rus. Kiev became the most senior dynastic throne, Novgorod – the second, and Vladimir – the third. None of the Rurik dynasty had ever heard of Ukr or Ukrainian. Don’t divide a single great nation”, wrote Nikonov wrote on his Facebook page.

              The people’s deputy noted that the Black Sea region became part of the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, recalling that “Ukrainian-Turkish wars are unknown to history”.

              “Catherine the Great and (Grigory) Potemkin populated Kherson uyezd with Malorossiyan peasants to whom back then the Mayor of Kherson had not yet explained that they were Ukrainians. As for the marshes near Moscow… Probably, an inhabitant of the arid steppes has delirium… about dampness”, added Nikonov.

              During a big press conference on December 19th, Russian President Vladimir Putin called part of Ukraine territories native to Russian lands. He said: “During the creation of the Soviet Union, primordially Russian territories that had no relation to the Ukraine at all, all the Black Sea region, and western Russian lands were transferred to the Ukraine with the strange formulation – ‘to increase the percentage of the proletariat in the Ukraine’, because the Ukraine was rural territory”.

              [Proofread by ME so as it’s proper English like wot I talk, innit.]



          2. Response to Jen’s comment, “The issue I was trying to draw attention to was, who made the decision to supply the Crimea with water from Ukraine in the first place that later created the hassle for later politicians and bureaucrats which they tried to patch over by changing administrative boundaries.”

            It’s an interesting point, Jen, somebody should really delve into that history of the water supplies, etc. Could be a phD thesis!
            I personally suspect that it wasn’t so much a “decision” to supply Crimea with water from the Ukraine. I think that was just sort of the natural evolution of those water supplies, the River provided for everyone downstream. When the Ukies cut the River off, that was when the Russians really had to put on their thinking caps and come up with creative solutions. Up until then it wasn’t really an issue. All of the mad scramble for solutions since then: “Necessity is the mother of invention,” as they say.

            I don’t know the detailed history there with the hydraulics, but one thing I do know is the Soviet mentality. Part of which goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
            I am sure it never actually occurred to anybody in the Soviet bureacracy, that this could ever even be an issue! I mean, who could have foreseen any of this ludicrosity as it developed? Not even Nostradamus, I reckon.


              1. And the present canal construction kicked off at about the same time when the Khrushchev gang had the great idea of diverting a river in the Kazakhstan SSR so as to develop the cotton growing industry there. Result: no Aral Sea now!


              2. In those days, building canals was the fashion and the technology to drill for underground artesian water may not have been possible.

                I’m sure I’ve seen in your comments elsewhere here that some Soviet bureaucrats did favour Crimean water self-sufficiency by drilling down to those artesian basins but in the end those civil servants favouring supply from Ukraine through the North canal had the Kremlin’s support. Thi option may have dovetailed with the desire to integrate Ukraine more thoroughly into the Soviet Union through interlinked infrastructure, no only for reasons of cost by streamlining supply and the administration to support it, but also to encourage more public loyalty to the Soviet project and stop or curtail forces that would create division and fragmentation of the kind playing out since 1991 and especially since February 2014.


    2. TASS

      14 AUG, 15:38, 2019
      <a href=""Ukraine’s water blockade did not hamper Crimea’s development — regional head
      The peninsula has adapted to the lack of water supply through the North Crimean Canal

      The Ukraine government openly boasts of its crimea water blockade, notwithstanding the fact that the wilful denial of water to a civilian population is a criminal act.

      The Ukraine government also maintains that any agreement with the Russian government over the return of an irrigation water supply to the peninsula by means of the Dnieper canal would ensure that the Crimea never be “returned” to the Ukraine. Hence, talk about doing a deal with those criminals in Kiev about a water supply for the Crimea is a waste of time.

      14.08.2019 | Halya Coynash
      By renewing water supplies to Crimea, Ukraine would make Russia’s illegal occupation permanent

      Attempts by the Russian-installed occupation authorities in Crimea to initiate ‘negotiations’ with Ukraine over water supplies to the parched peninsula have received swift and unequivocal rejection from Ukrainian public figures, including the Head of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, and the President’s Representative on Crimea, Anton Korynevych. It is important that these are the voices heeded by Ukraine’s political leaders, as the move would be effective recognition of Russia’s annexation.

      Ironically, the above linked article comes under the heading “Human Rights in Ukraine”, albeit that the humans in the Crimea, considered by the Ukrainian government to be Ukraine citizens, are denied their basic human right of a water supply as :

      The hard facts about the legal situation were spelled out very clearly by Anton Korynevych, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Representative in Autonomous Crimea.

      He pointed out that Crimea is Ukrainian territory and is not a part of Russia. The latter cannot pose questions linked with Crimea within the framework of inter-state relations. “The Dnipro River does not flow through the territory of Crimea. Ukraine did not block the source of the river, but the technology equipment (a canal) which is on Ukrainian territory, as it had the full right to do.”.

      While Korynevych notes that, according to all calculations, there is sufficient fresh water in Crimea to meet the needs of the population, he also stresses that it is the occupying state that is responsible for ensuring provision of all necessary resources. “All claims presented by the occupier state for Dnipro water, therefore, do not have any legal or international-legal basis. Crimea is Ukraine.”

      Banderite speak with forked tongue?

      The Pig Poreshenko had the same attitude towards those Ukrainian citizens in eastern Ukraine who are opposed to Kiev rule:

      The bastard said the above when in Odessa after the immolation of folk there in the Trade Union House:

      “My dear people of Odessa! This is what we have avoided thanks to your wisdom, your solidarity. And thanks to – now we are all confident about this – your pro-Ukrainian position. I was full of joy, when after visiting Odessa the delegation of the OSCE made a conclusion that Odessa is a city of harmony, a city of peace. There can’t be a better compliment. I was very happy about it. Thank you for your wisdom, people of Odessa!

      “And we shall win together by means of peace! Because we have jobs, and they have not. We have pensions, and they have not. We have the support of children and pensioners, they have not. Our children will go to kindergartens and schools, theirs will be sitting in cellars. Because they do not know how to do anything! That’s how we are going to win this war. Because wars are won in minds, and not on battlefields! They do not know this, but I know. And I have your support, I need it very much in order that we win this war without any Ukrainians perishing, without inhabitants of Odessa perishing”.

      Yeah, that’s right, Porky: without Odessans perishing …



    3. 14 AUG, 15:38
      Ukraine’s water blockade did not hamper Crimea’s development — regional head
      The peninsula has adapted to the lack of water supply through the North Crimean Canal

      That’s August of this year.

      Four years ago:

      New Pipelines Start Supplying Fresh Water to Crimea

      Warning! Both above sources “Kremlin Controlled”!

      By renewing water supplies to Crimea, Ukraine would make Russia’s illegal occupation permanent

      How ironical: A Yukie “human rights” organisation that does not, apparently, deem it an infringement of human rights to deny civilians a water supply!

      The hard facts about the legal situation were spelled out very clearly by Anton Korynevych, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Representative in Autonomous Crimea.

      He pointed out that Crimea is Ukrainian territory and is not a part of Russia. The latter cannot pose questions linked with Crimea within the framework of inter-state relations. “The Dnipro River does not flow through the territory of Crimea. Ukraine did not block the source of the river, but the technology equipment (a canal) which is on Ukrainian territory, as it had the full right to do.”.

      While Korynevych notes that, according to all calculations, there is sufficient fresh water in Crimea to meet the needs of the population, he also stresses that it is the occupying state that is responsible for ensuring provision of all necessary resources. “All claims presented by the occupier state for Dnipro water, therefore, do not have any legal or international-legal basis. Crimea is Ukraine.”

      In fact, the Yukies stated that they had cut the volume of water flowing into Crimea via the North Crimea Canal because of an outstanding debt on water supplies owed to them by the peninsula. When the Russian government offered to pay the debt, the Ukrainian government refused to accept the payment.

      So, according to a visiting troll, if Putin had been smart, he could have used cheaper Gazprom gas as a “lever” to enforcing the return of a water supply from the Dnieper via the canal to “occupied” Crimea?


      The Yukies, in criminally denying Crimeans a water supply, are adopting the same criminal attitude towards those whom they consider to be Ukrainian citizens of Ukrainian territory (actually, the Crimea was transferred from the governance of the RSFSR to that of the UkSSR, where it was an autonomous republic) as did the Pig Poroshenko criminally adapt towards his alleged fellow citizens in break-away areas of eastern Ukraine:

      The bastard was speaking above in Odessa after the immolation there of Vatniki in the Trades Union House.

      “My dear people of Odessa! This is what we avoided thanks to your wisdom, your solidarity. And thanks to – we are all now confident about this – your pro-Ukrainian position. I was full of joy, when after visiting Odessa the delegation of the OSCE made the conclusion that Odessa is a city of harmony, a city of peace. There can’t be a better compliment. I was very happy about this. Thank you for your wisdom, people of Odessa!

      “And we shall win together by means of peace! Because we have jobs, and they have not. We have pensions, and they have not. We have the support of children and pensioners, they have not. Our children will go to kindergartens and schools, theirs will be sitting in cellars. Because they do not know how to do anything! That’s how we are going to win this war. Because wars are won in minds, and not on battlefields! They do not know this, but I know. And I have your support, I need it very much in order we win this war without Ukrainians perishing, without inhabitants of Odessa perishing”.

      Without inhabitants of Odessa perishing …!!!!



      1. Sorry about the repeat above!

        After I had posted the first time, what I posted did not appear, so I posted a revamped and shorter version, as I thought I had lost the first. Having posted a second version, the first has now appeared.


      2. And now for a completely unbiased take on the North Crimea Canal and the Crimea water supply, what better to turn to than RFE/RL ….?

        Что сделает Путин ради воды в Крыму? | Крым.Реалии ТВ (видео)

        What has Putin done as regards water in the Crimea? | Crimea.Realities TV (video)
        July 01, 2019, 09:30

        Without water the Crimea was turning into a desert. Therefore, the Soviet government decided to supply the Peninsula with water from the Dnieper. Unique in Europe, the irrigation canal was constructed over a period of several decades. In 1963, fresh water from the Dnieper river flowed for the first time into the Crimea. The North Crimea Canal provides the agriculture of the Peninsula with 80 percent of its water. After the annexation of the Peninsula, the waterway into the Crimea was blocked: now no water flows there from the Dnieper. Drought is killing the Peninsula. The Russian government in the Crimea denies that the problem is catastrophic, but high-quality drinking water is already in short supply. Where can Crimeans now get their water from? And what is Putin prepared to do as regards water in the Crimea?

        It’s all in Putin’s hands, see — nothing to do with the Yukietards!

        The idea for a Crimea irrigation canal was first dreamt up in the 19th century, but preparation for its construction only started in 1957, soon after the transfer of the Crimea from RSFSR governance to that of the UkSSR in 1954. The main project works took place between 1961 and 1971 and had three stages. The construction was conducted by the Komosomol members sent there by means of a Komsomol travel warrant (Komsomolskaya putyovka) as part of a “shock worker” project, which Komsomol members — “Young Communists” as it were — accounted for some 10,000 of the volunteer workers engaged on the project. The workers came from all over the USSR. It is not a fucking “Yukie” canal. Those arseholes couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery!

        My wife was a Komsomol shock-worker when she was a student engineer, but not in the Crimea: she is much too young to have worked there.

        This is how the canal used to be …

        … and this is the result of Uncle Sam’s Kiev criminals’ action.

        After the Yukie bastards had cut of the water supply to the Crimea, there was a harvest failure in 2014, which, of course, was the whole point of stopping the flow of the irrigation canal. In this way, the brain-dead Yukietards believed they would win hearts and minds amongst Crimeans, who would demand that the peninsula return to Kiev governance.

        However, Crimean water sources are being connected to the North Crimean Canal so as to replace the former Ukrainian sources. The objective is to restore irrigation and urban supplies to the Kerch Peninsula and to smaller communities on the east coast of Crimea. In 2014, a reservoir was constructed near the village of Novoivanovka to store water from the rivers of Eastern Crimea and now the North Crimean Canal is connected with this Novoivanovka reservoir.

        According to official Russian statistics, the Crimean agricultural industry has fully overcome the consequences of blocking the North Crimean Canal and crop yields have grown by a factor of 1.5 from 2013 through to 2016. This reported rapid growth in agricultural production in the Crimea is due to the fact that, with the help of subsidies to the order of 2-3 billion rubles a year from the budget of the Russian Federation, Crimea agricultural producers have been able to increase their fleet of agricultural machinery.


        1. Almost 1 year ago:

          «Крым полностью обеспечен водой на 2019 год», – Госкомитет водного хозяйства и мелиорации РК
          21 Feb 2019

          “The Crimea is fully provided with water for 2019” — Republic of the Crimea State Committee for Water Management and Land Reclamation

          [And yes, in my English there is also a definite article before “Crimea”, wie auf Deutsch: “die Krim”! — ME]

          The long-awaited inflow. The shallow Taiga reservoir in Belogorsk district is filling up with water. It is being sent there from a neighbouring reservoir, where, in its turn, the water evel has risen because of a snowy winter. What is the situation in other Crimea reservoirs? Catherine Seriugina reports:

          By means of this water transfer facility, water is flowing from the Belogorskoe to the Taiga reservoir.
          The reservoir already holds 11 million cubic metres of this most important resource. Decisive in this process was the natural factor. The Belogorsk reservoir, from where water enters the Taigan, is filled by the Biyuk-Karasu River. Precipitation from mountains flows down its channel along sinkhole crevices.

          In the past three years, the river has become shallow because of the drought, experts say. But that’s not the only reason. Previously, the Taiga Reservoir was used from April to November and only for agricultural irrigation, but after the closure of the North Crimean canal, water from it was being used the whole year round.

          Now the reservoir is being continuously filled. According to forecasts, the next precipitation is expected in late February. The water resource from Taiga and Belogorsk reservoirs will be used to satisfy the needs of Eastern Crimea. A project to transfer water from here to the northern peninsula is also under consideration. A project document is now being considered by the federal authorities. The situation in other artificial reservoirs remains stable.

          The reservoirs of the North Crimea Canal are filled with 24 million cubic metres of water. And this also corresponds to last year’s figures. In general, experts believe that in 2019 the Republic will not be left without water.

          Ekaterina Seryugina, Dmitry Volk, “Novosti 24”, Belogorsky District.

          Paging trolls!


            1. Here ya go, trolls!

              One year ago:

              Новый водовод Крыма заставит Украину забыть о водной блокаде

              A new water conduit of the Crimea will force the Ukraine to forget about the water blockade
              6:08 28 Dec 2018 Simferopol

              Scheduled for 2020, a conduit for transporting water to Northern areas to a significant extent, will solve the problems for the north of the Crimea. Federation Council Senator for the Crimea Sergey Tsekov has spoken to BAFS “Economy Today” about this.

              “After the Ukraine shut off the water supply to the Crimea, it has been the Dzhankoy and Krasnoperekopsky areas of the peninsula that have most acutely been short of water, and there is Armyansk as well. This is because of the work of large processing plants there that need large volumes of water for production. That is, the problem is quite acute and large-scale projects are needed to solve this.

              A water conduit from the south of the Crimea will substantially solve the problems of the northern regions, the sustainable provision of water being extremely important for the peninsula as a whole and the inhabitants of these territories. Wells are being drilled there to get water, but it is only suitable for industrial use as it has high salinity and is unsuitable for drinking. There were attempts to install treatment plants in the wells, but in the end, such water is expensive”, said the parliamentarian.

              The Crimea Minister of Industrial Policy, Andrei Vasyuta, spoke about solving the problem of water shortages in the north of the peninsula. “A decision was made to build a water conduit for transferring water from the Belogorsk and Taigan reservoirs. This will substantially provide northern Crimea with water. A pipeline is to be built, through which water will be transferred to northern Crimea using sections of the North Crimea Canal. In some places, existing channels will be used and pipelines”, he said. Thus, water will be received by the Dzhankoy and Krasnoperekopsky districts, and not only by the residents there, but also industrial enterprises.

              “Belogorsk and Taganskoe reservoirs contain water. I do not remember when they have ever been dry. The main recharge of water that they receive is by melting spring snow; in summer, water stocks slightly decline. But in General, the water in these natural reservoirs is permanent and they are well filled. Today, these reservoirs supply the surrounding regions.

              Now the load on them will increase. The Northern areas will require a large volume of water. Therefore, the water distribution will be carried out under strict control in order to ensure the efficient use of the water. However, the conduit that is to be built will not be the last project to ensure that all regions of the Crimea have water: there are more ambitious ideas”, says the Senator.

              Overcoming the last blockade
              After the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, the Ukraine blocked trade with the Peninsula and then deprived the region of electricity and stopped supplying fresh water via the North Crimea Canal. Earlier, this canal provided up to 85% of the Peninsula with fresh water, which was used for the irrigation of about 140 thousand hectares of farmland. The greatest difficulties arose amongst farmers in the north of the Crimea, where they had to grow crops that needed less water, as well as in the eastern part of the Peninsula.

              Partially, the problem of water supply in eastern Crimea was solved after transferring water from the Crimea Biyuk-Karasu River to the North Crimea Canal and drilling new artesian wells. The cost of the new water conduit, according to Vasuty, will be one and a half billion rubles: “The money for the construction will come from the federal budget. Construction work will take about two years. Most likely, we shall finish in 2020”. The water blockade is the last of the restrictions imposed by the Ukraine, the consequences of which the Crimea has not yet fully overcome.

              “The work in creating a sustainable water supply in all the regions of the Crimea has been ongoing for several years — a whole programme has been created and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has issued the corresponding order. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation is conducting quite serious work in this direction. At the same time, options are being worked on about which Crimeans had never even known about before.

              “For example, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Dmitry Kobylkin, has spoken about the colossal underground water reserves on the peninsula. In the Federation Council, he said that even Soviet specialists had found a lot of underground sources on the peninsula, which reserves could completely remove the problem of getting fresh water. Moreover, they are located not only in the Krasnogvardeisky and Nizhnegorsk districts, but directly under the Sea of ​​Azov. And in future, these water reserves will be extracted for the needs of the peninsula.

              “In Soviet times, wells were drilled to these sources at a certain angle, resulting in high-quality drinking water. However, at that time, experts in the framework of a single [Soviet] Union decided to build the North Crimean Canal. Now political realities and technologies have changed, so that in future, underground water supplies will probably become a reliable tool for the life and development of the Crimea”, concludes Sergey Tsekov.


              1. Sounds good to me.. I am sure that they are aware of the danger of over-pumping an aquifer. So, with the right draw rate and reasonable water conservation efforts, Crimea should achieve water independence. The idiot Ukrainians could have kept the canal open to give them some ongoing leverage. Their eagerness to inflect pain has again blown up in their face. I do wonder if the US is behind these stupid decisions.


          1. A guestimate of flow is 1 m3/sec through that channel or about 86,000 m3/day, 2,580,000 m3/month. A hectares equals 10,000 m2 so that volume would cover 258 hectares to a depth of 1 meter. Assuming 5 centimeters of water is needed for irrigation per month, the irrigated area would be 5,160 hectares or 51.6 square kilometers. That is a lot of land. The foregoing is conservative as no rainfall is assumed and no draw down of the reservoir during the growing season.


  40. Talking to a few relatively non-political friends who have the impression from media coverage that Joe Bidden is being eased out and Bernie Sanders may now be the preferred candidate. I do see some signs myself.

    If the Republicans choose so, they can burn Biden to the ground during the impeachment trial. The Democrats know it so a switch to Bernie would make sense thus denying the republicans a knock-out blow. The other (non-Tulsi) candidates have no chance against Trump, So, the Democrats have Bernie or Tulsi as strong contenders. Bernie it is unless he has more health issues. If he does, they may go with the Butegei and do what they can to sabotage Trump. My 2 cents.


    1. My 2 cents are on Tulsi.

      She is just about as plausible an outsider candidate as Trump and Obama before her and has been marketed to harvest the same “Mr Smith Goes To Washington” vote.

      “ Don’t care if she be Hindu or Buddhist or Injun. Let’s drain that darned swamp, Martha!”


    2. Maybe. But Bernie and Biden have more in common than beginning with ‘B’; they’re both old as Jesus. Biden is 77 and Sanders is 78. American life expectancy for males, across all races, is 76.3 years.


      1. All those old leaders of amerika (including Trump and Hillary) remind me of the gerontocracy in the Soviet-union…

        The amerikan version has whiter teeth and shorter eyebrows…


  41. That Obongo refuses to endorse Biden is kinda handwriting on wall. However given the state of the impeachment circus coupled with the ever widening socio economic fissures and gaps in American society….. ANYTHING can happen at the Dem convention. BTW…A Buttigieg candidacy is DON -Dead on nomination- He can’t carry the Bible belt or Blacks in the South. He’s a homosexual with husband.u He’s also viewed as a shill for corporate America like the warmonger tool of the elite consulting outfit he worked for That didn’t resonate well with millennials.


    1. True, but he seems to go over well with older voters (why why why?) if the Iowa caucuses polls mean anything,

      Why Why Why? Just a guess that they are polishing their liberal credentials, to one-up others. Stupid stuff like that.

      The Dems may go for him as the next barrier breaking Obama. It would be a failed strategy.


    1. Think of all the Yukie nationalists in their sitting rooms, squeezing their eyes closed and crossing their fingers and thinking as hard as they can, “Fall…..down…….fall…..down”.


      1. Thinking hard for Banderites means not only mouthing the words but shouting them and banging their heads against the wall until the wall cracks or a hole opens up.


  42. Oh look! The train was hauled into Sevastopol by clean, green electric locomotives!

    They must have changed from diesel-electric after having crossed the bridge.

    I thought my memory was playing tricks on me when I saw those diesels, but it’s all electric loco traction on the peninsula with railway catenaries.

    When my family and I used to travel by train to the Crimea, well before those Svidomite arseholes took control in the Ukraine, we used to travel by electric train from the Kiev Terminus in Moscow and across the Ukraine. Can’t do that now: Banderites don’t like Moskali trains entering “Kiev Rus'”.

    What sad bastards they are!

    Now don’t you folks go forget now that all those welcoming the arrival of that train all voted under the point of a Kalashnikov for the annexation by Russia of the Crimea!


    1. From RFE/RL no less!

      So that bridge must be real if that font of truth RFE/RL has covered the story — and RFE/RL undoubtedly is not a dealer in fake news, it being on the side of freedom and democracy and financed by the Exceptional Nation.

      The fact remains, though, that the train illegally crossed the Ukraine frontier without permission from the Kiev government.



      1. I also saw the Avangarde and Khinzal weapons covered in the local paper today, so the Americans must believe they are real as well. Apparently the Avangarde was demonstrated for a group of American engineers so they could see for themselves that Putin is not just making it up to scare them. According to Esper, America’s hypersonic glide vehicle is ‘a couple of years away’.


  43. @ Mark
    Yes, true enough – everything should be on the table for leverage. After all, the United States ordered that a private company in California not be sold to Chinese interests, and even though it should be none of the US government’s business, the sale was kiboshed.

    Ummm….That’s EXACTLY what I posted about the ability of a state-any compel a private corporate actor to do what the state thinks is in its best interests.The authority of the state trumps everything unless and until it’s overthrown. Even though they put him in power,if Hitler had told Krupp , IG Farben or Daimler Benz to something that was thought to be in the best interest of the Reich….the answer would have been a resounding Yes, Mein Fuhrer!!!! (once the Nazis had consolidated power). How else do the arrogant bureaucrats pieces of shit in D.C. get away with orchestrating mass murder and repression over the decades. They themselves have no power…BUT they have the reins of power derivative of the state.
    Even more,in America the power wielding principals : La la Land , Defense contractors, Communications media giants, the (collective)military branches are all fused together.
    All part and parcel of the same fascist construct that governs the American people. I suspect that’s pretty much the same throughout the industrialized world,including Russia.

    I think Jen is looking at this through the eyes of game player of economic chess governed by
    narrowly defined rules governing how pieces can move.

    It’s not……the moves are cut throat poker all the way down.

    Maybe the water for gas thing wouldn’t have worked out. However it was certainly not prima facie infeasible meriting no consideration as a possibility.


    1. “All part and parcel of the same fascist construct that governs the American people. I suspect that’s pretty much the same throughout the industrialized world,including Russia.”

      ergo: Russia is fascist.

      You know very little about Russia.


      1. One can discuss governmental
        structure of the nations on the
        fucking planet without having
        intimate first hand knowledge
        of the particulars of how TPTB
        operate in each. Stooges carry on about Venezuela all the time
        ….. They don’t speak Spanish and
        have never been to Caracas.
        I never claimed any expertise on Russia or her peoples. How the fuck could I??
        You obviously know way the fuck
        more about Russia than I ever
        could know.
        I was focused on common features of the exercise of power
        in different nations. The world
        “fascism” is overwrought… maybe I need a new term.
        Your “ergo” is YOUR non sequitur
        Perhaps due to my I’ll advised use of fascist to describe things.
        Mea Culpa.In any event,I retract
        any reference to Russia made in
        my post.
        As for Russia being racist..
        Dunno WTF you’re talking about.
        I don’t recall in 5 years posting
        a motherfucking thing about
        Russia being racist. Nope… can’t
        say that I do. Sorry.


        1. Strange, I recall you recently addressing on this site “Russian racists” a few posts back:

          December 15, 2019 at 10:26 am
          Dear barking dog Russkie racists..


          1. … the same fascist construct that governs the American people…

          2. … I suspect that’s pretty much the same throughout the industrialized world…

          3. including Russia

          Where’s the non-sequitur in concluding from your above statements that you consider Russia to be as fascist as is the USA and the rest of the industrialized world?


          1. I was being facetious about the “barking dog” or “Russkie racists”
            Ummm ..The use of “Russkie” and the
            cliche 60s rhetoric “barking dog” was kinda
            a tip off …
            I addressed the fascist
            issue and made a mea
            culpa … you wanna ACT
            dumb and pretend you
            don’t get it…no problem
            You could have bothered to post a link to the comment….


            1. No, “Nothern Star”, you were NOT being facetious about the “Russkie racists” – you specifically accused myself, Moscow Exile, and even Mark of belonging to the Ku Klux Klan! It’s right up there, in this very same comment thread!

              You attack people and whole nations, and then you back-stroke like a fly in soup, that’s your M.O., and then you’re all wide-eyed innocence when people call you out.
              Trollin, trollin’, trollin’, keep them doggies trollin’….


      1. That has been the strength of Russia – They are not acting like their adversities who fight over wealth and control.

        Russian leadership has taken a path that aligns with Russian/Orthodox/historical cultural values – taking the high road as it were. Their priorities are to protect themselves from outside invasion, use minimal force when force is needed and seek accommodation.

        It is that f’ing simple. Western leadership is flummoxed. That is not how the game is played in their world.

        Karl will likely claim that the Russian path (and others who believe the same) is weak. I would disagree. Time will tell but early indication are that the Russian approach will prevail.


        1. That’s the key, I think – Washington’s doctrine is founded on applying irresistible force over the short term, to get things moving and achieve momentum. Once the situation starts moving dynamically, it’s easy to control the narrative and inject helpful little shots of grease like media reports which substantiate the western narrative; nobody has too much time to think about them or query their validity, because things are moving too fast and the rest of the world has already moved on to the next scene in a rapidly-evolving production. When the end finally comes, as it did in Iraq, villains like Chalabi claim to have been ‘heroes in error’, and oh, so sorry, there never really were any weapons of mass destruction…but hasn’t it worked out well for America? Just be happy with the way things turned out, can’t you?

          ““What did they expect?” says the INC’s Musawi. “We were committed to overthrowing Saddam Hussein, not holding a tea party. We had to take some risks to achieve that.” It’s okay to tell a few porkies, so long as the victory is achieved as it was written in Washington.

          The United States has a long and colourful history of using selected and prepped ‘defectors’ to spin inflammatory lies which it then pretends to believe in order to unleash a massive military assault. Once the dust has settled, it’s “Well, I’ll be damned – we been hornswoggled, pards. That there defector warn’t tellin’ the truth! Let’s go git us a beer!”, while the PR types smooth things over and admit there might have been a small white lie here and there, but freedom and democracy!!!

          It has not worked in Russia, and while the patient post-artificial-crisis unpicking is not very satisfactory when you are surrounded by yelling believers, and while it never gains anything like the exposure the initial enthusiastic fake narrative got, it is far better than a precipitate act of violence which can’t be taken back.


      2. If you say so
        Thing is…
        Your rhetorical query has nothing to do with what I

        As for taking the ‘High Road’
        with mass murdering power obsessed psychopaths

        Good luck with that!

        BTW. My use of the word ‘glassing’ is in the context
        of dark humor rhetorical hyperbole. I assumed Stooges
        know that I don’t have access
        to nukes or their delivery systems. However Benard Marcus the billionaire jew co-founder of Home Depot lobbied
        for Tehran-a city of 8 million-
        to be nuked as a warning that
        Israel is not to be threatened.
        And the people Marcus lobbied
        DO have nukes!!
        Just thought I’d put things in perspective.


        1. Yup, Russia is taking the high road. Tally up the number of dead civilians at the hands of the West and tally up the number accountable to Russia (OK to round off to the nearest one hundred thousand) and get back with me.

          Let me help out a little. Lets say after 2000, the year the dark lord seized power in Russia. That way, you can skip over the Vietnam blood bath, Indonesia, Latin American death squads, the disappeared in Argentina, various Western adventures in Africa, etc. prior to 2000

          Ready, set, GO!

          Lets see what nuclear super power has the highest body count. May the worst country win. To make it sporting, I will spot you 500,000 dead.


          1. If you have trouble reading and comprehending my posts,
            they are in I don’t know what to tell you. What you expressed
            in your comparative death counts amounts to what I stated as America being the Numero Uno mass murdering thug of the planet… which is pretty fuckin’ obvious to begin with.
            Don’t get me mixed up with Karl and that dumb shit game you guys play with him.
            I haven’t said a fucking
            bad or demeaning thing
            about Russia in 5 years
            So GTFOH with that nonsense.
            Because I differ with you
            on strategy or tactics is not an attack on Russia.


            1. As for taking the ‘High Road’
              with mass murdering power obsessed psychopaths

              Would you care to expand on the above statement? I took it to mean you were ridiculing my assertion regarding Russia and taking the high road. If you meant that the West are “mass murdering power obsessed psychopaths.” then I agree.

              The problem here is that rather than seeking clarification, you launch into personal attacks. Stop it.


              1. It’s the latter.
                As for personal attacks, none directed at you by me. Sorry if you interpreted my remark as a “personal attack”.
                A little sarcasm is
                to be expected every now and then. I thought our
                of a couple of years ago was water under the bridge. Setting you
                aside, I would remind people that what is ACTUALLY posted by me -not the recollection of some asswipe with
                an ax to grind-is out there on the net… forever!!


                1. Fair enough. To be sure, I don’t mind honest differences of opinions. Once in a while, I change my opinions when the arguments are persuasive.


          2. And, of course, my post was in response to Mark’s comment about the absurdity (my take) on the recommendation of some who post on the way to defeat a cruel, deceitful and exploitative enemy is to adopt their behavior.

            The temptation has passed to where I would respond to you in kind. Have a nice day.


            1. Mark is entitled to the BS spin he chose to put on my remarks.
              IF some thug runs up on you on the street with a box cutter and intends to mug… maybe in the course of the mugging even kill you… Whatcha gonna do ?
              If you beat the living
              shit out of him to save your life, does that make YOU a vicious street thug?


              1. Use enough force to stop the attack and if that means killing the attacker so be it. Mark, in my experience, has not used BS spin on anyone. Its those kinds of claims that tips this web site off its otherwise very informative and often humorous path.

                I do think that the the topic on how to fight a psychopath (or a nation lead by psychopaths) is interesting and germane to this website. I suspect that a key factor in the method of resistance is the depth of psychopathy in the society in question. Is the population simply naive and kept in the dark (perhaps describing much of the US population) or does the craziness permeate the society (thinking Israel, Nazi Germany or western Ukraine). I think Russia considers these factors. Not that its Russia’s responsibility to fix fucked up countries but it simply may be the best strategy for its long term and peaceful survival.

                I will say it again. Russia has embarked on a bold experiment yet again. Lets hope it turns out well.


                1. In the case of Israel, from various websites and blogs I have seen over the years, my impression is that there has been a major population replacement of which we probably only hear 50%, and maybe not even that, that has led that country into a collective mass psychosis. While Israel likes to trumpet that it receives thousands of immigrants each year, what the country doesn’t say is that the rate of emigration equals (and in some years outpaces) the rate of immigration. Also the people most likely to leave the country are secular Jews or Jewish families with teenagers (who might be called up for the draft in a few years) and the ones who replace them are born-again fundamentalist Jewish folks from English-speaking countries who get suckered in by newspapers or magazines catering to their communities that tout trips to Israel for schoolkids on holidays where they can play soldier in an IDF-sponsored camp for a couple of weeks. These born-again types who move to Israel tend to settle in areas taken from Palestinians because they can get discounted mortgage loans if they agree to move to those areas and such people make up a considerable proportion of the settler movement.

                  On top of that, in Israel itself, ultra-Orthodox Jews post the highest fertility and birth rates and this issue is already causing problems in the country. Ultra-Orthodox Jews tend to have large families and depend a great deal on social security (because ultra-Orthodox Jewish men are expected to spend all their time in religious study). At the same time they are traditionally exempt from the draft. Combined with other population trends in the country, you can see the IDF will have problems pulling in enough young people into its ranks. Incidentally it was the issue of extending the draft to ultra-Orthodox Jewish men and the huge opposition to that idea among some political parties that collapsed attempts to form government after the first general election in Israel in April this year.

                  The quality of primary and secondary schooling is also in decline and over the long term that may also account for Israel’s descent into a dysfunctional society.


              2. Forgive me if it sounds like I am ‘putting a spin on your remarks’, but how is the situation you pose different from the one used in the First World War to make those who claimed Conscientious Objector status volunteer instead: “What would you do if a German attacked your mother”?


      3. Nah… your proclamations don’t mean anything csf…LOL Post the link to the comment csf OK? What’s the problem? LOL!


    1. It seems to be a pretty common theme in eastern Europe to adopt a history which shows one’s country in a much more heroic light – folk tales abound of the wild Polish courage of mounted lancers charging tanks in a hopeless display of resistance. And maybe that happened, in isolated instances. But it seems to be all about sloooowwwly slooowwly shifting the narrative, so that only one country cooperated with the Nazis – surely you have heard of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, old man, everyone knows the Ivans and the Jerries were thick as thieves – while all the rest heroically resisted. Eventually, if unchecked, it will get to a place where the west would have won much earlier if the Soviets had not been helping the Germans all those years.

      As the last veterans who actually have any memories of the event shuffle off this mortal coil, the efforts to rewrite its account will intensify. Because people just won’t try as hard unless you fill them full of shit daily about their inheritance of human nobility and always having been on the side of the right – a foil to the sneaky shit-wallowers the forces of good oppose forever.


      1. Nail on head, Chief.

        And dovetails beautifully with other recent developments like D-Day re-enactments in such “Allied” countries as Spain over the past few years.


      2. I was involved in a discussion about salaries of professors. I was sure that professors involved in hard sciences (math, engineering, etc.) would be the highest paid. I was a damn fool. Among highest paid are history professors at the schools we looked at. These court jesters writing history to please their masters are in the $150,000 range while the hard science professors are lucky to break $110,000.

        That reminded me of a past encounter with our guardians of the truth. When I and associates were more actively involved in bringing out the facts regarding US/NATO attacks on Serbia, we approached the history department of a rather large, well-known and respected university on that matter. We were told in clear terms, that one million dollars would buy a chair or something like that. Otherwise get out of this office. I did appreciate the honesty.


      3. Unfortunately, for anyone under the age of 40 (possibly even 50), WW2 is about – and only about – the Jewish holocaust. I have lost count (literally) of the number of documentaries about the Shoah. The consequence of this is that very few people know anything about the war in eastern Europe and in the lands of the Soviet Union. They have no idea about the atrocities, the behaviour of the Nazis who followed no known laws of war whatsoever, the ultimate game-plan of the Nazis for slavic populations and the scale of the resistance. It is this ignorance that allowed the rebranding of Serbs as the Nazis-du-jour in the NATO wars of the 1990’s – a beyond-irony labelling of a country that lost more citizens relative to its population size in the fight against actual fascists than any other.

        We are losing our history and it’s not accidental.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Excellent points, Fern. People have to fight back against this deliberate re-writing of history. Fortunately, the truth is out there, and the bad players won’t be able to erase the archives, much as they might like to.


        2. In total agreement and I appreciate your statement regarding Serbia’s losses fighting fascism and oppressors of every sort. That is perhaps the most important driver in the West’s Long War against Serbia. Groups who resist must be ground into dust. Simple strategy.

          Yes, WW II is only about the Jewish Holocaust. How many holocaust museums are in the US? By my count, 73 from the list below. High school students take compulsory field trips. To be clear, there is only one holocaust to remember.


  44. Speaking of the Crimea, my latest post a bit of irony:
    The leader of the Ukrainian-Crimean Mejlis, it’s his job to complain to the Europeans how the beastly Russians are oppressing Crimean Tatars. So he posts this thing on Facebook, he received a delightful Christmas present from somebody in the Crimea, which is a book (published by a Russian publisher in Simferopol, in 2019) containing medieval Tatar poetry and illustrations by a Tatar artist.

    Oops! He was supposed to say, The Russians have banned the Tatar language. And not publishing poetry and artwork.


    1. Here’s a clip showing the Tatar Khan’s palace at the ancient Crimea Tatar Khanate capital of Bakhchisarai. Note to oppressed Tatars amidst their Russian Crimean oppressors and occupiers:

      Jun 2017

      I shall have to visit that place again! Might go to the Crimea this summer on the train.

      But hold! What is this I find!!!

      From the Atlantic Council, no less, so it must be true!

      ON 1/17/18 AT 2:20 AM EST

      And there’s this from “EuroMaidan Press”:

      The Crimean Tatar Palace and other historic sites Russia is destroying in occupied Crimea

      Four years into the second occupation of Crimea (the first one started in 1783 and lasted until 1991), Russia is destroying the historical heritage on the occupied peninsula.

      The first “occupation” began after the Ottoman Sultan had ceded the peninsula to the victorious Russians after the Ottomans had had had their collective arses spanked, not least for their running of a slave trade for over 200 years from the peninsula, whose Tatar Khanate was an Ottoman satrap.

      I wonder how life in the EU is for the EuroMaidanites?

      What’s that you say?

      They’re still not in the EU?


      1. At least under the Godless Russians, they get one day to celebrate their culture unoppressed. The goal of the ‘Day of Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture’, celebrated annually since 2009, is to revive and popularize use of the Tatar language.

        Perhaps it will be celebrated even in the largest mosque in Crimea, one of the largest in Eastern Europe, constructed in 2017 and capable of housing 4000 worshipers. Perhaps it is an evil plan by the Moskali to get them all together so they can bar the doors and burn them alive.


    1. Yeah, that’s pretty shocking. I would just point out again that banks do not need to be outside American jurisdiction, such as in Russia or China. They can be in Europe; they just need to de-link from SWIFT. I don’t hold out any real hope that will happen – investors love volatility, but bankers…ummm…don’t. But de-linking from SWIFT, coupled with keeping the American financial sector outside the alternative system – or at the very least outside a position where it can tap into it and subvert it – would be enough to sack American influence.

      It’s funny that the international community is just now starting to notice that Washington’s push to cripple Nord Stream II has implications for European purchase of American LNG. Not like anyone has been talking about it for years.


    2. Russian state media reported that Gazprom’s pipe-laying vessel Akademik Cherskiy, currently in the far east, would be brought to the Baltic to complete the pipeline.

      Perfect. Although the delay is unfortunate, Russia finishing the pipeline with its own vessel and technology sends a nice message.


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