There’s Never Been a Better Time for NATO to confront Russia. As Long as You are Russia.

Uncle Volodya says, “All my misfortunes come of having thought too well of my fellows.”

Masquerading as a man with a reason,
My charade is the event of the season;
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know…

Kansas, from “Carry On Wayward Son”

“I ended my time in Intelligence convinced that my country’s operating system—its government—had decided that it functioned best when broken.”

Edward Snowden, from “Permanent Record”

There are no great thinkers left in the west.

Well, maybe that’s not entirely accurate – but if there are, they are not in national leadership positions. Instead NATO nations are led by simpletons like Liz Truss, who did not know that Rostov and Voronezh are part of Russia, or perhaps thought that if Britain did not recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions the Russians might become confused, and give them up. This issue came up in February 2022, when Truss was Britain’s Foreign Secretary, and showing off her talking-tough chops by ordering Moscow to pull its forces back from Ukraine’s borders. The forces which were the subject of their discussion were inside Russia, which is a completely unsurprising place to find Russian forces.

Or Annalena Baerbock, who insisted Putin could completely change the unfolding of events in Ukraine if he would ‘turn by 360 degrees’ from his present course, which would of course put him exactly back where he had been.

Or Jens Stoltenberg, who claims it is ‘still not too late for Ukraine to win the war’ when Russia is pounding it with as much as a ten-to-one advantage in artillery and has more than three times the population. I don’t suppose I have to tell you that Jens Stoltenberg not only was never in the military, but never made any serious study of military history, or he would know that none of the realities of Ukraine’s present military situation argue in favour of anything that might look like success. But when reality might be too scary, you can always listen to the patter of happy talk coming from the Ukrainian government, which convinced US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo that Russia, in the opening stages of the war, had fallen so short of the semiconductors used to build precision-guided missiles that it was taking them from dishwashers and refrigerators. She heard that from the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denis Shmyhal, who must have laughed his ass off to see such evidence of gullibility.

“She said she has heard anecdotes from the Ukrainian prime minister that some of the Russian equipment left behind contains semiconductors from kitchen appliances because the defense industrial base is having a hard time producing more chips on its own and is facing export controls that limit its ability to import the technology from other countries.”

Electronics at the level of precision-guidance systems is fairly exacting, which leads us naturally to the question of how the Ukrainians knew semiconductors in Russian military equipment came from kitchen appliances. Was ‘refrigerator’ coded into the circuit board somewhere? If not, are certain semiconductors perhaps common to both? The whole concept is bizarre – if high-level and hard-to-find chips needed to build missile-guidance systems are contained in home refrigerators, how are sanctions ‘working’? Couldn’t Russia simply import hundreds of thousands of refrigerators and dishwashers? They’re not sanctioned. Listen to what is coming out of your stupid mouth, how about? And while you’re being quiet, think about next time picking allies who are not clowns from a comedy show, although that doesn’t necessarily imply you need to repeat whatever they say without reflecting upon whether it might sound as if you are suffering from early-onset dementia.

In the real world, Russia is quite capable of dramatically increasing production of wartime materiel and weapons, and it is – from anywhere between double and up to tenfold increase for some items. Similar was the snicker-worthy wishful thinkiness peddled by the marginally intelligent at British Intelligence, whose ‘spy chief’ – yes, I know, everything that comes out of official Britain these days sounds like it was written for Boy’s Own Magazine – claimed that not only was Russia rapidly running out of supplies and munitions, the Russian population was starting to realize the war was too costly. I suppose it’s too much to ask for the Spy Chief to actually look at some statistics, because they suggest the Russian president’s popularity has barely budged from its 80%-plus rating since about 2014, and is currently as high as it has been in almost 25 years. I admit I did laugh out loud where he said “Russia’s forces are exhausted. The use of prisoners to reinforce, and now the mobilisation of tens of thousands of inexperienced conscripts, speaks of a desperate situation”, because that’s apparently only true when Russia does it. Ukraine is currently doing exactly that, and you can almost taste the awkwardness in the western press, because they don’t quite know how to report it. Is Ukraine desperate? Is the Pope Catholic?

But what I really wanted to talk about a little bit today is the Grand-Canyonesque gap between NATO leaders’ let’s-get-to-fightin’ rhetoric and the dismal state of NATO’s readiness to pursue an actual ground war that lasts, say, past suppertime.

I guess as good an example as any to start with is France’s petit-fou president, Emmanuel Macron. Using the technique of ‘refusing to rule it out’, he ran the possibility of sending French troops into Ukraine up the flagpole.

Never mind that nearly 70% of Macron’s voters oppose the notion of French soldiers fighting in Ukraine; like the rest of Europe’s military forces, France is struggling to find enough soldiers – 700 positions were unfilled by the end of 2021, and the situation has not improved, but worsened.

“The challenge of stabilizing the personnel numbers in the armed forces has been an ongoing issue for various reasons. Macron’s former defense minister Florence Parly had already addressed this by implementing “family plans” designed to enhance the daily lives of military personnel.

But the situation has worsened and now parallels those in other key state bodies, such as the police or the prison administration. “We are used to having turnover within our teams, but we have never seen this phenomenon on such a large scale,” said Thibaut de Vanssay, the director of human resources for the Ministry of the Armed Forces, during his hearing before Parliament for this report.”

Get it, NATO leaders? The British Army has not met its recruiting targets in any year since 2010. The German Army shrunk by about 1,500 in 2023, making plans to pump up the Bundeswehr from its current 181,500 to 203,000 by 2031 look like a plan to make bread dough rise using gravel instead of yeast. Why don’t Europeans flock to the colours when the bugles blow? Simple, says Vincenzo Bove, professor of political science at Warwick University. They don’t like war. Especially participating in a war that takes place in another country.

“According to Bove, the ideological distance between society at large and military forces has gotten wider in recent years.

“If you take a random sample of young Europeans, they are ideologically very far from a sample of soldiers from the same country in terms of how they see society, their aspirations, what they want to do,” Bove said. “And this distance is growing over time.”

Bove mentioned that recent surveys have shown that young civilians are overwhelmingly against wars, against increasing spending on the military and against military operations abroad; they are also more individualistic and less patriotic than those serving in the military forces.”

If you’re fond of demographics, the European population as a whole is both aging and shrinking. The military is competing with the higher-wage private sector for a smaller pool of young people. Some European countries are pondering the reintroduction of conscription, and that better not ever get past the pondering stage, because I don’t think I have to tell you it would have the social impact of a turd in the punchbowl. I suppose you could always get the Ukrainian Prime Minister to go on a European speaking tour to sell the idea, perhaps peddling common-sense truths like getting shot builds character, or a high number of casualties among your troops is a sign of good leadership – after all, he got the U.S. Commerce Secretary to believe that refrigerators contain the same components as missile-guidance systems that can hit a target 500 miles away. That, should you wonder, would be quite the over-engineered refrigerator. More to the point, it highlights how stupid some people in very important positions are. Perhaps we have finally arrived at that moment in history that I briefly glimpsed when I was 16, where young people are way smarter than mature adults.

Although recruiting and retention are serious problems, so too is combat readiness. In its Commons Defence Committee Report, “Ready For War?”, the British Defense Ministry (yes, the same deep thinkers who claimed Russia would run out of missiles and artillery rounds by Wednesday at the latest) claimed virtuously, “Our armed forces are always ready to protect and defend the UK, and we continue to meet all operational commitments.” But the Defense Committee apparently knew they would say that, and pragmatically recommended the department consider ‘retaining retired equipment even halfway viable for regeneration’. Certainly sounds a promising basis upon which to engage the current most-combat-experienced army on the planet, what?

Whoops! No money for regenerating wheezing equipment, I’m afraid; Britain must immediately spend squillions of pounds on air defense, which industry salesmen Northrop Grumman UK describes as presently ‘negligible’ in its capability, and unfavourably comparable to that of Poland. Yes, not only does Poland have better plumbers than the UK, it has better air defense as well.

Nor are things much rosier in The Exceptional Nation, where missed recruiting goals for the US Army have led to the smallest full-time force since 1940, the year before America entered the Second World War. Not a good position from which to agitate for starting the Third World War.

Here’s an off-the-wall thought – maybe it has something to do with your advertising.

The US Army recruiting ad ‘The Calling’ was a woke masterpiece which inspired The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh to despair, “we are the laughing-stock of the world”. Of course, not everyone hated it; it was very popular with liberal activists who almost never join the military. But it was in comparison with current recruiting advertising for the Chinese and the Russian armies that it really got torn up. If you’re offended by profanity, you might want to turn off the voice-over commentary on this review, but I think you will find the visuals alone make the point in quite compelling fashion. If the images of the massed formations of Chinese soldiers charging your position don’t make you shit your pants, your underwear is maybe too small. The frighteningly out-of-touch messaging in the US Army ad was underscored by a comment from one of the viewers:

“The Chinese ad makes me want to join the Chinese Army.

The Russian ad makes me want to join the Russian Army.

… The American ad makes me want to join the Russian or Chinese Army”

Quite funny, I think you’ll agree, and comedy certainly is welcome, but there’s a time and a place, and the optics of western recruiting overall are terrible; it’s like western leaders and planners have gotten as awful at reading their own populations as they are at reading their chosen enemies.

Which brings us to NATO’s woeful position in current technologies such as drones and electronic warfare. The rise of the drone in surveillance and engagement took NATO by surprise, as it leaped from a garage-hobbyist quirk to must-have mass production in just a few months, and whether or not it chooses to believe it, NATO forces are completely unprepared for battle in which even their rear-echelon maneuvering is visible to the enemy day and night. The effect this has on planning and coordination, to say nothing of the element of surprise, cannot be overstated. In its own oblique way, NATO admits this.

“Uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) have become essential elements of modern warfare and their role will expand in the future, raising the urgency of NATO and individual allies to rapidly adapt starting now.

Individual allied nations own a wide variety of UAS capabilities, and the alliance collectively owns and operates NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS). Despite NATO efforts to encourage procurement and capability development and to promote common standards and enabling capabilities, NATO has too few drones for a high-intensity fight against a peer adversary. It would be severely challenged to effectively integrate those it has in a contested environment.

Several challenges hinder the development of robust and effective UAS capabilities across the alliance. These include limited interoperability, critical capability gaps, inadequate platform survivability, deficiencies in personnel and training, limits to intelligence processing, and more.”

You probably knew it already, but ‘severely challenged’ are two words you do not want to see when you are prancing and flinging your own poo over the bushes at a powerful adversary, while chattering to the other monkeys about how tough you all are. And there was another important word in there as well; did you see it? That’s right: interoperability. Western political leaders who fancy themselves to be military leaders and strategists as well like to puff up their chests about NATO’s combat-capability superiority…but if your systems and your ammunition and your command&signals and your maintenance routines and spare parts and communications equipment – and now, drone operations – are not interchangeable with those of your allies, it’s quite a bit like fighting on your own with a bunch of cheerleaders on the sidelines.

Russian electronic warfare is the most advanced on the planet, and in recent operations attempted by the Ukrainian military, it jammed Ukraine’s Starlink systems so that Ukrainian operators were blind to advancing Russian forces. From “Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities to 2025: Challenging NATO in the Electromagnetic Spectrum” (PDF), by Roger McDermott;

“Russia’s growing technological advances in EW will allow its forces to jam, disrupt and interfere with NATO communications, radar and other sensor systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other assets, thus negating advantages conferred on the Alliance by its technological edge. Be it in the air, maritime, land or cyber domains, NATO will encounter an increasingly capable adversary focused on developing and deploying a vast array of EW systems as “force enablers and multipliers”. Many of those systems are being introduced in units across all services stationed in Western Military District (MD) adjacent to NATO’s borders.”

This begs the question of whether you actually have a technological edge, if enemy systems can deny you effective use of it; it sort of presupposes they have a technological edge on your technological edge, so to speak, and as I am fond of pointing out, it is almost always cheaper to engineer a countermeasure that degrades a capability than it was to develop that capability in the first place. But simply blatting out a massive jamming signal will deny you the use of your own systems as well, won’t it? Au contraire.

“Russia is actively developing a “total package” of EW systems to include a broad frequency range and other systems; these seem advanced and capable. In addition to such systems covering surveillance, protection and countermeasures (jamming), they cover measures to protect Russia’s own usage of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). These systems also offer countermeasures against “Western” civilian and military usage of the EMS. Many of these Russian EW systems are highly mobile, including small systems deployable by UAVs, making targeting and neutralising them more complex and challenging.”

There’s that word ‘challenging’ again. You don’t want to see that, especially when you have not fought a peer adversary in living memory. NATO is used to triumphantly bashing the shit out of developing nations whose air defense system launches a flag which unrolls, and reads ‘Whoosh!!’, and minimizing its own casualties by sweet-talking other nations into fighting for them, or astroturfing a ‘rebel movement’ made up of mercenaries.

Be warned, NATO – you are rubbing up against something dangerous as a pit viper in your sleeping bag, and your political leaders don’t just fail to grasp the potential disaster they are sleepwalking into, they are resolutely committed to not seeing it. Completely leaving out the possibility of a nuclear war, and assuming that continuing belligerence would result in a conventional ground war confined to Europe, NATO has not in living memory been in a worse position to start and sustain a war against a capable enemy who has already amassed a couple of years of battle experience in warfare you don’t have the first idea how to fight. European leaders in an ecstasy of choler have upped their contribution to the Ukraine war from blankets and backpacks to tanks, with absolutely zero effect on eventual Ukrainian capitulation, and are – if reports are to believed – actually thinking about giving Ukraine fighter aircraft. I hope that’s just the Remy Martin talking, because going through with it would (a) imply NATO aircrew piloting the planes, nobody really believes the 120-or-so fighters Zelensky begged for to give Ukraine ‘parity’ would actually be piloted by Ukrainians, and (b) quickly result in such a humiliating casualty rate that NATO leaders would weep in frustrated rage.

Don’t do it. If you persist on this course, the boys who brought us in – Kansas – have some more advice for you from the same song.

“Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done…”

536 thoughts on “There’s Never Been a Better Time for NATO to confront Russia. As Long as You are Russia.

  1. Bloomberg

    Zelenskiy Vows to Forge Ahead as Summit Risks Falling Short

    • Biden, China are no-shows as leaders gather in Switzerland
    • Kyiv’s aim to win over Global South has been a struggle
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy attends the Summit on peace in Ukraine, at the Burgenstock resort near Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15.
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy attends the Summit on peace in Ukraine, at the Burgenstock resort near Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15. Photographer: Michael Buholzer/AFP/Getty Images

    June 15, 2024 at 3:58 PM GMT+3

    Updated on 

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy vowed to press ahead in broadening international support for his war-battered nation as a leaders meeting in Switzerland risked falling short in finding a path for a “just peace.”

    China’s absence from the two-day meeting and the attendance of lower-level diplomats from the so-called BRICS states cast a shadow over efforts to win over the Global South. But the Ukrainian leader said the gathering would be the start of a process to force Russia to end its aggression and secure peace.

    “Even if they are not here today at the first summit, we have succeeded in bringing to the world that joint efforts can stop war and establish peace,” Zelenskiy told reporters at the start of the meeting at a mountaintop resort outside Lucerne, Switzerland on Saturday.

    After stopping off at a Group of Seven summit in Italy that yielded additional support, the Ukrainian leader turned his diplomatic efforts to potential allies outside the West. Ninety-two countries sent delegations to the summit, but the attendance list shows that attempts to maximize support among world leaders was a heavy lift.

    US Vice President Kamala Harris, who announced a $1.5 billion assistance package and aid to repair Ukraine’s energy sector, came in lieu of President Joe Biden, who left the G-7 summit Thursday and plans to attend a fundraiser in California.

    China, which has insisted that a forum that excludes Russia is unworkable, avoided the meeting. Among the other BRICS members, India sent a state secretary, while South Africa sent a lower-level official. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was in Switzerland on Thursday himself to attend an International Labor Organization meeting, dispatched only an observer.Putin’s Demands

    White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accused China of giving in to Russian pressure by staying away – and said the absence was in line with Beijing’s assistance to the Kremlin, including the “supply of inputs for Russia’s war machine.”

    “I presume they are not here because Putin asked them not to come, and they obliged Putin,” Sullivan told reporters on the sidelines of the summit. “China has asserted that it stands for peace in Ukraine. A good way to have shown that would be to come here.”

    The struggle to widen the ranks of Ukraine’s allies risks sapping Zelenskiy’s war effort as the momentum in fighting has swung to Russia, which has exploited Kyiv’s depleted stocks of ammunition and manpower this year. A day before delegates arrived, Russia’s Vladimir Putin sought to raise the cost of any future peace — calling on Kyiv forces to withdraw from four Ukrainian regions partially occupied by his military as a condition for talks.

    The US vice president, who called Russia’s war an “attack on international rules and norms,” rejected the demand and reinforced American support for Ukraine.

    “We must speak truth — he is not calling for negotiations, he is calling for surrender,” Harris told the delegates. “America stands with Ukraine not out of charity, but because it is in our strategic interests.”

    The Swiss summit did have high-level billing. G-7 leaders are represented, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also planned to attend. Turkey and Saudi Arabia sent their foreign ministers.

    Scholz acknowledged that the meeting can be only a first step toward forming a consensus — and that once the process develops, Russia must be brought to the table.

    “This is a small diplomatic plant that we will now water so that it will grow,” the German leader said.

    Olaf Scholz attends at the Summit on peace in Ukraine, in Lucerne on Saturday. Photographer: Urs Flueeler/AFP/Getty Images

    For now, delegates will seek to reach an understanding over a narrower set of goals covering nuclear and food security and the return of abducted children to the war-battered nation. But leaders stressed that the number of delegates who came to the Swiss meeting underscored an already far-reaching consensus.

    “We have half the UN here, and he’s preparing for a state visit to North Korea — so there’s your story,” outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told reporters, referring to Putin’s plans.

    China and Brazil have made their own proposals to bring about an end to the war. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said that some 26 countries signed up to — or were seeking to join — the “common understandings” that underpinned the plan.


    One big nothingburger.


    1. NATO has made the same mistake over and over, previewing marvelous events and happenings far in advance only to have to walk them back and ‘manage expectations’ when it proves impossible to deliver as promised. I blame that mostly upon America’s ‘exceptionalism’, which has become a national assumption, like German engineering. It is just assumed western political figures can announce anything, and America will make it happen through the peculiar magic it has always exercised over the course of human events since its inception. That’s not to blame it all on America, because attention junkies like Zelensky have certainly played their own parts in hyping future roles and plans, and I guess you could say – to use a phrase which that damned film made such an overused instrument – that western politics has arrived at ‘a perfect storm’, in which relentless zealot drivers like Antony Blinken are opposite cowlike vacillators like Scholz, who only wants to be left alone to enjoy his shnitzel and agrees to things he only last week refused just so people will stop bothering him; not realizing, perhaps, that caving in to demands only invites further pressure. A paradigm shakeup in western politics is coming, but it is probably too late to arrest the drift in values, although it might come soon enough for pragmatism to stop a big war. But as I have said for a long time, it will have been a huge success from the USA’s perspective – hundreds of thousands, perhaps nearly a million Slavs are dead or incapacitated, and Ukraine at least is probably destined for extinction – all to the good where Washington is concerned. It can’t ever be a Russian ally again if it is gone, or broken up and divided among neighbouring states. Which, if you recall, was a plan attributed to Putin, on the same occasion when Radek Sikorski claimed he said Ukraine was not a real country.

      Yes, I got a really good laugh out of Rutte’s fatuous complaint that ‘we have half the UN here’ and Putin didn’t have the nuts to show up, when Russia’s non-participation was not only a given but a pointed and regularly-announced snub. According to Rutte, I guess, Putin should have arrived so that the assembled guests could order him to fuck off.

      Overall, the event was certainly not advance-billed as ‘a small diplomatic plant needing to be regularly watered’, but as the gathering together of a thunderous imperative for Russia to stand down. Putin wouldn’t even have to get out of bed to bat this feebleness aside.


  2. Bloomberg

    Danes Asked to Keep Supplies, Iodine Pills to Prepare for Crises

    • Government asks citizens to store food, water for three days
    • Denmark threatened by hybrid war, defense minister says
    The city skyline beyond the parliament, left, in central Copenhagen, Denmark.
    The city skyline beyond the parliament, left, in central Copenhagen, Denmark.Photographer: Freya Ingrid Morales

    June 15, 2024 at 6:15 PM GMT+3

    Denmark’s government is asking citizens to prepare for an attack or other potential crisis by stockpiling supplies of water, food and medicine, and keeping iodine tablets at home.

    A rising threat from Russia has prompted Danish authorities to increase their preparedness and issue recommendations to Danes to do the same.

    “The reality is that Denmark and our allies are threatened by hybrid war,” Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said during a speech at the Nordic nation’s annual democracy meeting in the town of Allinge on Saturday. “Each of us should prepare for the fact that, for a short period, we may be without access to electricity or water, or be unable to buy basic necessities.”

    The recommendations suggest citizens stock up on non-perishable food that does not require a stove or oven to be prepared, and at least 9 liters (2.4 gallons) of bottled water per person, enough for three days. Danes should also prepare for power failures by keeping batteries, flashlights and candles at hand, and be able to stay warm without heating.

    Authorities also advise that citizens under 40 keep iodine tablets at home in the event of a nuclear accident, though it’s “very unlikely” that these will be needed, Laila Reenberg, chief of Denmark’s emergency management agency said at a press briefing. She also urged Danes not to panic and slowly accumulate the needed supplies.

    The guidelines come after Denmark earlier this month raised the threat level for destructive cyber attacks against companies and authorities, saying Russia is showing an increasing willingness to take risks to carry out hybrid attacks.


    The Russians are coming!


  3. Bloomberg

    Why Ukraine Isn’t Ready for Putin’s Peace Talks

    From historians to CEOs, the answer’s the same: Only on our terms.

    June 14, 2024 at 11:02 AM GMT+3

    Updated on 

    Snyder follows the official Banderite line as regards the history of Little Russia:

    Yale University’s Timothy Snyder took a different approach, though to a similar end. People often think about Ukraine as a frontier or borderland (in Russian, the country’s name points you in that direction), and yet it isn’t. “Historically it’s been more of a fulcrum, of central importance to larger systems,” he said.

    The 10-year security agreements the US and Japan signed with Ukraine during the G-7 meeting in Italy on Wednesday went some way to recognizing that centrality. US President Joe Biden called the deal — coupled with a preliminary agreement to use frozen Russian assets to secure a $50 billion loan for Kyiv— proof that the Kremlin can’t just wait for Western support for Ukraine to crumble. The measures are good if belated steps, but more concrete commitments are needed.

    Snyder had just delivered a lecture at Estonia’s Lennart Meri security conference, in which he wanted to counter the narrow claims of Ukraine’s Russian nature by a certain amateur historian in the Kremlin. The story he laid out was infinitely more complex than Putin’s — and, frankly, more plausible. [Why more plausible? — ME]

    Archaeologists have in recent years discovered the world’s oldest cities, older than Babylon, on the territory of modern Ukraine, Snyder said. The first people known to ride horses also came from what’s now Ukraine, galloping deep into Europe on the strength of this vast technological advantage, and brought with them the family of Indo-European languages that has dominated the continent ever since.

    Athens rose on the back of grain shipped home from a part-Greek, part-Scythian settlement on the Crimean shores of the Kerch Strait. Goths, who settled in Ukraine in the second and third centuries B.C., were then driven west by the Huns, from where they later brought down the Roman Empire.

    Then came the Vikings, on an eastern salient of a migration that took them everywhere from Greenland to the Black Sea. The kingdom of Rus, which they founded on the Dnipro River at today’s Kyiv, forms Putin’s origin story for Russia, which retrospectively gave Rus’s early Viking princes Slavicized names. Moscow, like Athens, needed the produce of Ukraine’s black earth to sustain its empire, fighting multiple wars to control the territory over centuries. Nazi Germany invaded the then-Soviet Union in part for the same reason.

    So if people say the shape of the world order will depend on what happens in Ukraine, don’t dismiss it as hyperbole. “It matters who controls the Dnipro to the Black Sea; it matters who controls the Black Earth; and it matters deeply who controls the Kerch Strait,” says Snyder.

    My stress.

    Until 1783, the Ottoman Turks controlled the Kerch Strait and had done so since at least 1453. Furthermore, all of what is southern Banderastan and its Black Sea littoral was also controlled by the Ottoman satrap, the Crime Khanate. I wonder what Snyder says to that? And I wonder if he has ever seen the Kerch Strait or the Sea of Azov?


  4. In case you missed it.

    Asia Times: AfD’s Maximilian Krah on Europe’s political quake

    Germany must find its place in a multipolar world: German conservative leader who credits youth voters for win

    Maximilian Krah was the Alternative for Germany’s lead candidate for European Parliament, and is one of the most controversial and charismatic personalities in German politics. The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) took 16% of German votes in the June 9 election, more than any party in Germany’s present governing coalition, and is expected to poll first in three state elections in September. Born in 1977, Krah left the Christian Democrats in 2016 and was first elected to the European Parliament in 2019. He spoke to Asia Times Editor Uwe Parpart and Deputy Editor David Goldman on June 13. Below is a lightly edited transcript of their discussion.


    All at the link.

    AfD are of course the west’s ‘Bad’ neo nazis/facists/aka not liberals, Like Hungary etc., i.e. fascist who don’t want to go to war iwth Russia and Global Domination.™

    The good ones are Meloni who was converted on the Road to Mons/Brussels (SHAPE/NATO/EU) and I have I expect Le Pen to go the same way, or at least not interfere with ‘The Project.’

    Either way, there are enough players in u-Rope to disrupt the plan, but they are not on the same page or even book. That may change depending on how bad economic and political affairs become. One thing is for certain, we have not reached rock bottom yet.

    On a side note vis the US wanting to move on to attacking China and leaving u-Kraine for the u-Ropeans, have they not noticed that Ru & Cn declare that they are joined at the hip, no barriers? Russia will help China with whatever stupidity Washington decides to throw that way.

    This means that even if its all peace and kumbaya in the u-Kraine & u-Rope, it is not over for Russia. Therein lies problems as even Russians want this done and dusted. But I think this can be managed intelligently, i.e. quietly in the same way as China has been supporting Russia and with minimal disruption to citizens lives.

    The US will certainly flip the PR script that Russia is ‘helping China’ and should therefore suffer more sanctions, but, there’s not much left to sanction and what is done so as we all know has caused far more damage to u-Rope, if it is not finished for Russia, then it certainly is not finished for u-Rope. Therein lies continued strains withing the ‘euro-atlantic community.’ u-Rope is not prepared for, or even particularly wants Forever War, cold or otherwise.


        1. Bollocks to it!

          The reason why East Germany, in effect the former GDR or Sowjetische Besatzungszone, is shown AfD blue on the above-linked map which has not appeared, even though nationwide AfD only got 15.9% of the votes as compared with a 30% count that CDU/CSU got, is because, they say, East Germany has a much lower population density than in the West.

          It’s this proportional representation thing that they have there: I used to know how it works, but for a simple first-past-the-post little Engländer the system is just too complex for me to remember some 40 years after my having lived there. They, German analysts, say, that the majority in the blue area that is East Germany did not vote for AfD. The map, which I have tried to post above, shows only the strongest party of many.

          Got it?

          Now work that out!

          AfD was the “strongest party of many” in East Germany, but East Germany did not vote for AfD.

          And on German “X” accounts you can read shite such as this as regards AfD successses:

          Russia has primarily targeted the East Germans after the fall of the Iron Curtain – systematically and with a long-term plan since 1999.

          Russia has exploited the inevitable nostalgia and frustration of the East Germans, while the

          German government stood idly by.


          1. Gott sei Dank! Endlich habe ich eine wunderschone Karte von Deutschland gefunden!

            It reads above:

            Party with the highest number of votes in districts and city municipalities.

            All Putin’s doing!



            10.40 a.m.: Germany a divided country

            The AfD and the BSW [Bündnis Sahra WagenknechtThe Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance for Reason and Justice — ME] are primarily Eastern phenomena. The AfD dominates almost the entire East in the EU elections, while the Union [CDU/CSU — ME] has become the strongest force in almost all constituencies in the West, North and South.

            The person whom I quoted above and whose “X” page will not appear here, that person who said AfD only appears to be the strongest party in the East because of the low population density there, must be a liberal or Green shite or whatever, a woman if I recollect rightly, whose posting was supported by none other than the loathsome Julius Röpcke of “Bild”.


          2. And Shit Scholz’s Socialist Party Deutschland came third.

            Surely now a “beleidigte Leberwurst”, as Melnyk, the pig-ignorant, big-gobbed former Banderastan ambassador to Germany once described him.

            The term, “beleidigte Leberwurst” — “offended liver sausage” — describes an overly thin-skinned person who easily goes into a huff


        2. I don’t, and have to click through.

          I thought it would take a big country like Germany to upend the current EU Bollox.

          Then ‘Body of a Mouse’ €µ called a French parliamentary election!

          The left has united against the far right and is being smeared as ‘antisemitic’ a la Corbyn.

          But, former President and sort of lefty Francois ‘I look sexy on zis scooter’ Holland has thrown his hat in to the ring!

          Fantasy TV shows are more believable than this…


  5. Those who took hostages in the Rostov pre-trial detention center blocked the way to the armory

    Rostov-on-Don, 16 June, 2024, 10: 38 — Regnum news agency. The terrorists who took hostage the employees of the pre-trial detention centre in the Rostov region will not be able to get into the armoury, all paths were blocked, the Telegram channel “112”reported on June 16.

    Hostage takers in the Rostov pre-trial detention center

    Hostage takers in the Rostov pre-trial detention centre

    “Terrorists will not be able to get into the armoury of the pre-trial detention center. All entrances and exits to the area captured by bandits were blocked“, the source quoted the channel as saying.

    It was noted that the criminals are armed with knives, sharpened metal objects, fire axes and rubber batons. They are holding two employees of the penitentiary service hostage.

    As reported by IA Regnum, on 16 June, the accused, who were in one of the cells of SIZO-1 of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Rostov region, took two employees hostage. The head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the region, as well as employees of interacting law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor’s office, arrived at the scene. Negotiations on the release of hostages have begun.

    On 16 June, the Federal Penitentiary Service reported that a group of employees of the central office of the department left for the place of hostage-taking in the Rostov region.

    The terrorists who took hostages demanded a car to leave the country. Law enforcement officers identified five prisoners. Three of them are held under articles for terrorism, one for robbery and one for embezzlement of an official’s powers.


    Two hostages in the Rostov pre-trial detention center-1 were rescued as a result of an assault

    Rostov-on-Don, 16 June 16, 2024, 11: 59 — Regnum news agency. 

    Special forces released two hostages taken by the defendants on 16 June in the Rostov SIZO-1, the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service has reported.

    During the special operation to free hostages in SIZO-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Rostov region, the criminals were eliminated, the employees who were held hostage were released and were not injured,” the Federal Penitentiary Service reports.


    As reported by IA Regnum, the hostage-taking in the pre-trial detention centre-1 in Rostov occurred on the morning of 16 June. Five defendants, who were held in different cells, attacked employees of the pre-trial detention centre. The hostages were an operational officer and an inspector-supervisor.

    Those who carried out the attack and hostage-taking demanded that they be provided with transport. In the Network there were photos in which bandits demonstrate the symbols of the Islamic State (a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation).

    According to the Telegram channel “112”, three of the group that took hostages were preparing a terrorist attack in the building of the Supreme Court of Karachay-Cherkessia last year. Security forces prevented the explosion and detained the suspects under the article on preparing a terrorist attack.

    The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    After trying to negotiate with the bandits, the security forces decided to storm the pre-trial detention centre.


    And the bastards were shot dead!

    Criminals who took employees of the Rostov pre-trial detention centre hostage have been eliminated

    SHOT: Six criminals who took pre-trial detention center employees hostage eliminated

    All six criminals who took employees of the Rostov pre-trial detention center hostage were eliminated. According to SHOT, three were conscious, but died before the ambulance arrived.

    Three of the six suspects in the hostage-taking in the Rostov pre-trial detention center. Photo © SHOT

    Three of the six suspects in the hostage-taking in the Rostov pre-trial detention centre. Photo © SHOT

    Earlier it became known about the release of hostages. They were rescued as a result of an assault conducted by special forces. Recall that the employees of the pre-trial detention centre had been captured by six prisoners who had previously been convicted of terrorist offences. They demanded that they be provided with a car, a “green corridor” and the opportunity to fly out of the country. According to the source, the criminals could be supervised from the outside. A criminal case has been opened.

    Allahu fuckin’ akbar!

    Their useless shitty, piss-stained corpses should be hung on a gibbet then brought down so that rats and feral dogs can eat them


  6. Harris having a good cackle with the latter-day Churchill.

    16 June 2024, 12:33

    Clowning around in Switzerland has begun: what interesting things Russia’s opponents said

    Who’s the oaf standing the Kiev Clown? Everyone’s got someone sitting immediately behind of him, but Bellendsky’s got this big bloke watching over him as well. Security measure? Won’t help you, you peace of filth! You’ll end up being taken for a short walk out of a courtroom — Ceaușescu-style, I hope.


    Zelensky said that he would submit peace proposals to Russia after coordination with the international community. Then at the second summit it would be possible to end the conflict.

    Peace between the Ukraine and Russia required a dialogue between the parties, but it was up to Kiev to decide when it could begin — President of the European Council Charles Michel.

    Without Russia, it was impossible to achieve peace in the Ukraine, but to date, the Russian Federation had not made efforts to achieve peace — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

    Only Saudi Arabia has acted normally so far: The process of resolving the conflict in the Ukraine required the participation of the Russian Federation, said Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud.

    Ukraine is starting the peace process from a position of strength. Much stronger than she was 3 weeks ago — President of Finland. 

    [Strength, you say? Well, well, well.]

    Russia attacked Finland during World War II. We lost 10% of our territory, We lost the territory where my grandfather was born — Finnish President Stubb

    In the competition for the dumbest so far, Finland is the undisputed winner. Remind Stubb on whose side the Finns fought during the Great Patriotic War.


    In Switzerland, they say that their conference is the first step towards a peace treaty.

    At the same time, everyone understands that all steps are taken only by Russia, including the first step towards a peace treaty – Vladimir Putin took this step yesterday. [14 June speech to Foreign Ministry officials — ME]


    Judging by the first speeches at the summit (Ursula, Scholz, Zelensky), these people have long prepared the final resolution and will call on all participants to sign it.

    There will be a call for Russia to withdraw its troops, “return the children” and ensure the return of the nuclear power plant. [Zaporozhye NPP, the biggest in Europe, I presume — ME]


    The representative of Saudi Arabia called for really serious negotiations, in which Russia should participate, promising Saudi assistance primarily in the humanitarian sphere.


    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida filled the air with general words, saying that he was so much tied to the Ukraine cause, as Southeast Asia could catch fire in a similar way. And he remembered that nuclear safety is important for Japan (Godzilla factor at Fukushima).


    Rishi Sunak said that they were currently playing football. And Putin is not interested in peace. How one relates to the other is unknown. And what to do, too? After all, Putin is unstoppable.


    It is more or less clear why the UN Secretary General ignored this summit.

    Switzerland simply transferred to itself the right of nations to make statements on the Ukraine, as if it were emphasizing the impotence of the UN.

    What would have been discussed there, what would have been discussed here – no result. But Switzerland took the right to capture the attention of the UN for two days. The right to talk about all the good things against all the bad things.


    The President of Ghana made it clear that he was mentally prepared for the arrival of PMC Wagner in Ghana and to flee to the Ukraine.


    The participants of the summit are expected to be divided into those who stigmatize Russia and the United States (the Saudis), who hint that instead of a summit where they stigmatize Russia, another really serious peace summit is needed.

    An interesting idea was suggested by the President of Croatia. Peace based on Ukraine’s capitulation is not peace.

    Well, let’s call it something else then.

    (The heir to the Ustasha ended up as an Ustasha — with a Bandera slogan).


    Old fool Zurabishvili compared Bucha and Abkhazia.


    The President of Chile will now also shout “Glory to the Ukraine!” They have a flash mob, Kamala Harris monitors the implementation.


    Andrzej Duda said that Russia is the largest colonial empire in the world.

    Lukashenka also got hurt.

    All Polish complexes.


    The Pole is certainly the most hyena-like of all. A rabid dog rushing at Russia is certainly very appropriate at a peace conference.


    Sandu has a monstrous collective farm English accent. How she communicates with her lesbian friend from Miami is unclear.


    There are more and more people shouting “Glory to the Ukraine!”

    [For their mass photo shoot before the kick-off, the little Kiev Rat had them all shouting “Glory to the Ukraine! To the Heroes — Glory!” This was shown on Russian TV news, with news presenters pointing out that “Glory to the Ukraine” started off as the slogan of thr Ukrainian Insurgent Army, adopted during the Great Patriotic War and modelled on the Nazi “Sieg Heil!”cry — ME]

    Those who promote the thesis “Russia does not want peace” are shouting.

    And believe it or not, this pushes Kaya Kallas, to recall her grandmother from Siberia. I need to check out my grandmother.

    It is clear that this is a disgrace for Switzerland, which hosts these peacekeepers.

    The opposition in the Swiss parliament is rubbing its hands together as it prepares to win the election.


    Hakan Fidan [Turkey] was tougher than the Saudi representative. “This summit would make sense if the other side of the conflict – Russia-was represented.”

    “The world has no losers”, Fidan told those who call peace Ukraine’s surrender.


    Italian Deputy Prime Minister Taiani was the first to recall that one of the topics of the summit was the exchange of prisoners. No one had brought up the subject before him.


    French President Macron in his speech referred to the draft of a final statement that he saw.

    Most likely, not many participants have seen this draft.

    Selected allies dictate the rules of this summit.


    In the Western world, there is such a genre – “show determination”.

    The Western world has shown determination to support the Ukraine, but not too confidently.

    Delegates from Turkey and Saudi Arabia explained why.

    The Indian Ambassador to Russia was not allowed to speak at all.


    The summit organizers placed a special emphasis on the presence of third world countries. After all, the Americans have about a dozen Estonias. But what do we see: from Africa: Ghana and Kenya; from South America: Argentina and Chile.

    From Asia: East Timor. (Japan no longer counts after 1945.)

    Making the whole world shout “Glory to the Ukraine!” somehow didn’t quite work out.



    1. Zelensky is master of the show – the performance, the illusion that makes everyone believe. But make-believe will only carry you so far. Meanwhile the western ‘diplomats’ are maudlin in their virtue-signaling.


  7. A follow up to the Rostov terrorist deaths . . .

    Khokols, your Rostov brothers-in-arms have been turned into manure. Drop your Yukie baggy pants!

    Хохлы, унавозили ваших побратимов в Ростове, приспускайте шаровары.

    Kharkov 1654 | Hero City

    Rostov. ISIS brothers have taken hostage pre-trial detention centre guards and, with the Grace of Allah, threaten to kill them.

    In the Name of Allah may the power be with you!

    Set to work, brothers.

    Interestingly, the twat who posted the above Tweet or whatever, has his account name written in Yukietardish, but the text is in Russian.

    I can’t understand the order posted by the blogger from LiveJournal that Yukies drop their baggy pants. Does the blogger have sodomy in mind — as punishment?

    I cannot understand why there is an apparent obsession amongst some to have their enemies sodomized. And if that is the case, who will do the sodomizing? A bullet in the back of the head is a far more efficient way of dispatching one’s enemies, not to mention it being considerably more hygienic.

    I think this obsession with sodomy all started with the death of Libya president Gaddafi.


  8. The party’s over!

     16 June, 16: 53 

    The final communiqué of the summit in Switzerland did not include an item about the withdrawal of troops

    The final communiqué of the summit in Switzerland, which was signed by 80 participating countries, included items on nuclear safety, the exchange of all prisoners of war and free navigation. Putin called the summit a “ruse”.

    In the final communiqué of the Ukraine summit in Switzerland, which was signed by 80 member countries out of 91, there are only three points from the “formula for peace” of the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, which relate to nuclear safety, the exchange of prisoners “all for all” and safe navigation. At the same time, the document does not call for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops and other “controversial” issues, which, as NHK [Japan] wrote, were excluded from the final draft at the initiative of some countries in Asia and the Middle East.

    The final communiqué is posted on the website of the President of the Ukraine. Among his main points are:

    • All military personnel captured during the conflict in the Ukraine should be released;
    • Ukrainian nuclear power plants, including Zaporozhye NPP, should operate under the control of the Ukraine and under the supervision of the IAEA. Any threat or use of nuclear weapons is unacceptable;
    • Ukrainian agricultural products should be safely and freely supplied to interested third countries. Access to seaports on the Black and Azov Seas should be restored;
    • Attacks on ships and ports “are unacceptable”;
    • The path to peace must be based on international law and the UN Charter;
    • It is imperative that there be returned to the Ukraine all children and civilians who “were deported, illegally displaced and detained”.

    In addition, the declaration contains a clause stating that the parties have agreed to involve Russia in negotiations, although the name of Russia itself is not mentioned. “We believe that achieving peace requires engagement and dialogue between all parties. Therefore, we have decided to take concrete measures in the future in the above-mentioned areas, with the subsequent involvement of representatives of all parties”, the document says.

    The final declaration of the summit on Ukraine was not signed by India, South Africa and Brazil

    The summit on the Ukraine was held from 15 to 16 June in Bürgenstock. More than 160 countries were invited, but only 92 participated (including partially recognized Kosovo). The final declaration of the summit was signed by 80 countries, including Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Argentina, Turkey and Georgia. India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Thailand and Mexico did not sign.

    Russia was not invited to the conference, so that it would not disrupt it, Zelensky explained. He promised promised to pass on the results of the event to Moscow in order to fix the end of the military conflict at the second summit. 

    Moscow has ruled out negotiations with Kiev based on the “peace formula” and calls for taking into account “the realities on the ground”.

    President Vladimir Putin called the summit a ploy designed to “divert everyone’s attention and to reverse the cause and effect of the Ukrainian crisis”. On 14 June, he presented Moscow’s conditions for a cease-fire and the start of negotiations:

    • The Armed Forces of the Ukraine should be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, as well as from the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions (incorporated into Russia in September 2022). Amongst other things, this matter concerns the territories in these regions that are now controlled by Kiev, including Kherson and Zaporozhye.
    • The Ukrainian authorities must also give formal notice of their withdrawal from their plans to join NATO.
    • International treaties should fix the status of the Crimea, Sevastopol, DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions as Russian regions.
    • Western sanctions against Russia should be lifted.

    When Kiev takes real steps to fulfill these conditions, the Russian side will immediately order a cease-fire and start negotiations, Putin said.

    Which countries have announced sanctions against Russia or the severance of diplomatic relations.

    As of from 21 February , when Russia announced its recognition of the DPR and the LPR, and 24 February, when Russia launched its military operation imn the Ukraine, sanctions have been announced by the EU, the USA,, Canada, Switzerland, Japan,, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Montenegro, Norway and other countries. The Ukraine and Micronesia have broken off diplomatic relations with Russia.

    • Severance of diplomatic relations • Sanctions • Decrease in the level of diplomatic relations

    *Regions that signed treaties on accession to Russia on 30 September


  9. And get this:

    Zelensky said that he is ready to start negotiations with Russia “even tomorrow”

    Switzerland, 16 June, 2024, 16: 52 — Regnum News agency. 

    The head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, said on 16 June at the summit in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, that he was ready to start negotiations with Russia if Moscow “respects the territorial integrity” of the Ukraine. The broadcast of his speech has been published by the Office of the President of the Ukraine on YouTube.

     Thus spake the little shit! The same old same old!

    “Russia can start negotiations with us even tomorrow if it withdraws from our territories”, the head of the Kiev regime said.

    According to Zelensky, Kiev will consider that Moscow is ready for peace talks if it takes part in a second summit. It doesn’t matter how Russia’s participation can be achieved — it will do it of its own free will or it will be “forced to do so by the international community”, the head of the Kiev regime said. [Oh really? And how exactly? — ME]

    As reported by IA Regnum, on 14 June, President Vladimir Putin stated the conditions under which Russia would agree to start negotiations on the settlement of the situation in the Ukraine. To start a dialogue, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine must withdraw from the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, that is, leave the territories within the borders in which they became part of the Ukraine.

    Another important condition is the written commitment of Kiev to refuse to join NATO. When the Ukrainian side fulfills these conditions, the Russian military will receive an order to cease fire and start negotiations.

    Also, in order to start negotiations, the West must lift sanctions against Russia.

    Presidential press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow had not refused to negotiate with the Ukraine. At the same time, Zelensky is unable to sign the agreements, as this would be illegitimate. On 20 May, 2024, Zelensky’s term of office as president expired. As Putin has noted, this legitimacy cannot be restored in any way. He called the cancellation of elections in Ukraine a performance.


    The Bürgenstock Show!

    Bring on the Clown!


    1. And get this as well . . .


      Kackler Harris didnt stop long at the Bürgenstock Show: she was only there for a few hours on Saturday before flying back to Washington and before the sham summit’s main working day had begun.

      Harris arrived at the conference on Saturday afternoon, had a cackle with the Clown, and then told him he’d get another $1.5 billion off Diaper Joe for infrastructure and humanitarian aid.

      And then, having made a speech in which she promised “to work toward a just and lasting peace,” Harris fucked off back to Washington on Saturday evening.

      She left the conference before world leaders and dignitaries had sat down on Sunday to conjure up their declaration in support of the Clown’s regime.

      Vice President Kamala Harris touches the arm of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky near American and Ukrainian flags.

      Harris cackling away in Switzerland.

      Blow up the picture and check out their eyes: they’re not looking at each other — she’s looking with her eyes askance at something or someone to her right, and the Clownish Sewer Rat is looking to his left with his eyes slightly raised upwards. No photos of big hugs.

      But here’s a cuddlesome meeting:

      Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hugs with Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the closing press conference of the Ukraine peace summit in Obbürgen, Switzerland, Sunday, June 16, 2024. Switzerland is hosting scores of world leaders this weekend to try to map out the first steps toward peace in Ukraine. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)

      Two-timing Macron?

      French President Emmanuel Macron embracing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
      French President Emmanuel Macron embraces Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the end of a conference at the Mariyinsky palace in Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, June 16, 2022. 

      I wonder if Brigitte knows about this tryst?


  10. 16.06.2024 04:27

    It has become known who at the summit on the Ukraine in Switzerland shouted out the Bandera slogan

    Canadian PM Trudeau shouted Nazi slogan at the Ukraine summit

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shouted out the Bandera slogan during a photo session that was part of the peace summit on the Ukraine, which is currently taking place in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. The video was posted on the social network X (formerly Twitter, blocked in Russia).


    Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who was next to Volodymyr Zelensky, shouted “Glory to Ukraine” before the photo session — words that Bandera often used during the Great Patriotic War (in January 2024, the Ministry of Justice included the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the list of Nazi ones. It is also recognized as extremist and banned in Russia — editor’s note).

    Judging by the reaction of the audience, even the Ukrainian president did not expect this from the Canadian leader. Only a few people responded to the Nazi salute. The others pretended not to notice.

    It is worth noting that more than a hundred delegates, including 55 heads of state and government, came to the so-called “peace summit” from different countries. And not one of them was perturbed by Trudeau’s words. Everyone continued to smile, RIA Novosti reports:

    Some heads of delegations at the summit on the Ukraine in Switzerland shouted “Bandera slogans” whilst a group photo was being taken. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the live broadcast video.

    However, as noted by the publication, it was impossible to determine which heads of the delegations shouted slogans. At the same time, RIA Novosti emphasizes, “none of the hundred heads of delegations present, including 55 heads of state and government, were apparently unconcerned about this — everyone is smiling”.

    Earlier it was reported that Ottawa had refused to extradite Nazi Yaroslav Gunko to the Russian Federation. The Canadian authorities had also not provide Russia with legal assistance in the criminal case against a citizen who had served in the SS Galicia division during the Great Patriotic War and 
    participated in mass shootings of civilians. 

    “We have not received a response to the request for legal assistance in the criminal case of genocide”, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov said.


    Let’s hear it from Justin . . .

    The fucking stupid prick Trudeau shouts “Slava Ukraini!” in Ukrainian, and some reply: Heroyam slava!” — also in Yukietardish, though in the case, the Yukietard and Russian phrases are identical.

    Many participants of the" conference on Ukraine " came to Switzerland just for this picture.

    And then they all fucked off from the photoshoot, laughing and smiling and chatting away with one another. And the Sewer Rat appeared to be clapping, thereby showing his appreciation for the support the delegates were giving him and his Banderite scum.

    Many participants of the “conference on the Ukraine” probably only went to Switzerland just for this photoshoot. Nice big framed photo to put on the sideboard alongside similar photos of gatherings of the great and the good. Something to tell the grandchildren about — if they’re not vaporized before the end of this decade, that is.


  11. You can depend on Trudeau to do madly idiotic things in the international forum. It’s good to see he’s maintaining his record.


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