The Boy Who Cried “Bear!!”: a Norwegian Folk Tale

Uncle Volodya says, “The text has disappeared under the interpretation.”

Once upon a time, there was a Norwegian boy named Jens, from the town of Nato. Jens’ work was mostly tedious and boring, and often people did not pay very much attention to what he said or did – so, every once in awhile, he liked to liven things up, see if he could get a reaction, generate a little excitement. He would shout, “Bear!!! I saw a bear, right through those bushes! He is coming to kill us all!!”

At first the townspeople of Nato would rush to collective-defense readiness, shouting, “Get away, bear!! Go back to where you came from!! Leave our lands!!”, pointing their pitchforks and whatever weaponry they could carry in the direction Jens had said the bear was last seen. But after repeated alarms, the townspeople grew apathetic and resentful of Jens’ attempts to scare them, since no bear was ever actually sighted by any of them, and eventually they would not come running any more when he shouted his warnings. Consequently, nobody responded the day the bear really showed up, despite Jens’ frantic screams as the bear grabbed him and prepared to gobble him up. Or down, as the case may be. Fortunately for Jens, he tasted like frozen pizza (Norwegians are Europe’s highest per-capita consumers of this exotic dish), and the bear spat him out after only chewing on him a little, and went away. Jens learned absolutely no lessons from the experience, and went on exactly as before.

I suppose if there is a moral to this story – and all folk tales traditionally have a moral – it is that not everyone in Nato was an idiot, although there was a vigorous and vocal idiot demographic. But even idiots grow weary of constantly being prodded to take time from their busy lives to listen to alarming scary tales, and to contribute some of their salaries or savings toward fighting off imaginary threats. By the time Jens decided to change it up a little (although there is no evidence such a decision was motivated by anything more than wanting to regain lost attention), nobody was listening.

How art imitates life.

According to this optimistic headline, NATO – as personified by its Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg – desires fewer tensions and an improved relationship with Russia.

Well, that’s encouraging, surely? After all, relations could hardly be much worse short of war. At various junctures over the past couple of years, NATO has accused Russia of cheating in the Olympics, menacing the world’s civil aviation with its long-range aircraft by their act of leaving Russian airspace, rigging the American elections so the country was left with a President who makes Billy-Bob ‘Sling Blade’ Thornton look like a model of stability, and poisoning washed-up intelligence agents in Britain with Novichok, a nerve agent so deadly I shall probably have to boil and sandblast my tongue for having said its name.

Well, mustn’t dwell on the past, what? Let’s see what’s in this generous olive branch. Take a moment and read it through, and then come back and we’ll talk about it. For those who have already read it, enjoy this musical interlude while we wait for the rest to catch up.

Finished? What did you think? Yeah; I got that, too – where in that tale of how NATO must be able to dictate to the bear from a position of strength was there anything to do with reconciliation and mending fences?

And in this, too, there is a continuation of previous behaviour which has led to nothing but Russian suspicion of westerners, and a conviction that they are all chock-full of shit and not to be trusted. In the instances I cited above, the west first broadcast all-caps accusations in screaming headlines – Russia cheated in the Olympics and used doped-up cyborgs to win all its medals. It stole the American elections for Donald Trump. It poisoned the Skripals, and got such a kick from it that it has sent its assassins back at least once since then to poison more people who are not even former Russian agents (that we know of). The west then claimed to have proof; so much proof you wouldn’t even believe it – pick your superlative. Irrefutable, inescapable, undeniable absolutely no-bullshit proof, and lots of it.

You know where we’re going, don’t you? In the case of the Olympics, and international sport in general, the west provided nothing at all that could be properly called proof, but always continuing to maintain it had it, and lots of it – just you wait and see. Star witness Grigory Rodchenkov, PhD in serial fabrication, was discredited over and over, and had a bit of a meltdown during testimony before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Most of the medals confiscated from victorious Russian athletes had to be returned, and recently RUSADA was re-instated for drug-testing functions, to hoarse screams of rage from USADA head Travis T. Tygart. All these actions took place without Russia ever accepting the conclusions of the infamous McLaren Report, which was said to be a deal-breaker – no admission of guilt, no reinstatement. Yet Russia was reinstated. Draw your own conclusion from that, but I suggest it had much to do with there not ever having been any evidence, ironclad and unambiguous or otherwise. The western response, as typified by the United States, was the announcement of intention to form a new agency that could be relied upon not to fail embarrassingly as WADA did at doing its job – getting the Russians out and keeping them out and in as much disgrace as can be imagined.

Jens Stoltenberg himself had much to do with the broadcasting of the silly meme that Russian military aircraft on sovereignty patrols, intelligence-gathering or just taking a look at what’s going on in the world from the vantage point of international airspace are a danger to civil aviation. Back in 2014, he told us himself, “Russia’s growing military presence in the skies above the Baltic region is unjustified and its aircraft regularly fail to file flight plans or communicate with air controllers, and fly with their transponders off, posing a risk to civil aviation.

The ‘Baltic region’ is right next door to Russia; want to see a map? That’s like a complaint that too many American aircraft are flying over Canada.

For the uninitiated, military aircraft of all nations typically do not fly with their IFF transponders on (squawking an international code; the west cannot read Russian national IFF anyway) unless they want to tell everyone with the equipment to read it that they are a military aircraft, and of what type. Military aircraft of Russia do not file flight plans, before departure, with NATO, because NATO is the enemy. I’m sure I don’t have to explain what it does to your likely chances of success on a military intelligence-gathering patrol if you tell the enemy what time you plan to leave and the route you will take to get there and back. Do NATO military aircraft file a flight plan with the Kremlin? Ha, ha; as if.

I’m not even going to get into the stupidity marathon of the Skripal affair and subsequent ‘poisonings’. Suffice it to say the British came up with a perfume bottle with a whacking great atomizer on top that looks like it was made by a talented five-year-old at Science Camp, while the resident British Chemical-Warfare expert – Hamish de Bretton-Gordon – told us all that it could only have been produced by Putin’s top scientists in their most sophisticated and top-secret lab. The Chemical-Warfare genius told the British newspapers that it must have cost the Kremlin ‘thousands’ (of pounds, presumably) to engineer the bottle from scratch. If that means melting the sand to make the glass, maybe, but making fake bottles has come quite a long way since the days of the Pharaohs. I don’t want to get into it any deeper than that, because I don’t want to insult the British people, many of whom I like. Besides, it looks to me to be more than probable that it is simply a regular Nina Ricci perfume bottle, not specially-engineered at all by anyone, with this stupid-looking ‘Thunderbirds’ plastic doohickey on top. The bottle certainly could not have been high-strength unbreakable ceramic as the experts suggest, because it supposedly broke in the hands of the hapless Charles Rowley, which is allegedly how he was exposed. If the British government is ever thinking of post-government employment, detective-novel authorship is out.

I don’t want to stray too far from the point, which is that the west, through the media, has manufactured a series of scandals fingering Russia as the culprit, all of which it claims to be able to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt. It has proven exactly none of them, while skeptics have roundly mocked their clumsiness on the internet and in social media. Accusations were not made more or less anonymously in the media, but directly from the mouths of western government leaders.

So you would sort of expect that a change of heart, such as the desire for better relations, would be marked by acknowledgement that things got a little crazy there for awhile, some things were said that probably should not have been, hope you can understand the pressures I was under at the time, bla, bla bla.

Not a bit of it. Instead, Stoltenberg blabbers that when NATO sees Russia behaving more aggressively and developing new weapon capabilities, why, NATO must ‘adapt’. Because Russia’s alleged behavior is “a pattern developed over years which needs a response.” NATO can only engage in dialogue with Russia, he says, when it is bristling with enough modern weapons that Russia knows right away it is not here to take any shit. Tell you what, Jens – if the missus and I ever have a major fight, remind me not to send you with my making-up offer.

The rest of NATO’s supposed let’s-be-friends-again overture is stiff with threats and jabber about more bases, more weapons, more capability. We can be friends with Russia again when it is clear to them that we could slap them into next week if they don’t accept our offer. Tell us again how you wooed Mrs. Stoltenberg; did you straightaway get her in a hammerlock and grind her cheek into the dirt, grunting, “Take me as your significant other, or it will be the worse for you!!”

I wouldn’t make any plans for the lifting of sanctions and any sort of return to sanity in the near future – not while the west remains unable to get over its ridiculous superiority complex, and its conviction that it holds all the cards in its showdown with an unschooled barbarian who only understands force and strength.

1,488 thoughts on “The Boy Who Cried “Bear!!”: a Norwegian Folk Tale

  1. Trump has gone too far (forgive my cynicism):

    Eleven people have been killed in a shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, police have confirmed. The suspect has been detained.

    Twelve people have been injured, according to local media. Three officers were wounded, though it remains unclear whether they were counted in that tally.

    Police radio chatter suggested the suspect told officers before being detained that “all these Jews need to die” and he didn’t “want any of them to live.”

    I wonder if they found a MAGA hat at the scene.


      1. Don’t get your SJW panties in a twist. The irrelevant detail of what party some criminal supports is always made the central focus in US politics. The clown who sent (without proper postage) a bunch of fake pipe bombs to precious Democratic Party leaders was driving around in a van covered with pro-Trump posters and made sure to tell everyone he supports Trump. So this was ammunition for the US MSM and Democratic Party to attack Trump.

        Meanwhile the butcher (Stephen Paddock) who massacred 58 Republicans at a country and western even in Las Vegas remains a “man of mystery” with no hint as to his party affiliation. How convenient.


        1. From Wiki:

          “Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics.”

          If you are talking to me kirill***…I leave fantasizing about cross dreessing to fggts who..well fantasize about cross dressing.

          I thought PO was referring to the synagogue shooter..NOT the package bomb guy. Hence the link that
          addressed the shooter’s political leanings .

          “Meanwhile the butcher (Stephen Paddock) who massacred 58 Republicans at a country and western even in Las Vegas remains a “man of mystery” with no hint as to his party affiliation. How convenient.”
          Psst…here’s a hint:

          *** TAXI (smirks…he won’t get it!!!)


        1. Forgot to mention that Trump has likely been the most visibly pro-Israeli president in US history.

          Many of Trump’s supporters harbor strong suspicions regarding Jewish influence in the US but the efforts already underway to link this shooting to Trump personally simply has no substance.


    1. BS spreader can’t help spreading BS.


      1. It reminds me of that scene in “A League Of Their Own”, where Geena Davis is saying of her sister, “Throw her high balls. She can’t hit ’em, can’t leave ’em alone”. Poor Julia; she can’t resist steering modern events to fit her own prejudices. But don’t take my word for it; check out the comments, where they handed her her ass.

        Maybe she needs a raise or a new job or something. She certainly seems desperate for attention for some reason.


      2. What about a word to your fellow Russian Jews, Ioffe? You know, so as to remind them of the hell hole where they live, including your old gran, if she’s still alive and kicking here in Moscow?


  2. Russia tried to have resolution passed at the UN in favour of the INF Treaty. It was blocked by Washington’s EU lickspittles including Germany. Never, ever take any pronouncement by NATzO hyenas at face value. When it comes time to put money where the mouth is, then true beliefs become apparent. These morons couldn’t even support Russia’s UN resolution although they are in harm’s way from the death of the INF.


    1. This is a common theme here, although we don’t often get such detailed figures – thanks for that. It’s kind of a shame that so many regular people are going to get hurt, but there is a demographic that it’s going to look really good on. The ones who use every bit of blue-sky bullshit the media broadcasts as an excuse to gloat and say how great things are going to be once the good ol’ USA is rubbing everybody’s nose in the dirt and making them know their place. Those are the people that it will be satisfying to watch when they blubber, “But…but….muh FREEDOM!!!!” I’ll be sorry for all those who lose out because Business knows that sometimes telling the truth and making money are alien to one another. But I won’t be sorry for the braggarts and the chest-beaters at all.


    1. For example, it asks foreign companies to set up joint ventures with local Chinese partners if they want to operate in the country. And the U.S. alleges China requires companies to part with intellectual property as a price of accessing its market.

      No foreign partner needed. Chinese industrial parks are making attractive offers to entice startups of 100% foreign owned operations. That is a verified fact.


      1. From my own reading of post-1945 Japanese history, the Japanese (government and private companies alike) bought up intellectual patents of foreign companies whenever they could. This practice enabled Japan to recover from wartime ruin. On top of that, the Japanese imported the ideas of the American engineer W Edwards Deming on product research and testing and quality control, and incorporated these into their business culture.

        The alternative would have been to resort to intellectual piracy which not only results in products of uneven quality and standards but gives the country that engages in such piracy a bad reputation that will be hard to shake off even when it gives up the practice. No-one will want to trade with or invest in such a country.



    Trump thinks Russia wants economic aid from the USA

    The US president also resented that Germany is paying Russia for building the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, but at the same time asks Washington to protect it from Moscow.

    WASHINGTON, October 28th. / Tass /. Russia wants to receive economic assistance from the United States, given the wealth that Donald Trump has achieved during his presidency. This point of view the American leader himself expressed on Saturday during a speech in front of his supporters in Illinois.

    “Do not forget that Russia wants our help economically. After all, we have achieved such wealth: I did a really good job. Russia wants our participation,” Trump said.

    A clear case of brain rot induced by ignorant hubris.


  4. I had a great meeting with Vladimir Putin, great meeting. I talked about everything; we will do great. And don’t forget — Russia wants our help economically. We have created such wealth. I have done a really good job – $11.7 trillion. Russia wants us to be involved. Everybody wants our help” — Trump said at a rally in the US state of Illinois.
    28 October, 2018


    Source: not in UK media, yet, but here and here


    1. Everything he says is expressed in such loose generalities that it’s like he writes daily horoscopes for a living – today, something interesting is going to happen to you. “I talked about everything; we will do great”. Translation – don’t worry; whatever your concern might be, I raised it with Putin, and he came around to my way of looking at things. Everything is going to be fine; just keep on paying your taxes, and don’t make a fuss.

      When he says “Russia wants our help economically”, there’s a grain of truth to it. Russian businessmen want the sanctions to be lifted so that they can get back to the more parochial concerns of increasing market share and maximizing profit, just like businessmen everywhere. But it is hardly reasonable to characterize as ‘help’ the lifting of sanctions which were not in place before, and were imposed to give America an advantage and punish Russia for something it did not do. And further, Russia is already well on the way to diversifying its trading partnerships so that one could just as accurately say “Europe wants Russia’s help economically”.

      In the context Trump is using, everyone does want America’s help economically. Everyone wants Trump to stop fucking around with global trade arrangements with the aim of ‘leveling the playing field’ to overwhelming American advantage. An effort which has wiped out all the stock-market gains from 2018. If Trump merely announced that America would not do business with anyone unless it was to American advantage, under terms in which America made money, world trade would simply separate and pour around America like water makes a new shape to go around a rock. Instead, his tactic is to use tariffs to bludgeon a hole in the national economy so that American products can pour in.


  5. Порошенко в поздравлении с годовщиной изгнания фашистов рассказал о неравных боях УПА с НКВД

    Poroshenko, in his anniversary of the Nazi expulsion congratulations, has spoken about the unequal battles between the UPA with the NKVD

    Piece of shit Poroshenko

    The President of the Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in his congratulatory message on the anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from within Ukrainian territory, spoke about the “soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army*” who “died in the unequal battle with the troops of the NKVD”.

    Poroshenko referred to Ukrainians in the Red Army who achieved victory over the Nazis. However, he focused on the “confrontation with the NKVD”.

    “After the long-awaited peace reigned in the world, soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army desperately resisted the Stalin regime and died in unequal battles against NKVD troops” reads a statement on the website of the President of the Ukraine.

    Online comments:
    – The post-war world order was determined by the results of the Yalta conference: USSR-USA-England
    [sic]. Has it turned out that present-day Ukraine is now opposed to the post-war world order?

    – If peace had been restored throughout the world, why then was the UPA resisting the Stalinist regime? Might this have been because the UPA was a product of Hitler’s Germany? Rather disingenious of Pete!

    – It’s a pity he didn’t tell us why the NKVD troops were exterminating this evil.

    Poroshenko in Soviet Army uniform.

    The Thief-in-Chief has stated that he was drafted into the army in 1984, when he was in the second year of university, and that he began service in air defensce, located in the Kazakh city of Aktyubinsk, and, as a result of the birth of his son, was transferred to Kiev, where he was discharged in 1986.

    In 2016, during a conversation with students, Poroshenko advised the young people to join the ranks of the Ukrainian army and to participate in actual combat operations in the Donbass. The President said that he had served in the army for two years — in the Soviet army, that is — and had been in armed conflict.

    This lie about his having been in armed combat led to a former press-secretary to the Ukraine Ministry of internal Affairs, Stanislav Rechinsky, to post the following:

    What kind of fucking armed conflict? Even if you have a posting to Afghanistan in mind, it is hardly likely that an air-defense operative would have been sent there.

    ‘Cos the Afghans who were fighting the evil Russians had no air force, see.


  6. A shameful plug… Perhaps you’ve heard of the conspiracy theory of the Russian apartment bombings. I’ve written a text about the so-called Ryazan incident. The conspiracy theorists believe that the incident proves the complicity of the Russian security services in the bombings… My conclusion — it does not.

    View at

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Litvinenko, aided and abetted by the slimy Goldfarb, did the same long ago!

      That’s why Putin had Litvinenko bumped off, innit?

      ‘Cos nice old Sasha was “a leading Putin critic”, innit?



      1. Indeed, my text is a sort of an intelligent response to Litvinenko & Felshtinsky’s work. At some occasions they were just hallucinating, sometimes they were clueless, and sometimes they have honestly reported about findings of other people who had been clueless — or hallucinating — themselves. It’s kinda interesting to sort that all out.

        And honestly, I’m not even slightly interested about Litvinenko’s fate. 🙂 He could have been alive or dead, and that wouldn’t change anything about the text he has co-authored.


        1. I delayed my reply because I was sure I remembered writing something about this, a long time ago. I was sure the explosive referenced was said to have been hexagen, and I thought I remembered something about soldiers eating it or something, thinking it was sugar. The trouble with that, though, is that hexagen is toxic if you even get it on exposed skin, and can induce seizures. So I went looking for it.

          It was a response to a question Anatoly Karlin asked in this interview:

          The story which alleged that a group of soldiers attempted to make tea with what they thought was sugar apparently came from Novaya Gazeta, but I did not include a link. You might still be able to find it, though, in their archives. I daresay there were a lot of wild stories on the bombings in that rag which would help to discredit the official western narrative.

          I enjoyed your piece very much, and found your reasoning compelling.

          P.S. I guess I did not read down far enough, because I see now that you have analyzed the same story with the alleged Private Pinayev, and have reached the same conclusion I did – Hexagen and other RDX derivatives are poisonous and can cause seizures simply by skin exposure, in sufficient concentrations, never mind drinking it in tea. You have also added the intriguing detail that RDX does not dissolve in water.

          I can see at least one objection you might have to this story – it makes Russian soldiers sound numbingly stupid. As a soldier yourself, I would not be surprised if you found this insulting.


          1. Mark, thanks a lot for the detailed response! ^_^

            You’ve raised several interesting points.

            1) First, you (and anyone else) are welcome to enjoy my humble collection of (mostly) Russian press:


            Actually, I started looking into it following a suggestion of our mutual friend. He said: “If you want to learn what has really happened — you need to study the newspapers of the time.” I’m grateful for that suggestion, because it really showed me the way to do this little project.

            In that regard…

            1-A) It has been quite a long time before Novaya Gazeta has smelled the blood. Their publications of September and October 1999 have been quite conformist in that respect. In particular, it’s quite revealing to read the September 13 and September 20 articles by major Vyacheslav Izmailov, who reported having had sources in Chechnya about the upcoming terrorist attacks, and lambasted the Russian security services for being slow and inefficient to work with his sources 😉

            It’s unique information in the sense that literally noone remembers it now (while Izmailov hasn’t apparently changed his views).

            1-B) As far as weird conspiracies are concerned, one of the two September 24 articles in Moskovskiy Komsomolets has revealed a story about a chemical plant in Nevinnomyssk, which produces the rocket fuel — UDMH (referred to as heptyl). One of the components to produce the UDMH is RDX. According to the story, six tons of RDX were stolen from that plant and later used to bomb the apartment blocks.

            Sounds convincing, isn’t it? Except that… hello?! RDX isn’t used to produce the unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine.

            Meanwhile, Felshtinsky and Litvinenko use the Nevinnomyssk story in their text. Why would an established author want to bother about chemistry, anyway? It’s boring and doesn’t help to reveal the atrocities of the FSB. Haha.

            So, yes — there was no lack of material to write the article. Actually, there was too much of it. So I was concerned that if I write everything I could, I won’t ever finish it. And noone would bother to read. 😉

            So I settled for covering the aspects essential to my story.

            2-A) Actually I’m not a soldier, and haven’t served in the military.

            That said, I have actually had some military training (to become a lieutenant of reserve), and as a part of that training I’ve spent a month in a military unit in 2008. So I’ve had a taste of an army, so to speak.

            Indeed, the story about private Pinyaev does constitute a counterintuitive leap in the entire narrative of the conspiracy theory, because it suggests the complicity of the military in the bombings.

            I mean — the FSB and the Armed Forces are two distinct structures with separate chains of command. So, a supposed conspiracy by the FSB wouldn’t make the Army willing to do their bidding. But I presume, that argument won’t convince proponents of the conspiracy theory. They would just say that it was a conspiracy of both the FSB and the Army. The more, the merrier, right?

            Also, the Army is a structure that is considerably more open to the outside world than the FSB. So, a conspiracy by the army is much harder to imagine. Again, I was afraid that that argument would fall on deaf ears. Because from a “liberal” viewpoint the both structures represent the Russian state.

            So I’ve just noted that the story was refuted by the officers (oops! actually said “dismissed”, that was mistake. Hopefully I was able to correct the wording).

            Now, the curious thing is that a Novaya Gazeta journalist has actually met Alexei Pinyaev [*]. Pinyaev said that the journalist was pushy — he said that he had already known everything that had happened and just wanted a source that would confirm it.

            [*] ORT news of March 2000,

            Perhaps I should have said more than I did. Dunno. It might be a nice point to assign the guilty party. But I just wanted to say that the story is a fake. Not that the Novaya Gazeta has lied.

            2-B) Regarding properties of RDX, my most single most important point has been that it’s tasteless. While the story has reported a “revolting” taste.

            Also, one of my most favorite sources regarding toxicity of RDX — that I haven’t mentioned — is the story of a child who has eaten a pellet of C-4:


            The child has survived, but only because of a medical intervention. Actually the article reads surprisingly well for a scientific study.


            1. Thanks for all the research and corroborative material, Evgeny! Yes, I remember you said you were a Reserve Lieutenant, but I presumed that was a part-time military position with regular training; it is here. Army reserves go on frequent exercises with the regular army, are issued uniforms and equipment (but not a weapon – those are drawn from the armories when needed) and generally meet once or twice a week for drills and training.


              Class C reserve lieutenants make about $5,200 per month, but a Class C Reserve is essentially the same thing as the regular force; it’s a full-time job. For other classes of reserve service you usually work one weekend per month plus a two-week exercise in summer.


              You’re right that if someone doesn’t keep picking away at these stories, those who made them up are perfectly content to let them fade away, with the belief on the part of much of the population that they are true. Eventually it is just internalized that the Moscow apartment bombings were a false flag to empower an authoritarian president who would keep the people safe. If that’s not true, why did they stop as soon as Putin was in power?

              MH17 is the same thing; hammer the story home in the press, then let it just fade out without anyone ever being punished for what the west says was an unspeakable crime by Russia. Why the reluctance to have it heard in an international court, where all the evidence must be presented by both sides? The west prefers to have an exclusively-western tribunal pass judgment and sentence without any evidence which can be shown to the public, and the more holes which appear in the official story, the less interest the west shows in pursuing it any further. It has already achieved its purpose, and most everyone believes Russia is guilty; mission accomplished.


              1. Mark, thanks for the opportunity to share my views!

                There’s a bit of a linguistic ambiguity. In Russia there’s a notion “офицер запаса”, who is just a civilian. In case of a major war he would be mobilized. During the peacetime, he could be mobilized for a short training course. But that’s not likely.

                That’s how the old system worked. And that’s who I am. 🙂

                Recently Russia has also started to form “резервисты”, who actually resemble your description of Army reserves pretty closely:


                Looks like Russia utilizes the existing good practices in operating Army reserves. 😉

                But I am a Ph.D. in physics, so perhaps I haven’t completely lost my marbles when I have written about the Ryazan incident. 😉 At least, I hope so.

                Frankly, I haven’t followed the story of MH17 closely. I have read Bellingcat’s report within probably a year after it was released. And I haven’t found it much convincing. But that’s the extent of my interest in that issue — so far.


                1. Sorry — perhaps I’m tired. Not really sure what I intended to say. Haha.

                  The Ryazan incident is really the crux of the issue when it comes down to the Russian apartment bombings. Everything else was covered by someone else. Yuliya Latynina has treated the various claims made by the terrorists trying to avoid justice (that are also used by conspiracy theorists). There are multiple authors who have written about the history of Wahhabi insurgence/terrorism in Chechnya/Dagestan. In a way, yes — all of it could be assembled into a whole picture.


    2. This was one of the most inane propaganda campaigns of all time. Supposedly Putin needed the pretext of the false flag apartment bombings to invade Chechnya. Of course details such as the fact that the Wahabbi warlords of Chechnya invaded the Russian Federation constituent republic of Daghestan long before these apartment bombings and slaughtered 700 civilians was not pretext enough. This sort of rubbish can be peddled to western sheeple because their precious MSM never bothered to report on the Daghestan invasion as invasion at all. They also kept painting the Salafi maggots in charge of Chechnya after 1996 was “rebels” as if they were do-gooders.

      An EU “court” ruled that Russian authorities failed to protect the victims of the Beslan terrorists. Funny that this court never ruled on how the US authorities failed to protect the 3000 people murdered by the 911 terrorists. The west is a fucking joke.


      1. Kirill, you are definitely correct. A full and honest account of the Russian apartment bombings should definitely discuss Khattab’s training camps in Chechnya, his desire to wage jihad against Russia, the lack of a functional Government in the inter-war Chechnya, that has eventually made Chechnya a safe haven for terrorists. I haven’t written a full account. Just treated a part of the story — but it has been fairly one of the darker corners, that most authors have been — and still are — clueless about.


        1. I just threw that angle in to drive the point of your article deeper. These days the only valuable sources of information are “alt media” articles like yours. Thanks.

          I also recall the CBC doing a piece where they claimed some apartment residents saw “FSB agents flashing official ID cards” before the explosions. As if the FSB would have such cards to flash (it is not the FBI and nobody in Russia would know what their ID badge looks like). Then we have the inanity that they would even need to flash ID cards. Unless they were trespassing into private apartments, they could pose as literally anyone if they were in the basement or the attic. I lived in a Soviet apartment building decades ago and people used both spaces for various purposes and nobody would look suspicious being there. In fact, I have seen similar in Boston area 5 story apartment blocks where the basements were used for laundries and garbage disposal.

          Like I said, one of the most inane propaganda campaigns ever. All the “evidence” was twisting and conjecture. Tin foil hat rubbish.


          1. It’s not like they don’t have IDs (their “korochka” looked like this at the time:, but it’s indeed not something you “flash” – you show it for inspection, as there was a myriad of similar-looking IDs in every governmental structure. And not governmental too – my former student ID looks pretty much exactly like this too (except it’s blue).

            It was also 1999 year. Fake IDs of any kind were, well, *abundant*.


            1. Thanks for the info. But I am quite sure that the FSB would never produce IDs like the FBI in the USA. It would be like the CIA producing an ID. The jobs are not the same. The FBI is more like interstate police. Anyway, the claim was the IDs prove it was really the FSB even though

              1) correlation is not causation, being on the scene of crime does not establish guilt

              2) flashing ID badges to civilians is something that US and Canadian news consumers would “understand” but has no relevance for Russia

              3) as you note fake IDs could be flashed by anyone and that does not establish that they were real government employees

              Since the Russian government has plenty of excuse to invade Chechnya in 1999, it would not need to fake some apartment block bombings to make up a fake pretext. This propaganda is similar to the MH17 shootdown tinfoil hat drivel being spewed by the western media and governments. There is negative motive to stage the act. And motive is more important than all the tinfoil hat marasm spewed by the west.


          2. “I just threw that angle in to drive the point of your article deeper. These days the only valuable sources of information are “alt media” articles like yours. Thanks.”

            You are welcome! ^_^


    1. Just read Mark Ames’ post on ShamiWitness after Bernhard H posted the link on his Moon of Alabama blog. Good to see the news about ShamiWitness and Bellingcrap’s connection to that propagandist is spreading fast. (I see Kulobi posted the same link just minutes after Kirill did and probably wouldn’t have seen Kirill’s comment at the time.)


  7. Mark Ames exposes “some of the best known Syria regime-change hustlers and “experts”—Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat and the Saudi-funded Atlantic Council; Charles Lister of the Saudi-funded Middle East Institute, former CNN “Syria expert” and Atlantic Council fellow Michael Weiss, all major figures promoting today’s RussiaGate hysteria”


    1. I always suspected that the ISIS project was just dreamed up by a team of sick fucks in a CIA basement room.

      In fact, I even have my own theory how they picked the name. This is just pure speculation on my part, but I think the CIA wags were fans of the American TV show Archer, whose characters work for a private spy agency called he International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS).


      1. You just may be right about how the name ISIS came about. The Novichok meme in the open-ended Skripal saga came from the British-American TV series “Strikeback”: the season that started airing in Britain in November last year, went off-air in January and then came back in February had a number of stories featuring the nerve agent Novichok.

        I don’t watch TV much so I have never seen “Archer” but it’s been screening here in Australia for the past 9 years and I think we just had the “Danger Island” series where the agents fight giant snakes and oversized Komodo dragons (or prehistoric lizards) on an island in the South Seas in the 1930s time period.

        It seems to be the kind of TV show where fantasy and surrealism are part of the landscape and probably suits an audience that reads current superhero comics where characters are constantly being rebooted with new origin stories coming out every year and several versions of Earth, all identical save for a slightly different Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman etc (and of different ages), all existing in parallel universes and with characters sometimes crossing from one universe to the next.


        1. Interesting to see that they found a part in it for Hillary Clinton. I’m sure that’s her at bottom right. Does she do some sort of body-positive ‘thick gurrls’ martial-arts repulsion of the giant lizards? I guess not – she’s only a white belt.


          1. Looks more like Tymoshenko to me but you may be right. That would be Huma Abedin then to the right of the moustachioed fella in the tropical floral shirt. The guy in the glasses must be Robby Mook.


        2. You should watch Archer if you can. It is actually quite brilliant, not to mention laugh-your-ass off funny. The plump blonde lady who looks like Hillary is the Human Resources representative for the company. Whenever somebody files a harassment complaint against Sterling Archer, she makes them re-enact it using dolls and stuffed animals. Sterling’s mom is the grey-haired lady, Mallory. She is an alcoholic smothering beast. In one episode there was some backstory how she used to date Colonel Jackoff of the KGB, and then later it turned out that Jackoff is Sterling’s biological father. Thus explaining his psychopathology!


  8. One of the details about US political life that is not readily apparent to Canadians and Europeans is the insidious nature a two-party regime. It becomes culturally ingrained and people become “traditional” Republicans and Democrats. This is different from being pro Liberal or pro Conservative in Canada. Having more than two parties makes all parties just some options to choose from. The Democratic Party has managed to “enslave” the black voters by supposedly being their best choice (in spite of its dirty history). So it takes more effort for blacks to vote for Republicans because of what amounts to tribal pressure. The same tribal pressure applies to whites and others. The division between urban and rural areas in the USA is pathological. (It exists to some extent in Canada too, but not so extreme and the NDP competes with the Conservatives in rural areas).

    The current bifurcation into pro and anti-Trump is aggravated by the binary split in US politics. It is much easier to radicalize with mass media hysteria in this environment.


  9. And the same time zone – AEST. Yasha Levine’s earlier companion piece is worth reading, too: “On stage, Eliot demonstrated that he had no real expertise — or really any kind of real authority on the subject: not political, not scientific, not analytic or even personal. He’s taken seriously because powerful institutions say he should be taken seriously.”


    1. I wonder why the self-described technological superpower, the USA, is doing precisely f*ck all in this area. I bet they are waiting for Russia to do all the work and then rip off the designs and claim they had them back in the 1950s.

      I am not being sarcastic. The USA has not deployed any supersonic anti-ship missiles even though the USSR deployed them in the 1970s and kept evolving them. Now that the supersonic missile tech has matured, we have all of the sudden the opening of contracts by the US government to develop US supersonic anti-ship missiles. Maybe the average media consumer sap thinks that this is how it works, but in reality this smacks of IP theft. You don’t just declare a project and “get ‘er done”. It takes decades of R&D. And there is no secret US R&D we do not know about since the US would have deployed supersonic missiles from the 1970s, if it could build them.


      1. But there has been R&D, stuff like Hyfly* and others testing fabrication/materials, nozzles, combustion, cooling, not to mention that the British Reaction Engines supercooler technology used in its SABRE ** has gone across the pond. I think that the US didn’t deploy any (at least since after the end of the Cold War) was simply because the West had military dominance over the rest of the globe and what they had was a) good enough; b) cheap to produce.

        I certainly don’t doubt that the US has been hoovering up IP from Russia by fair means and foul throughout this period (they did manage to buy an S-300 system from the manufacturer), not to mention buying the Kh-31 as a ‘target drone’ MA-31***..





        1. Building actual systems that can be deployed is different from testing components. And the reason for deploying actual systems is that as with rockets, there is a learning curve. No viable rocket system was an afterthought to components.

          I am not dismissing US scientific potential. But sitting on supersonic/hypersonic development for decades is not some sign of great cunning. There appear to be serious issues in the US involving corruption and other aspects.


          1. Building actual systems that can be deployed is different from testing components.

            My thoughts exactly. What we know from the US military industrial complex is that it is needfully expensive, often late and also incompetent. You point out corruption, I would add arrogance. I wonder if some of it has to do with the knowledge that there is plenty of cash (until there isn’t) which leads to more expensive and complex solutions over creative and simpler ones?

            The civil side too. For example, when Boeing tried to make their version of Airbus’s international large component supply chain for the 787 program, it turned out to be a bit of a nightmare with different businesses producing the stuff at different /completion rates which meant that Boeing was unable to simply assemble the parts in to one at their factory. Stuff they considered as ‘simple’ turns out to be anything but (C130J – new powerful turboprops caused flight control problems/ FA-18E wing-drop problem/ not to mention the replacement air tanker program etc. etc.). Sure, this is not unusual for complex programs to have problems, but some of it is basic stuff.

            At the same time US officials love to snark about Russia’s problems (Obama ‘Russia doesn’t make anything’) but can’t put a man in to space themselves or launch their own spy satellites. ‘Full Retard’ seems to be their default position.


            1. The American response to accusations that its procurement process is riddled with corruption and inefficiencies is that it is done in the manner it is because America is a FREE COUNTRY and they do things fair – everybody gets a chance to be heard and to compete to build the subject system. This results in lengthy development periods for prototypes which are then weighed against one another and so on, and in some cases a system does not come into production before the threat it was designed to address has reached obsolescence. Plus it always has to be THE GREATEST; if the enemy has brought out a sixth-generation fighter, the USA must field a sixth-generation fighter with cupholders and heated seats.


    2. Here is the Wikipedia entry on the Liquid Droplet radiator:

      The illustration in the RT article clearly depicts a Liquid Droplet radiator both in the launch and deployed configurations. The 1 megawatt electrical output rating was confirmed in the article. The Wikipedia article mentions such power outputs can be used for high power radars and communications applications as well as to energize ion rockets for deep space missions.

      There was brief mention at the Russian Space Web site that a launch of the system was scheduled for this year. Not likely now but next year could be feasible.

      Not to pick on SpaceX but this technology actually has the potential for relatively low cost and fast interplanetary travel.


      1. If there is any actual plan to go to Mars, then they have to use nuclear-ion engines. This will shorten the travel from 6 months (inertial) to under 2 months. I think it is more important to develop real space technology instead of racing to leave steps on the Moon or Mars. The Moon landings have left no legacy besides propaganda.


        1. The world needs some breakthrough technologies. Practical nuclear fusion (excepting thermonuclear weapons) would be great but fast neutron reactors and a closed fuel cycle will do just fine for now.

          Fast and low cost interplanetary space travel (unmanned and then manned) would be icing on the cake.


  10. via Zerohedge: Russia’s GRU Dealt Blow As Kremlin Spies Exposed By Black Market Data Sale

    …Bankrolled and published by Kremlin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s “Dossier Project,” journalist Sergei Kanev says he wants to call attention to issues within an organization he thinks has gone from spycraft to “unchecked violence and foreign interference,” according to ABC – however his report describes the GRU as more sloppy than scary, with Kremlin operatives blowing their own cover in some cases….

    …Of note, none of the “outed” GRU agents are suspected of wrongdoing at this time, which, according to Keir Giles, the director of the Conflict Studies Research Center in Cambridge, England, has exposed Kanev and his oligarch-turned-dissident backer Khodorkovsky “to charges that instead of reforming Russia, they just want to harm it.” ..

    Since when is the apparent Doxxing of intelligence agents journalism? Is it because it is ok when Khodokovsky and friends do it to the benefit of non-Russian intelligence services?

    No one but morons will believe western intelligence agencies don’t have their hand in this so you have to ask, how f***ing moronic this hybrid warfare tactic by the West is when it will lead to the doxxing of their own agents abroad? Is it worth the PR brownie points? Winning a battle or two to lose a war.

    BellEndCat were clearly one of the first out of the door with this and are fully backed by the usual suspects. Has no-one thought of the consequences or do they just think the Russian’s are predictable?


    1. The purpose of this” crap journalism” is information management, info management, info management. I have finally gotten around to reading Guenther Wallraff, and what he says is really an eye-opener (in terms of the methods, and the individual experience of being ground down by an intellectually and morally corrupt and corrupting system – in his case BILD but this applies to all such BILD-like structures incl. all major print and internet news media) even if conceptually not surprising. The real question is to what end (?Divide et Impera? ) and if there is no firmly defined end, nonetheless, what are it’s consequences?


      1. Bloody hell! I had forgotten about him! He’s still alive?

        I read Wallraff’s book “Ganz Unten” (“At the Very Bottom”) in ’87, when I was living in Germany. It caused quite a scandal at the time. He went “blackface” (no scandal about that then in das Vaterland!) and dressed up like a Turkish Gastarbeiter. He was then employed (better: shamefully exploited) by German employers and agencies to work for shit money in often extremeley shitty jobs — and, needless to say, he was often treated like shit.

        One of the shit jobs he and a gang of real Turks worked on was near where I lived for a while, in Marxlohr Duisburg, where Wallraff’s team were helping demolish an old cokery full of tars and naphtha and phenols and benzols and whatever, which can be carcinogenic and stink.

        He wrote of his experiences in “Ganz Unten”.

        The cokery was part of an old Thyssen steel works. I lived right next to it the then spanking new one. It had the bifggest blast furnace in the world at the time. The locals called it “der schwarze Riese” – “the black giant”.

        Here it is: Weseler Strasse, Marxloh. What a dump! Stank an’ all!


  11. 17:47 29.10.2018
    Court obliges NABU to start investigation into misuse of funds by Yatsenyuk, Petrenko, and other Justice Ministry officials

    Cooo-eee! Yoooooolia! It’s me!!! Remember me?…..

    The Solomiansky district court in Kyiv has issued an order to make the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) start a pretrial criminal investigation into the misuse of power and misuse of funds by the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko, and a number of other officials of Ukraine’s Justice Ministry.

    The order was issued by the Solomiansky district court in Kyiv on October 17.


    1. For the record, I doubt Yatsenyuk did anything of the kind. He was a wretched weed who needed kicking, but I never doubted he was a sincere zealot for westernizing Ukraine; I just doubt he did it for money. He probably is sincere in his beliefs and his hatred of Russia. However, he’s not in Ukraine right now and can’t defend himself locally, which makes him an ideal candidate for a corruption investigation from the point of view of the oligarchic pigs who are running the show. I never saw Yatsenyuk as in it to get rich, while I saw Poroshenko as being in it for the lolly from day one.


      1. Still, you have to wonder what Yatsenyuk did with the money that was supposedly allocated to the construction of a wall or fence around those parts of Ukraine bordering Russia and how he managed to buy a residence in Miami, which must be one of the most expensive cities in the US to buy real estate.


        1. Oh, I don’t dispute that he had a bit of money; he lived in quite a nice pile in an exclusive neighbourhood in Kiev, not very far from Yanukovych’s place. We saw a few pictures of the outside of his residence, but he was too well aware of the speculation that might ensue if there was too much coverage of his lifestyle, and quickly rented a modest apartment near the city centre – ostensibly so he could be nearer to his work. He did allow a photojournalist tour through that, so he could point out that the toilet was not made of gold.

          I just don’t think he pocketed the money for the wall, or for any other capital projects. I believe he was a genuine ideologue, and that it was at least part of the reason he was let go quite smartly once Poroshenko was in the saddle and beginning to unpack his various moneymaking schemes. He was as squirelly as the rest of them, and I don’t think for a minute that he would have made a good leader had he stayed; in his own way, he hated Russia at least as much as Poroshenko does. I just don’t think he is the thief that Poroshenko and Groysman are.


        1. If it were an “ice show” in Las Vegas, no problem. But for sanctioned skating competition, no way. Venus Williams was rightfully criticized for wearing her “cat suit” in competition. This is probably worse.


          1. That’s not competition anymore. She already won in the competition. This is the gala exhibition and skaters wear what they want as it is a show.


          2. I’m pretty sure Ms. Williams was not criticized for wearing her so-called ‘cat suit’ in a tennis match because it was overtly sexy and might take the officials’ minds off their jobs.

            In fact, female skating costumes have often been provocative, and the routines occasionally smoldering – here’s one of my favourites for her time, in what the announcer describes as a ‘flirtatious’ performance: Katarina Witt.

            When the commentators speak of her non-skating performance section ‘drawing the audience in’, I can tell you exactly which members of the audience it was drawing in; the ones who appreciated an ass that could crack a walnut. That has no reflection at all on her performance as a skater, which was consistently muscular and confident.


            1. That’s why it’s not a sport: it’s an entertainment hybrid.

              The key point of “sport” is that it is competitive”, therefore Witt above is participating in a sporting event. However, it is a “sporting event” in which overt sexuality also plays a role — and clearly gathers points.

              I should imagine that somewhere in the “liberal”, “pogressive”, “free world” there take place “pole-dancing” competions that, by virtue of these displays being competitive, can be classed as “sport”. I beg to differ.

              Ballet dancers are athletes, but they are also entertainers. If, say, the Kirov and the Bolshoi Ballet Companies were to hold a competition, wherein points were awarded by judges holding up number boards, as they do in “ice-dancing” competitions, would ballet then be classed as a sport?


                1. Neither as good as Jocky Wilson R.I.P.

                  Wilson was a constant sweet-eater and generally refused to brush his teeth (“My Gran told me the English poison the water”); he had lost his last tooth by the age of 28. Following his 1982 World title win, he paid £1,200 for dentures, but never took to them. They made him belch when drinking, he complained.

                  A heavy smoker for forty years, in November 2009 it was announced that Wilson had been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Reports stated that he had smoked up to 50 cigarettes a day for most of his life. He died just after 9 p.m. on 24 March 2012 at his home in Kirkcaldy, at the age of 62.

                  Source: Jocky Wilson

                  A true giant of sport!


                2. Aren’t they concerned about all those performance-enhancement substances they’ve quaffed that might show up in their urine samples later?


                3. Kirkaldy, where Wilson was born and where he died, was also the birhplace of Adam Smith. What an interesting little chat those two sons of Kirkaldy could have had, had they lived at the same time!

                  Smith gets a mention in the Wiki page on Kirkaldy under “Notable Residents” but Wilson get no mention at all.

                  Even in the Kirkaldy “Sportsmen” section, not a murmur about Jocky, which is not on, I think.

                  Bloody Gordon Brown gets a nod, though, and he wasn’t even born there.


                1. I agree. But is ice-dancing a sport?

                  More exactly: is dancing on ice a sport?

                  Ice dancers are awarded points for their artistry, their interpretation of a score, their harmonization with the music etc: figure skaters are awarded points for their acrobatic skills, for their leaping off the ice, their twirling and spinning in the air and landing fairly and squarely on their skates, is that not so?


                2. Here’s her short program, when she was competing and so there was a little less suggestiveness and a little more effort on technical skill. In my opinion she nailed all of her jumps and spins, landing without a trace of hesitation or wobble and segueing smoothly into the next movement; she is surer on blades than a lot of people are on their feet.

                  I have to think there was more than a touch of tongue-in-cheek in her choice of music: “Assassin’s Tango”.


                3. Ice Dancing is even more of an athletic sport than figure skating. It is also way more difficult.
                  Ice dancers have to skate across the ice doing very tricky footwork at very high speeds while pretty much glued to each other, their blades just an inch apart sometimes!


                4. Alright, Yalensis, if that be the case as regards ice-dancing, then I agree with you.

                  Further to my earlier statement that competition is an essential part of sport, that which essentially defines what modern sport is, does not, in my opinion, apply to such barbarous activites as displayed the other week by an Irisman and a Dagestan person, albeit they were most certainly competing.


          3. Incidentally I just found out today that, over in women’s gymnastics, the International Gymnastics Federation has handed down a new rule that competitors in the floor exercise are only allowed “modest make-up” on their faces, and may not use “face painting” that portrays a “theatrical character (animal or human)”. This rule comes in response to a Dutch gymnast’s use of make-up to make her look like a cat in her floor exercise at this year’s European championships.

            I suppose the IGF was afraid of a new trend developing … competitors looking like a cross between Sylvester and Kiss’s original drummer Peter Criss:


        2. The dress code for Olympics and world championship meets (which feed competitors into the Olympics) would be far stricter and more conservative, and competitors would be too busy trying to comply with all the required elements to score points in their routines to stop and strip down during competition.

          In other sports news, the gymnast Oksana Chusovitina (age 43 years) – the last product of the Soviet gymnastics system still competing – made it into the world championship vault final in Doha.


          1. As regards stipulating a dress code for gymnasts, I wonder what the reaction would be if gymnasts went back to basics and returned to ancient tradition?

            The word gymnast comes from the Greek γυμνός, which is, in turn, derived from the verb γυμνάζω: to do training exercise naked.

            The ancient Greeks used to do their training and athletics bollock naked, hence:


            1. Well, it’s probably too late now for Katarina Witt: she’s 53. But at the time she was a blood-pumping, spine-tingling sex bomb on ice, I would have paid whatever the going rate was to see it. As I would now for the smoldering Elizaveta. Hey, it’s only money. Like Steely Dan told us back in the 70’s, you can’t buy a thrill.



            2. Insisting that all athletes return to ancient Greek and Olympic Games standards and compete in the nude sounds like number one on WADA’s wish list. If the standards were applied rigidly, then athletes would be required not to shave their bodies so as not to gain an unfair advantage in racing events in swimming, skiing and some other sports.

              Don’t forget they’d have to slather themselves in olive oil as well, like these wrestlers in Turkey:


              1. The Twelve Tables in Civil (Roman) Law specified that the search for stolen goods in an accused thief’s house should be conducted in the nude, to avoid claims that the items had been planted. That’d make great TV.


                1. They were never so hung up on nudity as we are, and indeed seemed to look for excuses to get naked, like 4-year-olds. but there’s little argument with the fair intent of the law. Now, of course, when you can plant evidence on a target’s computer from halfway around the world through proxy servers, being naked would not be any impediment at all to dishonesty.


  12. Dagens Nyheter: Eyewitness: ”I saw a large submarine in Stockholm”


    A vehicle appearing to be a submarine was spotted this summer deep inside the Stockholm archipelago. It was discovered in waters close to Lidingö, Stockholm, during a sailing camp for children.

    Three sailing teachers observed the vehicle. The Armed Forces have investigated the incident, and says that they ”do not share the conclusion presented in DN that it would be a foreign submarine”.


    Curiously neer a word in the article about the video which shows a fast moving object – most likely a motorboat – much closer to the supposed ‘submarine’. But why let details get in the way?


    1. As to why the Swedish military is so sure and so tight lipped, I assume that they have hydrophones installed at various points like the SOSUS network in the Atlantic and probably something similar by the Chinese off their coast etc. It’s cheap & it’s passive. It wouldn’t surprise me if something similar is installed in cities as we know things like radiation detectors and other are installed in metro stations.


  13. Trump…Jews…in the aftermath of the COWARDLY** massacre.
    (**unarmed elderly folk)

    A well written statement of FACTS that some Stooges need to read..and read again. The author is a jew and a woman and although I may disagree with her on many she resoundingly kicks ass.

    “Bowers is a Nazi sympathizer. And, unlike Cesar Sayoc, the man suspected of mailing more than a dozen pipe bombs to political and media figures around the country over the past week, he hates Trump, believing that Trump isn’t nearly nationalist enough and, in fact, is controlled by a cabal of globalist Jews.”

    “But here’s the thing: While Bowers might fashion himself as an anti-Trump figure, the reemergence of deadly anti-Semitic violence perfectly fits the awful political moment Trump himself is presiding over. The viciously nationalist rhetoric Trump now uses at his rallies, his onslaught against “globalists”—the word itself, along with “cosmopolitan” has always been anti-Semitic code for “Jewish”—his demonizing of immigrants, of refugees, of asylum seekers, his accusation that George Soros is somehow behind the caravan of Hondurans and Guatemalans, this is quite simply fodder for anti-Semites. “Soros” to anti-Semites in 2018 is a similar slur to “Rothschild” in the previous century.

    Most American Jews are all too aware of what Trump’s rhetoric and actions can lead to. While much of the Orthodox community supported him in 2016, the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters did not. An American Jewish Committee poll last year found that 77 percent of US Jews opposed Trump. In solidarity with other immigrants’ rights organizations, groups like HIAS have continually sounded the alarm on the toxic nature of Trumpism.”

    Yup…All of this shit is plainly a case of how a loose trap-Trump’s- having repeatedly sown the wind with streams of verbal venom results in others reaping the inevitable whirlwind.


    1. The viciously nationalist rhetoric Trump now uses at his rallies, his onslaught against “globalists”—the word itself, along with “cosmopolitan” has always been anti-Semitic code for “Jewish”.

      So, no criticism of “globalists” permitted? Wow, just wow. Unequivocal bullshit.

      Surprised that the author did not include criticism against MSM or the banking system as also “anti-Semitic”. What about support for Palestinians? Anti-Semitic? Of course it is!

      Anti-Semitic violence is as reprehensible as Semitic violence. Yes?


      1. I can’t stand Trump; he is a loathsome, egotistical bully and unapologetic bigot. But it does not really matter what he says, because the media has his ‘code’ all figured out, and helpfully steps up to explain what Trump really means, which happens to remarkably coincide with the Democratic please-give-us-another-chance playbook.

        America is in a world of hurt, because its political choices are all bad ones. No other options are offered, and there are no supermen or superwomen waiting in the wings to bridge the divide. And that’s what it would take.


        1. Slightly related, an NPR commentator was remarking today on the contradiction of a full-employment economy with negligible inflation/flat wage growth.

          What could it be? This is so weird! But it must be progress, a manifestation of America’s greatness!

          Or, it could be that Unions are dead and well-paying manufacturing jobs have disappeared by the millions. Moreover, millions of Americans have simply dropped out of the workforce – living with relatives, surviving on handouts or well on their way to dying on opioids. Meanwhile, NPR tells us the real issues are LGBT? rights, Russia collusion, Kavanaugh, me-too and everything about Trump.


          1. Oddly enough, at about the same time, Germany agrees that the Russian economy which Washington believes it has shot to rags is actually in pretty good shape. According to Die Welt, in the third quarter of 2018 Russia achieved an account surplus of $26.4 Billion USD, surpassing the performance of the boom year of 2008 before the global financial meltdown.


            Better luck next time, Sammy. If you’re still around for the next time.


      2. I have seen articles in supposedly sensible publications in the UK suggesting that the continuing emphasis on the sins of international bankers has an anti-semitic undertone to it. We are living in a beyond-mad world.


  14. Yemen

    qui tacet consentire videtur as applied to the worthless cckskkers and cnts in American MSM

    “These terror bombings, in addition to the US/Saudi naval blockade of Hodeidah, has placed Yemen on the brink of starvation. Over 70 percent of the country’s imports once passed through the Red Sea ports. Now, due to the blockade, 14 million people—over half of the country’s population—faces famine if the war continues through the rest of the year. UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock warned this week that, “there is a clear and present danger of an imminent and great big famine engulfing Yemen.”


    1. FYI per Wikipedia:

      …Yemen is defined as an “enemy state” by Israeli law.

      I suspect that there is no sympathy for the Yemenis in Israel. As with the Palestinians – the only good Yemenis are dead Yemenis. Just saying.


  15. The article…the comments …spot on!!!!!!

    “The consequences of the financial crisis of 2008 and the pro-Wall Street policies of the Obama administration, which enabled the right wing to posture as defenders of the “forgotten man.” The impact of more than a quarter-century of unending war, 17 years under the banner of the “war on terror.” The turn by the ruling class and both Democrats and Republicans to ever more authoritarian forms of rule in response to growing resistance from the working class.

    While Trump seeks to cultivate an extra-parliamentary movement of the far-right, the Democrats promote the FBI, the CIA and the military as the guarantors of stability against those who “sow divisions” and discontent.

    The international context underscores the fact that far more is involved than simply the Trump administration. The growth of far-right and fascistic movements and governments is a global phenomenon.

    In the Philippines, it has produced Rodrigo Duterte, who has praised and helped organize vigilante death squads.

    In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a member of the fascistic RSS. As chief minister of Gujarat, he helped organize the 2002 riots that killed hundreds of Muslims.

    In Brazil, elections held yesterday elevated to power the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.

    Throughout Europe, far-right and fascistic parties have been systematically promoted by the ruling class. Particularly significant are the developments in Germany. In the country that produced Hitler and the most horrific crimes of the 20th century, including the slaughter of six million Jews in the Holocaust, fascism is once again a major political force.”


    1. Hmm, the slaughter of 30 million Slavs is never mentioned. True, the Slavs defeated the Nazi West but then again, that is hardly mentioned as well.


  16. The Intercept
    Published on 29 Oct 2018
    The right-wing authoritarian Jair Bolsonaro cruised to a 10-point victory on Sunday night in Brazil, becoming President-elect of the world’s fifth most-populous country and the most extremist leader in the democratic world. While some of the dynamics driving his victory are unique to Brazil, many of them are similar to prevailing political currents in North America, Eastern Europe and, increasingly, Western Europe.

    Bolsonaro’s victory is highly consequential in its own right: for the 210 million people who live within the borders of the country he and his tyrannical movement now dominante, as well as for the region and the globe. But beyond those consequences, there are valuable lessons to learn for all of the democratic world by understanding the sentiments that led Brazilians, en masse, to support someone who, a very short time ago, was relegated to the far fringes of political acceptability and whose ascension to power was unimaginable. I explored some of those key lessons in the above 7-minute video.


    1. He reminds me a little of Hugo Chavez, and I can see from the coverage he and his ‘tyrannical movement’ are already getting – although he has not been in power five minutes and has registered no major decisions – that he reminds some other people of Chavez as well. I expect that is the point at which my view and theirs part company. The western leadership prefers liberal leaders preoccupied with human rights and waving the gay pride flag all over the place, because it is much easier to control them with wedge issues and sexual/gender politics.


    2. Bolsonaro’s biggest levels of support are in the central and southern parts of Brazil. These are the richer states. His opponent Fernando Haddad gained votes in the northern and northeast parts which are the poorest areas in Brazil.

      Even then, with an opposition that was virtually decapitated (because the fellow who should have been Bolsonaro’s opponent, Lula da Silva, is in jail for reasons never made clear and thus is “disqualified” under laws that make him ineligible to run for the presidency), Bolsonaro could only get 55% voter approval in a second round of voting. On top of that, Haddad’s party holds 56 seats against 52 for Bolsonaro’s party in the Brazilian congress (lower house) and there are 30 other political parties represented in that chamber. So Bolsonaro will either have to cut a lot of deals and mitigate some of what he plans to do to get legislation passed – or he will have to act as dictator outside the Brrazilian constitution.


      1. I thought that Lula was in jail because a) he fudged economic figures – something which is technically against the law but has been done by just about every single previous government; and b) that he ‘owns’ an apartment as part of a kick back to a business deal (PVDSA? oil company corruption/slush funds)? – even though I’ve yet to read anywhere of actual proof being shown that it was his, just that he made himself at home there.

        What goes around comes around. Dumb.


        1. I base my tacit approval on the position that the west loathes him; there was a picture of him on the cover of The Economist that made him look like the poster-boy for cancerous wickedness, and he is constantly held up as the classic threat to freedom and democracy. I suppose it is just possible that the west has belatedly developed real concerns for freedom and democracy, but I’m afraid I’m cynical. Typically, with plenty of examples to draw from, if the west marks a prospective leader out for regime change before he has even taken office, it is because it fears him. And the most common reason for the west fearing a foreign leader is that he is unlikely to allow the west a free hand to reorder and dabble and frig with his country until they have it to their liking, which is to say a nice little earner for the west, with a population both poor and humble.


        2. Lula is in jail on various charges that include money laundering, lobbying on behalf of a Brazilian company for government contracts in various African countries, obstructing justice and accepting a seaside apartment penthouse and improvements to it from a construction company that also received contracts from Petrobras. The evidence that was presented in court against Lula though was not clear.

          The accusation of fudging and manipulating economic figures applies to Dilma Rousseff who was impeached in 2016 as a result. As Vice President under Lula, Rousseff was in charge of Petrobras and was supposed to have siphoned money from Petrobras’ accounts to fund her presidential election campaign in 2010. No evidence was ever produced to show that Rousseff accepted bribes and kickbacks while she was head of Petrobras and she denied knowledge of any under-the-table schemes.


          1. Thanks for setting me straight. Must remember not to a) rely on memory; b) drink, when posting. Still, it goes to show that the presumption of innocence and providing evidence that passes beyond a reasonable doubt has been inverse at institutional levels. The poison is in the bloodstream. Tick-tock, and not just in LatAm. RussiaGate is a perfect example.


  17. RT
    Published on 29 Oct 2018

    As the Trump administration pulls out of a key arms control agreement, NATO conducts a massive exercise in the Arctic. Is a new front being opened up? And, it seems the Saudis will get away with murder after all.

    CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Glenn Diesen, and Earl Rasmussen.


  18. Uh oh; Russia enacts sanctions against Ukraine which will, among other things, prohibit transferring money from Russian to Ukrainian banks. There will still be ways for Ukrainian workers in Russia to get their pay home to relatives in Ukraine, but it just got the official Russian stamp of disapproval and it is going to be made more difficult. There will also be embargoes against certain Ukrainian products (maybe it spells it out, I didn’t watch the whole thing yet).

    What took you so long, Russia?


  19. First Banderastan claimed the Kerch bridge would never be built. Now they and their clown backers in the EU “Parliament” (unelected) claim the bridge is illegal. Funny how this claim is trotted out several years after the start of the construction of the bridge. Note how the Ukr clown can’t even cite one illegal action by Russia regarding the Sea of Azov. Meanwhile Banderastan has committed an act of piracy by seizing the Nord.


    1. The Europeans are slow learners. They insist on backing Ukraine although the decision is costing them a fortune and there is to date no evidence at all that the policy is paying dividends or has any potential for doing so in the long term. What is actually happening is that Europe is increasingly assuming responsibility for the rolling disaster that Ukraine is becoming, and is in real danger of having to take care of it forever, until its collapse or until Europe ponies up enough cash to turn it into some sort of viable state which has Europe as its biggest trading partner. Well, Europe probably already is its biggest trading partner, but considering the deterioration in the national living standard and its growing humiliation as the poorest country in Europe, I doubt there is much interest on the European side in owning that statistic.

      Please note, from the example I posted a short time ago, the Russian economy is doing very well. It does not need better trading relations with Ukraine, and is in fact in the process of working out sanctions which will worsen them. At the same time, cautious businessmen would notice that if Russia is turning out a solid economic performance at a time when sanctions restrict the purchase of many European products – while import duties make permissible products too expensive for many Russians – that must mean that other trading partners have been found whose products are satisfactory. That spells market share which is gone, baby, gone.


  20. Sic Semper Tyrannis: “LOOPS OF LIES RE ‘SIGINT’” by David Habakkuk




    Plenty of good stuff at the link including what we have read before.

    The article leads me to this question: If whomever can fabricate Syrian Army messages, isn’t there one small problem with it? I.e. The Brits may be hoovering up SIGNIT from Mount Troodos in Cyprus, but unless the radio signals are highly directional (and even then they emanate outwards), other nations are also recording these signals, such as Russia, which we never hear about.

    Therefore, the Brits/8200 whomever must assume that the Russians have copies and would know if the former are putting up the bs and can call it out behind closed doors at the UN to other nations. So what’s the point? Simply for building media outrage and DO SOMETHING! momentum, hoping to act first before it can be scotched? That’s what used to happen in the past…


    1. That’s a really good piece, with loads of interesting information. What jumped out for me, though was what amounts to a professional acknowledgement of something that was introduced by commenters early on in the Skripal affair – the almost complete absence of CCTV footage of their movements and those of people close to them. As both sources point out, England is lousy with CCTV, you can barely move without being picked up on multiple cameras. Therefore the British must have hours of footage that they have chosen not to reveal. And as the article concludes, the only logical reason for that is that it does not support the official narrative, since one has obviously been decided upon and vigorously defended.

      As an aside, it is tragic that intelligence is manipulated the way it is to present a desired conclusion. Because intelligence is supposed to be something like the irrefutable clue, the piece that doesn’t fit, in detective stories. It is supposed to provide that epiphanous moment when you know what has transpired beyond any reasonable doubt. Every time that moment is discovered to have been brought about by fabrication and deceit so as to push an incorrect conclusion to the forefront, trust in the method diminishes. Consequently, the harder governments push this or that piece of evidence as the conclusive piece of proof which cannot be denied, the more likely it is to have been manufactured rather than discovered.


  21. Next time we hear about some ludicrous ruling about Russia by an EU court, we can confirm what utter shite they are.

    NATzO propagandists and the EU “Parliament” in particular are talking about political prisoners in Russia. You just can’t make this shit up.


    1. “But the Army doesn’t get to pick its wars.”

      Gee; that’s sort of true – the politicians pick the wars the Army fights. The implication of that statement is that America always goes reluctantly into battle, after exhausting every attempt to reach a peaceful solution. The reality is much different, and the United States has never fought a war of self-defense, not once, unless you count the Civil War, which was an all-American effort with no foreign enemy. It has always been the attacker, in one context or another, and if the Army is gearing up for a major war in Europe, that’s because that’s the war the politicians are planning to have the Army fight. The last time I looked, the United States was not in Europe. But that’s the attraction of a European war – it represents a chance to turn back the clock, and to reposition the USA as the world’s dominant leader and sole superpower, before greed and manipulation and wedge issues and gender-politics distractions and the gradual corruption of the political class brought it to the sorry state of debauchery in which it now finds itself. Unfortunately Europe will have to experience a considerable degree of damage, as the host, but the Europeans have always been pretty good about taking one for the team. The important thing is that America will be untouched and totally committed to the rebuilding of Europe…just like the last time.

      Well, don’t count on it. There were no ICBM’s in the last war, and it’s considerably easier, these days, to reach out and slap the fuck out of the one who is responsible for starting the whole thing.


  22. News from Banderastan:

    The former Chairman of the Ukrainian government and the current leader of the party “Fatherland” Yulia Tymoshenko presented its “New strategy for peace and security”, which, in particular, contains a proposal to demand from Russia of €100 billion compensation for “all damages caused to Ukraine and its citizens as a result of military action and occupation” — Tymoshenko.


    The President of the Ukraine Petro Poroshenko promised not to go to Moscow and “surrender sovereignty” for the sake of gas. This is evidenced by a statement of the Ukrainian leader, published on the website of his administrationIzvestia


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